Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 06, 1862, Image 2

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KDirr.n ht i.evi i.. tate, rnoriurron.
sunvEYon general,
7 d 1ST FU CTjnOK E T
IBon. Ij. II. lCupert,
Stdijtct to the decision of the Conferees.
co. 1. Jackson, of Sullivan,
John C. 13 His, of Montour,
Subject to the decision of the Conferees.
Hon. Win. UUvcll. of Towandn.
Subject to the decision of the Conferees.
roil district atiornev,
or liLOoji,
rou commissioner,
or I1L00M.
tar. Vatio and is hiktuck htakd tun or rovAttrv :
TIint the turnout drnlornblc civil war has been
farcni upon the country by the divinloniFtn or
rmitncrn Slntrju. now in nrms acninpt tncuiinmiiiunnai
4tuvernincnt, And in Arms nroiiml tho Capital ; that in
V..t( Uiui.nri.i i l.i nUhi nif nil funl.,
Jug of incro pni'loti or rvtcnlinriit. will rccnltrct only '
itBtlutv to the whole country : IjUt (lis varu vet raged
eit thrir part in any tplril of oppreseion.or for any pur-
no, nf rmnnur.l af atihi tTAt.ati nu-.Mi.f nf uFfrlhroirl Kit i
or ivlrrftrlnr if HA ( rig kit or :stabtishrd imlilutiom of
ihoit Stalls, but to Jfftnd and maintain the sitprtmacy of j
tht Constitution, and upreterce the Union, vith the dljr
titty, equaltty, andrtghtt the itreral ttatet unimpaired;
analhat as oon as tAesa objects art aueniMlsnttl the tear
aught to cease,
Opinions cf Jodie Douglas. I ,
ncpublicainofourclay.nowthnthoisJiomorcnroftM 1 riSOOCr Ot War, UOWn in IVCDelUOin.
Iiupllcit faith in the opinions of the lato Hon. SitiMirK , Qcn. IsAAC I. STEVENS, of Rhode Is
A. Dovati. We call to tho witncji ttaml the living , , , - ,om .
hitorroftuiU tried patriot and eminent In lanu,,WUO, in 1S0U was Chairman of the
ItieUnitcil mates senate, upon tho 3d of January, 1601, Urcckinriilgoi National Committee, was
Judge Douglas nld: ' . , , ... t ... , ,
IttddrctsthclnquirrtoropuijikansaioneoriferM- "t do"u "lo Uattles of Monday, bcar-
eonihat in the Lotnmittcs of tktrtirn, aeie days ego, erery :n -lf. J.;. l,nila llC(. - J
ni6er from the ioulh, including those from t),e rotton ,nS al0lt 10 lllS 0Wtl "anUS, the "btars and
afe (Mesjrs. Touih and Davis) eipressetl llinrrtadi,
nesM to accept the proposition of my rentable friend from
Kentucky we. uriiicnnen) as u l iaai si.i i i
of the controversy, if tendtred andsustained by republican '
ouit niaAonmiMKNT. ami tiii: only mr.
ficulty lvtiie way or AMioAiu.n ADJUST-
Stephen ji.ncugiai.
"I bold that this Government u as made ontlm White
l!nis by White Men for the benefit of Whito Men und
their 1'OBtsrity Forever I Sctphen A, Douglas,
CotuMBiA County's quota of the Draft' Mifflin War Meeting,
is about 844 men 1 j A largo War Meeting, was on Sat-
. , .i. urday evening last, hold at Mifflinvillo, in
Mr. E. R. Snydek, of Philadelphia, has ;n the county of Columbia. Capt. S. R.
our thanks for late valuablo English news- M. Yantz, was elected President; Chris
papers. t tain Wolf, and Lewis Eckrotho, Vice
We publish to-dayTciscwhcre, vert, .m-' Residents, with Aaron Andrews and Da
ortoif War news, copied from tho liar- vld A- IIcs Secretaries.
risbttrg Telegraph, the organ of tho State ' Tho El3itor of thh Jou"al, pursuant to
'and National Administrations. invitation, was present and addresccd the
c w , mecling. The Academy was filled to its
Somebody has again sent us four pa- utmost capacity and the most profound at
gct MSS., without tho writor's namo, and 'tention pervaded the assembly,
we have thrown them under our Table. Cnpt. D. A. Sciiwank, and Mr. Aaron
I ANbninrs, had their Muster ltol!s, and
Tnn Berks County Demoeratio Conven-' succeeded in enlisting a number of recruits
tion, on Inst 'Tuesday, re-nominated Hon.
Sydeniian E. Ancona, for Congress aud
instructed their Delegates to tho State Con -
ventionj to suppdrt Hon. IIeister Cr.YMKii
as tbo nczt Democratic oandidato'for Gov-1
A Genera r. Indian Wau. The news
from our AVeAtero Territories is unfavora
Llo, and fears are csprctecd that we aro
on the cvo of an extensive war with the
Indian tribes in that vast and sparsely set
tled region. It is believed that secession
influence has beau at work in creating a
feeling of hostility against our Govern
ment in tho midst of the ignorcnt savages
of our western plains. Tho prospect of an
interruption of tho overland routo to Cal
ifornia, has induced the Post Ofllcc De
partment to order the mails for tho Pacifio
States to bo sent by way of the Isthmus.
tSF Tho Demoeratio Convention did
not ro-nominato Uol. Tate for the Legis
lature Columbia co. IlepubUcan.
For tho good reason, Dr. John, that wo
wero not a candidate for ro-nomination, as
tho Membor was conceded last fall to
Montour county for tho next term,
nnd you ought to have so said in honesty
nnd decency. Tbo Democracy of Colum
bia, tho only truly loyal party wo recog
nize in our country, havo treated us kindly,
goeorously nnd magnaminously. Thoy
have most gallantly and unnnimosly en
dorsed our ontire courso, as a Member of
the Legislature of Pennsylvania, and that
endorsement itantls on record, nnd will
only bo forgotten with tho clo30 of our
arthly cxistenco.
Liko Mr. Clay, wo can exclaim, had
"over man such frionds," and with that
great statesman wo emphatically say, wo
'had rather bo right not wrong than to
be President." Our own fellow-citizens,
whom wo have ever tried faithfully to.servc,
inGqnoral Cavontion,havo unanimously
Retelvccl, That tho Demooraoy of Col
umbia (Muatj Lcartily approvo and endorse
tho courso of their Representatives, Col.
Lovi L. Tato and George S. Tutten, Esq,,
at (bo last Session of the Legislature, as
characterized by fidelity, intolligcnco aod
devotion to sound pineipls.
President Lincoln's Lottor.
"Whilo the manner in which the Presi
dent litis appeared before tho public in his
letter to Mr. Grcoley u undignified, and
while tho letter iloclf has tho peculiar!
characteristics of Mr. Llncoln-r-wo cannot
holp saying, indeed wo arc delighted to
say, that the leading idea of this document
affords aid and comfort to all true friends
of tho Union and tho Constitution. It is
iu tun uuiuii iuu umuu us u una moi
Union as created and upheld by tho Con
stttut.on that tho President excressca
devodou, and ho treats all othor questions
as more subordinate ones, to be employed
or discarded, as they will best subsorvo tho
great jiurposo of upholding tho Constitu-
tion nnd rcstoriug tho Union. This is the
one idea in support of which alltruo men i
&U men with sound heads and honest
hearts can rally.
We thank tho President for this rebuke
of the impudenco and madness of Greeley
nnd his Abolition associates notwith
standing tho irregular tmd undignified
manner in which it has been administered.
It knocks them on the head, and all con
servative men sustain Mr. LinoolD in his
effort to make the preservation of the Gov
ernment tho simple and distinct object of
this war, and to prevent a perversion of
tho war to a miscliievious Abolition crusade.
Wo can all agree in putting forth every
energy to save tho Government of our fa
thers but wo cannot and will not agrcs
to engago in a Negro war. Tho President
has done a good and great thin in lifting
up his voice to arrest this tendonoy and to
direct our united energies to tho restora
tion of the Union and tho maintenance of
the Constitution. Let him be sustained.
Breckinridge Democrats Rewar
ded. Petkr K. Hkmiein, Esq., of Locust
township, in this county, has justsont three
of his (four) sons to fight in tbo Union Ar
my. Wm. G. Quick, of Montour township,
this COUtlty. presented tllO
Uuion Soldiers
.. 1
With 00 donation and ffavO 87
5 mora to
procure a VOUn" officer his uniform
Luur. C. II. BnooKWAY. lato of
iiloomsnurg, wnom tlic tones last season
! tlirnntrnnrl Willi nnit fnnllinra. ia n
KtrJnrioJI it (lio TTmrl nf li!a T?rifriilr
"'P03 at uie llcau 01 ms ingaUC
Messrs. John, Cook, Miner, Browcr, and
n11 nVinlitinn
winners, and democrat
Latere are reoucstcd to
. ualore arL rcqutBWU lO
publish the im
portaut tacts in rolalion to tlieso
inrldcC Democrats,
I 4s.
for tho War.
1 Pf misjlvania I3Gtli Rcgiracuf.
j The last squad of volunteers, which -left
Blbomsburg, on the 30th of August, were
I organized into a company, at Camp Cur-
tin, by forming with part of a squad from
Crawford county, thereby forming a com
plete Company. Capt. Bayno, was elect
ed Coloncl,and Alera B Tato, Second Lieu
tenant. 'Tho Regiment is now stationsd
at Camp Liucoln near Washington, D C,
A Great Mnss Meeting.
A Mass Meeting of too Democracy of
Columbia, will be hold on tho 17th of Sep
tomber, at Orangcvillc- Distinguished
Speakers havo been invited, and will be in
attendance, whoso names will bo duly an
nounced. This meeting J3 called to com
memorate tho Anniversary of our glorious
Constitution, and should be attended by
all Loyal Citizens,
Dcaih of Judge Laporte.
Hon. Jons LAroaiE, of Bradford
county, aged 01 years, last week, fell (load
whiUt walking in the streets of Philadel
phia. Col. M. IIannum, the gentlemanly Ed
itor of tho Luzerne Union, paid us a short
visit yesterday,
The man with a "bluo coat and brass
buttons," who last week left Bloomsburg,
for tho Wars, has again returned. So has
the patriotic young Lawyer, about his
height and calibre Failing to get an ofGcOj
it would teem, totally annihilated their
military energies.
A Cdarion Company. This patriotic
county has furnished, with perhaps tho
exception of Cambria, tho largest percen
tage of voters of any in tho Stato. Wc
notico in Camp Jiowo yesterday morning,
a fino company from 'Clarion, undor Cap
tain Klotz, numbering ninety.ono men.
Tho Captain incidentally remarked, that
they wero all voters, and nil Democrats,
and what appeared odd, all had been
Breckinridge men. Wo hopo to
')od account of them.
They Think thoro is a Chaim in
tho Namo.
The abolition ''People's" Party nrc
severe in their denunciations or Demo
crats yet ask the votes ol tho people for
Ross, their candidate for Surveyor Gen
ernlj becauso they say, he is a Democrat.
They make a great merit ofliaving Dem
ocrats, as tlicv term them, in their ranks.
The only merit they claim for Eomey is
I n pn-ri lli'limrtvie v 1 llnnvm Rnvn
b" J
tltn mark !) and so, also, of Knox, and
the smaller fry ofGshcry, scaly Democrats
who are expected to vote the "People's"
ticket. While they condemn t lie repeal
of the Missouri Compromise as one oftlio
jca'tiscs of the present war, they say all
manner of sweet thinirs about the friends
of Douglas, tho author of that repeal, and
Forney, who claimed to he and still
claims to have been the fervent friend of
the Illisnois Statesman, is associated with
the men who used to burn him in effigy
and villify him as "tho traitor Douglas."
Yet the the abolitionist are proud of their
present partnership with Forney, because
ho was (they say he is) a Democrat J
They say the Democrats ruled thocountry
yet, they nominate Democrats on their
tickets, and tako Democrats for their party
leaders. They eurso Buchanan, yet hug
to their bosom the man who, they say,
made him President. The wonder is
they don't call thcmselvcs-tlic Democrat
ic party, and lie done wi'h it ! If they
will do this, and can induce the Demo
crats to call themselves Republieans,thcy
may succeed at the coiniug election with
out tho aid of the military power I They
evidently think there is a charm in 'the
Democratic name why don't they adopt
it, outright? They have as much right
lo the name as have Ross, Forney, Knox
fc Co.
Gen. McClellan.
The Abolition pack, including curs of
low degree, arc still in pursuit of General
McClellan. How savage tho blood hounds
havo become. The Philadelphia Bulletin
of Monday evening last says:
"A dispatch was sent to us this morn
ing from New York, stating that the Tri
bune had a dUpateh, declaring, among
other things, that Gen. McClellan was a
traitor, fcioon after wo were informed that
tho Tribune office had been closed by or
dor of tho Government officials, thus giv
ing a completo denial to what, we wore
satisfied, was a false and malignant can
When will these bloody and traitorous
Abolition conspirators o.casc their efforts
to dcitroy the reputations of our Gencr
als! Not until their schemes of negro
emancipation is accomplished or this
Union forever separated. But tho mal
ignity of theso reptiles towards McClellan
surpasses tho ferocity of hungry tigers
A month ago tho calumniating assassins
insisted that the rebel army in Virginia
was far, inferior to McClcllao's ; now we
are told that the army which he fought
for Bovcn day3 successfully with 80,000
men, amounts to 250,000. Still the Abo
litiou pack aro aftc him with unabated
Political Puosi'ects. The political
intelligence from all parts of the Common
wealth is highly encouraging. The Dem
oeratio masses arc fully awake to their
duty, and determined to prescrvcre in its
faithful dischargo, despite all the baso
falsehoods and missreprcscntations .of the
Abolition press. From tho Stato Con
vention on the Fourth of July, down to
that in tho remotest county, every meepng
of the Democracy that has been held this
year has been sianally harmonious and
enthusiastic. Tho Oposition will find, to j
to their sorrow, perhaps, that persecution ,
of Democrats, instead of making them
timid and cringing, hasonly had tho effect (
of uniting them in a ctrongcr devotion toi
iheir time honored principles than ever. '
The October election will tell tho tale in
tho Old Keystone State. i
Not Truk. The story that was pub
lished by the abolition papers throughout
tho country, that Hon. C. L. Yallandig
hani, of Ohio, had been arrested, aud that
ovidenco of disloyalty had been found
against him, is a fabrication without tho
first shadow of truth. Tko story was
started by the Rcpublicaus of Ohio, and
was telegraphed by some anonymous oprr
tator for partisan purposss, and published
by every Republican paper in tho North.
There-was not even apretexfor starting
this story i it was a manufactured false
hood from tho wholo cloth, but yet the
papers that gave it circulation never con
tradictcd tho slander. Such dcpicablo
conduct no decent man would resort to.
DiscounAOiNO Enmstmentb. Tbo
War Department anounces that all at
tempts to proouro substitutes in nnticipa
tion of tho draft will bo regarded as dM
courngtog enlistments, and that the per
sons who do bo, Uieir aiders and nbetors,
aro liablo to bo arrested under tho order
0f August 8tb. Publishing advertisements
, for fuoi, persons, with tho view of aiding
their operations is hereafter to bo regard
cd as rendering tho publishers liable to
such arrest.
Of Couhsi: it is 1 The Newburyport
Herald thinks Wendell Phillips's loyalty
is much moro questionable than that of
many political prisoners now at Fort
a1 Warren. Of course it is, and tho only
liplace they "dont see It" i Washington.
Ariliy Copl-CSpOlldCllCO.
Camp Liucoln, near Washington
Dear Father j
This, (Saturday, Aug. 30,
1802,) was a day long" to bo remembered
by all persons, of whatovcr class, residing
or soldiering within twenty miles of Wnfch-'
ington. Last evening, orders wero issued
for ovcry soldier within the picket lines of
Camp Lincoln to carry forty rounds of
cartridges i his cartrMgo-box. This or
der, you may well imagine, created con
siderabclo excitement among our Regiment
it being our first night's experience ns sol-1
diors near Rebels. At tho hour of mid-
night orders nrrived from tho General
commanding tho Fortification of Washing,
ton, for our Regiment (tho 1 30,) to full
into marching lines, tho order was willing
ly oboyed and marching of Regiment
commenced, Wo bolted in front of tho
Fort, taking our position of battlo
..." , .... . .
pit .mniod.atcly beneath the protection of
tort Jiincoin a big guns, llcro wo waited
patiently for the approaching of Stonewall
Jackson's army or a more dangerous foe,
the blood-thirsty Guerrillas. Remaining
in the pit in line of battlo until sun-riso ou
Saturday morning, and no enemy ap
proaching wo marched back to our Camp,
Shortly after breakfast, our cars was gree
ted by loud and continued cannonading.
This was continued all day, and at even
ing, quiet again rcmaiued around the Na
tional Capitol. Our Captain at this mo
ment arrived from Ilcad-qurrters, brings
the cheering and glorious news of the re
pulse of that out-wittod Rebel General,
Stonewall Jackson, by the combiued at
tacks of General's McClellan Pope and Sci
glc, near Fairfax Court House, Ya., with
tho largest losses of men of both Armies,
than any day's fighting during this wicked
rebellion. Washington city was this after
noon put under strict military marshal or
der, and all male citizens of the placo or
dered to the battle field to assist in bury
ing tho dead and aidiug and relieving the
wants of tho wounded. While writing,
McClun's heavy Artillery Company, of the
HUth Regiment, was ordered to march to
a less fortified Fort than this for immedi
ate duty. So by this, as well as other
matters of more importance which I could
recite, if not contraband war news, will
show tho feeling and anxiety of tho peo
ple' of this neighborhood.
It being late and your humble writer
being almost exhausted for want of sleep,
I know you will excuse me by writing the
words "of close."
I liko tho soldier's Life very well so far.
Giro my love to all at home. The boys
aro all well and cheerful.
Your Son, &c., A. B. TATE,
6'tx. Lieut. I3ilcgc. P. V.
More Stato Prisoners.
Our town was startled on Friday crun
ing last by the announcement that Mr.
Ira Davenport, of Plymouth, had been
arrested and lodged in jail in this borough,
by Agib Rickets, Esq., Chief of Police.
Wc tried in vain to asccrtian tho charge
against .Mr. Davenpoit, but could learn
nothing further than that it had been done
in pursuance of llic recent order of the
War Department, clothing sll Chief of
Police with authority to arrest persons
who were suspected ofdisloyal practices,
discouraging enlistments, itc.
Later in the evening two other arrests
were made, viz: George B. Kulp,Rcgistcr
of tho couuty, and E. B. Chase, District
Attorney, They also were committed lo
prison. All three of them petitioned for
a hearing before Judge Conyngham on a
a writ of b,abtas corpus. The Judge
granted .the hearing, aud they were ac
cordingly taken before his Honor on
Saturday morning, when the Chief
Police declined to make his answer until
the expiration ol the time allowed him
three days during which ho could
com muuicato with the War Department.
The Judge then postponed the whole
proceedings until this juorning at 1)
o'clock holding tho prisoners in bail in
the sum ofSOOOcaeh for their appear
ance. None ol theso men know what they
arc imprisoned for, nor who aro iheir ac
cusers and probly never will! They are
1 all prominent Deniocrats,and so far as wc
know, most worthy and loyal citizens.
I Mr. Divenporl was a delcgalc to tho last
Democratic Couuty Convention.
l.uzcrnc Union.
Disr.OYAl.TV consists in violation of
tho laws, aud as abolitionists contemn tke
Constitution and Union, which aro tie
f,i,U .!., 1 T.-n .P ll. T.n.,.l l,..n ll
, .... . , tv i i
abohUomsts aro per se, Dndoyal. Dr.
jonn denounces tlio "CJouBtitutiou and tlio
Union, as catch words of modern Democ-
racy," and attempts to Jiold them up to
scorn, conclusively proving his total disloy
alty. From this position, wo legally ar
guo and naturally infer, all abolitionists
aro traitors to the Government, and from
this conclusion thoro is no possiblo escape.
Be ADMONISHED. It has been intima
ted, that some incn, in certain localities,
talk of resisting the officer when called
upon to make the enrollment, and also tho
draft. This would not bo performing the
part of loyal citizen, but would bo incur
ring fearful responsibilities, and placo tho
offender in tho attitude of a Rebel to the
Government. Don't do it friends,
T Z7.
T W Aft N V i M A.
Tlio Army at Munsoti's Hill.
Want of Confidence in Gen, Pope.
Incompetency of General McDowell.
The ISuMlu ol' .IB outlay.
Correspondence of the Haiti more American.
Washington, Sept. 3, a. m.
Washington city was last night in a stato
of great excitement, and not without mo3t
substantial cauic. Ciowds wero gathered
at all tho hotels discussing nnd speculating
on the future, and the announcement that
Gen. McClcllan had been assigned to tho
command of all the troops assembled for
tho defense of Washington was generally
'predicted to mean that before twenty-four
hours should elapso, the whole tinny of
y. nia woud wUhin ,h(J ftrca oftJcrri.
tory under his Jurisdiction.
The facts aro that the Army of Virginia
has been outgeneraled, outflanked, and so
dishceitcncd by tho daily and houily evi
dence of superior generalship on the part
of tho rebels that is now on tho way to Al
exandria, mourning tho loss of many gal
lant olHecrs aud men who havo lost their
lives, or aro suffering from wounds and
cxliaustation, many ot them in the hands
of the rebels. By the time this letter reach
es you tho whole command of General Pope
will have fallen back upon the entrench
ments aud works for the defenco of Wash
ington, under command of Gen. McClel
lan. As far as lean Icara hero the history
of the past three days has becu a success
ion of small disasters both in the front and
rear. Last uight there was a scries of
sliii ruislics along tho whole front, in ono ol
which Brigadier General Isaac I. Stevens
was killed. Ilis color bearer having been
struck down he took the flag up himself I
and was leading ou his troops when ainin
nic ball pierced his forehead and ho in
stautiy fell dead. During tho evening
Geuoarl Kearney sent out a scouting party
in a piece of woods, who reported that
there was no enemy in sight. At a late
hour, having some doubt as to the report
made to him, ho is supposed to have walk
ed out into tho woods hiuuo!f, and was
shot by some of tho enemy's scouta. He
was missing during tho niht, and this
morning his body was sent in by General
Lec, under a flag of truce. It is now hero,
along with Colonel Flcthor Webster, and
General Stevens, being enabled for trans
mission to their families.
Tho whole number of killed and wound
ed in all the battles up to the present time
does not exceed 11,000. In the first bit
tlo on Friday at Bull Hun the loss on tho
federal side did not exceed 4, UUO, although
General Pope announced it at 8,0.0.
What the loss of tho enemy has been, or
whether any of tlicir prominent officers
have suffered, is not known. It is, how
ever, believed to be equal if not greater
than ours.
In conversation with the wounded who
are constantly arriving here, I find that
they have no faith in Gen. Pope's cap.i
city to command a great army, and ridi
cule the pretentious announcements he
put forth at the commencement of the
campaign, with "headquarters in the sad
dle," etc. They complain nf bad gener
alship, and say that the whole campaign
has been without a plan or strategy, and
that he has walked into every trap the
set for him, without foresight or common
As to Gen. McDowell, his withdrawal
from the Army of Virginia is a necessity
that the Ptesidcnt can no longer resist.
Not only Jiis own command, but every
other division, denounce him in terms nnd
language that it would not, perhaps, bo
proper to repeat. Suffice it to say that
those lighting under him complain that
his oilers led them constantly to disaster,
whilst he kept himself in safe position;
and other commanders charge him W'th
having failed to proprerly guard and pro
tect the points assigned to him. Intact,
his longer presence, whcthcrlhesccharges
.are true or Calsc, will have a most demor
alizing tendency.
At lour e ctocK yeuoriiav mornuifr. a
0-jiiiuu ui uuL- iiuuuieu w.igijus, u na com
i . i. i ... i i
missary stores, was intercepicu uy tlio
enemy' bctwscu Faifax Station aud Con
trcvillc, and driveA oil' towards Manassas i
before the party could be intercepted. j
They secured the ji-hnlo train, and doubt-,
less fared sumptuously to-tlay. So soon
as this raid in the rear of our army atj
Centrevilie was known, tho necessity of
"looking to tho rear" again became ap
parent, anil at noon tho whole army of.
Virginia had abandoned Centrevilie, audi
was massed this side of Eairfax Court
11UUHL-, Ji.101. UVUIIJIII. UICV ill! ill II IUO i till
the line of march, aud t (ivnn'p!n,1.- ih
advance wa iu sight of Munson'js Hill.-1
Tho enemy' cavalry followed thejn in
the distance, but made no attack, and the
whole movement was being accomplished!
in excellent order. At noon yesterday,
Oen. McClellan, .at the request of the .
i'rcsiucnt, rouo out to meet the returning
column, auu was received by Ins troops
with tho most enthusiastic demonstration
of gratification and pleasure.
This state of aff.iirs has of course
caused eonsiderablu excitement here, and
lias doubtless lea to the order which vir-
tuslly places General McC e au in com
niaml To l0 t JnnM of
great mass ol our citizens
there is safety in this chango ofeomman
dcrs, and by tho military it is hailed as 1
an omen of success. All begin to feel:
that the timo for trilling has passed, and
that thero can be no success to our arms i
imlnen lli.i innii I. , ... I . .1n ,1... 1V-I. .!..'
""i"0- "'u h"-" w'"uu iu uu I11U Jlgllllllg
havo confidence in their commander.
Tbo works fertile dofenco of Washing
ton arc all in excellent conditiou .and
strongly manned by experienced artil
lerists, so that no fear is entertained of an
attack on ihrm ; but it is supposed that
the enemy will strike at some lino on the
Potomac this sido of Harper's Ferry.
General McClcllan has alrcardv seen to
tno sirengiitciiing ol tlioso points
uiuiu ia no uouui inai wo snail again
havo a long siege of Washington and an
ln.lAe..:,A . i .! p ,
iiiuciiiiiiu Hinuiiiuiuii oi mo war
Tiio return nf the army to Washincton
is a great mortification in military circles,
and it will doubtles be onejof etjual mor -
TTfiuatioil to Hie Wltolo country. Alter J
5ff 1 it ItJilif noint '
nave now i;uiiiii.ii i uu oi.M.ii.j, - c , i
! and the whole work lias to bo commenced Stroudsburg.
1 over again. Tho rebels may now reitcr-1 JIT Ae.lM Surgoon Aw II Long, Far.
,ate their assertion with nome show ofimor's Ynlloy. Commissioner Wm. Y
nlausibility ''that tho South cannot be I
n.tnrtunrnrl." 'i'lioro CnnilOt bo Said (O I
ho any panic here, but tho morticatli.ii is
great and the disappointment so deep that (
every man seems to carry Ins Icciings
in his countenance.
t'hcro is also rumors hero this evening
of a change in tho Cabinet, but I
they arc at prcsont unfotinctl
Yours &e.,
To Examine Men claiming exemption
from Military Jhity.
Tho Governor has appointed the fol
lowing gentlemen in the various counties to
superintend the drafting, viz :
Adams Surgeon Charles Horner,
Gettysburg. Commissioner Col. Rufus
C. Swopo, Fairfield.
Allegheny Surgeon A. C. Murdock,
Pittsburg. Commissioner JL Graham,
Armstrong Surgeon T C McCollough
Kittanning. Commissioner E Bufltngton,
Jicuvrr Surgeon David S Marquis,
Rochester. Commissioner James Patter
con, Now Brighton.
Bedford Surgeon B F Harry, Bed
ford. Commissioner Jeremiah K Bowl
es, Bedford.
Bales Surgeon M Luther, Reading.
Commissioner Henry S Kupp, Reading.
Blair Surgeon J A Landis, HolK
daysburg. Commissioner A Lloyd, Al
tooua. Bradford Surgeon
-E II Mason, To-
wandad. Commissioner Jobu A Cod
ding, Towanda.
Bucks Surgeon Wm, S Hendiiu,
Doylestown. Commisiioner Joseph S
Ely, Doylestown.
Butler Surgeon Wm. Irvin, But cr
Commissioner Lewis G Mitchell, Butler.
Cambrii Surgeon-John Lowmnn,
Johnstown. Commissioner Mathias S
Harr, Evensburg. J
Cameron Surgeon S Gibson, Cameron.
Commissioner Levi T Moore, Cameron.
Carbon Surgeon E II IUeber, Maueh
Chunk. Coiiuniiiioner James A Polk. I
Cluster Surgeon John B Brinton, ,
West Chester. Commissioner Francis 0
Horton, Vcs.t Chester. J
Centre" Surgeon J M McCoy, Mi'es-'
burg. Coaiujisaionor Wm. II. Blair, j
Bellefonte. !
Clarion Surgeon James Ross, Clari-'
on. Commissioner Robert P MeClay, I
Curlsvillo. '
Clinton Surgeon Wm. Rothrock, '
Florence, Commissioner L A Mackey,
Lock Haven.
Lleurjicltl Surgeon J E
-Ellii Irwin,
Bloomsburg. Berwick.
-ourgcon-i: u aarnson,
Unmusswucr-n m. .Silver
Surgeon - J T Kay, Mead-
r T.i n it
Comiumissioncr Alfred Hiede-
i ximberlund Surgeon D N
Carlisle. Commissioner Jos. W
Muhoti, t
Dauphin Surgeon W W Rutherford,
Harrisburg. Commissioner J II Biigg,
Delaware Surgeon Wra. Rowland,
Media. Commissioner Able Lodge.
Erii Surgeon Charles Urondcz, Erie
Commissioner K 15 Vincent, Eric.
Ell: Surgeon S L Vanvalzah. Com
missioner Charles Horton, Ridgeway.
Fayette Surgeon Hugh Campbell,
Uniontown. Commissioner EilUB Daw
sou. Fsank'in Surgeon A II Sense Dy,
Chauibcrsburg, Commissioner D K
Wunderlich, Chaniberfburg.
-Z'b'ejrt. Surgeon -W M'Knight Com-
Pulton Surgeon Isaac Fnylcs, Fort
Littleton. Commissioner Holand Aston,
Licking Creek.
Green Surgeon Wm. D Rodgors, Jef
ferson. Commissioner Geo. L. Wiley,
Huntingdon Surgeon J S Griffith,
1 Huntincdon.
Commissisncr J. Sewcll
O, ,. IT...
I Stewart, Huntingdon.
Indiana Surgeon R J Marshall,
Blairsville. Commissioner- I M Watt,
, . , , a ...
" ' J-Surgeon Wm.
M'Km'gbt, Brockwayvillo. Commissioner
I G Uordon, Brookvillo
Juniata Surgeon Geo. JI Graham,
Port Royal. Commissioner 12 Beuncr,
Lancaster Surgeon Dr. Lcfevcr, Lan
caster. Commissioner James L Rey
nolds, Lawrence -Surtroon -J II M Peebles.
Not Castlo.
Commissioner Jacob Hans
Now Castlo.
Lebnuon Surgeon, Samuel Bohm.
Commissioner Adam Grittinger.
Lehigh Surgeon Wm. J Romcg, AJ
leutown. Commissioner 11 J Sager, Al
lentown. Luzerne Surgeon Geo, Urquhart,
Wilkesbarre. Commissioner James P.
Dennis, Wilkosbarrc,
Lycoming jSurgcon J S Crawford,
Williainsport. 3ommissoner Charles L
. Lyon, Montoursvillo. ,
Mercer Surgeon B F Gordon. Com
missioner Thos M Reznor.
Mifflin Surgeon Thomas Vouvalrah, '
Lew'utown, Commissioner Goo
1 JewiUpwn.
Alnitrnr Niinrnnn ftrnil
1ey. . Conussioncr-Samucl fj
McCoy, Smithport
TiTn.ilnnmn-n .Siirffonn Win. f!,..
Norrjst3W?,. Commission cr-Jamcs Bovd,
Montour Surgeon Win. II Mngill,
Danville. Commissioner Geo. A Frick,
. A'orhnmp.ton Surgeon A K Greono,
Martin's Creek. Commissioner W II
Thompson, Easton.
Northumberland Surgeon Dr. Priest
ley, Northumberland. Commissioner J
Youngman, Sunbury
rbmj Surgeon, Isano Lefcvcr, Now1
Bloomfiold. Commissioner, J R Shul.-r,
New Bloomfiold.
Philadelphia City Surgeon, II it
Smith. Commisiioner, Benjamin Ger.
Phihvlelphia Cowty Surgeon, Eprm.
G Leake, Frankford. ' Commissioner, Wj
' II Allen. '
I Pike Surgeon, Vincent Emerson, Mil-'
ford. Commissioner, Jacob Klinchawsy
Mela P 0.
Potter Surgeon, 0 T Dllison, Coudtr
sport, Caiuinissiouor, F W Knox, Cou
dcrsport. ScJtuylkill Surgeon, Andrew II Hub
crstadt, Potlsvillc. CommiiiMoucr, John
P nobart.
Snyder Surgeon, P R Wagonscllcr,
Sclin.grovc. Commissioner,
isoinc'sel Surgeon, E M Kitumcl, Som
erset. Coimuissiouer, M A Samrtr,
Sullivan Surgeon W F Benjamin, Du
shore. Commissioaer, N W Ackley.
Surtjudiunna Surgeon, Calvin Ilaltcy
Montrose. Commissi' tier, B S Bontley,
'lioga Surgeon, II II Borden, Tioga
Commissioner, Josiah Emory, Wcllsboro.
Union Surgeon, Dr Lutz New Berlin,
Commissioner, Levi Rooke, Winfield.
Venango Surgeon, AI L ban, Clin
tonvillc. Commissioner, Titos. Huge,
Warren Surgeon, Commission
er, Win D Brown, Warren.
tl'ashhigton Surgeon, J R Wilson,
Washington. Commissioner, D.ivid Ai
kin, Washington.
Wayne Surgeon, 0 King. Commis
sioner, Charles .Miner.
Westmoreland Surgeon, J W Black
burn, West Newton. Cointuissiout'r,
Archibald Fletcher, Youngstown.
Wyoming Surgeon, Joseph II Lyman,
Tunkhanock. Commissioner, Nathan
Wells, Tuiikhannoi'k.
York Stii'gcon.Jamns M Shearer.York,
Commissioner, W S Rowland, York.
: Qn kSlllltaVi Aligns gist, by Thos. J.
ya-ruleoEsq., Mr. John Q. A. Knox.
MA.KEI, fO Miss Esfll.Y SlIOEHAKElt, all
f Hemlock township, (Jolmnbia counU,
At this place on the 23th of August, by
the Rey. J. A. Russel, Jamkh K. Hut'tii i:h,
to .Miss Fan.nib J., daughter of J. J. llrov,
or, Esq., of lllooius-burg.
In Burhs, Henry co., iil., 14th tilt,, by
Rev, Geo M. Morey, Mr, Lesanueh
dQiimr of Burns, Henry co., III., to
Miss RgmicoA Risiija.lajo of Light Street,
Columbia county, Pa.
At the same time and place, by tic
same, Mr. Wh-'-iam Bowejj, of Burns, to
Mrs, Mary E. Aitleuan. lato of Light
Street, Pa.
On the 28th ult., by Rev. Wm. J. Eyrr,
.Mr. GoitcE Hakti.Ein, of Mahoning
twp., Montour eo to .Miss Hakiukt Hj:i..
of Madison, Pa.
Died in Mt. Pleasant, Aug. 27lh John,
son nf Mathias Kindt, aged 12 years and
0 months.
In Greenwood on the 10th of Aug.,
Maiuiehet, wife of Joseph He icoc k,Agcd
03 years 7w. and '
Special Notices.
Er-fliOMAS W. MATTSO.V. Kcecirprl Jlio I'riis
McilnJ ftUUo World's I'nir in l.oinlon If 51, for Till. NU
('.I!l'i;T IIAOM, Hints, Mines unit limns. Cront iHilurr
merits ivrc mm- ndVrud to purchasers uf tlin nlimu aril
clou. TJiis is much tin- l.irfu.l stork f trunks, I'myci
UaKi, Valii'vu.&e.. In l'liilmkliliia very clitnp for rs.ll
No. 4U1 Market Street, one duor nlinvc 4lli, Houth side
Mimtiky IlKironMS. There is, perhaps, no ilepsrt
inept of military liusincus in nliidi theru lias b-m
core, murkeil improvement tlun in tin; clothing nf si'l
diers. Not many years since uilirsrs nnd priviuc." !'
clad in rarnionts vthirli ere. nlniiKt skin-ticlil. Tiny
wore leather stacks, which vcr worthy of tho n.ini- f"i
they kept the, wearer in tribulation ; while their padded
hrenrts and ticht sleeves mado volition n matter of gra'
diiliculty. During tho present war, such of our v'lua
leers us procure their uniforms' nt tins llrnnn K u"
(-'lotliiuii lliillof ltockhilt ic Wilsnn, Kos. IW3 mid iM
t.'heslnut street, above Uiitli t'hiladelpliia, obtain do
thin; that is perfectly easy, subitantiul and hecotnnil'.
The firm named ham gone, largely into tho businvM "'
mailing Military I'lolliiug, and their facilities uuMs
them to fill tlio largest ordor in tho shortest poMiMs
time, si. ism
Uniformity of Prices I A New IViituroiit lliimnrsi
Every one hi own Halesmanl JONES & V4). of Mil
('resent Ono Price Clothing Morn, No. SOI Mwkfjtrce
nbnoBitli, l'lilladclphia.
In addition to having tho largest, mst varied m"
r.ifhiouahle stock of Clothing jo Philadelphia, made
' i",,l,,fn' "-''"'i iie..l)vo consuimed every on m
t i imvii Hiuuviiiiiiis in (iiuyiHK iiinr ki;u 111 niziirrH. nil earn
tirle at tho'very lnwuit price it ran bo sold for so ll" T
cannot posuiy ynry nit must tiny Mike,
Tim gnod,se well sponged and prepared, and sr"
paiust.ikcH with the ninklnj sn that nil enn buy vvlthtli
full arsuranre of getting a good arllclu ntlho very loo
est rvricu. AUo, a large'ttock nf piece goods ou hand.'!
iVlateat style and best qualities, which will be mad
.tv order. In tc mnit fuiiiloniiblo and best manne.ri U
per cent., below credit pricss.
UemcinhoMhe Crescent, iu Market, abrrvs Bisth Ftn eJ
No. 501. JTJN'ES is f'
J7 A B U I O N A B li cTlToT'n'l l 9
Tim md.ratahlished
at tbo snut,V,vest corner of
Is now prepared with a
rui.i, Hroci oy FAsiijnxAni.E iieauv mo
at prices which c,bnlicuge competition.
I'artlcvlar attcnwnn given to Cunnmer Werk, ,0"itrl
Uniforms, also Home (iuarsV Hulls, tr.
Bouthwest enrnsrof
TETER H, I.EVIUKi.I'roprletnr
lUK 10? 'May'l., URJWm.'.