Farmer's Department. U.s& I V i 1 l .Xk.l XI V - .'ICj '""Si2 ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLB. Spa'ftBig -ows sg-SES At Fritz's Store, ORANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., 1A V1i. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. I'i'nusitno nv d, appleto & co, 413 uwiA llj JJrocuhcaif New i'ork. The following vtorksnrri scnllos ub'crll-crs Innnypnr ' i pi in ri i.iii price,) i.y man or AN OYCLOPA!DlAt A tinnutiir Dlctlonnry of fiencriil Knowledge. Edited l.y ilioiu.n Ulrt.KT Hill! - ItXnt.M ,X. 1IANX. nlilOU ll)' II llll IIIC rll A HI1" let forps of writer-In till lirniielirn nt Pclcnrics. Art nml Literature. This work Is being published In nl.nul 15 Inrgo i.itnvo volumes, '.nil rout ilnlnn ".'() two colmti pngos. Vols, It" Mil Inclusive, nro now rontty.oach I 'J uio untlorsigncd Ims just received a viiiii m in- puiiii-in n tmco m uttout ttircc iimniiiii ( large nml scicii nssnrtmeni nt cnoico r"i r l n jl nun rrien, in , hum. ij.i , rni-i-p,, ,i j, nan .nor., 31, nun RiimniM Cnnils. H Hill Im sold Mipiiti Tur rush ir ttllssl:!. fll otleorll, country produce. Ills stork consists of Indies Dress The New Aim-ricnn Cvrlopx.lla Is popular wllhoutscc The ArrtK Gnors. From present in dications tlio applo crops in Eastcnn Pcnn sylvania gonncrally, will bo quito large this season. In many places which wo liavo noticed trees aro loaded down with fruit that hcrctoforo have been very sparse bearers, in fact hardly worth orchard room, Tho probability of a largo crop of applos at homo will bo good news to our citizens, who have heretofore depended mainly for their supply upon dealers who brought thom from Western Now York or tho Now England States. C" IIlackheriiy Cordial. This ex cellent cure all, for abdominal commotions is thus made : Two quarts of blackberry juice ; One pound of loaf sugar ; A quarter of an ounce of cloves; Half an ounce of nutmeg ; Half an ounce of cinnamon ; Half an ounce of allspice ; U oil it nil fifteen minutes. When cold add a pint of brandy. C" To Make Superior Vinegar and Pickles. The following receipt was communicated by Thomas Armor to tho Scientific American. Our readers who desire a good and wholesome article would do well to preserve tho directions here given : To oin gallon of soft water add a pint sugar or sorghum molasscs.stir all well, and then add nearly a gallon of fresh ripe tomatoes. Let them stand two or throe days and you will have the sourest pickles you ever tasted and the best vinegar. R3?" A gentleman who has experienced with Kerosene oil, in . destroying tho worms which infest and destroy currant .and gooseberry bushes, found it perfect antidote for the pest which has created 'such groat damage. Hy putting a small quantity of Kerosene into a sprinkling pot and showoring the bushes the worms instantly fall to tho ground and do not revive. Less than a gill of Kerosene was used in the experiment, and at least five hundred worms wcrc.placcd hors ilu corn eal. Bcnxonc would probably act more effectually upon the verminc without in juring the bush teyToSTOP Kleedinu on Man ou HeAst. Asa Kemper, Ross county, Ohio, writes to the American Agriculturist that bleeding from a wound on man or beast may bo stopped by a mixture of wheat flour and common salt, in equal parts, bound on with a cloth. If the bleeding be profuse, use a large quantity, say from one to three pints. It may bo left for hours, or even days, if necessary. In this manner ho saved the life of a horse which was blending from a wounded artery; the bleeding ceased in five minutes after ap plication. It was left on three days, when it worked loose, was easily removed from the wound, which very soon healed, floods, choices! styles mid latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINTS FROM 7 TO 12i cts A YARD. Cassimcrs, Satinets. Cotton"des, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, fyc. HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quccnswnro, Ccdcrware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, kc. BOOTS k SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short et-ctvtlilng usua'lv kept in n country store. The patronage of old trends, nntl tliepuMic centrally, is solicited. .May a, lsu2. WIM.TAM FRITZ, CASH LOW PRICES RULE! S- Ei.r-i:rtnuur.Y Wise. As the sea ron for making clderborry wine is close at hand, we give the following recipe for making it: The berries, when ripe, are first picked by tho stems, then stripped with the hand, or trimmed close with shears. Next, they arc mashed fine, which can bo done by a slick in the form of a pestle. Let them remain until the next day.whcn the juice is slowly pressed out in a cheese press, or any other conve nient way. Next boil the juico twenty minutes, skim it, and add four pounds of white sugar to a gallon ; when milk-warm add a small peice of white bread crust, that has been dripped in yeast. Let it stand threo days, remove the crust, and the wine is ready for bottling. Age im proves it. rSr Tomatoes. This is one of the most healthful as well as the most uni versally liked of all vegetables; its heal thy qualities do not depend on tho mode preparation for the tablo ; it may be eaten thrice a dav, cold or hot, cooked or raw, l unll nr vinnirni' nmllnnmllinr ly. Is rcslHClllllly solicited atonum 0., 0 ! Tilc,ji,e.tinarkttprico paid for country produce. to like