A 121 U1J1. Joint 0. Freeze, Local Editor. ttgr J.-li. Lii'lUNCOTT & Co. It is a Liltenof.congratulatiou for Philadelphia irm ot 0, li, Jjiiitiiiicou iv vjo. pos; idtiOiily the ..means, but tho courngo, to irect a palnco of trado in Market street. Tho situation U above Seventh, on the eito f tho old "White Hall Hotel," and the! juilding Will extend to Filbert street, a j itrctoh of 3(50 feet, with a marblii front on Market street, near fifty feet wide. Hero lh,o building will bo five stories high, with bailments. mi lt . i . . '11 i. ho 1- abort street portiou will bo 74 feet wide, and six stories high. Tho (Salesrooms, for retail as well as wholesale trader will be suitably fitted up with simple elegance. Adjoining the warehouse in the I'Car, and communicating With it, Wl 1 bo ll fire-proof buildinu. one hundred and fifty 1 ' feet loll!?, for nrilUUlC oflicesalld bindery. , ,, , . ir ii The rOOlUS Will be designed for, anil adap- t , , . tod to, illO vai lOUS ai ts COlincotCU With tUO ' , . ,, . c,, inanufaoturc of uoolf-J. U'. bauiuel o.oan Is tho architect. Wi.., ,....: !VT 11 T.,!,,nnUnn,1 f j. uv uuoiuiioa wi v ,,irii,ivvivnin t) . i ... ;,, . n,l oi v.i, at prcsont carried on in 4i and Jl Aoith Fourth street, is of a trrofold oharactcr, Ab furnishing bookacllcrs, supplying books ..., t-itA, ... i, K linn n . and fltatioiiary ta o,uuu wholesale corrcs- nnnilontq flivr iln lnvrfnr teorl,. ttian niw ponuonts, iny no a laigei traue tnau any otlior limisn in llin llnitcil SlTtn" A Oilier 11OU30 ,lll UlC UllltCll Otaas. A3 publishers, they are also vory extensive flM..: . ,.ir. ...!..: .1. iuuir nuuuug uiuuu, uoHiaiuiHg imnuou presses, is now in Notth Fifth street, There, too, is one of their binderies, auotli- crbeiui; in North Fourth street. Under. , i. ,.c ii,., ,,n, t,.,:i.i:.. vuu 111 i uuuuiuu la jl uiu LiviiY uuuuiu, which will be completed during thc-prcseut1 season, tho various processes of nuking and I publishing books will be all perfl'OlUed under one roof. Lippincott & Co. are agents for, aud .co publishers of, the numerous and valua--bio works of A. k 0. Black and W. & It. Chambers Ediiiburg. They arc now sim ultaneously bringing out Chambers Ency clopedia and Tho Book of Day, publish lications of admitted value aud reliability, Their.own stereotypes have eot over 31)0, UUO, aaast cum to bo sunk in such stock. However, they have noua but selling works in this position. Among the btaudard works published by Lippincott .v Co., wc may nicutiou the library-edition of Bulwer's novels j School? craft's Indian and Eploratiou books ; five editions of Scott'n novels; the whole of Proscott's valuable historical writings in 15 volumes 8vo ; Webster's series of Dic tionaries,, and Lippincott's Pronuneiug Gazctrer, which, by the way, supplies much-local information to rcportms aud war correspondents, who rarely are so just as to ' acknowledged it, - Historical aud Juvenile, as well as' Law and Medical works, are on lltoir list. In the medical department may particularly be munitioned eu'ch authors as Biiok, Guthrie, Luidy aud Wood. During tho last twelve months, thoy have largely issued military books origiual and translated, to meet the popu lar demand. Cassin's Ornithological works, and Sloan's various trcatici on Arckitjcturcirc tnong these publications, as well as a splendid comprehensive Commentary on the Bible, in imperial octavo, and the En cyclopedia ol'ltoligious Knowledge. Lip pincott's large aud valuablo series of school books is khowu all over tho United State. In Bibles and Pra.ycr Books, of all sizes Aud at ali prices, this houso makes the largest sales in America. To tho friends of a gentleman, whose death we recorded ycttorday, it may bo interesting to know that among Lippiu- cotts announcements of works in tho press is tho following: "Reccollections, Histori cal. Political. BlO'rr.inhi(!nl- nml snninl tvnarlCS J. lUiiCI'SOll. Dv CSOerienCO. tire . r . ' aenuug iiimais, uiu rortraiturcs ot rer Bonages in this Country, from Gout's arri val in 1702, to the Purchase of Louisiana in 1803; wijh which iucrcaic of the origi nal United fctatos, many of their great events, physical aud constitutional, arc Buposcd to be connected. 12 vols, octavo " jit 1 , in , 1 Ml i.ijou, jjijijiiuvui n x uuiui aj.m .iiuuiiu tho varieties aud Manufacture of which wc jescntly described, arc among tho very host made. They havo entered largely uto this tr;ide. ItECElP IS FOR APRIL. i'O THE .COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. ' . . Thc following are tllO receipts to tho Office . . . r P 4 . Of tho Col.UMItIA JJEMOCKAT, durillL' Col.UMItIA DeMOCKAT, Jl0.moutli of April, 100'J ; Ilr J C Aycr k Co , S10 OU, Iron City CuJIeca 25 CO (lioi llolteu S ell Abraham M While 1 mi Jlon J 'ooJs llfown, J 5U Jos;ah II ruuau.Esl. 2 00 tf' T W DulhelJ .',' IlKuilcy ! C I. l.ainhe;tun John Cersua Daniel Merkle John 0 Ellis IiUWjt'U fire, n, Eliai'Mellciiry, James y'Keeler, J II tUecker Ii'a'uc Milltr Daniel Snyder Dr 1. drays (isoKii Applcinnn, I) I. Monro Joseph U I.eiby V.noth Ilowi-U llcnry Trouiblcy uu I r.wt iii'ss -in Hello' Hess Will J Hess Jacob r iless 1'eter Mastellcr "3D iillil 1 00 1 SU .', 50 i :e 1 75 5 00 uu, I su 1 5U 1 3D1 UU i uu Al.iuus Cole, Km., til) MnnUiuui'ry Cole, E6rp 1 iiexnuuor llutlKS, a II Vorks -I M Samuel Etcrrtt SU Joseph Ikeltr, " t'U Alfred I'cpi SJUil Dr. Cotner 50 Mrs. iin Keller 75 Cil- Ccorco rcltrman 6U S Uill Klias Ivrmu IPU 1 00 Haul. I l.ee, 1 01 a UJli Cnl. I'rcfe, Dept Ucg, 0 75 3 00 C A Weisa 1 1 UU JC)m lirueier I 75 T J Viiiiiler! ce, . 5U Ilgmlnek prlionl Mil 1 ml II '.upplnjer 125 Jriulah HaKcubuch a Wl Jacob .)l tlirtnu 173 John ICUirlou H 75 1'rter Miller. r"r. 2 UU Eirklil L'nlu 2 iln liiihard Miles 2 -J5 faiu'l II lliililun'i) 1 '.Dili; I llml, nluu ll I rederKU HuJi-nlia- 1 7.) I lirisliaii wnrf , Ef' , V M I ,j I! uli. ll Miller -i -ll 1 t Amlrun 1 1 a. E -j 1 UJ SATrntBAV MOHNIMOi MAY 31, 10CZ. j n) hntiutllicliiiilitirf Mm flnitipinl fti. onus i cri"i" ' " iienont uio mulcted, aim spread iiiiiiruiu. -i n J.J. .flllllcr iV i'ivor lilt, notWItllStailllltlg UlO llliailCiai Storms 1 tnn which hoconcolvcsto he invaluable, nud he hopca j . . i. 111,1 IV JJJor fl inliimvn rnfmttlu kliaknn Romp of our ( cvi-'t)' "iforer will try 111 remedy, n It w ill tost i A " Oloatl rUIOlI lia0 recently bJinUCll SOUll, Ol our i ; n,,thluic, itii'l may r'rovo 1.ici.o)Mir. 1. IV Hl,nv1C(, nniniprpSnl 1iniir tlm itrcat liublisllilll' I Parties wlihlniMlio prcstrlptinii will please nildrcsa l",,3 omtuerciai nouses, uio grcui jjuuimiiug nCv. uiivvaihi -. wilhun. wiiiinm-iMirRii, .lercmlah J Browcr Special Notices. TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE advertiser, having been restored to health In few weeks, by a very slntpln remedy , after hiivin miffjri'il several years with n severe lung uin-ctlnn, and that dread illsiinsi!, Cniisuniplloti-ls anxious to lunko MIOtt II UMIIS IUIIIIW BIIIICrtTF 1110 IIU'IIUS HI CUrC. 'In nil vvhndcslro It, lie will asml n iopy of the lire- rripti'in imcil (rrro (jfehnrRf). Willi the illtetHoui rt prepa flic nml hkIiir Hie same, which they will llml a sttru citfo for Consumption, Aptlimn, ilronchills, Ac. The only object of the advertiser in ti nillnn tlin Pre' ASIIIONABLE 0 L O T J I II a Fan V ALL. 'I'll o old-established WHITE MALI, CLOTHING HA'.AAIt, nt the southwest corner nf rotJUTII AND MARKET STREETS. In now prepared with a FULL STOCK OF l'ASIUOXAIIM. ltl.AUV MAWC ir ii'iMMVfi run ,vr.i. avii wivrr.it wpaii. I i.i. ill prices wiiilii cuaiiangu cunipeiiiiuii. i.atlicu,ir Mtemion eiveii n. uiutomar Work, omccra VJiiiforma, alp" Homo Guards' fculta,&c. wiim: ham, clotiiinoiiazaau, Uontliwi'd (orni r of rOUUTII AMI) M AHKUT HTltKliTS. 1'LTKR g. MiVlCK, Proprietor. Nov. lfi, 1S0I. (May 1, leOl-lUni.) 1 .Uniformity of Prices I-A N'cw reaturolii IIuIi.cm crecnt one rnee cioiiiing ttorc, nu. :jtMurkcistrco-1 iibcivo sixth, l'liiladelnlila, I" .uMitlun to haviiis the Inruetl, most varied nml fa.hlnii.ildettixkuflllotlilii!lii I'hllildelphla, nude fx- 1 preasly for ri.lail nalen,, have rnintiliiteil every one lila , ,n ,1 h'li'-niiiiui, uy nu iiik iiiiii kvu hi iiuii', mi iuui liclu ntlhu:ery hmett iiriteltcnn be sold for so they cannot p'-K-luiy vary-ull mint Imy nlike. , tiiu i;unii4 nr weii pun-ed nml pMpared, nml !ront full aik.lrn.lriHif t'cllini; a linnd urticlu alllie very low l A'-". nrnoatocK r.i piece Ko,iu on i nann. .1 (iiuneat iiyieumi uohi 'piaiiuei 'lll.llltlrn U lllc.ll H 111 lie Hindi! l nnicr, in t! mint lasinon ,,ur rulltii 1U,UW cL.,iin,rice. in nnicr, In tiic itiowt laHlitonaui unit heel manlier, '.'j Uemenihw'r the Crescent, ill Market. nliove Hixtli Street Nn.UDI. JOXCtS&CO. C7-TIIOMAS W. ,M A'J'TrillV, lteceled the I'rie Aieiiai at mo vyorinn rair in i.oniiDii ifji, inr i liunivo caiu-ht haiis, Hoots, iiuuh nmi iiuii. dam induce moHta are now liirered to purchasen i.f the nljovi' nrti- C,.B, Thi u nnjch the larce.t kteti. nr trunkd, uurprt ll.n!i, Vuliiei.,4i.c., in 1'liil.idelphia very i heap for uish Nu,4,). Market Stroct. one duor above ltll, South side 'TT.TvijMn.nMs.ZTherTTs. peri.ap(, no ,ieprt iimnt nfmiiltarv bunlnens in which there haj I n n 1(,rn .....rtaHmpriiveinent than in the ctutliliiR of sol- i cli'TB. Nut many yenrs riuee omcers anil iirivaletwrro clail ill cnrineuN which were nliumt akin-light. They I wore leather totkn, which were wurlhy nrthu name, lor , they kept tlm wearer in tribulation ; while their padded . Iireaats nun turn sleeves mane viiiiiiou a uiaiier ui creai dimculty. IlurliiK llC present war, utii in our niuu- leers nx tirnruiu their nnilorins at the lirnwii l-toue , Clntliini! Ilallof Itoikhill & Vinii, Nm. do:i mil Wlj 1 f'lm,.!,.,,! uir,.t. iiIiiil,, Hivth i'lill.iililtili!a. nlitalii rlo , thiui! tlut is perfett'y easy, bub-lantlal anil Iiucnnilnit. 1 Tin-linn nauied have (.'one largely Into the husme-ij of .i.... i . i ... i . t .i r.,in,li3 ,.,.l.ln 1 them to 'nil tho largest o'nbr in iiie shoite.t pusdible Sept. SI. lrrJI The Monitor 'ON TO EICHMOND' J, J. BROWEE, lias just received and is Spletidid assortment of now opening a Groceries, Hardware, Quocn.swaro, Cedar ware, Maokeral, Cheese, etc., which will lie bold nt ihe lowest llgurc for ready pay, lhs JJy Goods consists in jiurt of Fine Cloths, Black aud Fancy Oassimercs, Fine. Opera Cloakings at SI, 00 per yard Stella Shawls from 81,50 to S7, Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shop- herds Plaids; Printed Chalios, Em broidered Madonnas, Embroidered Mozaiubi(uu$, Poil l)e Cljevrcs, etc., etc. Calicoes at 0, 7, , 10 and VI cents. Muslins, one yard wide at I'-i cts. Skeleton Skirts, fioni 50 ceut3 to 2,00. HIS GROCERIES consists in part of best white sugar nt 12j cents. A, No. 1 Syrup Molasses, 50 ccfits per gallon. Ladies' and ehildrcns' high-heeled boots and gaiters a full assortment. CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, Eii;ht dav, and thirty hours, Nos. 1 cj- 'X Mac lard in luaiter and Half Ham la. COAL OIL LAMPS. A splendid assortment of Coal Oil Lams cheap. Ely's water proof gun caps, powder aud Shot, ite., M'c,, &o. Conic, see and Judge for yi-uri-eH es, nnd you will bo sntit'fi.'d that itiowcr's r?lor iitlhe Conn r ol Main aud Iron street, is thu place to pcr(hnc Chjap Goods for Ca-.li or Country pr jduce. l)lu.juiuurg, tlay.'l, leb'J. STOVE AND TLN-WARE SHOP. 'r III! iinilersigned tvoul. I inform the citizens i,( r I liloouifcliurL' and leiuiiy, thai hu has jut re el veil anil oircis for sale nu of lln mosleteiiiiiQ i2 as-orliuenti, ofCOUKlN'li mid l'AM S'I'OVllS eer iiitroduieil inln this market, 'i'lie Chrbtopher Co uiuliiif, James liulili and (ilrheare uiiiouv the In .-I Lln.b nf I ronkinu' rilni".all of w hn h .ire aii-tieht and eas bum, r ' "' l'nr'or stoles are hands'ouiu uuil Ihe .ttnurliui-iil vn - An-iO-l'artiiular attention is paid to Tin-Ware au l House apoatiua. upon klmrl notice. All kinds of rijniuuK will he done w ith ueninecs and despatch. uouutrj proiiucc lUhen in exenunge lor w nrK. l'luur- a. Movnit. llloo nishiirg. May 1U, lel-S. Accurate ami Life-Like rorlraits or THE MEN OF THE TJME. WE ore now p ubl I .sli J n f a n-ries of unique mid Life, like Portraits of the Diatiujiuiskeil Men of lhu i line -i iiinraiiiii! miliar) nun rvaval uinccrs, .ticiiincrtf 01 uougress, i 11 iiiaus, kii J Jieyaro line line intra viugs, executi'd ill superior stjle, and prepared from iiiu i.uesi i uoiiipiapns, many oi wnicn nae necuoii. ' l.uueit expri'sly fur this collcitinii. Cliiii; priul.-il on cards of the suiiie sue as the "Carles de Vlnlc," they nru adapted to th - l'hut'i;raph Albuiuc, or can be sent to distant friends by null I Thene nurlrmts are supeilor to any now in lln ma,--I kit, ami are remarkalilu for the l.iitiiruliii ss with ' whirh th' liki'iux is portrajeil. When puiiluuiuy, i he rnrelul to iuipiiic forMartien's Card l'orlrails, 1'ruc io cenis iiicH, or tweiiiy copies lor one miliar, lLrii:lit by mail, puit-panl, on receipt ot tho price. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. VB have now ready, of our own mnuufarlure. n 1 coiupleteuud extensiru nsMirtiuciit of l'hotor iph Al- Minis, maun ni tin wry In'st materials, mid cipial, if i not superior. Ill st) le mid liuirli. to any now in Hi,- market, whilst Ihey are oirorud at lower prices than inn' nlhtTk. 'I'll,. 1, ui.i , 1 in,.,, I , riinii, i .id kf.u.ii-.il ,i.,t. varieties, ns well n. now di siirus iiul clams. Uicrv AIIiiiiii is faruiahsd Willi atilli-pa;euud iiiuui, printed in gold. 1'ubllslicd by WII.I, I AM H. ii AI,KKUI).MAHTir.V, itn; Chestnut Hutci, l'hiladtlph a. jar.XTS it.i.vTr.v, April lfCi-lin. HOUSE FOR SALE. 3J ' A rmvenbl i Kramb IIousb, will bo told cheap, on up CO plication to the uudi signed. I.LVl E.TATE. llloomburg, July 13, IrCI. Opposite tht C'eurl Uoustand nnt duor to Utmocrat OJTul. Tils unilersigneil, repec)l'ully informs Ins friends and customer that tin has opened .I.XKH'lHilHKIt MM' III Court lloutu Alley, next door In low the Office of the Columbia Democrat, wiierone win uu nappy to wuit upon all customers, mid froui long eipericnco aud rtrict ntlcntioii to business, lie iiopesto merit end kccUo a liberal share ol public pstrouiige. , U' All thlnga h.to "ilouo in decency and in order. TIIV.HASBKuWX BluviniOJrg March 111 rt'J, LC3.3C9 in jcui)iiii i ii vmi i ii u iviai i - ... .... j List of Dealers in Columbia Conniy, I roil THE YEAH 1802. 01' Goods, Wares, Merchandize, itc . Dlstlllcra, llrcw cm. Lilting House keener within lhu emintr of I Columbia, r turned awl c In ! ftcl In acrordanrn with i t'i" mvornl nets of Aafinlity, liy tho Appraisement of Mercantile Taxes of sal d county tin follows, to wit i I tl LOOM TUT, I VF.NI)R8: CI.AM. 8 11 13 13 U M 1-1 11 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 U' 11 11 14 14 14 1 1ttnniiicl,iii-, Tr P ' V- , u K. . . I itlclVClvV, Ncal k Co., rr n t. T itr it.-.. 11 u lV L JlaUlllfm DOI.I.AKII. 30 00 30 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 David Stroun T..I... T.' UUIII1 IV VIULU11 David Lowcnburg Jiliaa Mondenhall Dr P John John 11 Moyor Ephraim P Luts OeoD Hagoubuoh D Stoncr A M ltunort 00, 001 00 00 00 (10 00 00 00 00 00 . ( illt'n A .Tunnlit, I mvui-j Simon 0 Shivo j Miss Amelia D Webb Joseph W llendcrshot Jos bharplosa Louudry btovos I Philip S Moyer Stoves V vox Confectioner cc liakcr BKlimCK. 7 00 Bowman Oweu I A 1 I ... Mill 10 15 12 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 j;i.(Jl'UUUUI iUlllUr T , ... ,.r .v JackSOD iv n OOUIU licubiiti II Nicely - UOCKSOU & l O0U1U Foundry a. in icr uruc cuoro i A P Evans J B Dodson, As't Drujx Storo 14 7 00 MMHCHV.EK. Levi Kurtz C B Sccskoltz ZirATOA". Parvin blasters Samuel Iloacock Hiram F Everett Mrs II A Colo llV.1IT.ll. Franklin Shuniau Emanuel Friedman 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 1-1 14 M 14 11 13 M 14 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C'lTTAintSJ. .Tn,n Sli-irnloc I .liiicun K S ini-tili'sa j g Jrob3t 1 Goo IIurIios & Son -Stovo i S D Rinard Stovo 1 Jacob H Creasy Levi Keiler ! 0 W MeKclvy & Co .' William John Stove, liri j tauuia wares, &c , j cr..vniK. Gilbert II Fowler j J W M Low & Brother Jacob Sponsler C H Hess & Co IC F Hill ' D K Sloan CO.T.VIM,V, 1 Mib M Gorrcll 7 00 10 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 7 7 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Jouathan J Iloagland J B & It Kuittle FJSIUMiCJtlXK- Daniel McMunry George 31 Howell E & A A P U naugs t B Auimermaii Solomon Btus (UtElUYIIVOO. Gcorgo Masters & Sou John Leggott, Jacob fj'chuyler Bonjamiu k Chas. Eves m:.vi.uch: 31 G & W H Miociuukor Charles ieyhard Jacob llanis LOCUST. 14 14 14 11 14 13 It 1-1 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 10 7 7 7 10 7 4 1 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Washinp;1 ton Ye age r Jacob ieajjcr 7 Abraham Rico Mark Williams MAf.YK. William T Slmmau 14 Reighard & Nuss 14 .vaujscx. Neal McCoy 13 Miller k Swisher 13 O&WKreamcr 13 Creasy & Brown 13 Reuben Mi'ler 14 mo.wour W Bittonbcnder k Co 14 OUd.WSE. Lazarus & Fisher 1 3 A B Stewart 14 William Fritz 14 7 7 10 10 00 i 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 10 7 7 00 00 00 00 00 A Coleman Merchaut Tai lor 14 7 i isaao JN lUino 1 1 i kOAUIXaCUKKu. Judah Chcrringtou 14 7 SCOTT. Peter Eut 13 10 11 W Crcsy k Brother 12 12 William Peacock, Drug Str. 1 4 7 oo! 50 00, 00 00, 00 00 00 Samuel A Worniau 1 1 7 B F Reighart e: Brother 11 7 C S Fowler k Groveling 13 10 David Wliitmyre 14 7 I k T Creveling 14 7 II M Fuller S L Bcttlo, Ag't 13 SUa.1ltl.OAF. e Jesse lt Pennington 14 VlSTIU.EltS. Rohr McIIencry Benton 11 Edger k MoIIouery Fish- iiigcrcok 1 1 Richard Plummet' Bloom 11 Reuben Millei Briarcrcek 0 .vuLixr.its. -sr TV. ..1.1... 11, l l 10 00 15 00 15 15 or. 00 00 oo i 00 00 00 00 00, iUISS Jlltlty JJilllvIUV Jivuiu i'l. Misses narmans do 14 Miss E J Wilson do 14 Mrs A P Fowler Scott 14 Mrs A J Brass Berwiok 1 1 lWI.WtlOUSES, William B Koons Bloom B Stoncr J II Hcudcrshot Charles Noll ii It (( Fredoiick Nicely Berwick Michael Frantz " Henry Lohiuan Ccntro Samuel Kostoubadcr--Cattawisia, Levi Keiler " Connor k Brother Montour. W Bittcnboiidcr ,t Co u John D Kromer Milllin All parsons w hn may feel agrli'ied by Uu above clasv liirailiin can navu nu i'iiiMiiuuj' -ji ,', .,..b lug upon t'ha undersigned nt his oilice, Istarcf the.Vurlh Ollico) iu lUuoinshiirg, any tlnio on nr beforo tho I'.Uli day of June, Irti'.-, or ai mi i ouiiuiFsiuer s wiueu I.V' ' .. '..t , t f,... .. I. tl. tiloiimsnurg' on m i-'iu oi iuiiv, nni ,nni,iiii."i, - v'ji' Ve neaij. wm ii j conv. 'Her aatiP) Appiau t The Secret Out! GREAT HXCITBUBNT IN JERSEYTOWN, And supposed approach of the llchcl Aruiiji AMiOi' wnirii was ruoiiuci'.i) iivtiib AltltlVAIiOr A ri l.l, ANDCOMI'I.KTE AHSOlll'.MENTOr Of Every Variety and Style al .he NEW FIUM or MILL E R k S W I S H E R, i.v jnnsEVTowN. Having just received our Spring Stock, from the Eastern Mnrk'H, wo reel determined to sell (Jonds nt n little lower prices than they cuu be purchased clscwhcio, OUU MOTTO IS "Small Profits and Quick Rt turns." E7Thiitvihlir nro respectfully solicited to call nnd examine our -loik before purchasing elsewhere, nawe charge iiolhiug for showing our goods. Produce of all kinds taken for goods. MIEEEK k SWlSIIElt. I Jeracytown, May 3. IS02. FRESH ARRIVA L -or- THE undersigned, grateful for pat patronage, tespect fully informs hixcuttumcrs nnd the public generally that he liasjiint received from the Ensterno cities, th lurgestnnd most select stock of SPRING AND SUMMER That ha Jt been nii'iipd In Uloombufg, t which ho Invites the atleiitiiui of his friends, nnd nsrures llifiu that the) are oll'ered lor pale at gp-at bargains. Uis Stock eouipri-es n large iixsi-rlMii lil of OENTt-EMEN'ri WEAIIIN'O AlM'AUl'.l,, CnnsHtinp nl r'.iii,iv iit.i: Din n Coats, nf every des cription; t'aiits. ests, t-hirts, Crnwiti Slocks, Coltw lluuiiKcrcliieis, uioves, Kipeliders, kf. GOLD WATCHES A X JEWELHY, Of every di'scrllitiun. line mid chean. N. II. Heiuembi r " l.oiratlrrtf't Phcap lUiporivm." call mid see. Xo diarge for exaining t.oniN. DAVID ).OWI:MII;l!C. Ulooui'lmrc. Marcli S'l, la('.'.', (,1ue Iri'j.) Look to vour Interests. FRESH ARRIVAL or MILLER & EYER'S. TIM subscribers have Just returned from Iho City With mutln r largo and sehat nssorimot of purchased nt Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, aud whi h they nu- ilelerioineil to sell on nsmoderatu torois as ran be procured elsewhere ill llloomsburg. Thoir tin k couiprises 1.AOKS' t)ltt.ss (10ODS, of choi'i'it styles ami latest fashion. nitr goods, Attn auocKuiKS, II nilHVJHK HUKKXatfAUIC, CKIIAK ll'JllK, IIOUMlf IVAlili fiw.V, XAIIA, HOOTS ,v- SUOP.S HATS CAPS, iMe , Qc, tyt.. In short i:vei)hiniriiiually kept In country Stores; towhii-h they imilethe public generally. Thu Highest price paid lor country pro.lnro. Mii.i.Ei'. ti Evnn. Ulnomsburg, April 'id, lciii. NEW ARRIVAL OF and Summer AT PETER EXT'S STORE, ix unriT .yriir.hT. pui.umui.i co i:it, pa, HAS jut received from 1'hila b Iphia, and is now polling at th.' eld startd I it-") occupied by Mart, fc I, nt, u sdendid nssoituient of JESS; Si.jai'fS.j)?a5 $&i ) which will bo suld cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. UU Murk consi-tsof Ea li.'i Dicij Goods choicest et) lea and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READY MADE CLOTHING CassimercE, Satinets, Ottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Throad, &c. Groceries, QueenswMre, Ccdarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, &c. BOOTS & SHOES, nA'l'S cc CAPS. In short every Ihiiif usually kept in a country store The patronage ofuld fneuds, and the public general ly, l lopi'i'ttully so icited. Thu iiighest market price piid for country produce. ' PE'i'EU I.NT. Eight Street, May 3, Ii-T-3. ... MAURI AGE. ITS LOVES AND HATE (V'.tS. borrow ami utigers, hiu'es noil fears, regre V,AL.nnd iovs : MANHOOD. how lost.l.'ow restore the nature, trentim nt anil radical cure nf spe matorrho.'a or seiniunt weiikuess; invoIuutNrv' eiuis lulls, si'vual di hi hlv aud iiuni'djuieiits tu marriage eon ' erally ; nervousness, rnusiiiupllnri. Ills, mi'Dtiii und phy sical ine.ipneit) , resulting from SlH.l' Alll'Si: arc lul I - .. xl ln i ii ,.,1 in III.) M.MlliiAGE CI'lllE. bv' WM ' N OUN'G. ,11. D. Tina uuis't extraordinary hook should n he iu the h. Hols nf over) young person contemplating U(l iintrriage, ami i-evry man or woman who desire's to limn the number of their ollspriiig to their iirnitmi-t.iu- 1 cs. Every nam. disease and ui he liuideutal to south, ni t l ii ri t v and uld ago. is t'ulh i Milained ; even nurllrlc of knowledge that blmuld be known is here eiviu. Itts full nf i ugrav nigs. In fart it disilnses set rets that ev d.siloses so. rets that ev is n book that must he i.rl' linn k!,,,llll I. 1,1,1V ' uttll it loiked un. ami tut lie about the house. It will b- sent to uny one on tlu rec. ipt of twenty five cunts in specie or po.tagu stamps. Address DIE WM. YOUNG, No. 41U SPltCCE Street, above I'otirth Philinlclpliia. i.Jr- AIT'LU'TED AND UN'l'ol'.TIJNATE. 1(0 i;iatter what nniy bu) our di-easu, before you place yourself un der tho i.iru of any of lhu notorious Ouuris-nutivo or fori ijii-who advertriu in this nr any other paper, a ropy of Dr. Young's book, aud read It cartjullij will be the means of saving you many ,1 dollar, ) health, and po-sibly )our life. 1,11. lUl.llU Kill 111. LUllllI'lUII U'l U1J V, ...V Ul..ll... ileseribed iu his publication, ut Ins ulhce. No. -llli HI'lillCE Street, above l'ouith, Philadelphia. ( mice Hours I rum tun j, uaiiy. Mauli S, Iriii-l'.'iu. .11 liV.V.NS, 10,OOt pitirvncic, , J-.....(u . . bl.... ,v lU.I'rr.,llt..".,ll li,(ii. ,u, tvt-' J l'hS'..lil. Sr, mibiUi. ,ttS I luNseiK IssTUUvi im C' Tinfi A LiL.bilka ..vwitf MiSi.rnSlssbU . ..iSCl0 Ti Tli-i i"S C"'U S" U""' m I's' Uvwll4.l)U-ri ers('Ui ,H.ri " in irjksririf'BI il'f. i.. Iau, r-j.n.i...,i It ,.i,r. i'liiinry, r ' - - - w..',..."','"," August 17, I - 0 J. . HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philad-flphl.i-for the lUllefof the Sick and Distressed indicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and c neclullv Discnsi's of lhu Sexual Organs. Medical Atlviro given Gratis bv tho Arliug Hurgcnii, Vnlu.iblu lllll'OltTS on tri.ii.,i.Mui.Hiiw.A or uhmivm. iv r. A i; ' CSS. and nlher Diseases ol llie S u , Organs, and ou tin NEW ItEM EDI ES employed , Die Dispensary, sent in bcaleu letter envelopes, free i i ruarge, iiiiiium , . "I ... uen liu lirtl'r-irrilV. Ilmvnril Asinrtlilion. "i in j.Baiuui , (...w,,.. n a so un Ninth kt.cet I'luuatiphu. April ! -ron- SPUING AND S1IIIR! & O 0 W &9 AT 0m MB ILLUMINATION IN ORANGEVILLE. Spring Ci-ocls At Fritz's Store, ORANGEV1LL, COLUMBIA CO., PA. npho uudorFigncd has just received a R large nml select ussnrtincnt nf choice Hprlng mid Bummer (ino.ls, which w ill bo eold cheap for cash or country produce. Ilia stock consists of Ladles Drees Ooods, choicest styles and latest faih(oni, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpets, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, PRINTS FROM 7 TO 12 J cts A YARD, Cassiiuers, Satinets. Cottonndcs, Kentucky Jeans, Throad, $'c, READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, Queenswarc, Ccdorwaro, Hardware, Medicinos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ko. BOOTS k SHOES, HATS k CAPS. In short overitlilm usually kept In n country store. The patronage of old frcnds.uud the public generally, Is solicited. May 3, 1G2. WIM.IAM KBITZ, LOW PRICES RULE! M t'rcasj's Store, in Light Street, Pa, Flit ST OF THE SEASON1 F&E&S'JT TO all w)(k mm ! A Bm STOCK! DESIRABLE STYLES! AND THE 1IEAUTY 01' IT AM, 13 WE CAN AND WILE SU 1,1. AT Ds W PJIUCJE , CALICOES, MUSLINS, SILKS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS. CARPETS, HOSIERY, 8 II AWLS. llcady-Mado Clothing. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Fish, Salt, Bacou, Hams, Lard, Tobacco, Scgars, Hats, Boots, Caps, Shoes, DruRS, Oils, Paint?, kc, ko. We have a large .-if "ortpient of lilnrk and r.mcy Silks wliiih wearo selling at reduced piices : lllack Silks f.ir ri?J cents, worth 81, 1SJ. nlso for &'1,UU worth 1,25. We are selling our bust mints for 121 cents tier iurd tin-h.-rt in tlie market, all fast colors A yard wide tiublcnrlied muslin nt l-.'i cents einial to Koi,' Market. Three quailcr )ard wide unbleached muslin atd to 10 cenis a yarn, lu addition to our large stock of Dry Goods, we have a large and full assortment of Heady .Made Clothing for Men and Hoys wear which wo arc determined to sell clieaper tn in ran no uuugui eisewnero. can auu bee, nud judge for yourselves. II. y. CHEASY & CO, Eight Street, Ta , April 2G, loU2. AT Biscl's Old Stand, rplll'. subscriber has received Ins SPUING STOCK OP X HOODS, which lu oilers at fair price. Tu Uut ler Makers, ho would say, bring it fresh and wo will pay nu extra price, as ive have a coiilraetat FORTRESS MONROE, which mti6t bo fulfilled, and wu ran iifluril In pay nn extra price. Wc have changed our Express day to Thursday. Persons haying good veal and calves, will bring them iu on Wednesday evening or early on Tliurs liny morning N. McCAY. Jeracytown, May 17, 1802-31. Store Removed, WHOLESALE AND liETAIL 0 Hat and Cap Store, pi? -v -rt, o nndi'iolgneil :espertfully Informs Dm cltlrens of ttliinni shiirg, mid the public in general, that lie has re moved 'he .VJ.'IC JIAT STOItE, into the house, on siain Stieet, nearly opposile ins lale stand, where lio Iris jub' reu'lvoJ a eplenilid assorlmeul of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct fro n the Munufacliiriea, of all kinds, styles, sorts nnd si.' s,'li. 'est iSshions, w Inch he olf rs wholesale and refill 'ill vert low prices. CJ'iVeVJOuols v,llljc 60ldat very low prices lor lte'adyPay. ,0v ,IM1TO, Ulooiiisbtirg. April V. lli-' pitoi'osus vox swmu HOUSE. li J'cluck. Mi. on the lllth of Mae, or the erection of a EBi'ick School iHoisc, to bo 21 x 24 feet, near tin) residence, of Capt Isaac to be con- Efly, ' EeuloeK ton.liip, '. ''-'' , ,)o ttructed upon priniiplcs of the public fcchoo' at Duck Horn, JOHN McKEYNOEDs', Secy.ll.S. It. i April 10. ISM.-3 ADMlNISTRiiTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of busur. Sciux, deceased. get - jyprxiis of adtuiuittatioii with the will nnnrxcii lt uU ;siito of Susiin t'chug, latu of Scott our , township, in Culuiobia county, Peun.. deceaseil havo jJi;CM Erauted by the lU-gisier ui C.oluuiba county t J the ,iniii'r.i"iii'it '. all oersons having el. nnis maitisl tuo i s latu nf Iho ili reileul ate luoiiesteil lopiesent themio the Administrator at his re'bldeiiio in Seoil township, without deluy, ana an persons inueuieu iu inabe pa) nieiit forthwith. .,,., 11.1LU CV.11111,1 April PJ, klVJr-Gvv. .Msi'r.j KOLLOIK'S DANDELION (OF FEE. t'tna nr.'iiiiriii nn. tiini n rrom I no nest Java i oner, .. ..... JV'ImV'aI'. ' ry !' 'I, ''n.T.inv l' iie'ine,r.i niiJ ivU N ' 1 ''C! ol". J n' ' S ,lf e Vo abaud.o heuse ol colleo will use Ih.s wilhoui Jtirluu. elfeits. One ran contains the strength of J . , -...v.... i,rt. n i.ni puuuuso.o,.,.,,..., i-, .. .ev K0LLO0K S LE AIN, The purest and best llAKIN'G POWDER known, making Uglll, SWOeV ailU IIUUU.WUS HI,.. Mill ewnvw. Price to cenis. MAMT ACTl'RED PT M. II. KOLLOOK, Chemist, Corner of llrnad und CliCbtuut Strsctr, PHILADELPHIA, And sold by all Druggists and Croc in March 2V, Isb'i-lim. In nt BLANKS 15LANKS ! 1 . . . n, la Qt CVC4 7 description, for tale at this ofhet , 10,000 PIECES WALL PAPERS IN fixk not.h r.irr.iis, aur.D jim) i'i.im.v nr.tton.irmm, .M.1H1I1.I; JINl) OAK M.VOHATIOXS. m.1TA.l) (Mr ULA7.KI) VAl'KHS. 1'j.nxAX) liitHiiiT coMjimx vArr.ns, UOItDKltl, ylti: llOAIll) I'MXJ'S, STATUES, 1IUXDS, JUL'., Will be sold al greatly reduced prices, nt th- paper hanging rooms of the undersigned In Judgn liuperl'a Hroro House, on Second street, n few doora below Mar ket. Alio Paper IIa?iging Executed In tho best style, at moderate prices nml in uulrk time. E. J, TlloitNTO.V, (lloomsburg, May 3, leO'J 3ui. the fhiladelphiaTnq uirer, Double Sheet, Forly-Eght Columns, lOtiblishfi 1 W. Ilai I elphla, I'n, lilishfil overy Morning, (Except Sundys,)liy Win. iinrmng, nh. ii Houtn inirii mrei.i, l uiiau I'n. 'Ihe Urentoit newsiunicr of Philaih ltilila I The trvinc times of thu liallnn'a history In which wu live, riuder u l.ivo Newspaper I nn ludiapcnsable to every man who would keep hlmsilf informed of the Important events which nro daily transpiring. Ta furnish npaper which will meet the just expectations oft he mil. Ilr In such n t mo as Ihe iircsiut, monies mi amount of labor mid of extraordinary uxpeuso of which the community ut largu have nocuuceptloii, The pub liihcra nf I UK VUtLAUl'.l.PUlA IXQUtllEi:, has sfftrcl no efl'orts or moiiny to mnko it nil Hint It could be made, lli-sidcs Improving and strengthening tbu lioiuc force during tha past )nr, siwrul of lhu Imst Uenortrrs nnd Letter writers In the country liatc I been sent, nt great exp"iisc, Willi the Army nnd Nniy, 1 nnd havu fre'iitently given the puhlictho llrst and full est nccnunts by eegrapn una uy man, ot uupuriani KI'IUVTH AT TUT. SKAT Of II' All. The liniuirer was llin first northern paper to give the uccourit of the llattetas nud 1'ort Itojul irtorlcs, and was twelve hours in nil Vance of any paper 111 the cuu n try, in Its publication of tlR details ol thu Hull Itun llattto. What The Inquirer has done, is but uu unrnest of what will be done, in order to give its readers and best ac. touts of every event of interest connected with TUK U UK AT HK11KLI.10.Y, and nt the same lime have it maintain Its reputation as the best general newspaper In tho country. I 'I'he increase in the i Irciilatiou of tho Inquirer du ring the year, Is the best evidenro of the ext"iit to W'liKU inn puiiiic reiy upon h tor nic news oi ine nay. Us circulation has averaged lor several months' past I oyy.n vi'o mwonr.n tiiousaxh copikss n week, or nearlv fortv thousand a dav : and it has, luring Hid vour. in times of excitement, rcaehed nver seventy thousiiiid n day-testing the cnpicity of our fart press to tho utmost to supply thu demand. It com menced tho New Year with new nud beautiful copper faced type, an I with renewed ljor mid activity i ill News nml Editorial department. The Iinpilrcr is independent ill polities. B - Piices al which the 1'hltadclphla Iiqiilrer U fur-nishi-d i Siuglo copies Two Cents, or twelve cents n week! Dally Paper .fi per minimi, lu advance! Th n luonlhs 31 j Trl-Weekly SI. All letters should bu d dressed to WM. W. II AHDIN'II. Publisher, t Inquirer Uuildiug, lal S.iuth Third S . Mjiy 10, lffi2. l'llll.AIIKU-IIIA. 1'a ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Ellis, deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given iliat letters of mlniiiiiitra linn on the estate of William Ellls.lale of Mndiiou towiishln, Uiiluml.iu county, deceased have been I granted by Ihe Itegistur of said county to Andrew Ellis i,f M i tut mi r I'll o lit v. Ulid Jiiltn 11. Kill, nf l!i,liniil,t!i in i ty; all persons having claims oi iliiuands against tin- loiiiieni iiiu rlere, lent nr.. riMiuenii..,! in nr,.. en I tn,.,,, for settlement, and those indebled tu luuke lialment w ithout delay. ArVlllll.VV t.iililSi JOHN D. ELMS, Marrh 15, 1SG2. Ct Admr't. . . , , m-v vtrrn-itr Tin i, n- orvx-mni-vT TO WHOM IT MAI CONCERN. Whereas I, the subscriber, have given six s-vcrnl promis-or) iiules. made by me, the first for SaUU nn due 1st iXprli irij. Miicsccnmi, tuiru, lourili and null. 0" i njf e:n.li J'orSJ00,lw, due nn the first da) of April leb.l, ln, ice.i null i uu 1 1. 1" i, I ll , i I V HUH lilt- bI.Mll in'lllli lor the sum of S 11111.00, dun on the llrst davs of Anril 1-U7. tamed from me by Iraud and the cou-lderntiou for them lias utterly iai"ii. now mis is in ninny uu p'-rsons ilt.il said notes w ill not be paid and therefore they are cau tioned nut to negotiate the snine. jvi.vni i). i,ir-. uri x.,!u i n. Union township, Pihy'lco Mircli'Ji', l.-'M lit, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William, Cool, deceased. VfOTICE is hereby given tbat letters of Administiation 1 on tho estate i.t William Coo Mate of lli uilnck Iwp, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by Ih-lie i.ter of sail County to Peter Werkhein r and William IliCoolwho resiila in the same lowiishtp. Atl perous having ilaiuis or dciuatiits against lite estate of thu decedent lire rc'picpted to present them for gatlluinont,, aud those indebted tu make payment without dolav. I'lil'llll WEHK1IEISEK, WU.IilA.M. II. CODE, April 12, lcr,2-rt. Aim'r: ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Estate of pttili Tiontui, latcof Scott tsicnshi;i,Cotumlhi county duuistd. TPPTrtl,' . 1 . .1 .. it s t i... r U ! lUE IS hereby given that JiCtCl'S Ot iMiinitiisiraiiiin on ine estain ol rninp i ronotiu, of Pliilin Ute of Scott township Columbia county, deceased, havo neen graiueo ii) in uegibier oi s;n,i couniy 10 ine un dersigned who reidi'8 in Espy, Scott township, Co. luiubia count). All persona having claims or demands against the i state "f the decendeiit are re'iuested to pre sent Ihi-m for settlei-ieiit, aud tlmse indebted lo maku payment without delay. UEllECCA'l l'.OS'SCE. April Jlj-leW Lt. .-Jiiaiiiistretrlr. ADMINISTRATOR'S N OTICE. Estate of Michatl Whitvnight, deceased. iV OTiril is hereby given thai letters of adiuiuistrn I linn on the estate of Michael Whiteuight lalo of Hem lock tw p., Colombia county, deceased, have been grant ed by the Register of said county to Jacob S. Evans, of r'isluugrri'ck tvvp., Columbia co. All persons having claims or demands against the eitate ut the ileceudeui are re'iuebtad to pre'st ut them for settlement, and those indebted to make pa) lueiil without delay. JACOI) S.EVANS. April 12, ieo'2-Gw. Admr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate i'f Josiah Uagtnlivch, late ff Scott toicnshiji, Loiitmoia teuiiry, aiccaca. , TOTICE is hereby given that Letters of, L A i! in i in l rat i o ii un the Estate f Joruu Has- i csBi'eii, latu of Scolt tow iislnp, Cnlun.ui.1 county, de. i ceased, have bleu granted by Ihe ltegirti'r of said i,,iitv tn I'l'.Tl'.lL I'.N'T. reuiilnnr hi Seutl rnwilvliiii. I Columbia county. All persons having eluiius or de mands against tho Estate of the decedent aru re'iuested to itrescut them fur settlement, and those indebled to make payment without delay. l'ETEU EXT. AprilSA, tr5C3-Ct. Admiuiitrntor. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Est-ite of Samuel Shullz, acccascd, T OTICE is hereby given that letters of administration n on tbu estain oi rsiiiuue i triitiil?., line ni Btigiir- loaf township. I'lilniobia county, deceased, havo beuti granted by Ihe ltegister ufsaid couniy lo the undersign. ed. who resides in lteitton township I iiluinbia co. All persons having claims or demands against the estain i,f the decedent nre re'iui'sted to present them for settle- iiieiit, nud those indubted to make pav mi nt w itlmtit do- lay. SAMUEL 11. SHU LT. .March IS. IF()2-ft. Aim'r. SAPONIF1ER ! SAPONIFIER ! ! l"-7-THE i'AMILY SOAP 5IAKEU CO All Ktti'hen Grease can bo made iutoguod SOAP. b'J using SAPON'll'lElt! LJi'DIKEOTlONS AIX'O.MPANYING EACH UOX I SOAPiscasil) madcwith it, ns making u tup ofcof fee Mutiufacltiied only by tlu i'jtentccc. PA. SALT SIANUrACTUIiINd COMPANY. Nu 127 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA. MRS. DEMOREST'S I Qua(terl) Minor of Fasli'.ous. i Crcat Improvements, TIlESumiiicrNunibjr will contain Tour large and splendid fashion plates, threu full si. ;d patterns, coinjiribing the New 1'rnurli aist, an ch gaul Sleevo, nud Misses Suck, mgi titer with nearly It), I engravings of all the novelties fur Suiuunr lluiiin ts, Clonks. Trim mings, Children's Dresses, etc., und valuable infuruia lion iu milliners, dr 'ss makers, mothers, and l.tdtes generall), pri'saiuine. the largest ami best fashion Mug uziue in the World, puhllshud 173 Pr iadwav. and sold ov irywherourJJ cents, or sent by mail free, on receipt ut the amount. Yearly $1 with tho fullowiug valuable iireiuiinu. Each ) early subscriber will bo entitled lo thu selec tion of 50 c. nits worth of plain pattsrus trom tin- des igns in tho bonk, or Iroin Ihe show room, or they may be urdeiod and sent by mail any tunc during thu year, In' paying the lio.iage. K'llcnJiil inducements lo Canvassers. Hummer number will be ready ou or about the first of May. May3. iPfi"J-3vv. . i n i , ui; . in i i' ii i ri i le I I u i i i ll ll i , jroi ououn nnuio I 1 rVEIlYliodv uses rKONEI'lELDSM.'OLGII DROPS. ! L It !,i.b lirointly soUluio arre'stiug the worst cold in - -In 'Jl hours, lu all ar.eiii,i:is u the C ,. . . irnat two wheliier .i.uie o, cnronie n . '""'': ""."'",. . Iniiii'f.i. Trv a single boltlo and VWI canuoi uu iu ap- p ec,atells i.efulne(s. ' for Sate by iuotulltyo;ekccpoi ami Druggists. for 1 rr.parcuuy ..,.,,., J, I ItUi I HD'U No. 317. N. 3d. St., Philadelphia. Nov. 15, 1801-3in. rpiIK PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DAXflLLK, .VOX1VUU COU.STY, PA. Entertainincul for Man and Deast, in good sljlo and nt iiiiblsiulo rates. CHARLES N BAVAOU, Piopjiitot. M. Afi-l if, li'-i I Tho war news for the past few days havo been of a quite stirring nature. Gen. Banks had an engagement with tho rebels near Strasburg, but being largely outnumbered iu forco, was obliged to ro treat, our loss being very heavy in killed, wounded and missing. Over 100 wagons wcro taken possession of by tho cneiny i FROM GEN. McOLELLAN. Washington, May 20. Gcu.McClel lan tolcgraphcd to tho Sccrotary of War that the battlo of yesterday, at Hanover Court House, resulted in a complete rout of tho enemy. It is stated that wo havo takcu 000 prisoners and moro arc coming in. Tho loss of the enmy is set down at 1000, Our men buried over ole hun dred of their doad. Our loss is 370 in killed, wounded and missing, of which fifty-thrco were killed. A i ice'e i i r i A STORY or WOMAN'S UEYENGlj. MRS. HENRY WOOD, Author of "Thu dimming," ''EarPa Heirs," ''Ea,it Ly me," &.C., i-c. A Life's Srcnt ! A Life's Secret ! -rl Life's Sccret Uy Author of "East L)iinel" A T.tlT.'S SI'.CIIKT. A Siorv or Wuhan's ltivtsoK. Uy Mrs Henry Wood, author of "Easl I.ynne," 1'liu Chanulngs," nud "The Darl's Heirs," w ill b- publlsheil and for salu on Saturday next, May 21th. Ills printed from the Imuutscilpt mid advancu proof'sheetsi pur-ch.i-i d by us from the uiitlur, Iu ridvanrc of lhu publi cation of the work iu l. mope, and will bu Issued in u large ortav o volume, largo type, double column, aud rrintciliinthullucbtnii'l nest of white paper. I'ricj illy cunts in paper ever, or Seveiit)-tivu cents in cloth. ltcntlvhal Dr. 11. bhdton .Mnelmie.Ht IMtrary Editor if Forvcy'i f'ress, soy i if culturally in tatpop4r. Mlla, IIlmiv Wunua mevvkst M.w Notj.. It Is f u(4 that Napoleon could dh tatu on three or lour ilirt'eicnl sublebts, to as in. in) bcciclaries all ut once, Mrs. lieu, ry Wood must hivu similar means ol'puttiiig her clever fn'.lions upon paper, N illiiu the lavt rottniglil or so, we have nollii'il lieo of her now novels, I'The Enrl'a Heirs," mnl "the Chouiilngs," mid here is u third to bu iiublislu' I bv T. 11 Peterson Sc tlrothers. in u few davs. iiriuti'd Iroin the luuniiMrlpl and adv unce proof-shei te iurchaeil from the uuthor, so us to anticipate its np- I iieaniuti' ,'i i,'ini"ii. ni-nu , u ii., yv j list u-iiii iruill IIIU . .1 .... X, I, . ,1,.,' 1,1 I 1,1. Iivlllll. .I)U"I J Ill I... II... ....I.lil.. I advance Lopy ollhe proot'sheeu senilis by the publish, ers. " A I, if, 's S 'Cret! A Story of Woman's Ki'venge." s S'Cret; A Story of Woman's Ki'venge," ! 'hies not resemble any ol Mrs. VVood's preceediug tales except in me w ouueriui powei oi pulling ine leaner in, HI inn pus 's-O'ii Ul I.I.U iiiiJitvi..s u( IIIU leaning cuar- I atturs, ill giving the most natural conversnliniis, nud I cuuccaliiig thj denouement to the very clocse of tb,o Ltory. This li't so essential to Ihe novelist, Mrs Vood poj -sses in n larger degree Ihun any other llv. imt writer. Ml ! up with the incident of the tale-, wliii h run.- tliioiigli il. is u striking aud painfully truth ful areouiil ol the rise, progress, und ileiliur ot tin, soi-i.tl ev 11 calk-da builders' --striki-," his as power, fill as painful, mid bliows Mrs. Wood's possession ol the leni'Miis ot noun sue tragcoy. i he price ot "A Life a a. ,,ii., ,'.,,, r . . .' . .. . ."..-!. i eiiis a cony, anil Is sent tree of bv T. II. PETERSON' .fc IIIIOTHEUH, 30o Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. To I'haiti all orders imul tome nJilresbtd. JUST puIIlisiied. Mrs, Henri) Wood's Otlur lSoos, i. The Ciivsmvus. A Duue'stic Novel of Iteal Life. Ily Mrs. Henry Wuod.nuthorof "jjarl's lliirs," "A Life's Sei nt," "The Castle's Heir, I'he M)Htery." etc. Cuiopletc in one lan,o oclavo vuitimi). double column, uiakiug over Ihree hundred pages, aipl printed on tins lineal white paper. Price lilty cent's a copy, iu paper cover, or seveiiiy-live cents in cloth. II. The Eaul's IIfius. A Tale of Domestic I.l'e. I!y tins author of "The I hauiii-igs." "Tho Mystcry.""A Life's Sun t," '-The Castle's llir," etc. Price Ally cenis a copy, iu paper cover, or sev enty-livc cents in cloth. Zy Copies of "A Lifn's Secret " or "Channinis." i til j "Earl's: Heirs," w ill be noil to any one free nt poM-ug.-,oii remittiiiL' the price ot theeditiuu wi.hed, totlu publi-hers, in u loiter. 1' i","-'i'"' .-.us ,g..ius, unu mi niners, win please bjihI on tl.eir orders nt once for what they may iv.nu ei -.i i.in' s nurrn in start with, winch will prove lone i 'iti.iuv as popular as the-Chaunings," thd "Earl's Heirs," or "East Evuin,." A'tdress all erdersat mini tn the publishe T. II. PETI.IlSUX k. llllDTIIIUtS. No.aU'J Che'stntit Street, Philadelphia. NEW AND GOOD BOOKS I JUST I'UBUallED AND (Oil SILK I1Y 2'. B. Fttcrson i)- Brothers, 300 Chcstuut Street, Philadelphia. II oks sent every w hern f-ee of pnstnge. on rciuittlng to usthe price ui the Luuke wauled, in a let(er. Custuvc Aimard's Books. I. Tub Iimin Pcoot. Py Custnvc Alniard, author of "The l'lowerof the Prairie." etc. E'lual to J. I'entn ninre Cooper's "I'athlindcr." Pnco 30 cents in paper, oi 75 cents in cluth, It. 'I'hk I-inwm or rni: Pkaiiiie. Ily Oustave Aimard. uutlor of "The Indian Sen it," etc. I'ully eaual to any thing over written by J. I'eniiiuinre Cooper. Pricj 53 cents nt paper, or 75 cents iu doth. May 21, lrt!2. JOLINE k I,EE, Nu, 40, NOIiTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. AND SHIR CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton fur Caulking, Hopes, Tw ilws, Tar, rilol, Oakum. Illocks, and Oars, &.c, August 4, leiiil-l.'iu. AMBROTYPE, ntOTOBrtAPJI & MELAINOTYPa g & m m if n AMBUOTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS Melaiiiotypes, &c, taken in Cloudy ns well as CI km En''1'1'"1! A"ll"utJ1":8 aml n-iguerrcotypes cojiied ud NORTH DANVILLE, TA. Dec. 21, lt-til. 1 , j 1 ! SU 9 21 ft .ii S' 151 A tJ Jl s Printer, RooUbindcr & RlauIiuooU AI A N U FA V TU R E R ) WllOLKSAtE Au liETAIL DEALER 11 PUINTINO. WRITING AND WRAPPING PATEHf. AOC.M- IOR lilt CATAWIaSA PAl'tR MILLS. Main Street, first doorbelow the Public Spuare, AVILKESBARRE, PA. Nov. 23, l-'(il-12m. A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES AN- JJl. GENTLEMEN'. The bttbscriber will solid (Trc I i. rnarce) to nil who desire it, thu Kccipi) and illncllo - for making a simple Vegetablo lialm, that will, hi frc -u twoloiighl il.i)s, remove Piinples. lilotihes, 'Pa 1 1 1'rciMi's, Sallow ness, and all impurities and rntighue of Ihe Skin, leaving the same us Nature intended i shi, Hid bo soil, clear, suionth and binulilul. Tltf ili siriug Uio tin ipi, Willi lull In. Unctions, ilireitiui I and advice, will plca.e call on or address (with ret j postal',) TIIOS. 1'. CHAPMAN, Practical Chimin May 17, 1115 -2m. 1-31 Ilroadtva), New Yoic f-nilE CONFESSIONS AND EXPE A ii;.M- i.ui . m i i LiiLu.-rubiisiicd as a I L'l JEV.l.S, "--tIlS.T),JK, mi iot,t,u. jy' 0jhx E"""1'-' 2 ii t CAUi) ritcss I 5" - i).i,i rv,.is. x s'oVvy' ew.nrui. J t'OlllI'l'II NyHTKIIHT. i . lung, nml Inr llie i speiial beuetil or oung Men, l those who siillVr with Nervous Dibilily, Loss of M, iiry. Pri'iuaturo lleca) , tec. kc , by one who i s cured liimeulf by simple means, alter being put logr t expense ana iucouveiiie'iice, through the use of wot l- ss medl, lues prescubed by leurned Doctors. Sin copios may bo had of theaulhor.C. L, EAMHI.UT, E: Greeiipoiut, Long bland, by enclosing a post-past i dreasOileiiielnpe, ' ' Aililicnt'llAKLSS A. I.AMUKR'r. L'su fitieiinoiiit, E'jng I land Nw Yei, Muv 17, 1M3 Jin