Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 14, 1862, Image 3
(jOPllHA DliOCRAT. Jeri" (J. Frcrzc, Local Editor, ATURDAY MOHNINO, JOND 14, 18(2. JKSt'TIio Treasurer's Tax Sales went off (Qietly. llut two or three tracts were contented for. The titles of uuttcutcd lands'aro now prolty well settled, and sales will diminish. i - - --. STrTlio dainngo done by tlio rain in varldusj'jmts of the county was iinniuiiso. For some, days Hloonishnrg was cut off from nVqll, facilities. We regret to learn of' the' 'damage to the Cattawissa Hail Koad repairs are progressing rapidly. ; -w- - - tarWr. John Walters, whose little dnuglilor, aged ahout five years, was drowned, on I'riday morning June Oth, iill?ishingcreok, near Iron Dale, oilers a liberal reward for the return ol the body. We earnestly hope it may he recovered. It would be a satisfaction, melancholy in deed, but still soothing to the feelings, to in'tcrthe dear remains and know where they rested. The spirit of the babe is with, C&tf 1 tSrlJucK Xr.anotsM, on Tin: Uait.ukk . -. ."V iir i of emancipation. w c nave rcceivoit a pamplilct with the ahovo title, from Van Eyrie, Ilorton & Co., of New York, which u a -very- opportune publication. The publio.havo long needed a concise history of the results of Emancipation, and hero they ha vo it. Tlio los of proluctionto the world by freeing the negro is enormous. . In the the item of groceries alono tho writer fchovs',thtit thu North is now paying Forty Millio'i'S of dolais annually more for them than alio ought to, because their high price is occasioned by the idleness of the negro 'This work should be widely circulated, and .all who' wisli to refuto the arguments of JVbol itiousts ought to have it constantly by their, side. Fanners, mechanics and all white laboring men are deeply interested iu understanding this subject. The writer thows that every negro at work in the tro pics creates a demand for white labor, the grain of the farmer, ko, 'To set free OUO,OO0 more, lie argues, would ruin the country. All who wish this work can get i il by enclosing tho small sum of Ten 'cuts, or SI' -will get a dozen copies by mail, pos tage paid. Adress Van Kvrio. Norton & i Co., No. 1CJ Nassau htreet, Now York. From the l.inthvilU: .rnnrtiat. .A Loyal View of Siavory. Tho contrasting of the preservation of . tho Union with the preservation of slavery. iresortcdlo so uue?aiiigly by the abolition- iists as'a'stow of justification for the aboli tion of slavery iu the States, is the very Thus tho contrast drawn by tho Aboil j tionists is absurd. Tho issuo thoy under take to raise is innnposiblo In tho nature of tho caso. Thero is and can bo no such Issuo. Wheu, therefore, men declare that they aro for abolishing siavory if necessary to prescrvo tho Union, they cither do not think of what thoy arc saying, or thoy arc traitors at heart j and, if thoy aro not really traitors at heart, they at least give aid and comfort to thoso who are. The declaration, if not moral treason, is cer tainly a very culpable indiscretion. Rtsi'USE all notes on tho following Banks: North Woatorn Bank, Warren, Fa. ; Bcvci'ly Uaulc, Beverly, N. J. ; Merchants Hank, Trenton, N J. Peterson's Bdcctor, A LIFE'S SECRET. A STOKV Ol' WOMAN'S lUSVISNClL'. nv MRS. JIEN11Y WOOD, Author f "Tlio Chntinlnp:." "ISatt'i If elm.' "Him I.) mi.'," Ac, ice, Life's Secret ! A Life's Secret I A Life's Secret 1 lly Author of "Kant Lyiuiol" A LtFlS'3 HISl'ltlST. A Pinny or Woman'. Km emit, lly Mm Henry Wood, nittbor of "ISnst Lynno," rim CiinunltipB," nml "Thi! lSnrP. Heir.," u ill hi- published mill fur rnilu tin Haturduy next. May Slth. It l printed rf iiiii thu tiian 11 i-nr i i L nml tultatice iirnor-vlic-ci. uir ih.,cdhy iu friini thu nuthnri In itdvuiicuof lliu publi cation i,r thu work in ISurope, nml will bo issued In a litre," ocliivu volume, larpo type, ilouhlo column, ami r tinted mi tho Illicit and bent of white paper. I'rlcu 'Illy cunts In paper cum, or 8cenl)-flve cents In ciout. Read vital Dr. !. Sticttan MitUnrlc, Me Literary FJitor efl'urnty'i Prat, iay of tt cdtturallyln thatpaptr. Mm. Ilrsav Woon's m-wK.r new mnti.. It Is sahl Unit Napoleon ciiulit dictate nil three ur four dlllcreitt siibjciiis, in ns many Headline-, nil lit mice. Mrs. lieu. ItliOEIPJ'S FOll MAY. io Tin: COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. L'lic following arc the receipts to tho ofllco ofthu Ooi.UMiiiA Dismochat, during tho month of May, 180'i : Jnmo. r McNlucli Mrs H liuris'ut II. A. Hweponltlso lliiili'l .fhard llcnry He a Nanc Hess Win llnw.ll Ltilith H lktler J M I'ry IVtcr Hi-lttlK JuIih Kllno Sauipfciiii IMIH Jarnli A Htt lhor l.utvi Hikroth J oli ti IlictturlcK, l'.s John l.nru. Ali'Miinli r .ili'iirs lli-t nl lien llnllelltiarli 1 T.'i, S:i3 al.CfilnniMn rnunty I 5(1 Hnliicy ainter 1 nil llun I'cier I'.nl '.I 15 Siniior IHiU I no Jm nli I'.ytrly, Htq . 1 M Henry DelmiK, 1 HI Hniiiuel lliiiri'iihuch 1 7j!l.rnry;u K Mess I llll'ji-FHt'. Ilniriilllll 1 .Mil Mary llarklcy uilljnliii ,M. Miller a lilllJulin lleen, Jr, 1 .'ilMJaiiies (! Maxwell Slltvv Ihlw Murray . I 75 J II llarmaii 1 .Mi Isaai-lk.ler 3 sit Win rmz . v,sn., Maih-rrvSnvil Juliii .Mnrilaii U Sliiliiian, 1:1 , Ui'iiheii llnnilioy M Sleek M II Julni llrnlut Mnj I'l t. rl'Kliiin A UMensch lt Jnhii I' Iviuney f ln-rill" I'n rtn.-i i JnahiM Wuiiiur tliinili I'nv Jnlin linliUnn, Ilii'.( IWi nfj W .Musgrua IJT ll.iu sou I! A Wiess, Hsl, i..'iirt'i' lliirtuiiiii H.tiiiucl W ll.irtinaii .Mi. i Miller nit jinn; 1 50 I till ti 5n s nn 3 mi l ?.' 4 51) I (III 3 (III HI Oil1 1 T." 3 75 I (III I Sll S! .'it' 1" 17 5n on 3 sn l on ti i.n i on a 30 1 75 50 I (HI 1 50 2 01 3 (10 I 50 .1 75 3 M 13 35 3 CO SI Pi) I OH V 50 ('. Ill) (III rruilerirk lluier Jonas KiMiur. Samuel r.vurett rims Hi own ( ll.irlj' r) I! II I iltlu, 1 II Sinner Crnshy, Nicholas, l.uo iter I'ov 1 (III Charles Iluelioa 11 00 Nnah Mauser. 3 .0 Daniel Yoiiim, 1 00 In. I. tUi.iitnuu 1 75 llvi Mary II Aiulcrsnn 'J50 I .r; i Vox I 4 I Harry .-hirU 150 AnilrewCrnssley 3 00 Ji.titi iJlti ukirk 1 Ol) liiihnril riiimnicr 100 John Juiiii I '-'' 5 'ii IVtcr Jniiej 1 50 U6a'Will our friends remit their subscrip tion money to us by mail. Our necessities are especially pressing and we must have money. We shall sinceroly thank you, friends and patrons, for an early remit tance by mail. icroani of nonsense. It is among the mo-t '" r-scnsolcss of all the senseless abolition falla- icties. Special Notices. ry Wunil must hau siinihir incausof piillliifflier clever luiinus upnii paper, tviiniii inc lasi rnrimpiil nr su, wi' lin a nolicnil lira ofher nuiv novels, i'Tlio Karl's llelrs." mill "the Clmnnlnps," ami liero Isn Ihlril tn ha nulil slicii ny i . ii ritursoii fc. Hrot Mors, in n few Hir printvil friini thu iiiamnulpt anil inivancu proor-sliecls pnrciiascn irnni inn iiinnnr, so ii io nniicipain its ap penrauco Iu l.nuilnii, weiili we liavejuit reiul rmin I he nilvanco ropy nf thu prool'.sl ts senilis hy the piilillsh- crs. "A I.lfu's Hueret; A ritnry ofWoniau's Hiivpiiko," iloesiiol rusoiuhlo any ol .Mrs. Wood's precceilluK talus except In tho wonderful poUer ofputlliig the reader In to lull possession of thu uiolirus ofthu Icudiug tliar iiclers, iu sivlni; tliu must iialurnl conversations, and iu ciincciillin Hie dciioueineiit tothuvcry tlocso of thu story. This last so essential to lliu novelist, Mr a Wood posesses In n larncr deereo than any other lly inn writer. .Mixed up witli Hie incident nf lliu tale, whiih ruiislhrniii-h il, Is n striking and painfully truth' fill ntcount of thu rise, progress, nml ileellnr of thu sneial evil calluda liuildprs' "strike." His ns power ful as painful, nml rlinu s .Mrs. Wood's possession nl thu elements nf domestic truurdy. The prlcuof "A ldfu's i-tcret," Is luit I'illy Cents u copy, mid is sent freeuf pnslui;u hy thupulilisliurs, tn any one, uu receipt of that amount, l'uhtishrd ami for sale hy t. ii. nn'iiusoN tc nnoTiir.itH, 30il Cliestnut Ktrect, I'hiladulphia. To wlioni nil nnluri must come addressed. just puFlisiikd. Mrs. Henry Wood's Othtr lioohs. l. Tut: Oil vhvisus. A Domestic Novel of Heal Life. lly Mrs. Henry Wornl,, author nf "Karl's Heirs," "A l.ifu's Hi'crcl." "Thu Castle's. Heir," "The Mystery," etc. I'niiiplutu In nuu lar!ii nctavo vnliime, ilniildu cnluiiin, luakiii!! uver lliree hundreil p.iijeu, and printeiWon thu llnesl white paper. I'rlie lift' ronli a copy, in paper cover, ursuveiiiy-Hvucciits iu cloth. II. The i:ni.'s IlEins. A Ta'c of Domestic 1,1 'c. lly lliu niithnr of "Tho Ijlianninqs," "Tliu Matery,""A Life's asrrel,""Tliu(;aslle's Heir," etc. I'rlcu llfly cents a copy, in pjpercovcr. or suveniy-itvu cents In clotli. y Coplcnof "A Lifo's Serret," or "l.'haiinincs." or lliu "llarl's Heirs," will huscul to any oiiu true nfpost anj.nn reniltliiii; thu price of theeditiiin wi.hud, to thu puldishers, in a Idler. llnnksi Hers, News AbciUs, nml all otlii-r", vt ill please send on tlieirorder ntontp fur what they mav want nf "A I.ili-'s .Secret" to start Willi, which will prove t" In-' u'liiallyns popular as lhu"UhaniiiUjs," tho j.iiri i, ' Mb, in i,ii-.i jinie. Addiess all erdersnt nncu In the puhlishers. T. II. I'LTHKSON ,t llllOTIIIinS, No.3ud Chustiiut Street, I'liilailelphia. KEW AND GOOD DOOKS1 jusr rciii.isiii-'u and iok sai.k uy T. B. J'llirsun ij Brothers, '.m Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Hooky sent every where free id' pm.tai;e, on reuniting in Hi Hie price of thu hooka wauled, iu a letter. The Secret Out ! 111 ill UAU1H IN J 15KS KYTOWN, Awl supposed nppoacli of the Rebel Army, ALLOT WHICH WAS PRODUrnil nVTIIK AltUtVAI. OP A FULL AND COMl'LCTU AHSOHTMUNTOP rs4 swt Of Every Variety and Style at the NEW 1'IUM 01' M I L L K It & S W I S II 15 It, IN jnilHIIYTOW.V. Having just received our Spring Stock. Irani the llastern Markus, wo feel determined to sell (ioods ut n little luwer prices than they enn be purchased olsowlicro, OUH MOTTO IS "Small Profits and Quick Returns," (Xy- Thopnlillc aro rr-spcclfully solicited to call and r.xanilnuonr-tock heforu purihnslnr; elsewhere, ns wis iharse nothiiiB fur liuwing our Roods. 1'roduco of all Kinus laKuu lur goons. .Mii.LLii&svisiii;n. Jerseytown, Mny3. lt&2. F It E S 11 A 11 11 IV A -ov- SPRING AND roii wm Tllliiinilersiiriieil, prnleful for pat patronaite, tespci-t fully iiiruriiishisrustuiiiers and the pulillciieticrnlly that he hasjusl reielved frnm thu Kaslernu lilies, til largest and most select stock of SPUING AND SUMMER firs y$t yy tw imLAM M, AAAAAikM,)5 Tliat has y il lieen opened In ninninshurir, tu which he invites thu iittiMitinii nf his friends, nml assures Ihein lliat tliey are ulferud for salo nt great bargains. His ioeK comprises u inrgu nssortiiieni or (ii;ntlu.mi:n's vi:aiiino aitahhl, Uunsistini; ol l-'Aiiinumr: Ciivts. of everv il criptioni Pauls, Vests, Hhirts, Cravats Stocks, C'ollon HamlkerchiLl's, (ilovus. Suspenders, &c. GOLD WATCHES A N 1) .IEWEL11Y, Of every description, lino and cheap. N. it. Ileineniher " l.oirenbcrii CArni Kittporium." cull and see. No cliargu for examing Cuods, DAVID I.OWI'.NltllllfJ. Itloniiisl.ilrp. March 2'J, It'lW. (Jue IrA'J.) ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLE. Spring Crooils At Fritz's Store, OIUNGHVILL, COLUMUIAGO., PA. flMio undersigned has just received a 1 large anil (.elect nssnrtmenl of cholco Hprlngmul Pitmnier floods, which w ill hu sold cheap for cash or country produce. Ills slock consists of ladies Dress Clouds, choicest styles and latest fathluna. Oalicocs, Muslins, , Ginghams, i'lanncln, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRTNTS FROM 7 TO 12i eta A YARD. Cassimers, Satinets. Ooltonndcs, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, Vc. HEADY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Quecniwarc, (Jedcrwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paint, kc. HOOTS k SHOES, HATS & GAPS. Iu short even thin usu.i'lr kent in a country store. Thupntronnguof old frendi, and thu public generally, is suneiieii, May 3, KHZ WILLIAM KItlTZ. WAItli PAPER, 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN Fittn aou) pAVRtw, (IOI.I) Jtffl) t'KM'KT nreoiitTto.vs, MJiiinr.i; mwj ojik M-coiiJiTioxx, MJITJIM) ojir ( PAPERS. vmXjia-J nniaiir commo.y pipms, iioiMF.ns, Finn nojinn phiats. STATUKS, lILIXns, F.1C, F.'FC., Wilt he told at greatly reduced prices, nl tin paper hanging rooms of tho undersigned in Judro Rupert's froru House, on rfceond street, a forr doors bctuw .Mar ket. Also Paper Hanging Executed In the host style, nt iuodratc prices and li fpiHi time. c. J, TlIUIl.VlXIN, Illoomsburg, Slay 3, 1 bG2 3iu. The Monitor 'ON TO RICHMOND' G'tislavc Aimard'a Books, LOWJPRICES JRULE ! Jfew &0ds At t're.isy's Slorc, in Light Street, Pa. FIRST OF THE SEASON I FIRST TO THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Double Shccty Forty-Eight Columns, lOubllsh'd every Morning, (lliccnt SiindaysAby Win. J. W. Harding, No. Ml South Third Htreet, I'lillad clphia, I'u. Thu (Ircnlcit newspaper of l'liil,idclphia I Tho trvlnc times of tlm nation's liiitnrv In which wo live, render n'u Newiinper ! nn Indispensnldu to rvcry limn who would keep himself informed of the Important events which are dally transpiring. To furnish n paper which will meet thu just expectations of the public In such n time as lliu preswnt, r"l'ilres an amount nf labor anil of extraordinary ei peine of which Hie coiumiinily nl large liavu uacuiiccpliuii. Thu pub lishers of HIV. PittLJIDF.t.Pltl.l ixqvtnF.n, has spared no efforts or muiiny In make It nil that It could h made. Ilesides improving nnd strengthening tho homo furco during thu past year, sivernl nf tlm best lteporturs and Letter w riters in thu country havn been sent, at great expenses, with tliu Army and Nnvy", nun navu lrcnuciiuy given iiiu piiiiiiciuo nrsi ami nui et accounts hy telegraph mid hy mail, of importmit F.FF.XTS JIT VII F. A'J.'7' OF IF A II. Tho luiuirer was tliu flrst northern paper tn give thu account of thu Haiti-ran and l'nrl Coyal victories, nml was iwcive limits iu au vane e ot any piper in inu coun try, in its imldir.itiou of thu detail, ut the Hull Hull llallle. What Thu Impilrer has dunu, Is but au earnest nf what will bo done, iu order tu give its readers and best uccuuts of every event of interest connected with TIIF. IIIICAT RV.BKI.LIOX, nml at thu same lime h.ive it maintain its reputation us tho best general uewsp.iper iu the country. Thu increase in the rlrculntinn ofthu Iuuuircr du ring tliu year, is thu bust evidence of tliu extent to which tho public ruly upon it for the news of the day, us circulation na nvtrugcti lur iuverai mounts past. OFF.Il TIIV IIUXDIICI) TIIOUXAXI) COFIFM n week, or nearly forty thousand n day . nnd if has, during the year, iu times nf excitement, renched over suventy thousand n day testing tliu capacity of our fast press to thu utmost In supply thedeinun I. It com menced the New Year Willi new and beautiful copper faced type, and with reuuwed vl-or mid activity Hi its uws nuu rational Departments. rim iii'iutrur is imtepeiiiienl in pinnies, r. y I'rices at which thu l'hll.tdelnhia I saitiroris fur- nish'il : diiiglii copies Tvvu Cents, or twelve cents ti week; Dally Paper SO per annum, in ndvanco; Twn nmiiths SI; Tri-W.-ekly $1. All letters hould lej d dressed to WM. W. IIAItllINd, I'uhllsltur, Iniulrer Uullding, l-JI Huiith Third 8. May 10, 18(12. rHti.inri.iiiu, l'i we. From Gen. McClellair. COL. ASHBY'S t)EATH. AH OTHER. BATTLE IN THE' SHENANDOAH VJ1LLEV. From kcu. SEallcck's Army. THE PURSUIT OF BEAUREGARD. OFFICIAL DISPA'ICH. Wa'shinoto.S', Juno 10, 1862. at' i. j- H. M. PETTEKGILL c Oo., No, 117 Park linn , New York, mid Ii Suite Street llo'tnn, an-our Ageius i fur tin- Ctiluml'hi iJiuioerat, iu those t nies. nmt are nn- ( thoriiti'd to taku Advertisements and thihfcriptnmg for us at nur tnwesi rat's. TO CONSUMPTIVES. rplll! ailviTli'-iT. h.-nint; Imm-ii rstnpi in X fi'v ri'k. Iiv u vt-'rv iiiinUi reiiioily , al'l I. Tim tunnx Ptfa-T. Vy CimUvo Alnmnl, ntttlior of Thf riuwcrot ihM 1'iatrij." itc. ltu:it in J. IVniii- ninru roupfrN "I'.itlifiiuiur." 1'iico 50 cents in paper, it tuci'iiU in cloth. tr. Tuk 1'i.oum ok rttr rmiKip. ny ffiift.tvo Ainunl, iiutlinr of "Tlic Imliuii Hrnul." etc. I'tilly vVtn any. thini; rvrr written by J. IVnnimnru Cooper, i'licc to l ut-i in paper or 75 cutitrf in clutlt. ilth in ha vi n Mill'-ieit fi-vir;tl i ear itli a fuvcro luiii .Ut'i tion, ft ti il thai ilp'a.t tliitca-if, Consumption h atuioiu in maku known to liifi fellow nitl'.'rurH Hit' tn-an ofijrc 'I o all vvhoilei&iru it. lie w ill M'ii'1 h opy of the pri- i.r.-i'u imr ami iiui Urn Ham'', which Iht-y u ill a ! FMata " Vhm TrvHtur, tnteof Srott lomuhij. stiro curt: for ('on-iiinplion, jfthina. Itroiirlutii, &r. t Tint only object of tlu alvertiser in priiilitt(i Hid I'ro ncripti'tn it tn Itrnulit tit atllirtcd, and npr'int infnriea- lion w inch hii ctuif.ivui to ho invjilu itilo, am) hi. hopes every fiitl'iier will try hi remedy, an it will cunt them it t t r 1 1 1 1 it. ami nny prove a lit-uiuz . i rarte u i-hhiL' the pre.srriptioti Hi ple.iR.1 nmlrcs? Ituv. IMMV.MM) A. U'U.OV, Willi nilotr-'li, ( May I". InW -lini Kin county, New Vork. ' I 1 1 n nntileticf tirf null nv!. p- utcannoi uxist in tfio nature ot tlic cuic. ? It involves a flai-ant self contradiction. .Unquotiontibly thu necessary clFtict of this .fctrugglu lor the preservation of tliu t -'?., . . ... . . . union is not oniy to uimiiu-ii tlio iiuuiljer oriElavoa in the country but to wciilcun tin institution of slavery itself. I'ltis effect i& unavoidable, and no loyal man amongst us complains of it, nor does any Mteh man n- vili the struggle on tho part of the Gov crumoitito bu relaxed in vigor or narrowed .jn design, out of respect to this effect. lIyiflOjuieaiH. Whatever detriment sla- tvory injjy receive in this way tho loyal imcu-olBhc South will accept without a .o (iiiurumriof complaint. They ask no special iramuniby.for tho institution Thoy ask only thatiit shall not bo tho object of f-pe- " -cail -assaultj that, in equivalent terms, it hhall not be stiuuk at through the ackq,ow rights of'tho States. .Butithis the abolitionist arc not willing to grant.' On the contrary, assuming that tho presemttion of slavery is incompatible nith tho prcervrttion of tho Union, they or demand that the general government, ro gardlesa of -State rights, shall abolish ' slavery in the Stales as thu means of pre serving the ' Union. They demand this ; and this tho loyal mun of tho South, and i the true loyal men of tho North also,opposc as not merely -tyrannical but suicidal. Thus far reflecting patriots everywhere contend for the preservation of slavery. lite patriots of tho South contend no far. thcr. Tho fitotiis not disputed. Hence, tho demand cfttho abolitionists, apart from its villainous 'duplicity, involves, as we iJiavo said, a.fingraut sclfeontradiotion. i.tepToservntion tJfslavcry, as con'cuded for by the loyal men of tho South, is simply and purely tho preservation of tho right of selt government nn 'the States iu other words, it is nothing more or Ices thin the prtseruatvin of the Union itself liccause, i the ngtj of self government in the States should be abolished by the general govern ment, Uw Union for which tea arc struggling tcoitld not hist, and the Union ash would then exist could not be presnved. There fore the preservation of slavery as contended for by'llit loyal men 0 the South, is iden tical tcUh'ihc prcscivatian of the Union, inslcailo ftgeing incompatible with it; and ti talk of. abolishing slivcry in the Suites by the genet al irovemmcnt as the means of preserving the Union is as uratiomil as to talk (j curium out the heart of a. man in order to save his life, for, thptigji slavery is not thoheart of the lJnjou, tio right of self govcrumcu.t iu, (he Stale?; is, and the uboljtioui'of M'lvcry jii the stato.? by the ijeneral gojerui'ient would cxtiuguuh that .ttal ii,jht F A ri II I O N A D L E C L O T 11 I N K rcf or V ALL. TllQ Olll-CRlllMi'llI'll u jim: ii.u.t. i;i.oriiiN-n hazaah, tit Hit1 soiitlm lt rnriii-r of I'oi'in'ii ami .m.!!i;i:t sntnii'i'ri. In nmv iri i:tri il ill. ;i I'in.i. siocK ol-' rAsiiiovAiiu: ugaiiv maih: fl.OTIIlN't! i' ) It l'AI.I, AMI WIVI'llll U'i:.R. nt iirirns wtticli cl::illnni;ti rniiiii-titiini. I'.irttnilar ntk'titiim nivoii to CiKtnini'r Work. Oll'ici-ra ritit'oriii, Uu Hume tittaril' Suit,A:r. WlllTi: IIAI.I, t.M.OTIIIXti IlA'.A.Mt. liiittlliwi-st i-iirtior ut' fOUKTII AMD .MAlllCI'.f STIU'.I'.TS. l'iTllIt tf. I.IIVK.'K, l'ri,,rii-tnr. Nuv. 111. lt-dl. (May 1, lSlil Win.) Uniformity of Prices 1 A N'i'w IV.-ituro in 11 il s I ik-j-j lltvrv nuu ln nun ri.-ili nnni I JOM1S & i.'O. nf thu L'rc-'-iit fun- I'rii-tJ Cliitliitti; Aturo, .Vn. JI MurkuUtruc abuMiSixtli, I'ln ailn'ttliia. ! In .iilililtnn tn liatnm tliQ lari-avt, niniit varti'i nml fa.liinn.ilili! fctnrk iifUliitliini; in riiil.nlutpliiti, rii.nlu i-x- pri-ttt lur ri.-i:iii alLj,, nave cnnitinit'it uvrry nno tuw , nun biili-siiiaii, liy IntvuiK tnarki'il in tinur.1. nn racli ur In in at Mil-vi-t inwuhl prii:u it ran bt until for go tln-y caniinl hm ilt'y :iry nil inut buy :ilik I i uu Knnn ar'i well t-poiiguu tiiiii pri'pari'K, ami t'ri'iti . paim l.-ikc-n jtli tliu makiiij; so till ran liny w n Ii lliu I lull a.miraiii'ii nfi-tliiii! a trnml artiilo at thu very low-i-kt prirc. Aliri, a laru'u slink of piucu t;rtniU nn li.inil.f'f tlm latirtil tt) Iu ami Uut iialitlin, M hiili ill In' maili1 ' tn nnlur, In Inn mn.t f.i.liiinialjlu uml IickI niaiiiii-r, '-.'5 ' kt cunt.. Iiulniv croilitiiriiru. Itiiiiioiiilicr tlie L'rL-sci nt, iiiMarkct.nliiivn Siitli Street vui, ju.M'.n a: i ii. 0 7"TIUIMAH W. MA'ITrsoN, It ivi'il tlm I'rii' MimIiiI tit tin- U'nilil's I'.iirin IauiiIoii lr.ll. lur 'I'll I ' K.I CAIU'llT II. ICS. llimu, rlinc ami (.'iiiii. (iri'at iinliiri'. tiii'nl am umv nirruil In purcliuiturn nf thu aumourli i l.'ii. 'i'lii ii iuiicIi tin" lnri;i:t tnck nf trniili. Carpi't, Vi'liri'n, .vc... in l'ltilailLlpliia vcty iln-.ip fur rash Nn. In.' Murk'jt ftri-ct, otto iluor nliovn itli, i"urA siilc DMINIST11ATJIIX NOTICE. 1 Columbia cuuntff deceased. TJOTIOK is lirroby iven that I.ctcra of Jl. . tl iu i n i i rati mi on the tr-'tutc of 1'liilip Tnmsne, Utr !( ott tnwii-jlilp, Cot inn li. i tminty, (tc'Ccn-ttjii, Iia u boun is'vantol hy tla' lU'iftstcr nf-Mnl nmnty tit thu tin (luri-ipti'il wlici reiiiU m m HluII lnw lihliip, Cti luinlii.t (iiint. AU pcri-t-n- h'n lim cCiintH vt deiiiauds tt.itnct tin t'nt.itu n( iliTi'iuIfiit an rf'l1 f. ttl to pr n-til tlu'in tnr rLtili'iiicitt, ami tln'sc indfliti-il to maku p:iyiiie.-nnwlli(nt ih lay. UKLIUCC'A'i ItUN.un. April Jciy-i t. ( Mmtnhtratrix. AJJMINlSTrtATOll'S NOTICE. lltate of Michad IVhilcttish!. tbcrased, jV UTH'i: a liruly (liicn that ) ttrr-t l tinn on hm e. nf ailministra- t.itu ut Mil lia.l Vliitcitiht lutu trfllcm Ini k tu p,, ( 'ulinnlii.i nmnty, ilui-c.iM'tl, Iiavi Ii.tii id liy th.i lU-l.itt i nf rt.iiil cotinly tn Jacnh ri. ilvaiu, ut' i'lr-liiiitfcriM-U tup., Cdluniliia en. All ptrtom Iiavin claim ur l-inanlA agahiht the cstutL' ot' tliu ilcccndcui aro ri"iucr-tjii in prmciit liu-nt fur siUtltMiifnt, and thoa indtbtcd tu iu.'Iac p.iymmit witlxait delay. JAt'Oli UVANP April 12, lHii-Cw. Mmr. AHflX ISTll A TO IVS NOTICE lUtate vf Josiah li'ujrinlurh. talc cf SeotL toicnship, Columbia t'ti'i'tij, iltccittcd. lVTOTICJC is hereby given that Letters of J.H A.liuiiii.-lr.iliiHi nn tli-i Ilftntc hf Jn.-l.n IUn iNUCLtt, lati' nf icntl tniMiHlitp, Columbia county, Il ii'j.uil, liavo b.i-ii urauii'il liy tlic Uri-tur nt i-tti'l county to ri'.Tllll lis"!', n-s iilini; iu rintt towtihliip, t'nluiiiliia cnunty. Ail p-rollA liaiu ciaitnn or ilo. iiiauil tiainst ilif lit la tt of tlio ill ri-ili-nt arc rc'im-tili'il to pri'ri'iit tlu'in for srllk-iiiriu. atnl llioie inJihtcil tu tirtkc p.i uicnt without ilolay, l'lVl'lll! V.ST, April Srt, IFn2-ft. Atlmluhtiator. SAl'ONIFiEK ! SAl'UNfFIKU ! ! icj run F..Mii.Y HoAi" M.Ki:itra 1 All Ititi lieu (.'ri'.Hf i-an bu niaila iutojjouil BoAl', by viing HAl'OXirilllll IL-IIIIUX-I'IOXH At'COMl'ANYIMl I'.Afll liflX 1 MOAT i easily inadc lilt it, n. making a nip of mf ten .Iiiuuf.icturcil only by lliu r.tlciituL-s. VA. SALT MASUFACTUnt.Na COMi'ANV. No 127 Walnut Street l'lllLAllIll.t'lll A. J, J. BROWER, i Has just received and is now opening a tiple.tuliil assortment ot Groceries, Hardware, Quccn.swarc, Cedar ware, Maokural, Cheese, etc., ultirl! will bu enlil at tlio lowest figure for ready pay, lbs Dry Goods consists in part of Tine Cloths, l'liick and Fancy Cassi meres, Fine Opera Cloakings at 51,50 neryard Stella Shawls from Si' 50 to S, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s l'laids ; Printed Chalics, K111 broidored Jladonnas, Embroidered .Mozambiqucs, 1'oil Do Chevrcs, etc., etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, 8, 10 and l'i cents. Muslins, ouc yard wide at l'i cts. Skeleton Skirts, fiom 00 cents to $2,00. HIS 0110CKUII2S consists in part of best whito sugar at 121 cents. A. No. 1 Syrup Mola-iscs, 50 cents per gallon. Ladies' ami childreus' high-hcolcd boots and gaiters a full assortment. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eight day, and thirty hours, Xos. 1 i) 2 Maclurclin QuatUr am! Half liarrds, COAL OIL LAMPS. A fplcudid assortment of Coal Oil Lams cheap. Ely's water proof gun caps, powder and o N ALL KINDS OF m D E S 1 11 A 6 3T953U 1$ L E S T Y L E S ! Shot, &o., ivc,, Sc. I'oiue, pi'i'atuijitilse for ynurclvrii, titul you will bo K.-itisfn-il Unit llrower'fi.'itoru tilth-.; Comer ut' Main i.nil lrniiMrei t. i. Ih.i place In periltane Uiuip (ioudi for i.ahti nr i.niiuiry produce. Jlloonii-hur!:, Hay',4, IrO-. NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer AND THE 11CAUTV OF IT AM, 13 WIS CAN AND WII.l. SBM, AT Ii W P It I C E S, CALICOES, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CAltPETS. HOSIERY, SHAWLS Ecftdy-Mailo Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Lollces, Teas, Pish, Salt, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sffpars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, BrugJ, Oils, Paint?, Sc., So. Wo have a InrRC assortment of Itl.ak and l'ancy Silk, which we are kolllujr at reduced pticea : lllack Silks for S7J cent, worlli S1.1JJ. also for 8I.UI) worth Sl.'.'i. U'e arc polling our best prints for lij cents per yard. Hi" best in the market, all fast colors. A yard wide uulili-arlied luii'liti at rents cpial to ftcw .Market. Three iptarti-r yard widu iinbleaclicil muslin at S to 10 cents a yard, lit addition to our largo stock of Dry Roods, we have a largo anil fall assortment of Ready Made nothing for Aiett and Ilnys near which wo aro dcternilni'd to sill cheaper thin can be hoiteht ilscwhere. Call and see, ami jndge for yourselves, II. W. CB1SASY ti CO. Light Street. Pa , April 20, H(S, AT PETER ENT'S STORE, lx LiniiT sriuxT, cor.v.vnt.i couxrr, fa, TJAS3 jitot received from Philadelphia, and is now 1J nncniuz nt the old Maud late'v occunleil Iiv .Maru oc i, nt, a spit'uiuu nssorimeni ni which will ho sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His htock consists of Ladies Dress Goods ehoiccsl6tvles ami iaic-i i.iktuuns. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery,-. Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Castimcrcs Satiucts, Cottouades, Kentucky Jeans, Thread, Sc. Groceries, Queens ware, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Sc. BOOTS S SHOES, II ATS & CAPS. In short every tiling usually kept in a country storo The patronage of old friends, nml the public general ly. Is ri'-pcitfully solicited, Tlie liighel market price paid for country produce. HSTlSi: 1SNT. Light Street, .May 3, 1 iiO-J. Tlic following message was received ?ho War Department this morning : CoiitNTii'j.Tunc 9. To Hon. E. M Stanton, Secretary of War: The enemy has fallen back to Tussilla, 50 miles by rail and, nearly 70 by wag on road. Gen. Popo estimates the rebel lbs3"from casualties, prisoners and deserters, at ovor 20,000, and Gen. Bucll at between 25,000 and 30.U00. A person who was employed in the Con federate commissary department, says they had 130,000 men iu Corinth, and no 7 that tliey cannot muster inucn 80,000. Somo of tho fresh craves on tbo have been opened and found filled arms. Mauy of the prisoners of war beg not to be exchanged, saying that they" purposely allowed themselves to be taken. Beauregard himself retreated from Baldwin on Saturday afternoon to Okolo na. (Signed) II. W. IIai.leck, Major General. over road with em Bisel's Old Stand, A T I IK l i I !.. i t'AIt!) 1'ltKSS I s Ii ; '2 n.t rhi..i.?!";0vyeu,..(iit,. ' , I .Mit.iTittv llNironsts Tl.ero Ii. perhaps, no depart uient of military business in whir h thero has b. en u iitore marked iiiipruveincnt llun iu the clothing of sol diors. Nut many years sinco nilirer s jiml private, were J clad iu garments which w'.'ro aliun-.t skin-tlgiit. They, wnru leather stuiks, wliii il werowuithy oflho natiie.for ! they kent the wearer in triliulatmn ; while their molded , lireats ami light sleeves made volition a limner of cfcat ' TTl.m iili l acn'l t ipmw l)l.:t.,.l ililhciiliy. During tlm present war, such of our , tun- jjJVAJvU AOhUul Al LV!S , 1 llllilll teers as pro'-uro their ituifnrms nl thu llrowu Stonit rjpliia - for tho Iteltef of tho Sick and l)istre-,cd Clothing lliillofliockhill & Wilron, os. tioil and Mia milled v itli Virulent ami Chruiiic Diseases, and e. riicstnnt street, ahovo Siitli i'liilailelphia, obtain cjo- iicciallv Diseases of the Sexual Organs, thing thai is perfectly easy, siibt.iuliiil ami becoming, i siediral Advice irlvrn Gratis liy the Acting Suroivui. Tho llrni iiained It tve gone largely into the hm.ines nf Valuable. IlCI'lJllTS uu SPIllt.MA'I'OKIilKl'.A or tuakiiig Military I'lutliing. and tlieir faiiltlies cnnblo HISMIN I Wr.AKNl'.SS, andollier Disean's oflho Scr- them to till tho largest ordjr in the shortest possible n-u Organs, nnd on tlm NlltV lll'.MCDILS employed Iu time. Sept. 91. Wil , the Dispensary, sent in scaled letter enrilopes, free nf I i-bargo. Address . Iir. J. SICILIAN IIOUflllTON. Howard Assoriatinn. N'n. e South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, P.i. April 5, lrTiM-lSin. cxa.. MARHIAGE. ITS LOVLH AND llATl! rC sorrows anil angers, liopes aiid ieurs, regre 4S2 and joys ; lost.linw jetoro - tlie nature, treatment and radical cure ufspo inatorrlio-.i or weakness; invnhniUry ewis ions, seitial ilebtlity and impediments to marriage gen orally ; uervniisness, consumption, tits, mental ami pliy sicul luiapacily, resulting liutii SLLI -AUIISIl-nro nil- ' ly explained in tho MAIUU.W.'U UU1DI1, hy W.M ' VllllNli. Al. D. This must curanrilinnry hook should ! ho iu tho hands of every young person conleiupl.iting innrri.-ieo. unit i'i.i re in.ili nr iiiiiil-iii ulm .li-uiri.M In' limit the iniinlier of their ollspring In tlieir l irouiit.luu- Spun Cotton for Caulking. Hopes. Tu llun, Tar, Pitch, .TOLINE S LEE, No. 10, NORTH WIIAUVIIS. Philadelphia. SJT IP C HA ND L E II S , NOTICE. A LI ptTFOiw intfrcfctf tl nro rfmod to tliu uroviMnn iA of the .Ml, St'cti'iii iff nn A ct of Asseinhly, passc-.l uu tlic eleventh .lay (if April If).., at follows : "u. 5. It sliull ' lln: !iity of every rity ami ciMiiuy i rnauiircr 10 hio ior iiio rf covi-ry ti an in vv tluly r turiicil to linn by tin. .Mi-rcuutile Appraiser, if tint paid nn or Ijefor.' tliu tlr?t d.iy of July, in each and ct rj w itlini ten days nfu-r that lnte( ami said 'IVftsiirrr hli.ill not lie Ij Kclia rcil from any yucli lnuiis.j uti I ) lit; lirin'rt Huit U to rcctner thu r-uitm within said date ami prih' th'J same to Jmltfinriit ami iwcdilion a mun tlierratt-T as practicalilo. and pay tliu amount ol'all fiitli lircnt-crf rcMivi'd liy lum into tin1 Hutc 'J'fcaiiry, on nr In' tore tliu flrtst day of Oclohcrt'iisuint:; nor nli. ill tu rrrrive any ron-idi'ration nnencli liieiiKCJ, utiJi'ktfliuJtiakcs paymurit ad afnroaid," JAMKrt S. McN'IN'CIl Treasurer of Columbia Count!. Tnt!A5i.'Rrita Oifick, j nJiMin-urt; .May lrGJ. ) NOTICE. Notick is lioroby given, that tho iintlcr signed lias placed tho follow ing named prnpeiiv iu chargonf r-'.imitel Marr, of rlcott towiisliip, Ooliiinhia county, during his pleasure, vi. : I'ow, ng,(.'-.iok Move. Clock, two lied, and lleddiug, Cooking Utensils, Tubhs nnd t'h.iirs, Corner Cupboard, Kitchen Cupboard, and one loiri-au, with whirh all per sons are forbidden tu mcddlo or interfere, on pains of the law's pe.ialties. II. WILKIN'S. May 2 1, ieil2-.1t. AMBnorsrrE, photograph & melainoxtpis i m a m w pi AvilJUOT Y i IIS, PI 10 T OG II A I'll S , T Mir, subscriber has received his SI'ItlNf! STOCK OP (KHJDS, whirli ho otters at fair unci'. To Hut. ler Makers, he w ould suy, bring it fresh ami wo will pay an extra price, as i. h FORTRESS MONROE, which must ho fulfilled, and wu can afl'ord m pay nn extra price. Wo h.ivo ihaiiged our llxpress day to Tliursday. Persons having good veal and calves, will briiiglhciu iu on Wednesday cuingurcur)y on Thurs day morniitg N. M tt! A V. Jerseytown, May IT. l?02-3t. ces. livery p. tin, disease and acho incidental to toitllt. lualurity and old age, is fully i xplained ; eiery piirltclo I nt Kiiowienge uiai snntitu ne Known is neru eneit. nil full of eugriii Jugs. Ill lai t. it discloses set rets Ihali-i cry one should know ; still it is it book that inii.t h lorked up. find not lio uhonl tho hoitsi. Il will be sent to any olio uu the receipt nf twenty livccwutsiu specie or postngu plumps. Adilrcss lilt. W.M. VOU.N'C, No. 111! I'llUlT. Hired, abovo 1'ourlh, 1'liila.lf liilil.i. ILT AI'l'LICTID AND UNl'OltTUNATlS. no matter what may ho your disease, before you place, yourself un der tlio caro of any of the notorious tyuueU iialivo or foreign wo advertize in this or tiny oilier paper, get n ropy of Ur. Voting's hook, nild rcw. K earrjullij. It will ho tho menus of saving )ou inany a dollar, your health, nnd posibly your life. DR. YOUM! can be consulted on any of tlio diseases described ill Ills publication, al his ollice, No, 110 rJI'lll't.'i: Street, above l'oiinli, Philadelphia, Oilico hunts Ironi Uto U, daily. Marili rJ, IMii-l-.'ni. Oakum, IUntk4, ami Oars, Ai!ust I, ltisl-1-.'ui. KOLLOCK'S UANDKMON (OKFKU. This prenitratiun, made from the best Java (,'oH'.-X, is reeiiiniiiemled liy physiciatisas n superior NU'l'ltlTlOl'ri lU'.VI'.lt.Mil'. for lietieral Deliiltty, Dyspepsia, and all billions disorders. '1 hoiisauds who have been riimpell oil tn .ibniilim thu monl collVo w til use this without in jurious cU'ecls. One t au contains tlm strength of two pounds of nfilinary cotl'ee. Pncu - i rents, jCOLLOOK'S LEVAIN, 'I he purest and best 1LJLINC! I'HWDIIU fcnnwn, for ni ikingliglit. sweet and r,iiiil('ius llicad und takes Prirc i cents HMHlT"PI!ll nr 1.1, It KOLLO01C, Ononis! Oorp r of Ilrnad thI Cietnut.fli'etit PHILADtLPIlIA And fid by rill Pciiiitti .n't diocti lj,.h J Accurate ami Life-Like Porlniits MEN or this OK THE TIME. WIS ore now publishing a series nf itnirjuu and's like Portraits nl tho Dtitinguishi d .Men ofthu Timo-i'itilirariiiL' .Military and Naval Oiliccrs, Members of Cnneross. Ct ttians. .c. Thev tire line line t-iiL-ra nigs, uxeriited in sitpciior style, and prepared from I the latest Photographs, many of which hato been oti. tallied expressly for this collection, lleing printed on cards of thu sntiiu sizo as Hie ' Canes ile Visile," they nro tplapled tn the Photograph Albums, or can be sent In distant friends hy mail These portraits nro superior to any now iu tin mar ket, nnd nro remarkable for tho fnilhriiliirs with w lilt h till) likeness is portrayed, When purihnsiug, ho rari fiil In lii'pure for .MurtKii's Curd Portraits, Price in cents each, nr twenty ropics for oiiu dollar, lC"Sent liy in.iil, post-paid, on receipt ot tlio pricu. l'HOTOOHAl'Il AL1JUMS. WIS havn now ready, of our own manufacture, a rniupliiteanil exteiistro ns.orliueilt nf Phoo;iip)t Al liums, inuilo of tlm i cry best materials, ond o', if not superior, in stylo nnd finish, to tiny now In the market, whilst tliyaro oll'ered nt lower prices than nnyothors, Thu iiouiliuent rompriscs several new itirit'tK'S. ns well as new designs anil clasps, i'.u ry Alliim js furm.lieil with alltle piijennd Index', printed in gold published hy WILLI M S h Al.i'KKD MARTIKV tUi Chesiiitit 'tint, I'lulartrl j'ilia 1(1 F.XT if lXTZV t Aftu 5 .e1) I in Mfl.iiiiiilipe-. .Vc, taken in Cloudy ns well as (.'Uor Weather' Auilirotypcs ami Daguerreotypes copied and lSuljrgeil. NO li Til DA A VILLE, PA, Pec. St, lill. lUTJil!SlI) sYlWSa EUDVBBa T AM AQUA, l'ENN'A. Passengers dine here, on t lira passage of each Train, 11, M. MERRICK, Froprittor. Tain.vpia, Jnn 4, 1PU2. NOTICE Store Jlc moved, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ETat and Cap Store. pH 1 The undersigned :espei tflilly infnriiu tho citizens nf i iiiooiobtiiirg. nun uic puiuic in general, mat no tuts re I moved the' HAT bTUHR. into tho house, on I Main Htret-t, uenrly opposite his late stand, wiiero ' ho has Just received a splendid assortment of 1 CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from lite Mtinufacturies.of nil kinds, styh-s, sorts - and sizes, latest fashions, which he olll-rs wboksolu and retail, at erv low nnces. 1 lJr" These t.oodn will ho sold tit very lewpriccs tor lieady Pay. ' jimp, xv i.iiiiu., Uloonubitrg, April 13, 1802. AmilMSTlVTOR'S NOTICE Estate of .Susan &cltug, deceased. IlSTTI'.ltS of adininitrnlion itli tho will annexed i on the IM.ilu of fusaii Hchitg, Into of Hcoit township, in Columbia iniiiity, Peiin., deceased have been granted by tlie lti glitur nf Columbia county to the undersigned; nil persons having claims ngaiu.t tho ep. Into of tho dtrrdinl are repiusteil in present litem tu lite Administrator ut his residenco in rcott township, without delay, and all persons indebted to maku pay ment forthwith. I'iSTEQ SCII UO, April PJ, lffii-dw. .W'r. IIE CON1'E?STONS AND EX PER. Look to your Interests. FRESH ARRIVAL OP AT A LI. persnns knowing Ihcmselvcs n. iiititersigneu on hook account inde bted to Hi or otherw i so. ar hereby notified to come and selllo up hy tlio Jst o March, let!'.', or their act omits will positively bo lilt In the hands of u proper ollicer for collection. W.M. IIKKIW Iljer's (Jrovo .Mills, I'eb.P, IPGS. if. rnilE I. I ISN' i. in, nml lor the esnerial benefit of Vuiitig Men, nml llitieo who sillier with Nervous nihility, Loss of .Mem. ory, Preiiialiiro Decay, &c &. See., liy ono who has cured hitusulf hy simple menus, alter being put to great expense mis inconvenience, through the use of worth c ss medicines prescribed hy learned Doctors, Single copies may bo had of the author, O, L, LA.MIH.UT, l'.f lireenpoitit, Lung Island, hy unclosing a post.posl ad dressedenvelope. Address CHAIILISH A. l,A M lir.HT. ISsi. tlrecnpulni, Long Island New Vork. MnylT, Iff,? 2m. MILLER &EYER'S. THIS subscribers have just returned from Iho City With another large and seleil tissoriiucl of Spring and iinustcr oods, purchased nt Philadelphia, at tbc lowest figure, nnd winch they tiro determined to sell on as moderate terms us can ho procured elicwhcro in Illoomsburg. Their stock comprises LAUir.$' aoans, of choicest styles nml latest f.ithlon. dry aouns. axi) eiiwcFiw'.s, II 1RUWARK (IUF.F.XH'AUF CF.DAR ll'AIIF.. IIOI.I.OIY WAIIIi IIIOX. X.III.S, ROOTS ,y SltOIS HATS Jj- CAPS, Ale., Jj-c, .yc, lit short ever tiling usually kept In rniiiitry Store. ; to whiih lltey invito the public generally. Thu Highest price paid for country produce. MlLLKU & EVWl. nioomburg, April lMr IcOZ. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Cool, deceased. NOTICtS is lii'reliygiveiitliatlcltcrsnf Ailmluisiration on tlic eetatool William Coo I, late of Hemlock Iwp, i-nluniliin count v. deceased. have been granted hy lltullei- ister of said County to Peter Wurkheiser and Williain II, Cool w ho rcsidu in the name towiwhip. Ail persons having claims nr demands against tho estate ofthu dersdenl are reqiicjtrM topresent tlioin ror beiiiemenl and thoso indebted tn maku payinent w ithout delay. PIS l'lllt WlSltKHLItilSli, WILLIAM. II. COOL. Anril IS. leci nt. Adm'n. STOVE AND TINAVARE SHOP. ... . i i jnr.,.m tlm ..lti-...,... Ar , rpim lllllierjipili-il "on'.. ... ... mh J iiioiiiusbiirg and i kinlly. that lie has Just ru aV clved nnd offers fur sale ono of Iho uiojlexteiisiM! 1Sl5 iissortnieiits uf COOU1NCJ mid l-'ANi V HTOVISrf ever Introdiii oil into this murket. Tlm (.hristopher Co illiiliili, James Itnbbuml lllobo are amuug tho llrst class conking ytoves.all or whirh tiro nir-tight and gits biirne r His Parlor stoves nro liand.oino and Hip iis.ortiuent va ried. ALSO-l'atticiilar attention is paid to l in-Wnrc nml llouso Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds of repairing w ill li done w ith neatness and despatch. ID- Country produce lalieu iu oxcliaiipe for "-l. 1 HLLll a. Illoo msburg. Muy lo lcC2. WASinxaTOK, Juno 11. Advices re ceived at the War Department state that General Jackson's army attacked General Shield's advance on Monday morning, near Port Republic The conflict is Baid to" havo been maintained for four hours by about two thousand of our men against tho main body of Jackson's army. The cucrny's force became so ovcrwhol mingin number that our advance was com polled to fall back, which it did in good' order, until It met tho main body of Gen- oral Shield's command near Conrad's store. As aoou ns this was effected tho enemy in turn retired. The fighting is said to havo been very severe, and tho loss heavy on both sides. No further particu-ars have reached this Department. Gen. Ashiiv, of the Black Horse Caval ry notoriety, was positively killed during the Gsjltt at tho bridge over Middle river. MRS. DEMOREST'S Quat'tcrly minor of Fiishious: Great Improvements. TUP. Summer Number w ill contain four largo nhil spl'Miilid fashion plates, three full lined patterns, lomprising the New i'rencri Wnin.nn eh-gaut Sleeve, and .Misses bark, together with nearly J till engravings nf all tho novelti.'s fur Hummer llotinets, Cloaks, Trim mings, Children's Dresses, etc., and valuable informs.', tiou in inillint-rs, drcs makers, mothers, and ladies generally, presuming Iho largest and best fashion Mug aziuu iti'the Wnrld, published -Till Hrondwm, and sold uvervw here afji cents, or sent hy mail free, oil receipt of tliu ituioiint. Yearly SI Willi tlie following valuable premium. ISach yearly subscriber will he entitled to tho selec tion nf 50 cants worth of plain patterns from tlio des igns in the hook, or from Iho show room, or they may In; nrih-rcil and sunt hy mail any timer during Iho year, hy paying the po lagc. Iplcliuiil llliiuceiueuis in uuiivusf rrs. Biiuiiiier number will bt ready on or about the first of May. May 3, lfC2-3iv. COUGH DROPS ' COUGH DROPS' M EVISP.V body uses lTtONCFIULDS' COUGH DROPS-. It acts promptly sometimes arresting the worst cottl in 24 hours. Iu all iiUVctioiis of llio Chest, Thrbutv whether niutu urchrotiic it will be found of iinmedialo benefit. Try a single bottle and you cannot fail to ap preciate its usefulness. For S.ik' liy most nil Storekeeper, and Druggl.ts. Prepared by C. I'ltONT.Fir.l.D, No. 317, N. 3d. St., Philadelphia. 1 Nov. W. 1?(11 3tn. & D .B, BAJTS, Printer. Ilookbimler & illaniibook M ANUFA C TU R. E It , WllOI.ISttX AMI IiETllt. DKALEn n rr.INTINd, WHITING AND WUA1T1NC rATER. ACl'ST IOU TUB CATAWISSA TWIT. MILL.. Main Ptrt'i't, first doorbelow thu Public SpuatD, WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov.ea, l?fil12m. GILL & PAUL (icutrnl Commission Merclianls, UKALlllS IN I'iih, Provisions, I'lour, llutler, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits, (iriiin, Heed.,, Whiskey, Wool, Country 4'roduco ami Merchandise generally. No. 31 North Wiiakvls, I'liiMtiriPiiu. T Consignment, of Provisions, Flout atd Ccimtr Produco solicited, and return, promptly made ('a. .irh'sureH when desired OHDI P.H for all kind, of I'lrh I'rnvtslnn. Flciir, in this maiktt Hindi roils fcr plleil Al Uic low ci I a.hi tlcei utu.l 1, 1-W J3m ,. l A C XI rjnNTLl'.MUN'.-Tho siihseriher will send (freo o charge) lo till who desire it, Iho Cecipo nnd .liiectioits lor iiinKlug a simple vrgciauin ii.-iiut, inai wiu.iii mini two to right days, reinin u Pimples, lllotclies, Tun, I'reckles, fallow ncss, mid all impurilies and riMighncs.i ofthe Skin, leaving tho snine us Nature intended it. sitoniu tie sou, cnnir, si,iihi, mm ti-.,uitiui. inosu . . ,c. de.irinifiliellefiiio. with full instructions, directions, niooinsnitrg. Mnrcn lt, ifo nml advice, will please call on nrnddress (with return - " " '-Kmrnmi po.tace,) TIIOA 1". CHAPMAN, , NOIl'Jb Practical Clitmitt. May 17, jers-Snt. 831 Ilroadway. New York. Opposite Hit Court llovieand nnt doorto Dtwrat OffiO The undersigned, respectfully inform, his friend, and customers thai ho ha. opened AXFII'BllillF.R Slior Iu Court House Alley, next door below thi Ofllco of the Columbia Democrat, w hero ho will ho happy to wait upon nil customers, nml from lougripcrieiicu ami strict attention to business, lie hnpesto merit und receive n liberal sharo nf public putroiiase. UT All thing, heru "done in deenncy and In order." i nu.,1,10 i.ivw,, LEATHER! LEATHER 1 ! ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber. In nnj way, aro respectfully rcnusited to make immediate settlement and early payment, 1 must have Th.,.n ..In, hnvM enlitsmt torn, credits. Ills rrM(i;iini!rrsignriiwouti! announce, thai no ins on nana j.00a, wli not fail tocall and settle without delay. J. nt his Hat and Cap lTiiinnriuni.Vui Main St., Ulooins- ' W.M. FltiT.. burg, ah assortment n iiMK'renl Mini or leather, inch n. tlno calf skins moroci'ored nml blacK) amt lining., all ct which ne win scitcneapcr man can nc nan itieniicre lv,,.n i tjt awcjM this maiket can mm nemtne mem tor ynur.eire. jjmviAivu i uiihh i JOHNK filUTON Dloomiburs.May "t 186i. Ofan-etllle, Va , My3, leC3-lin BLANKS ! Of every description, for sale at this office (1I EVANM, 10,000 I'BIMIIK, X wr' Ciirili irr Hour! au W PrM0l Muml.Kl,fcl b, Um -UA. .- SS .U.L.M. Uu.. ,1 Ik. Iu. ri.ssLis isiTiTvts ...r. kj' A ti.u e.M If. A , KilibslM. ..... 1? J" P,liS. CH, .nri I-..SI. O 'r.' .,.C3lt T TV...-J r,J. r iu.,.1. " 0 lh.,iW.l)ltffl'll".r..ilI-ll. " ror. I.lbrsry. rOlTlfTII ST. KVw August I", le8t. Slmcitirau H0'- (Opposite. Jnaeemtenec Hall,) Oil I2STN UT S'ITt C 1ST .15 1ST W rSlSN FI FTII U 81 XTI1 PHILADKI.PIIIA. WYATT li lintJI.INC.a. 'rrrit. November 30. 1501. March 13, IBS. NATRON A COAL OlLt WARKANTISn NON 1SXPL031VF.I and I'Tial tn any KISUOS1SNF.. WIIV buy an explosivo Oil, when a few- cent, net per jailor, will furnish you whh n perfect Oil t Made aiilibf PA SALT MANlTACTIlUINf! COMr.VNV, No. 127 Walnut Ptreet, rillL,UI.PlllA. Fthy.Vl, l.ii3, I yotr. .1. V. M U Si 15 It , (Huccc.&ot to J, 8. SORVER.) H1WI.F.SALF. Dl'.ALEU IX TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. a North Fifth St., tiborn Market. FIlILAlUSLnilA, Also, Mdniil.i- turrr sud Importer of FOREIGN A DOMHJTK1 May P1, li-fO l"u