Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 03, 1862, Image 1

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.... , , , , , . , ..,.JJn1
ranrjBiiED every; Saturday, ur
l BiyogMSBtjRCr, qqibia ooouTy, pa,
I. ni Uriel Building, opposite the F.tehangt, y iftfi
Court House. "Democratic Iltad Quarter!."
t 00 -In aitvaiicc, for one copy, for six montlit.
Tl 71 In advance, for ono copy, ono year.
3 00 If not psiiil vjtlfn Ihu first tlucu months.
3 S3,lf not paid within (lie first nil moiiths.
3 SQ, If not paid within the ycur,
ty No subscription taken for leas than kIx months,
nd no paper, discontinued until all arrearages eliall have
teen paid.
Cy" VrdinarvArivRTiiEMENT8 Inserted, ahd Jod Wo sic
accented, at the cstiiblishcdjincc!,
Tho Only Place where a Cure can-he
DR. JOHNSTON hag discovered Ihu most Certain,
ripcedy und wily UiIjcIimI Ueinedy i n fbo tyorld
fat all pritate Dlscnscs, Weakness of thu Hack or
Limbs, atrictures, Affections of the Kidney and
dir. Involuntary llisch.iriics, Inipotcucy, General De
bility, Ndrtnusiicsg, liyspeuay, l,an;nor, I. ow r-iiirits
Confusion uf ideas, ralnutnii of the Heart, Timidity,
Tremblings, fliuiuuss of diht or Ulddlness, Disease1 of
tile lleaJ., .N'use or skin, Affections of the l.iver
Lungs. Hton'iuch or tltiwela those terrible Disorders
arising from the Solitary Habits of Vniith -tliose sicniT
and solitary practices ninri' futal to their victims tliau
tUJ sung ol Syrens to the Marines of Ulys'es, Llisht
ini their most brilliant hnpjs or anticipations, render
ing marriage, &c. impossible,
Especially, ivho have become tho victims of Solitary
Vico. that dreudlul mnl destructive habit which annu
ally sweeps to an untimely grave thiun-uuil of Youug
Mn of the most eiutlut laknts and brilliant intellect,
who might othel wise hare entranced listening Hi-nutes
with tins thuixlers uf vlo'iui'iicc ui walked lu ccslu&y the
living lyre, may call with full confidence.
Married parsons, or Vonnj! .Men contemplating mar
rlazcbeing aware of physical weakness, organic deabili
ty, deformities, &.c, speedily cured.
He who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston,
miy religiously cunll le in his honor lis a fctiujdufcf;, zltd
tourtdently rely upon his skill us a physician.
Immediately cutc.l and full vigor restored.
This Distressing Ailottum which renders life mis
'irabljand marriage luipossil,!'! is the penalty paid by
tluvlctlinB of improper induleeiieUs. J. ounp per
sons are tan apt t commit excess from uot being
'awarcoflhe dreadful cou's"iueuco that may ensue,
Now, who that understands Ihu nibjeit uijl jirc
)end to deny that the power i;f procreation is lot sooner
' by those falling intu improper habits tliauby the prudent.
Besides b'lng ileprived of the pleasure uf healthy olf
springs, the mo s.'rintis and ilestruttive syniptoius to
oth body and mind arje. The system becomes derang
d! the physical tin I m.'iital t'uiutions weahencd, loss
rf proercalivc power, uervoud ltlitkLility. Dyspepsia
palpitation of the heart, iinllgo'tiou. 'eoiislltutiolial de
i billty.'a misting of the I'ranie, Cough, ConsuinpUoii,
decay and itesth.
Left hand side gjiu? frmn Saltimore street, a few doora
from the corner. Full not lunbserftf name finl cumlirr.
Letters must he paid and contain a s;aniy. The Doc
tor's Uiplnmas hang in his nllice.
aooke waiiiiaSti:d IN TWO DAYS
MsmUer of the Itoval Col,ge of Surgeons, London,
Graduate from one of the mot emiuriil Coegeh of tho
United States, an I the greater part of whose life has
iten spent in the Hi Hospitals Loulon, l'aris, l'liila
dslrhia and clsewhtire, has ellected 'some of the movt us
tonishiiii: cures that were ever known; many troubled
with ringing iu the head mid ears when asleep, t'reat
nervousness, being alarmed lit sudden sounds', nnd b.'ul
jjlsess, w ith frequ.-nt blushing, iitteiidedKomeliiues n(lh
drrangcmuut of mind, were cured imiuediaiejy
TAKE I' A 11 T f C U Ji A & 110 TICK.
Dr. J. addresses all laoso who have injured themselves
by improper indulerncu and Military habits, which ru
in both body and min.l, unfiling them for cither busi
ness, study, society or marriage.
These are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro
duced by t arly habits of youth, : Weakness of ths
uacjt ami i.imiis, .no ii n'-im, v. .Kt,
Loss of Muscular t'owcr, l'alpitation uf tbe II. art. Dj's.
pepsia, Nervous Irrutabiljjy, Di-raageiheui of tho Digcs
live Functions, General DeWJfy, syunitomsof C'onsunip.
tion, &c.
M UN r.M-l.Y. -The fearful cCcUs on tho mind are
much to be dreaded, Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas
Expression of tlu Spirtts.'Evil l'orliodlngs, Aversion
lit Society, se.f-distusl, lovu of solitude, Timity, &c
are some of the evils prodded.
Thousands of persuiu of all ages car. now jud;e what
Is tho. cause of their declining health. Loosing their
vigorlbecomiug weak, palo und emaciated, having sin
gular appeurunc about the eyes, cough and symptoms o
' CaMUmplloii.
' A . V O U N C J E N.
Who have injured thmselves' by a certain practice,
indulged in when alone a habit frequently lec.rned from
' evil companions, or at school tho eCe'Cts'of wUiili arc
nightly fll, even when asleep, und if not cured renders
marriage impossible, ami destroys both miiid and body,
should apply immediately.
What a pilty that ayoung mm, the hopo of his country
and tho darling of Us parents, should J.e suf-cl-ed fj,f
ali prospects and cnjoymeiits of life, ly the 'cousepiei.
cat of deviating fttm tile path of n.ituro, anil indulging
"in a. certain secjet habit. Such persous ntsTbel'orj
' contemplating
i.-fl, M A E Rf A Q5,
reflect that a sound uiiud and body are tho cinst ne
cessary rt;ruiiis lb piomotc rouuimial happiness
Indeed, without these the journey through lifo becomes
a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to
ths view; the mind becomes shadc-wed Willi despair b
died with the melauiholy reflection that the huppiuecs
of another becoipes blighted with our ouu,
When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure
Inds be has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it
too 'often happeusthat an ill timed sense ofshnmu or
dread of discovery, deters li,iii from applying to those
who from education and respei.tubilily can a!He befriend
.Mm, delaying till tho cocstitiuiouul symptoms of this
liorrli disease makes their uppearnnce, such us ulcerated, diseased nose,, pains in tho head
"and liuibs, dimness of sight! dsafuess, nodes' ori tho shin
bwjs, and arms, blolches'on thli head, face and extreme
.ties, progressing with rapi.lity.tlll at last the palatuof
ill niiiutliund bones of lb. i noofall in, and thu victim of
'.this desease becomes a horrid object of rouimjiierntioii
'till death puts a p.-riod tnliis dreauful sufferings, ly sen-
' ding him tu '".Lat bourne from whence 'no traveler re
.turnli.H? It is a mtlanrholt) net Ibat thousands fall victims to
this tiirrible disease, ou.l'.g to the ucskillfulfness of Ig
norant pretenders, who, by tfce uui'of that Deadly Pel
'til.'"Mercury, ruin the coustitituoii und make the tc'sl
" du of lifu miserable
Trust not your lives, or health, to thn car' of the ma
ny Unearned and Worthless IVtendrjs, deatitutu (if
f uowledgj, name or churactcr.whocnpy D.onnstow's
advertlsuikeuts, ur style themselves, iu tint newspapers,
secularly U lucated I'hysiriaus lucnpablu of t'uiiug.they
keep y'i triting month art -r mouth taking their tl'Jy
rniipjlsons ciupouitds. Cr as long us thu sinallc.t fee
' can oi obtained, and ill despair, leavn you "with ruined
"JiJalth to slvh over yvtx gnillmg disappointment". " '
" Br Johnson Is tho oply rhysician adveitlsing.
Ills credential or dipjumns always hangiu'liis o ll'.ee.
Ills remedies or tre.Uinei,-. nro unknown to all others,
prepared fro.n a lifu spent iu,ii- great hospitals of llu
'lopa; tht first in this country and nmnro ctcnsive Tri
" ran Practice than nnv niher I'bytjclan in the world,
The many thousands cured at thisintl'lution year nf'
'thu nubile, besides his staniliiiL' ns a contle;
' scter and. responsibility) Is u suihcicut guarantco to'.ko
men f char-
Persons writing it.ouM to particular Iu directing their
Isttsis to his liuiiUiUhn.lnlhe follnwlug luuuner:
.Of the Tlaltlinnre Lock lluspital, llultimoru, Maryland,
JaoflBflBO';. March 17, lcCO.
II. 0. iioyER,
I) 1! N T I S T
RESl'nOTI'ULLV niTers lilt rrofession
al services to the ladies and gentlemen of
lllooiriiLiirg and vicinity. He Is tircnated
to attend loall the various operations In
the line of his profession, lie is provided with tho laic'st
' improved porcelain teeth, which will be inserted on
iold;platina, silver and rubier bate; to lock as well as
lis ditural teeth.
Mineral plate and block teeth manufartursd and all
vmtlous on teeth, carefully and p ojierly t,t'J to
iltetxOrir Ft. i A iffM.I a, 1MI
Original Poetry.
Foa ma CoLUrtntl. DMqctUT.J
by n. r. ir.
Troud is the title, blest is thy nama,
Boundless thy power, nswish enn claim,
Dear to man's heart ovor thou art,
Oh Spirit of Liberty I
Loyed by our people, cherished by them,
C!',crshed sincerely, thou art a fern i
Dear to man' heart, ever thou art,
f nicri'can Liberty j
Loved by each freeman, ever our boast I
Chorjshed, protcctod, whatsycr tho cost;
This people free, chcrishcth thee,
American Liberty I
Jllest boon of freedom now to man given.
Often have mortals faithfully striven,
Toacqulro thee, boon of tha free,
American Liberty!
Perish the Traitor I curse his dark name!
Wo, fur great, power, for pelf, or for f.imo,
Strlkcth at thbe, boon of thu free,
American Liberty I
Striking at thco with blaHing intent)
Ctrkch nt thee, on crushing thee bent)
Strikcth at tlicc, boon of the free,
American Liberty I
Foiclerteille, Pa. '
My country 'lis of theo I mourn
Lnrjd qf thu bravo our father's pride,
Loiitl Lost I ly vile dlise'ntions torn
O'er valley, hill 'nd mountain side.
Lost did I say ns, never I never I
While heaven's fair sky is o'er it spread :
Though clouds obscure 'tis not forever
Sons of brace sires are not all dead.
Dtand by the Union to preserve,
For that's a sacred holy calls.1,
Your country then you'll nobly serve,
Thu Const 'tuffon audtho hies.
Our fathers nutde the compact well
I doubt if we can make it better,
This rule both North and South will tell,
OnstnvEirTo mnvERV letter
And when our flag again shall wave,
And 'neath its starry folds shall staad ;
A happy people, noble, bravo
Jii e'vcjy Slate of our Joved land.
And stars and strspes shall proudly float,
O'er every vullcy.plainand hill, '
"Old Abe," t he 8lavc3 will save,' jey hop i
I'roui Suwaid's ir-rcprts-si-blct
Original Story.
pyho Author of the Robber's Ecvengo, etc.
a beautiful woruing 1" exclaimed
Sibyl Stevens, as, prettily equipped for a
uioniiug wald, sbe left ber fatber's cottago.
This was a pretty little building, notwith
standing it was composed of logs, for tbey
were almost completely bidden from vjaw,
by ckmbering vines, wbicb wore now iu
all their glory of leaf and flower. This
building stood ,111 ,tho cenjter of a small
.clearing, which was surrounded by a
grand eld forest. Immediately surround
ing tho house, wero a number of beautiful
trees, which, being a favorite rcsoifc of
tho merry songsters of the air, that iu
spring and summer carroled their melodi
ous notes under tboir sheltering branches,
gave rise to tho name Sibyl bestowed up
on her home, "Tho Bird's Nest."
Sibyl Stevens was a girl cf about eighi
teen years of age a very .queen of beauty.
In form sho was faultless," rather fragile,
but, synictrical, aEd sho was as gracoful in
mpvemest as (she was iu form ; at the saiuo
time as dignified, yet affable in manners,
as she was graceful in form aud movement.
She possessed a cheerful, animated dispo
sition, aud loved nature profoundly,
,Uer father formerly was a rich mer
chant of -Philadelphia. His wife (j?a2 a
woman of almost angelic purity and beau
ty. Thoy wero blest with four bright
children, tho eldest of whom is Sibyl, tho
Other threo wero bright, lovely boys. Mr.
Stevens loved his wife as men seldom love;
and his children he idolized. But, alas 1
a fearful cnidemio seized upon the 111, and
bore Mrs. Stevens aud her threo little sons
from tho world, iu a single day. They
wero buried in 0110 gravo. Tho agonies
of parting with them, seemed almost too
much for the borcaved ones to bear, aud,
bclioving thoy would bo happier when
thoro would uot bo so many ithiugs to re
mind them of their loss, thoy resolved .to
remove to some secluded place, whero thoy
could spend tho spring and summer in re
tirement, and in autumn and winter go to
scmo village, whero Sibyl could attend a
selwS school. Thus it was, thoy came and
establiohed thomsclvcs at "Tho L'ird'a
Nest." Here they spent tho spring and
summer ; Mr. Stevens in the exciting pur
suits of tho huntor aud fisherman, for
gamo abounded in, the surrounding forest,
while a short distance from his cottage
was a pretty littlo lako, called Silver Lake,
in which tbo finny tribes dwelt in groat
abundance. Whilo ho was engaged iu
llc wild r.ud soiling purnuitB, Sibyl
spent her tiino in ministoring to his wanfs,
in acquiring an education, in rambling
through tho forest in search of tho curious
or beautiful in naturo, in, not making tho
''wilderness bloom as tho rose," but in
making tho roso bloom in tho wildorncss,
in riding her spirited pony, sometimes ao
compauied by her fathor, and comctimcu
clone j and in wandering to tho lake, to
enjoy horself, by gliding smoothly over
thp silvery wafers, in her father's sail
Sometimes sho would grow lonely, with
no company but that of her father and an
old servaut, whom they brought with them
from Philadelphia, then sho wpuld mount
her fleet little pony, and away she would
go to a gay village, somo ten miles dis
tant, to visit some of her many friends
thcro, for this was tho placo where their
winters wero spent. At other times, fish
jug narcs of tho young ladies and gentle
men from tho village, would como, to tajio
from Silver lako somo of its many beau
tiful spotted trout ; and they would ro-
main at " Tho Bird's Nest," not unfrc-
queutly, for days together. Thus the
spring and summer passed off pleasantly,
and when tho cold winds of aufuma began
to blow, they would romovo to tho villago
aboyo mentioned, where Sibyl attended a
seloct school, and where they remained
till tho warm weather again set in.
Two years had now passod round, and
they had just returned from tho villago,
and arranged things in ordor a(i "The
Bird's Nest." It was indeed a fine morn
ing in tho delightful month of May. No
sender that Sibyl's bright blue eye should
sparklo with delight, and that her clear,
musical Yoico should shapo itself into the
words, "What a beautiful morping?" as
she left ,hcr father's cot, and btarted out
for a morning walk. As she passed the
clearing, and entered the forest, flowers
that were blooming on all Bides, filled the
air wiih their fragrance, and attracted her
eyes by their beauty. Tho sun bad al
ready climbed high in tho heavens, and
was shining with more than bis usual bril
liancy. Tho large forest trees, clothed in
a luxurienfc foliago of livid green, now
cast upon the earth a most delightful shade.
Birds sang in tho trees an thoy hopped
from brauch to branch, their most harico-
iiious songs. A. gentle breeze waved thro
tuo trcc-to)B, creating a low murmur
which js Natures sweetest music. Sibyl,
with her profound loyo of the beautiful in
nature, could net but bo enchanted with
a morning, aud with tho scenes through
which she passed. Hero, she would bound
to one side to pluck a pretty cwer j there,
jcho would stop under some delightful
shade tree, to enjoy tho refreshing shade,
to listen to tho melody poured forth from
tho tuneful (thrcat of some pretty songster,
perched quite fearlessly upon a thin twig,
'whiqh swung to and fro in tho gentle
Thus sho wandered on somo distanco,
, till, having plucked a largo bunch of flow
crs, she sat nown on a soft carpet of gieon
moss, at tho foot or an acd hemlock, to
weave them into wreath. Engaged ia this
pleasant task, tho time passed' away, till
sijo had completed the Wreath, and it ad
. ded a new beauty to her wavy auburn hair,
when a ory liko that of a child in distress,
was wafted to her cars on tho wings of the
gentlo breeze.
j 'Oan it bo," thought she, "that a child
j bas wandered away fr.oin some distant
hunters hut, and is now lost iu tho forest ?"
Whilo questioning in her mind, i.he
sound was repeated; thoro could bono
mistako aboyt it j thoso cortainly wero tho
cries of tomo lost child, and sho' must
search for it, and when found, tako caro
of it, till its parents should discover ita
whorcabouts, or till hor arthcr ' should
discover theirs.' Full of theso thoughts,
sho started, in great .haste, in tho direction
whouco tho sound came, but beforo she
had gouo far she mot her father.
".My daughter whither away so fasti" he asked.
"Why, my father, hear you not the cry
Of some lost Child, now in distress,
Who, if succor conies not eoo'u, must die,
Must die, herein Ihu wilderness."
"Yes, father; but why do you maifest
sp muoh surprise at that 't Could I, know
ing a child 'to bo lost in tho forest, and
being certain thai starvation stared it in
tho Jaco, and would bo its .certain doom,
unless it woro found : could I turn heart
lessly away and leave it' tovdio a death so
"Sibyl, you aro a huutor'a daughter,
aud did you know 110 bettor than this ?
Follow mo, aud sco wlionco thoso sounds
come," and he led her a littlo distanco
from where .they woro 6Undiug, and poin
ted up in tho brunches of an immense oak.
Her quick eyo followed in the direction
in which he pointed, and sbe orouoh-
cd in an attitude of fury, a hugh panther.
Ho seemed just in a position tospriug up
on her father's faithful hound, who stood
below, bravely awaiting tho bo,und wbjpji
would bring the hugo aud furious prcaturo
upon him. Sibyl's oyes grew wild with
fright, and her check becamo deathly palo.
Sho turned and wpuld have fled, but her
fafher kept her bapk, telling that by such
precipitate flight the animal's attention
would bo attracted from tho dqg to her ;
thcrcforo sho quietly stepped aside, so thuf;
the trunk of a largo tree camo between
hor tjid the crcaturo's range of sight. Her
father camo to her, and taking, from his
pouch a number cf buckshot, added them
to tho load already in his trusty riflo.
"I fear," said ho, "I may not bo able
to kill tho hard-lived animal, with Jhia
load, for I was not expecting to meet such
gamo as this, and consequently brought
with mo only a small quauty of ammuni
tion, iho Jas't of which is now in tho gun,
and is too littlo, by half, for so tough a
creature, and yet, I must try it, let tho
consequences bb what thoy will, for I can-
uot think of going away and leaving brave
Jiion a prey to this furious creature."
0 saying, ho took a position from which
a goqd view of the panther was obtained.
Taking good aim, his finger touched tho
trigger, and thcro was a loud, almost deaf
ening report. Tho panther reeled from
its position, uttering a cry of pain, but
clambering baok again, it reached its for
mer position, lashing its tail in anger,
while its eyes flashed fury. Its attention
was now fixed upon Mr. Stevens, and,
making ono bound i,J alighted upon the
grouud a short distaneoN from where ho
was standing. Crouching J,o the earth, it
made one more bound at tho objoct of its
hatred, but ho was prepared for it, and,
springing to ono side, it wont past him.
Now suddenly wheeling round, the but cf
his riflo was brought with all the force of
his strong arms, upon tho pauthcr's head.
This appeared to stagger it, and, stepping
closer, lac prepared to fellow up his ad
vantage, when, quick as thought, tho in
furiated beast sprang upon him, and bore
him to tho grouud. By this time Lion,
tho fearless hound, came to his master's
aid. Sinking his teeth deep into tho pan
ther's neck, he gaye it 'suih a shake as
loosen its hold upou his masters cio'ijldcr,
where it ha'd fastened with all the might of
its fury, its loiig sharp fangs. Tho pau
ther now sprang upon the dog, but, in fall
ing to tho earth with the pauther's im
mense weight upou him, Mr. Stevens was
so stunned that he was still insensible,
.consequently tho dog could receive r.b
help from its inastor. For a time it
seemed doubtful which would gain tho
mastery, the faithtul dog, or tho w'cunded
Sjbyl now calmed, jher feelings and hor
steady voice gave encouragement to Lion
who fought with all a dog's instinctive
r 0 - . 1 ; 0
courage. Now it would appear as though
Lion would gain tho victory ; and then
(th3 panther seemed to gain a now advan
tage; then, again, Lion would spring with
renewed vigor upon his formidable Antag
onist. And .thus tho fight went on the result,
still doubtful, wheu a voica sounded plain
ly in Sibyl's oars ! it said :
"Step aside, if you plcace Miss, and I
will put an end to this.''
Sibyl turned around, and before ,her
stood a young man cf gentlemanly dress
and bearing. Nothing could bo more ma
jestic than his fine cpmmanding form; and
his features woro pleasing in tho extreme.
Ho bowed, gracefully, to her, and after
rcturnipgrtborcalutation, slio s'tepp'ed asido
vhen a woll aimed bullet from his riflo,
did well its work, and laid tho panther
low in death.
Sibyl now turned to tho gentleman, and
after thanking him for what be had douo,
implored h'uholp for hor'ifa,thcr. ' ''
Tho two now went up to hiuij and, Had
ing him still unconscious, the stranger took
from a portmantau which ho held in his
hand, d silver cup, aud going to a spring
a abort way off, he filled it'wi'tli jho pure
cold water, of which, when ho returned, ho
spriuLlod somo gently ou tho wounded
man's faco, aud then placed tho cup be
tween his partc.d lips, and, when con
soiousuess was restored, ho drank eagerly
of tho cooling draught. Now taking a
handkorchiof, tho generous strauger bound
Diccly tho wounded shsu'ldcr. After this
was douo Mr, S'tcvcns thanked him sin
cerely for tho favors he bad douo him.
''Your servicer, Sir," ho said "will ov
or be thankfully appreciated. Allow mo
to ask to whom I am so much indebted,'
"Mr. Stevens," said the Btrauger archly
"I did not expect you would rcmembor
tho boy, a tou of ono of yocx friends ia
Philadalphia who used to visit aj; ytnr
house so frequently, but I did expect to
bo recognized by your daughter."
"0, Herbbcrt St. piair!" ejaculated
Sibyl, bounding to lib sjdo, and extending
her soft, white hand , which ho took in both
his, and pressed fervently to his lips ;
"Herbert it has been two long years Binoo
I saw you, and you havo changed muoh
in that time, yet at any other time I should
have instantly recognized you, but, in the
ezoitcmcnf of suoh an occasion as this, is
it to bo wondered at that I did not know
The father now greeted him warmly;
after which tbo trio proceeded to the
house, Mr. Stevens, much weakened by t&o
loss of blood, leaning on Herbert for sup.
Herbert St. Clair, as already stated,
was tho son of'jlr.' Stevens' chosen friend
iu Philadelphia. Silbyl and young t.-
Clair, attonded tho same school, and, cb;l
drcn though they were, each entertained
for tho other a sincere and growing affec
tion, and when they were about to leave
the city, Herbert came to bid her farewell,
J , .' t i 1 i, . i
Wfth tears in his eyc3 he said: -
"Sibyl we arc now about to part, may
I not have permission to meet you at your
home in tho far west? Darling 1 love you;
spurn not my boyish love, for it is as strong
and as devoted as though I were a full
grown man. 1 am an Artist, seyeral of
my pictures aro already jn the market,
when you are gone, I will redouble my
diligence, I will win fame may T not then
come and claim you aB my own Sibyl!
"Herbert, you have told mo that you
have loved me, receive my assurance, now,
as I am about to leave you, that tho sen
timent that warms your noble heart, beats
as high in mine. You have asked it, I
will bo yours, yours forever;" was her re .
'Thus they parted; and ho had now
come (to ask her to redeem her promise.
He h'ld gained fame ; ho was an artist
ono of i.fuorie's best. Hi3 promise was
now fulfilled, and he askok her to fulfill
hers. Mr. Steven sanctioned tho match,
aud in loss than three peeks from that day
they were on a wedding tour o Philadel
Years have passed since then. Mr.
Stevens is 'now iu his grave. Herbert St.-
Olair and his lovely wifo aro just in tho
prime of lifo; theirs lias been, iiideed,
happy lot. Threo children havo been giv
en thorn to gladden their hearts, theyoun
gest of which, a charming little lass, with
wavv. auburn hair, the very picture of her
mother, is' called Sibyl.' ' '
Upon tho sito of "T. B. N." is erected
a splendid mansion, which is now, Mr,
St. Clair's country residence, whilo the
village wo havo spoken of, has become
a flourishing city, tho capital of one of the
western states, and contains the Govern
ors mansion, now occupied by Herbert
St. Clair. ''..
More Foma-. The bill to abolish sla
very in the Disirfct of Columbia has been
signo'd by the President, and is thcrcforo
a law of tho land. Amongst other pro
visions it appropriates ONE MILLION
;0F DO'LLAltS to pay the value of the
slaves to their ownersj and $100,000 to
pay the expenses pf sucb of tho released
'Pkvcs as may wish to emigrate to llayti,
Liberia, or elsowhorc. This is another
beautiful specimou of Abolition Legisla
tion. At a timo liko this, when the' na
tion is plunged deeply into deb't, and tho
pcoplo will soon be mado to groan' under
a heavy load cf tazatioa f;r the support
of the war,' and mad fanatics who rule at
Washington throw away a whole million
of money to pay for a few thousand ne
groes 1 What next ! " "
jLaxcatter Intelligencer.
Parson Brownlow says.
Parson Brownlow enunciates sentiments
very different from those of Wcndell'.'Phil.
lips. In a recent speech ho says :
",That ho knew hot what might be the
sontiments of tho audience ho was ad
dressing ; he did not desire to'whccdle tho
North beeauso ho was iu tho North, nor
did ho favor tho South when ho was in
tho South, but ho would ray that if ono
huudred'of tho rank, talented, ' notoriouq
and corrupt Abolitionists of iho' North,
aud ono hundred of tho moan, thieving,
'dirty and corrupt Secessionists, wio havo
j be en leaders in tho South had been taken
J to "Washington months ago and strung up
1 in Iho public squaro, aud their souls soht
j to h 11, wo Would ucver havo bocn sad
dened with our proscnt troubles'"
Well dona Parson. Give it to tlea.
,Tho people kcow yoc exo right.
"Why not Abuso Jeff. Davis I '
Nothing perhaps ohows tho uttar iguo
ranee of thepo3turo of our national affairs
than tho question "wby don't you abuse
Jetf. DaVisI"
What havo wo got to do with Joff. Da
vis but fight him? What good would it
do to abuso a man you fight? We havo
nothing whatovcr to do with Jeff. Dayu or
his Government; our praiso or abuse of it
would not effect a single man in his juris
diction, nor reach his car. 'We are nei
ther responsible' for his' Government, his
debts, nor his army. And all wo know
about it is what we get through Ecpubli
can papers, who havo nover failed, it would
cpsm, to hold contraband comm unication
so far as tq get bcld of Southern papers.
Wo got Jeff. Davis' meccano to his Con
gress through tho Cincinnati ' toinricrdal
aud Beauregard's 'Order' through tbo
phio Stale Journal, both of which will bo
found Jn our caper without note or com
ment. 1
" But we will stato with when wo have
to tlo anl thai is witli Abraham Lin
coln, anefdyery other person who Holds
office in tho Union, and for whose acts we
arc responsible, and of whoso good or bad
deeds we have got to feel tho effects for
all time to come. Uur liberties are ia
tho hands of Mr. Lincoln our army of
700,01)0 men is in his Lands for weal or
for wee 'every dollar of'prcperly'ia "sub
ject tinder tho 'war power,' and 'a reckless
ignorant Congress,' to their use and abuso.
All that 'we the people' havo in the world
lifo, liberty, property, Constitution and
government, are in their hands, and we
would be baso traitors to our trusts if we
did not act as faithful watehmeu. ' "
We send armies to the field to' look af
ter Jeff. Davis, and it is due that 'army
that we seo that no harm comes of the
country in its home and civil capacity,
while they are looting "after Jeff. Davis;
We cannot bo caught' in any such trap Demociuts be of Good Cheer
as to ' turn our attention 'to that which j TIie Albany Argus addressing itself tb
would be of no particle cf use, instead' of j tuu Democracy of New York, uses the
doing our duty where patriotism, couritr j,
liberty and constitutional government de
mand our labors.
During our ltevolutionary war, neither
tho whole British prcsc, nor th.e whole of
the British statesmen, spent their time in
accusing "tuo rebels," nut Kept a very
strict watch upon the acts of tho hems and unsSablc political friedns ' assail you',
"fiovcrnment, to see how they managed 'the When tuo storm of vituperation shall havo
affair.' ' Instead of being traitor's- for sol passed, and tbo noisy and pretentious pa
doing, they became tho trustod and' true j triota of tho day shall have passed, JJacd
friends of the British Goveruraent',"and so &q noisy and pretentious patriots "of ihe
they stand to this day in British ' history, day shall have shrunk away from the dan
They did not opposo ' and denounce the gcrs which now impend ovor us, the last
British King and- Cabinet', beeauso they I hopo ofth'e nation will depend upon vour
wanted to lose tbo Colonies, but because
they had regard fcr tho1 honor of their
own Government, and tb-5 interests of tho
British people.
Our Government being one of the pco
plo, and not of Kings, how much more
'responsibility rests upon us, that wo watch
withthe'eya of patriotio vigilanco, and
acts of our elected authorities ; that, in
the midst of war's alarms we do not ex
change our birthiight for a mess cf pot
tage? Aro wd not now understood? Tin
CriciS) Colimbus Ohio.
General Sdott's Opinion of Mc
OiiELLAN. The enemies of Gen. McClcl
lan must winec under the hearty and
honest expression of wliioh 'the
vctoran'3cnoral Scott'.has 'just delivered
in tho skill' and loyalty of tho young com
mander at Yorktowu. In 'speaking of
General McClellan and ' Halleck to his
friends at Elisabeth on Saturday Gen.
Scott saidt '
There are two men that can bo depend
ed upou under all circumstances and iu
every emergency I mean General Lfc
Clellan and General Halleck. 'There is
'no doubt thoy must take things as thoy
meet them, and thoy havo great opposition
to contend with ; but McClellan is at this
moment at tho vory wcrk his heart 'loves,
and which will call forth all the abilities
q his powerful m'iad that of trenching,
engineering and besieging. And in re
gard to General tlallock, but will do Lis
work liko a soldier. jThoro .can'Wno
fear of fbeso two 'ablo soldiers doing any
baso or disloyal act. They aro honest to
tho core, and will never betray their count,
try. ' ' '
Wo do not seohow Jho cowardly aboli
tion assailants cf'Gon. McClellan aro go
ing to get ovor' this, unless they impugn
the judgment aud experience of General
Scoft, and' Login now to attack tho war
worn and honored veteran himself,
Why van Gon. Taylor like a stack
of wheat! Beoauso ho bus nover been
Our amiable epuplienn friends &r
very much exercised about Vtllaadigbam.
They aro sorely put out with him, and find
fault with all hi3 doing3 as if thoy really
ijreaded' hid influence, Yallandigham bap
pens to be a sound and fearUw Democrat
and nowise meanly-mouthed in denouncing
tbo nigger policy nnd corruption of this
administration end henco their hatred
against him. Failing to drive him iuti
disloyalty by their cry of "traitor," which
thoy freely apply to overy Democrat, the
havo taken another tack and now' pharga
Lira with the Heinous crime of being tho
"leidcr of "the Breckinridge Democracy V
This is very strango 1 Yallandigham never
belonged to that wing of the party, and
condemns tho course of Breckinridge id
forsaking tho Union as strongly &3 ans
r 1 N i,Sf Iil. I 1 ti rr ,f,P A. . , "
man can. lie was the personal friend vaA
champion of Douglas aud tho leador'bf
tho "Douglas party" in Ohio. In tho
third Congressional District, from which
he is tho Kcprcsdnta'tivo, he received 11',.
09 votes. 'The same year when Breck
inridge was the presidential candidate ho
received, in tho whole of ' Vallatidigh'am's
District, less than two hundred and fifty
votes. It is cruel to make Vallandigham
the leader pf tho "Ereckiuriige party"
when ho never' was a' Brcckinridge man,
and still more so when ho has suoh scanty
material out of which to form "a Break
inridge parly" in his owu District 1 Tho
secret of the whole' patter is this there
is no Breckinridge or Douglas party now
and that is the trouble, In Iho undivided
Dcmccra6y they read their doom' and that
a'ceounts'for tho sour milk in the ft'epub'-lican'ccaco-nut.
John Forney, from tfay
'to day, is warning his party that tho
united Democracy will crush it out and
they had better believe him.
' Valley Spirii,
1 wUo wnig language. Its spirit finds a hear-
ty response in evory Democratic heart.
"jjciiow Democrats, have patience,
stand fast to your principles, ealmly en
dure the flippant reproaches and misrep.
resentations'wlth whicli pavtizan dera'a.
gcgues', or, ii may be, honest 'but weak
courage and firmness, grounded uoon an
intelligent politioa! faitll, which will bo
cqucal to the terrible ordeal, and tho sal
vation of tho country will bo wrought out
by rour own hands. Cherish your politi
cal principles, preservo your organization,
patiently struggle for the right, and" pre
'pare for tho'hour when tho work re-cs-tablishing
tho Consti'tu'tidn' find restoring
the Uinon will, by common consent, be
committed to your handst."
J&Sy.Tho Abolitionists had great reypeci
for tho rights of tho people during- the
'Bleeding Kansas" controversy. They
considered it B;:dar Humanism to adopt
a Ccastitttion without submitting 'it to the
people'. '
But how changed 1 A few days ago,
when' the bill to abclish'slavery in the Dit.
trlct'cf Columbia was brought up in th'o
Senate, Mr. Willoy of Virginia, moved to
amend the bill as to allow tho people of
tho District to vote upos th'o subject. But
the wholo abolIt(on"olan opposed' aud de
feated it, and at once passed tho bill with
out having any respect for the rights or
property of theso Dcogle.
Destruction of War. Aoorrespon
dent of a Western paper, who has lately
visited Now Madrid, says, that the town
presents a very' bad spectacle. y'Lj 0
blocks of houses have bejc destroyed by
the rebols in order to'ob'tain a clear sweep
for their guns; and even this wholesals
destuctiou of proporty does uot appear to
badly as the buildingc which avo' partially
destroyed , bcrad through and' through with
hot'aiid torn with shell, leaviiig' just eu
ough of them to show what tliey once had
had bocni "There aro ilond of its inhab
itants left not ono and many yeaYs will
olapse beforo the town will bo wiat it oncs
was, 1 ' .
Tne Irishman's opinion of Yankee
tcrpriso was that s
"Bedad, if be was cast on t desolate is
land, bo'd get up next moraln' sjid go
round Bllin' m'pj to tho inhabitants.'