advantage, ana to the utmost mat ,.islll BlrerttMliy 3, ieca bo taken witn an appetite, its At t'rpiisy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. PI It ST OP THE SEASON! FIRST TO ALL KINDS OF GOODS! A SJfifSTOGKI D E S I It A B L E S T Y L E S AND THE nEAUTY OF IT AM, 18 WU OA N AND WIM. SUM. AT I Mi W PRICE S, CALICOES, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAMS, PLANNELS, CAltPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Pioatly-Mado Clothing. vSugars, Molasses, byrupa, Uotlccs, Teas, Pish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sirpars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paint?, &c, &e. U'n have n large nsiortment of Black nml Taucy Silks which we nre selling nt reduced pticos Hindi Silks for Ml cjiiK worth Sl.l'-'l. nlso for SI.UO worth 81,25. We nri selling our hest prinU for I'.'i cents per ynrd thn bisl in the market, nil fast colors. A yard wide uiiblearlicd imisiin at IH cents equal to Now Marke t. Three quarter ynrd wide unhlcacliccl muslin nt cl toll) cents a yard, In addition to our larpc Stock of Dry Goods, we have n lartre ami lull nsortinent of Ready Made Clothing for Mi ll and llnyn wear which w nrc determined to sell chiapor tlnu can he nought elsewhere. Call and see, and Judge for yoursalvcs. ji. w. & CO. J.lylit Street, Ta , April 0, le02. NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring and Snmmer 9 AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ix i.iaiiT srnv.r.v, colu.wim cnuxrr, rji, HAS jiHt rec, ived from Philadelphia, and is now openinc nt the old ttuml htcy occupied by Mart. It Unt, a splendid assortment of which will be mid i heap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stock consUtsofLadies Dress Coods tiniest ayles and latcit fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Planncls, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Casbimcrcs, Satinets, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. Thread, itc. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Cedarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS Sc CAPS. In tdiort every thine usually kent in a country storo The patronage of old friends, nml the public general Ins superficial, learned hut not podnuic, comprehensive hut su.llcltnlly ill tailed, free from personal pique nml patty pri'ludltc, fresh nnd Ji tarcurntc. It Isn roinplito staleuieiit of all that Is known upon every Important top. ic with the scope nf human i n lc 1 1 1 Jin re. Uvcrv import, nut article in It has Im oii sp' Ci.illy written tor Its patfoi bv ineii who nre nuthnritles upon the toplom whlrh lliey spenk. They nre required to hriutt the subject up to the present luoni"iit to slat" Just how it stands nnf. All . the stallsliinl liiformallon Is friiui tho Intel rcpnits; Iho L'l'ocruphlcal accounts keep paid with thn latest explorii- 1 lions i historical matters Include the freshestjust view s t lie- hiouraphlcnl notices not only speak id tho dead, but nlsooftlie llvintr. II Is u library ofitself. Amiinoi'Mf.N r ir riti: Imvih iH'oniiui'! Ilelnn n lilsl"ty f the I "ti (il fliitea, fromthe nrginl.a- tinn oftlie first lo it i rnl CniiRress In lir'.l In Kill. I! Mi ni and compiled by tloii.Tiio.Mts II, Hi.nioi from the Of ficial Iti'cnnlH of Cjinnrvss. The work will bo complied In 13 royal ottawi volumes of 75(1 paces each II of Willi li aro now rwady. An nddl. tloual Mdnme will he piildlsheil unco to three mouths. Cloth. $:); l,aw Kln'ep, $.1 50; Half Mor$l; Half f'nlr fix All eaih. 1 A WAV Ol' PKOCUKIVM Till! CYCI.OIM'.III.V, Oil i lll'.IIATI'.r. i I'orm arluli of four, anil remit the price nf four book", nnd fie eiqiies will be sent at the reinllter's expense lor cnrrlaije.or for ten silb-crlbers eleven copies will be sent nt our expeu-efor carriage. TO AGENTS. N other w orks will so liberally reward the exertions nrAi'i-nts. An Aovm Wammi in this County. Tition loaile know n on nmdicntion to the i'ublishets. I Nov. SI, lc'W). PHII- VDELPHIA k ERIE R I L2R O A D. I fn n.VANH ham, noin co I, t.cssrr, i On nnd nftcr Monday May. 1th, lecj, tlmo nt Nnrlhum- berlaud Klnth 1 w 111 beu-follows 1 Isare II 'ttranl. 1 i.'mliror,. I'.rpreis II 111 A.M.I Ilipress IMilr. M1 .Mall 4 IS r,M II 10 Ul A M i Sleoiiing Cars on NIclil Trains llolli ways between Wllllninsport nml Ilalllmoro.nnd on 1 the IVntiMlv.uiia Hiillroad bctnecn llarrlsbtim and , l'hiladelplila On Mull Train In both directions a Car goes through via, I'ennsj Iviinia Hull Hon 1 without cliaiign I etweeli , riillndclphla mid I. oik Haven. HAMt'llli A. UI.ACIC, Bup't eastern llhl. lon. May21, lfCJ. t'allawissi (ail I'AS- III. t i l. I - i'A'I ION. HOCrllWMH' It M- TI'.AINS. rhll.iilelpliis Hi .. il I DM A. M. " l.xi,r " I -'-' A. M NOllI'llWAllD ItOl NI) TItAINH. r.lnilra Mall a. II I'. M Nlagra llxpress 111.1.1 1'. J I Hl$3ri WMWIMB3 r-Ti.; .' Till! iimlerslgneil is also ejtenslvrly engaged In the ITiultrlftlimr Ilinlnrau riMil I. ,.,., a .1 .ml I v mi linml ud for sale nt fiis U'uieroouis, u large assortment of FINISHED fSi COFFINS, ny which he Is enabled to nil orders on preentntion a good Horse nml Hearse, and will ut ul times bo nndy to attend I'lincrels. (5IMO.V C. SI11VI!, Illoomsbe.rg, January 2.1. 1-J0 Fire TVooi' CtTuicnl lriTe". A lot of superior l'tni: Proof Ckment, especially ndnp ted for Cementing Roofs. One gallon will cover 1110 feet of ordinary roofing, nnd Is insured proof again. t rain mid wet weather. Can ha had at manufacturers prices, by the gallon or half barrel, at the olllce'ef the Columbia Democrat. LEVI I. TATE. Illooinsburg, July IS, I01. GIBSON'S miMIP 61ASS HECOltATIVi: KSTit BMSIIMKNT, IIo. 125, Soufli Eleventh Street near Walnut, PfiEZJiAWEOlLlPMil, Enameled Olass, I'rejco, Oil nnd Encaustic Painting John CinoN. c. II. Giesox. January 1-.', letil 3in.. 'THE UNION," Jlrch Stmt, Matt Third. PniADEMMlIA, THE situntion of this Hotel renders it one rf the most cointiii- nt for tlniM' who are visiting Pliiludelphia on business; while to those in search of pleasure, thi) constantly passing and repassing City Railway cars and those in close proximity, alford a cheap and pleas ant rido to all places of inuiest and amusement in or about the city. The proprietor gives nournnco that -The Union" shall bo kept w ith nub iharaiter as will meet public approbation, and would respectfully solicit, general pat runage. LITON NEWCO.MEU. I ehruaryC.i, lrCO-l.'n. Proprietor 1'UISII JICTII KUOTUEIIS. WHOLESAI.E T 0 B A 0 0 0 1) E A L E 11 f IVU. 105, NORTH TIUKD STKEET F ivc dour the low Hacc. PIIII.Anni.PIMA BLOOM8BURG SKYLIGHT, AIULESY 'pill! iiiidersigned informs tli-i cilizens of llloom. 1 ii nt' lu-ighborhood, that lie has t.iki.n the large room in tho i:ch.iugu lllork. i xiemliug oier Messrs. dinner k. I'ov's Itakcry, uml th- llnnkstore where In- lias put in a large Skyhgl t. It is only by r-kylight that good ,jc. ures can bet on especially groips where cuih jiersou an be taki -i ist as will as separate. Il lias gnu to cotiililerablo expense to make his es- nldis'imnut first class ou and ho th-refure solicits n hi rat patro ige to enable him, to coiiruntly introduce tho mode l iiiMiroxemeuts of tie1 art. E"Co'iii -y produce taken in E.xcluiuge for pictures. III. .M.I liUMi.NtSJUCK, Illooinsburg, Nov. S3 1G1. Nov. 0 V GILL k PAUL, General Coinmissioii Rlercliauts, nUALUKN IN Pish, Provisions. I'lour, Iluttcr, Cheese, Oils, Dried truns, i.rnin, .-ecus, ueans, xxiusKey, Wool, Country Produce and Mcrihaudiso generally. No. ni North Wuarvo, PniLAnrLpiiiA. 0v Consignments nf Provisions, I'lour and Country Produce solicited, and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. OIIDEIIS for all kinds of I'iIi, Provisions, I'lour, Dried Prints. at the low est Ca.-h Prices, August 1, lri;il - l.'iu. Miil.Klclphia & Reading Unit Rond. I VJNTHR A 11 HA NG EMI! N T riTInicxtilST ..,' ixt ov PAtiSEVIIEIt TltAINi?. ii.feJ-V'W Noxemlier I. lull, (Passing Heading) DowtiTln Philadelphia, at li.'.'t) uml II A M, 12 noon, and J 1" M. Up, to Pnttsx ille, nt 10.5(1 A M. and ,t. 13 P M. WEST, TO I.I.IIANON AMI IIAIlUISIlUIKi : Western Express from New York, nt 1,117 A M. Mall I'ralus, at IU,.V A M, uml .1 l'i P M. Ou Sundays, the lioun A M Train passing Heading, lit 11,'Jtl A M, and l'p Train, at A,."iT P M. Iloth III..V) A M nnd A. 13 P M, up Trains connect nt Port i 'lliiton for Tuiuaqiia, Wllllnmsport l'dmira, Hull' alo, Niagara and Canada. The iu,-"iil A JI, Train only connects at Tort Clinton for Wilkesbatro, fcrautoti and Plttston, The Western Express Trains lonnert nt Hnrriburg Willi Express Trains ou the Pennsylvania Hiillroad for nitsliurg, and all points West . and the Mail Trains auuect at llarrisburg for I.anrastcr, lliainbershurg, Stilmry, WUliauisport, Lock Haven, J'.lmirn and the Canndas, Through l'lrst.Clas Coupon Tickets, nnd Emigrant Tickets at reduced Pares, to all the principal points in the North nnd West, and the Canad.f. COMMUTATION TICKETS, With till Coupon-, 23 percent discount, between any points desired. MII.EARE TICKETri, Onnd,for I'lOO miles, between nil points, ntSIjfor Families nnd llusiuess Plrni, uml Saiion Titktts, good for the holder only, for three months, in any Passriiui-r train to Philadelphia, at S 11) each, fchool Season Tills els onctliird less. Passengers will take the ExpressTrnin West, at the UPl'I'.lt DEPOT, and all ulher Trains, utthu LOW ER DEPOI'. ell lbs of baggaco allowec each passenger 0" I'n-sengcrs nro requested to purchase their Tick ets before entering tho tars, as higher Pares charged if paid in cars. Up trains len"e niiiladclphiafor Heading llnrrlsburg nnd Potlsville at 6 A M, U,15 P M, ami at d,30 P M, for Heading only. 7- Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by l',,(l2 A, M. Accommodation Train to Pliilai'clphi.i and retain at &.! ft) each. (J. A. NICOI.l.S, Ocuera Superintendent. J Miliary 4, 18C3. Lackatvatiiiit i!c lilnonisbiirg Railroad ON AND Al'TI'P. NOVEM.2.1, ISGI, PASSENGER TltAlNri W1I.I, RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING HO U TIL 0 It IT T E N D E N ' S l'IIIL,1IKMMil,V (OMillKllCIAL. COLLEGE, N. E. comer of 1th and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tim Institution, w hlrh xvas ttlnUhhti in 1P4 1, nnd Is now consi'ipiclilly In lho rtghlttnth titer of its ex st Mice, numbers among Its graduates, hundreds of lho niostsiircossl'iil -Menlianls 'iml Husliusa Men or our Country, TnnOoiFcr of the Inslltullon Is solely o afford young men facllitles'for thorough preparation fur Inislnsss, Tim: llnANi ims -rsfiiHT nro, llveh-hcriitiig, ns applica ble tollie various deparlnienls of tradej Vtnmansliip, bolhplaliiiiiidoriinmul,il! Cummeretat law, .Vitlhe vintiei, .Ynrlratton fin' Kngincerlng, Drafting, I liotf rgarphu, and Modern lAngnvgti, TiEriv-itM ovlNsTnecrioN Is pfcullar I no c!nsos or set lessons nre made tin' nf, but each -Indent is taught Individually, so thai Ii" iniiy rniiiniencent any time, nnd ii'.tcnd at whatever hoiirsnro most convenient CatiIoui is nreissned iinmiiinfter the l.lth nf April c.ini-ii'lng of the students for the year, mid full pnrllciilaisoftsrins, fecund bny be olitained nt any time by ndilr'sing the Principal. In Extknsivr ArioMMonvTioss, irlde-sprctiil rrputallttn nnd th" Imeihtripcrlrtite of the Vrintljiat. this Institu tion oilers farllilles superior tunny oilier In tho n - try, for vnmm men wishing Inprepnre for business, nnd to obtain nt the same tlmo A pii'LOMi, vliirh trill frotr a rctommnJatttixtat them them to any Mcrchuu tile House. !T7-Cat rtsnts's Scries rf Trenthn on inii. now nop! wldi lyclrculnl -d than any other xwirk oil the subject, are for sail at the College. 3. IIOlir.fl CHITTENDEN, Mornty-al'ljatt, PntNtirxL: Jan. '.'j-I?CJ 12m. To Dtttrmj Rati, Honclies.feo. lc Dtilrcii Mice, Moles, and Ants I'e Detitrct lled-llugs, . , n llei'Z Mollis I,. Fnrs.Clolhs, fcc. To Dr'troa Mo-qultocs and 1 leas, To llrtlroy Insects on Plants ami I owls. 71j llrtlrou Insert on Animals, fit To llestrot Every form uml speclei of Venn In Dlt. LA CROIX'S I'JUVATU MEDICAL TnBATWi; ON Tllj I'liyslologlcal View or Itlai rt.ig 550 PAiIE AND 130 ENIII1A VIN(;,s.. ruLNtv-nvi; ctNis. Hent freu of postnge tnni.T lho Union. On the Infirmities tit youth nu,l !' difClo-ing tnc secrti ionics ui uuiu xb tf .. tninlng ill blllly, nervousness, ,li pr, ., , tmlpit'ill'ii ofllie henrt, sulililal liiinginii,, , ',' tary emission , lilHshlngs defcitlxc lui m,',, Hon mid Inssiludc. ici(i confcithnt tf (,(, 1 f n Hoarding itteol Mtit, n Cotlige MinV young Married l.d). .ye. It Is a Iruibrm s i, Hie married nnd lhoe contemplating unit t,. lerltiln secret doubts of their physlnl tni.ii,.' who ntn lonscloiis of having hazarded the ii' plncsi.nud privileges to which every iiM,ll(l," "'VoUNH Sir.X whonre troiihleil with MfuU orally habit Hi J ouih, n,0 whlili dto illf7.1ncsi, pains, forgetrulm,.,. a tliiglnc In the ears, weak ejes, Wnikm,, r . nml Inwcr I'.xlremltles, tonruslun nfiden, r ' ory with nielniicludy.miiy he cured by tin. PAHIS AND LONDON TltEAT.MI .NT. "" Wo have, ricenlly ilexoled luiirh of (,, VIHIT1NI1 Till! El IIOPEAN IIOHPIT ,s, ' fill! sel es OI loo snuw h hi;,: nun rrsi an lii the only intallii1le iujmedim known." Dcstroycs Instantly EVUBY POllM AND SPECIES OF IV S3 NEW BUSINESS FIRM. rpIIE undcr-lnnoil resperttully inform their friends K ami the niblic generally, that lliey hat o entered in to co pnrtni'rslilp, under thn name', stylo and linn of MILLER EVEIl in the Mercantile fiSny-iiic, III the "01,1 Arcade," in Illnomshtirg, Columbia ttt where lliey Intend rnrr.xlug on th business nf orsii ml, Mi uiiitMitiNO, in all lis dlversllled bratu lies and depart.nenis. nndtn which lliey Invito an exti-nsion of i 1 1,0 public patronage. P. H VILLI!!!. I'HED'ICC. EVER liloonisburg, May 1 1, HCl.-tf. j '111! Propru lor of I his well. known nnd centrally Inr i ten House, in.' i.xiuxriK nniii., siiiriu- on ,,int Slreel, ill lllonmsbiiig, inimedinlely -pnoslte tile I'oluin 1,1,1 County Court House, respectfully Informs his frii'iido nnd the public In general, that his Home is now in or ' iler for the reception iimlenti-rlniiimi nt of travelers w In, i may f.-el ill-posed to lav oi it with their custom, lie has spared no expense In prcpnnng the Exi iixmie, for the cntcrtaiiiiiient of Ills guests, nvillii-r shall there be auv t liiim wanting (on III- pari i to minister to their personal comfort. Ills house is spacious and enjoys an excellent business loiatiou. P"" Ouinibiises run at all times betw een the Exchange 1 Hotel and the various Km! Road Depot', by wills h trav elers will be pleasantly conveyed to and from the re spective stations in due time to meet the Cir.i. WM, 11. KOONS. Illooinsburg, July 7, IrGO- Leave Hcranton, " Kingston 11 ll'oomsburg ' Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, M O V 1 N O Leavo NorthuinberlaHd, Danville, ' Rupert, Ill'iom-burg " Kingston, Arrive at fcraiiton, Vaxicnger. 5 25 A.M. G 311 8.3i e.iu II 15 10.00 N O R T II 1.30 P. M. 5.10 5.15 5.57 Will Leave 11.00 P. M, Freight e I'tlsittHger. 10.30 A.M H.I3P M 1.13 P. Ml 3.10 A Passenger Train nlsolenv es Kimrstou nt P.3 OA. JI. for r-crantou, to conned vrith train for New Vork. Re turning, leaves Scuiilon on arrival of Train from New York at 4.1.) 1'. si. The Lackawanna and Illooinsburg Railroad connects w ith the Del iwnra, Lai kawauna nnd Western Railroad at r-crantou, for New Vork mid intermediate points ent At Rupeil itconucLl-i w mi Ilia uaiinvvissuKairuud,lor , points bolh eal uml west. ' At Northuuiburlaud it connects w ith the Philadelphia ( i; Erielt. H.andN. C 11. K. for points west and south. jou, l:, sup't J C. Wells, aen'l TicUt .Ign Nov. 30, leill. I ,m7jx cat .'ansc of I &.;ri-I:UMAN MISERY. Jitst Published in n S-alcd l'.uvi lope : Price ll cts : A I.Ei"iri:i! I!V Dn. CCLVEIMVEl.l.. nv Tim CAUSE AND CI'RI! of Hperniatorrlm-a, Cnnsuniptlon, Mental and I'hysiral lielulity. Nervousness. Epih-p.y ; Imp.iireu Nutrition ofthe lludy Lusitude j W eakness of the Limbs and the llaik; Indispn-ition, aad Lira parity Tor Study and Labor ; Dullness ol Apprehension; l.o-a of Meiuory; Aversion to society; l.uve of H ill tilde ; Timidity ; S lf.lii rust : Dizziness ! Hernia' he; Airections of the Eyes i Pimples on the Face ; Involun tary Emissions, mid Pumi.iI Incapacity; tin- coiise--piences of Youthful Indiscretion. .p kr. l,"" This admirable Leilure clearls proves that tho above enumciated, nften self-alllirted, evils may be re moved n itliout medicine and w ithout dangerous surgi cal operatlons.'and sliuuld bu read by every man in the mid. r-ent under seal, to any address, inn plain, scaled envelope, on Hie receipt of nx cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. C1IAS.J.C. KLINE, 12, l.ovv cry, New York, Post Olllco llox, Wn. I uhni'iry f, l.-U'.'.J April 20, ItMl TRUNKS TltUNKS! 1 iOMtf? PE'J'ER ENT. Store Kcmoved, WHOLESALE AND HETAIL IM and Cap Store. The undersigned :espectfully inrorms''tho cltlrens of Illooinsburg, nnd the public in general, that he has re moved the XKir JUT tiTOUK, into the house, nn Main Street, nearly oppnsim his late stand, where he has just reruved u tplcndid assortinent of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Manufactories, of all kinds, styles, sorts unit sizes, lutesi fashions, vvhiili JicnlPri wholesale and retail, at very low prices. r?TheBe floods will bo 80ldnt very lovvprices lor JOHN K filRTON. I Illooinsburg, April 19, llf2, i Bisol's Old Stand, W. WIRT ESQ. NOW ocennies the room tin stairs in front in Jlr. Unaiigst's brick building, on Main Street In-low the I American House. A most convenient otlico ; where he will lei luppy nt all times to see his friends and i Rents. I Uiounihuurg, rov. u, inn. .im. j PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. ''111! subcrlhl,r would inform his friends, that li is I now piepared to)uitup, on short notice, uml in a Bcicutilie manner, tin- best l P..1TI.VI FUl.VTliP .IOIITX1XO RODS, nt 121 cents per foot. All work wan. inted. i E. II. I11DLEMAN. j Illooinsburg, Jlay 21, lr-U). I riMll! undersigned, having n,ened u new HOOT AND ' J HIICi; SHOP, on M:inslreel. in ill -. East llloouisb'irg, respei tfull iuvitei. tli-- custom of lie- till zeus nod the public generally. Alt kinds of lloois, Shoes, ,tc , w ill be promptly made to order, on short, notice n'ld modi rale terms. From I .og Aptrience m Ins hue of bu-iuessh tlatl r hims If t at he will bo I able m give general satisfaction to .. '1 who may favor t liim with their tustom. Vy Cr.iiu. Prov ision mid Produce generally taken in exchange for work. t H. r. HHOOKS. Illooiuslmrg,JulyU,leni-3in. j XV ilf2T EELBJ 82 BEAT, S. E. corner Third and Dor; St reels, P111LADELPA1A. Hats made to order, of any Btyle or Quality at Short Notice. January 4. leCJ. Cm. Nos. !), 11, IS, 15, 1" Courtlmult Street, NEAR llHOADWAY, NKW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of the llusi uess Coiuiiiiinily lias been recently relltted, uud Isroui plete in overthing Ihat can minister to I lie comforts of its patrons Ladies and families lire specially and care fully providid for. It is centrally located in lho bu- im-ss part oftlie city, and is contiguous to the principal lines of steamboats, cars, niiiiiihiuses ferries, A.e. In cnuserpieut'O of the pressure caused by the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar a' d 1'ijty Cents per Dai. 'lho table Is amply supplied with all the luxuries nf the season, mid is equal tu that of any other hotel in the country. Ample accommodations aro oft-red for upward of ICO Sllests. LV Du not Ir-lievu runners. hackmen, and other may say "llio cetera Hotel is lull.'' I). I). WINCHESTER, Proprietor, TIIOS. D. WINCJIHisTEK. Feb. 15. lefts!. r"riIE largest, best handfom .1 est and cheapest ussoit nient of Sole Leather solid Hivcied Tr.ivelnii: Trunks. ladirt' Howcl S l)ra Trunk Children's Cunt lies, Prop, -lers Le.illii-i-and Carpet Hags Packing Trunks &c.. &c, a TIin.MAS W MATTFON'S. Ci lcbrale.l London Prize .Medal improved sheet spnn" soln sold Leather Trunk maniir.irlorv. Nn. 40J Jinrka ttreci, Soutli west coiner Fourth mid Market, Pliil.ul'a. August d If'57 tf. iv'I KOIjLOCK'S l)AM!:iilOX (OPFKK. This preparation, made from the brt Java Coilue, is r.-cninniendedby physlciansa- a mpeiinr M'TUITHIL'H lli; EH ACE lor Ceneral Debility, Djspepsia, nnd all billions disorders. Thousands who have b-fu compell. .il to abaudiiu Hr, use of coll'-e will u-e this witlioiil in jurious ell'ects. fine call cnnl.tiiis the strength of two pounds of odlinury coifee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVA IN, The purest and best IIAKI'.C POWDER known, fur making light, sweet mid nutritious llrcad mid cakes. Price 15 cents M AM'FAI 1 1'llKn SV M. II . KOLI.OUK. Chemist, Oorner of Hmad and Chestnut Sire, PHIL MIEI.PIIIA, And sold by all nrugyist and Grocers. Mart h 1m:2.-12iii. A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND ii. lETLEMEN.-Tho siih-ruber will send (free ol charge! to all who desire it, the lieupe mid direi lions for milking u simple Vegetable ll.ilni, vv ill, in from two tu eight days, remove Pimples, lilutehes. Tan. 1 rerkles, Sallow nes, and a'l impurities mid rmiphness ofllie skin, leaving Hie same -us Naiiiio jiitniiiled it shodld be- Mill, clear, smooth nnd beautiful. Thnsu desiring the Hciipe, with foil in-trnrtinn,. direclimis, nnd adviie, will please call ou nr a Idiess i Willi r, turn Pstago,) TIIOS. P. CIIAIM1AN, .- , . 1'raetnalVicnnsl. Jlny 1,, IPf,2-2ui. Kit ilro.idwny. New York, VLtXvAx-; can VB'iiAairj vrv'i'Tni.i hcnlthful quality arises from its alight cohV,vmZs nniditV. in tll'lS makinff it as valuable per- In lho Court of Coinmon Pleas of Columbia toun- .iuiuisj , p i j nforesaid, fnfrr aiij, it is thus coiilaiued ; linns as berries, elicrrics eiirraius, antli iienjnniiu unhm i No.s.ijinyTerm.i.ven. ' . . i ion r-j "... w rvv -t 1 VI r"IMIEiihcrlbcr has received his PPHINO STOCK or x tiouus, wincii no on rs at lair nrlce. To Hut , . i , , l . -.- iuiiiuiii i.aiuii,is, .nuiiey paiu similar articles ; It IS also IllUlllV llUtl'ltl- JohnP J,uvannml flntu Court, and now to wit: which . , . i .i t i I William iJnodman. J JlayH, leiis!, on motion of .Mr. ettrn l OUS, bllt its tendency to Keep tllC DOWClS Hurley theCourt rippointed John fi. Freeze, Es j, im- Tlmr ter .Makers, he would say, bring It fresh mid vvu will pay an extra price, ns ,ve have a contrail nt l''Uii,TltJiHS JlU.NliUli. i must be fulfilled, nnd wo can nllord to nay nn once, vvn uavo ciiangeu our i.xpress nay to uay. rcrsons Having goou vent mm calves, wi , , , l l. . ; uiiim. ,u muivti uisiriuuiii'ii iu uio loouey raisi'ti ou llio mviii jh uji i, (.uiivbuu j tt viiiuj w. uauj uu i iiurs free, OWlllg to tllO seeds Wllien ll contains, ,alu of tho Real Hslato of John P. Lcvan on the above day morning , . i :.;,,,- ,t, 1 two writs of Vend. Exponas. Uviiie Cuvht. i N. SIcCAY. tlieV acting as mCClianical irritants lO tlie CerliriudfrouithoUccurdsMayir,. lrOsl Jerseytown, May 17, lFra-3t. - - - . . .... , wnn i-X'l'lll.' l. I i llC tflllia- IV r Xlii'inn. F. EVEm'.r. llsnuiv. V X HI 11 II V A fl 11 I T IITT I " ' ilil 1 li J IX IX U U L II U 1 11 I inner coating of tho bowels to season ends with tho (rost. If the vines are pulled up before frost comes, All persons interested vv ill tako notice that lho under- ioni.,1 nnnninied auditor, by III" Court of Common . .11 nniM.i..l 1 p Pi.isnr coiuiuuia coiiuiy, in iiiiiKo oisiriuiiiiou in hid and aro llling lip in a well VentllatCll COl- lnol.y rascd by tho sale of the Ileal Estate of JohuP. WARRANTED NOV EXPL0S1VEI and eiunl to any KERtlSENE. WHY bun nn oxploslvu Oil, when a few cents morn per gallon will you with a perfect Oil ( Made only by TA.SAI.T MANL'FACTUP.INl! COMPANY, No. 137 Walnut Stiect, PHILADELPHIA. who a3 national mm, (Late Whlto Swan,) JIACE STliEET, AJIOVU THIRD 1'1UI.AI)I3L1'I1IA. D. C. SIEGKISUy PnorniF.TOR. Formerly fiom Eagle Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. IUIOAD3, Ciebk, Jlurih s!'J, Ieljs!-lS!inL NKW MILLINERY GOODS. THE undersigned would most icspcctfully announce to the citizens of lllooiushiirg and x iciiiily, thill i ho hasjutt received from the Eastern Cilieshe SfJi.JJ.l-r ilU OUi'i'lfJ J CiS-ld HINfUIAJITON, N. Y. An hiUitution to qualify Z""o men for Jftl.SllltSS. T W LOWELL. Priucip-il. Professor of die s- iencc I J at Accounts, author of l.nvvi d's Tr, alios upon Hook Keeping, mid Diagiaius illustrtiiic Ihe same -I NO. RANKIN ComiuereiH Atcouulaut, Prolessorof Hooklieeiuu" and Praitual Maibemalics. A J. WARNEII, Professor ol Priutical and Oinmicn tal Penmanship, (.oinun.rcial Cakul.itlons and Cones poiiilence. 'j.'m'.M.VJ'v As'tf "I Teacher in Penninanship. J S. 1 UI.IIS, Assistiiiitieachcr m lluokkeiiung Do partment. 1 b 1. 1: or v nr. its. lion, DANIELS DICKINSON, LL. I)., Lectuier on Commercial Law and Point, a I Economy. """"" on Hon. HANSOVI 11AI t'OXI.on Coulracts, Promissory Notesand llillsof Exchangu. " ltov. Dr. E. ANDREWS, on Commercial Ethics, Students ran enter ntnny lime; novncalinn. Cradu. rites are presented w ith am legantly encraved Diploma. 1 .mil time reuuired tocoinplelufiilCoiniiierci.ilioursc from eight to tvvelvu weeks. Every student is gradua ed to Im coinpetentto take charge of the b.,oks of liny si' T" '' "" 'lualir"?'1 "' ''"ni n srlarr fioiu $f00 to i V I'-iHicre.i to era. Iliad's ill X aintiig situations. Hoard &J.II0 to rjiitl V-r week 1 or particulars sendfor Circular, niuloiiig Miiiin LOWELL k. IV RNElt. Address May 3 leii.'-lQm JI I L 1. 1 N A K Y 0 0 0 0 . ... ,.r . ,,.! , ,:ii ,,,.,:; , i.evan. by virtue oi tun nuovu siu.uu iiiuiuooi i.spo- lar With "I.OVO ApplO Will COntlllO n- J i'm ;,,., t lho Recorder's Office, in lllooinsburir. neninir until Christmas. The cellar should I ""J" 'L''r'1 oW. i,"i'y not bo too dry nor too warm, the kno..- ' B i,XNSYLYANIA IIOTEL,"" Wge of this tay bo improved to great , com,.,g nns a. fkeeze, mi, 1 nmE om M practical advantage for the benefit of many Biwmiburr. Jun. . iso.-i ,.ntclUimucnt f0r Mon aiwJ ,lea, m good ,tv,8 who aro invalids and who are found of DLA.NKS I BLANKS ! I uuVrubs k"b avacd. p,cr,ior. ilie tomato. Hall's Journal of Health. Of cvory description, for salts at this office. Danviiu, April is, iej, 25 nrl of which she is prepared to makvv vu-i ttasoiiablc lo vv figure. Iler afi)rtm0 crcy nltle supciior i 11 mint nf durability n liess, touiiyoil'cri d inthis section. She returns thanks for the liberal patronagckhe has received, uml rcsneit fully solicits a coiitiuuaiic of the suiue. m..,n,b.MSl.l602. lltKU!Y. JONAS BROOK t BRO'S PHIZK illDAIi Sl'OOL COTTON. 200 lc 000 yds. White, Rlaok, & Colored This Thread being mado particularly for Hewing Mr chines, is very Slrons, Smooth and Elastic, lis NOTICE. "jVroTioE is hereby given, that tho under- l;- ! ji is iMiircu i,.e roiiowing named property in charge ol S.unuul Mnrr, ol Scott towiibhii., Columbia county, during his pleasure, vU: ' ' Cow, Pig, Cook Hove, Cloik, two Reds nnd Redding, ; Cooking Uensils, Ttibbs nml Chairs, Corner Cupboard Kitchen Cupboard, and one bureau, Willi which nil o.rl stilts nr., li.r.tiilil,... I ri ,,,... I. ... i.,,...,- .... . ' ,hn t-.ll'. ni i ""mere, on i.ania or Mt.y8l.ieo-J.3l." H-WU.KINS strength is not impaired by vvnsliliig, nor by friction o the needle. For .Machines, use Urooks' Patent Clacc. Por upper thread, and Erooks' Patent Six Cord, Red Tirkul, For Under thread. TTOWAltT) ASSnfiTA'FTnv ii.!i-.x - v.v .uu , i ii ii nu SI elphla-for lho Relief of tho tick and Distressed nlllllleil Willi Virulent , 'U.,1 III.,...,. i ... peilnlly lliseases of Ihe Sexual Organs. ' Medical Adxice given (irutisby tin, Acting Hurecnn ' Valuable REPORTS ou SPIillJIATOlfRlllEA or I PEM IN U. WEAKNESS, nnd other Dimmsi s ,!f t,e Sev the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelope!,, rrc, of charge. Address ' Dr. J. SKII.I.IV IIOI'OIITOV. Howard Association, April 3, l2m,."," S"CU' MMpi. IM. Those Preparations (unllko all utters) nro "Free from Poisons." Not dangerous to the human family." "Rxlsdoiiul die ou the premises." "They come outoftbeir holes to die." "Tiny are Ihe only infalliable remedies known." "Ii venrs and more e-taldl-licd In New Vork City." thed bu the City Post Olluc. Vsrd bu the City Prisons nnd station IIoosss. f,.fi by the City Sleainnrs. Ships, &lc. I'ted by tho City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, &e, Uud by the City llotels-'Astor'-'St. Nltholas.'isC. Vsrd by the Hoarding llniie, Kt. etc. Uud by more than ,V)U,(IOO Privnle Families. ty See mie or two Specimens nf wh it is everywhere said by the pmplo- Editors Dealers, &e. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with vermin mod be so no longer, if they use "Cosrsn's" Exterminators. We We have used il to our satisfaction, nnd If a box costs 5,5 we vv otild have it. Wo hav e tried poisons, but Ih'y I'lPt-cied nothing; but "C.m vii's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches, and lled-llugs, 'til. k erlban we ran write It. It is ni great demand all over the country. -.Viiinn (' (laicttc. .MORE CHAIN and provisions nre destroyd annually in firntit County by vermin, than would pay for Ions ef this Hat mid In-ect Killer. Lancaster I (I'm. I Herald IIENHV II. Cl ISTAR-We are selling jour prepara tions rapidly. Wlr rever they Invo been used, Huts .Mice, Hoacites ami xcruilu disappear rapidly EcKLafc Siofii'tit, Druggitls, Windsor, Mil. "CosiarV Eat Reach, &c. EiUrmlnatorj Costar's" 'Cottar's" Ecd-Ilu; Bztcrininator. 'Costar's" "Oostar'a" Xlcctric Powder, for Insects, dc, lH M.-.ollc. AM, SI, till lluXIS, l',l I 1 1 Ul Ah 0 El.A.KS, J3 & $.'i Sues for Plautiilioiis, Shijis, Houts, Hotels, fee he. C A UTI ON '1 ! To prevent the public from being im posed upon by tywrwis nml Highly I'mitcittus' Imitations a new label has been preparing bearing a fanimile of tin- Proprietor's signature, l.xiiniinu earh box, Imtilu, nrlN-k carefully before purchasinj, and lake nothing, but "COsT.UFS." skilled Pli) si linns nnd Surgeons in Eum,,,,, . ," tlnent. 'i ho-o Willi place Iheinsf Ives ,.r '" will now bine Ihe full beiieilt i.rihe many vi . EFFICACIOUS HEMEDII wliKh we are inttodiiii! Intu our piuitlce, and the mil,!. . surcdiiftli" sune zeal, ussidiuly SECRI.i linn being paid In Ihelrcnses, xvlilti, has , , ty.llstliiuul-hcd us herelofnre. n iiPbt. PF.CULIAH ileparlnieiit of professional i'riU."" pail lirenty-fte years, Fni M il FtM vi.k Pii.i.s. Ladles vv hn vv Mi r ,. the elllcacy of which has been ic t"d n ,lM ' cases, nnd never I tiled t,'i efh-cl rpei ily , , , ' auv bad reiills,w ill Use none but Dr. D. I.m,, , . . Pe'rindlral PUN. The only Prermitlon n, ,. 1 serve l. ladles should not lake them If tii.Th' sou to In lieve they are In cettaiit tiluuti'.u, ulars of wlilch will he found on tho tvruppsr iij lug each box.) though nlvvnys safe ami i,., gently yet somtlve are they. " Price SI per bn.x. They inn be mallei tiit,, Ihe United Slates or Caiiadn. ' TO THE LADIES-Who lined a csnfdenihi , ndvlser wilh regard tn any nf those hit r tm plaints to which Ihelr delirnle nrguiil.,ii,, , them liable, lire i.arllcnlarly Invited to ioi..,i, 'l'UK"Ei.ttiKo Oii.vaxio PnorKciivr.." i-, .' ladles whose h 'iilth will not admit, or who Int. lro to Im reuse their families, may he obtain, .i It Is n perferlly suf; prcv 1 nllvo to,,,, been eitenslvi ly used during the latt a. red ii ce .id to SHI. ' I ho Si'crcts of Yoirih L'uvcilfr JI Treatise on the fume of rrimature In inn warning, .ml published a book thonug i, progress and prcralener among nehoolx, Utfi v female of this falvl habit, painting out the jm , inrariably attend its victims, and,, progress of the illscate.from the eommcneimtsti. It trill be sent by Malt on rcreipt of tiro .1 1 cr,i IC" Attendance daily, fri in h In the iiu.ri.,,., night, and 011 Sundays from a Hit 5 r .Medicines vv ith full direi Hons -cut tn nn t f ,. United Slates or l'niiarfi.8, by patients,, their syinploms by Irjlti-r. llusiuess lorr.-n, strictly coulideiitlal. '' C7-Dr. I.'s Ollice is strll located ns e,t,il,i, ,1,,,, the name of DR, LA No. 31 Jlalden I, banv, N. V. Nov. S3 li'in, FRESH A lilt 1 VAL OF - FOR SPillM! AND Sill. THE undersigned, grateful C.r pnst pntrnriat, , fully informs hlcustuiue?s mid the pul.i,;,, that hi-h.Kjitsl received from tho Easterne e largest and most select stock of SPRING AND SUMMER has yjt been opened in P.lonuiibiirg t. invites the altentioii of his friends, mid ni.,,, .li.MLnv nr., ,...'..r...l C... block comprises a lurge nssorlmoiit of I.C.Vl'I.UMC.VH WEAHINfl APPASn, Cousifting nt Fashion vm 1 Diil-.s Coats, of t., criptinn; P.iuts, r-ts, Shirts. Cravats Sluts, Handkerchiefs, (.'loves, Suspenders, ic. GOLD WATCHES JEWELHY, Of every doscripiiou, line and cheap. N. II. -Remend.--r " hiicenbrrg's Vhias ram cull slid see. No charge for cxmiiing f; DAVID I,OUI Hloiuusbiirg, Jlnrcli US, Pfs!, (iU4i BAKERY k COFHCTIONAIU K7 Sold KrrryHh'rchy All Ulioles.ilc Druggists in tho Ijrgecilios. s-oii.e ul ihe H iiolcs.'ilc Aireiit.s ii: bvw Vm-ii niv " " .... .iioiuits oi t;. llnrrnl, Hisley Kltiluu Hush, (,'ale k R.ibiiison M W.ird.Clo..- ,t Ci, MrKissi.11 it Rol.biiis 1) ri llarnes i Cu I' C Wells tc Co I.iuei.,,.xlurli & Cardncr Hull, Dixon A: Co I -,r:,.l I',., AND Onil.lliJ. rii!l,u!."liilil.'i lo T v.."Jn & I Hubert Shoemaker .x- f.r, 11 A 1 k &. Co I FreiKh, Richards A. Co 11 A I'nhucfti.olt, n.,11 (.-,, A II ,t D &Co Whe. I, r & Hart Jam. s rf Aspiinvnll. .Morgan 4 Allen Hull, iliickel Co 1 nomas 1 ulL-r f 11 urvis AND OTllERd. AND !$Y Druggists, Crorers, Riurekeeiers and Hrtnilcrs general ly 111 all Country Towns Villages in Ihe AT BLOOAiSBUUGaM SOLD BY mioLF.sjir.ii 1 1 r.irt. rrlm iinilrsslgnod coiitinun hid HV.rr sn.1 ' I lionaryup Main Siren, Ejcluiige nuili...(( he keep- FR EMI I) RE A D, PIE S A A7j C: COIlslatltlV Oil hand. Psrl.Pd c.i,,,lla,l uilh.k. ; era I terms. ri" All tinds nfl'mlt, Vegetables. I'rovmm daily recti t ml from the Cities good and Ir. li Ice Li'am pupated at .'II its. )( Small beer, Candies, Nuts of all kinds. 4c t ml.-. , . H SI 11I Hllooniiburg, June s!I, IPE5 . PJEWY0RK MEDICAL IN A benevolent Iiutitiiiinu i inlowi d fur Hi" Chronic Discuses i.l'every iiiiture. 1111,1 to pmt, lids I. om .ii,u k advertisers and impo-t.i- V g.-s i-xc-pt for vieilHioe m mred. nu.i 111 r. treuif povetty lre,itl,ltll free. N'n Mill, l.ds ous Drugs iis--d. The I'lij fuiiuis have b.1.1 1, 1 . Ieniv.-exp. ri. nro both in private mid lb -" tice. The loll.ivv iiigi-resouiu of th. eotepi , ' ntlei.tion is tiven. All .in. 11 TI1ro.1l Lungs. Heart S'onuch. Liver. K, 1 Hheuinalisni. Fits. Ciincir. Piles, Nervi.u His. uses ofllie Organ'", Seminal IV ..., polente and Virulent linens a ofcv.-.y ly cured Die.ises of Feinnles mid nil Irr-. siiciessfnllv treated. Illimlue s ,.,..1 H.-.l.i without painful operations. Patients ire t. . by sending 11 stat. mem of ihejr cas' . Mi. any part ofthn coiintrj. Consultation fre. 1 Addrc.'S, M.iuip enclosed, DR. I. CHAVI H, Censiiltiu; I'hjn WW Ilruudvvay, e t i April S, leT.s-lSui. H. C. IIOWER. sum; E 0 j t) I! K T I S T l!ESPECTFI LLV.,n'e,s tn 1" ' the Indies nnd e, .11 mid vn inity lie " "" ..',,.',,,,,,,,.,...'. . .i,,i. - 'c the line of hi- pioien,,n, ). i,r,ni, , nun . 1 .....iu en porcelain teeth , whi.ii will In n' gold, pl.itiua, silver and rubber bate, mlnek m" the naliiral leeth. .Mineral nbitu and hlnrlr .,,..1, ,. ,,,,,r,riiir ,1 1 I I'per.itions on teeth, carefully nil,! propeil, " 1 .,uiBuuig, i n., .vugust ;i, it-bl. CIGARS ,t TOBACCO. A large assortment rf , i,,,,, Cigars. T'ln ' I nuts, Coiifeitiuuery nud Nt lions g. urn or vviihiiliill n,i of HATS mid I APS h.iiiil ami fr salu chtnp, ut Hm riuiiasliuig U Einpuriuui." k JOHN h ' Hoonitbiirg, .March 111, lltn. VCilzS. " ' s it. 1 il T V? 'Hooiiburg 1111 . " lo attend to all G. M. Oagenbuch, J. R. E. P. Lutz. ' " J0L1NE k LEE, No. If., NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, REK .HAKBifltS Bold by Mspeclnblo dealer, throughout ti country.- ', v frrn r 11 'Tat n r v t c, isiij ircn ut i-Mi.ii, tiriijii-si rtim,, )y - - v j . . i ay 44 ( o . 1 epan Cotton for ('milking, Hopes Twine, Tjr. Pilch I Oakum, Illotks,nd Oars, ic. ' I Aiijil.t I, IlOO-ltin. I WM IIENHV SMITH. xJi.ji,., ., .. , 3(1 V.eeyaire.t.Nevv Yotk. NOV 0, 1ECI. Ijju- f rAd ky .he Drugg,,,,, p, ,, Ut( r"""''!' 'ri cm order ns nl.0, 0 giving reduced Prices I !.i 'r Ci""l" r,noip.,Depo,-;K COSTAR. March ,3 H. MULLIGAN. I SI POUTER OF ALL KINDS OF AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWM No. -M l North S'tond SiH AllOVK WILLOW. .PIULADEni' Nn. I", Kf)l ATTORNEY AT L Aff ULOOMIU'lia. r.i. Offlru in Court Ally, form.,ly occnplf.l 1 " , , lluck.iluw. nioninsburg, Oct. I, IStfD. rf 1IK CONFESSIONS AND K-V - lENJ'E OF A Sri'Fl'.HEH Publisli 'l ' ning, mid for the especial biuellt of ...i 'J " those vv In. sulfer with Nervous Dibilm I -ory, I reiiiniuie Deny, Jtc. ... lie, l.v ' rurnl luiiirulf hy vinijilo niriiiiii. lift r b 1 -expense-ansincoiiveiiieiicr, llii.uigh Hie .1-. etsi.i.liiines iri scribed by learned D.t"' copies iiinl,ein, 1, rthuaulhor.C I. LAW1" i.rsenp.uni, Long Island, by enclosing a p. 1 dressed euv clopc. AtldressCD UU.F.H A L. Mr-W". 1. Creeiipoml, Long N'r May IT, lff,2- "in. . LEATHER! LKATIIKK" rriinnd 'rsigncd would nnnnunce Iha'b "'"Is Hut uud Cup Emporium, ou Mm" l"' n"rc' "''""""Hincni or ililV.irent kind ol l( nno calf skins, moron n. .ted undhlncK rf xv hi, h hn will sell Jn npr Ihsn can I in this market Call tins! ixeuune them for ' ,,, , JOIIMv o" Llooinsbur;, May!!, in;;. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers