AGRICULTURE. III that ly thi Flough would thnci. Ihnself mult tither hold or drict. IU2MA11KS ON TUB HOUSE. The following excellent remarks on this nulijcct, arc by tho oil'lors of the N. E, Furmc. Thny contain a groat doal of plain, cvcry-tlny truth, and should bo read by every ono who has tho chargo of a horso. A person who lovos tho horso who stud ies his wonderful construction and adaption to tho wants of man, and who feels a new dignity and power when ho sits upon a noblo chagcr or has a pair of mettlesome etccds in hand, can alono appreciate a good horso, or knows how vory few there aro worthy of tho terra. Few persons aro aware of tho difficulties thoy must cncoun tor, beforo they can sccuro a horse that is of tho right sizo, of the right temperament, ono that is elegant in form and action, and capablo of great endurance, if a case of necessity should aruo to test his power. Unless occupied with soino thought orearo that is all-engrossing, wo never pass a horse without giving him a critical notice, how ever brief that notieo may be and we sincerely bolicvo that nine out of ten of them both in tho city and country aro only remarkablo for somo physical defect, or some dangerous habit aliko perilous to both man and beast. Thoy aro mean be yond, description, compared with what thoy might bo under a proper course of breed ing and treatment , they -arc knock-kneed, faavo corns, splint, albugo, hots, broken wind, oankcr, in the foot, colic, horso dis-1 temper, farcy, diabetes, curb, contraction of tho foot, fistula, poll-evil, glanders, founders, heaves, mango, rheumaiism,ring-. Ibonc, sanderaek, roaring, get bone, bog and blood spavin, blind staggers, sfcrang uaryund lockjaw, .thrush, wind-galls and warts, and forty other diseases, that op press and torment the poor animals a (thousand times more than all tho labor they (onghtto -perform ! What a frightful cat .alogue of diseases, to tie visited upon one of 'tins noblest animals both in structure .and dlspostion which God has placed in our care, to subservo our wants or gratify, our pleasures. Poor brute 1 Never was . another so beset with evil, 01 treated with so much inhumanity. There aro two principal .causes for all this, viz: 1. Brooding from old and diseased ani mals . 2. The injudicious and hareh treatment which they receive. It has long been a practico, and is a wide-spread one, to broed from aged and imperfooi mares marcs that 'have bccn excellent animals, but aro full of age and imperfections, that a large proportion of all horses acquire before arriving at the ago of twenty years. One, for instance, .has had crooked knees for ten years, an other tho spring halt, another a capped .Lock or tho heaves. She is past servicablc jlabor in the field or in tho road, and as "the kind master is still desirous of making her profitable to him, ho -turns her over in her old sgo to tho pains of parturition, nnd just work .enough in tho plow or cart to paj for Lor hay and grain. This is done toy thousands, who nover think that these defects may be entailed upon the progeucy of these raares,aud thus a race of informed, ill mannered and comparatively worthless Lorses is perpetuated. For tho puposo of breeding, tho young or middloagod of both sexes should bo selected and these should bo of tho best form, and possessing as many of tho best qualities as can be found in a single animal. When these precautions aro observed, wo shall have a race of young horses to start with that will produce tho finest animals, under a proper course of management. Tho next proliGc source of poor horses, is tho injudicious, harsh, and very often cruol treatment, which they rcccivo. Colts aro put to work too young j pressed to tho utmost of their power, both in speed and draft, too frequently ; and when fatigued or heated aro left in tho storm or cold, or a draft, whero agues and cramps aro con tracted that continue with them through life. They aro often urged to turn sud denly and rapidly, which strains or bracks aomo of tho nice organism, as in tho caso of splint or spavin. They aro hamporcd with unnecessary and injurious harness, such as tight check rein and blinders which leave thorn with imperfect vision, and their supple limbs tied and tormented into every fliapo but a natural one. LIFE'S SECRET. A STORY or WOMAN'S REVENOB. MKS. lIENltY WOOD, Author of "Tho Channlngs," "Enrl's "East," let., fcc. Jl Life's Secret A Life's Secret I A Life's Secnt Uy AuUiurof "Kant Lynncl" A UPE'S SIICRET. A Hi-onr or Womvjc's Uevknae. Ry Mm. Monty Wood, nulhor of "Rut l.ynno," "'Ilia Charming!," nuit "Tlio Enrl's Ilclts," will bo published nnd for sulc on Saturday next, May Sltli. It In printed from thu manuscript nnd ndvunco prnuf-rlif cts, pur charted I))' lis from tho author, In advance of the puhll intluu nt thu work In Eurone. nnd will lm Ileum! In II urgo nctiivn volume, largo typo, dnnhlo column, nml printed on thu llnost and best of white paper. Trice Fifty cents in paper cover, or Seventy-live cents in (loth, llcadvlnl Hr. n. Shtllon Mackenzie, the literary Killer of For ney't Press, toys of it edt totally in thai piper. Mm. Ilnnnv Woon'e NRvvtrr kkvv tcovEt,. It Is said Hint Napoleon could dictate on three ur lour dlircrciit uhjcbts, to ns many secretaries nil nt oncu. Airs, lien, ry Wood must havo similar Mentis of putting lior clever Actions upon paper. Within the last rortuigbt or so, wo liavn nutlccd tiro of her now novels, i'Tbo Earl's Heirs," Mini "the Choniilngs," mid hero is n Ihlrd to ho published by T. II Peterson tc Hrnthcrs, in n few days, 1 printed from thu manuscript and advance proof-shorts , purchased from tho uuthor, so us tu anticipate Its up. I penranco In Loudon, weich wo hnvejust read from thu advance copy of the proof-sheets senilis by the publish I ers. "A Life's Secret! A Sturv nf Wnmnii'si Revnm ." duesnnt reseinblu anv of Mrs. Wood's iirerciillur iutia ! exeunt In the wonderful power of putting tho reader in to full possession of tho motives of thu leading char acters, ill giving tho most natural conversations, nnd In concealing tho denouement tothevery rlocso of tho story, inis use so csseniiai tu too novelist, jilts Wood rtoscsses in a lareor decree than nnv ntlmr liv. ing writer. Mixed up with tho incident of tho tain, which runs through it, Is a striking nnd painfully truth ful account of tho rise, progress, nnd decline of tho social evil caucuK tiuiiiicrs- "siriKC." ills us power ful us painful, and shows Mrs. Wood's possession of tho (dements of domestic. lrairedv. Tlio nrico of "A Life's Secret." Is but t'jftv Cents a con v. mid is cent Yen,' poeingo oy any one, on receipt of that amount. Published and for sale by T.ii. phtersonjc nrtoTiinns, 30 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. To whom nil orders must come addressed. JUST PUBLISHED. Mrs. Henry Wood's Other Hooks, i. Tub Channinos. A Domestic Novrl of Heal Life. Ily .Mrs. Henry Wood, nulhor of "Karl's Heirs." "A Life's Secret," "Tho Castle's Heir," "Thu ilj stcry," etc. Comploto in ono largo octavo volume, duiihlu column, making over three hundred pages, and printed on the finest white paper. I'rico lltty cents a copy, in paper cuver, or sevcniy-flve cents in cloth. It. The Eam.'s Hem?. ATalu ofllomestlc Life. Py tho nuthor of "Tho Channlngs," "Tho Alytcry,""A Life's Secret," "Tho Cnstlo's Hvir," etc. l'rlco fifty cents cojiy, in paper cover, or seventy-live tents in cloth. l"7 Copies of "A Lite's Secret," or "Channlngs," or the "Carl's Heirs," will be sent to any oiiu froo uf post ugu.on roinlltlng tho price of the edition wished, to the publishers, in u letter. E7" ilooksellcrs, News Agents, and nil others, wilt plcnso send on their orders ntonco for what they tuny want of "A Life's Secret" to start with, which will prove to bu ccjtinlly na popular as tho "Channlngs," the "Karl's Heirs," or "East Lyiine." Addicts nil orders nt mice to the publishers, T. h. peterson & .mothers, No. DOS Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. NEW AND GOOD BOOKS 1 JUST I-UBLtSHXD AND FOR SALE BT T. B. Peterson ij- Brothers, 300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Books pent every whero frco of postage, on remitting to us the price of the books wanted, in a letter. Gustave Aimord'z Booh. i. The Ikman Scout. T,y enslave "Tho Flower of tho Prairie," etc. more Cooper's "l'atlillnder." Plica or i j cents in cloth. II. TllR FI.OWFR OF TtlE PRAiaiS. By uuuiur 01 i im inuiau ni out," cic thing overwritten by J. Fennimoie cents in paper, or 75 cents in cloth. May 21, ieU'. Ainiard, nuthor of j:uial to J. Fenni 50 cents in paper, Gustavo Almard. 1'ully equal tn any. Cooper. Prico 50 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIHER, Double Siect Forty-Eght Columns. Published every Morning, (Except Sundays,) by Wm. XV. Harding, No. 1-21 South Third Street, Philad elphia, Pa. Tho Greatest newspaper of Philadelphia I Thu trying times of tho nntinn's history in which vie live, render a Live Newspaper! an indispensable to cvory man who would keep himclf informed of the .important event which aro daily transpiring. To furnish a paper which will meet the just expectations oftlic public in such u time ns tho present, requires tin amount of lubor and of extraordinary expense of which tho community at largo have no conception. Thu pub lishers of HIV. JUILAXEtPUIA IXCiVinER, has spurcd no efforts or monoy to make it all that it could In: made. Ilesides Improving and strengthening niu iiuuiu iuicu uumig.iuu pun yuor, SHverai oi tnu best ltejiurtors nnd Letter writers in the country havo been sent, nt great expenses, with tho Army nnd Navy, and havo frequently given the publicthe first nnd full, est accounts by telegraph nnd by mail, of Important iJKi'JVZ'i' JiT TUJC AXJT OF n'Atl. Tho Inquirer wub tho first northern paper to give tho account uf, thu liattcras and Port Itoynl virtnrii'S, and was twelve hours in advance of any paper in thu conn try. in its publication of tho details of the Hull ltun Datllo, What Thu inquirer has done, is but nn earnest of what will bo done, in order to give its readers and best atcouts uf cvory event of interest connected with tii i: QiiEJiT nr. or. i, t. wx, and nt tho same time have it maintain its reputation as 'the best general newspaper in the country. The increase in tlio circulation of thu 'inquirer du ring thu year, is tlio bust evidence of thu uxfnt to which tho .public rUy upon it for tho news of thu day. Its circulation has averaged lor several mouths' pant, oruu tiio uuxdhf.o thouhaxd co'ilsi n week, or nearly forty thousand u day . and it has, during thu year, in limes of excitement, reached over seventy thousand n day testing tho capacity of our fast prmstolhc utmost to supply the demand. It com. iiienttdtlio New Yivir with new nnd beautiful copper fared type, nnd with renewed vijor and activity in its News nnd 1'ditonnl departments. The inquirer is independent in politics. E7" Prices at which thu Philadelphia Inquirer is fur nUhPd: Single copies Trto Cenlt, ur twelve cents a wecki Ilaily Paper .0 per annum, in advance; Two mouths SI j Tri-Wuekly SI. All letters liould bu d dreshed to WM. W. IIAUDING, Publisher, Inquirer Uuilding, I'Jl South Third S May 10, 1602. Piiiladupmia, Pa IMPORTANT NATIONAL WOltKS. rUDMSIIM) IIY I). APPLUTO & CO. 443 rt?i(M5 Broadway. New York, The following wntksnro scntloSiihrrlliorslnnnypar of thu country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mall or express prepaid i TIM'. NI'.W AMr.MOAN OYCLOP.r.niA! A popular Dictionary of tlencrnl Knowledge, HdileJ by (li:onoE ami Ctttnus A. Dana, aided by u numerous so lei t corps of writers In ull brandies ol Bclencies, Art ami Literature. This work Is being published in about 13 largo uct.ivn volumes, ruth containing ".Ml two colinii pages. Vols, ltoXIli Inclusive, nru now rcndy.encli containing near 2,Sihl, original nrtkles, An nddftlonnl volume will he published mini in nbout three months Price, in Cloth, Sheep, $:io0 Half .Mor., 41: Half Itussln, Si .Vlench. The New American t'yclopiedln is popular w Ulioiit see ing superficial, learned but not pednnlc, comprrhenslvo hut suifit lently detailed, frco from personnl piquo nnd patty pri'Judlco, freh and yet accurate, It isn comploto statement ofnll that is known upon ovcry Iniportnnttnp. Ic with tho scope of human Intelligence, livery Import, nut ntticlu In it has been specially written for lis paeon in niMi wlionro authorities muni tho tunic oti which they speak, They arc required to bring tho subject up to the present moment tn state Just how It stands no"). All the statistical information Isfiom tho latent reports! tho geographical nccuunts kteii paco with tlio latest explora tions i liistorlcul matters include tho freshast just views the hiogrnphlcnl notices not only speak of the dead, but ulsu t tnu living, iiisuiinrary oi iiscn. Atiriiiokmkn r of tub IltoAiK ofChkirfss ! Doing a political history nf thu United States, from tho organisa tion of I he tlrst I'eiltrnl Congress in 17t".i to ltT.ti. l'.dlt- ed and compiled by Hon. Thomas 11, IIlniun from tho Of flcial llccords of Oonitriiss. Thu work will ho complied In 13 royal octavo volumes of 7.H) pngoseiith 11 of which uro now ready. An nddi ilnnnl volume will be iiubllshed onco in three innnths. Clotli. S3! I"iw Sheep, $3 50; Half .Mor Si; Half Cnlf SI 511 eaih. A WAY Ob' PKOCUniNC! Till! CYCLOPAHHA, Oil DHIIATllS. Torm nduh of four, nnd remit tho price nf four bonks, nnd llvu copies will bu sent nt the remitter's uxpeiisu lor carriage. or for ten subscribers eleven copies will bo sent at our uxpenio for carriage. TO AGENTS. i No olher works will so llberallv reward tho rxcrtlnns of Agents. An Aolst Wanild in this Count v. j Terms mndu k.iown on application to Hie Publishers, j Nov. a I, leuu. PIIIMDELPHIA & EllIE R I LR O'A D. ibn rLVAniA rutt, noxn to,, lessxc. On and nftcr Monday May 3th, Wl, time nt Northum berl.iiid Statii will bu ni follows : .core II tttard. I lUutward. Hiprcss li 111 a.m. I Kxprcss U 40 p. M Mail -1 Id l'.M II 10 Ul a M i Steeping Cars on Night Trains j llnlli w nys between lYIIIInmspott ami Ilaltlmnro, and on the lVunsylvmlii llallroad between llnrrlsburg nnd i Philadelphia un .iinii i rain in until uircclions n tar goes uiroucn via. IVnris)lvnnia Unit Head wilhotit change I etween Philadelphia mid Lock Hat en. SAMUni, A. nt.ACK, Sup't Lostcrn llivlilcn. May 2 1, 1HI',2. Cillnwissa Hail iioatl. I'ASS IlLl'iniT STATION. , , SOOTIIWAIlll I10UNI) TRAINS. PlilladclphU & N. Y. Mall 10 3.1 A. M. " llxpross P.VJ3A. At NOIITIIWAUIJ 1IOONU TitAINS. Klmlrn Mall 11 II P. M Nlagra Kxprcss 10.15 P. il Tir,unfWiffiensnlso cMensivcly cn-nped In Hi tTiulrftnlt., I 1 it.. t . - " ' " n-M(lfa, UIIH iAUl')HrirI!IUIIUy Oil Il.-INU nu lor sale at his Warcroonta. it nrvn anttnrinimit nf FINIS1,ED es) oofhns, Ily which he is enabled tu fill orders on presentation ttso-heeps a good llorho and Hearse, and will nt al limes be ready to attend I'utierels. . , . SIMON C. SIIIVE. llloomsbiu-g, January 2D. ie53 Fire IVoof Cement ior Sale. A lot of superior 1'ire Proof Ccmknt, especially adap ltcd for (-'cmenling Hoofs. One gallon will rover 100 recto! ordinary rooting, and is insured proof ngainst ra ri nnd wet weather. Can bo had nt manufacturers prices, by the gallon or half barrel, nt tho ollice'of tho Columbia Democrat. m , , LEVI I. TATE, niooinsburg, July 1.1, 1601. GIBSON'S DEC0UATIVE ESTABUSHMUXT, No. 125, South rioventh Street near Walnut, Enameled Glass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Painting January 12,iSUl-3m.. ' Accuralo aud Lifc-Liko I'ortr its OF THE MEN OF THE TIME. WE are now publishing a series of unique and Life. Iilo Portraits of thu Distinguished Men of the Timo embracing Military nnd Naval Orliccre, Members of Congress, Civilians.&c They aro fine lino engra vings, executed in superior stylo, nnd prepared from the latest Photographs, many of which havo been ob. taini d expressly for this collection. ISeiug printed on cards of the sumu sizo us tho "Cnrles du VUite." they aro ndapted to tho Photugrapli Albums, or can bo bent to distant friends by mull. Thcso portraits are superior tn any now inlhiinar kct, and aro remarkablo for the fiilhruluess with which tho likenofs is iortuynl, When purchasing, bo careful to Inquire for Marticn's Card Portraits, Prku lit cents each, or twenty copies fur ono dollar, lLJ-Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of tho price. PIIOTOailAPII ALBUMS. VVi: havo now ready, of our own manufacture, a . . .n.v....u .,.r.ii,,ai .I, , nuioiirui'ii Al bums, mado of the very best materials, nnd equal, if not miner nr. in ctvln nml tlnlnl, ...... ... .. '".,' lower prices tiinn iinyothers. Iho assortment comprises several new vnriciies, ns well ns new Uefigns and clasps. Every j Album it furni.hcd wilh a title-page and Index, prtnleU Published by WILLIAM S. U ALI'REMMAKTinV, tUU Chestnut SUcct, Philudtlphia. -Ill,.ll j ir.1J TED, The Trouble.-' Sinco wo have raisaJ corn wo have uevor seen suckers grow so rapidly or in suoh quantities. Perhaps it is becaaso the ground is kept to olear of weeds that it throws its strength Into tho corn and causes tho suckers to start bo cause tho corn cant grow fast enough to to tako up tho strength of tho soil. Keep tho weeds down. April 25, leb2-lin. A Good Idea. That is a good idea of Clark's: 'Tho frost is God's plough, which ho drives through every inch of ground in tho world, opening eaoh clod and pulverizing tho whole.'' j MItS. DEMOltEST'S Quadtrly Mirror of Fashions. ureal Improvements. THE Summer Number will contain four largo and splendid lushion plates, Ihrco full sized pan s, comprising thu New Trench Waist, an elegant hli i , and jllisscs Sack, together with nearly 111", ingrnvni nf all thn novelties for Bummer Ilonnets, Cloaks. Trim tilings, Children's Dresses, e tc., and valuable informs lion in milliners, dress .maker), mothers, iind ladies gunerully, pressnilug Hi.; largest and best fashion Mag. uzlno in the World, published m Uroadway, anil sold e eryw here at 2j cents, or sent by mail free, on receint premium'0111''' ,ly 81 wi"' ""' fo""'"g valuable Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to the sclec. ion ol in cjuty worth ol plain patterns fiom Hie des. gns in Iho book, or Ironi the shuiv room, or they may he ordered ami sent by mail any time during Ills year, by paying the portage. Splendid inducements to Canvassers. orAi"""0' "ul"1,er wl"bc ready on or nbout the first " Muy3, ieCJ-3w. ''THE UNION," Jlrch Street, Mote Third. PfllADELPIlIA. THE situation of this Hotel renders it ono of th? most convenient for those who aru visiting Philadelphia on business ; whilotn those in search of pleamrc, tho constantly passing ami repassing City Jtailwuy cars and those in closo nroximitv. all'onl a i lie iintridu to nil places, of intercut and nmusemeut in or about tke city. 'i'Uo proprietor gives nssurnncu that '-Tho Union" shallio lent with mill character ns will , - approbation, and would respectfully sollnt, general pat ronage. UPTON si NEWCOMER, Peiruary 23, IcOU-lJai. Proprietor FUISIOICTII UKOTHERS. WHOLKSAI.R TOBACCO DEALERS nu.iuj.AUKTii 'I'liiiiu ST11EET P.lvedoorsbclowllarc, PHILADELrHIA BLOOMSDUrwG SKYLIGHT, P1T!3 6AILLEBY rpIlE undersigned informs thu citUcn of Dlooni. X and neighburhood, that ho has taken the large room in Iho Exchange Illotk, extending over .Messrs. toucr ft l'ox's llakery, und the llooKttoru where he has put in a large Skylisjl t. It isoidy by Skylight that good pic urub can bet sen especially groups where each person un bo taken. t--t an well as bi paratu. llahasgon to tonsidcrnblu expense to mako hi es nblishmunt first class one, and ho therefore solicits a beralpatro agu to enablu him, to cousiaully introduce Ibumodo T improvements of the art. KT'C'o'iu ;y produce taken in Exchange for pictures, IIE.NKY KO.SENSTOCK. Iilsomsburg, Nov. 23 1EG1. Nov. 0 V12 GILL & PAUL, General Commission merchants, fish. Provisions, Hour, lluttcr, Cheese, Oils, Dried riuug, uruiu, f-eeus, jteans, lYUlslicy, VoOI, Country Producu and Merchandise generally. No. 31 Nobiii Wharves, PitiLXDELiiiti. C7" f-'onsignments of Provisions, Flour and Country Produce i-nlkiicrt, and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired, UltUEUS for nil kinds of Fish, Provisions, l'lour. Dried Fruits, &c, filled ul Iho low est Cash Prices. August A, lel I Jm. I'ltilatlclphia & licmliiig Kail lload. WINTER All HA NG M1ENT (Pns'lng Iteailing) DownTlo Philadelphia, at ami 11 A 31,12 noon, and 4 P M. Up. tn Pottsvlllc, nt ini0 A M, and S.n P M. WErfT, TO I.lillANON AND IIA11K1BIIIJRU : Western Express from New Vorfc, tit 1,07 A M, Mall i'ralns, lit ll),M A M, and fl, 15 1' Jl. Un Sundays, tho Down A M Train passing Heading, at ll.SO A M. nnd Un Train, nt S.S7 I' M. lioth 10,51) A M und 5,13 P M, up Trains connect nt Port IHlntnii for Tamaqu.i, Willl.uusport Ehulra, lluir alo, Niagara and rmiaila. The U),5U A Jl, Train only connects at Port Clinton for Wllkofharrc, Scrautnn nnd 1'lltstoli. Thu Western Express 'i'ralns i ounect nt llnrrlsburg Willi Express Trains uu thu IVuuotvniiia itailrnad fur Pittsburg, nnd all points West i and the Jlml Trains 4u)iect at llarrlsburg fur Lancaster, Chambershurg, irtiory, W'illlainsport, Lock lluvuu, Eliulra and thu Camillas, Through First-Class Coupon Tickets, and Emigrant Tickets at redact d Fares, to all the principal points in thu North and West, and the Canada.. OOJIJ11JTATION TICKETS, With 213 Coupons, 23 percent dlacount, between any points desired. JIILEAUE TICKETS, (loud for 200(1 miles, between all points, nt SI3 for Families .mil Ituiuess Firm, and Season Tichils, good for thu holder only, for three mouths, In any I'asseuiter train In Philadelphia, at 3 10 each. School Season Tick ets one-third less, Passengers will tako the Express Tr.iin West, nt the Ui'l'EU DEPOT, and all other Trains, .ittliu LOW. Ell l)i;i'0 I'. rO lbs ofbacgago allow ec, each pa euger DC?" Passengers are requested to purchase theirTiik ets beforo entering thu tars, ns higher Fares ihnrgi'd if paid In enrs. Uptrains leu"i llhiladelphiafor Heading llnrrl-burg ami I'oitsvillu at 8 A Jl, 3,15 P Jl, and at 1,3') 1' Jl, fur itcadiuit only. Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by 11,0.' A, Jf. Acimnmo lation Train to Philadelphia and rtluru at $1 eO each. (J. A. NICOLE, Genera I Superintendent. January 1, 1302. i.ackiiwaimii k Bloomsuurg Jiailrond ON AND AITEIl NI)VEJI.2.ri, l?f!l, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS : MOVING SOU T II. Freight $ JV'flCMffrr. i'limengcr. Leavo Prranton, 5 2.'! A. 31. 111.30 A. M " Kingston H.30 1.M5P Jl " llioumsburg K3i " Rupert, fc'.IO ' Danville, Hi Arrive nt Northumberland, lU.uil MOVING NORTH Leave Northumberland, 4.30 P. JL " Danville, 5.10 " Rupert, 5.13 Illooniiburg 5,.'7 " Kingston, ' oOLeavo 1.13 P. 31 1 Arrivu nt Scranton, H.Od P. ,M. 3.10 A Passeiuicr Train nlsolrnes Kim-ston nt H.3 OA. JL for Scrnntuu, to innnei t witii train for New Vork. Re turning, leaves Scranton uu arrival of Train from New York at r. n. Thu Lackawanna und lllnomsbiirL' Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and esieru Railroad ut Scranton, for New Vork and intermediato points east ii unpen it connect' vviiu tnu uaiiawissaKanroad,tor points both eaal ami wrst. At Norlhumbirtaud it connects w ith the Philadelphia t Uriel!. U.andN. O R. R. for points wei-t aud south. JOHN P. ILSLEV, Snii't J C. Wills. Otn'1 TiclclJIgn Nov.30, IdOI. W. WIKT ESQ. NOW occupies thu room up stairs in front in Mr. Unaugsl's brick building, on .Main Street below the American House, A most conv euieut orlicc ; where he will bu happy at nil tiuiei to see his friends aud clients. liloonisburg, Nov. 0, ltOL 3m. CHIT T E N D E N ' S I'HIMM'MMIIA tlOJIJlIHUCIAL. CO LLEGE, N. E. corner nfnh ami Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins Institution, which was titahlllh'dln ISI4, nnd Is now corise.pieiitly In thn eighteenth venr of lis exl-jt-cure, numbers among lis grnduntos. hundreds of tun mnstsuccossful .Merchants nnd lluslucss .Men of our Country. TnBOsjrcTnfthe Institution Issolcly to nlToril young men facilities for thorough preparation fur bmlnss, Tin: llnAtrtiM TtfoiiTnre, llooh-leeihg, ns npptlcn. ble totho various departments of tr.idui I'ennwiithlp, both plain nnd ornamental I Commercial laie, JIa'Ac mallet, X,irlgatlon Cirlf Engineering, JJratcing, I hen ogdrphy, and .Modern Lwgnogca. TruSrsTfM or Nrp.i'tnoy Is peculiar I no classes or set I dis am made urof, hut each student is taught Imllvldunllv, solhat ho may coiunitiiccat tiny time, and nltcml nt uliatevqr hours uro most convenient. Cvrvi.ooi-KS arelssucdmisoa;.! after tho 13th of April cnntnlnlng nainas of the studcuts for tin year, and full particulars f trm,&c. nnd miy bo obtained ul nny time by uddreslug Iho i'rlm lpnl, IsEtTr.viVK AtcoMMon vtions, ttlJc-tprend reputation aud tluicnffiAirjierlfnicnfif Vrlnelpal, this lntilu Hon oirer f.icilllics superior tonny oilier in tho conn t.u rnri.nuni. men vi-IhIiIhc1 tn nronaro fur business, no, I tn i .ti l.i 1 1 1 at tho saiuo time a mrLoMt, tcicA ?cif prore a rccom mendathn for them them to any Jierchan tlio House. C'T-CRirENDE.-t'sSeriM of Trtntltef on HooK-Kekp-tvo. now noro any olher work un tho subject, aro for salu nt Iho College. a. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Mtorneyal'Laie, I'mxcii'AL: Ian. i.'3-lSir.! 12m. NEW BUSINESS PIH3I. TMIE uudersisnod respectlully Inform Ihclr frlendi nnd the nubile rrencrnlly, that they have entered in tn in partnership, under Hie name, style und firm of llt 1 I'll t. I'l'l'U in ll,n Mercantile ESusines, In the "Old Arcade," in llloonisburg, Columbia co., where ihcy Intend enrr yiug on tno business ol oekc n.ii. MtiRr.itMi7.iNi, in nil its dlversilled branches ami depi.rtn.nls. nnd to which they in vile nn extension of me public pairunugc. n. ii. i.i i i.i.i FKED'K C. EVER. illonnisburg, -May 11, lf-GI. tf. TI1E Proprietor of tills well-know n nnd centrally lora I ....I I I... I'. ... ...... II .1 4, ..I A II II ll.'USV. 1IIU l.ALII.,1llb MUlblJI I-IINIIK- l, HIJll- Street. In lllooiii-lmiL'. i.umedlatclv r.iooile the L'nlum bi.i County Court House, respectfully informs his friends nml Hie public in t", that his House it, now in ur cler for the reception and entertainment of travelers who may feel di-pmed lo favor it with their culoui. He lias spared no i xpein-o in preparing the Ei iiamil. for tlio I'nlertainmi'Ut of his guests, neither nil, ill there be any thing wanting (on his part) to mini-iter to their personal comfort. Ills house is spacious and enjoys uu ulcellcnt business location. ry Oinniliues run nt nil times betw een the Exchange lloti I and the various ll'iil Road I)nnot. liv which trnv. elers will b" pleasantly conveyed to and from thu re- spective Minion in tine lime lo uicctlbo Cars. WJL II. KOONS. l'.loomsburg, July 7, IFfiO- To Dlitroji Hots, tlonchcs, Ac. It Jleilron Mice, Moles, and Ants ToJIeitroy llfd-llugi. To lhttToy JlnllHln fur, Cloth, dec. 7'o ;lr Jlosaulloes nnd 1'less. To DeHroy Insects on Plants nnd lowli. 7V lUetrty Inserts on Animals, AC To Vctlroy Every form and species of Verm In, THE "ONLY INI'AT.LIIILE REMEDIES KNOWN." Destroyes Instantly EVERY FOllM AND SPECIES OP f EKMII. 'i'lie Great Cause of HUMAN MISERY. Just Published in a Scaled Envelope: Price II rls; A LEUTrill! 11V Da. CIJIA EfllVELL, ON THE CAUSE AMI CL'Ri: uf Spcrmatorrhn-a, Consuinption, .Mental and l'hy.iil I'eliilitv, Nf rvoiisneii, Epili ii.v j Impaired Nmi.lmii oflhe llody i Lassitude j Wi-nkness of the Dniln and the Hack ludispo.ilion, nnd Inca pacity for Study und Labor ; DuUnes of Apprehension: l.o.s uf .Memory; Avirnou to society ; l.nvo of Soli tude ; Timidity; Hi If-DMrust ; Di..ine,s ; Hernial he: Alfeiliuns of Hie Eyes ; Pimples uu the Face : Involuu. tary Emissions, and Sevunl Incapaclly; iho tone 0,uenees of Youthful Indisi relion. &c., t.r. II f This ailmlrablo Lecture i learls prov cs that the above enumerated, often Ji'lf-nlllirled, evils may he re moved without ineilniue mid williout daniri rous surgi cal operations, and should be read by every man in lliu and. ' tiolll llll.lnr en-il Innnc .l.l..n. t.. ... ............. .-.., ....... ,i4u., ni,, jjiiiin, yeairii envelope, nn the reieipt of six cents, or two postage Dr. CHAS.J.C. KLINE, 12, l.owery, Nuw York, Postoilin; llox, -l,iJn. February 8, leO'J.J 20, lMil P11OTE0TI0N FROM LIGHTNING. TMIE subscriber would inform his friends, that lu is J. now prepared to put up, on bliorl notice, aud in u scientific manner, tho best ruiTix.1 poiATFj) Liairrxrxn nous, at 121 cents per foot. All work warranted. E. U.DIDLEMAN. niooinsburg, May 2 1, lfl',0. TRUNKS! TRUNKS! ! rpiin largest, best haiidsom .1 est and cheapest assort meut of Solo Leather solid Riveted Travi line Trunks. 1MU3' liannrt ,y Dress Trunk i.uiiiireu s i.-oaciie-., prom lets Leather and Carpet Hag Packing Trunks cc. &r i TIIO,TA XV M V'l-I'Cnv-c Celebrated London Prize Jlednl liuproved sheet spri'nr ... . i iuiiiv niniiui,ii lory, ,-vo. uj .viarKe streti, South w est comer Fourth and .Market, Philad'a. August r IH37-tf, BOOT AN SiEfiBIi..ffA!!4;i, THE undersigned, having opened n new HOOT AND SUCH SHOP, on Mum strict, in llopkiuvill". East lilnonibburg. respectfully Invites the custom of Ih.i citi zens anil the public Keiieially. All kinds of Hoots, Shoes, &-c , will be promptly mado to rrdir, on short notke and moderate terms-. Fiom long experience in Ills line of business ho Hitters himselt that lie will bu ublo to give general satisfaction to all who may favor him vv ith their custom. . C7 Grain, Provision nnd Produce gcncra'Iy taken in exchaugu lor work. d. r. imooKP. Blooinsburg, July li, l:GI-3m. Store Removed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hat and Cap Store, plf Tho undersigned :epecirully InrorniH the cltliens of Uluoinsburg, nnd tho public in general, that he has re moved thu Xllli IMV VWHE, into the hou.e, on Slnin Street, nearly opposite his 1-ito stand, where he has Just received u Kplendid as.ortment of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from tho .Manufuctiiries, of all kinds, slyleg, sorts and sizes, lutc.t fashions, which he oUTers wholesale and retail, at very low prices, L These Goods will bo bold at very lowpriccs for Ready Pay. JOHN K G1RTON. Illoniusburg. April 19, 1602. imnui. AT 1 JBiscFs OJd Stand, 'pHE subscriber has receivod his SPRING STOl'lv OF A. GOODS, whicli ho offers nt fair price. To lint ler .Makers, ho would say, bring it Ire.h ami wo will pay on extra pricu, us ,vo havun coutriiitat FORTRESiS MONHOK, which must be fulfilled, nnd wo can ull'ord lo pay an i xtra price. We huvo changed our Express day to Thursday. Persons having good cal nnd rnlves, will bring them in on Wednesday evening or early on Thurs day morning Jerseylown, Slay 17, 1EG3 31. N. McCAY. t8t?Geo, WashiDgton, was a farmer. aoDBKJSW IS A V K v 1'rlntfr, Uookbliidcr & IJlnnkbook MANUFA VTU RER: WllOt-ESALE AND RETAIL DEALER N PRINTING, WRITING AND WRAPPING PAPERS, AOEKT TOR THE CATAWI1SA PATER MILLS. .Main Street, first door below the Fublic gnus r . tviJvivnou.ijAiiCi. fa, J Nov, S3, Ictl- 13)n. NATRONA GOAL OIL! WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVEI nnd final to any KEROSENE, WHY buy an oxplosiva Oil, when a few rents more per gallon will you with a perfect Oil j lliltr.onhb' VA. SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. No. 1-J7 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tcby. 23., liOJ, I year. HE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAXriLLF., MONTOVn COUMTV. PA. Y,ntstloininent for Man and Beast, in good tyl and at moderate rates. pinVm..Ar..rV8NBAVACE'r"r T K IMI'JL' $2 HAT, S. E. corner Third and J)oc7c Streets, PHIL A DEL PA I A. Hats mails to order, of any Style or Qnality nt Short Notice. January 4, lelSJ. Cm. N03. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 Oourtlaudt Street, NT. Alt UROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of the Easi ness Community has been recently refuted, and is coin plctu in ever) thing that can luinl.ter to tho comforts of its patrons Ladies and families are specially and care fully prov ided for. It H centrally located in tlio hu'iness part of tho city, and is contiguous to tho principal lines cf steambuals, curs, oinuibusses f.'rrh s( &c. In eonse'piencu of the pressure caused by tho Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar a? d 1'ifty C cuts per Day. The tubln Is amply supplied w ith nil the luxuries nf tho season, and is cpial to that of any other hutel in thu country. Ample accommodations are offered for upward of 400 irJDo not believo runners, hackmen, aud others who may say "thu Western Hotel is full." 1). D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TI10S. 1). WINCHESTER. Fell. 15, isr.j. NATIONAL MOTEL, (Lato White Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVti THIRD IMIII.AnKl.l'IlIA. D. 0. SIEGRIStT PnomiETon. Formerly fiom Engle Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. RIIOADS, Cleuk, .March 20, l.-li2-12m. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. THE undersigned would most respeclfully announce to the citizens of niooinsburg and vicinity, Ihutsha lias just received from the Eastern Ciliesher cCi SPRING AND SUMMER -iSf MILLINARY GOODS, Sgi url of which Hie is prepared lo mako n vc'i rtnaouuMolow figure, Her assortment of goods nrcy iilllo superior inpoiutof durability ut well as l.isleit, liets, toanyollered inthlssettion, Shu returns llnnin fur the libeialpatronageshchus received, and respect fully solicits a cuutiuuauc of tho sumo. Jlloomvburg. May . IW3. '"KI.EV. JONAS DUO OK & DUO'S ruizii iHittL srooL cotiox. 200 & .100 yds. White, Dlack, ,t Colored This Thread being made particularly for Sewing Ma chines, is very Strong, Smooth and Elastic It strength is not inmuiri'd by washing, unr by friction o the needle. For .Machines, use Urookt' Patent Glace For upper thread, und lirooks' Patent BiiCord, Red Ticket, For Uudcr thread. Bold by respectable dealers throughout the country Also, in cases of 100 each, assorted Nos., by W.M, HENRY SMITH, lli.tgint, Nov.n.iWL-em, 3 V"e Kev Vork' KOLLOCK'S DANDELION OF FEE. Thifl tiri'ii.irmir,,, ,,,.,1.. r... .1... i... . , ...n. . . .......,,, ,- i,,ii un.- iii-M jnvn i once, is 5,eM'.'.".'.',',u;l"lr,'1J'' l,,iys'ciausa a superior NI'TRITIOL'H nr.'. An i . dp i :.,,,...i n..t.iit... , ,, , ' uruiuij, j'j ?pepji.i, nuu an disorilers. Thousands who have bucn cnmpell. ed to abandon thu usoof colfec will usu this without in Jurious ellecls. One can contains the strength of two pounds ol onlinary coil'ec. Prico 2.i cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, Tho purest and beet RAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet und nutritious Ulead and cakes Price j cents, m vncpactl'rkd nv M. H. KOL LOCK, Chemist, Ourner of llrnad ami Ch. slum Strceti. PHILADELPHIA, And sold by all Drugaists and Crocirs. iMarch 20, lMi2. K'in. A OAKD ,J, YOUNG LADIES AND Xa.GLNTLE.MEM The subsirilier will send (tree ol charae) to all vv hodesire it, the lii i ip i an I directions or inakimj a simple Vegetable Halm, that will, in from llVlllil I'llThl ilfil'd .rinn, I1 1. . i, ... . n . 1 reckles, S.illowness, and nil impurities unit ronahness oflhi) Skin, leaving tho sunn as. Nature inuiuh d it Iioh Id he-soft, clear, sinootb und heautiful. Those 1 OS rill!F lllrt Uprinn . if, Cll I.... .1 .u ., . " , i . I .i,1 .'. " ."s.rocuuiis, oireriious, and advice, will plcnso call on or address (vvith return ,.VI... i iiu?-. c. i;n.vrvi.', i. .- . l'raetienl Chemnt. Jlay 1,. 18CS-2m. Ml Uroadway, New Vork. niNGHAMTON, N. Y. An Institution lo qualify young 7uen for Businis's, "TV XV. LOWELL. Principal, Professor of the Siienco J-r ol Accounts, author of Lovvuil s Triaties upon nT ,v n'1.1!!?!.''.1."1."""5"1"" I'lu-'ri'tiriB th" same. JNO. RA.NM.N, Counncrrial Aicount.iiit, Professorof Honkkcepiii" and Praitical Mntiiemalics. A J. WARNIlll, Professor of Practical and Oinameu tal Kniuanship, Commercial Calculations ami Corres pondence. V'mltm V'V -Vsi-tant Teacher in Pennmnnship. J. s. LUItlls, Assistant Teacher in Uookkcepina De partment. 1 6 i.r.oruiiF.ns. lion, DANIEL S DICKINSON, LL. D., I.oclurer on CuinniHrclal Law and Pohtiral Economy. Hon. HANSOM It Contracts, Promissory Notes und Hills of Exchange. Uev.Ur. E. ANDREWS, on Commercial Ethics. Students cuncnter at nny time; novacalion, Grndii. ates are presented W illi an elegantly engraved Diploma. I'funl tunc ro-iuircd to complete full Conmiercial course rum ht to twelve weeks. Every student j, ,.r.a. ted to be compitcntto take charge of the books nf any bii' ness flrm, and pinlined to earn nsrlur from S-00to SluOilner annum. AShManco icndered tu graduates in plaining situations. Hoard 82.00 to 850 per neck I or particulars send fur Circular, unclosing rtamn ' MayAu"-,2,n ' '-GlVKLLi: tV MINER. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the under ngui'd has placid the following named properly in charge of Samuel Jlarr, ot Scott township, lioluuibii cuunly, during his pleasure, viz: ,,,, C',".v' ''','' v"".k '."V?" clolk' ,wn N"'" ""'I lledding. LooUu, CteuMls, Tubbs and Chairs, l 'ornc-r Cupboard Kitchuii I upbo.ird.uud on Liircau, with which ull tier! sous are loibidden to meddle or interfere, uu tiaiiiBof tho law s penalties. 1 1 Msy2l,160.'-3t. WILKI.VH. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, IMiilod-ilphla-for tho Relief oftbe Silk and Distressed aillicled with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es. pecially Diseases of Ihu Sexual Organs. Medical Advice given Gratis by Iho Acting Hureeon SLMIN'VL EAUNEr-.-s, and other Diseases of the Hev. mil Organs, and on the NF,W REMEDIES nupluvrd In tnu uispeiisary, sent in seuled letter out dopes, iree of Dr. J.SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. April .1, Vrni-lfinT Ni""' yirC'' ,'l'"'"ll,rl'la, Pa. JOLINE & LEE, Nn. lO, NORTH WHAnVEH, Philadelphia, . AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twms,Tur, Pilch. Oakum mocks, and Oars, fcc. ''",c"' AUUt 4, tvo 12m. Thnc Prsparations (unlike all othcts) me "Free from Poisons." "Nut dangerous to the human family." "Jtnlsdonol dm uu the premises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They lire the only iufalli.ihte remedies known." "li years and more established in Now Voik City." Utied by the City Post Ollice. r'rf by Hie City Prisons and Station (looses, U.d l:f tho City Steamers, Ship-, lie. Used iiy thu City llo.pllals, Alms-Houses, &c. Uttd by thu City llotels-'Astor'-'St. Nicholas.'Atc. tVcii by tho Hoarding House, &.c. &r. Uted ly more than 500,000 Private Families. See one or two Specimens of what Is everywhere said by thu people- Editors Dealers, Ur.. HfltJSIlKEEI'Eltd troubled with vermin need be so no lonccr. if they use "Cotar's" Exterminators, Wu Wo have used it to our satisfaction, nnd if a box costs S we would have it. WV havo tried poisons, but they ell'eited nothing; but "Cimiaii's" arllilu knocks lliu brealli out of Rats, .Mice, Roaches, and Hud-Hugs, u.ulck erth.iu we run w rite it. It is in great demand all over thu country. -Mdma (j Oatetlt. JKIRE (iKAIN nnd prov isimis aro destroyd'annually in Grant Count) by vermin, than would pay for tons ef this Hal ami lusei t Killer. I.oncmtet IVi.lhrnlil. HENRY I. COS'I'ARWu are selling your prepara. tiuns rapidly, Wherever they have been used, Rats Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly Uiklk At SiouiitR, Druggiils, Windsor, Mih "Costar's" Rat Roach. &c. E::toriuiiiaton 'Costar's" ' Costar's" Bed-Bur; Exterminator. 'Costar's" "Costar's" Ilcctrio Powder, for Insects, &o. In 2ae: 50c. a.nii 4? I.tMl Hoxus, IUhti.ks Ann Jlask, 34. fur Plantations, Ships, Hoats, Hotels, A:c &c. OAOTIOHU! To prevent the public from being im posed upon by e-inirions and liitii I'ernttions Imitation!, a new laliel has been piepared, hearing a Jaemmile of tue rroprn-tnr s signature. I.xaminii each bin, bottle, or lls.k 1,111-l'iilly beforu purchasing, und lake nothing but"CU5i'AlfS." iy Sold F.urryvhtrely All Whulesale Driigglstsintlia largo citlos. IVlinlcsalo Ajrrnis in York Cily. Slli'tlnlli, H.,.,t.... , .. , ,, . narrni, msiey flc I. Itclieu Hush Calu He. RoIjiuvimi Jl Ward. Cln-o &; l o JlcKisson ti Rubbius D S Harnes fc Co 1' C Wells fc Co i.azelle, viarsh & Gardner Hall, Divhu ti Co i. on rail I ox Shetleliu llM,tli,,rrf JL- I ' H A I'nliue-toul:, !un ju A I! ti II Sands ,Co Whei ler .t Hurt James S Aspiuwnll. A. Allen Hall, liuckel f.; Co Thoieas A. Fuller P II Urvis DR. LA OUOIX'S rftlVATE MKUIOAt, TREATISE 0 riiysiologlcal View of Mai 050 PAOE3 AND 130 ENORA VINus TWiKTV-rnR t-tNTs. Sent freu of pcistj,,, . the Union. Ou the Infirmities of youth a dl-cloilng the secret follies of both sexet musing debility, nervousness, depressjoi palpitation ofthe heart, suicidal imuglnli lary emissions, blHihlngi clcfetllvo mem Hon and lassitude, Kith eonfettioni of i,tl of a Hoarding tthotl Jllitt, a College 1st Young Married lMy, fee,ot. It Is n truth the married nnd those contemplating ma,, tcrtaln secret doubts of their physical Ci who arc conscious of having liatardcd thu plucss.nnd privileges to vvhlih every , entitled. . . YOUNG MEN who nrc troubled with w ernlly caused by n bad habit In youth, t which arc illzr.lntss, pains, forgetfully, n rluL'lnc in lha cars, wi nk eves. iwni,,.' Lnud lower cxtremltlas, confusion of Idem ory wiiu iiieinncuoijMiiay in-cureu ny toe i, PA I! IS AND LONDON TREAT.MI.NT. We have, recently devoted much i,f VISITING THE El ROPEAN HOSPI'i ourselves oflhe kiiowli dge nnd rosea, thi skilled I'ti sijlnnn nnd Surgeons In Eunai tlueiit. Those who placo themselves nn will now have tho full benefit of Ihu mum EFFICACIOUS REJIEDIIW which u Introduce Into our practice, nnd the publi, suredofthii same leal, nssldulty, SECRR, lion being paid to theircases, which lias ty distinguished us heretofore, ns n Pht PECULIAR department of professional' Pt nam tictnty-Jire years. l'.trm li 1'tMALK I'H.l.s. Ladle who w In, the elllcacy of which has been tested In cases, nnd never failed to cuVct speed; , nny bad rcsiills.w lll lire none lint Ur. Dt-J.n Periodical Pills. The only Precaution lie, servo is, ladies should not tnku them if i sonto believe they are In certain tituatht ulurs of which will he. found ou thu write nylng each box,) though nlwnya safe aii' gently et snnclivc are they. Price .$1 per box. They can ho mailed thu United States or Canada. TO THE LADIES-WImiiooiU etnftd, nilvler with regard to any of those t nt. plaints to which their dilicato organlx them liable, aru particularly Invited to to Tilt "EbXCTKCI-GALVAMc Pr.ollc.TIV i:," ladlcs whoe health will not admit, or ul, siru to increase their families, may benbt., It is a perfeilly safe previ lillvu to inntt i been exteusivdy Used during Ihu lust 20 rcducend to SIO. The Stcrcls of VoiMIt la Jl Treitltcon the Ciuse ef I'rcmatnrt i iim learning. Jutt publishtd a book thovi progress find prevalence among arhovh, ftmaJe nf this fntnl habit, pointing out ti, Invariably attend its victims, and deirh progress ef the disease, from Ihe eomminci H will be sent by .Mail onteceiptif trei rr" Attendance dally, from H In the lie night, and uu Sundays from 2 till 5 r ,m, .Medicines wilh full directions sent to i United Slates or Canaiing, by patient, c their symptoms by letter. IluslnosB i, strictly coiiildcutinl. tt7" Dr. L's Ollice is slrll located a et,i thu name of DR. LA CROIX, at No. Jl Jla bany, N. Y, Nov. 23. Ifi51. 12m. WE will forward by mall to nny part c States, post-paid, any varieties that m.iv the following prices : 10 varieties seiettid from those priced m per paper 22 varieties telccted from ihosu priced nt per paper 5 varieties selected from those priced at per paper 12 varieties selected from those priced at per paper 2 varieties selected from those priced at per paper 5 varieties selected from those priced at per paper COLLECTIONS OF FLOWER h Persons desiring us to make their Helen ly upon our sending only those vvhiiliin hnwy and desirable, and of easy eiillivnl hove thatour experience will enable us t Hons, largu or small, that cannot fjll tu a Isiaclion. 6 1U0 Packets Annuals, llicnnials uud Pn fovnrlto kinds 50 Packets Annuals. Ilienuials aud Per favorilu kinds 25 I'aiketh Annuals, best assorted II Packets Annuals, best ussorled SO Packets, New and Rnro Annuals Choice Culleclion of Ornamental Hrasr " " ol'Evorla.sting I'Inweri ofAlpine or Rock Plat, !'. Climbing Plants, Am Perennial Choice Collection of Greenhouse Plant Si, " " Ornamental Leaved , Florist ic Seedman, Versailles' Won.ii tp Send for a duscrlptlvo Catalogue. March 15. 1(,2. 3m. iV EW YORK MEDICAL 1 '1CTI1 A benevolent Institution endowed for Chronic Diseases nf every nature and ti lids fiom "piack ndvertisers nml impoiti ges except for Medicine until eu ed, and i treiiie iovetly treatment fn e No Jliner nils Drugs used. The I'hvsiiianshuve h.i tensive experience both In priwitu anil II tice. The lollow log arc somu ofthe iMuipi special allention is given. All ili-ias. Throat Lungs, Heart Stomach, Llvur. Ki Rli'iiiiiatum, Fits, Caiirer, i'iles, Nerve Diseases ofthe Sexual Organs, Seminal V potence-and Virulent diceaset; of ever) in lycureil. Diseases of Females and all sureessfullv treated. Hliudness mid In without painful operations. Patients tn t by sending a statement ol lln-ir cat,... M, any pan of the countrj. Coumltation fre Address, Stamp enclosed, DR. L. (.RAVI S. CeiiMillm I.0J Hroadwey, April 5, ISC2 12m. AND 01'IIUIH. !'liiladcljilii;i Pa. 7, V,."i'ott V. ,. I ""I'frt Shoemaker i Co II A I u.iucstock Si Co French, Richards i Co AND OTHERS. AND 1Y Druggists, Grocrrs, Storekeepers an I Retailors general ly in all Country Tuvvns Villages in the AT BLOOMS BURG, PA. SOLD BY G. M. fJagenbuch, J. Rs Moycr, K P. Lutz. erAndbyth.D,gEl,,,l(:lorclteepctlinilBetaiur(8fn LO" Country Dealer, rnn ordf , k giving reduced Prices ,c? ' f" t8faj Circular is II. 0. UOWER, S D It 12 E 0 X ) G c T I jZZft? i.i.ii i.i j i ui.i.v oners tSgt nl services to the ladies am JjgVXiJHIooinsburg and vicinity. 1 .e i- , """ """ an cuu various the line of his profession, he Is provided i inprov'eil porcelain teeth , which will b gold, platina, silver nnd rubber base; toll tho natural Iri th, .Mineral plate and block teeth manuf.iei operations on tee th, carefully and prnpcil P.loomsbutg, Pa.. August;), mi. C'lioico VcgtJalJlo Seeds by 20 Varieties for j 15 Varieties for ' jS-j Wishing te give Ihose who resldo at i opportunity lo test thu .uallty of our winch vve are cnulldent will comiurc la any oirered in this ,c,ntry, wo have p packets, whicli will bu sent by .i above prices, Neuii but tho most' will bo included. 7b srerent disappointment, trt trish it li" "f. Uai" d I'orn net m tue mail pacLogcs, on account of their vtig A. IHU! Versailles, Wout. tty Send for n Description Catalogu.i. Jlarch 15, I!u2.-3iu. CIGARS et TORACl A Ijfg? assortment of choice Cigars. T . J!"ts; '.'.""rL'rli"lll'ry anil Notions gen lih null, lock r HATH and CAI'S Eniporliiijl ''""i1' ul "'0 " Hoonishiirg, .Mnruh 10, ltstTl. J0'IN K H. MTJLLIGA 1,'uuiij j.i; uf ALL KINDS i AND MANUFACTURER OF JEV No, 4-M North S'cond Sb AUOVE WILLOW, . PHIL AD El Not. to, ISfll. ATTORNEY AT L mooMsiiuna, va. Olilw lu Curt Ally, formerly occupied t Iltoouratnrg, Deo, 1, J'w!"'1''1'' 'PUR CONFESSIONS AND .1 IENCF.OF A SUFFERER -I'ubhiln ning, and fur Ihu especial benefit of Vow those, who sillier w ith Nervous Dc bilil) I. ury.l reuiaturoDecay. 4.C., li., tc. by c cured hiiusylf by simplu means, after Wm eipensuanslncoiiveuleuce. ihroiigh then k ss inedlcines prescribed by learned Dm' ropn-s iiinybehad oriheauthur.O. L. LAV t.reenpoiut, Long I, laud, by enclosing a i dressed envelope. Address CHARLES A LAW JH!'I7.lf-2,rir,,'0',U' l'0BI,lMi LEATHER I LEAT HE npflEiindersignecl would nnnoiinrr, thai I) . nthisHataiidCnp Enmorium, on Alain ii... J i , ""'enc oi uiiiurent kina m i" Ur . i! 1kl"'i,"io"'cco,(,ed audl)lal a f v s tilth he will mil cheaper than can bi b in this market. Call and excmir e them ( inn V K Jllnomtliurg, May 21, 1803. ' ULAN its' 1 11T.ANK S ' Of every ilcw-'rifitioii, for nalc t '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers