Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 23, 1862, Image 2

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Mtcjuvivm ! mil ! li MMMUVBTrarznmaaamam
purposes WiiFe wau i
CJtOll!i BY A nt,H NEARLY ONANtMOCI, rAED Tint PKinLOTins, wiiirii EM-Risr. hik voicu or
me flktiaf and m tiiktki'b sta.ndaiui or loyalty !
"Thnt the present di-plornl-le civil nr It n been
forced upon tho country l.y llio illiinlonlt of tlio
Pouthcrn Stntei, now In iirnn njtiiliut tlir Cnnetllntlonnl
(liivcrnincnt, Mill lit nrm around tlio Capital; Hint in
this National C"crgenry, Cniipirn", b.inlhlnir nil feci
lug of in'tP passion or resentment. i II I recollect only
Ituduty to tho whole country i that this trori vtl vagal
on their part In any Spirit of cpprcsslon,or for any pur
vote of conquest or subjugation orp'trposcof overthrowing
or iater'rtng tilth the rights or itablished inttilnllons of
those mates, but to defend and viaintaln the tvpreMcy of !
the OonsWunw.nndtJvreieree the Union, uilh the dig-
jilfw, eua,ity,andrighi otitic secerai ioicsvninpaircui
tnilhalas soon al thestobjecti are accomplished the tear
ought to cease"
Opinions of Judgo Douglas.
flenublicana of cur day, now that lie Is no more, profess
Implicit faltli in the opinions of the late Hon. Frm-iiKS
A. IJouiilas. Wo call to tho witness stand tho lliiug
listoryoflhat tried patriot and eminent statesman. In
Ihc United States Senate, upon llio 3d of January, liOl,
Judge Douglas said :
'I nddrcss the Inquiry to republicans nloneorlic rf
son lAat In (As Committee of thirteen, a few days ago, every
member from the kouth, including those from the cotton
Halts (MessrH. Tombs nml D.ivU) expressed their rcadi
vest to accept the proposition of my renetablrfrttnd from
Kentucky (Mr. Crittenden) n n I'lNAI. SETTLE! I'.NT
of the controversy, if tendtred ard sustained by rrpub.lean
members. "1ICNCH, Till! SOLI! UllSt'ONSIUlLlTY
Stephen Jl. Douglai.
"1 hold that this Government wns made. on tin- White
I'.nsis by White .Men for the buicfit of W hito Men and
their Posterity Porovcrl Sctphcn .1. Douglas.
jjQy-Dr. John's insinuation, in this
week's machine, that tho Commissioners
were compelled to do justice to the volun
teers is superlatively contemptible. They
never intended injustice to our noble vol
unteers. Much less, bad he or his clan,
any viflnencc on their action.
t&r-Tko Democratic Stato Central Com
mitteo will meet at the Buchlcr Houso, in
Harrisburg, on Thursday, the 2Sth inst.,
at 8 o'clock, P. M. A full attendance of
the members is urgently and-carncstly re
quested by the chairman.
JCs5 Release op Prisoners. Colonel
Michael Corcoran, Lieut. Colonel Wilcox,
Colonel Bowniau and Major Yogdcs havo
at longth been released by the rebels, and
arc now in Washington. This will be
good news to tho many friends of these
rioblo patriots.
E&Tho Two Companies of Columbia
County Voluntcrs, which marched last
week from Bloonisburg to Camp Curtin,
havo been formed iuto the 132d Regiment,
and on Monday last, took their departure
for Washington. They comprize tho flow
or of our brave young men. God bless our
noblo Volunteers for the Union.
cSyllENKY J. Myers, Esq., of Adams
county, ha3 been nominated by tho Demo
cratic Convention for tho Legislature.
Last year Mr. Myers was elected by the
citizen voto, but one John Buzby, claimed
his seat on tho strength of two majority of
tho Army voto, aud cheated Mr. M. out of
his scat in tho House. Justice will now
UQyTho memborsof the Band, attached
to tho Iron Guards, arrived in Bloomsburg
on Saturday, having becu honorably dis
charged from tho service. They havo no
quit thcmsolvcs with honor, in tho service
of tho Union Army, and wcro joyfully
welcomed homo again. Thrice welcome,
patriotic volunters.
jBQfDr. John mistakes the spirit of our
loyal pcoplo and his own duty as a citi
zen, in his attempt to cry down or depre
ciate tho standing of Wm Eyer. lie
openly justifies both of tho recent out
rageous acts of violoncc, and it would
seem is anxious to inaugurate mob-law
in our community This is certainly a
mistake, atfempt it who may, and they
must be very careful that they do not,
sooner or later, reap tho bitter fruit of
sucli teachings.
CgfCapt. Wellington II. Ent, of tho
"Iron Guards'aftor an abscnoo of ovor a
yoar, tho past week has been at homo pay.
ing a brief visit to his parents and fricuds.
Capt. Ent, is ft bravo officer and true pa
triot, tho eldest son of our estimablo fellow-citizen,
tho Hon. Peter Ent, who
has another Son. Lieut. Usal II. ENT,aho
in tho Army. Both theso officers hayo
boon in and through tho fiorcest battles of
tho campaign and havo each won unfading
EST Union Democratic Corn. Wo
havo in our Office n stalk of Corn, taken
from our Corn Aero, last Monday, which
measures thirteen feel high ! Tho lot is
much of tho sarao sort. This Corn seed
was, in last April, prcsontcd to us by the
Hon. Abram Peters, of Lancaster coun
ty, tho only man in our Stato elected as n
Union Democrat to tho Legislaturo who
maintained his integrity inviolato and re
fused to affiliato with Black Republican
ism. Hence, its emphatically, "Union
Democ ratio Corn."
Splendid Improvement.
Messrs. W. B. Kootis anil A. J. Sloan,
havo each been making very valuable im
provements upon their property on Main
Street, opposite tho Court House. Mr.
Sloan has built a handsome brick addition
to his Storo House, and niadoau addition
al story to his Store. Mr. Koons, has
also raised his Hotel tho Exchange
several feet higher, and both buildings aro
handsomoly ornamented with delicately
carved cornish, adding tasto and elegance
to their general appearance.
Luzorne Democratic Ticket.
Congress Charles Dcuisou.
Senator Jasper B. Stark.
Sheriff .S. II. I'utorbach.
Assembly Vain Walsh, S. W. Trim,
nier, and Jacob ltobiuson.
Commissioner Stephen Davenport.
Coroner Dr, J. W. Gibbs.
.Auditor W. II. Alexander.
Surveyor John Sturdcvant.
Tho contest for Congress, was betwixt
C. Dcuison and II. li. Wright. Tho Col.
was beaten by 13 votes and is finally
shelved. Tho foregoing Ticket will bo
0Prf0J . linvotld a nor adventure, bv tile
tlCCltu, ULJOUU .1 pel uiULlituil, vy irn.
uohI0 ttcillOCraCV Ot OlU JjUZCmO.
"uu'u "'"""v vl "
ITloiitoiu Democratic Ticket.
Sheriff. Edward Young.
Treasurer Abraham Wagner.
Reg. cj Recorder W. C. Johnson.
Commissioner. John Mooro.
Tho representative Conferees woro in
structed for John C. Ellis.
Our democratic frionds,in little Montour,
will casilv elect tho above Ticket. It is a
good ouo anil, strong. Tho opposition,
know-nothing no-party thing, is mainly
mado up of rcngadc politicians and disap
pointed expectants.
Surgoous "Wanted.
Wc refer to the Card, aud take pleasure
in calling attention to fact, that about ISO
medical officers, will be required for tin
old and now regiments,
drafted must go in tho
in tho Regimental Staff.
Physicians wivn ,
A.iujia intuitu
The interest and
I.. .1
pride Pcuusylvanians take in their Stato
Regiments make the association with them
pleasantcr than any position in another
Corps. Surgeons will be obtained by tho
promotion of assistants who provo them
selves worthy.
Sullivan for Elwell.
Hon. William Elwell, of Bradford
county, has carried iho Sullivan county
Democratic Convention, unanimously, for
our President Judge.
Hon. Geo. D Jackson, of Sullivan, has
also carried that county, unanimously, for
tho Stale Legislature.
ESy-A snniTED address. Hon. Fran
cis VY. Hughes, Chairman of tho Demo
cratic State Central Committee, has issued
a second address to tho peoplo. It is an
ablo and spirited produciton, aud will be
found in auothor column. The suggestion
for County Meetings, to bo holdall over
tho Stato on tho 17th of September the
anniversary of tho adoption of tho Feder
al Constitution is one which will, doubt
less, meet with favor, and be cheerfully
responded to by all tho frionds of tho Con
stitution as it is and tho Uniou as it was.
Wo presume the Democratic Committooof
Columbia county will bo called together
by the Chairman at an early day to take
action on tho suggestion.
JtgyTiiE National Exhibition of Horses,
to bo hold at Willlamsport, Pa., is pro
gressing finely. Tho New Barns of tho So
ciety aro nearly completed, Horses are be.
ing entered from different States. "Engi
neer" formerly owned by John M. Botts,
of Virginia, has boon entered as a thor
ough bred Stallion ; it is stated that 20,
000 dollars havo been offered for him and
refused. Geo. M. Patchin, Jr., has also
been entered as a thorough bred Stallion,
and is well known as one of the best horses
ju tho country.
BSyDr. John attempts to censuro the
District Attorney, for instituting legal pro
ceedings against the men who wcro instru
mental in producing disturbance in our
peaceful county. Passing by his numer
ous falsohood3, in rolation to tho prosccu
tions, it is proper to say, that ho willfully
or ignorantly perverts tho truth, in saying
thatthatofficer gets 83 each for twenty pros-
ccutions. Every timplcton knows, or ought
to know, that tho Attorney's Fco is 5 00
for each indictment, aud that is all tho
District Attornoy gets in this case in
stead of C-00 as thoy aro all oomprchju
ded in ono prosecution. Truly
"Whcro ignoranco is bliss,
"lis folly to be wise."
CST-Coi.onel Corcoran a Brigadier.
A dispatch from Washington says, that
tho gallant Col. Corcoran was on Monday
last, appointed Brigadier-General, his com
mission to dato back from the battlo of
Bull Run, tho strugglo in which himself
and bravo command so greatly distinguish
cd themselves, and in which ho was taken
JCSrWe aokuowlcdgo tho receipt, from
tho Common Council of tho City of Now
York, of a splendidly printed copy of tho
"Oration of Gen. Hiram Walbridgo, on
tho political and industrial interests of tho
J United States."'ioN. Tho "Susquohauna
llivcr and North and West Branch Tele-,
graph Company," hold tho annual election
for oilicors on tho 25th ult.
Tho following porsons wero elected':
Prosidcnt A. CI. Gocll,
Treasurer A. 15. Priestly
Secretary Harry Y. Kriling.
Directors A. E. Knann, Wm. I
Grcenough, Hugh Do Haven, M. B. Pries
tly, J. G. L. Shindol, Wm. L. Dcwart,
John S. Boycr, Jesse. 0. llortun, C. Lau
bach, L. 15' ltupcrt, Win. Cameron, L. A.
Mackoy, Peter Wise J. K. Davis.
A Bit op Advice. Sunator Sumner,
in his hypocritical letter to tho Now York
meeting, says :
"What I can do lot mo Uo. Thcro is
no work which 1 will not undertake, there
is nothing I will not reuouueo, if so I can
sorvo my country."
Well, says the St. L6uis Republican,
ho can servo his country by a very easy
performance. Let him reign his seat in
tho Senate aud announce that ho will not
bo a candidate for rc election, and then go
into tho army as a voluutocr and take tho
front rank.
EQyTiiE Dundalk (Ireland) Democra I
says :
"The American Union is tho best friend
of Ireland in tho world. Wo bog to tell
the Irish in America that tho pcoplo of
Ireland aro nearly to a man with the cause
of tho Union and against the wicked re
bellion of tho nigger whippers. They do
not forgot tho good deeds of tho llepublio
in their day of distress, and they heartily
wish success to tho Stars and Stripes aud
a speedy defeat to that audacious factiou
who havo revolted against tho frcccst Gov
ernment mankind has over witnessed.
jqtA Delegation of Colored Men
at the Whit u House Au interview
took place at tho White House on Thurs
day afternoon between President Lincoln
aud a delegation of coloicd men In re
mnnsn in :i lpnupst to address tliQ deloffa-
. . m.n,ill(,nt t.;, t lun!?tll
on the status of tho colored race in this
country. Ho urged strongly tho fact that
they conld never be on terms of equality
with the whito race, and argued in favor
of negro colonization in Central America.
No response was made to his remarks.
jSgy-Allen & Needles's Fertilizers.
Those well known merchants, Allen &
Needles, of Philadelphia, again avail
themselves of the columns of the Democrat,
to call attention of Columbia county farm
ers to the merit of their standard man
ures. Nothing better than their cele
brated Super Phosphate has ever been of
fered ; while those who have faith in the
superior efficacy of Guano, can bo supplied
with an excellent article on highly favora
bio terms.
BSyGEX. Butler has brought the New
Orleans churches back to tho first princi
ples. IIo will allow tho "largest liberty"
in preaching the Gospel of Christ, but ho
will not permit tho preaching of disunion
and treason, nor assault on tho Govern
ment. If such an order had been rigidly
enforced in New England during tho last
ten years, thcro would havo been no re
bellion and no disastorous and bloody civil
CSyGrccley says that the fighting men
of his party, who have never smelt battle,
number 900,000. Moro shame for them,
but the draft will operate on some of theso
patriots. Instead of staying at home and
making mischief by denounciug loyal Dem
ocrats as "secessionists," they will havo to
face and fight tho real secessionists an
earnest work, and of a very different sort
from that they havo been engaged" in for
tho last yoar or more.
They Want Onions. A loud cry for
onions comes from the camps on tho James
River. Ten cents is paid for a single on
ion, becauso ecurvoy 13 appearing and there
is nothing liko onions to keop off scur
vy. Government is implored to send along
somo onions. Tho cry of ono correspond
ent is, "liberty and onions, now and for
ever, ono and inseperablo !" Send us on
ions, and you sond us vigor, life, rigor,
Send us onions."
jCSy-Tho Grand Jury of Erio county,
indicted Morrow B, Lowry for perjury
Mr. Lowry is tho Abolition Stato Senator
who wanted Mr. Lincoln to issuo an oinan-
. .. , , .
e.pation proclamation, and at tho name
time offer, as a reward to tho negroes thus
emancipated, ten acres of land for every
whito man's scalp they would produco
EST The " Valley Spirit" and "7'imes,"
at Charabcrsburg, havo been united, and
tho consolidated paper is now published
by Messrs, II. 0. Kcyser, B. Y, llamshcr
and W. Kennedy. The paper will con
tinue to bo soundly Democratic, and sus
tain tho men and measures of tho party.
Wo wish tho enterprising publishers suc
cess. ESy Volunteers Aiiundant. Tho
President is bored almost to death with
Wido Awakes from all parts of tho North,
anxious to enlist in tho army of tax
gatherers I Old Abo gives, them just two
minutes each to present their qualifications.
Cheshire Jlrpublican.
Tf ilinit. fit, nl , fino tintia nvn nftf c,mnt-iM
, 1 , ... 4 , I
to tho avcracro of lionublican offico seekers.
thov could well bo presented in half tho i
a , -
timo allowed by tho President. 1
A Glorious Spirit Aroused.
Tim nntriotio inmiilso of tho aovcrcien!
pcoplo aro now fully aroused, and but ouo 1
I Miiitimcnt pervades tho Northern hoait a
sentiment of deep, determined resistance to
the infamous traitors in arms against tho
Government. Immcnso bodies of troops
troops animated by tho spirit of their fore
fathers aro pouring iuto camps, to reoeivo
tho woappns of war to bo used against tho
merciless wrolohcs who havo dared to lift
their voices and their hands against tho
best country and best Government ever
vouchsafed to man. "Down with tho trai.
tors, is now tho watchwords ot tlio pcoplo
too lenient with tlio enemies ot our country)
and our loyal pcoplo aro at length con
vinced that it was a miitaken policy, how
ever well iutouded, to deal tenderly with
men whoso sworn purposo it was and is to
dottroy tho country, tho Coustitution and
laws bequeathed us by our veteran fathers.
Forbearance, therefore, has ceased to bo
a virtue, and henceforth wc must uso se
verity when wc contend with rebels.
Let all conditions of men assist then to
"push on thu column," and these who from
business or family relations or incapacity,
cauuot themselves join tho army, should
freely contribute their means to tho desti
tuto families of thoso who havo gone
Thcro should be no niggardly, miserly men
these times, but all who can should give of
their means freely to encourage enlistments
and then thauk their God that ihey had It
in their power to give. Cost what it may
in life aud treasure, this unhappy contest
must bo put through to the bitter end.
The Union must not bo dissolved ; the
Coustitution m ist not bo mocked at. If
in our efforts to restore tho Union, we in
volve ourselves in bankruptcy aud ruin, so
bo it. Tho war was commenced at the
South, and will bo ended by tho North,
be it soon or remote.
Enlist then, young men, now that your
country calls. Both humanity and econ
omy dictate tho necessity of strong mea
sures and a strong army. A draft may
not become necessary if tho whole people
put their shoulders to tho wheel and as
sist, by every means in their power, to
crush tho traitors and rebellion. Colum
bia county has thus far acted nobly, and
wo have no doubt, that if our patriotic
peoplo come up to tho work manfully and
with alacrity, wc will bo ablo to send half
a regiment to tho field. So mote it bo.
Important War Department Order.
The Time Set for Slopping JJouvti and
Jldvanct puy Consolidation nf Incom
plete Regiments Drafting to Commence
SqUcmbtr 1.
IIauiushuro, Pa., Aug. 1-1,1082.
The following order has just been re
ceived by the Governor :
Ordured.'fYs i That after tho 15th day
of this mouth, bounty and advance pay
shall not bo paid to any volunteers for
any now regiments, but only lo volun
teers for regiments now in the field, and
volunteers to fill up now regiments now
organizing, but not yet full.
Second: VTolunteers to fill up new reg
imciits now organizing will be received
and paid the bounty and advance pay
until the 32d day of this month, and if
not completed by that time incomplete
regiments will consolidate and superfluous
officers mustered out.
Third: Volunteers to fill up old regi
ments will he received and paid bounty
and advance pay until tho 1st day of
Fourth: The draft for three hundred
thousand militia, called for by tho Presi
dent, will be made on Monday, tho first
day of September, between the hours of 8
and 9 a, m. and -l and fl o'clock p. m.,and
continued from day to day between the
same hours until completed.
lijlh : If the old regiments should not
be filled up with volunteers before the
first day of September, a special draft will
bo ordcicd for the deficiency.
Sixth : Exigencies of the service re
quire that officers now in the field should
remain with their commands, and no
ofiicnr now in tho field, in tho Regular
or Volunteers service, will, under any
circumstances, be detailed to accept anew
By order of the President.
Secretary of War,
Governor Curlin's mission to Wash,
ington has proved entirely successful, as
the additional regulation order (8th) for
the enrollment and draft of militia, which
has just been received, will show.
Gen. Wool and several of his aids are
, here, rendering valuable assistance in tho
filiation ol regiments, uno regiment
leaves Lancestorto-morrow morning.fully
arIllL.d and equipped, for tho seat of war.
Soveral other regiments also leave here
to morrow, and, Iron) present nppeurnn-
cos, Ponnsj lvania will hao fiftcfii"rcgi
ments in tho field within a week. Others
aro rapidly forming.
Additional Regulations in Regaul to Drnf.
Washington, Aug. 11, 1802.
Tho following additional regulations
for tho enrolment and draft oftho mililia
wero issued lo-day :
War Dup't, Wasiiinoton,
Aug. 1-1,1802.
Ordered, EighthTlM in filling nil
requisitions for militia tho quotas oftho
several States will bo apportioned by tho
Governors among tho several counties,
and whcro practicable among tho sub.
divisions of counties, so that allowance
shall bo made to such counties and sub
divisions of counties for all volunteers
heretofore furnished bv them and mustered
into service of tho United States, and
whoso stipulated icrm ot service shall not
, 'i
itiuvu u.xmrru
Secretary of War,
Jacobin Bowlings.
In order to let our roadcrs know what
sentiments aro being promulgated in those
times by tho Abolition Stato Organ tho
Harrisburg Telegraphvia procuro tho
' following extracts from its Issuo ot tne tu
! instant italics, capitals, ko., as wo find
f lintn
i1iii7nm of Harrisburc 1 citizens of
Unni.avlunni.i 1 tlds war is at vour doors
ilm onomv is on vour thrcshholds the
nfitli?. aud thoknifo
is at your throats. Awake I arise 1 anil
in llin nania of all that it dear and sacred,
let not your lethargy longer blind you to
tho danger by wliicn you aro bunuuimiu
alauchtored boforo your eyes, as tho bemr.
!o nrminil vntir own nocks, and a traitor
mob about to howl your soul into ctomi
... Wn ,tii,t tnl.-ri ihl.s matter into our
own heads, in our own midst, now, NOW
THIS INSTANT, or all may bo lost, and
our armies in tho field may find a firo in
tho rear moro tcniblo than which
tliriy aro marching to meet in the van.
Wo must Compel every man, at least to
use loyal language,'' '
This is a bold invocation for mob law
and in eulcates sculimcuts, outrageous at
nnv timo. but doubtlv so at the present
Tim rnatlors should bear in mind tha1
tho "traitors" referred to by the Telegraph
arc tho Democrats of Pennsylvania.
"lTVj;e a risht to insist, that no man
questions the motives or criticise the pltns
of the government to crush rebellion.
Those who instit on the liberty ot sircei
lo inveigh against the, gov'.mmcul, mak
ilini llhrriti a licentiousness of language
ttlilta an insult to patriotism and a dan
gcr to the country."
The italics aro oursi
Tho doctrines advocated hero aro of tho
old English stamp, that "tho King can do
no wroug," nnd henco unwoithy of the
agu wc live iu.
"Thcro must bo no hesitation about
dealing with our enemies, wether they show
themselves on tho s-trcots of Himisburg,
are seen skulkiug in tho swauips of the
Cltickabominy, or arc caught on our linos
along the James river. Wo repeat it again,
there is no difference in dealing with trai
tors, wherever they are dueovorcd, and
thus to tho moruful cry of, "Watchman,
what of tho night 1" we answer, immedi
ate and eterncl death to all traitors."
This is very significant, when wc know
the fact, that the editors aud proprietors of
tho Pvliial if- Union, wero arrested by
the military authorities, tho next day aud
looked up in prison at Washington. But
to still further illustrate the demoniac
appetite of tho Robcspieriio editor of the
Telegraph, wo produco an article pub
lished in that sheet on the 7th inst., in tho
following significant language :
A Suiistitute. Tho portrait of cx
Govcruor Seymour, of (Jonneticut, has
boon taken do'wn from tho Stato Houso at
Hartford. Tho Albany Journal suggests
that Seymour bo hung up in place ot it.
Wo suggsfc that tho same proceedings
bo carried out with the Bigler portrait aud
Biglcr himself, in the Executive chamber
of this Stato. No man in Dixie contrihu
ted more to tho in'tial stcp3 of rebellion
than Bigler, and such a dealing with hi.-'
picture and his person would be a fitting
tribute to the loyal sentiments of this Com
monwcalth. Harrisburg 7 elcgroph.
Call ye this freedom of the press !Com-
mentis unnecessary.
Clearfield Republican.
The New Comet. The comet
which is now attracting some attention
among astronomers, was discovered as ear
ly as Juuo 18th, aud when first seen, the
eccntrio motion was quito slow, it being at
a greater distance thau tho sun, and mov
ing iu an orbit, making a very large angle
with tho elliptic At that time it appear
ed to astronomers a3 a nebuhc, considera
bly condensed at the centre, the light be
ing intense enough to bo easily seen when
the wire of the telescope micrometer wero
illuminated by artificial light. From this
fact astronomers conclude that the amount
of matter composing this body is consid
erable, exceeding tho ouo discovered on
tho Ud of July in a very large ratio, for
thoy estimate tho intensity of tho light of
tho second equal to that oftho first on tho
3d,'vhen it was distant only nine million
distant only
miles. On the evening oftho !3lst of July
tho embryo of a tail was distinctly seen by
tho aid of tho telescope ; and as early as
tho "8th the light was moro concentrated
on the side, in tho direction of its motiou,
showing that the tail was already in tho
process of formation. On the 7th of Au
gust tho tail had increased in length and
brilliancy, but, owing to tho strong moon
light, it cannot bo seen so readily at the
time. As it is now approaching both tho
earth aud tho 'sun, and being sofavorablo
situated for observation, it will without
doubt, attain great brillaucy. Judging
from tho records of past comets and tho
position of tho present, it is thought it will
reach its maximum brillancy about tho t!0th
of August, when it will bo ouly one-fourth
tho distauco it was on tho lBthofJuly.
It is now moving towards tho north polo
of tho heavens, and ou the I5th inst., will
bo only 80 degrees from tho polo,beiug the
nearest approach, after which it will movo
again towards tho equator. Owing to its
closo proximity to tho pole, during tho
uext two weeks it will bo visible during the
wholo night.
jfeaHlELE.vsu or Gen. McCau,. Gen
McCall, tho Commander of tho Pennsyl
vania Reserve Rcginicuts, who was taken
prisoner in tho seven day's battles boforo
Richmond, has been exchanged and re
leased. It is roported that ho has been
iclioved from his command to cuablo him
to visit his homo aud bo restored to health
CoiislKiitioii and .Union in l'cnna.
Ai ilm itinoiina oftho Democratic Stato
Ccnlful Coiiimilteoold Iho 2Dlh nlt.lhe fol
lowing resolution was adopted : I
llesokcd, That llio ;Chalrmnii call, upon ,
the loyal men of Pennsylvania, through llio ,
Democratic Standing Commlttoos of tlio . counties, lo meet In tlio several cit
lea ami counties of tho Siato, al such places (
as shall ho designated by llio said Handing
Committees, respectively, on llio 17ih of j
September next, to culebralo thai day as
tho aiiuivursary of tliodn;of llio adoption
of tlio Constitution of llio United Slates,
1'ursiiatil lo ilieso roi-uliiiions, I call upon
tho Democratic Standing Commilicos re
spectively in tho several cities and coun
ties of Pennsylvania to request tho Demo
crats and all other loyal citizens lo convene
in mais mcolings at such places and at such
hours as they respectively may designate,
on thu 17th of September next, lo com
memorate tho adoption of iho Constitution
ol Ihc United States of America.
Since the 17lli of September, 1787, thcro
has been no period ill tho history of Amuri
ea when it was so eminently filling and
important as llitf present to bring to llio at
tention of Iho American peoplo great fun
damental priuciptof, which must underlie
any Government where civil aud religious
liberty exist, and especially those that tm
derlio Iho Government of this Uuinti a
Union which roUs lor its foundation upon
that Coiis-litulion which alTirine and prnpi
sos to make sacred and perpetual ihiij-c
principle-). That Cons'itutloii anil that
Union ono and inseparable aro now as
sailed by foes throughout tho whole hunt,
by Secessionists in tho South ami Abolition
ists iu tlio North. The lornter b) a bold
organized, armed movement. MriLo directly
and avowedly at the whole sovereign
ly and cjiisteneo of our Coiisiiliilioiial Gov
eminent. The latier by equally dinicl of
lorls but from under the cloak of recenllj
declared IriemlMiip aud pairio'.ism, Are
seeking lo llirnst their Irailoroii9 stiletto.-)
into tho hurt'" blood of thu nalion.
Tho people ol this land aro Ilia source of
all power. They made Coiiclilulions, mid
Ihey can, and, (unless ilu:y would become,
tho victims nl di't-polism or anarchy) 11111M
uphold them. Tlio great lutidamcnlnl prin
ciples of civil nnd religious liberty assorted
in the American Constitution nru o'seuiiul
lo secure us in the enjoyment of life and
properly, and in iho pursuit of happiues.
Among these are the freedom of speech
and of tho Press, the tight of tho peoplo
peaceably lo assemble, iho tight of the peo
plo to be secure in their persons', houses,
papers and effects against unrcasnnnblH
searches and seizures, that no warrant shall
issuo but upon pruhablo c.n-o, supported
by oaih or affirmation, that no p.-rson shall
be held 10 answer for a capital or other in
famous crime unless rn a presentment or'
indictment of a Grand Jury except in ea-us
arising in the him! and naval forces, or in
the militia when in actual soincu in limo
of war or public danger, that no citizen
shall bo depriied of li!e, liberty or property
without due proce-s of law that iu all crim
inal prosecutions, the accused .-hall enjoy
Iho right to a speedy and public trial, by
an impartial jury of the Stale or Districi
where ihc crime shall havo been commit
ted, which District shall havo beon provi
ous'y ascertained by law, and to be inform
ed of the nature and cause of the accusation
10 bo confronted with tho witnesses against
him, lo have coinpul-ory process lor ob
taining witnesses in his favor, nnd to have
the assislaneu of counsel for his defence.
That tho powers not delegated to tho United
State-, by tho Constitution, nor prohibited
by it to the Suite, are reserved to tho Stales
respectively, or to thu people.
Among iho powers not delegate I to tho
United Sintos, but reserved lo iho Status re
speetively or to the people, is the right to
hold eleetiniH.and to determine upon and
fix iho qualific.ilions of voters. Willi the
people of Pennsylvania this great right "s
fived by tho Constitution of llio Siah-
no power but that Constitution,
, ii mi
wid laws
onacted in pursuance thereof, can prohibit
tho exe.-cjen of; or limit or restrain thai
right a rght most inestimable to our poo
pie, and formidable to tyrants only.
Follow countrymen, on the coming anni
versary ol the day of tho adoption o tin
American Consii-.uiion, in the p.erciu of
"tlio right of tho people neacoablv
i scmblo," lol us nil solemnly and roreronily,
in tlio face of all men and before Heaven
declare our firm determination "to pled-e
our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred hon
ors, -to preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United Siatos.'' Let us
afTord to President I.inculn tho most indu
bilablo ovideueo, thai in ihu observance of
his oaih ot ollieo lo do tho same thing, wo
will uphold and support him, just as re'adt
ly as we liavu already shown him that in
filling up Irom our ranks tho rcal bulk of
the army, now aud heretofore in tho field
wo have always been teady at whatever1
sacrifice to str-ku don open and armed
defiance to the execution of the laws and
to Ihu sovereignly of the Government As
Domocrais, and thu-uUe as loyal men, we
can know no other principle; ol political ac
lion, but to uphold iho and
obey the laws, and that the best evidence
ot our firm purposo to do so is, that as a
part of tho people, wo will demand iho
maintenance of ihu Coiistuuiiou in all its
parts and tho preservation of The Union in
is perfect integrity, and that we will hold
all mm, Noril. as well as South, who assail
our Constitution, in whole or iu part, us dis
loyal men, and iho enomios oftho Union of
Ihese States. PftJJjdum I1co , (.(
augura address, quolmg the eiity provU.
tun in Iho Consiitution of ,0 Ullilei, Sla(JS
relative to tho return of Ingiiives Iron, labor"
from any State, truly said that , found that plainly wri.ic, in Hie
iutiou asanyollur;..ailJ , lu
dress he justly declared- h,lV0 II0
directly or induceily l0 interfere with the
Mutution f slavery in the Slates where i,
exists. I believe I have no lawful ,i.. l0
do so, and I have no inclination m do" so
l tl.o Abolitionists of tho North aro lo da'v
bfingius to bear upon Preside,,, l.i,4c.0Ha
fearful pressure to Induce htm to Men.,
the powers which his official position
present circumstuncos affords, to net conru
or lo this plain provision in tho Constim
and to his own plodgo to the America
pcoplo. This pressure has boon so gj,
that Iho President, in his high position, H
Induccd'to appeal to tho Union. lovinn Co8.
grcssmcn from llio liordor Slavo Slate,
relief, hoi the whole loyal peoplo ofn,
Stato of Pennsylvania come forward
mass meetings, and with our patriotic m
determined voico give assurance to p(P'
dent Lincoln ol thnt relief which ho ((cl
I hot us assure him thai iho only relief he r-
over obtain is from llio loyal masscr,
boring at least 300,000 men In l'eniujijj'
nia alone, who aro firmly resolved im
they aro tho source nl all power, ami B
tlio supremo power in llio (and, Ihey imt
to "preserve, protect and defend th0 c
stilution of tho United Stales, ' agains,,
its foes, whether Abolitionists or Sec..'
! ionists.
Como, fellow countrymen, as you Vss
the groat principles of llio Conslituiion-j,
you lovolho Union oflheso Slates aj,,
would avert despotism or anarchy. a5 j, ,
your right to defend the CetiMitu:
against all its foes, and as it has tho p0,
to do so, devote the I7lh of September nei
to such demonstrations ol tho pop,',
heart as will give moral support to n!
Irioiids of the. country nnd servo tn g0 ,
tho policy of llio ollicers of tho gpvcrirn!
in opposition lo deadly and fatal conn.;.
I need not add Iho couii'ols which iho a'
litionisls.sou'k lo givo. Next to thf po.,,,,
ion of our con-tiniiional rights, wo in
slrivi) to secure the most thorough t,(,
vanco of order, nnd llio personal i
every citizen. Our enemies scik to imp,,
to us u willingness lo produce a colli,
of forces. If, by this, is infant mirslr,
determination to have our rich's umltr
Constitution, nl whatever sacrifice, let t
assure ihein that while we leel tosurrcn'.
Ilu'-o rigll s would degrade our inanln,
and, therefore, no such surrender ovor it
be made, yet as good citizens wc will
everything but our honor and lhoe r,;i,
to avert such collision. Wo will nppeail .
wo have the right lo expect, and I iru-u
hope, yea, believe, wo shall have the lie
ol the ollicers of tl.o Government to ai-J
in p o'eoiing our rights and averting (
collision. Let us show these enemies i,
wo well understand thu basetiojs ol
hearts that, determined upon monsirj;
wrong, would persist in such wroii;, a
impute direful catastrophic which i
may thus occa-don to the Iricuds of tie C
B'llution of Iho laws, nnd therefore ol
perseverance ol perfect order. Sunn1
up as we dozily to resist uygrosion v
our rights, upon tho heads ol
aggressors must bo tho rospousibiliiv
any consequences ol evil Hut, which rr,
yon my country men, and iho officcis
tho Government co-operating, gnideJ :
kind Heaven avert.
Chairman of tlio Democratic
State Central Committee '
l'hila. Augusl Mth, 18C2.
5?" Tin-: Rev. Dr. Breckinridge, r.
has been all his life opposed to the ki
cratic party, somojiinc ago said :
"Iho permanent triumph of the lit
cratic party, in 1801 is tho best result
sco to bo posssiblc for the country."
- In Berwick on the Kith inst., ly
llov. J.J1. Salmon, Jlr. Joseph 1,im
nuittiofXew York city to Slim Kit
Lauh.v Wiucr.itso.v, ofHcrwick.l'ol. (
111 Berwick, on Monday night. 1
inst., Mrs. M.uiv Baoiisr, aged 01 y.
In Briai creek on the 11th inst, J
Siinrn.iiAMUii, aged 77 years, 11 km.
and L'fi days.
nuviuw oj" the maukkt.
cojuiKcrr.n m:i:ia,r.
'()ll.'(n,uv) ...
OATS . ..,
SI liilL'I.OVnr.BIH'.ll
. miUliTTIIlt
."in I'.oiiH
. .nrj'Ai.i.ow... .
. :inil,Allll
.Announcement Fee SU.OO.
W WHIT will Im n cantliilam for r.s77,7iT
TOltXe.r.M tliuiunilnn r.ill ih num. '
tilths ilo.-isinn of tlu Dcniocrutic t'uunly dm- '
July IV, IMI.'.
U; '-"r" iiiilhorUcil toiiiininmcc llirmisli tin- - I
ol our paper Unit KOIIli .Mi llliMil , . 1 1
tnwiulii,i, will bo n riimliil.-itH nt tliu ni-nr". -1 '
i lrctioiitur CUUXTr C0.IWSA0A7.7. nli"''
iltTi slou .if ilm liL-niotriuir. ( ointy I'unuiili""
mil lio In-Ill In Augtiit m-jit.
July li. law.
ry Tnoni J. Vsnmni.icK, i:q of II"iiil" "
liip,v.! nri- nuilmri.i-ii , nllll lr,.t mil ii- i
Inlu HiIh fSH. fur t;o.M.MIH.-iOM:i!, .uli
ukusvh oflliu iiliinibmtuuutj Jleniucrnti' tun -
August a, ici,-..,
IC7" V II. I.u ii.1, nf Ulnnm (nuii-l"!1
ri-qiio.iL-il tu iiiiiiiiiiiici-, m,,. tin-'
IMHllilCT A'lTOUMlV, nilusitto ill" iimJ"
Ciilmnlii.i County llcimicr.itic Cuurwitiun
Angii.t S!, Ini'.
iiim'im"'1' "utliutl.ed tn ininniinco tin- iiiiint- ol 1 -1
, ..l4' "f Orccuwooil towiisliiM, riM 11 -H""
th" officii of COUNTY' ruvi:vi)ii,
"'."lo Uoluiiihlii County Dcniorrall- I 1 1
wind will nssiMnhlo on tho -Jjtli inst , lit l!lo"iu
-Mixiist !), inns.
Special Notices.
tEr-THOMAS W. MATTSOK, Itofi-iv-il
i'l'l!,"!,,,l,"i N"""'''" fair in l.mnn 131, I"'
UMtri.r I1AOS, lloou, lnia unit (ilium. (ii'"'
nii-ntmirn nmv iiili-,oi tn luirclnncru nf Hi" '"'
l on. rim I, mud, lu ,,r(.H kl(.k f mink- '
k n.t".?1''! Kc" 111 I'liilnuVlpliiii very .! -r"
M. U Mnrkct Street, ono door above Wi. -v"
Uniformity of Tricon l-A Nuw IVatnn- m l;a''
l.t t-l V OIIU llii. own Sl,t..i ...... . litVI-U JL: I'U.
Crc.i-nt Ouu I'rico Clotliiiiu s-ioiu, No. SJl M"'
lilioio Siuh, riiiluilnlpln,,.
In inlilitioii to having tin, largest, mo.t t
r.ulimuiiMo Dtnck nf Clothing in riiil.iilnl.lnti
prrsnly for r.-tnil mli- hao rointituti-ili ' ') '".
inn nali.iiiiiin.hy having iii.irk.-il in lliiurc "'
lido .it tho'vi-ry luwi-.t prim it run b. ".il f' 1
cannot pnii.ili'y ,-iry mu.t liny nliki-
IhUKOoil. nru i-l mioiiki-iI nnd iirt-iiiir. it.
painniiikui Willi thu making nn Unit nil i-.iii !"' '
lull iifBiiranioof gi-iting a good prliilo nt m" 1 ,
'.t jinro. Al.n, a inrgii rli, k of pien gouu o""
Uicliiimt nvlonnd tie l uiiulillt-j, wlm h ' 1
loonier, in Iko inu.l r.tliiiinahl undli'ti"""
" i ;cnu hoioiv credit ptiMn. ,fi
l.f ineniber tlio Cfoku-m, in Jlarket almv.'