3EM0CRAT. AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. iEVB Jli. TATE, Editor. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TIIK TOROH OP TRUTH AND WAVK IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." TERMS: $2,00 PER ANNUM. VOL. 16. NO, 12. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. PUUfilSIIK!) EVERY SATURDAY, MY T ; LEVI L. TATE, JM BLOOMSBUllG, OOLtTMBIA COUNTY, TA. OFFICE tfn 4i Uriels nuttdlnp, o;i;(( A Exchange, by aide ''"A Court llnuie. "Democratic Head quarters." u; wis 4 terms or suiisicntVTioN. iU 00 In advance, for ono tupy, Cor six montlii. 1,75 tin advance, fur one copy, ono year. ..S twlf not paid wltliin the tirst three months, . i Ii;if not pjlil within tliu first six mouths. S'StS iriwX paid within the year. tE?5No subscription taken for less than six months, citt no pnp .discontinued until all arrearages stall have ifeaen 1)9.1 l. "t7" OrdlnarvAiivctutiEMiciTS inserted, and Jon Work -tncutcd. at tlio I'stnbllshedpriccs .BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL .ETA'ULI8HEI A3 A JUU'UOCI'KOM QUACKERY. ' The Only Place ivtcie a (Jure can be Obtuine.1. DIl.tJOIINHTOM has ibscovercd the most Cottain, fnocdy mill only Dlfectuiil Roomily in the World .ror;all"prlvulo Diseases, Weakness uf till Hack or Llmbsj Htrlcture", Atfcctions of tlio Klducja ami Iliad' ifer, involuntary Discharges, Impoteney, Uencrnl Du .uillty,"Nermusiics3, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits Contusion of ideas, 1'alpltitiou of thu riuurt, Timidity, Trsmbllugs, Dimness ufriight or ljdiness, Ilisiiasu of ..the Head, Throat, Nose or skin, Ail'ectinus of the l.ivir Lungs,, Btumucli or llovvcls -those terrible liisnj-dcrs arising from thu f'olitary Habits of Youth those suitEr mid solitary practices mora fatal to th.'ir victims than ithisongul tireus t tlu Murium of Ulysses, blight ing their most bn Hunt hip or anticipations, rcnilur Hag marrla.'e, i-K. impusBilile. KspicKlly, who have become tlio letiins of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which mum ally sWeops to an untimely grao thousands of Young "Men of th most exalted tale n'j mid brilliant intellect, who mlsht otherwise Iiutc cittranc.d 1 i sti-n I iir Senates -with Um thunders of clu'iucnedoi ivaked to cclusy tlu -1 i t 1 ii if 1 r e , ina call uith full confidence. " rf ' M A It K I A (1 15. Married persons, or Young Men contemplating mar rlace.boiiU nwure of physical weakness, organic deabili vty, diformitics, &c, speedily cured. )Io who places himsclt under the rare of llr. Johnston, may religiously coulWo in his lionui as n gentlemen, and cunfldently rely upon his hlcill as a physician. I .. .; ORGAN! O W 15 A K X II S U .Immediately cured and full vigor restored. ilTbta Distressing AU' ction--whlih renders lifo mis CrabU and marriago iuiposible is the penalty paid by tlu vittlms of impropir imiulijenn s. louug p'r suns are too apt to commit uncsi, fiom nut beius awurs of the dreadful com "pienco tint may enuu, "Now.lwho that underitunds the kiibjr.ct mil pre ld to deny til it til prnver of pro.-roation is lost vooiht IjytllOjeiailinjriUlU Itljpiopri n.iifin, ukihuj in--- llealdns h'liii deprivuil ol th.i p! asuru ul hciltby oil sprluBs, ths must huriuus and ib'structlvo symplouis to both body and mill 1 arise. The' system becomes clcrani; edtitlie physical and ni'nlal rurutiou- wenbened, loss ufprocreatlvi! pouvr, nervous irritability, llyspepsi.i lialuitatlon of the h 'art. ludl'o tin n, lonstltutiobal de iilltyjtt w itiui; of the Kramo, t'oujli. Oonsuiuption, decayaud ,kMth. tjTQjT'cn, No. 7 south na:i)i:iiii-K sTitr-KT. Jift iiahd side goiui! from llaltimoro street, n tew doors frouitiie rorutr. Tail not tuobsprte name and niii.ili r. iLctters must be pau and contain a stamp. The Doe tor's Diplomas han; in his office. A C U It C V A It It A N T V. II IN' T W O 1) A Y H no uunuuitv oa nm.'si.uus nutos. 4.,,. Dti. joii.varox Member of the Itoy.il IMI.s.s of Surgeons, London. Graduate from one id the most eminent Colleges of the United Hiatus, and 111' Rreater part of nlnisu life has ibooii spent in the first Hospitals or l.uudun, I'.irjs, riula .delphiaaud elsewhere. Iris etl'eite.l spine u." tlio most as itonishlni! c ires til it were ever 1-uoh i: ; many troubled with' rinsing in tlio h-Td un l eais when asleep, ifreat njrvodsnesH. bein uli'riued at sudilcu pounds, an JlMtli fulness, nil fi"iueul LliiHlung. ult.'tijed souietluies Willi licraiiliemeut wf mind, weie cured immcdi.iti.ly . ,,JaVA i: E 1' A It T I 0 V. 1. All N O T 1 C H. Ur.'J.addiesses all those lio have iuj ircd themselves by Improper indulgence and solitary habits, nhiib ru in both body and mind. uiilititi'J them for cither buti- ncss.rstiidy, society or uiai nas". TJicss are so.n ' of Uie sad and nu laurholy ellects pro duCodTby early habits of youth. M.: Ve,iknes of the Hack and I.imbs, Tain in tli" Head, liieiucss of Sielil, liiis df Muscular I'ovver, l'aljmatioii of the II. art. ! pjAsia, Nervous Irrntabiltty, ll. ranuemunt of the Diaes '!lv;t'iiuuiuns, Mineral Debility, sjmptomsof Cousump. ''"m'eNTAM.Y. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded, I.nssof M. mory.Coiifiisiuii of Ideas 'Dlpression of the Spirits, l'.vil rorebodiiifs, Aversnui ta Bockt) . elf-disirust, loio of solitude, Timity, &.c , are tumu uftlie evils produced. .Thousands of persons ol all at'is can now Judite what Is tlialcauso of their deUiniut! health, l.oosiiiij tin ir vior,'beLouiins wuak, pale and umaciaiad, having kin ljuiar appeurano about tlu eyes, cough and syippiouis oi Ooiisuinption. y 0 x Q j j; jj ?Who have injured thnis( Ives by u certain practice" Indulged in whan ulono-ahabit frc'iiumly learned trom evil companions, or at school -the eirccts of wliiih aro iiislitly felt, evuu when aslcvp, and if not cured renders marrlago impossible, and destrojs both luiud and body, hould apply immediately. . What A pmv that ayouux man, the hope of his cuntry and tlio darliiiu of Ins parents, shoulil bn suattlu d from 'all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the couscueii. cos of deviating from tin path of nature, and indutci,:" iit.aicertain secret habit. Such persons ttusi belors contSnipluUng H It 1 A B. tcflocU.thal :i sound nund mid body are the most ni--cessary ni'pilMties to promote connubial happiness Iiidced,'ilhout Hi se the Journey through lifi becomes n'.weary pilgrimage, the piospect hourly darkens to tlio view; thu mind become, thadoweil with despair Ac lilled'witli the melancliuly relL-clion that the happiness of another becomes blighted Willi our own, ft I s i: a d u or i si r it u n h n c 15. When the misguided and Iniprndeut votary of pleasure finds Im h n Imbibe,! the seeds uf this painful disease, it .to.j often happens 111 it an ill timed senss of shame i r dread'tif discovery, deters him fiom applying to thojo wliu from eilueatio.i and resp ettabilny can alone b Mricuil him! delaying till the constitutional symptoms oflhis horril dlseasu make, til ir appearance, such as ulcerated aor throat, diseased nose, uoilutnal, pains ill thel.cad an. I limb, dimness of sieut, deafness, nodes on tlio shin bilucs, undan.is, blotch s 0,1 tin) head, face and evtrome ties, piojtrcssiuoi nil rapidity, till at la-t the pulalu of thu mouth and buues of the nose fall in, and the vktim ol this Uossaso becomes 11 h urid ubjeilof comiuisscratlou ,Xl death puts 11 p"ilod to ins dreadful surl'erings, by sen. dingliinrtu "thut bourne from whence uu ir.uelerru- .turns.'.''' It is 11 melancholy fact that thousands fall victims 10 jttlis torriblo disease, owing to tliu unskillfulfness of Ig norant pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly I'vi ton. Mercury, rum the constitution and make thu ruti dm of life miserable. B T It A N 15 R S Trust not your lues, or health, to the ca,riioftio inn ,ny Unlearned und Worlhless Pretenders, destitute: uf Jcnowledga, iiauie or character, w ho copy Dr. Jonutton'a advertisements, or stylo thoinsclob, in tlio nowspaiers, regularly Uducatod 1'hynicians incapalde of Ciiring.they '.keep ynu trilling inoutii after mouth taking their flithy 'and polaouus compounds, or us long us Ihu smu!lut feu J4can bo obtained, and in dopair, leavu you with ruined .health to sith nvfr your ga.llnig di.appuintment. I)r, Johnsoi: is the only l'hysiuan advertising. Ilia credential or diplomas alwuys hang In hlsolUoo. Ills roniedios or treatment are unknown to all ulhers, .prepared from u lire .pent In Hid great hospital of I.ii ,xopojlh first in llus country and 11 mnro extensive Tn vf readies than any other I'liysalan in the woild. ,-('; INH01tBU.Mi:.N"l 01' Till! I'ltUr-S. Tin many thousands cuiudpl this lntitutiun yoarnf-tr-r year, and tlie numerous important riurglcal Opera tions performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by tlio re porters of the ".-un," "Clipper," pn4 many other papeis notices of which havo appeared iigaiii and aeaiu beioro '.His public, besides his standing u U gonllemeii of char acter and r-iiponsiliility, is u sufficient guaraiileo lolho afUictcd. "bkim iii3i:asi:s ii:i:ii l.v cimr.p, Porsons writing luuld la particular in directing their .later! to his Institution, 111 Ino folluwiug manner: JOII.V M. JDIINSTON, M. I). Of the Jlalti mora I.otl: Hospital, llaltimoro, Marylumli jan nor,Ji. tjmini "i "- TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. rpllfi undersigned rrspeclfully Informs his old fricndl J. and ciiilomera, that ho has purthasrd his brothers Interest in thu abovu establishment, itndtho concern wia liereafter bo conducted by liliniciruxclutivcly. 110 lias Jllst rcreiveu aim oneis tor suiit, ,1111 iui I est and limit extensive assortment of r A N O Y Iki'rrivnsi ever introduced lntu this market. li- nu aiork consists of ii counilctu ussortiuent of thci best RnoKing and parlor stoves in uie muii.ei, ioSeue er with filovii I-'nturus of every description, Oven nnd noxBtove, Iladiators, t'jlindar tjlovcs, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves, (!aniion Btoves, feci tc, Hlovepipe and Tiutvara constantly on hand und maiiiifactuied to order All kinds of repairing dono, at Usual, on sl.oit notice. rTha pationagc nf old friends and new cusloinnrs rfl' psttfully .ollcitid M. KLl'CBf. BIoomtiuis Xavi'"'t3illf!C0 tf Original Poetiy. Tor tiu Columbia DkMocKAr. A TRIBUTE, I 1 0 im .-.icnory cf .Vn. J. W. Cimpbttl, of Reach drove. Hushed bo tlio volcu of gladness, l.ct no vain siind be heard I Tor lol wj'm bowed In sadness, Our hearts with jrlef aru stirred, l'or tliu loved and the lit lug Tha lender mother's guuo j Tojnin thiungcls hovering Around the blood-washed tlirona. How lonely seems tbe dwollltig, How cloumy seems the honrlh i Our aching hearts nru swelliu; There is no room for mirth. Oh, how wo nils? her fuot-stsps, Her sweet and soothing voice, The soft mild glances of her eye, "That mado us all rejoice. Oh tan wo o'er forget Iter, i'orget her tender care, I'uiget her precious precepts, I'orget her earnest prayer 1 We'll think of her whn morning ttheds forth lis radiant light ; "' We'll think uf her at noon-tlnio, And in the deep sad night. i'orbld that we should niutuiur At Death's stern decree. Hut our sainted mother, v We'cr lonely without theo. May he nhu in his wisdom 1 ml ict x the chastening rod, (Jivo us grace to say forever, "Nut my will, but thine oil Uod." S II. Jcnkiks. CMMfiT.TFTSS' t.w wi ssi1! j'i'p, " ". sf- n Yimrm National AHairs. LETTER FROM HON. H. -B. WFIIGHT- I10US15 Of REl'IlK-iUNTATIVES U. S., Washiiiytou, April 52-1, 1602. To Jly Comtitucntb : I am compelled, very much against my inclination, to address a low lines to you, in regard to my vote in opposition to tlio bill which recently passed Congress, abol ishing slavery in the Di-itrict of Columbia I regret it beeaui-c the acts of a represen tative should not make ic necessary for him to appear in the public press ; but as the bill passod under the pressuro of the previous question, which cuts off debate, am in a measure forced to pursue this 'courso of informing my constituents of my reasons for voting ngaicct the bill. 1 miuht add otic other motive for troubling you, and that is charges made in private letters from my district expression of the press in and out of the State as to a vio lation of the pledges I made before my election. To save the trouble of separate aiiswcis, and to supply you with what I should have said, in debate if I could have had the opportunity, I am obliged to adopt tlio present plan. I voted agaiust the bill for abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia ; and it is my purpose to vote against any other bill abolishing blavery any where, without -tlio consent of the people in the State whore it exists. And in doing this, I will violate no pledgo that I ever assumed, cither by word or implication, in the ro motcit degree. Whou you did 1110 tlio honor to elect nic to the !J7th Congress, you imposed upon mo the following obligations, and I am free to say that they fully and cordially met my own approbation. 'They were to aid and assist, to tho ex tent of my power, to put down tho rebel lion and crush out au unholy und wicked insurrection j to voto to raise armies and the necessary means to support them ; to stand by tho government, in tho crisis, then aud now pending, and do all I could for its restoration . '1 hcao wore the obligations imposed np 011 me by both tlio political parties of my di.-tiict, aud which I have faithfully aud honorably discharged. Hut 1 did uot then consent, and will not now, to become an abolitionist. It is the last position that 1 will assuuio, at least while I havo reason aud judgment left. To bccoino an aboli tionist would bo to .rcverso tho whole courso of my public life ; and to give tho lio to those doctrines which 1 havo publicly proclaimed for a period of thirty years. Tho doctrines of Wendell Phillips and his associates aro as abhorrent and mon strous as those of Jell. Davis nud his con spirators. Jioth tho open and avowed ad vocatcs of tho destruction of ftich a gov ernment as tho world novor boforo saw, and both deserving thosamo iufainy. 'With neither of them have I any aflinity, and no human being can say that I ever hud. Wciidoll Phillips lias proclaimed within the last two mouths to a public audience in this city, that ho had been engaged for tho last ninotccn years in attcmptiug to overthrow und destroy tlio Uuion ; nnd ho received, on tho uttcrnnco of this un mitigated troasou, rounds of applause! Has Jeff. Davis and his band of traitors dono auythiug worse I Now tlio idea that I bhould follow in tho wuko of any such leadership ought to bo preposterous with you, wl9 havo known me to many years. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A, No, I am n Union man, and will stand by tho Constitution while I havo tho strength to do so, and light manfully ngainst tho fanatical schemes of abolition fanaticism north, as well as tho blood-red doctrines of soccssion north or south I Dut I como to tho question whether it bo true that I havo falsified my pledges J Let my recorded votes speak for mo, and let unprejudiced men bo my judges, I havo uniuformily voted for all appropria tions that havo passed Congress, and theso amount to bomo seven hundred millions of dollars. I voted for tho necessary tix bills to raise theso enormous sums of money. I voted to put in tho field au army of six hundred thousaud men I voted for all resolutions expressing tho sentiments of tho House as to the propriety of crush ing out tho accursed rebellion, punishing tho leaders and restoring tho government. I havo upon all occasions, as I conceived, pursued a conservative course, and attemp ted, at all times, to avoid any interference with exciting sectional questions, regarding tho agitation of them as grave, and I may say insurmountable objects to tho restora tion of the Union and tho suppression of tlio rebellion. And who can entertain n doubt of the truth of tho position 1 It is my candid opinion that the passage of tho slavery abolition bill was more disastrous than to havo added fifty thousand men to 4ho ranks of the rebels. How 1 it may bo asked. Dy exemplifying, in the net, what they havo uniformily charged upon us, and which we havo stoutly de nied, that it wai a war to emancipate ne groes, in place of restoring tho Union : by holding out to our army an issuo of eman cipation when tho proclamation of tho executive, which called them to the field, was to suppress the rebellion and protect tho persons and property of loyal men every where. If tho effect of the passago of the bill is calculated to prolong tho war to weaken aud demoralize the federal army and strengthen the rebel cause, then indeed I should havo acted in direct op position, not only to my pledges, but for tho best interest of tho country in giving it my support. In my opinion this iva3 net the time nor the occasion to agitate tho slavery question. More momentom issues arc upon our bauds. We havo a government to save and tho homes of thirty millions of peo ple to protect. Lifo or doath of the great Ilepublie bhould bo tho all absorbing ques tion, and that alone, till it be solved. Never, sinco tho sun lirst dawned upon tho globe, was there so solemn so responsible a position as tho one now occupied by tho people of this country. No effort of which tho human heart and tho humau frame is capable of cxerei.siug should bo omitted to rescue from ruin aud overthrow tho United States of America. Dut ous thought should occupy tho public mind, and ono impulse movo tho public heart how is tho government to bo saved ? This, and uot negro abolition should agitato the Congress tho nation the people. AVo should sooiho the feelings of our loyal brethren of Maryland, Kentucky, Virginia, Tonnesseo ami Missouri, rather than har row them up, and drive thciti .to .deeds of madness by acts of legislation which havo a tendency to create distrust for, if not tho destruction of, their social customs aud local lans, Their sons jivo fighting Btdo by side with ours of tho north ou thosamo battle field, and many of thc.m occupy tho same gravo 1 Amidst these terriblo scouos, honor and justice, nay the common doce.ii cies of lifo forbid that they receive insult from that government which they aro pouring out their blood to defend. It was indeed out of timo aud place to lug in tho negro question at such a moment. Half tho people of tho west wero in mourning over tho slain at tho battles of Port Dou olson and Springfield of Poa Ridgo and Pittsburg Landing, at tho very time negro emancipation occupied tho debates in Con gress. Was tho issuo upon tho bloody fields tho safety of tho nation or tho free dom of tho negro ? If tho latter were tho issuo, then it was all right to pass tho bill , if tho former, then tho subject should havo been so outed from tho halls of Congress. At all ovents, expedicnoy and a duo re gard for tho public interests demanded n cessatipu of hostility against tho institu tions of tho Border States, as thoy wcro marshalled undor tho national banner, Dut supposo tio nation in rcposo tho great battlo of freedom won tho States ro-united aud tho leaders of tho rebclliou hung or in cxilo, wero not tlte people of tho District of Uolunibiu oiitit,lod to a voice in a mattor which affected them bo much ? Are tho tcventy-fivo thouBaud poqplo of tho Distriol to bo treated as of no account? Aro they dumb mutes, mcro stupid things, to reflect tho whims and caprices of aboli tion fanatics? I proposed an amendment to tha bill submitting tho measure to them to bo decided by their votes. It fell as matter of course. 1 would havo gono so far as to havo waived the very gravo constitutional ques tion, whether under tho terms of tho deeds of cession of tho District, by tho States of Virginia and Maryland, for tho purposes of a National Capitol, slavery in it could bo abolished without their con sent ? if tho peoplo of tho District had determined to rid themselves of tho un natural and repulsive institution. Again, I am opposed to tho appropria tion of money out of the national treasury to day for tho freedom of slaves, cither in the District or any of tho States whero it exists. I assumo that every loyal man is in favor of maintaining tho national cred it. If so, to meet tho interest on tho im in onso debt already incurred, and that which must bo unavoidably added to it, will give us taxation to our heart's content without putting on the additional burthen of the emancipation of slaves. Secession aud abolition together havo already made half tho busiucss men of tho north bank rupt, and put endless exactions upon the peop'o in tho way of exorcises and taxes ; and assuming that tho war wcro to end in six mouths, (as it may unless fanaticism should make it interminable,) twenty gen erations of peace and prosperity will not conceal it. It is enough in either event without the addition of millions for emancipation- Another objection to tho bill is, that the owner of slaves is compelled to accept tho amount awarded by commissioners, which shall in no one caso exceed three hundred dollars, and which might not bo a fourth of the value of the slave. No man's prop erty should be taken from him by compul sory process in violation of tho great ?nrjg ! charla principle of our constitution, tho right of trial by jury. And that tho slaves shall bo a competent witness as to thi loyalty of his master, is u feature which strikes tho mind with aitonishuieut and alarm. The foregoing reasons, 2'ticithirhj, in duced uie to cast my veto agaiust tho bill. Under the same state of facts I would do tho same thing again. It is among the possibilities that I was wrong, but I havo an abiding conviction that a very large majority of the people whom I represent will ratify and approve tho vote. It may and will probably create a gulf between mo nnd very many who cast their votes for nio, but while thoy may thus differ with mo, they canuot impugn my motives, or alleged that I havo by word, action or implication deceived them. At one timo 1 entertained the opinion that tho conservative Union men of all parties could have moved on in harmony, at least until tho fact became manifest that wc still had a national existence. And 1 on tertaincd this up to tho time that Congress decided upon the abolition mea sure. It is very apparent now that union and harmony cannot exist. A very con siderable number of conservative Re publicans iu Congress voted for tho abo lition bill with extreme reluotanco. Thoy yielded to what thoy supposed were the impcrativo demands of party; and ,novv au entering wedge is mado by tho passage of tho District Dill, which will lead to more and more hcctional, fanatical legislation, until all hope is ended, and parties must necessarily assume their old positions. This indeed is a fixed fact. It seems to mo that whilo ca upon are booming upou fields of sanguinary war, almost under the caves of tho Capitol; and while the bodies of mutilated, bleeding, dyingsoldiors aro bomo along tho avenues, that I ho wounds of tho living should bo dressed, and tho bodies of the dead bo interred, iu tho absence of abolition liar raugues and songs of emancipation. Tho solemn cortege should bo spared the irca touablo outbursts of such demented and crazy fanatics as Wendell Phillips and his kindred followers. Tho District bill is already succeeded by projects of law ou tho files of Congress to allow- negroes to bo omploycd iu tho mail scrvieo of tho United States ; to give them tho right of suffrago iu tho District; to allow them.to enter tho jury box, and to hold office Tho next step will bo com pulsory abolition in tho States by a de cree of Congress. Aud is this tho mode mid manner of suppressing tho rebclliou and restoring tho government? Is this the doctrino which is to nervo the arm anil givo courago out! hopo to tho soldiers who aro doing battlo in tho sacred eauso of tho country ? Can it bo posaiblo that good can como of it ? I SATURDAY, MAY cannot givo my aid and countenanco to any such wild and judicious schemes ; and if such a courso separates mo from men who have given mo their support, whilo 1 regret that they differ with me, so must it bo. I am willing to confiscate, under consti tutional forms, all tho property that a rebel in arms against tho government may have, and whether it bo oxen, .or horses, or slaves, it matters not; but tho property of loyal men I will go as far to protost. I will maintain tho objects which inau guratcd the war. 1 will sustain tho gov ernment in every constitutional mcasuro to put down rebellion and punish treason; but I will not lend myself to promoto ab olition schemes; thereby weakening and destroying it forever, I profess to bo a patriotic man, (if I am not I am mistaken in myself,) and thcreforo it is with mo a matter of conscience. If therefore tho wild doctrines of abolition aro not to bo mado a party test, as it u?w seems to bo, and tho negro set up against tho constitu tion, I must stand as I over have done, by the latter. I canuot and will not con sent to yield the life principle of tho Re public. It is true the voto of tho House was comparatively small in opposition to tho bill; but I think thoso thirty-nine nays represent a principle which must survivo, and the chances are that the number will bo four fold increased in tho aSth Con gress ; for between this and that period of time, tho great tribunal of the sovereign peoplo will havo settled tho question whether abolitiou or the constitution is king. Your obedient servant, HuxmucK 15. WmaiiT. Reports of Investigating Com mittees. IlAUitisnona, April 8, 1802. The Committee to investigate tho means restored to procure the passage of tho act for the commutation of tho tonnage tax upou tho Pennsylvania Railroad, made their report .to tho Legislature this after noon. The Comniittco iu their investiga tions, have confined themselves to tho means employed to secure the passage of tho act, and have classed tho testimony taken under .three heads as follows : Tam pering with the press ; tho distribution of eight thousand dollars duo the Stato by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, among other railroad compauies, aud the distribution of cash by Thomas A. Scott, Vice President of the Pennsylvania Hail road Company. Mr. Puller testified to havicg paid tho Editor of tho Allsntown Democrat two thousand dollars to sustain Senator Shin del, and to publish tho tonnago tax bill. Tho .money Mr Fuller states, was his own; but the Comniittco declare that this is im probable. Tho Editor of tho Drowns ville Clipper visited tho room of Mr. Scott at Coverly's Hotel and Mr. Scott handed to him threo or four huncred dollars to sup port tho bill. Tho editor testifies to that fact himself. The Committee believe that money, to tho amount of thousauds of dol lars, was thus espondod. It was iu evidence that tho section of the Commutation bill requiring tho Penn sylvania Railroad Company to assist oth er railroad companies in tho Stato, was inserted for the purposo of enticing tho members from tho counties through which itheso roads passed to voto for tho passago for tho bill. Mr. Rurns, a member of tho Legislature fron Allegheny county, was induced to favor tho commutation bill, by tho promiso qf Mr. Scott that tho Pitts burg aud Stcubodvillo Railrod should bo completed; and Mr. Scott cntorcd into a written agreement, to .tp.Uo four hundred thousand dollars worth qf ,tho bonds of tho Northwestern Railroad .Company at par, when their valuo was only .estimated at twenty five ccuts on tho dollar. Tho Senators and Representatives residing .on the liuo of tho Northwestern Itailroad consequently voted for tho bill. Dy such mcaps as these, eight hundred thousaud dollars, which should havo gono into tho Stato Treasury, wcr.o divided cmpng cer tain railroads. Tho Comniittco next considered tho di rect application of monoy as a bribery. Tho individual pointed out as tho chief agent in tho distribution of tho funds was Thos. A. Scolt. In March last tho Com mittee addressed a note to Mr. Stanton, Secretary of War, desiring to know at what timo Mr. .Scott could visit Hams burg without interference with his duties to tho Government. Mr. Stanton replied ou tho 8th of March, that Mr. Scott was than at Cairo, ,aad would bo roliovcd on tho tenth. A subpoena was then loft at tho house of Mr. Scott, but ho did not 24, 1862, como beforo the Committee, and whilo thoy aro temporarily absenting in Pitts-, burg ho passod through Harrisburg with out stopping. On tho 25th of Maroh tho Committco again telegraphed to Mr. Stan ton to ascertain whero Mr. Scott could bo found. Tho reply was that Seott would bo relieved from duty at Fortress Mon roe in four days. Tho Sergoant-at-arms was accordingly despatched to Washing ton to bubpeena Jir. Scott, but was una ble to find him, and tho Committee bo- novo that ho purposely kept out of the way. Mr- Kenedy Marshall, a member of the House from Allegheny couutv. last year, testified that at tho closo of tho ses sion ho visited tho room of Mr. Seott, at Coverly's Hotel, and was handed a pack age, which contained fivo hundred dollars. Mr. Scott remarked to Mr. Marshall that the package had been left for him, and that he did not know what it contained. There wcro other packages laying about the room at tho timo Mr. Marshall fur ther tistified that he had always been in favor of tho repealof the tonnago tax, and had voted for tho Commutation bill with out any expectation of a roward. Mr. Marshall also testified that ho had visited tho room of Speaker Davis, and saw firo or seven thousand dollars laying upon tho bed. Mr. said that ho had re ceived the money from Scott, but subse quently deuied the fact. Davis acoompa uied Mr. Marshall up the Allegheny river and gave him a portion of tho money to carry, rcmarkiug that he was afraid to carry so much himsolf. Tho Committee had endeavored to procure the attondanoo of Mr. Davis, but had not succeeded up to tho present timo. Thomas Ostorhout was a member of the Legislature from "Wyoming county, last year, and parties tcstiGed to having heard him say that he had mado a cood thing out of tho tonnago tax bill, and that ho had paid all his debts amounting to one or two thousand dollars. Ostorhout was Bubpconed, but having been warned by a man named George II. Bardwell, was thus enabled to cludo the Sergeant at arms. This Bardwell is also believed to havo been instrumental in inducing tho import ant witness named Gcarhart to lcavc.llar risburg in tho night time. John Edgar Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, was summoned to appear before tho commit tee, tut replied that bad health would not permit him to attend. A suh-Committoo was appointed, and proceeded to Phila dolphia to obtain tho testimony of Mr, Thompson, but ho refused to receive them, and a certificate from J. Pancoast, M. D.. stating that Mr. Thompson could not bo seen, was shown to tho Committee. Sev en Directors of tho Pennsylvania ltail road Company were examined, but testi neu mat tucy Know nothing about any bribery. Mr. Thomas T. Frith, Treasurer of tho Company, also failed to appear beforo th Committco, on account of sickncs3. Ho subsequently expressed a willi ugness to appear, but was not examined. In summing up their report, tho Com mittee expressed a positive conviction, from tho evidence before them, that unlawful means wero used to procure tho passago of tho Commutation bill, by Mr. Scott, who has sinco wilfully eluded tho sum mons of the Committco. After tho report was presented to the House, Mr. Williams made a cpecch. Ho declared that Mr. Thompson had been seen on Chestnut Etrcet, looking as well as ever, two days after tho dato of tho certificate of tho physician, which was shown to the Committco. It is reported that tho Parrot gun has sent newly invented bhot completely thro' a target formed of twelve ono-inch iron platca and a backing of twonty-four inches thickness of oak, at a distanco of threo hundred yards. At tho samo distanco, ; another target, sloped to an anglo of twen-ty-fivo .decree, representing the side of tho j Mcriraao, backed by twenty-four iuches of oak and covered with six one-inch iron plates, was completely perforated by ovcry shot. Tub diffecenco between the rebellion and abolition is just tho diffetenco between a bold highwaymau and a midnight ts sassiu. An artist is hunting for Harris, of Ten nccsc. IIoeo admires his swift logs, ho wishes to got a shin plaster cast of him. "Never saw such stirring times," as the spoon said to the Bauoopan, VOLUME 26, Miscellaneous. Yorktown. Beforo tho commencement of tho rebell ion, Yorktown was a quiet unobstruaivo littlo village, of bctwoen twenty and thirty housos, half of thorn uhinhabitod, with tho ruins of tenements destroyed during Corn wallis's siego overywhero. Tho American breastworks wcro destroyed, whilo the more prominent entrenchments of tho British wcro still comparatively perfect. Tho outworks whieh tho latter were compallod to cvacuato on tho nichtoftho 20th of September, 1781, lio on tho western out skirts of tho town, and aro probably ,11 in good preservation. They wero ctrong positions, and their abandonment must havo left tho portion of the town in whieh they wcro situated in a very exposed con dition ; and tho American officers when thoy tool: possesion of them cxprcssod much surpriso at their being voluntary given up. 1 lio most eastern of tno redoubts stormed by the allied forocs on tho 15th of October, 1781 , being near tho river, has nearly been washed away ; that taken by tho French portion of tho army may still bo traced. Tho capture of tho redoubts rendored tho destruction or surrender of tho British forco inevitable, and on the 17th Cornwal- lis solioited a truce and agreed toculpitulate 'lho mam work situated on tho eastern edge of the town, were in excellent keep ing in 1S51, and must havo been formida ble when bristling with cannon and occupied by soldiers. Tho embankment was too broad to bo perforated by cannon shot, anu too steep to bo scaled by au assailant. The field whero tho formalities of tho surrcuder occurred is a rcipcctablo en closure of some hundred acres, and it was about the sumo iu 1781. It joins tho town on the south. The very spot where Gcu. O'llarra is said to have delivered up his sword and apologized for tho absence of Cornwall's, is now marked by two pop. lar trees which wcro planted in commem oration of tho event. The field itself is nearly a plain, and is admirablo adapted to tho purpose of drill and parado. From the top of the hill on which tho town is situated, there is an excellent view exten ding into Chesapeake Bay, aud reaching almost to tho Virginia capes. BEAUTiruii Answkus. A pupil of tho Abbo Sicord gave the following extraordi nary answers : " What is gratitude " " Gratitude is the memory of tho heart." " What is hope ?" Hope is the blossom of happiness." " What is the differonoo between hopo and desire." " Desire is a trco in loaf, hopo is a tree in flower, and enjoyment is a tree in fruit. "What is eternity I" " A day without yesterday or to-morrow a timo that has no end,'' " What is time ?" " A line that has two ends a, patn, which begins in the cradlo and ends in, tho. i grave. ' " What is God ? ' " Tho necessary being, the Bun of etcr-. nity, the machinist of nature, tho oyo of justice, the match maker of tho universe, tho soul of the world." " Does God reason ?" " Man rcasous because ho doubts; ho deliberates ho decides. God is omnia ciont; Ho dover doubts lie therefore, never reasons." Time fou am Things. "Mrs. B.," said a neighboi who stopped into tho housq of the former, just as she was in the act; of seating herself at tho table. "Havo you heard of that dreadful accident?" " Why nor-what is it?" "Mr. B. has fallen from his wagon and, is killed." " Is it possible ? well just wait till havo finished my dinner and then you'R hoar crying. " Mammy, whore is tho roan going to sleep?" asked a girl of fifteen of her mother, who had just promised a travclor a night's lodging in their out of-the-way hut. "I'll havo to put him in with you. and Jaok and Iyate aud Suo and Bet, 1 supposo, (wa3 tho reply) and if it's too crowded, ono of you must turn in with mo aud dad and Dick and tho twins." Tueiie is a deed on filo in Camhridge Mass., whieh desoribos a picco of land a? bounded by "stumps and stones whor.o, Daniel Harringtou licked William SmUh,.' An old baokelar says that duripg'Jftaj year tho ladies jumped at every offeA marriage j hence the term,