C7-- ' COLUMBIA DKMOCRAT, John Q. Freeze, Local Editor. SATURDAY MOHMIMO, JDLY fl,- iOSl 1 Tho meeting of con ervativo men In Now York, on Tuesday night, against negro agitation, in favor of prosecuting tho war and maintaining tho Constitution 63 it ii), was tho largest ever held in this country. v. -:o: JteSrThb Ht. Hcv. William Macon Stc vensj D. D L, L. I). Assistant Bishop of Pennsylvania, preached and administered tho rite of confirmation, in St. Paul's Church, .Blnoiiisburg, on Friday evening of lastweck. RECEIPTS FOR JUNE, 50 TUB COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro the receipts to tho office oftho Oolumma Democrat, during tho month of Juno 1802 : . A, I'utifton, Usq., 810 OOlBlnghnnipton Com -:o: I A special election held in Ben ton township, on Saturday tho tiSth ult., in relation to the change of place of hold iug the elections for said township, resul ted in the removal of said election from Ezekicl Cole's residence, to the public house of John J. Stiles, in the town of Benton, , 165- Banoou. Maine, June 20. The Democratic Convention, to-day, noniina-j (cd Jameson for Governor. Resolutions Were adopted sustaining the Administra tion in tho vigorous prosecution of the war for the support of tho Constitution, and enforcement of the laws, but against making the war a crusade of emancipa tion. 8-Wo learn that Mr. Franklin Long cnberger, of Beaver Valley, was killed on Saturday evening last, by falling oft' the bridge on the Cattawissa Railroad, known as the "Long Hollow Bridge," a distance of lflG feet. He was passing over on-a truck, pushing it with a pole when the latter caught fast in the railing and throwing him off. Ilo was a work man oh the road. . :o: J If the proper criterion by which to Judge what is and what is not a lux Uiy, be the scarcity of the article and the price to be paid for the same Then we pronounce this present Republican admin istration to be the very greatest luxury the world ever saw It is the first, last, and only one there will ever be, and it i 'costing- over nine hundred millions of dollars a year. People who must have .luxuries must pay for them. I). K Sloan, Esq., Morris ii rroas, Unity C Kclclincr Jnliii Kc'thncr (Jon. tl. Id 1c3nei Adam Keller. George lleldlcman, Hobrit 0. Trull, Jacob M H ani, John Walter. Henry II. I'll I III". Jnlm Melvln, William Cox, Charles Thomas, J II I'urmnn, K1 , lllljah It. ikcler, John Walter. 1) I.ntvcnburg, It II Wlulorsteetl, . Alexander Meats, Rimon Snyder. John Glggor, l'hilllp Miller. John Cooper. Daniel Mniirey. John Dunk, Kit.. Henry Dnnk, Philip Clirlstnian, l.elvl llernliart, John Urobft, Peter Undine, Esq., David Yengor, P K llcrlicin, Uin,., William Kn.nt, Est, of John Mrntimn, John L. 1 1 ii ret. Leonard Allium. Mr. Ann Keller, Anrnii llcndorsliot, James O. Maxwell, Chun. N. Favaac, Hat. of Juno Ginglcs, John Heller. Jackson lllildle, 1 00 inerrlal Collcjc, 1 W) c. Kramer, 1 73 8 8 I.owry, 1 .'.O A K Smith, 1 75iWm . cllrlde. r.si, 2 (ill l'redprlrk llerr, 4 OOlIllchord Fruit, l'.t., 1 11, '1' II (.Uncle, III) 1 7.1 1 75 1 75 3 M 2 50 7 no 1 lift! 1 00 10 00 2 no 4 00 I no 1 73 1 12 3 50 3 50 C 10 Iteubcn Hnitman, Win limber, Miller and tfwlilier, Much I' McCollum, R-imtipl Illmhv. Cat. of Ceo t'ctterman 5 00 20 00 3 21 1 75 Jt on 0 so 1 73 4 75 3 23 3 00 1 75 3 00 3 00 50 Iteuben Fahrlhser, 1 S" llntilel Slnel. 75 fnlomon llelwlg 3 00 Win Longenbergor. 1 00 N'atlnnal llnrso l'alr, 2 00 Ahraham Kline, 1 73 Manuel Klrkendall. 1 50 John II Holler, Lsq., 3 B Jacob Yohe, Jr 1 50 Thomas Ann. 87 John Snyder (Mifflin) 2 no llolahsard & Nu. 150 M.HI'as Mcnslngor, 1 75 1 M (Icorgn Miller, Ci'l , 1 .V) 1 50 1 23 3 mi a no! 3 oo 2 no 3 00 2 10 4 50 2 00 3 no 0 1 1 3 on! tVln.T. Hl itlti mi, l:aq., I Aaron .Miller llenlamln Miller, Adam lilt,- A IlJriinliy, riilllp Dills, John Nus, Wm Mellride,rl.. Thoa. W Mnttson, SOTril-t & Saving Co., 3 00 1 30 1 S'J 2 01 50 1 23 4 00 5 00 1 38 12 no H Oil 1 5!) 1 50 2 00 2 02 SQyWill our friends remit their subscrip tion money to us by mail. Our necessities are especially pressing and we must have money. Wo shall sincerely thank you, friends and patrons, for an early remit tance by mail. I t a IKllhann. Crittenden Com. Col. Owen Junes, list , j r miner. Wm McNIncli, T W Chllila, National Hotel (flilta.).! 75 II .Mulligan. Special Notices. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Til ft advertiser, having buon restored to health in few weeks, by a vi'ry ainiilu remedy , nfter havln sutlered sevfTnl years w ith n severe lung airectlon, ami that dread disease, Consumption-is nuilniis to make known to hi follow siitterer the menus .4 cure. 'I all who desire It. he w ill ssn.l n i opy nf the pre scription used (froo' of chnrgu), with the direction for lirepa. ing and illng the vauu1. which they will liml a suru euro for Consumption, Ai-thina. 1 1 roll I, III o . &o. Til" oulv object of the ailvorliaer in sending the Pro scription is tn benulit tho alllkt.'il, mid spread infnrnn tinu which he coucfive to be invaluable, iitnl ho hopv every mltirer will try liU remeily, as it will cost them nothing, and may iron' a Meaning. l'art'ua w i,hing the prescription will please niltlress llcv. UIIVVAIIU A. WU.SO.V. Wllliainshursh, May 17, leOJ 3ui King county, New York. The Secret Out! fn liivnn IN JE11SEYTOWN, Ami supposed approach of the Rebel Army, am. or which was ntonucr.n nYTinj AIllUVALOl' A I'UI.I, AND COAIPLLTU ASSUIir.MUNTOt' iiw soobs, Of Every Variety and hlylc at the NKW 1'IIIM OP AI ILL E 11 & S W I S II E It, Iti JffllSCYTOWy. Having just received our Spring Stock, from tho Kaatern Markets, we feci determined to sell Onnds tit a litlla lower prices than they can lie purchased clseuheic. OUR MOTTO IS ''Small Profits and Quick Returns." By The nubile aro rcupertfully solicited tn call nnd examine nnrtnrk before) mircliaalnir clacuhern. ino charge nothing for showing our goods. Produce of all kiiius iukoii ior goous. mii.i.p.u k avi'isiinn. Jerscytown, May 3. 1EG2, FRESH All 11 IV A -or is- sew. -roit- SUMMER! SPRING Al 7 HP. undcrsliriied, grateful for paat patronage, tesnrct fully Infiiriiislilscu-tumcrs anil the publlcgenorally that ho has Jun received from the Casterua cities, tli IfllttUMlilllU lllUnt Bt'ieCl SIOCK OI SPUING AND SUMMER That has yt been opened In Illooinaburg, tn which lie invites the attention of lila friends, and assures them that tlicy nrc nllVred for snlu at great bargains. His siock comprmcs a inrpv fisMirlinelit or oi:nti,e.mi:n'S whauinu Ai'i'Annr,, CiiiKisting n f AsinnNAnt.1! DnEfs Coats, of tvitv ilo criptioili I'anta. Veals, Shltti, Cravats Stocks, Cotton imuuhurciiieis, tjiovcs, Duspcnucrs, &c. GOLD WATCHES A N 1) F ASHIONABLE OLOTIIINU roil FALL. The Plil-ettablishcd WU1TU IIAI.L CLOTHING! IIAZAAC, at the eouthweat corner of FOURTH AND MAKICCT STUUCTS, Is now prepared with a FULL STOCK OF FASIIIONAIH.r. 11HAIJY MAUC CLOTHING Foil FALL ANII WIN'l'LK W'KAR. at prices which challengu coinpetiliim. 1'articular attention given in t.u'iniiit'r orK, umccrs Unifornin, uls Homo Ouards' Suits, &c. WIIITB HALL Cl.OTIIINll IMZAAU. Hnutliwi'st toriier of FOUIITII A.M1I MAItKI'.T PTItnHTri. riJTUU S. LCVICIC, Proprietor. Nov. 10, 1801. (May 1, ISiil-llim.) J EWEL11Y, Of every description, fine and cheap. N. II. iti'iiiemher ' Lowciihetg'tt Cltaap Emporium," call and see. No charge for enabling Ono.la, DAVID LONT.NF.L'no. lllnoniburg, .Maith 2!l. 1FI.2. (lue IHS'l.) The Monitor 'ON TO EICJJMOND' J, J. B ROWER, Has just received and i now opening a splendid ns;oi tmeut ot w&Lh mm. 10,000 PIK0KS WALL PAPEBS IN 'rMiaou) rjrr.HS, uoi.i) AMD vr.wp.r nraonATioNs, JlMltll.t: Jlffl) OAK Df.COJMTIOjrS, MAT AMD OAY tlLAZEU PAVERS. VMlttAXl) BMOIIT COMMON V 1PF.RS, HOIIDKllf, MIK HOAMJ PUltfTH, STATUES, HUMS, ETC., KTC, dzo Iliinerta broro House, on (Second street, a few doors below Mar. Paper Hanging Executed In tho heat style, at luoderntc prices and In quirk timo. C. J, TII011NTO.V, Bloomsbiirg, May 3, 1E02 3in. ILLUMINATION IN ORANGE VILLE. Spring rools At Fritz's Store, nilANOKVILL. OOIjTIMUTA OO.. PA. yHI b to!.! it greatly reduced prices, at Hit paptr , Hanging rooms or mo unuersigneH in jiiu, rVho undersigned has just received a Kit. Aho r targe anil scieci assortment ni cnoico spring and Pumnicr (lomls, which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. Ills stock consists of Ladies Drcia (Jooi's, choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINTS F110M7 TO 12j ets A YA11D. Cassimers, batincts. Cotton',dcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, yc. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, (Juconsware, Cedcrware, v Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. ROOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. in short everything usually kept In n country store, Tue patronage of old frends, and the public generally, Is solicit.'il. May 3, Igb'i WILLIAM FRITZ. J6T The Republicans in tho U. States Senate,' whose terms expire with this Congress, (March '1th, 1SG2), are Mor rill, of Maine: ; Foote, of Vermont ; Sum ner, of Massachusetts ; Dixon, of Con necticut ; Simmons, of Rhode Inland; King, of New York ; Wilmot, of Penn sylvania: Wade, of Ohio : Chandler of Michigan, and Doolittle, of Wisconsin. Mr. Dixon, of Connecticut, has already beeh choscd as his successor. Governor Sprague succeeds Mr. Simmons, of Rhode Island. :o: .J5"In 1811 John Adams wrote a letter stating the points of political difference between himself and Thomas Jefferson ; and his Fourth point was this "Jeffer son was lor liberty and htrulght hair. 1 thought curled hair as Republican as straight." Tho old John Adams men of to-day think curled hair the very pink of repub licanism; and they are following in the footsteps of his reign with most com mendable pertinacity. Wo need not enumerate the points of similarity, they are, manifest to every eye, operating in tho same maimer on every heart. And now, at tho very lirst opportunity the people, will arise in their might, and overthrow this curled hair dynasty with the samo utter destruction with which they .overthrow that of old John Adams; and once more, and we trust forever, ttraight hair will reign triumphant. :o: Ha? The number of killed and wound ded in. battle, during the present war is not so irreat as many have imagined. We have gone over tho records, common eing with the breaking out of tho rebcll ion, and wo believe the followiny figures cmbraco-thc whole number on the Union aide, with the exception of tho loss sus tained in the late engagement near Rich mond :' ' Ey-THOMAS W. MATTHON, Ileceivi'd the Prize Modal at tho World's Fair in London le51, for'1'ltUNK.J CAUl'UT I1AOS, lloota, shoes and iluni". Great induce ments are now nii,:reil to purcnasera oi me nuovcartr. clcs. Tills is much the large.! jtuck of trunKs, Carpet Dags, Vp.licei, &c.. in riillaiU'ipniu very cneap lor man No. Wt .Market Street, ouo door above 'Ith, &utA tidt CASH IS BHB& LOW PRICES RULE! M Creasy's Store, in Light Street, Pa. FIRST OP THE SEASON! JP1RST TO EES Tic: B'RtCfid ALL 111 OF GOODS ! NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer GOO MPS, AT PETER ENT'S STORE, Iff tMUlT STRFXT, COLUMBIA CO UXTY, PA, HAH Jut received from I'lnlailelphia, nnd Is now opening nt the old stand I jto'y occupied by Marti & Cnt, a splendid ntsortmetit of mwumi Mmmw. $ which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills slock consists of Ladles Dress Goods choicest styles and latoit fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, bhawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Cassimcrcs, batincts, Cottonadcs. Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. Groceries, Quconswaro, Cedarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS k CAPS. In shaft every thine usually kept in a country utore The traironaati of old friends, ft it il tliu public cuncral ly. N respectfully o iciteil. i liti uiiiiicm ihhtkli nritu puiu lorcuiiniry Mglit Street, May 3, From the Army, LATEST U NEWS. AHhii'g iicibre ICichmoiid. CVUNTS OP THE LAST Til R IX DAYS! Great Battlo on Friday. MOVE' IMPORTANT STRAGETIC INIENT. EVACUATION OF WHITE HOUSE TUB HNCMY SKVKRl'.LY RCrULSCO. Gen. AkClcllan's Army Massed Souli oj the L'hiccahomiity. T1IK ENEMY DRAWN OUT OP 1113 MUNTd. ENTRENCH MtLtTtRV UMrnaML Tlicro Is. perhaps, no depart mcnt of military business in wliiili tliero lias bctn n more marked iinprovenieiit l!l:(ii in tin! clolliini; of sol. diers. Not many year J finro ollirers nnd irivi.tcs wi re cl.ul in garments wliicll wuro .'ilinn-t tkin liilit. They wore leather stocks, which wi re worthy ofthu name, fur they kept the wearer in triliulation ; wliilc their padded lireaits and tiuht sleeves made volition a matter nf preat it i Hi c ill ty. Diirins tin- present war. mh of our v lull, leers n procure their uniforms at tlio llrimn t-'tuilu Cluthini! Ilallnf Uockliill & U ilnu, Nns. IMt mid iWS (.'hratiiut street, above te'itlh .'hiludelphia, nlitaiu tin. tbinc that is perfectly easy. Mili--t.-inli.il mill lit'cnmini;. The firm named have rnnu largely into tlnj hiiAiuehs of ni.'ikiu .Military (JlothiiiR. and th iir facilities iiiulil'! tht-m to till the largest ord.tr in the lioneit possible time. dept. si, laoi KILLED. Bull Bun, 481 Davis Creek, Mo., SKa l.cxingion, Alo 'M Hall's Uluir, 22U Rclinont, 81 Mill Spring, Ky 30 Fort Henry, 17 Roanoko Island, 50 Fort Donaldson, UCi Fort Craig, N. .Mexico, 02 Pea Ridge, 203 Attack!' tho Mcrrimac, 201 Newhcrn, 01 Winohester, 132 Pittsburg Landing, 2,735 Yorktown, 35 Fte. Jackson it St. Philip 30 Williamsburg, 455 Wes'tPoiut, 44 McDowell, 37 NearlCorinth, 21 Rank's iretreal.cstimatcd 100 Hanover Court House, 53 Skirmishes, 000 WOUNDED 1,011 721 120 220 288 207 31 222 1,735 140 072 180 400 510 7,682 120 110 1,111 100 225 140 300 200 1,740 KOTItE IX l'AR'im0;. T.STATT. Of ISAAC ir.ldXElt, DEC'U. Columbia County, ss : In the matter ot IUttule The Coiiiiiionwen 111 of l'min. of Isaac Wagner, of the Is) Ivuuia, to the Murlirof taid loicnship oj lictiHocti. tit i Louiiiy, t,nt.t:ri.M : vtnereas, tht county of orauid. J at an UrpbauV Cniirt, Ii Id lit llluonisliiir;, in and for the county of Columbia the fifth day of May. A. 1)., iighteen hundred ami sixiy.lwo, before the Honorable Aaron K. r.'t-kham, l'refrident. and Ins Asr-ni late Juttices of the said Court, the pi tiliou nf Uaac Warner, sou and bur al law of said di-ctMM'il, scttiut; fnrth, that tho said Uaac Wiiui r, diej int -ttatu about three luntillis shu-h, luuviug issue .Mir.iiu War ner. eldest sou, Isaac Wagner, one of the above named petitioners, llianti.i, intermarried with John Wiiur; .Margaret, iiilermanied with Henry 1. oiler J David Wiijtncr, Har.il. iiilerinarrit'd with lleiijaiuiu itouiuoy, vvhois anotbw.r rif the above petitioners, and Elizabeth. intermarried with Jacob Latelisbaw, two of whom re sidu out of tliis Statu. Abraham VVaitiu r rei-iding in Seneca county, Ohio, and .Margaret intermarried with haiil Henry Lowder, retidlUK in Illinois, and Elizahttli luteriiiarried with Jacob Latthaw aforcbaid, resides in Juniata county, thistitate, That the said inteatatcdied seized in his deniesnens of fee of and in thu Jullou ing ilcbcribed Heal Eitate, to t it : A certain tract of laud luntuiniilKtwo hundred arr's or thert-aboiits with tho appurtenances, situate in the tnwiibhipnrilemlocii, uml county ot Columbia aforesaid, bounded on the North by Isaac l.i idy and Davhl Wanner, on the East by lands of Mathia? Keller, on t o t-ouiti by lauds of iMiir.-liull Shoumuker and John Ni )hard, niU on the West by l.imls of John .Miller and John Coy, ' That the said uitertato died seized id' no other real estate than the above ieieribud two hundred acres ur tliircabouts. N'o partition or valuation of the said estate liiiiig been had,) our petitioners therefore pray the Court to award an inquest tu make partition of the premises aforesaid, to and among the repri'MMita. lives of the said intestate, in such manner nnd in suth iropnrtionsas by the lans of tills Commonwealth is directed, if such parli'ion can be made without pre. J ml l co to or spuiliug ofthu whole, but if such partition cannot be inudu thereof, then value and appraise thu same, and maku return of their proceeding according to law. Il'it thtrcfore command you, that taking with you twelve good and Ian fill men of your baili ick, you go to and upon the premises aforesaid, and there in the presence of tho p-irtie aforesaid, by you to be twirneil if being warned, they tt ill lie present, and having re. spect tn llii' true wiliinliun thereof and upon tho oaths and nlhrmatious of the said twelve cood and lawful men. you make partition to and umong the heirs and1 legal representatives of the said intestate, in such manner, and in such proportions, as by the laws of this Coiuiiioiiwenllh is directed if the same can bu iiouo without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, lint if the Inquest by jou to hi suiiiumued at aforesaid to mako the said partition or valuation, shall be of opinion Unit the premises aforesaid, w itlHho uppurteiianres cannot oe parted ami iiiuueii auioiig all the peisous eiiiiiiuu thereto as required by law, without pri'Jinli'0 t or spoiling the whole, or that it cannot be ditidcil into, shares of equal value, then you cause tho inquest to vnlUJ nnd iipiiraise the whole of the said real estate, or tliu several shares or purparts into whkli they may , divivo the said real estate, having respect to the truo vniuaunn uifreoi, agroutiiiy to law '9 Groceries, Hardware, Quceusware, Cedar ware, Maekcral, Cheese, etc., which will bo sold at the lowest figure for ready pay, Ilts Dry Goods consists in part of Fine Cloths, Rlack and Fancy Cassimcrcs, Fine Opera Cloitliings at 51,50 Deryard Stella Shawls i'roni Sl',50 to S7, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s Plaid.s; Printed Chalies, Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidered Mozauibiques. Poil Do Chevrcs, etc., etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, 8, 10 and 12 cents. Muslins, one yard wide at 12 ets. Skeleton Skirts, fiom 50 cents to 52,00. HIS GROCERIES consists in part of bs?t white sugar at 12?. cents. A. No. 1 Syrup Molasses, 50 cents per gallon. Ladies' aud childrous' high-heeled boots and gaiters a full assortment, j CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, ! Eicht dav, and thirty hours, Xoi. 1 ij- 2 Maclarelin Qttatier and Half is amis, COAL OIL LAMPS. A splendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams cheap. Ely's water proof gun caps, powdor and Shot, &.O., &e., &o. A B 0 D E S I R A B L 3 E S T Y L E S ! Oomo, sco and Judge for yourselves, mid you will bo snlibfled tint Humer's Store at the Corner nf Mniu and Iron streets, is the plare to perthase Cheap (Joods for ('ash or Country produce. HIooiuburg, t'uyiU, Ic'O'J. ty AND THE DEAUTY OF IT ALL IS WE CAN AND WILL SELL AT Bs AV 1 R Jl t! E 8, CALICOES, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS. CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, lieauy-Made Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, S?pars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Drue, Oils, Paints, &c, &o. Wc have a large assortment of Itlack and Fancy Silks w liich wu are selling nt reduced pikes : III nek Hi I k s for CTi cent, worth $1,12. also fur 9I.H0 worth Sl.S-i We are selling our best prints for Wi cents tier vanl. the best in the market, all fast colors. A yard wide tiiibtenched intipliii at l-.'l rents equal to Now .Market. Three quarter yard wide unbleached iiiiisliu at d to 10 cents a yard, In addition tn our large stock of Dry Roods, wc have n. large and full assortment of Ready Made Clothing for lieu and Hoys wear which wo nre determined to sell cheaper tli u can he nought elsewhere, tall and see, and Judge for yourselves. H. W. CREASY U CO, Light Street. Pn , April 20. 1S02. Look to your Interests. FRESH ARRIVAL OF Ct 0 O M 3 AT MILLER &EYEETS. THE subscribers nave Just returneu irnin ino uuy With another lurgu and select assortmct of Slrinjr and summer iooUs, purchased at l'hiliiilclphla, nt tho lowest figure, nnd which they are determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in lileoiusburg. Ultiir stock comprises L.iviEs" vith.ss aoons, of choicest styles and latest fashion. Din' aoons, a.vo ohoci:iiF.s, UlimWARK QVKf'Jf'ARE, CF.DAR WARE. HOLLOW WARE IROX, .VAILS, BOOTS if SHOES HATS S; CAPS. Sic , S(c., S(C., In short everything usually kept In country Stores; to whii h they invitu Hie publle generally. The Highest price paid for country produce. MILLER U. EVER. Ulooiusburg. April 20, 1602. AT BINQIIAMTON, N. Y. An Institution to qualify ijoinig men for Businiss. DW. LOWELL, I'rincipil, 1'rofessor of tho S.ienco ofAicounts, author of Lowell's Treaties upon Honk lCri-min.'. uml Diagrams illiistreting the same. JNO. 11ANKIN, Cominereial Accountant, l'rofissorof Uookkeepius anil Practical .Miiihemiitics, A J, WAIiNEIt, Proils.or ofPractieal ami Oinamen tal Peiim.iuship, Coiiimcrcial Ualcululious and Corres pondence. (1EU, IV lOW IS, Aaistanl Teacher in Penninaiisliip. J. S. CURTIS, Assistant Teacher in liuokkeeping lie parlmenl. ' LF.CTUHERS. lion, DANIEL S DICKINSON. LL D., Lecturer on Cftinnit'Kial l.awand Political Economy Hon. HANSOM IIAI.COM, on Contracts, Promissory Notes und I. ills nf Exiliain;e. Kev. Dr. E. ANDREWS, on Commercial Ethics. ptudents can outer atony lime i no vacation. Oradu. ates are pri'soiileil with nn elegantly engraved Diploma, IJdiai time required to complete full Commercial cnurso from tight to twelve weeks, Every student i gradua ted to be competent to take charge of the books of any business firm, and qualified to earn n srl.irr from -00 tn Sl.'iUU pur annum. Assl.tanco rendered to graduates in staining situations, Hoard 8J.H" 93."i" per week. " For particulars send for Circular, onilnsiug stauii. Address LOWELLS IV MINER. May a letVJ 12m NOTICE. LL persons interested nru rftrrml to tlio provision Aiidtliat the nartiliou or valuulioii so made, you ills. A ,,r ,i, ',n, sini,.ii ,.r mi Ait of Atscnil.lv. nasstd on l..n.lu 1., I...!..... u,,l.t ln.lirn. ..' . . .. . :. . . 7 ' ..'.'.! " ;v. ., ... me i iuvenin oayoi .iprii ruMinums, Ulooiusburg, at an Orphan's Court, then to be In I.I on , :Le, a, That It shall bo tho duty of every rlty and the first day of September, after such an inquest shall I county 'I reasurcr to sue for the recovery ef ull II fuses be made under your hand and seal and under tho hands ,u., r'-tiiruoil ' lli"i 1V Ibe Mercantile Appraiser, If and seals of thn-o by whoso oaths or affirmations yuu 1 ,',,i , i.,.r,1r..ilin ilr.i dav of Jul v. In oath nnd shall make such partition urnluatloii, And liavo you nQ!y yenr. within ten days niter that date, and said then thero lit writ. Wirxtss the Honorable Aaron K. l'cckhani, I . rrusidrnt Judge of our said Court, the twen- ) I., a. j ty-llrst day of May, A. 11., eighteen hundred ' w-y-w ' and sixty-lMO, JACUII EVERLY, tVt. O. C. Per Micii'l 1'. EveitLY, Aitt. (C7" Jury tn mctt on tlio94th day of July, leli-j, at lo o'clock in tha forenoon, JUSIA1I II. FUKMAN, thjf, June 7, lii-.', .Total, 5,701 BRICK! BRICK I! R RICK! I! 10A A A AGood liriok, just manufactured I'll) aml lr salo cheap, wholesale and re lrJVUVVii, AtthuUlooinsbnrBllrlck Yard. Apply to tho subscriber, lllnomsburg, June SS, 1602, re.-irfiirer l,h:ill lint Its dial ha reed from all I such license unless lie brings suit tu lo reenter the same within said date and presses the same to Judgment and eieiulion , as soon thereafter as practicable, and pay tho amount of all such licenses reieivid by linn into tho Htute l Treasury, on or beforo the flnt day uf Octob-rt iisuinci nor shall he receive any consideration mi such licenses, unless lie makes payment as aforesaid. ' ,,,., I Wcaiursr ef Columbia County. Tamsuitmi's OrriiE, j ; nioo.iuburg, .May 31, Irl'.i. j BisePs Old Stand, THE subscriber bus received his Sl'RINI! STOCK OF 1 GOODS, which he utters at fair price, Tu Dul ler Makers, he would say, bring it fresh ami we will pay an ultra price, a- e havua conlrait.it FORTRESS MONUOE, which must be fulfilled, ami wo ran nirurd to pay an extra price. Wc have changed our Express day to Thursday. Persons having good veal and calves, will bring them in on Wednesday evening orearly on Thurs day morning H. Ml CAY. Jersey town, Muy 17. 1802 -3t. Store Removed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' 3 Hat and Cap Store. pUf The undersigned :cspertfully Informs the citizens of Illoomsliiirgi and the public in general, that h has re moved the .YiJir HAT STORE, into the house, on Main Street, nearly oppo-itf his late stand, where ho has Just received a splendid assortment of CITY HATS AND CATS, Direct from the MrtnufuctiiriPf. of all kinds, styles, sorts nnd sit 's, latest f.isliions, which ho oll'-rs wholesale and rotuil, at very low prices. t." Tlp'su Uooda will be sold at very low prices lor Heady Pay. JOHN K GIRTON. Illoomsburg, April 10, mi, RAIL-ROAD. IKSNSVLVANIA RAIt. ROAD CO., LESSEE. On and after Monday MaySth, lSUi, time at Nortliuiii berlJinl flalion will bo us lollows : T.rnrr. Wetlirtird. I Lasticard. Express U 111 a.m. Evpress U -in r. M Mail -1 U r.M. Iatl 10 01 a m Sticpiiiu Cars on Mgltt Trains lloth ways between Willlainsport and llaltimore.nnd on the Peiinsjlvania Railroad between llarrtsburg uud Philadelphia tin Mail Train in both directions n Cur goes through la, Pennsylvania Rail Ruad wUhuut iliuuga I ttweeii Phtladelpli.a and Lock U A. 1IiA,;Ki riup't Eastern DitLion. Moy2l, lcT.2. PITTSBURGH, PA., Comer I'enn and St. Clair Ets. The largest Cominereial School of the United States, with n patronage of nearly 3,dUU Student, in five year from 31 Stales, and tho only one whii h afiords complete and reliable instruction in nil the following branches, villi Mercantile, Manufacturers, Steniu lloat. Railroad and llook.keeping. First P'einjum Plain and Ornamen tal Penmanship ; nlso, Sunejlng,' Engineering and Mathematics generally! $35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course ; Students enter and re view at nny time. ""Ministers' sons' tuition at half price. For Catalogue of (ill pages, Specimens of amines and Ornamental Penmanship, and a binntiful College view of S spuare ftet, containing a good variety of w riting lettering nnd nourishing, lncloso 21 cents in stamps to the Principals, JENKINS lc SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 10, ISC2-ly. lars or tho fight. They report tha battle as having been commenced by McClellnn on Friday tiiorniDfr. and that tho Rebel immediately responded and met them at all points, roaily, evidently, fur a uospor ate rosistatco. Tho riht wing were thou Bearing a Rebel fortification, of an almost impreg nable charter, when MuClcllaiu rodo up and (hi Major says ho heard him givu tho following order, "Fall back on tho rip-lit to (a distance of Cvo miles, called Whito House Rep.), and on tho center, too if nccc&sry, but bold that position, wueu roached, at all hazard," Tlio I'cutisyl vania" Buck tails" were then in command of a Napoleon Battery, and woro mowiug tho Rebels down, at a fuarful rato, with their destructive missile .' As fast as the rank of the enemy woro thinned ouc they seemed to fill up instant ;, and every man caino up to the action, ho says, nobly. Tho Bucktails complained at this order, and desired to "light it out jlut thou;" but the order had to bo obeyed, and they commenced to retreat, the enemy purnuiu and fighting all tho time. McClcl an nyus in command in per;ou, and tliii movcmciit was kept up for n distance of five miles, when the Irish Brigade met the enemy and stopped bis advance, Tho ground moved over was very swampy, ana in many in- stinccsthe men bad to wadu almost up to their middles. At this juncture, General McClellan moved his left wing around to tho roar' of the Rebels, whero ho mounted nix mor tars, ten 80-pound siege guns and two 10U pound guus tho latter mounted onrucks drawn by twenty horses each. Ho says that untold amount of charcoal were burned all day Friday for throwing hot shell.- Rebels prisoners captured, and deserters coming in, report that tho Rebel force en caged was 00,000 strong, aud that in and around Richmond thero was'a force of from of from 250,000 to ai.0,000. The prisoners and wounded aro obdu rate, and assert and reassert that "beforo Richmond is taken tho streets will run rivers of blood, and bo piled up with tho corpse of over two hundred thousand men." General Lee led the Rebels, while Beaure gard was also in command, and it was likewise believed that jacksou was also engaged in the action. Colonel Piatt's Reg mcnt, it is said, did not suffer severely ui was reported by the first despatches. '1'his gentleman also reports that while be was in Baltimore, a despatch passed over tho I wires to the War Department, which,from his knowledge ot tno machinery and work ing of tho telegraph, believed to be "iUcClellan has commenced bombarding Richmond, and the city was burning. I These officers left While House at 1 1 a. in on Saturday .at which tim6 tlicro was a' cessation' of hostilitcs, and reached BjN i timoro-, enroute to New York, at 5 A. M. i oh Suuday morniugi They estiinato that J the Rebels lost tis men to MeClellaus ouo. These officers woro released from tbo army on Surgeon certificates for illness. Mo- CIcllan is reported as buing in the best I. !l.ll . .1 r...,. n, .. nesday morning, driving the enemy from P"'or' . Pcr.ciy co .uue u o their rifle pits, and reporting that they ,suc ln bl3 to reduce the liebel had secured and held what is known as , caP' ' r Tavern Hill, an important position, com- BEAUREGARD'S ARMY IN RICII nianding the city of Richmond. This is' MOND. the "important point" alluded to in the I A correspondent of tho Now" York Post, despatch of Goneral McClellan, detailing writing from West Point'. June 7tli,iv'cs the affair. The entire loss on our side 1 the following important information : was reported to uc anout two nuiuircu and twenty killed. A lame number of ONWARD TO RICHMOND WEDNESDAY AT THE WIIHE HOUSE. At tbo White House, on Wednesday, matters were progressing us usual, with the exceptions that there had been a check in the landing of stores of all descriptions, whilst those on the landings were being rapidly loaded in wagons and moved off towards the left flank. An order was also received from head quarters early on Wodnciday, to prohibit any one Irom coming lorwaru to tno lines on any consideration whatever, unless the parties belonged to the army. On the samo day General Casey came down aud took command of the small laud force, not excediuc 000 men, aud in the evening was notiGed to prepare for the en tire evacuation ot tno post at any moment, j and the preservation as far as practicable of the public property. Similar orders were also sent to Col. Ingalls. On tho same evening we had a report from head quarters that a division cl the Rebels, the forces of Stonewall Jackson and General Ewcll, were approaching and threatening to open the way by the right flank for a raid on the White House. At half-past 10 o'clock in the evening, the 7 o'clock train arrived, briiiLMiigdown about ninety wounded men, it having been delayed for their accommodation. They were nearly all of General Hooker's Di vision, and had participated in the gallant advance on the lelt ot the center on weu regard had arrived at main portion of his Captain T. S. Phelps, of the cun-boat Concin, intercepted a mail on the Matta- those wounded were, however, very slight! pony on the 23d, which fctatcd that Boau most ol tliem being anic icMvau; irom uic cars to the hospital-boat. Thus ended the events ol Wednesday. DOINGS ON THURSDAY. Throughout the day, at the White House, the greatest vigilance was obser ved in and around the head-quarters of General Uasey. The mail steamer, which should have left for Fortress Monroe at seven o'clock in tho morning, was ordered to be de tained, and at nine o'clock a lespateh was received that a genoral battle was pro- ..rosqintr nlono- the wholo Hue. tho CnOlllV having'rencwed tho attempt to flank Gen. j Repulse of tnc U. S. Troops -Loss 003 Porter's position on the right wing. At i lci,(,cd,ivoutdcd and missing. Kichmond with tho army; that thirty thousand men had been tent to Jackson ; & that Jackson, with these reinforcements and the men he already had, would at onco attack our rigbt flank ,about Mechanics ville, and get around into our rear, while Gen eral Lee, with the main Rebel array ,would at tho same time make a desperate attack in front. These projects are stated sub stantially in the letters intercepted. Tho Battlo on Jraos'Island. eleven o'clock a second despatch announ ced that Gen Porter had drivou tho enemy before him and repulsed them three times WTT MlAf A T)T A CGOrtT K TTflV TH.iln.l eiphia-for the neiiefofthe pick ami Distressed ! with tornfio slaughter, and was then or aMIicted with Virulent ami Chronic Diseases, and pciiallv DUeases of the Sesuiil Organs. Medical Advice given Gratis by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable UUPOUTS on SPtUlMATOtilllinJA or Sl'.MlN L WEAKNESS, nnd other Diseases of the Sex ual Organs, and on tin NI'.W UUMUDIUS employed In the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of (harge. Address . Dr. J. SKI1.I.IN HOUGHTON, Howard Asociotion. No. S South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 5, leVJ-lSm. JOLINE & LEE, No. 40, NORTH WII AUVHS, Philadelphia. ROPE ill AK 13 118 SHIP cii'andlers, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes. Twines, Tar, Titdi, Oakum, llloeks, aud Oars, &c. August 4, liiiU- l.'ui. linNKV S. AllTHUK. 20,300 . Atitho battlo of Waterloo, alone, tho loss'on the4sido oftho victors, in killed and; wounded, was ncraly lour thousand , fiyfVcpalKe? IHore inaupurcniirc loss mus iar in uie present war. New York Herald. Opposite the Court lhvstand next door to Democrat Offict Tlio umleriigiied, respectfully iufuriut Ills friends and customers that no lias upeneu A NEW U 1RBF.R SHOP in Court House Alley, next duor Mow tha Office of tile Columbia Democrat, where ho will bu happy to wait ii pun all customers, and from long eipeucucu aud strict lie oupis tu iiiviii UllO lUbVIVV a tCTAII lliliigs here "done in decency and in or dor," i IIWl A? IIIWM .1 1 IllooinsbUrg, Msrrlt Ut lt' ESTATU NOTICE. COi UMDIA ( O (W7T. SS ; (ii the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia coun. ty, aforesaid, iulrp alia, it is thus contained j lieiilamin Hahnt 1 No. -."S MjyTerin, IciVJ, Voil es. IdtUoiil Uxpou.is. Money paid John P Levnn and f into Court, nnd now to ult: William Goodman, J May'.i, Jena, on motion of Mr. Hurley tueuourt nppoimeu joiih m. t iv'-, -! ditor. M iliak.0 ilUlribution (if the money min ed on the NOTICE. TVTn-prnv. In linrnhu rrivnn. tlinr. thft lindnr- X -iime.l hasnlaeed the following named lirnnertv 1 salu of the Ileal Ustatotif Julm P. l.ovau on the abovo in charge of Samuel Marr, of Scott lowiibhip, Columbia i l rn eiiu, t.jpu, county, uunug uis pleasure, vi: Cow, l lg,t;ooK Move, liock. two ueos ami nuooiiii;, Cooking Uleusils, Tubbs and Ch iirs. Corner Cupboard, Kitchen Cupboard, aud one hurt an, with which ull per sons nre forbidden lo meddle or interfere, on pains of the law's penalties. H, WILKIN'S. May 24, ISOi-Jt. T HE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, ;xonnas. uv nut coiiit. Certified from tlieltecarils May 1. Isii'J JACOII hVmtl.V. Ptoth'y, Per MaiiAtL l' UvcrtLY, Deputy, Entertainment fur Man and lleait, in good slyln and nt moderate rates. ciiAitnta n. gAVAGnrrointioi, Uinvillt, April 19. ISb-; All persons Interested will take noticctlist the under tigned appointed auditor, by tho Court of Common I'Uasof Columbia county, tn ui.ikj distribution of the money raised by the salu ot tho Ileal lislato of John P. I.evan, by virtue of tho above staled Venditioni Expo nas, will attend at the Uetorder'sOllicc, in Illoomsburg, on Thursday tho '.'1st day of August, leavi, for lh pur, r,n,s of making tlio distribution. All persons having r,' im, on the said fund aro hereby rcmjcslcil to inako ihfir claim before said auditor or bo debarred from .Hmln in on said fund, W"11"1 JOHN, G, rRECZR, -iflr. mcemui' J"" t. ieco-4 ' " SAPON1PIER ! SAPONIFIER 1 ! rO-Tlli: FAMILY SOAP MAKUU C? All Kitchen Grease can bo made iutogood SOAP, ey using HAPONIFimtl KT-DIULCTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH COX I SOAP is easily made with it, as uiaking a cup of cof feo Manuucturea only uy tne imeuieos. PA. SALT MANUrACTUIiINQ COSIPANY. No 127 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. J - opjiu iinilersigiied wonld inform tho ciliiens of I I liloonihliurg mid tkiliity, that lie has just re. iu cived and olf, rs tor sale ouo of tho moslcxteusitc nssortmeiits ofCOOKlNG and PAN' Y STOVP.S over introduced into this niarkit. The Christojiher Co inubiis, James Uobbauil Gli'Uoare among the tlrst (lass cooking Stoves, all of which tiro air-tight andgas burner Ills Parlor .loves are liaiidsonu and tin' nssortiueut u ried. ALO -Particular intention is paid tu Tiu-Warc nnd House Spouting, upon slmrl Ublicc. All kinds of repairing will bo done w illi neatness and despatch. 0- Country prodttco taken in exchuugo for work. PHILIP S. muvi:k. Illoo nitburg. May )U, 1C'.'. ambrotype, maTOonAPii u melaino rypE ti A 9b ij ft "Sf rc A RROTYPliS, PHOTOGRAPHS, Melainotvpes, tec, taken in Cloudy as well as Clear Weather. Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes copied aud Wiurgcd. NORTH DANVILLE, TA. Dec. 21, U01. I Undku our Agricultural Department, ! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 Estate nf Asher 31. Gingles, deceased. NOTlCi: Is hereby given that letlurs or Ailinlnittra tioiioulho rststa of Asher M, Gingles, Inis of Maine twp. Columbia co.. dee'd, have been granted by the lteglster of said tnuiity to f'aruli June Giugles who re-iJes in Maine touiislilp.and James S, McNimli wlnt resides in Cattawissa township. All persons having claims or demands ugaiust the etato of the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and thoso indebted to make payment without dilay JAMKSS. MrNINCII. I HARAII J. GINULCS, '' Mr3l lf-l. dered by Gen. Mdlcllan to fall bock THE PANIC CHECKED. Durinu the afternoon the panic increas ed until half past three o'olock, and the steamers and tugs woro busily eugaged in towing down the transports. At three o'clock a despatch was received from head nuartcrs, in substance as follows "Wo have been driving the enemy be foro us on tho left wing for the past half hour. Cheers aro heard all along the linos." STATEMENTS OF THE WOUNDED. About 7 o'clock on Friday evening num. bcis oftho woutided commenced to arrive from tho front of the lines, with a few of tho most intelligent of whom I had au op portunity of oonvcr.-ing. Thoo engaged in tho rcpulso of Stonewall Jaksou repre sented his rout to be mo.t quick aud dis astrous. Ho came down oti them expect ing a surprise, but I'ouud them all moincn tarily expecting his approach, having been informed by General McClellan two days prcvoius that he was coming upon them. Instead of a surprUo tho enemy reoeived tbo first shot, aud after two hours' light retreated in oonfusion. LAST OF THE WHITE HOUSE On Saturday morning the work of evae uatiou at the White House had boon near ly completed, and although thero was uuniber of vosels beforo tho lauding, there was anabi.nd.incc ot stoanicrs in reaU:uos to move off with them at any moment, At nino o'olock a train of cars started out for head-quarters, but had not been gone moro than an hour before it returned, reporting tho enemy to bo approaemug Di.spatch fctatiou, wutoh is olovcn miles from tho Whito Hquso. This, however, is suposcd to bo a mi-tako, as tclographio communication through to General McClel lan was continued up to eleven o clock, at which timo the mail boat startod for Fort ress Monroe. STATEMENT OF OFFICERS FROM I THE RATTLE FIELD. Prepared for tin Mu York Fjprest, A Major and two Captains, from tho the left wing of McOlellan's army, reaohed this city this morning at 5 o'clock, having loft Whito Home at 11 o.olock Saturday morning. They givo tht following pwticu- New York, June 27. The steamer Philadelphia has arrived from Beaufort, and tho Ericsson'from Key West, with dates to tho 18th, aud from Port Royal to the 3f The latter brings 181 passengers, inclu ding Gen Rcnbam and staff and 57 sol diers wounded in the late engagement on the James Island, in charge of Dr. E. R. Scholl, of the 70th Pennsylvania Regiment. The account of tho fkht, copied from tho Charleston papers is correct, the U, S, troops under Gen.Renham, made an at tack at 4 o'clock on the morning of tho 17th inst., and wero repulsed after four hours hard fighting, with a loss of OOd killed, wounded and missing. The Mich igan 8th had but 250 mou left at roll call Tho New loru 7uth also sintered severely.. The Union troops wero obliged to retreat under cover oftho gun boats. Col. Perry, ottho -l-ith iNcw Xoru Vol unteers, died at Fort Pulastij Juuo 18th of apoplexy. Iinportaut Army Order. General Fremont Relieved from his Com mand. Washinoton, Juno 27. Tho following order was received to day : Orucr relieving General Iremont from, his command. War Department, Washington, D. C, Juno 27, 1802. Major General Johu C. p'retuont having requested to bo relieved from tho command of the First Army Corpse of tho Army of Virginia, because, as ho says, the position assigned' llim by the appointment of Major Gcucral'Pbpo as Coniuiauder in chief oftho Army of Vir ginia is subordinate and inferior to thosu heretofore hold by him ; and. la remain in tho subordinate command now assigned, would, as ho says, largely reduce bis rank and consideration in tho scrrfoc ; It is ordered by tho Pre dent that Ma jor General John 0, Fremont bo relieved. from tho command. Secoud That Brigadier General Itufu Kiug bo nnd h lis hereby assigned to the) command oftho first army corps of tln Army of Virginia, in place of General Fremont, relieved. By order oftho Pmident Eilnin M. Sunton, Smttarj of War,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers