Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 26, 1862, Image 2

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    1, and of niinrlcs I, endured trial and per- J ftre invjtoii, Your fathcra, your brothers, '
arcution and lots of life aud of liberty, your Bons aro already by thousands ami,
r.Uhor than submit to oppresaion and i)Umlrcds of thousands on tho baltlu-fiold,
wrong, John Hampden, glorious John To day their bones lio blocchlng upon tho 1
JlMiipdeti.lhb first gcntlomau of Lnglaud.'yoii of every Southern Stato from South!
abated upon an lllegalo xccution warrant, , Carolina to Missouri. It is to another j
went canity and horoically to the colls of ccuflict, men of Ohio, that you aro nun
ymron rather than pay twenty shillings of moncd. but a conflict, nevertheless, which'
a-i illegally assessed tax, laid in defianco wilt demand of you boiuo portion atleast.of!
inglanii, tuat samo detonuincd courage that samo
ungliah" uuconfiuerablo will, that earns inexorablo
men. And all history is full ot like ex- spirit, of endurance which mako tho hero
auiplcs. Wi.ham Toll brooked tho tyrant's upon tho military battle-field. I have
frown m lna day and generation, in dofenco lnjltoken tho tcmpor of tho men who arc
cf theso samo rights, in tho noblo republic iicr0 l0 dny( i uavo misroau tho firm pur
of tho Swiss ; and that gallant little pco-' poso tuat Sp0ajjS from cvory Cyo and beams
j.lo, hemmed in among tho Alps, though from everysinow and throbs in every breast,
urrouudod on every sido by despots whoso i iaT0 ,isrcad it nt if you nro not resolved
legion-) numbered moro than the whole pop- t0 g0 uomo m& (.lici-o maintain at all hsz
aUtion of Switzerland, havo by that samo ania am by every sacrifico, tho principles,
lodouutablo s pint of liberty, maintained tho policy and tho organization of that
their rights, their liberties and their imlo-' party to which again and yet again I de
pcndcncc to this hour. And aro Americans iuro unto you, this govern and country arc
now to offer themselves up a servile sao- indebted for all that havo inado them grand
rlfico upon that alter of arbitary power! gi0riOU3 nnd grout. Cheers and great ap
Sir, I havo misread tho sigus of tho timc3 plaUso.
and tho temper of tho people if thcro is , i . ;
not alroatly a spirit m tuo land winch is
about io speak in
who stretch forth
despotio power
still the
"Thus far
tones to thoso
fct ronir arm of
shalt thou
come, and uo father. Wo mado you 5 you
aro our servants." 1 hat, sir, was tho lan
guage whioh I was taught to apply to meu
in office, when I was a youth, or in first
manhood and a private citizen, and after
wards when holding office as tho jift of
tho people, to hear applied to mo, aud I
bore the titlo proudly. And I asked then,
as I ask now, no other or bettter reward
than, "Well done, good and faithful sor
vaut." Orioi of, "You shall havo it ; you
doservc it." But to day, they who aro
our servant, creatures made out of nothing
by the power of tho people, whoso little
brief authority was broathed into their
nrstrils by tho people, would now, forsooth,
become tho masters 01 tho people ; while
tho organs and instruments of tho peoplo
the press and publio assemblages aro
to ba suppressed, and the Constitution, with
its right of petition, and of due process of
law aud trial by jury, and tho laws and
nil else which makes lifo worth possessing
aro to bo sacriGccd now upon thotyranfs !
pica tuat it is necessary to save tae uov
crnment, tho Union. Sir, wo did savo tho
Union for years yes, we did. Wo were
tho "Union savers," not eighteen months
ago. 'I hen there was not an epithet in
tho whole vocabulary of political billiugs
gato so opprobrious in tho oyes of a Ho
jiublican when applied to tho Democratic
party as"Union shriekcrs,"or the "Union
eavers." I remember in my own city, on tho day
of the Presidential election, in 18C0 I
remember it well, for I had travelled sev
eral hundred miles to vote for Stophon A.
Douglas for the Presidency that in a ward
where the judges of election were all Dem
ocrat your patriotic Wide-Awako3, strut
ting in unctious uniform, came up hour
after hour thrusting their Lincoln tickets
twixt thumb andg finger, at tho judges,
with tho taunt and sneer," Save the Onion;
save the Union !'' And yet now forsooth,
we aro ''traitors'' and "secessionists I"
And old grey bearded and grey headed
men who lived and voted in tho times of
Jefferson and Madison, and Monroe, aud
Jackson men who have fought and bled
upon tho battlo field, and who fondly in
dulged the delusion for forty years that
they wore pat riots,wakc up suddenly to day
to find themfclves "traitors sneered at,
purposes of The wari
That the present denlorahlc civil war has been
forced upon the country by ilia th!mioniMs if the
Southern states, now in arms against the Constitutional
Ouvrrmnuntt and in arms nrouml tho Capital; Hint la
this National emergency, Congress,;.' nil feel
iuj of mere passion or fcseotincnti will recollect only
its duty to thu whole country i that thxs war is vot teamed
on their partlrt any spirit of opprcssionor or any pur
pose of eottiinest or suhjitga'ion or purpose cf overthrowing
or interfering telth the tights or stabUshed institutions of
those btatcs. hut to defend and maintain the svprcnacii vf
the Coitstitutiontaiid tJ preserve the Union, icitk the atg
nlty equality t and rights of the several States -unimpaired;
and that as soon as thest objects arc accomplished the tear
ought to cease,"
Editorial Fraternity.
Wo had tho plcasnro of mooting with
aud taking by tho hand, quite a number
of our Editorial brothron at tho meeting
of tho Stato Convention, nt Ilarrisburg,
on tho 4th inst. First upon tho list we
must namo Col. L. L. T.m: of tho Colum
bia JJcmocral, Tho Col. is a whole-souled
follow, a fluent writer and an intelligent
talker, and ono of tho most fearless cham
pions of Democracy in tho Stato. ITo was
a candidato before tho Convention for
Surveyor General, and had tho nomina
tion for Auditor General not resulted ad
versely to his claims, (Air. Slenker being
from almost tho same seution of tho State.)
wo aro inclined to think his chance for a
nomination would havo been jjood.
Valley Spirit,
Accopt our thanks, for your good opin
ion, Col. Hamsher. Wo havo long re
garded your fearless Spirit as ono of tho
very best of the able Democratic papers in
this Commonwealth. Geographical loca
tion, and not tho good wishes of valued
friends), determined tho fato of tho said
Stato nomination.
Tho Election and Candidates.
Th Democratic party, at tho approach
ing General Election, will elect tho follow
inr named State, District aud County
, viz :
Auditor General,
Surveyor General.
President Judgo,
Member of Congress,
Two Members of Assembly.
f District Attorney,
County. County Commissioner,
(.Comity Auditor.
The timo is approaching for tho meeting
of our Democratic County Convention, and
candidates for popular favor, would do
well to announce their iutcntions. Never
beforo was the Democratic Party the
Party of the Union as united, vigorous,
and harmonious, as it is now and will bo
upon tho 14th of next Ootobor. Victory
will then perch upon our banners in Col
umbia couuty, by over 1,000 majority,
and in Pennsylvania, by at least 50,000
Opinions of Judge Douglas.
republicans of our ilay.nnw that lie is nu more, profess
implicit faith in the opinions of tho lalo Hon. Stkfiiek
A. llouuns. We call to the witness rlaml the living
history of that tried patriot nnd eminent statesman. In
tho United States Senate, upon the 3.1 of January, 1801,
Judge Douglus snid:
"1 mldrefs the inquiry to republicans nlonoor the ria
son ihnt in the Committee if lhhtun afrx dtya ago, tctry
Member from the South, including those from the cotton
Mate (Messrs. Tombs nud Davis) crprestcd their rtadi'
iices to accept the proposition of my venerable friend from
Wenlucltj (Mr. Crittenden) usn FINAL fen'1'Tl.Uitl'AT
of the controrcrsii, if tendered aitdsustaincd bif republican
members. "lllINl'i:, T1IU SOLI! ur,Sl'0tllllMTY
or ouit i)isAfiiu:i;.Mi:T, and tiii: only dip.
Htcphcn Jt. Vouglun.
"I hold that this Government made ontho White
line is by White Meu for tho benefit of Whim .Men and
their rujtsrity Forever! ictphen A. Douglat.
ESyCambra Poetry nest week.
JEgrThc Grand and Travcrso Jurors,
tosclhor 'rith the List of Causes, for Sen-
reviled and insulted by btriplinirS "whOEC Torn,. lfifiO nnrn.- in fn.rlnv'c
f.,1.... -m.l,l I,. ,li. l.i.,llnl,. " "'V -
. .iz. .1 ff.i.- n.. .i.-ti n -ii Democrat
these things an inquisition searching aud
terrible, will yet be mado, as sure, as sud
den, too, it may bo, as as the day of judge
' ment. Wo of tho loyal states wo of tho
loyal party of tho country, tho Democratic
party wo the loyal citizens of tho United
States, tho editors of loyal newspapers
wo who gather together in loyal assembla
ges, like this, and aro addressed by truly
loyal and Union men as I know you aro
to-day and at this moment (that's so that's
tho truth) wo forsooth,are to bo now denied
our privileges and our rights as Americans
and as freemen, wo aro to bo threatened
with bayonets at tho ballot-box, and bayo
ucts to disperse Democratic meetings 1
Again I ask, why do they nottakeup their
musket and march to the South, and liko
bravo men, meet tho embattled hosts of tho
Confederates in open arms, instead of
threatening, craven like, to fight unarmed
Democrats at honic-posibly unarmed, and
possibly not. Laughter and applau3c,and
a remark " Q'hat was well putin." If so
belligerent, so eager to shed that last
drop of blood, let them volunteer to roin
forco the broken and shattered columns of
MoClellan in front of lliohmond, sacrificed
as ho has been by tho devilish machinations
of Abolitionism, and there minglo their
blood with tho blood of tho thousands who
liavo already perished on theso fatal battlo
fields Jiut uo, tuo wuistlo ot tho uulct and
CST"Wo loam that Jacob ITartman, of
West Hemlock twp Montour County, fell
from a oherry tree, a few days ago, and
was injured so as to cause his death.
JC2J-J Gundy Wineqahden, Esq , has
assumed the Editorial control of tho Lew
isburg Argus, ho is a truo aud vigorous
writer and a radical Democrat. Long life
and great prosperity to tho valient old Argus.
JtSrCnAni.ES Connf-k, Esq., for the
last ten years Clerk in tho Auditor Gen
oral a ollico, at iJarnsburc, is now ou a
visit to his friends in Columbia couuty.
Ho visited our sanctum on Wednesday.
Mr. Conner is a most efficient officer and
estimablo goutloinan.
Pouney. Wo publish in to-day's Co(ct
lia Democrat, tho admirable letter froiu
lion, F W. Hughes to Messrs. Harrett &
Co., editors of tho Patriot and Union, in
answer to the Press. Mr. Hughes need not
caro for attacks from that quarter. The
praiso of tho Press, with honorablo men,
The plain, open and patriotic platform
of the Pennsylvania Democracy, adopted
at our lato State Convention, is uoticcd in
a lato Pittsburg Gazelle, but that
paper quotes but .three of tho resolutions
composing it, and upon these it remarks
as follows :
They evinco an intolerance of tho Anti
Slavery feeling of their Noitheni fellow
citizens, verging ou tho Satanic, while they
cannot hide their traitorous sympathies for
thoso men their former political associ
ates who are waging tho honihlo rebell
ious war which is deluging the soil of the
country with the best bloo 1 of her sons.
The Pittsburg Daili Post says :
This paragraph is simply one huge, un-
Sonator Pomeroy and tho War.)
A Washington corrospondont of tho N.
1. Lxprexs writes as follows:
Editor Columbia Democrat :
As your abolition neighbor of tho Jljri-
Vrom tht ratrht & Union.
To Mnssns 0. Basuett & f'o., Editoiib
op Patriot Union, IlAiutiSHUna i
Gentlemkn : 1 extract tho following
"On Monday evening last, I went from can Uenuhlican, has advortiscd for "SE from your weekly issuo ot this inst.:
this city to New lork I was seated in a 0J,,gi, rllEA0IIEHS," ho will doubtless Dl'iVOU to tllO Wall,
car in which was ono of your own oorro-' , , ' ,, ,
EnM1 ni. nn ,.,. iit, it.,!i,i ne nanny io luutn, win ,(T . nl)Q monists aro ccrtaimy
war, and particularly upon tho 1 . ! . ho stores most of tho day and lato tho chairman, I. W. Hughes, has a urotner
near lticliinond. Inter-. t ..... .., . i,rt ,w, in tho Secession army, and J lie J res says
osubieet.Icavo hocd to, and,"' .? w ""B 1 , ! I , a nephew. When such eminent inlsiuors
fail to rmnon hn.r wlmt nnod. shoulU bo at Home studying tucir uioic3. .i!snrcQi it 3 ft difficult matter to decide,
they would preach Mmsomo Unhersalism. his brother's or his nephew's kecpor
But then the Doctor couldn't tako his
friouds out riding on the Sabbath, and
exhibit his fine black horse aud carriage.
Although I do not supposo that theso
"cminont falsifiers" will caro to know tho
truth and although all of us too woll know
ono of tho worst features of this, like that
of other civil wars, is to rupturo family
tics, yet for tho sako of truth, I furnish
you tho following statement of facts, viz :
Hon. Isaac Slonker
Wo hail, with the most intense satisfao
tion, tho nomination of Isaac Slonkor, of I have no brother in tho secession army
Union county, as tho Democratic condidato j nnd nevor had, While in 100 year past
far Auditor General. Mr. Slcnkcr is a I my ancestors wcro Pcnnsylvaniaus vana
worthy representative of that Gorman clc , among them ono who commanded a troop
,r.r,f trMftli has dono so much towards do- of horso in tho llovohitionary war, and
vcloping tho resources of Pennsylvania I was wounded in battle, from tho effect of
i.n. rettin.. noitifi Ti'n i wliinli ho Hover t ccovorcd ) , vet .L uad at
stono Stato of tho Union. Originally from I the outbreak of this Rebellion, brothers in
- . ... . " . .,- 1A .
Wfotno H,ininr U,..,nru ,f twri ministers that will nrcacli oocosMon, in (iin wnii for arcument acainst tuo ieiu-
Oonvorsation betweon theso men turned nnd nolitical abolition republicanism, and ocratio Convcntionj 1 ho le legrap i says
upon tho
lato occurrcnco
ostcd in th
could not
'IMin Snnntnr conn rptnnrkr.,1 flint, ilwi i Dr. John had better co and hoar them, in, f nnsntninrr that one or tho other is cor
war was not prosecuted ou principlo; that and pay them a small fco, and may bo, j root, it does not follow that Mr. llughos is
i . l -l! i rt .' il , I 1 . . . . .. i i' .1.. I.! I,.,.',, 1miiip.I'
no ucuovcu an uonscrvauves, i urui,
wou'd bo willing now to treat with tho reb
els and mako apeaco; that ho thought
Seward committed to their policy, and be
lieved the objcot of his visit East to bo to feci
and prepare tho way for it j that ho would
predict, aud risk his credit thereon, as
against tho claims of Coward as a proplut
that within ten days overtures would bu
made by the rebels to MoClellan, by him
bo sunt up to tho Whito House, and 'hero
bo jumped at and accepted j that Mc
Olollan was serving this policy; that tho
defeat experienced beforo Richmond was
not probably sufficient to dispose of him ;
thnt if the whole army there acre sacri-
Jiccd, and he thereby got rvl of, the 2ur-
cnasc teoald be eicap or the country, Jor
then, it tons prvbable, Unpeople would rise
it anil demand a prosecution rf the war
upon piincijde for freedom.
The senator added, in reply to tho re
mark that thoro seemed now to bo danger
of the enemy moving upon Washington,
that he Uiould be glial to sec il, and to find
Washington in ashes, for this would open
tho eyes of the people, as now they would
not bo opened, and thon wo would have
war for principle.
Here is a biu ' summary of what I hoard.
As tho conversation was open and loud,
for all who pleased to hear, I violate no
propriety in giving what I have related.
Moreover, tho Senator declared his posi
tion as ono ho was willing ihould bo
known. Others marked him as myself "
Senator Pomeroy is one of Dr. John's
abolition pets and patriots. For the sake
of the nigger he wants Washington city
laid in ashes, and desires to sec McOlcllan
and his whole army of 70 or 80,000 all
sacrificed, and destroyed. If all that were
to happen, then Pomeroy thinks, with Gov.
Andrews of Massachusetts, the war will bo
for abolition.
Tho war, in their view, is useless, unless
it frees the nigger and rolls over tha North
1,000,000 of blacks. They regard tho
Constitution as behind the ago and want
no restoration of tho Union if Slavery is
to remain. They want a Government in
whioh thoro sjiall be no distinction of col
or were Cuftb and Chloo will bo their
social and political equals ; or in tho ex
pressive and significant phrase of an ab
olitionist who was blowing ou our streets
a few days ago, when asked by a demo
crat what ho would do with tho slaves
when freed, ho replied : "Let 'cm go to
I Already rice is nine cents a pound su-
bluihing falshood, no more nor less; aud
tho.knavo who penned it lied merely lor gars rapidly going up and of inferior qua!
the love of lying. Our platform evinces ity. Cotton aud cotton goods doubled in
no "intolerance" except to Northern Ab-j price and abolition U. S. Senators want
olitiou and Southern Seces.'ion traitors. i to sec Washington burnt Our army do
lt denounces both and pledges tho Democ stroyed and their backers aud blowei-3
racy of tho Stato to tho (support of the on our streets, want to free tho niggers and
Government uutil rebellion is cutircly "let 'cm go to hell," And yet they aro
crushed and the Union restored. The ob-1 Patriots ! God save the mark.
ject of the Convention was to savo our
Government from tho open efforts of
Southern rebels and tho no lcs3 danger
oui machinations of Northern traitors, who
have for years beeu laboring for a dissolu
tion of the Union.
tho song of tho shell aro not tho sort of j3 prima jacic proof that their is "some-
" . i Is . 1 1 1 1 1 it. . O I
musioioiau picaanuy upon mo ears 0I tUn ; Donraark.' Tho man who
this Homo Guard Republican soldiery, I . , , , . , , L ; ,
With reason, therefore, fellow citizons.I ungrateful to beuofactors cannot be cx
congratulate you to day upon victory which pected to bo true to any interests but Lis
you havo achieved. A great poet said,
-'Peace Iiath her victories ns well as War."
To day tho causq of a frco Government
lias triumphed ; a victory of tho Constitu-
I It is natural enough that thoso in
sidious rebels in the loyal States, who do
not daro to attack the Union openly,
should seek to accomplish thoir purposo by
endeavoring to overthrow tho Union's
greatest friends and champions, It is re
corded that those who undertook to pull
down tho throno of Solomon first essayed
to remove and destroy tho lions that sup
ported it. Louisville Journal.
Wo havo already remarked ou tho per
fect accord existing between tho loyal bor
dor Stato men and the Domoorat3; and
tho course of tho abolitionists who are
constantly defaming the vonerable Critlon
dcu, Wickliffo, and others who arc labor
ing incessently for the good caujo.
Against tho protest of tho IJordcr State
men in Congress, tho abolitionists arc
urging the President on in confiscation and
emancipation schemes, to tho detriment of
tho Union cause and the assistance of tho
rebels : thus "endeavoring to overthrow
! tho Union's groatost friends aud champ
Sy In commenting on an articlo in the
Ctncinnattt Gazette, the Louisvillo Journal
pertinently asks,
"Why, when Gen, McClollan is ttand-
4(nn n rSnlnnn r f i 1 n TTtin lino knnrt i i n
but U yefc to bo mado complete by tho men
wlin rrn fnrtli from fliia flin firsf. nnlifinnl
battlo-field of the campaingn, bearing upon inS 130101:0 Kiouraona octweon lus country
their banners that noblo legend that grand nmt discomfituro if not destruction, does
inscription Tho Constitution as it is, and this thect, falso aliko to country and to
tho Union as it was. Great chccriug.j manhood, seek to smito him to tho earth
In that sign you shall conquer. Let it bo in-1 ' 'u0 poisoned weapons of tho foo ?
icribcd upon every ballot, emblazoned 1 1 Lcro is but ono answer. Tho Gazette,
upon cvory banner, flung abroad to overy lil0 1,10 rest of tll abolitionists, hates Gen.
breczo, wispered in tho zephyr, and thun- MoClellan moro than it does troason, or
lorcd in tho tompest, till tho echoes shall , iufcmy in any ether iorm."
rouso tho fainting spirit of every patriot! The Gazelle is tho samo kind of paper
and freemen in tho land. It is tho creed ' that is published in th'u town by Dr. John,
of the truly loyal Democracy of tho United ArjythiDg ti,at BmacUa 0f tho niggor suits
btaics. In behalf of this great oauso it is , , , ? .
thatwoarenow.if need be, to do and to ll13 Palate and no condemnation of an
puffer in political warfare, whatever may bo abolitionist over appears in his paper.
demanded ot lrcedom who know their
rights, and knowing, daro maintain llicm.
Is there any ono man in all this yast as.
fccmblago afraid to meet all tho responsi.
bilities which an earnest and inexorablo
A Je nit run A ui m t fdAlilra n lit a li ft nrl fli
in tho canvass before us ? (No, no, not I i10n tll 1,ouvtu of Jul'' wlU be found at
one; it but one, let liliu go uomo ana lungiu, iu mia wuuu. a umuium jujiuuui,
It will be road by everybody. Domoorats
throughout tho country, aro proud of the
eminent talent of this distinguished Btatos-
It.sA 'ontiof arms to wLicL you man, true patriot anJ a-ffabH gentleman
Vallandigham's Groat Speech.
Tho great speech of tho lion. Clem
ent L. YATJiANDioirAM, delivered beforo
tho, Ohio Dcmocratio Stato Convention,
ESrFoii Tnnr.E Yv.avs on the W.vit
Tho Philadelphia Inquirer of Thursday
says: A brief dispatch from Washington
informs us that thcro i3 niethor law nor
regulation authorizing tho acceptanco of
I volunteers othorwiso than for three years
or tho war. This information will bo
i startling to tho patriotic cjtzens of our
i Stato, who, in obedienco to tho recent
; proclamation of Governor Curtin havo en
listed, or contcmplato enlisting, for tho
term of nine and twclvo months. It is
truly surprising that our Chief Executive
should havo acted m such an important
matter without a moro thorough under
standing with tho authorities ut Washing
ton, moro especially as ho has but recently
returned from a vUit to tho National flap,
Jiide bis head to? very shame.
"Who would be a traitor knave.
Who could Oil a coward' crave,
Who tobito Jibf aln't
lift film turn M nee
We have no doubt Jeff. Davis would
like to see our army destroyed possibly
ho would bo glad to seo Washington city
burnt, though wo don't think so ; and yet
ho is a secession traitor and Pomeroy an
abolition Patriot. What is tho difference
between them ? They both desiro the
same thing they both labor for the samo
end they both deserve the samo fato, a
hangman and a halter.
Our J5ook Tahiti.
J53yAuTHUu's Home Maoazine, for
August, is on our tabic. This work has
long been an especial favorite with tho
Ladies. Price S.00 a year very cheap,
jgyrPETEtisoN's National Maoazine,
now before us, for August. Wo always
hail its appearance with peculiar satisfac
tion. Only s?2 00 per annum.
CS?" G odky's Lady's Hook, wo have
for August. Rich, racy and elegant.
Godey stands nt tho head of tho Literary
Magazine cntcrprize of tho world.
CSfTho Parmer & Gardner, tho only
agricultural work of our State, is on our
TabL fji July. It should be patronized
by every Parmer. Price SI per annum.
A. M. Spanglcr, Editor, Philadelphia;
C5Tiie Piuntek for July is on our
table. It is an invaluable work for tho
oraft, and no priutcr should bo without a
copy. Terms SI a year; published by
John Grcason & Co., No. 11 Spruce St.,
New York.
CcT It is said that tho Directors of tho
Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, havo
fubsoribed fifty thousand dollars, to bo
used as bounty pay for soldiers under tho
now requisition.
cQr John W. Forney eulogises tho dc-
jtnooraoyC) of Isaac S Monroe!
Army of tho Unfon-
Of tho 300,000 troops called far by tho
President, Pennsylvania's quota of this
number will amount to nearly thirty thou
sand, Tho patriotic sons of tho old Keystone
Stato, wo trust, at oneo will respond to tho
call. T1iq Union nrmy han been out-numbered
by tho rebel forces at Richmond.
The rebellion cannot bo put down without
additional forces, and that forco wo liopo
will bo in tho field at an early day. Then
rally patriots, to the standard of your
country rally to tho assistance of your
friends and brothers who havo Lcrctoforo
beeu compelled to contend against unequal
York couuty, his family settled very early
in Union, where he has resided for more
than forty years. During all this t't-oe
ho has maintained n character for ability,
honesty and integrity of which few men
can boast. Wo venture to say that tho
man lives not in his section of the,
that would daro to say aught agaiust
Isaac Sienkcr's reputation. No one ever
possessed to a greater degree, tho love, ro
.'poet and confidcueo of his neighborhood.
Though a man of means, tho plain simple
and unostentatious manner in which ho
lives, in tho quiet village of Now Rerlin,
and dispenses hospitality, attest his origin
and prove his Democratic instincts. His
unbounded charity, openhandod and open
hearted, his generous encouragement of
merit, his legal attainments, his correct,
cxamplary life, his unbounded loyalty aud
sterling honesty, stamp him as a man abovo
all others pro-eminently fit to bo honored
by tho peoplo with an election to the to
sponsible position of Auditor General
lie is no moro politician his nomination
was not sought for as nominations have
lately been too much sought it was the
character and standing of the man that
compelled the currant towards him, though
good men and truo were candidates for the
samo office.
In these days of National degenorcy
aud broadcast corruption aud gloom, the
nomination and clectcon of Mr. Slcnkcr
breaks forth like a beacon light, giving
promise of bettor days and a return to the
good, old, honest, Democratic and lijdly
economical admiuistrativo system, that
marked tho period of tho lamented Shuuk.
We expect to hear tho plundering hounds
who havo fattned upon tho toil and bloody
sweat of the people, open in full cry upon
Isaac Slcnkcr his fearless manhood and
uullinching honesty arc a terror to all evil
doors and publio thieves, and whatever
influence can bo bought by ill-gotten gain,
or those oorrupt devices which the un
principled demagogues who aro selling
their couutry daily that they may thrive,
know so woll to coutiivo, we may expect
tc bo brought into full play against him.
Rutwo have an abiding confideuco in tho
people, and wo know that they will appre
ciate fully the mauy excellent qualities of
our candidate, and elect him. Where he
is, there can ho no stealing; he will cry
aloud and spare not, until ovcry vestige of
dishonesty and fraud, shoddy patriots and
blanket contractors, rotten beef aud raneid
hoik speculators, and all tho miscrablo,
venal, sycophantic traitors who hang like
leeches around tho Treasnry, are drivon
out as the thieves and money changers
wcro scourged out of tho Temple.
Heading Uazefc Democrat.
James P. Barr.
James P. Rarr, Esq , of Alleghany
county, tho uominco of the Democratic
Stato Convention for Surveyor General,
is and ha? been for many years tho able
editor of the Pittsburg Post. Ho is a gen
tleman of excellent character, and well
fitted for tho publio portion for which ho
has been named. Tho Democracy of
Western Pennsylvania never had a more
faithful advocate. For years, ho has bat
tled manfully against an opposition major
ity, aud in tho faco of tho repeated defeats
our noblo old party has sustained in that
portion of tho Stato, has never faltered,
or abated ono jot of his zeal in behalf of
tho true principles of the Conititution and
Union. Ho was the warm friend of Don"
las, in tho campaign of 1800; but, liko a
truo Democrat, supported tho Reading
Electoral Ticket as tho only way to pro
servo tho unity of tho party, and the only
hope of giving tho voto of Pennsylvania
to his favorito candidate. In Lis uomina.
tho unity of tho Ropuhliu nnd tho sain t
of our flag, and other thousands l,Sl,
fallen, sick ami woundtnl, and therofi,
ccs must bo filled.
FiTomcn of Pcnmiylvania ! Frir.
of the Government, of order nnd of,,.,
common nationality ! One earnest sltll",
gle ami peace will again uiiwn npnn '
as a happy, prosperous and united t.,
Given under my hand and thr
seal of alio State, at Ilarrisburg, tlii
day of July, in the year of our Lord o
thousand eight hundred and sixty-m
and of tho Commonwealth tho cj,,,,
seventh. A. C!. 0UITL '
By the Governor. Eli Si.ti tB
Secretary of i ho Commonweal
Clarion and Torres!
the rebel States. Ono of them was ac
cused of treason to the Southern Confod
cracy aud upon the proof of his open and
to he hung by a vigilauco committo in m '"-
Georgia, which tat in judgmant J.1" ani1
upon him. From them, and the pre- j linniinRdon
pared haPcr, ho made the most narrow Jcia-rson
escapo into North Carolina. Here a sec
ond committee pursued him becauso of
declaration made by him there, and from
them, through the aid of personal friends,
ho managed to mako his second escape
and hurried back by tha way of Louis- j
villo to this his native State. As ro-
Junlata tV""1"
Mori it
Monroe nnd I'lka
Sullivan and Wyotniu
I co. Pa.
D E A T H S .
At Nescopcc, Luzerne county, on i
22nd inst., by Hcv. J. M Salmon, y
HuTNAaiiE, of Ncseopec to Mi-s Sas,
Smoyeu, of Mifilinvillo, Columbia co,i
On the 29th ult , by the Rev. II.
gards my nephews, I cannot certainly say, man, Mr. Daniel A., to Mi-s E
whether I have or have not a nephew in I r'K a. uheasy, com oi luuuinviiio, i
tho Secession army at this time. Rut it
may gratify theso "eminent falsifiers" to
know that at one time I had two nephews
in the Secession army, but let mo add
I had also at the same timo, two nephews
in the Federal arm v. You rmhtlv iudro
I am not the "keepV of my brothers or mYLiZr,lKrL
nephews, nor do 1 claim any personal I u.,in vr
merit for the fact that I havo two b olh-
crs-in-luw in the Federal army to seek to
cast any reflection upon President Lin
coln by reason of tho fact, as is said, that.
he has two-brothers in-law in tho Sece.-s-
In Espy, on tho 22d inst., Mr. J,ir
McCabty, aged about -10 years.
CORN (new) ...
81 12
TALLOW. . ..
I. Aim
ion army.
Pottsville, July 17tli, 1802.
S'roclKutntion ly ov. tir(in.
IIaukihuho, July 21. The following
proclamation has just been i sued:
I'eniisulvania, .:
rfnnounetmcnl Fee 82.00.
W WIRT will ho a candidato for DISTItlCT
TOIlXrlV. at thuconiini! fall election -to
tli- iloiiiiii of tho Democratic County Vni u
July la, IfcCJ.
'T'Jnr', tun mm, nice throuf-h the r-i
W of our nnper Unit IlOIMt .UcllUNin oil
July !'!, ltfU.
Scro SVbocrliscmcnls
Ronton John llildine, I', N, .Moore.
Heaver-Samuel Cox.
liriarcrcck J C "iiiith.
Centre -Andrew l-Vnu.
QUI ii.-g.i-Ur, J V IlobMns, Daniel IJeiiiMJ I.
Conj ni' Wm L Kline.
lVriiiklln -J S r.ih iiisi-r.
riglilngcrci'k -Uinandijs Unangst. David Vo'i
Jai-ltsoii Jokhua H.iMige.
Locust John I. Hurst.
.Vuilison -Jami Welliver, Uriah . ill a.
.Milllin-I) A IIche, II U Ill-US.
Alt. rii-anaut-l.evi Carritl
Sluino J.ico', Cilillins.
Pinn Abriiliaui llcnlock, John Lockliert, Tli
Mcliridu, Elijah rulluier.
Ju!tu '
Tn the mmn nnd liv ilm an'hoiitv nf llm ! t?w!l.-"".l'' "A11. .1.,".'l..c.".,!!:.l.1Vl.t". "t..,',V..J',l,ru."
j " j (lei-uon tor wiu i i;(A'i.wKoiw.i i.jt, finn -t
fl.-immnmei.nllli nf lm,iio..lw.ini.i. AnniH-w ! declnloiiof the Democratic County Contention
ww "v" - - -j" Uiiiii0 iiolil in August next.
G. (Jurtin, t."overnor of the said Com
monwealth. A PROCLAMATION.
To sustain tho Government in time of
! common peril by all his energies, his mean?
and his life, if need bo, is tho just duty of
every loyal citizen. The President of tl.o
United States has mado a requiiitiou on
Pennsylvania for twentytonc new regi.
ments and the regiments already in thj
field must bo recruited.
Enlistments veil bo mido for nine
mouths in tho new regiments, and for
twelve months in tho old. Tho existence
of the present emergency is well understood.
No patriot will pause now to investigate
its cause. Wo must look tp tho fir urc.
Everything that is dear to its is at stake.
Under theso circumstances I appeal with
confidence to tho ("iceman of Pannsylva
nia. You have to save your houses and
your liiesitlos, your own liberties and
of the whole country. I call on tho in
habitauccs of the counties, cities, bor
oughs and townships throughout our
hoarders to meet and take active measures
fur the immediate furnishing of the quota
ol the State.
Let those who cannot go themselves
oontributo to provide bounties equal, at
at least, to those offered by the adjoining
Slates. The Constitution prohibits me
from drawing money from the Treasury
without authority of law, and I will not
cast a doubt on tho patriotism of our cit
izens by assuming the neecsity of calling
the Legislature at this time. This is no
time to wait for legislative action and the
negotiation of loans. Delay might be
To put down this Rebellion is the bus
iness of every man in Pennsylvania, and
her citizens will show on this occasion
that they do not wait for tho slow pro
cess ot legislation, and do not desiro to
throw on tho Treasury of tho Common
wealth a burden which they arc individ
ually ready to boar themselves.
Tho conduct of our men already in
nnmortaly lustro on
i.ioom iincnaei waiter, Joseph liatMoy,
,:i ilii.
llor. Mvrwhk -Jcspc liowinan, Ilndnou Owi-n
Centro-Wm Siialler, II W llagenliuch, J.r (I
C.ittawipa Ccorge Wcolt, C'asiiorltnhn. Dunl-.U
l'ishlnicreej.- Martin Ammeruun.
Franklin Benjamin I' former,
(ireenwnml lenae Hewitt, r'r.
Locust li.-iiujii r.-.hri.iger, John Davis, John I
DavlJ llorhein. John Jlar.ier.
Madimiii Valentino Welliver, Minima Mot .
hcnl ltunyan, Richard Dcmoit.
Ml. I'leasant Win Mill-r. Wm Kitchen.
Mnntotir lYti-r lleiuoaih.
Millliu-nil IIphs.
Maine Jarob .-'hugar. Win T Sliuman.
Oraugo -Alfred Howell. .
I'ino- nzra Kunyau, John Wintcrfteen.
iJloomsliurg, July it) loii-j.
tho field has shed
tion for Surveyor Ooncral, Mr. Rarr has j Pennsylvania. Let their breathrou fly
rocoived an honorablo and merited ac
knowledgement of his valuablo political
sorvices, and wo look to his election with
coufidonco. His popularity in tho west,
will givo groat strength to our Stato Tiokct.
Heading Gazette tj- Democrrji,
10 arms to support them anc mako the
victory speedy as well as certain.
I design below tho number of compan.
lt5 n'""1 u uxpactcu irom tho several
counties iu tho State, trusting tho support
'0 her honor in th is nriRic. no ii 1.-1
crisis, as it may bet
jcSy-RiLVTii op Gkn. TwianB. Gen
David E. Twiggs died at Augusta, Geor
ci a, ou thu 1 Oth mst. ilo was
, . . - J "'HI.' II
paiciy irusicd, to tho loyal, fidelity and 1 "l"" r fabji
w . wmw0. ...u ...ggm-a 01 vutur 01 ncr ireuincn. Whilst tho quota
rOR SEl'TEMUElt TERM, 1?02.
1 Andrew fri-vcling, v Andrew Mellick, rt '
B riiilip Wtnterttecn, ts Valentino WinU-i.'-"
J Daniel I-'. Neybert.U al vs A. II. I'eiirru. ct J
1 Daniel 1 S-jyhcrt t s Augumuj I) l'earce el
j Henry Wellsjr vs George Kinley Jr
(1 H.imiiel J. Healer, vs Ahraliaui V. Rebliii'. ii
, Jacob Rycrvs Abraham Klaso.
B Abraham Klaso, vsJ.icoh I'.vcr.
!l David Levi etn vs yaiiiuel'L. Rente.
'? I!'.1.',"','1 1 Seybctl vs Jo.cnh (leiihil
11 LliJah McMnrtris et al vs Chrikllau W"lf.
!': .f!',',1f,ilk Markron"vp John Robison.
lA .W.',1.1,1'"" Co3l't "I vs William Iloldrcn.
!; ..'J! A -'" ct ul vs Centrn tuwimhip.
J! . Vca8 v" 'ofhua 1'cttcrman ctal
lb II 11 I reas vs Joshua rettcrman et al.
17 John II llrown et n vs Leonard II iiun'.'l-
IS l'etcr M Traugli vs Aaron Clayt. n.
I ) hainnel llitteuueniles vs Kilas D Edgar.
SO Mahlon lllrks et m Vs Oliver Lynn et al.
21 (.corge Hushes et al t s J V Criswe-I 1 1 al.
Si! James Harding vs Llias Reee.
I,'""'4 J'rlli vs Robert llageiibutli.
-1 Biunnna Larisli vs Robert llugeiibuJi
--; Andrew Larii-h's Executors vs linbi ri lla!'
I eter lloll'mairs Eiecutors vs Hand I'M
-7 N, II. Crea.y vs Henry 0 Ercac
II Lunch Lverelt vs Mtint. Klino et al.
2J 111 1. 1'arks vs Elidia It.ihbius
rrothonotary's onieu, (
Rloomsburg, July 27, ln;J. j
Tho subscriber would tako this method of
his former iiuolisand friends generally . Ii"-'
In Washjngtontillc, on Monduy, Atigust -Itlij
July JOIli ISO?.
Wanted by tho Editor, a load of Timolay
Jul i-1"
this city aro of lato becoming lazy, saucy ' of tho several conn ir, i n , " ' UJlNiNWOOD SKMINAJ"-
n.ul mM,l T -l. r BOCldl counties is fixed cqilltah r, 'T1'"; Autumn term of this IiiMilulioii will ''
aim unmauaceable. Last mcht a fi-eo sr nu in il i ,n.. . 5 J-on
,fa w J(tu iu mi tuo requisition jor twentvor ii
(larlrno ritinii'il .Inn llnwivil ttno m.n.i..l :. ,...... i... ..... . "
u,twlM;U teiiiiuiuii, ill mo in oa onni, ,, nf
n. i ... , ... . r-t"" "V
bom in " "queiMrci, on a cuarge ot Having county remit the r cxor..ini. i .i... . '
Riohmoiid ojunty , Georgia, iu the year B'ruck and knooked down a white wouiau listment of tho companies named o
1700. on that alml.msburS Post, hemic b0iis of Peuusylvauui have mZ
Wontlay, August llh, 1802.
'J'ERMH-l'or Hoari'ini!, Withms, Tuitien.
He., for Eleven Weeks "
Ono half jn adyanre. ,
htudenla vvjinliavi) not t-ngajeil rooms
inakccatlyuniiliiation to
MjUviJtv. I'oJ to. IM July ID, irtt