'AGRICULTURE. lit that Jy (Ac I'ltugS iroulit Ihmi. llmttlf null tllhtr held or Jriee. CHERRY JAM. LIFE'S SECRET. A 8TOR.Y OP WOMAN'S llllVF.NUi!. nv MRS. 1IEN11Y WOOD, Authot of "Tlio L'hnnillriBS." "KtLxVt licl tt," l!ast Lyuic," be, 4-c. Jl Life's Scent ! A Life's Secret I A Life's Secrctl Ily Author of "l!ast Lynnul" A MIX'S BI'.CItCT, A Stony or Woman's Uevinob. Py Mrs. Henry Wood, uiillinr of "l!ut Lynuc," "Thn Cli:i:iulng," iiuil "The Karl's Heirs," w ill hn published niul for sulo mi Saturday next, 3Iny 34th, II In printed from the manuscript mill iidtnnco proof-sheets, imt i li.ni.ril liv us ffpin tlm author, in advance of I ho liubll. cation ill llic work In Kurupcund it ill lio issued in n PHILADELPHIA Si ERIE R A I L'5 R O Iiniuylvamia A D. ROAD tl l.tt'tK. csi i e 1 . i union nl ine wins, in i.uroiiu.uuu win no issuco in n Btono lOUr pOUUUS Ot CUOrriCS, Mill put largo octavo volume, lurgu typo, dnnbto column, nnd .t .,, . .... ,i primed mi tho fluid mill best or while paper. Prica thciU 1U ft prCSmiUg pan, With tWO pOUtlds rmy ccu In paper lover, or Sovc-nty.rtvo cent, in of fino whito sugar mid a pint of or red ,lJ;l4l r A Mdrtll MalUnlti lht Ulmr) rMw CUrranl-juiCO 5 boil tllO Wliolo tOgCtllcr . if Foment Frett.uiuaoflledliorallulnthUvnier, ., , ,., , ,, , Mas. UisRv Worm's miieii kkw .vovitl.. It In snld rntUCr fast, Until it StlflCUS, atltl then put that Napoleon could dictate nn three nr fmir ilHlureut . . ' Biiliivlu, to as many secretaries ull tit mice. .Mrs. Hon- It lUtO pOti lor U3C. 1 ry Wood iniivt have itlirillitr incniisof puttinghcr lioter , nclions upon paper. Within tlio last roiliiighl nr so, S: ' wo lirevo imticfit tironfhcr new novels, :Tlm llnrl's 1)1.' ifim.'B lltlrs,"tiud "Ihn Chonnings," mill hero 13 n Ihird to ho IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS, ruiu.tstinu my i). ArrMvro A: Uo. 143 nifMG Broadway, Nav York, Tlio following works are sciitlnFnb'rtlkorslunnypnr nftliu ciAiiilry, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mull or express pre polil : illll Nr.W AMUIUCAN V(JI.OIMU)1Ai A popular Dictionary I'f llcneral Knowledge, llditod by (ImnnK I1ipi.lv ntiil t'HAiius A. Daka. aided by u numerous so leit corps of wrllersln nl br.inrhes ntSflentirs, Artninl l.llrrnlure. This wmk li hvlni! pnlillh-il in About 13 laritu octavo vuluini si encli ronitiinlm! 7.MI two olinu pu"cs. Vul". 1 to Mil lnclusiU',nrunow renJy.i'Hili cnntiilnln4 near B,.1im, oriRlnnl nrtlrles. An iiihlltloii.il volume will ho puMMieil oure in nbout three inmilln 1'ilee, ini.lotii. S-) Riieep.i.i ov; Jiaii ,iiom 91, nmi (M, 1'm.h ,1. SI SUIUCII. . I'l.lU.I, The New Anifrlcniit'yclopTilla Is popular wltliont see- Ut, j,,,,, TlIllll iM firtli .llrecllons n ("nr Boo tliroufili I UK superllclnl, Icnrne.l but not pcilunle, iiiiiiprehendM! V.,. icm,j li nnia Hall Itoail wllliout cliangu I ciuedi inn euiiui'--iiii' uti.ii.tu, ,icu I" niliailciiihiii miu 1,011c iiuvcn, 0"n nnitnnor 5lom1ny May .1th, 1503, tlmo nt Norllium Icrlainl motion will ho nt follows I t.nvti WrtWRTit. I I'jtitirtirii. r.xnrosj II 111 a. t Impress 0 41 p. M .tlall I 13 r.M. Impress Uuil 10 Ul A M SlioiiiiiR Tars on Nlshl Trains llotli ways hetH cen WllllainjportamUlallluiore.miil on rcnnnyivauin iiuurouu neiween ii.iiiihuiiih ilclphla. 11111I Parly pri'juilUe, fresh noil jetiimuntu. It is n coiuplete tlnleiiuMit nfnll that Is knonii upon ccry Ihiporlant top- I C Willi 111" Mi'P'I iHliniii. in 1 111, , 1 1 iiiiij ti.,...i. ant nitldo In it h.is In cn spi t i.illy written fur 111 piiBcs by ineu wlionro uulhorltlei upon tin' tnplcnn which thev speak. They ore ri"iiireiltu brim? thu subjeit upln Iho'present inoinoiit to state Just Imwlt stanils now. All thustatlslical inrornialloii is from the lalml ri'iHUN; thu coneraphieal nii nuliK keep pan' w till the latest enplora lions; htstorlenl mutters include the freshest Just views the biouraplilrnl notices not only peuk nl tho ileail, hut alfu ofllio llvlnp. It Is n library ol'ilsnir. wVllRIIMiliMKM UK 'IIIU iimimk ,ir ,,i-,i,i,r . I'i' H " .May 21, lff,2. HAMirill, A. UI.A(.'K, Sup'tlliiilern lllvi-lmi, WINT1UI All 1,'ANGmiL'Xr r.,tf t so rmii. nr: trti it ui r.ssi:vui;i: t ainh. A WAY OF I'UOOUlMN'd Till! UYUI.OriT.UIA, Oil , iaL5?iLi- rV- . November 1. lfOli lpulillsheilbyT.il l'eterson & Mrothorl, in nfew nyt ' ,,iui,.il liUtiry "ftlio Unitud fl.ites, frointho or(jmil..i. An cvHiaiiffd tinner finva Tlio leaves printe.l from the iii.viuscrlpt muluilviiiiccprool-shcets ', ' f flflt rc,i,tal Concress in Httito 1S.VI. i:dlt- a.ll isciLUigu u.iptr biivs . j-iiu itiivca ..,,,,,,, rrpm he am hor.so n to ntillc n.ito Its nn- . !. ,1 1. 'i',,,,,, 11. lu n,,m 1 10 nr. nf mnnu nani'li rr.rm lmvn nniniiionri'il pi-arnuco In l.ondoii, wclcli wo have Just roa.l from tlio I J, ueennla iiffoiiKr". 01 lU,my poatll irc.CS ltl0 COmtllUICCU Ji.ijjmce copy of tho proof-slieets sent us by the publish' J 1",0 V III M; roiiiplieil In 13 rnnl ndavo volume, CUrlinc tills SCaSOIl. niltl tllC fruit of all "A ,,,,e J'1l A Wory ofUomau UcvriiRP.'M f.w. .ji.uil.linruiiuwriiii.ly. An inlill. u o on, mm iiiu sium v . llwsot ,L.,emble nny i ( Mrs. oo.l s preceiliu" talcs !,e will b.i lmlilishdl mice in llirce month", such has dropped off. It is Enid that by ' Fl' 1,1.lh,! "'""J"" ''"WV.0 ,1J.ll',l,s V'a J!;?,"?.!,'; ci'.tii. i.nw fheep, aito; uir Airsii iinif dic'lllC around tho l'COtS of tllC trcCS.llliail- lurters, In slviiiKllio most nntur.il coiiii rs.Hlons, nmi "'fao"fa "lvuu" 1 1 iii ciuiixiillnstlieilciioueinent tolliovery tlocso of the titles of worms mav bo found lienetratini? ! story. This last so essential to thu novelist, fllrs. tho bark and seriously daman'm tho trees, ins writer. MiveUup with tho inciiient r the tnio, J 0 , whli h runs throiiKh it, is n striking and pmntiilly tsuth- ThoSO WOrill3 may bo destroyed With lVO, ful account of tlw tise, progress, ami ilccllne or tho ... .. ' . ' surial evil ealleil a builders' "slrlko." Ills ns power- ami the leaves will, alter tuo destruction of tho worni is accomplished, straighten and iho yonng fruit will remain. CLEANING MILK VESSELS. A Correspondent of tho Cincinnati Git zcllc truly says: "Thcro is no product of the farm that presents so difference as but ter. C.ill.iwbjii It nil Kon!. l'ASS nUl'KUT STATION, HOUTIIWAItl) DOOM) TUAIN'rl. Philadelphia 1. N. Y. Mnll lu" A. M. P.tiir.'s l'.V.'iA. M NUIITIIWAKI1 IIOUiVU TIIAINH. i:imlrii Mall II II P. M Nlasira llxprf sa lti.13 P. M OMIT T E N I) li N ' S I1II...DCM,IIU tOMMUKCIAIi. COLLEGE, JV, E, corner of 1th and Vheslnul Streets I'lIILADELriHA. Tills tTiTfTiof. Which was ttlahlltktd In 1P44, nn,l Is now coinoniwnlly In the tighuenlh vtnr of its ox st r.ife,niiiuberiai,ioi!( Its prndualcs. luiiiilrc. s of t o miipt'iiccossrnl iMcrciianunnu iunit -.v.. lOounlry, , I TMOsiFornf Ills institution Is solely to alToril young men facilities for tliorougli preparation for biisiniss. I 'I'm: llnvsriits taioiit nre, lM-UtpHg, " "jjr I"' hie tulhp various ileparlmeiils of tr.idel ''"ma"'J I' holh plain ami oriiniiitsnl.il t Oimmtrtlal laid, .Whf Cjinriiti", !! Jhdcrn InngutgUi Tin HvsrcM or iNtraucnn.i Is peculiar i no classes or 8,t I, s.nns me ma le of. but each stuleii is uj 1 linlHliluallv, so that lie may toiiunoncuiit any lime, iinu i attend nt whati vi r hours are mo.t convuulenl. I Ciriiooi'is iinilsu.'.laiiiiiiyafter tho l.Hh of April enntaliilmr nainas of the students for tlm year, mid f II p.iillciil.irsoflnrin,.te,and nny be obtained ni nny time by adilreslu? the Principal. t..l,UUl,i,iiini. tritte.- nrcatl rtpntnUon d x"lMtthn twrhn,, of ih I'risc fral, thl lil.tilii- IhlllOirirs laCllllll.S Slipi rior luiui; ...M .' 7b ntitrcii lints, HohcIich fcS. . lo l "ttrn Mice. Motel, nnd Aliln T ""tilth Mothsln Purs.f loths, Ut. 7V, Dtitrn Mos'iultoes mid 1 lens. itl iJlnsectson Plants and Powls. Ta Drttroii lnsecls on Animals, &c To ir"-i:eryrorui and specie, of Verm In. riiil.islelpliia & Bending Hail Huad. fill us painful, nmi show s Mrs.Wnod's possi'ssioii ol Iho elcioeiits of domestic trniicdy. The irleu of "A l.M'e's Secret," Is but Pilty Cents a copy, and Is sent freenf pontuee hy thepubliihers, to any one, on receipt of that jinoiiMI, rubllshed mid for salu hy T.n. pinxitsoxt iii!OTiii:ns, Cliestnut Btrei t, Philadelphia. To whom ull orders uiUht como addressed. JUST PUBLISHED. Mrs, Henry Wood's Ollur JJoohs. r. The CiiANstNns. A Domestic N'sivcl of Ileal Life. Ily Mrs. Henry Wood, author of "Karl's Heirs," "A Life's I'orm aduli nffour, mid remit tin prlccof four hooks, mid Ave inples will bo sent til the remitter's evpeuse ,or rarrlue.or lor ten nibcribers eleven copies will bu sent nt our uxpeinc for ; arriaiie. XV AUliiMO, Nn other works will so liberally reward tho rvorllons fAccols. As- Aoi nt Waxied in 'iiiis, tiinii.- Tetins made known on application lo thu rubiisiicrs. Nuv.Ui, Iftio. 1 e, i ,1 Mrs. Ilcl J.1113 arises CUlCIiy ironj USing VCSClS IHeerct," "Tho Castlu'H Heir," "Tho .Mystery," ctc- for holding tho milk, aud untensils in making tho butter, which aro soured. In my notice of tho effects of having soured troughs in sugar making, I stated that acidity was fatal to good making. It is not less so in butter making. Milk has a peculiar acid, very easily formed, which entirely takes away that rich, sweet, fine flavor, belonging to good butter. A very little soured milk or cream on vessels rapidly generates enough acid to take it away. To avoid this, great careis requi site. Cleanliness only is not sufficient, in Laving tho milk vessels well washed, but thoyinust be carefully washed in boiling hot water, and should bo boiled in it also. But as tho cream is very apt to stick, even in good washing, when tho vessels are boiled in water, eorao pearl ash or soda Ehould bo put in it, which destroy any acidity that tho may bo about the vcsssclr. They should then bo well suuucd. I have known somo good butter makers who dis pensed with tho sunning when soda was used, but both arc to bo commended." Comnlele in one lareo octavo volume, double roliimu lunkiiii! over three hundred pa;es, and printed oil the finest while paper. I't ice filly cents atopy, In paper cover, or sevciiiy.flvo tents intlotli. II. The Karl's Heiu. A Tale of Domestic I.i V. lly the author of "ThoChamilni:s,",'Tho Mystery .""A Life's Scrct,""ThuU.illu's llvir," etc. Price fifty ci nU a copy, in paper cover, or seventy-live cents in cloth. tr Copies of "A Llfo'a Secret." or "Chnnnlnys." or tho "Ctrl' ltirs,"will be sent to any one free of port im?, on roiiiluins the price of the edition wuhed, to the publisher, in u leucr. PT" llooksellers, News Agents, mid nil others, will please scud on their orders at once for what they may want of "A Life's Secret" to sturt Willi, which will prove lob,! finally ns popular as the "Cliaiiiiliicrs." the "li irl's Heirs," or "Last Lynne." Address ull orders at once to the publisher), t. it. ruTCKsoN ic iiitoTiinnrf, No.llUli Chostnut Street, Philadelphia. NEW ANDGOOD LOOKS 1 Jt'ST ri'ULUnED AND TOR SALE I)V T. B. Fctcrson ij- Brothers, 300 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Hook sent everywhere free of postage, on remitting lo usuie pnco oi tuo looks wanieu, in uicucr Gustave Aimard's Books. i. Tub Indian FrocT. By C'ustavo Aimard, author of 'The Flower of tho Prairie," etc. r.iual to J, renni- innrc Cooper's "Pathfinder." i'jice 30 cents in paper, or 73 cents In cloth. II. The I'towirt of the Fraiiue. Ily Gustavo Aimard, author of "The Indian front," etc. fully equal to any thing ever written by J. lYnniiiiore Cooper. Piico 31) cents in paper, or 73 cents in cloth, 31 ay 2 1, 1 etc!. TRIMMING ORCHARDS. Many persons havo advocated tho trim ming of applo trees when they wero in blossom, and some say the "longest day in Juno is tho proper time to trim them." I used to bo somewhat inclined to the same opinion, but from recent observations aud practical experience in tho matter, I have changed my opinion, and am now decidedly oposod to lato trimming. In tho first place, thore aro too many other tbingi requiring tho atteution of the farmer, in the busy months of May and Juno, while tho months of Fcbuary aud March arc comparatively leisure oncj By the time the trees arc in blossom the farmer has his crops of corn and potatoes to attend to, besido his garden and many other things which arc mostly in a dor mant state in the early part of the season. Again, if wo go up iuto a tree in tho month ef June we cannot trim it properly without destorying the young fruit upon tho rest of tho tree ; true, wo can cut out what few "suckers" there arc, but wo cannot take any of tho large iirabs out not even dead ones, without brmhing off many of the apples. Tho best tirao, therefore, is in the warm days of winter and early spiiug, and those who try lato trimming will find it so. Gcrma?itotvn Tclegrujih . THE GRAPE BUG AND SLUG. Tho "new enemy to tho grape vine, lo which you alludo in tho Farmer and Gar doner's department of your paper, was very common in this part of tho Stato last sea son ; but tho present season I have obscr.' ved or heard of but few of them. In the 6umracrs of 1859 and '00 thoy wcro very destructive to tho blossoms and leaves of tho grapevines about West-Chester, and also in many parts of Now York State. Tho insects belongs to tho "Ieapora'' (Hal ticidas,) or "Flea Beetles, and is the Grulodera ehabjbea of Illcgcr. Tho ma ture insect appears early in tho spring when tho grape buds begin to push out,and cats into tho oiids of them, entirely do stroying them. Later in tho season tho female deposits her eggs, aud tho young Blugs devour tho leaves aud tho blossoms About tho 20th of June, these tlugs com menco going into the ground, whero thoy undergo their final transformation, and come forth a little steel blue or grcouish Lectio iu tho mouth of July. Thoso that go into tho ground lator in tho season, ro main thcro until the following spring, but tho earlier broods hybcrnato during winter, under stones or in cracks and croviccs,away from tho wet and cold of tho winter fcca Bon. b'co an appondix to my Essay, read be f'oro tho "Fruit-Growcrs'Sooicty of Eastern Pennsylvania," published in tho "Garden cr'a Monthly," and in pamphlet form, pago 33. Tho remedy which you suggcit is tho Lett that has yet been discovered. Germttntown Telegraph, THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Sheet, Forly-E-ght Columns, published every Morning. (Except Sundays,) by Win i w.nuruing, r.o. jji suiitu mini street, rnuuu clnliia, l'a. The Create;! ucwtnMier of Pliil.iih lnliia The Irviuz times uf thu nation's history iu which we live, render n Livo Newspaper I mi indispensable to every man who would keep Jiimsclf informed of the important events which aro daily transpiring. To furnish n paper which will meet tho just expectations oflhe public in such n time as iho presvnt, requires an uinount of labor and of extraordinary expense of which ino coiuiiiuuuy ni lars'J uavc nu conception, i nc pun iiuncrs oi Ull'. Pill LAD r.l.PUI.i IXQUIIlEll. has spareil no cll'oris or nioiioy to make it alt that it could he iiiade. Ilesidcs lmpruviiig and strengthening the homo force during tho past year, stvcral of the best Ueporters ami Letter w rifrs iu the country havo been seni, at great expenses, wiiu ine Army nuu ivnvy and havo frequently given tho public the first nnd full est accounts ny iciegrapu aim ny man, oi important L'fS.V'i' AT THU XKAT OF W All. Tho Inquirer was the first northern paper to give the account of tho Haiti ran nnd Port I'.oyol Ictones, nnd wnstwi'lvc hours iu iidvanre of any paper iu theeoun try, iu its nublicnlion of the details of the Hull Jlun llallle. What Tlio Inquirer has donc.isbut an earnest or what will bo done, in order to givu its renders and bust accotits of every event of interest connected with the anr.jiT itr.uvr.LJo; nnd at the same time have it maintain its reputationns ine ui'&i general newspaper in tuo inquiry. The increase in tlh) circulation of the Inquirer 1u rinir tho year, is the b"rt cvidenro ot the ext-nt to w Iiicli (Ini public rely upon it for the new s of the dav Its circulation has averaged for several months' past, 017.7c TIIV HUXDHEO TlIQVSi.Vn COl'lldSl n week, or nearly forty thousand 11 day : and it has duiiug the yeur, in times of excitement, reached over seventy thousand ft daytesting tho capacity of our 1al press loiiiH iiltno.-i to supply tlio iicumu t. II com uieuced thu New Year w 1th new nnd beautiful cnunt-r f.ieed type, and with renewed ior and activity in its im'w s nuu i oiioriui ucpariineiiis, Thu Inquirer isntrfenendent iu nolitics. !i y Prices nt which th; l'liihidi lphia Inquirer is fur' nisio'ii : ningio copies t ivo uciiib, or twelve rents Wick; Daily Paper sjli per milium, in advance j Th inoutlis 01 ; Tri-Wi'ckly 61. All letters should ha dressed tu WM. W. IIAltl)l0, PublMier, Inquirer Uuilding, J'.'l rjouth Third H. May 10, Ifi'ii. 1'nit.vuiai'mA, Pa ftp- ol--f3' a Mil! undersigned is also extensively rnga-ed In the UntlirtaMiw llminim, nnd keeps constantly on hand nd for sale at his Wnreruouis, it largo assortment of FINISHED e-sai COFFINS, Ily which lie Is enabled to nil orders on presentation Also Keens n cooil Ho r, mill II, ..irki. tnnl will nt nl times be ready tu ultcud i'unerds. BI.MON U. IUVIi. llloomslii'j-f , January 2!. IS39 sFu'e Fa-oof Cunicttl- 1'or Sale A lot of superior l'ir.E Proof Cement, especially adap ted for Ccmcntinc Itonfj. due p.nllon will loccr 10(1 feu of ordinary roofing, and is insured proof against rain nnd wet wcalher. Can ho had at manufacturers Prices, bv the iralliin or hnlf h.irrel. nt thn ollii eVr lhrt Columbia liciuocrut. LI'.Vl I, TATE. Illoomsburg, July 1.1, 1R01. rr.i.liiL' llcai ine) Down'tn I'hlladclphia, at li.'.'U and II A M, li noon, ""V, to p'oltsvllle, nl in,3U A M, and 3,11 P M, tVLST, TO LUIIANO.V AND II AlllllrMIUKU I Wi stern Hxpress from Vow York, at 1,11 A 31, Mall Trains, at 10,,'.3 A 31, mid 3, 13 P 31. On Sundays, the Down A 31 Tram passing Heading, I ut A 31, nmi up Train, nl r 31. llulli lu.oo n ,l ami o.i.i l .11, up t rains roinii ii in Port l.'llulon for Tamaqila, Willimuiiport LUulra, Hull' ulo, Niagara mid Canada. The 1U.3U A 31, Traill only connects nt Tott Clinton fur Wllkesb.irre, Scr.ilitou and Pltlston. Tho Westurn Lxpress Trains tiiniiect at llarrlsburg with I'.xpress Trains on thu 1'i'H n s J 1 vri n in lttiilru.nl for Pittsburg, nmi nil points West ! mid the Mail Trains louneclat llarrisliurg for Luneasler, Cliauibersburg, Sunbiiry, Willlauispurt, Lock lluvcn, llhiilni mid the Canada s, Through First-Class Coupon Tickels, nnd I'.migrant Tickc'is at reduced I'urcs, to all the principal points in the North and West, nnd the I'nnada'. CO.M 31 OTAT1 ON TICK UTs), Willi 2d Coupons, 23 per tent discount, between any points desired. MILn.Ui!'. TICKLTS, (no,! fr SOU') miles, between nil points, at S13 for Families nnd llusiness Finn, and Snuuii Ticket, good lor the holder only, for three months, In any I'lissencer train to Philadelphia, at glUuach. School Season Tick ets one third less. irr- I'liisuiicers will taku Hi.1 1!nris Train Uet, at tli j IMT'J'.ll DIU'OP, nud all other Trains, ut tho LOW- i:uiii:i'or. r-l) lbs uf baggage nllonec each passenger VJ" Passengers nru requested to purchase their Tick, i els before entering tho can,, us lnulicr Fares ihargcd lf paid iu ears. irptraius li'n'io Uliiladelpliiafor lleadiiig.llarrlxhurg and Piillsville ut d A 31, ,13 P 31, uud .it 4,ad P 31, lor Ue.idiug only. lAcursion Tlctctf. good for one day, hy ll.d.' A, 31. Ai couiinoilatioii Train lo i'hil.ii'i Iplna and return nt fji tucailt. (.'. A. MCOl.l.S, i Central Superintendent. J iniiary 1, I the ioiiii ... ...,... pi. r,. i,ti,nes. try, loriouug men wninim in i"--- - "'1 . tin... . ,,i,.i.it i. irlttch hut . .n,.,f, 11,1,,, A t,ll'I.OMl. nuu io oiiiuiii iii iii'j . .,." , : ., m.,,-1,,,,,, yo OPf ,l nfwrae-iailiiuior ilium iiicui i nnj -v tliu House. C .--CniicmEN'sSfricf of Trealhrs on IlonK-Mir-imi. nmv imrn widely clrnilat.nl limn nny other work on tho subject, aro for sale nt Iho Lnllege. S. IIODCIM ClUTtT.Nlll'.V, .itlarnt nt-I.air, Paisi'irAi.: THU I "ONLY 1NFALL11IL1! Ill!Mr.IHC3 KNOWNV Dostroycs Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF 1 .MILL! Jan. SS-l'C-J 15m. xNEW BUSINESS FIRM. 111! undersigned rcspeetliilly Inform their friends lllld the public generally, in' .,.' r to co parlni'rshlp, unuer uiu iiamui njm mm nun I.LIl t r.Yiiii 1,1 llo In the "Old Arcade," In lllnonisbiirg, Columbia rn where they Intend enrr ying on the business nf utss. nil. 3liliii(NiM7i,"i. In all lis diversified branches mid departments, audio which they Unite nil extension of Iho public patronage. y ( MIIiIi;! I'ltLX'KC. UYKIl. Illoomsburg. Mny II, 1?til -tf. w w n. If .Mi ' W I III. EVANS ct WATSON ;r.h i .p';t::d s,a,io,, tMi ?V".:-.7. 'l l-. iron Mlllll. rs iron a.. a,, . - ,,, niv HI ,.,, shins, rr.y,V jJST.ij nillKl s tu iocr.3 equiu to uuy jii,iu,j t M tame out right; uith ten. hackawaniiii t'i Rlonmshurg itnilniad ON AM) Al'Tm NOVF.31.23. l.Ji!l, rASSILVClJU TItAl.VS WILL Ul'N AS FOLLOWS: 31 O V 1 N 11 Leave 1-.MS P 31 GIBSON'S UECORATiriiliSTACblSIIilHSXT, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, Enameled rilass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Painting Jon-i (!inso. c. II.Gidson. January 1'.', l;0I3in.. ,lTHE UNION," .Ireh Strttt, More Third. PHIADELP 11 I A . mill! situation of this Ilolrl renders it onn nt the ,r..i X convenient for those who aro visiting Philadelphia on business; while to Ihose in search of pleasure, the constantly i;tsiii itiui repassing t,ny Hallway curs and thoe iu t losu proximity, ull'ord a cheap and nlcas ant ride to all places of interest and ainuseiuciit ill or unoiii inn city. The proprietor gives nssuranco thnt "Tho Union" snail be Kept wnn sum rnarucler as will meet public iiirou.iuuii, uuti wuuiu rc'speiiiuiiy soili'll, ceneral lial rollllL',!. IJP'Ptl.V TCItWl'IIMlMI -lJ'ii. Proprietor ronauc February 23, IrtO BOUT 11. Freight ,lj VaiStngtr. l'atieuger. r, a. 31, iii.:w a. 31 0 III) p.ll) 1) 13 num N O H T II 1.30 P. 31. 5. 1 II 5. 13 MK) Leave U.UU V. 31, l.f, P. a. 10 Ml FKlSHDltlTIl Ai I1UOTHEUS. WHOLP.SAIiE TOBACCO D E A L E R NO. 100, NORTH TII1JU) STIIEET Five door tbclowliare, PHILADCLPIIIA Scranton, " Kingston " ll'oomsburg " Kuperl, " D.iutille, Arrive at Nortliuuiheilau 1, 31 O V 1 IV I. Leave NorthiimberlaNd, li.invillc, Ituptit, Hlooul'-burg Kiuistou, Arrive nt r-crnutou, A Passenger Train nlsoleaves Kingston at KM OA. 31. for Scraiitoii.tocoiincet Willi train for Ni'iv 3 orl. lle turnlug, leaves Scranton on urrital of Truin from New York nt -I.I.I 1 . 31. Tho Lack'uw nnna and lllonnnbiirt! Uallrn.nl rnnnecls with th.; Delaware, l.ai katvanua and Western liuilroad ut Scrniilon. for New ork and intermediate points e.i-.t At llupert il connect- with tile Cattaw issaUai. road, lor points both east and west. At Northumberland it connects w ilh Hie Philadelphia li Lriflt. n.innlN. O 11. It. lor points west and smith. JOHN P. II.SLUY, S,;,'t J. C. Wells, Oeu'l Ticl.et.1gn Nov. 110, ltJtil. W. WIHT ESQ. nit fl.nynn,,, tiiittt.niru it, fri nil 1,1 Mr. L'uanusl's brick building, on .Main Strei t btlotv Iho j American House. A most convenient oihce ; wheru hu will h i h.ippv nt nil limes to see ills friends mid client.. Illoomsburg, Nov. 0, lelil. Ilin. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. ''111! stib-iriher would inform his IrieiiiN, that h. i J now prepared to put up, on short notice, uud in a u.Ii.,llc tiiiitiner. the best pmtj.v-1 ruiXTM) uniir.Yi.vn nous, nt 121 ctuts per foot. All work "'lrj''''(j y lllnnmsbiirg, Mny 31, IfCO. ill the United Stales. Fire .sfcs fa ('" JirJ, ttlttt it' at'i'd riiiulillvit. 'I'll" H.ilainandi r Safes of Philadelphia g'iiut the EVANS & WATSON, hive had the surest ilemoiratiou iu Ihn follow lug rer lilicatu thnt their nriiiiifaiiure i fSalaiiian hr S.ir s has at leitzth fully wiirr.nited I lie ri pri's. nl.ilioiis whiih h ite been made of them as rendeiing an uiidoubt.'d security against the terrific cl'iin iit. Philadelphia April 12. lf.VI. ,l"-srs r.rnn' i"- iVnlfon: Oentl 'iiii'ii-It utfords us the highest sntlsfaition to state .to you. that owing In the verv protective qualities ol'two of the Salamander, Safes wlinh we purchased of you some Ave mouth kiuee w e saved a large portion of jewelry, nud ull our hooks, fic, evpo-ieil to In- calumnious, fire in Uuiist, ad place on Hie morning oflhe Mill iut When we roller t lint these sales were loeateu in mo fourth "lorv ofth" building wu ociutned mid that they fill subsequently iutfiH h '.'ip of burning ruiii, where tlio vast concentration f the heal ciu'eil 111 hrns plate to molt, we I'linuot but regard Hie presertaiiou of their till iiatde conlents as niot convincing proof of tlu great se curity airorded by your safe". We "hall twice great pleasure in recommending them to men of btiriiiess us a sure reliance ugninst lire. OI'.OIKil! . SIMMONS & I1IIO-. .reveller. D"7The) havo since pnrtliaeed six large Safes. Ausuet'-'O. lSO'J rplli: Proprietor of this w 'tl-known mid centrally loea I ted House, Hi" I'.M iIAMin Hoili., situate nu 3lai-Slrc-et, iu lllooinsliuig, imlneiiiately niiuisito tile Colilm Ida County I ourt House, respei tfully informs Ins fricuils aud tin: public iu general, that his lhoie is now in or d"r for tin- receitioii undent!1 rtuiinucut t f trntelers who may feel disposed lo lavor il w ith their t ustom. lie has spared no expense in prepaiiug the F.x, ii.mik, fur tlio out. rtaimui'iit of Ins guests, ncith -r shall then be any thing wanting inn hi' porn lo minister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious uud enjoys an excellent business l-.i rttlon. LJr' Omnibuses run at nil times between Hie lltrlnnge Hotel mid Hi unions Kail linnd Depots, by whiih trav elers will b- pleasantly loiirijedtn and from the re spective Stations iu due time lo meet the Cars. W.M. II. KOOXtf. Illoomshurg, July 7, IcCO- BLOOMSBURCJ SKYLIGHT, rplli! uinlersigiied informs the citizens of Illonin, J. nuu iieigiiboriioou, Hint no lias talii n the large room iu tho Uxrlimige I'.lock, extending over 3Icssrs. Stouer &. Fox's llnkery, nud thu llookbtoru u here he has put in n largoSkylisl t. It Is only by Skjlightth.it good plc ures can bet sun especially groups where euch person uii ho taken, ist as well as separate. Iluhasgoir to Lonsiderublu expense to make his es al Ih'iiueut first thus one, uud ho th-refore solii its a bcralpatrn igo to enable him, to constantly introduce tlm mode a improvemenls of tho art. t"Oo'iu :y produce Uiken iu i:i hangu for pictures. IIJJNUY noSLNSTOU'K. lllsoiiisburg, Nov. 23 IWL Nov. (1 V,2 Accurate and Life-Likc 1'orlraits or THE MEN OF THE TIME. T7T. aro now publishing a series of unique and Life V V like Portraits of the Distinguished .Men of the Time embracing .Military and Naval Officers, .Members ui congress, Civilians, ic. Thcynro huo line cugr viugs, oveculc-d iu biipcrinr style, nud prepared from the latest Photographs, many of which have been oh- lained expressly fur this collection. Ilcing printed on cards of tho saiuo l.o us tho "Cartes du Visite," they ureitdiipted to tho Photograph Albums, or cull be scut to instant menus by mail. These portraits lire sunerlnr to nnv nnw In Unions kit, mid uru rem.iikublo for the fuithrulucss with w hich the likeness is portrayed, When purchasing, bo cureful to inquire for.VIurlicn's Card Portraits, Price 10 cents eaih, or twenty copies for one dollar, E58enl hy mail, post-paid, on receipt or tho price. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. WI! have now rendy, of our own manufacture, n roiuplctoaud oxteiisiro assortment of Photograph Al bums, made of Hie very best materiuls. nnd equal, if not superior, iu stylo mid finish, to any now iu Uiu market, whilst they ure ollurcd ut lower prices than any others. Tile assortment comprises sevi rul new tarielics, us well us new designs uud clasps, livery Album Is furnished with atitlu-pagu mid index, printed in gold. Published by WILLIAM 3. t AI.l'itF.nSlAUTIHV, tin) Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Jl CI HA'TS ITJ1 JfTB V, April 23, W.'-lni. GILL Si PAUL, General Commission merchants, DEALERS IN Fish, Provisions. Flour, Putter, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruils, (Irani, Heeds, lienus, Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce and .Mcrcliauelisu generally. No. 31 North WuAnvts, I'iiilauelniia. P7" Consignments nfl'rovisione, Flour nnd Counlre Produce solicited, nud returns promptly made. Cash ad uncoil when desired. OKDHIIS for all kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits, &e filled al the low est Cash Prices. August 4, lew l-.'iu, Till! undersigned, having opened a new HOOT AVI) SIICI! SIIOl", on Main street, iu UopkiiMVillf. Ihist Illoomsburg. resii o 1 full v in lies the custom of Hie i Hi stem uud the piiblir generally. All kinds of Hoots, Shoes, Are , will b-promptly made to order, on short notice a id moderate terms. From long ep, rienre in Ins huo of biisiiie-s he timers I s, II that he will bo ulilo to give general satisfaction tu nil who may tutor 1 , i it) w ith Ho ir custom, ity- (Irani, I'lowsion and Produce gcuera'ly taken i it exchange tor woik. ,'ic:?fx lite Ul't'ilt I nusc Ol HUMAN MISERY. Just Published in a Scaled Hut elope: Price Ocls: A LF.DIIISH ltY Du. tTLVFUUT.LL, ON THE CAl'SI! AND (T'KI! of Spormulorrlnoa, ('onsiiinptioit .Mental and Physical Debility, Nertuiisiu -s, Ihiihp.y : Imii.iiruil Niitrilinn of the llodv : Lassitude : w'..,,!. , id' the Limbs nud the Hack; Indisposition, aad Inca pacity for Study and Labor ; Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of .Memory ; Aversion to sot I, ty; Lot,- if Soli- ' tilde ; Timidity ; S If-Distriist ; l)i..iness ; lleaj.i, lie; ' Alluciions of tho Lyes j Pimples on the Face j liivoluu. I tary emissions, mid Sexual lucnp.u ily j Hie tonse- quenci s of Youthful Indisi relion, &.c &e. I i. ' '1 his admirable Lecture rlearls proves that the i uhovo enumerated, often fclf-ailtictcd. cjl may ho re moved without medium, and without dangerous ssirgi- I tal operations, and should be read by every man in the mid, Sent under seal, to any nddiess, iu n plain, scaled cut elope, on the receipt of n cciils. or tw o postage stamps, by addressing Dr. ('IIAS.J.f;. KL1NH, , KT How ery, New ork. Post uilitu llov, 4.','). , Ichruury.-'.l-t','.'. ..Ipiil 20, lctil P.louuisburg, July (I, lS(il-3m t ,',1 II. P. UEOOKH. m lB 0 B H3 re I MIT ICffiEl $2 JSAT. S. E. corner Third mid Hod: St i eels, P1I1LADBLPAIA. lints inado to order, ofany Styles or finality at Short Nnlice. January i, lkCJ. Cm. Nos. 0,ll,ia, 15, 17 Coutllandt Street, ' Xl'.All I)I10.1)VAY, NCW YOIIIC CITY. This old-i'stablishi d and favorite resort of the Pusi- nuss Community has b"cu recently rehttud, uud is com- TRUNKS! TRUNKS!! lMdit4'iannit- llrc.it Trunk J,TT&t' 1 f 'l, ,l.lr..-a 1 , .l-ii,-tJL.'.-rs..Js; rplli! Inrgivt, best handsoni X est and cheapest assort luent of Sole Lealher solid sit cu-.i Traveling Trunks, h rs Leather and ( racking Trunks 4c TII('MSW MATTSOVH. ( 1 hraled London Pri.e 3edal nuprnreil sheet siirnir soli, sold l.eatlier Trunk iiiaiiur.it torv No. -1U2 3Iarke strei 1, South west comer Fourth and .Market, i'hil.id'a. Augiiite s37 tf. Those Prsparallons (unlike all others) nio Itl-n.n I'rrtlfl POIKOIIM." Not daiigt rous lo Hits human family." known." Yoik City." Houses, &.r. if,c.i ,,, IhoCilV Hospitals, Alms-llolises, &c. ir3c,l i tin; City HotelS"'Astor'-'Sl. Mihulns, &r. Uid hij til J Hoarding House, lac. fee. if,,, 11101 e than .-.10,000 Private Families. Cy See oil-1 or two Specimens nf what Is every whero said I, v- the people. Pallium Dealers, fie. IIOL'SIIKL'l'.I'LItS-tronbled with tcioiin need he so no longer, if they use "Cosi au,V Hxternilintors. Wu We liave used it to our salislactlnu, mid Ifulmv costs fi we would havo it. U e have tried poisons, hut Ihey elli-ited nothing; but "t'osriit's" artltle knocks the breath out of lints. .Mice, llo.u lies, and Pod-lings, quirk erlh.iiMV' tan write il. it is iu great demand all over the couiilry. -Muhua U thr.cUe. 310UI! (ilt.MVnnd provisions arc destroyd annually III I, rani lyOUOl V HJ t ennui, in an iiuiiiu ,.ij uiu, 1.1 tins Hal and Inseii Killer. Lamtittu llis.llcrald. IIHMtY II. CdSTAit-Wi' are selling juiir irepara Hons rapi Ily. Wliereter they hum been used, ituts Ml,-, hniiflies mid Ycniiill dis.llilieur rillilillv' l.'e'htni. SioCTitit, Dtuggisls, U'iudbor, Md, "Costar's" Ilat Roach, cc. Bstcrminalon "Costar's" ' Costar's" Ecd-Boc Exterminator. 'Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Pcwdcr, for Insects, kc. In 23i". 30r. ami l.nnjIotLs, hot ii.es am. Flasks, 3&. s-3 Sics fur l'lanlutiuiit, Sliijis, iinuts, Hotels, Ice lie. G A tJTI ON II ! To pi el out the public from being im. jiosi'd upon by .iturwud uud Highlit t'lrintioitu Imtiaiivttti a new label has been prepared, Inuring u Jmatmitc of tin, I'ropiii tor's signature, Lxamiiie eai h box, botllu, or i!sk carelully befuie purt basing, and lake iiulhiug but"C0oTAU'.-S." iy Sold V.rtrjirhtrc-hj All Wholesale Druggists in the large cities, tonic ol Hie H iKilcsalft Asenls iu biw York (ily. Shell' Int Ilrothers &. I 'o II A Fnhiieslook, Hull Co A II A; D Siiiuls d Co Whe, lerfc. Hart J.iiiu s S Aspinwall, .Morgan & Allen Hull, Km kil&t'o Thorn. ih A- Fuller P I) Orus llarral, Ki.ley fc Kitchen Hush, (iale k HobiiiMm 31 Ward. Cloo &. i'u Mclvisson fc Uoiibiiid I) S Homes ic Co F C Wells A- Co Lnzille, Marsh fedardutr Hull, Ditou li Co t'ouiad I ox Store Removed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ff Hat and Cap Store, pi Tho undersigned :cspeclfully informs tho citizens nf iiioumsiiurg, iinu ine puuuc in general, that ho has re move, I thu A7-.ll' JUT STOUT., into tho house, cm Slain Plied, marly opposite Ins lain stand, where ho has Just received it splendid iissortinenl of UlTY HATS AND CAPS, inreciirom ine mount jcinrio, 01 nil Minn, styles, sorts nnd sizes, li.n -t f ishioua, whicii huollcrs wholesale unci retail, ut t , rv low Inices. Cy" Tli'iso Cloods will bo soldnt very luwirices lor lie-any 4 uy. John k giuton, Hloouisburg, April P.), 1PC2. F. 0. HARRISON, M. D. T7 0L'LD respectfully inform the ililaeiisnf Hloo. y y ourg, miu vicinity, mat no riniiinuesihe pruitice MF.DICIXK MJt kVJtOKJtr, ml solicits u share of public patronage. Urnt-K on .Main Street, first house below tho Court House, I II 00 insburg. February 3, lc33 if, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jf-'illiam Cool, deceased. NOTICI! Is hereby given Hint letters of Administration on tho estate 01 William Cool. lato of Hemlock twp, Columbia count V. deceased. havo he.cu t'ranteil be ih.-ll.-e. inter of said County to Peter Wcrkheiser and William II, Cool who reside in the same township. All persons hating ilaims or demands against lliocstalu of thu dcicdenl are requested loprcsent them for settlement, uud those indebted to utaku payment without delay. PliTUlt WLIUUIF.ISLTt, WILL1A3I. Jl, COOL, April 13, 18CJ fit, .Un'ri. A T Bisel's Old Stand, qtIJ! subscriber has received his Hl'ItlNO STOCK OF JL ijtiuua, which no oilers ut lair price. To mil ter .Makers, ho would Bay, bring it lrcs.li uud we will pay an extra price, as no nave 11 contract at FORTRESS MONROE, Columbia coiinty.deceuseil, havo been granted by thelleg. ' which miut bu fulfilled, mid wu run nllord 10 pay mi ivilliuill Lim iitico. t,r roiiu cjisotuii our j.xprc-ss ouy to iitursuay. rersons iiaviug goou veui uuu calves, win nringinuiii 111 on tveuuesuuy eicnlug or early ouThurs' uay iiioriiing. N. MtC'AY, Jerseytown, May 17, lcf,2-3t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. toienihtf igyFarming is a healthy occuputiou. NOW READY, Parson Brownlnw's Wonderful Book One volume. Csnlniiiing upwnrds of 430 pages, 12 superior Liigrnvings, itn excellent Stow Portrait, kc. iioaiiiiiuny iriuieu, nu uuu wuiiu puper, uuu nuuu uomely bound in inmliii. Price 31.23. Sent free, 4y return ,all, nn receipt t-ffrite. KOLLOCK'a DAXDELIOX (OI'FEE. Tliis lirep.irallon, inado from the host Jnva Collee. is reeomiii leillivphy,inain,asasupeiior NLTUITIDCS I IILVI'.IIAOH lor Ueneral Debility, Dyspepsia, mid nil on noun oisoruers. 'I noiisanus who hut n been ronmel I lo aliandoii thu ut- of coll'eo will ue Ibis without in iilcte Iu cterj thing that tan miHisler lo Hie comforts of jurnnis elicits, one tan contain Hie strength ol two its patrons Lailies and families are specially mid tare- pounds of ordinary lolfeo. Piice 23 touts. fully provided riir. 1 KOT.LOCIv'S l.l'M'ATV. it is ceiiirany locuic-u 111 too uii-1 ii.-s.sj nari 01 uiu city, and is contiguous lo Hie principal lines (.1 steainhoats, The purest and best HAKIWi POtVIIHIl known, for curs, omuibussi's ferries, c. 'making light, sweet mid nutritious Dread nud ctkos In eonsequinio nt th pressure caused by the ttcbel- Pjuc 13 tents MtNorAi'icitLn nv M. H, KOLI.OOK, Uhcrnist. lion, prices h.tvu been reduced tu One Dollar a d J'ijhj Cents per Day. 'I he table Isninnlv sutmlieil with all Iho luxuries nf Iho season, uud is equal 10 that of any other hotel in Iho country. Amino uecommnuaiious aro onereu inr upwnru 01 -iiicj guestj. inuv snv "Hie Western llolel is full." 11. ii. tt i.Miu.oi i.h, i ruprn.'ior. THO?. D. WlXClll'.STLIt. l'eb. 13. IMW. Oorner nl llroiol and ('heslmit streets. I'llll. Mii:i,l'lll., And sold by ull Druggists and Oroctrs. March 20, lrl,-.'.-p.',u. MOTEL, (Late Whlto Swan.) RACE STREET, A BOW THIRD l'UlliADKI.PIIlA. D. C. SIEGRl"si Prior niETOit. Fonnuly fi om Euglc llolel Lebanon, Pa T, V. IlllOADS, CiOiliK, .March SO, Irfn! I'.'m. A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND (inXTLHMLIN.-Thu suhsrnber will send (freo j M ch.trgei iii all wliodesiru it.ihulSetipn uud din ttion. 1 for making u nuiplu Vrgetabh! Halm, that will, in from I iwo to i ighl days, remove Pimples, Hlolches, Tan, ' Freckles, Sallowntifs.uiidnll iiiiiiiritiusuud roughness nftlioSkin, leatiug the sainu-as Naturu intunded it shoilhl be soil, clear, smooth mid beautiful. Thosu desiring Iho ltti ipe, with lull instructions, direction', uuu ii'lvice, will please call on or address (with return postage,) THOS. F. CHAPMAN, .. - VraeiiealCkemUU Miy 17, ISC3-2in. f31 llrondwny, New York. TMtte vf Jotiah Hageniueh, late of hcc-U (Xtumliia County, UeeeaitJ. NOTICE is hereby given that Letter of Administration en Hu Ilstute of Jcwiaii llio 1 Miitn. lato of Hcoit toivnshin. (.'i.liiinlii.i s..,,,,,,. ,i.. i"t,?ho'V1piil'p?.'f.,Uu.'1i'!y.,i1'? "j-'"'"'-' "M l in every City, Tow n, Village, tin I County, to Mil this Xr., u Jffi1 'aV;,. o!' 'S . '!. u. ,f"!"3P' ... 1 ..uiuihablc work. iijunds ogalust tho Jltlnto of the Ucrcdiint ro rcquesterl to pruseut Ihem tur txlllciin lit. and thuig linltLUd to make payment without m lay April 20. Ifc63-ll Vl' Vnlf'r Address CF.ORCl! W. CI1II.DS, Publisher, Nos OJrand 1 "I'M h slntit Str ict. Philadelphia, AppU'CUttt li Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio, l'tibli?lierof tho Wct Juno 21, JeC9,-3l, NEW MILLINERY GOODS. 'pill! underiiigned would most respcctlully minounco 1 1 tu Die rumens ot lunouif uurg ami viciuit) 111.11 trie luvjust receited from iho Pastern Cities her ,S SPRING AND SUMMER &rV SJ M1LL1NAUY (IOODS, . 'fi url of which she is prepared to luako vo rtasouable low figure. Her ussoitmeiit of goods arcy nlllo superior in point of durability ns well as tast -fni. Hess, to any ollurcd iulhlsseUioii. iiha returns thanks fur the libcrul palronagcshehas received, and respect fully solicits u toiilluuauc of Iho same, ... , . . , , , N AKV 11AIIKLF.Y, IdooiiHburg, May 21, le03. JONAS BROOK Si BRO'S I'ltlZU ill UAL SroOL COTTOX. 200 Si 500 yds. Whito, lllaok, Si Colored This Thread being 111:1 Jo particularly for Huwing Ma chines, is very Strong. Smooth and Elastic, lis btiouglli is not imiiaiied by washing, nor by friction u the needle. For Machines, use Hrooks' Patent Ulate, For upper thread, and Hruoks' i'ateul Six Cord, lied Ticket, For Under thread. IiSKOVi.' JuJJ.-is-t-' 11INCIHAMT0N, N. Y. An Institution to qualijy young men for Business. W. I.OWIILL, Priucii il, Professor of ihn Riicneu I ' of Accounts, uiitlior of Luwell's Treaties noun lluok Keeiilug, nud Diagrams illustrating the same. JM). KAMtl.N, Coiiimcrcial Atcomitant, Profenorof iJoonnee-iiiiiK uuu ituciicui ,t ulllCUiailCS, A. J. WAUNLIl, Profetsor ofP ractlc.ll mill D, tinmen till P niimiiship, Commercial Calculations and Corres pondence. OLO. P. ltdlVI!, Assistant Teacher in Peiininaiiship, . i-ioiij, ss.tsiuiit leucuvr 111 iiooKKeeiiiiig Di pailuicnt. i.r.cTiritr.jtH. lion, DAMHL H DICKINSON, LL.D., Lecturer on Coiumcrtiu! Luwund Political Ih-nnmnv. Hon. IIANSO.M IIAI.COM, on Contracts, Promissory rVisirsstfiiiilllillf.sriidtlirii.n.. itev. Dr. 1!, ANDHFAVH, 011 Coinincrclal Fthics. ftndenls can enter nt any timo; novueation. Oradu ales ore presented with aut legiiutly engraved Diploma. I'siul tune lequired locoinplelu full Cunnnercialionrso iinioeiKuiio ineiiowcrka, livery tluuont n gradun led 10 be roiapelcnt Iu lako iharpo of llio books nfuny u.,.,vs ,,,i, uiu, qinittiiui! to uiiiii it siiurv iroin ss-uuio AND OPHl.lli. riiiladtlpJiia .'a. ?,' V..ri)"u k ''" I ''l Shoemaker Co IIAInhueslutkCo Ftciieh, l!ichard& Cu AXI) OTHI'.liS. AND 15 V Druggists, Croiers, Storekeepers nnd Ililullers general ly in ull Country Towns Village in the . tTJK x n 0 !Jf A X AT BLOOMSJSUKG.PA. DR. LA CROIX'S P1UVATU MLD10AL TIltlATlBl! OV Till; riiystologic.il View of Marriage, 230 PAtllM AND 1.10 i:N(lllAViNG'S.p,i uttNTt-fiVKiKNts. Hen! free of piistngo to an " the Union. On tho Infirmities nt youth and J.',,"1 dlitlnslng the secret folller) or holh soei (,f " ' (-iiiitlug dihlllty, lictvnu.iiosd, depression of ' iialliltJtiun iiftho henrl. suicidal Imiigliilnin, is tary emission', blushing drfertlvti iiiemuiy, , ' ' Hon and lassitude, tell tonfistiini t,f thtiltit !' nf a Itiardlug Stlieol .Vlss, n College Wsrfs," "'" young mrrttd IaiIi). .e. ff. It Is II ttlilhfiil ,,''' Hie mart led nnd tliosoroiiteinplntliig inairhu,. J, tertnlti secret doubts of their phyilcal loimn, who nre imisclous nf Inning hazarded thu luiiiii,'.1 ..,.. ,.l ,,,i,.lli.ne III till ih 1 vote, I ."' lll,-p,,i,,.il".,.,'-Sjv-'- ---. ,IIU L,Yol',(1 M1!M "ho nre troubled rt iili wealnc. , ernlly caused by n bad habit In ynuih, t li u hr,,'' ' whit h ,iro dltnlness, pains, forgt irulness, sni,i, j a rliiBlng In Iho enrs, wink oy es, wrakiuss of n, , and lower cxtrcinilles, 1 iiiifuslnn (if Ideas, ,,,j ory wllh iiielmirlioly.miiy he cured by 1 he auiim,. . PA It IB AND LONDON, TIILAT.MI. NT. " Wu have, recently detoted Inllih nf , , V1S1T1MI Till! F.I.'HOI'HAN , HOSPITALS, J," ourselves oflho knowledge nnd rcstnrtlu s of n 1 skilled Physljlaus nnd Surgeons in Muropo nim i, tlnelit. Those who place theiiisi Ives Imni r ,,, will now have the full bulielit of Iho inuny Ni;e , LI FICACIOL'S ili:.Mi:DIF..J whidi wo arc in,i llllroilllce nil" our p no nee, uuu uiu 1, ill, in- nniy , surodnl' the Mine eal, nssldulty. SI it'll l;( V in,' Hon lielug paid to tlii lriasts, whiih lias so nnn, y distinguished Us heretofore, ns 11 Pin .j, , PLCt. LI All department of professional l'ratln , , jiiisl lieruljl-Jire mum, 1'nrti'iii's.MAt.KPii.L.'. Litdleswliowlslifrt , thn i llicacy ol whltii lias oci n losieu in Hion.j,, , cases, nnd never lulled In riled speedy c,,,,., (l nny bad rcsiilts.w III use mine but Dr. DeLaiu j'. p, Periodical Pills. The only Precniitinuni c ssiiiy," sertu Is, ladles should not tnku th If theji,,, sou tu belieie they aro iu eertain tltnnllont (i, ulnrs of which will be found on the wruppcr on' lit Dig each box.) though alw ays safe mid um' gently yet sonrtivo are they. Price 81 p"r Inn. They tun bo mailed ton,,;,, the United Slates or Canada. 1 TO Till! LAI)li:a-Wlo lined a esrfulenlmi i 1 udtlser with regard to any oll'ii-li! inti n "tn,, plaints to which their ileliento orgniiin'it, ,. them liable, lire pattitulaily Invllr d In ..',,jlt ,,, 'l'HE"i:i.ttri;o-(.'tt.vtNir Pruiii'lity," p,ir ... ladies wliosu lieallh w HI not admit, or who Inn,. ,, siru to inrrenso their families, may he obtain, , k. It Is a prrfirtly nils previ nlive to eoueepiion, a been LXleiisltely Used eluriiig tliu lart 20 Jem,, t teduceud to $10. Tlic Sccrcls of Yoiilh Unvcilcj. , Jl Trtatine en the Cautc if Premature .Vrm.,t, em a learning. .hs( jiMblhhul a Inol. ftiutriii' in, ,. , jirPgreu and lueinlentr among scAees. Fu.ih s ' rmf eAis fatal hahit, pttntivg nut the jn,t. invanaplif rurniin irs irrrims, nuu an cii'iiij t. jirtigrm ef the illgetfe.frolu the tonimtnttmiutu tl trill lie eetii uy i,rii 011 rcci'i i'j 11 t , ksi . .' Alteiidauio dally, fiom r Inllie muiiiinLl night, and on Sundays Irom 2 till 3 p i. .Meditlnes w ilh full direttloiis sent to any , ,t, L'nlted Stntes or Cmiai'ns. by palbnt" r,,n, P, llieir s niptoius by letter. Husiiiers torr. - strictly conrtdenlliil. 1 - Dr. L's Ollice is strll located ns e.tal.li-Ins., the name of DU. LA CKOlN.at No. Ml .Maiden h, linn V, N- Y. Nov. 2.1 If.'il. IJm. S''Q3DTO,2S 3mS LD'Y SJal, . WI! will forward by mail to nny part of Hi 1 States, piit-pntd. nny t iirit ties that luaj be 0 , III" lollowitig prlres : 11) t miotics selected from tln'so prhed at .lum. 1 per pap"r j 22 t arii tws seletted from ihose plied nt III 1, 1,1, per iiaiier 3 varieties n-lettcd Irom those priced nt 111 nt,t, per psiier 12 viirielies. "elected from those priced ul 10 cut, per pjper 2 varieties selected from those priced ul 23 c i.n tier miner , 3 V ariel les selected from those priced at 23 r. i,t. pur paper COLLLCTiONS OF FLOWHIt HHI'IH , Persons desiring us tn make their m h" tums 1 - ly upon our hendiug mil, those w In h are i , . showy mid desirable, mot of e.o y 1 ulii . ale 11 u 1 liote dial our t tperioncc w ill enable n 1., 1 , ,1 lions, large or small, that tanilut tail to gut e a ist.icllun. : IU0 Packets Annuals, Hicnnials nnd 1', fino,,: fovorltu kinds t , 30 Packets Annuals IWeuuiuls nud Pi lem oil. , latonle kinds , 2.3 i'aikets Aiin'iats, best IiRsorled , II Packets Auuiuils, best nss'Mted 20 Pnikilf, New uud Pure Auliunls Choice Colle, tioui'f ornamental (ico-s -s j ' " nl'Hw rln-ling l'lnwi r 1 j " of Minue or liock Points , " " ('limbing Plant- Aiiiinalnn1 1 Perennial Chonu Colleeiion of Oreeiihotise Plant S. eds " " O111a1neut.il Li uteil phiiiin A Huh N! ' l 1 Flniisl k. Seediii.iu, Veisailles Woo.1101,1 1 , l.i O'Hend for a descriptive Catalogue. iMnrrh 13. l-i.2.-3ui. JEW YORK MEDICAL INt. , i'l'Ti:. A beiii't oleut Institution endowed fci t'i,i7 I'hroinc Diseases of every iiulure. 1111 1 In pr t. lids fiom quark udterlisers and lutpo-iors. l ges except for .Medicine until tureil, mid 111 ca- llC'lue poverlj Irealloellt tree. No .Mini rols or .tils DrugM used. '1'lie l'h s-n inns hat e h ni l"iu leiisiie experience both I I prltatu lllol llu-.it,i lice. l he lollow iiigaresoitie of tho ciiiiiptanii-' ' specinl ntteiition is given All li -,'ns- " 1 01 i 'Phro.it Lungs, Hi art Siomaih Liver Ki.'ie 1 1 Khi'iiiuatistn. Fits, Cancer, Piles, NertiiH V 1 Diseusi s of lit" Sexual Organs, Seminal N eK , -iot -uce nud 1 rill ul dieeases ot'eti ry ti.iliir iy C'ired. I'l-c'ls.'F iif Feuillles ull li nil In a" suci'es-lulie tr'-ati'd. Hliuduo-s mid Dieli,- -without painful operations. I'alieut tres.t -il ' by sending a statement of their case. Mci,i,in any puit of the eounlry. t'oiisiiltuilon free t" u Address, Sl'imii enclosed, DU. L. (ili.Wl S. (Vnsiillin.- I'll " tiO'J Hruadway, Nt w uo April. "1. I-(i2-12ui. 13 S TEX. II. "C. 1J0WER, S D R V. E 0 N I) li MIS T sr?ts, IlLSPLl 'I IT I.1.Y oiler- In'. " ucrsrCjt)2sV?L 'll "'ri '''' 8 )" 'ir l'idi"s mid e at vlJTp y Ilh iiuisburg and t iciinly . lb 1 , A I ' lo attend lo rill tliu varum 011 the lino of his pioiussinu, lie is prut ided ,, it" ' iniprnvoilpnrocl.ini teilh, it huh will h- ins gold, I'laliiia, silver uud lubber bate: loloolt ,11 the 11alur.1l lei Hi. .Mineral plnle and block teeth m.muf'i rured operations on teeth, carefully nud propn.t all u l.loonislniig. Pa.. Augusta, It-Ul, SOLD Bi! M. Oageiibuch, J. R. Moyer, ri 11s. Lmz. I Sold by respcitnldo dealers ihromhout thu cminiri- l3u0in r unniim. Assistance rendereil to i-railimi,.. ,0 ! Also, in cases of 100 e-u li as .orleJ ns., by laming sIiiihiioiih. Hoard S.'.oo to S'i.M per w cek. Nov WM HLVUY SlII'I'll. &'U.1r,;, 30 Vcsev Siren Veeu ...t- n ton, r,. For particulars Klid for Circular om Insiug rlmnp, Address May 'J itoj lim I.OU'i.Ll.i; iVIIt.NLli. cAnd by,i,0 Druggists, Flnrckeeicri and iUluilaisgen 't)'r",!d,1','".0'llar r"',1 " Siting, educed rrlcCii,','' lu' ' l:wJ -'ncuh,, Choice Vcgtlahlc Seeds by fllail 20 Varieties for MHJ " II Varieties for ij2 011, e IVifhing tc give those who reside at" a th.i ,1 t opportunity to test the quality of our Ft. ' J which wu are confident will coinpaic tatonuili c any oil'ered iu this country, we liavo p,- ,1,0 1 packets, which will bo sent by mail p-i ,.n nbote prices. Nine but tlio most desirable . , will Lo included. ' Vo frceent dlitppaintntnt. ire iris, il 11-m ilentt'iid that Pius, lltaim nnd Corn nre nut in, 1 e (Ac mail jmelagti, on account of their trnhi. H A. IKiliM'M" . ., Versailles, Woodlordt' Vf" b!'".'L'"r n Descripliun Catalogue. . .Muiih 13, ltfC'3.-3in. CIGARS Si TORACCO. A largo usburtiuent of choice Cigars, 'Pohaci' ' h 1 ruits, Coufei liouery ami Notions 11-1.1II ' or with it lull stotk of II A'l'S uud CAPS 1 msi. u iianii ami or sale cheap, at llio "llluoui.bur. I!"' Luiporiuiu." , .. JOHN K. t'lH1 Iloouiilmrs, 3Ian.li Hi, ltd. x i 18 KSi H. MULLIGAN, IMl'OI'iTIJlt OF ALL KINDS ul' IRMii lPl ANIJ MANUFACTURER OF JEWKJ-I No. 4 i 1 North S'eond Shcii, AUOVU WILLOW, PlULADEl.PM: Nov. Ill, itXJI. tV-U ATTORNEY AT LAW liwoMsiwna. 1:1. Ollice Iii Court Ally, formerly ootiipli-d by tin , . , lluckuleiv. Illonuisburg, Deo. 1, le3U, rPHE CONFESSIONS AND EX1 L lUNCHOF A SUl'TLKHIi.-l'iiblrsh. d i. mug, nnd lor llle esperiul benclll of Yoiiuj M , thoso who stiller with Ntrvous nihility. Loss ' ory.Pieinalurii Demy, ki., k., hy Hired himself by simplu means, niter li"S I'"" expense mis im oiivinlencu, throiieli the u-' 1 css nicilii iiies ire,ciiheelby learm d Doner- ' copies may he had ol the author, 0. L. LAMiH ' t.reeiiponit, Long Island, by enclosing u i"i I" diesscdt'iitelope. Address CIIAP.LL.S A I.A MI1PIIT '' Jlayl7.fC2-2nr'',Ulm,1'm,SUI',,Ul LEATHER f LEATHER 'pill'.linderslgiipil would nnnuiiuce, Heath" I""'1, i nlhls Ilat uud Cup Hiiiporiuiii, em .Main St . I burg, mi iissorimcnt of iliirerent kind of e,nlir- lino talf skins, morocco, (red .imt lilncH i ami I" 1 1 1 wlinh he wil) sell, lieaperth.iu ran he had '!,r iu this inaikvt. Call and ereiuine thin f"i """" JullXK '"' l lisunsbing.Moy II, ifo.-, BiTaN KST BLA K Kti ' , Of every detciijition, for tulo at iik''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers