AGRICULTURE. rXnt ty IAf IVsiitf ' twniM Mrtrr. Ilmitlf must tlthtr Mi or tlrirt. OLD HORSES. The term old, as applied to liorsca, is gonerally intended to convey not only tbo htatemcnt of tlicir ago being past marks in tbo moulb, but also the common impros bion that comparatively tboy arc of little value, if past eight or niuo yoara. Now, if wo ricbtlv understand it, tbo borso has not attained bis full growth and perfection of bodily frame, until bo bas passed bis , BCVCnth Year 5 and until crOWtll is attained I J t h is lUSt as unfitted for extreme bard la- J , , I bor D3 ft man before arriving at full man- , , , , i hood. Itl tulS country. tllO praoUCO 01 , 1 , i putting horses to work at tWO anil tlireo ! r ,, i. ,. . i i years, Usually results (in their UCCOming ... , , . . UrOCCU UOWI1 UJf UVUl-ullViHjJ Ul uvus- straining before tboy bavo attained firm ness of muscle, and capability for endu ring labor. Thus it is, that horses aro often, witb us, rendered comparatively valueless beforo they bavo in truth arrived at an ago of full powers and enduraucc. "Wo bavo owned a number of horses, and whenever wo bavo had ono that had not been injured beforo arriving at maturity, vre have found him moro capablo of per forming regular labor at from ten to fif teen, than those of four to soven years. in our opinion, therefore, judging from observation, wo consider tho horse in his prime at from nino to thirteen years of ago always remembering that previous to his having attained bis gvowtb, say seven years, bo ba3 not been over-driven, strained, or othorwiso iujurcd by reason of high stimulating food or abuse. Ohio Farmer. PLANTING CABBAGES. A correspondent of tho Ma.k Lane Ex press, who highly extols tbo cabbago for feeding mileh cows, storo cattle, sheep and swine, and moro especially for spriug fceding of lambing owc3, says that the av eragcproduct per acre in England may bo stated at 28 tow. lie gives the fol lowing directions for planting them : The cabbage plants freshly dran from tbo nursery-bed, witb tho extrcmo end of tho slender fibrous root cut off, are brought to tbo field, and immersed in tubs of water, with the roots downwards, and taken from the vessels as tbo plants are required for use. Persons provided witb dibbles insert the plants on tho top of the drills, at tho distance of two feet from each other making a bole with tho dibble for tbo insortion of tho plant to tbo depth it has stood in tbo nursery-bod, and push ing with the dibble the sides of tho hole together, in order to give tho plant a firm position. It must bo very carefully ob served not to insert tbo plant deeper or more shallow than they stood in the nursery-bed, as a transformation of the ex 'posed or earthed up skin is ibe conse quence, and a necessary delay in tho on ward progress of tbo plant. All plants with a largo foliage requiro much raoisturo and the dung ibat is used for cabbage must be thoroughly moist, and even wet, wheth er it bo cool or fermented ; the plants im mersed in water, and tbo insortion in the ground should bo performed in tho wettest weather in which tbo work is posiiblo to bo dono. When any plants are seen to bo dead, the places must bo immediately filled witb fresh plants in order to secure a full crop all over tbo field. CURRANTS. Of all tbo now and vaunted varieties of currants, I do not think tbero is ono su perior to tbo old Red Dutch for general domestic use Tho cherry current is very largo, and certainly fine ; but it will not produeo any more, or oven to fully a3 tho old Redtj But to got a fino crop, the ground must bo rich ; a heavy dressing of good manure should bo spread over tbo root3 just beforo winter : thi3 will not only enrich tho ground, but prosorvo tho roots and, as the currant is a fibrous rooting plant, making a great quantity of roots near tho surfaco, protection from frost is of somo moment. Most currant bushes aro sadly neglected when young. They nro allowed to fruit when small, which woakens their growth. Tho currant is so very precccious that it will fruit when quite youug, but it should bo picked off, and tbo plants closely pruned down for a year or two, so that thoy will bo encour aged to brunch out and form a spreading bush. Somo people arc averse to suckers, and prefer a Binglo Btera. This may bo the best modo certainly it is tho neatest but I find no difficulty in regulating tho brunches, and tho young suckers afford an opportunitu of cutting off somo of tho ol der branohes occasionally, which renews tho plant, and also prorides against depre dations mado by tho borer t which some times destroys a limb. Of Wliito varieties, tho wbito grape is tbo best that I have met. It lias a spread ing, horizontal modo of growth, ami is easily known from tbo others. Liquid manure from the barn-yard, pourod ovor the roots any time during winter or spring, I find to bo an excellent stimulant to the currant, '1'urmtr and Gardener, LIFE'S SECRET. A STORY OF WOMAN'S UEVEN(l! BY MRS. HENRY WOOD, Author of "Tlic Clmnnlngs," "Earl's Heirs," "East l.y.iuo," fcc., fee. Jl Life's Secret I A Life's Secret I A Life's Secret ny Author of "Enst Lyntiol" A LIFE'S BF.CELT, A fiToniroF Woman's Rrvtsor. By Mrs. Henry Wood, ntillior of "Hast l.jnnc," "Tho Chaunlugs," nml "Tho Earl's Heirs," will bo published nnil for sale on Saturday next, May !Mth. li ft p rititetl from Ilia manuscript ami nilvuiico proof-sheets, pur tlin cil tiy no from tho author, in ndvamo of the publi cation or the work In Europe, nnil will bo issued In n fcnrge octnvn volume, largo type, iloulilu column, nml frlntcil mi tltn fincrt nnil bctt ofwhlto paper. 1'ricts iny cents In paper caver, or Seventy-live cents In rioiu, lleaitehai Dr. It. Shclltn Mackenzie, the Literary Editor of Forney's Press, says of it tdtturallyln that piper. Mm. lltHRV Wood's stwtsT new novel. It is salil Hint Napoleon coulil illcuto nn thrcn or four different suhjebts, to ns many secretaries nil nl once. Mrs. Hen. ry Wood must liava similar menus of putting her clever fiction upon paper. Within the last mrtnighl or so, wn have iinllcru trro of tirr new novels. i-The Enrl's Prin.e.i fr pcaranco in London, welch wc Imvojust read from tlio advance copy of tho Broor-shects scums by the publish' ers. "A Lffo's Secret; A Story ;or Woman's Eovongo," clues not resemble any of Mrs. Wood's preeeoillug titles except In tha wonderful power of putting iho render In- to lull possession of tho motlrcs of tho leading char- ' uctcrs, in giving tho most nnturnl conversations, nml In concealing the ileuoucincnt to thd very tlocto of tho story. This litt so essential to Iho novelist, Mrs. Wood posesscs In n larger degrco than any other liv 1 Mg writer. Mixed up wllh the Incident of the tale, which runs through it, Is n striking nnd painfully truth, t fill account of tho rise, progress, nnd decline of llio social evil called a builders' "strike," His ns power ful as painful, nnd show s Mrs. Wood's possession of tho elements of domestic tragedy, Thepricuof "A Mfo's Secret," Is but Fifty Cents n copy, and is sent free of postage by the publishers, to any one, on receipt of thai uniount. 1'ublUhed nnd for snlo by T.n. rmxitsoNfc nnoTiiuns, SOU Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. To whom nil orders must come addressed. JUST PUBLISHED. Mrs, Henry Wood's Other lloohs. t. Tut CiiAN.stNos. A Domestic Novel of Real Life. By Mrs. Henry Wood, author of "Earl's. Heirs." "A Life's Secret," "The Castlc'Olclr," "Tho Mystery," etc. Complete in one largo octavo volume, double column, making over three hundred pages, and printed nn the tlnest white paper. 1'rico fifty cents n copy, In papor cover, or seven iy-flvo cents in cloth. II. Tim EARb's IlEins. A Talc of Domestic I.i'c. By the author of "ThoChannlngs,""Tho Mystcry,""A Life's Sjcrct," "The Castle's Heir," etc. l'rico llfty cents a copy, In paper cover, or seventy-llvo cents in cloth. C7 Copies of "A Llfo's Secret," or"Cliannings," or I the "Carl's Heirs," will he sent to any ono free of post age, on remitting the price of the edition wished, to the publishers, in a letter. C7- llookscllers. News Agents, and nil others, will pleuso send on their orders at once fur what they may want of "A Lire's Secret" lo start with, which will provu tobo equally na popular as thC'Chaniiliigs," the "Earl's Heirs," or "East Lynnc." Address all orders at once to the publishers, T. li. l'llTCUSON & HUOTHERS, No. 30(5 Chestnut Street, l'hiladclphla. NEW AND GOOD BOOKS 1 just roousnSD and ron sale dt T. IS. Tctcrson J- Brothers, 300 Chestuut Street, Philadelphia. nooks sent everywhere free of postage, on remitting to us the price of lliu books wanted, in a letter. Guslave Aimard's Looks. t. Tire Indian Prour. I!y Custavo "Tho Flower of the Prairie," tc. moro Cooper's "I'athlindcr." 1'iico or 75 cents in cloth. II. The I'lowfr of thc Fkairie. By author of "The Indian Srout," etc. thing overwritten by J. I'cnniinore cents in paper, or 73 cents in cloth. May 21, isoa. Almard, author of Equal to J. I'enni 30 cents in paper, flustavo Aimard, I'ully equal to any Cooper, l'ricu 50 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Sheet, Forty-E-'ght Columns. Publisher! every Morning, (Except Sundays,) bv Wm. W. Hording, No. 121 SuutU Third Street, liiilad elphia, l'a. The Greatest newspaper of Philadelphia I The trying Uinca of the nation's history in which wo live, render a Live Newspaper! nn iudispeiihablo to every man who would keep himself informed ur the important events which nro daily transpiring. To furnish a paper which will meet the justexpectations ofthe public In such ti time as the pressnt, requires an amount of labor and of extraordinary expense of which the community nt largo have no conception. The pub luliereof mi: riiiT.Anr.r.piiiA ixquinEit, has spared no efforts or monny to mako it all that it could bj made. Besides improving nnd strengthening tho home force during the past year, avernl of llio best Reporters andjLitler writers In the country have been sent, at great ex) scs, with tho Army and Navy, and have frequently given Hie public the first and full, est accounts by telegraph and by mail, of Important r.ri:ji's at the skat of war, Tho Inquirer wns tho first northern paper to give the account of the Hntteras und 1'ort Itoynl victories, and wns twelve huurs in advance of any papor in tho conn try. in its publication nf tho details of Hie Bull llun llattlo. hat The Inquirer has done, is but an earnest of what will bo done, lu order to give its readers and best uccuuts of every event of interest conncited with TIIF. ailF.AT Ur.BF.Ll.lOX, and at the same time have it maintain its reputation as the best general newspaper in tho enuntrv, Tho increase in llio circulation of llio 'inquirer du ring tha year. Is tlio best evidence of tho e.tnt to which tho public rely upon it for tho news of the day. Ha circulation has averaged for toveral months' past. Ol'F.R TirQ HUXD11ED THODSAX1) COP1F.SI a week, or nearly forty thousand a day : and it has, during tho year, m times of excitement, reached over seventy thousand a day testing the cnp.icity of our fast press to the utmost to supply the demand. It com menced the Now Year with new nnd beautiful copper faced typo, nnd with renewed vijor nnd activity in its News and I'ditorial departments. Tlio Inquirer is independent in polities. BJ" I'rires nt which the Philadelphia lMquircr is fur nishnd: Single copies Two Conls, or twelve cents a week; Daily Paper SO per annum, in advance ; Two incnths SI; Tri-Weekly 81. All letters should bo d dressed to WM. W, IIAKDIXO, Publisher, Inquirer lluildlng, 121 South Third 8 . May 10, 1802. l'miADiLrutA, Pa Accurate aud Life-Likc Portraits of Tim MEN OF THE TIME. WE arc now publishing u series nf unique and Life like Portraits or the Distinguished Men of thu Timo-ciiibraring Military and Naval Officers, .Members of Congress, Civilians, &c. They are lino line engra vings, executed in superior stjij, and prepared from the latest Photographs, many of which liavo been ob. lalned expressly for this collection. Being printed on cards of the same size as tho "Cartes de Vislto," they aro adapted to the Photograph Albums, or can be iseut to distant friends by mail These portraits are superior to any now inthjmar. ket, and nro remarkable, fur tho faithntluess with Hhidi the likeness is portrayed. When purchasing, bo careful to inquiro forMarticn's Card 1'iirtraits, Priie 10 cents each, or twenty copies for ono dollar, lC7-Senl by mail, post-paid, on receipt ol tho price. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. I WE hove now ready, of our own ninnufaiturc, a complete and cxttnsiro assortment of Photograph Al bums, inado of thu very best materials, and equal, If not superior, in stylo and finish, to any now In the market, whilst they aro ollcrcd at lower prices tliau any others. Tho assortment comprises several new varitties, us well us now designs and 'clasps. Every Album is furnished with atitle-paeeaud iudex, printed in gold, Published by WILLIAM S. tz AI.FKEn MAKTIEV, 101) Chestnut tfucut, Philadelphia. ACIEXTS ilAXTED, April 2G, 1602-1111. F. O.IIARKISON, M. D. OULD respectfully infurni the citizens of Blno- uurg, unu viciuiiy, inaiiio coiiitnucstlio practice xri.rfirA-i ia-i virjjr-m. 1 nd solicits n sli.iro of pul.lic patrouagii. ' Orate on .Main Street, first houto below tho Court House, IIloo in still rg. Februa ry 3 f r3 J If. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Cool, deceased. N OT1CE is herebygivonirtatlcttcrs or Administration on the cslutuol U'llllam Coo I. Into ol' ilemlnrL i,.,. Columbia county.deceasod.havo been grunted by tholtcii liter of said County to Pcler Werkheiscr and William II, Cool who reside In tho same township. All persons having claims or demands rigniust tliucstatn of tho detcdmt uro requoslcd lo present llu m fur nettlcnient, and those indebted to mako payment without delay. FEPER Vi;i;Klli:isi;it, WILLIAM. II. COOL, April 13, lSGi-nt. Adm'rs, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOJ Estate of Jotlah Hagtnluch, hit cf Scott toicnthtn, Columbia County, deceased, NOTICE is hereby giyon iliatLoUers of Administration on the Estuto cf Josuu Haii. knbi'CU, into of Bcott township, Columbia county, du. ceased, liavo been granted by llio Register of said county to PETER ENT. residing in Scutt township, Columbia county. All persons having claims or do. mauds against the Estuto oflho decedent are requested tu present them fur settlement, and those indebted to make payment without delay FETER ENT ApiilM, lec? t( Almmetrator IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. PUBLISHED ny D. AITLKTO &. CO, 413 amlMti Broadway, New York, Thd following Wntksnrc KcnllfiBmVcrlbctslnniiy par of the country, (upon receipt ofmtail price,) by mail or express prepaid I THCNFAV AMERICAN CYCI.Ol' A'.l)l A ! A popular Dictionary of tlcncrat Knowledge. Edited by (1 tortus III ri.r.Y and Charms A. Dana, nlded by h numerous se lect corps of writers in all branches nt Pdcnclcs. Art nml Literature, This work Is being pnbllshcd In about 13 largo octavo volumes, each containing Toll two eolmii pngel. Vols, ltoMIl Inclusive, nro now reaily.eacli cnntniiilnf near U,Siiii, original hrtlcles. An nddltlonal volume will be published once In about three inoiilhs I'tlro, In riotli, $Ji Hheop,.:i .10; ilnlfMor., $l Half Kussla, SI .VlOnch. The New Americnii t'yclopn-illn Is popular without sec Itig supcrdclnl, Icnriteil but not pndaulc, comprehensive but snilklcntly detailed, fren from personal pi'pio und party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a complete statement ofnll that Is known upon every Important top. Ic Willi the scope of human Intelligence, livery Import. nnt nttlcle In it has been specially written for Its pages by men whonru authorities upon the toplceu which they speak. Tliey nro required lo bring the subject up to the present moment in state Just how It stands voir. All the statistical Information is from tho hint reports; tho geographical accounts keen pace with the latest exploni' tlnns ; historical matters include tho freshest Just views the biographical notices not only speak ofthe dead, but . also of thu living. It Is n library ofitself. AnntDumr.NT op nit Deoaik orCoours! Being n political history oflho United States, from tho organiza tion ofthe first I'cderal Congress In 17M to ie.111, Edit ed and compiled by Hon. Thomas II, Blmom from tho Of-. flclnl Itecords of Congress. Tho work will bo compiled in 13 royal octavo volumes I nf 750 paces each II of which nre now ready. An nddl-, tional volume will bo published Once, in three innnlhs, nal voluiuo will bo published onco in three innntns, ;ioth, S3; Law Sheep, $3 10; Half Mor$li Half If SI ."U each. Clotli. r.itr i A WAY OF litOCL'IUNn THE CYCLOPEDIA, OU DEIIA'IT.S. Form n club nf four, and remit the price of four books, nnd five copies will bo sent nt the remitter's expenso fur carriage. or for ton subscribers eleven copies will be sent nl our expense for carriage, TO AGENTS. No other works will so liberally reward the exertions ofAgcnts. An AntNT IVisud in this County. Terms made known on application lu the Publishers. Nov. Si I, If 00. THE undersigned Is also extensively engaged In tho nd for sale at his Warcrooins, a largo assortment of l'-INISUED gg) COFFINS, By which ho is enabled tu fill orders on presentation .Uso-kecps n good Horso and Hearse, and will at nl limes bo ready to attend Fuucrcls. , , . SIMON C SH1VE. Bloomsburg, January 2D. 1P50 Viva !pi'oof Ccinciil lor Sale. A lot of superior Fire Proof Ck.ment, especially adap ted ror Cementing Hoofs. Ono gallon will cover lull reet of ordinary rooting, and is insured proof ngalnrt rain and wet weather. Can be had at manufacturers prices, by the gallon or half barrel, at the ollice'of the Columbia Democrat. , , . LEVI L TATE. Bloomsburg, July 13, lfoi. GIBSON'S I. Ci-'HU KiMJ'.'&ZY "oil AND . DECORATIVE .ESTA.BMSIIMUXT, Ho. 125, South Eleventh Stroot noar Walnut, PIS B ffj A 15 B i P IH fly& j Enameled Class, Fresco, Oil nnd Encaustic Fainting JaSyil-an. ' G 'THE UNION" Arch Street, Abolc Third. P II I A 1) E li P H I A . THE situation of this Hotel renders it ono of tho inntt convenient for those whouro visiting Philadelphia .... ui,D.- on , tuuu ,u suiiri it oi pleasure, llio constantly passing mid repassing City Itailway can, and those in close proximity, nllnrd a cheap and ideas outride to all places of interest and amusement In or about the city. Tho proprietor gives assurance that "Tho Union" shall be kept w lth surh character as will meet public approbation, and would respectfully solicit, general pat ronago; U1TON d NEWCOMER. February 23, lftiO-12-n, Proprietor GRUEMVOOD SEMINARY. THE Spring term of this Institution will comincnc on Monday, April, the 7li, I8G2. Tlio Principal will lie assisted, by able Instructors, and ns ample facilities w ill btollercd tu qualify students for teaching, for business or for iiinorc extensive course in literature, a liberal share of patronage is again solic ited. Pupils who do not conic from home, or are not put under the cliargn of near relatives, must board at the Seminary ami be subject to the regulations thereof. They must provide their own towels and liavo each ar ticle of ilothing distinctly marked. Eleven weeks constitute a quarter, and there will bo vacation of about six week in liiiiUiimmer. Boarding, washing and tuitiun, with fiirntshed rooms will bo 23,03 per quarter, one-half payable in uil vanco. Tuition alone, in common branches, 5j,00 'do ino'uillug advanced algebra and mathe matics, 0,00 do in Latin, Ccrman, or French, extra, 1,00 For further paiticulars address W.M. BUrtOESS, Principal. Millvllle, Col. co Fa., Tcb. 20, NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted totliciin dcrsig lied on book account or otherwise, are hereby notified to come and settle up by the l.f nf April, lt?t2, or t'li'ir accounts will bo put in the hands of proper ulli. cers fur collodion. I must have my accounts tscttlcd. Mill Creek Woolen Fnctnry. j Mount Pleasant, March 13, leliJ 3t. i UCOItOE VANCE. FtUSUnXJTII & IIUOTIIKKS. WHOLESALE TOBACCO D E A L E R F NO.105.KOH.TII TIIIIID STJtEET Five doortbtiow Barf. PHILADELPHIA von sewbiW mAoiarvEs. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE 31 DAL SI'OOL COTTON. 200 & 500 yds. White, Blaok, & Colored This Thread being inado particularly for Sowing Ma chines, is very Strong, Smooth and Elastic. Its strength is not Impaired by washing, nor by friction o the Hcedle. For Machines, use Bronki' Patent Glace, For upper thread, and Brooks' Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, For Under thread. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country. Also, ill cases or 100 eiirh, assorted N'ns., Ivy WM. HENRY SMITH, HolrA'tnt, 3d Vescy Street, New York. Nov. 9, 1801. Om. BLOOMSBURG SKYLIGHT, jqxili: undersigned Inrorms Ibe citiiens nf Bloom, 1 J and neighborhood, thai he has ticki n iho lamn n,, - in the Hit-haugo Block, extoudiug over .Messrs. Sinner ec l ox s oaKory, nun mo iioiiKsloro wucru no lias put ill a liirguSkylifl t. It is only by Skylight that good pic. ures can hot ten especially groups where eaih person an be taken 1st ns well ns sennrate. Ilohasgon lo considerable expense to make his eg. iiblis'imeiit first class one, iiiuf hu lliTcfurc solicits a bcral pntro igo toemiblo him, tocniistantly tntroduco tint inodfi 1 iinlimveliipnlu nf I lie itrt. I CTCo'in :y produce taken in Excliango for pictures. ' HENltY llflSr.'S'l'nillf Bloomsburg, Nov. 23 1801. Nov. ' GILL Si PAUL, General Commission lUcrchaiiis, Fish, Provisions, Flour, Butter. Cheese. Oils, Fruits. Oruiri, Heeds, Beans, Whiskey, Wool, Counlry Produce and Merchandise generally, NO. 31 JVOITU WlUKVtS, FltlLAPELPIIIA. Cy" Consignments of Provisions, Flour and Country Produce solicited, nnd returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. ORDERS for all kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits, &c., filled at the lowest Cadi Prices, Aujuil I, lECU-Uiu. , wMmMm I'hil.ulislpliia & Ucmliug Itail Road. IK AT'',' 7? A 1 li A A73 T.M 7 ,' A' '' Jin i ism tnw tttt or l'ASftr.vonu tiiaiNi. C.WSW-W November 4, 1601. trussing Hemline) Hown'to rhlladolphla, at 0,20 mid 11 A M, li noorr, and 4 I'M. Up, to rollsvlllc, nl 10,.W A M, and 3,13 P M. Wr.Ur, TO lil.UANO.V AND IIAIllllHllUROf Western Express from Now York, nl 1,(17 A M, Mall Trains, at 10,5.-, A M, and 5,4.1 1' M. On liundnys, tho Down A M Train pasting Heading, at ,i!0 A Mi nml Up Trnin, at 8,37 1' M. Doth 10.SU A M nnd ii.l'l 1' M, up Trains ennnert nt I'orti'llnlon forTnma'iua, Willtamsport i: mlrn , Hull nlo, Niagara ami ('nnailn. The lUU A M, Train only connects nt Tort Clinton for Wllkcsbarrc, Bcraulnu nml 1'lttstuu. The Western Express Trnlns lonuect nt llarrisburg with Hxpross Trains on tho rennsylvnnln llnilrund fur rittsburg, nnd all points West ! and the Mall Trains connect at llarrisburg for I.unraster, Chambersburg, Munbuiy, Williams port, I,ock lluvcu, Klmlrn and the Canadas, Through l irst-Class Ooupon Tickets, nnd Umlgrnnt Tickets at reduced Tares, to nil the principal points In the North and Wost, nod the Canada", j COMMUTATION TlUKLTrJ, I With 20 Coupons, 23 percent discount, between any points desired. MII.EAOK TICKETS, finod for 200U miles, between nil points, at $13 for Families and llusiness Firm, nnd Season Tickets, good for the holder only, for IhrcQjinnnths, lu any Passenger train to Philadelphia, at $10 each, School Season Tick ets one. third less. Q7" Passengers will take tho Express Train Weil, at Hie Ulii'.lt DEPOT, ami all other Trains, at thu LOW- :a.ih;i.iui. toll's of baggago nllowec each passenger I Passengers aro requested to purchase nurchaso their Tick ets before entering tho car, as higher Fares charged If paiu in cars. Up trains len"o llhlladetphla for Reading llarrisburg nnd i'oltsvlllo at 8 A M, 3,15 P M, and at 4,30 F M, for Heading only. O" Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by fi.OJ A, M. Accommodation Train to Philadelphia and return at $1 to each. O. A. NICOLLW, Genera I Superintendent. January 4, 3802 Lackawanna & IIloo lusliurg' Railroad ON AND AFTCU NOVUM. S3. Irll, FASSENOEIt TRAINS WILL KUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING SOUTH. Frrlgat t, Passenger. 10.30 A.M r.'.li I' M rattcnger. A'.'.) A, M 11.30 b.32 8.40 0 13 10.00 N O R T II 4.30 P. Jl. S.I0 S.45 5.37 V.M Leave 0.00 P. M, Leave Pcranton, " Kingston " ll'ouinsburg " Ilupcrt, " Danville, Arrive nt Northumberland, MOVING Leave Northumberland, Danville, " Bupert. " Itlnomsbiirg " Kingston, Arrive at Scrautnn, 1.43 F. Ml 3.40 A Tasscnger Train also leaves Kingston nt H.3 OA. M. for pcrnutnn, to connect witli train for Now York. Ile turning, leaves Scrnuton on arrival of Train from Now York at 4.15 P. M. Tho Lackawanna nnd Bloomsburg Railroad connect with the Delaware, Lackawanna nod Y esiem nt Scrnuton, for New York ami Intermediate points east At Itupert it connects itli the Cnltawissaliaiirond.for pouus until cam ami west. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia itEriiit. K.atidN.C It. 11. for points west nnd south, JOHN P. ILSLliY, Sup't J C. Wells, Clcn'l TicletAgn JNov.30, ldfil. Catlawissa Itail Road! I'ASS RUPERT STATION. ' SOUTHWARD BOUND TRAINS. Philadelphia &. N. Y. Mail 111 53 A. M. " " Express l.i.23 A. M NORTHWARD HOUND TRAINS. Elmirn Mail 3.44 I'. M Niagra Express 10.13 P. Jl W. WIRT ESQ. NOW occunios the room on stairs in front In 5!r Unangst's brick buildin:, on .Main Street below the! American House. A most convenient oliico ; where lie will bo happy nl all times to see his friends ami clients. Bloomsburg, Nov. U, IdGl. 3ni. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. 'pHE subscriber would inform his friends, that lu i X now prepared lo put up, uii short notice, and in a scientific manner, thu list plitix.1 roiXTF.n i.ianrxixa hods. at 12J cents rcr foot. All work uarrautcd. li. II. liiUl.l.lI.X.'V. nioomsburg, May 24, I8f,0. THE undersigned, having opened a new ROOT AND SHIITI'. Klini' r, Vlnln !rnl. It, 1 l..nk inav 11 In Illooiusburg. rcspei tfully invites the custom of the citi- Zens and tho public generally. All kinds of Bnius, , Slines, ccc , will bo promptly mane tu order, on snort notico aid moderate terms. From long experience in his line of business ho Hatters lie will be able to give general salisfactinn to all who may favor him w ith their custom, 117" drain, Provision and Troducc generally taken in exchange for wnrk. I). F. BROOKS. Bloomsburg, July li, l?BI-3m. S. E, corner Third nnd Bock Streets, ' I' 111 LA I) EL PA I A, Hats inado to order, ofany Stjlo or Quality at Short i Notice. January 4. lfcfii. Cm. , T H K GREAT 1111 II RS All TA ! FOR. FEMALES. DR. ENGLISH'S IiVDI VX VEGETABLE KJIillKXAUOGDE. This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses virtues unknown of anything else ofthe kind, nnd proving eh" rctunl after all others have failed ; it is prepared from an "Indian Herb" peculiar to Northern .Mexico ami 'IV v. ns, and is used by thu Natives in producing the momh- i.v sTicKitess. pi is uesigueu lor noiu niaarieu and single ladies. and is tho very best thing known fortho purpose ns it will remove all obstructions after otlar remedies havu been Hied in vniu. It is a pleasant tea, contain ing nothing injurious to health, and u cure tu be relied upon in all Prolapsus Uteri, or falling of tho Womb; rioucs AI bus. or Whites; Chronic lullamatinn, or Ulceration of tho Womb ; Incidental lleuiorage of Flooding , and dis ease ofthe Spine. IC" Ladies in the early stagn nf pregnancy nro cau tioned ngainst the use of this tea, as it will produce miscarriage. PREP IRFD AND SOLD 11V DR. C. W. ENULISII, No. 7'.'J RACE STREET lillLADCLPAIA, PA. Prices SUM per package, (uilh full directions for use) scut by Express or .Mali to nny address. Dr. E. enn bo consulted in all ob-tiuate Female Cnm. plaints, in person or by letter, and will furnish the Out-ln-pcrcha Female Syringe- highly recommended by tho Faculty l" married ladies for special purposes. Alsu Radical Cure and oilier Trusses Improved Ro tarynndSpinu Abdominal Supporters-Shoulder Braces Elastic ami Lace Stockings Spinal Apparatus, lor Weak aud Curved Spine and Instruments for all de formities. A lurgo Stock ofthe above articles constant ly on hand, and will be furnished at lowest rates by sending order with measurement ami full partlruluis, fCf AH coiiiinuniealioiis strictly coiilleentlal. For further particulars please Address, DR. O. W. r.NOLISII. "V'.l Race Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. IE7 t HAVK NO AGENTS. Nov. 10, lSiil l'.'m. " WESTERN I!07'1sTb7, Nos. 9, 11,13, 15, 17 Coui'tlandt Street, 1 NEAR BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of tho Bnsi-' licss Community has been recently refilled, and is com plete in everithing that can minister in Hie comforts uf its patrons Ladies and families urc specially and care fully provided for, It it centrally located in tho bu-iness nart nf the riiv. ' and is contiguous to llio principal lines Lfsteambouls, cars, oiniii busses ferries, &c. In cunsequeiico ofthe pressure caused by tho Rebel lion, prices liavo been reduced to One Dollar at d Fifty Cents per Lay. The tuble Is amply supplied with all tho luxuries of 1 the season, and is equal to that uf .my other hotel in Ihu I country. Ample accommodations aro offered for upward of 400 I guesti. HyDo not believe runners.hackmon, nnd others who may euyiiic western imtei is tun," D. 1). WINCHESTER, Proprietor. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. ' Feb. 15, lr-C'.'. JAT30.m HOTEL (Late Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE Til IK D I'lIII.ADKLl'lIIA. D. C. sIEGRIStT PuoiuiETon. Formerly ft am Ealc Hotel Lebanon, Pa T, V. HIIOAHS, Clebk, Slarch '!!, luli-iam. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. THE undersigned would mnst respedfully anuounro to Iho citiiens of lllnomsburg and vicinity, thai she uusjusi recL.,k-u iriiiu inu i.dsiurii viiiesuvr A SPRING AND SUMMER M ,, ,, , ,.,i, v n,A..i 5 MIL LI NARY fJOODB, v. nrl or which sho Is prepared lo make and sell at a vo v 1 tasonablolow figure. Her n'sortiusnt or goods nrcS e'ltle superior In point or durability as well ns tasteful, liess, to any otlercd lulhis section. Sho rclurns thanks for the liberal patrnnageihe has received, and resnect. Cnllv snllrlls I. rsnllimtn. nr.l,. Iv" NARY DARKI.EY. Bloomtburg, M si, I0; CRITTENDEN'S niiLiMMiPiiiA :)fliim:i.ciAL. COLLEGE, N. E, comer of 1th nnd Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tins IrstitiTiov, which was eitnhlhhctl In 1814. nnil Is now consequently In tho ilehteenlh year of Its exist ence, numbers among Its graduates, hundred! ofthe inostsucccssful Merchants: and lluslness Men of our Country. TneOniRt-r of tho Institution l solely to nfTunt young men facilities fur thorough preparation for business-. Tut IIrasciim tauout nro, lluok-leepltiff, ns nppllcn ble tolho various departments of trade; VenmaneMp, both plain nnd nrnnnivntnl ! Commercial lata. Mathe matics, .VaelgNion urn i.nginecrivg, jirunmg, .,. ogarphy, antl Modern l.ingnoges. Ten System or ihstrbctiov I peculiar i no classes or set lessons nro made ue of, but each student Is taught Individually, sothathe may commence at tiny time, and nltetid at whatever hours nro most convunieiit, Catalooi-es nrnlssueil annuaafter tho 1,5th of April contalnlng'nnnias of tho students for the year, and full ..n.iit.inrs triprmi.Ac... nml mav be obtained at nny time by aiidreslng tho Principal, InHxtessIVE AcioMMoniTtois, vlde-sprtail reputation id tho lenaihy eiperleate cfihe rrinelpal, this liiftitu-,,n-r. r,rifin sniierliir to miv other lu the rutin .... r.r,,, ,r.n ultliln-r in iirennre for business. '..f.l n nt,.nl,. nl llm .ntun limn A ntpr.nMA. vhleh. trill proten recommendation for them them to any Merchan- tile llouso. rX7CntTi;NDSi's5rriM of Treallies an Iloott-Krir-ISO. now noro widely circulated than nny other work on the subject, are lor saio ai mo uinicgc. s. uonar.9 citiri'HNDF.N,, PniNCirALS Jan, 23-lfBJ 12m. BAUGH'S BONE FERTILIZERS. B A U C II AND SONS, Wamiractiircrs & Proprietors, Sorc, A'o. 20 South Wharves, IBB5iLAfiEIjrJ.fisA. R Jl W-li ONE Super -Phosphate of Lime. Little need bo said to recommend this article its pe culiar merits ns.a vigorous and lasting manure having firmly established It In tin popular favor Wo would state however, that not only having a continued care to maintain its standard efficacy, wo have sought to ren der it more immrdiale in lis orlfon, by llio addition of n mall quantity nf best Peruvian Ouauo. We do not claim by thl improvement, (w hich was made during thu past jear. and without publicly noting the fjctOnur Super-Phosphate N rendered any more lasting in (Metr ect, or in any wav benefited, except in ensuring a pitch er action on application, nuoE, 815 per 2000 lbs. cash. GROUND RAW BONES. This article h ground without nny previous prepa ration, nud contains am. the organic matter ofthe bones It is warranted puic. mice 835 per 2000 lbs. cash. tC7" Tho nbove .Manures can be had of regular Deal ers or of UAUCII tc SONS. No 20 South Wharves, Philadelphia. February 15, lei2 3m. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. cpIIF. undersigned respectfully inform their friends 1 und tho public generally, that they have entered In to co partnership, under tho name, stjlo und firm uf .MILLER HYERin the iTEcrcniitilc B5uitjess, In the "Old Arcade," in llldonisburg, Columbia ro., wheretliey intend enrr ying on the business nf oevp mi. MiRciUNDi.iNO, lu nil Its diverslfld braiirlies and departments, nndto which they invito nil extension uf the public patronage. S. II MILLER, FREU'K O. EVER Bloomsburg, May II, lSnl.-tf. . . T?.V A MS X- W A TBi IV. t15.S,,&1,PA,'AMA'V"i"r SAFES. RE W1 l'2fol iS.iA'ttj MOVIU In Ml aUstnvl Street. Mu3WlK aloes third Philadelphia, have on iissortuient of Fire imaii.ler Saf,'S. for banks and rs iron sash, all tual to any made in the United States. Ftte Safes in one Jir Alicante out right; tcith eon- tents in pona eonamon. The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & W ATP ON, have had the siiresl (leinnslrnliou in tlio following cer tificate that their mntiufnctiir.- of Halaman ler Safes has at length fully warranted the representations which have been made nf thain na rendering an undoubted security ngaiust the terrific clement. Philadelphia April IS. 1?5I3. Msiri J'.rans X; Watson: ticiilleiiicu It nllords us tho highest satisfaction tn state to you, that niiiiig'tn Hie very protective qualitim of two of the Salamander, Safes which we purchased nf you some five mouth since we saved a large portion of jewi Iry, nnd all our books, tic, exposed in the calainiuous, lire in Raiistiad place on llll! ll,I!,lll ,,1 lll'j IJi, 1IISI,. When we refl-ct Hut Ih.'so safus were located m the fourth slnry ofthe building wa occupied and that they fell subsequently intoa in up nf burning ruins, where tbo v.nt concentration of the heat caused Hi brass plates tn nn It, we ci.nnut but regard tho preservation of their val uable contents as most convincing proof of Hie great se curity nllnrded by your safes. We shall tcke great pleasure in recommending them to men of business ns a sure reliance aeain-t fire. (JEOIICE W. SIMMONS & Bill).. Jeirellers. K?"Tliey have since purchased six large Safes. Angust St). lM'J mmrnm mmu riMlE Proprietor of this well-know n nnd centrally loca X ted llouso, tlio ExtiiAMii: Hum., siiunto un Mai Street, in Illooiusburg, immediately -"innsitu the Coliini bi.i Comity Court House, respectfully iVforms his friends and tho public in general, lliat his llmiso is now in or der for the reception andeiitertnininent of travelers win, m.iy feel disposed to favor it with their custuui, He has spared no expense in preparing the Exi iunoc, fur the entertainment nf his guests, neither shall there be any thing wanting (on his part) to minister to their personal comfort. Hii house is spacious und enjoys an excellent business locution, 0." Omnibuses run at all times between the Exchange Hotel and the lorious Bail Road Depots, by which trav elers will bo pleasantly convc)ed lo and frum the re spective Stations in due timu to meet tho Cars. , , , , WM. II. KOONS. Bloomsburg, July 7, ISC0- iZtim The Gre t Cause or WHUMAN MISERY. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope: Price Gets: A LECTURE BY Dr. CULVERIVELL, ON TIIF CAUSE AND CURi: of Speruiatorrhu a, Consumption', Mental and Physical Lebility, Neri ousness, Epilep.y Impaired Nutrition ofthe Body ; Lassitude ; VVeukiicss ot the Limb, and the Back; Indisposition.' aad inca pacity fur (study aud Labor ; Dullness of Apprehension Loss or . Memory; Aversion tu society; l.uvo of Sol L AUir0eiio"""r W p1'1'-" ,lr,",l ' J'l'' i Heada.he; Allectious of the Eyes ; Pimples on tbo Face ; Inyoluii tary llini.slnns, ami Sexual Incapacity; thu conic, quences of Vouthrul Indiscrelioii, dc, U! It?" 'I his admirable Lecture clearls prnves that the above enumerated, often sclf-nluutcd, evils may bo re moved w ithout uiediune and without dangerous surgi- and0''"' 1,0 rCad 1,y UVCry "la" ln ,',e Sent under seal, m any nddiess, in a plain, sealed cnveope..on the receipt of six cents, o, wi postage stamns. bv address nn 1 " l ,. Dr. CHAS.J.C. KLINE, ci 1 " ew Vo'k. I'ost Oflico llox, 4-Wri. February 8, ItfU-.'.J April SU leGI TRUNKS! TRUNKS! I ri'HE largest, best liandsom .1 est and cheapest assure luent of Solo Leather solid Riveted Travelim, 'I'r,,,,!., iMdies' llonmt .y Dress Trunk , , ,. , iim.iliH iv .IIAITSON?. Celcbrnted London Prize .Medal improved shot .pririg snlii sold Lcuther Trunk inanufartnry. No. 402 Markc strei i, South w en comer Fourth and .Market, Philad'a. August r eu7 tr, KOMsOtK'S DANDELION ( OFFUIJ. This preparaiion, made from tho best Java Coffee, is recnmmeiided by physlciansiis n superior NUTItliiOIJS BEVERAdi: for (ieneral Debility.1 Dyi,' and 1 all bullous disorders. Thoueamis who liavu been coinnell. ed toabamlon Iho usoof colf-o will ustt this without in jurious effect.. One can contains Ihu strength of t vn pounds of ordinary coffee, Price S3 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest ami best HAKIM I'OWDIIR known, rur ,n,K ,,it,, a v., unu iiuinituiis nreuu and cakes Price 13 cents. MAM'PACTCnrn ky M, II. KOLLOOK, Chemist. Oorner of llrnad ami Chestnut filreetr, "A CARD 'i'0YOUNfi iTaTiTiTFTvTi XJu (JI:NTLI:MF.N. Thu subsrribcr will send ffi-ee i ofcliarge) tu all whodoslro It. tl.u ll'JcipV, d i 'ireiffi," 1 for making a siniplo Vetotablu Balm, that wjlt, in fro .1 ' vote eight days, remove Pimples, Blidchi s, Tan 1'rTick'su"i fc;'"uw"'l"lal Iniilurlllesnudroughii",. ' ofthe Skin, leaving the ,uine-as Natura i. tended l! (liiiald be.-snlt, cluur. suiooil, Uud beautiful. Those dc.lriiig the Her po, with full instruction. . recti on." 1 and advice, will plea.ecallon or address with return 1 po,Xwt,) tho?. F, I'll lKlAN. My 17, IHi -Sm 131 DfoidkWik, , f.,.vriv;iigwi urn a largo i !iXm;;:.)i?Kvzvp? Thur proof s.iii frSiRt'l$K?tfJl,liflE lso. iron doors. '73, "Cniif"? stores, iron shutf VoV'f?; of locks c ladies' llonmt .y Dress Trunk J&g&f (.'hildrcn's Coaches, Propel- iffe'jK-ivJ ers Leather and Carpet Bags MimlW .Packing Trunks ic.. &c u VWMjS 7V nentroy Hals, Douches. k(. 7 Destroy Mice, Moles, and Ann 7' Destroy Bed-llugs. To Destroy Moths In Furs, Cloths, &c. To Destroy Mosquitoes nnd Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants nnd 1 owls. 7b Destroy Insects on Animals, fcc To Destroy Every form nnd species of crm In THC "ONLY INFALl.ini.E REMEDIF.3 KNOWN." Bostroycs Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF e Those Preparations (unlike all others) aro "Free from I'olso-is." "Nut dangerous to the human family." "Rats do not die on the premises." "They come ouiof their holes to die." 'They arc tho only lufalliahlo remedies known." "14 years and moro established in New Yolk City." Used by the City Post Office. Used by ike City Prisons nnd F tatlon Hooscs. Used by tho City Steamers, Ships, 4c. Used by tho City Hospitals, AIiiis-Hoiifcs.&c. ITsfil by the City llntols-'Mslor'-'St. Nicholas,'&c Used by tho Hoarding House, etc. &&3t Used by more than ."iUO.1100 Private Families. gy See one or two Specimens iff what is everywhere said by the peoplo- Editors Dealers, tec. noUSCKnill'ERS-tronliled with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "CusTnV Exterminators. Wo We have used it to nur sutisfucliou, and If a box costs S" we would have it. We have tried poisons, but they ell'eited nothing; but "CosCaii's" article knocks thu breath out of Rats. .Mice, Roaches, ami lled-llngs. quirk ertliau we can write it. It is in great demand all over Hie cuiiiitry.'-AVdiiui O Uaiette. MORH fill A IN and provisions nro destroy,! nnniially in Grant County by vermin, than would pay for tuns of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancastet iris. Herald. HENRY II, COSiMR We are selling your prepara tions rapidly. Wherever they fiavo been used, Rats .Mice, Roaches nnd Vermin disappi ar rapidly El-Kin Sl SiouirKK, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Hat Eoach, (kc. Exterminator, "Cos tar'" ' Costar's" Eed-BuL' Exterminator. 'Cottar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, Ice. In 3c.30c. and SI.UUIIoals, BoriiRs anu IIi.asks, $3&. $3 Si7.cs for Plantations, Ships, Hunts, Hotels, &c tic. 0 A DT I O N 1 1 1 To pre, cut the public friini being im posed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations a new label has been prepared, bearing a facsimile of the Proprietor's signature, l.xamlnn cacli box, bottle, or flask carefully beforo purchasing, and lake Ilothing but "COeT .Mi'S." 1C7" Slid F.ieryieherc-by All Wholesale DruggMsintho large cities Wholesale Armus in !t v York ( i(y. sUttr,ii,, i..,i.. t. i J lllell'dln l.'rf,llioi- .O f.i Ilarral, I!iley & Klirheu Bush, tiale tc Robinson M Ward, Lin-e & l o McKissou Ridibiiis I) S llarues & Co F C Wells, & Co La .ec,M,irsh & Oardncr Hall, Dixon Sc. Co II A I'ahnestiml;, Hull Co A II Si I) Hands U Co Wheeler & Hart Janu s S Abpinnall. Murgan & Allen Hall. Iluckel Ic Co Thomas & Fuller P 1) Orvis Conrad 1 ox AND Ol'HMl-i. riiihuUliiIiia 'nV llvnlUCii I Rnberl Shocninker & Co LAlnhiiestockfeCo French, Richards t Co AND OTHERS, AND UY Druggists, Orocers, Storekeepers and Retailers general ly In all Country Towns Villages in the MISS SKATns, AT BLOOMSBURG, PA. SOLD BY Gr. M. flagenbtich, J. R. Moycr, E.-P. Ltitz.. Jnf by the Druggl.t,, ft,rckc,pcr,and IU.al1ar.gen Zjt Country DCaor, fan , Cl' a,'1'1" "oners dlrect-or ir Prices, Terms!,,gitt.(ts:.f?r f- ij'cte ., , . HENRY R COSTAR Triacpa! Denot-No aia Bmadw,,... Kt ll ,S. March U iete VeiC' DR. LACROll?S PRIVATE MF.DI0AI. TltEATlSU ON TjE Physiological View of Marring.. W0 TAOE3 AND 130 ENORAVIN(JS.-r,i,, ' TWEiTT-rtvit ctHTs. scut free or postage to nil 5,. ' tho Union, On the liiflrmlllos olyoiilli and L,,' dlieloslug the secret follies of boili sexes ofiii causing debility, nervousness, dcprosslnu pnlpitntloii of tlio heart, suicidal Imaginings ml tary emission, blusliltigs defective memory, i, V' Hon nnd lassitude, trila confessions of thrill! I, r U,rllnn .thnol Miss, a Ocllrnt K,.,. .'.'"' Young Marl led 1idy, e t, Sjt. It Is n triithful ,i.''' the married and those contemplating marriage- ,,, tc rtaln secret doubts of their physical coiuiin who uro loimclous ol naiing iinznnlod the limn . plness, nud prlt ileges tu which every human li ci.iitieu. i YOUNO MEN who nro troubled with Wcnknr,,, nrnlly caused by n bad habit in ynulh, tbo (,rr,,'.'' WHICH .tro ui7zuiess, pains, lurgciininess, soiniii, n ringing In the ears, weak ejos, wcakm,, nr ii ,' and lower extremities, confusion nr Ideas, loss J ory Willi n.elnncholy.inay In-cnreil liy tlie tiutiior i, PARIS AND LONDON TUEATM' NT. U,"""H We have, recently devnted tntreh of nur li, . VIHliiNIl Till! EI.'HOPHAN IIOSI'ITALM, nurselyes ofthe knowledge nnd resenrrhes n 1 1, skilled Phjsl.ilans nnd Siirgcniis In Eurnponndihu tlnent. 'Jlmse who plnco themselves under nn will now liavo Iho full benefit riflho tunny Xpiv HFFICAliOUH IIEMEDIUi whirli wo nrc . V introduco Into our practice, nnd the public ,, , , sured ofthe siiinn 7.enl, assiduity, Sill HI. LI ,... lion being paid lu theircnses, which has so n,,, IV distinguished us horctnfnro. ns a liij siciaii , ,' PECULIAR dcpartiiicnt of professional 1'ractkc past tictutyfive years, Fnrsctt Fem At r FiUs. Ladles who wish forMf, tho efficncy iff which lias been tested in t!iiiiinn enscs, and never filled to cflect sprcily cures , any bad resulls.wlll use none but Dr. Del.anej s r. Periodical Pill'. The only Precaution n cessans senc Is, Indies slioiild not lake them If tlietliwi, sniilo believe they nro in fcrlain situations (tin, , ulnrs of whirli w III be found on tho wrapper n , niing each box,) though nlwnys safu nnd hum,, gently yet sonctive nre they. Price SI perbnx, They can be mallei! loonysj the United Stales or Canada. TO THE LAIIIHH-Whu nocd a esnfulenlhl K,. nihlscrwilh regard to any iff thoso Intereillni i nl.itnis to which their delicate organization ... them liable, nre particularly in Ited In commit TiiK"Eut-rnn(lAt.VAmc FaoTM'Tivn." For Hue ladies whiwo health will not admit , or w ho have n siro to Increase their families, may lie obtained ni, It ln perfeclly far.- previ nllve tu conception, an. been extensively used during tho last 21) yuan, r, reduccud to SR. The Sicrcls of Youth Unvcihd. A Treatiston the Cause of Premature Decay-.f, emn warning. Just pvbtishtdn look shotcingthcim progress and preraltnee ainovr sehtols, both mjt, female of this fatal habit, pointing out the fnta,r invariably attends its rlctims, and deceit pi'g r..v progress of the tttteasetfrom the eommttietmintieitl It a ill be sent by Mail an receipt of fice:i rrr. , I AttcudnniL- dally, from M in tlio luurlilnc u nlelit, nnd on Sundays I'rnr.i S till ! v ;i. iM-jiliclnes with full dircitloii" sent to nny perl it United States nr Caiianns. by palki.t-. cnnun mit tlielr symptoms by letter. Business corn spot, strictlv cnuUdcutint. njf-Dr. L's Dill ce is strll lornted as sh(-d,u. the nam.- of 1)11, LA CROIX, at No. 31 Maiden I iu bany, N. Y. Nov. 2-1 If 31. 12m. WF. will rorward by mall to any part of the p, States, ioi-paid, any varieties thai may be oio'u;, tho fullowitig prices: 10 varieties selected rrom those priced nt 3ccnti per paper 2.' varieties selected from those priced at 10 cent." per paper ; 3 varieties Belcited from those priced at 1(1 ccnti per paper t 12 varieties selected from those priced nt 10 cents per paper 2 varieties selected rrom thoso priced at 23 cent) per paper i varieties selected from those priced nt 23 cum per paper , COLLECTIONS OF FLOWER HELB? Persons desiring us to make their selections. ii ly upon our sending only those whi h are renin showy and desirable, nud nf rnsy culliwitlen , lluvu that our experience wilt enable us to ruakn y tlnns, large ur small, Hint cnuuot I'aii to give ctitu , Ishction. luu Packets Annual, Biennials and Perenni-di favorite kinds (; id Packets Annuals Biennials and Perennials, favorite kinds j 23 Packets Aiiuials, best assorted II Packets Annuals, best assorted 20 P.ukits, New and Rare Annuals t Choice Collection of Ornamental Urasres : " " of Eicrlaiting Flowers " " rf Alpine ur Hock Plniits " , " CHiubing Plants, Annual r.nj l'en-iinial Choice Collection of flrecnhouse riant Seeds : " " Ornamental Leaved I liniti A. HOitM UW Florist jiScvdman, Versailles Wooilloro Co. . 1. t6l C7"Peml for a descriptive Catalogue. March 15. 1K2, 3m. N JEW YORK MEDICAL INST. TUTE. A benevolent Institution endowed for thn is,. Chronic Diseases nf every nature, nn I to proton lids I om rpiucl; adi ertisers and impostors. N' ges I'xc.-pt for .Medicine until cured, and iu iasu ' treme imverly trealmeiit free. No Minerals or 1' si mis Drugs used. The Physicians have hail long n tensile experience both i.i private nud llupit,il ; lice. The lotluu iiigaretiimu ofthe ciimplaliilt lu special attention is given. All if ts I Lungs, Heart, Stomach. Liver. Kl Inev III. Rheumatism, Fits, ( ane r, Piles, NerviUi 'Ml Diseases of llm M-xtnl Organs, Seniinal i-ukn initeiiro and Virnl nt dieeiises of eiery natui. ly cured. I'iseasus of Females nml nil Irngu s'lices'-fiilli treated. l;iiniluea and Deafmss 1 without painful operations, Pali -ills In t.t-d In by sending a stntenieiit uf their case, Meaiuiu any part ol the country. Consultation fiee to nil Address, Stamp enclosed, DR. L. ORAVi S, (Vnsulliiig P'mi . bi)3 Broudw ay. New x. o,l 1 Aprils, l,-C2-12ia. n a" h w e x II. C. UOWER, SUR(sE()i DKKTIST S?wjyi RESPECTFULLY offers his prnfm n'K&iriX. nl services to the ladles and genti "iETl If "oomsburg and iciuily. lie is pe to ntteml to all tb j various operuli tho lino of his profession, he is provided w nil tlis improved poric l.iin teeth, whirli will be ins rt gold, platina, silver nud rubber base; tolook as li the natural leeth, plate am! block teeth maniffa-lured n operations on teelh, carefully and properlj Blooiiiibuig, Pa.. Augusts, li'lil. Choice Vcgfclablc Sccils hy Mail. 20 Varieties for S 1 1 0 m 13 Varieties for rxj Oil ) S' Wishing tc. give those who resident a distm. opportunity tu test thu ipi.-ility of our rri'clnlU" which wo arc confident will compare favorably any otrered in Ibis country, we have p.eparej paikot, which will bo sent by mail p.,!-i.anl n above prices. Ncuo but tlio most desirable un will bo included. To vrcient ,Ar,s,ii,,Hnn, ... i. , ocrttood thal Ptui, Hcttns ond Corn tire vat uirs- the mull puckagts, on account of their vcighi. A. IIURNEM.V. ..t! . Versailles. Woo.lford to., I, Or Send for n Description Catalogue. March 15, Jet2.-am. CIGARS & TOBACCO. A lrgp assortment of choice fignrs, Tobacco, r Oonrertiunery and Notions general!) ' ' r with n full .tuck of HATS ami CAPS, conrun Kmporiilin'" Sa'C Cl'eai'' "llluclllsljllrl! llaU' Boomsburg, .Alnrch 10, lea. H. MULLIGAN, IMPORTER OF ALL KINDS OF AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWKlX No. 444. North &coud Slicit, AMOVE WILLOW, PIIlLAI)E.rill-i Nov. 10, IM1. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ni.oo.vsiwna, pa. Offices ill Cuurt Ally, formerly occupied by I'Utfi , , T Buckalev, Bloonisburg, Deo. 4, 183y. 'PUB CONFESSIONS AND J?XW .1 IHNj-T.OF A,i,,rd ns a ring, and for Iho especial benefit of Venus V' thoso who sillier with Nervous DcbillU. Loss cl ory.l'reiii..turi Decay,i;c.. tu-, by one H cured hiu edf by timplu menus, after be lug put expense nils incoiivcnieiicc. Ihrough tho use of eks medlnucs prescribed by learned Doctors. f copies innyhehnd rff tho authnr. C. L. LAMIll IIT ' drSiirn: Islaiu1, ly t"cio""2 a w Address CIIARLHS A LAJinnRT ' May 17. Ifni-im.0"1'0""' ,,U"B KtB 1" LEATHER! LEATHER ! ! THEiinderslgned wnuld announce, that he Inf nthisllatiiiidCa;i Eiiiporium, on Main St M n','5;,",c,"i,n""ic","f '"ffJreiit kind or It-nth- r f ri Ji t i i k,1,!,!"or". (red and black) aud Inn ,f, , , "'" cllen!'" tliun can bo had eUc in tins market, Call niidexcmiue tlmni for jour Hloomslmrg, May 21, lECi. JOHN It. Clfff "rl'anksi ULANKS!l"7 Of every description, for sale at tlii'"''
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers