rilUl il I) JltM (J. Freeze, Local IMItor. lirORDAV MOnUIIIO, AUOUST 9, 18C2. Dcraocrntlc County (nnventinn. TOTIfiHIs drroliy given, Hint llio Denincrnlle Elec I tori Ih nnd fur the several HorotulH am l'.loitlon inttricts ori;oiunibi.i county, win meet nt ineir rctpoc tire places of Induing said Elections. On Saturday i thr. HUd day of August, lUtrvoon the hour uT3 nml 7 o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purpose of dinoOng two Ddcgatrs from each Cltttlon District, to meet in COUNTY (.'ON VENTION, t tin Court house, In lltuomtbuig On Monday the aflii day or August, At ono o'clock t. M., of said liny, fur the purpnioof making the muni llomnctallc nominations, tube suppor ld bjr tho elector nf rinlnnrtiln county nt t lie ensuing (Jtntfal Kindlon, nml for tho transaction of other bus iness pertaining lo the Interests of tho Democratic pty. v. II. JACOUY, CAofrman, II Bitot OtYtr, flTcruti) fnoe. J. K. Itossin llonrt McllF.xnr JkR, IlAnEMnuLit A. J. Ai.niiuso.i Ji'hk A: Nust. Democratic .Standing Committee. Ir-Bcrks county has appropriated S30 O00 as n bounty fund for the volunteers for the six new companies from that couuty, , :o: KfHon. John D. Stiles, M. C. has our thanks fot .ConercsMonal favors. Mr. Stiles is a liioat i -t . !!.. excellent and nttcnlivo ancmbcr. :o:- C6r,Col.l,'reezc addressed a War Meet ing iu Benton on Saturday last, and on Wednesday of this week, Fourteen re emits from, that place, reported themselves to (Japt. A..C. Meiitch. :o: JJTlio Constitution of tho United States said Daniol Webster, is a written instru ment; a rf corded fuudamcutal law ; it is tho bond, ami only bond, of tho Union of these States ; it id all that gives us nation al character. KaBrScuator Sumner left Washington after considerable delay , in order that ho might bo invited to address tho people in ithc Atlantic cities, as ho passed homeward. ( handlor did likewise, but we hear of no telegraphic reception of the libeller of Gen. McUlellaiK ' -:o: JQrGcn. McCall is a prisoner in Rich mond, well and well treated. So he wrote recently to his wife, ile was hit by a rpont ball, during the battlo of Juno 30, but received no injury. When ho wroto ho was at tho Spotswood lloifo, tho prin cipal hotel of llielunond, and general Roy. .Holds, was, with him, also well. . . ' :o: tSOrlh" Philubibli-m No VIII is on our itab'o No VII is lot among Uncle Sam's mail bags or boys. To all lovers of raro and curious in books and authors tho 'nil ooibUm is a rich treat. When wo go to Now York'vwo shall call at tho office and Book Storc.'No. 01 Nassau Street : and no miitako. -:o:- fiSrChar'cs H. Noll, formerly barber in this place, lia-j procured his discharge from the army, alter a service of home niTie month's, on account of ill health , aud re turned home to his family, llo-, designs oponing his barber t hop this week, and would risk a fair share of public patronage. V- .He is a good hhnvor and hair-drrssor, bo- sides being worthy of a liberal patronage, " ' - Star. OSrThq Detroit 1'i'cc Press states that whilo tho.o that had near and dear friends in the Army of the Potomao were in ago ny over tho hews ofthe battles before Rich- amoud, abolitionists iu that cily were wih- ', ing for the defeat of tho army, and ex preyed their willingness '"to sit up nil "'night to hear of the death of ilcClellan." This is' of a pieeo witlt the abo'itioui-t 'Chandler's ofttick on McClellan iu tho .Senate. , :o:- tColuuibia County has already filled her quota, of.the number called for by tho President under tho last two requirements r i,3f 300,000 men each. Ono company bo "' ing from tho cast and the other from tho west iide of tho river Wo will wager lomcthing pretty nice, that no county in ,,r Peuniylvania or in tho Union, has acted '.'ha so prompt nud patriotic a manner. It j;,rtii a subject of very serious congratulation i to all. Wo shall try to give inut-tcr rolls j tnd particulars next week. i - :0: I tgylludson Brothers II. M. Rogers, ! . . ,ho vocalists who delighted our citizens iomo limo, ago with one ofthe most unique ,futnd charming concerts to which they had iver listened, and who were equally pleased vith tho evident appreciation of our citi lA,MCUs,aro on their return ; and will sing JS'n tho Court House, on Wednesday even i'ng. August 13th. Those who heard thoni beforo will of 'ourso hear them again; and those who id.not, and who havo ever siuco regretted . will bo suro to como out now. as" Atlmittanoo 25 cts. children 15. om V " : -- - jgyArroiNTMENTs or Rear Admi fu'jlkiAts in the Unitfd States Nayy. "."Jho iPresidout has commissioned tho fol .wing named cajtains to bo rear admi ""ljon tho jetlrcd list, under tho recent ;uii"t to establish and oqtifJizo tho grade of et"ft(jJ0 ofliccrs oflhonavy.; Charles Stewart, rl(,,i corge C Bead, Win. B Shubriok, Joseph 'lliuith, George W Storor, Jb'raneis II Greg JJ'.y, Elia A F La Valletta, Silas II S Ring (i(1im, arid iliraru Paulding. And tho fol wi''wing uamed captains to be rear admirals ct'i tho rcarliat i David G Farragut, L M "nVi 'oldsborough," Samuel P Dupout, and A. ,fV. Jfooto. Tho law provides that the rear 4.W 1 admirals shall bo selected by tho President 1 by and with tho advieo of tho Sonate, from ' thoso captains who havo, given tho most faithful services to their country. - to:- - M3r Tbo Cincinnati Commercial, a He publican pnpur, presents tho following pic ture of a radical leader in tho Senate i "Tho most pestiferous of tho factionists of tho Senate of the United Slates is tho Hon. Zacarlah Chandler of Mioh'gau. IIo is not a gentleman of a remarkable amount of solid senso and penetrating sagacity, and it is stating tho caso modcrctcly to Hay that the faculties with which ho wus gifted havu not been cultivated to excess. But ho is rich and 'feels his oats,' and also bo it observed iu gentleness, bis rye. IIo has a notion that it indicates intellect to bo radical, and exerting himself to illustrate his gigantio powers, sueeeeds in making many preposterous assertions, nnd by virtue of his position, in doing aomo mis chief. If tho people would not concern themselves 0 much about what ho says, there would bo less harm done. IIo is, indeed, a 'whiskey insurrection' incamata, and his eccentricities should bo discounted accordingly. New CAiiucrtiscmcnts. STRAW STRAW ! 1 STRAW I ! I 1001 TON'S BTIl-UV.of nil kinds, Iluckwhoat ex cepted. Is wanted immediately, nt the Mill drove l'npr Mills, near Light Street, for which cash will be paid. THOMAS TRBNC1I. .Mill firnvo, August 9, If 02. C0LU3IBI1 l'l)UTY AGRICULTURAL P A I It. The lliecutlve Coinmitten ofthe Columbia County Agricultural 8 iciely, have fixed upon llu 15th, IGtli, 17lli & IStli days of October, I next, as the time of holding their Seventh Annual Knir. C.W.UII I1A11TON l'Kcs'r. AuRiista, If 02 ltWGlSI'JJR'S NOTICKS. NOT1C1'. i lu-reby tilveii to nil legatees creditors mid other purtiini Interested in the entatei of the re ncitive dicedenta and minor, that Ihe fulloine ml. j ni I n i st rn 1 (mi nml guardian nicountu havu hecu Oli d in the ullice uf the l(. sl.tor of Col uinbia county, and will hiprea Mited for cnnllrniatinu and allowance to the Or. i phan'H Court, to ho held at llloomslitiru', Ih the county iiforenald, on Wednetday the :id liny of September next 1 at Jo'elork iu ths uftcrmiou of gaiil day 1 l'ir'-tnml final account of George lllecher and Peter M Karlincr, Uxcculnra of Henry Krniu latu of .Montour I tnwn-iliip ilec'd. I 'J The account of Alum TI White executor of Joseph I Whitu latu of Pine towiifchip, dee'd. I II Pint and final account of Lhnrlcs .Vanteller. adm'r 1 of Lewis Smith latur.f llriarorui k township, iloc'd. ! 4 1'irstaecountof Oeorae llushen and olliers admin. I Istralnra uf the estate of Joseph l'axtnn late of Calta- wi,a township dee'd. I ." Account of Win Cnx Ellin executor of Klizahnth Murray. Into of Derry township dee'd. 0 Acroiint ofKnb.'tt D.ivlson adm'r of HP Teilsworth late of Catuwlsna township ilec'd. 7 1'inal ni count of Havi.l Daiisan'd Paul Lcidy rx r- utori of Sarah Sei hler late of the Ihiruugh uf Danville dte'd. rl I'irst ami llnal account of Jnvoph W Iteese a liu'r of lleiijamln tV leene late of Cri-rmvond touijihip dee'd. 9 I'irftand tlnal ai enunl of John II llilller executor I of Peter llerlocher late of Mlllliri Town, hip dte'd. Ill The first and final account of John Smith adiiiiuic trator of Peter Crawford late of.Maclijun tow nship dee'd II Account nf llavid Krinher, Cuardiau ot Ci orjie W and llenneiille Krisher minor muis uf Simon Krisher late of l.ocust toi, iibhip dee'd. li The final account ot I'cter llippeusteel nduiinislra. tors of Conrad llippeusteel late ofllrinrereek tn p. ill c'd 13 Tho first and final account nf Jonathan Hum nclin'r,, of Arnold Kester late nf Greenwood twp. ilec'd. 11 'I he llnal account of William G Quick and John 0 Quick adiu'rs of John II (tuiik late uf Aluutuur town ship dce'il, Ij The final account ofCjrui!! Rr ceo adm'r ofVciilah Itecce late uf Hemlock township, ih c'd. 10 l'lrst ami final account of John llichart. adin'r of Sjiiiuel llichart late of .Madison tow inlnp, ilce'd l.iUi;i. l.Uil, Kegistcr. nioumshurg. August 9, lcT'. PltdCL7AMATfuN7 WIIDItllAS. the Hon. A ,uon K. rccmtAM. rresldent Judee ofthe Court of t))er and Terminer and Con eril Jail Ihliwry. Court of (tuarter Sesnuiis of the Peace and Court of Common Pleat and Orphan's Court, In 111- 2ith Judicial District, composed ot tho counties of Cnlumlila.Kiitlitnii and Wyoming, and the Hon. John McltfynoliUJi. Ctrphcn Haldy.AisociateJiidges of Colum bia coutity.lnvo issuetlthe irpreiept.lii arlug date the Mh da of .May in the var of our Lord one thouFtniJ. eighi h iiulred and sut) two and to me directed fur holding n Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail dclitery. General (luarti r Sessioni of thol'cnie. Common I'le.-i. and Orphan's Court, in Itloonishurg. iu tho county of I Coluinliia, oil the first Monday, (being the M day) uf otfuieiiiuiT nexi. iiu'i to coiiiinue nnc weeK. I Notice is h"reby given, to tho Coroner, the Justices of inu i-ence ami ( onslablos ortne said county of Columbia lint they he then and there in their proper persons al ' in o'clock iu the forenoon of said day, w ith their records, Inquisitinns and other remembrance to do those things which to their offices appertain tn be done. And thoso that are bound by recognizance, to prosecute against tho prisoners that are or may liu in the Jail of said county ol Columbia to bo then and there to prosecute t lie tn as shall b.-Jiisl. Jurors are re'iuested tn be punctual in thjr at tendance, agreeably to their notices. Daled at llloouis burg, the 'Jlstday of July, in the tear of our l ord one thousand eight hundred and Hill two. anil in the eieh v sixth year of the Indipendeiire ol tha United States of America, luou save the Loinnionweallli.) JCmil II. t'UU.MAN, SherifT. Ulnom-burg, August!!, IM2. LIST OP CAUSES I'OR SEITEMHElt TEUM, 1 6(52. 1 Andrew (.'reveling, v Andrew Mcllick, et al. 2 Philip Wiuterttccii, vs Valentino Wiutcrstcen. ! .1 Daniel V. Set licrt. it al vs A. II. I'enrce, ct al. 4 Daniel F, UeybJrt vs Augustus U Piarco ctnl. ' 5 Henry Wells.Jr vs George Kinley jr. II Samuel J. Healer, vs Abraham v. Uob'jjns, et nl, 7 Jacob I'ycr vs Abraham Klase. H Abraham Klase, vsJacob I'.yer. 'J David l.eviet a vs Samuel L. lletlle. Ill Daniel I Seybi rl vs Joseph Genil 11 niijnll .MeMurtric et nl vs Christian Wolf. VI Frederick .Markrott" vs John Uulii-on. 13 tV'illiaui (.'oxetnl n William lloldreu. II William A Caseet nl vs Centre tow luhip. 15 II II I'rens vs Joshua 1'etternian etnl 10 II II I'reas vs Joshua Fetteriuan ct al. 17 John It llrown et al vs Leonard II Rupert. 18 I'efr M Traughvs Aaron Clatnu. III Baniuel Ilitleuueniles vs Silas I) Edgar. '.'0 Mahlon Hicks ct at vs Oliver Lynn it al. 5! I George Hughes tt al vs J VCrisneil et at. Jl James Harding vs KII.ih Keese, U3 Lewis Larish vs Robert Hagenburh. 'Jl tsusauna Larish vs Hubert Ilagcnbuch. 2.i Andrew Larish's Executors s Hnbert llaganbuch All Peter llnfi'mun's Executors vs David i'ol. i7 N. II. Crea-y vs Henry V Kreas. iH Knoch nvcretl h Mont. Kline et nl. 'Jl Win I. Parks vs l'.lisha Kohhins. JACOB CVURI.V. Proth'y. rroiuonotarys umce, i liloomsl.utg, July.'T, lft;j j (illANI) JUllORS. SEl'TEMHEH TERM, 1802. Ilenton John Dlldlne, I', jf, Mooro. Heaver Samuel Cox. Ilriarcreek J C tiiuith. (.'entre Andrew Frens. Catt4Hi,ga-i)r. J W llobhins, Daniel llclnbolil, Jacob Creasy. Coiiyngham Win L Kline. Frnnklin J a Fahriiiger. l'ighiiigcreek Ciuandus Unangst, llavid Vort. Jackson Joshua Bat age. Locust John I. Hurst. Vndlson-James Welliver, Uriah Mills. Mlillin-l) A Hess, II C Hess. Mt. Pleasant Levi Uarrett Maine-Jacn-rGildliug. Pinu-Abmhani llenlock, Joliu Lnrkhsrt. Thomas Mcllrlde, Dlijah Fullmer. TKAVI3KSB JUIIOKS. SEI'TF.M11KR TfillM, 1802. Illonm Muhail Walter, Joseph IlarMey, John Dcit erich. Ilor. Ilvrwick Jesse tlowman, Hndsnn Owen Centro-Win Hliatfor. II W llageubuch, Jer. Hagen burh. Catlanissa-Georgc Hcntt, Carper nahu, Daniel Hel ls ig. l'uhingcrei k Martin Aniinrriiian. Frnnklin llenjutniu P Portlier. Greenwood Isaac Dew lit, Hr. Locust Reuben i'aliringer, John Davis. John Kline, David llerbein, John Darner Madison Valentine Welliver, Alallii.ii Moore, Shep herd Runynii, Richard Demon. Mt Plenant-Wm Miller. Win Kitchen, Montour Peter He jnbach, Mlllliu-Ell lless. Maine Jaenb Khugar- WmT Shiiinan. Orange Alfred Howell, Pino - Dim ltunyaii. John Wjntcrtteeii. liloomkiiurg, July .u. ii-. I CHEAP MILITARY GAPS! I MILITAUV CArB, of every sort, size and quality i for said rhap at the nionmsburg Hat & Cap Linporium Also riroceries,Conlectionaries.(Cigrs, Ac. 1 JOHN K GIUTOX . rcmil.'iri! Srpt. 14, KM, 1 THE NATIONAL KXIIIBITION or Imported Itlooil & Amcricnn Breeds of Horns Wll.t, Dtt IIKLI) ON Keystone Park Agricultural Fair Grounds, Wililanupoit, Pa,, On Tvculoy Walntstky, Thuitday and Fri day, Stplemitfi, 3, 4, ami ft, 1862. PUK.Y1IUM LIST AND I'UIZK IJANNER Ol'KN TO t-:Xtll ttl I OUS PUOM thr CAN ADAS & O I'll Kit HUITISH PltOVINCIiS. GUEAT NATIONAL KXI1IUITION OP HOItSliS AT WII.I.UMRrORT, 1M. 8F.PT. 2, 3. 4 & 5, I8G2 GUKAT NATIONAL HOHSK FAIR. The mnnagur flatter llium-clms that, ! Ihougli the pint nxhibiiionH lieltl In oilier p.irls of '.iiB Unlteil Slnles, hnvo been cii.l nuiilly successful ant! cntiruly sat iftfacltiry to tho public , tho prist experionco will oim bio them to Improve xotntiwliat in tliu tie Inils of the nrranuctnoii t5, nml In this con liectinn they hope lo tlivn yrenler Incilitien lor tho Julibcrnto oxntninntion tttiil trial of linrses iniuniletl for rale, Wlllinmsporl is easily mid ()iiickly nceesiblo Irom all direc tions. Keystone I'nrls is uequnllfil in its track for flinwttig ot trainin! a hnrfo. Tho managers iltisilzn to make lhi hoti-u mart, worthy ol its central position, and its u.Uta ortlinttry fnciltties. HOARD OF MANAGERS. A. K KAl'P, D. K JACK.MAN, l'EI'HR HE1UJIO, J. N IIAOG, V F. LOU AN, HENRY DRINKER, GORDON F. MASON, COL. S. G. HATHAWAY, W'M. COLDER. J. 11. COWDEN. EDWARD LYON, A. E. KAl'l', 1'reMilent. H. E. Taylor, Treasurer. W. I'. Logan , Chief Mnulial. Geo. Al. D'Pui Secretary. THE GREAT NATIONAL EXHIBITION Ol Imported Wood mid American Breed of HORSES Will bo held ,n KEYSTONE PARK, Agri cultural Fair Grounds, IN WlLLIAMSt'Olir, I'A , On Toomlay, Wednesday, Thurfd.iy k Fri day, Sfplembur 2, 3, 4, anil 5, "ifiti'.'. Pi out in iti l.l-t ami Prize 1!, inner open lo Exhibitors Irom the Cuiinilas and other llrilifli Provinces. G E N E 11 A LltHOUL A T IONS. KNrilANCK 10 Tilt: 1MI1R. The enlrHiice to Koystoim Park for visit ors on fool, is by the Center Gate, on Camp bell Streel. The enlranco for Hordes and Carriages is by the N E. Ga'.e.on Campbell Sireel. Tlio gales will be open for tho admission of the public Iroin fi o'clock, A. M , until sundown of each day. The Chief Marshal and Siiperinlt mleiiltf of ttio Exhibition, will meel at the Presi dent's Tent at 8 o'clock, A M., each day,to perfect Ihe arransjements for the day. SUPERINTENDENTS A Superiiiienil.tni will accompany oach set nl Jmloe-i, and point out Ihe different classes ol Mock lo be t-xnibited. They will seo that Horses are provided with liallers by their owners, and suitably arranged for exhibition each day. G'JESTS, REPORTERS AND JUDGES Will pluaso report themselves on their arri val in town . at th nlHee ol the tociety, corner of Third and Elnnia .-treeis, in 'Tay lor's buildiny, where the commntee of Re ceplina will be in hessain Cards ol admis sion will be Itirn iahed lliem lo II, o exhibi tion, nnd the Cummitlcu will extend to them every civility within iheir power. KKPOKTERS. For the creafjr convenienco of editors und tcporiers lor the press, a tent will be specially set apart for their ne, and eeery lacility wi! be alfonled them to obtain unit transmit information. A Commitlce of ri:cept;or. from the Press will receive their brethren Irom abroad, on Ihe field and lurther the purpoco ol their coming. JUDGES. Tho Judges will usremble at Ihe lent of the I'te.-nienl on the yronnd, nl 8 o'clock, A Al. Tuesday, to organize and fill vacancies in the board, should any occur. Tho re port of the Judges inii.-t be handed to the President's Secrelnry before Thurcilay noon. REFRESHMENTS Will be furnished lor visitors on the field nt a moderate cluroe. A lent saloon for la dies will bo provided with female attend ants. Ices, Cofroe,Oy.U'rs &c , will be supplied by a competent Confectioner. PRICES OF ADMISSION. No Season tickets will be issued. Single admission to (he arounds it. 2.5 Chililteti miller 12 ) cars of ago, half price. lo the seats opposite tho Judges stand 10 Almnbers of Public schools, Seminaiies or Colleges may commuio for admission with the Treasurer. YISITORS IN CARRIAGES. For a four or six horse vehicle and driver, passengers being supplied wiih tickets I 00 For a two horse vehicle and driver, passen gers boins supplied wilh tickets 75 For a one hiree vehicle ami driver, passen tiers beiny supplied with nckelt 51) For a horse aud it-5 rider 50 HARN ACCOMMODATIONS. Exhibitor! will be pro- ded Willi stalls and bedding for their stuck, in die new bams of the society, and in Malls adjoining, to the extent nf their ability to provide the same,(il nnlice is given on or bclore Ih Soil) day ol August ) wilht'iit charj-e, so dial hnr son may bo driven to ihe exhibition grounds and need not be removed tilliho exhibition Grain and hay will be lurnisned to those who desire it al market price. Arrange ments will also be made with public or pri vate stable keepers lor exhibitors who muko early requests lor tho keeping ot horses and ' at a roasobable chary. , ENTRANCE FEES. ; In consideration ol ihe Superior Accommo- ' ilatious Offered Gratuitously. ' Competitor for premiums ot Silil) S 10 , do do do 100 5 , do do do SO and over ofl 3 do do do 3d nml under, 2 . Single Horses, under llio sadJIo or in har ness, entered for exhibition. PREMIUMS. Piumiums will not be paid on animals removed Irom the exhibition, unless such removal has the special approval ofthe C li it! I Marshal, anil premiums not claimed within thirty day alter the award, will be considered ns lorfeited. Premiums will not bo paid on hurees which are unsound. NOTICE. It is desirable that lnoe, who intend lo make entries lor exhibition should notify the Secreiary on or belore August 20ih, Ihnl arrangements may positively me made (or their accommodation. Leilers may be uddruesed lo the Secretary at Wlllinmsporl. Tbo Treasurer will pay premiums awarded al Ihe buMiieM Tenl, on the Ground, at the eloio ol ihe exhibition, and at his cilice in Williamsport durinij tho lollowing mon h; or will lorwurd any premium, not so paid, in such maimer as Ihe person entiled to tho same, nuy direct. P U E Al I U M S : Class No. 1 Thntough Rred Horses, S'lillions. Premium, Two Hundred Dollars, S200 Speed will be considered in making Ihe award. Class No 2 Thorough Ured Mares. Pieniiuni One Hunorud Dollaia, SI00 Speed uill be considered in making tho award. Class No 3 Stallions for General usp, jix .teats and ovor First ptemlum, SI00 Second do 26 Class No. 4 Stallions for qeneral uo, four years and under six. First promluin 850 Second do 20 Class No 5 Slalliniis of 2 yean wv.l untlor lour. First premium 830 Second do 5 ClasM No 0Mores with Foal by their sides Firif premium $40 Second do lo Class No 7 -Ureoding Alaies, For the best blooding mate (cur years and over, First premium S50 Second do 20 Class No 8 Fillic, two yean and under four Eirst premium 840 Second do 2u Class No 0 Fillies, 1 year and under two. First premium $20 Second lo Class No 10 Colts 2 years anil under 4. First pioinium SJ6 Second do lo Clash No 1 1. Colts, Stallion or Geldings, one,) ear and under two. First premium 820 Second tlo to Clae No 12 Alaichod horses, qeldings or mares, lor the best span 16 hands aud over First premium 50 Second do 20 For the best span of matched Horses, 14 hands anil under 10, First premium 825 Second do jo Class No 13 Fancy matched horses, geld ings or mates.. First premium $25 Second do 10 Si.-', action ami speed will bo considered in making n,e awnrd. Class No 14 Gentlemen's spans of driving l'rses, geldingi or marvs. First Promi,im SI0O Second ,n 20 IZU, nctinr. tnd rpced will bo considei in making it award. Class No lo Enmity horses, Geldings or Mares. For tho best family horse, four years nnd over, drlvina, color, size and action will be cnnsidorpiJ in making the award. First premium S0 Stfcnud tlo 10 Clas No 10 Gemlempn's Dririna Horses, Geldina." or Alarts, 4 years hnd over. First premium 550 Se:ond do n Driving, color, size, action anil speed will be con'irioied in tnukinu the nwatd. Class No 17 Saddle Hor-es For the best Gentleman's Saddle Horse. Fir-t premium S20 Seeontl do 10 For the boH Lady's Saddle Horso. FirM premium S20 Second do 10 Class No 18 Farm and Draft Horse. For the be-l pair ol Farm and dralt hordes First premium S50 Second do 0 Class No 19 ReM sinslo Farm or Draft Holies. First Premium SI5 Jecoud do Class No 20 Pnn!e, Ponies, under 14 hands, driven double Tandem or Trident, First premium, Sla Secot'd do 10 Class No 21.' Rest team, six in hand, S50 Cl" No 2. Best Inndem nr tridcrn learn, SJ0 STATE PRIZE BANNER. Will be awarded 10 ihe Sinte (Agricul lural Society) oilier than Pennsylvania, which .-.hall, by its ciiizens. enter for cxhi billon for ihe l-i r.jn-t number of valuable horres a prize tiauner wnrih 6200 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR EX HIBITORS Exhibitor wnh horses are required to ue the Snnih entrance ".ate 011 Campbell St., in coming on 10 and returning from the ground. Entries or flock may be madtf at ihe of fice of ihe Secreiary in Tatlor's Building, mini Alnudav, 0 o'clock, p. in., September lt, when llio books must be made up lor the Jndocs. The exhibition nf ilot.k or the track will take place precisely at the lime specified in the subjoined arr.iiigemeiitjnd animals 1101 prepared a! the proper lime and place may, nt the discretion ol the Judges, be ruled oul ol competition. Siock will hi ma'ketl wnh ci.rds lurnished by the Seereiart, designating the cljs- and No. of emry; and dunn-i ihe cxtiitiiuon ihey must be placed entirely under ihe management ol 'he officers ol ihu Micieiy. II Milhcont time has not been tiiven, in Ihe programme I r ihu Judges to examine any one ola-s belore the calling of another class, the firM named class will he examined mi a vacant pari of the around lo be designated by the Chiel Marshal. Arrangements will be made lor ihe trial of dralt horses by testing tiieir stronutli, docility Sit:, at a load. Owners or auents offering; for pre mium or exhitmion will receive iickeis uf admission. Exhibtlurs aro requested to leave sufliciout pace aroniul each horse or vehicle for Ihe Judges 10 pass Ireely. The Judges will in all cases withhold premiums where ihe horse is mil worthy or i- unsound, though there be 110 cou:posi lion. Exhibitors entering colls of the age of ihrce years unit under shall furnish 10 the Jiidues evidence of ihe lime ol foaling, 10 be filed with the Recording Secretary. Pedigree of Blood Horsos ami origin aud age mut be fuinislu d, if required, lor ev ery horse offered Inr premium. Tne Judges will report to the Board of Alatiagers not only the horses entitled 10 premiums, but al-o ll'.ose next in merit 111 each class, to meet the contingency of any objection which may arise to the award. All horses not obtaining premiums', whieh in the opinion of the Judges deserve speci al commendation, will be so reported to the board of Managers, Tne Jndiies if nor satisfied an lo the reg ulani) ol ihe entries in the tespcciive cUs re', or tho sges of the horses as recorded 111 lilts entries, will apply 10 the Recording Secretary lor information, and should theie be any doubi, alter examination, of 1 heir coming wiiliiu the regulations, or if any horse is of such a charae'er a riot to be emitted 10 exhibition iu competition, they will report thu facts fur the consideration of the Inu id of managers, that ucli course may bn adopted a the case may require. The several classes of liurtes upon exhi bition will be called lor iu the order indica ted iu the programme, and precisely at the hour 11111110,1 , when a flag will be raised near ihe Judges' stand with the inscription "CLKJlt TIM TRACK" When the hour arrives for the exhibition of any c'ass ot horses the bell will be rung and a flag will be raised to indicate thu class 10 tie extubiied, , All horsos entered will be at the risk of the owners. The mosl ulTeoiuul means will be taken through the agency of the police and otherwiru lo guard und protect the horses exhibited; but the managers cannot be responsible Inr injuries occasion ed by accident or otherwise. Reports ol the doings of !ho Exhibition will bo ofiicially pubhsiiod, SALE OF HORSES. Horsos intended lor public or private sale will be labeled accordingly, und a portion ol the ground will be designated far Iheir examination and sale The services of an uuctipneer Will be provided and a time named for public intes. The Secretary will give notico of such intantlod sales, if early entry is mode with him to that uffecl. .Such horses cannot be withdrawn until tho close of tho exhibition, except by written author ity ol the Managers. COLOR OF BADGES. Members of tho several commiltocs will bo recognized by the following badges : Class'Nos 1 & 2 Thorough Bred horses Navy 1)1 no tibbon. Class No 3. Stallions, 6 years and over, Green riboon. Class No 4, Stallions 4 years and under 6, White Ribbon. Class No. 6. Stallions, 2 yoars and under 4, Green and White ribbon. Class Nos. 6 & 7, Mares with foal and Breeding Mare, Oranuo ribbon. Class Nos 8 & 9. Fillies, Black ar.d Or ange rib'.iun, Class Nos 10 k 11. Colts, Green end rod ribbon. Clati Nos 12 k 13. Match and Fancy Match horses, red and While ribbon. Clues No 14 Gent's Spam of Driving Horses, Light Bfun nnd Pink ribbon. Clas No 15 Family Horses, Red Whito and Blno ribbon. Class No 16. Gent s Driving Horses,Bluo aud While ribbon. Class Nus 17 k 20 Saddle Horses nnd Ponies, Black nud While ribbon. Class Nos IH &: 19. Fanners' Draught Horses, red ribt on. Class Nos 21 k 22. Best Team, Pink ribbon. Boaid of Managers, Rosettes. RAILROAD ARRANGEMENTS. No leature ol thu Horso Show is more pleasing lo the managers, aud wo trust ac ceptable lo Ihe public, than the facilities oflcret! for the transportation ol horses und grooms to and Irom the exhibition. Pennsylvania Central R. R , Phila. & Erie It. R, Pliila, k Reading R R. Lebanon Val ley R. R , Cattawissa R. R., Elmita k Wil ltainpori R. R., Syracuse, Binghampton k N Y. R R., Eat Penna. II R , Shamokm Valley R. It., will carry visitors, horses and grooms Irco one way. The Lackawanna &c Bloomsburg, Phila. Wilmington k Balti more, nnd Cumberland Valley, agree lo tlo as other roads do. There are other roads to hear from, which will, without doubt, come into the same arrangements. Thus it it will be seen that the Slate of Ponnc , is thrown wide open 10 the exhibition. The roads will collect fares 011 nil horses coming lo the exhibition, and return them free, un presentation of the Certificate that they have been on exhibition, and aro unchanged in ownership. The lollowing is the lorm ol thurtilicaie referred to above : NATIONAL HORSE SHOW. Wili.iamspoiit, Sept. 18G2. To RuUroatl Agents : l'lns certifies that has had on exhi bition, aud not sold Horses, al ihe First National Horse Show, held in Williamstioit Penna., 011 the 2d. 3d, 4th ami 5th of Sep lember, 18G2. ' Secreiary. Daily Order of Arrniigcmcnls. The cue n ill booncimil for .ulioiaaloii nf .hp onlal,-. from til o,.lock, a. in. until suntlon o uach day. 7 ucsilay, September '2nd. I 8 o'clock am Tho Jtnlijpg will nasemblp at tho I'resl 1 iteiit'a Tent to orgiuiizu. nncurtaiu anil till vacancies, and rcceivu tliu Hooks of llnttira for thu i xhiliition. I Hi o'clock a m All liorst'i ctiturud for prt iiiiuin, cx ' hiliition or salt, must bo prcucnt on the ground. ju n chick 11 111 .'ii inu Hoiiiin o: inn ui'ii. tin? t.rana Cavalcadu will form 011 thu half mile track, in which nil homes niitvred for primium. exhibition or sate, aro i x tiertcd to be present and take their utace. na cain.,1 lr 1 thet,'hii f Marshal. I Aflorllie grand cavalcade, alt homes entered for preno iiiin will ntseinbh: under the (lags desijnalin; thtlr Ill o'clock a 111 At tho sound ofthe heir, classes Nos. 18 slid 111, (Farm anil Draft llurtus,) will o9citiblu in front of the JudJes' stand fur Inaner tion. atipr r,lri. I they will ri tire to thu east part ct the grounds for the luniiiinOl men siivnj:ill, null 'piillllls lur V orK, IS! o'clock pin liinner. The track will Le open for proniiicnous Olivine, till SnMock pin, ij o'clock p 111 At the sound of tliu boll, Class No. C (tltires with 1'oal by their side,) will assemble iu front of the Judges' stand lor exhibition SI o'clorK p 111 At the sound of th bell, clnss No. 7 (llreeding .Mares) will asemble in front ofthe Jiidno' st. tnd for exhibition. ':! o'clock p in Trial of speed ofthe horses designated by th- Judges. 4 o'clock p in At the snuuilof the hell. Class Xn. .1 (Stallions nf'J jcars and tin lor !.) will assemble in Iroutof thu Judges' stand forethibitiou. 5 o'clock in Trial ol speed ot the horse designated by ths Judges. Il'ednesdaij, September 3. 9 o'clock a in At the sound of the dell, rlassi- Nos. B9 ami 10 (Fillies nud colts,) will assemble in front of .I,.. I...I.T..U B.1...I fnr I...... 'Jl o'clock a in Trial of thu speed of horses ccsigoatcd by the Judges. ID o'clock a m At tho sound oj thu boll, Class No. la (Fnncy matcliou hurscs, or n ares.) will as semblu iu (rout ofthe Judges' stand for exhibition, IUJ o'clock a in Trial of sdeed of tliu horses designa ted by the Judges. Hi o'clock a ni At the sound ofthe bell Class No. 11 Colts (Stallions ai.d Holdings 1 year nnd under ".) will assombluiu frant ofthe Judges' stand Cir exhibition. 12 o'clock m At the sound of tne bell, Class No. 17 (-'udillj ll(irCH., i will assemble iu front ofthe Judges' stand forcxliibitioii lit n'clCHkp in Dinner. Tho track will bo open fir promiscuous driving until 'J p in 2 o'clock p in At thu sound of the bell, class No. 4 (Stallions 4 years nud un ler li.) w ill nsecmhlu in front uf the Judges' stand for exhibition. UJ o'clock p in Trial of speed of the horses designs- icu uy tne juuges. a o'clock p iu At the sound of (lie hell, class No 20 (Ponies under 14 hands, &c., sec hill,) w ill assemble in front of tho Judges' stand for exhibition, at o'clock p m At the siundof tho bell, class So. 15 (Family Horses.) will usseinble in front of the Judges' 1 o'clock p in Trial of speed of thu Horses designa ted by the Judges. Tliuisdtni, September 4th. P o'clock n in A Crand Cavalcade of all horses en tered for premium, vxhibiton or ale, will take phue on toe half mile track. 10 o'clock a in Trial of speed of tho horses designs, ted by tho Judges, I0 o'clock am At the sound of tho bell, class num. her l'J (Matched Horses,) w ill assemble in front of the Judges' stand for exhibition 11 o'clock a in Trial of speed of the horses designa ted by thu Judges. Ill o'clock n iu At tht sound ofthe bell, class No 21 (ri in hand.) wilt assemble in front of the Judges' stand lor exhibition. IS o'clock M Trial of speed of the horses designated by thu Judges. l.'i o'clock p in limner. The track willbc open for promiscuous dntiug until So'ilock. S o'clock n iu Trial of snoed ot the horses desiiriinisil by Ihe Judges. St o'clock p ni At tliu sound nf the Im-II, class No 3 (Stallions li lears and over.) will assemble in front or the Judges' stand for exhibition Ji o clock p ni Trial of speed of horsrs dcslenntr.,1 by the Judges. I o'clock p hi At thu sound ofthe bell, lines num. her S! (Thorough llred Mures,) tt ill nsfemblo In front of tne juuges' stanii lor eiuioiiion. 41 o'clock p in Trial of speed of the horses desienn. ted by tho Judges. Friday, September 5th. U o'clock n in-0 rand Hntreo of Horses by Status, in competion for the I'lUZU 1IANNI1K. llio horses from each Statu will bo preceded by a banner bearing Its name. Ill o'clock am 1 rial or speed or tho horses dosuiiatcd by the Judge. 10 o'ltoik a m At tho sound nf ths boll. Class No. 1 (Thorough Ured Stallions,) will assemble in front ol the Judges stand for ex ibitiun, 101 o'clock a in At tho sound of thsbell. Class No 14 (Rcutlemcn'i spniu of Driving Horses,) will assemble in rront oniiti Jungcs' siauuioruxinuitinn. It o'clock a in Trial of speed ol thu horses designated bv the Judges. It o'clock a in At the sound ofthe boll, Class No, Si (Tandems ur Triilems.) will assemble in trout of tho Judges' stand for exhibition. 14 o'clock M Trial of speed of thu horses designa ted by thu Judges. 1 o'clock p in At Ihe sound of tho bell, dais No. lrt (Gentlemen's Driving Horses.) w ill assemble in front of thu Judges' stand for I'thibiliou. 3 o'clock p in At the souud of tho hell, there will ho a trial of speed ol thorough Ured Horses designated by the Judges. 4 o'clock p in At the sound of tho bell, al horses to whom premiums havu been awarded' w 111 ussoiiihlo on the halfmilu trnclutwiiialiliinc tho awards will he an nounced from the Judges' stuiul, und premium Hags dis tributed Tho Chief Marshrl requests punctuality on tho part ofcxhibitors, in having their horses ready for exhibition on tin signal of tho bell, according tn tho ndviirtisd programme. Dorses not ready for exhibition as called for sy thu Chief Marshal, mny bu rejected roin the list oi competitors lor premiums; If stilUcient time has not been given in Ihe programme for the Judges tn examine any one class, before thu call Ing oi'auolhcr classs.the first named dais will ho ex amined on a vacant part of the ground, if so ordered by the Chief .Marshal. DR. W. F. I.OGAN. Ci.Vasjaf. AugmtO tecs. EDUCATIONAL. Tho subscriber would tako this method nf informing his former pupltiand friends generally, that he inteude TO HE-OPEN ms SCHOOL in Wastinctonville, on Monday, August (th 1367. J THOMAS July 19th. !??, AYEH'S CATHARTIC Art ron tick, S. tils, url romplshilngt Aro you out of order, nltli jeur systsm CW taupe.!, nhd your fellns un lonilortnblof Thus sjmp tom ore often Ibo prclud t scilom lllnri. sum- nt of sickness l crssplng nn yon, lid should be uteris.! by timely lie or Ibo right rem edy. TuU A)cr't I'ill", nnd cIcmiio out ths illionlerrl hit inois puriry lbs UomWd let the t! n 11 more on uikAV slrucled In health ssli. They llltnulsto the functions .f tlm body Into vigorous hs tlilly. ptirirr Iho system from the tlatructloiis nhlch mko Uliesso. A cold settles lonievrlmro tn ttio body, and ob structs Its natural function. Tlie.o, If hot relkired, tenet upon themselrcs nud tho surrounding organs, pro ducing irsrisral Aggravation, sulTeriiig, and ibsouso, t'lilJo In this condition, oppressed by tlm derangsusiits, take Atcr's I'ill", and seo Ihiit directly lliey rtiltsrs Uss nattirnl nclton tf tho sylem, and trltli It tbo buoyant foslliic; of heatlti sgMn. tVhal Is true and so apjiursnt In this tilvinl and rotnmon coinplaiut. Is ntio truo In rtuvnjr or the dscp seated and daugsrous dlslsmpsrs The samsj purgaUre efTsct expets thsin. Caused by shnlbir otiHtnss tlous and derangements or the natural Tunctlom of Ibo boily, they am rapidly, und tnsiiy or them surely, cwrad by tho same means. None vr ho know the virtues of thoso 1'ills, trill neglect to employ them nlien ufTcrlntf from the disorders I hoy cure. SlftUiments from loadlnir physician In somo cT llss principal cities, and fruiu other tU kuowu putdls bus sods. From a Fbrwanlin Merchant rfS. 7-ouit, Ih. 4, Ml Dr. Attn: Tour Pills aro the paragon of all that li groat In modlclno. They hnto cured my Utile daughter or ulcerom sores upon her hands and feet that had proved Incurable for years. Ilor mother has Wen long grtuvt ouily alHIeted with btotcliei an t pimples on her skin and In her hair. Afler our child was cured, ilie atsa tiled jour lills, aud ther hare cured her. ia& Ktnrtnnirwlii An a Fnntlly Plivilo. J-'i-om Dr. V. 11. (Mrtnriphl, .Vrui Ortrarii. Your l'lllf nro the p'.lnee of purges. Their Mutlenl qualities surpass any cathartic we poises. They ara mild, but very certain nnd eCTectuat Itrtlielr acltui on tlio 'bowel, which makes them iuroluablo lo us In tbo didrr trcattnent or dlseae. Headache, Slckllcmlache, Foul Stomath. Iron Dr. Jilw'H J lUyd, tlaltimort. DfttrtIlr.0. Arrnt Icannot answer you wAal comptslnta I haro ciire'J with ynur till better than to ssy all tout tat tier trait with a pnrgalin vxtdkint. I plnee great ilepeji deneo on an eflVctii il ealhirlic In my ibilly contet with disearo, and llielng ss I do that your fills afloid us tha best wo Lure, I of course value them highly, . , , . Pitrsncio. Ta., May I, IMS. Dlt. J.C. Atrn. girt t liavo Iwen rcpeotsdly cured of tho worst hnuljiJit any body can havo hy n dose or two of your I'ill. It seems to ariso frum a foul slooiMh, which they clianu at once. Vours with great respect, ED. W. PltRIlU!, Otrk of Sttamer Oaritn. Dtlloim Dlsonlcra T.lvrr Complaints. J'tith Dr. Tlimhrc lull, uf Hm York Cfy. Net only aro your Pills mlmirublv adapted to their ur poso ni an oiirrlent, but t find Iheir lieneflclnt rIT.tts upon tho Liver very marked Itidocd. They haro In my prac tice proved mnro cRVrtuat for tho cum of sifwui com plainlt than any rna remedy I can mention. 1 sincerely rejoieo Hint wo hatn at length a pingalho wtilch is wor thy tho conSdouco of the profession and tho .e..j1o. DtMniHtm or tin lirrxr.ion, tfaslilnglon, 11. C., Till Keb , 18JC. f Bin : I hove runt your Pills In my general nnd luwidtsl practice erer slnro joii mado tbi-m, and csnnut In sitale to euy they aro Iho best ratbuitio we employ. Iholr rogu lntliig action on Ibo ller Is quick and decided, rouse, quenlly Ihey are mi iiduilrnblo leiiK'dy for demigcments of tint organ. Indeed, I havo seldom found nriiaeof filioill diiciuc so obstlunle that It did net readily yield to tbotn. Jrrutiinally jours, AI.O.N.0 IIAI.I,, ,. D, l'hytician nf the .Vnriui HniiiUiU Dysentery, IJInrrlircn, Ililux, "Worms. Jltwt Dr.J. U. (lieai,nfl'l,icagn. Your Pills havo had n long trial In my practice, and I hold them iu esteem it ono of tho best aperients 1 Imve, evor found. Their alterative tiled upon the liter niolus them an excellent remedy, when giteu in smali dose (vr lilimti tlymiUry mid Mtrrlicra. Iheir siigar-couibig makes Iheiu ery acceptable aud coiiuuieiit for tho u3 of women aud children. Uyspeiisln, Inipiivlty of the ninod. Firm ltee. J. V. llimet, lMor ifAdnut Ciiuicli, Jhitm. Da. Aunt I have used joir tills wllk extraordinary success In my timlly and niuong those I mu sailed tovlalt Jn diltiess. To regnUto tho ogans tr iligmllon and imiiry the blood, Ihey are tho very ivst remedy I lmvo ever linon, and 1 cau cmifldently recommend them to my friends. Yours, J. V. JIIMHS. Yn9AW, Vryomlng Co., N, T., Oct. St, ISM. Burt Sm: I am using jnnr C.vlliarllc I'ill In my praj tlce, nnd find them an excellent purgathe to eleumu Uu system aud jnriy Uit fmutaini of the Wnou". JOHN G. MUACIIAM.M.D. Conatlpntloii, Convenes, Suptireaalon, Illiviuiintlsiii, fJnut, Neuralgia, Drop sy, l'niiilysls, Fits, etc. ri om Dr. J. 2'. I'aughn, ilmtrtnl, Cmaifi Too much cannot ho wild of your Pills for I!k euro of eotriKM'tf. If other or our fralernlty have found thoiu as efllcaeious aa 1 have, Ihey should julu me iu pro-lnlm-ingltror tho benefit or Iho multitudes who HunYr frail thateompbiint, which, nlihnii-li bad enough in Itsidf, is tho progenitor of others that are worse. I belli vo em firoierr to originate In Iho llrer, but your lilts affect that organ and cure the dl9o.ise. From Sin. E. Start, Fhythton onJ JIMrifi, finl-m. I find one or two lurgo doses of your Pills, "taken at tlie prorer time, aro excellent promotlx es of the uaturnt tKie riouwhen wholly or putlally Mtppitsied, and also vtTy eftectltnl lo cfruinr tho stomach and Myr! wormt. Thoy aro so much tho belt physio wo liavo that I rtcunnuoud no other to my patients. From the Rev. Dr. mwka.ofthe MMoJlst Eplt. Church. Pit.iski Hoi'SF. Savannah, Oa.. Jan. 6, 18G6. HoxontD Bm: I should bo lingiatoful for tho rollcf your skill lias brought mo If I did not report my case to you. A cold settled In inv limbs and brought on excru ciating v'um,qiciiim, which ended In cAi nnic rhruma Um. Notwithstanding I h id the be-t of phvsiel.iiis, the disease grow-worso and worsa, until by theoiivlceol yonr execllont ngent In lliiltlciore, Dr. Maekenilc, I tiled votrt Iills. iheir effects were jlow, but sure. By pereovo'tlnr la Iho uso or them, I am now entirely well. SrNATi CimiBtrt, Daton P.nugn, IA., 6 Deo. HS5. Dr. Atta: I hnvo been entirely cuinl, by jour Pills, of rthetmuUe, Gout a painful disease Hint bad uffilcted mo forjears. VINCCM' ELTDtU. -Mot or tho rills In market conlnln Mercury, which, although u vuliialilo remedy In skilful hands. Is dangorous in a public pill, from tho dreadful conse quences that frequently follow Its Incautious use. Tliese contain no mercury or mineral substance wliatevor. ' Prlso, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Soxes for $1. Prepared b7 Dr. J. C. AYER So CO., Lowell, Mais. Sold by K P ; z. C M Gagcnbuch, and J R Moycr, Plooinsbiirg; J Schuyler. Ilohrsburiri Masters k Sou, Millvlllu; P Masters, Ilenton j Lazarus 4c Fisher. Or onievillei G F Fowler Fowiersville; A Miller, Ilor wick ; Low ti llroa .Ceutervillej 11 F Iti ighart & Pros Fspyj M I! Shoeuiaker, llui khorii j lleighart & Nuss, MainviIIe: J Eharptess, Cattawissa; Crcusy 6c Co., Light Street: and dealers everywhere. July SO, ltGi ly. &f EVANS k WATSON- WFifSSSB S;AMANnr.ll SAFF.d, ni: VJ imkvmMaVMlVl'M A"' 'u"'a Fourth mlfifiMSrafgrSiWrecr, Philadelphia, havo on ami a largu nssorimeni oi r ire Thief proof Halaiuandcr Safes. Iso, iron doors, for banks and stores, iron shutters iron sash, all 'makes of locks equal to nuy niiide in trio united Malts. I'icrSnfetin onr Jir3, Ml came out right! vith con tents in good tondition. Th.i Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WATSON, havo had the sureet demoktration in tho following cer tificate that tlll'ir mntltlfltrltiro of H.ilnninmli'r RilC. I... nt length fully warranted tlio representations which have undoubted security ngalnst the terrific element. Philadelphia April 12. ltWfi. Messrs F.vans tf Watson; Gentlemen It affords us thu highest satisfaction to state to you, that uwing rto the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander, Safes which wo purchased of you some fivn month siniu wu saved n largo portion of jcuilry, nnd nil our books, &c exposed to tho calamlnous, fire lit ltaiistcad place on the morning of the llih jn;i When wo reflect lint these safes were located in the fourth slory oftlie building ttu occupied nnd that they fell subseiiicutry luttm heup of burning rums, where the vast concentration of the heat mused Ihe brass plates rv melt, we cannot but regard Ihe preservation uf Iheir val uable contents as most conwucliig proof of the great se curity nll'orded by your safes. We shall Hike great pleasure in recommending them to men nf business ns n sure nil, huh again! Are. G HOUGH V. SIMMONS & 11110., .levellers. C7They havu since purchased six large Safes, July an, iaJ-J. Angust 20. 1859 Choice Wheat. Why sow the L mcastcr, when yov can procure Whrat, yielding double tfic amount per acie. Read tub I'eLLowiN CrtmnciTE ritoM Uiphiekced I'ikmkbs : We, the undersigned, Farmer, residing In tho county of Northumberland, do certify, that we purchased of Axnu.' Woir, a new article of White I'.gypiian Hcardcd Wheat, last Fall, and Und it far superior to anything grown iu Ihis section, Thu stem Is tall and strong ripens su vitiiy us in ueiy iiie iiisiuuoiis ntiacK or inn itessia liy and Weevil, and will yield at least, one.thlrd mo" to the aero thun any other wheal nuw grown in thi section of country- WeiWould cheerfully recommend to our agricultural friends, throughout the Slate, as every way worthy of their careful attention. Isaac Vincent, I llennevillo Lcinbsch, Thomas Dearmond, I John Mct'arland, Samuel Dearmond, I J, G, Durham, Silas llainbaih, John, Solomon II. Walters, j D. Dciirenbach, Henry tV alls, Joseph Nicely, J. II. Lcinbach, lioherl M, liunel, Tfter lUgenbuch. Fnr parliculars rnnrcriitng this valuable wheat, ro- jdtro of Andrew Ktea, of Centre. orJ.K Groii, of uiocmiDurg, Joiy 13, lt-3-C'W. BLANKS ! BLANKS! I Of every description, for sals at tbis office. in hi ' '.' i iy LATEST WAR NEWS. A DRAVT OllDUED I On Monday tho -ltli, by order of tbo President, tba Seoretnry of War i.i.iucd tho oIlovTinc orbor : "Orderc'l ht. Thnt a tltaft of .'1(10,000 militia b? immcdnatoly called into tbo ncr ycJ of tho United Htntea, to aerro for nino months tink'fa sooner discharged. Tho Secretary of Warvill osaign tho rjuotaa to tho Stale, and establish regulations for tho draft. Sd. That if any Stato shrill tho 15th of August, furni.h' its quota ofthe additional MCO.OOO volunteers authorized by law, tho doGcionoy of volunteers in that Stato will also be mado by special draft from tho militia. Tho Secretary of War will citablish rcgulatioriijfor this pur pose." ANOTHER DASH HY GEN. POPE Reported Evacuation: 6 lU-.hmondA Successful Iltconnotssindr, Ocn, Pope reports to Ocn llallcck that a rccoiinoissancfi, ''under Gen Crawford, crossed the llapidan and pushed forward to Orangetown, which was oicupiud by two regininnts of the enemy's cavalry tin dur Gen Robertson. Eleven of tlie enemy were killed and fifty-two taken prisoners. Among tlio latter wore one major, two captains anil two lioutenanls. Our loss was two killed und three wouiitlfij. 'I he enemy retired in such haste an to leave t!in wounded in ottr hands. The railroad and the telegraph line between Orange Court-House and Gordonsviite were tie. ftroy. O F Valuable Real Estate. in pursuance ofnn order of tlia Orphan's Court of Columbia county, on S'Hurday, the HUd day of .August, 18G2. at It) o'clock in the forenoon, Levi A Hutchison and Hatnuel 11 Hutchison, Guardians of thu persons and es tates or Arthur and Clarissa J Hutchison minor children of William Hutchison, late of Mount liea.nnt township in said county, deceased, will cxpoe to sale, by 1'uhtic V endue, ttpon the premises, n certain PIKCR OR PARCEL OF LAND. situate in Mount Flcasatit township tn sard county, con Mining about i wmcii is crccicu a Tavern Stand. ll"'"1tliii."'i,h "'iniuildlncs. Lnto the lSy5SiSirS? Tm minors, situate in the township of Mount licasani and county aforesaid. JACOn UYHRLY, Clerk. nioomsburg, July II, ISG3. TEUM90F 3t.r,:-To be sold sofljcrt lo tffti dwer ofKlizabeth .Miller, andpnyiucntof iln-prlniipal sum to tire heirs ofl'redericlc Miller after her dec-ae. amount Inu tn S Ten c-cr cent, to hi ttaidon dnv-nf mhI,-. i,. third less ten per cent on cotiflrinnfinn of sale, Tho uowcrot l.eMiia nutciiKon to remain In iho property during Irer lifo, and principal one year after her de cease, wilh interest the balance to bepaid in fourequal annual parrmonfwrth interest. all to Uu secured bv t.m,,i and mortgage. Juiy u(ieoj. I3R1CK! BRICK 1! BRICK!:! Good Brick, just manufactured and for sale cheao. wholesale nud rn. Wl...ji thi!lllnfinihnr Xn..l Apply to the subscriber. IIC.NllY S. AUTin'K. nioomsburg, June 23, 1802. BANK NOTICE. iotice is hereby given, that the Bank , i oi iiiiiiic, ii nana o. i9ue, iiiscount ana t'epos It, located in the llornugh of Damillo, .Montourcotinl) , w ith u capital ol'i'wo Hundred Tlieiisahd Hollnrs, in tends making nppllc ilioti nt the licit regular session of tint Legislature uf l'eiinslvania, for the renewal of its charter, and extension of its privileges, for n termor twenty years from the expiration of its present chattel, with the same name, titlu. location niW capital. Ily order ol IhcBoard of Directors. IJAVinCLAItK.Cashier. Uauvillc, Fa., Juno 23, 16G2 tiiu AUDITOR'S NOTIUE. C lU'.IHTOns, and other persons interested, will take ' notice that the under igned. Auditor appuinled by the Orphan's Court of Columbr.i county, to setlle nud adjust thu rates and proportions of the astets of tin llstate of llenjamin llnyman, dee'd.. iu the hands of Solomon Nevhard hi nUmiiiistrator. to and nnioug tlr-s creditors ofthe said deceased, according to law, u ill at. tend to the discharge of hU duties, at his olh.e. In Hlooinsburg, in said county, on Saturday, tho Sixteenth day of August, A, 1) one thousand eight hundred and ixty-two.attcn o'clock, A.M., (tho confirmation of the first Auditor's llepurt having been taken oiT hy 'lie said Court, nud the said report rc-committi d the said Audi tor, when and where all persons interested are rcues. ted to present their claims to tho Auditor, or bo debarred from coining in for a share of the assets. W. W1UT, Asdilor, lllonmsburg, July 12, 1302 ivr. R.'IW-BONE Super -Pliospliatc of Lime. BAUGII AND SONS, manufacturers and Proprietors, iVb. 20 South Delaicarc Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. This manure is manufactured from pure Raw Bonn, and warranted to contain all their original organic mat ter u'uhtirued or calcined bones are used, and it is sold under a guaranty from the manufacturers that it isfrec from adulteration. tT7" Last season tho demand for this manure exceed ed that of any foruicr one, nud with few exceptions the results hate been highly favorable. No pains will bo spared to maintain it- standasd of popularity ij- S0 It. YOCK OltlllKS EARLY. l'lUCE, 815 per '-2U00 lbs. cash. GROUND RAW BONES. WARitANTKD rutti:. A large supply on hind for Fall sales, I'ltiCE 835 per U0OO lbs. cash. K7" Tho abovo Munurci can be hnd nf regular Deal ers or of llAUlill k. SUNS, No 20 Soulli Delaware Avenue, lii jladclphia. July ID, ln.2-llm. TO WHO). IT MAY COXCGRN. Having matin such arrangements, as enabtrs tin to' procure at onca, 1'ensioiis, llouuty Moiu' Hack. l'a . be, 1 beg to cull tho attention ofthusc interested, tn tho following : Alldlsahlnd rioldles.tlic widows or minor children or soldiers, who die, or havo been killed iu Iho serv entitled lopemions. Tliu i'lnw sor olhrr legal lu-irsuf soldiers uholiavoilied or been killed intltu urvkc,arx entitled tu the. $100 Bounty. N. II. All claims nro carefully examined by the Do partment, nud it is ofthe inmost importance tu claimants to cmplo) regular und experienced counsel, jf tlauy wish In avoid delay, All entrusted to my car-, aro at tended to at once, aud all letters aiuncred by return mail, and nn charge is made, until tho 1'cnsion is granted N. II. I'orsons entitled tn thu Sl" llounlv, can havu their claims cashed on application al luyolticv, Ally's i'en.iim Agents, writing for blanks, and rcqucsite in slructions.also persons wishing Information to tuabhj t lie in to Intuitu lauds under thu provisions of Ihu lata llometteud Art.thould enclose a fen. Address, M. A. CANi)i:iiS,.( Laic. Junu'Jc, IrCJ 3m, fireenrburg, I'cnn'a. ADM IN 1ST It ATO US NOTIC E. Estutt of licnjainin Folk, deceased. N JOiiCF. is hereby given that Utters of Admlnlstra S tinu on tha estate of Henlauiiu Folk, late of Hem lock twp, Columbia county, decc used, havu been grained by tne llrglttcr ut ssiu i ounty io inu uuui-rsiEiieu, sun reside In ihe. same township. All persons having claims or demands agaiusi iuecna0 ot tr.e nereneui are re- nuctttdlo prcsentthem tar suuoment. ana tnose in tlibtedto make riunt wiihout delay. I3l.rtl.v jui.r. I WLI, .Um'rs. ClIBIslCV.V FOLK, Jin: Iff 3 tt,