i4 u ii i.1 i J 4 J I II II 1 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. John 0. Freeze, Local Editor. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 20, 1862, LA-TEST Friday afternoon. WE STOP THE PRESS TO AN NOUNCE A TELEGRAM FROM GEN. IW'LELLAN. SAYING THAT 'THE WHOLE REBEL ARMY IS ROUTED AND OUT TO PIECES. :o: . t&" Tho October number of Godey ia at baud. It is a most superb one, in cv ry respect : cbaslc, entertaining, instruo tiro. t6T Wo trust tbat in view of iho situ ation o( affairs in tins Congressional Dis trict tho action of the conferees, may be well considered and judicious. Our men are first rate Democrats, and men of sound judgment and discretion, and wo are pre pared to endorse nny tiling they may judgo wise nnd-honorablc. o:o SQrWo call uttontiou to the proceedings of a mooting in Bradford County, protest ing liguiiibi thu nomination of Laudon, the abolitionist, and putting before tho pcoplo the Hon. Henry W. Tracy ; a wan who opposed the b'unbury & Eric awindlo aud also voted against tho repeal of tho -Tonnage Tax j denouncing them both as infa mous aud iuiquitous. :o! fifflrWo publish in another column the vo'o in tho Senate, on tho Sunbury and Eric Bill; and also the vote on tho Ton nugo Tax question. It will bo been that LANDON, tho abolition candidate for con grcs, voted for both bills. Will tho peoplo of this District endorso his votes? No; never ! Let there bo a solid vote of all honest and conservative men against this most mou.-trous nomination, mado in tho interest of the abolitionists and of the Stato I lobbers, plunderers aud shoddy army con tractors. :o: CkSMVosoe by the Richmond Diipatch of M-ptembcr 8th, that a largo number of wo cau SRarcciy except even the great Na Union prisouers were received at tho 0. , Polcon ever possessed incro of tho lovo S. prison, corner of Gary & twentieth sts., 1 and coenco of his soldiery than docs Saturday, Sept Otb, from Gordonsvillo. Gen- McClellan and we have no doubt Amoug them we notice tho name of C. U. tuat when ever he placos them in battlo Brookway. The report of his having been f" bcforo tbo enemy, whatever is released on parole seems to bo therefore ,lltcudwI by will be accomplished untruo. It is stated that those "who boro tho know Lis Pdcnco aud sound judg. coniiiiir-tiotis aro considered as belonging mcnt' aml tuat be wiU a"enpt nothing to Popes army and are therefore not tIiat "c is unable to perform. They con prisoners of war." To what hardships 6ldcr tbat hc bas been unkindly trsatcd j tl.e may be subjected, God only known. tbat ho Laa boen ileifcred with in bis May they have a speedy roleaso. PlaU5' so tbat delays have taken placo, for j :o: ! which ho is in no wise responsible still IS? The Abolitionists havo made plenty he has borno all with uncomplaining for of capital out of McOlellans use of tha titudo hc will do his whole duty to his' hp.de, though the .-patio, in th, end, vull 00ullt and wj t, h have sav-d iomo ot them from a short , ' , 1 . , ' . ' measure of rope at tho bauds of Lee and . Stonewall Jaokaon. . Have they nothing ' to say of the Union Goiivral's recent dis- patch or tho knapsacks of his mon back to , Washington 'i Lis is a theme that ought to stir up their ontliuManm. They will no doubt discover by and by that when any- thing is to be gained by fighting, McClel- , lau has at eager an appetite for it as their pot generals. The great difference be- tweeu JiMii and them is that he knows ; ,,,,.. , , ., , ... - who to light, and they on y guess at it. i .Q. Orangovillo Anmvereary j iug. r Agreeably to tho call of tho standing i'f coiiimitto, tho Democrat of Columbia oo., 1 to the number of about One Thousand as ' fcmbled at Oraugcville, Sept, 17 at 2 (4 o'clock P. M. J Cyrus B. Mcllonry was chosen Chief If Marshal : and at half nast one o'clock, i the procession, decorated with national il igs, enlivened with tho inusio of drums, and fife, graced by the presence of several hundred ladies, proceeded from the House of Samuel Everett, to tho Grovo selected for the meeting. At tue lower cnu or tuo town. i'oy Young Democrats from Fishingcreek, vol-1 unteors for tho war, who had led tho pro cession that far, halted opened ranks, and the nj-occssiou passed through with three cheers for the volunteers, and three for tho Star Spangled Banner. Farewell greetings were given on every side ; and as tho last couple tiled through, the volunteer Band struck up, off to "Dixio," and amid $ tears and shout, waving of flags and boa l ting of drums, moved off to join McClellan. R On arriviug on the grouud tho meeting was organized as follows : VUKSIIIKNT, Hon. JOHN M'HEYNOLDS. VICE I'llKSIDNTS, John McIIenry Sr. Abram Kline, Esq. Frederick Hartman, George Witmyor, Jacob Evans, Vincent Biohart, John Nus, Harman Labour, Irani Dorr, Samuel Kelohner, Henry Bttfiibtsal .r, Peter Ent, Philip Kistlu, Hiram Everitt, Jo.cph Coleman, Jacob loung, vt m. lkoior, JJaviu onaiter, Samuel Yo-t, Philip Appleman, Jacob Shellhanimer, Kiohard Demott, ( Abram Moore. SIXRETAUIES, James MoIIenry, Samuel Snyder, W. i. bliuman. Tho Presidont called upon Col. Freozo chairman of tho county committee: Who in a brief addrens of less than five minutes, Mated tho object of tho meeting, tho call under whieh it vna mado and his own phyp'tcal inability to spoak. E. n. Littlo, JEsq,, raado a telling speech tho Messrs, Dcrr sang a capital song, and tho address of Mr. Buckalcw, which vo publish else where, was read to tbo meeting by h, G, Kicketts, Esq. flwhero, waS read w tbo meeting by E, G, P T.'T.'u'Z f"tL i r II Army Correspondence. Fort Lincoln, ) Near Washington, D. 0., C September 8, 1802. ) Dear Democrat .-You aro doubtless aware, that tho squad of men, enlisted in Columbia county, by Rush, Jacoby, Rishel and others, to defend tho institutions of our Government, mero inustcrod into scr vico on tho 25th of August, 1803, in Company I, 130th Regiment, Pennsylva nia Volunteers, under tho following offi cers '.Captain, Asa Chapman, of Craw ford oounty.; 1st Lieut. Wm. P. Dalo, of Centre county; 2nd Lieut. Alom B. Tato, of Columbia county. Tho Colonel of tho Kcgiment, Thomas M. Bayno, of Pitts burgh, is a gentleman well oualiGad for the position, and having tho confidence ana esteem of both tho officers and men of tho llcgimcnt, you may expect to hear of bravo and daring deeds accomplished by mm anu ms lautu Pennsylvania Rcgi ment. Isaao Wright, our Lieut. Colonel, is also a clover gentleman, and cool officer, whoso names will yet bo distinguished, if wo over encouutro tho enemy in bnitlo array. Major Ryon, of Tioga county, is perfectly at homo in his now position. There is no disputing his courage, as he is with us in every danger. Tho other offi cers of tho Regiment and Companies I will notice in a subsequent letter. Wo arrived in Washington last week, when everything looked gloomy to tho Union cause, but wo Lopo the oloso of the prcson twill present a moro cheerful as pect. Tho situation of the army and its affairs noar Washington, is daily improving, and it is hoped and expected that ero long tho gallant and self-sacrificing McClellan will prove his claims to the confidence of his country, and givo his enihuastio legions the long coveted opportunity of vindi cating their character, from the effects of jts lato disastrous retreat. Ho is now again placed at the head of tho grand army by tho administration, from which he should 'nCTCr Bavo been separated: no general, luuuu ."u J UWP" wwi general, Jut ho is a prudent and successful one and will mako a glorious page in the ITu- ?ory of his country. Ouo extraordinory foBturo lu tho oua'racter of McUlellau, is .... ,T , , '. h's retloeucc- Ho has been most foully abused and misrepresented, and his plans interfered with by politicians at tho Capi- tal. Indeed, so far has this spirit of villi- ,-,;,. v, ,, , ., . pcratiou been carried that their were not a niiu uuuijjeu mm mm treason, ana Moot-'altcmPted t0 n,ako bim "sponsible for the failures of others. He has borno all lllir obloquy without a murmur. After having placed his army before Richmond, aIld was ruad)r to mako an a"ac1, tboper- mission to do so was withheld at tho in- stigatiou of timid or designing men, who appeared to bo anxious for his removal, with tho rxnectation of lir-inn- abln tn nlnon a more congenial spirit who wquld adopt their polioy in his plaoe, but not a word of complaint is heard to escape his lips, and when tho long looked for opportunity had just arrived, whon ho felt it in his Inower to plant the Stars and Stripes upon ,&o rebel oapitol at luenmond, instead ot beiug ablo to lead his faithful legions on, to victory or death, hc was ordered to leavo the peninsula, nnd his hopes for th0 vindication of his policy destroyed, ho submitted to tho order without a mur mur. Ho is again, however, by tho united voice of tho army,placed in chief command. Ho has a great army now with bim, an army which may claim the title of vetor tt i ii- -i r BUS. 110 IS intermingling WltU it SCOrCS Ot new regiments, and filling up the ranks of tho old ones with fresh soldiers, all burning to wipo out the mishaps and dis - irracns of tbo nask month or two. and arc roady, under tbo lead of their boloved flliipf. In nrnvn tlii!r nliilitir to do all that.1 i " r J - ho lias promised for them, Wc do not 1 ... - i - ,. anticipate much delay in IMS operations, Ho has a splendid army under him, which, . .., . ., . . ... notwithstanding the recent mismanage-, ., i,. . ,l,-i:,n,l . i-' ment, Cannot be SO lar UemorallZCU as tO' ., l,:m frn,n !,!,, nhln nrnmnlW i P'"" -v.w fol-n lln finlil nin!n 'I'rt An nt hi'r tri sn taKe tnO llClU OgaiU. 10 ao OlUi-rwiso, will rri Tflnilnr !U flnmnrnli7ation. oneour - Will CngenUCr US aemorailzailOU, uutour age dissatisfaction with tu; public, anu causo injury to tho Government and the oauso of tho country. Tho onemy must bo speedily met in Virginia, or suoh is thoir dosporation, thoy will bo making raids up. on tho territory surrounding the Capital and create great troublo aud much loss by their attaoks upon undefended or weak points. McClellan must Epeedly attack tho onemy, or he will Gnd very soon a fire in his roar much moro damaging to him than tho losses ho would bo llkoly to ex perience in a battlo, Tho enemy is now open field. Lot them quiokloy bo met) thoro, and givo them no timo to proparo intronohinents nnd fortifications again. I If with the force wo havo in tho vicinity j Of Washington, and tho ntlilitlnnn ilnilv' ,.,..,' . ,, , r. mauo thereto, wo aro not ablo to assail ..til .1 i . i ... With success tho rebels in tho open field , in wnicu tucy aro now massed, wo can sco but littlo prospect of over beinc ablo to do bo, Tho hopo so long entertained of cn:.,.t. ! i ... ' v. ...ifj mum um, ra no loiiucr 10 do id dulgod in. Whether starving or naked, w nmT y they provo that they havo greater ability ftftj' for a rapid march and a long journey than , li'i'vanl. our well clothed aud provisioned nmy.ifCATA MoClcllan, however, no doubt will seize 1 nZi7nllly"t.'' tho orliest opportunity for a move, and wo , fteJhVo' must thercforo bo content to wait till lm givos tho word ''ready." P. S. Having seut you for publication a correct list of Volunlcors,iu Company J, 130th 11. P. V. I need only add, that they aro all well, and so far, aro well pleased with soldier's life aud duties. Yours Truly, ONE OF THE 100th. Landon's Voto. Tho Senate then resumed tho third read ing and consideration of tho bill to com mute tho tonuago duties on tho Pennsyl vania Railroad. Mr. Welsh spoke at considerable length in opposition to, the bill. Tho question was then taken on the fi. nal passago of tho bill, and it was agreed to yeas 18, nays 15, as follows. Yeas Messrs. lienson Bloyd. Council, Finney, Gicig, Hall. Imlrie, LANDON, McUluro, Meredith, ' Nicholn, Parker, Schindel, Serrill, Smith, Tompsou, Whar ton, and Palmer (3p.,'iikor)25. Nays Messrs Uiighter Pound, Cly mcr, Urawlord, Fuller, Hamilton, Hies tand, Irish, Ketchum, Lawrence, tMctt. Penney, llobison, Welsh, and Yardloy-lu So the bill passed. The Senate then took up tbo bill to charge tho name of tho Sunbury and Eiio llailroad Company. The question being on its final bassagci tho yeas and nays wcro jjcalled, aud tho bill passed yeas 55, nays 8 as fol lows : Yeas Messrs. Bcn-'on, Blood, Bound, Council, Finney, Fuller, Gregg, Hall, Uamihen, Hiostand, Iiubrie, LANDON, Lareuce, McLhenny, Merdith, Nieho's, Parker, llobison, Schindul .Suirill, Smith Thompson. Wharton, Yardley, and Pal mer (Speaker.) 2:2. Nays Messrs. Boughter, Clymer, urawioru, insn, ivetonum, iUott, rennep) and Welsh 8. Nctu Si&ucilisnncnts GENERAL ELECTION P ROC LAMA TION WHEREAS, by tho laws of this nCommonwculth, H is made "tho dutv of the flioritT nf every county to give, notice of tho" general Blcclii. s. by puhliiMlimi in one or more iicwit;i peri of the county, at It-.ist tnunty days before thu ( Ice lion," and to vnumeralc therein "the iiliiu.'rs to b tlcct ed," anil to "detonate tlio plarc al which the cloction in tobe h.U." Therefore, I, JOSI All FUKM AT,' High tiller a' of Col tuntiia county, do hereby makcknnvwi und pro tlaini to tl)3 qualilicd clectnrii of Columbia county, that a GttiFmi. llLtnniN will bo held on TL'l.ri day.lhe K0U11TCK.V1 11 DAY or UCTOUUI', being the necoud Tuesday in t-aiu month, ut tile bt.'eral dis tricts within His county, to it . Ilcnton towiiiiliip, at the public house of J. J, Stiles, in thi town ofllonton (leaver township, at the house f Franklin 1.. Shiimun. Jlluoin township, at lite t.'mirt llniiae, lUoouubuig. Uriarcrcek touiibhip, al the cichool llouje near nvan-s ville. llorougli of ricrwick, at tho Town House, in Ih ru ick. Cattawissatownslup, at tho liousc ol'sainuel Kusien bader. CattawUsa. Centre township, at the house of Jeremiah Ilrss.dcc'd, t.'ouyngliam lowusliip, at the house of 11, 11, H'nser. Fisliingcrctk twp ,ut tlie house of (Jen, H'. Uutfman. 1'rankliu township, at Chiton's School House. Greenwood township, at the house of JusephK. Patton Ilemlnck townsliip, at tile ISuiA Horn. Jackson township, at the house of Kzekiel Cole. Locust township, ut the houso of J. I,. Hurst, Slab town. Mifflin township, at the house of John Keller, Madison twp., at the house of PauiJol Klmli). .Mount rieasant towp.at tite house now occupied by J, 1'. lleiterick. Montour township, nt the liousc of John Richards, now occupied by William llolliugxhcad, Minn township, at the house of John M, iusj Knaringcreck lowH&hip,atthe house formerly occupied by a. W. nrcisbath, Orange townsliip, nt the house of AlsxanJer Hughes. Orangeville. l'lne tuiviuhip, at the house of Albert Hunter. riggarloaf loniiship, ntt he house of Aliaas Tolc. Bcott twp., at the huiise of lluoch lion ell, . It is further directed that the ch'itKii i.f th.i Fajd sev eral districts shall be opened In tuitu, tti hon "l ami 1U o'clock in the forenoon and shall continue m n will. taiit, ore A Auditor General. A Surveyor General, One Congressman. Two Members of Assembly, A President Judge, A District Attorney. A County Commissioner, A County Surveyor. A County Auditor. It is further directed that the meetings or the return judueswillbelioldattlieCourt llmnu iiililrtoiiiBliiiri: l It is further directed that the meetings of the return ZvvvirAYotovroam: pJftrilW ' - Montour. hai. '--""'Ji..'i- TWENTYI'IK&'r BAYcf iit'ltJULKiiexito make cut return,, for members of As.emblv. The Return Judites of tlu t'ongrcsflnnal District, : composed ol lh counties nt Montour, uotuiuuia. runt vnu. Wyoniiiifand ilra..for.t, shall n.-ei nt tho Couil House, in Tunkhonnipck. on Tuesday, the Twenty, first day of Oct"i.er. to make out returns for Member of Congress, And in and by the said act, I am further directed to fX" or trust under the (Joveriinient ut tlu United fctntes. or of tbia slatC or of any city or incorporated district. whether aconi'.uissionedoiilcfr or othuinuo a subnrdi. lmie(r,ccrorai:ent.whos orshallbieiniilwed under the lesislative. or executn e. or ludii ary deparlinent of tui-Slaldi or orany incorporated district, ami ui.o tiiut every member of Consress, amlof llieselect or common u ' uf ny,t.iy,coiumls .loners, of any incorporated ' district, is, by law, incapable ofholdiuij or e.vurii.JiiB at .tll9iane ,he oltlcelirappoiulinent ol judue. Insper. tor or clerk of any election ut tills commonwealth, und that no inspector, Judge or any uliccrof uuy such clec Hon shall b" eligible to any otlicu than to bu oted for. Given under my hand and seal.ut my olllce in lllooms' burg. Mill JTth day of September, A. I) leiil. J. 11. FUHMAN, Bloomsburs, Bepl. 20, mi AAsri. BUIDGK LETTING. The County Commissioners will receive proposals n t the llouioof Muluinau llus', in l isliiugcrtek town ship, Onlumbin Co., between the hours ol ill o'clock, .. M. und 3 o'clock. I', M on M.itunlay Ihe 27th day of Pep tetnber 1HU'.', for building lilt open TllU-rt IllllllUI'.oter tetnber lSli'.. fnrbui d ntr Ull lilictl I'liio Creek, near Ihe resilience or me said oui. miss. Bald bridge to be Gil feet huweeii nbuliiients wldlli 111 . ,1 rnt fm.i. I....' t.rt.tip miirlr Pin,, mill peclllcalloiis can be seen on the day and place of let. ting. lly order of tlio i.'ciuiiulsiioiiers. Commissioner's Oilice I Dloomtburi;, Sept, SO, It-OJ. j it. c rniMT. cik, HGOEIPTS L'Olt AUGUST, ,fl "7r t f 0 T T fl I te8Kuhn, 2 OO'Jno. Snyder, (Mifflin) I'eii "owi r. a m imniei Mcn.cii, 1 88 1 IS 3? 4 CO 1 75 lien. W Filmier iiokr Mcitenry l'clfi llenllr Jmc rtccito, 'ihoinasTrencii. AO John ,M Nuns, St Oil lllrnui W Thornton, l.lins S llclnli 5 00 3 lb John It Jouvf, tS 3 m 1 .10 l jii 1 60 1 0 B0u.lnhnli ll ale. S W Hmbcii U'lisrcr, llstale nf (Jinan Bhug, 1 M Kct.U f cltoM llUlrlct 1 5U Isaac itnoaiis 1'cturH llclwlf. Wm, lltlcsimch, llanlel fteel, isnar A Hewitt, i! w 74 1 01. Win. 11 Wcllivcr, 5 00 i oo a ut, John Mordan, nni' Mcllrldf , 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 Ol) 1 51. I 51 1 3i 3 1 1 .V 3 7j 1 ih it 01 it Ul 3 T I'hillp Coel Kq. i. en, w, tvrntver, Inhn II t'aust. la.t.ic Hess, 'I A Swepcnl;lcr I'. II t.litle. I... 3 till 1 30 00 an i' Mcllunry. i.i i. 3 on Inhr. M Miss. CS lint Itl Sllruwn. S (Ki ,L'" - A1 John llrown, Br. S 00 Appoa by tUa B ditoi'. Wo have font bills by mail to mauy of our subscribers, and now earnestly appeals to their sense of justice for promjit payment. Our cash expenses nro heavy requiring more money to conduct our business than is uiually paid into our office and hence wo can only appeal to tho promptitude and gonerosity of those indebted. Wc sincerely truit our friends will respond aENEliAW and luioMPTLY. GKO. P. BAILEY & GO'S ZOOLOGICAL AM) KIPPO-AltGNIC THE public is ri'sprtcilcilly iul'ormeil that ll, is Mdiiutioili K-iutiishiii(ini, L'tiiiiprtbing llif, lutyeM unlleeliou ol rnro mid curious an imals, it- well as llu; mo.-t cHinplele cotn piiny of lCtii if-tritin Ujtnnd.s, &e., ever m'hii tin tins comment will make lib annul entree into this pl.iuts on WEDNESDAY, tho 21th tl,ty ol Sept ui 10 o'clock A Al., and jivctivn exhibitions and perftitmnces. at 2 nnd 7 o'clock V. M Ainnni; ihu most curious and beauiiful ppecinif us of ihe animal creation which comprise tho Ztu)lo,jieal Depatlmenl, atu Alrican Lions, Helical Tiyur, Leopards, ft ho larii-l unit iiinnt beauiilully matketl over seonjlljeuus, Tiger Calf, Jackal, Pu ma, and a large collccnon of jlniikeys,from ihe Giiiill.t-like Oran-Ojiatiij, lu tun play ful Lhimpaee. In ihe Ornithological Deparlmer.t will be found a splendid Aviary ol Hare Birds ol tho mo.-t orjieons anil dazzling plumage includiiij; tome remaikable and inieieilin; hpecimens of Alaceaws, Guidon I'heasanl.s, Uod, Green, Gray and Muliiculored I'arrois Horned Owls, llirils ot l'toy ol various i-pe-cies, besides a vast number ol unique Qua ilrtiprdal aud Feathered vuriuiies affording a rich and varied (real lo tilt: mudoula of Nalttral Ht-loiy. I'lomineiii among ihe many artists who oompnsu the llijipu areuic Deparlinent, ate J.is. Demutt, Lo liui do Kippiiiliome. iMuie. Jotepliiuo, at'kuuwlt!ii:ed by the putjlie ot both hamisphere.-, to be thu mii.-l boamiful, dashing and accoinplished Eipiistriei.ue ol Iho ayii. Le Jc tine Bun the ureat ruler, C. iverf, the ureal li.uii-bnck anil fscenic ICililtstfi.lti, llu- Deii'.ur ITU- the woiiderlul ! "on" luuJ " clironir. degeneration and coiflrmed dis ...... ..... . mop. i Afiouais, rerc-he and Aim liano perloruiers . 0 W'ouiMdii ii Kl.iniiii.iui. B. Wtllbniiks &c. Jim Ward Hie world-ren-nvued Vr. Inrminu Llown, Si. W'ainboldl the yre.it Trick Clown. beidi. a lull fotipH ol Acro bats, I'uiriblcrs, I'tapeza perloruiers, Yault ers, Jui;;er-, Dancers and Alhltiies. Tie pruyr iiiuiie ol perfurin.inco will bo rich anil varied, comprising an array of nov elties such us cannol tail of insuring the most complete s;iu.-luctio'i. Two lu llaiuls, cntnpo-ed of firsl-clats solo ijerlurniers from me Academy ol Mu sic, N'ewYtnk anil Bti-Uin. vill accompany the eslablbhmcul. The lirass Hand, led by Ihe celebrated Mimlro A. D. Alwnoil Toe Slriny Band led by ihu dioliujjuislie.l lmp.eHuiu) Gho, Smith, I lin Miiytiiiiceui and Spacious P.ivilliun U'.ijoiis I lappnius, llaruesi, Civ'e.s, tit'. are ull new and triumphs of American Me chanical skill. tt'" Ailmi' iinco to Menagerie and Circus ciirnbMed or.iy 25 cents. Berwick Srpi. 25. C II FAHNSW'ORTH, Aaent. Sept. 17, It&i. VVStlAC SALli Valuablp Ileal !;f;ile In pursuuucH nf ;,u ordnr m Hie Orphan's Cuim of C'olumhia t-ouiiiy, tin S.i tir lav ll. lll.'ulay "t Ocmtjer n-xl. hi 10 nYlorl; iii the fnieiionn, tne,.h-n H. Mdier (Jnattltau ol ihe miiior ehildrt'ii ol Ztiulon U Gto-s lain of Bhiiiin nvviiil) in said cniinlj, deceased, will expoM. in sale, ti) I'uhlii- Wii. due, upon the prnmi-eu, a ceftain pl.inla tinu nrtrat'i ol tit ntt Bundled. in Mnuni l'loi nut Township Cnloinbiu (-oiiit, coniuiiini": one hundred aud sevenleen nnr an I one IniinliHil iiud fonv one perclies B-miuled by lands of Daniel Morl-m, Jnl.ti Mordan, George Applema-i and otlien wheieon is ereeied a uvn siory framt iUv.'lin;j houso nntl u Hank Burn. Some Fruit Ties on Ihs premi-e-. Lhio ihn K-tHo of said dticonod, situn'e in the lowusliip of Mount Pleasant and couiuv afuiesdid. JACOB EYEULY, Cleilc. Terms made known on il.i nf sale, S. II. MILLER, Guai diw Blnnm-buru, Sept 17, 1 812. John Fan ira. i'o. 7 1 8 Arch Street, below Eighth, south side, Phila delphia. Inporter and man vfuctuier of and dcaltr in r.y all kinds of Fancy Furs, for if Ladies' if- Children'' swear. t ,t...iri-tn.'ivio iiiv friends of Columbia and the sur 1 rouudiuz L'ouullcs that I liave riov in ttorc, onu of the lareesl and iuft beaulilul ussoitimiuts ol all kinds and iuulilies of l'AN'UV rillts,uf latins' and Cliil, tli tut llVar, lliat "ill bo worn during tins lull and Winter My I'urs were purchased In llurnpc, previous to the risoin Sttrlinir Kithtingr, and Ihn Now Duty Imposed on all l'urs. .Imported since the 11 re t of Auc.ut, I would alto state, Hiatus mug as my siock lasts, will offer it nt ptlces proportionate tn w lint the goods cost ino i bnt.il will be Impossible for nic to Import und .Mauufadurfl uny mino l'urs, mid sell iliem nt thu tJmu prices, owliiK to lite unsi liieu siuieoi ine anuiri nf Ihe fnuiitry. Dj"lcilwir (Ac mum, nvmltr and$ireU JOHN KAUEIRA. 713 ARCH etreet, l'hila, Eepl. M.Ifft imo. &4 ..W'JUL' FOR THE CONSTITUTION AND TIIIJ ron D I A 11 E T E S anu Disclaim ot" Tin: saasHKYs Aim kasber 7ete Vang trout and Troullesomt Dtttmei, uMchhave thui far llaliUd tht tett directed Treatment can It Cvmplettty Controlled by tht IlKJIllWVnow Iff ore ull run cunATivn properties of tho medicine dlied themselves to the nr. gans of secretion, nnd by so altering the condition of the stomach nnd liver that the staichy principle of the , u, ni is in,, inuverieu into sugar so long ns inu system Is under the Influence of the CONSTITUTION WATEtl, which give those oiirans time to riruver their kenlihv tune an. vleor. We arc able to stale tli.it the Coiutllu-, nun iaitr nas cured every caso ol Diabetes In which it has boen given, oTONE IN THE ULAnnKR, CALCULUS, G RAVEL mil' K nuar ni.rodiT, ami mucous on .MILK V IHSCHAISGUd AI'TEtl UltlNATlNU. Diseases OCCUrlllg Irnlll onn and the snini. rauan vttl he ehllrely cured hy Hie Constilullon U'atjr, Iftakin lot any length of time. The dose should vary with ihe sctirity ul thu ulstasc, from twenty drops to u tea spooulul threetlnus a day, in water. During the pas sage d the Cukuluf, the pain urgent svmplums slloill.l bj con.b.ited with tto nrnnir r,.,o,ila ,l,un lullowed up Willi the Const tutlon .v'atcr, as above di leciuu. oys.m UN'onn ao;a, on i'aini-ull mlnstiiua- TION, AM) IN MENUllltllAUIA Oil 1T.OKUSE l'LOVVING, Ur.th diseases nrlslun from a laullv rccrellnn nfino mciittrual lluid-lnthe one ia.-e Ueiui!luu little, ami iiceompauted by sex re pain ; ami tin oilier a lou pro late secritln.i which wilt be speedily cured by Hie VUMr.llUKKIl u,L-r, 'I hat disensu known as l'AI.LING 01' THE WOMII. which Is Ihv result ufa relatatiou oftlie Hi. tlul organ, ami is known by a sense of heaviness aud urasgiug p.uns In the back and sides, arid at tiincsac. comp.iuifU by sharp li.clnatlng or shooting pains through me pans, win, in uu cases. u removed liy the medicine. There i another class of smptonis ariiiug from tit ItlrArlO.VOl'TIIIJ IVO.MU. which physicians call ervouslUss, which word covers up muih Ignornncc. anil in nine cases out of ten the doctor does not really know whidher the symptoms are the disease, or the disease th.i symptonn. We can only enumerate ihem here. 1 speak more particularly of Colli I'eel, Palpita tion in the Heart, Impared Memury, tVakcfnlnes,riash es of Heat Languor, Lassitude, and Dimuessof Vision. BUITUESSED MENST11UATION. Which in the unmarried female is a constant recurring disease, and through neglect the seeds ul more grave anil dangerous luuladics are the result; and as month after mouth passes without an etl'urt being made lu as sist nature, tlio suppression becomes chronic, ilic pa tient gradually louses her appetite, the bowels aro constipated, iiiuht sweats come on, and ceiHUMufiini finally mds her career, LEUCOllltCEA OK WHITES. 1 lili diseaso depends upon an inflaniatien of mucous lining ol tut, vagina und womb. It is in alt cases ac companied by severe pain in iho back, accross the bowels and through the hips. A tenspoonful of the medicine may bu taken three times a day, with an in jection of a tablespoonful of the luediume, mixed with ali.if-pintiif soil water, morning and evening. inniTATioN or Titr: neck or the uladdeu, l.N'l'LAM ATION OP THE KIDNEYS AND CA TAliKH Of THE IlLADllElt, 8THANUUKY ANIJUUIININGOU 1' A 1 N 1' U I. U It I N AT I NG . Tor these diseases it is trulya sovereign remedy, and too miiLh cannot be said in lis praise. Asingtedoeshas ww n.,u lu ,vuu me mosi urgent syptoms, Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small ofibc back and through the hips I A teaspoonful a day of Constitution Wnler w ill rcliev o ou like magic. roil DYSPEPSIA, II lias no equal in relieving the Mu-t distressing smp toius. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid Stomach Vom illng I oud, te. Tukeu leaspooulul after dinner' '1 he dose in all cases may bciucrea.ulil desired, but should be dune gradually, NIY.-!CI.XS Have long since giveu up thu use of buchu, cubebsand Juniper in thetreal utof these diseases, und only use theinfor want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATEIl Has proved Itself apialtothc task that has devolved i upon u. UJUHCTIC3 Irritate and drenrh Hi,- kirtni't'c nn.ll.v nnLtn.,t ... i 8Jrt.-sI E? TJ . I MCdll. JULCdU. KeaCl'. Danville, rn., June 3 1803. Hr.M i. H, Gr.cou-flatr Sir: lu 1'eliuary. laol, 1 wasuhlicicd Willi tlu sugar dinjetes, and forlivu months 1 parsed more than Ino gallons of water in nveiitil'our Jiours. 1 was obliged to get up a, olten ten or twelve times during His night, aud in rt e months I u-t about litty pounds in w.-igth. Iluruiug Ihe month of Juiy, l.'ol, 1 procured two bottles of Constitution Water and in two das alter using it I expeiienced reliel, andaltir taking two buttles 1 was culirily cuied. soon ultur regaining my usual good health. Yours tiuly. J. V. L UE WITT. Boston Corners, N. Y Dec. 27, Ifcfll. Win. II. Gregg n Co.: GeiltS : I fl'ulV eiv e VOU liln-rtv In tivikn inn aC il,a I follow iug cirllflcaten I luu laliia of Cuii-tiiution Wa- , ter, which I tan ret-." leiiu in the higlien maimer. Jly wife, who wu iiiiaikeii with palu in the shout. dtr. wholu liugili ,, the hack, and in Her limbs, with ,' 1 .ilpiiati.tu of thu h ait, attended witn railing of Uu ' tmuu, Ilysnunoirh lea. u.ui -1 rrii.illnii of mo Iliad der, 1 called u phjsiciau, who atteiidej lur abuut thii'O mouths, when n U-lt h.r worse lli.iu he found lar, 1 then :mpnyed onu cf the best physicians 1 cjuI I fl.m, w huiitti'iidi'd her lor nboit nine months, u.iu lni. mm wus under his caru sh Ujd not sutler quite ,i i nli pain ; he Anally gavo li.ruputid said . "hsr l.,si- was liiouiaul.-," l or, said Ii i, "she was such b cmubiu iifuii ul'uii.upl iiuts, that medicine given lor o.u up ri-apanist s.imaother of lier dilliculties." Atia.it lhs llliK tlli c.'mmel.ci'd to use Con-iiilh l -mil, iiu.l luour uu.-r ustoiii.hu.ent, almost the lust dose s 'eiujil to liav. Ihu osireu ell'vct, and she kept on impruu..g rapiuly us.ler its trcatiueiit, and now super intends ii.'in ly In-,- domestn: ntl'.iirs. Slit lias imi ta ken any of the or. uuriON Waikk forabout four weeks and wo aro happy to say that it has produced a perma nent cure, W.M. M. VAN IlENSCIIOTt N. MnxroiiD, Com., Nov, 19, 1801. I'll, Wm.II.Grpoo j li.ar eir-1 I have for several years been afflicted with thai luaublesoiuG and dangerous discu-u Gravel, win h resisted hi remeuii-s an. i doctors, i.ntil I took CuNsiiiuuoNAL YATtn, mid uu ma) beassuud that I was pleaseu w ith thi result. It has entirely cured me. a i.lj on in ly tubs' any use of my uameynu nny see fit in r- guru In the mcdicjue. us 1 have entire confidence in il ellkucy. Ynuis tiuly, TOM) SI'llOVG, THESE ARE PACTS EMH'GII There is nnchi of diseases tliat irnduco sucli ex hausting HlVcts upon the human constitution ns Dia In Ins and diseases of the Kidneys. Illadder und Urina ry Passages, and throuuli a false modesty they are neg lected until they are so advanced ns to be beyond Ilia control of ordinary remedias, and wu present thu CONSTITUTION WATER To tho public with tho conviction that it has nneqnal in relieving tint liis of diseases for wlncll It has bleu lu'iiid so eminently successful in curing: nnd wu trust that we shall bu ren urded in uur rll'orts in placing so valuable remedy in a form to meet tho requirements of patient and physician, I'Oi SALE I1Y ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE SI, W.M. II. GEORGE CO,, Proprietors. Morgan & Allen, General Agents, No. 40 Cliir SC. New-York, Sept. 20. 1SG2. 15m, rHJISLIC! S.IJLE O F Yaluable Real Estate. In pursuance of nn order of tho Orphan's Court of ('oltiMil.ja county, on Siturday, the '25th day of October, 1802, nt 10 o'clock in Ihe forenoon, Jacob fl. Evans. Adnunis trator of Michael V hiteiiight, late of Hemlock township in said county, deceased, wilt expose to sale by public vendue, upon Ihu premises, n ceitam LOT 0,F LAND, situate In Hemlock tow nsliip nfurccnld, adjoining lands Aaron Miller on tho north, George Wliitemght nn the oast.Mathius While-night on Hie south, and others, CONTAINING SIXTEEN ACRES. Lata the cttate of said deceased, rituato in the town, ship nf Hemlock nnd county alurvsad. jt J AC-ill EYEULY, Clerk. L? Terms made known on day nf tale, JACOB S. EVANS, Adminiitralcj, Bloornsburg, Srptembcr 30, It 62. 1'J.JU!' Sheriff Sales. By virluo of cortain wrltn of IHcri Facias Issued out of Ihe Court of Common Pleas of Col. umoia uoiiniy. to me directed, will be eiposetl to public mmU. fll 11, A f tlnttMH In lllnnn..l.. a..,l.lHU llis'.'Othdnynf Hrntcmber. lew, nt one o'clock In tbo afternoon, the following property towlt.- All llioso certain four pieces, parcels nnd tracts of land, situate In Coin mid a cnunlv. rennsvti-A. nla, bounded ni follows towlt i One tract containing I .'iv iiuiiureii nnu iwcive acres nnu iwcniy- wo perencs, 1 iiu-iiu in l ine lewnsnip, in nam county, uounacu tiy Inndi of Thomas Eves, dee'd., Thomas llcnfleld, I.ether A. (larmcr. Jackson llobbins. and others, whereon nta erected a flank House, pa r 1 1 fl ui I lie.l , nnd n Stable, 30 Acres arc cleared lond, One other tract situate part y In Orceswood nnd parity In l'lne township, contain ing two hundred and fifty some ncrcs nnd eighty six tierches.boundcdbylaiidsofGco. (Irecntcy, V, (Irecn ..T'."' Qremiley, Joseph lives,'!'. Longshore, ll.Carsnn, v, l.au ton, Samuel Musirrova and others, nn tvlilri. nro erected a dwelling house, stable and snw mill, nbuot Acres of which nro cleared land, Ono other tract situate In Greenwood town hip aforesaid, containing Kit Acres bounded by lands of Mcorgc .Masters, If. Untts. M, Heme. II. Ileacock. Titmons' estate. nnd oth. lis, aimui xu ncres oi which nrocetarcd land. Also one i other Tractsltuato in Plnetowushlp.aforcsnld, contain. 1 a Ing one hundred nnd ninety ncres add twelve perches,,1''1 bounded by lands of llenj. Wlutcrsleeti, Lyons, 1 hnmas slnckhouse. Thomcs Ilcnllcld nnd others, abou thirty acres of width are cleared laud. Seized taken In execution and to bo told as tho prop erty of James Iloury. JOSIA1I tt. rUllMAV.Sncrlfr. Uloomsburg, September 0, 18CS. KSTRAY1 STRAYED from tbo cnolosuro of tbo undersigned, at Port Noble, ntoomsburg, about tho 6th or iuiu oi August, a L'!SaV Dun Colored Heifer. tilling three years old, and It is sup posed, by this lime, may havn had a calf. U7" A libolnl reward will be given for her return, or information of her whereabouts. CUAIILES THOMAS. Sept. 13, 18G2.-3U. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Millville, Columbia County, Pcnn'a. This well knowh School for both sexes will open NOVEMllUR 3d, 18CS. The recent additions tn the buildings! render accom odations for moro than sixty boarders. The course of study will embrace three departments Hie Normal, the Scientific, nnd the Commercial. The Principal will be assisted by experienced teach ers, fully 'pialified fur their respettivu positions. 1'nrcuts aud others may rest assured that no efforts will be spared to make the bahonl worthy of putrnnnsc and that tho welfuru of the students, intellectually, physically, nnd morally, wilt receive ourcoustnntcure For application, circulation, circulars or further par ticulars, address the undersigned, until Oct. 1 led.', at How ningt ui, luster county. l'a und after that time at Mlllullle Columbia county l'u. T. MAXWELL rOTTS, Principal, Having sold nut my interest in the fireenwood Semi nary, to I M l'otts, who was tor several years connected with th) Institution as a successful teacher, I hereby cheerfully commend him to my friends nhd pa trons, ns a gentleman of ample qualification for the po. sitlon Ii: assumes, and in every way worthy the confi dence and patronage of the public. WM, UURGLSS- 31111 ville. I'a., Sept. 13, leu'.'. Till 13 WflPKLfli). AN INDEPENDENT Daily, Semi-ff'cclcly Weekly News popcr. THE DAILY WOULD. Terms per annum. Six Dollars ; Pour copies to one address, Twenty Dollars. To clergymen, live dollars per annum, l or a club uf ten copies, uu extra copy will be sent. THE SEMI-WEEKLY WOllLD. Three dollars per antium ; two coppics to one ad dress, l'ivc Dollars ; fle copies to one nddresg Elev Dollars. To i lergy men, tuo dollars per year. Single copies, thrcocents, published Tuesdays nnd l'ridays.j Ten copies. $J0, I'or n club or ten copies, nn extra copy will bo scut for onu year. Por n club of twenty copies a copy of the Daily fur oneyear' I'or a club of fifty copies, tho Daily, Weekly, and Semi-Weekly will be sent for one year. THE WEEKLY WORLD. Price Two dollar a yenr i rour copies to one address, Five Dollnrs i twenty copies, twenty dollars. Clercy men can receive the Weekly, single ropy, nt one dollar a year. Single copies, 1'ivu cents Published on Thurs dava. For a cluh of i.n copies, nn extra copy w ill be sent for one year. I'or u club nf twenty copies, tho Semi-Weekly will bo sent for one year. I'or a club of lilty copies, the Daily will be sent for lie year. I'or a club of ono hundred copies the Daily, Weekly, and Semi Weekly will bo sent for one year. Kemiltanccsfor '-'I ho World" may be made by drafts tieasury noteB, or bank bills of specie-paying hanks, nnd, where the attention of the Polniaster is culled lo rciuittaucu utthe timo of mailing the letter, it maybe made at our risk Specimen numbers sent to any address upon applica tion. Address THE WORLD, No 33 Park Kow, New-York, THE NEW-YORK WORL D. From tho True Citizen (New llritain, Conn.) Somenino or ten months since we, liken large portion of our fellow citizens, reecived our dally newii of the movements nf our armies Iroiu the Nuw-Yoyk papers of the "on to Richmond-' class, but wu become so dis gnsted with Ihe sensclcs outcry w hiih taken up for a timo by nearly the weole nation, proved so terribly ef fective in dm lug our enenv on to the defeat of Hull Run and nlsn ut the iiersistant fault-finding witli and abuse of President Lincoln and the leading Generals of the ar my, Hint wc took up. as we then supposed, with llieir slower and more respectable rival, The World. l c hive nnd this paper daily ever since, nnd hevo found, I at we not only had a readable nnd scholarly Journal, thoroughly loyal and government sustaining, I that tewas fully up to the times, m its supply of u nit. .g aiht was reliable ir thu wav of current news. I' wh only miss In lis columns one class of nev u that whiih is to be conlrariiitcd to-morrow. Wit' ii ' hasty remaiks we desire icrdially to reiommen. o . . r r-ader- the New-York World as one of the bsst, .f u" Ihe very best daily Journal in the country. Sept. 13, le1! if. S.SflatAr BltOlViVS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, Ne. "5 North Second Street, Opposite Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA. !T7 Constantly on hand, a large ns-orlment of Mods, Mattres-cs, Paillasses, Cushions, Hair. Husk, Cattail' mid all articles in the line at the lowest prices, N. II.-Particular attention paid to renovating New nnd Old Feathers. March lelil. 12m. F. C. IIARKISON, M. D. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Woo. burg, and vicinitv, that lie continui stlie practice MEDICIXE .1XD SUROfJir, nil solicits a share of public patrunage. OittiK on .Main Street, first house below the Court House, niiomsburg, February 3, lrS.t If. HMd &ir,ijii& fciLififfiLi) TAM AQUA, PENN'A. Passengers dioc hero on the passage of cadi Train. II, M. MERRICK, Propriitor. Tnmaina, Jan 4, 1PG2. STRAW! STRAW!! STRAW I ! ! 1001 TONS SriltW.of all kinds, lluckwheat ex cepted, is wnnted immediately, at Ihu Mill Grove Paper Mills, ueur LightSlreel, forwliich canti will bo nald. THOMAS TIIENCII. Mill Grove, August 9, leGJ. ADM IN ISTRATO 11 S NOTICE. Estate Ihhcvilc Kiislier, dcccuscd. T l-TTI'.ltS of ndminiktration on Iho Estata of Jacob I IJ it. Knorr, late of Locusi twp. Col co.,decense(i, have been granted by the llegistcr of Coliimliiu county to the under Iguedj ull persons having ilaiui- attain. I the es tate of the decedent lire requested tu present themto the Administrator nt his residenco in l.ocii-t twp., wittiout delay, and all persons indebted to make pay ment forthwith. SAMUEL ADAMS, September 0, lr?C3-(!w- Mm'r. Choice IVheat. Why sow the Lancaster, when yov can proaue Wheal, yielding double the amount per acie, Ksad tub FoLLowm CtnTirtoTC rnoM ExrcmiNCED FAHHtRS : Wc. the undersigned. Farmers, residing ill the county of Northumberland, do certify, that wu puiehased of. wrok Wolk. u now urticle of Whito Egyptian lleardcd j Whent. last Fall, unit lind it far sunerinr tu anything, grown in this section. The stem is tall and strong ripen so early ns to dely the insiditnus attack of the llessia Fly mid Weevil, und will yield nt lead, one. third ino tollioucru Ihau uny other wheat uuw grown in thi seittoii of country- We.would cheirfully recommend tu our agricultural friends, throughout tho Stale, as every way worinyoi nun curiiui niieuiiou Isaac Viurctil, lleiiiietlllu Leinbacli. Thoimis Deariuotid, H.iin.H'l D.'nruiond, Silas Itnmbaili, Solomon II, Winters, llenrv i alts, John Mil'arlut.il, J, G, Durham, Juliii Li iseu, D, lleilleiibach, Joseph Nicely, J U Lelnbach, lU'Derl .ii, nussei, "cter llacenbuch. Tor particulars concerning this valuable wheat, en nulre of Andtsw Ftesi, of Centre, or J K Groti. of Bloemibuii, July 19,ie-6w, epvr.'ni,' niim n i vn nt n Dl-sVJiltJi 1IA1 1 Jsl's AiNU A VHjKJ IUOUS VIU'J'UHYl Forty Thousand Rebels Killed and Woun ded. LOXGSTRKET WOP.VDlil) AiVI A I'lUS OiVEU. Jackson and Hill Roported Taken ! Harper's Ferry Reta ken. LargeMimber of Prltonert captured I- General Iturntldt in po.ucstlon.Ycarl) all the armi Ktrt recaptured Jl Wow at tin Iteart cf liebellemlttportei Uoubftrd ment of Fort Sunpter and the inttttnent tf CKarlttten. S. C. FORTY THOUSAND REBELS RE PORTE I) KILLED AND. WOUNDED. Special Dhpaled lo thr Inquire. IlAnr.isi!uno, Sept. 17. Notbinij bas been beard from Harper's Ferry since I despatebed last. Gen. Lougatrcct ii woun ded and a prisoner. All tbo nevts tbat ca bo got over tbo wires fiotn Gen. MeChllan i"Glorious Vktory," although every inch of the field has been warmly contested by tbo enemy, wbo uiust Lave near forty thousand killed and wounded. Many of the wounded are now at llogerstown, JId. TEKRIBLE CARNAGE. Gen, Longstrcel not kiLeelbut a Pusoncr. Gen. Hooker icoimdcd in the Foit. IlAimisnuna, Sept. 17. A diipatch jnst received at bead-quarters from lla gcrttown, says : "Wo havo acbieved a glorious victory after a great battle. "Gen. Longstrcct was not ki.lcd but wounded and taken paisoncr. "Gen. Ilookor, of tho Federal army, was wounded in the foot'" No particulars of the battle havo yet been receivod but it is understood that tho carnage on both sides was awful. DRAFTING IN PENNSYLVANIA POSTPONED. IlAimisnuna, Sept. 15. The line for drafting is bontpoued until tbo 25th inst., by the Governor. Eli Slii'Eii, Secretary of the Commonwealth. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Johti Kl ngeman, dcc'rl. LETPEIt tcstameiitory on the estate nf John Klin?, cman, late of Maine tewnship jn otumbla roituty deceased have been granted by the Kegi.ter of I oliiui bia county to tho undersigned also residing in said township j all persons haviiiu claims ugafust the es tate of the decedent are reuuestcd to present tlicin lu the Executor at his ri sidcncu in .Maiiuille. without deray, nnd all persons indebted to make payment forthwith. JOHN 11. M.S-1, Aug. 10. 18152 Ot. ExhcuroR ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eitaleof Jacoh Hartman, late of Writ Hiutlochttiry., Jlontaur Cauutu. dee'd. LETTEKS of Administration on the nbovo named es state have been granted to the undersigned by Hie ltcglsur of tlontour county. All person having rl -.imi a;.iin-t the estate of thu decedent are ra.pn-stt d to pre sent them fur settlement, und those indebted to mako iiuuteuiate payment. JACOB I1AKTMAN Jr., Mm'r. , Cooper twp. AlinilHUn. Ifli-.Q. Bur. BRICK! BRICK 1 ! BltlCKlT! AArtGo011 JMck, just manufacture' I ,H III M)n"'l for ratu cheap, wholesale n rii-oil lriVUVllai AttheUlooinsbnrgllrick Yard. Apply to the subscriber. o HENUY S. AltTHDK, Uloomsburg, Ju no S3, ISOi. DANK NOTICE. ICfotico is hereby given, that tlio Bank J.1 of Danville, n Hank of Issue, Ducouiit nnd Dcpns it, located in the llorougli of Danville, -Moutour county, with a capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, in tends im-'.iug application at the lien regular session of Ihe Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the renewal of ita charter, nnd extension of its priiileges. for a term of twenty years from Ihe expiration of its prevent charter, with Hie name name, title location nils' capital. Ily order of the Hoard of Directors. , . DAVIUCLAP.U.Cishier. Danville, Pa. , June S, I8CS -Um FouLiTiii.i COUXTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR. The b'jccntiic Cinniiutti'o of the unliimbiu County Agricultural Smety. have lived upon Hie 15th, lOlli, 17lli cV .S!h d.iys of October, licit, as the time of holding their tVvenlli Annual Fair. CALUU IIAllTON Puts' r. August", K-C3 SATolMFiYuT O-TIIH r AM ILY SOAP MAKLU 0! All Klliheii f.'rensu cau be made inloguod SOAP, ov using SAPONU'IEIII OCT-DIIIECTIOXS AtJI'OMPAN Y1NO EACH 1IOX ! BOAP is easily made with it, as making a cup of cof fee Manufactured only by tho Patentees. PA. SALT MANUl'ACTUi.I.N'O COMPANY. No 127 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA. i MBItOTYFE, FIIOTOGRAFK Sc MELAIKOTYPE A l B R OT Y P E S , PHOTOGRAPHS, Melainotypes, &.C.. tuken ill Cloudy ns welt ns Clear Weather,' Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes copied and Enlarged, 1SORTI1 DAXVILLE, PA, Dec. 51, ISOI. I'rliiter, Rookbiuticr & Illatikbook .U A NU FA U TU II E R; WllOUiUK ANU KtTAIL llEAUK IS rniNTINO, WHITING AND WIIAPPINO PAPEUS. AOtNT tOK 1111. (ATAWISSA rAl'tll MII.I.S. Main Street, first door bi low Ihe Publn Spuare, W1LKESBARRE, PA. Nov, S3, 1601 ISin. GIlliENWOOD SEMINARY. rpilE Autumn term of this Institution will comma JL on lUouilny, August tlh, I8G2. TERMH For Uoardmg, Washing, Tuition, vie , fur Eleven IS eeks f 2i 00 ft-.. I. ..If 1.. n.l.-a,. ' btudents who have not engaged rooms will do well to mike eailv application to WM BURGESS, fnnciril. Millvllle, Col, eo Ps., July 19, 136J, 1 ml v