COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. untTKi) by levi l, taIIi. rnorniETon. BLOOMSBUKG, PA. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1BS2. jJSWMMSsw ssssssssiism Mssmuauiis i iMM rm TUB NATIONAL FLATFOItMl PURPOSES OP THE WARt CoHMlESS, BT X VOTE, XEM11A UKAKtKOCS, TASStB TUB AiLtowisa bssolutiox, which mmmsh tub voice or Till NATION AND IS TIIITRUK STANDARD or LOTALTY ! "That tlia present deplorable civil war hai been forced upon tho country by tho dliunlonlnts of tlia Bomhern Htntes, now In nrms nr;alnst tho Constitutional Government, nnd In nrms arnutid tho Cnpitnlj that In (! ivaiiuuni L-iKivgcncy, uouxress, uanisuing nil teci, lnz of mere nasslon or resentment, ulll remit, t-t nnlv Its duty to the wKolo country that this varlntt tcaged vi inr j'aTi in any spirit vj oppression, or jer aiiyjiur' Bolt of tonaiiesi or tublvffntlon ervumosenf oetrlkroirititr ar Interfering "II l rights or istabltshid Institutions of thou Suits, u( to del 'end and maintain the supremacy of tit Constitution, and to preserve the Union, icith the dig nity, tqucjitj, and rights of Iht stttral Hates unimpaired; and that as soon as these objects are aecemplis hed the tear mvgai 10 cease. Ool. Charles J. Riddle', and Hon. IlKNDtticK U. WiuanT, havo our thaukB for documents from Washington. Messrs. Jones & Jenninos, of the Waynesburg Messenger, have our sincere thanks for their generous partiality. lMn. Oihton, tho cheap Ilutlcr, has justopenod a largo assortment of fashion ablo Hats and Caps. Uivo him a call. See his advertisement. Stbys Stevens, oh the Hunter's Daughter and the Artist's Bride, by B. F. H., appears on tho first page of tho Columbia Democrat. It is a good story and roads well. All right wo hopo. Maj. Philip R. Fkkas, after "some tiino bo past," has again sunt us tho"G'er man' mvn Telegraph." It is an cxccllont family newspaper and most ably conduct ed. Wcleomo to our exchange. William R. Williams, Esq.. has Bent us a copy of his now paper, entitled the Linmits Weekly Sentinel. It is published at Linneus, Missouri. Succces to our once faithful Printer's Devil. Illumination in Orangevillk. Mr. William Fritz, at his old stand in Or nngevillo, is unpacking his New Goods. Ho has received a full supply of fasbiona bio Styles. Read his Card in tho Colum bia Democrat. Hon. Peter Ent, has just received Now Goods at his Store in Light Street. His stock is large, select and variable. Mr. But and Sons arc good business men, deal fairly and nro deserving of liberal patronage. Excitement in Jerseytown. Mcs scrs. Miller & Swisher, at Funston's old store in Jerseytown, have just opened a fiuo stock of New Spring Goods. The ex citement, growing out of tho low ;jrj'ccs they have introduced, is said to bo rapidly increasing. See their Card in our ool umns. Dr. John A. Smull, the efficient and gentlemanly Clerk of tho n. of R. at Har risburg, has our sincere thanks for for warding us tho back Nos. of the Legisla We Record, as also to those of, our friends, to whom tlloy were duo, on the adjourn ment of the Pennsylvania Legislature. Ben. Oadwalladeu. Wo aro truly gratified to learn that the Senate, on yes terday, by n unanimous voto, confirmed this distinguished officer, a3 Major Gener al in tho army. Gon. Oadwallader, besidos n long exporienco in millitary affairs, served hia country with distinction, in Mexico, and has, during tho present re bellion acquitted himself with honor in whatovcrposition he has been placed. 1'hil. Eve. Journal, Contested Election Adjudioatbd. Tho election of March in Madison town ship, resulted in a tie voto betwixt Jackson Thomas, Republican, and J. A. Swisher, Democrat, for Justice of the Poaco. A ppeeial election came off on last Saturday, botweon tho said Jackson Thomas and John Smith. It resulted in tho choico of John Smith, Democrat, by forty-eight ma jority. BQ5- Mr. E J. Thornton, of Blooms burg, tho most practical paper hanger in the county, has on hand constantly, at his waro-roora, in Judgo Ruport'a Storo, known as the old post office, a fiuo assort ment of first rat'o Wall Papor. Persons intending to paper and rofuruish their houses should givo him a call. Ear After Gov. Seward's return from Winchester, he was rallylying aBkcd by a Senator how much Union sentiment ho found in that city. ''The men," ho re plied, "were all off in tho rebel army; tho women woro she-devils." Very complimentary that, for a United States Secretary of State. Gov. Soward'a politeness itt becoming proverbial. Pay tho Printer. Many of our patrons aro expeclod to pay up their littlo bills for subscription, adver tising and job work, during May court. Tho small sums duo from each ore oasily paid, while in tho aggregate thoy mako a large and desirablo amount for tho pub lisher. Wo havd sent somo bills as a re spectful reminder of tho amount duo, -nd all such will greatly oblige by sending h funds. Lot all our friends see that tx$y do aot embarrass us by neglect Acknowledgments. The Editor of this Journal, in bohalf of himself nnd colleaguo (Mr. Tutton) in tho Legislature of Pennsylvania, dooms it not inappropriate, hero to return unfeigned thnnks for tho ccnoreus confidence imnosod iu them by their Democratic follow-citizcns and fondly trust that thoy havo in nowiso betrayed ooufidenco or disappointed pub lic expectation. To the Editors of tho Demoorntio Press, in tho cntiro District, whoso good opinions only aro of any im portanco, wo tender our sincerothanks for tho liberal treatment received at their hands, and ono of us at least, hopes It may yet bo in his power to render each nnd all of them equal and similar servico, not forgetting tho kindness wo havo re ceived nt tho hands of Wm. II. Jaooiiy, Esq., tho nblo Editor of tho "Star of the Noith." If thcro is any ono thing in life, moro gratifying to n public servant than another, it is tho unsolicited approbation, on rotiring from office, of hia intelligent constituents nnd Democratic friends, with tho. meed of praise: "Well dono good and faithful servants." So writes Col. Tuos. Chaltant, of tho Danville Intdigcnccr, and J. S. Sanders. Esq., of tho JJctwicfc Gazette, "OUR DATE llErRESENTATIVE8.--Our lato Representatives, Hon. Levi L. Tate, and Hon. Gcorgo S. Tutton, having re turned to their homes Since the ntlinurn mcnt of tho Stato Legislature, we feel it an obligation resting upon us, to compli ment them for tho zeal and honesty they displayed in attending to Hi n Wllllf nf their constituents during their Representa tive carcor. On all local questions effect ing this District, thoy acted intelligently and with judgment, and to tho entire sat isfaction of their constituents, and on tho moro important questions of Stato and National polioy they acted with a duo regard to tho wauts of tho country, and what was necessary to tho perpetuation of sound Democratic principles. Well dono good aud faithful servants say wc. On tho outside page wc publish tho speech of Col. Tato on tho bill entitloil "An net to repeal an act for the commu tation 01 tuo tounugo duties." it will rc-i . ... . a pay perusal." j.memgcncer. "Returned Home. Tho Lcmul having adjourned on tho 11th inst., our ltcprcseniativcs nave returned homo to enjoy onco more tho blessings of privato life. Wo notioo by the last Columbia Democrat, that Col. Tate its veteran ed itor, has again resumed control of its columns. Tho Colonel atvniiflnl i,!m self honorably and creditably to his constituents, by his strait-forward, honest, consistent anu conscientious course as their Representatives, at Ilarrisburg, during the late session. His action in rnfarrl in onr national and local matters, consider ing tno position no was charged with as suming by his political enemies, and which called forth all tho vituperation and mis representation of his opponents, during the canvass last fall, should make them hide their guilty heads for very shame. Both ho nnd Colonel Tutton. havn r1i charged their obligations, fearlessly and taitlitully, ana should rcccivo tho plaudit of "well dono good and faithful servantB." Gazette. Mrs. Demorest's Mirror oy Fash ions. Tho largest, best and most reliable Fashion magazino in tho world. Contains tho largest and finest Fashion-Plates, tho greatest numbor of fino Engravings, tho latest and most reliablo information, thrco full-sized Pattorns for Drosses, and a Sheet of now Braid-work and Embroidering Patterns for Dresses, and a sheet of new Braid-work nnd Embroidering Patterns. Lvory Mother, Dressmaker, Milliner and Lady should havo it. Published Quarter ly, at 473 Broadway. Now York, sold evorywhero or sent by mail at 25 cents. X early 81, with a valuablo premium. Ibo Summer numbor now ready. "A Practical Idea The committees from tho Senate and tho Houso,which at tended tho funeral of Collonel Murrav wcro allowed twenty-fivo dollars each and mileage, by nn act of assembly; At tho suggestion of Mr. Banks, tho committees agreed to donato this amount to tho wid ows and orphans, who woro needy, of tho soldiers of tho Eighty-fourth, slain nt Winchester, and yesterday Mr. Banks took tho money, amounting to thrco hundred and eighteen dollars, with him to llolli- daysburg, to bo distributed," Ilarrisburg t'atnol and Union, April 12. Wo chroniolo this nrticlo with special satisfaction, for it records an act of spon taneous generosity, lnrcely to tho oredit of tho Lcgislativo Committco that perfor med it. Death or Mrs. IIorndeck, Tho Al lontown Democrat says, Mrs. Maria E. llombcck, widow of tho Hon John Horn beok, doceascd,and daughlor of tho long since deceased Dr. Jacob Martin, diod in Allcntown on Sunday last, of inflammato ry rheumatism. For tho last tenor twclvo years she has baon post-mistrcs, at that place, but recently was removed by the Prcsidcut, although by virtuo of hor com mission sho would havo been allowed to coniinuo in office until tho coming Juno. Her official career throughout was to the cntiro tatisfacsion of tho people. Tho de ceased was greatly belovod in tho commu nity. Easton Sentinel, Resignation or Geo. A. Friok. Wo loam by tho Danvillo papers that Geo. A Frick, Esq, who has so Jong ocoupiod tho position of Cashior of tho Danville Bank, resigned on Tuesday of last weok. David Clauk, lat9 Teller of tho Bauk, was unanimously elected to succeed Mr. Frick Mr. Ghztfi was cleoud Teller. Tho Auditor Gonoralshlp. ! The cordial response of tho Domooratlo , press In Western , Pennsylvania to our aug- A ..rlllnr fl nnnrnlatitn ton J. 7 frl in , "DOUt tO depart ffOlU 13 RU9S ail OS 0, 110 WSR'b Si fflir.. brought ton sudden halt by an arrest tho hopo that ho will bo tho only candid nto uoiorc tuo convention irom tins por tion ottno state. jn of tho State. The claims of tho West 1 prominent Philadclphian, whom ho, while tl0I 03 works of literary merit and genius, id especially -of "glorious littlo Greene,", Secretary of War, had, without nny al-' 'Tho Chaunings' fully sustains this wri ititlo Mr. Pauley to tho nominal on, , . ' . ' tc Un r Lafnv. ' tor's reputation as a truthful dclinoator lido from his ncknow cdecd desorv nr-s IL&ctl cause, iiicarcoraicti in iori uaiay , , , . , . , , and cnti nsido from his ncknowledccd deservinns as a Democrat, and his ndtnirablo fitness for tho position; and we confidently trust ho will bo niado our nominee with cntiro unanimity. It would only bo doing tardy justico to tho Democracy of a couuty which has never failed, since its erection, to givo a decided Domooratio majority, andwhioh has novor received aud never before ashed n nominee for a Stato ofilco, H'aynesburg Mcss'iiger. Wo cheerfully endorso tho abovo notioo of Col. Pauley. Ho in a veteran Editor, tried Domoerat and worthy gentleman. Tho claims of the noble Democratic Coun- ty of Greene tho "Star of the If'" that never sits in dishonor will command respectful consideration in tho Fourth of July State Convention. 'Mr. Dawos on "Old Thnd." Mr. Thaddcus Stevens, of Pennsylvania, occupies tho high and responsible position of Chairman of the committco of ynys and Moans in tho national House of Representatives- a position whieh should conftituto its possessor guardian of the publio Treas ury. It appears that one Simon Stavcns, a uophew of Thaddeus, f,obtaincd a very largo and a very fat contract from Gcnoral Fremont for supplying, tho Government with arms, whereby he expected to realize tho snug little sum of $00,000. Tho Com mittee on Contracts got wind of this trans action nnd exposed it. Tho unelo of Simon who had before regarded tho labors of tho Committeo with indifl'erenco, if not with positive favor, changed his opinion as soon as it struck so near him, and embra cing an occasion when the Commttto were absent from tho IIouso, denoucod it as a scandal-hunting and lying Committee Mr. Dawes replies to "Old Thad" in tho following words : "Now I wish to call tho attention of tho House distinctly to tho motives which prompted tho attack of Monday last. When the Houso and tho country come to know, ns tho Committeo knows, what promted this attack, they will appreciate it quito as well as tho Committeo encoun tered no snoh opposition from thcgenleman from Pennsylvania, the ohairman of tho Committco of Ways and Means, in tho early stages of their investigation. It was only when tho Committee in tlo way of its duty, camo to throw itself between the Treasury of tho United States and a pri vate speculation in whioh ono Simon Ste vens was interested, nnd through which 500,000 was to bo taken out of tho Troas ury of tho United States, without a dollar of consideration, in the simplo salo and repurchase of five thousand arms by the United States, that tho Committeo encoun tered tho opposition of the chairman of the Committco of Ways and Means. It first manifested itself in delaying the appropri ation to pay the expenses of the Committeo, and it then brought out a speech in the Houso ridiculing the Committee and tho Committee's efforts to rescue the Treasury from tho harpies that hung around and hovered ovor it. And hbt of all, culmi nated in an attack last Monday on the integrity and oharaeter of tho Committee, and that, too, aftor tho gentleman from Pennsylvania had been duly notified that cvory mcmbtrof the Committco was absont and could not reply. Tho amendment offcrod by him to tho second resolution looks to tho same end." Tho Fearful Indictment. Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts, in his speech in tho House of Representatives on Friday last, in defence of tho Committee on Contracts against tho imputation of tho corruptionists uttered theso words : "Tho gentleman must romembor that in' tho first year of a Ropublioan Administra tion, whioh oamo into power upon profess ions of reform and retrenchment, there is indubitablo ovidoneo abroad in tho land that somebody has plundered tho publio Tronsury, well nigh in that single year as much as tho cntiro current yearly oxpensos ot tho government during tho Administra tion whioh tho pcoplo hurled from power becauso of its corruption." ' During tho last year of Mr. Buohanan's Administration, which was denounced by tho Republicans as unparallolcdd ik' its corruption, tho entire expenses of tho Gov- ernmentamoutcd to the sum of 502,000,000; and now Mr. Dawes, a leading Ropublioan j member of Congress from Massachusetts, rnllH 115 with fchnmn nnrl toinrt.finrtf .nn il,fl tells us with sharao and mortification that1, , , . , , . r . . T, ... . ' .bogus contractors, (who were in largo part in tho first year of a Republican Adminis-I ... r , , , . 1 , . .. t j , , , , ., , .. , neither manufacturers of any kind nor tration somebody has plundered tho pub b , , N ., T. ... 1 11 dealers in arms,) or tho impolicy of the Treasury of a sum sufficient to defray nil i Department bringing into tho field so ma tbe espouses of Government for n whole ! ny biddors to compete with itself in the year in timo of pence. And this monoy, I market of Europe all show o rooklcsa bo it remembered, was not abstracted from !BJBtCm of cxtrnvaganoo nnd jobbing, and an overflowing Treasury, but was borrowed ' wont 0f foresight and .administrative abili- at a high rato of interest for tho pupose of sustaining the Uovernmcnt against its armed enemies, and must eventually bo reimbursed by taxation upon tho proporty and industry of tho country. Whon the pcoplo realize how thoy havo peon plundered and swindled by couspira tors in tlin farl of nnlrinta. U tlirrn anv ... o i j wonder that thoy givo expression to their honest indignation, and refus'o to roniaiu silent at the bidding of the twissariio taste same plundcreis 1 inmoroii'x HuIiiks limine to Light. I The sago Lochiel is, just now, in a 'peek of troubles.' A few days ago, as lio was' at the instauco of Mr- Pierce Butler, a ,ctto ctto. This proceeding, it is said , disgust-1 ed exceedingly the chaste nnd pure-minded patriot who was about to "leave his coun. t try for his country's good." But, scarcely had bai the tirv with the Ex Seoretarv in rccard to "a do- falcatiou in one of tho Departments amoun - ting to millions." This was adding n0. publican "injury. "insult" to Butler's Democratic Then, thero was that vencful J Jcrsov "Wall . nrowliutf around PliilnrlnL nhia, waitini: for an onnortunitv to nivo ' o i J the unflcdicd Plenipotentiary n farewell greeting in consideration of services ren dered, in having him, tho said Wall, torn from his family during tho hours of night, and thrown into d dismal dungeon, n "prisoner of state." But worse than all this moro annoying than Butler's writ moro unkind than Chase's "consultation" more dreadful than all his visions of Wall's pistols aud bludgeons Executive Document No. 07 appears upon tho scene and confronts tho harrcssod Minister with its army of ugly figures and startling rev elations. The ourtain is lifted and the American people obtain a glimpse into the Augean Stables of tho Federal Govern ment. Thero stands Simon Cameron, not as tho faithful officer, not as tho true and trusty functionary of a pcoplo threatened with all tho impending horrors of the bloodiest anarchy the world eror l:n6w, but as the selfish, treason-helping SPEC ULATOR, tho partner in corrupt and Government-ruining contracts, tho chief spoilsman of all tho hungry jaokalla that hang upon tho skirts of a bravo nnd devo ted army. And to our vision Cameron has always appeared in this shape. Wo needed not the assistance of light afforded by Document No. 07, to enable us to be hold him in his true colors. Nor was tho President deceived in his man when ho selected him as his Minister of War. Well did Mr. Lincoln know tho character of tho adviser ho had chosen. Well did he remember tho Winnebago frauds with which Cameron was notoriously connected. Well did ho rceollcot tho moans by whioh Cameron was made U. S. Senator. But little cared our model Executive, "Honest Old Abo," for all that. His administra tion could not afford to lose Cameron's support, and to secure it, this hoary-hcad-ed incarnation of political knavory must havo a seat in tho Cabinet ! Parasites may flattor and expectant office-hunters may sing hosanuas to tho President, but wc say to him, as will tho people say ero long, and that, too, in tones of thunder : Mr. Lincoln, you not only struck a fatal blow at tho wolfaio of our country, but you did violence to our own conscience, when you elevated Simon Cameron to offioo 1 In conclusion we quote tho following from tho the Philadelphia Inquirer, of last Friday : "A startling exposition of tho misman agement of the WarDopartmcnt uuder cx-Sccrctary Cameron and Assistant Sec retary Scott is furnished by executive doc ument, No. 07, recently printed by the Houso of Representatives. It appears by this, that theso two functionaries were bus ily engaged during last summer and fall making contracts for muskets nnd other small arms, until tho aggregate of their operations summed up ono million, nine hundred and seventy-six thousand two hundred and forty muskets, rifles and car bines, 6cventy-two thousaud fonr hundred and forty pistols, and ono hundred and foriy-two thousand five hundred swords; for which they obliged tho Treasury to pay the trifling ainoust of 10,1M,GU5. Tho arms wcro to be delivered, aocordiug to the convenience of tho contractors, at almost any timo along in tho next two years, tho delivery of hundreds of thou sands of thorn being accommodatingly dis posed ovor periods extending from July, 1802, to December, 18031 Whilo tho publio will bo astounded at tho vast maguitudo nnd wild improvidence of theso operations, thcro aro other atten ding circumstances that will lcavo thorn hardly less amazed. Whether wc consid- tho t iyU lL(J Wdt tbo 00iuraWol fav0Jw,m to dcfiUllli ' - cr tno cxoroitant prices agrceu upon, or or ..,.1 , ty( shocking to tho instincts of every hou- est citizen aud well-trained business man, Uetlford Gazette. ST Fresh discoveries of gold in Orogon nnd Washington Territory arc reported at Sun Iranoiaco, Groat excitement exists .1 n. , . nmiu uijuii wiu cuiM.ii., aiiu iuu Juuiuilllllli. are sending goods iu large quantities to tho now diggings. As soon as this war of termlw a, thre will be an imracnto rush io the IVjtio c-jas(. Mr. Cameron entered tho required 01 war, a van un.o union may uo uonvuu 1 in this case, when Secretary Chase, by reading thi noblo course of 1 ho Chan sleepy, faugless Cerberus of the Trow ,linea" ul,,dcr 6'imilar difficulties. 'Con- . comes n onrr. ana asks a consu tation " " t ""'" vl" i. of a now book just published by T. B. Peterson & brothers, 300 Chesnut street, Plnladol- I""a' AW aUlUrU3a " " Henry Wood, whoso 'Earl's Heirs' a Mrs. nd , 'Kasl Lynuo' has won a lnsl!nS rcIm.t(l 01 umau nniuro us vnnoua Puarc3 nuu character.. At tho present time, when so man flUniliea "avobcen suddenly deprived I 1 . I... il. C 01 eucir siomary resource oy irKS 8U0 Paliontl' boars tho trials of a govern , css' whi, 't,crald Yorko' ia muoh t0 bo ittied for his sad appreciation of her . character. 'Arthur' perhaps, cxcols ai muou 10 mucu ,n brotherly affcotion as I 'Hnmish' is doficicnt in the same. 'Gal- , . . , lway,MMad Nanco' aud 'Tom,' tho dis WPoi" senior, arc all graphically drawn aud contributed essentially to tho interest of the work, which increases with interest to the end. It will prove to bo ono of tho most popular novols ever printed, and will havo an immense sale, It is completo in a largo octavo volumo of oyer threo hun dred pages, and sold at tho low prioo of Fifty cents a copy, and will be sent to any ono to nny placo, free of postage, on re mitting that amount to tho publishors in a letter. American Agriculturist rou May. Vol. XXI, No 5 Orange Judd. Pub- lishcr, 41 Park Row, Now-York. $1 a year; 10 cents a number. The May issuo of tho Agriculturist will be found fully cqueal to auy former num ber. The Calender of Operation for tho mouth embraces hundreds of hints for work on tho Farm, and in tho Garden. In addition, this singlo uumboj contains over 150 articles aud items for the Farm, Garden, and Household, inoluding a 825 Prizo Arlielo on Apple Culture ; a slash ing report on "Artificial Manures" by tho President of Pcnn Agricultural College, etc., etc. Among the engravings are a beautiful page cut entitled "sheep tending"; J "How to Hold and Drive Horses ; "Beau tiful Lcnvod Plants"; "A Disturbed Nap"; Shadows on tho Wall," cto. Minute Maps of tho Mississippi Rivor j tho Country from Norfolk to Riohmond including the topography of lorktown ; also Savannah, Geo., Fort Pulaski, and vicinity. BST Fatal Accident On Friday aftor- "The Ohanninos,"U tho titlo noon lait, Mr. NaTUAN GrEEN'WALT, met TWn Summer VuinUr will contain four largo nml . , . , . j X plondiJ fashion plalc, tliroii full Micil p.iUoriH, With ail accident, Which proved fatal in ! roinprisln; tlx- New IVnch V.iit, uu uliKiint Hlci vi'. .. e , . .. ... . , nn.l .Misni'n Haik, toifitlit-r illi nuuly 1U0 uii!ravlni;ii the COUl'SO Ot tWO hOUrS, at thO Plaining . of nil tin-hovcIIIcji tur daiuuu'r llonncts,('liiak, Turn c rpi hi ti . ' mi'iR", Clillilrcn'M Iln.'si, etc, au.l valuiMo inform. i Mill Ot ihomas JliUgar, in iispytown, this tionln milllnuri, ilrea .makers, inntheri. nml l.iillo county ihc circumstances attending this kUw i ti.i? worhi, pui.ihhcit it:i iiraiiw.n, n.i ht,i lamentable aeeident, as near as wc can r,g!pi.SJSiyui lcnrn, aro as follows : Whilo cngaaod i ''cmVi' viriv sui,crii.or wm i.o ontiiini to tho in oiling or arranging the Machinery, his clothing was caught by a shaft, which was makinp a larrro numliGk' nf nivnliih'nni iwis in.iiauj, lurgo uumui-r 01 ruvoilltlOIU nor tninilfn nnilinn. Ii.a ivlmlr. knrli, nAimrl it, dislocating ono leg, terribly tractunng tho other in two places, tearing offouc hand, nnd completely mashing in the right side of his whole body, bosides injuring him in almost every mauner possible. His body passed through betweeu two girders and the shaft, which arc said to be so eloso together, that thoy would barely admit of tho body passing through. He was a sober, industrious, and valuable citizen ; though poor, but much respected and esteemed by all who knew him. and leaves a loving wife, with seven small children, to mourn hia untimely death. Ho had a pleasant smile and a chcorful "How do you do," for every person ho met. His death cast quite a gloom over tho community in which he resided , as well as throughout tho county, whore ho had acquaintances. Dr. Harrison and others, were oallcd upon,but his injuries were so groat that'it was im possible to save life. Star Spring Time. A lark coho erects the dawn air a gush of sweet tones floats on tho bosom of twilight buds break forth in beauty from buoyant boughs birds breathe out in soul-carols notes of joy whilo sun, scene aud sky nro the gay triumvirato of splendor who lead over earth tho auspicious advent of tho season of promise. Tho day's opening is heralded by golden footsteps ; and the night saun tors forth in its sandals of silver stars.' Fragilo flowers aro breathing fragrance tho grain is robed in its rich garnituro of grcou tho loam turnod up by the plow man awaits tho sower with seed and na turo, robed in regal raiment crowns tho inanimate in glowing glory. April, faithless nnd floklo Tho ides of as over, are closod up, to welcome tho birth of May, when b'miloa light Iirr hour lipa Ami rto liudu 'nml lior dial ilaya Loop brightly up thulr brighten promiiol Poet3 have penned, nnd painters havo pro trayed tho charms which fling suoh radi anco around tho coming of spring,- but neithor scroll inspired vor canvas hollowed in all their wild and wierd romaneo, can equal tho reality which garners in splen dor the roality of tho present when lifo leaps forth anew when hopo bathes field and fern with ooming joys and lovo plumes for higher flights its porennial i pinions. May wo all, liko tho soason, over I OlllOy tUO lUCeuSO WlllOh Shall blOOlll IU boauty in tho May-garden of happy hearts. , , C3TIiB Dnmnrrnlin flnmlirl for Muyor of St.' Paul, Minnoaota, haH been , eletcd, The Eiteot of Coqueitino with the REruliLiOANS. The Bloomsburg (Pa.) Democrat whoso editor is a moinbor of tho Pennsylvania Legislature, states that "ovory man who was clootod last fall to tho Legislature, by tho So-called Union Pnrtui (recent he alwnvs tho Hou. Abram Peters, of Lancaster county, acted during , tho session with tho Rqnwticmts," The Democrat pertinently adds i "Wo ask honcst-moauing Democrats, hero nnd elsewhere, who last fall coalesood with tho common enemy in huzzas for tho Union, whon their object only was for oflico, if "this is tho entertainment to which they woro lnvitod."--IYny York Jlrgus, S- Lieut. U. H. Ent, of tho "Hurley Guards" is home on furlough, looking re markably well after passing through so fiorcc and hot an engagement with tho rc bols on tho 23d ult,, at Winohcster. Ho is a capital officer, highly esteemed by tho whole company, and is doing his country noble servico. He is a brother to Wel linqton, who is Captain of tho "Iron Guards" and both nrp eons of tho Hon. Peter Ent, who was n Brcoklnridgo Democrat I Smoko that, in your dutoh nines, ve loval Republicans I Star, luawfiiaCTgnwri will i.i n MARRIAGES By Rov. D. II. Honkel, on tho 12th of of April, Mr. Simon Richard to Miss Suban I'jMJIet, both of Columbia couuty. DEATHS. In Anthony township, Montour co., on tho 17th of April, Mr. Jacob Middle, aged about GO years, In Hughosvillo, on Wednesday morning last, Gen. Geushom Biddlm, iu tho Ji,h year of his ago. Tow Advertisements. NOTPJK. ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber, in .niytvnjr, me rtdpcctCully n'luc.tnl lo make Iminctli.Mu rtttciuuil and early paym.-nl, 1 miM invo niuncy, Tliogu wliu li.'tvu cnjoyurl Ion? ereilit, it is liorx.'il, will nut full to call itiul EiUlIu nilhont il-loy. wm. ritrrz. DinngoUllo, l'a,, May 3, lrCSlm. NOTICE To the Members of the Columbia County Ae icutlural Society. y Election of thu OHirsrJ of tho (JnlumMi ronnty Agricultural, llortirnlliiral, nml Mrch.niirn Hui i' ty will Im Ii.iM nt til- C-Jurt lluuie, in llluuuiji.ur,', on rJiiturilny, May 17, ItfUS, lit'-' i.'rlork, n, ni. WM. NkiAI., L'liulr. Hi, Com. MnyH, li-'GJ at. MRS. DEMOREST'S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions. Gnat Improvements. 'lCVu VtTZ,!: ulfy" L i JS;;;H,ff?t!lc!J "n)r ,l,,w tiu'iul,1 pl-nilnl inituccmi'iitf inCnnTniiiicri. ; Biiiniiiorimuilier will be rtiatly ou o, ohjul tho flr.t .of May. -.iw. NEW ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer AT PETER ENT'S STORE, ;.v uoiit sntr.r.r, Columbia cauxrr. va, T.TAS just rtf'lvcd from Philadelphia, anil ii now IX opcnini! at the old nainl lately occupied by Maru Ob f.ltl it fpliindicl RFiortini'M of which Kill ho bmI.I cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His Hock coiicIkU of Ladles Drees Uoodj cbci'tt etyloi Will IQIUSI iaUUJ. Calicoes, Musi inn, Ginghams, Flannels, Carpuls, Shawls, Hosiery, Silks, READ YMADE CLOTHING Casfimeres, Satinets, Cottonadbs, Kcntuoky Jeanp, Thread, &a. Groceries, Queens ware, Cedarwaro, llardwaro, Modicinos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ko, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS 8s CAPS. In khorl ryery thing nsunlly kept in country toro 1 ho patronai'ii of old friends, nml tho nubile general ly. ! ri'tpi ctlully bolicilod. 1 Tim lilshi-ft market price paid for country produce, Mailt Street, May 3, 18C2. I'UTKll K.N'T, The Secret Out ! GREAT INCITEMENT IN JERSEYTOWN, And supposed approach of the Rebel Army, all op which wab rnonuenn nvTim AHU1VAL 01' A l'ULL ANI C "u'iItk 1IW (SOOBS, Of Every Variety and Style at the new niiM op MILLER & SWISHER, l.V JER8CVTOWN. Having just received our Spring Stock, from tho Kaileru Market, wo feci dctcnulnr..! i?.". L .0.d. "u" lowcr I'ficv. than IIU7 iin be . IPUrchui'il I'Uuwheru, OUR MOTTO T "Small Profds and Quick Returns," tQ' Tho public nro r spectfully solicted to call and 1 ?i f itt 1 ,,!m" """" 41 rtaioinuonrstoik bfor nirrhaluc"lA "hem . ' Vl i Uu d' M,"nl PI" "'I""""! loinmcut thrmN elurge notaing for s iowinj ur go&i, Wedi!. ,f ii,iihAr?'.',,''i ' v, . t .itt t rsti'y kinds taken for goous, ' ' rc"uee P" ;! lay tind ail per ,n- jnleb-. u to , ,Bk u Jen ttrwn, MayJ, mi MILt.KR & HWIBiren. mtUi EMU 10,000 PIE01CSWALL PAt'EIlS riA-Hnnr.n rjiriuts. aot.n Attn rr.i.rur DKCoiuiriotfn, M.mni.r. and oak iihconATioxa, MKATAfm OAV UhHZt.n I'AI'KIIS rLiXAXi) iwiaiiTco.Mun.s' r ,pr JIUIIDEllS, FIHK UOAHI) VI.VJ'J STATUES, llUfUH, MIC, jv. jn' SlSAa T im Froru Ilouto, on Second tttvot, it Caw ilunra below V Papsr Hanging Executed in tho bast stylo, ut moilemlo pilccn miI In luclt . 1 K. J, TIIUltNfi v niooimburg, Mnj 3, ieC2-3in. 4US' ILLUMINATION IN OUANGEVILLR Spacing Cr At Fritz's Store, ORANGEVILL, COLUMBIA CO., ho undersignod has just rcooiwil Inrrrn nml aclcct ua.mrtnieiit nf chnlcii Hmin.. Siimni'ir (!o6i!, Klileh trill he snlU clicn ) Cr cm country prnrfuee. Ill flock contiiti of tnJiti i, Uoot', choicut ityloasuil latest ftibloni, Caliooos, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannols, Cnrpela, Shawls, Hosiery, Silk, PRINTS FROM 7 TO 12$ ots A YAl! easterners, Satinets, CottonndeB, Kcntuoky Jtanj,, 4) READY MADE CLOTHING. Groceries, QticciiKWaro, Cedcrwaro, Hardware-, Mediclnos, Drug, Oils, Palnl, An BOOTS & .SIIOE3, HATS & OA PA Iu ehud LvcrythliiR unun'ly ki-M In n country i'ir Tim patronui,'u uf ulil frvniU, nnd thu public gvn.rsll,, eolicitrd Mny3, ISt'l WILLIAM FRIIZ LOW PRICES RULE I Vt fi-pAsy's Store, iu Light Street, l'a F I R S T 0 F T U K S J A S 0 S FBRST TO 0 A' , m no nn i i D E S I R A B L E 6 T Y L K S an o Tim ni:.UTv or ir all is wk cam AND WILL HULL AT Is O W 1 K I C i'J Al, w CALICOES, MUSLINS, SILKS, GLVOriAMS, FLANNELS, CARPETS, HOSIERY, SHAWLS. Eoaily-Mado Clothing. Sugnrs, Syrups, Molaiscs, uollces, Fish, Teas, Salt, Hams, Dacon, Lard, M'olinnrtr, Sfgars, Roots, Shoes, Hats, Cups, Drue Oilr &o., H Wo havo a Inrpu atnertmBiit of lllnrlt nnd I'ancy ElU whirh wo nro nellinjr nt ri'duccd pticet : II lack fc'ilki f STJ ccnu, worth I,12J, uljo for gl.Oj orlh Sl,l e ro nelliiiR our het prints for 1'J) contu pr yaii Ihi-hoit In the market, all f.tit rolora. A yird nidi iinhhinihed muHiu nt l.'J rent equal to New Marli.l Throe quarter yard wide iinbk'achod iiiulluuiii tok" ccntu a yard, In addition to our hr((c nock of Dry Goods, w htn a lareo and full nKiortment of Koady Madu Clnihiai for ; n nud lloyii wear which we nru ilct eruilluJ to nil cheaper than can un bought ilscwhcri'. Call aU u, uud Judge for youraulto. . . . W. CUHAST & CO. Light Htrect, Tn , April S5, leSoO. Store Removed, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Hat and Cap Store, gg The underelfnid :cnpec:fully Informi the clll.-ni i lllomnibure, nnd tlx public in Kemrnl. that hi- ha u woved thu .VEII' HAT STOUK, Into thu hous, m Main Htrcot, nearly opposite his Into Hand, wUwi li has JUBt retciied a splendid nmortintnt of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from thp M.inttfnrtiirU.1 rr ,.n l t.,.1., ...i. niidr-Ueii, latef t fnnhioua, which licoin-ri whukeal " retail, utvery low prices. j- i uese uooua win bo isoid at very lowrrlcos re Heady l'sy. , , , JOHN K CIKTOX. nioninibur?, April ID, 1H1J, PROl'OSAliS FOR SCHOOL 1I0USH. PIt01'03AL will l,o recdved, by the undcriifiiied. liiiresidenco in lluck Hum, ColuniUiu county, inilrt IS o'clock, AI on tliu luth of May, for tho erection of Brick School House, ,,0VrS,,x21 fc"' ,""lr 1118 residence of Cipt. Ii J.i'ldy, in Hoiulock tuwrwhip. th inti rior to bu rcn Iruuiiil upon priuciplt's ol thu public Hihoul llimn Ot lluck Horn, . c, JOHN McP.KVNQIiUS, April ID, ieC2.-3 8ccy.ll. 8. R rjpiIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, )ANfJU.F., MONTOUR COU.Tl', rA. Untirlaiiiiuuut for Majinud UiaM, In good itrht nnd nf Biinlorato roll's, r, in . 'llAttLKU N, 8AVA0H, l'roPiilo Danvlllis April itt, m. Kxlray Com'. CAME to the premises of Josupli U, I.clby, In I.ocmtlnwiihlp,Coliiiiiblurounty,.iii I tho 4lh lint., a inidills sized rd cow, tlth nniio lacennuimrt ofhcrlcn car cut olf. ijiyiiwncrisrciucitflilloprovo liropurty. pay charge. Mid take liur iiwbj-, or sUu will Indisposed of nciordln 0II1W JOtiKril V. 1,KII)V. April 19, lSGS-at. JUDf.ui u.i.r.uu. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EstcUeof Susan Schug, dcctasctl. X irrniKB of Administration with ih will unntiril t.V oil tho i;lnt 0f Musan Hiliui;, Into of l?f elf towiikhlp, in folunihia county, I'i'nii., ilettaifd havs necn sraiuou uy thu Jtogltiar of fohimbla fiuiuty tu IM i.v n fi.tliwuh i 1 1 1 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers