Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 23, 1862, Image 3

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1. 111
1 11'
mr 1
'Jotm 0. Freeze. Local Udltor.
Democratic Comity convention.
NOTICE li hereby Riven, tint tha Democratic KlfC
tnf III mill Tor tin- several liiirnnclni mid l.lcctlnn
nlitrlrtrf of Columbia county. "Ill meet nt their rospec
tlvo plncci of liolillns mild Elections.
On Saturday, the 'Md day of August,
ttctween tho hours nf 3 anil 7 o'clock I', M. of said day,
for the, piirpnon of ihnosliig tun l"l;ffJ f'"" '''J'
Election District, to un i t In COUNTY' CONVENTION,
at tlie Cotuti House, In Illooiusliii rs
On MoSfthy the With duy of Jt'S'il.TuZLh,
At ono oVIorlc I'. HI., of said iiny. lur llie iuiroo ni
nmklnj Hit1 usual Democratic hr suppor
ted by the Electors of Columbia niuiiiv nt tho moling
General Election, im.l Tor tlio trnnoiu tioi i,f oilier bus
iness pertaining tu thu Interests if tho Democratic
'(' W. II. JAI.'OUV, Chairman,
lltwson nm,
Brtnim Tiii'ik
MS '
Ihmn. MlllHMlY
Ji it. IIaiii.niiui it
A. J. Al.ntiuao.s
Jniw M
llcmotralic Mantling Cummlllte.
'BSS" Sadly needed A good, soaking
car It isYtatcd that thero arc about
20,000 rebel prisoners of war in tho vari
ous U. S. military prisous and depots.
JDSrTnuE. Hon. Millard Fil'moro U
reported to'jliavo said recently that "the
uboHtiouidtifiiu t ougrcss havo undone what
tho army hits done."
-J. :o:
jgr Ruvi It. J. IJiifccKiMiincir., D. D.j
tho Union Southern Patriot, has lo.-.t one
of his SousJ'who was an officer in tho reb
el camp and was hilled in battle.
U;r'rho;Ncgro Drigadc, organized by
Gou. lluuter,) at Hilton Head, South Car
olina, has proved an unmitigated failure,
and was disbanded on tho Oth inst.
SSrTilB Republican, published at Wash
ington, aud jtated to bo tho organ of tho
,1 . ... 1 . r it...
lTCtlUOUt, sayrf "IIIU larcu ui luaioung uiu
H . ,Ua !i In elinvt nlniicil mil '' 1
UniOll as lt,Wa, la,lll SllOlt, piuycil am.
Tf tlmt ! nn"wn( n-f rni-riiiU u-illtod lor
it tuat is SO, wnat aiL iceruits wanitu lur. (
.0. 1
' ' .'
r-v- Tim T.nlintinn (Inntilv Airriniillural
u, j - a--
Society has resolved to appropriate tho
tirooccds of.tho Fair to bo held this fall,
after tho expenses are paid, to tlio relict' of
' . '
sick and wounucil soldiers. 11ns is a
creditable, and patriotic resolve, woithy of
imitation in other couUics.
3f-A Rrooklyn paper says a lady pur
chased an 'article in Fulton street, tho
Other day " whcil sll-i received the following
changb for a one dollor bill : Ferry ticket,
sbinplastor, , counterfeit penny, ear ticket,
milk ticket, butchers . 0. U., grocer's I. '
0. U., bread tiehct, Ii cent po-tago stamp,
' 1 cont postage stamp, and an ico crcom
ticket. ' T '
CWo hope all our citizens will put
up a few Cans of Fruit, or make fcoine
Blackberry Cordial, ot Wine, or put up
c pickles, Beits, Cabbages, &c, for the use
'I of tho armyV-' Much riclnicss and many
valuable lives may be saved by a little at
- tention to those tuggestions, and if every
family puts up a little lor 'his patriotic
purpose, our gallant
holdiers will have
abundance, i Don't forget.
JCSy-Tbo Xulioutd HijwijUcau, published
Washington, boldly dielarcs WO quote
its words tunt
Hit" J rce oj rat'ifiitg the
old Union is played out.'
JS. Y. Journal of Commerce
This might by tome be regarded as troa
ton bold, bald treason. It is uttered in
tho cars of the General (io.'ommeut. Xt )
is priuted uuder t' c oyes of Gen, Wads- 1
worth, who lias just arrested tho editors of
tv Doiuocratio paper iu I'ciiiiAylvauia on a
charge of-utering seditious language. Rut
no notice will be taken of it by the Gov
ernment. It declares that tho "farce" of
luaiutaiuiiigtho Union is "played out,"
and thus openly endorses the rebellion and
affords aid and encouragement to the rob
els. Rut tho military Governor of tlio
District will find nothing iu it to warrant
his interference It U tho Union only that
is assailed, not tho Administration, and
' such an offenso docs not seem to bo one
. that requires the interference of the Gov-
! urnmcut. Jcw lorlc (Iritis,
7. :0:
1 1 . -C ,
'. K-ST'TnoujSi.E with the Mon.MONs.
" In aodio (pjartcrs there are apprehensions
of serious troubles and military conflicts
, , -with tho latter ;Day Saints of Utah. The
,,' Omaha Acbraskiitii reports that tho first
"' train of Mormon cmigran s, bound for
' Salt Lako,havo bctn dctuiued at Fort
i- Lavantio by tho .mi itary authorities, and
5 th"at hereafter all others will bo stopped
until tho Ecttlemout of c.Lting ditlieulties
in Brigham Young's Kiugdom. It is fur
I', 1 thor said that tho Prophet has mustered
", all ablo bodied mou in Utah into service,
""" aud thatjt is his iutoutiou to aeud a lavgo
"S5 forco to cscorjttbo emigrants to thtir domi
nation. Roports arc current that robber
ies and murders on tho stage route, hereto-
fore ascribed to hostilo Indians, havo in
jl,,, reality boon instigated if not actually oo:n
' inUtcd'by.tko'Mormons; and it is thought
Vi to bo thodcsign of tlio Federal authorities
to invcstigatoWiargcs ol this nature bo
'j" fore periuitingitho Mormons, now eu route
to Salt Lakoj to'proeecd. If thero is to
bo'a'ny military' conflict 'rith tho Mormon?,
it is to bq regretted that it bhould couie at
6ucha tipie as the pao.eut, when the Gov
crilmlntjiastits hands full nearer home.
Iu tuiKaswt appears probablo, even if
all tliejmuors arc true, that the uimculfes
flvf' may liaTtctUcd without a resort to arms.
SO Tilt)
Tiio following nro tho receipts to tlio oflico
of tho Columiiia Democrat, during
tho month of July 1 802 :
Columbia County,
$IB oO.Coni, of Tcnn'a. $11 M
Tliamns .limes 2 till
Win. .Milter. 1 7.1
i.if.i ii mriun, 7 an
. Jeo II Carpenter. 1 li'l
Col. Jim. II, McKickon 10 (lb
i Ji liii II Shulm, ' 7.i
i fieri I' Lore, Esq., II nil
I no
Iti'iiry II. (,'ii.iiir,
I'hilip 1'. Eyor
J II l'lirman, r.S'i.i
Oilvrr Evans,
Jacob Croay,
Aaron Wc.ll
Runnel M Millet
n n
Win II I. ore, I IKI
Wm Hw-lshor 7 nj
u no
1 .Ml
I! 311
'i mi
I Citpt. JI, Wclllvrr, 7 00
l.i .MeMiicn. l . i" . , l .'ill
Hstof Ashcr Alllinglcs I
It fiuid Circuit.
.1 no
Albert () Mlllnr.l
llildsnn Owen
Lewis Dclterlik
ChnsMI llcss. Esq
ll.inlol A Hess
Low n Hnhn
Win sjloemaker
1 .'.il
.Ininos Allllcr
1 HI
1 73 '
a 0 ,
3 All
(li) I
r.owl - . r.rktntli
lee-Creuiu Pesllvnl
II II Kn. rr
.M (! Woodward
1'. John,
2 00
1 50 I
!i PC!
:i so
John lliirtman (Mich.) 1 75
fimlnu llnUiina Co,, I tiu
Jtaf'Will our friends remit their subscrip
tion money to ua by mail. Our necessities
aro especially pressing and vc must liavo
mouoy. Wo shall sincerely thank you,
friends' and patrons, for an early remit-'
tance by mail.
Nan SMiucviiscmcnts.
I'.staUpf Jacoh llarlman, laic rf ll'nl Ittilc-'.ttrf ,
,Moploiir Lounli, ilee'it.
fl ".T I T. 1 1 ofAilinlliMrnlloii on tho uliovn li.'iuieJ
.1 Ktotu Iiiivc- l.rcn Kriinteil to tho iiiiilcrrlsiiril by Ilia
Ui'Clttrr of Montour roiinly. All Ooraon having claims
ngnlnrt tho i ftato if Ilia oYceiloiit aro rt-'iupf ti'il In jiro
m'lil tin-in for mttleuitiit, ami thoao inilcbtcil to ni.iko
liiiiucill.ito iiayincnt.
Coojior tHp.
August 2J, 18M,-Cv.
Ilnu (iL'Amin, 1Vmvi.vavi Mn.m, j
suitiiLON (JUMiKAi.'son ai:, j
State Mcdictd Jht.rd of I'dinsyti'iinia.
rho t-tato ,Mi-ilicnl Rnaril will mod In tho Hall of tho
IIoiho of Uopri sciitatlvi s. at lliirritliurg. 1511 Tliurilny
fiiteinh'r lull, I mil vltonony, forthooxainiiialioii iiiiilliliiti'9 lor the putt of AsaiBtant durgcon In I'clni
tyhania Iti-giiin iild.
Camliili-tos will register their iiaiue9 ntlhellall at
8 A. M.i nnii none but thoao present ininctiially at U A,
.M., ill bo examined.
I'iti.i-iiK Hriciini)lt aula of health ami caiabluof .Ictlto
hUlcc In tlio flilil, caiinloiTo bo rcciiveil.
Ilv nrilor of .
A. ti, LUKTIN. tJovernor nf I'ciiii'n.
llt.Miv ll.f-Mitit, furguon Uenerat renn'a.
ll.irrlslnirg Aujiift 2.1, 1:02.
n,III. iiiiilersiBiii'd having b oncng
i.igoil by tho Demo.
1 eralli- Mali- Ci-ntllll tniiini Itti-.) tu liillilisll. iniili-r
llir ,1,1,ir,. i:..Uii-.ilii fm.'ir t.. bo intllled'-T;;
DUMUCK.1T10 1.1.1 1) I'M," t.iku tbi. oiintion to call I
jnur , ,,, tt(otlii4to tn tin- importaiicr of using
your nlliienc.-tosi ciiri-alilo cirruiaiion inr 1110 faino.
To rjrs, Nllllllr r ,,, ,.,., u, bc iesu.,i
ThnrMlay, Augurt 21, 1.-02, lit tin- price of Tni-nty-rivo
Ceiitu I'.ir Hi; I'.'i.iionin 11. Tin- I'nner will ho niiblisho.l
M-mi-woek-y, until thu day of tho .-li ctiou. All ordcra
to bu udilrbsed to A. I. ll'Jll
.V.AU, I'ulilii-lier,
W!l South Third
struct, t'hilaiklpbla
lr.v., 11. v nl l-l wkv, v. .
' ''j, l),,.r I en,u 11 1, lnti nil. .1 him It lip ilrvntn.1
to n truthful nmi temien i(io,uioh of tho i'aun.or
ih.' nr- t talaiiiitli's, nod the ri llel wliirli III" 1 r-e-
men nf l'i'iui Ivuoia m.iy 111 part oM.un through thn
li.illnt.lio w hii'h. u ith tii'i Mipport Ho y will (riv,- .14
In) ul 1111 11 f..r ihe toippri'Mun ot tho uliilliniii may 111
1 1 111 - and a- I In- only U aMble' rt-loro our ilistrehs.
ni iniiiitrj tint-, oini- proipi-iou nod happy ion.litiuii,
:h aluuyH maintained iiuili r II. Muriatic A'linintra
liiui of Hi-j : u I-r 11 iik ill --'I In- llimorratic Leader"
i II1T1 lure nut nnly recommeinleil In ymir suppurt,
but Mitir dutii h and iuuro-tn us good niiens will be
gi 'atly pruiiiolcil by waking cll'.irts for tho wide tprcid
1 1 ion of thin Paper.
ji ilrman of the llenmcratic State Ciiilral Committee.
I . V- . III'Ull 1 n
Uncpiall 'd by any other in the tunrku; always the
fcaiui.- in 'iiiaHty, and iriv.irnJity tube rclk-d on as ma.
iiuro uf Mauila'id cxcelltiicc. I'nco 5 l.i per 2U00 lbs.
(2J eent.' per III.)
itt- I'liutitiu' d -Hereto for so many yearn partis the
h. t t-u.iraut.'i- tli-'l.irmi'r h.i that In- i- iuj iuir a ceim
ine iirticl.'. Cur iiper.Plio.'.pliato of l.iim. is iiiitfi.riu
in its iluiniral cuuatilueiits, nudalwas tube rilicdoii.
.1 1. L E A' EEDL E ti'
lly the nitr.i Jil' timi of row and unproved uiarhini ry
in our wniks, we have materially im reused our l...'ili.
iiHs fur i.uiiiul'.irt.iriiig tins urllib-. Th cot of pro.
ilucli. 11 lu up.' I. swelled, v.-o ( Mi ud In nor riiftiituf rs iho
h.Mitf.t aeirt ni, 'J'lie retail pure ic now S--u per 20UD
luiiiiid'. Wo lidine itto bc llu li.'ot and ih.'iinjst .Ma-
nine in m,-.
rnitlJ VI AX. We sell none but ,Nu. 1, received direct
from tin- Peruvian Unveriiiiicnt.
li 1 1 A 111 J 1 1. A veiy Miiierior article, received dirLct
1 r -1 1 1 111 1 iMami
l" Vi'i2oV';Tm r-T.!" rcV -ast"r " E,,I,"rior ilrlitlc-racket
ltOMlf.-lluttim il.ikerVl'.ouuIJUbt and Ground Hones.
Wiirianted I'uri-
r.5e. I1lur.1l deduction' t dealers lu tho alum-nriiil.-s.
Al.l,i: Si .N'llliDI.I.H,
21 Suiilh Wliirves and It fnnlli Water Street, liml
iiorr K'urs ( ir r.) Plnlail- Iphia.
August 2:1, ltiG2-Hiii.
ii'.'i '.11:11 jiiuu.vaKMiws,
( rent Trunk l.lm- from the North slid Norlh-Wi-tt for
l'hil.i.ldplaii, New Vorli
, Putt-
, l.ilu-
noli. AlU-nlovl n. Lui-lnu. e., .cc.
Trains Hani-bur-.' fur I'hil idelpbia. -
i:"a.!iu2, I'oitti 1 1 lu, and all intermediate r-ti.i .
u 111, mnl I . in p in.
r.'ew Vo-K 1 vpr.'ss leaves llarrl-bti-, ! "i
riving at .i w oikntrt 2.i the s.iiik 11
Pares from Harrisburir : 'I'o Now-Vork .? 1 ' M '
adelphla s'l.Ttaiul $'TO. It iyaai;i i-lieckeil i '
Uttnraiiii; leave Now-Vori- at n a. 111., .2 N
p. 111.. Pilisl.iirh Lpri-i.y) huavo l'hil.idLltih
,al H
1 11 r-
. ml M
.ate a.
in. ami a p. 111.
sle-piaa ears iu the Ken-York llvpiess Trains,
llii'oii-'li to and from i'lltkbursh w itliont ehame.
Pa-st-iiyers by tho I'alawwn ttailio.ol leavo Purt
Cluitnii at .Ijii 111, fur Philadelphia and all interim ill
atu l,uiiij-; mid al3 p in lur Philadelphia, Njw York,
and all W.ij I'oinK
Trains leavo I'nltsvillo at 0 n 111, aud S.15 p m. for
rhilaileliilila and Now York : and at 3,:)ll 11 111 for Aulniril
ami I'.m Cliitnn only, cmm-itiug for 1 1110 lirovo and
vv nil tho Catt.iwia a Hail Itoad
An itccoiiiiu ulaliuii miss 'ittrer traiulcaii-f. Iteadiiii; lit
0 a 01, nod r lorn I'm. 111 lihlaal "1 p Ul.
'.'j- All tin- aluive 11. ink run dally, Hunilays escspted.
A Siimlai train leaves I'ottsiillo at 7.1(0 am, and
l'liilad' Iplua i.t ll.l.'i p 111.
1 niiiiuuii icul ii ii. Jlileace, Pi-asuii, and r.eursiou, al luJuc'.-drates to and from nil points.
(1. A. MCOIJ.3,
Slay 17, ISC2. (iuneral Superintendent.
Estate of J oil n Kl-ngemaii , decl.
1 r.TI'IMt ti stami ntory on the eslatu of Jolin Kliu?.
1 1 email, lal.' uf .Maine tewiiship iu oluiiibi.i county
ilece.ibed kavo la-en grunted liy the l!e.ihter of I'oluiu
Ida couiily to thu umlersisni'd nlsr, residim; in said
IuwikIiiii; nllp-rsnns liiwnn rlaiius i;'aini-t lliees-.
taleiiftliu doeodent aro re.iuested tn presi ill llirni 10
thu Kieiu'or at his residein-u iu Maiuville. without
il. lay. ami 11 1 persons indebted tn make payment 1
forthwith. JU1IX .VI. MISS.-1,
Aili(. Id, ISdJ-Ct. nsicuToii,
A if k t &
Supci-riiospliato of Lime.
Manufacturers and Proprietors,
lYo. -JI) tioutk DUaicaic jiomue,
This i.iaiiuro Is inamifirtiired from pure Ituw Hones
an I warrant id In contain all lln-lrnntluiil organic mat
ter-mbllrlle'lul'lllli"l!,' bones aro mod, anil it is sold
under iiKunraiity from thu uuiiufjitimrs lliat il ii lieu
from adulteration.
ITT- l.ast season llio demand for this inanuro oicsed
ed of any furiiu r one, and with lew exceptions thu
results haioluvu liilily f.ivoriildu. Nn pains will bo
,par il to maintain It- blanJn.d uf pupjlatity
jjkSU IX VOL'lllll-.likUS i: ui.v.
l'lti-'E, v?Lr) per tiUOO lbs. cash.
A largo siipi'ly 011 luua lor l ull tales.
Pitu E ra.'iper yoilO lbs. cash.
--s-'ri.. ulniin Manures can lie had of reeulnr 1)81)1-
cr. or of w mivm xtu,
I Jaij- w, u-i am-
Imported Mood k, American llrccils of Horses
wit.t, ni! iiki.don
Keystone- l'ark Agricultural Fair
(iroiinils, Williniiisuoit, l'a.j
On'rTucsdoy, U'cdntsihy, 'lltuuday nnii Fri
itny,',tsciilcmbef 2, 3, 4, mid 6, 1802,
AT WII.I.IAMSPOtiT, V, SKl't. 2, 3, -1 & 0, I8G2
Tho mimiigorg llallur lliomcelves tlmt, al
lliuu"h iho nast ah'tbilioiii) held in oilier
n.irlh nf thn lnli-s. luivn lionii iirni.
. ..r.,1 .... I...I.. ...i.f .,
1 iiuiiiij oiii.t;u?oi u, tviiit uiiuitjij cuuiiiiii.u'i,
10 mo puuiie , me past uxpeneneo win ena
ble llioin to improvn cnmuwliul in llie tlii
lailn of tho iirmtiyementi-, and in ibis run
nurlioii lliey hopo to give gronler Ineilities
lor tlio deliberate c.xatniiialion and trial ot
hon-os iiitemlKi! for sale. Williams port 11
easily and quickly accessible from nlldiiee.
lions. Key-tono l'ark is uetpiullud iu ii
Iritck lor show ttiy or ifuitiine; a liorse. Tlio
milliliters ilefi'un to make this u horao mart,
worthy ol Us central position, and its extra
utUiiiury faeiliiies.
A. K. KAl'l',
D. K J At; K.MAN,
J. N. IIA(!G,
COL. S. 0. HA 111 AW AY,
i:t)WAl!D LYON,
A. E. KAl'l', President.
II. K. Ta lor, Treasurer,
W. L". Losan, Chief Marshal.
Geo. M. D'l'oi, Secretary.
Ol ltiiiioriud liloud and American Dreed of
Will bo held (.11 KKYslONli I'AUK, Agri Fair Groiiiid.-t,
On Tuesday, Wedue-day, lliurnhiy& Fri
day, Si-piomber 2 3,-1,1111115, I8U2.
Piimiiiiin Lifl and l'ri.o IJ.iiinur open
lu Kxhitnlotn Iroin Iho Cumulus
mid other Urillsli 1'ioviiiees.
G K N 12 It A L U 12 G U LA T I 0 N S.
K.sruANCi-: to tiikpihr.
Tlio entrance to Kuys'ono l'ark for visit
ors 011 (i)O', is by the Center Gale, oil Camp
bell i-lteul. 'The entrance fur Horses and
Carri.iyes is by iho N. 12. Gale, on Campbell
Tho gates will bo open for the admission
of thu public from bj o'clock, 'A. M , until
sundown ul each day.
Thu Chief M-irMtul and Superintendents
of iho Exhibition, will mem at thu Presi
dent's Tent at 8 o'clock, A. M., e'aelt day,to
perfect tho arraneeuioiils for the day.
A Suppriiituiid-inl will accompany oach
Fut ol .Indue-, and point out llio dilTerunt
cIusfo.-. ol lock 10 be eMiitnied. 1 hey will
see thai Horse are provided with nailers
by ineir owners, and suitably arjungt-d lor
exhibition caelt day.
Will please report lhetiise!ve on iheir arri
val in town , at the elliec ol Iho tceiely,
corner ot Third and Elinira streets, in 'Tay
lor's building, where the comini'leo of Itu-t-eptiou
will bo iu session. Cards ol admis
sion will bo furubhud them to it.e exhibi
tion, uud tho Committee will extend to litem
every ciwlity within iheir power.
Fur the ereal-.T eonenieuco of editors
and reponors Inr thd piess, a lent will bo
spoeiaily set apart lor iheir u.-u, and eiery
facility wi! be afTurded them 10 obiain and
liatisuiil iiilorination.
A Cominiliee ol recept;on from tlio Press
will rucino iheir brethren Irom abroad, on
the field and lurlher the purpose ol their
The Judges will asi-cmble al iho tent of
the I'reMilenl on the ground, al S o'clock, A.
M. Tuesday, to urbanize and Till vacancies
in iho board, should any occur. Tho re
port ol the Judges muH be handed to the
President's Secretin)' before 'Tliurcday noon-
Will bo furnished lor visitors on the fluid at
a moderate choree. A lout saloon Inr la
dies will be provided with female auend
ants. lees, Uofi'ee,Oyslers fee , will be supplied
by a corn pele 't Cnnloeiinuur.
No Seastiti ncueis will bo i.-suu.l. Single
ailinissiou to tho grounds Sr. -'5
Children miller 12 )ear.- of upo, half prico
Admili.ince lo Iho seals opposite tho Judges
bland H
Members of Public school-;, Seminaiies or
Colleges iii.i) commute lor admission w'uli
the Tioastirer.
For a four or siv hor.-e vehicle and driver,
pa-eiier.-being supplied Willi tickets I 00
J'ur a two horse vehicle and driver, passen
gers beim; f applied with ticket 75
l-'or a one lur.-e vehicle and driver, passeji
tiers buiiiy supplied with tiekuls 51)
For a hor-i! and us ruler 50
Exliibnorl will bo providrd Willi stalls
aud buddiiii for their aioek," iu 1I10 now
hams ol iho meieiy, and iu stalls adjoining,
10 the exioiil of their ability 10 provide the
sami',(il uoiieo is yivun 011 or beloro tli 20lh
day ol Auyusl ) without charno, so ihal hor
ses niuv bo driven In tlie exhibition eronnils
L,L,j u rmnved till iho oxhlbilion
.... ir,.,i , ,ilkU
UIUHI ,111 11 llll W'l I'U lllltll-IIVM . ...w. -
w in) ilesiro it al maikel price
mt'tits .v 1 1 1 also be made with public or pri
vaie stable keepers lur exhibitors who make
early requests lur tU keeping ol horses and
at a rcasobabln eharg".
In consideiaiinii ol iho Superior Accommo-
ilaliou- OlTered Gratuitously.
Conipoiiior for premiums ot $200 S10
do do do 1U0 0
do do do SO and over .SO 3
tin do do 30 and under, 2
Sing'o Horses, under iho saddle or in liar.
neos, Qtvcrcd lor exhibition.
Piuminms will bo paid on animals
removed from the exhibition, nnlo-is such
removal has tho special' approval of the
Chiet Marshal, uud premium- not claimed
within thiriy days alter tho uvvurd, will be
considered o Icrleitud. Premiums will
not be paid 011 horses which are unsound.
Il is desirable that inoso, who intend to
make entries lor exhibition should notify
1 he Secretary on or betore August 201I1,
I Inn arr.uigoincnis may puii'ively me made
lor Iheir lu-etimmod.ition. I."i;nrs maybe
addressed lo Iho Secretary at Williainsporl.
The Trea-urer will pay premiums awarded
at the tiusin Tent, on thu Ground, at the
u1oh ol the exhibition and al his oliieu in
Williainsporl during tho lollowing month;
Or will lorwitrd any premium, not so pain,
in such manner its iho per-on entiled to the
sauio, muy direct.
P 11 12 M I U M S :
Clas No. lThoiougli Hrud Horses,
S allions.
Premium, Two Hundred Dollars. S200
Speed will bo considered iu making the
Clic-i No 2 Thorough Ilred Mares.
IVmiuiii One Hiiucred Dollars, SlOO
Speed wilt be considered 111 making the
Class No. 3 Stallions or General uso, six
joars and over.
First promiuin, SlOO
Second do 20
Class No, -1 Sinlllons for senoial tie, font
years and under six.
First ptomlum 850
Second do 20
Class No C Stnlllons of 2 years and undor
First premium S30
Second do 15
Class No C Mures with Foal by their sides
Firs premium $-10
Second do jo
Class No 7 .Krroding Marcs,
For the best bleeding nutto fcur years ami
First premium sfin
Second do "o
Class No 8 KilliiM, two years and tinder
First premium J140
Second (In d
Class No 0 Fillies, 1 year mid under Uvo,
Firsi premium $'io
Second o
Clas No 10 Colts 2 )nar rind under I.
Firi prominin $26
Second do Jo
Class No tl. Colls, Sliillions or Geldinys,
oin )ear and under two,
Firstpreiniuin . $2fj
Second do 10
Class No 12 Mnicliiul horse-', yeldiiurs ur
inares, lor the beet span 1(5 linnds and "over
Fusl premium 550
Soi-ond do 20
For thu bust spun of matched Horses, II
hands ami under 10,
First premium $25
Second do ()
Class No 13 Fancy malched horses, yeld-
itiys or mares.
First premium S25
Second do 10
Size, Hoiion uud speed will be considered
in mukiue; Hit) aw.nd.
Class No 1-1 liHiiilemen's spans of driving
horses, geldings or mar-;s.
'First Premium no
Second do 20
Size, at-lior. end rpeed will be coiisidei
ed 111 making ll.ei award.
Class No Id E.imily norses, Geldings or
For tho besl (uinily horse, four years and
over, driviny, rolnr, sie) an. I ai-tiou will be
eon-iilereij 111 making the award.
First premium $50
Sicond do 10
Class No IG GiMillemen's Dri iug Horses,
Gelding- or Marts, -I years and over.
Firsl premium $50
So'-'ond do 10
Driving, color, tvizo, action and speed will I
00 consii.oroil in minting tlie award.
Class No 17 S.idillii Ilur.-es
For llio bei Gentleman's Saddle Hore
I'irst piemiiim S?n
Second d'i 10
For thu lieM Lady's Saddle Horse.
First premium 20
Second do 10
Clas-i No 18 Farm and Draft Horc.
For llie tiesl pair ol Farm and dralt hure
F1r.1i premium $50
Second do 10
Class No 10- lie-t -insle Farm or Draft
Firsl Premium $15
Jocund do 8
Cla-s No 20 I'onie,
Ponies, under 11 hands, driven double
Tandem or Tr'nlem,
lutsl premium, $15
Secot d do 10 1
Best team, six in hand, $50
Cla--" No S2.
Best lamlem or iri 'om team, $?0
Will tie awariled 10 ihe Smle (Agricill
lural Society; other thiiit Penn-v Ivania,
which -ha'l, by its ciiiz-iix, outer fur evhi-
biiinu lur iho number (if valuable
horses 11 prize onuner worth S200.
Ilim'TOIlS. F.xhihiiors vv oh hnr-es are required to use
the South entrance gate on Campbell St.,
m coming 011 lo and returning from the
Entrio- of -lock may bo m.idu al iIip of
fice of the Secretary in Ta) Inr's liuilding,
mini Moudav, 9 o'clock, p. m., Sepiutntier
A, when ihe books inu.-t be rniule up for
the Jndees. Tho exhibiliim nf rim k or the
track will lake place precisely at the time
specified in the subjoined arrangement;, ind
animal- not pri'i-nred a tho proper lime
uud place may, nl Ihe di-cretton of the
Jodiies, he ruled ntiiol co' ipetnion. Slock
will tie maikeil vv illi !nrui-hed hy the
Si'croian , dHMgnntm t,0 , ,, .Ull ()f
en'ry; and di.ring ihe oxhibii iin ihev miisl
be placed eulirtiiy under ihe mniniactnc nl
ol iho ollicer.- ol the -ni iely. II .-utlie'oiil
lime liii not been uiven, in Ihe programme
lor ihe Jiulycs lo i-vainine any one clan
beloro llie calling of another alas-J, Ihe fir-t
minieil clus- will In ex imitie.l on n vueaiil
pari of llie mound 10 lie designated by the
L'hiel M ir-hul. Arraugfinenis wdl bo undo
lor iho trial ol drufi hor-es hy testing Iheir
sireiiulh, docility &. al a load.
Owners or aenl- olleriug Imr-es for pre
mium or exhibition will receive tickets of
adini-ioii. Exhibitors are reque-ted to
leave suliiciont space around each horse or
vehicle lor llie Judges 10 pas Ireely.
'I he Judge- will in all eases withhold
premium where llie horse is not worthy or
is uiisoiiinl, lliongli nice tie no eoirpot
lion. Exhibitors cniering noils of the nan ol
i.'irru yoari and under b'hiII furiii-h lo the
Judges KV'uleiieo of ihe time 01 foaling, lo
be tiled with the Itemirding Sierel.iry.
Pedigree of Blond lloro- and origin mid
ugi! intlsl be, if required, Inr ev
ery horse odrfteil lor premium.
Tin: Judges will report to the Boinl of
Managers not only ihe ioru entitled to
premiums, hut al-n il.ose next iu tnorit in
each clas, to tnoel llie eouliiigeiiey nl any
o'.'ji-clion which may atiso to the award.
All horses not obtaining prnmintiH.whieh
in Ihe opinion of llie Judjes deserve speci
al common. laiinu, will be so repurlud to the
board of Managers.
The Jinlues if nor satisfied as to llio rog-
illaiil) ol llie euiries iu Iho tt'speeiivo cl.t
te, Or IliO.syes ot '.he hurSUK as recorded
iii ihe entries, will .apply to ihe Uoeonliti!'
Secreiury for iiifuriua'ion, and sliould there
be any doubt, alter examination, of iheir
coming w'uiinihu mutilation's, or if any
horte is of rueh a eharae'ur as not to bo
entitled to exhibition in competition, thuy
will report the tacts for Iho consideration
of the board of managers, t Ii ut uoh couro
muy be adopted an the caso may requiro.
The several ela-se- of lioreos upon exhi
bition will be called for in thu order indica
ted iu iho programme; and preciscl) at tlm
hour mimoil, when a II. r,' will he raised
neat iho Judues' . -land with the iin-cripiion
"CLKAtl 'Mil TRACK,"
When ihe hour arrives for Ihe oxhibilion
of any c'ais ol horees llie bell will be run-;
nnd a Hag will tie raided lo indicate thu
class to be exhibited.
All horo6 entered will be at tho risk of
llie owners. The most effectual means
will bo taken through the anenoy of tho
police and othcrwio lo guard and protect
ll.u horses exhibited; bill llie managers
eauiiul be ruiim-iblc lor injuries occasion
ed by nceideni or oiherwisti,
Kuports ol the doings of the Exhibition
will bu officially piiblislied.
Horses inieuded for public or private salo
will bo labeled accordingly, aud a ponton
ol tho giound will bo dHfigtiatud for Iheir
examination nnd sale, Thu torvicos of tm
auctioneer will bo provided and u time
iiftinod for public Bales, jf'lio Secrolary wilt
give noiico oftuch intended sales, if oarly
entry is mado vvilh him to that effect. Sucli
horses cannot bo withdrawn until thu closo
of Iho exhibition, except by written author
ity of tho Managers.
Members of iho soveral commillcos will
bo recognized by tho following badges :
Clns! Nos. 1 & 2. Thorough Bred horses
Navy Blue ribbon.
Class No 3. Stullions, 0 years and over,
Green ribbon,
Class No 4. Stallions 1 jeurs and ntidor
C, White Ribbon.
Class No, fi. Slalliotm,2 years and undor
4, Green and White ribbon.
Class Nos. Gk 7. .Mares with foal mid
Breeding Mute, Orange nbbon.
Class Nos 8 4c U. Fillios, Black and Or
ange ribbon,
Class Nos 10 & II. Colts, Groe.11 and rod
Class Nos 12 & 13. Match and Fancy
Match horses, red and While ribbon.
Class No II Gent's Spans of Driving
Horses, Light II I mi ami Pink ribbon.
Cla-n No 15 Family Horses, Rod While
ami Blue ribbon.
Clats No Id. Gent s Driving Horses. Bluo
and Whilo ribbon.
Class Nos 17 it 20 Saddle Horses and
Puuius, Black and While ribbon.
Class Nos 1H & It). Farmers' Draught
Horses, ted tibt on.
Class Nos 21 k 22. Best Team, Pink
Board of Managers, llocttiM.
No feature nl Ihe liorse Show is more
pleasing lo the managers, and wo trust ac
ceptable to the public, than the laeili'.ies
ullered for thu transportation ol horses uud
grooms lo nod Irom Ihe exhibition.
Pennsylvania Central II. R , Phila. & Erie
R. R , l'hil.i. & Reading R It. Lebanon Val- .
ley It. R, Cattawissa li. II., Klmirafc Wil- j
liamspori R. It , Syracuse, Binghamplon & I
N V. It li., East I'unna. II R , Shamukiu 1
Valley R. II.. will carry visitors, horses and j
grooms tree one way, llio Lackawanna
& Bltiotnsburg, Phila. Wilmington & Bain- !
more, and Cumberlritid Valley, ngreo lo do
as other roads do. Thero aro roads
to hear Irom, which will, without doubt, j
come into the same arrangements. 'Thus it
it will bo seen that the State of Pcnua , is !
thrown wide opeu 10 the exhibition. 'Ihe
roa ls will collect fares 011 all horses coming
lo llie exhibition, and roliiru them free, 011
presentation of tlie Certificate thai they have
tieeu 011 exhibition, and aro unchanged in
ownership. The lollowing is tlio lorm ol
thertilieate referred 10 abovu :
Wii.t.iAMsi'our, Sept. ISG2,
To lUilraud Avails :
This certifies that has had on exhi
bition, and not sold Horses, at tho Fust
National Horso Show, held in Williumspnrt
Ponna., on the 2d. 3d, 4th and 5th of Sep
tember, ISG2. Secretary.
Daily Order of Arrangements.
The nates will boopeiii-d for admission of ilio public,
from Si o.luek, a. in. until sunduuo eaih day.
'lucsilay, September 2nd,
8 o'clock a in The judges ill as'i-iiililo al the Tre-i-dent's
Tent to nrsiinUi.-. uncertain mi l fill vacancies,
and receive the llouks of Hutries for the exhibition.
tij o'clock u 111 All horses eoloied tnr premium, ex
hibition or sale, mutt be pteseul 011 the i-roiiiid.
10 o'clock a 111 At thu sound of llio bell, tha Oraml
Cavnlcado ill form on thu half mile track, iu ulikh all
horses entered fur priiiiiuiu. exhibition or sale, arc ex
petted to bo preienl and tako their places, as called by
tlii-l'hi' f Marshal.
Aflertho Brand ravalrade, all liorsosenleroil for prem
ium will assemble under thu Hags designating .their
il.n-8 for inspi ctiou by the Judges.
1 o'Llni'K n 10 .vi 1 lie solum 01 111c nei . classes .xos.
IS sin! l'J. (r.trin and Draft Horses.) w ill assemble in
front of llio JinlJes' Maud fin inspection, alter which!
tliey will retire to tho cast part t H13 grounds for tho j
testing of their strength, and ipinlitics for work.
121 o'clo. I; p in Dinner. The track w ill Lo open fur
pronuiicnuus ilin ing, till 2 o'clock pin.
2 o'clock p 111 At Iho sound of the bell, ('lass Xo. G
Macs with I'oal by their side,) will a&scuiblo iu front
of tlm Judges' ttaiid lur exhibition
21 o'cl'-ik pin At the sound of tin boll, class Nn. 7
(llrecdiug .Xlares) will assemble in front of Iho Jaitucs.'
stand for exhibition,
3 o'cloik p 1.1 Trial of speed of the horses designated
by the Judges.
4 o'clock p 111 At the souudof the bell, Class N'o. S
(Stallions nl 2 years and under J,) will assemble in
lrunlof llie Judge' stand fur exhibition.
u o'clock p 111 Trial of speed of the horeo designated
by Iho Judges.
It'cdiusday, September 3.
9 o'clock a in At the eounJ of tlio dell, i lasses Ti'oi.
SO and III Tillies and culn.) will assemble iu front uf
the JiiiL-es stand for e.xliibiliuii,
Pi oVIoLk a iu Trial ollhu speed of horses ccsigoated
by tlio Judges.
ID o'clock n iu Al the sound oj the lull, Clns N'o. I-"1
' it ancy matclieii nurses, geiiiiugs or mares.) win as
I soluble in Iruiil uf the Judges' bt.llld fur exhlbltiuil.
101 o'cleek a in Trial of sdeed of the horses dOMgna.
ted by the Jiul.jis.
Ill o'clock a iu At the sound of the bell Class N'o. 11
('..Its Claliion. and Culilings 1 year and under 2,) will
usseiubli iu fraiil of the Jmlgi s stand 1j r . xluhition.
12o'Lloi.k in At the suitnil of tuo bill, Class .No. n
(-'addle llnr-s,) will assamblo iu front of tho Judge-'
stand r.ii'cxhihiiiuu.
121 o'l lotkp iu Dinner. Thu track will bo open fur
promiscuous ilriv nig iiniil 2 p iu.
Jo'i.lui'k p in At tin. sound of tlio h-dl, rlai-s No. 1
(Htallious 1 years and under ti.) will usseiiilile in front
uf the Judge-' sluiid for exhibition.
21 o'rloek p tu Trial of speed of the horses designa
ted by tlie Judges.
3 o'clock p iu At the sound of the bell, class No 20
(i'oni. s iiuilur 1 1 h.'iiiils, A. c bee bill.) will assemble in
Iron! of Ih - Judges' stand for xhibitiuu.
:i'. o'eloek inn Al the s mini uf the belf, No. 15
(family Horses.) will a-seii,ble iu fioin ol tlie Judges'
1 o clock p in 1'rial of spjvd of the Horses designa
ted b) the Judgi s.
Tliiasl(i), September 'lilt,
!l uVlock a in A (ir.ind Cavalcade of all horses en
lered fur ireiinuiii. L-xhibituu orsale, will take place on
teu Ii.ilf milo track.
Hlo'i link a in Trial of speed of the horses designa
ted by tho Judges.
llil o i luck am At the sound of the lu-ll, ilass iiinii
her 12 (VI.Ui lied llores ) will assemble in front nf the
Judges' stand fur exhibition
11 iflelurk a m Trial of speed of the horses designa
ted h) tho Judges.
Ill o'clock a in At tin sound of the hell, rlasN'o 21
(li iu hand.) w ill ai-cmblu iu from of Iho Judges' ttiiud
for exhibition.
1 2 n'cloi k .VI Trial of speed of llio horses designated
by llio Judges.
Ul o'llnik p iu Dinner. The track will bo open for
promiscuous driving until Jn'i lock,
2 u'lloik p iu Trial ot bpeed ot Iho horses designated
by the Judges.
j; urlock p m Atthe bound nf the bell, class Nn 3
f.vlall!oiii o ears and over,) will asaemble in lioutof
III.' Jildg' s' 'st Old fur exlllliillnll.
31 o'cloi k p in Trial of speed of horses designated
li the Jndg. s.
1 o'clock p hi Atthe mi mnl of tlie bell, Class mini
h -r 2(Thuroiigh ilred .Mares,) will ussciiible in liunt of
the Jiidgi's' stand fur exhibilinii,
II o'cluck p in Trial uf speed of theliorecs designa
ted by thu Judges.
Friday, Septemkr 5th.
!i o'clock a in (Ir.iii'l lJiitreo of Horse by Flatus, In
coinpi ti n fur thu I'lllZIl UANMIKi 1 lie horses Irom
eai 0 rialu win ou ptcccueu uy i manner ucdnujj us
name. . , , . . .
il o clock am Trial 01 apceu 01 ine norosucignaieu
l.v lln- JiiJ-res.
1 (Thorough Ured Hlallions.) will assemble ill fiout ol'tho
Ill U l IOLK 11 111 ll IUU suuilil Ul inu null, 1 isa ,o.'i4 Khiuil fur L-xiiibitiou
llil o'cluik u in At tin' sound of Hi" bell, Class No. 11
(Ueiilleineii's spalls uf Dm ing Horses,) will assemble
friuil of the Judges' staiil fur iiliibitlun.
II o'clock u ni Trial of speed ot tho horses designated
hy llicJudges.
III o'clock a in -At the bound of tho bell, Class No. 2J
tTuiideius or Trldeuis.) will ussciublo iu trout of tho
Judges' biiinu lor eniiiuiuuii.
12 o'i lock . VI Trial of speed of tho horses designa
ted by tin- Judges.
1 o'clock p in At the sounilof tho bell, class No. In
((lentb'inen's Driving Ilnrsns,) williisseinblo in front of
the Judges' btaud fur exhibition.
3 o'cluck p iu At tlm sound of the hell, Ihcro w ill ho
a trial of spued ul' thorough Drcd designated by
the Judges.
I o'i luck p m At tho sound of tho hell, al horses to
whom premiums have been awarded' will assemble mi
thu hall' mile track. ulwIiMitimu the awards w ill bean
iiounced from tho Judges' ttaud, and preuiiiuii lugs dis
tributed Tho Chief Marshrl requests punctuality on the part
ofuxhibitors, iu liavin.'tlieir hurscs ready fur cxhlbitiuu
on tha signal of Iho hull, occurding tn thu ndvertibi d
programme. Ilnrsns not ready for exhibition as called
lor sy thu may bo rejeited roiu tho list
of competitors fur premiums:
If sitilicieiit tlmo lias uoibueii given In thu programme
for tlie Jiltlgos In ijxamlno nuy one class, before llio call
ing of another classs, the llrst limned class will bo ox
uuiiuid nn a vacant purt of thu "round, if o ordcied by
llioCWAlauha.. . w. ,.. MnAXl
August 0 1802.
BR I OK ! BRICK 11 BUIClv!'. !
(inA AAAGood Uriel:, just manufaeturcd
I II I II II laud fur sulo cheap, wholesale ami ro-
lrJUUUVjm!, .MihuUlooniblinrs lliirk Yard.
Apply to tho subicribar.
llloomiburg, Juno 28, ISti,
Ar yon flck, fceblij, an-t
complaining! Ato you out of
order, with jour sytlcm ib
ranged, ntul your feslhigi tin
roinrortnblol Thcso sytns
toms nic ortcn Uio prilmio u
berlout lllui-M. toiun fit of
sIckueM Is ciwpliig iipim you,
niel should ho Arcttril 1-y
timely u'o tt tho rlrtht rem
edy. Tuko Ajcr's l'ill, oni
cleanse out ttmdlvuidttFtl bu
rn w purify tho blood.and
let the Holds inovo on uwfls
slrn. tr.l In hesllh flcain.
They tlhnulalo tlio function
! r,SrWitofeun
too oostlliciions iTiiicii maiui
Jliei9. Acot.t settles somewhero In tlio body, an 1 ob
structs Its nxtiirnl fnnetiom. 'Jhe-e, ir not rclkm-il,
rear t upon theniscltcs and tho suiToutidliis orl!an pro-iln-lnft
Ri-nural ajruiavnlluii, suirerlnK, nti-l ib'icino.
Whllo In this con tillun,oppivs-ieil by tho itciftiigentduta,
tuko Avei's 1'llN.nmt seo hovr ilbcctly Ihcy rcitnro Uib
lintuial action of llio syalrin, and wltn It Iho lnioyarit
fecllntf ofheallli again. What Is truonnd so apparent In
tlihtrhhl ami common complaint, Is also ttiiolnmnny
ot llio iloep seatcd and il iurch-ih distempers. Tho sauu)
urg:ilie clTeet expels ! hoin. Ciiuseil by similar cbstrtM
lions nnd diiaiigeiin-uls or tho iiilnial Kindlons of tho
lwdy, they mo l.ipidly, nnd In my or tlu-iii surely, chtoI
by Iho s.hih) nioalyi. Noun vvhu know tho vh tn"s of thcso
1'IIN, will net'Ji-rt to employ them when tunYiing from
the disorders liny cure,
riliileiui'iits riom le.illnj physicians In son of tlio
principal iltles, aud fioui other Kill known puUlo B(j
from a nrwanUng Merchant r.1. Ltmlt, ni. t, 1854
Da. Avr.nt Your I'llls aro tho paragon of all tliot h
pi-oat In ini-.llchie. They havo cured my llttlu ilam;hUr
of iilcci-utis sores upon her hands and feet that lind prnvtxl
liictirnbhi for c us. Her mother Ins boon long grler
ously nnikled nllh litotches out pimples nn bur akin ami
In her hilr. After our chlM was cured, Iho also tried
your Tills, aud they havo cuied her.
' . asa MoitaniDaa
Ah n. Fnmlty Physic.
Yoni Dr. K. II. airlwri'jld, Alio Oilcan.
Your l'ills nro tlio pilnro cf purges. Their excellent
qmlltles surpass any rathaitlo o jsissess. Hicy aro
inll.l, but very oei t.ilu and i n"eilnal lu Iheir action od tho
l oweli, which mikes them Invaluable to us In tho daily
treatment of
IIeniIaclic,SlekIIcniln die, Foul Stomncll.
JVowi Jr. y.iiuui 1 lhyil, UiVimtrrf.
PEVtillno. Avrut fcaonot answer you ij.W comrlnlnts
I haio chic I with yonr Pills better limn to bay all Clint ms
frer treat tciri u jmrtatiM mcuiciac. J piaco giesi iicj.-n
,i.-iieoonniiorr..ctiiii tatiitrtio in my daily coiite.t wiiii I -
liiea--o, im.l belloihigni I do that your Pills olTortl us tlio I
best wo hau',1 of courso value them highly. .
1'iiTSncr.n. I'u.. Mar 1. 1S53.
tm. J. C. Ann. Sin I havo been icf i-iteilly cured of
tho M'oist fnwhrhe any body can haio hy a dt no ih- two
cT your PUN. It seems to nildo from n font ftumacli,
which they cleaiHo at unce.
Youn nllh great lespect, HD. W. rnimtr,
CJsivV oSltamtr Christ.
Illlloits Disorders T.tver Coinplnhi ta.
l'lnm Dr. Tlmmlnrt tl'lt, nfXha Twit Gftf.
Not only nro your Pills admlruMy adapted to their pur
iioso as an atiericnt. I ut I find Ikclr l-enrrtclul cffictsuioti
the l.lvei' vciy maiked Indoed. Thty havo In my pnio- i
lieu I'linvi iiniiu iiictiiuii i.t lie. turu 01 uuwiti citn
jihtntt than any ono rtmedy I can im-iillon. I blncenly
lejobo Unit vo have at I. ngth n pnrgallio wblili is wor
thy tho confidence of the pioftetiou uud Ihe peuple.
UfPARTMLT OP tiis iNirnion,
AVnslihiKl"!!, I). C. Till Yvbt JS.IU. f
Fir: I liavo motl jour I'ilti In my ciiinil uiul lio-uttal
fiMctlcocTcr Miko jon nia-lo thi'in.aiiIcnt)ii(t luvitute to
f.ty they aro tlm best tatliaitlc wo employ. Tlit-ir n'gu
l.uii itcliou en tint Uxor h rukc ntul iloi-jtlcl, cuiwo
(iucntly Ihcy me an tulmlrnUo n-mcily ftv cJoiuticiiwul-i
of that oritn, linlteil, I Imvo eel lom lb u rid n nw? uf
I'llifiut diftuic so olnthmto that It 1K1 mt ntulily siM to
them. lmUiiuiIly jutirs AI.O.NZO HALL. .u. D
1 Vtsictan uj the Marine JlorpitaL
Dysentery) Dlni'vlicm Ittlnx. AVorius,
ISotn Vi J. 0'. Green, of Vftiwifu
Your ViU mo Iial a lung in my juMotlcp. nod T
linl I them in re teem as ono of tho livst jt'.rlftits I luivo
our found. 'Jlnlr nltciutiTO tiler t tipon iho liver tntikfi
thr-in nn exccllout vi'medy, lion giun In Fitmll fat
Villous tljztuUrj and tihrrhoa, 'Jhclr BUGnr-cuntlng
niakch them veiy occeptat lo and convenient lur tho uso .
of women aud chllJicn.
Dyancusin, imi.m-ity or ti.. nioo.1.
rrcm lltv.J.r. lima, l'astw ff Adtmt Chutch. ik.
dr. Arm: i havo used your nils win, extiairdiu.iry
sure 1-44 II, luv fMtitlv nml ninniii. tlmkn I ion riill.-.t li, vU.I I
ill tli-tre-s. To ngulato tho oigans of U!ge.tiua nnd
!iltilythu Lloud, they oro tho veiy best leuiedy I lmvo
over known, ami 1 can cunlldeutly rccominend ttunito
uiynieud". Youis, .7. V. Ill.MKS.
Wahsavt, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1S5.1.
Dear Siui I am using jour Cathartic I'llls In my pi.ii
tlce, mnl fltitl thorn an excelb nt purgathe to cleative tho
system mid vuril'l the fitmltini nf Ih' Ihml.
Cmul lim(Ioit,Cos(Ivcllrsfl, Suiilii t s slon,
Itlit-iinintl-iiii, (.out, '-in-nllii, Droi
Hy, I' j (its, I-'Hh, etc.
Viem Dr. J. 1'. Vaughn, Jhntrrul, Cmaila.
Too much ranuut ho said of j-our Tills for tip euro c.f
catliccHut. If othcisof our fiateinlty havo fjund them
as enieatlous as 1 hue, they bhould j.iln me In proebdni
Jng it for tho beticllt of tho multitudes who suiter fsoia
that compl ihit, which, nllh.iiigh bad enough In it-ielf,
tho progenitor of others that are worse, r believe ens
tivencss toorlgluato In tho liver, but ytatr I'llls atTtct that
organ and cine tho disease.
JVniit Sirs, V. Sluarl, rhyticlan ami llvlvlfe, 77os(ji,
I find ono or two 1 ue;e nf your Tills, taken nt rtio
proper time, nro cxrillentpri niotliesof the natural secrc
ruin when wholly or partially suppressed, and also vry
clTectu.ll to ctoiusi! Iho flmnavh anJ txud worms. They
aro so much tho best physic viu huso that I lecommcud
no other to my atlents.
il lin the Her. Dr. IImuUs, nUit il Ihnd'tl Ffh. Churclu
Tn ssui Hor?r, SaTatmnh, On.. .Tan. 6, ISC
Ho.vonrn Hm: I sh.mld lm nniriaterul for tho rellLf
your tklll has me If T did not icpurt uiv cas- to
you. A cold settled in in v limbsaud brought ou excrv
clatlug ii'ttni'iic a:ns, whl-h ended in clirouic i hrltinn. Ni.tu llh.t Hiding I had the be-t of phi sleians, tho
dSeaso giew nise and, tmtil l.v the udilct- uf your
ex't-lletit agent In Ualtici-ua-, llr. Maikcnzi. 1 tiled your
Tills. 'J heir i If.icts wci o slow, hut biii'e. lly perseverlnj
hi tho uso of them, I am now entiuly well.
Srirvir. Chamm-h, llalnn T.ouge, r.a., 5 Deo. lB.'.S,
Dn. Aviu: I have been entirely cuieil, by j.-uc lin.. of
J'heamattc 6uut a paiuful disease that had nfllictcd mo
f.ijears. Vl.NCUNT SLIDKIJ.
e7r-M"t r.f tho Tilts In market contain Mercury,
si hith, although a Taluallo rcmod) In bkltful haiid3, if
dangerous in a publle pdl, frnn, the dreadful c.nso
rpienees that Jieuueiitly f.ill.iw its incautious ue. Tlieiro
contain no ruercuiy or suhbtaitet, whatever.
Price, 25 conta per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Propsrcd by Dr. J. C. AYEK & CO., lowcll, Maso.
.Slid by I'. T i utz, C ,M (iagcnbiich, and J 11 Moyer,
!ooiuhiirg; J Srhiiyh r, llohrbhurgi Mntors k Sou,
Millville ; T Ma-lerr, T-entou; I.a7arus & I'lsher, Or
unceville ; C 1' 1'nw h r I'owlersvillo i A Miller, Her
w ii k ; I.uw it Urns , Ccnlerv illo ; II T ltcicliart & llros
l'spy ; M (1 1-lioeniakcr, lliickhorn ; Iteigliart & Nuss,
Mainv ille : .1 fMiarpIoss, C'nttavv iri-a; Creasy i. Co.,
I.iitlit Mreit : and dealers ever) where.
July 20, l.-ii.'-ly.
Choice Wlicit.
Why sow the L mcastcr, when yov can
prosit c Whrat, vieldinn double Vie
amount per acic.
Head thu Tom-owix Ctr.TtitcATi: from IIxrtitiENriiD
1'AKMbltS : .
Wc, tho undersigned, Taruieis, residingiii the county
of Northumbi rliiiul. do ci rlify, that wi- puriliasod of
.Xarii.i vx oi r, a ncu article ot vv lute j;gyptinn neanlcil
iv neat, ia.1 ran, ami iiiiii ii lar superior in niiyiinug
ifrituotiilliiris.-iti.iii. niiekteiiiistltllnn.l .Irnli!- rini-n
so early as lo defy the iiuiduous itltack of tho llessias
rty nun vv ce n, mnl w ill yield at lea-i. oir-iiiiiii mo
to llio aero than liny other wheal now- grow n in thi
section uf country. We vviitiht cheerfully recommend
to our agricultural friends, throughout tlio State, as
every way worthy of altentiuii.
Isaac Vincent, I lleiincrillo l.ciuhacli,
Tliuiuas Deaniioiul, John Mi I'arlnttd,
Si mil i' ! Deiirniuud, I J. (1. Durham,
riilas llambai h, I John I.eut-n,
Holomon II. Wuttcrs, D Deilt'i nbnrh,
Henry VV nils, Joseph Nicely,
J. 11. Lcinbtich, Hubert M. Uussel,
Teter llimenbiiih.
Tor particulars conceriiiui: this valuable whnat, rn-
iptiie uf Andrew l'reas, of Ccutie, or J. K. Grot., of
lllucmiliurg, July TJ, lrt)2 bw
"tVTotico is hereby irivon, lliat tho Batik
nf Danville, a Hank of Issue, Discount and Depns
it, located in Iho lloroiigh of Danvillo, Al ontou renins ly
w ith uratiitul nf'I'ivn Ilutiilrud Thousand Dollars, iu
tends making npplic ition at the next regular session nf I
i the Legislature of VeniibVlv ania, for the renewal of its
i barter, mid extension ol its pi mlcges, lur a term nt
twenty years from the expiration nf Us present charter.
Willi thesamu naiiio, title, location an-) capital,
liy order of lhuI3o.ini of Directors.
ii.v v in 1 ..nut, uasaicr.
Danville. Ta ,Jnne ?, ISbJ-lim
TONH SI'llMV, of all kinds. Iluckwheat ex
cepted, is wanted immediately, at tlio Mill
(Irovo Taper Mills, near Light direct, forvvhuli
cash w ill bu ruld.
Mill Orovc, August 9, IfOJ.
A G R 1 0 U L T U R A L F A I R.
Tho Executivo Committee nf the Columbia County
Agricultural riucicty, havu lived upon tlm
l'rlli, Kill), 1 71 Ii cV lSdttliiys of October,
next, as the tunc of holding their Hevcnih Annual I'air.
AugiiitO, IcGJ
Tas.engers dine lu re on Iho passage of each Train,
11. M. ME1LRJOK,
Tains.-)".!, Jan 4, 16',
MAC. Washington Aug. 10, 1802.
A gentleman who left Fortress Monroo
last evening, arrived here this afternoon,
and gives us tho following information :
The Army of the Potomac had all ar
'rived at tho lower end of the Peninsula,
...i.l i l.! 1 .-.1 ... .1 ..
i wiiiiuui uuing niuiuaicti un ma way in tuo
slightest degree.
) Gen. M'Olcllan, it was understood, was
' at Williamsburg yesterday morning,
j Gen. Fitz John Porter's division, which
I was on the opposite side of the James
river, has also come down tho Peninsula,
fJ en. lliirnsido arrived at Fortress
Monroe from Washington on Sunday,a!id
, went up tho James river ns far as tho
Chickahoiniiiy to see how operations nro
going on. lie returned yesterday mom-
ing to the Fortress, and reported every
I thing going on most statisfaetorily.
j Of the present position and destination
j of the army, of course nothing can bc
Most of the gun .boats have come down
tho river, hut some remain to guard the
pontoon bridge scross the Chikahoininy,
over which the army passed on its way
down tho Peninsula.
A great number of steamships, steam
I boats ami schooners aro now lying in
, this hatbor loaded with disabled soldiers
and commissary stores, also camp cqiiip-
irrpg tents, tec, from Harrison's Landin'-
' ... ,
1 llCV ai'C UVVaitlllg orders.
A eorrepondent writes as follows : It
is now reported that wo have nineteen
Hebel regiments ou our front, near Pam
olio river, and that guerrilla Morgan
pressing on our rear with 2000 cavalry
and a heavy force of infantry and artillery
The force iu front is, I presume, correctly
reported. That on our rear, doubtful.
If tho latter bo correct you must send
reinforcements from Kentucky and Ohio
to drive off Morgan, or we shall lose our
mail, and bread and bacon.
Memphis, August 10th. Reports from
White River say that General IIovey's
Division had a fight on Monday, near
Clarendon, Arkansas.
Tho Uuitcd States forces consisted of
six rceimcuts of infantry, and the Rebel
e , , . . r . .
lurl3 "gii. regimcnia or cavalry anu a
pa'toi ucucrui ljttnumau 3 uriMUO.
The battle raged fiercely for somo time,
... . . 0 . . '
with destructive effect on both sides, but
resulted in the defeat of tho Itobcls and tho
capture of seven hundred prisoners.
No frather particulars have yet been
SEl'TEMBEB TErtM, 1803.
Illoom Michael Walter, Joseph Ilarkley, John Dull,
Dor. lWrwIck Jcp.s How man, Hudson Owen.
Centre Win ShaHer, 11 V llagenbuch, Jcr. Hagcn
Inch. Cattawissa-Gcorgo Scott, Carpcrllahn. Panlel Hl-
I'ishingcreek Martin Ammcnnan.
I'rnukliu lleiijamin I' Tortner.
(Jrcenwiiod Isaac Hewitt, t-r.
l.ncust Reubeii I'.iliringcr, John Pavis, John Cflno,
David Holbein. John llarnt-r.
Madison Valentine Welllvcr, Mathios Mooro, Vhf
herd Itiiuyan, llichard Delimit.
Alt Tleasant Win Mill-r. Wm Kitchon.
.Montour Tt ter Ileiiibach.
Alillliu-r. 11 Hess.
Alainc Jacob .-'hugar. XVmT Sliuman.
Orange Alfred Howell.
I'liiu- j.zra Kiiiiyau, Jubn vvinterstecn.
llluouibbiirg, July -.'G. ldi.2.
SEl'TEMUErt TERM, 1802.
Renton John Dildino, T. N. Alooro.
Ileavu riauiitul C'ux.
Ilriarrerek J C Siiillh.
Cent, r Andrew l'reas.
Cattaw isL'a -Dr. J W ltobbins. Daniel P.eiul.nH. J.rnl,
Conviichain X in t. Kline.
rranklin J S rahringcr.
rigliingcrcek Uniaiidus Unangat. David Yost.
Jackson Joshua Savage.
I.ncii't Jntin I, Hurst.
Va.lisnn James Wollivr. Uriah Mills.
Alillliii-D A llcss, II C Hess.
Alt. Tleasant Levi (.'arrctt
Alaine J wtA (lilillint;.
Tiuo Abr'iliam llenloik. John Lockhart. TIioiuhd
Mcllndc, Elijah Tulluier.
I Andrew Creveling, v Andrew Alcllick, et al.
J Tlnlip Wniterstccn, v Valentine WinUrstemi.
3 Daniel I'. Heybert, et al vs A. II. I'enrce, et at.
-1 Daniel T. r-ejhert vs Augustus U Tearce clal.
5 HeiiTy Wellsjr vs Ueorgu Kinley Jr.
li Kimiiel J. Healer, vs Abraham U . lir-bbins, ctal.
7 Jacob Tycr vs Abraham Klaso.
ct Abraham Kl.ihi-, vsjacob Eyer.
II David I.evii-t ii vs ti.nnuol L. llettle.
10 Daniel T. i..-yb' rl v Joseph t.riibil,
11 Elijali AIcMiirtri.- et ni vs Christian Wolf.
12 l'reilerick Vlarkrnll'vs John Unbison,
i:t William Coxetal vs William lloldren.
14 William A Case ct at vs Centre township.
Iu II IS l'reas vs Joshua Tcttermau ctnl
111 JI 1! rreasvs Jo.hua Tctterman ct nl.
17 .Iiiliu II llrown et ul vs Leonard II llupcrt.
I Teter M Traughvs Aaron Clayton.
IP Samuel llittenoendes vs Silas D Edgar.
20 .Malitun Ilicks ct at vs Oliver Lynn ct al.
21 (it-orgu Hughes ct al vs J V Cri.Hill ct at.
22 James vs Cllas lloeso.
2.1 Lewis Larish vs Hubert ll.tgi-nburh.
24 Su.iaiina Larish vs llohert llagenbuch.
2.3 Auilruw I.arirh's Executors vs Uobeil Haganbucli
ill Teter HolI'maiTs Eveculurs vs David Cox.
27 N. U. Cn a-y vs Henry C l'reas.
2- I'.uoih llvc-rttt vs .Mont. Kline ct nl.
2J Wm I. Tarke vs Elulin Itnbblns.
JACOI1 EYET.LY, Troth'y.
Troihoiintary's Olllce, )
Illoomsburg, July 27, lct.2. j
jyiOTIcP, is h-reby given to nil legatees, creditors anil
L other persons interested in tho estates of the res
pectivo deredciits aud minors, that the follow lug ad
ministration uud guardian accounts have been filed in
the oliieu of the Itegister of Col uuibia county, and will
li -pres. -nl. -il for roullriniition ail.) allowance tn the Or
phan's ('unit, tn bo held nt illoomb'Jrg, in tho county
ul-'resaiii. nn vv cuncstiay uu .1.1 nay nt eepiemncr next
ll n ciock in llie uiieruoou tu sain nay
1 Tirst and liual nrcoiint uf (ieorge likelier nnd Teter
M Karshner, Executors of Henry Krumlatc of .Montour
township dee'd.
2 Thu account of Alem 11 H'hito executor of Joseph
White lat of Tine tuwn.-lup. ilii-'d.
3 ITrilnnd llnal uccuuiil uf Churlos Mnsh llcr, adni'r
of Lewis finilh lateuf Ihiuicreek township, due'd.
i i irbiacroiiiuoi t.eorgo iiugiu-s anu otucrs nuintn
isirators of llio estate of Joseph Taxton late of Catia.
vv isa lowiibliip dee'd.
.xcciiuui ui vyiu lux l.i u s executor or lllizabctli
Murray, lalu uf Derry tuwuship dee'd.
U Aci-nuiit of T.ohirl Davison iidui'r of 11 E TcjtiW'ortll
lule of Callawlbba Inw'ii.hip dee'd.
7 1'itinl account of David Dai is and I'iiul I.ciJy exec,
uturs of Sarah ricehler latouf thu Uorougli of Daiivlllo
.Itc d.
b I'irst and final arcnttnt nf Joseph W Ream adin't of
llonjaiulii W Hcesolato of (Ireenwnod township don'd.
ti Tint and final account of John II Ilettler executor
of Titer llorlorber lalo of Alltllin township dve'd.
Ill Thu tlrst and llnal account of John Huulh udiuinis
trator of Teter Craw ford lato of .Madison towiisliipdcc'il
11 Arcount of David Krlshcr, Uuardian of Ct-orgeW
uud Uetinci illo Krislu r minor sous of Binion Krlshor
lateuf Locust township dee'd.
12 Tho hiial account of Teter Ilipnenstecl adinlniitra.
tors of Cunrad lllppentccl late nf Uriarcreektvvp.dcc'd
lit Tlio tlrst and llnal account of Jonathan Wilson
adiu'r., of Arnold Krster lain of Greenwood tw p. dee'd.
11 llio llnal account of William (J Quick uiulJolmU
Uulck adui'ra ofJohn II Quick lato of Montour town
ship decd.
15 The final account of Cjruil! Ueecoadin'r ofVcnlah
Ueeco laic of Hemlock township, ilcc'il.
10 I'irst and flnal account of John Itlcbart adm'r of
Samuel llicliart lalo of Madison Inwiiihip, dt e'd
DANIEL IXE. Uegiltct.
1 BloomtburE, August 9, lcC2.
ii i i 1 1 is wm wniT "ti nmtiiaMBinif thhi '