Agriculture. HORSE COVERINGS AND THEIR USE. Some good Iiovjo men horses nil the year, vrhilo blankets tliclr others disoard their use. Tho advocates ef tho former practice claim that blanketing imparts a sleek and gloisy appearance to tho coat, cti'ects a saving of food by keeping up tho animal heat, protects them from ilica and dust, making tho grooming easier and preventing a sudden check of perspiration which would result in colds ot other di3 cases. Assuming that nature gives tho Iiorso Bu&ictcut protection, and that, what ever increases the labor of tending him without an equivalent gain is to be avoided, too much is claimed. His coat receives an Additional gloss from tho blanketing, but a horse in good hoalth, well fed and fuithfully groomed, wears a coat that needs no polishing. All the food saved by blank ets, I think, can bo bettor estimated upon paper than seen in tbc measure. Wore there material gain, ii would bo economy to blanket our cows and oson. Constantly wearing tho blankets tcuds to make a hone teuditivc. and liable to tako colds. When a horse brought from warm stable, is stripped of his thick blank et, ho undergoes a sudden and great chango of temperature. Such treatment eccma harsh, if not cruel, at any rate quite tho reverse to tho course men pursue. When we go out in the eold weather, wo aro very careful to put on extra garments, and lay them aside while in tho house. What would belaid of tho man who ad vocated wearing overcoats in the house, nnd going in shirtsleeves while out of doors. Precisely similar is the practice of always keeping a blanket on a horse in tho s'all. As with men, so with horses, tho same regimen is not npplicable in the same de cree to all classes. For thoso horses ... m 1i-i'Ll' it IVIlieu luu usuu uuijr iui iuii. uuviuy, iuu ... f I, .1. i l i ! Constant USO Ot tho UlnuUct may DO advi- 1.1 i ut iV it. i" l sable and practicable, for they stand m tho itablc the greater part of the day, and wheu taken out, they are cither heavily blanketed, or their exercise is severe. It is by the owuers of this class of horses that the practice is most strongly recommended, "ut for horses of nil work, out every day ?n all kinds of weather, warm stalls with pLnty of bedding in a warm barn arc suf .aeieut. Wide cracks between boards near the stalls arc not approved means of ven tilation in a New-England climate. A barn may bo warm and tight, and at the same time well ventilated. The stal:s should be upon the warm side of the barn, with high and tight sides, affording duoble protection. Influenced by such views,?omc cxtensivo owners and excellent managers of horses in this vicinity have made their ttables warmer, thus dispensing with the constant use of blankets in doors. It is in their occasional use for prevcut- iug chills and colds, that their real bene fit is found. Some sort of covering is in dispensable for the health and comfort of the horse, when he is made to stand expo sed to cold winds, and when ho returns to the stable tired and heated, tho blanket should bo worn until ho hits cooled ofl"; then remove it, and givo him a thorough rubbing down. It is important thatblan kcts should be of ample dimensions, for whilo osposed to cold, in a heated coudi tion, tho muscles of the breast and logs need protection as well as tho back and sides ; for this purpose blankets should bo wido aud long enough to pass around and fasten under the breast. A light thin covering in fly time savps tho horso much torment, frequently saves tho master serious runa ways and accidents. Tho india-rubber coverings now becoming so common with express-men .and others, who aro. obiifd to bo out in all kind of weather, cau not be highly conimended. The judicious uso -of blankets and other coverings in the ways ' stated, amply repays all espenso and tiou-1 Lie. They prolong the days of many a-hard-worked horse, and save him much sufLriug from tliffened legs und rhoumats I io musck'3 v N S. T. I Ametiwn AgricuUitriM, THE undersigned, bavin? opened n flow liOOT AND ' M'CIJ Silt)"', on Main street, in llopkirsvilln, :aKt nioomsburg. re n tfully invites lh rustoin of the citi- Z' n una tne public generuJiy, ah l.iudo ut Hants, Hhoi s, & , will bo promptly made to order, on slioit U 'tlo-aid moderati t'ruis. I-rum Imu; epricncu inJ in line ui uusiuussiio natters iiimseit iiiai lis wilt Im able tagii'a gsner&l satisfiution to u!l who mty favor hluj wltu tin ir custom. (iruin. IV ,,.siuu aud I'roduco emn'rally titken in cxciiauge for vrnrk, n. r, imooKri, Illooiusburg, July n, irRl- 3m. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. TJIK unilersljueil, Treasursr of Columbia County, woulil 'ito notice to all tlmmim. . j him tbeir talcs on unseated laml., for the years IfCuninl IWI, that thoy in II at fiiniM Par, 1 ar,l . ,i,l ,,,, v. (l,a n ..... I..,. .. Mu ., i , - - 1 I ,- ...v. rw uin, , the first of April, othorwun the land will l silvcriU. ,1 1 and sold. A word to the wise Is niftici, i.t to. JAS. 8. lYi'NiXdll rc .urer's OlDc, 1 'ireatvrtr. nioom-burt, Ftb. III. IPCJ. j States Union $)o!cl 000 & (108 MARKET STREET ABOVB dIXTII. piitrjinni.riiM. J, W, POVraH, I'roprieltr. '.ms:-8I i!5 per day. 'y 12, 1800-Wni, ' ' II E M O V V, V SADI Kit ii Co., ' mmission Alerchu ts and dealers in jtisi, iwctean I'rovt ions. . No, IMAr h str'et.Jnd door abov. front. Mil adrl asll.vjly ffjiiborlug Under sickness tdn lit enre relieve themselves from the thou, snml maladies that (Irh is heir to, if they will only follow the counsels of nature, anil toko tho medicine which best assists In r In ln-r operations. That mcitl, clno ts tho Vegetable Lifo Medicines of Dr. MorrAT, known ns Moffat's Life Fills niul PIKENIX HITTERS. ; These Medicines hate now been before, the public for n ptrloJ of 31) years, anil durlnii thut tlmo have iiihiii n noil n hlrh character In almost every nf thy globe for the extraordinary curatlvu ptopoiltis whhh thejvposaess. Moifat's Life Pills. Moffat's Mfe l'lllmro Indebted for th.'lr nama to their iinnlfi'stnnd s-.nsihlo nctloii In purifying the springs snd channel of lite. and urHuliig thoni with reuptn-il tone ninl vigor ; Mid to the undoubted f.ict Hint at .1 very cirly putt In their history, they had r.scucd sufferers from the very verirc of nn untimely grave, perfectly se curing to the in that itullorm enjoy incut uf li"nltll, with' out which life Itself In but n piutlal blearing. So erent ilnlced had IhnriiUltacy lii.itnbly pruved, that It was scarcely less than mlrni Jlous to tliosi(liu wciu unac quainted with the beautiful philosophical principles upon vthlch thev were rouipouinled, unit upon which they culm auenlly nit, MOFFAT'S PUCE NIX DITTEIIS.' Moffat's Minenlt Hitters tiro so called, btcnusc they possess the power of restoring the expiring embers of hcnltli ton glowing Vigor throiiehout the constitution, on tbc Miuenlr. is .mill to ho rewtored to life from the i nthes or IH own llcol ulloii. vlerruriulDls. ases. There U probably no one arllrlo given n a Medicine, the iujucioua use of v. Iilch has i'aued such wide spread and terrible niiscliict to the tumuli system as mercury. IN poison sinks deep into thf syst-m, penetrating the substance of the bones, and producing alone, train of painful diseases. It is Hell known that ninny otlcctiuus of the throat, of the bones, of the nose, und malignant sores, which hluo eccn at tributud to sjphllis, are no often caused by the injuili tluiiaus. nf mercury, so that the remedy has prutod worse than the disease. I.UT. I'lt.I.S AND l'WKN'IX BITTIittS. The Life 1'ills and 1'hoi ni v Hitters have always been signally ntpcefiil la this class of diseases, and will aindlciite nil thu cH'ects of mercury from the svsloni, sooner than the most pow el fill preparations of sursn parllla. They uid nature in rusting from the syste.n nil unisonous ina'.li r. and by thus ptiriljing the Wtnl ll'lids, they restore the sy-tem to health. liiliuus Coinpluluti. A well regulated and propor tionate iinnlll of bile upon tlio sloniach Is nlwas re quisite for Hie promotiuii nf sound health It stimulates digestion, and keens tin; intestiuul canal I fee from nil oiMiutllous. On the interior surface of the liver is a peculiar bladder in which tho bile is iirst preserved, being formed by the liver from the blood, Thenco it passes into the stomach and intestines, nnd miniates the digestion. Thus we see when there is a deliciency Of bile, the body is constantly costive. On the other baud, an over uUumlatico of bile causes froiuent iiuus-s on th" stomach, ninl olten promotes very severe attacks uf diseases, which sometimes end in death. LI I? 13 MEDIO INKS. Tlie Life Mi iliclues should, if possible, be taken in the earlv stales of bilious complaints ; und If perse vered lu'slrictly according to directions will positively fll'eit n cure. Their cvtciistve uso1n this t on, i I j i n t in all parts of our coiuui in, rcnuurs comment unnecessa ry -th,ir virtues sp nk tor them. Mulftrs L,ifo rill, The use of theso Pills, for a very short time, will affect nil entire cure ol Salt Hhciim, and a striking improvement in the clearn-ps of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be enroll by one dose, or by two even in tho worst cases. Pills' I'm."! I The oriciuul proprietor ufthese Med icines wus lured of Piles of M years staiiilliiL', bv the 1 use of lh,i Mfe Medicine alone. I Iiivsn Couentsr. An atr.-ction of the I.lrermaybe known by u f .'cling of tension or pain In the right side I ubout the rSlou of the liver, oft. n pmisuil as in pleu i risy, but sumetiui' s dull ; a dilliculty in drawiue u louc ' bi-cnth ; dry coUjjli and inclination to vomit. This ill I sijiisi. may be produced by cold. .by violent excri in-, bj I intense summer heats, by Ion? continued bilious fever ! or ago , and by various solid concretions in tbu sub i stance i f the liver. And to thesu producing cnutes.are dinnisuiie lit uf the dici'stivn orjnns, suppressid secre- lions, una niuuini suin-unuu, iniu inn iru'iuuui caus-'s of olistrin tions ninl nis"ass oj uu liver. This disease bhosild be arrested In the commencement v.11u,l am be done bynfew doi-scfllie Life Pills. U'lniu ouco tbu liver Is aroused to tliij performance of i,3 ,0pir runrtious. imie more is re.iui.ite than tocou- tlulic n prop"r use oi iuu muuieiucs, aim a spe-uuy rc covery w ill ensue. l'tvfK isu'AoL'K - For this scourge of the Western country, th -su meilUlues will bn fouuil a f.-tfe, speud and certain remedy. 'Other medicines leave the sji-tein subject to a return ol Die niseass u cure by mcsu -lieu- 1'0IIl".-t laueiu, stcnorcLv -The most Itnrrtlile cases ol Scrofu a. n which tlie face, bones.and limbs of tho victim had bei n preyed upon by tun nisuiiaiiio oisiase, are provcil, li umleniuble euthurlty of the sulfcrcrs themselves, to have been completely cured by these pur ly vegetable medicines, alter all others had been found more than useless. Inillitestinn nnd Hyspcpsia. If wo wore called upon to specify one disease which more than any other is the banc, (wlille it is tlieofrspriufforclyill.ationlwo should name Dyspepsia. It is generally intended, "r rather productive, of a Ion? train of ills, such as Heartburn, riatulcucy. n gmtwiug pain at the stomach when empty n scnsu of uncomfortable weiulit wli- n full, pains In the throat, sido and pit iif,the titomach, cobtiveucss, ciiilli uess, l.iuguor, uuwillin't'uess tu takcamcinc&c u fi: jiiiwiCMT.s. Motet's Lifo Jledicincs are peculiarly adapted to tho cure of this distressing complaint They net the bowels in a very mild, nud.ul thi mine tim-i, .ry elite ninl manlier, and have never yet failed to cure this dis ease when ucd according to our directions. Ceiier.'il Debility. -Tint most common of all com plaints ii) Hint of a general weakness of the whole sys f!in. unaccoinjiauied by any particular disorder, or dc tlnate symptoms of disease. There is a little vital mi ercy. n loss of nppctlte, unw illiugness, and Indeed ina bility to undergo e'ertions, fre'pient headaches, iinli eestiah. ofti ntiines -nllnwucFt and dryness of the skin. tendency to fevenshness, unfitness for society, in short llthio symptoms of languor, di tii"tin!e, anil weak ness that give evidencn o n failure in the vital pow ers, and a lujv, unhealthy and morbid condition ol the cystem. Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters. I The Life I'ills and I'hornK Hitters arc, perhaps, tho licst remedy lor restoting sirengin nnno un.iy ror.iney act as a gentle rartaarlic, and, by their tonic luulities, dti-Mnninen tlie whole hvsfitni Mull'dtS Lite Pills. Vcrt-ons of a plcllioric liabit, who aro sublert to tits, headache, giddiness, dimness of sight, or drowsiness, from too great a How of blood In lee near, sikiiiiii luai: ini-c- i iom ire'i'ieouy. ADVICli TO FUMAIJirt.-rcmales uho value their health flimil 1 never be without the Lile Medicines, as Ihev nurifv tho blood, reniovo obtlructions.und give the skin a b-'uutiful, clear, healthy ami blooming uppenr- iiuce. To r.lilerl) Pi rsnfis. Manv healthy aged individuals who know tlio value or Alolfut's Life Meditjues, make it a rule to take th-in two or three times u Week, bv which Ihev rtmovn the causes that nroilueo discnsu. preservu their health, and keep oil" tho infirmities uf Tr'arts for .Moths end Nurses. It is a fact, estab lished by the annual bliss of mortality, that one half of the ehil iron borne nro cut of' before attaining seven years of ,'i'ie ; und tho fmtful sourca of this mortality is found to exist in that foul tatc (4 tho htniuaih und bowels whi'-h iirnluci'd the generation of worms. As the si.fe ri storer of Infantile hualth in this critical state th - l.if Veiii, in -s have long beld a ilKtingulshud rcpu taliou, und fortoulnei-oof tli 1 ttomiuli anil bow, Is, and com Minions, although worms may not exist, it is allowed tu be superior tu uuy other. MolVjt's 1'ille and ilitti tc- No medicines nt present Kawu Ii.ivo ilulu muck good tu nuiiikiud us Hies", wilhiu thu Urt f w years; and c -rtainly none have been rewarded w ith m-ir-i numerous and uutlnille tes timonials of their invariable ami extensive ellleary. They reipiiru no dieting nor cnnfliKiueot, fie perfectly nitld and pb as'int in tin ir operation, but will power fully restore liouLtli Jlut grcutett nf earthly blessings to thu most exhausted and dilapidated constitutions. Prepared by Dr. VM. 11. MOFFAT, 335 llroatlway, New York. And for Sale Vy all Dpiggists. up Ill-ill ly. JONAS BROOK ct RllO'S PRIZE m, SVOOh C0TT0X. 1 200 ct 500 yds. White, lllack, & Colored j This Thread being made particularly for Hewing Ma ' chines, is very Strom;, Smooth and Elastic. Its Mrciijtb 's not Inipuircirhy washing, nor by friction 0 1110 Hcuui . t or .iiacuiucs, use firooivs t aieiit uiace, For upper thread, and Ilrooka' I'aiiinl siix Cord, Ged Tii kcl, For Under thread. Sold by respectable deal; rs throtijliout the country. Also, lu casus of Hip each, a.sorfi j Kos by WM, IlliS'ltV SMITH, MtJIicnU 3d Veeey Street, Now York. Nov. 9, IMI.--Cm. RL003ISMJRG SKYLIGHT, '.PICTURE GALLEBY I 'ltllU uiidorsli'ned informs tha cllixens of lllooni. , J and imlihborhood, thut lie Im lnkrn tho limn room inttt uulinneo HliKk. rxteniliiigover .Messrs, r3tnner St I'ox't llakery, and ihe lluoVstnr'f where h-i has nut In n I llrttjt Vltvll O I f II,,1... 1 ,. .1 . uies cm bet tontisp clitfiy jrosns w litre each nerson anMtnkon id ns w-ll as separate. II11 14,1s ijoti tutu im li'mllo pspi'usi'to inslio his es al.lis'tiueut flrsl class on , and Im ttp'reforo solicits a b'taluitro ign to enable hlui. to constantly introduco tka uioile 1 iuiprave.iiints ofthoirt. U7""Ou'io :yd'ico UKeu in i;tclniH;o for pirtnres. llC.VItt UWaii. nimomsburg. Nov. 9.1 IMI. Nov. S3, '3 F. 0. HARRISON, M, 1). WOIJM) resiieptfnlly Inform tho cltliens of IHoo. "Srf f 5iItJr Ht, lie otMiiiniHwthe nractlc nd spljcitj a sjiuro of public iwtronasa, (lriil'k. imlrt i So.., Hou.o, l'.uo iiisburg, Fsbfusry'3, IjSl tf. . " -'--,, -..wl, MlSt UUUSQ 1.UIOW 1110 court 33. M fe5Pj?&?JT ATTORNEY AT LAW, niMOMsiwiin, r.t. Olllce 111 Court Ally, formerly nrcuplcd by Cliaila. H llurkuluw tlO' llliV'TJ Dec i, I j'J, IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. rijnLiaunh by n. Arri.vro & co. 1M anilllG Hrotuhvut, New York. The follow inp worksnre si-nttopiill'ctiberslnatiypar ofther.oVtnlry, lUpun teeipt of ri lull pncc,;by niailor c.trress ii r paid : I'lli: MM AHUUICAN UYOt.OI'r.DIA A popular Dictionary f f tlenetnl Knowledn, Kdited by UkomiK hiri.&Yniid ("lunu-.s A. IUva, aided by a numerous se lect corps cfwrllnrsln all branches ot Scleiieics. Atl nnd Lttsratnre. Tills work is belli;! published In about 1-1 larRe octavo voluuies, each routulniug 750 two rolinu rnnes. Vols. ItoXIII Ini luslve, nra now ready.each containing near 2,5tnl, oricln.1l urtlclc". An additional volume u II be published oticn in ubout three mouths l'riee, In Cloth, i;l; Shci p. $:) it); llalr.Mor., SI j Half Unssl.i, 9t ,'iH i ticli. ' The N"W Aiiiorlcnnt'yclopiri'la is pnpularwitboulsee Ini superficial, learned but not pililaulc, compr. heiislvo but nidlcinitly'iletalled. free frmn personal pbuu nnd party prejudice, fre-h ninl yet accurate. It isu toiiipl, to statement nfnll that l known 11)1011 every Important top ic with tho cipn of human intelligence, livery Import, nut article In it bus been specially written for Its pasts by men who are uutlioritlus upon tho topic on whirl) they speak. They nr n 'lUlu-dtii brlui: the siibj, ct up In the present inoiui.iit to state Just howlt stands neie. Ml the stnlistn al Information is from III! Inltti reports! the ireoiraphlcal accounts keep pace with the latest explora tions! historical matters include the freshest Just views tlie hlngrnphlrnl notices not only rpeuk oftho dead, h it ulso of the livinc. II is u Ii n:ir ontsilf. ' AnnttiuvMEN r ok 1111: Duum o I'iohihms: Heine n political Ulster) 01 tlie tJuiteii states, lromiiii' nrgtiniza Hon ofthe Iirst 1'edcrnl f 'onuress In 1 ifn to IrJn. liillt ed and comill.d by IIou.TiiomvsII. lltKTox from tho Of ficial Records of Contrvss, The work will be complied In 1 royal octavo volumes of ISO pases each 11 of whlih are now ready. An addi tional volume willh-' published oncn in three months. 1 flnth. S:i Law Shiop, S-l ioj Hair Mor$l; Half Calf SI .'id i .lib. A WAY 01' l'liOl!UI!Iri Till! CVW-OlMiDIA, Oil DlillATtifl, Form arliib of four, and remit the price of four books, and five copies will be sent at the remitter's osp use for carriage. 1 r for ten subscribers eleven copies will be sent ut our cMioii'ufor iiirriaec. I TO AGENTS. No other works w 111 o liberally reward tho qiertinns nfAgents. As Am M Wascio tN tins rt)isiv. Terms made known un application to the Publishers. I Nov. SI, leiltl. j j7l7iriNS(JltAN(JK. j run aimtitn i.ifi: ixsun.ixcr., j.v.wity ji.yd mi's r co.ui'.i.vv of vuii. iDv.Lviii.i, 1 ornm. mi. -SUS HbSTM T sim:i:r, I I AI'iT l. (paid up.) ?'JU0 001). Ctilrler Fcrpetyat. j CONTIN'tlli to make IXHIIUANCIiS ON MVf.S on I the most reasonable terms. The bi i mt mld up and invested, together with 1 a large and constantly iiicreasiui: reserved fund, uil'crs 11 perfect security to the iiKurcd. The preniiuuins must ha paid yearly half yenrly, cr ' quarterly. The Company n I a IIONL'S porioillcally to tho lnu-' ranees of life. To I I Its' I' ItOXl S appropriated in Do-1 n'lnlic r, WH, th" SIICUMI IIONUS in December, 1-4'.),, the Til I It D HUM rt in iW niber, lf.H, and the l'OL'll'J'Il ilONCtiin December, IKfl'.i. 1 IDThese aililnioiis are nude without renulriii'; any 1 increase in the premiums to be paid to the Company. The llilliiniiie are a few e.nuples from Hie lteultrr. 1 I .iinouniot folicynnd Hum jiouus or Policv Insured ndditlnu No. ieJ S-'-WO S1"" ' " Li'i' nuot to-io 00 " lll'.l 111(111 101) ft) " :ti:i .HKHi IBM uu bonus to bo Inirensod ' by fotuienddilloiis. ' S:i,:if7 ,10 ( 1,05(1 III) ; 1,100 110 li,f73 00 I he. Pampelets. coiitaining tables of rates and explanation, forms of application, and further information can be found at His otfice. thomas nmnr.w.YY, rraUem. Jno. P. James, Actuary. LliVI I.. TATIi, .1t'cnt. V. C. Ii tnitKnv, V.rnmMiij; Physician. October Id. lri'. - ly. 1MIL undersigned Is also extensively rngnited In tho I UmltrlnMnp Uiinet, and keeps cori&tatillv on hand nd fur sale at his U'.ireroouu, a large u-ortmcnt of FINISHED ggj COFFINS, i I!y wliirh ho ia ciiiiblei! to fill orders on presentation Also-Keeps a poo.l Horse and Hearse, aud will ut nl , times bu icudy to .nt-jud l'uuerels. 1 fnio.v c. piiivi:. I I!looiubnrg. January iJ. I?i3 S35.00 Tay tin' entire cost for Tuition in iho innut pnpulnr anl csiiful Coiiiiiicrf Fcli'inl in th. cniintrv. ritwnnl succe "i j tiu iiuuurrii jmua iiiimi iriini iivt,nij-f,jt!ni (ini .'rent t.LU'! In-r 11 mlui'iitod for bumeH3 luru with in thu )!i?l thrt yoiirtt. oiih nf wjioiti liac ljueii cm )lo) ml as ifouk Kt.pers at ha'aric of 52000.00 per Annum, iuiniedlatelyuiion grailuating.wiio kiisw nothing ofne counts w lien they entered Hi College. PC?" .MniLters sons half pric, Students cuter nt any tliue.iiiid review when Hi-) ile,ise.wilhout extra iliargc. Tor Catalogue ot N, p ico-r,. Hpecinii us of Prof. Coe. ley's lliisiuess nnd iirnnmenlal I'enmaiikhip, and a largo lilt graving ol'the College, inclose twenty-live cents in Post age ritanips to the Principals. JIlNIU.N'a SMITH, rilt'sburgh.ra. Jan. 5, JFGI ly. i'ii'tt Proof UfMiciU tin Sale. A lot of snperinr Finn I'uaorCTYtiM'. especially ndap tod for Cementing llool'n. One gallon will cover KM feet of ordinary rooting, and is insured proof against rain and wet w eaiher. Can he had .it jiianufaclurers prices, bv the gallon or1;alf barrel, ut tho oiliceof the Columbia Dcmoc-iat. Llil'l I. TA'I'Il. nioomsburg, July 13; 1-ni. " "GIBSON'S I)KfORATIVB KS'nDL:SHilIE,T, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, PESEJLAlL&avflilBHBAj linameled Oluss, Fresco, Oil nnd Encaustic Tainting Jons fiirwiN. G, II, (Jjtfox. January li, idiii 3m. HE UNION," 1 direct. Mote Third. . A D E 1. 1' II I A . V l TUB hitiintinii of thl- Hot I r Icrs it one of tin- mol eoiivtiiienl for those who are visitiua l'lilladi lnliia onbui-incas; whiluto iliumi in martliof incisure, tlie coiutuiitly passing and repasslnii City Hallway cars, 04id those lu i lo.a proximity, nifurd u cheap and pleas nut n le in all places of inturost nnd niuiieiucnt iu or ubou: Hie city. 'ihe proprietor gives nssureiica that 'The Union" tlmll bo kipt with uu I) tbunuter will inept imlilic apprnliatinn, and would respertfully sidirit, ni pat nwiago. l.TTON a MlWl.D.Mlilt, I', brunry 2.1. lfl - V! n. Proprietor "WANTED AT THIS OFFI0K. fleef, Port, Poultry, Honey, Orniii Produce, Cider iiioii.iiie. iuiiuim., corn, uw, nay unit i.trutalxs. lllnoiusburg, Uct. SW. jtldl. COME AND SETTLE. rpllOSi: know Inn theni-elves indebted to the under X signed am biuby liotillud to ronio aud settle their ncenuuts without farther notice, lam now in enroot lfuolatleuili d tn soon their aciouiits will bo nlatcil in proper liaiids fur collcclioii. J.K. HANDS. DISSOLUTION. mllK fin., of Mtoner Sc. I'lli. hsrslorom loin,, t.o.lnn.. X lu tho l))iioni-bur lUkery and Cdiifettioiifrj, was dissolved 011 rturilu, His 'JMh of rii'pti'iiilipr, IrOI, by uiuiuw toiioitii ,ui persons nut nif iiiiieuieiluci-f.iinls with Ihu late llrni, will jjense call on II. r-tnuer and rlos the book. air. Stoner w ill continuo liiu llakf inz ami Ciiiif i'tlniiary business ut tlio old stand, ami tolirits a cOutiiiUuiice of public piitroiiat'e . BTO.Vr.K, i VOX. Illooi.itburj, January 4. lSill. Til IJ HiidyrstflucJ, would rr-pectfully Inform llio citi zen, of lllooinsburj;, and the public generally, thut lia has.tnoiisU a NE SHOP, III the frame building lately occupied by Charles II, Noll where ho is pr'-pan dta n -phi,, ji.1111 Mtr&siw wavj, In the best manner, wnii tlespabh, uud to general sutls, fu.(.',J" , ,c N, AUDI30.V Dloumrburi,', Nov 23, J6t)l -3ui, , Scrofula, or King's Evil, It a constitutional (lisetw, a torrnpllon of tho blood, by which litis fluid becomes vitiated, weak, nnd poor. Uelng in the circulation, it perrades tlio wholo botly, ami may burnt out in dUcaso on any part of it. No organ Is frca from its nttaokt, nor is thcro one which it may not destroy. Tito scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial dUcnsc, low living, dis ordered or unhcaUliy food, impure nir, filth and filthy habits, tha depressing vices, and, nbove nil, by tlio venereal infection. What ever bo its origin, it is hereditary in tho con stitution, descending 11 from parents to children unto tho third and inttrth generation ;" indeed. Itsoetfis to bo the lod of lllmtvho says, "I will visit tho iniquities of the fathers upon their cWldron." Its effects commenco by deposition from tha blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles j in tho glands, swellings; nnd on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only sttirer from scrofulous com plaints, but they havo far los3 power to with stand tho attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by thl) toint in tho system. Most of tho consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this tcrul'ttlous contamination ; nnd many dcstructlvo diseases of tho liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from or nro aggravated by tho same cause. One quarter of all our people aro scrofulous; their persons aro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To clcanso it from thu system wo must renovate tho blood by an alterative medicine, nnd in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such n medicmo wo supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, tho most effectual remedy which tho medical skill of our times can deviso for this every whero prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from tho most nctivo rcmouials that have been discovered for tho expurgation of tliis foul disorder from tho blood, nnd tho rescue of tho system from its desttuctivo consequences. Hence it should bo employed for tho euro of not only scrofula, but also thosa other affec tions which arise front it, such as KHurnvr, and Skin l)isr..tsns, Sr. Anthony's Fhib, liosr, or liiwsirttt.AH, PiMfLLS, I'usrtaM, Blotculv, Ulains and llon.s, Ttnions, Tetteh and Salt llunuM, Sbai.d, Kikgwohm, ltitF.tiMATtsM, Striiti.iiioand Jlnitcunui, Dis eases, Dnorav, Dysit.I'sia, Dehimty, and, indeed, all Complaints Aittsisa ritosi Vitia ted on I:iroitE 1!i.ood. Tho popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tha particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify nnd regenerate this vital fluid, without which' sound health i3 impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, arc so composed that disease within the rango of their action can rarely withstand or evado them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of theso properties, tho invalid who U bowed down with pain or physical debility 13 astonished to find hn health or energy; restored by a remedy at once so bitnnle and inviting. Not only do they tho cvery-day complaints of every body, but alo many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their enrcs and directions for their uso in the following complaints: Costive ticss, llcivtburn, Headache arising f rem disordered Htomach, Xausca, Indigestion, Ham in and Morbid Inaction of tJic ISoivels, l'latuloay, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arisinp; from a low state of tho body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ion the uawu cuiie or Coughs, Colds, Itifluoiin, Hoarseness, Croup, Uronchiti, Incipient Cosistiinp tioti, und for tho relief of Consumptive Patient! iu nilvniiccd etnges of the discnsu. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous ore the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of tho lungs by its use. AVhcn onca tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escapa observation, and where its xirtues are known, the public no longer hcsilato what antidote to employ for the distressing and danptctous afleetions of the pulmonary organs that arc incident to our climate. While many infetior remedies thrust upon the ctnnmimity have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by eveTy trial, conferred benefits on the nfllieted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous aud too remarkable to be forgotten. rncrAap.D iiy li. JT. C. Al'ER & C. LOWELL, MASS. li, I'. I.utr, J. H Moyi r. t;..VI.IIas:nibucli, lllomnsbiiri; A. .Miller, lierwitk, and by one slure iu ever) town 111 l'c'iiuylvaui.i. G It E A T HRBjILTA! FEMALES. ENGLISH S mil iv vi;i:tabij KamiEXAuoGUis. This Celebrated IViualn Mi'dirino porsefsea viilues unknown of anjtliing sc of the kind, und proving rff. tttual utter nil otli, is luu i- fuili d ; it in nreiurcd from I an "Indian Herb" peculiar to Northern llexirnnilJTi X- ns. mid Is used by the Natives in producing the homii- i.y flUKNri-.s. l" is oi'hlKiii'U lor unui iiiaarn u nun Mngic ladies. and Is thu very bttthin; known forth'' purpo.e as it w ill remnvu all ohstrurtlnut, afn r otln r renu-'ilies bnvo been tiled in vnlu. It is a I'leasant tea, routain in;; nnthiiiK injuriuu. to in iqili, and a cure to bo ieli.;il upon In all casef. 1'rolapsus L't'ii, or fallina of the Wnuih; Flouos Al bus. or Willi 's; tlionio Ullaiiiatiou, or t'lci-rntiou of tbu Womb ; imditciital llemoruge of rioadiui; , uud dis vase of the HpiU'1. aV l.ndli's in the early stage of preginniy urn ran Honed nsuiiint the iiho of this ten, as it will pioduco uu. carnage, rnKrtRrn ami roi.ii rv lilt. C. W. ENOMSII, No. ;i.l UACi! STItHHT rillLADlIIA'AIA, PA. Trices 51.00 per parkaite, (with full directions for use) sent l,yl!xpres or Mail In any n.ldrc-s. ' Dr. Ii. can tie cnnsulteit iu nil olistiuctn remain Com plaints, in person or by letter, and will Hie tint-1 ln-p''rcha rnuiilu Byringo- highly recommended by Hu A U CM 1 1) V" lllilllll'll IlllllflS Oil V'ri ,U )iui iOKl-s, Alsu Itadictil Cure and oilur Trusses- Improved l!o I ti r v uud fpiue Ahdouilusl Wu , p il rs t-tuubli s l.lattic and I.uce Htockiiiiis t'plnal Apparalus. lor Weak und Curved Bpi no -mid Instruments for all do foruiities. A laritu Stnd; ofths above articles couclniit ly on liuiid, ninl will be funnelled at Inwctt tatos by eindiug order wilh measuriiieut mu! full paitiriitats. ILT" All cninniiinicatloiis strictly coufiecutial. Tor futther patticulars ileasc Address, nn. U. w. i'noi imi. 7."J Itiioe ritroct rilll.ADfll.PlllA. i'A. I IIIVB NO AOS-NTS. Nay. Hi, lul-l?iii. Noa. 9,11,13. lrt, 17 Com tlaiult Street, NI'.All IlltOADW'AY, Ni:V YOHK C1TV. Tills od-ustablitliod and fuvorite nsott of the li.isi iics Coiuuiunity has In en ret -ntlrclltleil, ninl is coin- iik-to iu uvtuylliinv that can uilhl.tef tu the i-oiulurt. uf pieie 111 tiKtwyiiiiin,' mat eitn iiiim.u'r in 1110 roniiuriB 01 its natrons Ladies und families uro specially uud tare - f.illv oniviiled Cur. It is centrally located in the bu- iness part nf the rile. and I continuous to Iho principal lines i.t'sloaiiilioals, 1 oars, oinnlb'sses fe J11 piiiisoouenoo nl irs, uiiiiiio'issph irrrn's, ccc. In roiisu'iueuoo of lbs pressure caused bv thu f.cbel 11011, prices novo uouu reiiuccu tu I Our. Dollar tu d Fifty C cnts per Day. Tho table Is limply supplied with all tho luxuries of ' the seusoii,und isu'i'iul to that of any other hotel in the I country. I Ample accommodations tire offered for upward of MO guests. 110 not hi'lievs runners, luu-kiucn, and others who may say "llio Weileru Hot' I is full." I D. 11. WINCIIHHTUIt, fiortiftor. 1 -pirnH 11 wiMnniM'iM'D 1 eb. IS, IcU-J. rpiIE PENNSlrLArANIA HOTEL, ntNviu.F., MQtrrovn covmty, pj. Entertainment for Man and llnust, In good ylo uud i,t ui"J. rate ra'-i iii',or.(.c W HtbEU, t'rc-irielor Diuvi:ie Match 5, JSOI i II E 1NW.1N FO 11 DR. biwj siy wmfc'sysiimiussirfivsfft 'l'-''.'i "sfs 'juiiuih -is 0 11 1 T T E N 0 E N ' S 1 riiii-Ai)i:i,riii.v :(iiitn!i:itciAL. i COLLEGE, JV. li. comer ofllh and Chestnut Streets I THHiADKLI'HIA. ' Tin Iistitctioh, which was ttlabllthcd In IPIJ, nnd , Is now coiieiiirntly In Hie tlfkttfntk yfar of II exist i nre, numbers unions its uradu.ites, liilndrmis of Hie iniutsiiceessfitl Merchants and Business Jlcn of our I Country. I YriBOsiriTofth-Institution I solely toalforil young 1 men facilities fur thorough preparation for biisluuss, 1 Tint IJium iies Tiuanrnro, llwk-ktrilng, n nipllcri ble to the various department of trade J I'cnmnnshtr, belli plain ami t t'eirein . Aa'Ar , utaHc. .Vurli'itlsii Ciell l'.ngxnrtrlni, Drilling, I hon. ogarihy, atti M' ltrn l.tngnott, I TmHY-rM or Ixstavt-niii Is pJcullar ! no classes or 1 siil lessons are mud" ie of. but each student is tnucbt Inillviduiill), mill it he may toiiuuent'e nt any time, and alien I nt rtliatevnr hours are most convenient. Pat ti noun are Issued iwnmttij after tha 1.1th of April ! coiit.ilnlni.' nani.n of th! stmlents fir the year, ninl full 1 particulars of term-, ce., and liny bo obtained nt any tiiiK- by adilr '-ins the Principal. I Cxikssivk An oMM'UM riiiNt, iriit-aprcaA reputation ninl Un1 Imitthi tip'rltme ff the 1'rmttpal, thl liirtitil ' 1 urn oif.'rs laitliil s utieilar toanV nlli r 111 tbo ciiiiu try for vnuiiit men wlshlnit to prepare for business, noil 10 o'hinln nt ths mntiA tlmo a DieLoMti which icill prorc 11 rersMM(id((n for thoni them to any .Merchuu- Ilia lluiisc. O-fairnsurN's 'rrirs of Tnathcs on llontf-Kri:. imi now nnre wlili'iyclre'iuieinuaii any inner worn on the subject, aru fur sale at tho College. d. HODUliS CltlTTIiNllllM. Morntyat'LaK, , pRiNctrtL; Jan. M-lfO! I Jm. BAUGH'S BONJ'l FERTILIZERS. J A U (J II A N 1) SONS, Manufacturers & I'loprielors, Stoic, No. 20 South Wharves, R W-J3 0 N E u per -Pli os pi 1 ate ol Lime. Little need ba said to rn'oinineud this art I. le ils pe culiar merits a.s a vigorous and l.mliic maniire b.'M iuR drnily cutnlili-heil It in the popular favor. VVn uoiil.l tale bow'fit cr, that not oiil iiaviuc a continued rare to maintain its standard efficacy, we have miii'lit to ren ib r it luori- immritiaie in itn actum, by thu addition of a smnll un intity rf Vst lVmviun (luatiu. Me do not ilalm by this improvi-uii nt. (nhirh was t.iai'n diiriui; til.' past jiar, nit.l without publicly notlim the fiuUnur rsiipi-r-l'liospliatu Is n nderf d any inure lii-tini: Iu its'i'H', ei ti or In any wnt benefited, except in 1 limning u ipilcii er anion on apjiliuitlnu, l-nii'K, 510 per 2000 Its. -cash. 0 HOUND If AW I50NES. Till nrtirle is ground without any previous prepa ration, and contains ail tile orgiuic matter of Hie bunts It is warranted pure. ritiCE per 2000 lbs. pasii. V7" The above Manures can b hid of reqular Heal ers or of IIAKUli -t SONS. iVn'MSouth t haries, Philadelphia. ' I' bruary 13, 6-i 3m. I fawm w IDES wmif vwii John Paroirn. 71f AKCII street.bctwceiiTth.rina. I w ctn. riri'i'is. U.tte ef WMmlti Strict Vhllnidphin 1 IMi'oitiHi it A! am, ,u 11 111 a 01, and DR.lLHI IS SI.I, KIMMI t I'AVI'V rL'llt, For Lmllrs .ViJSC' an.lCltitilrcii't vri r. '.'nK Having mm' imum iictitn-il :nnl in "-4i 1 . , Mr tny iisititl nn 1 ljf,.ntifni n ("nil ilic wiri'in t.-.-sj nthl ith tvlont.'.l tu thu nun. -y9ffiT Ui l-'nll .mil Winter ' h-huh I oulil rrFpnctUiHy in!tina cxnimiuHion vf uiylucl; nnd pri ecu from tliosf jut. :m.M:; tu ltiin ut t ;ttn ctinljlui to oilVr tlii'iu very (icbirnltlti iinlurcnienlH. All my I'll rs h.ii'i' !' mi pun liiihi d t r ta J, niifl in:ui by i'.xpTi''iic uiitl i onipi-trut li.Tml-.ntnl rm l' t: prrwent moiii'tnry tr ibl-'s rciul-T it tver 1.ury tlitit I phonM ilis pose of my fftl ut vlry fiiiiill a'vunri mi nut. I mil tnii-ti 'd th'it it will lie to tin; int-'rt-M-- U1050 Imw design pii rein ei lie, to yivc m n mil. "7" Unroll 'i t. Hip n line, iniiiil'r cni ftnv-t: JnJm Fir-'ir:t.(V'iv Inr rti)ru,)71ri Anh fcitroct, rJuIa U lpbin. HepU'tnb r 7. It-01 -uin. NE'.V BUSINESS EILOI 'I II n ituilcrsicueil rcpcrilul!y inform their friends t and th- public en, 'rally, that tlm) h.ivu run red in- to ro iiiirtui'r.ship. uuili'r tlie u.i.-.iu, ttjle and Ji r in of .nil, i.i. it a. i.i i;k in ma In lb- "Old Ari-,i,lervill iUnituidol r(., Coluni'u'l rn., win re tti',y int'Mi I enrr vine on the liurtiness of rcvB rtAi. Sli.urii mii..o, in ail us diversill d lirnmli"s and ilep-irtni"n'K. aniiln wbuh lltcy imito an cMeimion of tha public palrtuiuee. S. II vt,I,i:i!, l llllD'UC. liVliU. ItlnniHsliurc:. Mav II, tf. t HV AN?- k WATSON -.Sj-Wb.; KAI,AMANIir.ll s-'AFJiS, 1111- i --.eVv' M)Vi;, . .,(,1 chr-tiiut Street. ri AlV -i-'"- aborc third Viitaditp.'ita. have on 'm t.! ,,i,,i ,, i ,.,n LJ ... .r ri... Tli i-f proof Salaiuauiler Haft s. lso, iron doors, lor banks and t-tores, iron eliult rs iron ash. al! "T: makes of locks euualto any made in the Cnited Stales Firr Safe in otic fro. .HI came out right; tcith con. tents in i-iw,f eandithn. The Salamander rJafes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WAT." ON, have had Ilia surest demostration In the fellow in" cr I Hllrat'i thai Ilieir iiiaiiufacture i f Halamau b r Snf s li.ih at 1 1-li j; III lull)' wair.nited the r,',i,'i,eiitutii'iis w hull bate b 'i n uiaile of tlieui as rendering an undoubted s. eurity aeainst the terrific clement. Philaib lpliln April li 1F.W. .lwm ireiis . frafssn; ( ' -11 1 1 ,-n .,-li It htl'oiils us the hlirliest t-atlsfaclioii to i,tate tu you, that owin' to the very protritive fu.tltifs of two of the balaiuandi r, Safes which we purchiscd ol'you pome rite month tluie we saved a large portion of Jewelry, and all nui hunk', (cr exposed to the ralaniiunub, lire iiillaiM, ad place on the morning f tin 11th int.. Wli' ii we r' 11 et lh.l these snfes were lornleil in th fourth s'or) oi'ihe hulliliug wa iii-meicd and that th"y fi II subse'iuentlv iutrVn h up of Imi mug ruins, w In re the vast concentration of th loat c.iumI Hie lirass plates lo m"lt, we cannot but regard lb pren rvaiion ot ilieir tal liable ponlenls as luusl convincing proof of the gieat cunly nffor led l.y your i-afes. IVe shall teki- great pb asnre In reeoniin-iiiling them to men of business .is a sUre r, liance acuiiist fire. tiliOllllli V. ri.M.MU'H fi IIHO,, .Iritilers. RVTh ) have MucupuicliJi,ed nx luisc.'ji'iis, AtiBiistSJ. IpM lo I Mi' .('Vi R lf'0 f.l h i'X'H f "l & Ah mxw& ;a ii i hh I'lIliProprn torcif this well, know n and pentnilly lora t ted lion,-', Hi, Kuium.k IIuii.i., m on vi rttreit, iu lllooiiikburg, limueiiintel) "iooite the Coluui bin County Court House, resp, i null) isforius Ins friends .iuu me limine in lien: nn, iii,u uis House is now iu or I der for the reception und entertainment of I rat olers win, may reel ,liioeil in favor it with their ciinoin. lie has spnied no exp. urn iu prepiiung thu liviiuMii:, for thu roieriaiiimi ui in ins guests, neitiier shall there be .mi . I thing wanting ton his parlj to minister to their persona! I contort. His hoinu is spacious and enjoys ail cxcelleut j bu-iuess location. ; Cj omnibuses run at all times between the lijeJiauge I Hotel ami thu various lull Itoad llepots, by winch trov- '; "'y,,,"!! If'!,"''',"t 'v,f"Bv.0't'1 "I'ecine fclations in due time to timet tho , ie, i' to nuu iioniiuc re- 1 1 uc car. vr it ennvu lUnoinslmrgi July 7, IrCO- OWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL- MHll.rillA A ll' io-volent Iiutitmion psubllclicil by special endow-up-lit, lor the rc-liLl of Un Sick ninl Di.tressi d, nllliiti-d with Irulent uud Upidi'iuic Iliseasfs, and wsuerlnlly for Hie Cure of Dinciues of thu Sojual Orcans. Dis- 1 . lu l,!u'enis 111 Ml iiarts or Hid t'lnteilKtates 1 Al.l Alll.l; Jtill'OltTH on Upennutorrliieu. and nth ';fl,!Pk''oftlip r'eitiinl Crmius, and 011 the NliW I 111. Ml, IMI. S eniiiloyc-il, sent liitli.ialllnt.-d in seal id I It r envi Inpi , Iree ofcharz". Two 01 Hireo htainiis for nostnee w ll bo .'irr.'iiMl.l,' A,l,lr,.. 1111 i-iu-i, 1 )V'V '""''''''"".'Intt rtiiiji'iin, llnwaril 'Assorii-1 ....... .. . . u..,..m ..,,1111 Birvui, luiiaucipuia rj. , March ltfUl l-.'m. ! Tbo tiroat Ciuisc o l-. HUMAN M SRR.V. Ju.t rublishi'd in n P-nled llnvelnpn : Price nets' A I.KC'IL'Ki: 11V Dn. Cl'I.VJlIUVKI.I,, ON '1111', C At HI. ,M) CHUI! of Fiierinainrrbo-a. C(ni.iiNn,ii,,ii ati ninl and rhivi(!nl lipi,il,K'. N'.-r. i, .. .' i,, it , v,,,ril p.i.r V, ',. V (" py . ' ' I V ",uf '"di ; .'",l 'lo i Veiikupss I i ...o ., .iuu luc- illicit Jndlsioillloii, nad luca- 'iio.iir, . 11P V..,,il,e..l I. ..I!... .1 ,... ..,,.,. niin.i , l 11011, occ, C.C, I it- 1' iiduiirabbi le cture ilcnrls iiroves that the niotn enunierateil, ofti'ii n If afflitted, evils may be re moved without medicine and without dauserous snriii. eaJopeulions, and should bo rrud by every man in tlm lion! under seal, to any nddjus, in a plain, scalpd Piiviinpi-, on the receiptor six cents, or two postoee slttinps, bynddresiilng 1 Dr. ril.IRI n i.-i.iic-n I 1ST liowery, New Voik, I'ost Offlrn lloir, 1H0. Fpbruary S, let..'. Aprj SUi U,,' NOTICE. A M. persons knovvlng Ibetnsplrei Indibted to Hi". , t uiidcrsigned oil "lloolt account or ollnrwise. ,,r 1 JierPbynr-.lfirdto , ,0 uud s tile up by th, lit 0 .slarcli, intii. or their accounts will poiitively bo left in tho bands of u propi r olhc r for collection, I ryer'i ntovt Mills, Ptb ?. lbM . ,r, "EEK3 mm, 1 i ""-"j ""."'""J "no i.aunr , iJuiiuess 01 JipprchcuKinii! ' ';,'' "H','orl' Aversion to sod' ly j l.ovo of Holi' ' 1 '.lllle : I IllliilitV : Sclf-lMhtrn-l , ill. ,1,,.,. ir...i... ,.. . Airnitions of the llyes ; Minnies on liie Paco 1 Iiitoliiu! ' tnry tlm ssions. ami rii-inul 1 11 ell ti.cil i t si,,, - WVs ' 7b Vntrfjr tlMs, lloschcs. ttt. It Jfitrejr Mice, Moles, nd Ann 7b Dittrty Ited.lluss. 7'o Dtitroy Moths In rurs. Cloths, A f. 7' Dtitroy Mosquitoes ami I'lcw. 7b Dctlron Insects on Plants and I'owls. 7b DtHroy Inn cl on Animals, Ac' , 7V Vtitroy Every form and species of Vermin, lrtl-''- " " ? run "ONLY INFAM.II11.!: niiMiilllliS KNOW.V." Dcstroyes Instantly KVEHY FOUM AND SPECIES Ol-1 V E 11 M I w . Ihnse rraparriliniis (unlike tit others) sra "Tree Irniii Poisons." ".Set danijcrous to tho hui?.au family," "Itats do not din on tie- pri-mln s." "Th y come out of Ih-lr hnh-s to di-." ''They are tho only iifalli.ibl,1 remoilies known." "P.' yearn ami mora estabtibed iu New York City." Used h'4 Hie City I'ost Dllice. Uud ly the ('Ityl'ilsuiis ami Hlntioii Houses. Ucd by thet.'ity t"ainers, Hbiiis, &c. Vtcil by tli.iCHy lln.pit.ils, AIiiik-IIoiisvs, &c. Uicd by the City Ilnttls-'Astor'-'St Nicholiin.'Ac. Lhc t by the 1 1 0.1 nl i 1 1 ir House, A. p. &e. Vscd by inure tlixn iili),(iW Private I'aiuillrH. CJ" riee one or two .p 'ciniens of what is everywhere said by the peopli liditnrs liiTilrs, tlOUSliKliKI'liUS- tronlilod wllh vermin need be so no IniiL'i'r. if they iisj "CuTitV livli rniiuators. N We liave used it to our Mitivfartion, and if a hux costs gl wo would havu it. M'u have tried poisons, but th j c-lf, i ted niilliine; but "t.'osr tn's" article knocks tlio breilh out of Uats, .Mire, Htiacln's, and Ib-iMIng. nun k er than we can write it. It is In Brent demand all over tlie country. -Medina ' J (lirMte. MOPili CHAIN' and nrovisions are di-ttrovd annnnllv in (.rant County by vermin, than would pa) for tons ef this lint and Inset l Killer.- I.iucnttcc II is.J Herald 1 1 UN It V U. COfT HI tVe are lliua )our pri para- nous rapiuiy. it ncri'tcr uuy u.ive oncn useu, uais Jllce, itonclies anil veriuln ills.ippi ar rapully 4c .Irocri'iit, Uriliri-'i'ti, IViudbor, Aid, "CostarV" Eat Roacu.&s.SxtotiuIuatcr, 'Cos tar's" "i-ostar'u" Btid-33ii Exterminator. "CostarV "Cootar's" Electric Pcwiler, for Irsccts, Ac. In 3i. 00c. and $l.uu!,ixii,, lto-rji.ts ami I.lasks, $3. i'l Hkjii lur I'lantJlioiii , :J 1 1 j i . . Heats, Hotels, .f A p. C AUTI Oil! I ! To pr. vent the public from b,,inj Im posed upon by tpitrioux and Highly I'trntiimis Inutctlons a new label has liei'ti ptvpatcd. lu-ariug a fciimUu of Hie Piopn.-tor's fcigiritnri. t.xamiuo each box. bi.ttle, or ,l-s curt fully before purchasing, and take iiuthing uut L.UM'.vit g.7" Srtd Fvcryichercby All Whuksale I'lugglHsiniba large cities. t nt the Uinlcs.ilo Adonis in rtv York rihi ir iin Piolher.s.fe Co llnrrnt, Illsley & Ultihen I) A I'ahn.-nti'ok, Hull Co A li 4c II (-amis c Co Wheeler & Hint Jaiiii s At.niuiill, .Morgan & Allen Hall, llui kel i. Co Tlioiuns l l'ullur, ti.ile .t llnhinmii M Ward, ClO'U L. i,o MrKisson Ilohbius 1) ri l.ariies He Co V C Wells t Co I. :i7. 'iic.'M a.-sh & Gardner II. ill, Di ton ft Co Conrad i'ov i' u urtis AND OI'lll.lW. Fliiliiildpiiiii I'.i. T W llyott & Co I Ke'icrt ShoemnKer Co It A I iilniestock lc Co I'leuch, Hicliaris & Co ANDOTIIIiES. V AND liY Drufgists, tirorrrs, t-lorekeepers and Kotulers general I) iu all Country Towns Villages iu the AT BLOOM SB URG, PA. SOLD UY G. M. Hagenbuch, J. II. Moyer, B. P. Lutz. e A.rd ,he P'ils, rt0,(kespstsaod in , U0""!' l,1!",p,'o"l" b0VP. A, .. 1 'rect-lnr in'rlc-s, Terms, tM t HEN RY II 0OSTAR. 1 n. tpal l)pq -No. SlSllrosdway tOepojiH IhtSt Ayor's Sarsaparilla A compoutttl rcmljr, in wlt'cli wo liave Irv. lwrrtl to tiioduce the most iirctttal ftltcratlvo that can bo tttado. It Js a concentrated extract of l'ora Sawniiarllln, to romblttcd witlt other tiilMtiiiitM of still (renter nlterntivo power a to Mlord nn cififrtivo nntidoto for tha difcaees SatmpnriUa U tcputcd to enra. It is bollevcd that fciielt n vrnicdy !- tvimtcd or thono who tttfrer from Strtitnntu coltiplttints, mid that orw Yhich will acconipltsh thuir euro must provr) of iintitctise tervleo to tlili latfjo t" our nfllicti'd felliiw-cttlrcit'. How completely th! coiiipound will do it has hetn ptoveti by oxper. Intent on many of the worst cases to Lo found oftho following complaints I ScKoioiA AJtn acnoFULoua CoMPtn.srrj, UnttfitONB AMI) KHbTTlVll IlnttAstt, Uloreh, riMrr.ti3, JltoTcttKS, 'lYMonn, Salt ltttr.OM, Scai.ii Kkai), SvritiMs axh Syphiutic i Ar. ynenoN's, MiittctmiAt, Dtsii.vsti, JJuorsv, eo iwi.011 on Tie l)oui.ouiti!UX, UnntMTV, Dts. l-npai.v ami) iNuioitSTiox, Knvttriii.AS, IIojb on Sr. Anthonv's Fiiig, nnd indeed tho whold clnM of complaints arising from Impuiutt o, Trtii liwutii. , l itis compound will bo found n great ptc motcr nf health, when taken in tho opring, to uxpel'Pthc foul httmoM which fester in tlm blond ut that season of the year. Jty tho time Iv expulsion of them many r.mlcling disorder? nro nipped in tho bud. Multitudes eun, by tho ftlil of this reincdv, fp&to themiolvoi from the cutluratuo of foul truptions nnd ulnorotM notes, thtiiugh which tho system will htrivo to ltd itnelf of corrnplions if not auwted to do this throitsh tho lmtnrnl ehattnels of thu liody bv an alterative! medicine. Clcanso out tho vitiated blood whenevor you find its tnipurtlivj bursting through tho tkin inpimplc, erttptJotw, or uues; clwtnso it when yoti iind it is ob tliuctcd and sditpc-Uli in the veins ; clcanfo U whenover it is foul, tutd your feelings will toil vott when. Kven wheio no patlieuhir disortlct is felt, pcoplo enjoy better health, nnd liva lnngpf, for cleaiiMitg tho blood. ICcop tlw blood henlthv, and nil in well ; but with this pabulum of 'lifo difordored, thcro can bo no lasting henlth. Sooner or later something must go wrong, nnd tlio great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla ha, nnd deserves much, tha reputation, of accomplishing these end. Hut tho woild has been cgtegtously deceived by preparations of it, ptutly bccauio tho drug nlono has not nil tho virtue that i claimed for it, but moru because many preparations, ptctcmliug to be concentrated extracts of ir, contain butlittla oftho virtue of Sarsaparilla, or nnv thing else. During lute years the pttMle hnvo boon mis lod by large hnitlos, piCe ulihg to give a quart of J'.xliaet nl 0U1A.4W Ui. f r 1' e '.1 1il.1v Mitt of thi""! hr.t 0 been ttnntis ufc-n thij ficlc, tor they r.ol uiily cmittm IiMk, it any, K.ats;.i,a 1 ilia, but ol'ttn no ciualive 'n,;'Clti vilictci cr. Hence, bittci and poittfid disappointment has followed the use oftho vatiotis iAtracts ef Sariujiarilln which flood the intnkrt, until tho name itself is justly depiscd, atiti has bocomo f.ynonynious w'ith iitipoHlion and cheat. LHill we call tliis compound f-nrr,potilla, and intend to supply such a remedy ns fchall rciteno tlio name fiom tho load of "obloquy which reita upon it. And wo think wo have ground for believing it has viituos which ato lncfiftiblo by the uidinnrynm oftho discasosit is intend ed to cure, in order to eecuto their complete; eradication ftnm thcsyitem, thoremedy should be judiciously tukctt tilcotding to ditictious 011 the bottle. " s rnEr.vr.r.n nv DR. .1. C. A Y 13 IS & CO. l.OWmAa, 1IASS. Trice, jjl iier Uotllc Six nottlci for C5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, hss won for itself mch a tenown for thr ctira o( cvrrv variety of Ihroat and Lung Complaint, tint it is'ciitiroly tniiiocniary for 110 to lceour.t tho evidence of its virtues, whciever it has been em ployed. As it lias long been in constant nsa tlnbiigjiniit tliis section, wo need not do mote than nssurc the people its quality is kept up to tlio bcrt it ever lias liean, mid that 'it may bo rulird on uii do for their relief all it liaj ever Ixm found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ron the euro: or rtufitriifj', Jmtmlire, Dii'jicpsia, TntVnation, Dyitntcry, rout stomach, ICtysiptlat, lleadttch', J'lVet, lliwumatism, Krnplion: and W.m l)tseast, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tenia t and Rait Ithcuni, H'ormj, fi'oitf, Neuralgia, as i Dinner I'M, and for Vitrifying the Blood. Thev are sugnr-toatod, 0' that the most send tivo ca'n tako them pleasantly, and they aro tlio best aperient in thu world for all tho purposes of a family physic. Trice- 25 cent3 p:r Tos; Fivaboxoa for 61.00. fireat mimkort of Clergymen, l'hysicians, States men, and eminent personages, havo lent tluir names to certify tlie unpaiallcleiluiiefulncss ofthese remedies, but tier spaoo here will not permit tli insetlion of ihrm. The Agents below named fur ni?h pratis our Ainnic.N Almanac in whiclt they are piven ; with tho full description', nf the nbom complaints, and the treatment that should b fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they inako more profit tin. Demand Avon's, and tako no others. Tho fk want Iho best aid there it for them, and they sltoula have it. All our Remedies nro for sale by V.. P. l.ut.. J. II. Moyer (1 M. Hncenbuch, V A. Miller, Iterw Ick, and by one store 111 rv rtniKylruuia. onirliiiri . town in DR. LA CROIX S mtv.m: miihioaij rnrjATitui on the View of Jlarrliigc. j'Arii:? and 1.10 r.NOK.wiNr.y.-riicp en TWLMV-iiVk: ci .sts. Hunt freu of uoslairi. te all iniit 01 Iboli.inu, On the iniliiiiiln s ot )outh and biniiirity iIImIopIih; Hie scrret folln s of hoih seics r,f all sirs rau-iug ilebilily, nervousness, dtprc-.-i mi ff spirns p.ilplutinn of the In art, tuirij,,! iuiaflningr, invflan tary luisslnn-, bltshiiigs il n-tlive 011 unify ludijr. tiun ninl Ins ituile, vnh confi 'stons of Hulling intcrir of a Hoarding .'c.cW MUs.uto ; iidcnc end Young Marrud ladj,. ,c.c)e. ll is .1 liinlil'ul nilvim i ir the ui.irrinl nnd Ihoju C'liiteir.plattus niarria;'!-. whoen lertain .si in 1 ili.i.rit. of Ih 11 plijsiral roiulllion. nil'' I who are toiiM'ious ofhatini; husnriled Hie In alth hip I jiinesi,. and prmb g, s to whiih every human b ma u I cliOlle I, YOl'Nti .lir.V who nr,i iroubltil with wpr.kru' 1 fin I ernily cauteil by a bad habit 111 youth, the ell' cts ei , vrhn li .iru diiintM. p.nus, inrgetfnliu ss sonietimn r a linginj in tlm ear, weak cjts, v eakii, ss of the bait and lower eurcuiiiioN, ponfiiMon nf ideas, Ids 01 nim 1 ory with iueluiicliol)inny be 1 ured by the author's NlU 1 I'Alilfi AM) I.ONIIU.V TIlllATJII.NT. I M'u Kav, riceutlv ilevoti-d iiiurh of nur linn if , UniTIXt; Tim Klj'lttJl'UAN lltMPITALS, iivailinr ourselves 1,1 tue hoowiiuge and rest arches oflh. 11.011 ikilled I'll simians and ciir;cniis iu lluropp mid liie i tinent. 'J'hoku wlio place thr msi lves uuilr-r our car' will now liave the full b.-nr fit of iho many XBVV AM1 UnTUACIDO.SUK.Mr.lllUiiHhjrtiwo arc enable 1 t' inlrOiluce nun our practice, anil Ihe puhlip iuiiv ri si a. sure,! ol'the eniuo teal, issidult) , f-KCUIX'V and atl n II1111 being paid In theiriases, which has so sum s.lei Z$ ,!".,:.".,.'1.,tll,"' 'ion ii for" ns n Musician in P,.i 1 l.CUI.lAlt ilcportmentof picfesilonal 1'racllcc , (si i'ilt tictnitn-jice year. rrrjtnriMtirl'11.1, -I.ii!ii'swhowish,-o, AJi' tbo elhciKpr e nhicli has Li ,-n tested in thousmnU 0 eases, end never tailed to dint sp.i dy cures vit.ieu any bad rcsults.will use none but Hr. Uel.aner'. IVin,.i I', rloilknl Mils. Thu . uly MppiiuiioTi i! c'.'.'.iy 1 "it. sen l, hull's sh .11U not t.hMl.i-.i.if th-v but in sonto beliove thiynreln nrlaii sirvarn( m,, o rt,. ulars 1 f which w ill b 101111.1 on ih, wue-i 1 ,p n:ngc'ach hoi.) tUoimh tlwovs safe and lnaltlty gently yet soaclive am tjiy. .1 ''r,',0"..! i'.' r. b1T' T'" r ' " ua tnatleil to any port p tlm Hinted Hlates or Camilla. aTli,!i',.l,l,,,"U"l':ri -"'honofdn csrjiden'til nieilun adviser with rcKnrd many ot iuh inir, .,trt pp. rtio.h.L..)"'1' ""'"Jlelieate H-gan,r,,rii i-iiilei. tl.H,ii, Uli), ar" p.irtipulnily invited luroiinili us Uf'I.UH iici l.ii,v.i.i rnori-.Tivc."- Tor ns'nc tallies wj.o.c liinlili will not admit, or whohavi iioui u'l'.n J.'ir,Vr5."i'L,b ;rr,ll"llL,.'niil beobUtmd-..t."-i It is a perfectly safe previmlivc lo ennception, and hs; ledu'ceVd'l'l!.! ,h0 ' Vt.- Tr." 'iho Sccrcls or Vtiinn Unvciltf A Triatlse en the Camei ef I'remiturr Decay se' inn learning. ,,l published a b,,ak thtving litirndv progretD and prcmlrnct anovr tckoals, Soth null e" jmilt j thi. Jatol hublt. pointing ovt tkt fatehtv U invariably nttend, its and dcieloping Ht ukd P 'f "'" '''""from thr comi.ic,Mchtlnt". 'n-t'",.. l,J ?'"' "nremptnf i,.-r:i tint .Slew' nu. AlJl',,1'," l"ly. from h mi hi morning till P nlahl, and mi Sunday from S mi ,ir u Ueillclnes tvlui 1 full rilrcclinii, ,el,i onJ. f lb ,11 ted Slates or Cansdas, by patients cnii.muulc.iHn i,.',iicr,.v")c"!'f!d::.,1,,r m,t- iiu"ne, v ihHTill,.j',"iiVi"1ir,'t,,r .!J". ,nr!,";'1 estnbll-h'd u'i'J' li.nv. v !t01X' M Ko' 3 .Maiden I-sse Al Nov.' SI le3t, 12m. CIGARS ,t TOMCCa I A i;,',f,i."n.!,r,"'Pf rbolPPflwrs, Tobacco, Tiff ' ., J , confer tmneiy and Notions i-nerally l"ceft h.i, ... 1 " r . l,A,B "'' CAPS, constantly . tmporium f ' ''' " t"r' ' c'0"n""e kC'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers