OLUHBIA DEMOCRAT. " Jolm (3. Freeze, Local Killlor. EStTiie 1000 nogroes, comprising tho igado at Hilton Head, aro described as motloy, jabbering, stupid, undiaciplina i set, of no uso whatevor except to con no U. S. rations which thoy do at a irful rate, JO! BSlNaui,Aii. Whilo Uemoorats who defenco of tho Constitution and the lion, wo can hear of no abolitionists be g killed or even wounded. JJcmociutic Standard, :o: KayJ. Hi Lipincott k Co. havo issued . Uovcruiuont in tho prosecution of the. war, 3. 40 of Chambers Encyclopedia "fos. n resolution which distresses tho Abolition iferom rocks" to -'French Language and disunion republicans most terribly. They tcraturo" and Part IV of the Pool: of declare against negro equality and nbo iy.8 "Memorials 0f Charles I To St. ! litionists howl in concert with tho niggers ulontino'a Day.'' i against the resolution. They aro both most interesting and But wo havo not space to particularize, luablo'numhcrs, and will form a library I I'Ct every man rend for himself. sound information and cntcrtaiuing ading. Get them by all means. -. ,ru, ::o! Ce3f- It is very sinirular that tho divis ns of McDowell, Banks and Fremont mid not prevent Jackson getting his rccs to Itiehnioiul, to nsnist in over liclmiiig iMcl'lelhin. Patterson was do iintccd and disirraeed for letting John, n reinforce Beauregard at Maunassas. hat now will lie said of tlio tliroo armies at could not employ Jackson so as to event his marching to Picliinond. J't. Wayne Times. :o: tato Convention occupy so much of our ace as to exclude from our columns sov al communications of Fourth of July lebrations. The day seems to have been ry generally observed. At Orangcville, Jackson, at Millvillo, at the Forks, and her places, tho Declaration of Iudepen :iico was read, and again tho Dctnoera- of Columbia county pledged itsoif to 0 "Constitution as it is, and the Union 1 it was." "Tho Union it must and tall be preserved." S3-Tho Senate Committee on Terri ries reported a bill, last week, prosi ng for thu ailiiii.-isioii of a Statu inio u Union, to be called Wi st Virginia, lie bill recites that by an act of .May 1:). il25 tho Virginia Legislature, gavo its iiisunt to the I'oriiialion Jind erection, ithin the limits of that State, of a new late, & tho people of Hancock, lirooko, llio, Marshall, Wt t.ull, Marion, Mon ltralia, Preston, lor, 'I'vltr, Pleas- its, Ritchic,l)oil-'ritlg( ickson, Witt, Roaiif, arbour, Tucker, Lim, is, Braxton, Clas , licholas, Cabell, Wayne, Boom, Logan. I Wyoming, Mercer, McDowell, Webster, j ocahontas, F.iyeito, Raleigh, (irccnbrier, louroe, Pcntlli t' n, Hardy, Hampshire, j ml Morgan CDiiniies, did form thein Ives into an iiidependcnt State. Thi dl provides lor adding to the new State c counties of B -rkeley, Jcfl'er.son, Fred rick, Clarke, Warren, Page, Shenaudo b, Rockingham, Augusta, Highland, ..ttll, Rockbridye, B itetonrt, Craig and llcghuny. The Convention to he called i providod in the hill, is required to add i the Constitution of the new State a roy.ision that after .Inly, 10H, the eliil roti of all slaves horn within said State Hull be free. :o: Even tiii: woud Union" makus ui:m Gnash tui:iu Ti:i:tii. We take lie following paragraph from a long ar iclc in a late isue of the Philadelphia 'ort JJmenenn, on tho subject of cstab. shiug a new Democratic paper in Phila clphia ; "If a democratic paper could bo pub ulicd without constant, iteration of the ,ords "Constitution ami Union," in its itlo as well as its text, it is pos.-ihlo that a easonablo degree of success would attend But ono cannot hi so published, and licrcfore such journals aro not pleasant rhilo thoy live, and in enlightened coin lunitics.thev unodilv die. If democratic pecohes, pamphlets, aud utterances of appiieu lu auuu iiuiuiiuu in uiu jwiiiioii lassies, wliioh, as it is difficult to print we econijjioud to be consulted in the original, t' these daily speeches, we say, would uavo out all surplus references to the Inion and tho Constitution, tho public nnlil fool rri-onl riilinf. nnd nosiililv tlieso lock tw n, Coliiu The reason hero assigned cannot fail to trikotho reader with tho utmost astonish nout, Tho " Union" and the "Comtilu-' ion" aro, of all names, tho most obuoi:-1 ous to this high toned, dignilieJ(!) journal. Vny other namo would suit it better. , uch names stink iu their uostiils. lenly swept away,bueh contcniptous slurs ipon tho loved uaines of our onct) glorious 'CoNsriTOTioN''' and "Union," would ho ippropriata enough j but now when every loyal breast cheriahes the hopo of tho res Loratlon of btuh, as our ouly cseapo from utter anarchy and final ruin, fcuc-h Ian juage ia in the hightet diiee doUttable BQTMucli of our space is taken up this week by tlio proceedings ' vi uiu icmocratio otato (jonvou- lion, and our usual variety cxolu-' Saturday MonNino, JULY 12; icca. ldud'. Wo doomd tl,Q ocl!on of tllQ Co- iiibiiiiiii roimca4MCitmwwra ' VCIltioU of IllOfU illlDOrtaHCO tliatl .HIV tllinw I -I- ..1.1..:..- .. ...". uinu iu uuuiu givu, in mo ausenco oi special wnr nowd, nnd wo thorofoio lay them be fore our readers in full. Never did any body of tnon meet, since the days of tlio Revolution, in whoso The list of premiums will le larger, rang breasts burned a greater lovo of country, or . ing as high as 200. who 'manifested a more devoted adherence J;i!T'n'l9?P,c't!V,n)'tt t"""1 11,1,1 " 111 h" "mia twin nit? ilill'Triil luill Knil'i. to tllQ Union and the ("nrislltiitinli. Tim lported Breckinridge for llio Presidency 1 resolutions which were adopted plodgo tho i constantly falling in tho ranks, at tho party to tho ''Constitution as it is, and tho ,1 c.,.! s to t i n.,! ... ! ....'.. i ...i .!-.:. Ul uuilliuilli;a, ivgliinima mhu Mllauta UUIUII uo lb f 11-3 u&uuuu iiuu piiinuiiu .:,,., ...i.t.i s ciuwibiuu it uiuii uei mini uau iiiusat .ii.uu f had you heard tho cheers, and scon wa- ving of hats with which was" adopted, your souls would havo received strength They plodgo their hearty support to tho , The proceedings of tho convention wcro characterised by the utmost harmony and good feeling, No personal or political contests distracted the members. Intent only on ono groat object Tho Kcstoratiou of tlio Union and tho preservation of the Constitution all other things wore insig niCcaut in comparison. The salvation of the country was tho great end, the party organization the mere machinery to its accomplishment. Tho dead past buried its dead ! Tho battle axe was grasped by tho old War worn veterans of ihe party Tho Stars and Stripes were flung tu the breeze 'J'hc old rallying cry ''The (Jon- j CSf Tun proceedings of the Democratic Istitution k the Union" went up from a j thousand throats, and will bo taken up and re-echoed to tho farthest hamlet of this Hi-cat eointnonwealth. Once n.oro shoulder to shoulder, with tho old banner and tho old watchword, the gallant hosts who have made the country great ami prosper- nn ulll mn.ol, in roslnvn if In ilea tirlitlne . ' . si.,' vigor anu purity, uou speeu tiiem in mo work. :o:- REV1EW OF THE MARKET. COIlUIXTi:!) IVKKKL V. wiii'.at si l-J'ci.ovr.nsnKD si so avi: (.iiiiiuTTKU ii coitN(okn 5iU;i:i;s a OOIt.iicw SIITAI.I.OW 1: HATS 311 I. lll) IILUKWIli: AT iuU'OTATOUS -- iU DIS'J'RICT A'I'TOliNEY. w WlllTwill be a candi'lut'- for DISTRICT .77'. Tjl(Xt.V. nt Ihe roinins fall eleilinu. !mI.Ii.,i I toth ileiMon of tlio liciuucralic Cuuiilj l.'onvention. I July li. IM,'J. CUUiNTY COMMISSIONER. Vl'llnr.' niiljiuri.'d toun nice ilinnish the columns I V of our '... r Hi. a llullli AlillDMlV. ,,r Denton ll-irpivnii Wiwiil l"nn.-hip. "HI he u i.un nlnt-. nt tin- iiprn;iihmg I nil , u.irilbOll, It oou, I L,.rtion t.r CUU.VT1' CU.UllfAlu.Yl.i:, Slll'jeil lo Ihe f '..11, .,1111 (lilmnr 1 'I' t-l-lou "f the lleminr.illi t.'uuuty L'i.iu llltlun, Hlilili u.iiiioun, (.iiimtr, mll ,1L, .d lh Au,t ,u.kl4 July I.', 1SL'.-. Neil? dDucvtisnncnls. CAUTION. Notice is hereby givuithut 3Iary A Bal ily, my wife, has lelt my bed and hoard in rotl town- hhip (.'I'luiul lai'ouut w itliout jot cause of pjovoc:i 1 1 on ; and till pi rM'iis are In. re by cautioned tigjiut h:ir noring or tritsiiiu: me sni.i iiaiy ., ii.iioy on my account uiI will payiiot:ehtsofhi'rcuulruititu. U'll.liI.UI UAI.IlV. Scotttouiiihip.Jiily III, ldia-3l AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ,.-,.j , ,, ,, . , pltl.llin IIS. nnd other pernniH interested, will take noiiielh.il tho iiiid'T igiti-d, Audilor ..ppoiuted by the Orphan si ourt ol I oliimbi.i couuiy. to Mtile mid ailjii.-t Hi i- rules and proportions ol the ns-eis ot th l.stale of Jbvj.imin llatmuii, dec il in thu hands of Milomon Nei hard his administrator, to ami among the creditors ofthu said den ased. according lo law, will at- tend to the iliM'harg.-of his iluliis, at his ollui , In llloiiui.b'iig. ins.iidco.iniy.oii Mtiirday. ihe iMeenlli iluy ol 'Vllgll.t, rt. II ono tbinisilld eight humli'i il ami ivty-two..itten o'clock. ,. Ihe conliriiialioii i.f the first Auditor's lleporl h.mng been taken ml' by 'he Mild l.n.irt. and l!ie . lid report n mmitled lh.. s.nd Amli- tor. wh 'ii ami w here al! in r-ons ml'Tebti d are re.pii ted to pre.ein lh 'ir claims In the Auditor, ur lei debarred fruui coming in for a share ol tlica-siis. W. WlUI'i Auditor. Illooi.-.slnirg, July IS, IrUii Iw. FRESH HAY, Wanted by tin lliluor, a luad of Timothy liny, Im medi.ilel), lor Cash. July J. leoJ. WILL BE PAID, A liberal reward, for the return of the following named .mules, tolhc IMimr of tins Journal. 1 r-et of single Vaukeu llarnei, 1 ' llimu.v l'llslll"lis,-j ellow ijoth. 1 lied Coll ikiu-l.iiiued. Sp.ule null Shui el. I'dnu i sbarg, June l-C, INFORMATION WANTED Of a boy named John Itaiidolph Jacoby. aged Iilnuit thirteen yi.ira. 11" Is ubont four feel in hcii'lil, has llitht hair, and is a llllle huuii.slioullereil. When lie b II In- wore u lie. ii y durk coat and dark p. mis. A lib- cf nnulfl -ilen Uoo r r-lini- nf I liis in- s-rnl ruward will be paid to any person who can give any Very Sort COUIU alSOSlCCl tltai OI tllla in- funlulll)ll onhu lirulboui ol'sai.l boy, by uddres- nunni llornfinn air aiiiironi'iatu ailieetn-u i ins i i t .1 :.,..,.... :.. .1.. i.'.. .1: i. i A II. JACOI'.V, Cnmbra. I.u.i rne co. Pa. or to y.Mi'i:i. ai.i: , Duck lluru, Columbia co., i'a. Juuu 2-th Irtf j at. ADMINISTlt ATOIt'S NOTICE. Esl itf: of Benjamin Folk, deceased. jyonoi is hereby given tint letters of Administra tion on the estate of ilcujuuuu 1 nlk, lalo of Hem lllliibia county, deceased, have been grailled I 1 1 1 t ,,,i,. ii liy Ihe llet-ister uf said County in tie u 1 1 Hi-r y ii in. w no reside ill tliu same lowiirhip, All persona having claims or deuiaiiils ag.iiusl I In-estate of li.e decedent are re 'iiiested lo present theui lur sttlleiiu nt, and those in ilebled to make p jyineiit w ilhoiil ih lay. lllA'LVll.l.i: 1'Ol.K. j u , CilltlSTllXA r'UI.K. j 'm June '.'S ldb-J-C(. BANK NOTICE. Totico is hereby given, that tho Bank of Dam itle. a Hank ol Issue, Discount ami Dcons. II, located lu Ihe lloroiiuh of Dauvillu, .Montour county, with uiapit.il ol Two Hundred Theiuaii'l Dollars, in- If. Olir Government ha'l heeil SudllonlV tends making jpilir itmu ill Ihe next regular session of , th" 1,1'gislature ol I'enns Ivania, lot tile renewal ol us 'UantTCd to a lllOnarcllV. Or a lICHnOtlSIll, iharter.anil i xteiis'oiiolits privileges, for ii term ot . ,. , ,., , . ... . twenty ynrs Irniu llu epiraliuu of its present charier UIU all Our free ailU liberal institutions, SO with the same name, ml..-, loc.itiouau-l capital. ,, , , . , . , , , I y order ol thuBo ird of liinclors. arefully Bhapcil, ami so nicely ajustcu by n vin ci.AitK.caihier. :. .. ii! i . Ilanulle, I'a, June -lim mr revolutionary lathem, hatl been sua- , PROPOSALS l'OB SCHOOL HOUSE. PUOI'iH.M, will ho received, bj the undersigned, nl Ills Oliice, in Lljihl r-lieet, Culuiiihi.i county, for the builUiu; a FRIUE SCIIOUf, HOUSE, nl lb" Cru-s llonds nlioie I.igbl (i'.rert, on tlio mad leading to lllooinsuurg, until thu I Ith day of July, I He.!. I'laii and specification to be- i en at 111! ollicu nf thnun-ili-riL'nci. in l.islit tlrcr I I'a. Wll.l 1 AM l'l.C ICK Si.citV board Pirn ten, Scott tvp I ijhi Mice! Juno il I5W- II TO 'I'lie .Jic.it w , , tlOIial Hoi'SC Fail' f WII.Ti THIS YE All IIH IIKM) AT Keystone l'arlt, Williamsport, Pa,, Tuttdou, Wednesday, Thitrnday and frUat, Stpt'mbtr '2nd to ith, Inctulkc, Arrangements havo been made to se cure tliu llnct assemblage of unpolled blooded nim native bred uf Horses, that lias ever been collected in mis coiinir) . .. Wlllinum.nrt, slluntcil III llio ninunincfnt Vnllcy of Hit! SiiKiii.iaiin.i, mill ftcrrMiliia by ltnll from nil parts V' - xSVl'tjiii'mi'''11 ri"ierptVic!iiori wiiV BiK.rtiy h'i lvcll,,', uoaiui or ma VAi:it n k jnrkmaii. r iicpiic, w!":l '.')'. J N I'm-'g. "'"ry Drinker, H P Mmoii, uui. rs t iiuiiiwuy, J II UOWUUll, win. comer. a.ii. . Pros'!. W r l.nrnn, Chief Mnrchal. 11 u Taylor, Treasurer, (IcurgoM.Dc l'u I, Scc'y. JuiioHI, lcG4.-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Jua'b 11, Knorr, deceased. i 1" J'.TTmiti of administration Millie Ilstnto of Jacnq Knorr. luti: ol'Ontru tun. Col Uh.dcccaard. Uniu lu'Cii praiitcil ly tlio Iti'slftcr ul Coliiuilila cniinty to llio tiinli'r'iuiiutl ; nil pirsom liav ls cI.iIiik upaliifl tliu it., tatc of tliu ilt'Cik'nt nr. n-'im-nti'il tu prt-v'.-iit llicuttu tin- .Y'linliiitirntor at his ruslikiKu in llloonisliiir!;, wltlinut ill lay, mid all persons Imklitcil tu maku hay iiiunt ruithwiili. STIU'linN KNOltll, lllouiinbiir?, JitnuSI, ldiVJ Cm. jidm'r. TO IV 1103" IT flIAY t0XHKi. Tlavln; inaili) such nrraiigi'inciit', as ciinMcn me to k. procure at once. I'eiisiuMS. Ilmintv Alonn n.irk l'.iy. tc, I bi-i! to call the attention ol'tliusu Intercsteil, III UIU IIIIIY lll . UUIfiiMn.l s.iltttfs, tliu wlilnivs or minor rlilMrcu of sol. Hits. Iio ill.-, or Ii.hoIi"imi killer) in tliu sen Ice, urn I'litillml to pen -loll". The n Mows or hiIht It-en I lirirsof sol flli-r-i lnili,ivo ilieil or been kill, il in thu nurvlce, aro ciuitieii in tlio $100 Bounty. X. It. All claims am carefully examined bv the lie. p.irtmeut, ami It Is of the inmost importance to d.itmauts turniplo regular .iiiilexperl'-iiced counsel, if the) visl to avoid delay. All tne eutrusteil to my car-, nrent. teniled to at once, nml all tellers nn-iw. ri d by return luajl. auil noili.irgels made, until Hie IViHuii Is granted i ... ... in.- 5ii"i minim , can uavo ll..ircl.iiiii- cashed on Application .it wy office. Attv's reii.iim Agent--, wriling Inr blnnks, and re'iuesile 'in. strui tlons.aNi, persons ttublng inl'urm.iiiiiu to cn.ible Iheiii to lohate lands under the proisioua of thu late Jloiifesteud Act, 'hould emkwe u fee. Ad.lres., M.A. CAl)i:i!rt,wi. nt l.,iv. Juuu'.'d, l.-b-J 3in. Ureoiisburg, l'cnu-a. BAKERY & COFECTIONARY, tVllOLKSHLi: ,y ltF.TAlt.. I 'I he undeesigneil contiiiues bis llnkerr and Conf."' I tionaryiip .Main Sticct, lluhnnge lliiildlngs, ubcr be keeps i F 11 US 1 1 I HEAD, PIES AND CAKE p ( u-iia .tin.j on ii.iiKi. i jriica frujipiivti mi cnku OH Ij!)' ITS- All hlllila of t'riils V......l.l., j n.n..l, 1 dally rccched from the C,tie;g; , Ice l.i'.am pi (pared ot'M cts. per nt, f,""lluL''ir'''1''''l'i.'.uHofall kluils. tc.. kept fori 11. STONUU, Ulliioiiisburg. June SI, l?CJ. NOTICE IX PARTITION. r&TATR oy ii,.i;w ir.ia.vmt, jjkcd. ! L'oLUMUl i ('ou.siv, s- : j l.t tlcmnitrrvf ytatc The l.'ominoim eallh oflVnn. of Isaac Ituznrr. ff the shanln. In ihe Mierill'ol' Mini ivirnahip if lltmUtk. in ( Ooiiuty, (.'iii.i. i i mi : Whereas, th cfiiutij ttforeuiJ. J nt mi Orphan's Court, In Id at niooiiKimrs. in nml lor III'! lounty ol (,'oluinliiu thu huh ........ . , ,i.ii,.ii , -i, mi. i Miij-Lnii, I before the llonornbli! A iron K. l-.-iKhain, l'reMileul, nml Hi' asoi lain .io,iici s ul tiii- Mini Court, the petition of l.-aae Wimm-r, sun and h;ir nt luiv of said ileceiiM'd. selling lnrtli, thai the said lauc Wagner, ilieJ iut.-stalu nhoiit three inouihs sini.e, leaving issue Abrani Wng. iier, eldest son, Isaac W.igm r, one of thu iibmu luiued petiiioners, lliuuii.i, inleriunrrleil with John Winer; . Mnrgiiri-t, intermarried uitli -Henry l.oder : D.nid Wagner, Sarah, lulermarrieil with lleiijamin lloiii.iuy, I nliuis ainitli r of ihe nbme n tiinniert-, uiiil i:ii..ihilh, interinarrieil with Jacob l.uti-hshnu , two of whom re. siil.i out ol llns Mnte. .lir..haiu W il-ih r redding in .-vnec-i county, Ohio, nnd .Marsaret nilerm.irried Willi . sal.l lleury l.mi!er, residing in Illinois, nml i:ii.ub. lh interui.irrieil wiihJ.icnh l.nli huw alorLMiid. r'hlis in I Juniilu enmity, this Slat.-. That I he Mini ink .-l.ileilied i sei.ed ill his ilemeue us ul feu of and ill tlw Inlhnwng describeil Ileal l:t:i!c. lo u-ir ' i A certnlii Ir.u t of l.iud eontnining tw o hundred acres tow n-hip ofileuil"!' , 'i ml county oi'l'nluuihi.i .ilere-nnl. - bounded on tli N,.rih l y Is im: I., nlj nml l).i id Wngiier, i on tin- ll.iht by lauils of Ma'hi.i' Keller, on e o South by lauiNof Mnrh.ill SI maker nnd John eylmrd, mil on the Wet b) l.imls uf John Miller nnd John Cox. I Thai th s ud inti--t.it.- ilieil M'l.ed of no other real i estate ihaii tlie nbme dixribed two liundred ucres or 111 're.iliouts. 'o p.irtiliou or .iliiution of Ihe said . e-tnle Im ing been had. jour petitioners llierijuie pray 1 thu Court In award an ne t to make iartiliou uf th ' pre mje- nl'.ir. raid, to ., ml uuitm? the repre-euta. 1 tives of th" said intestate, in Mich manner and i it suili propoitniiis.'is bj lit. si ot ihis Commonwealth is unci t d. it Slllh o.irti.mll e.'ill Ii- m.iili. llthnl.t til'... jiidiee to or iiiiiIiiil- of lli.i whole, but if Mich narlilioii ciiiii"! be mu.le thereof, tJo u tnlue and appraiM-thu 1 r.une, and make return of their pro cued iuy ueLording ; m i.iw . "' titrrfcrc command twit, that taking with you I twilve good and Ian ful men of jour bniliwirk, jou go to and upon Hie premiM's iifiireMinl, and tin ti.-'iu the .1 1 1 1.-- nun i's.iiii, u ion in lie ,, .iroeii Ill b 'ii.j warn. il. Hi-v will h.- preM-nt. ami tiaing I speit lo the inn- ;i I ii Hion ihereof nml upon Ihe onihs nun .1 mi nim i nil s m uiu Mll'l iwene gouil anil I.IW I'll uieii.you im,l,e ,. irtitrun to and auioiig the heirs ami ,.K reire.i.iiin!ivi.s of the Mini mie.-iale, in Mich mniiiier, and m sin Ii i rlions, u, by the laws of tins j comuionu e.ilih ,t n, ruled if Ihe miiiio run be ilouo without piijudueioor i-pollm: th whole. Hut if tin; I n.p.t by ou to I,,. suiiiiin.ned u- uloreMiid lo niako ' n,j Mud partilmu or wiliiatiou, -h.iil be of opinion ih.it the pn-mi-es ur.iri-i.aiil, Willi ihe iippurteiinui'e cannot 1 be parted and ilnded ai.io.ig all ihe persons entitled i therein m reuuireil lie law. w ill,, ml i,.o,li, e in nr i spoiling Hie wl.ule, or'ihat it ramiot be mn!eil into , h.irci,f ,..,,,.J i;,lue, tli-n you anise Ihe iununht to Valu mid aniir.'iie tlm w In,!., of tin- -;ii.l rel ui,i. or lh" M-vi-riil sh ires or purparts into which Ih.'y mnv diMV lh" sui.i real estate, having reaped in Ihe true v.iluatiou tin r of, n.iree.ibl.v lo law . i And that the partition or i ulualioii so nude, oil di tiuetly and opi nl) liave b. lore oiij- said Jiisiici s, at llloonisbur';, nt nn Oiphau's Court, then to be held on the first day of Septemh. r, after sueli mi fii'piict shall be made under ymir hninl and seal and uudcrlhe bauds ami seals of UioiHiy whose oath, or iilhrui.tlioiis you sli.ill make smh iarlitloii orvalualiou, And li.ieyou llien there llii. w nt. Wuvi-s Ihe Honorable Aaron K. l'ecklium, ' ( ' . l-n-Milent Jude o our s.ud Conn, the tw en .. .v, ty-llr-T day of .May, A. I)., eiahteeu hundred and silly. tn-u. JAiain i:vi:i:i.y, vil o. a. Per Mil li'l. I'. 1IVI.UI.V. .hit. HV Jury to ineit on (KeMlih d.i, of July, IM.-.', at In o'rlnelt in I In, r.ireuooii. JOS! All 11. I'lj'KMA.V, iij) June 7, l.'i -J. PUBLIC SALE j o 1' Valuable Ileal Estate. IN pursuance of an order of tin- Orphan's Court of Col umbia ceuuiy, oi Saturday, the a 07 day of duly , I8(i'J, nt in o'i lock lu Ihe forenoon, John Sniilh, Adminntrator, i le oi jane iiiueic., late ot .Hiulison township, dee'd , w ill expose lo sale by rubiic endue, upon the premi- ses, a certain Lot of Ground, silii.ne in Maili-im township, Coimnbia county, ml joining land of Ak-iaiider Love on the smith nnd east, .Martha (iiuglrs on the north, thu Hi ir. of Jaciib Stiller on the west.eoniaii-ing Tliii'ty-Viw Acres, iunr"nr lesit. there I nun the prt-'inisi's uii mil LOG HOUSE ami about Twenty. Five Acres of Cleared I, and I l.ati Ihe Ustate of said ileci-a-ed, situate in the totrii I ship sf .Madison, and cnuiity aforesaid. I , JAL'OII i:Vi:itl,Y,C.fr.. Illnoiiuburg. Juno , lrli'J. TtBMSof Sett. Ten per cent, of the purchase ..w ,.. i 1 1. .. . ...i.l i inn e Mil sci 1 of the iri'lrty. Oiii' lourtli of the nurihiisu iiionev iii..n,-j ,.. i.u ...i,..v til" .u,,ia-.T "il inn sifiieiny wo,--ri j (less ten per cent ) to be paid upon tho rouhrmalinii of ; sale. I lie liainniu to uil :-Tliree..iiiilhs ol the pur i chase inoiirj to be paid in one j car from the ronllriua lion, with interest Iroiiithi. i nnliriuatimi of sain. JOHN' H.MlTll.Iiiiiiiilsrinror. Madison tw p., Juno 14, Inr.' II. BRICK! BUICK!! inilCKIlT" ,t)A AAAfio01' "okj"5' manufactured I Mil llllll1""' a'u l',l'al'- "'h"k's.il'! and re IrUUl UU,n, AtthellloomsbiirB Hriik Yard. Apply to tho subscriber. IIIINUV S. AHTIIUlt. Illoomsburg, June 2d, 1 ci'.C iuwovid aiTAVias mmEc, j TA.MAQUsV, PENN'A. , I'osssngcs dmo liero on llio passage of each Train. Jl.M. MERRICK, 'ropriitor. , TumSTin Jan I. UK The Secret Out! (lltljjlT HXCITEMKNT IN JFltSEYTOWN, And supposed approach ofhe Rebel A rmy, am, oi which was ruonurmi dytiii: AIIUIVAI, OF A 1'UI.I, AND CUMI'MI'i: ASSOUT.MI'NTOl' Of Every Variety and btyle at the NKW I'lHM 01' xM I L L E 11 k SWIS II E It, l.V JI'llSRYTOWV. Haviiigjust received our Spring Stock, from tbn Iln'terii Markets, we reel clttorinlneil to sell Oooils nt it little lower prices Hum they can be rHiiihaiOtl elscnlierc, OUR MOTTO IS "Small Profits and Quick Ritunis." ID" The nubile are respectfully soliciteil to call anil i-xniiilni.-onrttork before purchasing ilsewliero, nswe i liarBe iinthini! for show lug our goon's, l'roduru of nil kluils taken for goods. Jlli,l,l'lt& HWlSlir.lt. Jerscytown, MnyH. 1602, FRESH AR1UVA L -Of- sew MimmM! -ron- mm and mwk TUT, unilerslsm-il, prnterul fur pat patronnee, icspeci rully Iuforius liisciittiiiuers ami the public peiiernlly that lie liasjii"t recelveil from thu n.uturnu titles, tfi largest ami most select stock of SPUING AND SUMMUtt - - - 1 nai lias yi linen openniin HlnoiusbilrL', tu wliiili lie luv ili-s thiuilteiition of his frii-mls, ami nsuri's them lh.it they are oir. reil lor sale nt u're.it bargains. Ills Stock compries a larg aforliueiit of i!i:.Ti.r.vi:,"rt wi:,ui(; Ai'iwitr.t,, l'onsiinij! ol i'xinoNAiii.K Diilss ('mis. of even- rripliim; r.ints, y.-.t, fhirls. Cravats Hlocks. Collon Handkerchiefs, (llovcs, Suspenders, i.c GOLD WATCHES A N 1( J EWELHY, Of every descrlpllun, llnu ami cheap. V II. Itemeniber " Loircubtrir'a Cheap V.mporium" call ami see. No ch.irgu for examim.' (looils. IIAVIII UMVllNllllltd. llloomburg, March ill, lPC-J. (,no IH.V.i.) The Monitor 'ON TO EICIJMOND' J, J. SJROWER, Has iust received and is now ctnonitHr .1 11 , i-i n 1 0 C,P,"U ""OrtlllClUOt fflM&'&M (v Groceries, llardwaro, Quecnsware, Cedar ware, Maekeral, Cheese, etc., which will be sold at the lowest llgure for ready pay, JIis Dry Goods consists in purl of Fine Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimercs, Fine Opera Cloakings at 81,50 per yard Stella Shawls from SI, 50 to 87, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s Plaids ; Printed Chalies, Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidorcd Mozambiqucs. Poil De Chevrcs, etc., etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, a, 10 and l'J cents. Muslins, one yard wide at '2 cts. Skeleton Skirts, fiom 51) cents to 52,00. HIS GROCERIES consists ill part of best white SUar it 12A cents. A, 2so. 1 Syrup Molasses, u0 cents per gallon. Ladies' and ehildrens' hiyh-heeled boots and gaiters a full assortment. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eight dav, and thirty hours, Nos. 1 2 Maclurelin Quaittr and Half Pan t Is, COAL OIL LAMPS. A splendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams cheap. Ely s water proof gun caps, powder and r,, , p - n -.. Come, seeaudjiidue for yourselves, and you will b-j Milislled that llrmver's Store nlth" Comer of Main and Iron Mr.'i Is. is ihe place lo perehase Cheap Ooods for Ca-h or Country produce. lllooinslMirg, ilay-J-l. 1MVJ. 1I1.NOIIAMTOX, N. Y. An Institution lo qttalijy youni Busimss. men for ' DW. I.OWr.LL. Pnncip il, Professor of the Si pmcu of Aicoituls. author of l.oweil's Tri titles upon llcit iCeepiuir. and l)iai:iams lilustr. ting the s.iuie, .1 Vu. 1! ANKI.V. Ciiinuieri nil Ai cuml. mt, l'role-ssor of Itoiilikei p,UL-mid Pruttnal Aliith-'iiialu s. A J. WAI1MIK, Prof .ssor of I'r.ulical ami Oiuamen till Pe-niu.tiisliiu, I oumurcial CalciilalHiiis ami Corres- poildelll'C. iii:o. P. itowi;, A,iianl Teacher iu Peiinniauship. J. S. COIt'lTS, Arsisl.iul l eacher lu liookkeeping He purluicut. . r.CTi'ii r.its. Hon. IIAX1IU, H HH KI.VSOX. 1,1, II., Lecturer on Coiiuoi ri ml I. aw and Pollhel ncououiy lion. KANS'lM IIAI.COM, on Contracts, Promissory Notes and iiilNof i:M-hugii, Ilev, llr. II. AMIlinwS, on Commercial Lllilcs. I Stii'leuts can enter at any lime; novnrnlion. Oradu. ; 1 at'-s are pres'-nted w ith anelei-aiitiy engraved Diploma, I r-uul tune re.piireil to complete full Coin un-r jal courso , I from eight to tw, Ive wei ks, livery studi-iit is gradua. ted to Ii-.- eoiupeteiit to take cli.irge of Ihe books of any . I bii-ni'-ss nrin. ami ipinlilied to earn asrlarr loin $-110 lo fcl.iliu per rui ti ii in. Assistance rendered lo graduates ,u -jialning siliialluus. nuard Sj-.-nil to -s'j..iu per ween. " For particulars scud for Cir ul.ir. om tnsjug slinnj,. Address J,OWi:i,l,4c IS MtNlill. May S Jfii-J l-Jiu NOTICE. JA iH'ronnii iiitrPbtetl arc rlVrr'l to tho prnviinii j o ih - Atli Jji'i'tluii an Att ai AssemMy, Jiussuit on I lie fk-vi'iith of April Irti'J, a follows: "rfti.3. T!.it it tfh.ill h" Hid tluiy nt e, ry flly au. t-niiuty 'I rea Hirer to Mie Inr tin tvm try if nil Ii' I'liim duly r'turttoil to tiiiu hy tlu1 M rt;intilf Appraucr, if not pahl on ur li'-l'in"- the llrd day uf July , in null ami very )i:ar. within tdi day. nttiTth.it dutrt , and end '1 rpaanrcr hh.ill not he iluiharui'd troniaii) mill I iccuo ui)')iii ha bn!)K nuit to to recover llu'bJinuuitliiii tail ilato aiitl prt'on'i the tf.taio to judgment and excumoH am ivoou tlien alter a practirahlc. and pay th amount of all iouIi icenrij r' fiveil hy him into the latc Treasury, on or tu'lnri thu llrbt day of OiioliiTi'iiBUins: nor ithall hu rcceivu any coiuiih ration on uili liLuiibt's, . ...... ....... . . .- .ii l unless no mattes iiaymeui as uiun-.iiu 1 J A M l!d S. lIcN'INCIl Treasurer of Coldmbia Count. TREAseiicn's Omen, i Illooiuibiirg, .May ill, lrllj. ) NOTICE. jVfoTicK is hereby given, that tho under- i. signed has placed the follouiiig named property iu charge of si.imiicl .M.ur, of ferni township, Columbia county, during liis pleasure, u Cow. Pin, Cook Move, Clock, two Iletls ami llcdding, Cooking I'leiislli, Tulibs and Chairs. Corner Cupboard, Kitchen Cupboard, and one bureau, with which all per sons aro forbidden to muddle or interfere, ou pains uf tlio law's pctnallios. II. WILKIN'S. MaylM, lW-3t, npiIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAxriLLV, .vo.-wun coavfr, pa. I'.iitcrlaiiiincul for Man ami llcast. lu good stylo and al moderate rales. (.llAKI.r.ri N. tJAVAUC, PicJ'iiotor. lunviltt April in 1 ui ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLE. Spring Croods At Fritz's Store, OllANOEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. Pho undersigned has just received a I laren nml select nssortmcnt of choke Hnrlntr nml Biinnuer (looils, w hicli will be snkl cln-np for rnsh or on n try produce. Ills stock consists of Indies Dress (,'oods, diolcest stylus nml Intest fashions, Calicoes, Muslin?, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINTS FHOM7 TO lcls A YAM). njt.iinnr, 1 iibsiuiLin o at 1 llCt 3 . Coltonndes, Kentucky Jeans, 1 Xlircad. yC. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quecnsware, Cedcrwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drug, Oils, Paints, ko. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS k CAPS. In short everything usually kept In a country store. The patronage of old frelids, and the public generally, Is sollciled .May a. ier.2. WII.I.IAM TUITZ. ;omhis mm low" PRICES RULE ! At Creasy 's Store, in Light Street, Pa. FIRST OF THE SEASON! IF 1 15 ST TO ALL WM h GOODS ! A BJ STOCK D E S I R A B L E S T Y L E S AND Till) IIHAUTY OF IT AM. la WT, CAN AM) WILL SKLL AT Ii W F BSi t' E S, CALICOES, MUSLINS, , SILKS, 1 GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Rcady-Mado Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Segars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paints, iVc, ko. Wo have a large assortment of Itlnik ami I'ancy Silks which we are selling at reduced ntices: Ulack silks for r?l cents, worth SI, l'-'l. also for 81.00 worth 81,'ii. IV e are selling our best print for rJJ cents per yard, the best in the market, all fast colors. A yard 'wide unbleached muslin nt 1'.' cents eipial to New Marki t. Three ipiarter yard w idu unbleached iiiusliuats to 111 ccnis a J.ir.l, In adililion to our large stock of Dry Goods, we have a large and full assortment of Heady .Made ClothiiiL' for vieu and Hoys wear which wo an- determined to sell i heaper th .11 can be bought elsewhere. Call and see, and Judge for yourselves. II. W.CUIIASV &. CO. Light Street, Pa , April Sii, lt-05. Bisel's Old Stand, i -'? r, r-v. r. w -, h ri r v. w r.-, t T lli: subscriber has received Ins HPItlNO STOCK OF HOODS, whiih he infers at fair nnce. Tu Hut- ter JIakers, he wuuld say, bring it fresh and we will pay .in extra price, as ,e haven coutrnctut FORTRESS MONl'.OE, whicii must be fulfilled, ami wo can alford to pay an extra price. We hue changed our ilvpress day lo Thursday. Persons h.tv Ing good veal and calves, will bring them in on Wednesday evening or early on Thurs day morning I,. McCAY. Jerseyluwn, May 17. lSfie-tlt. Store 81e moved, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL llatand Cap Store, Tin1 Ufiih'rclyiiPil rj-pfrtftilly Informs the ritlwns of lllnniiislHi,, ami tho pnMic in i;ciit ral, th.it hu lias r" inoyi'd the V;r Jf.lV yi'UJthl, into tlm htnif, on .Mam Htreit, luarly oppose Ins late stand, where liu hu,- jiifct received u oplt'iidid aaortiHL'iit uf U1TY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Mnuuf.irtiirif s, of all kinds, -tyles. sorts and sues, latest fashions, w hull he olfcrs wholesale aud retail, nl verj low prices. r." Thesu Hoods will be sold lit very luwprices lor Iteady ray. JOHN K CHITON'. Illoomsburg, April in, IfM. PHILADELPHIA & EllIE R A I LjJR. O A D. IKNNSVI.VANIV UAIL IIOAD lo,, LF.SSL.B. Ou iindafter Monday MaySlh, tu, tiinu at Nmllium betlaiid.Statiou will hemlollows : lAmtc Wcitvard. r.ailunrd. i:prcss i I'd a.m Impress '.I I'i r. H Mail 1 IS I'-1. Hail IU til a m SliepitiK Cars on Xislit Trains Until wa) ill. Iweeii h'iljjituisport and Hull iniore, nnd on the IViiiis)ltuui.i Uailroad between llarrishurg ami l'hiladt I pill .t on Jl.'il Tram in boih lilreiunus a Car goes through via. I'l-iuisy limi t llnil Uoad VMibout ili.uigu I ituecii I'lilladelpliia uud l.oik lluie-n. fAMlII'.li A. lll.AOK, tfiip'l i:.ite-rn DilOloii. .May 21, If Hi. ESTATE NOTICE. coi.u.vnr.1 cov.vn; ss lu the Court of Common Pleas nf Columbia coun ly, aforesaid, iitttr alia, it is thus i out-lined ; lle'iijiiiuiii Kabul 1 No. SS May Term, l?i'.J, Voil es. I ilitloni Ukponas. Money paid Joint P I.evuii and ( iniu Court, and now-to wit: William (loodiuaii. J May!, IHi-J, on motion of Mr. Hurley the Coutt iippoiuted John (!. l-'reczo, IV , au ditor, lu make distribution of the money raised on thu salo of the Iteal llslalu of John P. I.ewin ou the ubuvu twowritsof Vend, l:ponas. llv iiik Court. Certified from tlio Iteeords May lb. lMi JAcnil nvuilI.Y, I'r"th'y. i'er .Miciui.i. 1'. nvtiav, Deputy, All persons interested w ill take notlcoth.it tho under signed appointed auditor, hy thu Court of Common PI. as of Coliiinbu coiinly. to maku distribution oftho money raised by the sale of the ileal K.lale of John P. i.i.e.ui. In- virtue of the above, slatud Vi-udilluiii Kxiin- nas.w ill attend ut the llecorder'sllllice, iu Illoomsburg, on Thursday Ihe iilst day of August, Indi, for the pur, of making tho distribution. All persons having Iinims on the said fund aro hereby ruuucsted to make nai'" w. r..-.. .....i ........... i... .i, I...... c.,.... Ihel r Claim1 eiiuie- p.ii'i uuui,,. i n ,,vu,,e, iium coml B JOHN r.. FRCE7.n, .JWilcr. jncem.u"'? J'"1'7 l-l mm AAMA AAA AXxVfcX 10,00(1 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN IIUU) .1.YI) t'htJ'tiT nwoiMrioxs, MJIHHI.K .A7) OAK DI.COHATMm, tthATAXl) l AY IIM.hU) I'APKtlS. rUIIXA.Vl) IUIKI1IT COMMOX vipr.iis, voiiDMis, Fiiti: hoaiii) ruiXTs, HVATUKS, I1U.V1S, tYIC, 1V1V., Will be sold at prcatly rediiccit prices, at tin paper hniigliig rooms of tin- underslgin-d in Judco llupert'n Hroro llmisc, undccoml (trc-et, n fuwtluurs below Jlar kct. Also 1'iipcr Hanging Executed In tlio bust style, at modtrato prices ami in inick limo. L. J, Tiioit.vro.v, nioomsbiirg, May 3, 1SCJ Din, NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring and Sumincr go on AT PETER ENT'S STORE, a i.innr srttixr, co.v.uma chv.vt. pa, T I AH just received from Philadelphia, and Is now n opcrine t the old stand lately occupied by .Marl!-, & l!nt, a splendid nssortnient of MffiSS mtofi M . ;; .:. 3U..c.v.; A . ifflSi m which win tie sold cheap fur CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His slock consists of Ladies Dress Goods choicest l) Us 1 nnd latest fashions, j Calicoes, Muslins, Giugliani3, Flannels, Carpets, Shawh, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Cassimercs, Satinets, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, ko. Groceries, Quecnsware, Ccdarwarc, llardwaro, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, . Paints, &c. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS k CAPS. in short every thing tMually kept in n country store The patronage of old friends, ami the public general ly, Is reipecttully solicited. Thu highest market price paid for country produce. ru'ixii u.vr. I.icbt Street, May a, 1802. Look to your Interests. FRESH ARRIVAL OF 9 MILLER & EYER'S. TIlU subscribers havu just returned from the City With another large and select nssortmet of 8lB'any and uiniiier 4sloo(Is, purchased at Philadelphia, nt the lowest figure, and winch they are determined to sell on ns moderate terms narnn be procured elsewheru ill Ulouinsburg. Their slink comprises LAun:$' dhi-.ss aoons, of cboicf-t styles and latest fashion. jjitv aoons, a.yd aiwci:mi:s, miini'mK (iui:y..viii'Aitt:, CKDAIl H'AIIR, HOLLOW WAHU OA", .VAILS, UOOTX .y S1IOKH HATS CAPS, ie , S.-C, .J-e., In short ever) thing usually kept in country Stores; to whifh they invite the public generally. The Highest price paid for lountry produce. milixk & r.vnu. llloninsburg, April 2(5, lfl',2. riTTSIIUIUill, PA., Corner Penn and St. Clair Pts. The largest Couimercial School of the United Stntes, with a patronage of nearly II.OUU Stmlriits, in live years froinl Slates, and the only one w tin h atfords compktu mid reliable iu-tructinn in nil thu lollowiia bratiihes, vi: Mercnntile, Maiiufudiirers, Steam limit. Uailroad nnd Hook-keeping, First Premium Plain and Ornamen tal Penmanship ; utso, Suriejing, Lngtueering and .Matheimitics generally. $35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course ; Students enter and review- nt any tiinu. ".Ministers' sons' tuition at half price. For Catalogue of r.ti pages, Specimens of rtusincss nnd Oriiamentul Penmanship, ami a beantiful College view of S spunrc fi et, containing a coiul variety of writing leitering nnd lloiinhing, inclose 21 cents in stamps tu the Principal". JUNKI.Vd it SMITH, Pittsburgh, I'a. April IH, lrXi!-ly. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad-eliihlu-for the Relief of the Sn k aud Distressed ; alllirted ith Virulent and Clirnnie Diseases, mid us I penallv Hi-eases of the Sevual Organs. .Medical Advi'-e given Oralis by the Acting Suraeoii. Valuable ltl'.POKT.S on SPllH.MATOIIltlKKA or SHM1N L WF.AICN'nsS, ami other Diseases ol'the Sex ual Organs, ami on thu NKW ItKMI'.DIUS employed In the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of cll.in.-e. Address llr. J. SKll.l.l IIOUOIITON, llowar'l Association, Nn, ! South Ninth Sired, Philadelphia, Pa. April 5. Ir-lU 1-Jiii. JOLINE k LEE, No, 40, N'OKTII WIIAnT,3, rhilailelphi.1. AND SHIP CHANDLERS, .Spun Cotton for Caulking, Uop.-s, Twinas, Tnr, I'ltdi, O.ikum. lib" lis, and Oars, Slc, August 4, l-OO Ji!iu. SAPONIl-lEB ! SAPONIFIBK I ! '7-TllH FAMILY HOA11 MAICP.U ."n All Kill hen Orense can be mailt) intogood SOAH, i usm SAl'O.S'iriKltl LIyI)IltUOTION!J Ata.'OM PAN YINU I'.ACII IIOX I HOAI' is easily made with it, ni making a cup of cof fee Munutacturcd only by the Patentees, I'A. SALT JIANUl'ACTUHIN'O COMl'AN'Y. No 1JJ Walnut Street. PIIILAnilLPllIA. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. -i 'I'"'- undersigned would inform tho citizen of ffS I lllooiiisburg ami i Kiuity. tlnil he hasjiist re-Jr-rsc civod uud Hirers for sale one of the inosti'itetisii e tsy; assordiients of CIXIKINO aiul I'AM V t)TOVi:s trer inlroiliiced into this iimrket. Tlm Christopher Co iiiubiis, Juiiies llobb ami Olobe are iiuioug tlie first class cooking Stoves, all of which ure air'tight and gas burner liis Parlor -tin. s ur" handsome uud the assortment vu rli'd. AliO-Partleiilar attention Is paid to Tin-Ware and House tfpouliui:, upon short notice. All kinds of repairing will he done with neatness and despatch. IL" Country produce taken in exchange for work. Philip s. moyi:u. Illoo miliiirg, May 10, lcK. I.IBHOTYFE, PHOTOGRAPH ic MELAINOfYPE H IM i & B 1 1 ij AViEUOTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Melainotypes, &c. taken In ('lowly ns well as Clear Weather. Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes copied ami Klilarged. NORTH DANVILLE, TA. Dec. 21, led, Undku our Agricultural Department, 'ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eitale of ,'lsher M. Gingles, deteased. fVTO'l'ICi; is hereby given that letters of Adininiitra IN lieu on tho eslule of Asln r .M. (Jingles, late of Maine tu p. Columbia co dee d, have been grained b) the Register of said county to t-aruh Sum (Jingles who ru-IJes in Maine township, nnd James ri. McNiiuh win, resides In Caltawissa township. All nornuu dating claimsor ilemauds ugaiiist the eitatu of the dei-ed'-ui aro re'pii sted to present them for settlement, and those indebted lei nuke payment w Ilhoiil dvloy J.t.-il.or. .'il ,., ri para it j GiNai.na Adtnr't Mat 31 IW CI From the Army. war mm. Tlio Latest from Geu. McOloll aii'a Army. 'Lite Latest from Gen. McCkllan Official Dispatches received Our troops not Beaten in a tingle encounfci --Only twcn'y-fuc guns hu Ssvcnicm Gun boats in. James Itivcr 1-ottrti Cclcbra' ted by a grand teviiu; Washington-, July C Dispatchca have been rcccivod from Oeuoral McCloll an, dated as lato as ono o'clock, P. 21., on Friday the Fourth of July. Tho following ia their substance, omit ting military details and operations not proper for present publication, There has boon no fighting sinco Tues day night, when tho enemy were repulsed with great slaughter. Tho army moved to tho position sinco occupiad, because it affords greatly supe rior advantage for the co-operation of tho gunboat's, of which seventeen aro now in the river, protecting tho flanks in tho ar my. Statements of the casualties of tho eight days fighting cannot bo furnished. Our forces wcro not beaten in any con flict, nor could they bo driven from tho field by the utmost efforts of the enemy. Tho conduct of the troops iu c'cry com mand and under all circumstances, was admirable. No guns h'avc' been lost sinco the engage ment on Friday, June 27th', when General McCall's division was at tho onset over whelmed by superior numbers, aud twenty five pieces fell into tho hands oftho enemy. The sick and wounded aro being scnl forward to tho hospitals. At ono o'clock yesterday, (the Fourth,) tho army was drawn up iu its positions for review; bands were playing, national sa lutes were fired, and things looking bright . Rebel Account oftlii! ..attic on Monday aud I titbdiiy. Terrible slaughter 8,000 tost in a single Division No fighting on Wednesday or 'lltursday. Washington, July -1. Tho Richmond papers of July 2d, furnish a number of items with regard to the battlo of Monday. It says that on Sunday Gens. Hill and Longstrcet, with their divisions crossed the Chickahominy, and lato on Mondi-y afternoon attacked tho enemy about five miles northeast of Dartown, on the New Market road. The conflict was terrible, and half-past 8 o'clock the enemy had been driven a mile and a half. At half pait 0 o'clock, the enemy being heavily reiuforced,madc another stand, Tho loss ou our (the rebel) side was terrible. 'I ha situation being evidently powerless against such oveipowcriug forces, Gen. Hill slow ly retreated, amid the vociferous cheers of tho Yankees. The Examiner says it thinks that tho division which went into the fight ou Mon day 1-1,000 strong could only muster 0,000 men for duty, aud that the loss of lifo ex ceeds that of any battlo or siego yet fought. At 8 o'clock, on Tuesday, Jack son and Hugcr'a divisions attacked Gen. Me .'lollau's llauk on the west bank of tho Chickahominy, 17 miles from lliehmond. Later in the day. General Magruder fell upon his right flank. Fightiug was going ou up to 9 o'clock on Tuesday night. Heavy firing from the gunboats-ou Jamca lliver was heard on Tuesday morning. A number of Federal tran-ports aro in tho river with roiuforceuicuts from Geu. Burn side, but they havo not yet landed. Tho above extracts fiom tho Examiner relate to Tuesday's battle, iu which, ac cording to General MeClollan's despatch, received yesterday, tho rebeb were badly whipped. Advice received at tho War Ucpartmcnt show that there was no fighting ou tho Peninsula on Wednesday or Thursday, up to o.ao P. M. The Puumium rou Gor.i). New Yorki July 8. Gold ndvauctd to twclvo per cout. premium, and iu some oases still higher, there being rumors of an export duty, which is said by tho Exprca to bo improbable. Opposite the Court llenstani urrt door to Democrat OJice, The undersigned, respectfully iiifuriut his frumds and custuuiers that he has opened A Xy.W U 1HllF.lt Mop In Court House Alley, next door below the Oillce of the Columbia IK mnerat, where be will lie happy tu wall upon allcustomers, and Iruiu long eip.-rieiue uud strict utteiilion to business, lie hupes to merit and receivu a liberal share of public patiouage. iiyAII things lu-ret "done ill decency and in order." TIIU.ll AS I1UOWN, lllouiusburg, March 1st, li-rc, A D M IN 1ST It AT 11 IX NO T10E. F.statt rf Philip Tronsue, lettof Scott toicnlMp, Cilumiia county dtceastd. OTICE i hereby givonthat Lotcrs of Ailniiiiislration on tliu eslnlo of Pliilln Tronsue. late i f ftcoit lulvnshlp, Columbia i-ounty. tlereasett, havo hern granted by the llegister of said county to the un. ilersigued who resides in I'.spy. Scott township, Co. Iiiinbiu louui) All psrsuns having claims or demands against the estate ol thu ilerendent are requested to pre sent theui for svttletiienl, and those indebted lo inuku pujnii'nt without drlnv RKUIXCA I UONSl'K. April .'C-ltH-li WJisisiilrairli mm