Ml 4 l.,t ilun heir era. out tht ton. Jl(C. tti (uo. end. An Hut 7 it MSOj t t.ct i ft. from acti. 'I MIR. in, O 0 Co., ttcur. Lett Hat: lint!, o mil tic aactjj 'drew p'rittc mil mark" ngj ti pr.fien o met il. ceiilcn iiiliook, Ih init J d.r, 1.1' in. lis an. 1 Ctilni. elech', a tr i" tho 1 (iCtlf cr ul tt Ml I in t; y lie wi 11; yea was " led 11 uil a ot by 1832 I :m L. . otiuiiaio I was Jt then u alf troil do ti. saillt'i locrut. .c (.drill'. .id no th. bio to hi" ruin 10 0OMJMB1A WllJRAT. Jtrttt.G. Freeze, Local Editor. JATURliAV MORNING, AUOUST 2, 18CX nnummmn Disocrallc County Couvcutloit. NOTICE Is hereby given, that tlu Democratic Elec tor In and for ths several Horoughs mid Election Dlitflcta ufColuiiitiln county, will meet al their respec tive, (daces bt holdlag said Elections, On Saturday, the 23c ffay 0 August, Between the hours of 3 nml 7 o'cloik I'. M. of said day, ftr tho pnrpose of thootliic two Delegates from each flection UUtrict. to meet In COUNTY CONVENTION, Ai tli Court Houau, in lilouinibiirE On Monday the USth day of August, At on o'clock P. M., of said day, for tho purpose of maklnr the usual Democratic nominations, lobe stlntior- iadbytht Electors uf Columbia county at tho ensuing (Jenerel Election, nml for I ho transaction of other hue jneas pertaining to tht liitorcslj uf tho Democratic to..,, ' (Jenerel Election, ami for tho transaction of other hue .4slnln In Ilia llitnroat .if thn llnmn.rnlU , ' W. II. JACODY, alrnn, 11 union Ilnu, I Runrt McIIsnhy .fsrariuii.l'uoK Jen. IUokndulu J, K. Rosataa, t) I A. J. Albiktsum Joiik M. Ness. Democratic Standing Commlttti. twipSWo are indebted to Mr. Snider, mm oow.of London, for ''Y'ic London Amer- itah," of July 0th 1 803. r- :o: eMr.B.' F. Ilaitmati had his leg fcroken on iWcdnesdnv last, by his horeo running may. Ho is doing well now. -:o: 6f Mf.'Isaohcr Evans has had several tipple trees,- loaded with very fiuo fruit, uprooted 'bjsomo of the recent etornis. JJST'Tho 'moit terrific storm wo ever witnessed, passod over Bloomsburg on 'Tuesday evening last. Considerable dam ogo was 'dono thereby. joi PtfS- Tim n,rnr,f f l!,n V7.,A WMlrna- . .-, . J n . ., ... - " 0 T 19 3 1" Jst for.Coligross, and opposes Mr. Senator Ketchani."'Straws show which way tho wind blows. . ' -:o:- t& Ins political matters tho on dit is, that tho ' appointments under tho Tax law are to bonia'do beforo any drafting shall bo ordered', so that a sufficient number of ex empts' shall bo left behind to control tho cloctions. u in Hid ' :o: r em a; BST" Persons having Plantain Weeds t cant- growing in thtir door-yards thould kuow 15s' u that at thi3' season of tho year they aro very casilyrpulled up by tho roots j which h tho only effectual method of destroying them. Clean them out now, therefore, 1 4l.n4 llinnrtrrlt fiml nfTnt,,tt1 oar, "J "" suB" ;o; fi A trip of a week through the couu ties of Montour, Northumberland aud Union nnd , 'Southwest Columbia has satis- dud us that tho liuit and gram aro more abundant than they havo been for many yean. Wo havo never seen in ono teusou to inany ficlda with such magnificent crops, :o; S& Sergeant Chas. Paxton, of Lairds illlo, sou of Bright Paxton, member of ,ft'ri lompany II:, Fifth 1: Richmond. UI'C1"'' suuhurt-but is a prisoner in i. , . , , , , ;ie saysjin etter to ms motiicr, uatcu , luiy au, iwx: "wo navo uccn treated Mi '.ry well so far, tho most of them being but ih- 'cry kind." -:o: .ttfir Lieut. R. Bruce Rickctts has opeu d a recruiting offico in tho room lately ccupied by Mrt Wirt, under tho Democrat iffice. Ho is' in tho Ibt Penn'a Artillery, iiiiimjortaut branch of tho service, lie j a young, able, and meritorious officer. Ve wish, him abundant success. ''Artill erist" whoso letter wc print to-day belongs do pi. a tho.aame Battery. 'V 0lllc" . ;o; - lovclofft .jjfis- Lipninoott's reprint of Chamber's inovoloDcuia'.Pavt .jO. "h tench JjanrruaL'O ill rctliS ,' T .. V ' 11 1 tin 1 11 7 r ilitical af' 1 01 "Galena," pilCO 15 " , onts and tbosa'lno of Tho Book of Days ir, rcian . .. . .. . n., T, . , lln le-'tea 1 x utujis wiu umur x uut, t,u "it! . , .iir , ,, ' n, oP.o !;iuoicmot uaies, price zu cents, aro on ,. j-V.1- Ur.taDle. They are the, most complete entertaining n,l i.iofr,ltt,f'n' nnklinslinnii fUn .In,. (iv. ludiiuvu, u Ji,uiiuuiiuua wi but, . vj pd bo cheap Jhat even in tjicio times WAf o m n Ti ftnn nfrnr1 n nnrttr l0 latoii L.pPnjtt & Co., 22 & 24 N. 4th St., ic doi-c ' 'hilatlclpLi'a. Male :o: USS" Tho Atlantic Month! v for Aucust Km . . . . . !' qulto' interesting, 1 . 1 1 : i i : M' i . t iuu uiao in iiutu ta iu j "ti'io r' isay oa Puys'ca training, by Dr. Dio Jfjf Bi'uJis(.,c'ff"i profusely illustrated ''Mr. Axtcll" uiiliinent a story, or part of ono. "Tho Country Mercanir.t 'arson" has norao good things "concerning hyHiology,isagrocablo "paoplo." "Tho Sam Adams iminaii' '.ogiments in Boston'' is an interesting nd slio" ijtorical artiolobyMr. Frothingham,con-tiif-trucio: froni .Juiy ,ii;ifo in tj0 Opon paito .r js , . jj -or w;ntj,r0pt Hjjjq , ajl- .mu n , 11.. .her nroso artioles aro " J im Ilnrrnra Qlltl .1" ' . v-i . ... itir Tr ... aw supe" JJoraingo 5 " jjost art," anu an itndunte urtiolo by Emerson upon tho late Mr. illy, 10 e- horeau, ono of tho old Concord Mutual villi pKc,i'.dmirati6n Soototy. toi ler pracu" Tijoro i,avo i,con a number 0f Dccda h otlier jn tll0 Reoordor's Ofticc to be recorded , lt""lj1(,on whioh tKo 'State tax and fees havo Tnstituiio ,l boen ' Rnd wIliult ifc waa wo'1 u"" ant amli,r would not bo entered ami recqr t gentle"" d until that has been done It is hoped i iho at'O-at tho bVnora will speedily como nn4 1. Visitob- rango thorna"tter so that their Dccda n bo put'erccord, i3 tho law roquiro3. ujn cod' Sevoral hundred dollars worth of Ho ist Yal"J' led work remains unpaid iu tho office ; e, wi ' d many Doedu and Mortcaccs recorded .vni' d paid aro also tbcro. Somo for as "f1 " . .ioh as six. eieht and ton vr-nrn tn tlm lis ' . . .. . . ("' ixnuunuisuiu uj iuu ojri;urB, US WOIl to their loss. III lioffl ' 5,aio.