Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 24, 1862, Image 2

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edited by Lnvj x. tate, rnoriunTort.
ruitPosisTTUK war i
CoiatttH, ct a votb nearly cnanimocj, tamed the
miovia REhoirTioy, uiiicii fxprcsskii Tim voim or
"That tlio proont doplornulo civil war lina Wen
forced upon tlio country by the ll'inionitts of tho
Boirthern states, now in arms against tho Constitutional
Cuvernmcnt, and in arms around tlio Capital; that In
this National orncrsonry, Consrcfi, banishing all fuel.
In; of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only
tts duty to tha whole country ; that Hit tear it net tcaged
en Ihcir Tart In -anti tplrlt of ovprettlon.or for nnv pur-
fote ofeotqttett or tvbjugntton orpttrpottcf tte'throitlng
or Interfering telth the richtt or ittablithcd Inttilvtlont of
that Stntet. buito defend and maintain the ttiprenaev of
tht Conititntion.and u preterce the Union, teith the dig
itus, equality, ananghtt 0 lite literal tiatet unimpaired;
and that at too at thete objects are accomyltthed tht tear
vug hi 10 eease.
K7- S. M. PETTEHGILL & Co., No, 37 Turk Row,
Now YorK, ami 0 state jtlroct, noston, aro our Agents
for the Columbia Democrat, in thoio titles, and aro Ml
thorlzed to tnko Advcrtlsoincnti and Subscriptions far
ui ni our luwrai rais.
Col. Wriglit's Lottor.
Wo print to-tlny ou our first page, tlio
lottor of tlio Representative in Oongrosa
from this District to his Constituents. It
is a sensible production and is an interest
ing sequal to tbo "humbug Union coali
tion," which last Juao resulted in tbo
election of Col. Wright to Congress. This
letter, written under tbo solemnity of a
Constitutional Congressional obligation, is
now utterly repudiated by tbo wholo abo
lition crew of this District, including Dr.
John, Frank Stewart, and ''Staly's old
Scytho Party," with tho cowardly pack
known as tho "Know Nothings," "Wido
Awakes," and "Loyal Union League,"
simply because tbo man, IIkndhiok B.
Wr.iairr, whom they boasted of havinc
elected, has been compelled to array him
self "fornencejhe nigger I"
N. B. Tho "smut machine'" having
boen smoked out at last, in Thursday's
issue, Dr. John, pronounces Col. Wright's
letter "VERY FOOLISH," but dares not
giro it ruiiLioiTY I
Democratic Stato Oonvention.
In accordance wlthn resolution of the Democratic
Etato xeCKllvc coninutlcc, tub Democracy op I'fnk
YLVANiA wl'l meet In r? tato Convention, at llnrrliburs,
on Friday, the 4th day of Julu. 1SU2. ot 10 o'clock, n. 111..
1o nominate candidates for Aonrrott (icicnxL and Hrn-
.vbvoe Ginkr al, and to adopt such measures as may he
deemed necessary for tho wclfaro of the Democratic
patty anu mo country.
Chairman of the Democratic Stato Ex. Cam
"A Reverie," by Rev. John Sutton,
next week.
Col. W. W. Rickets, late of tho Union
Army, U dangerously .ill with consumption
at his father's rciidenco in Orangcville.
Williamson II. Jacodv, Eq., Mer
cantile Appraiser for 1802, publishes in
another column, tho Annual County State
Oapt. Joseph Wiucuit, lato -of the
Union Army, died of typhoid fever, on
Sunday last, in tho Hospital at German-iown.
.Chief op Folice. Agib Rickets. Esq.
of Wilkcsbarro, was last week appointed
chief of the borough police. Ho will make
a good officer.
Hon. J. P. Vincent, of Erie, late
member of tho II. of R. has our sincere
thanks for a complimentary season Ticket
orFroo Pass over the '"Buffalo and State
Line Rail Road."
The .political party, who lately -changed
their name from tho Republican to tho
People's Party, caro littlo for Lincoln and
les3 for McClellan. Only say Ftemont,
That will raise a general howl in tho abo
Jitton camp.
The Harrisburg Telegraph, may settle
tbo question of credit with tbo Bradford
Reporter, in "relation to certain allusions
and just compliments to Hon. David Wil
mot," supposed to have been published in
the CoLUiuifA Democrat. It is alia
mistake, gentlemen. Wo seldom polluto
our columns with even a refcrcneo to any
such trash.
Tub Leader of the Breckimiidoe
Democracy in Conoiuiss. Tho leader
of tho Breckinridge or tory wing of the
Democracy is "that man Valla-ndigham"
a man nbo never has given a patriotic
vote in Ins life. Columbia Republican,
Oh no, not a bit of it, Dr. John, " ArAL
landiqiiam' was a life long and leading
friend of JuDai: Doulas. If you cannot
possibly tell tho truth, supposoyou try to
keep your mouth, and people may not
know you arc a fool.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Tho
attoutian of tbo Traveling public, is direc
ted to the timetable of this road in an
other column. This is ono of tho best con
ducted roads in tbo States. Col. Sam'l
A. Black, lato Secretary of the Common
wealth, has assumed tho general Superin
lendenco of tho load, and from his known
strict fidelity and business qualifications,
tho public have a guarantco that tho af
fairs of tho Philadelphia and Erie Rail
Road, will bo conducted honorably and to
great satisfaction.
The Democratic Orator Sohnarle.
Ellis B, Sehnablc, tho Domocratio ora
tor wlin VlRirnrl tliia nmitiftr ntt.l ne In.wl
. . ...... . uvuiiuj "111., IT II J litUU
cd to tho skies by tho Columbia Democrat.
10 get out 01 I'ort warren tor Ins treason
tools tuc oath of al omanco. As sonn ne
released bo travolcd "Dixio' ward.'
and is now in tho rebel army doing his
utmost to nnnotnnlinli
uc mcu most eitectuaiiy to do with his
vilo and slanderous tongue to destroy
tho Government. Columbia Republican,
Dr. you aro all wrong again. The
11 Freeman's Journal" of New York, says
Ellis B. Schnarle, was in that Citv. on
tho 4th of May. Call you that "Dixio."
.Now had you ono particle of honor in your
noddle, you would, at least in iustieo to
your readers,) correct tbo misrepresenta
tion. And while on the subject, tell your
readers, that Mr. Schnable. liko his
friend Governor Packer, was no lt Breck
inridge Democrat," but an ardent friend
of Judgo Douglas.
CSrMr. Thaddous Slovens, a radical I
Republican member of Congress from'
Pennsylvania, admittod, in tho IIouso on
Monday, that ho was not in favor of re
storing the Constitution and tho Union, if
slavery was to bo maintained also.
This is tho cry of tho Abolitionists
from all quarters, and of overy stripo and
figuro of tho Republican organization, and
of the traitor Democrats who havo sold
out to tho frco negro concern. ''No Con
stitution as it is, no Government as it
was,'' is tho watchword of tho Abolition
elans from Maino to Kansas. Wo rejoice
that they havo at last been smoked out.
Wo now havo a clear field and an open
contest, and "ho who runs may road."
We shall havo no more dodging, beat
ing behind tho bush, sham "Union Tick
ets," or humbug campnigns. Every man
who votes hereafter will know what lie is
voting for and against. If ho i3 for tho
Constitution and the country, ho will vote
tho Democratic Tiokct if ho is opposed
to both he will join anything in opposition,
as he has no business in tho Democratic
rank3. Wo now understand ono another.
Special Congressional Election.
The special election for a member of Con
gress in tho Bucks and Lehigh district, to
fill tho vacancy caused by the death of
Dr. Cooper, will be hold next Saturday,
May 24th. The Democrats have nomina
ted John D. Stiles, of Lehigh, and tho Re
publicans Gcorgo Lear, of Bucks.
Tbishas always been regarded as a
close and doubtful district. In the full of
1858, it elected Henry 0. Longneckcr,
Republican. At tho election of 1800, Dr.
Cooper beat Longneckcr 143 votes out of
a poll of 21,383. Both parties aro exer
ting themselves to carry tho dutrict on the
4th inst. Our Domocratio friends appear
confident of success.
Hon. CnARLFs Jared Inqersoll died
in Philadelphia on tho 14th inst,, in tho
80th year of his ago. Ho was a Demo
cratic member of Congros3 from 1813 to
1815, and from 1841 to 1847. After his
retirement from Congress, in 1815, Pres
ident Madison appointed him United States
District Attorney in Philadelphia, in
which capacity ho served for a long peri
od. Ho was an able Constitutional Law-
jer, and a fine scholar. Ilia most ambi
tious literary work, and tho one on which
his famo as an author rests, is a "History
of tho War of 1812,' in four volumes,
publiched from 1845 to 1852, which has
become a standard American Historical
The pair of sap-hoads who chuckcl over
the editorial department of tho Mtltonian,
last week, deemed it proper to attempt a
slur upon tho Columbia Democrat. Our
brief rcferenco, in a lato issue, to their
Abolition Chieftain, John C. Fremont, has
excited their morbid sensibilities, and set
tbein out again abusing Mr.BuonANAN.
Wo need barely hero refer to the fact, that
about this timo last year, wo made tho then
Sonior Editor of that dirty concern take
lp tho wator,for slandering Mr. Buchanan,
nd public opionion has einco driven him
into retirement. Greenies, judging for tho
future by tho past, had you not better bo
admonished !
Wuir don't Dr. John print tho "Nation
al War Platform," as enunciated by an
almost unanimous voto of Congress at tho
Extra Session. Columbia Democrat,
Tho above rational question was pro
pounded to tho Editor of tho Republican,
over two weeks ago, and as ho is cjther
linablo or unwilling to answer it, wo give
the public its solution. It is becauso his
''no party-paxty" friends havo twice sinco
its adoption, repudiated its principles in
Congress. They have thus given tho lio
to their own official record, and voted that
this War is not to maintain the Constitution J
as it is, asd rcstoro the Union as it was,
What baso hypocrisy 1 i
Death of Gen. Wm. II. Keim. Gen.
William II Keim, lato Surveyor General
of this Stato, died of a combined attack of
typhoid fever and dj'sentary at tho Brady
House, in Harrisburg; on Sunday last, in
tho 49th year of his ago. Gen. Keim held
tho position of Major General of tlio Penn
sylvauia troops in tho threo months' ser
vice, serving under Gen. Patterson. Last
fall ho was appointed a Brigadier General
by tho Prcsideut, which ho accepted, and
resigned the office of Surveyor General.
Ho was present at the taking of Yorktowu,
aud also at tho battle of Williamsburg, but
too ill to participate in tho latter. His
remains will bo taken for intemont today
to Reading, of whioh city ho was a native
and citizen.
"If we cannot alter thlnj,
By Gd wo change tholr Namc, Sir."
This old doggerel of John. Q. Adams',
written during tho contest between his
father and Mr. Jefferson, i3 a etandingtoxt
for tho descendants of tho old Feboralists.
Whenever their own namo becomes odi
ous, thoy resort to another, not to "alter
things," but juct to cheat justico with an
alias. ".'2 life hng Democrat," ltA Dem
ocrat of tho old school," or simply "Dem
ocrat," always having reputable antecedents
aro drawn in by sorao old Federalist or
modern Republican, whonovcr thoy want
to cheat tho world behind a masked bat
tory. Thoy aro regular gucrillag.
One of the "Breokinridcie Seoess
iONisxa." A Democrat named Thomas
Donaldson, residing in Kittanning, Pa.,
is tho owner of six houses occupied by
families of soldiors in the war. For some
timo past ho lias collected no rent from
his tenants, and intends to permit them to
remain until tho war is over and yet Mr.
Donaldson is a Democrat who voted for
Breokiuridge 1 Wo should liko to havo an
Abolitionist pointed out capable of such
A Just Triute. Gen. McClcllan's re
cent victories have had tho effect of brine
ing his detractors to their knees. On Fri
day last, Mr. Lovcjoy offered, and tho
Houso adopted a resolution tondoring sin
cere thanks to Gen. McClellan for tho
display of those high militarti aualitics
which secure important results with but
utile sacrifice of human life. What an
exalted tributo is this to tho military skill
and tho humanity of tho Commanding
General, and what a rebuke to the faction
which attempted to displace him from the
command of tho army. Tho country can
now bco tho brilliant fruits of mouths of
tedious preparation in organizing tho ar
my and fitting it for tho achievement of
these glorious results ; and while thanking
tho commanding General, it cannot but
admire his wonderful courage aud palienco
undar assaults that would have unnerved
a Ices a resolute mau ; nor can it avoid
despising the cabal engaged in tho plot to
degrade him.
Southern Pouta to be Opened.
Tho President lias issued a proclamation
declaring that tho blockade of the ports of
Beaufort, Port Royal and New Orleans
shall so far ccasa aud determine, from and
after tho first day of Juno next, that com
mercial intercourse with thoso ports, ex
cept as to persons and thing3 aud infor
mation contraband of war, may from that
timo bo carried on, subject to tho
law3 of tho United States and to the
limitation and in pursuanco of tho regula
tions prescribed by the Secrotary of the
Governor Spraque, who has arrived
at Washington from Gen. McOIcllan's ar
my, Bays that our loss in killed, wounded
and missing at tho battle of Williamsburg
was about two thousand, and tho enemy's
full a3 much. The fight at West Point,
kfi says, was heavier than was generally
supposed, iuvo hundred ot our men wore
taken prisoners, the rebels taking advan
tago of their landing, and tho loss would,
doubtless, havo been greater, but for the
fortunato position of our gunboats.
Charles D. Hineline, Esq., lato pub-
lisbor of tho Pennsylvania State Sentinel,
at Harrisburg, died, on Friday last in
Philadelphia. Ho was Superintendent of
Public Prtnting under Governor Packer,
and previous to his political career in this
State, edited tho Domocratio organ in
Camden, New Jersey, whore ho was also
Mayor, and a member of the New Jersey
Legt3laturc. Ho was a native of Easton,
General McClellan. Gen. McClel
lan, although within thirty miles of Rich
mond, suspended all military operations on
the Sabbath, that ho aud his men might
enjoy tho day of rest. To do this in tho
very faco of an ungodly world, and the
risk of being charged with being righteuos
overmuch, if not of neglcciing his public
duties, required a high degreo of moral
courage. If ho has God for him, ho may
afford to disregard what man can do against
him. lie has violent and unscrupulous
enemies, sonio of them in high places of
power ; but wo havo faith to bclievo that
tho God whom he honours will briug him
off triumphant.
t I'or Tiie Cold on Democrat.
Third Chapter of Matthew.
Tranttattd from the original llrtck.
1. In thoso days canio John the printer,
publishing in the wilderness of Columbia.
2. And saying, repent yo Democrats,
for tho kingdom of Abraham is at hand,
3. For this is ho that was spoken of by
the Prophet Soward, sajing, tho voico of
ono crying in tho wilderness of Illinois,
prcparo yo tlio way of Abraham, make
his paths straight, for an ''irrepressible
coiilia" is at hand,
4. And tho samo John had his raiment
of negro's wool, and a doctor's girdle about
his loins: aud his moat was tho lltpulli
can and the Post Office.
5. Then went out to him tho Republi
cans of Bloom, and all tho Know Nothings
of Cattawissi, aud all tho Abolitionists in
tho region round about Millvillo,
0. And wcro instructed of him in the
Republican, thereby confessing their sins,
7. But when ho saw many of tho office
seekers and turn coat Democrats come to
him, ho said unto thorn, 0 generation of
vipers, who hath warned you to flco from
tho wrath to como ?
8. Bring forth thorcforo votes meet for
0. And think not to Eay within your
selves wo havo Abraham to our father :
for I say unto you, that I am able of these
people to raiso up voles unto Abraham.
10. And now also tho ax is laid unto the
roots of office-holders : thorcforo every
man who hath not shown himself to bo a
good Linconitc shall bo hewn down and
oast from office, aud thoro shall he weep
ing and gnashing of teeth.
11. I indeed shall visit my wrath and
fury upon you : but ho that comcth after
ino and whom I support is mightier than
I, whoso shoes I am not worthy to boar,
and tho crumbs from whose tablo I desiro :
ho will scourgo you from high places, aud
cleanse the templo by putting in such
SUwarls as Frank and John.
12. Whose fan is in his hand, and ho
will thoroughly liuo his nest, and gather
his chosen ones iulo his bosom; but he
will pursue his opponents with unquench
able fury.
13. Then comcth William from Millvillo
to Bloomsburg uuto John, to bo instructed
of him.
14. But Johu forbade him, saying, I
havo need to bo instructed of thco, and
comcst thou to me ?
15. And William answering said unto
him, suffer it io Ic so now ; for thus it be
comcth us to fulfil our master Greeley's
will. Then ho suffered him.
1G. And William, when ho was fully in
structed went up straightway out of
Bloomsburg : and lo, the South was open-'
cd uuto him, and ho saw tho negroes flee
ing unto him likocojos, and darkening
tho air round about him,
17. And lo a voice from Washington,
saying, this is my beloved poliey, in which
I am Well pleased ; follow yo it.
Republican Editors in Council, IiycrtiSemCntS-
Tho fcccrot assembling of a logo number -r-
of Republican editors at Harrisburg in tho
absence of a public call, and tho fact that
Ilosca Carpontcr inado it convenient to bo
in this place at that time, aro certainly
verv susmciotis circumstances, oinco tlio
Notice is hereby given, that tho under
ilgncilliiMplnerdiht following named properly
In cliarge of Samuel Mnrr, of Scott lownililp, Columbia
county, during liln pleasure, vli: in.ju
L-OW, I JKl VUUIV ClU.r, V mint ... v - - -j.
Uooklng Ulemlls, Tallin andClialrf, Corner Cupboard,
J 7 , . . ., Kilelicn Cupboard, iind one l.urtmi, with which till per-
nallllV daVS of KlloW-NothinulSUl tllOSO , ,on, nr0 forbidden to meddle or Interfere, ou paint of
l J " I, i.flnntlloi.
follows havo had a hankcrinc after sonio .
sort of a secret organization so contrived MayS4, iE02-3t
as to invest a small circle of insido mana
gers with tho power of making nominations
and distributing offices and patronage.
They imagined that thoy had struck tho
righ vein when thoy organized tho "Loyal
League'' and seleted Ilosca Carpenter as
tho proper instrument to go about tho
Stato organizing lordges nc fivo dollars
each. But to their utter confusion, aftor
Mr. Capron had exhausted his ingauuity
in drafting a constitution to deprive tho
uususpecting mases of tho privilego of
choosing whom they would elect to office,
and lo sccuro that power to a select cliquo
of managing politicians to their uttor con
fusion thoy discovered that thoy had en
trusted tho secret to a leaky vessel, and
thattha Patriot and Union, and through
it the public, becamo awaro of tho dirty
conspiracy in whioh they wcro engaged.
Confused, but not dismayed at this expo
sure, they tried to wrigglo out of the trap
in which thoy had caught themselves-
somo boldly denied tho csisteonco of tho
now order, othor3 admitted and justified it,
and others, agaiu, tried to look sweetly
iunoeont and ignorant.
It will bo recollected that there was a
mectiug of Repjbliean editors hero last
winter. Not long after, tho "Loyal
Leaguo'' made its appearance, and was
exposed to merited contempt Now we
havo another meeting of Republicans ed
itors, and it is fair to conoludo that somu
secret des'gn was set on foot. Wo don't
pretend to guess what it was. It may havo
been merely a meeting of mutual condo
lence or it may havo boon for the purpose
of reprimanding tho Telegraph for disclo
sing tho secret of tho "Loyal League"
or to raiso funds to enable Ilosca Carpen
ter to find out where "Ann live aud travels"
or to compel tho plunder-patriots to
subscribe largely to tho Ropublioan party
to carry the next election or to petition
tho government for the suppression of'Dem-
ocratic newspapers or to select candidates
for Auditor General or Surveyor General.
The meeting may have been for ono of
these purposes or for something else equally
objectionable ; but a3 it wai conducted
with all possible sccreoy, wo may ha cer
tain that it was for somo purposo that
would not bear the light of day.
Patriot Union.
THEundcrnlgned would announce, that helm on hand
othlllatandCai Emporium, on Main St., Illoouu.
burs, an aortmoiitof different kind of leather, ucli a
fine calf kln, morocco, (red andblncKjand llnlnpn, all
cf which he will sell cheaper thun can be had tlnew hcre
iu this market. Call andcicmlne them for yourselves.
llloonnburg, May 21, 19C2.
l-ENXSYLVANU tun. ROAD co unit.
On and after Monday May 5th, ledl, llmo at Northum
berland atation will be n- follows i
.tart ll'tuteard. I Leatt Hattvari,
Express 13 a.m. Etprcs, llr,n
.Mail 4 IS l'.H. jtlail 10 UI a.m
SIccpiiiR Cars on Mfilit Trains
Ilolh ways between Wllllanispnrl and Baltimore, and on
the Pennsylvania llallroad between llarritburi; and
on Mull Train in both directions a Car goes through
i ll. rem,h)hnnla Hail Head without change I ctuctu
Philadelphia and Lock Haven.
gup'tCaktern Ulvliion.
May 21, leot.
Cmnt, oo?ndJudgc fur fnurselvtn, and you will he
satisfied that llrovver's Store at the Corner of Main mid
Jron rtrn-u, iajhc place to pep-haie Cheap Goods for
Mr. Biiowek'b Cheap Store. Our
worthy Merchant, Mr. J. J. 5rower,
sends out his notico of New Goods, in thisj
Columbia Democrat. His assortment is j
unequalled hero in prico, quality and quan-
tity. Moreover, Mr. Urowcr, is ono of 1
our most exemplary citizens and a success-'
ful Merchant, a gentleman of high pro
bity and unsullied character.
Arthur's Home Magazine, in all its
attraotivoncss, is on our tablo for Juuo.
It has always bceu a bright star in the gal
axy of tho polito literate and an especial
fnvorito with tho Ladios of our country.
T. S. Arthur & Co., Philadelphia, S3 00 a
year in advance
The namo of tho uuforlunnto young
man. who was killed last week on tho L.
& 13. R. It., near Danville, when tho En- j
ginoran over a Cow and was thrown into.
,i . n . i r tr t i. I
Uio janai was ukuuue iy . jvbiiu , wuo (
resided in Wilkfcbarre, whero he leaves a
widow and two children, l
Candid ATrs. With the approach of the
timo for holding tho Stats Convention?,
we observe tho friends of the various can
didates urging their claims for nomination
by their parties. Candidates for Auditor
General and Surveyor General are to be
chosen. On the Union, or opposition side
there seems to bo a general disposition to
renominate Hon. TI103. E. Cochran, tho
prcsont Auditor General, A Union Dom
ocrat will probably be placed on the ticket
with him for Surveyor General, and all
indications point to the selection of Hon.
John Howe, of Fraukliu, late Speaker of
tho House of Representatives at Harris
burg, aud onco before Surveyor General
oftho State. Tho prominent candidates
for tho Demooratic nominations aro Hon.
Richardson L. Wright, of Philadelphia,
and Col. Jacob Zeiglor of Butler, and for
Auditor General, Hon. Geo. Sanderson,
of Laucafter, Col, Levi L. Tate, of Co
lumbia aud others for Surveyor General,
Mr. Wright was beaten for Auditor Gen
eral thrco years ago by Mr. Cochran, the
prosont incumbent, and tho probabilities
aro that ho will again bo placed on the
track. Montgomery ledger
Unconstitutional Legislation.
That distinguished publicist aud lawyer,
Prof. Joel Parker, oftho Cambridge Law
School, well kuown for his adhesion to
the political principles of tho present Ad
ministration, has placed on record tho fol
lowing opinion for tho advico of his politi
cal friends :
'Jo the Janitor of the Boston Journal :
Dear Sir : Will you permit mo to say
that tho sooner tho Republican party cuts
itsolf loose from all unconstitutional pro
jects, (whether thoy relato to emancipation
by proclamation, conquering States aud
holding them as Territories, Confiscation
without trial, or any othor mcasuro not
warrauted by tho Constitution,) tho soon
er it will bogiu to provide for its own sal
vation. Vory truly, yours.
Joet, Paricer.
Cambridge, May 0, 1802.
Appointment bv the Governor I
Governor Curtin baa appointed William'
McClellan, ofPranklin county; Charles I
Gilpiu, of Philadelphia j and Robert IJ, I
McConib, of Lawronco county, Comniis.l
tioucrs to roviso aud codify tbo Revcnuo
Laws of Pennsylvania, under tho act of
April, 18fl2.
"Good-Byo, John."
John Forney, wo mean the veritable,
veracious aud immaculato John W tho
dignifisd and auguit clerk of the Senate
the nominal editor and proprietor of a
certain anomalous newspaper called the ' ".JJ.00,
I'icss tlie preteuded Irxend and advocate
of Stephen A. Douglas tho original and
ardent supporter of James Ruohanan,
for which last may he be forgiven. John,
W , hail and farewell I You'vo left us,
Johu, bag and baggago, tooth and toe
nail. It was very cruel, very unkind, but
''sioh is life."
"I wish I. was on Federal Hill,
There I'd bit and cry my fill,
For Jouny's gouo for a liobolition'ut."
Listen to his affectiug farewell :
''Failing in our efforts to cleanse and
purify tho sanctuary (of Democracy) from
tho pollutions of Mr. Ruchanan and his
followers, it becomes us, if wo would no
longer bo affiliated with their iniquities, to
spurn their fellowship."
Oneo more, then, good-byo, and joy
go witli tho flittin. It is au old and true
The Monitor
Has just received and is now opaning a
Splendid assortment of
' 73
Groceries, Hardware, Queenswaro, Cedar
ware, Mackeral, Cheese, etc.,
which will be sold at I lie lowest figure for ready pay,
Ilis Dry Goods consists in part of
Fine Cloths,
Black and Fancy
Cassimcres, Kino Opera
Cloakiugs at SI, 50 per yard
Stella Shawls from 81,50 to S7,
Dress Goods, a full assortment; Shep
herd s Plaids; Printed Chalies, Em
broidered Madonnas, Erabroidarcd
Mozambiques, Poil Do Chevrca,
etc., etc. Calicoes at 0, 7,
8, 10 and IS cents.
Muslins, ono yard
wide at 12 cts.
Skeleton Skirts, from 58 cents to $2,00.
consists in part of best whito sugar at 12 J
cents. A. No. 1 Syrup Molasses, 50
cents per gallon. Ladies' and
childrens' high-heeled boots
and gaiters a full
Eight day, and thirty hours,
No. 1 t)- 2 Muctarelin Quu? ler and Half
A splendid assortment of Coal Oil
Lams cheap.
Ely's water proof gun caps, powder aud
buot, XC.,4fcC,, vc
saying, "an open enemy is better than a
secret foo :" aud tho latter you havo been
to everything that was Democratic for the
past year. Jinglo your thirty pieces of
silver as you go, John ; you have earned
them well, but beware of tho fa'e of your
illustrious prototypo. For ho oast down
the thirty pieces of silver, and went and
hauged himself' Chambersburg Times.
Hunter's Proclamation. Wo have
received from Port Royal what purports
to bo a correct copy of General Hunter's
rcmarkablo proclamation, in issuing which
ho out Pholpcd Pholps and throw Fremont
entirely into the shade, and usurped all
the fuuetions of governments. Hois indeed
a "mighty Hunter," aud Ninirod would be
nothing but a ramrod iu tho hands of the
military emancipators. While certain
statesmen mako fools of themselves in mil
itary matters, as au offset, certain military
men stultify themselves in civil affairs.
So wo go.t'hilu. Eve. Journal,
In Dloomsburg, on Saturday last, sud
denly, Mr. David Jones, a soldier oftho
Mexican war, aged about U8 years.
In Miltou, Northumberland county, May
1st, 1802, Mrs. Charlotte, wifo of John
II ussoy., formerly of Light Street, aged
53 years.
In Orangovillo, on Tuesday, May QOth,
1802, Mrs. Luoinda, wifo of Phincas
Rrewcr, aged about 30 years.
Near Light Street, on tho Mth inst.,
Mr. Aleu Mahr, aged 00 year.
ultkwhYat:-.::.: potatoeV.t.":': iS
COKNinew) ...
Author of "Tho Chann'uiRs." "Earl's Heirs." "East
I,) ine," i.c., &c.
& Life's Secret !
A Life's Secret !
A Life's Secret !
fly Author of "Cast Lynne!"
A LIFE'S SECRET. A Story or Woma.i's RirrxoK.
n.v Mrs Henry Wood, author of "Eat Lynne," "The
Chaniiingt," aod "The Earl's Heirs," will be published
and for cilo on Saturday next, May 2-ltli. It is printed
from the manuscript and adranic proof-sheets, pur
chased hy us from the author, in advance of the publi
cation of the work in Eurupc, and will lu usueu in a
iarpe octavo volume, largo type, douhle column, aud
printed nu tho rlnest and best of white paper. I'ricn
Fifty cents In paper csver. or Suveuty-livo cents in
Head vhat Dr. it. Shclton .Mackenzie, the literary IMtor
afForney't Vrttt, toys of it edlttiraUy in thatpjptr.
Mas. HfnRv Wood's hew kovel, It it said Napoleon could dittate ou three or four ilitl'erent
subjebtH, to as many secretaries all at once. .Mrs. Hen
ry Wood must have similar munns of putting her clover
liclions upon paper. Within the last rortmslit or so.
wo have noticed tieo of her new novels, :'The Earl's
Heirs," and "the Choniiiugs," aud la-re is a third to ho Peterson & Brothers. Iu a few days,
printed from the manuscript aud advance proof-fheett
purchaKcd from the aulliur, so us to anticipate its on
pearauce in London, weich we bavejust joad from itie
advance copy of the proof-sheets mint lis by the publMi
erf, "A Ufa's Secret; A Story of Wumau'j ltevi-nsc,"
doe lint rescuiblo any oi .Mrs. Wood's preecediug tale
except iu tho wonderful power of putting the reader in
to lull possesion of the motives of the leaning char
acters in giving the most natural cenvr-rs.itions, aud
iu concealing the denouement to Hie very coce of tho
Btory. This Ian so essential lo the novelist, Sirs
ood posesses in a larger digree tfcuti any other liv.
ing writer. Mixed up with the incident of the tale,
which runs through it, is a striking and punfully truth
ful account of tho rise, progrers, aud dicline of the
ocial evil ealleda builders' -htrike," It id as power,
ful mjminfirl, and tbowt MrsAVood's possession of the
elements of domestic tragedy, Tho price of "A Life's
eecr-t," lsbut nny Cents a copy, and is sent free of
pojtage by the publishers to any one, on receipt of that
amount. 1'ublished and for sale hy y
. ,. , :,nii Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
To whom all orders must como addrejscd.
Mrs. Henry Wood's Othtr l)oo!,s,
Tus Cuss;;-iiis. A Domestic Novel of Real Life, nr
Mrs. Henry Wood, author of "Earl's Heirs," "A Ufa's
aecret,' "The Castle's llelr." "The Msiery?' V ic.
OOIOU CtO ill nun :ir.,u , ... ..! "c-
, . wv.w-w tumnit.-, iiuuoie column,
making over threo hundred pages, and printed on the
finest while paper, Prico fllty cents a copy, n piper
cover, oraeveiuy.fiveccnls in cloth. 11
The Era' Heirs. A Tale of Domestic Ll'o, llv tho
"Uthor of "Tho Charming.. piio Mystery," "A Life's
Sscret." "Tlio Castle's ,ir," etc. Price y ,1
conv. Ill nnnrprnu., . D. '. . "V K'-Ois a
--, , creuiy,urccni!l In ClUtll,
,i K.C?!'1 w ;f "A Ur"' Secret." or"Channings " or
tho "Earl's Heirs," will bo sent to any one of post
?5biios'he?;:il!,";,e,,,l'e,!r.""cc or ,"otd"109 W':"""'
FOll THE YEAR 1802. '
OK Good, Wiifod, Mufchninllzft,
DistllltMH, iirmvers, IC tiitiE IIhum- K,.,pj
ot, wllhin tho uuunly of Columbia, tPim,,.
eti ai.d claafifieil in at'curiliiiiro wiih lis,
oovotal aeit 01 AfMtJtnoiy, oy uin Appr.tter I
...,!!.. t ..i ,:.i
01 UlUrcaillllH lW ui ouiu uuuill) UI b,
lows, to wit :
Iilooinl)iua Iron Company
Mi'Kelvy, Neu! k Co
llCfol W Iliitnnnii '
S (1 Miller U Kjuc
A J Sloan
1F Slmiplffs
Jeiurniali J Urovvar
David Slrouj) l
John K Ciifiuu I -I
David Loweubnrg 14
Kliite Memleiiliall It
Dri'John 1 4
John It Moypr 1 1
Gpliraim i Lmz 14
Geo M llageubuch 1 1
It Stohnor 1 1
A M Unpert 1 1
Oliver A Jatioby I J
Simon CSlilve 11
Mi8 Amehrt D Wobb 1 1
Jo-epli W Hendoir-hot 1 t
Jos Sliainlefg Found i y Siovol 1
l'tiilip S Moyer Sloven 14
F Fox Cunft c'ioncr k linker It
Bowman St 0en 1 1
Abraham Miller 1 1
Jackfon k Woodin 12
Ituubeu II Nicely 1 1
Jaekon & Wooden Fonmlty 1 1
Abtaham Miller Drua ilotx 1 1
A V F.vbiii. J H DoiImiii, An't
Dtuy Sioih 14
I.etiKiiz II
C li 'JuobUul'z 1 1
I'iirvln MiiMdH 1 1
Samuel lleacnck 1 1
Hiram F F.vriutt M
Mis 11 A Culo 1 i
Frnuklin Sl.niniiu J4
iCtnaiiiicl Friedman I .
J.ilin Sharpie 13
JeM K Sli;Ui!eiM 13
J S Brohet 13
(Jen Himh & Son .Slovo 14
S I) Riiianl Stova 1 1
J.u'ob H Creasy 14
Levi Kmler 14
C XV MnKelvy fiCo II
William John love, BrilaTi-
nia wure, &c 14
(Jilberl H Fowlrr 13
F. W M Low & Urolher 11
J.tcob Spouvler 1 4
C II Hess & Co 14
C V Hill H
D K Sloan 1 1
Mm M Gorrll 13
Jonathan J Hnaulnnil 14
J IS & It K.iitHa " 14
Di.niel McHniiry 14
Georni- M Huwrll 1 1
K4AAP UnaiiK-l 1 1
IS Amniermxii 14
Soloiiitui Bucs 14
Gcorcfi Manure it Sou 13
John l.enit 14
JiKMib ScliujJer 1 4
Benjamin (i Charier) Hves 14
M G k W II SliouinaUr 13
CU.ulos Neyl.nitl 1 1
Jncub lldin.1 1 1
W.iMiiiiginn Yoayur 1 1
Jiiuiib Yenuer 14
Ahr.iliatn Rico 14
Mark Williaim 14
William T S, human II
lieigliurd & Nuf.t 1 1
Neal MfCny 13
Miller k tfilier 13
C k W Kieamer 13
Creav & ISro'.vn 13
Kruben filler 14
W Bhtenbandor & Co 14
La 7a r u & FMi ur 13
A IS Siewurl U
William Fritz 14
A Coleman Meri'haul Tailor 14
Isaac N Khun 14
Judnli Chcrringtuii 14
Puter lint ' 13
II W Cie-sy k I'roihpr 12
William l'udftifk Drug Slore 14
E7- llooksellers, News Aronti, and nil oihers will
io 0;
7 o
7 0
7 0
7 C
7 ti
10 (1
12 i
7 a
7 ('
7 i.
Ill I
7 ('
7 e,
10 0
7 I'
ll 15 C
15 f
15 u
25 ii
7 0
7 t"
7 i
7 I
7 li
Address al) crdersat once to the publishers.
No.30d Chestnut Btrtti, Philadelphia.
Jf IT H'M.tlD and roR si.s m I
T, JJ. racrson d Brothers,
U00 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 1
.n?.0''., ( everywhere free of postage, on remittln- '
to us the price of the books wantud, in alette". S
Gustuvc Aimard's Books,
oro,ic?mrin"ci';,,;4.,hfln'1"" ,,,f" 53 " v."";
thlni fV wmten by J, F"n'ni0!5 ZT'?, "'L? "&
Samuel A Wotiuan
IS F Reicharl k ISruthet
C S Fowler k Crevtling
D.ivid Wliiimycr
I fe'TCrcvelntii
II il Fuller-S L ISeiile, Aa'l
iesto It lVmiiiui''ii
R"lir McHonry ISeninn
Edyer k Mclleiii) Fishing
eioek Richard l'lurner ISIoom
Reub()r. Millur--Hnart'teek
Mis M-try li.trkley ISIoom
Mis-eii ll-triuaua do
Mi K J Wilson do
Mrs A l' Fowler SeoU
Mr A J I5ras ISerwirk
William IS Kooiib Ulouu;
IS Stohner "
J W He.uderhot "
Churles Noll i
Frednrick N cly Berwick.
Miehael Fiamz
Henry Lnhman Cenlre
Samuel Kosienbitder Callawij'a
Levi Keiler
Connor k Urntlier Montour
W Uiltanbender & Co '
John I) Kromer Miflliu
All persons who uiay feel nccriaveJ '
the above cHii-oitlL-atlcui can hava an f
porinniiy of appoalma by oallini! upo i 1
uridersiened at hi olliua, ( of tht Y(
Olliee) in Uloflinsburi!,, any limo ou t l1
Inre tho lOih day pi June, I8e2, or at i
Corcmisi-ioiiarii' oIIeo in UIouibur;!i
the J)ti (if Ju,ie, fter which no
will bo heurd. Wtt. II. JACOISY.
Macantile Avuiabt
May ?I, I8P2.
'lb the Members of the Columbia Com
Agricultural Society.
N Election of the Omerri of the Colurhhla to
r ,A.I'llliirai, Horticultural, and MWIuiiifnlP'
ty will tin h-d at tha Coirt House, In lllooiosrrar,
Silurdty, .May 17, IWJ, al 2 o'rloc k, p, in.
H.y3,lc-:t, WM.NnAC.CVj.lrB.W