Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 26, 1862, Image 2

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SAxunDArMonNmo(7rniL Ml7" '
bp iimn i iwawiAMuji ijj-iui,mjitij.
the national PLATFORM!
Coionm, dt a tote siarlv chammocs. fassid mr
MLioivltio MioiCTion, nnicn rxvntMH the voice or
oH'VhM'i.ccniintl'o Supreme Uourt of Pennsylvania
ty by the ciiuiiionit9 or mo against tho llou. Simon Cameuon for as-
"That tha present drip
fireed upon tho tountty
Southern Mates, now In arum ngiii nst the Constitutional
bovemmom, nnu In nrnis around
(Mil National ewcrccncv. Onercs
its duty toiho whole country , (Ant thii v(iriiii vaprd
ejr parti, any sril
pot c oj conquest or Bvojugnnon crpurpotccj ctennrotrtng ,
er imtrftring wiM ( right- or utnutthtd htiitution, of
Ihou Suttet tut to rfrfini nnd uioinloln Me supremacy of
las CoajtitKthm.iinrf tJ pretcrtt tit Union, trtra the Jtg
ought to tent." i
fcai!!aai.'?"!L' i"2'nV'!mmaiaamaii
Wo will cheerfully racoipt aud liberally
Ihank each of our patrons for any and
every payment they may mako us at tho
May Court.
TriE Gn.iiN Chops never before, in
Columbia county, wero anything like as
promising. So also is tho prospect of tho
Fruit Crop. May tho expectation of tho
husbandman bo fully realized.
Peterson's Magazine, is beforo us,
for May. Many Magazines of greater
pretentions possess less interest aud morit,
Peterson is always a wclcoino Parlor Com
panion. Aimiun's Home Magazine, for May,
is a choice number. Rich, racy and in
structive Everybody io tho land, who
loves to livo and lives to love, should pat
ronize Arthur.
The Hartford Press, like tho New York
Tribune, is out against tho restoration of
.the Union "as it was" before tho rebellion,
.because it fears that in such a Union "a
Republican President cannot bo elected."
Coii. J. Zeioleu, has sent us the Pho
tograph Likeness, of a very pleasant and
good-looking gentlcman,whom tho Demo
cratic Caucus last January nominated for
Chief Clerk of the H. of R. of Pennsyl
vania. Can the Republicans any longer deny
that they arc Abolitionists, since they have
' abolished slavery in the District of Colum
bia, and that, too, without leaving it to the
people, as Mr. Linoln proposed to do in
bis last mcssago ?
TnE Tax-Bill which has just passod
the Lower llouso of Congress, lays a tax
of one dollar per head upon all dogs. It
,is presumed tho owners of good dogs will
pay tho tax, while destruction will take
placo among the worthless animals.
B. F. II., our youug aud cuergotic cor
respondent, again graces tho poetic col
umns of the Columbia Democrat. We
have other contributions, for subsequent
publications, from tho same prolific pen.
lie i always welcome.
Our Dauber Shop. Mr. Thomas
Shown, is now flourishing in his Shop
opposite the Court House. Ho is a good
Barber and what is better, a decent col
ored man, and strictly attentive to busi
ness. Our citizens should extend him a
liberal patronage which wc havo no doubt
he will continue to merit.
New Goods in Light Street. II.
W. Creasy & Co., advertise in to-day's
Columbia Democrat, their New Stock of
Spring and Summer Goods, which they
have just received from tho City. The
experienco that Messrs. Creasy & Co.,
lnvc acquired by years of practice, in the
Mercantile business, aud tho judgment thoy
display in the selection of their Goods,
enables them to please all persons who
may give them a call,
Thb Time to Advertise, Now that
many business changes havo takon placo,
it is important that our morchants, deal
ers, mechanics, and all having anything
to cell, should let tho publio know where
thoy aro and how thoy aro prvpared to
accomodate their customers. Thoso who
havo moved or mado other changes in
business, should of course, mako those
changes known ; while thoso who have
not, should let their old customers knew
that tho changes of April havo brought
no changes with them, and that their cus
tomers can still find them at tho old stands.
That judicious advertising always pays
tbo advertiser is a truth so well establish
ed that no business man of common sagac
ity presumes to doubt it.
The draft of tho Constitution of
Illinois, which has just been propared by
the LegUlaturo, and is to bo submitted to
a voto of tho people in Juno next, con
tains the following provisions in 'rotation to
the colored population!
Sko. 1. No uegro or rnuhtto shall mi
grate to or settlo in this Stato, after tho
Adoption of this Constitution.
Sec. 2, No negro or mulatto shall havo ; friond3 of tho country will be glad to hear
tho right or suffrage or hold any office in ' of this sensible move,
this Stato. I . .
Seo. 3. Tho General Assembly shall J A numbor of Federal officers were cap
pass alllawa necessary to carry into effct tured last weok near ManaBsas and car
tbt provisions of this article. . Tied to Richmond..
Piorco Butlor'H Prosecution of
Ex-Sooretary Catnoron.
Wo had only cpaco to announco tho ar
rest of Simon Cameuon, by I'ikuci: Hut
leu, in tho Inst Cohtmbia Democrat.
Justico, though Bomctimos slow, is always
sure, and so tho great ''Russian Boar" will
doubtless discover to his sorrow. Wolcavo
I tho further discussion of this question, for
j ",0 Prc"nt' to ho If'10" f .tho
jlorlc If orld, a Ilcpublican Administrntiou
i paper, and invito tho attention of all can-
did pcoplo to ltd careful consideration.
Tito World says :
"The suit which has been commenced
tho capital ; thnt in miult and battery aud false imprisonment,
i "ii',.5ifMSfiyiwil1 ultimntoly bring tho question of the
extraordinary arrests, m ado since the cotn-
v.f. . ,A
- ij mww.v vuijr
tribunal cottip ctotit to give an authoritative
1 i i. . . b,
ailll binUlUg decision, No matter What
bo tho judgmont of tho Pennsylvania
court, tho ease will, in all likelihood, bo
carried up by appeal to tho Supremo Court
of the United States, when tho decision
win iurii ou mo aumoriiy 01 1110 executive
to suspend tho ordinary process of law, in
times of public danger. If that tribunal
shall decide as there is littlo reason to
doubt it will that nn executive offieor has
no such authority unless it bo conferred
by an act of Congress, the way will bo
open lor a multitude ol similar suits.
Every officer who has caused arrests and
imprisonments of tho character alluded to
will be liable in damages for false impris-
onmcnt, and also to a penal indictment for
assault and battery, in as many separate
suits as ho may havo causod scparato ar
rests. Each caso will have to be tried on
its merits, inasmuch .13 the amount of
damages and tho severity of the penalty
must depend on tho amount of loss and
suffering, and on tho circumstances of
aggravation or extenuation peculiar to
each instanco of illegal incarceration.
While wo entertain no doubt that tho
arrests in question were unconstitutional,
wo believe that somo of those violations
of that Constitution wcro moro than jus
tifiable, that they wcro demanded by
high considerations of public duty. In
times of iuiniiucnt danger, a public officer
must some'times incur personal risk in or
der to promote tho public safety. Ho is
no patriot if ho will not consent to peril
his property or his life, or, what is often
dearer than both, his reputation and pop
ularity, if ho is clearly of opinion that tho
safety of the country requires tho sacri
fice. But in all such proceedings tho
majesty of tho law must not bo affronted
bya weak and false pretense that its pen
allies arc suspended and that it no longer
tn force. Tho transercssiiifr officers mujt
stand ready to suffer liko men, and not,
in a selfish desiro to screen themselves 1
from penalties, deprive innocence of its
protection and tho injury of their means I
of redress.
JhUt3!? afD? SCliTy SEWARD
will find their safuty, tn tho numerous
nrnsrmitinna tr, wl,SM, H, I,-., ,1
I' - -----v... v ii illVH KUWJ UMi) U UJUUU
themselves liable, in tho fact that every suit
must be tried by au impartial jury of their
countrymen. If, iu particular cases, they
are able to show,iby competent evidence,
that the imprisonment was a wise measure
of precaution for tho publio safety, tho
jury will award to the plaintiff ouly nom
inal damages. If evert caso of illegal ar
rest aud detention should prove to bo of
this description, thoy will not suffer much
cither 'in property or reputation. But if
there bo cases whore, ou insufficient
grounds, they havo imprisoned innocent
parties, these iuuocent parties arc entitled
to redress, and impartial juries, instructed
U fill inrlnnnitfliMit aai, .i- .1 l.i.
eivc it to them. If the officers who nr.We.l
the imprisonment suffor, it will bo duo to
tneir own imprudence in too lightly as-
suming tho responsibility of trampling on '
Till. rm , '
It does not follow that becauso somo
extraordinary arrests wcro justifiable per-
sons in power could imprison, with impu-'
nity, whomsoever they pleased, and detain
them in custody as long as thoy pleased,
on any grounds, or no grounds, precisely'
as thoy saw fit. A desperate disease may
sometimes justify desperate remedies : hut
r,i::ii iv.., uin,
our political doctors must not, even in
times of public danger, mako the extreme
mcdieino of tho body politio its daily food,
A skillful physician may sometimes ad-'
ministor poisons with good effect; but tho
vu hi. it uu in u JJlJJSIU.illl UUU3 1101 ITC0
hhn from the penalty of tho law if ho
should givo arseuio orstryohnino to people
in health, or who arc afflicted only with
slight ailments."
Beautiful Photographs.
Messrs. Mautien, of Philadelphia, havo
favored us with a number of handsomely
executed Pliolograjih Likenesses, taken at
their celebrated Gallery of Portraits.
Thoy also havo, in addition to tho abovo,
a splendid variety of PnoToaitAPii Al
bums of every tizo and dimension
which would indeed bo a valuablo Keep
sako. Sco their Card clcscwhero in tho
Columbia Democrat.
Godey's Lady's Book for May, is
upon our table. It is always a welcomo
visitor to our sanctum, as it no doubt is to
thousands of homes throughout this broad
laud. Its price is a trifle, compared with
its value, nnd tho amount of useful infor
mation contained in a single number, apart
from tho interesting tales, ko., 'u worth
the price of tho Book for a year. Sond
j for tho Book, to L. A. Godoy, 323 Chest
nut street, Philadelphia. Price 83 a year.
Good. Tho Now York Tribune has
been excluded from tho camps in Virgin
ia, by order of tho officers of tho army.
Tho paper is so full of rank treason that
tho commanding officers will not tolerate
' its circulation amonc tho soldiers. Tho
Mr. Spoakor Rowo.
Tho above named rrontlctnan was elected
to tho Houso of Representatives as a
"Umon Democrat, ' nnd at tho organiza
tion of that body was chosen Speaker by 'breeches wcro mado in tho wall by our general frolio, with a band of musio, has
tho combined vote of tho "Union Demo, batteries of Porrot guns at King's Land-, not raised tho distinguished gentleman
orals" and Republicans. Altho' ho pro- ing; tho enemy's guns woro dismounted, in military or naval estimation. With
tended to bo "as good a Democrat as ever,"', tho magazine pierced by our balls, aud such serious surrouudings aud stern roal
holost no opportunity, from tho timo of over one thousand largo shells exploded Hies as we have horo, tho appiaranco of a
his nomination by tho Republicans of Pran-
klin county, to do all iu his power to injuro I
tho Democratic organization and to minister
to tho advantago of its opponents. Not
satisfied with his agency in tho defeat of
tho regular Democratic nominees for rep
resentatives in his district, (ono of whom
was tho gallant Capt. Wishart, ot that ,
time recruiting tho company of volunteers At Yorktown, on Tuesday, a section of Saturday, rolicvc tho monotony by Sun
with which ho is now serving in tho bloody artillery was posted withiu half a milo of day excursions down the Pctomac, with
campaign of tho South West) his vaulting ' the rebel batteries supported by infantry, ' -ks, champagne and other Grins, in gov-
niiil.ittnn !ni!.l,l .1 f .m .- m, i n . i it . rrnmotit. sf.nnmni-H ami nt. llneln Sam's ex
ambition and insatiable greed for offico in
ducod him to oppoo tho Democratic nom
ineo for Speaker, and lend his assistance
in electing Republicans to the other offices
of the House. During tho entire session,
on nearly every political issue, his voto
and influonco were given to tho Republ'can
side, whilst upon the apportionment of
districts for members of Congress, ho even
violated tho plainest parliamentary rules,
and acted in tho most tyrannical manner,
in order to rush through tho House tho
"gerrymander" of tho Republican Senate.
Aud at last, when the Speaker's chair bo
carao too hot for him, ho roMgued the
gavel to tho leader of Republicans, Mr
Armstrong, so that the gag might be moro
effectually applied to tho Democratic mem
bers. Mr. Rowo has more tfian once re
oeived honor and emolument at tho hands
of tho Democratic party. Nay, he would
never havo been heard of outsido of the
villago of Grccnoastle, had not tho Demo
cratic party fondled him nudlif.ed him up.
And now, common people such as have
never studied political tactics under A, K.
McClure arc at a loss which to admire
the more, tho gratitude or tho consistency
of tho model Speaker. Well may the
Democracy exclaim :
"Hast thou not-spoken like thunder on
my side?
Reeu sworn my soldier ? bidding mo
Upon thy stars, thy fortuuo aud thy
strength ?
And dost thou now fall over to my foes ?
Thou wcars't a lion's hide ! doll' it for
And hang a calf-skin on thoso recreant
limbs 1"
tST In a lecture delivered in Trenton,
TCVw .Tnrsnv. nn Tlinrsirlmr nvnrmirr Inst.
by tuo DCSr. S. Rock,-thc speaker
' 1
USOd the following language !
"Wo havo a friend in President Lin
coln ; ho is striving to free our race ; and
in Fremont, who will bo his successor, we
will find ono who is firm to our cause.
"It is well for us that tho North and
South aro fighting with each other. After
thoy have fought long and weakened their
powers, wo wi 1 rise up and say to Mr
white man that we have power to defend
ourselves. Cameron, beoaufo ho sought
to abolish slavery, had his head cut off,
nnd that of a hunker nlaced in its MoaA
Tbis oouutry id trying t0 untio tho knot
tI,at W,U soon lo cut (meaning slavery.)
If tuii oouutry should bo entangled with
a torcign power, wo, my people, woald bo
a suitable ally with a foreign power, as wo
know tho geography of tho country, and
, , 1 J ".
C0U.U! !ead tho DV to ,hc in03t P1-omincnt
positions, and thereby free ourselves and
bo elevated to on equality with other
RI(mT for Once. Wo havo prosper
j r i . i ir . ,
ca for tho tast half century as no people
, , , , 1
ovor ProsPerel bofo'c- Wo havo got to be
fast livers. Wo indulgo in a thousand
foolish and superfluous things that we can
dispcuso with and get along jut as well.
Republican Paper.
Truo enough! "wc have prospered in
tho last half century, as no pcoplo ever
prospered before'' and would bo at peace
and prospering totday, but for tbo republi
can party. Whcu that arose tho country
fell, and no ono need woncdr at it, for
such an uuwiso fool-hardy and destructive
party ucvor bfore cursed the world. It is
ono of tho "superfluous thing that wo can
dispense with," and Iloavcn knows that it
wi'l bo dispensed with as soon as tho peo
plo get a chance at it.
Corruption and Proplioaoy. The
Republican Senator from New Hampshire
(Mr. Hale,) in a speech delivered in tho
Senate of tho Uuited States, on tho 7tli
inst., said:
''I believe, and I declaro upon my re
sponsibility as a Senator of tho United
States, that tho liberties of tho country aro
in greater danger, to-day, from tho cor
ruptions and from tho profligaoy practised
in tho various Departments of this Gov
ernment, than it is from tho open enemy
iu tho field."
If a Democratic Senator had spoken in
languago liko thii, ho would havo been
donouncod as a "traitor'' by every Repub
lican paper in the country.
The Democratic ticket for city officers
at Springfield, HI. President Lincoln's
homo has been elected by about two
hundred majority, At tho city election in
LnfivnnTOnrtli.TCrinsnH.rlifl ivlinln Dnmnnrnfin
general ticket was triumphant. Tho Dem.
oerats gave the Republicans of Keokuk a
. . T, , ,.
close run for mayor. Tho Republican
candidate wob clcotcd by two or threo
TllO War NOWS. I
Port Pnlaskl, near tho mouth of tho ,
Savannah River, unconditionally surrciJ
dcrod to our troona on tbo 11th. Sotou
within tho Port. Nono of the garrison
woro killed and four wounded.
Preparations aro making for tho siogo
of Fort Macon. Our troops nro getting
( heavy guns into position. Tho enemy's
'communication by land and water' has
j been entirely cut off and it is expected ho
will soon surrender.
and fifteen shots woro fired into
earthwork beforo thoy woro able to bring
their guns to boar. Our men afterwards
withdrew without daraacc. Iloavv cutis !
.... ii c i:r:i:.,
nn,rnl n,,l..ttffiBJrnrl of tho
battlo of Pittsburg Landing, has at length , of Fortress Monroe, it is narrated, has
been given to the public. It is very brief, forbidden thoso pleasure parties to land
and enters into but few details. Tho sub- j there, they havo becomo such a nuisanco.
stance of what wo aro told is, that after On some of tho excursions Undo Sam's
sustaining "tho mo3t continuous fire of! big cannon shot and expensivo mortar
muskctcy and artillery over hoard on this jsholls have been pretty freely used up, at
continent, the cutiro lino fell baok half .cither fancied or real rebel batteries ou
way from their camps to tho Landing."
Q..uan.,r.r,f ii.ia i,nirni-r ("Jnnnrnl
UUUtlbMUUUlf 1.1 iu flu HWIV.)
nt .., ,,,1 r n.,Mt'fl
forces, which did not reach tho field of
battlo until night tho enemy was rcpul-j as to say that it was only done to please
Sid. The following day, Mouday, at the ladies, the popping at tho rebels usu
dawn the enemy was renewed, and tbo re- j al'y succeeding tho popping of cbampagno
suit was "the gradual repulse of tho cno-' corks, after dinner. But seriously, theso
my at all points of tho line, from nine o'-
clock till probably five o'clock in tho af-Jin
tornoon. whnn it became evident that ho
was retreating. No pursuit was made that
night, incouscquenco of tho exhaustion of
tho men aud tho impracticable naturo of
the road ;" but tho next morning, Tues
day, General Sherman followed thoonomy
and found that his main army had retrea
ted iu good order. Tho exaot loss in kil
led and wounded, General Grant says,
cannot bo known for a day or two. Ho,
however places it at approximately at fif
teen huudrcd killed and thirty-five hnndrcd
woun ded. He is entirely silent as to the
number of prisouors captured by the Con
federates: He states, further, that tho
loss of artillery was great. The loss of
tho enemy iu killed and left on tho field
is stated to bo "greater than their own."
Tho report of General Sherman is also
appended, but it furnishes no additonal
information. It is stated in tho Washing
ton correspondence of the Now York Post
that the Committee on tho conduct of tho
War "aru about to inquire into tho causes
of tho lato surprise of our troops at Pitts
burg Landing."
A force of 4,000 men, in five transports
and accompauicd by two guuboats, on
Saturday night proceeded from Pittsburg
Landing up the Tennessee River, to a
point near Eastport, aud marching inland
destroyed two bridges ou tho Mobile and
Ohio Railroad. A small Confcdcrato force
was found there Four of their number
were killed.
Gon. Halleck has assumed conanaud of
tho army in tho field. Tho rebel force
has its headquarters near Corinth. There
is a space of only two miles between the
armies, and another battlo is eminent.
Cattaavissa Railroad. On tho first
day of this month, the stockholders of
Cattawissa road met at their offico in
Philadelphia. Joseph E. Moss Esq., oc
cupied tho Ohair, and R, Fisher, Esq.,
acted as Secretary.
Tho secoud Anpual Report was read by
their President, T. Ilaskins De Puy, Esq.
The report gives a most encouragiug ao
count of tho past year exertions. This
road it should bo remembered, has not
received pecuniary benefits liko most of the
other thoroughfares throughout tho Stato,
from tho transportation of men and muni
tions of war.
The local 'departments upon this route
is becoming au ixiportant feature, having
gradually increased until it affords a
handsome income. In comparing tho ro
ccipta of tho last twelve months, with thoso
of proceeding years it gives a decided ad
vantage to tho books of 01.
Tho subjoined tablo presents tho sum
ming up of tho statistical pages.
Tho next receipts were 219,518,39
Expeusc3 of all kinds 107,400,35
Nctcarniags 22,400,01
When tho 'Stato of tho country' is ta
ken into account with tho other disadvan
tages that debarred their receiving tempo
rary patronago to compensate for tho defi
ciencies in tho legitimate lines traffic, the
company cannot but feel gratified at tho
result certified to at this meeting.
II. Stanley Goodwin, Esq., tho gontle
mauly and efficient Superintendent in
whoso chargo tho transactions of that de
partment aro ontrustod, has discharged tho
importani and onerous duties of tho office
with ontiro satisfaction to all whoso inter
ests had given them tho opportunity to
gain an insight into his manner of trans-
j acting busiuess.
, Wb fl'ouldn't wonder if, wherever rcb
' ii 1 . UHUUU0.n' BUC ,on"
dell Phillips, mako appointments to lec-
turo, tho patriotio hens woro to comineuco
laying rotlon rggs a week beforehand.
fiwrA lollor from Fortrosr Monroe say(
"'Uh appearance Here on ounuay a m
yesttrday of Vico President Hamlin, with
a parly ol laities irom v aMiiugton, on a
ploasuro party with a throng ot tliouglit-
less, giddy girls, is immonsoly condemned.'
'iNcro (not tno poor icgro) nuuicti wnuc
Romo was burning,' you will recollect,
So, many of our Now England Senators
and Representative, aftor agitating aboli
tion for Runcombo, all tin week, up to
ponso. Tho abovo is not the first "gay
old time" Vico President Hamlin and
somo of tho Senators aud Rcprcsonta-
tives ("mm New TCnrrlnntl linvo been on. if
the newspapers tell tho truth. Gen. Wool
, the V irginia shore of tho I'o'.omac, but as
1 lioliocl v seems to have been hurt tho shells I
j -
most alwavs fallinr? short of tho markinto
the river somo have been so uncharitable
.junketings aud Sunday parties of pleasure,
which tho Vico President and other
.htch officials act so prominent a part, arc
most disgraceful. Alas, our poor country!
Had it not been cursed by the rulo of such
demagogues, it 'might not havo seen tho
sad days of the past year. Ar. . Potriot.
irM.i ......... . r1 i :
"Jessie ' in all quarters for his vile abuse
ot iMculciian. Harper's nceut, has n
capital to "drive" at him. It represents
the old codger dressed in female cloths,
i no., I,:. ,j r .,
Tribune for an apron. Tho dress i.i gau -
dily ornamented with "contrabands" of
all sorts and sizes. At a tablo close by
sits Gon- McClellan, thoughtful and com-
posed, and seeming sternly bent on Ws
duty .-his left hand holding a copy of.byJ A jj Philadelphia. Terms
the order for tho attack on Newborn. 3 per annum in advance.
Granny Greeley tightens her fists and' I
1 Rev. R. Nelson. D. D. has resinned
gitvd nt" G,i.iu tiv litiiif n uiiu urii ui iu a
"Oh, you ! tho old lady uses expressions tue posilIon " "aa bo long m.ea as i'nn
not fit to repeat you ! something else ! ciPal of tbo Wyoming Seminary. The
C-a-n-t you s-a y something. Say nitrger, vacancy bas since been filled by the unan
Free Love or Something, o-r-r 111 bust." imous cloclin of llev- Y. C. Smith, who
A DtSTrNauisiiEU Puisonkh. Gci:cr
al C B Conrad, of Gilmer county, Va.,
has been brought to Wheeling as a pris
onor of war. The Intelligencer says:
Mr. Conrad was a member of tho Rich
mond Conven'ion which passed tho ordi
nance of secession, aud stood side by side
with the best of tho Union men of the
North-western Virginia, refusing at all
times to voto for tho crdinancc. He re
turned home, however, and Gov. Letcher
mado him a Brigadier General. That
seems to havo been a fatal bait, and over
since ho has been recognized as a secess
ionists. A week or so ago ho came to tho
Federal officers at Sutton, in Braxton
county, and gave himself up, and Major
Darr had him brought down here, that
his caso might bo investigated.
Ayehs American Almanac for 1802
is now ready delivery gratia, at all drug
gist, who are happy to supply all that call
for them. Every family should have and
keep this book. It is wort having. Com
prising much general information of great
valuo ; it gives tho instruction for tho cure
of prevalent complaints that wo can go
anywhere. Its anecdotes alono aro worth
a bushel of wheat, and its medical advice
is sometimes worth to the sick tho Wheat's
weight in gold. Many of tho medical al
manacs arc trash, but this is solid metal.
Its calculations aro made purposely for this
latitude and arc therefore correot. Call
and get an Aycr's almanac and when got)
keep it.
The Election in Ciiioac-0. The
Chicago Tribune (Rep.) on Wednesday
"Tho majorities of tho Democratic tick
et foot up 1,487 for the offico of mayor
aud tho othora will not fall far behind.
The Ropublican had majorities in two
wards amounting to 442."
Tho fact is only worthy of notico beoause
tho city has for tho last six years gono
Ropublican by a majority from 800 to 2,
000, and thoro was a Btraight issuo, both
candidates being good men.
The Legislature has adjourned. Bed
ford county camo out with Dying colors.
Until tho next apportionment wo are to
havo our constitutional rights. Our mem-
her, Mr. Cessna, has returned and, con
sidering tho Ccrco contest ho had with tho
Republicans, look not a whit tho worse fori
. . . . . I
mo wear. ucajora uazetie.
St3yTho Bedford Democraoy thinlc tho
Republican party should be named "the
Horso Party," because of the swindling
hor3o operations of Rpublicen leaders
ItSTln tho beginning of tho secession
movement, ox Gov. Adams, of South Car
olina, said:
"Tho Abolitionlfts aro our best friends, i
Thank God for what they havo already
done and for tho estlmablo blessing they
wore about to confer, they wcro entitled
to our warmest gratitude. Laughtorj
Their assaults havo been unceasing, but
all for our good. Thoy havo
furnished us with a justiGration for dissol
ving our connection with them.''
With equal unction, Bays the Boston
Post, and wo doubt not with equal sincer
ity, Mr. Phillips in his speech mado in
Washington city, returned "Thanks to
God that ho had created Gon. Beaure
gard," who fired on Fort Sumptcr that
first gun whoso vibration became the tocsin
of our prosont civil war.
Bedel Generals Disposed or. It is
cmarkablo how largo a number of rebel
Generals havo boon disposed of dutiug tho
present war. Garuett was killed at Car-
Hurton and Bee at Manassasj
Zollicoffcr at Mills Springs; M'Culloch,
M'lntosh and Slack at Pea Ridge; A. Sid
n ey Johnston and Bushrod Johston at
Pittsburg Landing. Then wo havo oap
turcd Tilgman, Buckner, Mackall, Gault
and Walker. So far Lyon is our only
General killed in battle, although Lander
died from tho effects of a wound. Gen
Prentiss is tho ouly prisoner of tho saino
rauk ln the possesion of tho rebels.
It is
lift I.a liAHAfl ilinl- IiitllAfo will tinf fliannflA
not di
lu '"- "i"
of all tho rebel leaders. There ought to
bo something left for hemp to do.
Hian Water. Tho unusually warm
weather of the past week melted the suow
up tho River to such an extent as to havo
swelled the Susquehana somo 20 feet above
low water. For several days of last week
the water covered the flats to a height
which rendered pasting impossible ,between
hero and Kingston tho road being entirely
under water. On Sunday night the water
I full fiiiflTiiond v in nllrtW nf trnvl tn rmi4
.from tho Kingston depot. Luzerne Union
, , ,
The Ameuican Excnaou and Rk-
jvicw. Tho ahovcie a title of a new
' monthly magazine, the nrht copy of which
has been sent m. Its purpose is to dis
inniiimrn nrnftl ifi I tlitnimni tAn cunmn a
. of positivif utiii,y t0 the people. Finance",
Trade and commerce, Insurance, Railways,
( Mechanical Inventions, Manufactures aud
.national Allairs aro put dowu as its leading
'objects. The work is ably compiled and
nas dccu senior protcssjr iu tue idiool lor
the past 112 years.
On the 13th inst,, at the parsonage in
Orangcvill, by tho Rev. Wm. Goodrich,
Mr. James F. Jones, of Bloomilmrg, to
CJiss Susannah Klink, of Mt. Pleasant.
In Mainville, Columbia co., on the 18th
:of April, by Wm. 'J'. Suuman, ICsq., Mr.
Jacob bNVDEB,and Miss Mauv M. Paku,
all of that place.
E.jiaij'roamnaninrt.nMi iiisieHsgagpeiii'i.i'iffP" J" 1 "
In Light Street, Columbia county, on
Saturday tho 12th inst., Mr. Josiah Ha
GENBUCii, in the U3d year of his age.
At hor son's, Robert Hagenbueh, Pro
prietor of tho 'Forks Hotel' of this place,
on tho 10th inst., Piiehk Ann Haukn
ijucii, aged 82 years, 8 months, and 10
New Advertisements.
iVTOTirE is hereby given, that the an-
L nual meeting ol the stockholders oflho Uloomsbure
Iron i.o., will beheld al thair office' at Iron Hale, Co
linnbin co. IV, on Tin slay the 31) day of May Inoxt. for
the purpose of directors &c. and fur tha truutnuion of
other business. I'AXTON, Manager.
lllouuislturg, April SO, lt02.
&.t. cfJcitk mgentueh. ,a,e of Scott .,.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on tiio l.'statc ut Joaun IIao-,
S.NBCCH, iJte of Mcolt low uship, Columbia fount)', de.
ceased, hnvn li.en framed by tho Hegistcr of said I
county to I'LTUK U.ST. rcslUHiB iu Bcott township, I
Columbia county. All persons having claims or de
mands again. t the Lstate of the decedent aro reuuesled I
lo present them for selllcinent. and those indebted to 1
make payment without delay. I knt, I
April 20, 1802-Ct. dmiiil.iralor.
ww.-m.,., utwHKit,
Kilals of Phtln Tron,ue. lalecf Sett .,.(. r.;i!
countu Jcco.,,1
ri uuvuj is Hereby given that Lctcrs of
Administration on the estuta of l'hllin Tronsue.
uio or neon township Columbia county, rtt ceased, hato ,
been granted by the Kecister of said county to the un. I
dcrfiicned. Who resides in Ht,v. Amt. ...i. n.Ki.. r. . I
lumbfa comit). All .persons having claims or demands
". ,. wm. inueuieu io
payment w ilhout delay. UniJLCCA'l HON
- i".1-
10 mako
" P rn jiu- iu.-iii, Mmtn
Accurate aud Life-Liko I'ortraits
OF the
vines, uiL'culK.i iii superior style, ;m
tho latest I'liotusraphs, imny of whi
i Iireuarid from
mini) fr wiilrh ( i.. .. -i.
Thesa tiortraita arc sunerir t0 nny now in thi mar-i-h.,".,
u'l" rcr"Vka''' (i Hit) fuillirulncss with
which tho likoucs is portrayed. When purchasinc.
be cartlul to imu,e for.Marticn'. Card l oruiti, r"icc
18 cent, each, or twenty copies for ono dollar,
ILTBentby mail, postpaid, on receipt ol the price,
vj. have imw ready, of our own manufacture, a
! ne'veVnVsV'S.'SS,
lint Mlinrliir In .iili, . . . t
.wi.Hi.ui, ui tiyie ami nuisti, to any now iu ths
market, whilst they aru oHtred ut lower prices than
anyothers. Tho assortment conipn.e. several new
varioties.uswellasnew design, and clasps. Every
Album is furnished with it nu.n... ...i i .,'..
in gold. ,.imwa
l'ublithid by
tOOChertnotBUeet. rhildOph"a.
ApU it, JPW-im
WE are nw publishitif a scries of utuouo and Lift,
like forlruits ol Iho Distinguished Men of tho
1 line-embracing Military and Naval Utncors, Jlemhcrs
ofCoturess. I.ivi ana Tl... ..... i...
line iiiera
At :roasv3 Store, In Light Streel.r
H I It S T U IV i. ii rj O Jii AH
0 A'
Ready-Madc Clothing,
Sugars, Molaisos,
Syrups, Coffees,
Teas, Fish,
Salt, Bacon,
Hams, Lard,
Tobacco, Sffgars,
Hats, Boott,
Cap, Shoe.?,
Drug!, Oili,
Paint?, Ac.,i
Wu hsti a lute xasort-ncnt of lllnck and l'sricy !i
which We ntt lelllng at rcclucu.l ptlccii ! Black Silk,
67( cent., north 81, I'll, alao fur $1,00 worth (.
Wc ate celling our brat prints for WI cunt per yi
tho beil in the murket, all fad colors A yard ,
unhlcarlml muflin at K outs equal to New ,Mi:l
Three quarter yard Ue unblcachml luutlin at d i:
centi a yard,
ln addition to our lar!o ft'ck of Dry Onoda, wih'
a large and full assortment of Ready Made
for ien and llnya wear which wu nro determine
til cheaper th'n can bo bought cUcuhcro. Uslli
ec, aud Jadgo for yourulvci.
I.ltbt Street, Pa , April S3, 1.-M2.
Store J&ejnoved,
Oat and Cap Store, ggj
The underlined :cnpcftfully Inform the cltit'n
Cloomiburg, nnd the public in ncncriil, that bn tin
moved th II.1T STOW., into tho horn,.
.Main Htroet, nearly opposite his Into, Ti
he has jiut received a rplendid nsaorttncnl of
crry hath and caps,
Dirfct from the Mannfiiitiirlea, of all kfndn.ttyln, r
und mi.'i, latest fashions, which he oiler wholeialji
retail, at very low prices.
IJT These Goods will be sold at very lowprieei
lteady fay.
Illoomahurg, April 19, 1EC3.
rjuiros vi.s roi; school hodsi;
PROPOSAL will be rcctlved, l)V.tho un Icrslf net
his residence in Uucl: Horn Columbia countr v
IS o'clock, .M on the lUlh of Mny, for the erection
BSricK .Scht.oB BEoiiso,
to be 21 1 2t feet, near ths residence of Capt. In
l.eidy, in II o ml ink tunmhln, the Interior to a"
strutted upon principles of the public School lloi
ut Duck Horn.
April 19, IPS2. 3 S I
Katrtainiiiciit fur Mnnnnd Heist, In good rt,l
and nt innJernt" rates.
.IMltl.l'.b N. SAVAGE, l'refri'jti
Danville, April 19, Ibis
Estray Cow.
nAMC to the nreiuises n'Josmh V. I.elbr
in I.HCII51 lownimp, i.oiuinoia potinty, n i7 :
thMlh inFt., a inlddli- siied r.l cow, with vf!-
liitj face and part of herlefl car rut i fT - u&iZ
The on ner I riquratud toprov" property, pay cliiif
and take huranay, or she mil be disponed ui armr
to law. JOStl'li U, LLIIil
April 12, 1802-31.
i . . . . ... rt ... . . . ' ... ' i .
Estate of Susan Scttug, deceased.
T KTTUItS of administration with ihc
the KlluN of fin nil Schuir. Into i.l r,
township, in Columbia county, rvnu., deceased li
been granted by tha IlcirlsU'r ofColuinbia countv in
underMsned; all persons having claim- eii-ilnm th.
... .... uv.iu.ii, iiiu 1 1. ju v it. ii iu iiruseni inc.
the Adminlttratiir at his residence in fccott lowm:
nithout delay, and all persons indebted to niakip
ment forthwith.
. rnrctt scuta
April 19, l&CI-Cw.
Estate of If'illiam Cool, deceased.
iVuniit. " neroiiyniventhatleitersofiila.irastrli'
OH the eilatouf William Cool. Into of fl7inliirk n
uoiuiniuacounty.ucecayeil.havc been granted by ilirl
liter of said County lol'eter WcrkhcUer nnd Willi
II, Cool ho reside in tho same township. All pen'
having claims or demands agninst tho Chtatu ef
demdent are requested inpresent them for sclil-rii'.
and thoso indebted to make payment without deli'
1'iifiat vvi:itKin;i.Hi)i
April 12, 1PCJ fit. Mm'rt
Eilatp of Michad Whiletight, decent'
jyOTIUE is hereby given that letters of adminuv
I ' lion nn the estate of Michael Whitcnlcht late of II'
llirk 111 .... f ' onon.i. 1 ........ i ....
r.'! ": 'u pcot ,i 'count, "o la! eYs'.
arc requusiou to itresffiit theni for settlrmcnt. andtbr
iiiuluhju iu iiiatic payment wunoiil iieiay
April 12, 1SC2-CW.
Estate of George Ilolltnbach, decease
NOTICE is hereby given that letters, nf Admini-t
tion l)c borne rioa.oii tho cstato of (ito. Ilulknbii
Inteof Catlawissnnvp. l-,oluuibm co dee'd. have
f ranted by the lle(!iitir of stud count, to (Jeo. II..
hack whorcsides iu C'attawissa twp. All persons lm
?f4 ' Pr'ei)t llirin for settlmeiit, I
I ' " " mane parinent without delay
i .
1 . p
I Estate of Sailllicl StultS, afCCdSIt
iTnTiri' ...... .............
I Y w - gi.en uiai leners nr ;(iiiuiiii-ii-
. '""" tlo of Bnmiiel tthiilu. laleoftm
lt township, Columbia county, decensod, haie h
r .,,.n, . linnh.. .r.i.i . , ' .......,
. . . ...w ... ...i ,,rii,ii tiii.niy in lite uiium"
d, Who resides in Ileniun tuwuship I n)iimbla ru .
persons bavin? cUims or deinauds nuainn the eH"
the ileccdnnt nrp rciiuested to present them fur "I1
.,..,v, uuu mutu inucbieii to innico payin'Mil u uiiuui
March IS, 16G3 Ot.
BAMUIil. IJ Bill 1"
Estate of William Ellis, deceased.
TUOTICr. is hereby sivrn that letters of adminut
k!' ""? "11" of vv'll'"i Ellis.Iate of MaJn
Il1! .1Col,unil,"il rounly. deceased have b
grai tid by ihn Itticistsrof said county to Andrew f.
of Montour Comity, and John II, Ulli. of Columbia c
VjJtl 1 P,e"'' h'virie. claims or di ni.intls nsain.t
enatoof Ihc decedent are ruoucsie.l n. nre.ent tt
ANflltr.VV EU.I!
M.rrhli.lW.wi, JE!"'
Whoreas I, the subscriber, have riven ru s"'
FJfT !." ? A? ' S: al 0 l' lh0 (ot s-iw
kliv'llrm':JF? I"01"1' fn"i'h m-
S?jeu.cJ,-f"rS:1,''luco'"h''t'ly "f Apn I"
isw, Ititljand leob respect vely and tha tilth heint.
,.hB f WOO, due on the first day. "f April
And whereas as I verily believe the said notes
tamed from me by fraud and the consideration fort''
has utterly failed, Now this Is to notify all persons t!
Hid notes will not be paid and thusfore tbey H
tlonedaottontjotlite thc rtroe. '
, jacob n. uKDrvww1
vnler. tawaiblf, Fehy'lco JiurMS. JS63ft,