MfflBlA DliOCHAT, John (5. Freeze, Local Editor. SATURDAY MORNIN&, MAY 3, 10C2. W inni-MTfiM .TirvrnMnv. Va.. ) il) !l timl. i ono I Jj illHll llll AUU.. J Co. JVcree : TLo position of our 13ii gailo is nearly the satno as wliou I last irroto you. McDowell's forces arc near lisi among whom aro tho "Iron Guards." Officers aud men aro well and doing finely. 6'opt. Ent 13 spending tho day with us. Thursday last wo made a rceonnoisanec 'totho Rnnnalinnnock ; our forco consisting ,fj2000 infantry, and a squadron of caval- "yfand eight pieces of artillery ; tho whole, Jmdcr tho counuand Lieut. Col. Uryan of ?ffie 12th Massachusetts. Wo waited till jiuc'moon roso, and then proceeded quietly and cautiously down tho Orango & Alex andria llailroad. Much oaro waa neces sary as Guerilla bands of tho enemy aro continually prowling around, "seeking whom thoy may devour." Many of their .cavalry assume citizen's dress, and when pursued cscnpo into some friendly house, where thoy sit chatting aud smoking when io"ur men eomo. This, and their khowlcdgo ijoff tho country, gives them many lulvan Xrres. Tlio track alona tho railroad has Boen taken up, and tho sills mostly burned or.cut in two. Many of tho rails havo Mjccu laid on tho sill, and the pilo fired, ltpU3 bonding thciu until they aro useless. "Tho poor fools forgot that wo make rail -.road iron in our country, and that to tear lip requires aa much labor as to tear down, trhc railroad iron used heic is called iho iyj" rail as distinguished from tho "T." t The road, if a way can bo called such, 'was miserable ; "but darkness charitably -ovcrod many of its detects, much to our '"irinniiiNMiimiei). It WtVS llillO o'clock of 4Fiilay when wo reached tho vicinity of -jSulfo onciity. Crawling to an eminenco, 1 vot a full view of the enemy's fortification. Two bands of music wcro playing, show V& that thoy had at least two rugimouts 'mSoio. I suppose they were mounting fguard. The whistlo of 'could bo plainly heard, Ifpgrcmntory coinmands t'iO locomotive giving its usual of "Forward," jackward," "Halt," eto To our loft, and on tliiii hide of the river, vioro some ,hoavy earthworks,but apparently deserted. ' On the opposite Lido wero works much 'larger, and in which considerable activity wa displayed. Tho soldiers wcro evi dently exp.cting an attack and throwing aim now works. To their left wore somo ;3aasked gum, though wo could not tell tho Ijjunibur. Still further to tho right, and inla 'commanding position was a largo liouso used the Generals Head Quar ters, before which some earth works wero .thrown up. The rebols wo learned were fruader tho command of Gen. Smith, for merly a Street Commissioner in Now I'ork. ,JIo commanded tho cnomy at Ball's BlulY, jt'nd is t-aiil to bo a uioit accomplished ofii- It wes no part of our plan to attack eer. them, they h villi; tho udvantago of earth- works, a river in their front, and mperior ftiuiiibors. However, it was dcturiniucil to vl1raw their fire in order to sea what thoy Mud. Our infantry, cavalry, caiaaoui and 'anibulancos, wero concealed in a follow, -.while Lieut Godbold b section of ttis Bat tilery, aud a section of Thompson s Battery titook po.iition to Lire at the earthworks. l Ayaection of a New York Battery was .held in reserve, while tho taaj; of shelling nUio G-'iueral's Head Quarters was as.'-igaed -to, my juiles Miction, Tho building was two ilihtaut, and (hough in rango Idcem. fldlit nrudent to i;e,t nearer. Whilo mov- ingtowards high ground wo saw a section ofj'ficld artillery filing off to tho right, ns wejsupposod for the purpose ol tjaunng guns were placed in a hollow ono i. l...:.i.i. 11 1 it jnue iium tiit 11. Qiitim s jjuiiu tuiituis .T ... ....... ... .tno;ngut anil lelt ri'lgea protecting us "from a rakini' fire. Our first shotbrouirht down a man near tho house. A few tuoro "completely riddled tlio building, and if .anyiwerc in tho earthworks they left Mid .tlcnly. At this tinio a pounder opened on U3, but our po.-ition prevented us from ,Becing it. Wo sent for reinforcements, iBntjook a position furthor to tho right, twhen another scetion of field guus wcro ,ec?n moving along to our right, lily.unliinboriiig, wo sent a shell Jho'in', which did tho business finely. Haa nfter jase.dhot burnt at tho proper distance, knocking the drivers from their horses, and.seuiliug thotorrified and wouudttl ati iraals fnuitieally aero. the field, in an ;Sp'posijto direction, Ono poor fellow wo iaWjget up ud limp towanls tho ueigh fcoriug woods. 5y this time a rogiiiicut vasacploycd to our rear as dkirmisliora, tut nadditioiial artillery was brought to our assistance. While tiring a few more hotVit the jlying artillery, a niaiUed bat itcry whioli wo had not perceived opened immediately on our front and only t-00 .yardsistant. When I first saw ic I took jtthii itono heap, but learuiug its truo .character, im mediately changed tho posi tlgnpmy guns, and opened on thorn. The guns to the left ceased firing, aud thou ,tho enemy turned their entiro fire ou ua. Our ninii sdnoil it. tvnll. 'I'lininrli tint .ilint. 'iSt whiBtFed between the guns, and tho shell nenjsaives in tuu groucu, jwi. a iiiuu UncJd ; but oil the c jutrary kept cheer-' Iuif We..-"i sj-it fouud iu mink. ThePJ. iCpinraanding ordered me to fall I irk a tho rcsorvo, which I did. Tho action then( ceasod the object of our roconnoisanco having been accomplished. My section was congratulated for its succois, etc: aud wu learned that tho rcsorvo section had been ordered to our nssislanco ; but for somo unexplained reason failed to como up. Tlio main body uutcoou oxccution, exploding ono of tho enemy's limbars. line ol our caissons was tut) but not mate rially injured. Gen. Abercrombio and staff soon eaino up, when wo tarted for camp. Uur poor norsos wero nearly tirou out, having traveled for twenty-four hours without rest. ARTILLERIST. Sheriff Sales. Hy vlrtuo of several writs of venditioni eipovni and Levari facia), to mo dlroitod, Jssticd out nf tlio Court of Common riotm nf CntuiuLta bounty, will bo exposed to public sale on BATUUDAV, Till: 3d DAY of MAY next, at ono o'clock ii. in. of mid ilay nt tho Court llousg IU O.UUIllSllllIg, 1IIU IUIIUW , ll; ILni UB.ilVV. IV ITIli tV tractor piece ot land tutuato m tho township of llroenwooil, county of Col unit In, bounded nioi uescriiicn us unions, to wit: on i nu uoriu ny Hutu of James Patterson, on tin; south by land of John M soii mid utliura. coutalnlnB tncnty six acu-d, inotu ur Ifi-K, with tlioinppitrti'iiaiicr. Uolzod lakun In vicuitiuii ami to bo Bold at tlio prop, city of John Covanliovnu, dccuaiiod. ALSO. All that certain tract of land situate in llontott towndilp, Criluinliiu county, bounded mid do friboil ns follow s to w It i on the north by laud of I'lill. Ip Krickbauin'sliL'lr, on tlio cast by lands of llaxid ln tr, on the hoiiIIi by InndH of Andruw llunynute Ti tor t'ari', ninl on tho wont by hmd of Joseph llai, r.ontaiii. Inn vlility throu acres tnoro or less, about ouu half of whii h 1 Improved land, ivhereon nro crcttcd a two slory f'aino dwollliiK liousu, n Hheelwtluht shop, n log b.iru, and otlar out buildiUK, with the iippurlenauccs, Hol.i'd taken In etccution und to be sold as ihu prop erty of N. 1'. Moore. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situato in Alnuntnlcaant tun.. Oliiuihln coiiutv. 1'a.. bounded and desriihod n follows to uit: on tho north by lauds ol John Austin, on tho t:nri by lands of John (.'rouse, on mo foutu ny i.imia or uiiiiinriue .isier, nun on thu wort by Inuda of Jacob Johnson, roiitululii fifty lure a more or less, nbout H3 mios of wlilch l improved land whereon nroeieited a fraiiio du'rlllur. Iinuu. n fraine lable,aud other uulbiiildiiijis, with the appurteunnces, Sei?."d tak. ii In execution rind to ho sold us thu prop erty of John Johusou, AXiSO, All that certain lot of cround situato in lllnnin towimlilp Columbia county, lVnna. bouniled nnd debcribed ns follows to w It : Un tho south by the North Cranch Canal, on tlio west by land ofthe Iron D.iloCo. on the north by a ttrect, nnd on tin ent by lot of (Jen. Weaver cnntnlnluit ono acre nf land bo the sniue mora or less, wheieoii urn erected n two story frame dwell ing Iioiiso, n frame stable, and other outbuildings, with tin1 appurtenances, Selwd taken in execution and to bo sold us the prop erty of Jacob Uclbwicl:. ALSO, All (hose certain lots, and tracts of land m follows to Hit : All those three lots lying contiguous to curb other. MliniH' fu Kcruttoun, l.bciirt towiihhip, Columbia countv, Tcnii boiintlod and dm-ribMl us fol lows, to will on tho nortlmcxt by tin Alley thirty three feet wiilu, on the uorthea.t by a Main street of said t"s n, on the southeast by laud of 1'raiici.i Kern, and on tne so'itiiivesi ny nu alley, couiaiiiini; one third ofnu arru each, more or loss, whereon Is erected n new two story frauii! store house. with tho cppuilunauces. ALSO, Sis other lots situate in tho town and county aforesaid, tying contliruo'tj to c.uh other, hounded on the iiorihurht hv lands of Peter llho.ids, on the noithuest by a .'Main t.lrcit hading thr uirh the town to Sl.ihtm u, on the by .111 alley ;t:i fe"t wlilc-, ami on the fouthwest l,v nn rilley. C011111111U2 oueinirooi nn acreencn, nmre or i's.viirr" on tire erei ted a new two .tory t'ranio dwellini' bouse, a -mall franin store house, a well of water, nod other outbuilding, with tho uppurtennncui. ALSO, One other lot situate in thol tnwnihip and county aforesaid. iMMiudid on tho south west by 11 public road leadiim from Kcrntonn te M.ib town, and on the norrhet by hinds ol Peter lllioads, on the uorthe.-ihtby In nils of Sn holas IhisU iiart.nnil on the South ami ii..,it by land of 1'i.iiiris II. Kern.rnntalii. nyr eh en ucre more or less, all of whhh U cleared land, uln reon is erected a log bam and other outbuild in?8, with tho appurtenances, ALSO, Ono other lot fituato in the twp nnd rniinty aforesaid, bnnndeil 0:1 the north cat by a public road leading from Kcrnstown to Hablown, on tlu northwest liv a public road Iniiilinir to Ncuniedia on the soutnwo't t.y laud of Isal.ili Sliafl'er, and 011 tho south by binds of Pet-r I!hnad, roiiiainiiig fit random' fourth aires more or lets, nil of which is improved land, wiih the apputluiautis. ALSO, Ono other lot of land .situato intheiown of N'eiunei'ia t p. and county nforoi-.tid, lioiiniled on the w't by Main Stre. t of said town. 011 tie' norih hv a lot of John llilnibauch, nn the eai-t by an illey, and on tho south by mi nil y, continuing one third of an acre more or les whereon nro ercded u two story frnine More house utwostorv franie 'nreheiii.e, a frime stable, wagon hoiife, a well of water, with tiie. uppu rteiiancos. ALSO, Ono and a half lot situate in the town of Nonmeilin. i p. and courlv aforesaid, lioan ded on the wet by .M.iiu fire, t, of said town, on the north hy 11 street on tlio .Mat by an alley, and on the so-ith by a lot of lohu ileinibaeh. font, lining one hnlfof 1111 acre inor' or les-.. t hereon Is erecti d an old frame lweiun; hons, tt well 01 watec witll tho appurtenan ces. ALO, One other lot of timbor land situtlml in l.cttsl twp., Columbia county, bounded on th'i 1101th by 11 pulilii: ,oad, on Hie (.a-l by land of llcnja. nun iieiiver, 011 tue sourn n i.'iiiuor , unu on tne west by land nf John llilljch, couLiiiiiug ruue ucros.full utijniprovcd) with thu appurtenances ALSO, Ono other lot and parcel of land Mluato in tho twp.. nnd county ;iforesnd, bounded on tin west by an iilley, ar.d on the iiorlh b land of It ifrd.sud on the fiuth by lot ol Ituiheu rahrins- er. containing two and a Irilf acres inoro or less, all of twili h i unproved laud und in good fonco, twth the ap purtenances. si. i.i d taken in execution nnd to bo told as the prop erty of John 1'. Letnu. ALSO, All that certain tract or piece of land situated in J.ieksnu townliip, Columbia county, con taining fifly iter s au.l allow,) m-o, hounded and describ ed as follows, to wit . on the north by land ol'Wilson Huberts and ,'iilas Mclleury. on the south by lands nf Isaac Low is and fleorgo lIurk'Huan, 011 Uic eu.t by lands ef Sumo I Hubert., nml 11. Mclleury, and on the west hy l.itnls ofSaiu'l llobirts. tvhereoii are crcttcd n on? un 'i a li.ilt etory iranio dwelling house, niog stable, Willi tun appiiiten.iiices. Sei.ed taken 111 cuculluu nnd to be sold as tho prop city of John Cobtrts, ALSO, All thnt certain lot and piocc of ground fittiiit hi lliMriiiut'rcok uwrithip, t'ultiialii.i tt'umy.r.a. li'tnntl.Ml ami li-rilt ns foijow n in wit It UHtihj: ul :i Kid'i.p, 11 curnwr nf Innd rtt' Mr. D.ivich, tln-ino Ly tiio H.ini'i suiitli t-'i'jlitv Ih t! unit .1 luilf d.vr,'l's wbt, flfty (inn iorcJics to a whit" u.ik tnar, unirn by lant t un iinkimwii fu rum MMiili buuiiu.'1. uuJ mi lialfil.Mri'us t'n(. ,M pi ri lii"s to i iMtot ; tit Mir by niliry landa of iSolnmntt I. imrili . t pn ran .ij urn.f & to a fltmiw, t latitU ot'riulitjiiojiii. fnyiU t'; the uc by lamia o( 1.1U1IC. tinrth Fovcutfcii ami mtr 1ml t ilcurrter. vv ii k t . ll pcrdiifH tn I'iu (illicit (il7'aiiintr,r(iit.tirtjni; twenty ti q arrt'c ami twenty iijni) h;i Iict. nf laail be tj.u baaie more orl' with tliu u)iui tctu itt cm. r-i7.i't inK'Ti in I'tcrutiuit umt te uq tuju i;fc prt) erty of JoUu l.ituiltr. ALSO, A certain two story frame dwelling house iitil ilo III Un.ircreek tow llbhip, iholit in feet by liOleei in si.eupoii a lot ofgroiiud or tract of land now oieiipii'd by Jacob ,SilUr, Lootaiuiug sitiy acres or said tract bounded eastward hy lands of John Uinard, north by public re id aud IjihI of Milium I Kith r. wert by land of Jacob Unit er Jr., nnd the lol of ground aiiilcuruhidgo iippuil i.iiut In said h'lilillng. rjei.ed l.iK. ii in mtwoa ami lu bu sold uu the piop- criyuijitcouaiiuei ALSO. All Mint porl'iiti inniprv nr litlf ltnrt of grained by Hie Ilcglsu.r ot, Jd couniy lo the undersign-1 l ot moves, iii uiators, i yiiuuiir moves, i.a.i iron Air All lliatceri.llll lllOlCiy Or liail part OH J. . ,uk j Hem,,,, i,iwnhii t Hlumlna co. All Tighl moves, Cannon Hloves, ice., dr. Uovepipennd a lol of a 1 nu nd Mliialudin, the county oi Columbia marked in the gencrul plan 'f said toitu No I'i, number nineteen j buuiidedui follows lo wit begin ning ii a post, comer of lot No ao. owned by A let and er Mi K.miey, un the i urn li fide nf Die Mam Htrctt and running Itieucc uliing thenre along said lot southwardly ouu f,unilr-'d nml s -viuly Ihree i'eel three inches to uu Mley. tlieiiee aliingsaid ullev ttesiwnrdly toriy one feel tlitee nu lies to u po.t tto nee aloiia Ihoi tin i moii-ty of lol No iiiiieteen iiitnol by Henry Trump luuthward ly on . huinlred und si veutt threw f, , I Dir. e niches to M iln Street uforesaiil, and theneo along said sir." t east tvurdly I'i m one iV. t tiir.i' nn .i. s lo the plate, ol hugni lung Ue'elher with Hie nppiirt.'iinnies. t ized (.ikon in ntecutiou and tube sojil us the plop eily of Henry II W Vnliaui h r, ALSO, By virtue of a writ of I'iaria Facias a certain lot or pu ce i, I' (.',.. und miimled ill t atliiw issa, Coluiiibia coiiiuv. hounded and lie.rril.. das ioIIohh, to wit. on He-1; i-l bv "in on I sire. I, uu the, "iih iy lot ujdeorge Hiiglis, on Hie West by lol of lute Joseph Pav- oii, aud on Uu North wci by llailroad Clreet. conialii. iLgMfei'tfronl aud 210 I'eel deep, tvhtreou nro erected n two ninry frame lioiiae and stable, with Iho uppuiku nines Sei.ed takenlnemutjiiii .and to be nsldas tho prop erty ol'Johii Dyen ALSO, AH that pieeo or parcel of land situated in hciiton Town. hut. Columbia County. Hounded and ib s. nbiid fullowsti) wit Hegl liulU at apostcorncr I .inioori Do.l-ins laud, tin mi! by Iho r.iinc. North II ' desrees. Cast 3d d perches to '"V.!," u.enr'i l.'y 'iuia''f 'i'r ast ltd d perches ton post, thence by lauds of i irroes L.iM. laH- -I nercnes of James Wilson Houlh I de. pl.u -a ot b iglu niiia Coiilniuine twenty live si res and Inn I purcties oi mii'i sidci iiieu.niB w im no ,.i,i.,eiiiiiit.. y ir. .1 l.i b.- iii ' tr mien and lobe tolilus the piipsr i . vv ii .! " AII1 J 'HMAV Hi oft i rh" '( tliSLtr b 'o 0' 8 Aptu Mfc' . ) llKCliSIl'TS FOlt MAKU1L 5T0 Till! COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT'. . i, , ,, . , .1 n. TIlO following aro tllO rCCCipt9 tO tlio OfllCO nFtli., Pf.titMTirt DrMiirm tf iIiiiIiut. Ot tllO OOMJMmA JyEMOUHATj UUrillg tho month of March, 1803 : Pcima. Halt Co.. 911 00, O 0 Sadler & Co., $10 00 1 00 i no s ou ;i mi Hon. John f lllionitf, on i; ll i.iine, i,q., " 1 V llonliliu (in Joseph Mnmer " Adam VV'olf 50 l'rlshmuth St. Ilro., " (leo N tluislcy SO Amr. Ilnt.'l, I'hlla, 11 lllclmrd Orabam f0) lion. I'M. .Mc.Mnnns " U A Kline 'J 00 Charles Conner, llsq. farmers Mil, lu, Co., 3 00, lion (leo W Stein John II Corncllsim .1 On) llev H U'aRefli Id Ust, of llinrr fmllli 1 '.',1, I Ion ts.ine Holler ' V'iiil:iUs 17,11 " Thostireenbank " U'm llutclitsou4 H.T I) Kninu John tllll 1 oo! lillas (ilner Charles c iirccco i oo; a w lte.i list, of Jno, P. Colthian I 'nr. A 1' Snlnuey llr. C U Uycrly 50 lion V Merrillclil M II llollock II OiTi lint of Tho Conner J II I'll rinnn , I'.s'i., 7 00) itcn, Thorntmi Jacob llond 5lk llli Chi, Hainuel Johnston, 11 UN II 1) Mcllrldo Alex. Kramer 1 Iw (leo V Ilrlurbacll Howard Association 'J 00 50 o no !'S .111 .00 50 5a U 50 1 O'J 1 00 I S 00 I S 00 1 ii no , 150' 1 ,',o 2 50 Special Notices. $251 EMFI, OYMDNTI A OR NTS WANTCKI MM Wo will pny from 8J. to STS pcrinonlh.nndnllexpcti. ses, toartlvo Affetits, ot lvo a ooiiimisslnu. i'.irtieiibirs sunt free. Address Clin: few tsil .M tcnisK (,'OMl'ihV, II. JAMI'.ri, Oenernl Aiient, Milan, Ohio. Aug. II, ICtil.-lQiu. F A8HIONADLE OLOTHING ma FALL. The old-established WII1T11 MALI. CI.OTIUXO IIA7.AATI, nt thu southwest comer nf rOURTll AND MAKKUT STUIlKTrf. Is now prepared with n rui.ij hi'ock or rAsiiioAiu,i: rkauv maiib CI.OTHINO roil I'AI.I. AND WINTtll WilAlt. nt prices which challeiiBO competition. Particular attention given in Customer Work, Olficeru Uniforms, also Home Guards' Suits, .Sec. AVI1ITI3 HAM. CI.OTIIINt; IIAZAAIl. youtliwest corner of rOUIVril A.MU-MAUKUT BTlir.I'.TB. I'UaXIl S. LUVICK, I'roprlctor. Nov. 10, ISO!. (May 1, lclil-l'Jiu.) NOTICE. N' OTK'E is hereby given, that the an nuul luectinj? ol the stockholders oflho llloouisburg iron 1.0., will lie liei,i in tneir ellire" nt iron ll,ie, t;o liiuibia co. 1'a'. on Tucsdnytliu 'JO dav uf May Inext, for the purpose of director. &c. and for the transaction of own r Iiumiioss. v, u. I'AXTU.t, .uuni'er. llloiiinsluiri;, April 20, lrb-. APMINISTltATOll'S NOTICE. rotate of Josiah JastnIivrht tats of Scott totcnship, Loiuniita Luunnj, utccasca. TIJ 0TI0.K is hereby given that Lottcra of i 1 Ailiiilultratlou on tlio i;.t,ile nt Joatiu luu KMii'i 11, Ulo of Scott township, Columbia county, de censed, have granted by thu UcgMlcr ot tend ci it'ily to I'UTIX J5NT. residiin; ill Sctl township, Columbia county. All persons having claims or de mands nifniuiil the l'.stnte ot lie dtcedent are re'iuested to pr' sent llieni lor si ttlemeut. mid those indibted to malts put inent without delay. l'liTiiit i:nt. April en, l?0'J-r,t. Malnlstrelir. ADJIINIST11ATHIX NOTICE. Estate 1 riiilif 1 runsuc, latccf Scott Utcusilf, QoUiii'uia eittit'j duiascd, OTIOE is hereby given that Lotcrs of Administration on thcestute of l'liilip Tronsue, Uteort'rott township Columbia county, dect used, have been MUtid by the Kcgislcr of sunt county to thu' un derpinned, who resides in Upy, Scott township, Co lumbia count). All persons iiavirii! claims or demands ai't-i't the e.tateol the detendent are requested to pre sent thi'iii for ettlenieiit, and those indebted 10 make pnyni. nttt ithout dilay. ltnilKCCA'l llONSIJU. April io-lii!-tt. dJoinUtratrli, ADMlNISTllATOlt'S NOTICE. Estitte of Michiul Wulniiglit , dr erased. ,1 O'l It'll Is herahy ejten that letters of niliiilnltr.i It tlnn 011 ihcoftateof UiricrI U'liileniKlitlateofllom lock twp,. t'nliiiiihi.i toniil, deec,ii-ed, have been grant ed by the UesisUrof aid county to Jacob a. llt.ius, of l-'ishinseieek ttvr., Coluiiibia co. All ersons having claims or deniaiiilt nit.iiu'l the etate uf the ilecendeut aia ie' to present them for sr ttleuieut, uud liiosc indebted to make payment without delay. jAcoi) a.r.vAxs. April l'.M(W-0tf, .'idmr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of iniliitm Cool, deceased. NOTICl". is hereby civeuthatlr.ttcrs of Administration 011 tho estate 01 U'llllum Cool, late ot Hemlock tw p. CuluinluAcuuiily.dcLeiiKoit.huvu hot 11 granted hy theitiv utirnf sail County to Pete, Workheiser and William H. Cool won resiiie in tne e.iiiio iowiinip. .u persons Li tt in;: 1)1111111. or demands :i:ajlul the ustntn oflho deredenl are rcipiested toiirecnl them tor si ttliimenl, nnd those indebted to mas', payiuenl w ulmui delay. I'liriiu t i;itKiii'.iH!:it, WILLIAM. 11. COOL, April I?, 1W.2 f-t. Mm'rt. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate, of William Ellis, deceased. TVOTlCi; is hereby given that letters of ndininistra l lion 011 tin estate of William l'.llis line of M.iiluou lott n sill 11, Coluiiibia county, diceaed li.ivo been grantid by iliu l;i,t.r of said couuly to Andrew I'.llii of Meinour County, a)d .lohu D. 1 .1 1 of Coluiiibia coun tv i nil persons having claims or demands against the e talu of the decedent lire rcipiested fu present them f ir settl"ni' ijt, and those jm'ited lo uiaku payment without dejay, ANDBCW IJLLIS. JOII-V P. ELLIS. Marrh 13, JSTO. Cl Mur't. TO WHOM IT MAY OONCEliN. Whereas I. the subscriber, liavu Biten sit scleral promissory notes, inado by nio, the first for SdOOO duo 1st April IHa Tbesecoml. third, fourth and thill, he inu 0 ich fur sDOii.UO, duo on Ihc lirst day of April lt'litt, l?i. 1, IblVinnd Iciiii respectively and tho ninth hem; for the sum of 1110.00, duo 011 (he ilrst davsnf Anril ltu7., t verlle believo 11. r. nniil nMii. t,-rn nL. I t.aiti, il from itie bv rr.'illd mill the contiiilerjtl inn Inr tltnt I has utterly failed. Now this is to tioiii'y all persons that said notes tt ill not he paid and thciel'urd they are can Honed not lo negotiate the sniue. JACOII D. LIVnr.NMUTII. Union township, Pthy'lco, Marc). ie, IttU lit, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eitatc of George Jlollenbach, deceased. rvTOTId! is hereby given Hint of Adiniiiittrn 1 tiou l)c bomi nen. on the i"lato of Oeo. Ilullcubuck. luleof Caltawissatwp. Columlo t co., dee'd, have been Brained by the l!e;isterof said touutj lo Geo llolltn-, b ul' "bop sides in Ciiltawise.i tw p. All pel sons Imv lug c.laliiisor (leui.inils ucajusi ui" estate 01 uio iiLceueiit aru riiue'lod to pluunl Ilium for settlement, und those indebted lo ma!.u naynu-iii w nlioiit Ji lay UUOKOIl IIOI.LIINIIACIC. Mu'r. Je BuhU Mn. AprilS, IBrte.-Cw, ADMINlSTltATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Skulls, accented. TVJOTICU Is boieby given that letters of nilnilnisliuion Ll oil Hie esi.uo 01 naiiiiici coiii... mtu n .ri.siii. ioaf lownshin. Colniiil, la county, ileu aseil, Havo be i ..., imiing claims er demands aunin.t the estate perrons Inn iug cIjihim or demands against the estate of. the decedent aru reipn Men in present ineiii tor suiu' iiient, and those Ivdebted w Iiial.u iiiiyiueut tt ithout do lay. rJAMUJLII. filllll.TZ. .March lo, UiV2W. Mm'r. Oyiosile the C'uiirl JfaimcnU lift ilvortJ Democrat OJTue. Tim iiiidersiirni d, iesp"etfully inforins his friends mid customers III U he lias opened .i .v.n simp In Couit Hiuise Alley, nei ,lo"r In low the Odico of Iliu Columbia IK near..'- where he will ho Uappv to wait upon nil customers, and from long eip, name and tnet all, nlioii m liisiuess. be li ip- lo un ril i.n I lecivo .1 sinire of p'llilli puiroiiiigo, UJ-AII llilug.lieie "iH-elli decency and ill nrdei." TIlOMAa 11I10WN. Illoomsliurg, Muri'h 1st, Wt, COUGH DROPS! CO CO II DROPS ! ! rtt'i V Lmiv us, s I HUM I I. US' cut un iji.urr Vj Jluct. priuiiplly siiiiieliirn'S urri'sting ihuttorslcolil in ai' hours. 1 ll all Hll'ei tio.H of iliu Cliee;, Throat, whetliei uriile or chronic il will bo found of iiiiiiiedlalu lii'iiefil. Try a single bottle and you runnm j'nil to up prtcialo its unfuliiess. Kor Walu by nm.-i nil rjtorcktcpMs anil Drufjlm. I'riTarcUty O. No. 317. U. 3d. HI., Philadelphia. Nov. 10. lrT.l-3in. SAP0N1KIJSU ! SAPONlFlEll I ! ,TI'I- t'AMII.V HOAP MAKI'.P ..'' All Kitchen ur. iiiu can bo made Inlogood BOAV, ly mine HAPONlpiLlt! ti v"DlItI;CI' AOlTOiraal'iMi .ii 1 l.UA, 1 SOAP js lastly made Willi it, as making a 'up el'iof , , ' lit 'an n . . cu - ryiiyij.s , 1. , r c ir r m vs'iirAon-mxr. i omi any, i No l.i Walnut Strutt I'JHL'ulU'JJI., KUGISTHlt'S NOTIOKS. NOTION Is heri by civen to all tcgnlees.rfcdltori nnd other porBotu Interested in tliocslates of the respective decedents nml inlnors.that thu following administration fcimitiitt'i ini."iiiin inifij unii uicit in iiiu vuivu "I llmlslcr of Columbia county, ami will be presented for coullriiiallou and nllownnco to the Orphan'. Cfiiirt, J? ho htld at lllooiiubnrg, In the county nforesnld, on Wfdnesd.iy tho ?tli day of.Mny next, nt lio'clock, In the t tilicrnodii of s.ild day, , 1. Aci eilnt ofHaiiiuel Crca.y, Ouardlnti of Hannah 1 Boone, imiiifhior of Aaron Fry. I 'J. Account of Anrou l.uiubiraon, Uuarillnii of William Jones, son of Jesse Junes. a. l'lrat and flnul nccoiint of lion Warren J. Wood" ward executur, of Alias iilleu tfcidt, decen.ed 1 t. l'llllil ileenllllt of lliilllel flr.irbntl. niltnlol.trntnr of joiiu tiearnart. nt I rnuk 11 towns 1 in, 1 eceose, . 'i.1'"'!! ,.'cc",',','!t f V. U. Kline, administrator or Hon IVInr lCllitnl In., i.C t. Atfn ijim! e i-r ..... ...".... w . .p.. . 1.... S. Ihu nccuuiil of Joiialliiiu C, l'cnnliiiitoii, adiulnls- trnluruf Samuel Ituzell, Into of llenton township dee'd 7. Flrt account of Ciiiiucl Creasy, exetulor of Ibo ;lat Will or John Drown, Into or iMltlfin township, dee'd. 8. Account or U'llllum lluckalew, one of the execu- tors of John M. Uuckalcw, late of l'laltlngctvik twp., decensud. Account of franklin nnrlianiUoliiiWltiior,adnir'a of l.ll.nbeth llelulj;, late of l.ncust totvnshin, deceiitcd 10. Account of Jussa .Mensch, gunrdlaii of Cl.irrlssa Bhller. minor child of John iiidkr I HQ nf l'rniihll u totvn- "hip di ceased. ii. Account ori;iwool Hughes, executor or Stephen Aduiu., Into or llrlarcecek nvp. deceased. I'J. Aceniintor'I'boiii.l. Ite. .re. n.liM'r f t'MIti, 1!..r,r. lata of tlrcenwood township, deceased. 10. 1 iniu uccnimt ul Lett is Vcltrr, nilm'r dtlenll nun of llrr Harder, late ofCultatvissa township, deceased, 14. Account Ol 1.UW I. Vetlernlld H.'tiiiuet Mriint. iiii. cutofs of John Ucurh.irl, Into of Millllii township, tlu- 13. Account of Wesley Perry am! Mark Williams, dmr's of Mordocal I'crrv. late of Locust tuwinhin. de. ceased, 10. Account of Julia Iliipcrt, Ilxccutrlt of Calhatlno Itupcrl, liilo of lllouiu twii, dee'd. 1 4. rill.ll Account of I'hithi I'rens. Jnbll I're.-i. nn.l Andrew I'reas. executors of John rrnas. I.itu of Centra township, deceased. la. Ai count of O. II. Dlctorlck & l'hebe Johuton. cte ctilorsoflhiila.t Will ofOoo. W. I'urks, lulu of Hcolt iwp, lleeuised. 10. rirst and (liinl account of Levi Creasy and yaiunol Creasy, executors ofthe but Will of Adam Cruisy.lato ofi.Milllinttvp. ileeenncd. -u. iieeount 01 saiuuul ureaty, giinnlian or Abraham Aniilo, niiiiorrliild or Jacob Angtclatu orMilllin town ship, deceased, S!l. Aceoinii of J. U, Pennington, executor of thu last will of I .ul.;, late of llenton township, demised. -J- Account of Isaac K, Krickb.ium, executor ol tho last Will of John Kline, blacksmith, late of lieiilou township, dcceasc'd U. ALOOIUIt of ll.'tlllet Miintelter. et'eplllnr Ol Jimfi. ' than Mu-trlh r, lalo ol'M.ldlioii tw p. deceased. iicLt.iiiuoi iieiiiaiiuu ii. tt iisoii, auiii r ot tviiu.'ttn . l'Siuso, late of Hemlock tw p. deesased. .1. Account of Ceureu f. Ilricihirh. .-idiuliiUtriitiir uf tlio oslalonfLliiabetli Driesbach, latu of llluoui town- snip, oecenscii, an. Account of Catharine A. Welllvcr, ailiiilnlstratrlx of V illiam Well I tor, la to of .Mndison tutvnsliip, dee'd. 27. Account Cifrrauklln Vociini, uilm'r of Jacob Yo cum, l.iteol'Uo.'irlngcreek tuwnthjp, deceased, UA.NICL. LHK. Ueclster, llcglfter's Odicc, IIomsbirg,iApri l'J.ltf," j PUI1LIU NOTICE FOK LICENSES. NOTICl! is hereby given Hint the following persons ill Columbia county, have filed their petitions In tiie Court ul'llu.irlcr t?esiou, of thu said county fr Taietu and tHore Liccn.e In tlieir respective townships which taid petitions tt ill he presented to tho said Court 011 Monday the 5th ilay of May, A. I), l-oa, ol'wliirliiill persona interested will tnku notice, nml thu Lhousesfor Iho county of Columbia, will bo granted on (Vedliesilay, thu 7th day o( May next, at 2 o'tlock, p. 111, ,11-tiucatttg. Lewis r.uko, Tavern. Frederick Nicely, do Hills Wnlton, do Toicnshit. llor. Ilerwick, do do do do Jllooii). da (h) do Itculon, do do do Win. II. Koous, do John Limcock, do Hubert llageuburh, tin Oliver A. Jacoby, do rjaiuiit I Meiienry, do ,101111 J. Miles, do Ch.itlei ('. Mann, do J'Tanklln r-'huiiiun, do 1) iHl'-l lleiubold, do r-'iuuu d liostenb.nler, do Jacob II. Kis'ler, do Heiibeii II. Wasscr, do Joint L Kline, ,! llenrv C.ible, do 1'ieilr k It. U'fihlforlh, do John drover, do r.eiijainin 1 rlli nry. d,) Daniel Meiienry, (Id W. A. Kline, do John Hail main, do John L. Hurst, du Jili'kson neorgo, do' j, do Samuel liiiuhy, do Holler A. Hinitb, do IsaneYctter, 1I4 John Nij.s, il.) Tin iiiuel Conner, do Thomas Jones, do John Keller, do Jacob Cood, do Samuel Kverett, do Aloxnudcr Hughes, du Oeori;e Thielc, do lizekiel t'oje, ii, I'i tor Hchug, do Daniel L. I'.vethart, do llnoi It Howell. do lleece rairman, do William Lone;, do Williaid C. Oreen, do L, D. .Metideiih.tll, More, Jacnh U. Croul, do Cnttattlssa do do Conyngham do do do Centre. risblngcrctk. uo Greenwood Hemlock. Locust, do do Madison, do Elaine, do Montour Hit. riea.aut Millllii. Orungij, do do lloaringireck, ugnrluaf. ncoti, do du do do do 11)00111. do Jeremiah H. Urobst, do Cattawis.a, Washinatui. Ycsgur, do l.ocuit. JACOli UYIIULY, Clerk. r.otlmiioinrv's Ollire lUuonisburg, April U, Ibiii. Appcaly from (lie Assessments. Notice ii lioseby given that fin (Virniiijsiimicr-i of Co Ininbia county will bold ll.cir Appeals on llre following uiiysiii.o pmiu, 1,1 tin Monday April ait IHI'2, Ilerwick nnd Driarcreck at the Rising nun. Lew is Cnke.ln Ilerwick, On Tuusd.iy, a-J Scott and Centre at the IIuuso of Dan el L. Kteihart. in Light street. On Wednesday, S3 Orange nnd Mount I' thv llou- of Hainuel Lveiett, ii Or,mg"ville, On Thur.ihiy, aith, J-'ishiugceek, at )he house for merly ociupiul by Ceo, ) lloll'uian, in l-'ishiiiKcreek. On I'liday, iiSth, llenton und r3u;arloaf, at William Coles, llenton. uu Saturday '-(1th, Crccnwnod, at the hcutu uf Joseph Patton, III Creeiiwood. Monday 'tb, Jackson and Tine, at Irani Derr's in Jai I Min. On Tuesday Si'th, Madison, lit Samuel Uiniby's, in JeruevlOWll. On Wcdnenlay, 30ih, Iloiulock and -Montour, at the Ituckhoru Tavern in llumlock. On Thursday, May 1st IMi'J, C.Utatvissa nnd Franklin at tho Public House of Uaniul Hi iiibuld, in Cattail iia, l'riilay ad, .Maine and Heaver, ul the Public house of John iias, in Miiiuville. On Saturday 3d, MilJIjii, at the liousu of Join Keller, in .Mil'.'iiiville. On .Moudiiy 12th Locurt nnd llnarinscreck at the house of John L. Hurst, in r-labtow u. On Tuesday 13th, Conyughaiii ul the liousu of lieuben I WaKSer. i On Thursday 13th, Bloom nt the Court House, in niooiusburg. Hy order ortno coininisioners. U. C. I'KOIT. t-lcrk. Illoomsbitrg, April 5, 15fS. TOWAHD ASSOCIATION, Philad- It elobiii- for tho llelief of the Hick and Dutrcs&cd nlliietcd with Virulent and Chronic Diseiisui, iind es pecially Diseases ofthe feu il Ortaus. Medical Advi-o given Oralis by liie Acting i'urgcoii. Vnluable ItUPOIPI'rt on rtl'I'-lLMATOUUlllUA or BUM I N't L WllAKNKfS, and other Disi nes of tho Pe.t in, I ii,lmus. iliu un thu ::1HV l'l:.tir.llli:s emnlovcd In the Dispensary, seiil'in sealed letter envelopes, tree of charge, tuuress lir J. KKIL1.1M HOUllHTON, Howard Association, Nr. a chiiill! Ninth direct, Philadelphia, Pa. April 5, lMii-lCm, TIN WAR 13 & STOVE SHOP. mill", unilersigncd respectfully informs his old fricndl JL nml eurtuii.ers. that hu lias piiii lia-ed his brothers interest in thu uboto establishment, and tho concern nils heie.iller bo eoudutted by Uluisell exclusively, . He has lui received ami oilers .'ur sale, the Inn1 X'Pf est ami most uiieusivu iixsorlmoiit of P ANO Y li i'u V lid ever unreduced into tins market. His stock LOiisitlb of u complete Ussorliuent of Uio best nuking unu parlor slot es in inu uiarKct, togeiii. ... ,,. ...... r : ... I . ... i,,.n., n...l L'l lllllie,".. . J.ii(,-B livu.. nun , ,,,.,,, t.tuii ui,.. of , Tniwaiu consl.iutly un iiaiiu unu iii'inuiiutiireii to orilcr. All kinds of lei.iiiring'done, us usual, on short nctice. The palrnuafto of old triuiids und new customurs rc spectfuUy solicitsd. A. SI. UUt'UHT. Ulooiiisburi!, NovuuibSrS.l 1SG0. Jf. I'lTTHHCIUllI.l'A., Corner Penn and fit. Clair St. The large. t Cnuimcir. il Brhool of the United Sinli's, Willi n puiioiiagu i f nearly :i,00U Hludunts, in five years Irom 111 elates, nnd the only one winch ull'ords complete a id leliablo iiiHtriiition in all thu following brandies, vl.i Men-untile, Manufacturers, fl am lloat, llailrcnd and llook-keeiiliig, l'ir.t Premium Plain und Ornamen tal Pciiiuanihip ; nUo, Purveying, Duinei'iing und .Mtithcu.atu-j geueriill. S35.00 Pays fern Commercial Course i Hludcnls enter und re new in any iimu. r." .Ministers' eons' tuition at half tilled. For Catalogue of fO pages, fpeciincus nf Uusincss SS;.' iZim ffl" iit!.lnlna u good variety of! nnd (rriiuiueniiii i'iuiuuiis,iiip, anil view of A kpunre feci, couliiinlng wriung leimriug aim ueuniuuugi niciusu ii ceuisui slampstothu PrTnripiils, JliNKINU & SMITH, l'itto'jursh. Pa. April 10. l?02-ly. "ifliiafltrasiD uvmm uamsLU& T AM AQUA, PENN'A. 1'a tenders dl lieie un llie-p i' age of each Tjuln. Fr pn t.r, j t . Ji jee 1 Tm.ifiiirftr's Rain VM TTAT.O It1 A Ml MTV T A"TTC? J J J' OJljAilljL' JjAJN IJQ Al"i:i:Alll,V to the provisions ofnn Act of AisMii bly, entitled nu Act directing the tnnda of selling Unscnteil Lauds for taxes. und for other purposes, past ed the 1.1th dav of .March, tif i7, 1'ith day of March, litt anil tnli day Of .March. If 17, the Treasurer ofthe countj ofColiunbln. Iirtby gives notice tortll poisons concern ed therein thai tinltis the Co., tiond, Ccliool, poor slid flnte 'I atcs due on tlio following tracts of Unseated I. nnds, sltutitu in Columbia, are paid before the day of inlo. Hie whole or such parts of tarli tract as will nay tho taxes snd costs chargeable thereon, will bo sold nt the COCIIT HOI ttl!, in llloonisburg, county of Colum. Lin, on the mil day of June W2, being the second ,Mon- day nnd to'bo continued by adjournment, from day to r.. - . - ' .. uuy oir Arrearages 01 into, one s.llil counir, nilll Ills cost nccriicd uu ooch trait risnectlvclv. cost accrued on each tract respectively, WARRANTEES Oil OWNKRS. ;z;.V7o.v im, 4c ret Doli.Ctt, 18 00 John Young II Co. UKAVEll, Andrew Clark, Ha rah A, Caufl'ran, Isaac Davis, ib) do Anthony Davis, lleiijamin I. Trick, John Cruel)', A'unii ,t lloat, Llias Miller, Ocorgo Nungcsier, lleorgu Voyer, I'rankllii .Shiimau, .Moses tfchlliher, I'ller Yohe, dco'd, Lewis l'ilgcr, William Stewart, Willlaut Umy, lIHtAhCRKl'.K, Jesse Ilotvinau, Beth II. Ilotvinau, Christopher Uender Lewis llendcr, Natunii lleach, W. J. T. Clcitim, 372 lO'l 18 30 0 CO 1 11 8 to1 3 30 0 M 4 1)7 5 07 4 07 3 30 4 12 3 or, M 00 loo aoa J 50 87 100 100 b3 10 VOii va auo Jot) II -1 1,-0 77 1J7 Ud 10 50 150 till til 3a 7 300 till o co 2 00 4 SO I) 00 0 03 1 21 a its 3 oo )a ui 3 35 2 12 U Hi 4 51 2 78 1 01 1 00 25 18 13 2 37 1 25 l'hilin I'reus. Jehu I'reas ettato, Andrew 1'rOi.s, Cllhcrt I'owlor, John 1'arkersoii. Daniel rieybsrt, do do Jieph Shurpless &. othcu J. II. Young's estate Daniel 1'. heybeil, COAT.Yt7MAJ. Ceorgc AsliloO, l'etcr Dehaven, Jus 1 ll Jordan, Cab h Lowndes, William .Miller, William l'otler, Daniel llecic, Peter Hinitb. llicharil Tunis, Whitoiiiuu, John Warner, John Young, llobcrl Jon'.iu, Andrew Porter. Thomas Huston, Mary Huston, Lewis Walker, Joliiislou lleasUy, George Hi rkhaui, 'J'houias ltiiriies, Thoini3 HilMliiuief, Uobert llilllilmtr, William Shannon, Amos Wickershani, Division A., Matliu Lands, do II., du do do C, do do L'bcncicr llranhani, Peter llaiighnor, Jo"hua Ileum, John Young, John Huston 1W ;v:o :u :nu 30d 00 (10 7S to f.5 00 US til) 70 IM 77 60 6d IM 21 tO to 71 -10 310 10!) 4 37'J 317 3 377 07 40 70 40 El 70 87 15 170 12 21 3:'0 3d 70 02 03 III.) 3fl 'i 33 40 01 2 40 7rt 33 uaj oi 100 3D 3-1 3" I 3f4 awi uis ni 51 00 1 77 72 00 3 120 111 100 11,1! 21 0 13J ed 20 40 41 no 11 41 11 ll 31 Jul' 130 r.i.uuti, Kline & Sharpies I oil Jiirob Tricn, ft 00 ti uo 101) do 00 ao 37 n-10ii. I'otilk li. Preston ltclreot, 4 10 10 22 11 1 llUji. . itueiiius lu 7-IGr'iiliiiiel P. Alleuius. I'J-ltf J. AiHpachJr.' CE.VTU1C Bnmtiel Achetibath I'.enjainiil Alk'bach, Jacob llond, William I'ritz, Jacob Good, George, nmaiiuvl Laxarus, Lliua ilets, o)omon Ilclwig, Kchniich li Urobst, FR.1XKU.V. Jeremiah l'iiicher, Dlijali Iteyiiolds tc Co. t'lsmyaciiEEir, William Iluckaiew, Frees c llolVman, Michael Lemons, ndwuril Meiienry, William I'atter.oli.s Gstata Abrnhaiii Young, Daniel 1'', Sej l.i. rt, aiiV.KXlVOOD. John Covnnhai ail's estate, lhnau A DoU'ilt, Janu-H A. Don ill's heirs, tSaiuncl tt. Longshore, lioherl Miintgouiery'ii estate George Heese, Jeremiah Winlxoil. William Park, IIRMjyCh'.' i ia 31 3 1 7 1 a 0 10 in 7ti 31 31 I if 7i) 4 14 cC 40 to 110 aim a;o 11 o 11:1 a7 j 50 .71 1110 14 .",0 a.H 1 20 2 i '. .. ,,, To ii ; j'.l 11 .j I) cl y i,j 1 3., y 02 3 37 1 07 30 Nathaniel Campbell, 100 llobcrl Montgomery's estate, JACJiiO.','. S 03 15 23 50 -100 5 ai 100 so 200 31 aa 153 lot'JOO oflOO lofJOU lofaoo : oraoo ioflOO 4ofjoo IoflOO iofaoo lofJOO iofaoo ;ofioo Cenrpii Dills. l'.Iias Colder, fx. Cu. Abraham llidler, Icl.'all's heirs, Netvhard &c Colder, William iwplicns, LOCUST. Thomas Ilillingten, tainuel John, In do William rtaycrs, Wright Hughes, Mary Mers, Daniel Ileesu, Alary Itiistou, Charlotte Itiutoii, John lleynolds, Thomiis lliistou, 3Iry Myers Dauiet lleesi, Mary Ituvtun, Charlotte llusloo, Jnhn Ileynolds, Tliomas Huston, MIFyiLY. f.eflrgo llrown, Jacob Uarlcl jr. Marshall C. Kinney, Cleo, Longenberirer, Abrnhaiii Masteller, Peter .Miller, Oeorgo Nunpesscr, Jacob Hwcppcuhjscr, Peter Yoho's estate, Thomas Lemon, ' ' .VAUISOA. William lUlis, llnberi JTonttroinery's estate, William Giusles, .VALVE. Dnyd U Pavton, lleiuy,tc Jacob l'.ui iiian, lh iij'iluin P, 1'rieh, Jeremiah t'niehu., Ceore l.on;enherger, Henry li Aliller. C. V. Mllllll, Esq., lfii.ih Whitman, Jcikiu Wcbli.'Jd, MT. rLEAWT. Eainuel llooiiu, Williiim lleers, Samuel Mclick, Joiiu .Melick, OllA.VClE, l'etcr Delias er. ri.YE, Malhlas Appleuiaii, Thomus Davis' eslatc, James l.n, knrd, Lewis iJtlntyler, Hainuel Snyder, Vallerehainp'H estate, JIU.IUI.VCIUUEEK, Peter Ilnuuhncr, '1 human llarnes jr.. Part of John Huston, leiinc Liuville, Daniel Letnu, sr., Jacob Tricn, SUCt.WLOAF, James nuckuluw, . liuijuinui Coiu's lairs,' IMnte, Conrad ilets' estate, John Lockard, Aaron Lewis, llobert .Montanmcry's estate, do do Lemuel Ilnberts, i'aiuli June ltobcils, Jiinu'S Hhultz, Abruhaui Vo'inc, llloouisburg Iron Co. William Stephens, Win. Mnntiromory. 2 43 10 11 t-7 J 00 jo u 20 70 5 0J 5 5J 4 11 7 70 fi 00 li 50 B 00 ti 00 fi 00 3 11 C On 0 50 Jl '.'II ,0 00 fi 00 j ii yo 1 7.' lr) 27 10 a 20 an 175 2d') t-0 3U0 10 127 401) 17 11 H5 33 111 100 09 21 10 11 15 20 e ion lrt eo 31 30 110 50 III 100 10.5 137 CO IM :io 205 01 400 73 250 200 17 21 50 17 273 15) 30 10 2 o.t 10 1 37 ti 5J 2 01 7 03 CO 3 Ell 10 123 3 53 7 33 J M U 7r 2 12 7 00 3 b' 1 02 52 32 J fld 1 J 01 7 tH I r 8 1,0 2 17 2 l 12 10 3 no 3 70 0 Id 5 0.1 I) lr) 3 00 10 .10 1 51 Jl 22 7 01 10 50 1 0J 13 04 11 00 2 20 3 0 S 50 .1 30 II) 3,1 1 1I 2 01 J.I.HL..-3 c. .icm.Lii, uowurcr Treasurer's Odico, j lUooiiisburg, April 3, It 02, j TB131SSIUKltS S.VI.K OF REAL ESTATE SEATED I.AMI 1 , 1 Cneri lil.t , ti,.. r,n..iu.n,.u ,.c .t,n .c A...... I -l 1.,.. .......I.. I .... ....... ..... k.'.... .1.1.1 I. a pans- d the 2'jiu day of ,pii, t)4t, the Tieusuter of the Couuly of Columbia licrsby gucs notice to n'l p"ron ronccriied theriin thnt utile slhuCminiy road, school door und SJlute Tux, A.c. due 011 Hi j u winjr nlcitule utiiu'.. lu tho county of Columbia, nro Imid before u duy of ciile, the whole or such parts of til' Ii will the chsiges and co.ts cliargeiiblo Hi rem tvlllba Ltl iltuillloat jn lllunrr.' tni'T co, rf ( , el f h iT'fJmnfW 1 ig toe -""il M'" " y m u'l t iiiieiny anjonru'ieni irom 'i ay 11 'Hi of t-xs due said couaty and inc c-stt c ued on each mptiintv, OWNK11S Oil 1UCPUTBD OWNEItS. VLOO.M. .?rri, 2 3.1 Hot I let 29 :,o 32 SoO 72 100 .13 1.10 O'J .1 0 30 118 72 31 23 112 1C3 11 31 Voire Doll. Ctf. I a oo I 11 03 Kingston Colli Co. LWIz.ibeth Ullter. Hiram W.'l hornton, Lydla Wabich, nr.Ayv.n, John V.Orlswell, Miiiiii llsldy U. Crlswoll 1'raiibliu Htutvart h. Co, T. M. Hubble. John llallnrd's heirs, tleorgo A. I'rlck, Holoinos ll.ii lililt, Charles t). Coin, JiL'AV'O.V. John Koouc. Andrew I'ellnwi, WlllliiiiiMcKelvy, Jnnnthan Peiinliigton, II. D. tt J. It. flwnrtwoitt. 1 ii I 1 9 2 2 00 2 50 0 33 0 33 2 en 31 35 3 23 40 0 SI 1 02 J 75 1.7 3 30 1 35 11 112 1 JIlttAMUlVKll, John Oardcnh'iuse, Josiuh rowltr, I'.llz.ibelb Ilclney, Samuel V. lletdlcy, do do David Klsuer's ostati, (iideoii Hustler, S2 2 42 1 4c 0 00 31 02 6 1 711 BJ 1 21 I 01 (4 41 I 21) ti (SI e uo 1 32 e 53 34 1 10 Joscnli Low. II William McAflao, 1 William Hmith, J30 Jnhn Heaver, 3 Abrslmm Culp, 30 John Johnson, 300 John Heybcrl, (SO Jacob I'halfer, 25 Reuben Power, 3i Micluel llowir, 2 Henry Martincy, 31 Wm. Iddinss, CKXrlllh No, 10 John Anderson's est. do 7 Chillies llrobst, l.i 1 Walter Cain, No. 10 Lewis llrigg's estate, I 17 1 21 2 31 1 72 1 A3 1 03 1 Bti 1 85 1 7e S 03 10 J2 41 Jacob Jlutchiiis, No. 27 Abraham Dclteriih, I A, lleilerii h Sc Torby Cl Cyrus lluoiio. No. 1J, 1 1 Levi lit iiitcy, J jEichard Torby, risni.vocnr.Eir. 2.1 ii 25 23 27 i 2J James Parks, Isaac Drum, Motiroo MtrKte, Cjrils I'ox, yftA.YSJ.hY, Isaac Iliclmrd, Julia A.Croniley, (JItlJi:,YHUUI. Ranford Cenrharl, James llamplon, Eamiicl C, l.oiij. born, JACKSOX. Henry C. Ilctj, John Huberts, MAV1SO.Y. Caleb I'ox, .YAIttE. George flardoncr. Ileury Kostenbader. Lucy Stewart, .vomoun. flcorge llletlier L. Ilatis, oiuxcii:. Dcvnnport's estate, Jacob lit aus, David i'etter, J. It. Morris, 1 43 I 24 7 1 33 1 00 72 0 2 lots I or, 9 25 11 loo CO 2 0. 1 ti I 11 1 lot I 36 3 3 21 I 1 lot I lot 10 CO 10 51 9 67 30 0 02 2H 47 4 Hajnuel Truinporo, 3 C2 LL'ii. 1 lot J, Cotiiiihovuii's est, li 2 3' Joseph Fauscy, 10 Hot ,u 100 50 103 50 31 273 100 11 30 j wu 53 13 Isaac Hajari, Adam llubb, (jov'4 heirs. t'O 1 t'5 Cox's heirs, 2 20 1 05 1 01 1 1 30 1 D Chamberliu Si fi'iwr.a, i:eMi I Crossliy, Wm. Li!;nr, Lmt Parker, Jehu II. I'.ukcr, Tlios. Htackhouse sr. 1 (100 David & A. Smith, 1 5 David Sweeny, 1 55 Samuel C, Longshore, 1 8 00 John Johnson, 1 1 01 Daniel t-'liultz's oslnte, I 1 17 John Sweeny. 1 ii SUUGA1U.0AF. 20 lllooinsbure Irou Co. 1 I 10 40 Lavina Ciolder. I 41 JAMP.S S. McN'J.N'C'fJ, Treasurer. Treasurer's Olhce, J PJoomsburg. April 5, IbGJ. j PllOOLAiMATION. T7Illi V Jiidee ofthe Court ol Oyer nml Terminer nnd lien I eral Jail Delivery, Court of Uunrlcr Sessions of the Peace nml I o irt ol uommoii neas anil Urpli.ui's uourt, I in the 2tjlh Judicial Distrn t. composed ot Iho counties I iirCnliiiiibia.tfullivau and IVyoiinne, nnd tbulloii. John I Mclleynoldsacritcplien U.ildy.AssoeiatoJiidaesofColuui. ina county, navo lssiicuuio ir'reeeit, Hearing uatu tiie 5th day of Dee. in t lie year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixly.ouo and to me directed for holding n ' Court of l))or and Terminer and General Jail delivery. I General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common PIciu nml Orphan's Court, in liloomsburg, ill the county of 1 Columbia, oil the lirst Monday, ibeiug the 5tlidu))of .'lay, next, nnu 10 continue one tvecK. .Miuej is uereoy i-iven, to me c.croner, tne justices or the Pence nml Constables oflho said county of Columbia thai they be then nnd tljcre in their p;uper persons at 10 ii", lock in tlio forenoon of said day, ivth tlio i r records, inquisitions and other n'lie inbrauio to do those things tvlilcli to tlieir oilices nppert iln to bo done. Ami those that are bound by recognizance, to prosc'eiito against the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail of said couuly ol Columbia to be then nnd there to prosecute thein ns shall lie just. ju;urs are reipiesicu 10 uu punctual 111 iiii'irat enilauco, uexeeably to their notices. Dated at LiluOiiu bmg, tie-Mlli day of Muuh, in the year of our Lord one ftbiiextmit eight hundred und siity-oue, ami in the eighty tilth year of the Independence of the United Slates f America. (God save iliu Commonwealth.! JUSIAI1 II. S'jUMMAN. Sherill's Olllco, ) Sheriff. llloonn,bsrg. March 20, 1?02 j GRAND JUHORS, FOR. MAY TEKJI, 1602. nioom John PiirscI, sr., Montgomery Klii;e, Andre w Crevcliug. Itenver Christinn, P.entuu r.lijtih Kline. iiriarcreeK joiiu iv. iiownnn. Dor. Ilerwick -Townsand lloons. Cauah'issa John Sharpies, Daniel C. Ceub&rt, lli-mloek John llruglcr. Jackson l'rederick, Wile, llobert I'dpar. i.ocust tvm. i.ev, iiaviu c. iieiw ie, iieuuor. anrmgor ir.. Ilenliiiiiin Wnencr. Miiunt Pleaant Thomas J. Wcllivcr. Madison Jaiob ci wither, Henry C, Mills. Orange John llerrinf. Pine Juiiu i.ore, Aiouri Hunter. ifcott-Petcr lint, L'lioch Howell. .March 'ii, ltd . TRAVEltSB JUKOItS. l'Oll MAY TKUM, 13M. Her. Ilerwick--Ileiiry C, rrcnB. Illosm l'cler Dilluieyer, Ueorgc Weaver. llnaicresk John Tester, jr. John Blank, Jr., Enos L. Adams. Joseph b'lackhouse, ncavor-.Jaci(:) llnrriger, Peter I'.ckroalh. llenton Jo'cob Kiinblu, Alexander Colley, Cattawlssa Joliii llitter.Ccorge Strieker. William I'arr, Centre John, JliH Paul Zaiur. rranklin .Wasliinglou Parr, Aaron Lainbcrtson. I'tshingcreek DJas i'calei, llen-y Uiitciibcnder. Greenwood Jesse Ileacock, Nitiey'ss Cole, John M. Parker, Hemlock lieuben Iloiuboy, Samuel Obi, )e$ jfiuin Wil son. Jacob Harris. Locu.t Ikury I'ahringer, Jacob Miller, DavJd IUuck, .iiicuaci iiower. Mifflin -Stephen Achcnbaeh, John R. Yo(ie, Won)' An gle. .Mndiion Valentine Christian, Thomas A. Funston, John 1'ruil, Jr, Montour Lewis Roat. Drier Quick. Orangu Jestu Coleinnii.Peicr P. Kline, Hiram JR. Kline Uoiirinecriek Uenlamin llnuck, thigarlouf William Masteller, Llias CeluCeprge Hess, eiuu i.nesicr c. murr, rainuei itrvssier. March 20, HOI. LIST OF CAUSES, FOR MAY TERM, 1802. 1 Andrew Crcvcllog, vs Andrew Mellick, t al. 2 Isaiah hiiuian,nduir. vs Jacob L. Iiiiiiian- 3 Philip Winlerlccu, vs Valentine Winter Jteun. t Illrliard II. Meniigh, is John tligger, 5 Daiiitl V. fieybert.ctulvs A. II. Pearce, ct ) 0 Daniel P. Seybert v Augustus U Pearce etu!. 7 Henry Wells, vs Ueorge Kinlcy. 8 Wilson Ager, vs Joseph Pulton, ll Clinloii D. Herring, etui vs Daniel 1'. Pcybcrl. 10 Thoui'is C. Uobison, vs William I'ausey, 11 Thomas C. Robisou, vs William 1'uiisey. 11 Thomas C. Robisou, vs Win. I'nmey. 13 Henry Traueh, vs tho West Ilrnncti imuraticc Com pany. 14 Jacob llc.-tiiuger, admr. rs John Osman. 13 Saiuiul J. Healer, Ys Abrnhaiii W. Rabbins, ct al, 10 Jacob lOjer ts Abraham Klusu. 17 Abruhaui Klasu, vs Jacob Lyor. x titivid I.eiituiisei a tiamuel Jv Ilcttle. 13 Danlil 1'. Seybert vs Joseph Gecsil 20 Robert Hussel vs Lackawanna ISIoomsbiirs R. R 21 Charles Lee vs Luckawaniiii & Hlooinrhure; It It. 22 Russia 11 Peulvr vs The School Ditttict of I'iililng creeh. 23 Llijnh McMurlri et nl vs Christian Wq'.L 21 John Itmntty u Peter .Mellick. 23 1'rederlck Murkrarl'vs John Robi ion. 2o The Lackawanna lllouiusburg Rail Coat ot nl vs tviiiiaiiieioau, 27 Jacob Thomas ej nl vs I'runklin Huwnrt et 1 Vri Willi nil Co,e,t ul.ys William lluldrun. 20 Vt illiuni A Cat it ul vs Centre township, 30 Henry Milh r, I' teculor vs Jacob (lulling v n ill 1 p 1,1 I 11 ,w a. a. w u. pay I ,t, periods knontng Ui"iuselveinany iiueinil-fct told I .a , , ih s'icnb r fr b'rety noliU d thu n'l ococ a . m 1 or , n , r , a'ld ' mnds 1 r- 1 r oM t.i f r c " i lr ) v 10' I atr.ounts I UlkO.comei rturu eT I P tuirv I ill s 1 "'NutNIlLL l,ujU!f"5- OAPTUltE 01' l'OUT JACKSON. Nr.w Yoiik, April 27. , Tho Mercury Matci on tho authority of tho officers of the strainer Boston, that Fort Jackson, six milce below Savannah, is in possession of our troops, and that our pickets aro within four miles of Savannah) Tho steamer Atlantic from Port Royal, with datos to tho !Mth ititt, brings 80 prisoners from Fort Pulaski, nnd 1,007 bags of unginncd, and HO bags of giuncd oolton, Sho brin i;a no news, Look to your Interests, FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPIUNO AND SUMMEll GOODS', AT MILLER &EYER'S. rplIM subscribers havo Just relumed from the Cllr JL Willi nuutner mice nnd select sssortiuet of Sju'iiiunri Summer ooili, rilirh.lhed at Philadelphia, M the lnwentHriiis.ini which they aro lo cell on uoiodeioto urin. as can be procured clicttheru in niuyiustiurg. There slot It comprises 1-iUlV.S' DHkSS (tOOI)S, GfchuiRcsl sl)les nnd latest fashion. vitv dooms, A.Yi aitovr.Hiyx. UAitnirjiiti: (iUKKAW.utK, CI'.VAlt HAHK, HOLLOW ICAHU fiOA". .YAILH. HOOTH eUOKH HATS ,y (XHI'S. Hie . ee. $t. III short everything uiuullv kunl In caunlrr lo which they invite the public ccncriilly. Tho lli."liciit lirlco nnii) eoiiiitrv ,,r.lpn , . , .MiLLnn i UYU, Dlaomsburj, April 20, 1SGJ. F RES II A R II or VA I. ii -rou- TUU undersigned, erateful for pnt pntronase, rosport fully informs his cUhtuiuers and the publlCKcnurully that liu liasjust received from the Lasterue ellisi, lh largest mid most select slock of SPUING AND SUMMER fcrf. v7 ii Thai l(ts J'il been opcuoil in IllooiiiPbure, to v. hirh he iuiites thu utluntiun of Lis friends, und assures tlnim tliat they uru oll'ered for sale 1,1 ereat barealns. Ills Slock comprises ti large iissortuieiil of ci:tli:mi:.V') wjiaiumi aitaiii:l. Conflstim; ol PAiuoNAm.i: Diass Cons, of every de cription; Pants. Vests, Shirts, Cruvnts HtocKs, UoHoo ilnudkerciiivls, uiovcs, buspenders, A:c. GOLD VVA Atti) rCHES JEWEL11Y, Of cveryileocrlptioii, fine nnd cheap. iv. ii. ueiiieuiuer ".orcsyry s uatap IMpetnm." call nuil sec, Nu charge for examine Coods. D.WIU LOVVCNnEllU, UlaomaburB, March 29, ien2. rjuo 1S30.) Choice Vcgttablc Seeds by illiiil. 20 Varieties for SI 00 I Onr 45 Varieties for g2 00 j SilectioO Wishing le givo tho?e who resident n distance ou opportunity lu test the ,Uallty of our I'eg italic sttdt, which wu nru conlident w ill compare favorably Willi uuy olfered in this country, we have prepared sniiiH packets, which will bo sent by mail pfc't-naid, nt the nt'ove prices. Nc::e hut the most desirable yuricltos ttill bo included. To pretent disap.poliil:ne't, ice tcijA it Jiatlmtly wie dcrutood that Pas, ficaaa end Cora are not iacludcd in the mail pmLexca, en u cm mite their vuirht. A. AN. Versailles, Woodlord Co., Ky. tTj- Send for n Descriptioii Catalogue. Marcli 15, ie02. Oin. JOLINE & LKE, No. 40, NOilTH WHAUVLS. l'inllelpiiia ship on a n.d i. nn s, Bpun Cotton for Cnulking, Hopes, Twines, Tar, Pitoli, Oakum, illoeks, and Oars, kc. Aogiist 4, ie00-12m. 3 QatSOSSEISOS!! AMBROTSrE, PHOTOGRAPH tt MELAINOTYriJ fi & A 1 H M I1 AMBHOITPES, PHOTOQItAPlIS, Meliiinolyjies, &c, taken In Cloudy as well as Clear Weather, Auitroiypee and Darucrrcotypcs copied uu4 Lnlarged. NORTH DA1SYJ LLE, FA. Dec. 21, lrfil. & 3 X 3L Iff SAUBi8 Printer, Slookbimler & UlauUbooK MANU FA U TORE R , Vi;r.i.i;tM! am, itirtit. pcL:R in rniNTING, WIUTINO AND W1IA1TING TArcnP. AOe.1T FOR HIE CATAWISSA I'il'ER Mil IS, Main Btrccl, first doorLe(,nv the I'uplic tpunic, WILKESBAllllE, PA. Nov. 23, 1661 ISni. H. MULLIGAN, IMPORTER 01' ALL KINDS OP ANP MANUFAOTURElt OF JEWELRY, No. 444 North Stcond Strut, ABOVK WILLOW. FJIJLAEEWIIJM, Nov. 10, Iffil. NATRONA GOAL OIL! WARRANTED NOV RXPLOSIVKI and equal to any KUUOSUNC. Will bun an explosive un, wnen n row cents ntoru per gallon will furbish you with u perfect Oil r Made onhj b'f PA. 8 ALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut Btreot, PIIII.ADULI'IIIA. Kehy.22., 1101, I year. ATIOAL HOTEL, (Late Whim Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVK THIRD PHILADELPHIA. D. 0. SIEGRIST, PnorRiETon. Formtrlijfiom Eagle Haiti Lebanon, Pfi T. V IIHOAD3, CixnK, Ma;v)( 20, luij 12m. .m Maple Bugar mid Molasses, wauled at this oKJrc Also Grain, Produce, Ac ,n hlch our friends w ill nbllgu us by ikilt c)ing ns iisiiul fei 11).' family, nnlii illiilur.d iug the ubseiicu of the IMilor. Keep (be tuachiiiu mov ing. .Maul. 8. 1E0J. IIOUSE FOR BALK? A SMvccble I jt.tE llouft, will be sold cheap, on ap . plication lo the iiiiJriigned. LEVI L. TATE, lllooinhurc. July 13, IE0I. PUlSUSltJTH fi HUOTIIKHS. wnoLUSAiiE OBA0O0 DEALERS NV,103,NOUTU TJl'tnXJ STKKE7? PivvdootibeTott Jlatc, piiiLADr.i.ntu NOTICE. peisoHiVpov i "gthr , -tid -bit m 11 CO s 1 lis r in Ir . ' aits t Si T I I ' Mill t r 1 ,' "it ii Jto e 1 sa . ! t .f rs i'd 1 lb Un. 1 lureby 'I 1 U, ir'1 )lti niy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers