Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 17, 1862, Image 2

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cnmitx by i.jjvt i'. tath, rrtornurroii.
70M.owixa ncroumo!!, wmcit KxmrniEf tub voice or
"'flint tho iiro.i'in ili'MnrnMu civil war hn been
fireoil upon the etmnfty r.y llio illMinlnnliit of tlio
Co ithern MiiIok. Jmwln arms acaltut
UiiverronnrC, anil In nrini iirntinil tlic Capital ; that In
lint Vntlnnnl rtvprirpnrv. CuiBrcN. Iiniilh)nc nil fed
Inst of mere-panlon or rr-fr-ntment, w III neollict onlyi
Mm ilntv tntlin wholo rimtitrv I that this m-of-m not vnped
11 HtirpMlH niiy plril of oppretllo,or for ony pur
pose of t oho uett or ttibjuirniion orpurpoe of oterlhrovlnp
or interfering irttk tht rfcjttt or MeMihid tntttlntloi of
tho: . Staltt, tml Is defend and maintain the fpremaey of
th, i ViMiifi,iiiil (i) preterve the Umnn, Kith the dig
nity cqvnUty,atilrifhtHifthetcreral Motet vnlmptiind;
nitl that an toon, at thut okjeett art aeeomplithtd the tear
cutht tteeaet."
ty S. M, PETTENOILI. & Co., No. .17 l'nrk How,
NuwYork. and 0 State Street Itnjton, arc our Agouti
for tlio Columbia Dimoeral, in thoo ritifj, mi il are an
ihorlzoil to take Ailrertlicincuti and Hubscr iit ions for
til at our lovrtat rou.
Democratic State Convention.
Ix accordance wltlin rciolutlon of tho Democratic
flute Iljceeiitlvo Coininlticc. tiik IIkmociucy or Pen.
iYi.VAi.ii will meet in State Convention, nt Harrl aim re.
on Friday, the 4th day of Juhi, lfCS, at 10 o'clock, a. in.,
10 nominate cniiJliloLes for Auditor General nnil Pm
vevor Gixeral. anil to adopt nidi inr-amirus an limy lio
deemed ncccary for tlie uxlfaro of the Democratic
farty anil the country.
Cliairman of the democratic BlatoUi. Com.
a Great Tcjoiclng was evinced in
Rlooinsburg, last Monday, on receipt of
tbe news of tlio Union Vicronms in the
South. Every person whom wo met on
that day, seemed o "breath freer and
caticr." Wo trust this wicked rebellion
Las about received its quietus.
Hiiiam Keen, Boatman from Ncsco
eck, Luzerne county, was on Tuesday
night last, burned to death in bis Boat at
A tribute to the Jlcmory of 3Irs. J.
W, Camviieli., of Beach Grovo,by S. II.
Jenkins, will appear in tho nest "Colum
bia Democrat,"
Read tho powerful Address of tlio
Democratic Members of Congres, on our
first page, to tho Democracy of tho United
States. Bead it everybody. Road it,
"JXo-parly, Republicans."
CSr Peterson's Ladies National JIaga
zinc, for June, is a 3IagniGcent Number.
Its.platcs of fashion arc unexcelled in the
beauty of tho Art and richness of design.
A new volume begins with tho July Num
ber which will afford a good opportunity to
JBST'WtJ have received the 3Iay No,
of tho 1 armor anil Uardcncr. It is a
neatly printed and interesting Agricultu
ral Magazine, and tho only work of the
kind published in our State. A. 31. Spau
gler, Editor, Philadelphia at 81,00 per
annum. Subscribe for it Mr. Farmer.
JIn,. C. K. Hughes, keeps a good Pub
lie llousc, at Town Hill, in tho county of
Luzerne. His Hotel is capacious, fitted
up in fine order, and well kept, with an
excellent new largo stable attached to
premises. Wo shall bo moEt happy to
call upon our friend Hughes.
A. R. Van Clbaf, Esq., publishes an
excellent paper at Lebanon, Ohio, entitled
tho "Democratic Citizen." Tho Citizen
is indeed foarlcss and free. The way it
shows up tho coward IJ. P. Wade, whom
the fearless YALtANDiaitAM recently pro
nounced "a liar, scoundrel and coward,'
19 a caution to all abolition sinners.
Rail Road Accident. A Coal Train
on the L. & D. R. R., on Thursday last,
ran over a cow, between Bloomsburg and
Danvilo, throwing tho Engine into tho
Canal and instantly killed tho Brcaksman,
severing his head from his body. Tho
Engineer was scvoroly wounded. Unfor-
tunato indeed.
Why Don't Doctor John, publish the
letter of Col. Wuioiit, addressed to his
constituents. We havo waited two weeks
for him to do so, but, lo! ho is mum on
that subject. Surely ho cannot so soon
repudiate the man over whose cloction ho
last season rejoiced with exceeding great
joy. Doctor, Ool. W., was not a "Breck
inridge Democrat, "
JST" Siqnoh Blitz, tho world-wido
renowned 3Iagician, gavo two of his cele
brated performances1," Thursday last,
in tho Court llouso at Bloomsburg. Thoy
wore exceedingly entertaining and well
appreciated by his ira'menso audiences.
Signer a gentleman and a scholar,
always gives goncral satisfaction, and wo
bolicvo has not an enemy in tho world.
We tro gratified to loam that ho wijl
ehortly revisit Bloomsburg.
Coiteu EanomuM Pens 3Ir. Do
Wolf, tho manufacturer of tlio above named
Pens, has shown us a few specimen of tho
article, and wo arc frco to say, that thoy
write frco and easy. 3Ir. Do AVolfs Pens
taken tho First Premium at tho
Uuitcd States Fair, at Chicago, in 1850
and oro warranted not to corrodo in any
Ink. For ealo at tho Post Offico, in
" John in tho Wilderness," next wcok
A lot of neatly printed Blanks of oil
kinds, for sale at this office,
Army Correspondence.
GAMP NEAll Youktown,
Bth Pcnn. Cavalry, May 10, 18G2.
JIn. Editou! I sit in my canvas houso,
to inform you of our movement to York
town, nnd of its fortification and tlio vicin
ity. On last Sunday, wo wero ordorcd
by tlio Bugle and wo listened to tlio notice
and found to our surprise it was tlio Gen
eral, that is tostriko tents and get ready
for a marolii At 12 o'clook, 51., wo wcro
drawn up in lino, our gallant Col. 1). 31.
Gregg, made liis voieo sound through tlio
air, "Urcak by fours, from tho right,
inarch, right turn I" and wo found our
selves on tho Hampton and York town
road, marching towards the groat rebel
fortified town. About 0 o'clock, WO WOrO
within one milo of Yorktown, whero wo
now aro encamped. On Sunday night, at
10 o'clock, it commenced to rain, and
having no tents up, in tho morning wo
looked like drowned rats. Wo had not a
stiteh of clothes on us that was dry. It
continued to rain all day on Monday nnd
no dry clothes to put on. Wo were iu a
horrible condition all that day. At eight
o'clock that night the buftlo sounded
boots and saddle and in about fifteen
minutes wo were once moro on our horses
nnd in line, nnd it pouring down ono tor
rent of rain. Wo wcro in lino for one
half hour, when tho order was to dismount
and stand by our horses. We did so.
At daylight wo wcro still at our horses.
Then wo wcro ordered to unsaddle our
horses, and wo aro now on the same ground,
To-day it is clear and warm, wo aro ou
tho samo ground that Gen. McClcllan was
encamped on, and within fifty yards of
the old iutrenchmcnts that wsro thrown
up in tiino of tho Revolutionary war.
Yesterday we visited tho spot where
Washington has his Headquarters in his
time at Yorktown. It has got a beautiful
fence, and a poplar tree, which
I havo no doubt was planted while his
Headquarters was there. Within a quar
ter of a milo of tho town is a largo stone
as a tokonof tho spot whero Uounwallis
surrendered to the great and glorious
Washington. I then visited ono of the
rebel forts. In this fort arc throe largo
siege guns and one mortar In this fort
is the largo gun thatburstcd while shelling
our men when at work. The traitors be
fore leaving tho place, planted torpedoes.
While I saw there, I was a private of tho
106th Pcnn'a. Regiment, stopping on one
of iosainfur nul machines, and he was
blown to pieces. The prisoucrs that were
captured at Yorktowu, aro sot to work to
take them out. Thoy do not like tho job.
It is good for tho bloody traitors,
Tho houses composing Yorktown arc
nineteen, and look as if they had boon
built in the year 1. As I was going along
tho bank of tho river, 1 saw a man ly'mg
there and a soldier sitting by his side. I
stopped and inquired if the man lying
there was dead, he said he was, that he
had been killed on Sunday, near Williams
burg. Ho had been shot through the
head. I inquired his name, and was told
that it was Capt. Willard, of Company B.,
5th W. i. Volunteers.
The man told n.e they were on tho ad
vanco of tho army and tho rebels in full
retreat, the artillery of tho enemy turned
and fired, and the regiment this Captain
belonged to, laid down and was kept there
full fifteen minutes undor the hoavy firing
of the onemy. Our men then got up and
made a charge on them, and in that charge
Capt. Willard wa3 shot through the head.
Our army took their battery near Wil
liamsburg consisting of seventy-one guns,
and thoy left ninety-one guns loaded and
spiked at Yorktown, making at tho two
places 102 guns less than thoy had a few
days ago. Whilo our gallant General was
here, ho was not asleep, for ho has put up
fourteen batteries and dug iutrenchmcnts
for seven miles, and has one hundred
heavy guns mounted.
It is the opinion hero that sescsh is about
played out, and that this war will come
to a close by tho first of July, if not soon
er, homo ot tno prisoners say that reool
General JIcGruder does not draw a sober
breath, and that at Yorktown ho had
('tho-man-with-thc-pokcr" after him.
Thoy rcpoitthat tho rebol army is dis
heartened and will not ficht, if thoy can
got out of it. Thoy said that ono Brigado
throw down their arms and would not
fight, and JIcGruder had tho artillery
brought to bear on them and told them
that thoy had to fight or ho would blow
them to hell. I do not think to-morrow
will find us hero, for wo will bo on our
way towards Richmond, and by tho timo
you hear from mo again, MoGrudcr and
his wholo army captured, and Rebellion
crushed out of existence
6ST Will correspondents oblige us by
writinc shorter and plainer. That is it
Ploasc remember. tD'
More Goods iu Jcrseylowit.
Col. NeaIj JIcCoy, announces the ro
ccipt of Now Goods, in tho Columbia Dem
ocrat. He invites tho attention of Dairy
men, Farmers, eto,, to furnish him Butter
Veal and Produce Givo him a call and
support tho Union.
We aro in receipt of tho Juno Lady's
Book. As usual ahead of timo. Godoy's
Lady's Book is tho model Magazino of tho
Uuitcd States,
Pennsylvania legislature.
FiuiUV, ApriU, 1802.
Tho llouso rc-assomblod at 7 J o'clock V, M.
ArronTioNMKST hill.
Mr. ARJISTRONG. I ask leave lo
oiler a resolution at this time.
'I his was to tako up tho apportionment
Bill, which was run through by tho mon
grel party as a perfect gorrymand, and
by which means they disfranchised tho
Democracy of tho State, for tho next ten
years in dividing tho State into Congress
ional Districts. Columbia, 3Iontour, Wy
oming and Sullivan counties were hitched
on to Bradford, to bo swamped by tho
"Egyptians," taking good caro first to
knock off old Democratic Northumberland.
The remonstrances and appeals of tho
Jlcmbcrs from Columbia, Wyoming and
Northumberland, in defences of the rights
of their constituents, were disregarded by I
the majority iu tho Halls of tho (louse, j
On the final passage of tho bill,
The yeas aud nays wero required by
Mr. Caldwell and 3Ir. 3Iooro, and wero
as follow, viz :
Yeas. Jlessrs. Abbot, Armstrong,
Barron, Beaver, Ucebo, Bigham, Brown,
(3Icrcor,) Busby, Chatham, Coohran, Den
nis, Divins, Donley, (Greene,) Dougherty,
Frceland, Gamble, Gross, Happcr, Hun
ry, Holler, Hoover, Hutchman, Kennedy,
Lehman, M'Clcllan, Myers, Ncinian, Pe
ters, Pottcigcr, Ramsey, Rhoads, Hitttor,
Boss, (Lnzerno,) Ross, (3Iiftlin,) Sohrock
Scott, Sellers, Shannon, Smith, (Chester,)
Smith; (Philadelphia,) Strang, Wakefield,
Warner, Williams, Wimley, Wiudlo, Wor
ley nnd Rowc, Speaker 48.
Nays Jlessrs. Bates Blanohard, Boi
leau, Caldwell, Cessna, Cowan, Donley,
(Philadelphia,) Duffield, Elliott, Gaskill,
Graham, Grconbauk, Hopkins, (Philadel
phia,) Klino, Labar, Lichtcnwallucr, JIc
Culloch, 31'JIakin, M'JIanus, Pershing,
Quigloy, Rowland, Russell, Tate, Thomp
son, Tracy, Tutton, Vincoiit, Wcidner,
Wildey, Wolf and Zcigler 32.
So the bill passed finally.
Jlr. FREELAND, (Dauphin,) called
up Senate bill No. 407, entitled "A fur
ther supplement to an act concerning the
New York and Middle Coalfield railroad
and coal company," approved the 11th
day of April, 1850.
Tho first section was read and agreed
to as follows :
Suction 1. Be it enacted hi the Sen
ate and the Joiiss of Representatives oj the
Commonwealth of Pennsiilvania, in Gen
eral Assembly met, ami il is fo.rcby cnuclcd
by the autliorily of the same, That the
directors of the said New York and Middle
Coalfield railroad and coal company bo,
and arc hereby authorized to sail a por
tion of their lands situate in tho counties
of Columbia and Northumberland, at pub
lic or private sale, in lieu of the whole,
as authorized by the act to which this is a
supplement, and shall apply tho proceeds
thereof, first to tho payment of any exist
ing debt, and tho baluucc to the further
development and improvement of the re
maining portion of their lands or dislrib
utc the samo as thoy may deem for tho
best iutercst of tho oompany, subject to
the vote of stockholders, as already pro
vided for by tho taid act to which this is
a supplement.
The second section was read as follows:
Sec. 2. That the said company shall
havo authority to reduce their capital
stock to tha sum of six hundred thousaud
dollars, which shall be represented bvfcix-
ty thousand shares: and the par price of
each share shall ho hxcu at ten dollars;
and tho company ho allowed the privileco
of mining coal on any of their own lands.
Jlr. BROWN, (Northumberland,)
moved to amend by striking out in the
fourth and fifth liues tho following wordf:
'and the company be allowed the privilege
of mining coal on any of their own lauds.'
Jlr. TATE, (Columbia,) concurred
with the gentleman from Northumberland
Tho interests of his constituents should be
protected. He urged the adoption of the
Jlr. FREELAND, (Dauphin,) I hope
this amendment will not be adopted.
Jlr. BROWN, (Northumberland,; Tho
Houso this mornsng, by a unanimous vote
passed a joint resolution requiring the At
torney General to institute proceedings
against the Dolawaro and Hudson canal
company and the Pennsylvania coal oom
pany for tho purposo of repealing their
charter or annulling tho contract giving
them tho right to mi no coal. I havo in
my desk several petitions signed by all the
operators in my county and a number of
other citizons protesting agaiast giving
transportation companies tho right to mino
coal. The allegation is that the opera
tions of tweso two companies tend to
break up all private oporators, from tho
fact that tho latter aro not nblo to get
their coal to market at tho samo rate as
those transporting companies, and thus
cannot compete with thoso companies in
tho market. No transporting company
should havo' mining privileges; and
think that this railroad company should
not havo tho privileges asked for in this
Jlr. RUSSRL, (Luzcrno,) I hopo this
amendmont will prevnil, Jly own dis-
trict at this time is suffering terribly from
tho oporations of thoso transporting com-
panics in mining coal, Their oporations
aro destructive to tho wholo coal interest.
Had it not boon our coal operators suc
ceed in obtaining a reduction of freights,'
our coal works would havo boon entirely
stopped by tho operations of theso trans
porting companies in mining coal. Now,
I hopo that the houso will not inflict on
tho country anything that will add to tho '
depression whioh wo aro now sulToriiig.
3Ir. RITTER, (Snydor, I hopo, Mr.
Speaker, that tho lime has passed for tho
tl I T ll 1 11 I
forciKn transportation company to mine I
1 coal in this State. Wo havo already seen !
enough of tho evil ffeccts of such opera'
tions within this Commonwealth, I hopo
tho Houso will discountcnanco nnd do
feat any attempt to allow any foreign cor
poration to mine coal in this Common
wealth. The coal interests in tho State
aro suffering now; and I hopo they will
not bo in ado to suffer still more.
Jlr. FllEULAND, Dauphin, thegon.
tlcman from Snydor, Jlr. Ritter, is mis
taken. This is not a foreign company ;
it is a company of our own State and our
own town. I hopo that the gentleman
will not interfere in this matter.
Jlr. RITTER, Snyder. Whether it
is a foreign company or not, it is all tho
same. Transportation companies should
not bo allowed to mine coal,
Jlr. FllEKLAND, (Dauphin,) This is
not the case of a company now having a
road aud desiring to havo the privilogo of
mining coal. The company now have no
road, but they want tho privilogo of ma
king a road for the purposo of transport
ing their coal. The road is not now in
existence; but it is to be put iuto operation
provided we get this bill.
Jlr. RUSSEL, 'Luzcrno' Supported the
Jlr. FREELAND. It is not intended
that this company shall carry any coal
whatever. Tho Shamokin Valley road
carries the coal. Thi3 bill merely con
templates mining privileges. The gentle
men mistake the purposo of tho bill.
Jlr. ROWLAND. I hopo that this
amendment will bo adopted. Only this
morning tho House almost unanimously
showed their disposition to interfere with
rights that had already been granted to
certain corporations. This bill involves
tho granting of the same rights ; and 1
hope that tho llousc will not stultify itself
by giving in tho ovening privilege to ono
company it has refused iu tho morning to
Jlr. HUSSELL. If the gentleman from
Dauphin, (Jlr. Frceland,) will assure mo
that this road is merely a road of three or
four miles to connect with another, I will
withdraw my objection.
Jlr. BllOWN, (Northumberland I havo
been endeavoring to obtain the act of 1859,
in relation to this company. I havo not
been able to find that act; but I have un
derstood from two Senators that tho aot of
1859 gavo the company the right to build
a road twenty miles in length ; and those
Senators stated that if they had known
that this bill contaiued the clause giving
the company the right to mine coal, they
would have opposed tho bill in tho Senate.
Both thoso gcntlman desired me cither to
have that provision stricken out or to op
pose the lull, As J. remarked belore, 1
have two petitions, signed by all the op
erators of my couuty, protesting against
giving transportations companies tho right
to mino coal. I do protest therefore
againit granting to this corporation the
privilege of mining coal.
Jlr. RUSSELL. I hopo that this bil'
with the amendment, will be postponed.
Ou tho amendment of Jlr. Brown,(Nor
The yeas and nays were required by
Mr. HROWN, (Northumberland) and Jlr
CALDWELL, nud wcro as follow, viz :
Yeas Jlesara, Bates, Beaver, Boileau,
Brown Northumberland, Caldwell, Div
ns, Donley, Greene, Duifield, Gaiskill,
Graham, Grccnbank, Hess, Hoover, Hop
kins (Philadelphia, Josephs, Klino, Lich
tcnwallncr, Jl'Culloeh Jl Jlakin, Jl'iManus
Nciman, Pershing, Pottcigcr, Quigloy,
Rhoads, Ross, Jlitllin iowland, Ru-soll,
Tate, Thompson, Tracy, Tutton, Wcidner
Wildey, Wimley, Wolf and Ziglcr 37.
Nays Jlcssn. Abbot Alosaudor, Arm
strong, Barron, Bigliaui,Bhiuchard, Brown,
Jlcrcer, Catham, Cochran, Cowau, Den
nis, Donnelly, Philadelphia, Fieclaud,
(.ramble, Grant, Gross, Hall, Happcr,
Henry, Kennedy, Lehman, Jl'l'oy, Jlycrs,
l'ctcrs, luttcr, Ross, Luzcrno, bchrook,
Sellers, Shannon, Smith, Chester, Smith,
Philadelphia, Strang, Viucent Warner,
Williams, Wiudlo, Worlcy aud Rowc,
Speaker 39.
So tho amendment was negatived.
The second section was theu agreed to.
Jlr. LABAR moved the House adjourn.
The motion was not agreed to.
Tho third section was read and agreed
to as follows :
bEC. a. unat in oaso the said company
shall at any time Cud it to their advantage
to sell tho wholo of their lauds, and all
their personal property they bhall bo at
liberty to do so, which shall ho determined
on by such vote of tho stockholders, and
suob salo, distribution and settlement be
niado as already provided for by tho act,
to which this is a supplement.
Jlr. BROWN, Northumborlnnd, moved
i to amend by inserting tho following as an
I additional section :
I That tho stockholders of said company
Bhall bo privately aud individually liablo
in their individual capacities for all debts
' to mcohanies aud laborers, to bo sued for
and recovered as provided in tho twelfth
thirteenth and fourteenth sections of the
act incorporating tho Lackawanna iron
and coal company, approved April 10th, soldiers, who nobly fo'l upon tho battle
A D. 1853. field, in dofeneo of our liberties fighting
jui. i.uiiii,
gontlcinan for his courtesy in offering this
umondmeut, although I shall not oppose
AI Ulll.'PT. AWn T An .ml tlionl- tl.n
The amendmont was agrcod to.
Mr. FREELAND moved to suspond tho
rules in ordor to read tho bill a third time
Sir. HOPKINS, Philadelphia. I hopo
that tho rulos will not bo suspended. Tho
representatives from Columbia' Norlhum-
t..H t.llAI4ll n KA nntlDdfl (it
passage of this bill ; and why, when their
constants arc directly interested, should
wo forco this bill upon them without a
singlo amendment ? I hopo that the llouso
will at least rofuso to suspend tho rules.
Jlr. URUELAND. I hopo that the
rulo will bo suspended, and that this bill
will he put on its passage.
Af,. iinvivTYS. iMiSlnilnlnliin. T wnnlil '
ask tho gentleman from Dauphin to cx-r of my constituents who own lands ,ad
nlain how it is that whilo this bill seems joining tho land on which it is proposed
to interest tho representatives from Col-,
umbia and Nothumborland, neither of
thoso representatives has charged of it, and 1
that Daunhin must tako of their in
Mr. FREELAND. Tho wholo matter 1
nrioinntn, i lliw rmvn. Tim rRo.,s wlin
own tho lands are hove. Northumberland
has nothing to do wfthit: neither has
Jlr. BllOWN Northumberland, in reply
to the gentleman from Dauphiu I will say
that in tho tho Senate, this bill was iu
charge of tlio Senator from Northumbcr
laud. The bill was passed in that body,
as I have remarked, without it being ob
served that it gavo tho company tho right
to mine coal. That being discovered, that
Senator came to me last evening and re
quested mo to have this provision ctrieken
out. The samo request was made by the
Senator from Schuylkill. Both of those
gentlemen have a constituency very deeply
interested in tlio minim, nf cnnl.
Mr. TATE, Columbia, The course of
thid llousc. the List few hours, i coitninlv
, j j
an anomoly iu the history of legislation. 1
It strikes me, as a most remarkable pro
cccding that the gentleman from Dau-,
phiu t-hould attempt to rush through this j
llouie a bill like this so vitally effecting
the interests of Northumberland aud Go j
lumbia counties, regardless of tho people's
remonstrances against the great outrages I
which this company doubtless intend to
perpetrate upon tho citizens of those
districts. It strikes mo that tho couno of i
the gentleman from Dauphiu involves '
great disrespect towards tho representa
tives from those counties that are so deeply
interested in this measure. I desiro to
extend to tho gentleman from Dauphiu all
the couricsy that is duo to any gentleman
upon this floor. But wo ask in return privilege ol mining coal, it gives them on , K"lLB jro,u 1110 "'Hiiet eonipo-rd of tl.o
from him tho samo oourtesy. The gentle- advantage over private operators, from I gj SonomSto'tlu IriW
man Northumberland, Mr. Brown, the fact that they can ship their coal to July 4th 802. (lat ,,b " jj"tr,j
offered a fair aud just auieiidineut to this , market aud undcrs.cH private operators, : to support Hon. Levi L Tate of Poluin
bill. That amendment has been, I am I because the company may exact from the so hia county for nomination to tho offico of
sorrv to say. voted down. I rccrct to sav
that the cormorant spirit of corporations,
which has trampled ourfaif Coinmowealth
" " ' u f 1 .
under loot and whieu this day rides rougl.-
hero in the majesty otlrcemeo. (Jur voice
and our votes shall bo used against the
efforts of these monster corporations, let
them come in whatever guise they may.
We shall meet them and their appoloi-its
iu tho spirit of men fairly if thoy prefer,
any way if they choose. Wo want none
of their 'yaukec inventions.'' Myself aud
those who act with me oommcud these i
corporations for their enterprise, so far as
. ' , , , ..' ,
it is devoted to fair aud legitimate ends ;
but thoy must not expect to come up into
tlio great Democratic noitlt and to do with
us as thoy please. We demand protection
for the rights of our people. I hone that
.. ,, ... 1 , , . ,
this House will not disregard those rights
by passing tins hill. J. would say, with
duo respect to tho gentleman from Dau-
phin, that I think on this question he has
treated myself and other geutlemcn inter-
. , - , D .
cstcd. m a manner unbecoming a ropro-
sentativc. Wo deeply feel the intend
wrong and Fhnll'rosiet it like men. Since
ho has spoken here, I havo scon a monster
"anaconda" in this bill.
This U not the only instance iu which
shod over the rights of the people of Penn-1 0,11 fleeting my constituents, and ii,0.,0 of j Jfl&KllIAGES.
, . , , ,. ... ... the gentleman lrom Columbia, Mr. Tate. ' . .
sylvan.a, has shown a disposition th.scvc Mmi(S. It J to , ; o irm, ..,.. ,,y,w ,.,,.,.. o,m,, ,
mug to crush us. Thank God, we stand tho 0,,icctiolls to this bill ...iirl.t be obviated. u" r , " A0., , A"'i
the rights of my constituents havo been en-1 Vnlloy whero companies havo had tho priv
daugcred, during this Session, by the greed ilego of making lateral rail roads to trans-
of the corporation powers in the Legisla-
turc. But recently I detected the samo
l l , . . .
agents at work m tho attempt to njttvm-
? ., ,,-vr n i n i ., ,
ate the "McCaulcy Coal Company," and
tho "Columbia (Joal aud Iron Company,"
located in my own county, by dividing the
Companies, undor different corporations
and thereby defrauding the honest citizons
of their legal right's, iu evading all the for
mer acts ol legislation by which their just
rights had boon secured. Tho corpora-
tors wanted the Acts, but thoy wished to
evade all tU. safeguards and relictions
ot lormer lenislatiou. X lint was tho rca-
sou why thoy did not apply to the Rcprc
sentativo from Columbia. Our peoplo
will rejoice to loam that tin corporation
ists, with tho aid of a foreign Representa
tive, wcro defeated in their unjust machi
nations and I trust, Sir, thoy will have
tho satisfaction of seeing this dodgo also
defeated .
Wo live in remarkablo times, and who
shall set bounds to nionopolis and oppres
sion. Why sir, in Columbia county, I
havo learned with amazement and surpriso,
that even tho dead bodies of our gallant
f ll, lC!l! I -1 1
i "iu unuauiiu oiujiu, navu neon cuarg-
cd doublo and in somo eases trcblo prico-
freight, on being returned to their friends
and last resting place. V ho thus extort,
cd many from tho patriotic dead 1 Was
it tho Kail Road or Express Companies,
Lot them answer to thoiusolvcs, thoir
country and their God in tho groat day.
3Ir. STRANG, I desiro to vdlo under
Btandingly on this question ami in order
to do so, I desiro to nslc the
.. . , ... i ! rni.Sa
rom Nortl.uu.bcr and a que ion. 11m
hill provi.ic , simp.y, u.u. .
shall havo tho privilege of mining coal on
their own lands. Now, to undorstnud how
tho constitnent3 of tho gentleman from
Northumberland aro to bo unfavorably
effected by this pvovision.
Jlr. BllOWN, Noithumberland, J will
answer tho getloman. Thcro aro n num-
to locate this road. It is tlloif intention,
"Lite, when times become better,
o oimn ininns in that countrv. and as a
lllaltor 01 curse, u.eir means ui .g
A .1 P 11!.,..
their coal to market will depend entirely
"F tuis roai1- Tky will bo compelled
pay whatever amount of freight the
company way see proper to charge. If
this company engage also in mining coal
thoy will have Mich an advantage over
private operators as must prove almost de
structive to tho latter. As I have said, I
cannot see where would be the consistency
of passing this bill, when we this morn
ing passed a joint resolution calling upon
the Attorney General to tako measures for
annulling tho contract giving the Dcla
warc.aml IIuds0U caIlfl1 company the right
to mine coal
Jlr. ROSS, Luzerne. The action of tho
House this morning was only for the pur
poso of authorizing the Attorney General
to test the validity of tho contract betweeu
the Delaware and Hudson canal company
aml ll,c A'o"'vuum coal company
'"VO.veu ..oi.....g i.uou at an
Jlr. BllOWN, Northumberland, I have
tho exact words of the resolution here.
It was a resolution requiring the Attorney
General to institute proceedings to repeal
tho charter or annul the contract of the
Delaware aud Hudson canal company and
the Pennsylvania coal company, on ac
count of the'iGr charter giving them tho
privitcgo of niiniug coal.
Mr. STRANG. Where companies thus
mino coal md conflict with the interests of I
individuals, docs it amouut to anvthintr
more than tho ordinary competition be-;
tweeu owners of lands who wish to oper-
ate and toin.provc them ?
Jlr. BllOWN, Northumberland, Where
transporting compauies are allowed the I
' . .. ... ... .
Vaw I 1 ul0ls 11 vurJ uuavy lrt,i5"' ou
1 1 nt f n n n 1
, camol umlci.stan( wIiy gcnt,cmcn
should dc.-ire to pas.-: this bill in spite of
our protest, when it is an entirely local
aud all parties accomodated, by fixini' in
me Din me rate at wnicn uie raiirord com-
1 f,l.
ties owning land in the same locality with
the land owned by tho railroad company.
Mr BROWN Nortlniuiborl-m.l rf
jjr. inj n in , roriiiuuiucriunu. it
the bill wore amended in that manner. 1
ittijj cun imu j'uiw mv vwin vi VI! IV I Mill" t
. r ... '. il 1 i . .
manner, 1
would not object to it.
Mr ROSS, Luzerne. I had not inton-
ded, Jlr. Speaker, to say anything in re-
8"d l. ti" lu,0rit3 oftl.w bill. I was really
surprised to hear my colleague from Lu-
j zorno Mr Kusscii tlk as hu did. Why,
i sir, Luzerne ccunty has been made, all
i.iai u is uy just s-ucn operation as are!
coiiie.npiaceu in mis ny u,0 owners
. 1 . it ! i
, :i,i , . b , - , ;
railroads to transport their coal to murket.
I suppec that tho gentleman has heard of
.Maucli Uiuufc. What n.adu it what it is
, but allowing a company to miiio coal and
transport it down to Lehigh ? What U it
,LJ" 1 UP lf the place where
colleague resides? It would have
been a perfect wilderness but for just such
operations as mv colleague now nnnnwi
What mado Carbondalo and Scranton, but
".'P operation of these companies that were
' al,?"'Cit0 ra'Qicoal own lands
' " " " ,
Port tlicu' ,C0!l1 market. Why it is by
V U1,L1 alluu 01 JUf 1 Rue" companies that
Luzerne countv has becomo tho fnnrM, nr
,;(.!, ,,. inJ., , , murtn or
'I"" county in IVnnsylvaiua, teeming w ih
industry and wealth. Tho wilderness has
beer, mado to blossom as tho rose. The
gcntloman from Columbia, Mr. Tate, talks
"uuu" ",s uoing ruined by such
measures as tins. 1 do not know what
ideas may bo entertained in Columbia
county ; but wo in Luzerne county liko to
bo ruined in this way.
Jlr. TATE, Columbia, If tho gentleman
from Luzcrno Jlr. Koss stands here, as I
El 7b5 of r.Wn it' U eS
dent ho does not. fllirlv lnnr.e..n !.
---...j . WW,,, iuu iu-
wrests oi tno masses ot tho pcoplo of the
great county of Luzorno
Mr. CKSSN A. I desiro lo mako two sug
gcsiioiis. 1'irst, l would supgestto the
gentleman from Daunhin. Mr! 1
that, as tt is manifest that tlio two thirds
vote necessary to suspend tho rulos cannot
bo obtained, timo would bo saved by with
drawing tho motion for their suspension
If that bo not done, then I wilf mako an
other sucKCsfion that this ilnhnrn ; :
ardor on tho motion to suspend tho rulos
, Mr. FltEELAD. I withdraw tho mo-
uoii to susponu mo rules.
nd so died tho "Anaoonda."
CSy Very OOnsi dcrablo destrUOtioil of
proporty, wo nro informed, has boon dona
V.. ,1. ....
uy 1110 nros which havo been racing in tho
mountains during tho last ten days, If
tho fires aro accidental it is to bo rc'crel-
ted, but if wanton and intentional, sevcro
punishment bhould bo meted out to tho
Democratic Victory !
A special election wns held on Saturday
last, in tho Borough of Berwick, for the
election of a Justico of the Pcaeo, Tlio
candidates wero Ja.mus Jacoiiy, Dcinc1
crat, nnd Geo. W. Styku, Republican.
Party lines wcro closely drown, especially
by tho 11 No party-parly," nnd E'qtiirt
Jncoby, tho Democratic candidate was
elected by twenty two majority ! Las-t
fall the Republican MolihoniU carried
tho election in Berwick, by over fifty
Dr. John, has entirely omitted to men
tion this glorious democratic victory, after
having announced In his machine, that if
party issues were made, the Rtpublioatia
would achieve a handsome i'tory.
Mooting of tho Democratic
Standing UomniUtco.
At a meeting of tho Democratic Stand
ing Committee of Columbia couuty, held iu
Uloomsburg, on Jlonday, JIaj fitli, ISO,
it was on motion, unanimously
Resolved, That we cordially approvo of
the course of our late Representatives iu tlio
State Legislature, Col. Lkvi L Tatb and
lion Geo. S. Tuttox, and believe that
they honestly, ably and faithfully rej ro
se. ited the wishes of tho Democratic paity,
aud merit tho approbatiou of every loy ixl
citizen in the four counties of this Rcpre-r-cnlativo
On consultation, the following resolu
tions wero alo adopted :
Ri saved, That John G. Freeze, of Col
umbia county be, and with the consent of
the counties of Montour, Noi thuiiilioi lan 1
and hiiyder, is appointed tho Senatorial
Delegate from the Thirteenth Senatorial
District to the Democratic State Convention.
to meet iu tlio city of HarrUburg July 4th
IHOi ; aud that ho be instructed to support
Un Lkvi L. Tate of Co'uinbia countv.
Quo"0",illalio" to luc offiuu of Surveyor
!,'f0vc,, nt I'tcr yM of Columbi
countv uo,nnd with tho consent of Montour
Sullivan ami Wyoming counties, is hereby'
appointed oiie of the Representative Dele-
r .1 . i- . : . .
surveyor general.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
W.M. II. Jacohy, Lhairmm.
, .A,J "le1,,'"r"""'l!:' Nf" -'ii"iii' n ihu v?th ,.t .
I Vail
, union rumuy, in .tjfS uarhuit T.XUkl. . uf 5UlfW
y. I'llnton rminly. Pa
H"A" '' n""T'"'' "r,ll" "h" M".
. l.l"'Mt '"'.'"i '" I""14' '"f th UWa'i mtln-r l-t
,i, ,,!., hv u, iiPV. n j. wmi. r. Mr. Ouri i
1 kih-ichhj Mm a n.iuxbar
in w iii,nn,pnrl, on Hid Oili irmt.. tir ltur. Wm Slrr
ling, TiiiimmH. Dukhlrk. U. S A., aud .Mis. llit.a
(.Him, onVilll.-iiimpiirt.
D E A. THS .
On the I th itit., iirar Muucj, I' Jisii. flu xos nml
ulimit rj)v,-ir. 6
. fn,'le11,,'il";.lniwuimil tinvnB!iiii Itn.iMoir..
wifiiof Ruirgv h.cater'Ttgeiliibntii ltt)var
In iit...nrjr. on r. iln,H.I.-i- tl,,.7tli ,i,Ht y,,.. D,W1
M., ir;,iUlturofi!u fiinbury
Ainuricnii,' hv'0,1 about IS yearn. nwuuir
In .Vnrtliiiinli,.rlaiiil,iin Wcdnoailay, tlmTl'u nut. Mr.
(.eomiu Htp.itii K i'.ii.
pwgjrinrMM i.i iiHit?.yroriMiintsicKwmtciKra.T
f. nUNTI.intLN.-Tliu milmrrilr-r ill si-nil dr.-u
orrlurci-j tu all who ilei-in- it, th,. id ciiiu a;i. ilirui u..-n
fur niakinc a timplu Wyrtalilu Halm, that twll. in Ir m
twii to i-iirlit iliiyn, ri'inuvu l'niiili'a, lllntclii-d, Tan.
. ri tkli-s, tj.illiiH anil a 1 iin j.uritu-r ami riiiishui.-i,i
nfthuSkin, luntiiii; the tamp -a Nrttun- intiiiili ,1 n
Mi'iNiil Iji' -imft,, siniiitli anil h.-auiiful. 'Hm'
lutiriiii; Hid HiTipp, with full in.trui limm. ilir. tu."-.
nun uilvlce, will plciuu call on nraJiln-m liih t turu
pnitatc,) TIHM. V. CIIAIMIAN,
liny 1., wa-Sm. Kll llmailna. New oik.
I iKNX'iior a HL'i'ri:iii:it.i'iii,ii.iii..i ...
ninz. anil t'ur thn i-fiit-i-ln! Iii-iii.fii uf v..i ..!
IIioho whnmitn-r with Ni-rvnii-i Debility, l.ons ur AJun
nry, l'n inatiiri. lluray, A.C., 4ei- hy mid i,i h...
curi-il lnins.,lf hy .lni)ii. iiirans, ntti r hi ing put to nr. i
rtpente am iiiCDiivcniriiri'. tlirouch I In- line t wurlb
lu nwilli iin-a pri-crlln-il by li-.inu-il l)nti,ri. fiualu
cnploii may bi' hail t.rttiii autliur. ('. I.. I.AMUI KT Lb i
(.ri'eiipoint, Lull" Ishinil, hy uirluiini; u nuvt-pott
ilret:ril i-nvtiliipi',
Aiinri!t,8L-I.MlI,i:s A .JMIIUHT. I m.
May 17, 1PCJ 2ni.
BiscFs Old Stand,
.1V I '. wl,ic l. 1,0 "T-fs nt fair pike, 'lolim
i!,.,?. i' V''' i"l' bring It lrc.1, and u ,,.U
pa) aiuiitra prue, ai ,u luM-a commit nt
)iWi miutbo f,iirill(.,l. ami wo can alTnM to ry nn
ThiV. - i. VW' ''V'l'migi-M our lliprr.s .lay i
' ) IVrmi liUlt,B oo.l ami rnlv--.
Ilay morii'l.iB " U '""(,"ll'' cvt,"lu8 '1'"""
Jemcytonn, Jlay 17, ls'C2-3t. W' Wa'A'
rtiH. I ". "'"''''enuilwotiMliirurnithB rilinnii '
a-J l II ooiiubiirt! nnil vicinity, that hi-liaijn 1 1?
fuBR e''-il nml oili-mfor rnili- nnoi.f the inoHi'ti-i nn-
unniriuwiiin oi i.tioKlMlaiiil l'AN'. yn , m
, i,T , ,.' .1 i"rMii. nw i iiriktiiniur "
r , t V.I:. JJ,.l,V I!',"lj,r"" n(u '''? l" fi'.t clax
lhihra1rh.l;'V,l'r'11" "f VMl "r" iMlrlit .nll,;."Un.rr
i lo. a i Ll "' n' IibikIhiihi. anil tlx- anH.rlan ui ia
m i n,..1' "'-l''f"'"lr attention , palil to 'm Vur
' miairlni! willho ilnnc willi iiculm-n. nnil lrFiilih
t-0lln"y produce taken In nchanpo fur oik;
' ll0l"""e. May io, ina. 1'""'u' d' M0V,:"
.. ... . """) ".'""lini!. Uon klii.rt noticu. All Kllula el
h -
io the Members of the I ol umbia County
AqiicuHnrnl Society.
A a J . !'." nf."!? mr" "f llio Coliinihla conn'
iV ivlln i i?1 !!'".'. lltlluL an.l Michanlra Hon
'.u' '!ln;n l?J"rt I'l liloo.n.hiiri! ai
' ".(i ici..-, niv orloiK, p in,
Mv.1.!i,i, ,. M NLAI, Cli
Lhalr K,t r,