Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 12, 1862, Image 1

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LEVI JL. Editor.
TERMS : $2,00 lI3It ANNUM.
VOL. 16. NO, 19.
. published every Saturday, uy
0 f1H0 E
lh Ihe hiv Drltk (uldlif, opposite tho Ktchangt, by ildt
oftht Court Itcust. "Dinocralie llcaj (i,rlr."
Sjl 00 tn advance, fur unu copy, fur six months.
1 75 In advance, fur one copy, onu yciit.
3 00 If lint p.iiil within the lirst three month!.
3 Si If nut pal J within thu first sli month.
'i SO If nut paid within the year.
05 No tnlicirlptlnn taknn for lei. than sit months,
ni no ps.pcr.itlscoiitiniie.1 until all arrearages shall have
'"ttT Or'l'lnarvADvenTiiiKMisTJ iiucrtcil.aiiil Jon Worm
executed, at thu italillshcdricei
ll.l. .1 II I.I I. llJHimIUIJ.UJI
The Only Plate uhctc a Cure can be
-wn fndvuTilM .,.. i1..mL.ireil till toosl Certain
I ld'.....l ,.,! n'tllv llll'.-clll'll U'ltlC.tV ill tl.C Wo.ld
r.., nil nrlviita Duc.ncs. Weakness if thu Pack or
... .... ... ,.r ..... 1-.,., -,.,.1 1,1 nil
L mo, stricture, .in. , i, ... , ... .....
slcr, Involuntary Discharge
linpotcmy, i.ineral l)u.
Original Poetry.
oility. Nervousness, llypcpy, l-:ms'r, Low Spirit!
Confusion or idea.. Palpitation of tin- lleit.l, '1 Inildlty.
Trsuibllugs. Diinues of flight or 11.1, lines., I seas. ' f
thu Head, Throat, Nou or akin, All.-ctiou ur H e Liter
Lung. SIOIIUIC II or HOW, 11 inns', mnmi ,.,.......
- , ... ' ?.. tl...Il-,rl- llnl.ll lil Y,IHlll-t lose SkUlkT
and Hillary practices more latul to their victim thai.
Hli'i sougoi rt)ren to tin.1 .Marines 0 I lyase, blight
ing thulr 111. hi brilliant nope or aimcipiiiiuus, rw... .
li.C inarrlag, &c. Impossible
KsDoclally, who h ive become the IMiu11 o nomary
Ylce that dreadful and iluatructi vo habit which imi.u-
II sweeps to nil untimely grave thousand of nung
Men uf the most exalted talent and brilliant intellect,
lio might otherwise have ititrnncd liteniii! Senate
with, thu thunder of eloquence 01 wnke.l to cctai-y Ihe
'i vine lyre, may tall wilh full confidence.
M A It II 1 A I! E.
Married persons, or Young .Men cnnteiiiplatin mar
rlacc being nwaro or physical weakness, orsanic dc.1t.1li
ty. deformities, &c, speedily cured.
He who Place himself under the care of Dr. Johnston,
iny rulisiomly confide in hi huuor a 11 gentlemen, anil
ciilldcnily rely upon hi skill a .1 phyiclan.
O It (i A N I O W E A K .V E 8 U
Immediately cured and full vigor restored.
Tilslil'.tressing Air.-rtiuii-v.hlih render life in
f-rabte and marriage impnsbl.--i tin- penally pan by
the victim of improper indulgenc. s. "uug per
I :,; ,, not tu co.ninil ex.-.' from not Iniug
. aware or the dreadful c"..e.pi.; that may riuue,
Now. who lhal un.l. r.lanJH the .ul.j"U il! pre
ton to denv tint th power of prui reatioi. i lit sooner
by t ioo railing into ....proper liabit than by the Ijr'i. eiit.
Ileslde being deprived of th.' pl'aure 01 health 0 I
inrlui!. the iinxt er...u anil .lertr.ative symptoi.. to
both body and 10. ml ari-e. The yte come ileraug-
e.r, the pliyncl uu I m nlal tun. lion, weakened, Ion
01 proereat e po. r, .ieiv;.. . ! I T 1
palpitation of the heart. Ii.dige-tion. de. I
tilitv. n waning ot the 1'iame, Cough, ijonsumptioii. .
decay and death.
ornui:, n. ' south nir.iir.isirK stki:i:t.
l.sft hand nlde going from Hi.lliu.or.i street, a few doors
frouithfl coruir? Tail not loob.eMe n.uoe and nun. her.
Letter, inut be p ud and contain a tamp. Ihe Hoc- .
tr' Uiplonm hang 111 hi oilic.;.
Ml M.I'.Ct'ltV Oil SAI'.HIIM unco. 1
Dlt, .IDll.YHTU.Y
Member of the lioval Coll .go of Surgeon, London.
Graduate from one of the most eminent (..'liege ot the
United tJtat."., and th , greater pint ( wli.wu III.' has
been pent in til lirsl llo-pital ..I Loudon, i'art, I'hil.i-
delphiaand eUeuh-re, ha eilected koiiiu ol Ih a '
tunUliing cure-.1l.1t were ever known; many troubled
,i,.tn,. ,11 the head ....dear when a-leep. great
ncrvouiiie'.. being alarmed at fiidd.-u ouii.l. and bafh
For tht Columbia Ucmotrat,
My Country,
Hail Columbia, favored nation,
Illcat n ith all that' great and free,
In tlm earth, liuw high thy itatiun,
limited lioine of Liberty.
Hulling Occam girt thy border,
Noble river net thy plains,
Nnturcs's power obey thy order,
tipecding on in lightning train.
(irandly rise thy lofty mountnlna,
lilcli with treniure thry contain,
Mighty lakes and sparkling fountains,
Vallc) filled with waving grain.
Cold and silver in abundance,
darners running o'er with bread,
Enough for thee, with a redundance,
Uy which n hungry world is fed.
Ilrcher still In menial treasure,
Bciencu spreads her golJcn lug,
l'.ina the mind to boldest measure,
Accomplishing unheard of tiling.
Hint will, virtue and religion,
Ulcst with all that man can have,
lllustuith light in every region,
Illest u ill. all that (Jod can give.
0 1 my country what doth ail thec,
Not contented with thy sture,
Why should anyone bewail thee,
Need'rt thou, caii'st thou ask fur moro.
Why these iroXiu of preparation
Why these hosts in inarliil stiifo (
Why these act of desperation f
Why this waste uf human life
Has some proud foe rrom roreign nation,
Invaded now thy fair domain 1
Jralmi of thy lolly station.
Would thy grouiuggteutuesA gain,
Are not the" host uf foemen, brother (
Ur other pledged to sn red ties f
'1 hen leave thl bloody strife toother,
Tor each one kilted, a brother die.
CnnVt thou by force restore communion I
Can'st thou hy hatred make n friend (
Will cannon ball bring back the Union f
Or will rebellion gain lis end t
(Jnd of Wasuingtou protect 11,
Hid this bloody contest cease,
Lr-t thy goutiness Lord atfect us,
I'ispus; our minds and heart to peace.
Hill Ifatcr.JunfX, IrUJ.
Political and General.
incompetent counsellors whom ho saw fit
to select and bo guided by.
Mr Stanton's ideas upon tho war which
Confession of a Iiopublican.
I voted for Lincoln. That's ao.
Select Poetry.
carried a lamp sixteen nights, and woro
he was called on to conduct havo been out ns many as two capes. You sco I am
throughout crude, hoadstrong and incor- J about to confess all and make a clean
rcct. To prove this wo shall cito a singlo breast. I voted for Lincoln beeauso I was
example. Prior to tho siege of Yorktewn, I told that his election would put an end to
Mr. Stanton publielystatcd in Washington ! tho slavery agitation, and quiet the coun
that tho campaign in Virginia was over, , try. Tho Tribune said so; a large coin
that no further resistance would bo mado I niittco of Republican loadurs confirmed it.
to us, and that Richmond would be cvao-1 1 don't prctond to know much myself: but
uated. Tho result has shown how false
woro his assumptions, how baseless his
conclusions, in spite of tho articlo published
lately in tho Roston Transcript, (under
stood to bo the production of Mr. Senator
1 supposed our leaders kuo7, and I belicv
cd them.
I voted for Lincoln to make times good.
Tho loaders told us that times would be
better than ever, if Lincoln was elect
Wilson, with hints from tho higher source, , cd. That six dollars was only a Locofoco
intended to rehabilitate him. As to the ! price for pork,and that I might bettor have
absenco of further resistance iu Virginia, j the Lincoln price, which would bo eight.
General McGlellan is known to havo en
tertained and expressed very difl'eront
opinions, and they havo been in every ro-
I am not a rich man, I was not ablo to
givo my laud to my sons; but I wanted each
of them to have a farm. The leaders told
Fpoct justified by facts. I'irst and last, , me that my boys should each have 1 00
McOlellan has shown himself to be the I acres when Lincoln was elected. Poor
.,. r tl, ,i ti .,,,,1 i.i..i l
l.lttll el kliu iiujr. . 11 i,t ,,.i, i.uubnvu
in every possible manner, deprived of for
ccs promised to him, his plans broken up
by alterations made, not only without con
sulting him, but without even notifying
him of them, ho has nevertheless neither
lads? One of them sleeps in a tronch at
Fort Donelsoii, and tho other in tho hos
pital at Mound City.
After Lincoln was elected, and tho fuss
fairly begun, I wanted tho Crittenden com
promise adopted; but tho leaders persuaded
paused nor complained. What he was , me out of that. They aaked me "if I want
not allowed to do in the riuht way. ho has ! cd to sacrifice my inanhooh," and break up
done in the best way which the means fur- j tho "Great Republican party?" I didn't
ni.-hed him have permitted. know what to reply.
Even the dullest uow are beginning to j Then they told me that the South was
understand how things are going, and to only "gassing," and that wo could not kick
see the ruinous results of the policy of tho , r out of tho Union if wo should try
War Department. If the oucstion of ro- 1 ll;u a11 1110 oecewion mere was oiny pa-
moviug Mr. Stanton were put to the voto Per Secession,-' and would
in Pl,:ln,lnlnl,;n n .lnv l,a cssrnole 1112. That il tllC SoUtll frll
conic to notu-
, , , s .
in Philadelphia to day, he would scarcely '"S- illat 11 1110 coutu M,0UIU ?ccouo uc
receive a dozen votes out of tho circle of , would bo bctt(ir witl,out 1,ori and tl,at lf wc
those having pecuniary interests iu con- wanted her would only be the job
nection with the War Office. In Ncw of half a day to thra.h her into submiSion
Ynrlr tl, C.nlmrs .,, tn l,n tlm. same.- ' r"at tlio whole world, especially Lnglaud
Even tho old opponents of McCIcllau seem
Thoro's A Letter Awaiting for
Tho New England Routo Agents will
no doubt be gratified to learn that they at
last have a genuine Poet in their official
ranks. If they doubt it, let them read tho
following pretty lines from his pon, which
havo been recently set to music by a pub
lishing house in Boston.
There's a letter a-w ailing for you, Lizzie,
There's a letter a-tvaltlns for you,
l'rnm Jamie, who went away over the sea,
To light for tho red, white nnd blue.
I wiped the sad tear from yuur eyes, when limy star
As Jamie sped oil' on the wave;
Yet you smiled through yourgrh f, although nigh bro
ken hearted,
To think of your lover so brave, Lizzie Lee,
To think of your lover so brave.
Axd what Is he telling to you Lizzie
And what la ha telling to you t
Ho is safe, by thu light iu your eyes I can sec
God blesses a luver so true.
How proud were he now that he shrank not from duty,
Could he gaze on the Hush of your cheek,
And read the higli hopes that o'er inantlo yourbcouiy,
A plainly a language can speak, Lizzlu Lee,
As plainly as language can speak I
If I had a lover, like you. Lizzie Leo,
if I had a lovur like you,
With.McClellantotlght for thu flag of Ihe free,
I would weep, too, when sa)ing adieu.
Yet I'd bid him light on, thro' the rush and the rattle,
l'or the life of ourliberty tree i
Then, alter the maraud the din of the hatlle,
I'crchaucc he'd be writing to me, Lizzie Lee,
l'erchanco he'd be writing to me.
What a blessing to all, as to you, Lizzie Lee,
What a blessing tu all, a to you,
That wherever the van of our arinie may bo,
Wo can write tn the lnyalnndtruel
And Ihe soldier, who toils, overtasked, heavy-laden,
When Ihe daylight grows dusky and dim,
May retire to hi tent to commune with hi maiden.
Or the n lot li. r who prnyctk for him, Lizlie Lee,
Or the inoth-r who prayttli for hiiul
Tho Tangled Campaign.
Forborne time past tho public has looked
with surprise and bewilderment upon tho
cainpirgn in Eastern A'irginia. It was
understood to be the intcutiou of the War
Department to euvelopo nil military
fulness, with fre.pi.uit blushing, aiteuded so.... nines with movements with sccreisy and mystery, and
. , ..r....,..i w,.r. i-or.'d .....oe.liat.'lv J J J '
ta it K r u T i o i; i. a n not ice. I cviry oue hoped that if wo were perplexed,
Dr J addre, all'hose'!,c! then,- Ive ' tllO CllClliy VMS 110 less SO. Wo comforted
boKoTand'Sr ilnol'ilfem'tre.lmJr'buj;!; OUrselvC5 with the hope that if CVd'y thing
''Thc'o'arern: t0 b n COUfuSlOll, it W8S be of uth. vi.f Weakue ol Mm tl(J j , ag g0 skilfully COllCCaled.
Hack and Limb I'aiu ill tho Head, llinines ol Msiil , I . J
lo of Muscular 1'ower, Palpitation of the 11 .art. Hy j iut With tllllC CaillC cnllglltniUllt, IllOSt
,,nla Nervnin Irratabillt) . Ileraugemeiit of the Diges
live I'u' Debility, symplouisof l.'uiisump unpleasant CUlIglltmeilt V0 Witnessed
"MENTALLY -The fearful cHerts on the mind arn ' four, five and CVen MX Major GcUOrals,
KenresispKr'" with detached comiuauds, no one with
iftfflS l' , any control over tho rest, and found that
is th, w ..f "heir de. lining ii.-aijh. Loosine tn.-ir they were all playing at cross purposes.
;&VpK Here was a positive invitation to tho one-
consumption. Q (, x (. M ,, N, 1 my, nor was he slow in accepting it. Then
Who have injured llims. Ive by a ceit.iln prartlc.i ca.110 tllO di"3"l'aeeful SCCUC3 of Jackson's
indulged in wh.Mi nlono-ahauit tre'iueuiiy i.-.irue.i iron. "
cvll cooipani .r .it school -Ihe cde.tiof which am Tlw, We had plenty Of tl'OOpS to Capture
marriiigo impossible, nnd destroy both mind and' bod), lam and all his men, but there was 110 CO
"""'"."I'l .... ,1... I.,.n f IiIj nnnrntini. If! Onilfll'flilllttnS Yl'l'rf! SO
and the daVling of hi parents, ;h.;ul.l be .,'nntched Iron.
wc still had Jackson
in a tight place, and by the destruction of
to see that tho success of tho war in tho
East depends on him, and wc find the
war correspondent of the New York 'Tri
bune ui"in" that hobo reinforced with tho
least possible delay. So in Roston; so in
the interior, livery ono knows that iu
the army McClellan is idolized. No ono
who comes in cantact with the sick sol
dicrs is left in any doubt of that. If Mr.
Lincoln wishes that Mr. Stauton's error
shall be retrieved, if he hopes to see the
war brought to a speedy close, if ho de
sires to perforin an act uuivorsally acc?pt
ablo, let him niuko Gen. McClellan onco
more Commander-in chief, and let him
replace Mr. Stanton by Gen. Ranks or
sonic other competcut, person.
Pit Uudclph hi Build in.
and France, would immediately take tide
with the North. All this, and much more
of the samo sort, our loaders told to mo.
Thus I was deceived, and led from one
terriblo mistake to another And all this
time, and upon each and all these matters,
tho Democracy told mo tho truth. It would
have been much bttor for mo and for the
country if I, aud all of us, had beou Dem
ocrats' Logan Gazette.
General Fremont.
The New York Tiibttne h the sole tie
fender of General Frcmout's conduct in
giving up his command in Virginia. As
contrasted with tho course pursued by
' Geucral Ranks and McDowell, it looks
still worse. They are the seniors of Gen
! oral Pope, in years as well as in date
1 of commission. Rut they do not hesitate
in prospect and e,0oiii.u.ts of life, hy ihe eniise-jueii- greatly in our lavor, tuiit alter
K'.' T ctahV'e'ra'hab;;: biul. ' Pr.on' mcsc belorJ missed half a dozen,
refWct that a sound niliul nnd body am the most ne
cessary re.piiMties li. prooi. i- in.. ' i t ,c hr,(TQ at J'OU UCPUDUC tlllKUt 1UVC
., . w these tne tourney lino..!.. .... .,.-.., - c "
out him off. Rut hero as in
t...,na.i,..,,, t (..up i ... ir.uruev in rou
aweary pilgrimage, tho prosp-it hourly darken to
..... , I I, ,iu,. .h.i.lnwi'd Willi llcsp.lirfc
rilled with'tliu melaii. lioly rell-.liou that the happiness Cilses tllilltTS WCl'C lilisilianiicod
of another lieconies bliglited with our own, I . .
(i ! i m p u u i) e N ' e. i uot umlcrtako to pronounce whether Col
I, Ifll. t I
SS:S"S;3-K" Carroll was himself at fault, or whether,
rafof SllvlI'drVSiiirfrlrupwg' ; as alleged in his defence, ho had no op.
who from education and respc, lability can nl'W'lr!"1;1'' ' i....:, f H, l,-;,1n M,n
him, delaying till th" constant al synipiom oi ini iunuuii.jr . u.Uj...b
Horrid .iisoasoiii.iKcs ..pi-e.... . ... ..... -- s ret rGnia ns that t he
"a' ! to servo under him, when the President
"I Did It." so directs.
Aeraham Lincoln has always at his! The best friends of General Fremont
tongue's end an unanswerable excuse and a now constrained to admit that his ca
apology for tho rascalities committed by rccr has been a failure. In civ.l.political
his understrappers, and tho geeater tho and military life ho has failed sigually.
thief is, tho more spirited is the Prcsidon- Everybody knows what confusion he
tial interference. Witness tho devotion of wrought in Missouri last year, and what
Ilia Excellency to the interests of Simon dusters wo buffred from his management. that distinguished despot If thoro were any who doubted that he
was arrested at the Stance of Pierce was properly removed from command m
all previous iww. foP f!1isn imnvisonment. and there Missouri, they will doubt no longer, alter
, j i ' ;.. .i -t. t. r..:i.i ,
C Shall I wfiq ., nrnlmhilirv that Simon would suffer
A Confirmed Grumbler
Some time ago thoro lived in Edinburg,
a well-known grumbler named Sandy
Rlack, whoso often-recurring fits of spleen
ot indigestion produced somo amusing
scones of senseless irritability, which were
highly relished by all except the bruto's
izood patient little wife. One moruin"
Sandy rose bent on a quarrel ; tho had
dies aud eggs were excellent, done to :
turn, aud had been ordered by himself the
previous evening ; aud breakfast passed
without tho looked-for cause of complaint,
''What will you have for dinner, San
dy?" said Mrs. Black.
"A chicken, madam," said the bus
"Confound it, madam, if you had beer.
a good aud considerate wife, you'd have
known before this what I liked,'" Sandy
growled out, and slamiug the door bebiud
him, left tho house. It was in spring, and
a friend who was present heard the little
wife say, "Sandy's bent on a disturbance
to-day ; I shall not please him, do what 1
The dinner-time came, and Sandy and
his friend sat down to dinner; tho fish
was catcu in silence, aud, on raisin" the
His IVamc Jesus.
''Thou shalt call his name Jesus," said
tho Angel who announcod his birth to Jo
soph, "for ho shell savo tho peoplo from
their sins." Even Joshua, whoso hamo
is identical in Hebrew, was so called pro
phetically, as tho Saviour or deliverer of
Israel from enemies and dangers; and in
this ho was a typo of Him who was to
come, not as a military conqueror and
earthly prince, though men so expected
him not as a deliverer of tho Jews from
Roman vassalage, and tho restorer of
their ancient independence but as a Sa
viour from a far worso bondage, and a
more terrific ruin from perdition, from
damnation, not of angels, not of devils,
not of men, without exception or discrimi
nation ; but of those predestined to belief
iu him ; his people, tho Saviour of his
peoplo ; not from temporal or physical dis
tresses, but from sin ; not from tho sins of
others, but their own; not front it3 effects,
but from itself; not merely iu tho stream,
but in the spring, tho source, the principle,
the essence ; for the Gospel is not only
good news of a Saviour, but of him who
came, of him who was called Jesus, because
ho was to savo tho people from their sins.
Joicph Jl. Alexander, 1). D.
8 Tho Republican party promised
us "good times;" they promised "protcc
tion to laboring men ;" they promised us
'economy and reform;" they promised us
a "full treasury aud light taxation ;'' they
they promised "free press," "free speech,"
and ''freedom." Their promises wcro all
that oue could wish were ho ever so exacting.
Rut what havo thoy given us ? They
have given us the destruction of tho great
staples of the South, and consequently an
increased price for southern products ; they
have given us a rag currency based upon
public credit ; they havo banished gold ;
they have given us civil war, ruin and de
vastation ; they havo fastened a publio
debt upon us which our children's chil
dren cannot pay ; aud they have protecicd
labor by bringiug contrabands to compcto
with and destroy it. Laborers, what do
you think of the fulfillment of Rlack Re
publican promises tSiuibu.y Democrat.
hriilrrfi u'ms, ilieased nose, iioctiuuai, pain in i. -
;:"u"rS ?i not dyll "UU Jaokion escapee, now
iLY&'X Mr. Stanton came to bo still Secretary of
;!u ' w v om l!iy after tl,U bcca,uo knowu no
ding llllll to "tuai u.ninie liui.i .;..." - oflQ IS a01C 10 UIIUCl Sl.lIIU.
Why was tho army cut up into seperato
couimauds, and why woro departments
conslitutcd for them? Solely because
Is a melancholy fact that thousand tail victims to
lerriblu disease, owing tn the uiiskilllulluess ol ig
nt pretender, who, by the u.e of that IhO'lly I i-
It is
this terriblo
.ton, Mercury, ruin thu constitution and nuke the robi
due of life miserable.
t T II A N E K S
Trust not your lives, or health, tn the rare of Uu- n-
.... , I s
i opy.
tltcrc were Ucncruls V whom commands
it was enough in the eyes of the law for
Abraham to assume the dignity of an Ori
ental satrap, say "I did it." aud the il
lustrious prisoner goes free.
No ordinary man would havo dared to
share tho notoriety of tho financial exploits
of Simon Cameron. The wholo country
was shocked and amazed at his pecula
tions nnd frauds, which were of such gi
gantic proportions as to call forth even
from a Rcpublicrn House of Hcprcscnta
tivos, a resolution of censure. Abraham
Liucoln dares to sharo tho famo of Simon
observing the manner in which ho failed to
catch .hiiikson in Virginia, and especially
after observing how he throw up his
command, when almost facing Ihu
enemy, simply because tho President
chose lo put his corps, along with those
of Ranks and McDowell, under another
Scarcely any officer of high rank has
received so much indulgence from the
Government as General Fremont His
extravagance and neglect iu Missouri
were tolerated very long too long,
indeed, as the sacrifice of Lyon and
scores of other disasters attest. After
Tin: Latest Romish Miracle. A
pastoral letter from tho Archibishop of
Spolcto to his flock has been published, ro
latipg to a sorics of "miracles" which, ho
astcrts, havo just been performed by an
old aud discoloured imagh of tho Virgin
Mary near Spoloto. "Sotno months ago,"
ho says, "this venerable image, to torao
extent, received its worship by moans of a
voice, which was several times heard by a
child under flvo years of age, named Hen
ri, whom it called by its name. It afao
showod itself to this child in a manner wo
cannot describrii" The Bishop then goes
on to narrate that several villages suffer
ing under dangerous and painful afflictions,
especially persons laboring under rheu
matic affections, felt thsmsclvos inspired to
visit this imago and worship it, and wcro
restored to perfect health. A man whoso
feet had been crushed by tho wheels of a
wagon, no sooner approached tho imago
than ho was able to stand and walk as be
fore. Moral miracles havo also been per
formed. Scoffers who havo gone to tho
spot have, on drawing near, experienced a
complete change of heart. The exhibition
has not been unproductive to tho treasury
of the Church. Every visitor is expected
to lcavo sotno doposit ) and tho Archibish
op speaks indignantly of an attempt mado
by tho police officer of the Italian Govern
ment to procure a satisfactory account of
of tho receipts. The Archibishop has had
a medal struck in honour of "tho diYino
Good Ahvice to Doctors A Bow
ery boy being cut short in a hard life by
a sore disease, which quickly brought him
to death's door, was told by his physician
that medicine could do nothing for him.
"What's my chance, doctor I"
"Not worth speaking of."
'One in twenty?
'Oh no.'
'In thirty?
'I think not.'
'A hundred?'
Well, perhaps thero may bo ono in a
'I say, then, doctor,' pulling him closo
cover of the dish betoro him, in a tower- i o
t ii t , .a 'uukj.! ness in his ear, just you go iu on that one
ing passion he called out, '-Roiled chicken! f 'J J
The doctor did so, and tho patient ro-
Turned up Alive. Some time sinco,
Mr.David Yoho, of Pigeon Greek, Wash
ington county, Pa., went to tho battle field
of Fort Donchon and had disinterred (a3
ho supposed) tho body of his son, who had
received a wound during tho fight, of which
he died and was buried. Tho body was
conveyed home and rcintcrred in tho fam
ily burial ground, at Pigeon Creek, all
tho family being satisfied of tho indentity
of tho body, except a sister of the deceased.
Last week Mr. Yoho was astonished at re
ceiving a letter fromhia son; whom he sup
posed dead and buried, stating that after
some weeks, treatment in tho hospital ha
had recovered, so as to bo able to rejoin his
company, and expect to tako part in tho
next battle. The joy of tho family can bet
ter be imasincd than described.
SQf Meanness shows itself oftcnestin
little things ; in scant mcasuro, light
I weight, saving half cents in making change,
requesting a merchant to take a few cents
short to save changing a bill, in being last
at work and first at dinner, in watching tho
clock or tho sun at tho closo of a day'a
work, and in similar trifles. Like drops
of water they arc felt, and in time will wear
out tho enduranco of the best customer and
tho patience of tho most indulgent employer.
A chicken boiled is a
.T"i..V..:i . . ,i tv.J, Pr.ti.udir. destitute of I , . l ...!. ..1.1 l,t..
u.; ; "r "c . nTi rV.B: 1 Cameron. In his late special message ho ., l)onnHmfilIl was i;ro
dvertlicmuiUH, or utile..''.", u". i "'" ;t'i" ; lallCU tO DC SUDOrYUiniitCU, 10 Uicai Ci'ptJ- . , . , . r, -' . , w
i... i.. iv i...i,..l i h. ..11.1 iiM'-.i.rililt' .tf L till L'.llmV M I I hT intiiitinriAn nV.n Una I aii rrrnsa Fr fa . i
CKUMlij ijimtiHui t t.jj-M .... .s.w.., ...... -7, rfii,t.:, . . . ..,
1 ...... iweiuunMwii i"1"-" wvMfa.v.. - .....ipnoB nr him. nm in U':iR n I
-T riimilri nfti r lilOIUU MMIIZ uitti """J ' flmnrtr rtunrrnlfd fmlirniV POHSl Ilf'rilLlOllS . " . .. aii-u vaw.vb.j w j
"'"tV""' x"?' ; , ,di , ? .,..i.. .... .. .t i censure, saying hi suustanco. xou wcro . in ,,liat,rn of aiar0 ,. With part of
, unu ill oespair, .'iivu " j anil Hi OlUCf 11113 Ul iiiul guui i . . T, -- a- " j
Dver your ga.iiingoisa . i.-i... i in, wrouf; iu uuiisuriui! 'iiiucruu. t was uiu, . i - , ,.UP mup nn" and rilllid
i thu only ,. m c it havo his couimaiid, all strategy, nay L. ,. , ., , fa. ,, . ' , ins troopis nt. in.iue sonit. ionn aim t.ijuu
or diploma, always .hang.,. m , ,. ' , , , ' I 1U It I10W WUat Will yOU U0 I but tllCV Wero ill tllO VrOllST lll-
or ireaiuieiu are uoKi.ow i. ."...." - ait coillllioil suiisu nita iiisuuiuuu, unu iu . ,.,..., n , m- I "
a life .pent in the great l.osp.ul of K. I-, ...:ii:., ' :. "1 did ill' hat SUpei'ClllOUS 111S0- ,,..!,, au,l accoaipHsllCU llOtllilHr. i0W,
i, in, ini ti.ri' .... i.i.n.u i-.iri , ... itnvv s.., i.v.. ...M.. . i .una ...uu i. . . -
f ecularlv
ieen you trillio
.und paisonHs'compoi.u
ran be outaineu
laca th tn sign
Dr. Johnson
Hi credential
Hi rcme.iic
prepared from
..... .. ..... ' ,;v.
call rratnee loan any wiiwi")"" , ij
iNDoiiyinii'.NT or the pui..
The many thousand cured at lli.s in.litiition year af
ter year, and the iiunierou Important Hurgiial Opera
tions performed hy l)r. Johusloii. wiincs-ed by Ihu re
porter! of the ".-uu," "Clipper." and many other punt rs
notices of which have appeared agam and again bel.i.n
the public, beside hi standing a a guntleiucii oUr
acter and responsibility, Is a suludciil guarantee to the
rcrsons writing should Ve particular in directing their
4e,.,ol,L ins.ituti.n. In. he .fMomnv,
Of the naltlmnre Lock llultal, ll.iltiinorc, Maryland.
Jan 18, ISfiJ. March 1,, Jei.0
I hate it, madam.
chicken spoiled."
Immediately tho cover was raised for
another chicken, roasted to a turn.
"Madam, I won't cat roast chicken,"
roared Sandy ; you know how it should
havo been cooked !''
At tho instant a broiled chicken, with
mushrooms, was placed on tho table.
"Without green peas!" roared tho
The Shoe Rusiness. Tho Newbury
port Herald says that the shoo business is
reviving, all the shoe towns feel tho good
effects, In Lynn, Marblchead, Haver
hill, and a hundred other towns in this
State, work is abundant, and tho working
people aro few ; wages have advanced, and
the manufacturers refuso io tako orders for
j tho future at present prices, so that wa
ges may be better yet. lical cstato is ad
vancing, the tradesmen aro very hopeful
and everything looks first rate.
The Early Riser. Happy tho man
who is an early riser I Every morning,
day comes to him with a virgin love, full
of bloom, and purity, and freshness. The
! youth of nature is contagious, liko tho glad
' ncss of a happy child- I doubt if any man
can bo called old, so long as he is an early i take us by the hand, and aro anxious about
j .,, TOnlt-r Ami. .. vouth. thc alth f our bodie, and laugh at our
'Hero they are, dear," said Mrs. Black. , . . J ,L ,, . ' ,,,- i jokes, and wo really think, liko tho fly cn
"How dare vou spend m v money in that takc .rd fr Ty?,. ina 1 058 S , the wheel, that wc have something to do
find S intlflrP. (lflWQ lntf OVCr Uf IIS with tlin nrmnrr rt thA ft"irfh I hn
11VIIU 1U HMHV.-j " " ' " fills tUU tUt U 4 Ws kMW UH.VUI MU
How Soon Forgotten. So lately
dead; so soon forgotten. "Tistho way of
thc world. Wc flourish for a while. Men
fast at noon, is a very decrepid, ghastly docs not stop for one funeral; everything
imarreofthat youth which sees tho sun ' goes on as usual ; wo aro not missed in tho
tlirt nmniitrt ns. find rho uCWJ ' . . .D J
i i
U1USU OVCr lilU uiuuuiiviua)
sparkling upon blossoming hedgerows.
'tinnn AAitunif from cun h n inti nu T lin 1 . . . . ". . l.
wasted, with what fruits J-disgraco aud - wiien tne troops m .1,,11 -u.u u,
universal dissatisfaction. Tho American 1 LlDColn who 0CCUP1CS '' clmnou. a V' organized, under a plan agreed upon by
iv.; will, ,e,rnPM nnd i.nna- ! tn onco nciu oy ueorgo asiuugion
juw.-i ivvo.i " w-'t) I
Imnin fnr nlnn nf fills torriblll COntGfit.
' Amnnnnn nnnnm iniut lin n lit iunl'n1 irnrtn . 1 1 1: . .
i l, iviui jjv.uj;iu lun.iu oj w i m v vv 11 ni . (.ln,rUM
did il ! So that is to bo tho way tho mmsli-intlultfea officer retires from tho
tho P-csideiit ami Cicncral hcott, this
indulged officer re
This shows that his
lOTIHE iiadcrsigue.l respoctfully Inform hi old friuidl
X and cnslomers. iliat he ha purchased hi brothers
a ntcrest tn0 h,,vc concern
hircatter i.econ.uicie.1 i-y niuiseii ,:c.i.s.,i-,j.
s, lie has Just reenved and oilers for sale, Ihe larg-
1 est and most fit' u.iv.i iissortmenl ol I'
STO V Er ever (isirodeceit uitr. tins mar mi.
I uu fct.irk ro.isis.Y of a roo.i.letu ussortuient "f
ithr best Conking and parlor stmes tnthe market, togi ih
r.t with Htnve Vuliiies f every description, Oven and
mm Stoves, Radiator. C'jliudar rilove, Cast Iron fljr
Tight stoves, f'annon fittwes, fee, tee. rlovt-pipB and
Tinware eonstantly on hand and inanur.iiture.l to order.
All kind! of repairing done, a iinial. on sho.t notice.
Tn. pitronsf 1 01 ip irisuu m 't!!;, 1
.Inionnil ilmt. iinif.v nf np.tinn shull bo rc
stored, political expediency disregarded , lU0 uucgmu ul cluct motive, 1.1 entering 1110 army, was
aud the war conducted with a view to ro- , lilti113 of tl,cir l'bort ! 1 Abraham I.ia- suliirsh unibtion and not patriotism. II
Presidential ulcaso
1 f In mntJnrrrtonilnl fnr nrosi- Coin (ilrf l7 tllO
dential candidates. As io tho abortion , wllioh is to st0P thc outh of iho Amori
I nnti f wnnmnii nnnml nlllMlff nf nnnrnfinTl
To such a pass wo havo come at last.
iflertfully iclirttsd
Sloemtbuig .Vovt
il-lJ-IIH" if
of a campaign iu Virginia, no one cares
whether Mr. Stanton planned it, or Gen-
Hitchcock, or Mr. Buckingham. Wo up-
prchondod that ucithcr will bo over ans- , S6r "Como, sonny, get up," said an
ious to nBS-uiuo responsibilily for so wretch- indulgent father to his hopeful son, tho
cd a failure. Nevertheless, when Mr. ( other morning. "Remember tho early
Stanton undertook to upset all General : bird catches tho worm."
MoClellan's plans, ho necessarily assumoJ 1 "Whatdolcaro for worms?" replied
tho rctponwbility for what ho substituted, Iho young hopeful. ' mother won't let me
whether it originated wi'i himself, or ",utb go fk-hirg.''
"They were a present," said tho wife,
interrupting him.
Rising from his chair and rushing from
tho room, amidst a roar of laughter from
his fricud, ho clenched his fist aud shouted , j-ycopla seem to think that love to
"How daro you receive a present without! warJ aod mU3tbo something totally dif
my leave !" j ;n j.;nj from tu0 iovo yihich wo
, j-ccj towar(j our followrcrcaturcs, nay, as
Sound or Cannon. Wc stated that though it might exist without any feeling
tho reports of cannon wero heard plainly at all, If wo bclicvo that it ought to bo
at this place on Tuesday, tho 3d instant. 1 the same feeling, which i3 excited by aliv
It is now known that on that day fighting ' ;nj, friend upon earth, higher and purer,
occurred throughout the whole forenoon at but not less real or warm, and if tried our
Strasburg, Va., over ono hundred miles in hearts, to sco whether it is in us by tho
a direct lino from this place, over hills, tests, thoro would bo less self-deception on
, , ,
two hearts feel tho wound of affliction, ono
or two memories still hold our names and
from ; but tho crowd moves on its daily
circle j aud in three days tho great wavo
of time sweeps our steps, and washes out
thc last vestigo of our lives.
his disgust could be so iiuiflt iuureiuul sih ' mouutsiins and valleys, A gentleman in
to make him resign his commission, it whom wo place implicit relianco informs
would be a relief to the country, He is us that on Saturday, tho 31st of May, tho
likely to bo a useless Major.Gencral, for j,,., ti10 great battlo near Richmond ho
it is not to be expected tint the President was riJing on the r0ad near Raltimoro,
will entrust a command to a man whose an(1 iicara a continuous roar in that dircc-
scnsibility is ho great that I in cannot serve t;ou allj at a t;mo wucn tlacro no iudica-
under a Opera! likr Pope. iions of thunder. Wo aro fully impressed
with tho idea that tho firing of cannon can
bo heard much further than is bupposed.
It must bo over ono hundred and fifty
miles to Richmond. Towosontiea Adv.
Evcniii" Bulletin
this point; and wo should moro easily bo
coueeiyed that wo must bo wholly destitute
of that, cf which we can iliow no lively
tf37An exchange coincs to us with, tho
notice that 'Truth' is crowded out of thjo
isue. This is ajmost as bad as tho up
country editor who said: 'For tho evil of
fec'a of intoxicating drinks, soo our insido,'
. 01" I'
SSrWheu wo look around us now upon
tho ruin of our .country, it is a proud and
grateful consciousness to feel that wo can
'look into the bluo sky and say 'it is no
fault of ours.
2SS- A German writer observes that in
America there is sueh a scarcity of thieves,
that thoy aro obliged to offer a reward for
XfiyAnna Maria Story was married to
Rob Short, A very pleasaut way toniako
a story short.
The State Fair. Tho regular An- j
aual Exhibition of tho State Agricultural
SnoiMu will I, ft lmlll Oil ll.O OTOtlllds of tllO 1 "
"""'I ' D---.. -. tUclr a,5covcryi
East Pcunsylvauia Agricultural and Mo-1
chanical Society, in Norr'utown, commen-' ESy ' Yougccra to walk moro erect than
oing on Tuesday, Sopterabor 30th, and
olosing on Friday, Octobor 3d.
usual, my friend." ''Yes, I havo been
lately straightened by ciroumstancoB,"