COLUMBIA HIIOIJIIAI, an John (3. Freeze, Local Editor. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 7, 1062. 5WWo nro informed that Mr. .T. K. Bbarpkss' Etablo ami sovoral outbuildings wifti tbeir contents hi Cattawissa, wcrocn tfrcly destroyed by firo on last Monday. , :o; CQy Tlio week Ins boon ono of heavy Jtorslatont and oontinuod rniu. In some felpccts more than was needed, but in any tuftl invalitablo. In somo localities there scorns to bavo been a strong and destruc tive, wind. " ' C The two abolitionists who wcro fe licitating themselves at-tho Post Offico the othor day, upon the probablo defoat of 'Gon. McClellan at IUehniond, and eleva tion of John 0. Fremont of "Woolly Horse' notoriety aro not likely to bo gratified "Little Mao" is all right death both on " Soecs.Mon and Abolition.'' RECEIPTS If OR MAY. ro Titn COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro the receipts to the ofiico of tho Oolumiita Dhmociiat, during tho month of May, 1802 ! -:o:- CiSrTho Atlantic Monthly for Juno clo nes tho volume. The number is unusually blity, nnd Ins tl o well known pecul ariti' s and contributors. Somo new features and matters aro promised for tho opening vol ume1, beginning with July, and now is a favorable time to subscribe. 83,00 a year. Tioknor & Fields, Publishers, Uoston. ',';It is vory much to bo regretted that the prosont publishers should lend themselves to tho moit treasonable schemes of the most radical abolitionists. Of tho fifteen nrtic loi ia the last number, half of them a re either directly or indirectly political and abolition. Mr. James T. Fields, tho Ed tor, who is a gonlleman, a ,poct and a t-cholar, and who should know bettor; scorns ito'havo imbibed the idea that Boston is the'Untted States aud Now England, the world ; and is narrowing his magazine to tho.' prtjudiocs and heresies of that local! ty.(( Dutcvon ho must have boon asleep to hiyc admitcd the article "War and Liter nturo'' full of and made up of tho most radical and anti-constitutional teaching. And that very amiable Kcntletnan who .labors to trlozo over "tho horrors ofSau Doiiiinno," glorifying Fremont's Procla mation, and sneering at tho "rccoii'itruc tibnists," as he seems that party which is forithc Union uiul the Constitution. We hope in the volume to open with July, . Mr.'-Fields will bo n little more wide James H McNIncli Mrs II (liriiou II. A Swepoiihlso ll.uil 'l NnliarJ Henry lless inane Hi ss Win Unwell , l'.liJMi U tktlcr J M Pry l'olor 1 1 c I 1 k John Kline I'.sq . Sampson Hills Jacob A Swisher Lewis Hrkrntli John Dlctterick, Esq. John I. nro, Alexander Mourn Kit of Geo Hollciibach 1 .Maybcrry Snyder John Mordrui 0 ShUmmii Kjq , Reuben llninboy M MCC K ,11 II John Ilrobst Mn Peter PKHno AOMcnsch list John 0 Kinney Sheriff l'urman Joshua Wonicr llnoch I'm John ltriMon, Esq., HsfofJ V Musgravo UT Dawson (J A Wir,, i:,q., George llartmnii Himiivl W llartman John .Miller Uli Junes 915 3"i Columbia county 17 .10 SO Sidney Slater (.0 i no iii.n itiTi:nt a S'i 3 4 , I b ' i n r RUIZ 1 00 I Wl Jacob Lyorlv, V. , I) bfl 1 III Ikliry Delnng, 1 (Id 1 to Hiiinuoi tinectit.ucli 2 ::o 1 7ft HcirgiiK Hess 1 75 1 HO JeSF'l MllllMinil Sll 1 in Mary llarklry 1 on in John M. Milter 1 An 3 (ill John Ileun, Jr.. 2 CI 1 .10 James U Maxwell 3 Oil ".1 llcv Hdw Murray 1 SH I 78 J II Itnriniin 3 7.5 1 .VI Isaac tkilor 3 i 3 .If) Win P fit.. I'.sq.. 13 3.i I redcrick Hahucr 3 in 1 50 lotuii Kisncr. 'J Oil 1 00 RtiimMllvirctt 1 O'l 0 50 Thos llmw n (llarbcr) W) 2 W' 11 II I Ittlo, llsq., " (i OH 3 01 II Stoncr S O'J 1 75 Crosby, Nicholas, Lea I 50 tt. Co., 1 7.1 1 01 I'ctcr I'm 1 00 3 (Hi Charlcp lluelica li 00 1(1 0(1 Noah Mailer, "J 50 a W llanlcl Vociim, 1 Oil 1 7." Io, I. Shannon 1 75 S 71 HiMMaryU Anderson 250 3 7i l.ovl Cox 1 41 1 m Harry Kliirlr 1 50 7.'i Andrew Cromtcy 3 00 1 Sll John littcnkirk 1 00 - SI 5n Itlilinril riiimmcr 1 00 1" lohn Join's 1!M 5 "ii IVter JoiiCh 1 M The Secret Out ! Cf"Will our friends remit their subscrip tion money to us by mail. Our necessities aro especially pressing and wo must bavo monoy. Wo shall sincerely thank you, friends and patrons, for au early remit tance by mail. Special Notices. IN JUHSEYTOWiN", And supposed approach of the Itchcl Army. am, or which was ritonrcrn nv tub AKKIVAl. 01' A I'l l.l, AND COMI'l.UTU APrfUltTMlINT 01' II W fiOOBS, Of Every Variety and Style at fJic NKW 1'IUM or MILL E 11 & S W I S II E II, in jr.iisnYTow.v. Havingjint received our Sprint; Stock, from tho HaMrrn Markeln, wo fed iletcriiilncil to sell (iondu at a little luwcr jirifcs than thvy can tic purchased ilcl.cru. OUH MOTTO IS "Small Profits and Quick Uttiirm," ir7Tlioiubllr nro ropoctfully nollclti-il to call and r.ainlin(imrti'rk boforJ punhasliiK eluulii re, up wo i hnrfc nothlnj; lor ihuning our goods, l'roduce of all kinds taken Tor (,'oods. MILM'.ll & BUlSIIi:it. Jerscytown, May 3. 13(12. ILLUMINATION IN ORANGE VILLB. "1 FILE Sll A Rll IV A L -or- W&mWEWM -ron- ill SHIR! "PIIKiinoVMlsniMt, grntcrnl for pat patronacc, resport iiuty iiiiuriii nil. riMTIIL-ri lliui lur IMlllllKL'rni'rnll that ho iinjiut rcculved from tho Ilnsterno citloa iiirgesi ami nni.i select siorK ot SPlllNO AND SUMMER ally , tli tiJ 3. M. rETTENGILL !t Co., No, 37 Park How, Now York, mid (i Statu Plni't, Huston, nro our Ap.cnls for thu CVumlm lhmntrnl, in thosu rules, and aro Ml llmrlzcil to tuko Advvrtiseincnti uud Hnli.crlilioiiB for us at our lowest rates. TO CONSUMPTIVES. TIIK nitvertlrr. bavin; hen ratorfl tr lialth in few wi'ckif, liyii vory Rimpli rumetly ,nft'r huviti niilt-Tt'd Kcicral yrar"" with a ioveni lung nllection, ami thftl drotiit (!in'nj, CniiHtiniptlntiN atitinua t malto known tn fit a fellow uHvrfr" tin' means nftnru. 'I all wliculpstro It, ha will sctiil a roy of the prr-t-rrlptt'n n-'cd (t'rri nf clmrpc)' with th dlrortiuus fmr iirnni liiftiiiiil iinliti? thi Niiiiii. i It i r ti lliPV will fin it ti euri ntru for Conitniiiptinn. Apltintu, itronrhltlfi, Kc Thf only olijert nf tli'j ailvfrtif r in i tnting thu I'rn-i srrf ptlon i to l)"ii'i(U th alllirtfti, and vprnuil infurina- j tinn which h t'onccivcH tn ho iiiviiliiaMu, and lif hnpri fviTy (tiiirin'r will try hi ri'moily, as it will cost tlipin noihinir, and tiny nrovc a hiiylu . J AMrrcH iiinii; iu pri'rriiiiinn win picnsn nmiress Itcv. r.DWAItll A. Wll.ON, Willl.nni-biirtlli, May 17, 1-tii thu Kin county, New Vorlc, That his yet been opened in lllonuibur;, to which he Inviti'K thu attention of liis friends, and nssun-a them that they are oireri d for salo at great bart'aiils. His Stuck cuinprin's a larfju no.niiuii'nt f oiiNTiiUJinx-a wiiAniNo aitakih,, Ousistitir; ol FAsinosAri.r. Hat n (.'cuts, of every lies, rrlptliuii I'.inls, Vets, Shirts, L'ruvats ftucks, Cotton llaiulkurchiefs, (Jloves, Suspenders, itc. GOLD WATCHES A N II At Fritz's Store, OHANOEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. rVin undersigned lias juot received a K brse and s'diif aortinenl of cholra Spring nnd Bummer (loods, which will ho sold cheap for cah or rnuntry produce. Ills stock consiils of Ladies Dress floods, choicest styles ami latest fashions. , Calicoos, Muslins, Oingbanis, Flannels, Uarpots, Sb awls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINTS FROM 7 TO 12J cts A iTAHD. Cassimcrs, Satinets. Cottonrdcs, Kentucky Jeans, Tbread, .S'C.J READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, (jucenswarc, Ccderwarc, ! Hardware, Medicines, Oils, Paints, &o. EOOTS Si SHOES, II ATS Si CAPS. IiiFhnrt I'verjlhiiiK usually kept In n country rloro. The patronage of old trends, and the public generally, is soliiited. May 3, lSHa WILLIAM KRIT7.. Treasurer's Sale OF UNSEATED LANDS. AIIURI'.Alll.Y to Hie provlslom of nn Act of Assem bly entillod nn Act directing thn inndo f telling Uiineati d l.'iuds fur taxes, nnd for other purposes, pass oil tho 1.1th day of.Marrh, IHI7, Will day of March, iej I mid lull day of March, IHJ7, tho Treasurer nf tho rounty of L'olunibla.lierchy ghes notice to nil pel sons concern ed therein, that unless tho Co,, linud, Cchool, poor and Htato Tacs duo en tho followl"is tracts or Umnatcil Lands, siluntn In (.'olumbia, arn paid In lure tin- day of sale, tho whnlo or such parts of each tract as will pay tho taxes slid n st rhnrgeiiblo thereon, will bo mill nt tho COURT liul'-r. In lllooiiisburg, county of (.'oliiin till. onlliQ Uth dav nf June Ifii'J. belus tho second Mon. day, aud to In! continued by adjournment, from day to day for arrearages of tates duo said county, nnd tho costucrriicd on each trait respectively. ' WARRANTEES OR OWNERS. iikxto.y rirr. OWNERS Oil REPUTED OWNERS lean JEWELHY, Of every description, due and cheap. N. II. Ilciiieiiiber " Loictitbrrg's Clienp I'.mporium." call nnd see. No ehurgo for vxnmtng (ioorls. DAV1U LOWI'.N'linUR. Illonmsbiirg, Mmch 2'J, lcG'J, (.lue Ic.VI.) Look to your interests. F A a II 10 X ABLE CLOTHING FRESH .'Hi RIVAL OF mn mmmm, awake. -:o:- -i tt.fifZfMrs II"iiry Wood's now story "A .Life'H secret,'' is just issued by T. 13 Pc ttc'rson Sc Rrotlioi-.s, Mr-'. Wood is crca 'titiglnii intense excitement an.on reader. 'of-fiction. Tbis is thought to bo her best work and is got up in good stylo by the '.publisbors. -t6y" It is a matter of mrpiiso to some ,psrsions who bavo not looked clo.sely at the matter, to sou the perfect accord existing . between the Secessionists and Abolitionists. "Tho Seccsrioniits bate McClellan and Hal I6ck', so do the Abolitiocistt, tho Secess ionists aro gratified at tho abolition of jSlavcry in the District of Columbia, the .Abolitionists are delighted therewith tho Secessionists prohibit the publication in 'tho South of the late Democratic Congres ' Kionai Auiires, ami tuo Abolitionists in -the 'North abuse it without stint or mca su'ro tho Abolitionists glorify Hunter and .Fremont, and the Secessionists aver that 'every Emancipation proclamation strength cns tbeir cause tho Secessionists desiio Congress to pass ewecping Confiscation and Emancipation bills, and the Aboli tionists aro clamorous for tho samo acts nnd laws. It is a little remarkable, and 1 1.. ' 'tho explanation h that both parties desiro to destroy tho Union and subvert the Con stitution. For says Governor Johnson of Tennessee "Abolition is Secession !" :o: Disini' AciE.vrs. As tho warm weather approaches, our citizens should thoroughly clcauso their premises, rondoriug them as pure and healthy as possible. There aro a number of tlisinfcc 'ting ogents which will be found efficacious iu removing offeusivc smells from damp, mouldy cellars, yards, pools of ttaguant water, tlecaytng vegetable matter, cct. Eithor of tho followim; will answer tho jpurposc, while they cost but a trifle: I. One pint of the liquor of chlorido of .Kino, in one pailtul ot water and ono pound of oblorido of lime iu another pailful of water. 0.1ns is, perhaps, tho most cuectivo of anything that can bo u.-cd, aud when thrown upon decaying vegetable matter of nny description, will effectually destroy all ofl'ensivo odors. 2. Three or four pounds ;of sulphate of irou, (copperas) dissolvtd in n .pailful of water, will in ninny cases bo 'Bulfidiont to removo all offetisivo odors, a Chlorido of lime is belter to scatter about damp places, in yards, in damp collars, i and upon hoaps ot hltn. ron FALL. The dd-estnlillshed wiuti; iiai.t. rr.oTiiiNo nAZAAn, at the southwest comer of rOI'IlTIl AND M.MtKCT BTKHtlTri. Isliow prepared w ith a nn. i. Krooic or l'AsiiioxAm.n nnAtiv madi: CI.OTIllN't! l'OU I'AI.I, AND WINTCIl WllAIt. at prices which challenge competition. I'lirtirular attention given to fii-tomcr H ors, Oiriccra I'liifurius, alio Home (iunrds' ruiti, &c. wiiii'i: iiai.i. ci.oriii.Ni: iia.aau. fntitliW'-st lornerof rOUIlTIt AMI MAltKIlT fTHl'.r.T.-. I'UTIIIl r. l.l'.VIci:. Proprietor. N'ov. IP, ltfil. . (May 1, 1SCI l'Jni.) Uniformity of Tricci I A N'ew I'eaturoln lluslness Cren'iit Unii l'riee C'liUhiug More, ,'o. SJ1 Jluiketitree Mxth, riil'irb plila. ii irl'i 1 1 1 mi to having iliu lantern, most varied and favhionable stork of t'liUliiiig in I'liil.iilelplii.i, made i x- prely for retnil mlep,, liuvu rointiluti'd every one his ir.Mi o.ilrsmnn. by Iriviug iiuulieii 111 iigure-., oie'ich ar- lirln nt thu, very Inwo-t price it can Im sold for so th"y uinnni pns-iu y vary nn iiiun ouy auitn. i ii'i gnotiH are wi'ii pollgell uiio prepareii, ami r"ii p;ii ii taken Willi tin- making so thai all can buy w itlithe full afsuraueo of g.'ltmg a good article lit tho cry Ion l price, .vi-mi, a large -.toeii ot piere coous on iianu.oi the latent nylo and best qualities, liitli will b' made to order, In le limit f.ishionahto and bott uiuiiuer, -J per cent., b.dow credit prices. itemeiiioer llio Lruacunt, in .M.irKCi,aiiovn r-uiu pin ei No. sill, JON'I.S fcl-'O, AT MILLER &EYER'S. i ritllU subs-ribers have just returned from tho City JL With anoihcr largo nnd select nssortmct nf purrlnodat l'hiladtlphla, at the lowet figure, and wliit-h they are ib ti ruino'd to si II on asiiioderatc terms ran be procured elscwheru in DlooniKburg. Their ' htoek comprises I iioii:v Hints noons, of ih'iii-i-t sljles and mtest i.isitmn. Ditr goods, .1KD aitocr.itir.s. II 1UUIVWK iUr.KXalMlti:, cr.n.ui ir.utr., hollow u'jiuh mo:,; avj.v, hoots s,- siioi.x itht. & rail's, itc . f-c. &r.. very one liis own riali'sunu I Jl)?Ji;a & CO. if tho i In hort cv r Ihiug usu.illy kept In rnuntry Stores J tnwhlih ui-y in He tin' pnoue generally. Thu llighvstpriiu aiJ for country prodnci. Mll.l.Ull & CYHtl. Illoomsburg, April en, lfC3. cash is mm LOW PRICES ItULE! M t'reasy's Storn, in Light Street, Pa. Flit ST OF THE SEASON1 ALL 111 OF GOODS! Jttrtl (0 an US a? IK) 1(H) tU'.l l.VI H7 UK) lllll ii'l AD SIM IM '.'IM '.W 11 I lrll ii" 4J7 !M II) .10 150 bl) 1.1 J5 7 ami vo no :i2D :i.u aid :um :m :ii i) IU) t 37J 3J7 -.177 John Young ft Co. UR.UTM. Andrew Clark, Harnli A. l.'aiillrnn, Isaac Davis, do do Anthony Davis, llctijniiiin I', Krick, John Uraetf, Mann (c Itoat, I'.lns Miller, (leorgu Nungesstr, lleorgu Xoyer, rrnnkllu S'hiiinan, Aloses .-clillclicr. Peter Ynhe, dee'd, I.uwls I'ilger, William Htuunrt, William Orcy, DtitAncnr.KK. Jesse Ilowman, Beth II. Ilowman. Chri'tnpher llendcr Lewis iieiuler, Niititati tlench, W. J.T.CIemin, Philip Freas, John I'rens estate, Andrew I'rens, (lilbcrt I'owlcr, John Pnrkcrson. Daniel tieyhert, do do Joseph Sharplcss ft others J. II. Young's estuto Daniel 1 Heybert, Oeorgo Ashtnii, Pelcr Dehaven, Joseph Jordan, unico l.owndcs. D E S I It A Y, L ST0CK1 E STYLES ! NEW ARRIVAL OF mis: and umnics IL"TIIUMAS W. MATTHUN, llecnlved tts.i Prize Medal at tin) World's l'air iu London, lorTKL'NK.". (JAIil'I'.T llAtlrt, Hoots, pboe and (Iiiiih. (Ireat induce. ni"hls arn now oil. Ted to purcliaers nt tne uijov e nrli- cli's, 'I'lii i; mueli tlie largert to k o tiunki, Carpet ll.tgs, Viiliivs.Acc., iu I'liiliiilelphi.i very rh.'.ip f'irinh Ko, Ui .vurKol Htreet. ono uoor annvo nil, souin stun .Miumtv I'llfortMs There Is, perhaps, no depart nient of military busine-s in wliiih there Inn bien a1 more marked improvement lliau in tho clothing of sol- diiTs. Not main yearn since nllners and private ero cl. nl in garmi'iits" which worn almost skintight. They HoreTeallmr atuck", which wi ru worthy oftlio uaiii", lor the kept thn wearer ill tribulation ; wliilu their padded I l.rl,ats and tight (decves iii.nlo volition a matter uf great dillictiliy. During the (iru'ctit war, such of our vltili-1 leers a procure their uiiiforins at the lirown s-'tono I Clothing Hall of lloikhill As WiNon. No. UKl and I'M' Cli-stiiut street, iilmvo r-ixth .'hiludclpliia, obluiu rn-I thing that is perf.'it'y easy, stibrtniitial and hemming. I The linn iiaiue'l have gone largely into tin business of nuikiiig Mllitiry Clolhin;!, and th-ir firilities enaldo thuiii to fill tint latgest unljr iu the sliort-bt porsible ' time, - 1, 1SH1 The Monitor 'ON 10 EICUMOND' J, J. BROWER, Has just received and is now opening bplendul assortment ot AT PETER ENT'S STOltE, i.v Linnr srmxT, colvmiua ciuxrr, r.i, HA!' jit-1 received from Plnlndelpliia, and is now opening at tho old i.tnnd lute y oecupicd by .Mart. ic I'.m, a splendid assortment of which will be sold rhenp for CASH Olt COUNTRY PRODUCE. His slock consli-ts of Ladies Dress Goods choicest styles ami late-l fashions. Calicoes, Jlulins, Ginghams, I'launol, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING Cassimcres, Satinets, Cotlonadcs, Kcntiicl;y Jeans, Thread, ka. G loeories, Quccnswaro, Cedar ware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ROOTS & SHOES, HATS Si CAPS. Iu short every Ihlng usually kept in a country storo The patronage of old irieiids, and the public general ly, i reipi illully eoimted. The highest nurket price paid forcounlry produce. PLTI'.ll L'NT. Light Street, May 3, lSU'J. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ei late of hlicr M. Giuglcs, deceased. "pjOTIUK is hereby givun Hint lelten of Admiuistta-J-l tinu on hu eulo nf Ashcr .M. (Jingles, latu of JMaiiiotp, (.'olmnhiaio., dee'd, have bun granted by Ihe.lleglHi r of fin J county to r-'nrnh Jane (iingles iin m'j' Mai nn town hip, and James ri. McNiuih wlm resides ill ("allawiss.i Inwiiklup. All peri-ons lint nig flsimsqrjdeinands against Hie ottalu ol Ibo decedent ure rcnuestiid to present them lor Bililemeiil, and thoao indebted U nuke payment vt Ilhnitt d?J;jy 1 J,vili;ri. !ur,MMi Groceries, Ilardwaro,Quecnswarc, Cedar ware, Maekeral, Cheese, etc., which will be sold at llie loutl liguro for ready pay, lbs Dry Goods wmists in part of Fino Cloths, Black aud Fancy Cassimercs, Fine Opera Cloakiugs at 1,50 per yard Stella Shawls from 1,50 to 7, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep herd s Plaids ; Printed Chalios , Em broidered Madounas, Embroidered Mozauibiquos, Poil Do Chevrcs, etc, etc. Calicoes at G, 7, 8, 10 and 13 cents. Muslins, ono yard wide at 12 cts. Skeleton Skirts, from 00 cents to 82,00. HIS GROCERIES consists in part of bet white sugar at 12J cents. A. No. 1 Syrup Molasses, 00 cents per gallon. Ladies' and chililrcns' higli-liccled boots and gaiters a full assortment. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eight day, and thirty hours, 1 ii- 2 Mac turd in Quarttrand Hal! Hamlx. COAL OIL LAMPS. A fplendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams choan. i....c.... 1 J A J. WAItM'.ll. ProfesMir nl I'raclical and Oinaineii rjty vv.uui jiiuui Kit" uujm, rniu , HmMv, coiniueriial Calculations uud Corres and thu nr.AUTY or it all ia we can AND WILL SKLL AT Ui TV F fiS II t! E S, CALICOES, MUSLINS, ' SILKS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS, licady-Mado Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Dacon, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Sffgars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, Drug!, Oils, Paint?, Sec, Sio. We have a large assortment of lllack and I'aney Silks which we are selling at reduced pticcn: lllack tfiiks for B7J cent", worth 8L1J1. also fur 81,00 wortli 81,25. Wo aro selling our bet prints for cents per yard, Hie iKst in the markit, all ftstiolors. A yard wide uulileaciied muslin at lv'l cents euual to New .Market Three quarter jard wiJo unbleached muslin at 8 toll) cents ,-t yard, Iu addition to our large stock of Dry Goods, we have a large aud full assortment of ltcndy Madu Clntliiug lor Vii'ii and Hoy wear which wo are determined to sell cheaper tli hi can he bought elsewhere. Call and see, and Jadge for yourselves, II. W. CnUASY & CO. Light Street, Pa , April 20, lbC2. Biscl's Old Stand, 'pilC sulKcribjr has received his HPIIING STOCK Or J. 11(1011.-1. winch he oiTers at Utr price. To flut ter .Makers, he would say, bring It fresli and wo will pay an extra price, as to have n coiitractat FORTH ESS MONROE, which must be fulfilled, and wo can afford in pay nn extra price. Wc have iliniiged our Kvpress day to Thurslay. Persons having good veal and calves, w ill bring Hum iu on Wednesday evening oreaily nuTliuru day nwrnlj'g N. McCAY. Jcrteytonn, May 17. lFC2-3t. NOTICE. A LL persons interested are tferred to llio provision l of the .1th Kecliou nf an Ait of Assembly, pussed on , the i lou'iith day of April liVJ, us follows : I 'Six..'.. That it shall be tho duty of every city nnd I county 'I reasiircr to bus for the recovery cf all In i uses 1 duly r 'turned to him by the Mercantile Appraiser, if I not paid on or before I lie llrt day of July, iu each and j every ear, within ten days after that dute , and mud I Treasurer bhall not hn discharged from any siuh ljrcne I tinli-ss he brings suit to to recover tho same within said 1 date nnd presses the samu to judgment and execution ns soon thereafter as practicable, and pay the iimoiiiit I of all null licenses received by limi nun the f'l.iln ' Treamry, on or before Ihn llrst day of Octiiberensiiiug; iiur shall he reirive any consideration on such licenses, i miles liu makes navmeut as iiforesaid." JAMLrt f. McMNCII Triaiurcr cf Columbia Count!. TnmsunEK's Oiricf, j llloomsliurg, .May ai, )!. N05. HIXGII.VJirOS , COMMERCIAL COLLEGE HI.N0.1IAMTON, N. Y. All Institution to qnatiji young men for JJusiniss, W. LOWIII.L. Prinripil, Professor of tho Piiencu .1 J of Acrouiils, iiiithor uf Lowe.l'a Treaties upon llook Kieplinr, and Diagrams illiistraling the same, J.M. ItA.VKI.V. Ciiiimeitul Aeuoiiutanl, Profcssoruf Ilookkeeplug and Pr.ullcal .vlutheiuatlcs. Store Removed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL X Hat and Cap Store. The undersigned :cp-rtfully informs tho citizens of iiioomsiiiirg, tinu l lie puoiie in general, tnat no lias re .iiioved tho ,T.iy 11.1V A'V'O?:, into tho Iioiim-, on .Mam Hlreet, nearly opposite his lale stand, wlicre he has Just received a spliiidid assortmcul of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from Hie Manufactories, of nil kinds, styles, sorts uniUies, lutoi-t fiishiuus, whiih lie oilers wholesale and retail, at very low prices. L7 These Goods will be soldot very low prices tor ltcudy Puy. JOHN K CIltTON. Illoomsburg, April in, lt'CS. ADMlNIS'hlATtHljoYlCE Estate of bmaii Scltug, deceased. LI'TTEItij of adniini. trillion with Urn Mill annexed mi the L-laie of Suan Scliug, l.uo of fJcoit tiiwiii.hip, iu Cnlumbi.i county, l'enn., dcu'iised have been -ranted by the itegister ofColumbia county to the iin.ier'.iL'iie.l : all nersons having ilaiuu against thn es tate of the decedent are requested tojireseut thenito llie .VllUUIISiraiur l ins li'.iutniii ill piun .u,,iicnii, without delay, and all persons indebted to make pay. I ,..nt r.irllitvitll. rirrat scuuc, April I'.l, lJ0'.'-Cw. .MuV. rpiIK CONFESSIONS AND EXPEll- 8 ILN'Cllor A SUri'LUHll. Published as a war ning, and fur Hie especial beuellt of Vuung Men, mid 1 1,,,.,, .vim mirror with Nervous Drbiliti , Loss of .Miiu- nri-. I'reiniilliro llecav. 4iC. ti., &! by nuo Willi has cured hiniHilf by simple means, after being put togieat oxpuiiso uns iiicoiivenieiicu, inruiihM iiic uu u. unl ess nied u I lies prescribed by learned Doctor", riinglu ionics may he had of tho author, C. L. LAMIII.liT, l'.S'., (ireenpoint, Long Island, by enclosing u post-post ad dre.,cdo..vcl.e.rcCII ulL3 A m,UT (ireeupoiiit, Long Island. New York. .May 17, Iffi2-!iii. A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND jCJL (II;NTLI:MI'.N' Tho mibsrnber will send (free 7 4 a i 10 ir, hj 40 tu 1 10 200 200 dl CD 113 207 5'J .VI 1UII II .Id 2S .10 100 so 4U0 s 21 -lull so 200 5.1 51 153 iofJOO lofllll) iofJOl) lot.'IH) iof-JUU tofioii JofJUO ioflUll iol'.'Ul) Sof.iHI io!2U0 iot'IUO 13 27 10 20 20 175 2UJ to 300 n 127 ti 100 17 It 3.1 nj 10 i no 21 10 II 20 100 is to 21 30 US .10 liO mo IC..1 137 00 IM 30 205 Ol mm 73 2.10 200 17 21 51) 17 275 150 30 Dili. Cm. 18 00 18 .10 0 10 ta 1 ii 2 Hi 3 30 C M 4 07 2 07 4 117 .1 30 4 12 3 lid (I UI ' 3 till I 4 to 1 0 00 5 0.1 1 21 3 7S 3 Is.) 12 01 3 3d S 41 0 us 4 51 2 7S 1 01 1 SI IS n 2 37 4 25 Pit 00 7H CO C5 00 112 to 711 00 77 CO d tB 21 CO til 71 40 07 40 70 41) B4 70 67 15 12 24 3- 70 02 05 7d 3J 40 (IS 2 40 "S 31 225 01 2J5 01 51 00 1 77 72 00 21 07 131 PS 20 40 41 O'J 41 41 0 72 31 21 d 00 li UI) 4 1(1 Jltrtl M Kingston coal Co. 35 Lliaboth Hitter. ! Hot Illrnm W. I horntnn, I lot Lydla Wnlikh, nnit'Eii. 2D John V. Crlswell, 30 IMnnii llaldy & Criswell 3J I'rnnklln htewott & Co. 3i5l) 'P. ,M, llubbK 73 John llallnrd's heirs, 400 (Iiorgo A. l'rlck, .15 thilomot line linrt. 130 Charles & Cote, ih:xto.'. John Koonr, Andrew Pellows, Wllllim.McKcIvy, Jonathan Pennington, 11, D. ti J, 11. rUvattuout, nitMitcnr.KK. John Garileiihnusc, Josinh I'onler, I'.lizabclh llcliicy, tfnmucl I'. Ilcndlcy, do do David Klsner's estate, nldeon Hassli r, Joseph Low, William .McAficc, Wlllltiin Hmilh, John Heaver, Abraham Culp, Jnhn.Johtisou, John r-ejbert, Jucoli fluiror, lleub"n llower, Michael llower, Henry Murllncy, Wm Iddings, John AniWsoii's olt, Chnrles itrobst, Walter Cain, Lewis Dries' estate, Jnciib Hull bins, Abraham Deiterich, A. Heitericli & Torby Cyrii lloone. John W.Clark, cvi utinicy, oa A 511 30 IIS 72 34 25 112 lt',3 11 31 5 11 1 150 i .10 300 (0 25 3H O 31 No. 10 do 7 do I No, 10 II No, No. 12 11 J Jlllcliard Torby, 10 22 13 12 31 -8 50 34 31 1 12 1 (II "S 4 II to 1 20 2 10 .1 30 7 73 II 50 7 SI 4 03 2J 45 10 11 5 59 y id li i-i 9 Sirt 1 32 2 0J 3 37 1 07 5 03 Shot, Sea,, Sec. .May 31, lcG2-n, UlSf HAHAII J. GINGLI'.S, AJmr't. NOTlOi:. rsons indebted to tho subscriber, 'in iinywny aio if poctfully idpieKled to in.tko dldtc sclll ini-iil nnd e.till i.ijnv nt. lnuuthavo 'I'li'ix ho have i moved long crrdiis, ilia Initnull luniHjv hoped, will not fan tuc.ill and utile v ! Oiartg-'.,i I.t 1, l?r;,j,.i Hiniil ikl.iv W.M IKU, Come, see andjiiilg" for j ourselves, and you will bo satisfied ih.u limner's fl-iru at the Corner of Main nnd I run Plrei ts. is Hie place to pc(ih.iiit) Clieap Goods for C,ih or I'ounliy prodme Illooiu.burg, Ha) 21, IrtiJ. NOTICE. Notum: is hereby given, that tho under" signed has placed tint following named propeity in ciiiirg i i f ri.iiiinel Mnrr, ot H.-ull Inun.lllp, Coliiiubin county, during Ins pleasure, viz Cow, Pig. C ink Move. Clock, two Ileils and Iledding, Cooking t'leiisils, Tubbn uud Chairs, ('orner Cupboard. Ivilrlli'ii ( 'uphnjrd and one liiiieuil, uilhwhicli all per sons .lie forniddcn to meddle or inlrif i on pains of ,,,,JW'",""," WILKIN. Mn 'I I ' (UK). P. ItdWIl, Assistant Teacher in IVrmtnanship. i J. si. CtJKTIH, Assistant Teacher iu llookkeiping De , paitiuiul. Hon, I). WILL B DICUIN'SON, LL D Lecturer CoiiiiiKrcial 1,'iwund Political llcouoiiiy. Hun. li.i)M II.M.COM, mi Coutriicts Nnlesiniil Hills nf I'.xrhaline. Uev. Dr. II. ANDItHWrl. mi Couiuicrcial lUlilca. ol marge) to all whodesire it.the liecijio and directiona Inr making u iluiplc Vegetablu Halm, that will, in from two to eight d.iys, remove Pimples, mutches, Tan, I'n ekles, Sallowness, and all impurities and roughness iil'lhe Hkiii, leaving thu same -as Naiuro intended it tdinuld lie soil, clear, suiootli uud beautiful. Those .I..,.!,,,, iIia It, i-iiiii. u lib Coll lllktrurtious. dlrectliuls. I ami advice, will uleasu call on or address (uilli return Promissory I postage,) THOA 1'. CHAPMAN. .May 17. lSC2-2ni. P31 Urondway, New York. William Miller, William Porter, Daniel Hec60, Peter Smith, ltich.'ird Tunis, Wliiteiimn, John Warner, John Young, ltobcrt Jordan, Andrew Porter. 110 Thomas l'tistun, 3;0 .Mary itiiston, 3ii:i Lewis Walker, 3'J4 Johnston Lleaslcy, 100 (leorgu Ueckham, 30 Thomas Humes, 'Mi Thomas lliluhiiuer. ;iJl Knbert 1 1 iltztilinvr, 3-'l William Sliaiinun, 250 A111O0 Vickci"liaiii, 3 Division A., .Murliii Lands, 12u do II., du dn 35 do C, do du 411 I'.bcncser llranlmnii 1110 Peter llaiigliner, 42) Joshua tleam, llio John Young, 112 John Huston of 130 P.ixlon, Klinu & Sh.irplcsa I ill) JaiohTrien, 100 do do 20 37 fi-lup. l'oulk & Preston Retreat, 114 ll'Jp. Altemus &Co I 7-10 Samuel S. Altemus, I 0-10 J. Anspachjr.- ccvritK. S Bamucl AchenbaiU 5 llenjamin Ancbach, 4 Jaiob llond. William I'ritz. Jacob Good, George Harinan, Ihnaiiuvl La7.,uii", Dlias Ilecs, CiTTJlimSJl, Solomon Helwl;, Schiuicli & llrobt, Fll.iXKLLV. Jeremiah rindier, L'lijuh ileynolds d Co. J-7S.VOC.'L'CA'. William liuckalcw, l-'rers & llolfuiiin, .Michael Leiiiuus, Iblwnrd .Mcllcnry, William I'attersoii.s cstati Abraham Young, Daniel 1', Seybcrt, aitr.EXirooD. John Covanhnvau's estate. ImwicA He Wilt, James A. Hewitt's heirs, Saiuutl C. Longshure, ltobjrt .Montgomery's eslato George Reese, Jeremiah Wlutsoil. William Park, 1IF..MI.0CK. Nathaniel Camtibell, Robcit Montgomery 's estate, 15 JACKlOX. George Dills, Llius Holder, & Co. Abraham Ilidler, .McCatl's heirs. New hard Si Colder, William Stephens, .OCt'iT. Thomas llillingteii, Samuel John, do do William Saycrs, Wright ungues, Slary Myers, Diniel Reese, Mnry Huston, Charlotte ltiislnn, Jullli Heynolds, Thomas Huston, .Mary .Myers, Daniel Uccc, .Mary Huston, Charlotte Huston, John Reynolds, Thomas itualon, M1FFL1X. George Prown, Jacob HarUcI jr. .Marshall G. Kinney, Geo. Longeiibergcr, Abrahiiin .Mattellcr. Peter Miller, Georgo Nungesser, Jaiob PM'ppcnhi''cr, Peter Yohu's estiile, Thomas Lemon, .V.1DISO.Y. William Hills, Robert .Montgninery's estate, William G ingles, .MA1XF.. Iloyd U Pavtnn, Henry & Jaiob llaiiman, lleiijaniiii P. Prick, Jereiiiiah I'liichor, George Longenhergrr, Henry O .Miller. C . P. .Viinii, Lsq , Isaiah Shiimaii, Joshua Webb, 2d, .Ml'. ri.F1S.1XT. Paiuuel lloone, William lb era, aiuucl iMelick, John Melick, oiiAxnr Peter Hellas sr. rixi:. Malhian Appleuiau, Thomas D.n is' estate, James Lot kurd, Lew is Schu) Icr, Sainuel Snyder, Vullershauip's cstato, iio.iiuxavnKF.K, Peter llaiigliner, 3 0!l Thninas Harnesjr., 3 ID Part of John lliMuii, n 18 Isaac Liuville, 5 ml iMiiiei i,evuu, sr., o in jucou rrieu, J v.i & James lluckalew, 10 50 llenjamin 1 nlu's heirs, I 54 Goss' Lst.ite, II 2J Conrad llut.s' estate, 7 ot John I.01 kard, 10 50 Aaron l.uu is, 1 PS Robert Montgomery's estato, 13 lit do do 11 (Hi Leinuil Robert", 2 20 Vuruh June Roberts, 3 in Jailing ShulU, 5 50 Abraham Young, 5 AO tlloiiiuburg Iron Co, 10 3D William Stephens, I 18 Win. .Montgoincry. 2 III JA.MUS ti. Mc.MNCH, treasurer. Treasurer's Oltice, j Illoomsburg, April 3, IStlS. j 2 1 risuixacnF.EL'. 23 James Parks, t 0 Isaac Drum, 1 25 Monroe Mcrklo, 1 2J C) run I'm, 1 FIMXKIJX. 27 Isaac Richard, 1 1 Julia A, Crninley, 1 nnr.KXitvoD. 23 Sauford Gearhart, 1 2lots James Hampton, 1 11 Samuel C. Longshore, I MCA'SOA". 1 t)D Henry C, Hess, 3 to John Roberts, 1 M.1DISOX. 7 Caleb Tox, 2 M.11XE. 1 lot George Cardener, 2 3 Henry Koienhader, 1 3 Lucy r-tewurt, 2 .VO.YTOtM. 21 George Dtecher 3 1 L, Davis, 1 OUAXaiZ 1 lot Devnnport's estuto, 3 1 lot Jacob llvniis, 1 10 David Petler, I CO J. It. Morris, 1 4 Haiuuel Triinipore, 3 Y.Vili 1 lot J. Coauho nil's est. 1 I Ihli. Of. 5 00 11 03 2 00 2 50 0 35 t) .15 2 tfl 31 31 3 15 40 N) t4 1 02 07 3 50 1 35 11 VJ B3 2 4-J 1 4C 0 On .11 U2 8 1 70 P0 1 23 I (11 fll 41 1 SO r, 00 2 00 1 32 2 53 51 1 10 1 17 1 21 2 31 I 72 1 58 1 l'5 1 CO 1 tfl 1 78 2 03 War mJfews. ON TO 1UOHMOND. McCiclian's Victory 2 Brilliant Fighting of our Troops Four T.rtiblc Buyout Charges. Later News. 10 32 1 41 1 24 T 1 M GREAT LNM VICTORY ! TRIUMPn OF GEN. nALLECK 1 ! Ten Tlwusniul Ileitis, and Fifteen Thou- sand Stand of Arms Ca2)turcd, Joseph t'atlsey. 'ATI 10 Isaac Ilogart, 1 lot Adam Uobb, 70 Cox's heirs, 100 Chnmbcrlin ti Howr.s, 50 l'.iehii 1 Crossley, 105 Wm. l'.dgar, .10 Lull Parker, 31 Jehu II. Parker, 2,3 Tlios. (tnckhouse sr. 100 David & ,. n, Ith, 41 David SSwceny, jU J Samuel C. Longshore, 40 John Johnson, 50 llaiiiel Hlmlt.'j estate, 43 John siwecuy. xiir-niiir.nni. S0U riuoin"b'arg Iron Co. 1 1 40 Lav ina Colder, I JAM)::! 3. McNINCII, Treasurer. Treasurer's Otlice, ) Dloomsbiirg. April 5, It02. ) Qcfl. Ilallcclc's Department, or that paffc of it, under Gen. Pope, has passed iO miles below Corinth, completely breaking up Beauregard's Linc3 and captured 10,000 prisoners, and 15,000 stand of Rebel Arms. Glorious news indeed. s 05 1 Hurrah for McClellan, Ilallcck, and Popo- 1 M - . - jYicuiouan s Jtioaa tiuarters. June 2, I8G2. Wo bavo about 000 hundred prisonersj i nsiong whom arc several proniinet officers. I C 1 . . ,. , . o t7 1 jn ouuuay, as soon as u was aayiigut;, tho fight was renewed by General Sumner with marked success, lasting nearly tho whole day. The Rebels wcro driven at every point with heavy loss. '1 ho ground gained by Gen. Sumner was about two-and-a-half miles. General Hcintzlcman, On Sunday morn- l OR 50 1 oc 2 25 1 11 1 50 40 50 3 02 28 I 47 1 3 02 15 21 30 60 1 05 , 2 20 I I oi ing, retook tho ground lost the day beforo 'i 3u by General Casey. B Our loss in the two days cngngcment,in killed and wouuded, will amount to about U00O. A croat number aro missinc who 3 oo ! 'jn in 'o-i-tt. 'v ni v- hi MM AVyiAa tefc AAA v,VVXiX 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN Fixr.aor.n r.irr.ns, aor.u .ixn VF.Lvr.v Dr.con.irroxs, M.1Ul)Li: .1X1) 0.1 K 1) KCOH.1 TIOXS. xtiT .ixn iwr ciMy.r.n pa runs. F1.AIXAXD liiaaiir lummox r Arms, nviti)Fit, iiur. noAiii) 1'itixrs, STATUr.S, UUXUS, F.1C, ETC., Will be sold at greatly reduced prices, nl tin paper haugiii!! rooms of the undersigned Hi Judge Rupert's r-rore IIjusc, on Second street, a few doors below Mar ket. Alto Paper Hanging Executed In tho best style, at moderate prices and in quick time. U. J. THORNTON, Piloonisburg, May 3, 1602 3m. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Duubk SUcct, Forty-Eght Columns. i oi, will probably return, having strayed away. 58 All of the enemy's killed and moat of-hia 1 io wouuded fell iuto our bauds. The country in which tho battlo Was fought is swampy, with thick underbusb. Most of tho fighting was in tho woods. Owing to tho nature of the ground, very little artillery was used. Doth balloons were up nearly all day. Four sepcrato charges with tho bcCyouet were made dining yesterday. In one in stance the enemy wcro driven a' mile, during which 173 were killed by the bay onet alono Lieut. Worfhington, an aid to General Joe Johnston, was taken prisoners- Tho enemy's dead, left on the fieid, amoun to over twelve huudrcd. Gen. Havard was wounded twice in tho arm. Col. Millcr,of the Eighty first Pennsylvania, and Col. 2 13 10 II 87 1 00 10 II 2 4.1 20 70 5 03 5 50 4 II 7 70 li 00 li 50 II 110 li (HI ti t'U 3 It li lid li 50 fi I'll (I I'll 0 00 3 11 Oil 71 1 72 10 2 01 10 4 37 fi 52 2 01 7 03 CO 3 til 10 28 25 3 53 7 33 1 8.1 11 78 2 12 7 00 3 07 1 00 52 52 5 08 I 72 1 01 7 08 1 02 b no 2 17 2 III 12 40 ttiblisli'd every Morning, (Except Sundays,) by Wm, jl vv. naming, rso. i.i nnuiu mini sireei, nniuu. clplna, Pa. The GrcatC'-t new spaper of Philadelphia I The trying times of thn nation's history Hi which we live, reuuer u i,ivo newspaper! an nidispcntniue to every man who would keep himself informed of the important events which are tiauy transpiring. Is furnish a paper whiihwill meet the just o.xpi ctations ofthe nubile In such ti time us lite nres.'iit. reuuires an amount of labor and of extraordinary expense of which tlie community nt largu nave no conception, J Jle pub lishers uf I iitt: riitLAiir.Lrui.i ixquuiEn, . has spared no ell'orts or tnonny to inaku it all that it could be made. Hciilcs improving and strengthening the Inline torce during the pat year, siveral of III u best Reporters and Letter writers Iu the country h.ivo been sent, at great expenses, with tho Army and Navy, and bavo frequently given the public the first and fill I -ri-1 accounts by telegraph and by mail, of important F.VF.XTiS AT Till: SEAT OF IV .1 11. ' The Inquirer wns the first northern paper to eive the ticfount nf tho II Ml eras and Purl Hoyul victories, uud waslwelve hours in advancuof nnv paper iu the coun try, iu its publication of I In' details of the Hull Run llaltle. What Tile Inquirer has done, is but no earnest uf what will be done, iu order to give its readers and best uccouts cf every event of interest connected with THE (111EAT REItELLIOX, and nt the same time have it maintain its reputation ns tlie best general newspaper iu tho country. Tho increase iu the circulation of thu Inquirer du ring the year, is the bc-l evidence of the ext' iit to which Hip public rely upon it for the news of the day. Its circulation has averaged lor several months' past. OlT.ll Tim UUXDllEO TllOUSAXl) COPlESi a week, or nearly forty thousand a day : nnd it has, during the year, in times of excitement, renrhed over seventy thousand n day testing the capaiily of our fast press to tho utmost to supply the demand. It com. iiienceilihu New Year Willi new and beautiful copper faced type, and with renewed vi-ur unil activity in its Vews and departments. The Inquirer is independent in politics. CT Prices at which the Philadelphia Inquirer is fur-nislii-d : Single copies Two Cents, or twelve cents a weeki Duly Paper $4 per milium, in advance; Two months SI ; Tri-Weekly S4 All letters should ho d dressed to W.M. W. HARDING, Publisher. Inquirer Huilding, 121 South Third U - May 10, 1802. PillnntU'llu, Pv Rippey, of Pittsburg, wcro killed. Col. Campbell, of Pennsylvania, was wounded in the thigh, The Rebel officers, unable to rally their' troops this morning, bavo retreated bacb towards Hichmond. Our men have moved forward to Fair Oak, fivo miles from the city. JciF. Davis and Gov. Letcher were both at tho fight of yesten'. "" ADMINISTRATRIX- NOTICE. Estate cf riillf Tronive, laleof Scott ttxnthip, Columbia county deceased, ' "IVrOTICE is borcby given that Lctcrs of Administration on tho estate of Philip Tronsiie, UtQ of Scott lnwii-hlp Columbia county, deceased, havu been granted by the Register of said county to tho mi. dersigned. who resided in Hspy, Scott township, Co lumbia count. All persons having claims or demands again si llio estate of the deceudent urn requested to pre. sunt thein fur settlement, uud these indebted lo inaku payment without dilay. RUHLCCA'I RONSUI1. April 20-lfcU2-tl. Administralriz. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE; Estate of Micharl Whitenight, deceased. jVjOTII'U is hereby given that letters of ndministr.v lltiou on the estate of Michael WlntenightlntuofHerii locktwp,, Columbia county, deceased, have been grant ed by tho Register of said county to Jacob S. Lvans, of l'ishiugcreck tup., Columbia co. All persons having claims or demands against thu estate ot tho decendenl arc reqiiestad lu prr sent them for settlement, and thost) indebted lo make payment without deluy JACOUS.EVAN3. April 12, 1802-Ow, Admr ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. totcnshipt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Cool, deceased, NOTICn i" hereby given that letters of Administration on tho estate-n William Coo I, lale of Hemlock twp, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by thel'et, ister of said County to Peter Werkhiiscr and William II. fool who resnlo in the same low nship. Al persons having daiuiB or demands ng.nn.t the estuto of the decedent ure requested lo present them for settlement, and thoso indebted to make payment wiilinut delnv. PHl'lilt WKRKIIl'.ISUR, WILLIAM. II, CUUL, April 12, lPO.'-ft. Mm'rt. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. f f " II 13 undersigned would inform thn citizens of I I llloomshurg uud vkinity. Unit he has lust re. el veil mid oilers for sale one of Hie most cxtcu nit o "JJ assortments ofCllOKINGaiul l'A.NVY Sl'o HS ever introduced into this iniiiki t. The Chri-tnpiier Co u nidus, James Robb and Globe aro among the first i Its s cooking Stoves, nil of which aro uir-tight and gas burner His Parlor stoves lire handsome uud the assortment n ned. ALO-Partiuilar alteiiunn is paid to Tin-Ware and lloiiso Spouting, upon short nutico. All kinds of repairing will bu done Willi neatness mid despatch. u Cuuntry produce taken in exchange for null;. PHILIP S. MUYL'II. lllno msburg, May 10, D-C2. Estate cf Josinh liagciiluch, late cf Scott Columbia County, titccastd. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on thu r.state af Jesuit Ilia. lnduiii, late nf Semi township, Columbia county, de ceased, have h'en granted by the Register of said county to PLTKIt LNT. residing in Scott township, (,'iiluiiibi.i cnuiity. All persons having claims or de. mauds against the llslalu o the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted to make p.i incut without delay. PI'.Tnil EXT. April 20, IrfiS-CI. immisrirren SAPON1F1ER! SAPONlb'IER I ! j IT-TIIIS PA.MILY SOAP MAKUIt TJ ! All lCiUhen Grenso can be made Into good BOAP, Jy Usui" SAPU.MI'lLltl fC-DIIti:CT10XS ACCOMPANYING UACH BOX I I SOAP is easily made with it, as making a cup of cof da Manufactured only by the Patentees. V, SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANT. No 127 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA on Students ran enter nl any tlnio ; mi vacation, Griulii lite it r ' pros mind wilh nueligniitiy engraved Diplum.i. dual tune required tucoiuplele full Commercial course Iroiii eight to twelve weeks. Hvory rliiiU nl is gradua ted lo lie competent lo tnku rbargo of Ihu bunks of any bin mess firm and qualified In earn asrlarv from S-00tn $MK) per .iiinuin As i tanco rendered In graduates ill obt lining Ulualinm, II.mmI j W) tn ' on per we k I or pailii iilar inJI 'i CiriuUr omlosing ilaipp .Mi) 'I 1 2 I'Jui TltlMSUHHIl'S SAL 12 OF It GAL ESTATE SEATED LAM) A LEATHER I LEATHER 1 1 THIl undersigned would announce, that ho lias on hand iithisllataudCnp Liiiporiuin, on Mam St., Illnnnis burg, mi assurlmentof diil'ereiit kind of leatlur. smli us line calf skin' inornrcii, tred undiilacKjuud linings, all if whiih ho will sell chtuper lh.ui can be had elscw hero III lllls innlku, tall andexenunu them for yourselves, JOII.S'K HIUTUN fr mius Jhyil, V j3 OltimAllLY lothopsovisinnsofthoactof Assem bly, entitled nn Atl to reduco the Slutn debt, tie , passedtha -.uu nay or ,vpiii, ibh, tuo t reasurer ol 1110 Cnimly of Columbia liereby gives notice) lo all person' concerned therein, unless the County road, school poor uud Tax. tic. din- on Hie following rial estate situate in the enmity of Culiimbia, nro paid befuro thu day nf salu, tho wliolii or siull Paris nf each us will pay Ihj iliarges and costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at tho Court llousu in liloomsbiirg, co. of Cnluiubln, on Hie Uth day nf Jiiiiu IrvJ, being Ilia second Monday uud to bu loniinui) I by adjournment from day to day for niieaiiiges of tnies ituu said county and fho tostsiir cwed on eitilt tctj'Cttivv' Opposite the Court House and licit door to Democrat OJJiet. i on iiiiuersiiiiieu, respeciiuuy iniorins ills menus ami ; custuuiers that he has opened .1 XF.IV II nttlER SHOP In Court House Alley, ne.t door below tho Ofllco of 1 tho Cnliiiubia Democrat, wlieru lio w ill ho happy to wait i upon all customers, and from long experience uud strict iiiieiiiion to imsincss, lie hupi "to merit and receive a liberal share ol public patronage, ttr"AII things hero "dono iu decency and in order," THO I AS HROWN. Illooiushurg, March 1st, lcf.2, ryilE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAXriUE, MOXTOVll coum v, r.i. Rnterlainineut fur Mnn and llenst, In good styln nnd lit moderate rales. I IIARI.P.S N. SAVAGI1, Proprietor. Danville. April IP. 1 VJ RLA.NKS! RLANKSll Of every dcscrirt'pMi, far sale at this office MllS. DEMOREST'S Quaftrrly Jllirror of Fashions. Great Improvements, Tllf! Summer Vuniher will contain four large nnd splendid fashion plates, three full sized patients, comprising the N'rw i'reni h W uist, an elegant Sleeve, mid Misses Mick, together w ith marly 100 engravings nf all the novelties for Summer lluunets, Clunks, Trim mings, Children's Dresses, etc., and valuable inform limi In milliners, dress .makers, muiliers, and ladien generally, presenting lite largest and best fashion Mag azine iu Hie World, published 470 Hroadwav, unit sold ( oeryw here at 23 cents, or sent by mail free, on receipt ni trie amount, t curly $i wiin tue toiiowrng vniuaiihe premium. Ilach yearly subscriber will bo entitled tu the selec tion of 50 cants worth of plain patterns from the dss igns in thu book, or from tlitt show room, or they may ho ordered mid sunt by mall any lime during thv year, by paying tho po-tage. Spleiiuid inducements tnCuuvassers. Summer number will be ready on or about the first of May. M.i) 3, l?G3-3w. COUGH DROPS ! COUGH DROPS I ! T7VURYbo,ly uses PRON'Rl'IIILDS' COl'GII DROPS. LJ It nets promptly snmetlmet arresting I lie worst cold in 24 hours. Iu all anWtions of tho Chest, Throat, whether uiiitu or chronic it will ho found of imnicdiat benefit, 'I'ry u single butilo and you canimt fail to up preciato liu usefulness, t'nr Salu by most all Storekeepers and Druggists. Pripared by c. rnoNr,Fir.i.D. N'o 31V N 3d tt .Philadelphia. I Not K If I 5in '
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