John fl Freeze, Local Editor. Saturday MonulNd, junb41, lata. )omooratlo Stato Oonvontion. x tooordanca wlitm resolution of tlin Democratic t Etecullvo Oommltlcc, Tits Democracy or Pssx. f akii will meet In State Convention, nt Harrlsbnrg, Friday, Ms ith day of July, iWJ, lit IU o'clock, ft. ni., lOtnlnate candidates for ArJMToa, Ctntttt. nnd ern or Oinsral, and to adopt sucli measures at may ha tned necessary for llio wellaro of tho Democratic tr and tbe country. WILLIAM lt.WM.Slt. Chairman of the Democratic Stato Ex, Com. 8Trnina nro ngain ruoLirig on tho .Unwissa road Tho first since the flood oamo over on Tuesday afternoon last. :o: "Nominations. Hon John L. Daw a has boen nominated, by the Democrats Payctto county,for Congress, and Dan Kaino for the Legislature. :o: SA. 0. Thornton of Lightstroct, a ember of tho "Hurley Guards" is at Hue woundod. Ho lias tho reputation of bravo cool and excellent soldier, ' :o: JQrAn official report from tho Secreta ' of tho .Treasury states that the publio bt on tho 29th of May was 0101,415, iif at an avarago interest of 4 J35.10O. ; :o: tWOn Tuesday night last, some pcr u or persons broke into the watch ma sr'fl hop,' in the Exchange buildings, ami 3lo 8300 to 5100 worth of watches and wclry. :o: e5T"Wo aro indebted to our very attcn e democratic friend E. U. Snider Esq., ' Phclpsvlllo for a copy of The London imrs for May 1-1904. It is a raam otb sheet full of most unquestioned fun ad satiro. :o: CSyTho body of the littlo daughter of r. Watters was found at tho mouth of ottawissa creel: ; several miles from tho )int whore it fell into Fibingcreck. Wc Joico that it has been recovered. -:o: CSrOur friends in Jackson and that gion,who contemplate atteuding tho ad inistrator'a salo of Pctor Applegato's al est to, will observe that the sale is on aturday July 12th instead of l.Uh as atcd in the bills. The almanac to which 0 very .'carefully referred having been it up incorrectly as to dates. :o: BgjyCflptain Henry Clay, grandson of ic immortal Henry Clay, died at Louis ille Ky., on Thursday latt. He was an ljutaut-geucral, with rank of captain in en. R. W. Johnson's brigade, and was in ie bottle of Shiloh, where ho bore hiin df gallantly. His diseaso was typhoid ver. :o: KSF Messrs. Hooper and Cannon, Sena rs elected from Utah, visited Congress :stcrdayj and will take measures shortly ) urge, Iho admission of that territory in 1 tho Union. They arc accompanied by son of Brigham Young. They claim mt Utah has a population of over a hun- reu thousand, and is tully prepared to cerciso all the functions of a State gov -nmont. 8Tho documents organizing a State at of tho Territory of Utah, to bo called 'cseret, wcro presented in the Senate. It ppears from these that 11, 3ti9 votes wore, nt it for noai.y nino i)0urS( but no otic ant for Brigham Youug for Governor, and ! could say that wo had dona moro than rc 1 ,311 votes for John M. Bernhei.-el for ' pulse the enemy, and that Fccmed but very onrcscntittivo in Confess. Tho wholu ! liul- When your enemy has been in full O umbcr of votes in the proposed Stato is 1,309. JOS?" The quota of Pennsylvania of tho irect tax of 20,000,000 was fixed at i there was a largo welcome iu every bout 2,000 000. Mr. Mooro, tho Stato reasurcr, and Mr. M. McMichael, Jr. ere in Washington to settlo with the overnmcnt, and they had an iu ;rviow with tho Secretary of the Trea iry,.and tho amount necessary over and bovo the olninis of tho Stato ngaiust the ational Government was paid by Mooro, nd tho entire claim settled.-" SF"A correspondent at a Norfolk hotol, jlatcB tho following : Upon retiring for io night I mado a reoounoissanco of my omicil, and found upon the door a littlo ootn outaide i tho morning oots is $25 a pair liko dcra of yourn.'' to; . rrt ... ii i , i-ii 1 "gnu iu uu muicu in iiiuiu io. Thoy;?U treat mo very kindly.- Aftor this or(lcr J-UU tUUllllUilUU Ul 111U lICZli lUII- drnber, it will includo Union represcnta i0 Abolitionists of tho North as well ai io Secessionists of the b'oulh will havo ucn All squelched by that tirao, and every tao wijTiwoar by tho good old Constitu- on gma nr h? Wathjogbon and Jbjj cam. coRNiwV'". iinots. - RI'l KWHEAT rSV'TiiB Constitutional Union," This is the litlo of a now Democratic weekly, tho first number of which will bo issued in Philadelphia, on Saturday, to day, by Thomas H. Florence & Co. It Is i o bo a laagodoublo sheet paper, and will bo furnished nt 6Q nor nnnnnt. Wn wUI, ! the publishers abundand success X.n 1 1 1-11.. 1 TA .! ' niuru uhiilxkiiiv ticcatisc a ucntucrnuc paper is very much needed in Philadcl phia at the present time. :o:- CStDeath op Major Cum.-Among tho killed at tho lata battle, near Rich mond, was Maj. Jorro Culp, of thia place Tho news readied hero on Thursday night and on Friday morning tho flags were dis played at half mast, and draped in mour ning. His romains reached horn on Sun day, and woro followed to tho gravo on Monday by a largo concourso of citizens It was tho largest funeral that has taken placo in this placo for a number of years Bradford lleportcr. We knew tha Major well ho was a Columbia County boy, and a gentleman. Ho was deservedly esteemed, and will bo deoply mourned. Farewell, Jcrro I :o: JESyGcn. Shields, who is again in active service, was at the siege of Vera Cruz, and whou severely wounded, ho continued on tho field, urging on his men, until a ball, passing through his lungs, struck him down. Ho was carried from tho battlo field, and was reported so near dead that obituary notices of tho gallant General appeared in nearly all the papers of tho country. Even in tho neighborhood of tho battle-ground his life was for weeks despaired of, and tho anecdote of his euro U remarkable, as it would appear im probablo did the man not live at tho pres ent time to verify tho statement. It ap pears that he was entirely given over by the army surgeons, when a Mexican doc tor said ho would live if ho' would lot him rcmovo tho coagulated blood from tho wound. Shield, as a kill or euro reme dy, told him to try, and a fine silk hand kerchief was worked and finally drawn through tho wound, removing the oxtrava sated blood, when daylight could bo Fecn through tho hcle. And yet Shields to-day is a halo and hcartv man. freo from dis- caso or any inconvenience from his wound which was considered at that time as mor tal, having been made by a largo copper ball, and going directly through his body and lungs. :o: g2r The correspondent of tho N. Y. Ilirnl'l thus describes the coming of Mc Oh'llan to the field of battle at Williams burg : In the very middle of tho rago of mus ketry, shouts that grew into continuous cheers wcro heard away down tho road to ward Yorktown. What could it mean 1 there could bo no fight there. Butconjcc ture had no chance ; for in tho minute a group of desperate riders swept up the (load and into the lawn, and thoro at the head was tho unmistakeablo figuro of the Commander-in-Chief. As he swept by the cavalry, they took up the shout, and on it went, across to tho infautry, and on still to the other infantry iu tho wood, and Virginia was electrified with enthusiasm. There was not a heart at head-quarters or near it that did not feel tho lighter for that shout. Somehow it seemed to clear tho air. To speak very plainly, nobody had felt very certain how the day was to coun'il then. Wo knew that wo had been retreat beforo you, and you follow eo fast that ho has to ttop and fight for life, your success ought certainly to be more than the negative ore of not being bcatcu j but ours, till then, simply canto to that. So heart for that StOUt littlo figure and blue Soldier's i Isiac Wuguer, sou and h.-ir at' la u of L-jid deceased, nvprpo'it nnd .a woloomp moreover f'nr "'''"t'f""!'. that tho snld Uaao Wagner, dies' innnnto oertoat, aim .1 lii,oiiu, moreover, ior about three mouths sinre, l, aving i,.siio Abriim Wag all L'Ciido wllOSO presence .-poke Ot him ner.eldest sou, Isaac Wagner, on.) of tho above n imeil 1 r, i ri ii 1 ri i ' putliioii "rs, Diaiiua, intermarried with John Winer: for bWOltZCr, and Colbum, and Hudson ; Margaret, inieriuirried will nry Eoderi I),ivid for nnrtl v Astnr for tlint nlpninnk flnr. j Wuaiier, Snr.ih, iiilerinarried with llitiianiiu llomuoy, ior portly jwor , tor mat picasanc uor-1 ilmitll(,r of tho ul)uvi, pemin,,,.,,,,,, uiiMb.tF,; 1 mail- b rOIICh prinCO, tllO LOUtlt Ot 1'ariS ; interuiarried with Jacob l.atchslinir, two uf whom re , . . ,. . r e i ti i ii I side out of Ibis Mate. Abrah im Wagin r rending in for the glllli'll Uglire Ot thO DUC UO (Jhar- i U-nera county, Oluo, and .Margaret interin-irried with troa- onrl Cnr tlio full fnrin onii iitim ni-r9 ?ald llonry Louder, residing in Illinois, anil Ellzabeili tres, and lor UIO tdll IOnn dnu UlUO CCS. ,,t,.ruiuiried iMthJnci.h l.atchaw nluresaid . reilesiii of tllU Print'C dc Joinvillc, Juniata county, tl.nt-iale, 'l'tut the siinl mit-tato died . rp . i , v l s 'i'."'! in his demesne in nl fo of an, I iu thu 'olluiwii" Aflaira took Bhapo immediately, as it described Real Estate, to wit . thcro '-ore sonicthitig magnetic iu the moro ',f"!;'' J,"", ,illl",,u""a,ini",:t,vo 1,'""'.rc'1 1 - , , b, . , , i or tnerenbo.its uitli llu uiipiirteiiuures, situate in the presence Ot the leaner 111 tllO masters', uiidcoiinlyofCutunibi.i aforesaid. pvn TTn nimn ind lislonoil -mil Knnl-n bounded on the North by Isaac l.i idy and Ilavid Wagner, i ejO. U0 CaillO, anil HsrenCU, dllU SpoKC on tin East by lands of Matliius Keller, out o South that Was all and tho lliaSS of blind, pUl'-l h" lands ril'JIiirshnll Shnjin.iker and John N.yliard, anil . . ., , ., ,1 1 , i on tho West by hinds ot John Miller and Jolin Cm. poi-elCSj niOVCIlient UUravolInU ltSCtt, and. That tho said intcstato died tuned (.Inn other real rliorn won -i nlin ind i li-ittln Onlotlv "'ate than tho nbovn described two hundred urres or I tnoro a3 j. pian anu a u.tttic. quietly, ,Ilert.n,lt,UISi No mlltiau (lt v-itunth.n or thu said1 he sat III the midst OftllC Crowd Of olllCCrS estate having been had, jour petitioners therefore pruy I ard requesting gentlemen to leave their that gathered around, and in a few minutes ie. Upon my query to Sambo i wIl(,n.cnc1' lia(1 spoken, tho best right hand ' t .... t.i i urr ii I on this continent was raised nnd pointed ng, I was told :- 'Ho! boss : offto tho North iu (ll(J (lircctiou yt an. cock had taken, aud away went Kuyes, away went Smith, and away went Nealcy. vThf! follriivinrf !a nn nvti-nof rnm . Soon a column of illfaUtl'V filed olf un tho i ,-.1 1 ii i r ttcr Of ('apt. A. W. McCormick of Ohio. S 01 "l0 a Stoatty Stream Ot SCVCn 1.0 was wounded and held . imm: cl?30d 1 corrcsponuent s ' 1 "nivn ." r in i nni- n 111 rtl nssnn iinotH enl i. OriUtll DCtorC Its evacuation bv tho Oon. 1 A ii f. u .!.. fi..t . ..l. l.l crates am doing well, and very now in tho hands ofono who would give nil (roninil Hminrnla lieMl, I iw Ihn linsl flirnipn. nnd flint- i wlinlii rlnv ' o " r . i . .,, , Juggles and llardeo have all called toco of h TaSP,a aild exposuro was not like y uuinuui, wiiii- had been given no ooutuorn laities aro Jtiie goou Hama- for thia movement to tho richt. General iuuj uam itt.-iii.vii mu hb Eibmr I'luiifiuin iouu over oilier puns 01 tnc ni.ld 1 fiolil on tlin enntor nml '.oft innlr n Innlr nfc UU I "0lu, 0,1 :n conicr Ruu ait, iook a looij at n. the hospital arraugomcnti, and near dark , ' 7 . hondquartors iii tho cast room of Whittakcr House. What transpired thero, I mm tll! i e. .1..! i.:, , . . t.; worn nttajwu ts-ij uiiivictib jtuiii iuub ui ui vuuicu liiis ti,(uiiuuir fiiiinuiti uus f uub to present. When it assembles in Do-! 'ho "suit of his arrival is tho best of all, nun iiai is ucturo mo storm in mu victory Will !fl 11 cV111T' fill il lm fii-.f Lnlll.. nf vos irom every bouthern Etuto. Its tho .Army of tho Potomao" uudcr Major, omploxion will bo Union throughout; for General Gcorgo 15. McClellau. . Ji II lllllllllOUIIl I UIKI 11IU lit, W UlllllU Vb REVIEW OF THE MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY. s4 5n II 8 1! I" . 40 WHEAT.... RYE ... .. 91 1JICLOVERSEF.I). IIUTTER . CORN fold). C.GGS .10 TALLOW 30'LAKD . .SO'rOTATOP.S. REGEIPTS FOR MAY. j 5.0 TIIK (COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro tho receipts to the offico .ftll Oolumma Democrat, during 1,10 1,101,111 01 1 aw Jtitne ft McVlneli 83.1 SVCfttumhlit county 17 50 CO 3 51) 1 00 (i r,o 1 00 3 nu 1 75 50 1 00 1 50 S 00 3 00 1 50 3 75 3 :n 13 33 3 (10 i 00 1 ira y so 0 oo Ktm If ftn.l.n.. II U .,.!... 4 ou Binney slater 1 00, Hon I'eter Cut 3 rlgnnr lllltr. 1 (KllJncoli l'.crly, Esq . 1 40, Henry lulong, 1 til Samuel Hngenbuch 1 73tloorge K Hess i mi' t ...... it,.fr...nn 'VT'K nanict .voynaru Henry Hers mane itess Win Unwell nti., l'.IIJah II Ikclcr J At Fry 1'ctern llelwlg John Kline Esq., Sampson Ellis Jacob A Swisher Lewi Eckrolh John Dlettorlck, Esq John Loro. 1 50 Ylnrv llnlklev SO John M. Mllicr 3 tin John Hern, Jr., 1 50 Jntnoa (1 Maxwell 75 Itcv IMw Murray 1 73 J II Harmnu 1 50 lnaactkclcr 3 5B Win I'rlU, r.nn., Alexander Moars Eat of(ico llnllunljncll 1 75 Frederick llchner Maynerty Snyder John Mnrdan U Bhuumn, I'.tl , rtontif n llnmboy MHterk.MI) John Mai l'ctcr PKIIno AUMciuch Cat Jnliii (J Kinney Shcrlir I'nrin.ui JoMu:i W'oincr Enoch I'm John ltnM.nn, Eiq., Hat nfj H' Murgrnvo UT Dawaon O A Wle.i, Cm., 0org(l Hartiuan Batuucl V llnttinan Jeln Miller Eli Jones i ;u innn- limner. 1 no annuel Everett 0 50 Tlins lliown (Harder) 8 00 I! II I ittle, l1., 3 Of II gt.mcr 00 1 75 Croty, Nicholas, Leo 4 An tz Co., 1 75 1 00 I'eter l ax 1 00 3 00 diarlcn llurhca U 00 10 00 Nimh tUnmcr, 3 50 2 Ot tlanlrl Ynctini, 1 00 1 7. ln, I, Ph.ianmi I 75 S 7i MIm Mnry It Andcrion 8 Si) 3 7( Levi Cox 1 44 I 01 Harry Hilrlf 1 50 7 Andrew Urnmlcy 3 00 I Cl John otteiiklrk 1 00 3 50 Itkhardl'luminer 100 ( JnlmJonea 1 S fi'Jj l'ctcr Jones 150 TWill our friends remit their subscrip tion monoy to us by mail. Our necessities aro especially pressing and wc must have monoy. Wo shall sincerely thank you, friends and patrons, for an early remit tance by mail. Special JNoticcs. ID- S. M. FETTENGILL & Co., No, 37 l'ark How, New York, mid 0 Statu Bircet Hotton, arc our Agents for the Columbia Vrnwcrat, in Ihoss citlea, anil are au thorized to tako Advertisement!) mid Subscription lor us at our lowest ratva, TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE advertiser, li;ivin been restored to henlth In fuw weeks, hyn very simple remedy , nfter liavin tiilDlcil several years with n nvcrc lung alfcction, mid thai dread disease, (Jonaiiuiptinu Is nuxiieiq to n-.aku kniiuii to his fUlow (.ull'erers the ineaiu of lire. 'I o nil who desire It, h" will s-nd u iniiy nf tho nro- srriiili'Ui uied (free ofchnrjiu), with tlu ilircctinus Or preparing and using the same, which tiny will find n suro euro tor Consumption, Akthma, llronchltis, &c 1 lie only oujoct in til.) nuvcrtiscr in st niiiii(r tho l'r" sjcrintiuil is to heniilit the nlllicteil. nn,l Kiirernl inlnrn ii tiun wlili h ho couceivex to ho iiivnlunlilc, anil ho hours fvery sutU-rer will try his remedy, as it will cost litem noinmi;, ami imij proven liii'dalii;, l'artks Ithlng the presrriitlou win please nddresB HL'V. l.ll l ALU A, WII.MU.'M, 11 1 l-Tlllh bllrC 11 , May 17, lwij 3m. lCing county, New York. F ASH ION ABLE OLOTIIING roa ALL. Ths old-cstiibllehcd WHITE 1IALI. CEOTIItNO BAZAAR, nt the soulhwett comer of rOIJRTII AND .MARKET STREETS. rui.i, srouli'or i'asiiionaiii,e ready made Groceries, Hardware, Quccnswaro, Cedar iM.OTHisG foil l'Ai.i. and winter WEAR. I ware, Mackeral, Cheese, etc., at prices which challenge competition. I ' ' ",,v---v-i l'articular attention Riven to Ou.toiner Work, OiTiccrs which, will he sold nt the lowest figuro for ready par, Uniforms, , iiIkii llniiie!iiririU,t,iiit,ic. Ills Drtl Clnmls rnusistc nf WHITE 1IAI.I. (,'l.()TIIIN(i 1IA.AAR. hoiithivi'st nirnerof rOURTH A.1II) MARKET STREETS. I'ETER S. EEVR'K, 1'roprietor. Nov. 10, ISf.l. (.May 1, 1S6I 13m.) Uniformity of Trices I A New lVntura In I'.uslness Every one his own !iilesiiiaii I JONES it l.'C). of thu I Urcsent One Trice Clothing More, No. SOI Murkelstreo I above diitli. I'liimdeiphia. , In adilitiiin to having the largest, most varied and f.Khioiiable stock of ClnthiiiK in I'liilaile'phin, made fx prL'bsly fur retail fales,, hnvt' coiistiluted every one his i own talesman, by having markd iu lisunis, un each ar. tide at thu'.very lowest price it ran ho sold for so they I cannot pns-ih'v vary nil must buy alike. ( Thu rjnoila nre well sponged mid prepared, and ureal' painstaken with the making so all can buy wnhthe lull n'sur.inec of getting a good article nt tho very Ion . est price. ANo, a lurge tork nf pi,'cc goods on hand. of tho latrat ityle and best I'lalnles, which ill be inndc to order, Iu tke most fasliiunable and best manner, -5 per cent., below credit prices. Remember the Crescent, in Marlcet.abovc Sixth ?troot No. 'Jill. JONl'.S & t il. , CT" THOMAS W. MATTSON, Received the Prize Medal at the World's l'n I r ill Eoiulnn IcSl, forTRUNKS CARl'l'.T UAES, Roots, shoes ami Cuius. Great induce ments nro now ollVreil to piirch.KiTM of the aboenrll-' cles. This is much the larger stock of trunks. Carpet Hags, Valices.ce.. iu Philadelphia very cheap fortaah No. 102 Market Street, one door above Jth, Soma side Miutiuy UsiroRMs There is. perlnps, no depart incut of military biismesH in uholi thero has been a moro marked improvement than in tho clothing of sol diers. Not many years since oilieers and privates were clad in g.iriii 'iits wliiih weru nlimxt t-kin-tiglit. They woro leather slock. Inch were worlliy ofthe name, fur they kept the nearer iu tribulation ; while their padded breasts and tight sler ves m.nle volition a malti r ofgreat dilllciilty. tiuriiig the prteiil war, sudi of our v'.luii taers as procure their uniforms at Ihu Rrown Mono Clothing Ilullof Rockbill k WiNoii, No. OKI nud W ('h'xtniit street, nhove tiivtli .'liiladelplun, obtain clo thing that ix perfectly easy, n nil becoming. . ' i'i'S."J making .Military i mining, ami their iacilitics enable them to fill tho largest urdjr in tho shortest posible time. Hepl. 5!J. lidl iWi'ICE IX PARTITION. F.STATi: OF ISAAC H'AONEU, Coi.oini i County, ss : In the mutter of Fjtiitt Tin Commonwealth of Pcnn of Itaac ll'agnr, of the sjlvaniu, to the s-herill'of said lotrnsiip of llemhtL. m r County, (iimrivi : Whereas, (Ar county aforranhl. J nt an Orphan's Court, li hi at llliiomsburg, iu and fur tlu county i.l'Ciiiinibi,i tnu lifili dayuf.Mny. A. I)., eighteen hundred nud sixiy-two, b. fore the llouoralda Aaron K. l'eckhuiu, I'rei-iiteiit. ami tl.u lu.n.l.iln In.l . f .1,1 . .1 pmui.'esnrnresaiTtS lives oi l lie sir j intestate, iu such manner nud in such proportions as by tho laws of this Conimiiini cutli is uirecieu. n sucli parli'ion can be Hindu without pre jiiiliec to or spoiling oftho whiile.but if null partllion raiinot no inauo tiiereor. tlien valuo and appraise thu sumo, and mal.o return of their iirocecding according to law. lie therefore command uou. 1 lint taking with volt I tiwlvo goodniid lawful men nf your bailiwick, ton io ami upon tnu preuiisos nrorekiild, and there Iu the presenco of thu parties nforesaid, by you to ho wurii. il I ; rlKllSiILrSI and ul irmiitioim nf ihu unl iw.ii-.. i nn.i i,uf,,i men, you make partition lo and among the heirs and J.":! i,ith.,ni r,.i.,. i. n... ,r ..... I iri-iiiest hv inn to hi viiiiiiiiiiii.i.i m .-,i-,.r.. J-.i.i u,.,!, 1 lut'mmxSu "ri-"'""' . Vi'1."' " " l'V l'Inri"iianic enn ii , iT.,Xd bv "Zvf w tirt'r,, spoiling tho vt hole, or that it cannot I,o divided iutu shares of enunl vuliio, then you cause tho luniiotttol niuo ami appraise the wholu of thu said real estate, t .'. . e,"'JI "lures or purparts into which they may lllUvi, Ul0 ,,, rcill (0 uu-u valuation thereof, agreeably to law. ,,,a ''loomsburg, at nu Orphan's court, then to boheMou ,V". '. .V.'' nlyM. urn nt' mi i u r j ou r i Jhau'"..' baud and seal and undertho hands I' whoso oaths or nlhrmntions von tinrlitl.i,, nr l'nl.,T,ll ttt.l I..,,... .u, "i ir uiiwrn Wll.NKss tho Ifomir.llilu Anion IC Pncklmm. i , President Judge of our said Court, tho twe n- 1 ,. A', ly-llrst day of May, A. I)., eighteen hundred 1 w-v and suty-ltto. J ACOn EVERLV, Clk, 0, C. . Per Micu'l V. EvfcKLY, sit. t ID" Jury to meet nn llicSMth day of July, leilj, at lo U I lilUK III IHO lUrUIIUUH, June7, riej. JOSIAII II. FURMAN, ihg. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS I MILITARY CATS, of every sort, size nnd quality, fi salarluapatthu llioomsburs Hat Cap Emporium. tr AIo-Groceriss,CuiircctionarieslCigrs,ir. J011N K' CIRTON. t oorasburz, Spt- U, IE6I. The Secret Out! ORBAT BXC1TBHBNT IN JKItSEYTOWN, Antlsvpposcd approach of the RchclArmy, am.op which n'ah rnonticni) iiythii AllUIVAt. Ol' A I'WI.t, AND COMI'I.ETi: AaaoiiniENror Of Every Variety and tityle at the NEW firm op M I L L E It k SWISHER, IN JEItSEYTOWN. Having just received our Spring Stock, from the Eastern Markets, wo feel determined to tell Oooda at a llttln lower prices than they can be purchased elsewhere, OUR MOTTO 13 "Small Profits anil Quick Returns." C7 The nubile aro respectfully solicited to coll and ramlnoonr stock before purchasing elsewhere, as wo charge nothlnj for showing our goods, l'roduco of all Kinus laKen lor goous. , - MII.LEU& SWISHER. Jerseytown, May 3. 16C2. FRESH ARHIVA -01'- lLjiai i -ron- "VHE undersigned, grateful for past patronage, respect I.," . ma viii.iiunur una me piiuucgcneraiiy that ho lias lust rcco veil from the l'uinm,. rltu. , 1. largest and most select stock of SPUING AND SUMMER MB, q r. a. n n lias yl been opened In II ooinslinrir. tn whirl, l. .... tr Invites tho attention of Ills friends, and assures them that they aro ollered for salu nt great bargains. Ills piock comprises u inrgu assortment or OENTI.KMEX'S WEAR I NO API'AREL, (.'onristing nt 'isiiioNDi.K Ilnvss Coits, of every des cripllniii I'ants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton iiantttiercnicis, i.iovcs, QUHpenucrs, &.c. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELftY, Of every descrlntlun, fine and chenp. N. Il.-Romciiiber " Ijitrenbtrg't CAmji Emporium." call and see. No charge for enmlni (ioo!. DAVID U)TNl)CRn. Ulnoinshurg, March 50, Ifcrsa. (Jue lM'J.) The Monitor 'ON TO RICHMOND' J, J. KROWER, lias just received and is now opening a cipicimiu assortment ot "i""' " Fine Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimcrcs, Fine Opera Oloalungs at $1,50 per yard Stella Shawls from 81,00 to 57, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s Plaids; Printed Chaliea, Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidered Mozambiques, Poil Do Chevres, etc., etc Calicoes at 0, 7, 8, 10 aud 12 cents. Muslins, one yard wide at VZ cts. Skeleton Skirts, fiom GO cents to $2,00. DIS GROCERIES consists in part of white sugar at 12j cents. A. No. 1 Syrup Molasses, 50 cents per gallon. Ladies' and childrens' high-heclod boots and gaiters a full assortment. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eight day, and thirty hours, Nos. I ij- '& MncUtrclin Quatter and Halt Ha mli, COAL OIL LAMPS. A splendid assortment of Uoal Oil Lams cheap. Til. 1 Vjty S Water proof gun cans, , t-i e. r c OilOt, tVC, &C, iVO powder and Conic, seenndjudge for yourselves, and you will be satisfied that llrnnvr'sStoru at the Curlier of Main ami Iron rtreets, i the placo to perchaso Cheap Uoods for Cash or Country produce. I'doouisburg, llay'JI, lcO-2. 11INOIIAMTON, N. V. An Institution to qualift) young men fori jjustniss. f W. I.OU'EI.I,. I'rincip'il, I'mfcssor of the Si ienco u oi iierouiiis, iiiiuior m i.owoirs 'Jriatics upon llook Keeping, linn Diagrams illustrating the same, t JN'O. RAN1CIN. Coiiiineri ial Accountant, 1'rolessorof iiooiiKeepingaii r uucai .naiiiemn les ( A J. U ARNEH, I'rolessnr of Practical and Oinamcn I;";""1""' ''" Culcu.a.iuns and Corres- 1 I:o,CP. ROWE. Assistant Teacher in I'enniuansbip. J. W. CIJIITIH. Ass sl.llll II, ltnokl...i.i.iim 11.. narlmciit LECTURE 11.1. Hon, DANIEL S UK' KIN. SON, EI, I)., Lecturer on Commercial I. nn anil l'nluiinl Economy lion. II A.N'SUM IIAl.CO.M.ou Contracts, rromissory Notes and llillsof Exrhaiige. Rev. Ur. E. ANIiREWH, on Commercial Ethics. Students ran enter many time ! no vocation. Gradu ates are presented with nn elegantly engraved Diploma, I'rual time rc'iuircd to complete f.ill Commercial course from eight to twelve necks, Every student is gradua ted to he romp 'tent to take charge of tho books of any business lir.n, aml'imilifled to earn a srl.irr from $-1111 to SI5U0 p -r annu.u. Assistauco rendered to graduates in -ri.iiiuug situations, iionru .'uuio y'.ou per week. l'or partieiilnrs scud for Circular, oiicjosing stamp. May :i IcO'J-l Jm NOTICE. , I. neisniis interested are rfcrred to the provision " oftho ,1th Section of nn Art of Assembly, nassed on the (leventh day of April 1 1-n follows : "Seu. 5, That it shall ho the duty of every rlty anil county 'I reasurcr to sue for tho reiovery ef all II euses S&iKSoU.w" eierv vear. wltliiu ten dnvs alter that dato . and said mm Treasurer hhall not lis discharged froiunuv su Ii liconso . Vr, , . ui.rr. ntir , , eii,,.f.i. ..,l ,,.v h n, .,t if"'' VcTdVcdV.,;,, int.. the .,a, Trn .urv. on or before the (lrst day of Ocliiherensuing: nor shall hu recejveany rnnsideration mi suih licenses, unless Im makes payment as aforesaid." JAMEd". MrMNCIl 7Vraswrer of L'truii6ia County, TnmsfiiEa's Orricn, nioomsbiirg, .May Ml, lcCi. j NOTICE. OTiCEis hereby civen. that tho under 1.1 signed lias placed tin) following named property in charge of Annuel Marri ot Scott towiiilnp, Columbia county, uuriiig his pleasure, vir.: Cow'. Pig. Cook l-tove. Clock, two lleds anil Iteddinir. Cooking Uleiuils, Tiibbs and Chairs, Corner Cupboard, Kitchen I'upbonrd, and ono l.ureau, with which ull per sons nro forbidden to meddle or interfere, ou pains of Ihu law's penalties, II. WILKIN8. ' .May 21. 1S02 3t. rfIIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DANI'llLF., MONIVVR COUNTY, PA. Entertainment for Man and Reast. in joo.1 rt la and at moderate rates. CHARLES N. SAVAGE, Proprietor. Danville, April IP. lSbQ, V ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEV1LLE. Spring rooil At Fritz's Store, ORANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. flPho undersigned has just received a R large and aclecl assortment of chnlco Pprlng and I Summer (loo, Is, which will bit sold cheap for cash or I i.n in. ...., I... r i .,t.. t, 1 cuuill'y uiiiilu. ills eiwirv Liuimpin ill I uiiici AJFCIB Uoods, choicest stylesand latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shauls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINTS FROM 7 TO 12icts A YARD. Cassimcrs, Satinets. Cottonpdcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, fyc. READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quccnswaro, Ccdcrwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drug3, Oils, Paints, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CArS. In short everything usually kept In n country store. Tho patronage of eld Trends, and tlio public generally, is solicited, May 3, 1602. WIM.tAM I'RITZ. LOW PRICES RULE! At I're.isj's Store, in Light Street, Pa. FIRST OF THE SEASON I flWST TO ALL KINDSMDF " GOODS 1 1 DESIRABLE S T YLES ! AND THE REAUTV OF IT A 1. 1. 13 WE CAN AND WILE SELL AT CALICOES, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS. CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, Ready-Madc Clotbiug. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, CofTccs, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sgars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Drugs, Oils, Paint?, Sec, See e nave a large assortment of lilack nnd Fancy Pilks w hich we are selling nt reduejjd ptices : lilack Silks for p. s ceuis, worm 5i,i. j. niso lor 51.uu worth We are selling our best print for 1-Jl cents ner vnrd the best in the market, all fast colors A yard wide nnbleaihed muslin at l'.'l cents roual to Xnw M.iri... Three quarter yard widu unbleached innsliu atd to 10 tents a i aro. Iii addition to our large 6tock of Dry Ooods, wo have a large ami tun assortment of Ready .Made Clothing for ien and Roys wear which wo nro determined to sen im-aper unn can no nnugm elsewhere. Call and ate, uuu jnugo ior yourselves, , . H. W. CUEASV & CO. Eight Street, fa , April 20, UC.2. Bisei's Old Stand, 'T'llE subscriber has received his Sl'RIXtJ STOCIi or j. i.uuiia, which lie oiurs ut lair price, ter .Makers, hew uuld say, bring it frcli and pay an ultra price, as ,vo luvun contract at Tu Hut. we will FORTRESS MONROE, which must be fullllled, and wo ran nflord in nav nn e.xtra nriee. Wo liavn fhitnee.l nnr 1'iiir.c. .h. , I Thursday. Persons having good veal ami calves, will oring muni iu on iveunesday cvcnini; orcarly un Thurs day morning II. McCAV. Jerseytown, May 17, li3 .It. Store Removed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hat and Cap Store. gjW The undersigned lespecldilly Informs the f Itlr.ens of n,lnmsburn .in.l Hie , 1,1, ' i, , in,,., i . V. " . Z?t NalATWOuX on fji".!" BZVl LWA,!''?. "c" " ' ' l'.w., ., n.iu.i ui f.'l''V II A 'FSl A AT1 rA n.'J - ' . i. . . j i j ) Direct from tho Manufactures, of all kinds, t les, sorts uiidsii-s, latest fashions, which heoir-rs wholesale and retail, at very low prires. L These Uoods w ill ho sold nt very lowprices tor Ready l'uy. JOHN K GIRTON. Ulooinshurg, April 19, 1SI',2, PHILADELPHIA Si ERIE S'lpSi' RAIL ROAD. rKaVI.V.IiU KAIL UOin CO,, LESSEE. On a dator.MondnyMay.'ith, IPO berlam Ktliiim will be ns follow e ; liino at Northum- Leave ll'cilicard. Express li 111 a.m Mall 4 1H r.u Eastward. ti 411 P. M 10 01 a H Express Mull SltepiitR Cars on NlRht Trains limh ways b"twcen Willlamsport and llaltininre, and nn tli i IViinsjIvaiila Railroad between. Ilarrisburg and i-iii aoeinuia Ou M-ul Train in both directions a Car goes through via. l'eiirisylinuia Ituil witliuul changa I etweeii riilladelphia and Lock llnvcii. SAMUEL A. BLACK, Sup't Eastern Diunon. May 21, MCI. ESTATE NOTICE. COLUMBIA IOUNTY, SS: In tho Court of Common Tlens nf Columbia coun ty, aforesaid, inter alia, It is thus contained ; llcnjamin llahni 1 Nn, 21 May 'Perm, lflt'fi, Veil u. 1 dilioni Exponas, Money pnid John P Lovanand (into Court, and now to wit: William Goodman, J May ii, leni, ou motion of Mr. Hurley thucourt aniioiiited John (.. 1 rctzu. Esn.. au ditor, to make distribution of tho money raised on tho ' salo of the Real Kstato of John P. l.evau on i l'o writs of Vend. Exponas, llv hie Ci Certified from the Records May 1(1. ISM ino iiuove , CllfllT, JACOil I.VEULY. Proth'v. PrrAlKiiiuF Evirlv, Deputy, All persons interested will take notice that tho under. signed appointed auditor, by thu Court of Common lias of Cnlumbi4 county, louink j distribution of the money raised by tho salo of tho Real Estato of John P. Lcvnu, by virtue uf tho above stated Venditioni Expo nas, will attend at the Recorder's Office., In llloomsburg. on Thursday tho 21st day of August, r)i2, for the pur, pose of making tho distribution. All parsons haling claims on the said fund are hereby requested to male. mm m sm& meir cimms aoiore stain aaaitor or no ucuarrnu irom I coming in on sslj fund, I JOHN O. FREEZE, Juiifer. Eloomibttrg, June 7, lfcC2-4 w&m mmn 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN rwr.oor.n rrr.ns, aor.n and vrlvkv nraotiATioKa, NAtim.K AM) OAK )KCt)HATI0M9. JtPATAXl) GAY ntJ7.RI) PAl'KnS. rMiXAA'D tin in fir common PArRiis, noithKHs. Fint: hoaiid vnutrs, STATUKS, Jlt.WIS, r;ic, ETC., Will he told at grcntly reduced prices, at tin papsr hanging rooms nf the undersigned in Judge Rupert's Hroro House, onriccond street, a few doors below Mar kct. Also Paper Hanging Executed In tho best style, at modsrato prices and In quick time. E. J, THORNTON, Gloomsburg, May 3, 1802 3m. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Duvlk Sheet, Furty-Eght Columns. Published every Morning, (Except SundnysAby Wm. W. Harding, No. HI HoutU'lhird Street, l'hllad. clpliia, I'n. The (Irento-t newspaper of Philadelphia I The trying times of thn notion's history Iu which wo live, render n l.lva Newspaper! an Indispensable to every man who would keep himself Informed of tin irnpormni ricnis which nro uany transpiring. To furnish n paper which will meet the Just expectations ofthe public In such a time ns tho nrcssnt. rciulres an ninount of labor and nfeitrnordinary expense nf which mo coinmuniiy in largo navo noconccplion. The pub lulicrs of 7 UK F III LA DF.LPUIA, has spared no efforts or monoy to makn It all that It could ho niailn. Resides Improving and strengthening tho home forcu during tho past year, ofthe best Reporters mid Letter writers iu the country have been sent, at great expenses, w ith the Army nnd Navy, and haiu frequently given the publlcthe first and full. esi accounts ny ii'lrfrnpn ami ny man, or important F.VF.XV8 AT Tlti: SI'. A T OF If All. Tho Iniulrcr was the first northern paper to give the account of tho llatteras and I'urt Itoynl victories, and was twelve hours in advance uf any paper iu the coun try. Iu its publication of tlx di.tails ot the Hull Run llntlle, What Tim tiiqiilrcr'has dune. Is hut nn earncsl of what will bo done, in order to give its renders nud best nccouts of every event of interns! connected with Tin: a nt: at hv.hf.i.liox, and at the same time lnvo it maintain Us reputation. is me oesi general newspaper in mo couiury. Thi! incrcuse iu the circulation ofthe Inquirer du ring the year. Is tho best evidence of tho extent to which the public rely upon it for the news of the day, Its circulation has averaged for several months' past. aviui Tiro uuNDiiKO thousand copifm a week, or nearly forty thotisnid n day ; and n has, miring me year, 111 times 01 excitement. ,jn , j , seventy thousand n ilny-tcstlng thn capacity of our , fast press to Iho utmost to supply the demand, It com-1 iiirnceii ino nmv 1 ear nun new ami iicauiiiiii copper- faced type, nnd with renewed vior and activity in its UKU . tll-lMirilllt HIS, The Inquirer is independent in politics. t" Prices nt which the Philadelphia lstjulrcr Is fur nlslind : Hinglo copies Two Cents, or twelve cents a week; Dillyl'aper $i per annum, In advance; Two months SI; Trl-Weekly 81. All letters should bo d dressed to W.M. W. HARDING, Publisher, Iniulrcr Uuildlng, I'.'l Smith Third ri , May 10, 18(12. PmLsDnriui, Pa A'EW ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer 9 AT PETER ENT'S STORE, in Liaur sTitr.r.T, columiiia county, rA, T TASl lllut rerit.n.l ll,,,l.U n,..l I. nn. opening nt the old stand lately occupied By Martz ' U. Ent, a splendid assortment of - ' J " i ii 1 ' 1 1) which win ue soiu cneap lor CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE Ills stock cotislrtsof LadlcsDrcss Goods choicest stiles and lateit fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Cassimcrcs, Satinets, Uottonatles, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, &c. G rocerics, Quccnswaro, Cedarwaro, . Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sec BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short every thing usually krpt in n country store The patronngo of old friends, and the public general ly. Is respectfully so jeited. The highest market price paid for country produce. PETER ENT. Light Street, May 3, ier,2. Look to your Interests. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPSUG3E AW SEifilffliSIB MILLER & EYER'S. TIIEsiibseribers havo Jift returned from the City With another large and select assortmet of Sin'iiBfj-.'tml Miisniici' ttiioods, purchased at liiiladelphla, at the lowest figure, nnd which they nro determined to sill ou ns moderaU terms as can bu procured elsewhere in llloomsburg. Their stork comprises uidies' diiess noons, of choicest styles and latest fashion. DRY aiHIDS, AND OROCERIES, u utmr iiiK (iUErNH'Aiti:, CEDAR 1YARE, llOl.LOir HARE IRON, NAILS, 1W0T8 S1IOI.S ItATS ,y CAPS, Ale , .Vc, S-c, In short everthing usually kept in country Stores; to w hii h they invite the public pent filly. The Highest price paid lor country produco, MILLER & EYER. Uloomsburg, April CO. 1602. PITTHIIL'ROII, PA., Comer Penn und !t. Clair Sis. Tho largest Commercial Srhool of Hie 1'nited Plates, with a patroungo of nearly ;i,linii students, iu live years from 31 States, and tho only ono which nfl'ordscoiupleto and reliable instruction in all the following branches, viz: .Mereantilo, Mnnufurtiirers, Steam Hoot, Railroad and llook-keeiiing. First Premium Plain and Ornamen tal Penmanship ; also, Surveying, Eneiuccriug aud Mathematics generally. $35.00 Pays forn Commercial Coiirso; Students entsr am) re view at any tinm. UvMinisters' sons' tuition at hnlf price For Catnloguo of Ml pages, r-pecimrns of IliMiness nnd Ornamental Penmanship, nnd a beautiful I'nllega view of n spunre feet, contaiuiiig a gnrd variety nf writing lettering and fluurishiiig, inclose 21 cents in stamps to the Principals, JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 10, 1602-ly. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. , T HE undersigned would Inform th citizens of .ft I llloomsburg and vicinity, that h-lusjiut re cjuHsl civrd and oirers for sale ono nf the mustexteiisiva rS2. nssortuients of COOKING and FANl Y S'I'OVES tri'r introduced into this market. The Chiittopher t;o! iimbiis, James Rnbbaud (iloboure nninng the first class rooking Stoves, all of which aro air-tight and pas burner His l'arlor stoves are handsome nnd the assortment va ried. ALMl-Pnrticular attention is paid to Tin-Wnrc ami Houso Spouting, upon short iiuiicr. All kinds of repairing will bu done with neatness nnd despatch. IO" Country produce taken in iixchango for work. PHILIP ti, .MOVER. Rloo mtbiirg. May It), ie02. & O 0 M 3 AT Opposite the Court House and nut door to Democrat Ojftt The undersigned, respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has opened A NEW BARBER SHOP In Court House Alley, next door below Iho Office of the Columbia Democrat, w litre he will be happy to wait upon nil customers, and from long experience nud strict attention in business, lie hoposto nnrit and rcculvo a liberal share of public patrousg. ty All things here "dona In drer-noy and in order," THOMAS DROWN, Dloomiburg, Msrch 1st, IStT 1 mCij..;swj.Uj LAT1ST Wilt NEWS. Roloaso of Lieut. Col. Kano of tho "Bucktails" on Parolo. THE AUMY IN FRONT MONO OF RICII- Frcmotii Said to be in Danger. FROaiTIIIS SHKtVAMlOAU VALLCr. Washi-noton, June 18. No dispatch es troni Corinth have been received at tho War Department to-day, All is quiet in tho Valley of the Shen andoah as fur as Inn been heard from, and also in tho army oftho Potomac. Fortress Monroe, Juno 15. Tho steamer Ma'sachusetts arrived from tho James river this aftomoon, whither sho had gono uudcr a flagof truce. Tho result of thu communication is un known but Colonel Kane ofthe Buck Tail regiment who was recently captured by tha -l,1.3 inenllnn nfll.n C I. I t., I VlHu 1 1 J tl,ll J, ihu uuciiiiuuuau, UUllJUS doWU aS a.relca'Scd pl'ifcOUer OO p.irolo for . ' cauii uugu. Mount Jackson, Juno 10. Reliable information has boon received nt Head -quartors that Jrckson has boon ruin forced a second tinio by lli,000 men. General Fremont is exposed condition, in danger of being over whelmed by a superior force No reiufoicemeuts aro on the way to him. It is believed that much oftho Corinth army is about to bo sent to tho Shenandoah Valley, with its immenso supplies of wheat, un'il after harvest t'uno. SHERIFF'S SALE, V virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex- I Jl rpooeta issucooui 01 ine court oi common rleas ,i, ,,, , tin,., Mi,,, , .,, uv .-Anj&i.-ti iu puunc sale. RI the Court Mouse, in llloomsburg, ou Saturday Hie Seth lei'i'J, at'J o'clock in the afternoon, the rot. InuliiL' real c e.stule tn wll : All that certain tract of land, situate ill IMalnc town I ship, Columbia county, hounded ami desctibed as fol. 1 lows lo witi on the west and north by land of Rudolnh Shuinan, and nil thu east nnd south hy land of Isaae I ,V "''"'r- containing about one hundred and Wk nilietv-slx acres, bo tho mine mn,. r, tu.. Bkfcj whereon are erected n good two story frami Dwelling House, und Rank Barn, with the op- i niirtcnnnces. 1 Hrlzcd taken tn execution and to be sold as tbe prop arty of Isaiah Shuman. JOSIAII II FURMAN Sheriff's Office, j tilisritr. ' llloomiburg, June 7, 1ET.2. j I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate nf rfsltcr M. Gingles, deceased. TsJOTICE is hereby given that letters of Adminlttra. J.1 tiou on the' estato of Ashcr .M. Gingles, late of Mnino tu p. Columbia co., dee'd, have been granted by i the Register of said county to t'arah Jane Gingles who 1 re-i.les in Maine township, and James S, M cN inch whn j resides in Caltnuissa township. All persons having claims or demands against the estate ot tho decedent- are reiuested tu present tliein for settlement, anil those indebted to mase payment without d?lay, ! JAMESS. McNINCII. j . tlAKAlI J. GINGLES. Admr't, May 31, 1802-Ct. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Ettolt of Philip Trontue, latcofSeolt tomship, Columtla county deceased. TOTICE is hereby given that T.ctcrs of X Administration on tho estate of Philip Tronsiio, Ute nt Scott township, Columbia county, deceased, havo been granted by the Register ofsniil county to the un. dersigned. who resides in Espy, fcicott township, Co lumbia lountj. All prsuus li.uiug c alms or demands against the estate ol tlie deceudent .in-requested tn pre sent them for settlement, and those iniltbted in inako payment without delay. RE1IECCA IRONSUE. April UU-lsW-bt. Admwittralrij, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eiate of Michatl Whitmiht, dtceased. I iV01'"-'' ' ln'reby given that letters of ndiniiiistra I lion ou the estato of Hiiha ! Wliitenightlatoofllem iock iup., coiunim.i couniy, iieceascd, have boeu grant ed by the Register of said county to J icob S Evans, of Pisliingcreek twp., Cnluiubla cn. All persons having claims or demands ngiiiust th'j estate ofthe deceudent nre repiestjd to present them for M ttlemcnt, and thoso indebted to make paj incut without delay. JACOUd.EVANS. April 12, 1602 Civ. Admr, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. !aie of Jostah Uageitlvch, late of Scott (oicn4ir. Columbia Cvuuty, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Aduiinistiatioii ou tho Estate t-f Josmi Has KNnOLit, late of Scott low iiship, Columbia county, de. reused, havo btn granted by the Register of said county to PETER EXT. residing in Sci-lt township, Columbia county. All persons having claims or Oo. mauds against the Estate ot the decedent urr requested to present them for setlleiueiit. and those indebted to make payment w ithout delay. rr.TEn ent. April Sil, l?C2-Ct. liwistiirutur, MRS. DEMOREST S Qua .'ttTly JRirrcr cf Fashions. Great Improvements, THE Summer Number will contain four large and' splendid fuihion plates, three full ized patterns,, comprising tin) New i'reiiili aist, an elegant Sleeve, and Misses Pack, together with marly inn engravings of all the novelties fur Summer lloniic-ls, Cloaks. Trim mings, Children's Dresses, etc., and valuable informa tion in milliners, dr'ss makers, mothers, and ladles generally, presuitiug Ihu largest and best fashion Mag uzlue iu the World, published 473 lirundwai, and sold everywhere at 23 cents, or sent by mall free, ou receipt of the amount. Yearly $1 with the following valuahls premium. Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to thu scler lion of oh cauls worth of plain patterns from Ihu des igns jo the book, or from the show room, or they may be ordered and sent hy mail any time during llu year, by paying tho po tuge. r-pleuilid inducements to Canvassers. Summer number uillba ready ou or about tho first of May. May 3, lrXJ-3w. COUG H "DROPS! COUGH DROPS I ! EVERY body uses FRONEFIELDS' COUCH DROrs. It acts promptly sometimes arresting the worst cold iu 21 hours. In nil nirertions of tho Chest, Throat, whether acute or chronic it will be found of immedialii benefit. Try a single bottle und you cannot fail to ap preciate its usefulness, l'or Sale by most all Storekeepers and Druggists. Prepared by C. FRONEriEl.n, No. 317. N. 3d. St., Philadelphia,-! Nov. l(i,lMl-3in. ' Printer, ItooUhinder & P.IaiiRbooIc .V A N UFA CTU R ER Wiiclfsilk und Retiii. De.irrR N PRINTING, WRII ISO AND WRAli'lNO PAPERPl AOSIT rOR TIIS CATiWISSl rAl-ER MILLS. Main Street, first doorbelow the Public Spitaro, WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov, 23, 1P01 lSni. DI ISVAM, 10,000 I'RI,TEIC, A let inri nor rimir: Tfc Frs tt.l bj th, l srtl If VSUwlrfefcl, r.... SI IS. 1.U . alft I... .ti. I,. till, I sj, , tlblbulra otrt Nsirsniiiiis, Tm Tlon.M CrS. in lb. V.ri t,u-r PiItm mll; imIiiU. Cer.Ubrsry, 1'OUItTII HT, ftslovr (TiMrnnt. August 17, mi. 0 hjf, N OTIC E. ALL persons knowing themselves in any wise IndsS d to tbe isbscrlber ar hrreby notified that all account muslbs speedily closed up, or thoy will lw pm in tlX hands of proper olliaers for collection. I must Ear bt. accounts settled, corns forward, sstlle un and ssvit ensss J.n, !.,.-,, "'MD.tAU., ' 4SSW4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers