Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 03, 1862, Image 4

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Ut (1st if the Pltvgk uonli thrift,
llmsilf must Itthcr Mi Or dries.
"Big, and tho but end, by nil means,"
says one. "Gut potatoes, if you want to j
aconomizo. Bays nnother. (,It is of no
coiiscqucnoo," says a third. "Thoy will
rot any way," says a fourth.
There is a great variety of praotico
which shows that this very useful vegcta.
bio will boar more abuso than almost any
other crop grown upon tho farm. Tho
writor has tried almost all methods, and
has settled down upon wholo patatocs, an
inch to an inch and a-half in diameter, as,
on tho wholo, tho most dcsirablo for seed,
talcing into account tho immcdiato crop
aud tho futuro welfaro of tho tubers. If
wo look merely at tho immcdiato crop,
we can doubtless get moro from a given
amount of seed, to cut them into sitiglo
eyes, than to plant them whole. But wo
havo very fctrong suspiciou that this cut
ting weakens tho ttomina of the plant, and
if followed up with any variety for a long
Bcrie.t of years would run it out. "We
ought to follow such a method, if wo can
discover it, as well keep tho plant in the
Lighcst health) and make tho crop sure and
We havo grown good potatoes from tho
smallest seed, a half inch or less in diame
ter, but it was only upon very rich soil and
with eztra care. The objections to using
large potatoes wholo, are the extra expense
for seed, as it requires from twelve to fif
teen bushels to the acre, and tho over stock
ing of every hill tending to produce a great
many small potatoes. Tho medium size
removes these objections, furnishes just
about seed enough, stocks tho hills suffi
ciently, and preserves tho health of the
plant. This practice vio havo followed for
several years, and on tho wholo it gives the
best rcaults.
If we admit the theory to be correct on
which the practice is fouuded, it would not
follow that it would in every case preserve
tho crop from disease. Almost every va
riety has becd subject to cutting and to
disease for miny years, and no one can bo
perfectly sure that ho plant a sonnd heal
thy tuber if the size is everything desira.
bio. If tho constitution has been weak
ened in any way it is much more likely to
be i'lj-trcd by the hot, wet weather of Au
gust, than a strong plant would be. The
universal prevalence of tho rot is probably
owing quite as much to tho treatment of
seed, as to soil and clmato influences.
A Good Home-made Yeast. Mrs. J
Foote, of Onandaga county, N. Y., writes
to tho American Agriculturist thus: "A
very nico yeast is mado as follows : Peel
and boil twelve potatoes ; pour off tho wa
ter, and jam fine. With ready boilinj
water from tho tea-kettle, scald two quarts
of sifted Hour in a pan, making it about
the consistency of thick paste. Add
tcaspoouful of ginger, a tablespoonful of
salt, and tho potatoes beforo prepared,
beating tho wholo well together. When
oool, add four yeast cakes, previously
dissolved in warm water, or a tcacupful of
Lop-yeast. Tbo above quantity will do
for a "baking" f three loaves, four times,
by keeping in a cool place. It has this
advantage over the usual prescription for
potat9 yeast, while answering about aa well,
viz . that it docs not need to be mado on
cvory bakiug day.
GortN foe Family Use Table corn,
which is usually furnished by tha garden,
ehould be planted at iotcrvuls of about two
week until UOth of June. Tho first rop
should bo Adams' extra early which should
be put in by tho 20th of April 5 tho'second
and all subsequent crops, should be of the
variety known as Sto well's Evergcon,
which we have often rcfemed to in terms
of commendation in .these-colmnns. Plant
the first crop of this about tho 5th of May
and let it bo followed by another crop
every fifteen days. Wo have tried nearly
ail me recoiumcnaea varieties ot sugar
corn, but after ten or twelve years' capo
rienco we prefer Stowell's Evergreen,
always tauiDL' fare jtuatxuo genuine variety
is planted, i-'rom tho .time tho first pot of
l.-.U !- .1 i - .- 1 . .. 1
uoiuug corn la oiriaiuau up 10 c proity sunrp
jrosi, wo uuvs a naiiy supply.- merman
town Telegraph.
WE OTIlaruard by mall to nv nart of .the UnitpH
dates, jicit-pai.l, any varieties tliat may be ordered ,at
inij luuowiof; iiricua ;
11) varielis aclected from those priced at Jccnta
per .paper JO SO
SS varictis selected from thotopiiced at 10 cents
per piyw 1 00
a urieucs sciecicu iroin muse ju cents
per pjper 0 0
13 varii tns selected from those priced at 10 cents
per paper 1 00
S varieties selected froro.lhesejiricad at !J cents
per .paper 0 50
S raricties selected from -those priced ut 23 cents
per paper 1 rja
.,!. !,. ,. 11..,
x towns ui-iiins u-iu juiu-u'wieir selections, may re
ly upon our sending ouly those which nro really mint
ruutvy mm uva.ruuiu unu UI easy cumvatl-MI. tVU be-
liuvs that our ejperionce will enable us.toiuako ..-J.-
tinns, laiee.or small, that cannot fall to five entire sat-
JW Facketa Annuals, Ilicnnlals and rerennlali.
euvnrlte kinds tS. (in
w rfiM-v.B o.Miuiusi juciiiiiuis iiiiu 4 urcpniais,
favorite kinds 5 20
SS I'ackuts Aun'Jals, best arioited J iki
II Packets Annual, best assorted 20
BO Packets, fVttw ur,d, Annuals S oo
Ca.'i't ('vlltima ut uruaruental Orasici I 00
" .ofnverlaitinK Flowers I 00
ai Aipmuor Koctci'lante 100
" Climbluit Plants, Annual and
Perennial j (jg
Ctoice Collection oClreenhouseiFlcut Heeds 3 00
" " Ornamental I.eured Plants 100
florist ifcetdman, Versailles Woodford Co.. Ky
I. Hrr J1
ThOsc laboring Unclci
stekneaa can at ence relievo themselves from tho thou
annd mniadlca that flosli 11 heir to, If tlicy will only
follow tho counaele of nature, anil toko tho medicine
which licit assists licr In Iter operations. That modi-
cms la mo vegetable Lire medicines or ur. niorrAT,
Known aa
Moffat's Life Pills
These Medicines have now been before tko public for
a period nf 30 years, and during that tlmo havo main
tained n high charactir In almost every pnttoftho
globe for the extraordinary curative properties which
they possess.
Moirat's Life Pills.
Mnflht's I.lfo PIINaro Indebted for their nnmo to their
manlfl-st and s!iulblo nclion in purifying tho springs
and channels of life, nnd cnrfnlnn thorn with renewed
tono nnd vleor ! and to the undoubted fact thnt nt n very
cirly part In their hintory, they had rescued sulTercrs
from tho very verge of an untimely eravc, perfectly se
curing to tlmm that uniform enjoyment of health, with.
nut WHICH lllo itseii is out a pniuni messing, ao ureal
Indeed had their cluency Invariably proved, that it was
rnrrctv less than miraculous to thosn who Were mine-
n..nlt.n.l tulll, ,1m liKtiutirnl ttlillrtfnntilrnl nrlnrlnli
'"" .
uiioii wiucn incy were coiupounueu, unu upon wiucn
...... , ,.. , , .,
Jloffafa I'hncnU Hitters nro so called, hecauso they
posjoss tho power of restoring; th expiring embers of e,i nm r0nilcil by I1oii.TuomjiIL Bektom from tho Of
health to a glowing vigor thioughout tho constitution, ficla) BecordB ofUongrers.
ns tho Phoenix Is said to bo restored to llfo from tho , ,(,,. work will be complied In 13 royal octavo volumes
mhos of its own dissolution. ! of 75U pagesench 11 of whldi nro now re.nly. An nililj-
MercHrlal Diseases. 1 hero la nrobablv no one nrtlcto
given as n nieiiicine, iiiu injurious usu u, nmi.11 hub i
r-inaed surd wiilu-rnrcad and tcrribla mischiuf to tho
human system aa mercury. It poison sinks deep Into
tho system, penetrating tuo suusinnco 01 mu ooncs, ana
producing a long train 01 puiniui ciiseiiiii;!. u in wen
known that many tiHcctluns of tho throat, of tho bones,
nf thn nniie. nml mallcnant sores, which havo cccn at
tributed to syphilis, arc so often caused .by tho injudi
cious use 01 mercury, so inai tuu ruuiuu uus piutuu
worse than the disease.
The Life Fills and Phoenix llitters havo always been
signally successful ill this class of diseases, mid will
eradicate all the effects of mercury from tho system,
sooner than tho mostpowciful preparations of snrsa
narilln. Thcv ulil nuturo in casting from thu system all
poisonous matter, and by thus purifying tho vital fluids,
they restore thu system to health.
Ililious Complaints. A well regulated nnd propor
tionate quantity of bile upon tho stomach is always re-
uisilc tor toe promotion 01 younu ncaiiii 11 stimulates
iconic.!!, and keeps the Intestinal canal free from nil
obstructions. On the Interior aurfaco of tho liver Is a
cculiur bladder in wnicii the bliu ta nrst preserved,
lelnir formed by the liver from the blood, Thcnco it
passes Into thu stomach aud intestines, and regulates
the digestion. Thus we seo when there is a deficiency
of bile, the body ia constantly costive, On the other
hand, an over nimudaticu of bile causes frcqueut
011 thu stomach, and often promotes very severe attacks
of diseases, which sometimes cud lu death.
Tho Life Medicines should, If possible, be taken in
the early stages of bilious complaints ; and if perse
vered iu strictly according to directions will positively
effect a cure. Their extensive use in this complaint in
nil parts of our cimtineut, renders comment uunuccssu
ry their virtues speak for them,
Mollal's Life Pills. The use of theso Tills, for a very
short time, will rul'ect nn entire curool Bait liheum. nnd
n striking Improvement in the clearness of tho skin.
Common Colds uitd lutlueuia will ulways be cured by
oao dose, or by two even in the worst cases.
fibssl I'ilksj 1 ne original proprietor 01 inesc itieil.
Icinei was cured of Piles of 33 years standing, by the
use. of tho Lifo Medicine alone.
Uvm Comm.a!nt. An ull'sction of tho Liver may be
known byn f.elinp of tension or pain in the right side
nhoiit the region of the liver, often pnngenl 11s in pleu
risy, but somelimea dull : a difficulty in drawing a louz
breath; dry cough aud inclination to vomit. This dl
sevso may he produced by colJ, by v iolent exercise, by
intense summer heals, by lung continued bilious fever
or ague, and uy various soiiu concretions in mu sub
ktauce of the liver. And to these producing causes, are
ilcrnugemii.t of the digestive oceans, suppressed secre
tions, and mental solicitude, which nro very frequent
cau-es of obstructions and diseases of the liver.
This disease diould be arrested in the commencement
which can La done by a few doses cf the Life Pjlls.
When ouco ibe liver Is aroused to the nerforinaticn nf
its proper fuActiuus, liulo more Is requisito than turon-
linuo a proper use ui mu uieuieiues, unu a specuy rc
covery will ensue. ,
Fiver and Aout Tor IhU scourge of tho Western.
couuLry. these medicines will bo found a safe, speedy
and curtain remedy. Utlier medicines lent c the system
snlilect to n return of the disease a cure by these Med
icines is permanent.
tCROrJJLA. me iiiusi iiuiiiuiu wacB oi ocroiuia, in
which the face, liones nnd limbs of the victim hail been
preyed upon by the iusatlnblc disease, nro proved, by
undeniable authority of the sulfcrers themselves, to
have been completely cured by theso purely vegetable
meuiciitcs, alter uu otiicrs uau ueen lounu more man
ludigestion nnd Dyspepsia. If wo were called upon
to specify on disease winch more than any other is the
lane, (while it la thooflaipriugof tivlliration) we should
name Dysnensia. It Is generally nlirndeil, or rather
product. e, of n long train of ills, such as Heartburn,
Flatulency, u gnawing peln at thu stomach when empty
a sense 01 uncomioriaoioweigiiiwnen iun,pniiis in tue
throat, side and nit of the stomach, costlveness, chilli-
uess, languor, uiiwlltingucesto take exercise, &c
Moflat'e IJfu Slcdicines arc peculiarly ndaptcd.toUie
cure of ibis distressing complaint. They nit upoutiie
iowels iu n very mild, and, at tha amo time, very efltc
X1111I manner, nnd havu never yet failed to cure tils ills
care when used according to our directions.
General Debility, Tho most coununn 0 nl com.
plaints is that of a general weakness of tie tiiolu sys
tern, unaccompanied by any particular disoidcr, or do
nate symptoms of disease. There is a Utile vital en
ergy, a loss of appetite, unwillingness, end indeed inn
limy to undergo cqertions, frequent hendnrlios. Indi
gestion, oftentimes sullowuess nnd dryness 0 the skin,
tendency to feverishness, unfitness fur ucsvoty, in short
all those symptoms of languor, iUs',tudc, ami weak
nets that givu evidence at' a failure in tUo vital pow
ers, and a low, uiihculUiy and tmvUd coudlUou of tho
Life Pills ami Phoenix Hitters.
The Life Pills and l'lioenji IMters are, perhaps, the
best remedy for rectoring strength to tho body, fur, they
act us n gentle cartnartic, and, by their tonic qualities,
ctrengthcu the whole system
MotlUt's Life Pills. Pivon8 of a plethoric habit, who
aro subject to fits, headache, giddiness, dimness of
sight, or drowsiness, tromtoo great a now of blood to
tee head, should take theic Pills frequently.
ADVICU TO rXMALUSrcmales who value their
health should ticver be without tho I.lfu .Medicines, ns
ilieypurjl'y ihc blood, remove obstructions, and give tho
eUn a beautiful, clear, healthy and blooming appear
ance. To Hlderly Persons. Many healthy aged Individuals
whok!iow.tbo value of Mu&it's Life .Medicines, make
it a rule to lake them two or three times n week, by
which thov remove the causes that nrnducu disease.
preserve their health, and keep oil' thu infirmities of
J'aots for Mnthors nnd Nurses. It is a fart, estab
lished by tho annual bliss of mortality, that one half of
tne ciiiiuren norno are cut uu ntaoro uitoiiung seven
years of .ago; and ilia fuitful suurcu of this mortalityis
found 10 exist in that foul state of thu stomach nnd
bowels which produced the generation of worms. As
iho safe restorer of infantile health iu this critical state
the Life .Medicines havu lung held a distinguished repu
tation, and fur foulness of tho stomach nnd bowels, aud
convulsions, although worms luayiiot exist, it la allowed
to bo superior to any other.
.Moffat's Pills and Hitters. No medicjnen at preecut
known have done so much good to mankind ns these,
within thu lust few years ; and cettuiuly Holm have
bceu rewarded with more numerous and uutLciilic tes
timonials nf ibeir invariable und extensive eihcacy.
They require no dieting nor confinement, are perfectly
mild and pleasant in their opmution, but .will power
fully restore health that greatest of earthly blessings
to the most exhausted and dilapidated constitutions.
Prepared by
3M Droadway, New Yq-k.
And for Sate by all Druggists. r;i13 U1 Jy.
200 Si fiOO yHs. Vliitc, Blaok, & Colored
This Thread being mado particularly for Hewing Ma
chines, is very Strong, Smooth and Elastic. Its
strength ia not ImpHlredAyiWJihtng, iior-ty friction 0
tho HCtdla. fof Machines, uso hrooks' Patent Glace,
For upper thread,
and Drooka Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket,
For Uudcr thread.
.Pold by reapectahln dealers throughout tha country.
Also, in cases of 1U0 each, asuuti-d Nos by
,,, . 30 Vesiiy filreet, Now York.
Nov. 0, 18C1. Oia.
rpilE dnforins dho cllUens or Illoom.
J. and in-ighborhood, that he has takiu the largo room
in thn Exchango P.lock, extending over Messrs. Stoue-r
t Fox's Uakory, nnd the llookstoro wheru he has put iu
alargoSkyllgl t. it is only by Skylight that good pic- I
ures can bat (en especially gronps uhoie each person
an be taken 1st as well us separate.
Ilshasgon to considerable expenso to make his ca
ablls'inient first class one, and ho threforo aolicita a
beta! patro age to enable hlui. to constantly introduce
thu mode a .improvements of the art.
By Co'ia sy produce taken in Exchange fur pictures.
Blsootshurj, Nov. 134881. (Nov. Sd, '3 1
WOULD respectfully Inform the cltlzcna or
burg, and vicinity, that hu continues the hi
MF.lllcuvr. jjv-i misniw '
tlA enllfifa u wl.n.u ,.r ..(.,!. .... . '
OrritK, on .Main Street, first house below the Csmt
' l'"iiv l'nwias.
Uoiie. Dloo in i bur it.
ftbrunry 3, tf.
Cfllea in Ceurt Ally, formally oceupiel by Chulas Jl
puutiiBimu uv v, aitluto & co.
443 andMb Broadway, New York.
Tho following vrarkanro sonttoBubrcrlscrslnnnVriftr
of tho country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or
jlkliuiiiii j "I viliiviiii iinuniiniGi iiuivvu j lnuitu i
111. MY and ;initu:s A, Dama. aided by 11 numerous so-1
lect corps of writers In nil brandies otscloncieo, Art and
Literature. This work Is bctiiR published In about IS
large octavo volumes, rach containing 71(1 two colinit
pages. Vols, 1 to Mil Inclusive, nro now remly.rnch
cuntnlnlng near 2JU0, original articles, An additional
volume will bo published cinco u about threo months
Price, in Cloth, S3; r.hcep,3 in; Half Mor., 1 Half
Htissla, SI .Vltach.
The New American Cyclopaedia Is popular without soc
Ing superficial, learned but not pednuie, coinprehcnslya
but sufficiently detailed, free from pcisonal phpio nnd
party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It lea complete
statement of all thnt Is known upon every important top
ic with tho senpo of human Intelligence, I'.vcry impoit.
nnt article in It has been specially Written for Its pages
hymen who nro authorities upon tho toplcen which
they speak. Thoy arc required to bring the subject up to
llin lirpHPllt
moment 10 ciaie juti now 11 sianus raw. in
the stntlstlcnl Information Is from tho tatcit reports; the
geogrnpiucni nccounts Keen pace wiiii me latest cxpiorn-
t un
; nistoncai mniiers inciuuo 1110 ircuc-tjust views
, i..,T,,i,i,i ,, ,!-. ,,,,, ,,t r,i. .rn.i
, i. . . r -
a so (it tno living, 11 is a iiiirnry 01 iiscn,
AcRtaMK,T o im .is orCoiourss: llelnsn
political history of thu United Htntes, from tho orEnnlin-
,n, ..rii.n nr., iv.irrr.1 i'.,n,.r,... in i:pnir, ip-.ii i-,iii.
1 of Till pages each 11 of which nro now ready.
ir.,.ni u.iii i. ni,i-ti,i num i n,rr.n huimii.
ic liiimisucii nucn 111 lure
Cloth. S3! Law Sheen. S3 SO! Half MorSli Half
Sheep, S3 SO; Half Mor,
Calf $4 SO each.
D Ell ATM.
Form ncluli of four, and remit the prlcoof four books,
and five copies will bo sent at the remitter's expense for
carriage, or for ten subscribers eleven copies will bo sent
at our expenso for carriage.
No other works will to liberally reward tlio exertions
ofAgcnt. Ax Aiicnt Wanted in this Countv.
Terms mado known on application to tho Publishers.
Nov. St, iera.
niuyr co.urjjvr of ntiMVELrjiM.
orrn e, jo. 4(ldcijEsTiUT street,
CAPITAL (paid up,) S301) 000.
Clatter rerbttuat. lncko INSURANCES ON LIVES on
tho most reasonable terms,
The capital being paid up and Invested, together with
a large nnd constantly increasing reserved fund, oilers
a perfect security ta thu insured.
The prcmiunms must bu paid ycatly half yearly, or
The Company ndd a IIONUS periodically to the Insu
rances of life. Thn FIRST IIONUS appropriated In De
comber, lc! 11, the SECOND DONUS in December. Im
the T1II11D IIONUS in December, lejl.nnd the FOURTH
IIONUS iu December, 1M1I.
C7"These additions nro mado without requiting any
increase in the premiums to be paid to the Comnauv.
The following aro a few examples from thu Register.
Amount of Policy and
bonus to bu increased
No. HO
' 131
" lP'.l
' 333
" ice.
by luluro additions.
S3,3a7 SO
4,030 00
1,400 00
,;. 00
containing tables of rates and explanation,
forms of application, and further Information can be
found at the office.
THOMAS RIDGEWAY, resident. F. James, Actuary.
, , I-KVI L. TATE, .ltt.
I . C. IlAnaisox, r.rnmlnUj' J'iuiieUn.
October 10, lrU7-ly.
Tniin undersigned is also extensively engaged In tho
. Undertaking llusinem, and keeps cnnstantlv on hand
ui mu i) arerouins, a large assortment M
By which ho is enable, to mi orders on presentation
Auo-Keeps n gund Horn) nnd Hearso, and will at al
times bu ready to attend Funercls.
llloomshi'rg, January B1. 1HS0
Fire Prool." Ceiiauut 1'ur Sale.
A lot of superior Tire I'Roor Cement, especially adap
ted for i.'emeaung Eoufs. Ouu gallon will cover 100
ren or ordinary roofing, and is insured proof ngainst
rain and wet weatijer. Can be had nt manufacturers
prices, hy the gallun or half barrel, at tho olnce'eftnu
Columbia Democrat.
jnyi L TATE.
nioomsburg, July 13, IBGI.
Will tuu
Ho. 125, South Elovorrth Street near Valnut,
Enameled Class, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Palming
J.XCiyi5il-3.n.. C--C.t.soK.
Jirch Street, Mute Third.
P II I A D E Is P 11 I A .
rpUE situation of tills Hotel readers it one of the most
A convenient for those who are visiting Philadelphia
on business; wluloto those in search of pleasure, the
constantly passing nnd repassing City Railway cars,
and those 111 close nroxlmiiv. ntrnrH n hr.n,. n,,H ..inn..
juntiUin to nil places of interest and amusement in or
,auiui tun city.
Tho proprietor gives assurance that '-Tho Union"
shall bu kept with such character as will meet public
spprobatlun, and would respectfully solicit, general pat-t0""8u-
Pehruaryg... I8fs0-Hn. Proprietor
Reef, Pork, Poultry, Honey, Grain Produce, Cider
rumpkins, Potatoes. Corn, Oats. Hay and Cunitalks.
ISloonisburg, Oct, 20, lefil.
THE Spring term of this Institution will comracne
Monday, April, the 71!., I8G2.
The Principal will be assisted by ablo instructors!, and
as ample facilities w ill bo offered to qualify students
for teaching, fur business ur fur tt more i-xteailte course
lu literature, a liberal shoro of patronage Is again solic-
Pupils who do not come from home, nr are not put
under the chargu of near relatives, must board at tho
beiuinary and bu subject to tlio regulations thereof.
They must prqvidu ihjr owu towels and have each or-
.utiu iu tiuiniug lusiiuciiy mariteu.
Eliven weeks criistitute a quarter, nnd there will to
vacation of about six weeks in midsummer.
uoaroing, wasningaiiu tuiuoii, Willi furnished rooms
win oe w,uu per quarter, nuo-half tiayuUlo in Jid
X union ulouc, in common branchas, 3,00
uo meiu'img advanced ulguura and.matlio.
lnalics, 6,(0
do in Latin, German, or-Frcnch, extra, 1,00
For further particulars addresa
WM. HUROESS, Principal.
MlUville, Cql.ce:, Pa., Eeb. 0, ltS. 85.
General Commission fllcrcliauts.
riih, Provliionj, .Flour, llulter, Cheese, Oils, Dried
i-'ruiie, Oruin, Keeds, Ueans, Whiskey, W'oql,
Country Produco und .Merchandise
No, 34 Noktu Wharves, PnainiLriiu,
D Conslgnuionta of Provisions, Flour nnd Country
Produco solicited, nnd teturns promptly made. Cash
advanced when desired,
ORDERS for all kinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour.
Dried Fruits, Ac, filled allholuivust Cash Prices,
August 4, leCU llita.
This prenaratipn, made from the bsst Java Coffse, is
rocounuendedbyphyslcinnsasn superior NUTRITIOUS
1IEVERACE for 1,'tneral Debility, Dyspepiln, and all
blllioiu disorders. Thnuiands who hare been compell
ed to abandon the usa of eofl'ee will usi, this win,,,.,, i.
Juriuus eilects. One can coutajus the strength of ttyp
pounds of ordinary coffcy. Price 2.5 cents.
The purest and best llAKINO POWDER known, for
making light, sweqt.and nutritious Hread -aud .cakes.
Price 13 cetits,
in IX KOLLOOif. Chemist.
Oorner of Broad and Chestnut Streets.
Miirh 00. Ii62 Uin
Sum llonus or
Insured ndilitlnn
S'iiOll fW JO
.10110 1030 U0
1000 1IKJ 1)0
A000 187.1 00
Uc, &c.
& landing Hail Kond.
fiZi em 15,7 rur mi OF
IMBai'.lfCJUlt TRAJN3,
runycniucr 1, 1CU1,
YPnasltif, Tli.n.ll,in
nownttp Philadelphia, at u,20 and 11 A M, la noon,!
and 4 I' M
Up, to t'otUvlllc, at 10,50 A M, and S,43 P M,
Western Hxprcss from New York, nt 1,07 A M.
Mall rrnlns, at 10.5.5 A M, and 3,13 P M.
On Sundays, the Down A M Tram passing Heading,
nt W.liO A M, and Op Train, nt 5 P M.
Iloth I0.3U A .M and 3.4J I' .M, up Trains connect nt
Fart Clinton for Tniuaqun, WHIIamspoit dmlra, Hull
alo, Niagara and Canada,
The llt.50 A M, Train only connects at Tort Clinton
for Wllkesbarte, Scrnnton aud Plttituu,
Tho Western llxprcss Trains loftnect at llnrrisburg
with Express Trains on the Pennsylvania llallroad for
Pilttburs;, nnd all points West i and the Mail Trains
connect ut llarrlsburg for Luncaiter, Chambertbiirg,
Bunbury, Wlllininsport, Lock Haven, LMmira nnd tho
Through rirst-Class Coupon Tickets, nnd F.mlgrant
Tickets at reduced Fares, to nil the principal points lu
, tuo North ami Wept, nnd the Canada,
Willi 2(1 Coupons, S!3 percent discount, between any
polnta desired.
Good for S00O miles, between all points, at SIS for
Families and llu(ness Firm, nnd Seastn Ticket; good
fur tho holder only, for three months, in any Passenger
train to Philadelphia, at $-(0oaci. tkhuol ricasou Tick
ets one-third less,
(L Pnsscngers will tako tho Express Train West, at
tho UlTEIt DEPOT, and all other Trains, at tho LOW
Ell DI'.POT.
f0 lbs of baggage allowce each passenger
K7 Passengers are requested to puichase their Ticks
eta before entering tho cars, ns higher Fares charged If
pnd in cars.
Up trains lean Hhlladolphiafur Heading llarrlsburg
and Pntlsvllle at 8 A M, 3,13 P M, and ut -1,30 P M, for
Heading ouly,
UT" Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by G,02 A,
M, Accommodation Train to Philadelphia and return
at Si to each. C, A'. NICOLLK,
Oenera t&ttnertntetident.
January 4, IPna.
Lacka.vnuiu & Ulooiusburg itailrond
Freight e)
lll.llll A..M
I'.'.liF M
Leave Serantnn, 5'J." A. M
' Kingston 0.30
iitoumsDurg r-if
" Rupert, 8,t)
" Danville, tl 15
Arrive nt Northumberland, Ih.UO
Leavo Norlhiimhcrland, 4.30 P. M,
" Danville, 5.10
" Rupert, 5.4J
i liliiomsburg 3.37
" Klugsjoii, e.OOLenvo 1.45 P, Ml
Arrive at Scranton, 0.00 P. SI, 3.40
A Passenger Train nlsolravf-s Kingston at P.3 OA. M,
for Scranton, to conned with train fur New York. Re
turning, leaven Scranton on arrival of Train from New
York nt4.l5 P. M.
The Larkawavnu nnd Hlnomsburg Itnllrond connects
-with tlie Delaware, Lackawsnna and csiern Railroad
nt fcrautr.n, fur New York and intermediate points east
At. Rupert it coiiBcrt" with the Catlawissa Raliroad.fof
points both enl and wrbt.
At Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia
&ErleR. 11. and N. O K. It. for points wi st and south,
. C. Wells, fJcn'I 7Vcit jja
Nov. 30, le'iil,
Callawissa l!ai lUml
Philadelphia & N. V. Mail
10.53 A, L
12.W A. Jl
Umira Mail 3.41 P, M
Ningrn Express 10.15 P. M
NOWjOCcupies the room up slnirs in front In Mr.
Unnugst's lirick building, on Alain Street hclnw thu
American House. A must convenient odicu ; win-re he
will bu h.ipjiy ul all times to sec his friends and clients.
liloomsburg, Nov. II, ltiGI. 3m.
'pHF subscriber would inform his friends, that lis Is
.1 now prepiired to put bp, on short notice, und iu u
Hcieiiti(lu manner, the best
nt 121 cents per foot. All work nun anted.
liloomsburg, MnyiM, lcM).
TIIF. lindersigiii'd, having opened a new ROOT AND
HllCli S1IOI', on MnJiwstrt-et, in llopkiust ille, East
liloomsburg. respc'tfujjy invites the custom of thu dti
lens und the public generally. All kinds of lluols,
Shuc', &c , wjll bu promptly made to order, on short
notjeu aid miidcrutu terms. Fiiini long experience in
his lino of lusiuesshu llattcts himself that he will bu
ublu to gitu geni-ral satisfaction to u!l who may favor
li 1 in with their custom,
uC7 drain. Provision aud Produce generally tnken in
exchange for work.
Dloomsburg, July S, 18M-3ta.
THE undersigned, Treasurer of Columbia County,
Would give notice tnull those owing him their taxes on
uuseated lauds, for the years ldOO nnd leiil, that they
must come forward und pay the same, between this and
the first of April, otherwise the laud nail bu sdvertised
and sold. A word to the wise is sufficient ie.
Treasurer's Office, ) Treatvrcr.
Uloomsburg, Feb. 10, IfifiJ.
S. E. comer Third and Dock Streets,
Hats mado to order, of any Style or Quality at 'kort
January 4, 1S02. Cm.
This Celebrated Fcmalu Medicine pussessoii virtues
unknown of anything else of the kind, and proving eff
ectual aflcr nil miters have failed ; it is prepared from
an "Indian iicrb" peculiar tu Northern Mexico nnd Tex
as, mid is used by the Natives iu producing the montu
LV sickness. Iu is desigueii fur both inaarled nnd single
ladies, nnd is the very best thing known forthe purposu
aa it will rcmovo all obstructions after iUici remedies
have been tried lu vjilu. it is a ideasant lea, contain-
Jug nothing iujurious to hsaith, and a cure to be relied
UJH'll 111 IU1 Clisi'b.
Prnlansiis Uteri, or fnltinc of th
bus. or Whites; Chronic ixihmiati
the tvomb; Incidental lleiuoragu
uasu ui mu ciiue.
Cy" I.adius iu the carlv stnso
.tloued against the uso of this tea, as .it will produce
r-ntrAncD and sold nr
Prices 81.00 per packugu, (with full tCrcctiona for use)
sent l;y Express oj- Mail to any address. '
Dr. F.. can bu consulted Iu all ub.tiiiate IVmnio n,.
plaints, iu person or by letter, and will furi.l.l. the (Jut-
ta-percua i emaie nyringa- Highly recommended by the
Faculty to marrieiUadiesXjr.siicclul nurimses.
Also uaiiiQpi tyuru unu niuer Trusses- improved lie
tart mid Srunu Abdominal Siippurti-rs-Sluiulder llrncc
Elastic aud Lace Stockings Splnnl Apparatus, fu
Wmk and Curved Spiue-and Instruments fur ull d
Also uaiiiQpi tyuru unu niuer Trusses- improved j!o-
lormities. A larse Stock of the above articles ninsiniit.
iy on hand, and will be furiiisln'd at lowest rates by
sending order with measurement nnd full particulajs.
E7" All communications strictly corifleenllul. l'or
further particulars plcuso Address,
V0 Race Street
Nov. 10, leol-lxju.
Nos. 0, 11, Hi, 15, 17 Courtlajult Street,
This old-establislied nnd favorite resort of the liusl
f.esa Community has been recently refitted, und Is com
plete iu ever) tiling that can mini. ter to the comforts of
its patrons Ladieue nnd families urufpeglully ut.d care
fully provided fnr, '
11.1' tentrally located In the bu iness part of ire city,
nnd is contiguous to tho principal lines cfteaiukoaU,
cars, omuibusecs ferries, tec.
In ciivxquincu of tie prosruro caused by the Jtcbel.
-lion, juices liavo been reduced to
One Dollar a d HJly Cents per Day.
The tuUu is amply supplied with all the luxuries of
the season, and is U'luul to that of any other hotel lu tho
A tuple accommodations are offered fur upwqrd of 400
fry Do not believe runpcra.hncknicn, and plhera who
ipay suy "the Western Hotel Is full." ,r
ll. D. WINCHESTER, Proprietor.
1'eb. 15, Idea.
ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted to th
undersigned on lluok account or olhernlee, ur'
herehv notldad to enme and aetUa un l,v ti. i0.
I March, letiW, or their adounts will positively be left in
the bands of a proper officer for collsotkn.
Evvr'a Ciovs Mills. Feb. t. ItM.-tf.
7V. E. comer nfllh nail ChcitilUt Streets
Tuts ImrruTioK, which was rilamsncil in and
Is now consequently lu the eighteenth year of Its exist
ence, numbers among Its graduotcs, hundreds of tho
mostsiiccessful .Merchants tud lluiiuesa Men of our
'Tn ilaicfT nf lh" Institution laaolelv to nflbrd VPUng
1 men facilities fur thorough preparation for kiislnsss.
Tiik Hravciiks TAUnurare, Slvoh ttetptuft aa applica
ble to tho various deparlmenta of trade; fenmnnthln,
both plain and ornnnwnlnl I Cam""''"!1 '" Mtihc
antler, Metgatlon Cicil Knglnttrlngt DttKUgt I
Ognrphy, and .Modern LiKgncgeJ,
I Tti! 8t stem or Iistboctioi Is peculiar; noclasscs Br
act lessons am made uc of, but eacli student is taught
Individually, aothntln; may commence at any lime, and
attend at whatever louis arc inns; convenient.
Oatauioues nielss led annuafynfter tlio 15th of April
coitaniug of I In students for tho year, and full
particulars of trrm,&c, and may bo obtained at any
tlmu by addreslng Hie Principal,
In r.iTr(isivt AcroMMODiTioxs, Kue-iprcad rcpstntien
and thu length j iipcrlcnie. oihe Principal, this Institu
tion uifcrs faciiilti s supertur toaiiy oiner in me coun
try, forynuug men wishing to prepiro for business,
and to obtain at the same time a ptrLOMt, iz-AicA (
prove a recommendation for them them to any Mcrchau
tile Homo.
K7CRiTr:MncN's Series of Trentlees on PoOK-Kerr-iso
now nore widely circulated than nny other work
on the subject, uru fur sale at the College.
Jan, i5 ISO.' I-Jin.
Jllamifactiirers & Proprietors,
More, No. 20 South Wharves,
uper-Pliospliate of Lime.
Little need !o said to recommend this article Us pe
culiar merits ac a vigorous aud lasting umnuru hating
firmly established it iu tl popular favor. Wo would
stato however, that not only hating a continued care to
maintain its standard etlicncy we have sought to rcn-
dt-r it more immediate in its action, by the addition of a
small quantity of best Peruvian Cuanu. We do not
tliiim by this iiupriHemcnt. (which was made during
thu past year, aud without publicly noting the fact,)our
Siiper-I'liiisphato Is rendered any more lasting In ilslelf
cct, or iu any way benefited, except n cusuringaqukli
er uttioit on application. ,
I'ltlCE, 15 per 2000 lbs. CASH. I
Tills nrtfclois ground without any previous prepa
ration, and coulai ts Alt. tile organic matter of the bones
It is warranted pure.
FUICE 35 per 2000 lbs. cash.
By The above Manures on be had of tegular Deal
ers or of ll.UKill it SON'S.
No 20 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
February 15, Idii3-3m.
HPIIH undersigned respectfully inform their friendo
i anil me piimic gem raiiy, mat tn
have entered in
to co paitncifchip, under the name,
t)Ie and lirui of
.tUL,L,Ull l.VLliin ine
ilSercaiiUle jJ5tisiEcs,
In the "Old Arcade," in Uloomsburg, Cnlumhla co
where they intend carr ying nn the business nf uxstK
ual Mixni.Nutmo, iu a 1 i Is diversified branches and
depnrtuients. andtn which they invito an extension of
the public patronage.
liloomsburg, May 11, lr?ill. tf.
lso, iion doors, fnr lnul' and
Cnroa imn d inllnrj lr.... ....I. n
'"ihei of locks u'tijal to any mado
in the ITnilnd r-(ntea.
Fire Aucs in one Jiry.
tents ini'i' condition.
All came .( rigU ; trilA r-
The fcalamander Safes of Ptiiludejptia against the
have had the surest di-mostrntinn Jn the following cer
tificate that t li'-l r maunf.tclure of Salam.iud.-r Saf -s liar
nt length fullv warranted the representations w huh hate
been iiivdc of them as rendering an umluubh-d sjcurity
against the terrific t lenient.
Philadelphia April 12. 1?S.
.Messrs. I'.rans - Watson: CenlU-mi'ii- It nll'.uils us
tho highest satisfaction to ctutu to you, tint owing to
the very nrntoctivu niiiitios nf two of the Salaman ler,
Safes which we purchased of jouso-ue live month a! tint
wn saved a large portion of jewelry, and ull our backs,
fee., exposed to tho calaminmis, tire in RaustCd place on
the morning oftjj.. nth iiist..
When we reflect Hut the.' nsfes were located in the
foarth sory nftltu hiiilditig wj occupied nnj that they
fell stibseiucntly inthn lieup of burning ruins, wln-r.i the
van conctntration of tho jhial caused tlx-- brass pJnlcs to
melt, wo cnunot but reirurd'ri.itinn nf ih.'lr int.
I uablo contents as must convincing pruuf of the grent se-
vui i) .in., i urn y iiiir sines
We rhall tulte great pleasure ifl recommending them to
men of busimss sure roHHU-uigiist uru.
UKORUC W. Sl.M.MO.VS Hi MM., .levellers.
D"Tiii'y have since purchased tix largu Safes.
JUigusttU. !0
ier for thn recojition and ciitortaiumeut uf travelers w hu
may feel disposed to f.ivnrit Willi their custom. Hu has
tparcd no expenso in prepaijug tjic Exciiasoc, fur ihu
entertainment ol his guests, neiOier shall there be any.
thiyg want ng (on his part) to minister to thej- personal
comfort. His house is paciousind enjoys an excellent
business location.
rX7"Ouiuibusesrunnt all times .between the Exeianco
Hotel and the various Rail Ruad Depots, by which tray
ler will bo pleasantly conveyed to nnd from tho re
spective Stations lu due timu io meellho Cars.
Bloomsburg.JulyT.ieGO- 'M. U. KOONS.
The Great Cause or
Mueucus III lOUIIII l llll i....t.iir... ... ...
O-Uisadmirablo Lecture clearls piovcs .that the
a'-ovo enumerated, often self-aflllcted. evils inay he re.
inoved without medic no nnd without ilii igt-r. ua surgi
u"u "uu.u tu reau ty every man ia t.o
Sent under seal to nnv .l,i,. i ..
envelot ,e. on H? rj.l V.W H'0":.
1 ...r.l.h. .... .1.. 1 I . - l'"ni. seMicn
, V. ',.;'Jy'i'1 v "i cents, or two postage
' "S "
Tlr fTllAQ I n ,-,
Februa5rl8tTu''y1,r,'nV Ywk' 1'u' "". 43k
wuary 8, 11-0.'. Aprl SUi ,eiJ
qMIE largeet, best liandsom
.a. est mill clicnpcat assort
1,1 . ,.f u, ''on'aer solid
V t-riiiii(! lllllinH,
tethes' Jlonntt iy lira Trunk
uui in run ! i;o;unc'Ki
lers Leather nnd Carp
Packing Trunks &c..
.idl. .T.'i?, i ,':1i0 'Mt',,jl ""Pfored shed spm.
f ; . i '.''"ther Trunk muiiufiictnry. No. 401 Marko
i. n IJ J8 JU K ,
(Puccecur to J. 8. Suhvijk)
No. 8 North Fifth St., above Market,
Also, Manufacturer and Jmporter uf
May Pi, lSGO-JSjii.
rpllf! iindctsigned, respectfully Informs tho citizens of
S II ooiu.burg. and the public gKnoully. Unit lie ha, ci:
tabllshed a uuw Store, on Muln Street. I loomsbi re In
SUs. Leacork's lluildlng, wlit-ra io oiiura ("i sale' m.
rco.lcrnlotcrina.nlaigeuss.jitiuentof- ' v"
UliUUrliS, WA JEWEL R 1".
Ufevery sort, r.r.A sue and doscrintli
nn, l a.
stock of Jeyulry is compltte, Jucluitjn
variety of Lnillcs and t.'entleini ti', iMedalions, SU
Chains, Lo'ikets, llreattnlns. FiiiL'r.n,..a ,V r'.A?..
ng every
Sly" ""W""1"1" uf wilcli hu i(i(ltestJ.o liubtfcnfeyr
ILT Strict attention glvon to repalrihg Clocks, Watch,
es, and Jewelry, and all work warianled. "
WKI n -nil , ,.
& iHUaSRliS- J't'VEl) to Ml Ckettnxt Street,
M ISlSlS WHtJsJt tlore thud Philadelphia, lan e mi
fcrViTI'4t'BSi, 3 "f-sortment of Fire
FtSrWfiij-Saf Thief proof Salamander Safes.
lf3Sfta: lso, iion doors, for InuP and
JSirii? --itV-.'Mori's, iron shutters iron sah. nil
rinii;i-roprietorof this well ksown and centrally loca
.a. ted House, the EitiiAxriE Hori-.L, situalu oil ' lu.
street, In liloomsburg, immediately ?nnositu thu Colum
blu l.niinty Court House, respectfully irifurms his friends
unu iiiu liiuijiu in gi-ncrni
jusi ruiiiiskou in a Sealed Envclono; Pr'ce C clr
; CAUSE AND CURE of Snermato , Cu.ump i" u
Mental an. Physical He .iiily. Nr-rvougi ess, Epi y '
Jmpnireu Nutrition of tie lludv : l.nssT,tn 1.1
a Womht n.M Al. ' aeUv fnVndv' ,r VK ".WV"'."'. .!
on. or lilcerntlou of ..o..'of Me,noryTAve7o., d Zr UtV.VJZlT?,1
of Hooding, and dis-. tude ; 1 nul.tity j clf.Distrust : Dliiiiiiss : llin t,T ...
mieciious ot ilia Lyes ; Pimples en tho Face ; Invuluu.
of nreenancv aro can. Mary l.m is nns. nml h...!,i i .'. ',UMJ"
,I1U ,'UllhP.
Propel. 'W'vWairlfeK'fsi.-
Illoomiburr. Msv 4. 1W!iic ' "fto-t-
To Destroy nl, Roaches, fee.
It UttlTCy- Mice, Molca, and Anil
To Destroy Red. Ruga,
To Deslion Moths In Fura, Olotha, kt.
T Dtsltt'o Mosquitoes nnd Fleas.
To Destrcy Inseits on Plants and Fowli,
To Destroy Insects nn Animals, &e' ,
TV Destroy livery furui uad spccUt of Verrniu.
Sestroyes Instantly
Those Pr eparnlions (unlike all ethers) us
MFrcr from Poisons. '
"Not dangerous to the human family."
"Rats do not die on the prcmjsi-s."
"They come out of their hulesto die."
"They are the only lufallinble remedies known."
"13 years and more established In New York City."
I'scd tiy the City Post Ollice.
Used by Via City Prisons and Station Houses.
Used by the City Steamers, Ships, &c.
Used by tho City Hospitals, Alius. Houses, &c.
Usei ly the City Hotels-'Astiir'-'St. Nkholas.'&c.
Used by the Hoarding llnuse, kc. &c.
Used by more than SUU.OOU Private Families.
Seo one or two c-pecimens of w hat Is everywhere
d ny the people- Editors Dealers, 4c.
I lIOUSEKEEPEUS-tronblcd with vermin neod ho so
ao longer, if they use "Cosiar's" Exterminators, Wo
Wo liave used ll to uur satisfaction, and if a box costs
S", we would have It, We have tried poisons, but they
clfectud nothing; but "Cu-itar's" urtlclu knocks tho
breath out of Jiats. Mice, Roaches, and licd-llngs, quick
er than tv. run write ll. Ills in great demand all over
the country. Medina O (lantte.
I MORE CRA1.V nnd provisions nro destroyd jnnunlly
In dram County by vermin, tliau would pay for tons ef
this Rat und Insect Killer. Lancaster Id. llcrald.
HENRY R. COST tRWu arc selling your prtpara.
Hons rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats
Mice, Hunches and Vermin disappear rapidly
EcKtjt $-.Sieurta, Dryggjrl, Windsor, Md.
"Costar's" Eat Roach, &c. Eitsrajhoator,
Costar's" Bed-Bug; Exterminator.
"Cottar's" Ileotrlc Powder, for Insects, &.c.
In 3c 00c. aku 31,00 Uoxts, Rocills Elasks, $3c
$S Sizes fur Plantations, Ships, lioals, Hotels,
&c &.C.
O AUTI ON III To prevent the public from being im
pnsed upon by i-pnrious und Highly Pernicious Imiiations
a new label has liin-n pji-jmred, bearing a Jaesimlle of
thu Piuprietor's signature. I.xaiiijue each bux, bottle,
or ll-sk carefully belore nurchasing, and lako nothing
IC7" Sell fj,i7i;ravc-y
All Vt huli sale Druggists jnthe large cities.
Souk .f the
Hliiilcsiilf! AftPins iu Sexy York fily.
Shelleliu llrothers itC.. Hurral, Risley t
, l) . h"'"10," ',lu" Co KtisJi, Cale t linbiiison
A II (i I) Sands fcf'o
M Ward, ClOsu ii i.'o
Wheeler i Hurt
Jaiuei. S Aspiuwull,
.Morgan & Allen
Hall, liuckel & Co
Thonias Sc Fuller
MclCissun tc Jlnbbins
D S llarni-s U Co
F C Wells U Co
nun, luruu & uo
Con I ad Fox
r v uryis
I'liiladcliiliia I'n.
V,.I'f'ott 5. r, I no,'"rl Shoemaker it Co
11 Al-ahucstoek&Co French, UitUardi t Co
Druggists, CroccSjfltog-ekecpers nnd Retailers cenoral
ly in all Cguntry Tutriis Villages
iu the
Hi. Hagenbuch,
J. R,,
& P. Luts.
And by tb, Pruggi,,,, etwkl)CpCr,4ri(, R.Ha ten
0rUa,l,Zr,',ll'!,M "n Pfd" "t-ove-e
is' desi ,Jdet ""-fr Jf;'"' Twin.,
fivliVretccdsfto for c'"
A tonrpoiintl remedy, In which tro havo hu
bored to produco tio most cfloctual nltorntlva
that can bo made, It ia n concentrated extract
Of l'ara BarsBparilln, so cotnWncd vllh othei
subUnnoos of ttlll (jreater altorativ power ta
to airord an cfrtfctltd tuttldoto for the dl?enrw
UnrMparlllrt i rqnttcd ) euro, It Ij bcUtvcd
that such a remedy ia wnnttd by thota who
suffer from Strumous coinplalnta, and that tino
which will accomplish thoir cure mut prove
of immense Ktrvlce to this largo cltus W our
aflllcted fdlow-citlitcns. How completely this
compound will do it has been proven by exper
intent on many of tho tTomt cases to ba found
of tho following complaints i
ScitoruiA akd Scmorutous Complaixm,
Eruptioss ajtd Unuprivn Disbases, Uicbm,
I'impiih, Btorciias, TuHoni, Sait lliiEtx,
Scald IIhau, Stratus and. Syruinno At
retrnoNS, Mr.ncuRur, Dikbasb, Dnorav, Nlu.
SAtaiA on Tic Dotaotniuux, DnmuTr, Dm.
rarsiA Awu IiidioustiO!', lJiiYsirBt.AS, Hosn
on St. AxTitoxr'i Fine, and indeed the wholj
clau of complaints arising from Iw?umiy o
Tun Dlooii.
Tlds compound to fount a (jreat pro,
tnoter of health, when taken in fhe spring, to
cxpcl?tho foul humora which fwlor in tho
blood at that season of the year. Uy tho time-.
ly oxpulsion of them many rankling disorder
aro nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by
the aid of this yoraody, spaie themselTos from
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous
sorts, through which tho system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do
this through tho natural channels of tho body
by an altnatlvo medicine. Cleansa out tlm
vitiated blood whonovor you And its impurities
bursting through the skin in plmploa, eruptions,
or sores j cleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish in tho veins j cleanio it
whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell
vou when. Even whera no particular disorder
!i felt, pcopla enjoy batter health, nnd livo
longer, for cleansing tlio blood. Keep th
blood healthy, nnd all is well; but with thit
pabulum of lifo disordered, there cm bo na
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must po wrong, end the great machinery
life is di."tdercd or ovcrtlirown.
8arapaTi..a lias, and deserves much, th
reputation, of accomplishing theso ends. But
the world has been egregtously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the druij
alono has not all t)io yirtue that is claimed
for it, but mora bicau$e many preparations,
pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it,
contain hut littlu of the viltue of Harsopaxilh,
or any thing else.
During late years the public have been mis
led by lurgo bottles, ptctending to give a quart
of Extrnot of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most
of those have been frauds upon the wck, for
(hey not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter and painful lisappointmcnt
has followed the uso of the various extract of
Sarsaparilla which Ilnod the market, until tha
name itself j justly .despised, and has become,
synimvrnoua with imposition nnd cheat. Still
wo cnil this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
to supply such n remedy ns shall rescue xh
name from tho load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And wo think wo havo ground for
believing it has virtues which arc irresislibla
by the oidinnryrun of tho diseases it is intend
ed to cure. In order to secure their complete
eradication from thcystem, the remedy should
be judiciously taken according to directions oa
the bottle. -ft;
ritrrARcn by
DIt. 3. C. Ai'EB St CO.
Price, $1 per HoUIci Six llotUcs fr $3,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
has von for itself such a ronovm for the cure tt
evciy vaiiety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that
it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount tha
evidence of its virtues, wherever it lias been em
plojeil. Aa it has long been in constant uu
throughout this section, wo need not do ninre than
assure the jicxinls its tju jlity is itcjit up to tho best
it cter lias been, nnd that it may lie relied on xo
do fur .their relief all it has cter been found io i!o.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
roil this cuhe oi
Costivaicss, JamuUee, Dysptpsia, Indititio
Dysentery, Foul Otomach, liryslpitas, Hcatlfidio,
PiU'i, Jlhcumatism, Erupttoni !( i'Am Distant,
J.ker Conplaitil, Dropiy, TMer, 'J'ttmoii aiii
fktlt Ititum, H'o;)t, Gout, Kcuralffia, at t
Dinner rill, atul for Purifying the Woo:!.
t They are 6Ugnr-coated, so that tho most scr.ii
livo can tako uisin pleasantly, and they ato thi
lct aperient lu the world for all the purposes of s
tmily physic,
Fries 25 cents por Box; Five boxes for Sl.COk
Orcat numbers of Cltrgymcn, riiysicianj, States
men, and eminent peisonngc.i, lent their
iiamc. to certify the luiparalleleilusefiihicfcs of tl.cM
remedies, but our spaoc heru will not permit til
insertion of thorn. The Agents below named fur.
nish gratis our Akeiwan Almanac in which lit;
are tit en ; with also full Jescriptions of the r.bon
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
lowed for their cure. i
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers ivitt
other preparations' ilicy raako more proSt on.
Demand Avuu's, and take no others. The tc
want the best aid there La for them, aud tkey thuulj
All our Remedies aro for side by
K. 1'. Lutz, J. R. Moyer, C. M. Ilageiibuch, ninomalmrj
A. .Miller, nernick,aa ty one store in every ts all
riiysiologlcal View of aiarriage.
!!50 IVICIIS AND 130 K.VCnAyjNC.l.-I'rirs ml'
TWtMy.Hvt CLNTS. Sent free of postage to all narlrol
the Union, g-n tne infirmities ol youth and maturity the M-crut follies of limh seiea of all ati
i-aii.iurr dchility, nervousness, denrcr'ion ef ridrili
n.-llilt..t:nt, i.CI,.. ...ln..i ., 1.
"" " "." UlllUit lllldKJIIlIIgS, lini'lUB
ttiry emission., Idmliiiif-s defectlvo iiitinor), mdini
tiou andlas-llude, trith coufisnoas of thi tiling intra:
ot a Jioaratnr ArAni. Mi... f,.n,... .
loung Married Lady, $c, lit. It is a truthful ndvUrli
tlio niarrieil nid those contemplatlnc niarriape,
terttiin sicrut dou'rts of their idiysical iel
mho mu lontclous ontaj!i; hazarded the htulth lis;
jiliiess.aud nrivilcges to wlnih every human hcmiu
t'l.titled. ' '
VCUNC JIi: who arc trnul led tilth weaknes,t
cru ly cuuksd ly a.tnd habit iu youth, thu nl'vcti
Willed .ire dirtiness, pain., forgetfnlni-ss, soinetiineii
a rilirins in tho tars, uenk uyes, wenkness of the baJ
and lotv-i striiniiios, confusion of ideas, loss of hub
f.r',,",i!".'l'.e.,"?c!lc.,J'1,nai' UB "" hy tlic author's KEJ
yiHU IMJ THU IllROl'llAN ll&HTALS, avai'm
i"mc in? "r,!' k""J'-dgu and researches ol'the m-
skilled l'li.vw3ians nnd tiurgeOus iu HuroiicaiidlhelH
tineitt. lliose ulinplntu theniHi l ,-ea under our ii
mw '.'!5',,;i1,,f,fil!!.l!''!'t,'i,','lu" """'V NEW AM
1.1 1 lCACIOUrf RUMHIHCS Hlilrh wo are emiliW
iiitrnducc lnto uur prnclicu, and the public muy rcl u
fired ol lliecaino teal, assiduity, fiiintlX'V and atl-a
lion hciiiftpald to thelrcascs, which has so aucitls
pi-pfnffi11 u heretofore, na n l'h slcinu iu ei
1 L IJLIAR department cd'prnressionnl I'
post tveolu-fre years.
t ?l '"ctthoHlshforMeilkiii
.tiei-mcucyof,icli has lei-u le.tod Iu tfcoani: '
case, an,r never ailed tu-ell-ct ,,,..edy eyre's with
an) bad ri;iilta,w ill u.u none but DuLaut y's ru.
serve la, ,lndli s slitiuld not tako Hieiuir tin i luvs r.
ulurs of which w ill ua fouu.i uu the wiLmior irnui
nUyXo'Sle',' Mft "'!
.iio'v-'ifiifi! aar ie ma"ei 10 ""y
n,lvU,'t'',u.I'AlUI:f). W1'"-r-eed a etnfidcntiel medf
adviser with regard to any uf tlmse interoniiiL' c
la, te,"' .,..l R".vt."-i:ur main
.ir in in,;;;. , J" ,!.' u""i or nno liars n
It is a ,i,rriVi'Br'r famlll!"' ')' he obluinrd ss
h !-en eit .nSfv.vf',fC PveiUivo to t-oucvptlon, ai.JI
HUuceVd I i" !'5.f """" 'luri" ,h lust 2U ' '
Tho Sccrcls of Youlh Cnvcilfri.
A Trcttttst on tht Canst of Premature Dccao-A f
TrVre J"t,"M ab'ok.Z ii)7,i,'
r?'tW.f?.''. V"tl'A" omonr schools. Ihth wain
iuiariiUn ni,,fi, 7 i. l""i"ng uat the .atniry
, j . i .. 'irom ine flmmcueement ew
iriE a..c 'V" M'"' ' of tuo 31 cent llf!
niKiii, niut on tuniiayj frUB1 a iiii p
th" lr i?im,?nm,San,''?'' h patient communis;'
..rii;Vu!f,:rMritlr.:cf1- " wWr
thSaiusuf 1mflr A,s.,,!tl!,,nt,le,1 " "inhliih'i.u"'
"in?, ji'!t ' c,lJ1J"No. aiJUnkn U'
Ner3. 1I.i2m.
B:bu MirihlMlM iWK K