-ff P0Ple d-9 cm to reflect hAt upon tho entry of any paper for record, thero is duo nnd must bo paid to tho Stato fifty ocuts; and that, whether tho officer re ceives it or not, nor do they remember that when a paper is entered upon tho Entry Book, it ia of equal cflicaoy to them, as a lien or a uotico, as when aprcad upon tho record, Will tlioso interested in the above, take notice !0! Forney on MoOlellan. Cel. Forney of tho Philadcldhiu Press, was one of Mo- tJlellau's nctivo detractors, but liko Mr Wilkesonof tho tribune, ho repents. Wri- ti III? , Juiv 4th. FomOV SaV8 i ' ' "Thero can no longer bo any question that ho is a military chief of great and commanding ability, ana mat in a mazo of unparalleled complications, aud against a tauatio unit lierco antagonism, ho has G&hibitcd patience, pcrsovcranco, gonius and courage. I say this much, not by way of praise, but as an act of simple jus tico to a man in whom so many great trusts havo bcon reposed, and who has not dis appointed public conlideuco. It may bo said that in ot least two of my former letters I expressed a different opin ion. And it gives mo ns much pleasure ta retract that judgment as it gave mo pain to rccoru it. :o: CiiicoTjAk. '' Washington Pennsylva nia Soldiers' Relief Association? This Association, liaviiiir. opened auoriiccat I Nit 5 Washington Buildings, comer of it!i street antl Pennsylvania avenue, where will be found a register of alljl'cnn I sylvania soldicas in or around that city 'in hospitals, invite tli6 friends ol'thc same to call, assuring tliuin that all possible aul . Will IjC CXtCllUCd 111 filldlllir tllCir SOUS, Mr, Chus. L. J Ft lis, the Register, will I be lountl nitlio ollicc. I ho Corrcsrtondinir Secretarv, Mr. S, , . loiters ill . . 'ClinsylVa- jTo(ii' Verlai, will answer all regard to sick and wounded Pcnnsylv I nia soldiers, whether in or around that 'citv, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or Now Haven, caro Box 84j, Washing ton, D. (J. J. K. MonniiHAD, P'Z J. AL Sullivan, SctSy. Pciinsylvnnia's Aiiptirtlcnmcnt under ih i) rVcw Ktquisiiiou. tViia'iifa Adami l. Allegheny i; Armstrong : Denver ! Uedfiird ! llnrki I llliiir Uradford i Ilncks I Com panic Juniata I Lancaster Lawreneu Lebanon l.clilsll I.iizerno Lycuiuing .Mercer Millliu ! r ('ainbria 'M Monroe and l'iko -Mnutgomcry t-'Oroon M I'heHer ti ,-u 1 mniit r .Viifth inTpton I IKTtTtO entro 3 N'orlhumbcrlaud t.lnrinn and turrect I'erry l'lnla,lcl,.lia Potter Si huylMII Snyder Snmerset Sullivun nnd Wyomittg Suvqueiiauna Tingii Union Venango VVnrroii Wnstiiiigton IVuyue Westmoreland York 1 51) 1 .1 I ,i 1 2 3 1 1 e i i 3 3 I liuton 1 Cleartlcld 1 Cnliiiiil.i.i 1 Crawfurd Dauphin D.'l.iwaro i:ri. I'.lk and McKeatl 1 I'ayelto I 1'c.iTil.lm nnd Fulton 5 (irecno 1 lluntingdoi, '. Tnilinu.'i Jiirerson 1, MARRIAGES Ill Danville, on the 10th of July, 1802, 1 1' t'l? 'r aJMhtMr.FnANjJis Kkoiiu, I'liaa in. J jjui.h.11,1, . uoill Ul ijliuu jli(lg0i Columbia Co. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. VOltHKCTT.l) IIXKKf.Y. WHEAT KYI! I'OltJJfoldi 81 12! t'l.ovr.nsijBi) s! so ihjttejj . i;i;(,ri - ... TALLOW... i:i)lt'(Hew) ... ii. v; n IlL'CICWIiEAT. llliiLAUII SO' POTATOES . RECEIPTS FOR JULY, TO THE UOjLUiIIJBIA. UGiUOCRAT. Tho followinc are the receipts to tho office ..i r, T...' 01 1110 UOLU.MltlA J711MOU11AT, UUrtllg the month of July 1802 : OiduinliinL'ounly, $12 .VI 'ri.cii.d .liitipd o no Com. of return. $11 50 , 7 311 1 00 t 73 3 IHI 1 IX) 7 32 7 1)1) Asa 11 i , rl on , Jeaso II Carpenter, Ji.lm llShulU, Hen I1 Lore, Eeq., Win 11 Lore, Win Swisher I'apt. M. Wclliver, I lltln. 1 coi. Juo. u. McKickon 10 . Willlinm llatily. ; Henry It. Costnr, j'ii'i'uruiuutV.sq. O'ivO Evans, I 01 n ell 3 31 2 no 1 so 2 30 2 tin I 7.1 1 Oil J ,11C.1IC11, q, 1 in , jnCubCrcasy .tof AkherM dingles I 75 Aaron 011, It r'.'inds Circus. 3 ro Albert C Millard 1 .51) 1 s.lmw m M,iier i Jaini s Miller Jonas Hichard, I urw'i:,!kro!'h,h' Hudson Owen 1 75 Low is nclterlcte 3 I'll t'has II Iles4, Esq., 1 75 , Ihtllicl A Hem 2 01) 1 Lew is Enko 1 AO 1 WiriMioemakor J1' John llartiunn (Mich.) 1 75 i Sewing Machine Co., I 1)0 ! 1 3 50 2 (III I IPO.Creaill EobtlVal , . j, ,,n 2 H ' jV J',nu'ol"lkV"r'1 ;i .'in! BSyWill our friends remit their subscrip tion money to us by mail. Our necessities nro especially pressing and wo must havo money. Wo shall siucercly thank you, friends and patrons, for an early remit- fnnpn liir moil ! J OA IV D IIP AT ES. . Announccincnt Fee S2.00. UISTUIOT ATTORNEY. WIKTwill bo n candidatn for DISTRICT AT TOltXEV. ut the coming fall election. Sublccl w to the division of the Democratic County Convention, July 12, 1CI12. COUNTY COMMISSIONER TT7 Eare authorised loDijnnnnce tbroiiglithe colli VV of our paper that ItUUIt MrllENItY, of llei nins naner that Klllllt AU'IIENIIY, uf llenton c towns Up, wil lio a camliilato at tlie iipproarlung I n nt I1....1.,.. K. mirr,;-1,1, imt,ivi- . l-ll-UIUHI.'l " . W.M.'l.V. ..., .IK'I.b, III ,Q ilcniKinn of thn Demoerntie Coillitv Convention, uliirl. will bu lu-ld in August licit, July 12, lcii'.', 10" Thomas J, V!ncnt,icn, Esq., of Hemlock town ship, wo aru iiulhorui'd to announce, will bo 11 candi date this fall, for COMMISSIONED, sublccl to thu Usages oftho Cn!uiiibjiicQituy UcniocraticConvention, August 2, mi, CT E. II. Lith.5, Esq., of Kloam township, we urn requcated tn announce, will be ucaiidjdntu this fall, for pISTKIOT ATTOltN'EY, subjeit to Iho usages of the Columbia County Democratic Convention. August 2, let',.'. Ncu) QVDucrtiscmcnt i4 GRAND JURORS. SErTEMIIElt TERM, IBQ'i. nentnii John Dildlne, P. N. Moare, lleavcr Samuel Cos, nriarcroek-J O Siullh. t,'ento Andr-'W Ereas. Calt.iwsga-l)r,J W Jtnbbins, Daniel Iteinbold, Jacob Creasy. Conyngham Wm I. Kline, franklin J H I'ahiingur. rigliingcrcek Emaudiis Uiiangit, David Yus(. Jackson Joshua S.nagc, Locust John 1. Hurst, Madison James Wclliver, Uriah Mills, Mltlliu I) A lltsl, II 0 lless, Mt, rieasant Levi Gartclt Maine Jacob Oildliuc. tffflr,XWl iienotK, jenn ooansn, q nomas TRAVERSE JUHOHS. BEl'TEMHEIt TEHM, 1802. Illootn Michael Waller, Jojejili Ilarkley, John Melt orlch. , llor. Ilarwlck Jesse Rowmnn, llndson Owen. Centra Win Shaffer. II W Hogcnbuch, Jcr. listen, burli, , Caltawlssn Ocorjo Scott, Casper ttahn, Daniel Hot wit. I'lshlngcreek Martin Atnmcrman, rrankllii-llcnjninln I Former. Orcenwond Iinnc Hewitt, Sr. Locust Reuben Fahrlnger, John Davla, John Kline, David llcrbein. John Ilarncr. Mndlaon Valentino Wclliver. Mathlaa Moots, Shop herd Uunyou, Richard Dcmott. Mt I'lcntant Wnt !HIIIr. Win Kitchen, Montour 1'itcr llclnbach. m inn u i; ti iiess, Maino Jacob r-'liugur. WmT Bhuinaii, Orange Alfred Unwell. Pine- Earn llunyati, John Wlnterstccn. lHnomsburg, July VI), lSG'J. LIST OF CAUSES POn SEI'TEMUEtl TERM, 1802. I Andrew Crevellng, v Andrew Molllck, e t at. Q l'hlllp Wintcmtcen, vs Valentino Wlnteratcen, 3 Daniel V. t'earec, ct ul. 4 Daniel P. Bey bat vs Augustua II i'carcc ct nl. 5 Henry Wells Jr vs Ucorcc Kiuloy Jr. C Baniiiel J, Healer, vs Abraham W. Iit-bbins, c t n I . 7 Jacob Cjcr vs Abraham Klnve. a Abraham Klate, vsJucob Eycr. David I.cvlet nj vs aamiiel L. Mettle. Ill Daniel I'. 3')bcrt e Joseph llcn.ll. II Elijah McMnrlrle i t ul v Christian Wolf. 1J Kri'ilerick Markrotrvs Jnlin Hnblson. 13 William Cnxetnl vs William llaldrcn. 14 Wllllatii A Cnso ct nl vs Cenlro tow nslilp. 15 II II Kreas vs Jonhua I'ctterninll etal in II II Ercas vs Johiia rttterinan ct nl. 17 John II llimvn ct nl vs l.eonnrd II Huporl. IS 1'eter .M Trntiolivs Anron t.'layton. III Samuel liitteiLicndea vn Hllan II Edgar. 20 .Mohlnn llirks ct nt vs Oliver Lynn it al. 21 (Jc'irgB Duplies ct nl vs J VCriswoil ct nt. '2-1 Jntues llanliii!; vs EII.14 Itecse. 2.1 Low Is I.arlsh vs llohert llagenbuch, 21 Susanna I.arish vs Uobnrt llagenbuch. 2.1 Andrew I.nrish's Executors v Itoberl llaganbiuh 51! Tcter lloll'iiinn's Executors vs David I'M. 27 N. II. Creay vs Henry C Trcns. IS Enoch Everett vs Mont. Kllna ct nl. 2J Wm I.l'arka s Ell thn Unbblus. JACOII EVEUI.Y, Troth'y. I'rothonotory'a Olllcn, j ninouisburg, July 27, lcLS. EDUCATIONAL. The n'ltucrilnr would tnkelhls method nf liiformini! his formsr pupils nnd friends generally, that he intends TO HE-0 1' EN 1HS SCHOOL In Wnshlngtonvlllo, 011 Monday, August 4th IfW. J. THOMAS. July 10th M61. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. lUEDITOK3, nnd other nersons interested, will tako v ' tho uudcr-igned, Auditor appointed by tho Orphuu's Court of Columbia cnuuty, to settlu and mi) Ullli,ll HVUUIL III VUlUIIIUItl Ct'lIUiy. 11, 81- ' adjust thu rates und proportions nf tint asdeti j Estatn of l!i'Jnmlii lliiyniau, dee'd., in tho h tolonion N.;.vhard li i 1 niliiiiulstrator, to and an is 01 inc. hiinds of nuioiiir the crcilitors nrtlic mini ileceascil. accorillugtn Inw, willut tend tn thu diHchnrgc of his iluticp, nt his office, In Utnnmsburg, ill said county, on Saturday, tho Sixteenth day of August, A, D one thousand eight hundred nnd si vty-tivn, alien o'rloik, A. SI fthe cuiillriiintiiin if tho first Auditor's llepnrt having been taken ml' by 'hi: ruld Court, nnd the sal. I report recommitted the said Audi tor, when and where all persons interented arc reques. ted to present their claims tn the Auditor, or bu debarred fromcuming in furash.iruof iheassuts. W. W1KT. Aniilar. llloomsburg. July 12, 1802 Iw. i & A tr ftW'S RJIW-BONE I Super -Phosphate of Lime. B A U G II AND SONS, Manufacturers and Proprietors, iVb. i!0 South Delineate Jl venue, PHILADELPHIA. Tills manure in manufactured from pure Haw Cones, and warranted to contain nil tholr oriuiual organic mat. ter no burned or citiitiod bones are used, nml it is sold miller n guurnnty from thu m.inuf icturers that it i fruo from adulteration. K7" Last season tho demand for this manure exceed ed that of any former one, aud with few exceptions tho results have been hichly f.ivnrnble. No pains will be spared to maintain it Mnmlasd nf popularity 1X7 Stsn in vuun imiitua kari.y. riticK, 8 to per '-JUDO lbs. casii. GROUND RAW BONES. WAKI1ANTEI) l'UI'.i:. A large supply on lund for I'll 1 1 sales. l'liici; per aoui) lbs CASH. C The abuvo Manatea can he had of regular Deal ers or ot I.ALl.ll fc SOMs, ,'n 211 Houth Dclawaro Avenue, l'hiladelphia. July I9,!c'u2-3m. Opposlic the Cpvrt lltvscaml ncit door to Democrat Office Tho undersigned, rci-pcufully informs hju friends aud customers thai ho h.ts opened A .YJ.'ir BillWF.R SIIOI' In Tourt IIoiiKo Alley, next door below tho Office of Ibe Columbia Democrat, w here ho will lie h.ippy to wait upon all customer, find I'rnin long experience a'od Mrit t attention to business, he hopevto'mcril and receive a liberal haru of public patronage. O" All things hero "done In decency and in order." THOMAS UltOWN. Illoomsburg, March 1st, Iff'.', Smcttcau IfiotcL 1 ( O1nw.11 tc JnutcnttVJKo Hall. ) chestnut stkeet .n etw een I'U'tii& sixth PUIIJIDKLVHI.I. PltlMDKWIU.I. W Y ATT H HElILINfJS, I'ropriauTs. Noyomber 30, IFGI. March 13, IS58 3 CAUTION. oticois hereby given that Mary A Bal t- dy, my wife, has left my bed and boaid in Scott low u ahin Coluuil'iaCouutr. without lust cause of nrovoca Hon i and all persons are hereby cautioned ngaiust liar horili.r r trtielln" I In, until M;i A . Mill, Iv nil mu iii.i.niin aI will paynodcbtsufliercQnlrartlng. WILLIAM I1ALDY. Scotttowiiihip.Jiily 10, ie)-3i The Monitor 'ON TO RICHMOND' J, J. BROWER, Has just received and is now opening a bplcutttil assortuicut ot P - -y u,um,lMl iuuiruswaio, ijuuur- waro, Maokeral, Cheese, cto,, which will be sold at Iho lowest fiiura fo, reailvnai. His Dnj Goods consists in part of ", r , . . ' Fino Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassiiiiercs, Fine Opera Cloahiiigs at 1,50 per yard Stella Shawls from 81,50 to 87, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s Plaids j Printed Olialies , Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidered Mozambiques, Poil Do Ohovrcs, eto., etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, 8, 10 and 12 cents. Muslins, ono yard wide at 12 ets. Skeleton Skirts, from SO cents ta 2,00. HIS GROCERIES consists iu part of best whito sugar at 12J cents. A. ro. l byrup ilolasos, 00 pents per gallon. Ladies' and cnilarens' Iiigli-Iiccleu boots and gaiters n full assortment. CLOCKS, 0LOCKS, CLOCKS, Eight day, and thirty hours, Noj. 1 j' 2 Mactixrelin Quat ter and Half ISarrcls, COAL OIL LAMPS. A splendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams choap. Ely's water proof gun oaps, powder aud SllOt, iY0.,iV0,, cYO. Come, see and Judge for yourselves, and you will be satisfied that iirower's Storo at tli: Corner of Main and Iron eliceta, is the place to ptrrhatt Cheap Goods for OashorCnuntry produce, IllComaburg,Muy2, efi','. 'illumination in ORANGEV1LLE. Spring Goods At Fritz's Store, mi AVfllfVTTiT, flOT.ITMBTA CO PA. ' UUAiMUllViJiJj, tiUJiUiUlJUVVjV., 1 A. 1 1 1 ..... . f I Inrgo nnd select assortment of choice Hpring and Pitmmcr (looda, wlilcli will bo sold cheap for cash or country produce Ills stock consists of ladies Dress Goods, choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINTS FROM 7 TO 134 ets A YARD. Cas&imcrs, Satinets. Cottonrdcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, .S'O. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, tiueensware, Cedcrwaro, Ilaidwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short overithlnir usually kent In a country store. The patronage of old I'rcnda, and the public generally, is solicited, Mny 3.1W'.'. WILLIAM riUTZ. CASHjB SIM, LOW PRICES RULE! M Creasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. j FIRST 0 V T II E SE A S 0 N 1 1 FIKST TO ALL imih (10088 ! A Olfi'STOCKl D E S I R A B LB STYLES ! AND THE IIEAUTY OP IT ALL IS WE CAN AND WILL SELL AT Bi 17 tV JL ai I v Hi a, CALICOES, MUSLINS, SILIvS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Made Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobaccoj Sfgars, lints, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Drngi, Oils, Paints, &c, &c We havo n large assortment of IHack and Taney Silks which wo aro so'lmg at reduced ptjce : Lllack Silks for e.i cejiis, worm si.r-i. niso lor M.oo norm si,.m Wc am sclliiiir our het omits for 12! cents per yard the best in the market, nil fast colors A yard uido unbleached muslin al l'.'l cents eoual to New Market. Three quarter yard wide unbleaihed iuuilii at S toll) icnis a yarn, In addition in our large slock of Dry Hoods, wo have 11 largo nnd full ni-snitiiient nflteudy Made C'lulliiiii: for Men and Hoys wear which wn urn determined to ncll cheaper tli in can be bought elsett here. Call and &ee, and Judge tor yourselves. II. W. CHEASY Sl CO. Light Street, Tn , April 2", lrf,2. ESTATE NOTICE. COLUMBIA COlWTS;i$: In tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia coun ty, aforesaid, inter alia, it is thus contained ; llcnjnniin llalim 1 No. 25 May Term, .JI12, Yen 4. 1 dllloiij i:ponas, Money paid John 1' l.evan and finlo Court, and now to wit: William Roodman. J May'.i, Im',2, on motion of Mr. Hurley theCourt appointed John O. Freeze, Esq., au ditor, to ninko i.'htributiou of the money raised on the sale of Hie Heal Estate of John l Loi an on the above two writs nf Vend. Esponii'. ltv tuc Couitr. Ccrlllied from the Kecords May IC. lcli'J JACOII EYEltLY, rroth'y. l'er .Muiui.i, 1'. Evlri.v, Deputy, All persons interested will tako notice that the under- I taUeil nppojutoii uutiiior, liy too court ol Common I I'ltas of LVIuinbU county, to ninko dislriliutinn nf the money raised hy Iho balu of the Real Estate of John p. I.cvuu, by virtue of thu above blated Yi ndltioni Eipo. nas, will attend at thu Uecorder'sOIIice, in itlooinnburg, on Thursday Iho 21st day of August, Ic!G2, for the pur. pose of making the iljstributiou, Alt persons having claims on the said fund are hereby requested to make thr-jr liaiin hej'oio raid auditor or bu debarred from corning in nil said fund, JOHN O. rnEEZEMudilor. Illoomsburg. June 7, IfM-t ston cars- BAKERY & COFECTIONARY. U llOLE&ILti $ RETAIL. rvho undesigned continues Ills llakcrr and CnnfnO 1 .1 tiunary up Main Streef, Etchango Iluildings, wher he Keep, FRESH II READ, PIES AND CAKE con8lailty nil mlJ. rartiCs supplied with caku on lib j erui tonus, .' . "T s." '" . Vegetamcs, irovisimis, a.c, , uaily receivuii from the Lines good and fresh cheap Ice Luam vi (pared at 31 ets. per qt. Small beer, Candies, Nuts of all kinds. JU'., kept for talc. 11. S1ULU, Dlloouikburg, Juno 31, 1Hi2. V. 0. HARRISON , M- D. " WOULD respectfully inform tile cilliens of Illo n. burg, nml vicinity, lie continue thu practi ce MEDICIXE AXD SURUFMY, nd solicits a share of public palronagu, Omcii on Main Street, tl ret house below tho Court House, lllcouisburg, February 3, le53 If. TO 1VU03I IT MAY CONCERN. Having mndu such arrangements, os enables me to procure ju mice, Pensions, Uoiinty Money IlacK Pay, Uc l beg to call the attention of those Interested, to the following ! Alldlsnblod Sodea, tho widows or minor children of soldiers, who die, or have been killed in the service, nro entitled to petitions. Tlio widows or other legal heirs of soldiers who have died o, been killed in tho service, are entitled to the $100 Bounty. N. II, All claims aro carefully examined by the De partment, ami it is oftho inmost Importance tn claimants to employ regular und experienced counsel, if they wish to avoid delay- All cases entrusted to my care, are at. tended to lit once, and all letters answered by iclurn mall, nnd no charge is made, until the IVnsion Is granted r. ii. ruriouseiittiieii (ii uie $iuu upuiiiv, cn novo their claim cashed on application at myoflice. Ally's rciniiiii ,geiu, writing lor maiiKs, anu roquesie in ttrtctioiis, also persons wishing Information to enable th.'in tn lolnno lands under ho provisions of tlio late Ilomcsieiit id Act, rhould enclose a fee. Address, Juno 2d, 1S0J- M.A, CANDEItS.. o( Laic. 3m. Greensburg, Point's,, INFORMATION WANTED I Of a boy named Juhn Randolph Jncoby, aged about thirteen years. u is about four feet in height, has light hair.nudis a llitlo liump-shouldercd. When he. left he wore a heavy dark coat and dark pants. A lib- oral reward will be paid to any person wl:o can give any information of the whereabouts of said boy, by addies eiug A R. JACOBY, Cambia. Luierne co, Ta, tr to SAMUEL ALE, llurk Hem, Columbia CO., l'a. , JoniiEdh letji ( 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN Ftxr. noun rjivr.RS, aou) ,1M 'i:wv.r nnaomnom, mnm.r. av oak dkcoiuitioms. JfFJirj.YI) CMY OMZKI) rjI'MIS. VMi.YAXn lininnv common rirr.ns, JlOIIDKllS, FIIK HOARD MWTS, STATUES, JH.IXDS, KTC, KJV., Will ho sold at greatly reduced prices, al tha paper ,,, roulMi ,lf tho undersigned in Judeu Iluperfs roro House, on eccoiiu atrcci, a low uoora ociow jmr kct. Also Paper Hanging Executed In tho best style, nt modirnto prices and In quirk lime. E. J. THORNTON, lilooiiishurg, May 3, 18C'J-3m. XEIV ARRIVAL OV Spring and Summer go on s, AT PETER ENT'S' STORE, w uaitT sTiir.KT, cot.VMMA covtrrr, ta, I TI AS Jut received from Philadelphia, and Is now TI opening at the old stand hto'y occupied by Mart. 1 & Ent, n splendid assortment of which will bo sold cheap for I CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stock conslstsof Ladies Dress Goods choicest stj lea 1 anu laioii lasniona, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, 'Carpets, Shawln, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Cassitncrcs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Qticcnswaro, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines. Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS In shnrt rverv thine iisuntlv kent ill a coiintrv store T lie natrouai:o of old friends, nnd thu public general ly, is respcciiuiiy so'icneu, Tlio IHgiiesi iiinrKci price rani ior country proouco, PETEIl ENT. Light Street, May 3, ie02. Look to your Interests. FRESH ARRIVAL OP spots mm a AT MILLER & EYER'8 mllE subscribers have Just returned from Iho City i With another lurgo anil select assorimci oi SjniiiiT nntl Summer 4kooIs, tiitrrh.iseil nl I'liilndclnhla. nt the lowest flcurc, and wind, ilicv nrn ilLteriniued to sell on nsinodcratc terms ns can bu procured ulscwheru in lllooiusburg. Their stock comprises wiaEi' DitKss aoons, nf .'hoiecst i.nles and latest fashion. jjhy auom, and ohoceiues, UAHmVAHE QUE K AH 1 1 VJ It V, CEDAH WARE. HOLLOW WARE IRO.W .V.1.S, HOOTS .y SHOES HATS CII'S, Ase., .yc, .yc, In Bhort ever thing usually kept In country Stores; to wliifh they invito the public generally. Thu Highest price paid for country produce. J1ILLEU & EYI'.It. Cloouishurg, April 2il, 1G2. riTTSIlunciI, PA., Comer IVon nnd Hi. Clnir Sts. Tholnrgc.t Commercial School of the Unifd Slates, With a patronage of nearly 3,000 Students, in live years fiuiu 31 States, nnd Iho only ono which iillnrdseoiuplotu and reliable instruction in all the following brandies. Mercantile, Mnuufji lurers, Stinin limit. Ilallroad and Hook-keeping. Kirn Premium l'luiu mid Oriuiinen tal renmanship; also, Survcjmg, Engineering und .Mathematics generally. 535.00 I'ays for a Commercial Course; Students enter find re view at nny timo. ByMinisters' sons' tuition nt half prico. I'nr Cataloguu of Hi pages, Specimens of llnslness and Ornanicntal reiiinaiifhip. nnd a beiiHtlful Collegu view of 8 (.puaro fict, containing a good variety of writing lettering and nourishing, Inclose 21 cents iu stamps to the Principal. JENKINS & SMITH, l'iltsburgh, l'a. April 10, 18C2-ly. MAIniAGE.-ITS LOVES AND HATE . f3r sorrows und lingers, hopes uud fears, regre !JJT?y nnd Joys i resioro 1C5r' tlio nature, treatment and radical cure of spo inatorrliir.i or seiuiual weakness; involiintnry ciuis ioix, sexual debility anil impediments to marriage gen erally i nervousness, consumption. Ills, mental aud phy. sicul incapacity, resulting from SHLF-AIIUSE-nro ful ly explained in tlio MAItlUAGK GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. I). This must extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, und eevry man or woman who desires to cimit thu number ot their olfspriug to their ciroumstan oes. Every pain, discusu uud ache incidental to youth, lfnturily nnd old age, is fully explained j every particle m kunu lodge Hint should bu known is hero given. It is full uf cugrnviiics. In fact, it discloses secrets that ev ery one should know ; still it is il hook that nui.t be locked up, nnd not lie about tho house. It will bu sent to uuy ono on the receipt of twenty live cunts iu specie or pnstago Humps. Address DR. WM. YOUNG, No. dltl Sl'KUCE Pirn t, nbotu fourth, l'hiladelphia. ,y AIT'LICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no mntter what may bo your disease, before you yuiirsell'un tier thu caro of any of the notorious (iuacki nativo , foreign whu ndvcitue in this or any other paper, get a copy of Ur. Young's bonk, und read it earrjullij. It will bo the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. UK. YOUNG ran be consulted on any of the diseases described In his publication, nt his olllcn, No, -110 Sl'KUCE Street, ubovo Fourth, Philadelphia, nillco hours Irom il to 3, daily, March 8, lS(i2-12m. 31'. EVANSi, 10,000 IlIINTEIt, A we C'lirtlsi per Hour ! W ;o.nltll,H.k.JU rtV 'A n.I' II I ebJ.l,lpbis rreu. t IL. Ut. I B.SKI.IK IStTITlTS ,1. CiLibitsis. b.M.u..w.. y prlirt.. eui, to, , sudi. as I"! ttCl--0 T.n ThouisiiS I s, J. p.r lOV1 lk ,wj tl ,l)l.-t s-rrl.,4 ,,Uj isJiicsd. , 'cor.Llbrary.I'OUItTIB (i'C. below rhcilnut.1 August 17, leni. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Benjamin Folk, deceased. T0TICE is hereby given that letters of Adiulnistra I' tion on tho citato of llenjaiuiii Folk, late of Hem lock twp, Columbia county, ileceasod, havo been granted by tho Register of said County to tho utulcri-igned, who residu In the same township. All persons having claims or demands against ihcostato of Hie decedent aro re quested to present them lor settlement, nnd those in debted to make payment without delay, 1IENEVILLE FOLK, CHEISTUNA FOLIC, Jane 1!?. 1802 Ct. Adm'rl. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. t. 'PHE undersigned would inform tho citizens of frssf J Illoomsburg and vkiuity, that ho l.asjust re Sm& eiveil and oll'i re for sale ono of thu mostexteiisive '55iJ nssnitnionis of-COOKING and FANCY S'l'OVES ever introduced into this market. The Christopher Co limbils, James Rnbband Globoare uiiinng thu llrsl class cooking Stoves, all of which aro air-tight ami gas burner Ills Parlor stoves it re handsome nnd tho assortment va rietl. Al.SO-l'articiilar attention is until to Tin-Wurc nnd House Snouting, upon short notice, All kinds of repairing wi I bu dune with neatness and despatch, Cy Country prodnco taken in cichango or w'otk. i niiiiire, .uuion, Illoomsburg, May 10, IPC!. GRliENWOOD SEMINARY. THE Autumn term of this Institution will cerumen on Monday, August lib, 18G2. TERMS For Hoarding, Washing, Tuition, etc, for Eleven U pka S-33 00 Ono half ill advance. Students who have not engiged rooms will do we)) to make early application to wm nunr.nss, roncipai MiUvlUe, Col co., Pa., July 10, IfCJ, AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the ipeedjr cure of the following complaint Bcrnrtiln nil it Sernfuiona AtTectlnn,un ns Tiintora, ulcer. Holes, IHrniitloiui, I'lntiilet, I'ustulcs, lllntcliee, llolis, lluliis, nml nil Skin Diseases. OsIUND, Ind.. eth Jirrw, 1KM. J. C. Aran & Co. flsnls I I feel It nr dutv to t knonleitgo ht jour Sarsaparilla has done lur sjie listing Inherited a Scrofulous Infeotlon, 1 havo nuTbrsd frotn It In various vtsjs for years. Sometimes It titrsl out In Ulcers on my hands and arm ssmatluusi at tivnod Inward and distressed mo at tho stomach. Twi ycara ago It Uroko out on my head and corerad rar scalp aud cars with cno sorii, which vas polafu) and IcnUisooia beyond description, 1 triad many medicines and saram! .iijiimns, out wunoui mucn rcnci irom any uiing. ra 'act. the disorder eroir worse. At loueUi I nu rejoiced to read In the Ooiiid ilmsonircr that tou bd Drrrand an nllcratlro (Sarsnparllla), for I know from yotrr rrputa- lion insi any linng you mono mnsi oe gooa. l sons ra Cluclnnallnnd got It, and used It till it cursd me. I took It, as you ndrlse, In tmaU dosss of a tcaspoonfol oter month, and n soil almost thrco bottles. New and tiealthf akin loon begsn to form under the scab, uhlch aftetji while foil oil, Sly tklu fa now clear, and I know by toy foeliugs that the disease has cone from my syslia. Yon can wall believe that I foci what I am ratlmr whan I bit you, that 1 hold you to be one of Iba aposUM of tin I auu rtituun oyer graiciuuy. i ours. A Lt 11 til U. TAL.Ll.ll. Bt. Anthony's Fire, rtoso or Rrysliielna, Totter nml Suit Jlliciini, Scnlil Ileail llliigivoriu, Horo liyct, Drojiay. Dr. ltobert M. I'reble writes from Salem, N. Y, I2tb Sept., 1)19, that ho has cured an Inrcteroto ouw of Drops', which threatened to terminate fatally, by tlx persererlug use of our SursnparlUa, nnd also a dunstrona Malignant Eryitptlu hy large dosca of the same I ayt ho cures the common Eruption by It constantly. Brtmcliocelo, Goitre or Stvolloil Nolf. Zobtilon Sloan of rrojpect, Tolas, wrltee t "Three bot tles ef yonryarsnpsrlllacuied me trom a Chitrt a hh fins swelling on the neck, vrlilcJt I had sutured frvm orer two ) ears." .oucorrliren orlVhltes.Ovnrlnii Tumor, Utciino ulccrntlon, Female Ulsenscs. Dr. J. II, 8. Chamilng, or Now York City, writes " I toot cheorfully comply with tho request of your agent In anylng I hare found your Sarsaparilla ft most racolleut altcrstlro In Uie numerous complaints for which wo employ such a remedy, but especially in lunula Btuatet t tho Scrofulous dlalkesls. 1 hare enred many Inrsler- employ such a remedy, but especially in fbnaU Bitcattt ate cases of lA-ucorrhoea hy It, and somo whoro the eotn jdalnt was canted by tdaratim of tho utcriK. The tritur ation Itself was soon cured. Nothing wltbln my knowl edge equals It tor. thoso A-malo derangements." Ednaril S. Mnrrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A das gernus ovarian tumor on one of tho females In my fumsly, which had defied nil tho remedies wo could cmplojr, boa at length been completely cured by your Kxtract of Ssj sapnrllla. Our physician thought uoUilnghut extirpa tion could afford relief, bat he adrhed the trial ct jaut Sarsaparilla as tho last resort before cutting, aud It pioved effectual. Artcr taklngyour remedy eight weak 09 symptom of (be disease temalns." Syphilis and Mcrcurlnl Dlscnae. Nrw Ohlmns, 2Sth Auirust, VtO). Cn. J. C. ATtat Sir, I cheerfully comply with tho ro quest of your agent, and report to you some of the ene-ota 1 have realized with your Sarsaparilla. I havo cured with it, Iu my practice, most af tho oofin plaluts fjr vhlch It Is recommended, and hare fbiuid tta affects truly wonderful In the enro of Tenenaland iter curfal Diieaic. Ono of my patients had Syphllrtlo ulona In his throat, which wero consuming his palato and tko top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily token, cured him In tiro necks. Anolber was ultucked by sec ondary symptoms iu his nose, and tho ulceration U4 eaten away a considerable part of It, so that 1 Ueliavo tlu disorder Mould soon reach his brain and kill him. Ilut It yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; flia ulcers hoaloil, aud lie Is well again, not of courso without some disfiguration to Ids fsco. A woman who hnd boon treated for tho same disorder by mercury was sulTorlne; from this puhou In ber bouos. They hacl hoceme so sen sitive to tho weather that on a damp day 6he stiffescd exe cruclatlui- pain In Iter Joints aud bones. She, too, wm cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from Its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must lie a great remedy; consequently, theao truly remarkable reeotti with It havo not surprised mo. Fraternally youis, O.Y LAIUMEE, M. D. Uhciimntlem, Gout, Liver Complaints i iMDti'CXOtxoa, PrMton Co., Yn., Cth July, ISIO. Dn. J. C. Avut: Sir, I hare been allllcted wltli a tWo ful chronic Itheumatitm for a long tlmo, which LailUid Uio skill ed physicians, and stnek to mo In spite of all Uv remedies 1 could And, nntll I tried your Saruapartlki. Ona bottle cured mo In two weeks, ami restorod my eeneraa health so much that 1 am far letter than bsfom J waa attacked. 1 think It a wonderful mcdldno. J. rfflUH. Jutes Y. Oetchell, of St. Lonls, writes I "I havo bncT, nflllcted for years with an affection of tht Livtr, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and wvery thing filled to relievo nie ; and 1 havo been a broken-down moti for some yvais from no other cause than cUrangtminieif the Lirtr. My beloved pastor, the Hot. Jlr. Espy, adrtsoil mo to try your Snrsaparlila, becauso ho said ho Unew ytm aud anv thing you made was worth trying, lly the bless ing of Oed It una cared me, and hsa so purified my Lksal as to innko u new man of mo. I li-el young ogoft). 'h6 beet that cau be eald of you Is not half good enough." Eelitrrua.Cnitcer Tumors, Knlnrproinont, lilecrntlon, Cavloa aiul ISxfollntlon or tlio Hones. A grejit variety of cases havo boon reported to ns whera cures of these formidable complaints have rseulted rfoot tho usoof this lcniedy, but our space here will not a-linj Uiom. Somo of them may bo found In our Amorloan Almanac, which the agents Mow named tvropleajod to furnlbh gratis to all who call for them. Dysiiopslu, Ilcnrt Dlaenao, Fits, Epilep sy, Melnnclioly, Ncurnlcrta. Slany reranrkablo cures of these nflcctlons have bean mndo by tho alb-rathe powor of this medicine. It sltmn lates tlio Itrtl functions Into vigorous action, and tiro overcomes dlrioidors which would be supposed boyond' its reach, buch n iciuedy has long been required by tlio ne cessities of tho people, and wo aro confident that this Ull do fir them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, foji the KAriD cvnu OP Cons'". Colds, Influenza, llonrsrnces, Croup, llioncliitls, Incipient Con. sumption, nml 1'or the Itxliof of C'onaiimptlve l'ntlonts lit nilviinceil Stngoa of tlio Iliacusc. This Is a retnrdy so universally known to snrrass any other for tho euro of throat aud inug complaints, that it Is useless hci U) publish tho ovldcnio of Its virtues. Its i!tiilva!lo.lexalIoucelir coughs aud colds, and Its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made It known throughout tho civillred nation! of the earth. Few are Hie communities, or oven lamniea, huiook u,u who havo not eomo personal experience of ttsstfecti somo tiling trophy In their midst of Its victory ovsr tha subtle and dangeieus disoiders of the throat and lunps. As all knew tho dreadful fatality of these disorders, ate! as tbey know, too, the effects of this remedy, we used not do moro than to assmo them that It has now all tho vtr. tues that It did have when maklug tho cures which have, won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER &. CO., Lowell, Itatik Sold by E 1' 1 utz, G M Gogcnbueh, nnd J It Moycr, Illoomsburg; J Schuyler, Uobrsburgi Masters & Jou, Alillvillo; I' Muslerr, llenton ; Lazarus tc Fisher, Or nneeville; G F Fowler Fowlersville ; A Miller. Iter. wick ; Low &; Ilros , Centervillo ; II 1' Iteighart &. Eros Fspy ; M G Shoemaker, Uuckhorn ; Itciclinrt & Nuks, Malnville J Eharplcss, Cultawissu; Creasy & Co., Light Street; and dealers everywhere. July tffi, lefli ly. EVANS & WATSON fsTOSvT SALAMANDER SAFES, RE MOVED to Xo. IB 4juiA I'otirM Strert. Phitadtlphm. have and a largo assortment or Fire Thief proof Salamander Safes. Isn, iron doors, for banks und !r,- ia fM,i.";"J' stores, iron shutters iron sash, ii tt MpiJsS makes of lock, equal to any mudo in tho United States. Five Safes in one fr. All came out right; uith con tents in rood condition. Tho Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against tin world, EVANS k WATSON, have had tho surest demostration in tho following cer tillcntii that their innuitfaititro of Salamander Safes 'has nt length flilly warranted tho representations which havo neon iiiatto oi mum as rendering an uuiiouotuu security ugainst the terririeclciin m. Philadelphia April 12. lttij. Messrs. Evans ft Watson: Gentlemen It allbrds tta tho highest satkuiclrtui to statu ,tu you, that owing Ho tho very protective qualities of trto of Iho SaUmaiider, Safes which wc purchased of you tonio rtvu iiioulh siuru wo saved u largu portion of jewelry, and all our books, lie, exoed to the calaniiuoiis, fire iu Itausuad place on tlio morning uf the 1 till hist.. When wo rullect that theso soft's wero located in the fourth story of Iho building we occupied nml that they fell subsequently liiRYn heap nf burning ruins, where tho vast concentration of the hent caused tlm hraus plates to melt, wo cnuiiot but regard tlionrescrvatiou of their val uablo contents as most convincing proof of tlio greut se curity afforded by your safes. vn suaii luxe great pleasure in recommending incm to men of busiuesi as a sum reliance agniiift lire, WLUltiii; t. & nun., .levellers. T7Tlu'y havo since purchased six largo Safes. July ilti, IWi-.'. Angust !M. 1850 Choice Wheat. Why sow the Lmcastcr, xchen yov tan procure Wheat, yielding double Vie amount per aoe. Itexn Tilt; FtLiawiM CiRTiriCATE ritoa ExrEaicxceu Farmlrs . We, tho undersigned, Farmers, residing in tho cnuntv of Northumberland, do certify, that wo purchased of Aabok Yolk, a now article of White Egyptian Hoarded Wheat, liist Fall, nnd find it far superior to anything grown in this section. Tho stem is tall und strong ripens so early as to deiy thfl insiduous attack of Ike Hessian Fly ami Weevil, mid will yield at least, one. third mnr tn tho aero than any oilier wheat now gtown in thi section of tniinlry. Wejwould cheerfully recommend to our agricultural friends, throughout tlio Slulo, as i every way wnrltiyor tneir carotin attention, Isaac Vincent, lleunevillu Lcmbach. Thomas Dearmond, Samuel Denrmond, Silas Rambach, Solomon II. Wallers, Henry i alls, John Mcl'arland, J, G, Durham, John Leisen, D, Dclffer.bach, Joseph Nicely, J. II.Lcinbach, uoneri .ti, uussci, Peter Haeenhuth For paillrulara concerning this valuable wheat, en, quire of Andrew Frees, of Centre, or J.K, tlrou of Illocmiburg, July ID, l2-tw. BLANKS! BLANKS ! I Of every description, for sale at thisoflico, mmflt j LAW WAR 1WS. SIKRMISIIINO WITH THE ENEMY. The Rtkls 30,000 Strong Reported at Slannardsville. Wateiii.oo, July 20. -Scouting par. tteisjtist returned report occasional skirmishing with thu onomy.noar Orangu Court House, but without deflnito re suits. Ewell is reported to ho in forco Irom Oringo Court Houtc through Gordonsvillo to Stannardsvill. His troons arc csti- mated at from twentp to thirty thousand. 'This force, however does not secure the enemy s safety. riiHiiic saSjK o i' Valuable Real Estate. In pursuance of an order of tlio Orphan'a Court of Columbia county, nu Saturtlay, the 23d day of August, 1802, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. Levi A lluirhlo.n ..j I Samuel II Hutchison, Guardians of the persons and es tates oi oriuur nun Clarissa iiuicniann minor cnlluren of William Hutchison, Into of Mount I'leanaut township iu said county, deceased, will expose to sale, by I'ublic Ycnduo, upuu the premises, n certain PIECE OR PARCEL OE LAND, situate In Mount l'lcasatit township in said county, con taining about EJU1T ACRES, on which is erected a Tavern Stand, Willi Olltliuilllnes. f.nln .1,. Ilslntn nfnlr1 mum.. .1 iu Iho township of .Mourn I'li aanl and county aforesaid, JACOn EYEltLY, Cltrk. Illoomsburg, July 11, 1EC2. TERMS OF S ALE 1 To be sold subject to thn dower of Elizabeth Miller, aud payment of the principal sum to theliclrs of Frederick MlUeraftcr hordecease, amount. lugtoS Tenpcr cent, to bo paldon dayofsnlc, ono third less ten per cent on confirmation of snlo. Tho dowernf Levltia llutchhoo to remain In the property during her lifo, and principal one year after her de cease, with interest the balance to be paid In four equal nnnual payment ulth interest, all to be Becuicd by bond and mortgage, July VJ, led.'. BRICK! 15RICKII BRICK!! I Good Brick, just manufactured and for sale chenn. wholrxnln n,t At the Rtnnm.linrff tlrl-lr vn.. Apply to tho subscriber. n, , no I'CNRYS.AUTIlUn, lllooiusburg, June S3, 18G2. The National Horse Fair, WILT, Tins YEAR BE HELD AT Keystone Park, Williamsjwt, ra,, Tuctdon, Wednesday, Thursday cni Fridd, September 2nd to Hth, inctusiic Arrangements havo been made to se cure the finest assemblage of imported blooded anil native bred of Horses, that has ever been collected iu this country. The list of premiums will le larger, rango ing as high as S200. Liberal arrangements have been and will bo made with tho different Rail Roads. Williainsnnrt. situated in the m.iffnlrtsnnt Vntl,.v nf' j the Suuclianna, and accessible by Rail from oil parts onne uiiiicu aiates, Is eminently well suited for tilts Exhibit on. Fuller particulars w ill shortly be given. HOARD OF MANAGERS. D K Jackmuu, I' llerdic, Edward Lyon, J N llagg. Henry Drinker. 0,F Mason, Col. S G Hathway, J 11 Cowdcn, Win. Colder. A. E. KNAl'r, Trcs't. W F Logan, Chief Mnrchal. II E Taylor, Treasurer, GeorgoM.Dcrui, Sec'y. June'JI, ltC2.-tf TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE advertiser, having beeir restored to health frf few weeks, bya very simple remedy , after bavin suffered several years with a seicre lung afln tion, ami . that dread disease, Cnusiiiiiptioii i anxious to inako known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. 'lo nllwlindeslro It, ho will semi a iopy of the pro scription used (free of charge), r,ilh thu directions far preparing and using tlio same, which they will find sure euro for Consumption, Asthma, llrnnrhilis, &c , Tho only ubjeel of tlw advertiser 111 sending the Pre- - ..... ....... iv.,, ., .j.iu.u in,,,, (na tion which he conceives to be invaluable, uud he hope every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, nnd may prnvo it brcssiirg. 1'art'cB wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, May 17, leOJ 3ut. King county, New Vork, COUGH DROPS I COUGH DROPS I ! EYERY body uses FRONEFIEI.DS' COUGH DROPS. It ucts promptly sometimes arresting Iho worstcol 1 in 24 liourB. In all affections of tho Chest, Throat, whether acute or chronic it will be found of linmediatu benefit. Try a singlo bottle and you cannot fail to au- preeiato its usefulness. i uraaie uy most an storekeepers and Druggists, l'rcparcd by C. FKONEFIEI.rt, No. 317, N. 3d. St., l'hiladelphia. Nov. IB. lMl-3in. SAPONIFIER ! SAPONIFIER 1 1 aj-TIIIi FAMILY SOA1' MAICER .T All Kitchen Grnnso can bo made inlogood iOAP, using S.U'ONIFIEltl 3 IE?-niRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH ROX I SOAP is easily made with it, as making a cup of cof feo Manufactured only by the l'alciitcos. 1'A. SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. No 137 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA, 9 (P- &!a3!353Q!iW3 MEHQXYPE, PHOTOGRAm tt MELAINOTYPH AMBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Melaiuotypes, -tc. taken in Cloudy ns well as Clear Weather. rtinuroiypcs anu uaguerreotypos copied ami Enlarged. NORTH DAJSVILLE, PA. Dec. 21, IW11. (dote m&ttm mm&e, TAMAQUA, PENN'A. Passengers dine hero on the passage of each Train. 11. M. MERRICK, Propriitor. Tamaqua, Jan 1, 18C2. B.WNK NOTICE; i"V"otico is hereby gfven, that tho Bank X t of Danville, a llauk of Issue, Discount and liipos it, located iu thu Roruugh of Danville, Monlourcouuly, j with a capital of Two Hundred Tlicusand Dollars, ill teiula iii.tkm: application at the next regular session of thn Legislature of Pennsylvania, for Iho renewal of its charter, and extension of Us privileges, for a term of twenty years irom tlio cxprrallun at its present charter, with tile same name, title. Uiciluiuiuiil capital. Hy order of thoBoard of Directors. DAVID UUAUIi, Cashier. Danville, Pa., June 2, 160 bin ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Juab R. Knorr, dcceasetl. LETTERS of administration rut the Estate uf Jacoi R. Kuoir, Into of Centre tnp. Col ("..deceased, havo been grautedby tlio Iteglslor of Culuinbiiiciiuiily tu the understand! ; all persons hat inz cliifm- acain.t tho t. I tale of Iho detedeut aru requualud to present theuilo ! the Administrator ut his residenco in lUoomsburr. ; tvttbout dcbiy, aud l petiuns iuddiled tu inako pay . incut forthwith. STEPHEN KNOlUt, Illooniiburg, JunoSI, lPfii 0w, Adn'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Cool, deceased. I -J0T1CE I' herebyglvenlhatlcttcrsof Administration It on the istaloot William Cool.luie nf Heuilork twp, i Columbia county, tleceuscd.hnvf been granted by thellcg. , uter of said County to Peter Weikbitser uod Williau I II, Cool whu reside iu the same tuwuthip, Ad persons having tlaims or deiuaiids ugain.l ilut estate cftuu deivdcul aru requested In present them tor setllemcnl, and tlfise indibtjd to make payment without dtlay i'EI'LR WERKHEISEll, WILUAM, II. COOL, pill I'J, ItC.-ft. .lua. r. j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers