Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 14, 1862, Image 4
r AGRICULTURE. He that ly lt Plough would thrive. Jlmitlf )( eJlAer Aoi or drive. TUB VALUE OF GOAL ASHES. Coal ashes is as a general tiring thrown away anil thought n nuisance. But after soBio experience I am inclined to tako a different viow of tho matter. It may bo and undoubtedly is tho caso that thoy aro less valuablo than those do rircd from wood. Tho ash oi coal contains gypsum, limo and phosphoric acid, but its main bulk is composed of insolublo silica. I havo found coal ashc3 to bo very useful in tho peach orchard ; in tho fall thoy should. bo spread around tho root of tho trco at tho rato of a good-sized wheelbarrow load to each trco, and spread somo five inches thick at tho trunk, and sloping off gradually all around ; tho ashes should bo allowed to remain in this position until the trco is out in bloossom, when it should bo spread over tho orchard. I consider that I hare derived muoh benefit from this plan, and would account for it in tho following manner. Wo all know by experience that a largo pilo of coal ashes will retain tho frost much later than common soil tho ashes at tho trunk of tho trco (as I havo proven by experiment,) retains tho frost later in tho spring and prevents tho trees from coming out in bloom too soon, An other good effect is that ashes thus applied will keep off the peach worm, which is often so destructive to the trees. Besides these mechanical advantages, ooal ashes contains substances which arc beneficial to vegeta tion of all kinds. Last winter I kept a portion of coal ashes under shelter until the ground wa3 well frozen, when it was spread as before ; if tho effect was thereby changed I will report at tho proper soason. This system will apply as well "to other fruits as" to tho peach. I havo tried it with .tho samo success on apple, pear and cherry trccss. Ono of my neighbors has for many years .applied coal asliosato his potato patch as a preventive of rot, and has not tinco been troubled with rotten potatoes. Ho rotains tho same piece of ground several years in succession, and applies coal ashes in largo quantities each year. AaiucoLA. Galls on Houses. As tho heat and labor of tho season increases, horses will suffer from various flesh wounds, whioh if no't immediately cured, will cause groat suffering to tho horse, and wasto of time and temper to tho owner. Let, therefore a hint or two from tho American Jlgricul turist bo now heeded : "Prevention is better than euro. In tho first placo, bo sure that your harnass 4a in perfect working order. Sec to it "especially that tho collar fits well, and is smooth. If the inner surface is rough, it must chafe, and soon wctr off tho skin. A looso layor of leather under tho collar is a good contrivance to lessen friction uponjtho animal's neck and shoulders. Whilo spring work is pressing let tho hor se's shoulders bo washed every morning with a solution of alum and whisky. At night, when coming homo from work sweaty and soro. let tht shoulders bo wash ed with tepid water, then rubbed dry. II then galls occur on the breast or back, wash them clean, then apply an ointment made by mixing together a spoonful of pulverized alum and tho white of an egg. CiiEAr Summer Food tor Hoos. The editor of tho New England Farmor says he has practiced tho following plan for summer feeding of pigs for many years, and finds it to lo an excellent ono : "A few rods of grass-plat convenient to the pen is reserved for this purpose, and is manured by tho weekly suds from the wash room. Commencing at ono biilo of the plat, a largo basket of tho thick, short grass is mowed each morning whilo tho dew is on, and a part given to tho swine at each feeding, three times a day. By tho timo tho last portion of the grass is cut, the first is ready to bo cut again, and in this way tho ground is mowed over many times during tho sumraor, whilo tho grass is kept short, thick, tender, and sweet. It keeps tho hogs in a healthy growing condition thoy aro fed as muoh as thoy will cat every day, and littlo additional food is needed besides tho slops from tho kitchen." A Lucious Prospect. There is every reason to hopo for a plentiful supply of fruit this soason. Fruit trees of all kinds aro very full of young fruit, and unless an un timely frost interpose, wo shall havo an old fashioucd supply of lucious peaches, npplcs, plums, cherries, &c. In this con nection wo venturo to repeat a hint concer ning chorry trees. Wo notice an occasional trco tho limbs and twigs of which aro cov cred with Binall knots, caused by tho working of a destructive insect. Eycry trco of this kind sliould bo cut down and burned. Thoy aro worthless for fruit beariug purposes, and if not destroyed by fire, will communicate tho discaso to all tho other trees in tho vicinity, and after a trco becomes diseased in this way it rarely lives nioro than two or thrco years, and ceases to boar fruit. BLANKS I BLANKS ! I Of every description, for aalo at thia oflico. List of Dealers in Columbia County, FOR Tim YEAR 1802. Or Goods, Wares, Merchandise, See.. Distillers, Picw era. Eating Homo Keeper, within tho cnunty of Cotitmliln. returned nml classified In occordaneo with tho several acta of Assembly, by tlnf Appraisement of McrcanllluTnxos of talil cnunty ns follows, to wit i BLOOM TUT. rtuDr.nsr clam. rotum. Bloomsburjt Iron Co., 8 30 00 McKelvy, Ncal &Co., 8 30 00 II 0 & I W Ilartman It IB 00 S II Stiller & Eycr 10 10 00 A J Sloan 13 10 00 L T Sharplcss 14 7 00 Jcrominh J Browor 14 7 00 David Stroup 14 7 00 John K Girton 14 7 00 David Lowenburg 14 7 00 Elias Meudonhall 14 7 00 Dr P John 14 . 700 John 11 Moycr 14 7 00 Kphraim P Lutz 14 7 00 QcoB Ilacenbuch 14 7 00 B Stoncr H 7 00 A M ltuport 14 7 00 Oliver A Jaeobv 14 7 00 Simon 0 Shivo 14 7 00 Miss Amelia D Webb 14 7 00 Joseph W Hondorshot 14 7 00 J03 Sharplcss Foundry- Stoves 14 7 00 Philip S Moyer Stoves 14 7 00 F Fox Confectioner & Baker 14 7 0 BEHWICK. Bowman & Owen ll 15 00 Abraham Miller. 11 15 00 Jackson & Woodin 12 12 GO Itcubcn II Nicely 14 7 00 Joekson & Woodin Foundry 14 7 00 A Mi.ler Drug Storo 14 7 00 A P Evans J B Dodson, Ag'tDrug Storo 14 7 00 BRIARCtlEEK. Levi Kurtz 14 7 00 C B Sceskoltz 14 7 00 benton. Parvin Masters 14 7 00 Samuol Hoacock 14 7 00 Hiram F Everett 14 7 00 Mrs II A Colo 14 7 00, BEAVEB. Franklin Shuman 14 7 00 Emanuel Friedman 14 7 00 CATTAWtSSA. John Sharplsss 13 10 00 Jesso K Sharplos3 13 10 00 J S Brobst 13 10 00 Geo Hughes & Son Stovo 14 7 00 o V ltinard Btovo 14 7 00 Jacob II Creasy 14 7 00 Levi Keilcr 14 7 00 U W McKelvy & Co 14 7 00 William John Stove, Bri tannia wares, &c , 14 7 00 CENTRE. Gilbert II Fowler 13 10 00 E W M Low & Brother 14 7 00 Jacob Sponslcr 14 7 00 C II Hess & Co 14 7 Oti C F Hill 14 7 00 D K Sloan 14 7 00 eoxvmir.iM, Mrs M Gorrell 13 10 00 Jonathan J Hoagland 14 7 00 J B & It Knittlo 14 7 00 F1SHINGCREEK. Daniol McHonrv 14 7 00 George M Howoll 14 7 00 E & A A P Unangst 14 7 00 B Ainmcrmau 11 7 00 Solomon Buss 14 7 00 greenwood. George Masters & Son 13 10 00 John Loggott 14 7 00 Jacob Schuyler 14 7 00 Bonjamin & Chas. Eves 14 7 00 HEMLOCK. M G & W IT ihocmakcr 13 10 00 Charles Ncyhard 14 7 00 Jacob Harris 14 7 00 LOCUST. Washington Ycager 14 7 00 Jacob Ycager 14 7 00 Abraham ltfco 14 7 00 Mark Williams 14 7 00 MAINE. William T Sbuman 14 7 00 Itcighard & Nuss 14 7 00 MJ1DISO.Y. Ncal McCoy 13 10 00 Miller & Swisher 13 10 00 0 & W Krcamcr 13 10 00 MIFFLIN. Creasy & Brown 13 10 00 Reuben Miller 14 7 00 M0NH0UR. W Bittenbendcr & Co 14 7 00 ORANGE. Lazarus & Fisher 13 10 00 A B Stewart 14 7 00 William Fritz 14 7 00 A Coleman Merchant Tai lor 14 7 00 Isaac N Klino 14 7 00 ROARINGCREEK. Judah Chcrriugton 14 7 00 SCOTT. Peter Ent 13 10 00 II W Cresy & Brother 12 12 50 William Peacock, Drug Str. 14 7 00 Samuel A Worman 14 7 00 B F Tieighart & Brother 14 7 00 U B Fowler & Urcvehnc 13 10 00 David Whitmyro 14 7 00 I & I Urcvehng 14 7 00 II M Fuller-S L Bottle, Ag't 13 10 00 SUGARLOAF. Jesse It Pennington 14 7 00 DISTILLERS. Rohr McIIcncry Bonton 11 15 00 Edgcr & MoIIcnery Fish- ingcrcok 11 15 00 ltiohard Plummor Bloom 11 15 00 Kcuben Miller Briaroreck 0 20 00 MILLINEHS. Miss Mary Barkloy Bloom 14 7 00 Misses IJarmaus do 14 7 00 Miss E J Wilson do 14 7 00 Mrs A r Fowler Scott. 14 7 00 Mrs A J Brass Berwiok 11 7 00 EATLW-HOUSES, William B Koons Bloom B Stoncr J II Hcndcrshot " Charles Noll Frederick Nicely Berwick Miohacl Frantz " Henry Lohman Ccntro Samuel Kostonbador Cattawiiia Lovi Keilcr " ; Connor & Brother Montour I W Bittonbondor & Co John D Kromcr Mifflin ! All persons who may feel agrloved by the abovo da.,,, Mention can havo an opportunity of appealing by fall, log upon thouuderiigueduthljofflce, (starof theNorth Oilirelin llloomsburf, any lime on or beforo the loth lay of Juno, loliJ, or at Ilia Commissioner's Olilco ! Illoomaburc, on llio 19th of Juno, after which nn apnea will ba heard, WJI, II, JACOIIY? , MoySI, 1002. Mercantile Appraiser IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS- ruuusiiEi) nv n. appleto u co. I 413 aw445 Broadway, New York. ' Tho following works aro tcnttogubrcrlbcrslnnnypnr oftho country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by iiiuil or cpri ptcpaldt I'lin NEW AHEHIOAN CYCLOPEMA ! A popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. Edited by lltomiK Itli-l.KY nud CitiRIAs A. Dana, aided by n numerous se lect corps of writer In all brandies oi Pclenctcs, Art mid Literature. This work Is being published in nbuut 1.1 largo octavo volumes, caiii inntnlnlng 7.10 two coliun pages. Vols. llnXIIt Inclusive, nro now rcady.oacli containing near 9,5iiil, original articles. An additional volume w III be puhlMied unco In about three mouths Price, in Cloth, $3; BWccp,?;) SO; Half Mor., $l; Half llusala, SI Soeoch. The New American Cyclopn'dla Is popular without sec- tng superllclal, learned but nut pedanlc. comprehensive hut iiHclLHtlv (Iptnlleilf Troo from pffsoual piuuo and parly prejudice, froth ami yet accurate. It Isa coiujileta ttntclnenl of all that Isknnnn upon every Inqiortnnt top ic with the irope ofhumnn Intelligence. I'.vcry Import. ' nnt nrllclo In it has been specially written for its page by men who aro authorities upon tho topic en which they speak. They aro required to bring tho subject opto I tlie present moment to date Jutt how It elands now. All the statistical Information Is from tbn n(r.I reports; tho geographical accounts keep pneo with tho latest explora tion historical matters inclililu tho freshestlust views tho biographical notices not only speak of tho dead, but also of ill- living. It Is n library of Itself. ArRinouMisr or inn Hkihtk ort'oNnnFss! Ilelng n political history of tho United Ptates, from tho organisa tion of tho first Toderal Congr 'ss In J'Sfl to 1MI). Indit ed nml compiled by lion, Thomas II. Hknio.i from tho Of ficial llecords of Congress. Tho work will be complied In IS royal octavo volumes of "flu pages each 11 of w hicli are now ready. An addi tional volume will lie published unco In thrco months. Cloth. S3! Law Sheep, J 5U; Half .MnrSli Half Calf SI 5" oaeh. ... a wav or rnoutmiNn Tim cycloimuha, on Ui'.IIATHfl. Form a dub of four, nnd remit tho price of four books, and Ave copies til bu sent at thu remitter's expense fur carriage. or for ten siilxcrlbera eleven copies will bo bc nt at our expentcfor carriage. TO AGENTS. No other works will o liberally reward tho exertions ofAgcuts. An Aiilnt Wantkii in this Coumv. Terms niauo Known on nppncniiun to me ruunsucrs Nov. SI, lcCO. "Jllin undersigned is also extensively engaged In tins iiiiiornaloat his Warcruoms, a largo assortment of firUSUED tsaSrSl COFFINS, lly whieli ho is enabled to till orders on presentation times bo ready to attend Tunercls. ' -,.ru iut s iriinii iinr.n nml itrc. .fill n. nl n, , t t-IMON C. SII1VE. ninomsbiijg, January 2D. 1S30 Five IVooiT eJcsncJJl for Sale A lot of superior Fibe Pnoor Cbment. csnee.lallv nd.m. c. r f0li ,'cil""t"'!t Hoofs. Ono gallon will cover 100 ,-,i . i . . ' "'"S. nnu is insured pronf against n'rirnu i t- l'i wc'itUa'- , c'" bo had nt inniiiifucturcra LEVI L TATE. liloomsburg, July 13, leoi. GIBSON'S mi DKrORATIVE liSTAnMSHMI.NT, No, 125, South Elovcnth Street near Walnut, Enamoled Class, Tre.oo, Oil and T-ncaustic Palming ' ' THE UNIOnT1 Jirrh Street, Above Tl.ird. F HIA DE LP 11 IA. THE situation of thii lintel renders it ono of the mo.t rnnvi'llll-tlt Cnr ll.n.n t, l.n ..t..t.t . . t.. , .miiii i-iiiiaueiiiia on business; while to Ihoso in search of pleasure, the coiibtantly passing and repairing City Railway cars, and thoso in close proximity, nllurd n cheap and ideas' antrido to all places of interest and auiiit-niiem in or about tho city. n o proprietor gives nuranco that -The Union" tsHflll (ill L'ntit it'll li .iiih .--, nt ... "-r- ...... bwvs. i-iiuim;i tis vill IIll'Cl llUJjI r upprobaiion, nnd would rc.pmfu!ly solicit, Kencral nat- r(inn-i inm-nv Li in ...V Ul TcLruarya-lSCO-iaui. Proprietor GREENWOOD SEMINAKY. qMIE Spring term of this Institution will eommenc X on Monday, .4iril, (lie 7th, 1802. Tlie Principal will bcnssiitcd by able instructors, nnd an ample facilities will ho oll'ered to qualify students for teaching, for business or for u more extensive course in literature, a liberal shuro of palronago is again solic ited. Pupils who do not come from homo, or are not put under the charge ofnear relatives, must board nt the Seminary and l.o snliject to the regulations thereof. They must provide their own towels and havo each ar ticle of clothing distinctly marked, Eleven weeks ccnstitutu n quarter, and thero will bc vacation of about six week in midsummer. Hoarding, washing nud tuition, with furiiuhcil rooms will be 4A3.O0 per quarter, oue-half payable iu ad vance. Tuition alone, in common branched, 5,00 do including advanced nlgebrn and mathe matics, oxon do in Latin, German, or Trench, extra, 1,00 Tor further particulars address ,, , WM. I1UIIOE33, Principal! Mitlvillu, Col. co:, Pa., Tcb. SO, ltflW. Or, GILL & PAUL, General Commission Wcrclianls, viAi.i.nii in Fish, rrovlsions. Flour, itmtur, Cheese, Oils, Uripil niii, wt-uii ii;aii9, tkiii.ituy, WOOL Country l'ruduce and ."Merthandibe t'uncrall), NO. 3 1 NOB.TH WlUItVEfl, TmLJlDELplIIA. m fntiei-MMiMiitD nrPr,Lin... I r rroilusG floliuteii.uini return, proinptly made, Cash aiH'atiwd when ileeired, OUDilllB fur ult liiiuU of Fish, Frovisions, Flour, Jiried Fruits, itciillcd allUu Joweu Frices. Jiuautt i, guu i(u. NOTI0K. ALL pcrsoni knowing thenieelvcs indebted to the un dersigned on book iiccuuut or otherwise, arc hereby notilled to como and settle up by the 1st of April, IblM, or toeir accounts will bu put in tho hands of proper bin cers for collection. I nnul havo my accounts settlod. Mill Creek Woolen Taitnry, I Mount Pleasant, March 15, letii-3t. 1 cnorton vance. FniSIIIlUTII &, UKOTIlEItS. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DHALEilf NO.IOS.NOUTH TIIirtD STREET fivedonrebelowRiire, PHILAOELrillA JONAS BROOK & BltO'S PltlZK AID.IL Sl'OOL COTTON. 200 & 000 yds. White, Elaok, & Colored This Thread being m.ido particularly for Hewing Ma chines, i very Strong, Smooth and Elastic. Its strength is ;iot liniinired by washing, nor by frirtiou o tho needle. Tor Machines, use Urooks Patent UJaco, For upper thrond, and L'rooks' Patent Six Cord, Itcd Ticket, For Under, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country Also, iu cases of IUU each, m.snrtnd Nns., hy W.M,11ENKV B.11ITII, Suit Agent, .., 30 Vesey Htrcct.New Vork. Nov. 9, 180L Oin. BLOOMSBUllO SKYLIGHT, rplIB undersigned Informs tho citizens of liloom J. and neighborhood, that he has taken tho largo rooni Initio Exchange lllotk, extending over Messrs. Stoncr & Tox's Hakery, nnd tho llookstore where he has nut In u largo rikyllf It. II Uonly hy Hkyllghtthat good tile" ures can bet en especially groups where each nerson Heliasgon tu considerable txpenso to mnko his cs. ntillshmant first class one, and ho therefore solicits a bcralpatro Jge to enable him, to constantly inlroduca thu mode i iniprovoments of the art. E7Co'M 7 produco taken Iu Exchange for nlcliim. IIENItV llimnKSTn lUtomsburgi Nov, S3 1861, ..... wi. r. Nov, 0 'i3 riiil.uW'lphia & (lending U.iil WINTER A R II A NGEMKNT iNTfwijsn to if of tiuin?. 4$l!&win November 4, led, (fussing Heading) i Dnwn'tol'hllaitcliihla.uttl.VOotid 11 A M, 13 noon, nnd 1 1' M. Up, to I'ottsvlllo, nl 10,.lu A M, and 5,13 r M. tVUST, TO Li;ilANO.V ANIJ IIAltltlSllUliriS Western Mxpress from New York, at 1,07 A M. Mall Trains, nt 10.53 A M, and 5,4.1 1' ,11. On Hnmlnys, the Down A .11 Tram pining Heading, nt 0.WI A .11, ami Up Train, at .1,57 1' .11. Until. 10,50 A M mid 5,13 1' ,11, up Trains connect nt l'ortt'lliitou rnrTnmnqUa, Willlamsport. L'mlra, Huff nl , Niagara nod Canailn. Tho 1U..1U A Mi Traill only connects nt Tort Clinton for Wilkosbarre, Hirantnn nud l'lttston, i Tho Western llxprcss Trains connect nt Harrlibitrg with I'.tpress Trains on llio rennsylvanla itailrnad for Pittsburg, nml nil points West! nod the Mail Trains 1 connect nt tlnrrisbiirg for Lancaster, Chambersburg, Hunbury, Willinmport, Lock Haven, Lllulrn and tho Canadas, ' Tlirnngh rirst-Cln Coupon Tickets, and Immigrant Tickets nt red n red Tares, tu all tho principal points in the North ami West, and the Cnn.n1n. ! COMMUTATION TICKETS, I With 20 Coupons, 25 percent discount, between any ' points desired, I MiLHAtin TicKlrra, Good for 2000 miles, between nil points, at $13 for rainilios ami lluslness firm, nnd Staion Ylttcts, good for tho holder only, for three months, in any Passenger train to I'hlindclpnia, at siuaacli. bciiooi season iick ots one-third less, f" I'lissungers will take tho Express Train West, at tho UlTCIl HIH'OT, mid all other Trains, nttho LOW- Lit Dlil'OT. to lbs of baggago nllowec each passenger - Vi I'ussriieers nro reouested lo nnrehasc their Tick ets before entering the cars, as higher Tares charged if pain in cars, Up trains Ic.V'o Hhllndelphmfor Reading Itarrldiurg mid Tottsville nt 8 A M, 3,15 1 M, nnd at 4,30 1' M, for llcaillug only. VZT Uxcurslon Tickets, good for one day, by Ofi'i A, M. Arconimudatlon Train to Philadelphia nud return at Si M each. i. A. NICOLLM, Genera I Superintendent. January 4, 1PG3. Lackawauiiit & liloomsburg ON AND AT'IT.Il NOVEM.25, IfOI, PAS3E.VOEP. TICAINB WILL KUN AH TOLLOWM! MOVING S O U T II. Freight If Taticngtr. Taiacngir. Leavo Perantnn, 5'J5 A.M. 10.30 A.. II Kingston li.:iO T.M5P M " HloomsburB f.3i " itupcrt, V.4I) " Danville, tl 1.1 Arrive ntNottauniberland, 10.00 .11 O V 1 N U NOR T II Leavo Northumberland, -I.IIO P. ,11. 11 Danville, 5.10 " P.uport, 5.15 " lllooinaburir 5.57 " Kingston, S.OOLeavo 1.15 P. Ml Arrive at Scrnntou, u.uo r. ai, a.40 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston nt 8.H OA. M, for Scrnntou, to connect with train for New York. He turning, leaves Scranton on arrival of Train from New York at 1.15 P. ill. Tho I.nrkawanna and lUoomcburg Railroad connects with the Delawaro, Lackawanna nml IVesicrn Itailroad at Scranton, for Now York mid intermediate points cast At Rupert itcouncctt with the Cuttunlssu Itailroad, for points iioui ca?l anil west. At Nnithumberland It connects with the Philadclnhia Eriell. U.andN.IJ It. II. for points wont and south. JOHN 1 IISl.CY, Siib'i J. C.Wells, Oen'l Ticket Agn Nov. 30, ltfill. Cait.wlssa itaii lioarf" .Sf TASS UUI'EIIT STATION. SOUTHWAKU IJOUNU T11AIN3. Philadelphia & N. Y. .Hail 10 5.1 A. M. " " Express li.'Jo A. M N011T11WA11U HOUND TUAINS. Elmira Mail 3.41 P. M Niagra Express 1(115 P. M W. WIRT ESQ. NOW occupies the room upstairs in front in Mr. Uiiaiigt's brick building, on Main f'trocl below thu American House. A moat convenient otlico : where he will be happy nt all times to see his friends and clientn. uioomsoiirg, rvuv.ii, ictii . ;im, PllOTECTION FitOJI LIGHTNING. 'fill! subscriber would inform his friends, that hi is X now prepared to put up, on short notice, and in a scientific manner, tho best rWTIA'A POINTED LIGHTNING ItODS, at 13 J cento per foot. All work warranted. Li. 11. IHULUHAN. Illooinsbnrg, May 21. ISf.O. If OUT AM SflfiWMfiAfiiittW THE undersigned, having opened n new P.OO'P AND SHCC ailOT, on Main street, iu llopkinsville. East Illoom?i)Urg, respei tfully iu ites the custom of the citi zens anil tho public generally. All Minis of Hums, Shoes, &c, will bo promptly made to order, on short nonce nnu moucraio icrius. trnin long experience In his Hue of business he flatters himself that ho will bo able to give general satisfaction tu all who may favor I, Iu, Willi fl, n.lnin ? tiiain, Provision and Produco ecncra'lv taken in ' exchange for work. II. V. 1IKOOK3. liloomsburg, July ti, ieoi-3m. Nm&TfkVlhlli $2 MAT, S". E. corner Third and Dock Streets, VI11LADELPAIA. Hats made to order, of anv Stvle or QHalltv nt Rim.i Notice. January 4, lEfiJ. Cm, THE GREAT AN IIMTIA! FOR FEMALES. DR. ENGLISH'S INDIAN VUGCTABLE KfllMENAGOGGC. This Celebrated Teinalo Medicine nossesneA virtnn. unknown nfaiiything else of the kind, nud proving eip. ectual alter all others have failed : it is nrenarcd from an "Indian Herb" peculiar tu Northern Mexico and Tvx- is, and is used by the Natives iu producing tho month ly sickness, u i designed for both inaaried and single ladies, ami is the verv liett thinir knnu n rorilnt m,n,,w,. us it will remove all ohstruitlons after other remedies navo neon ineit in vain. It Is a pleasant ten, contain ing nothing injurious to lienith, and a cure to bc relied upon in all cases. Prolapsus Uteri, or falling of tho Womb! Tloucs AI biM, or Whites: Chronic iMIlamation. nr lllcerntimi nf tho Wouib; Incidental liciiiorage of I'looding , anddis- u.u ui iiiu opine, IT" Ladies in tho early stago of pregnancy aro cau tioned ugaiu.t tho uso of this tea, us it will produce injEcurriuge. pnfpvnEn and sold nv DR. C. W. ENCLIHII, No. 7STJ RACE STREET PIIII.ADELPAIA, PA. Prices Sl.00 ncr jiackage, (with full directions for use) ..j ,i, i-y ii, t) i.iiiircBH. Dr. E, can ba ronsultcd in all obtinata female Com plaints, iu pcrfcon or hy letter, nnd will furnish tho Gut. ta-percha Temulo riyringo- highly recommended by tho Tnculty to married ladies,for special purposes. Also Hadicul Cure and oilier Trusses Improved Ro tary and ripiue Abdominal Supporters-Shoulder Ilraces Elastic and Loco Plucking Spinal Apparatus, for Wenk mid Curved Spiuo-nnd Instruments for nil de formities. A large Stock oftho above articles constant ly on hand, mid will ho furnished nt lowest rates hy sending order uith mciiMiremcnt andfull partirulajs. (jy All coiumuniiations strictly confidential. Tor further particulars pleaso Address, 11 R. U. W. ENGLISH. 7.'9 Ituco Street. PHILADELPHIA. PA. E7 I IIAVK NO AOENTS. Nov. 10, lbdl li!in. Nos. 9, 11,13, 15, 17 Courtlaudt Street, NE.lK llllOADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. This old-established and favorite resort of the Iluei ncss Community litis been recently refitted, nnd is com plete in everything that can miiiler to the comforts of its patrons. Ladies uud families are specially and care fully provided for. It is centrally located in tho business part oftho city, and is contiguous tu tho principal lines r.f steamboats, cars, omiiibusses ferries, &c. In consequence of theprcssiiro caused by the Rebel lion, prices have been reduced to One Dollar at d Fifty Cents per Day. Tho tablo is amply supplied with all the luxuries of the season, and ia equal to that of any other hotel in the country. Ample accommodations aro offered for upward of JOO guests. lLl)o not belicvo runners, hackiuen, and others who may say "tho Western Hotel is full." THOS. I). lVINC,VR,NCm:aTEU l''Pfkl0r Tcb. 15, IrtW. (Lato Whito Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD PHILADELPHIA. D. 0. SIEaRIST7 PiioruiETOR. Formerly from Eagle Hotel Lebanon, Pa T. V. RIIOADrj, Cierk, March 2'J, lti(M-l!ni, F. 0. 1IARIUSON, M. D. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of llloo. burg, and viriuity, that he continues the practice MEDICINE AND SUHUEHY, ml solicits a churn of nublic natronaae. OrricK, on Main Street, first house below Ihe Court liuuse, mud uuuurg. Tebruary 3, Ic55 tf. oheTp MILITARY QAPS ! MILITARY CAPS, of every sort, suo and quality, for 'alo cheap at tho liloomsburg Hat Cap Emporium. Also tiroceries, I onfccuouurlcs ICigars, See. JOHN K. GIUTON. ooiruburg, Sept. 14, 1 01. OKI T T 13 N D E N ' S HUUMiU'HIA COiimiUHCIAL. fi 0 L LEGE, N. E. comer ofllh and Chestnut Strcels PHILADELPHIA. . ..i.1.u.i,.H, mil. nnd THIS IXSTITUTIOI, IIIMIM ii. V.I.I. Is now consequently In the eighteenth ar of its cx st mcc, nuinucrsniuoog us nimu i". ,.,.... . nioetsucccssfiil Merchant, nnd lluslncss Men of our Country. Tnn OiurcT of the Initltutlon Is solely to alTord young men facilities for thorough preparation for buslines. - ...,., n nniiltifi. TIIK IIRANCIlESTcnnrare, i,iii-itf.(i - , . . ... . i. ..f i.-.lni li.nmiii.Aln. OlO toino vnriuiis, uep(iiuiii:oiB wi ni both plain and ornamental) Commtretal lam, Malhe- .ile. rrltfnlll,n Writ r.ntTtiltcrlnff. DrtlUlnP, PhOTl tgttrphy, etnil Modern Ltngnnget. TteSvstbm or IfisTnurTiot Is peculiar ! no classes or set lessons nro made use of, but euch sluilcnt Is tnught lndivtduniiy, soinai no may ronimeiicuni hmj ii,.,, attend at w hatcver hours nro most convonlent. Oataloobus nroisuediiiiii((raitcr too uinoi npni containing iimnos of tha students for the year, and full ..n.t!. nCt.itiM. jti.e.. mill mnv ha obtained at any tlmo by addrcslng the Principal, I.i Extbssivb Atr.oMMoDnioNs, ridc-prcail rtputawin and tho lencthij erperlente of ihe Principal, this Instltu- ir l ... .n.l... in nn., nil.rt. 1,1 llin fnllli. Iionmiers nit iiiiiwv 9,11'uiiu. t...j try, fur young men wishing to prepnro for business, mui tu obtain nttho snnio time a diploma, tc'IfA irt proven rccewmfaflariimiiir iiiem nium iu unjf ..,i:.i.n,t llio House. 0.7-CBiTEnSN'sScnr of Trtttltet on Pook-Keit-ino. now nore widelyclrculatcdthan any other work on tho subject, aro for salo nt the College. S. HODGES CHITTENDEN, j5(loriry-ot-i.aii), rniNctrAt: Jan. 25-18G2 Urn. BUGH'S BONE FERTILIZERS. BAUGH AND SONS, fllaiiiiracliirers & Troprictors, S.01C, No.SlO South Wharves, R Ji W-B ONE Super -Pliospliato of Lime. Littlo need bo snld to recommend this nrtlclo Its pe culiar trtents ns n vigorous ami lasting manure hning firmly established It in the popular favor. Wo would state however, that not only having a continued caro to maintain its standard cfllrncy, wo have sought to ren derit innru immediate In its aetion, by tho addition of n small quantity of best Peruvian (liiano. Wo do not claim by this improvement, (w likh was made during tho past year, nnd without publicly noting tho fnct,)oor Super-Phosphato is rendered nuy mnro lasting In INeir ect, or in any wav benefited, except in ensuring u quick er anion on application. pkic-, 15 per 2000 lis. casu. GROUND HAW BONKS. This nrllclo is ground without any prcvlouj prepa ration, and contains all the organic matter of the bones It is warranted pure. PRICE S35 per 3000 lbs. cask. Dy The above .Manures cn bo had of regular Deal ers or of 11AUOI1 SUNH, No 20 South Vlharves, Philadelphia. Tebruary 15, 1603 llm. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have entered in to co partnership, under the name, style and firm of MILLER & EVER iu tho Mercantile JHitisincss, In the "Old Arcade." in lHoomHliurg, Columbia co., w hern they intend carr yiug on the business of oenk nil. MtnoiHNm.iMi, in all its diversified branches ami departments, and to whiih they invite an extension of the public patronage. S. II MILLER, TEED'KC. EVER. liloomsburg, May 11, 161!!. tf. EVANS & WATSON -?f.1&aiS'l"5 l, iron doors, for banks mid vVs?"ri--a5"SIil,itoris' ir"n i-butters iron sash, all rfry&?is2?g makes of locks equal to any made in the united I'tateB. Five Safes in one fir. AU emits out rirht! trith ean tents In rood eondition. The Salamander Safes of Philadelphia ngainst the worm. EVANS &, WATSON, havo had the surest deniORtration in the following cer tilicatc that their manufacture of Salamander Safes ,1ms ni lengin limy warranted trie representations which have been made of them as rendering an. undoubted security Utllll9k ll.l- Itll.llU UlUilli'JI 1. Phllndelpliia April 12. 1P5P Messrs Emus ,y liaison: Gentlemen-It all'ordH too lngliest salisratliou Instate , to you, that owing Ho ino very protective qualities or two of the Salamander, Safes which we purchased nf you some five mouth since wo saved n largo portion of Jewelry, and nil our books, &c, eipncd to the calaminous.fircinRanstiad place on the morning of the 11th intt.. When wo reflect (hit these safes were located in the fourth story oftho building wu occupied and that they fell sulnequcntly iuWa heap of Iniriiiug ruins, where the vast concentration of the heat caused the hrass plates to melt, we cannot but regard the presi rvation of their val uable contents as most coin incing proof of the great se- viiiny tiuiiiiiMi ny your hales. Wo shall tuko great pleasure in recommending them to liifll, ... n ...... ..I!.. I.. .. .1 ...v.. . "i ...... B ..n ., , . ,,,, an.iiiiri uri". GEOltfii: W. SIMMONS & 1IUO., Jewellers. ITTThey have since purchased six large Safes. August SO, 1WJ ixiiHMSii mm THE Proprietor of this well-known and centrally Ioca ted House, tho Ecihmik Hotel, sitiutu oil T .Mai Street, iu Ulooniiburg, immediately onnoi-ito the Coliun bia County Lourt House, respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that his llousu is now iu or der for the reception and entertainment of travelers whu may feel dunosed to favor It uitii ii,i, , ' spared no expense iu preparing the En iumo'e, for tho entertainment of his guests, neither shall thero be any. .i..K ,...1. inn i.i" ins pnrtj to minister to their personal comfort. His house is spacious and enjoys an excellent bunness location. ' ' "" i Omnibuses runnt all times between the Exchange Hotel anil tho anoin Rail Road Depots, by which trav- ,LI8.u.Vi.b,1 l,le?'"'ye'iieyedto and from tho re spcctlve Stations in due time to meet the Cars. Cloonisburg.JulyT.lECO- W B" K00- Tho Grc t Unuso of HUMAN MIftP.RV Just Published in a S:aled Envelope : Price C cts A LT.CIUriH ItY Dn. CULVERIVHLI. (IV i'up CAUSE AND CURE of Spermatn , "m Conlump 1 , " Mental an. Physical-Debility, Nervousi ess, E , Kv -linpairod Nutrition of the ; Lassitude i WcTkueM I' V.'S 'U"'? "?k """"Position nad inc" ' i n lty f;,rMb,u,l "'" '-""or ! Dullness of Apprehension Loss of Memory i Aversion to sodcty: Love of Sol A.v'Viio '""'i'lr S tl' "rt ! Di Xes - Headache: Allect on? of the Eyes i Pimple, on the Taco i Involu," tnry Hmi.sious, and Sexual Incapacity: the conso. ''".."f Vouthrul Indiseretlon, c. tic! IE7" Ihlsadmirabln Lecture clcarls nroves that tho above enumerated, often .elf-ainicted, ev Hs ma 1 lB. moved without inedicino nnd wilhou dangerous surgi ea( operation., and should bo read by every man in the Sent under seal, to any nddjcss, in a nlain. scaled ddrSBI1,,0f 111 . p!2 ,, ,, Br. CHAS. J. C, KLINE, TebruarJ S' K Yo,kl lOniee Hox, 45M. leuriiory 8, lAJ.J April 2t), leUI TRUNKS ! TRUNKS! ! THE largest, host handsom est and cheapest assort incut of Hulo Leathor solid It V-l.l,.1 'l'r.,,,.,11.... M , ji . ' J1- illlllllS, iMtSies' Jlonnct S- Dress Trunk t.hildrcn'8 Cnaclies. I'rooel. w' lors Leather nnd Carnet llneo )Jft Packing Truuks c. tec., a n,-lel,r,n,l r ..., ,..,I"0."A?.. W MA-n-FON-H. ,n, " i , , ,, "'el'" nn iroveii snert sprin ill.. T ', 0;llllcr Prunk manufactory, No. 40S Morki August 8 l7-tCf0r"Cr V0m mii Matkcl t'liilail'a. J. . II V At 13 K, (Successor to J. B. Sorvck.) WHOLESALE DEALEll IN TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS No. 8 North Tifth St., above Mnikct. ' PHILADELPHIA, Also, Manufacturer nnd Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SUGARS. May 12, leGO-l-Jin. NOTICE. ALL persons knowing themselves indibted lo th undersigned on Hook account or oihcnvjso. at hereby nn.liied to come and eetlle up by H,a u, 0 Marth, let.'.', or their uccounts will positively be left in the hands of a proper ollicer fur colli llectiun. W5I. I1KERS Eycr's Grovo Mills, lh,B, ta.-r, NATRONA OOAL OIL1 WARRANTED NOV EXPLOSIVE! and equal to any KEROSENE. WHY buy uii explosive Oil, when a few cents morn per gallon will furbish you with u perfect Oil" Tlltiilr. iidI nl, n lv HAi'T,;MiAN,'J'AC"ri;'ulNCi TOMPANV, Feby'i..1 lK'0"' ,'",LAUE'J Tl lK)a-TOtASAI.AM.NDi:R SATES, HE rVvSMtiCi nv'i:" to H Chestnut Street, laa?.;'rfc(-ri,fl1 'bore third Philadelphia, have on IAJlIC?mVl B'1 large assortment of Tire m.t r i niei orooi c..iiaiii a i er tialen. lints. Roaches, he. -Mire, Moles, and Ants -tlciMlugs. ,. . -Moths In Tuls, Cloths, o. -Mn'ultocand Tlcas. -Inserts on Plants nnd rowl. Insects on Animals, &C -Every form nnd spcclo of Vermin, TIIK "ONLY INTALLIDLU ltE.lir.DIE3 KNOWN." Dcolroycs Instantly EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. Those Preparations (unlike all othors) mo 'Tree from Poisons." 'Not dangerous to the human family," "Rats do not die on the premises.' "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only iiifallhilile remedies known.' "12 )cors ami more established iu New York City." Used by the City Post Ollice. Used by llio City Prisons and Ptntion (looses. Used by the City Steamers, Ships, 4tc. Used by tho City llniit.ij, Alins-llouscs,&r. Used by tho City lliiti:ls--'Astnr'-'St. Nlcholas,'&c. Used by the Hoarding lloue, kc. Sec. Uied by more than SuO.OUU Private Tanillles. See one or tno Siecimens of what is every where said by the people EditorM Dealers, tee. IlOL'SEKEEI'EltS-troiililcd witli vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Co-crARV' Exterminators. We Wu have used it to our satisfaction, nud if n box costs $1 we would have It. Wu have tried poisons, but they cif-cted miiliing; but "Co-irAnV1 article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roarhes, and tied-lings, quick crthau we can write it. It is in great demaud oil over the couutry.-JIina O Gn-.cttc. MORE GRAIN. mil provisions arc destroyd annunlly iu Grunt County by vermin, than Mould pay fur tuns if this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster II is. Herald. HENRY It. COSTAlt We arc silling your prepara tions rapidly. Wherever they havo been used, Rats Mice, Roaches and Vermin ihsuppcnr rapidly- DcKiR.t SroorrKR, Druggirts, IViudsor, Md, "Costar's" Hat Itonch, . Extormluatoai "Costar'a" Costar's" Bed-Due; Exterminator. 'Costar's" "Costar's" IJectrlc Powder, for Insects, &o. In -'jr. 5(lc. xno $1,00 Hikes, ItmiLss ano Elasks, Q3 $j Sizes for PlantatiuiiE, Ships, lloats, HoIcIb, kc he. O AUTI ONI I! To prevent tint public from being Im posed upon by Spurious and Highly t'ermewns Imitations n new label has been prepared, bearing facsimile of the Proprietor's signature, Exaiuinn each but, liollle, or lUski-urclully before uurchaiilig, uud lake uolbing but "COSTAR'S." Sold EvcryKhtreby All llholesalc Hiugglstsintho large lilies. H iKilcsiild Afjcnls iii Ktw York City. 11. IV, II,, llrntl.... f. i'n . .. ..... - ... . Sll. Hi III, l!rnll,r. .t n Harral, Kisley lc Kltthou II A Tahiiestniilt, Hull Co A II D Sands &Co IVhec l"r & Hart Jam. s S Anpiuwall, Morgan & Allen Hall, lluckel k Co Thomas Toiler P 1) Orvis i'n n . oaic uobiiisoii M Ward.C'liiw & Uo AlcKissou k Robbiud D S llariies Sc Co P C Wells k Co Laxelle, Harsh & Gardner Hull, Dixuii Sc Co Cou rail Tox AND Ol'HElW. riiiladeliibia I'a. T W Dvott k Co I Kobcrt Shoemaker & Co UAlaLuettockCo Trench, Richards Co AND OTHERS. AND II Y Druggists, Grocers, Storekeepers and Retailers general ly in oil Country Towns Villages iu tho AT BLOOMSBURG, PA. sold uy M. IJagenbuch, J. R. Moyer, EJ. P. Lutz. And l it rt i . - erally. U,UK' Horckoeporsuod ntoHarsBen 7V DMrvy Tti Dettroy TV lleitrey T Dtttroy To Destroy To Dettrcy To Dettroy To Vcttroy- Orn' DcMc,r, ran """r above. M'de,,r,edCr,n",icr "'r'""' . lftnf.uia,l.,,foBrt fr tleMH'ircular' Marth 15. iJStt " fotrrP0,UO "" DR. LA CROIX'S rniVATC MEDIOAL TRKATISH ON Tilt View of Carriage, 8.'.n PAGES ANIJ 1.10 ENGRAVINGS n.,. ' TWF.stv.rtva ctKTS. Beht freo of postage to nil ,,. the Union. On the Infirmities of youth nnd disclosing mo secret iuiiicb oi uniu sexes of mi , causing debility, nervousness, depression of 1 pai piiiiin-ii "i in in-mi, liiuKininca, isL." toryinilsilons, blMshltig defective memory, ":K Hon and lassitude, uith t onfrssloni nf Ihriltht J.," of n Boarding Sthotl Miss, n College Student , young .Marrica imiy, n n n iniinnu ailn,., tho tnnrrled and thoso coiitttnplntlng inairlnge, hl tertnin secret doubts or their physical coiiiliu V who nro conscious of lint log hur.ufdod tho hciiiihi plncss.and privileges to which every human Wil'k entitled. ... "II YOUN'l MEN who arc troubled with weaknen . I erally caused by n had habit Iu youth, the c-mt'ti which .ire dlr..lness, pains, forgetfnlness, sonuti a ringing In the ears, wenk ojes, Wunkness of u,!, nnd lower extremities, confusion or ideas, In. 0i J nry with melnilcholy.may berurrilbylhenullinr .iV PARIS AND LONDON TREATMI.NT, "U0"M Wu have, terently devoted much of our ti,. VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPITALS, 1, ourselie s ofthc knowledge and researches ntw,,, skilled Physlolans nnd Burgeons In Europe ami thai llnent. Those who place thcmsrlvcs under our . 1 will now havo tho full benefit of the inuny M:- ; EKTICACIOUS REMEDIED uhlth wo arc cn"ll,i lirn.liieii lnt.i our nrni tlce. and the tiuldii- .n... .. . surcdoftlto saino real, assiduity, SLCItECV nmll, lion being paid to thclrtnsos, whlih has so suttc. f ty distinguished us hcrrlnforr. as n Ph) siri.n, i, PECULIAR department of professional Practice J. poit tiecnty-Jlvc years, TrtfNCit Tkmale Ph. ts. Ladles ti ho w I r It fnr Atedl, the elllcacy of which has been tinted Iu lhou,an( cases, and never failed lo effect speedy cures iiil any bad results.wlll use none but Dr. DeLiincy's ft! Periodical Pills. Tho only Precaullnii neir,vnty., serve Is, Imliea should nnt take them If lliurla, ,, son to believe they nro In certain situations (t,0 , ulnrs of which will bo found on Hie wrapper arr'n, nlng each box,) though nlways safe nml healtl, gently yetsouctlvo nro they. Price $1 lr box. They rnn bo mailed to any ' the United States or Canada. 1 TO THE LADIES-Wlio lined a esnfidcnlhl mi advisor with regard to nuy of those Intercsllii ,. plaints tu which their delirnle organization rt, them liable, arc particularly invited to commit llf, 'niB"KtH"rao Gaivasic 1'soiictivb." Tor mi ladies whoie health w III not admit, or w ho have r siro to increase their families, may ho obtained an; It Is n perfectly safe preventive to conception, uh ' been extensively used during the last 2U yenra. f, reducced to $10. The Stcrcis of Youth Unvcill. A Tnatlseon the Cause of Premature Decny-, enn veirnlng. .lust puldishcda book shoving thtit progress and prevalence a man g schools, Hoth nu,'( female) et7ii !( habit, pointing out lite fetelvt invariably attends its victims, and developing (It,. progress of the disease, from the commencement tvtu, It icill be sent by Mail on receipt if tieo a J rem At, Ky Attendance dally, from 8 in the morning m night, mid on Sundays I mm 2 till 5r M. Medicines Willi full directions sent to nny part r.' United Slates or Canadas, by patient communm tbelr symptoms by loiter. I.'usincss corrtfpi.M,, strictly confidential, 0.7"Dr. L's Ollice is strll located ai citiibliilinl t!l the name of DR. LA CliOIX, at No. 31 Maiden I.ant banv, N. Y. Nov. S3 1S51, 12m. WE will forward by mnll to any part of tlie l States, po.t-poid, any variities that mav be oiilt,,, the following prices : 11) varieties selected from those priced nt ScenU per paper , 22 varieties selected from those pticcd at 10 ernit per paper 5 varieties selected from those priced at 1(1 ccnli per paper , 13 varieties selected from those priced nt 10 cinti per paper 2 varieties selected from those rriced nt 25 ccnti per paper t 5 varieties selected from those priced at 25 cent) psr paper COLLECTIONS OK TLOWER SEEDS. Persons desiring us to makn their sclcrtioin, ly upon our sending ouly those whiihura realht showy and desliable, nnd nf easy cultivalien. ; lievo that our ciperleuce w ill enable us tu maku i lions, largo or small, that cunnot fall tu give iiitm, isfjiction. 100 Packets Annuals, Iiienninls and Percnniali, fuvorlte kinds ; 50 Packets Annuals, Iliennluls and I'rooniali, f.ivorile kinds S.l Packets Aun'ials, best assorted 1 1 Packets Annual!, best assorted BO Packets, New and Raru Annuals I Choice Collection of Ornamental Grasses " " nfEierla-tiiig Flnwi-ra " " of Alpine or Hock Plants " " Climbing Plants, Aunual nni Perennial Choice Collection of Greenhouse Plant Seeds " Ornamental Leaved Plants , A. IIOItNEMAV , nnrist &3ocdmun, Versailles Woodford Cu. I l L Cu IT" Scad for a descriptive Catalogue. March 15. lbC2.-3m. KW YORK MEDICAL INST TUTE. V benevolent Institution endowed for Uii run Chronic Diseases of every nature, and to piutiiti lids fiom quack advertisers and impostors. .No ges except for .Medicine until cured, and iu case J trcmejiovorty treatment free. Nn Minerals or r oils Drngs used. The 1'hyt.iclanshave had loiiju. ten. ie experience boih i i private and Hiintiil lice. The following a re mine of the complaints tu special attention ii given. All din-as- of id I Throat Lungs, Heart. Slomach. Liver. Kidney. I.h. Ithi-umatism, Tits, Cancer, l'iles, Nrnnus All Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Seininul i cukii'ji lutcuce nud Vlrul- nt diecases uf every nat ire pu ly cured. Diseases of Temales and all Irrcgnlsn turces-fullv treated, llliudneis nnd lie.ifiii-ns without painful operations. Patients trert-d liyi by i-ending a statement ofthelr ease, .llnciun, w any part of the country. Consultation free tu nil. Addres.i, Stamp enclosed, DR. L. ORAVI S, Ccnsulting . ,. tifl'J llroadwny, Nw Ion April 5, I3G2-12m. ' PITTSllUltGII, PA., Corner Pcnn and St. Clair! The largest Commercial School of tho Unite.) r with npairoitagp or nearly Il.liOd Student., intlvi from .1 State,, and the only ono which ailiudscoi and reliable instruction In nil thorollmiing In vm: Mercintile, illnnufacturers, Stiam lloat. Id and (look. keeping. Tirst Premium Plain ami dr" tal Icninausbip; also, Surve)iug, Eugineen.l -llatlicmalics generally. $35.00 lays fora Commorclnl Conre- riiii.isnt. ..i.i m view at nny time. .uiiiisu-ri-aons- tuition nt hair price, l or ( ataloguo of efi pages, Spciiineus of Itu nnd Ornamental Penmauship. and n beautiful l VlOWorrt .lilln.n fi-.,, ......l.l... . l writing lettering and flourishing, inclose II cu fct.nupmo the Principals, a i ,n ,cJl;lNK,Na & SMITH, Pittsburg.. 8!Be--!6W&. H. 0. HOWER, SCIltiEON DENTIST RESPT.CTTIILI.Y offers Ills pr"f al services to the ladies nud genilfi liloomsburg and vicinity. He is p" - " ,.v;,,u hi on tue various o n-rnn the lino of his piolession, he is provided wnlilln improved porcelain teeth, which will bo linen gold, platina, silver ami rubber baso: to look os' the natural teeth. Itllneral plate and block teeth manufactured i' eperationg on teeth, carefully and properly alb-w llloomsbuig, Pa.. August:!, lelll. Choice Vfgtlablo Seeds bv Jflnfl 10 Varieties for , Biro I u arieties Tor s-liii)S' Wishing tc give those who rcsldo'tit "n cli.t. opportunity to tost the quality of our IWrrla!" which i wo are confident will compare faiorabl) any i offered in this country, we have prrpares packets, which will bo sent by innll pViht-ruid abovo prices. Ncnu but tho inoit desirable i will bo included. t.7.10. ,'",W,'"'MC"f. tee vish it Jiif erslooil that Peas, Ilcans and Com are not isi ! mull packages, on account of their vclght, A. HORNKMA' .., Versailles. Woodford l'( MrcUofre".'1'''"" Uata'-jU"- CIGARS Sc TOBACCO. A largo nisortmont of choico rigars. Tolncco ' , ....!""; c,on,-''ionery and Notions gener.ill' h.-Y"1""" "lock niATS nud CAPS, ."' KmorS,',,,,"!' "lla "P " ,uu "lUooniibttrg H'- Poom.buTg. Mnrrh 10, isci, TO"N H. MULLIGAN, IMPOUTER OT ALL KINDS OK W m. isw Pi rw m AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWISH No. M1 North Second Sired, AUOVT, WILLOW, v rHlLADEI,rM Nov. la, 1601. A T TORN R Y AT LAW I)nn lltBiifin n it 4,UU,UUU li fllll 1,1, Oflice in Court Ally, foridtrly nccujiied ty W