Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 12, 1862, Image 4

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The old ones aro fast dying out all
through tho oldor Stntcs. Thoy wero plan,
ted a hundred year ngo, or wore, have
tlotio good sorvico, and ought to havo their
City. Wht-n apples are 85 a barrel and
upward, there is not an adequate supply in
tho country. Thoy can bo grown at a
dollar a barrel, with profit. Tho apple
crop in a single small county in this State,
was worth half a million of dollar) last
year. Others counties, in the older parts
of tho Eastern States, wero under tho nc
oessity of paying out a hundred thousand
dollars for this fruit, because they had not
tho article at home. Peaches and plums
we may be ablo to get along without, but
epplcs we must have for sauce, for pic.,
for the dessert, and for tho dinner basket
of little boy sand girls who can not not
come home from school to dine. Wo say
then to crcry farmer, plant an orshaid of
at least a hundred trees. The trees arc
nil ready for you in the nursery, well
grown, and grafted, two and three years
from the bud. Get thrifty trees, of vnti
ctics that you know will flourish in yonr
locality, and in four years you will bo eat
ing fruit from them. Do not fail to plant
an orchard this very month. Jlmcrkan
This crop occupies tho grond but a short
timo. It follows corn or the small grains
in a rotation, and may bo followed by
turnips the same season. Any soil finely
worked) in good heart, freo from weeds,
not so rich as to produce a rank, uneven
growth, and not liable to suffer from drouth,
will answer for flax. Two to three bush
els of seed are sowed to tho acre, according
to tho quality of the land ; never more than
two bushels when raised for seed. Sow
early in spring, aud roll. When a haud
broadth high, it is well to go through and
pull all tho tall growing weeds. About
tho last of July tho bottom of tho stalks
turn yellow aud loso their leaves, the seed
capsules also become plump and full. If
the crop is raised for seed let it stand until
fully ripe, but gather before there is clan
gor of shelling ; if for tho fiber, pull when
the ripest seed have assumed a light brown
color. Flax is pulled by the root?, bound
in small sheaves, aud stooked until dry
enough to ptaclf. Or tho seed may bo strip
ped off in the rippling combs at once and
the straw stacked. When raised on a
6inall scale, it is usuully spread out in
gavels as pulled and left to undergo the
rotting process. Twelve to sistoen bushel
of seed, aud a tun and a half of straw, ir
a common yield. When the cleansed fibor
and tho oil are alone sold, this otherwise
exhausting crop does uot exhaust the farm
at all. American AgricuturiU.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
Home of Hepix-ifntative.s.
Etening Session 'hursda?j, March 13,
1802 -1'assage of the Repeal Avt.
The IIouso, afier having heard the ar
gument of Messrs. Ahbot, Tracy, Cessna,
Early, William?, Smith (Chester) and Den
nia ou tho hill entitled "an act to repeal
an act approved March 7, 1801, entitled
'An act for tho commutation of tonnage
duties," procoded to the final passage of the
wll, Mr. Caldwell, seconded by Mr. Wil
doy, called for the yeas and nays, which
wero as follows :
Yeas Messrs. Alesmdcr, Banks. Bar.
ron, B?aver, Becbo, Bingham, Blanchard,
Bliss, J3ileau, Brown, (Mercer.) Brown.
bio, Uraham, Graut, Gross, Ilall, Uap
per, Henry, Hess, Hoflfor, Hoover, Hon-
kins, (Washington,) llutohman, Kaiim,
Kennedy, Kline, Labar, McCollough,
Lehman, Litchenwallner, McClcllau, Mc
Coy, Myers, Nciman, rotors, Potteiger,
Kamsey, Rex, llhoads, Hitter, lto.vs, ( Lu
xernc,) Boss, (Mifflin.) Rowland, Rubsoll,
Ryon, Shannon, Strang, Tate, Tracy
Tutton, Wakefield, Williams, Wimlcy,
Windell, Wolf, Worley Zeigle, liowo,
Speaker 70.
Nays Messrs. Abbot, Armstrong,
Bates, Caldwell, Chatham, Cochran, Cow
an, Dennis, Donnelly, (Philadelphia,)
Duflield, Barley, Gaskill, Grcenbank,
Hopkins, (Philadelphia, Josephs, Mo
Mackin, M'Mnnus, Pershing, Quiglcy,
Scott, Smith, (Philadelphia,) Thompson,
Vincent, Warner, Wildoy 26.
Monday, March 17, 1802.
Mr. Williams asked loavo to present
tho foltowing resolution, which was read
for the information oftho House:
Retolved. that tho use of this Hall bo
granted on Thursday evenin next to Mr.
Wendell Phillipi, to leeturo on tho state
of the country,
Tho following is the voto on tho ques
tion to suspend tho rules :
Yeas. Missrs. Armstrong, Bates,
lici'bo, JJigliaiii, jJlancliaru, liliss, Brown,
Mercer; Chathaui, Cochran, Cowan. Den
nis, Dougherty, Grant, Gross, Henry,
Lehman, McCoy, Myers, Bitter, Hussol,
Shannon, Smith, Philada., Strang Traoy,
lwiciioli, Warner, iviuiams, Winnie,
Rowo, Speaker 20.
Nays Messrs. Banks, Barron, Boilcau
Brown, Northumberland; Caldwell, Cess
na, Craig Ciano, Divins, Donolly, Phila,
DuCield, Earley, Frcclaud, Gamblo, Gas
kill, Hall, Hopkins, Phila., Kniuo, Litoli
onwulliHr, Mf'Cullocb, M Manus, I'orsh
ing, Peters, PottcJgrr, Quigloy, Rhoads,
Ross, Luzerne; Host--, Mifflin; Ryon,
ijcottiato, Waketieiu, Weidncr, Weid
asr. Wildly, Wimlcy, Wolf-37.
Uo tki quuetion wai not ncrocd to.
(.iMermumoonanu.j jjusuy, ues.'na, Uraig,
Oraino, Dellone, l)ivin-, Donley, ((ircene)
Dougherty, Eliott Fox, Freelund. Gim.
JAN. I 1 B 3 4 1 JULY
1 3 3 4 5
S 7 H 9 10 II 13
a a t a id ii
13 13 14 13 Ift 17 IS
13 It IS 10 17 18-111
til N 91 22 S3 91 M
J.) 31 21 33 34 33 34
in m u si 3n ai
17 SS SJ 30 31
'KB. . . . . 1 AUO,
I 3
3 4 S 0 7 8 0
v j i a n i v
N 10 It 11 13 14 IS
III 11 U 13 14 IS 10
17 18 ID SO 31 C2 M
10 17 IS l'J SO St 231
yj U4 111 i.'J -Ji '.ii
tl 33 SO 37 Si 33 SO
3 3 4 5 8 7 8 Slir.
1 3 3 4 .1 0
7 8 D 10 11 13 13
14 15 IS 17 18 13 SO
11 S3 33 S4 S3 SO 37
3d S3 30
13 3 4
S 6 7 8 S 10 11
13 13 14 IS 10 17 IS
13 SJ 31 S3 S3 34 3
iii 37 !M SJ 30 31
2 3 4 3 G 7 8
0 10 II 13 13 14 15
10 17 IB 10 30 SI as
13 21 S3 SO 37 23 SJ
1 2 3 4 5 0
7 8 0 10 11 12 13
14 13 10 17 18 19 SO
v iu ii i ij j io
10 17 IS l'J 110 'J I Sf.'
It 3 SJ ail !!7 2d SU
JJ 31
Aril. 1 3 3 4 S ! OCT.
0 7 0 U 11) II Vi
13 14 IS 10 17 18 111
0 31 S3 3 34 13 311
27 23 "J 3U
MAY. 1 3 3
4 5 Q 7 B U 111 NOV
II l'J 13 M 13 111 17
18 19 S3 31 5J 33 U4
U 33 37 3d S3 30 31
J'NE. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 DEC.
8 3 10 11 12 13 14
IS 10 17 18 10 30 21
21 S3 S3 SI S3 SO 37
33 SJ JU 31
SJ 30 I
JiOc Laboring Under
sickness can at enco relievo themselves from the thou
sand maladies that flesh la lielr to, If tliey will only
follow the counsel of natuie, and lake tho luedlcino
whirli In it noUts her In her oimratluns. Thnt medl-
ciiio is tho Vegetable Life Medicines of Dr. Mortvr,
known as
Moffat's Life Fills
These Slediclnes have now been before the public for
a period of 30 years, and during that timo have main
tained a hlali character In almost every part of tho
pleiio for tin extraordinary curative propcilles which
they possess.
Motlat's Life Pills.
MolTat's Lib rills are indebted for their nunio lolhelr
manifcat and ainsilile action in purify Ins the springs
and channels of life, and enjoins them with renewed
tbun and vigor ; Mid to the undoubted fact that at avers'
oirlypartln their history, they had r'veued sulHirers
from the very crse of an untimely sravc, perfectly so
curlnptotliem that uniform enjoyment of henlth, with
out w (licit life itself is but a partial blessing. So great
indeed had thvlretllrncy invariably proved, that it was
scarcely less than miraculous to tlioso who were unac
quainted with tho beautiful philosophical principle
upon which they wero compounded, and upon which
Uicy consequently act.
Motrat's Fhncnix Dittcrs aro so called, because they
posiess the power of restoring tho expiring comers of
health to a slowing vigor throughout tho constitution,
as tho Phoenix is said to be restored to life from the
ahcs of its own dissolution.
Mercurial Diseases, There Is probably no ono article
given as a medicine, the injucious use of which lias
caused such wide-spread and terrible misrhiuf to the
human system as mercury. Iti poison sinks deep into
tho system, penetruting the substance of the bones, and
producing a lung train of painful diseases. It is well
known that many ail'ections of tho throat, of the buues,
of the nose, and malignant sores, which have eecn at
tributed to sjphilis, are so often caused by the injudi
cious use of mercury, bo that the remedy has proved
worse than the disease.
The Life I'll 1 s and I'hocnlx Hitters havo always been
signally successful in this class of diseases, and will
eradicate all tho effects of mercury from the system,
sooner than the most powciful preparations of sarsa
parilla. They aid nature in casting tram the cystemall
poisonous matter, uud by thus purifying thu vital fluids,
they restore the system to health.
Ililious Complaints. A well regulated and propor
tionate quantity of bile upon tho Ftomach is always re
quisite for tho promotion of sound health It stimulates
digestion, and keens the intestinal cunnl free from all
obstructions. On tin; interior surface of the liver is n
peculiar bladder in winch the bile is Ilrst preserved,
being formed by the liver from the blood. Thenco iti
passes into the stomach und intestines, and regulates
tho digestion. Thus wo see when there is a deficiency
of bile, the body isconetantly costive. On the other
hand, an over alinudauco of bile causes frequent nauses
on the stomach, aud often promotes very severe attacks
of diseases, which sometimes end in death.
The Life .Medicines should, if possible, be taken in
the early stages of bilious complaints ; and If perse
vered in strictly according 10 uirecnous win posuivciy
effect a cure. Their cxteustve use in this complaint in
all parts of our continent, renders comment unnecessa
ry thir virtues fpeak furtheui.
.Moffat's Life I'ill-. The use of these Pills, for a very
short lime, will affect an entire cure ol tSalt Ithcuui, und
a sinking improvement in the clearness of tho skin,
Common Colds and lullueiua will always be curjd by
one dose, or by two oven in the worst cases.
1'iluI ruts! 1 The original proprietor of those Med
icines was cured of l'ik's of 33 ycurs standing, by the
use of the Lifj Medicine nlnne.
Livm Co.Mri.xiNT. An aff-clion of the Liver may be
known by a fveliug of tenfion or pain in the right sido
about tli j region of the liver, ofti.n pnugent as in pleu
risy, but sometimes dull ; a difficulty In drawing n long
breath , dry cough und inclination to vomit. ThUdi
i!bo iniiv be oroduced bv cold, by violent exercise, bv
intense summer heats, by long continued bilious fever
or ague, und by various solid concretions in thu sub.
.Mucuof th3 liver. Aud to these producing,aro
dcraiigtm. nt of tho digestive organs, suppressed secre
tions, und mental solicitude, which nro very frequent
causes of obstruc lions aud diseases of the liver.
This disease shiNild bo arretted In the commencement
uhlidi can be done bv a few doses cf the Life Pills.
When once thu liver is aroused to tiu performance of
its proper tunctious, little mora is requisite tiiau to con
tinue n propjr use uf the mudieiues, and a speedy re
covery will ensue.
1'svir and Aucis Tor this scourge of the Western
r.ountrv. these medicines will he found A f.tfe. snecdv-
aud certain remedy. Other medicines leac the sytcm
subject tn a return ot the uisoose a cure by these .Med
icines is permanent.
ScKOtULA. Thu most horrible cases of fcrofula, in
which the face, bones and limbs of the victim had bein
preyed upon by the insatiable disease, ure prnved, by
undeniable authority of iho sufferers themselves, to
have been completely cured by Hiuil. purely vegetable
mediciiicB, utter all others had been found more than
Indigestion and Dyspepsia. If we wore called upon
to tpcufy ono disease which nmr" than nny other is the
liaii(',(vhii;it iv the offspring of civiliationlwe should
name D)spi'ii"ia. It is generally ullende.l, or rather
productive, of u long train of ills, Midi as Heartburn,
i'latulency, a gna iug pain nt the rtoinach w hen empty
a sense of uncomfortable weiglit when full, pains in Ihe
throat, side and pit of the stomach, cosUveuei-s, cllillj
ness, languor, nnwillliigusss to take exercise, i.c
Moffat's Life .Medicines arc peculiarly adapted to the
cure of this distressing complaint. They act upon the
bowels in nvery mild, uud, nt tlw same time, v.ry effec
tual manner, aud have never Jet failed to cure thisdis
eate when used according to our directions,
Oeueral Debility, The most common of all com
plaints is that of a general weakness of the wholo sys
tem, iinaccuiipanied by uuy particular dl.urdcr, or tie
linatc symptoms of disease, Tli :re is a little Utalrn
ergy, a loss of nppetlte, uuw illiugness, and indeed ina
bility to undergo cqertbns, frequent headaches, indi
gestion, otl.'iitiuKH sallownens and dryness of the skin,
tendency In t 'lerithniss, unlitiirss for society, in short
.ill those yiuptoiii of languor, di qnletudu, und weak
ness that give evidence of a Inilure in the pow
ers aud a low, unhealthy and morbid condition of the
Life Pills and I'lioniix Dittcrs.
Thu Life Pills and Phoenix l'itters nrc ncthans. the
best remedy for restoring Hr ugth to the body lor, they
act a n gentle rariaaillc, and, by their tonic qualities,
strengthen I lie whole svMeui's Life Pills. Persons of a plethoric habit, who
aro subject to fas, lie.Uache, giddlnci., dimness tf
nsln. or drowsiness, from ton great n flow of blood to
tee hend, should take theia Pills frequently,
ADV1CK TO FUMAI.C3.-IVmalcs who value their
health should never be without the Life Medicines, ns
they purify thi blood, remove obstructions. and give the
skin a beautiful, ch ar, healthy and blooming appear
ance. To Klderly Persons. Many ucaliuy aged individuals
who know the value uf Moffat's Lite Medicines, make
it a rule to take them two or three times a week, by
which thev remove the causes that tiroduco discuss.
preserve their health, and keep off tho infirmities of
. - ..... ... ... ..........
rails lor mmuors unu nurses, ii is n iari, einu.
lished bv the annual bliss of mortality, that one half of
the ihil.ireii borne are cut off before attaining seven
years of a'ru; aud tlio nmrco of thi mortality is
tounii to exist in tnut tout ktnte oi tue siomarn una
bowels which produced the generation of worms. A
thu safe restorer of infantile health in this critical state
the Life Medicines have long held a disiingui.iied repu
tation, nnd for foulness of thu stomach and bowels, and
convulsions, although worms may uot exist, it is allowed
to ho superior to any other, l'ill and Hitters.- No medicines at present
known have done so much good to mankind as these,
wil ti in the last few years; and certainly nono have
been rewarded with more numerous and authentic tes
timonials nf their invariable And extensive clflcacv.
They require no dieting nor confinement, are perfectly
mild ind pleasant in their operation, but will power
fullyreslore health that greotert of earthly blessings i
to the most cihau.tcd and dilapidated contlltutions. I
l reparou ay
33S Urea J way, New York,
Ana tor eaie uy an urugguii, npu ut ly,
200 & 500 yds. White, Black, & Colored
This Thread bclne made nartleularlv fur ftawlim M.
cliiuei, Is very Strong. Smooth and Elastic. Its
strength it not unpaired by washing, nor by frictiou o
Iho Hccdle. For Jladiines, uso Brooks' Patent Glace, ,
For upper throad, t
and Crooks' 1'atsut BU Cord, Red Tlektt,
For Under tliread.
Hold by r-ipct'a' le dealers lliroug hout the country,
Alio, in cares of lul each, asrortaJ Not., by
Wil UflNKV BMITII Ml Jlgtnt,
u . .... . M V1 Kw Vwk-
W , lt,-4em,
i 1 1 1 k "I I
440 fiwr445 Jiroadwttn. New J'ot?
Tho following works are
of tin country. dpon receipt of retail price,) by mail or
TUB NllvV AV.nillCAN CVCI.0MU1A: A popular
Dictionary uf Uini'tnl Know ledge, hditod by tliunnK
It I HIT llllll (.'HARM'S A. 1)NA. allied ll) II tllllllCtOUS SO"
lott rorpt of rlti r-iti nil brunches otSUeiuics. Art niitl
Mternturi'. This work Is lie lug publish"!! In about 13
nrr(e octavo vulume., cucli rontnlnlns 730 two (i linn
Vil. 1 in Mill Inclusive, no now N'ady.i neli
Tontalnlnt near 3,3ml, oriilnul article. An aduitlonnl
volume nil be published uiira In about tlirou Months
Prieo, InCloth, SJ Hbecp,3 i0 llnlf Alcr., SI ; Half
Russia, $1 ullrnrli
Thj New AmcrlrnnCyclopredla In
Ing superficial, learned but not Hil,inlr, cnin r lii iiflvo
but dclflklililly detailed, fn-f from pernoiiiil plipin und
party prtJinMci', frcli nnd )ct uecurnte, It It a tumfli-le
flntiiineiil of all Hint la known upon every Important top
ic with tlm it pi hi liiitiinn liiti lllg. nri', Kvi ry Import,
ant nrtklo In It hn li ni specially wrlltan fur (in
by men who arc iiu(haritio upon Hi i tnpieeu whirl
they rpmik. Tliey am n ipiircd in hriiiK thu iiliject uptu
tlm prereut moment to rtnti jnpt how It aland a vttc. All
tiioatntlsllrnl liifoii'intlon lair ini lh.. Inlttl rrjiori ; 111'
freocrnphkal ni rounla k,'eii pnn) with the I :it at cuplora
tlonai litntr rlcril iiiiitt-.-rn iiicliiilo tlm rn ili.'st Jnl l(
the liinraplilenl notlera nol only tpenk of llio dead, but
nlao nfllie living. It l a lihrnry cfltaelf.
AnniimitMKNr or tiu Didaik ort'oNimraflt Ilelng a
political hlati'ry oftho L'niti'd Italia, from the organiza
tion of the Urn Federal L'ougreM In IWlli) MM. ll.i 1 1
nl and complied by linn, Thomas II, llttiiu.i liom tho Uf
ficlal Hecxirila of OonvM's. I
Thu work will lie complied In 15 royal octavo volumes
of 50 pasea each 11 of which nre now mndy. An ndii
tional vtfiimo w ill Ii3 pulilitlied onro In lliree montln. i
Cloth. S3; Law Sh-cp, $1 50; Half Alor $1; Half
Calf SI 50 raih.
I'orm a clnh of four, and rt-init the prlroof four hooka,
nnd llva conies will h tent nt Hie remilti-r's cinemu' for
carriage. or for ti'ii tlcvencoulea will be sent
at our tipciuclbr i
No other works will liberally reward the exertions
ofAjreiita. An Aoent WANTtn iw ifiia County.
Terms nmdo known on application to tlio Pulilisliers, 1
Nov. SI, UI10.
THE ailiJIHD 1.1FK IXSOfi.l.Wr., J.Y.YDm' Jl.VV
rnusv coxpaxv vf i,iijl.h)ixjijuji.
orricic, no. 403ciiFiTOtr HTRitr, I
CAriTAli(paid up.) 8-101I 000.
CAarlrr Perpetual,
v' tho most reaionablo terms.
The capital biliiK paid up uud Invested, tngelher with
a luriru und ronstantly luereaaing reserved luud, tHlrn
a perfect security to tho iusurtd.
Tiu prL'iiiiuuiiis must be paid yearly half yearly, cr
The Company add a HONUti periodically to tlm ini.u
innces of lira. Th'i KII1ST IIO.STd npiiruprlated in Do.
ccmher, IMI. the yLCO.M) HOMJd in Difcciulier, 1.M'.',
the Tllllll) UON'US In December, 1634, nnd tlis iOUIlTH
DONUSIn Docemli 'r, 1-33.
DJTli3se additions ore made without requiring any
increase In tho prcuiiu'im to he paid to the Company. '
Tlio following uro a few examples from tin Ketl.ti r. '
honus lo bo liicr'ased
No. 81
" mo
" 333
' ic
by tutiire additions.
S3,3ff7 50
4,050 00
1,400 00
6,875 00
enntalnlng tables of rates and explanation,
forms of npplication,
found at Ui ollitu.
uiui luiutcr iniormaiiun can be
Jxo. I'. Jamcs, Actuary.
, . LEVI I,. TATE, Jlgtnt.
T. C. luniinov, Examining l'htjiician.
October 10, 1637 ly.
aMiniiiidcrslgnPdisnlso oxtenslvcly encaged In the
J Undertaking Itutinrsi, and keeps constantly on hand
nd for sale at his Warerooms, a large assortment of
liy which ho is enabled tn till orders on presentation
Awo-Keeps a good IlorkO and Hearse, and will at al
times he ready to attend I'uuertls.
tilMO.V C. SII1VU.
riomusborg, January 20, IPSO
Pays the entire cost for Tuition in Iho most popular and
ucccsifi!l t'ommerciul School in the country. I'pwar l
of Twelve Hundred young men from twenty-right diff
'rent States, been educated fur business hern Willi
in tho past three years, some of whom luno been em
ployed ns Hook Keepers ut ba'artct. of
52000.00 por Annum,
immediatclyupon gradunting.wlin knew nothing of ac
counts when they entered the College.
117" Ministers sons half price. (Undent enter nt any
tlme.and review when they pi 'nsc.withnul extra charge.
Tor Catalogue of 80 pages, Hpeciniens of Prof. Cowley'
Husinessand Orncmeiilnl Penniunsliip, nnd n larsi- l'.n
graving oftho College, inclose twenty-five cents in Post
age Mumps to the Principals.
JUNKINd Ic SMITH, Pittsburgh, r.
Jan. 5, 1S01 ly.
Five lvto Gviucnt lor Sale.
A lot of superior I'm Pr.norCrMnsT. especially adap
xti'd for i cmenting Hoofs. Ouo gntlou will cover 103
feet of ordinary ronfjng, and Is insured proof again. t
rain and wit weather. Can bo had nt manufacturers
prices, by the gallon or half barrel, at tho offlceofthe
Columbia Democrat.
nioomsburg, July 10, IPCI.
Ho. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut,
Enameled Class, Tresco, Oil and Encaustic Painting
John fiiusov. rj. ii Omsnv
Januory 13, ltJdl-3iu., '
' T H E lJi' foN
Areh. Strttt.jl'uve Third.
rpiir. eitunlion rf this llnt-1 render. Ii nn rr ,i...
X coiivcni.-ntforthosowhoara visiting Inhia
on business; while to thosu in scan h of plnasurc, tho
conttautly pasjiiig and repassing City lUilwny rars
and tlioso in dun- proximity, nffnrd n ihenp and pleas
autrideto nil places ofititercst and nmiueiuciit In or
' lihout the citv
The proprietor gives assurance that -Tlin irnim.
i .v.i, .. . ..i.i. r . . -,...,,, , ' ,,
' i?.'? " Tji . 1 1 .f T,.?,1". mcr' I'.ut'lic
j " iViulx U vyiVZ'.'t
February S3, IFCO-Um,
L'..l. ....... tit ICfn 11. .'. '
Ileef, Pork, Poultry, Iloncy, Crain Produeo, Cider
, mi run, iiiuiii, .urn, uais. nay anil imistalks.
Uloouisburg, Oct. SO, leUl.
a MIOSE knowing thenuelves indebted tn the under
. signed ure hereby untitled to come and settle their
accounts without further notice, Inm now in enruc.t.
If not attended to soon their accounts will be placed in
proper hands fur collection.
.T n w via
K . T IQitl .1 " wtJ.
mllK firm of Btouer k Vox. beretorom .ini
-I 1 111 tho lllnonnburg llakery aud Confectionery, was
tim.oivru un .tiling, me mziu oi nepicniiier, ipui, by
mutual conn All rons having uiitetlled accounts
with the iuto In. n, will jJeaso rail on II. Biouur and
rlnso the book Mr. filmier will roinlnuo tlm llakc.
ing and Confeclionarr business at tho old stand, nnd
solicits a coiitjuuauco of public iiauonage, '
IDoointburg, January -1, 1801. i
rplIU undersigned, would respeci'ully inform Hie clti. 1
J sons of lllooiuiburg, and tho public gciurally, Uiut
be has opuncd a .
In the frame building lataly occupied ky Charles II. Noll
whereho Is pivparcd incmuto t
aiMFxa, jxo siiampooimi,
Iu Hie buitmutiner, witli dcspatcb, and to general satis,.
Uwotbur. Vol (0,1641,- 3n. '
Finn Ilonus or
Insured nddltien
jriuo sv.-- so
:kw8 tojo no
inoo ii") no
51100 1873 00
fco, Ac.
f jd.J t ft . ) 7-.; t ....... I ,
Scrofiiia, or King's Evil,
U n eonatttoitonal dbeaw, a corniptlon of llto
tilood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
vrea.1, nnd poor. Uotnr; In the clrtrulation, it
pCfTudc tho whoU boily, and way bunt out
in tUttMO on nny part of it. No orpin U freo
from ita attack, nor ia there one vr liich it nny
not destroy. Tho acrofulou taint is variously
canted by mercurial disease, low living, di
orilcTod or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
anil flltliy habits, tho depressing vice, and,
obovo oil, by tho venereal infection. "VVhat
ever bo iti origin, it is hereditary in tho con
stitution, descending from parents to children
unto tho third and fourth generation (" indeed,
It seems to bo tho rod of llim who soys, i
will vitit tho iniquities of tho fathers upoa
their children."
Its oflccta oommonco by deposition from tho
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, livor, and internal orcans, is termed
tubercles ; in the glands, swellings ; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses
tho energies of life, to that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by d!sordor9
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
nro still rendered fatal by this taint in tho
system. Most of tho consumption which de
cimates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; nnd many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
aud, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
aro aggravated by tho same cause.
One quarter of all our people are KTofulous;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system we mustrenovato
the blood by nn alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and excrcisa.
Such a medicine wo supply ia
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which tho medical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active rcmedials that have
boon discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and tho rescue of the
Sstcm from its destructive consequences,
enco it should be employed for tho euro of
not only scrofula, but also tlioso other amo
tions which arise from it, such as Ksvr-rivc
and Skis Disease St. Amuoxv's Fins,
Rose, or Envstrcus, PiMri.ES, Pustules,
Blotch m, Pjlains and Doils, Tumors, Tesisu
and Salt Kur.uM, Sbamj Heap, ItiNowonw,
ItnccMATisM, SrritiLiTteand Mkucoeial Dis
eases, Bsorsv, Dyspepsia, Debility, and,
indeed, aix CourLAtxis ahisixo i-bok Vitia
ted or Impure IUood. The popular belief
in impurity of the blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of tho blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of tliis Sarsapa
rilla is to purify aud regenerate this vital Quid,
without which sound henlth is itnpossibla ia
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely uithstsntl or evade them
Their penstrating properties search, and cleans,
and Invigorate every portion of the human organ
ism, correcting its disetsod action, and restoring
its healthy titalitics. At a consequence or tneso
properties, the invalid who is bowed dawn with
pain or physical dobility is astonished to find Ids
health or energy restored by a remedy at ouse so
rfinple and inviting.
Not only do they care tho erery-day complaint!
of .every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. 'Iho agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and directions
for their use in the following complaints: Cott its
iwjj, Hem tburn, lleaducln arising rem disordered
Sicmacfi, A'autea, lndigettion, J'atn in and ilorbid
Inaction of the Mowtlt, Flatutcbty, Lou of Appa
tile, Jatmdiee, and other kindred complaints,
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction
of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
ron tue rapid cms op
Coughs, Colds, Inflticnzn, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump
tion, nnd for the relief of Consumptive
Fnticnts iu advanced stages uf tho
So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu
merous are the eases of Hi cures, that almost
scvery section of country abounds in pertons pub
licly known, who have been restored from alarming
and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
use. When onco tried, its superiority ever every
other medicine of its kind is too appattnt to escape
observation, and vhoro its virtues are known, the
public no longer hosilate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and danperous aflcstions of the
pulmonary organn that aro incident to our climate,
while many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community have failed and been discarded, this
has gained friends by every tiial, conferred benefits
on the alllictcd they can never forget, and pro
duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgotten.
DR. J. . AYEEE & CO.
T. 1' I.uta, J. R Mil)', r. li. M. li.iiseiiliucli, llloomsuuri;
A. Miller, lieriwck, anil by oiietlorc in every town in
This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses virtues
unknown of'niiylbis; rl.e of Hie Kind, an I prnvinp tir
tctu il attrr all others havo failed 1 it is lireparcd from
an "luilian Herb" peculiar to Niirlh .-nt .tfc ii "onndTi s
n. and it used by the Native iu producing the moktii
lvsickmh.. i i'.esin-,l for bntli luanriiil ntul miulo
Indies, uud U tun very best thing knnu n I'. rlh" purpose
an It will reiiirvo nil .ilisiriuliiuu ufti r other remedies
lint.' h'-en tri 'U in vum. It in a t.-a, cuiitiitn
iiiI nn'.hiu injuriniiK to Iif0!h, and u euro, to be relied
upon in nli cue,..
i'roljpKi I'ti-ri. or f.illinti of tlm Womhj I'loues Al
bus. or White, i i hrouie l.llaiiiaiinu. or liicorutn-ii of
III ' Womb , I ii i le.itul lleinoraito il'l'l"i.'i:isr , and Cls
ms" (.fill Hpiu -.
I mil hi th? nrly ttntro nf ptscinnry nr0 rn"
tinuu ; u.uititt the ue of this ten, in it will produce
pairtprn and solo nr
llll. . iV. nsf.i.lsll, No. ;.'j It VCH .TUCCT
l'llll AlJCM'AIA, I'A.
I'ncer $1 00 p"r nirkaje, (uilh full directions for use)
sent ny Lltpr. . r .Mail to any address,
fir. Ii ran h' ro.-itiilti-d iu all oli'linuto IVir.iilo Com
plaints, iu per: "n or by Utter, nnd u ill fjrni.h tho Cut-la-perrha
1'etmtle tSyrmsu- highly n ciuuuieiideil by the
l'uiulty to marrieil ladies foi spi clal purpnten.
Alto Itailic'il Cure and oilier Trussed Improved Ro
tary and Hpiuu All. luminal .Supporters- Bhoulder Uracils
Ill.utic anil I. ace Htucklucs-fiijiHil Apparalus, for
Weak and Curved Bpiuu-ami Instruments for nil do
fortuities. A larjto block o III" nbuvu nrlicles constant
ly on hand, and w ill be furnUheil at lowcrt rules by
ending order nith measurement nnd fall
E All coinuiiinicntions strictly conlljential. I'or
further particular please Address,
Ml. 0. U. FNOI.ISII.
7-.'0 Iiuro Street.
Nov. 10, leill-liin.
Nos. 0,11,1.1, 15, 17 Courtliiiidt Street,
Thlt old-established nnd favorite retort of tbo Iluti
nest Community lias been recently relliied, und U com
plete iu overylhing that can mini. ler tu Hie comtorlt of
Us patrons l,nJis and families aro sjKiially and iare
fully provided for.
It l centrally located In tho bu iuess part of thn rity,
and is contiguous lo the principal lines if steamboats,
cars, nmnibusses f'rrlos, he.
In cnnei'i!nco oflhe pressure caused by Iho Rebel
lion, prices havo been reduced to
On Dollar w d l ijty ( cuts per Dai,
'lli i taLln i amply supplied with nil lliu luxuries of
the s a .oiigiudiaequal to tliat ot any other bolsl in Iho
Ainp:e acteiuinoJationt aro odered fur upward of 400
UJr- no uot li)leva riinnert.hnrkincn, and others who
may say "tho Weitcrn HoM is full."
I). I). WINUIID3TEU, Proprietor,
J-Vb. IS, le'lt'.
Ent-rtalnineiit for Msnaud lleutt, in good style
and stniMertte rates.
GLtOhCB W rREEZBi Tltiritter,
rills M rah V 161
rmwinjLPHiiV cofl.jiiunciAL.
JV, E. comer of 1th ami Chestnut Streets
Tnts ItsriTrr.oi, which wa 4iiaWiii tn If II and
f ntn cnitneriu-ntly In the tifHientX yrar it Its cxlut
corn, niiiiib'm amonj Its fruJu.itci.. humludt cf tha
inoiuucscitful .Merchants tuj lluilnein Men of our
Tnr iliirct of the Institution Is solely to afford youns;
men f.iclllllesfor thorough tr 'Iaratlonfor buiinm.
Tilt HiiANciiti TtcunTnfe, Duok-ieeplng, l nppllcn
bio tntlii varloun ilrnarluiaMa of trad? I'inmcniMi'i
both il.iln niiil oni.iiunilili Uimi'fctiil taa. Mi'lf
mulct, .VtelgatlD Vielt Engineering, DraicUg, ihtn
ogarpg, and Mo-ttrn Lingnegcs.
Tr Htstsm or InTnucrio Is prenllar ! no elncs or
set lessitnavrn iiialou.oof but each rt'itlent In taueht
Imll v 1 lnally, ro that he may commence lit any time, and
attend at whatever hour nro mmt convunleiit.
CtTAloot'SJ Hreln. m.l annMltjnUat thj lSlhof Aptll
contilnln? Haitian f thu stililenti fir th y.'ar, an 1 foil
liarlioil ir of tenu-i&c, nn I nny ho nbtnlne i at any liy j.lJrolui; tho frinclpal,
iNMrreNHVK AocnVMnvwtntts. te'Ue.tpr-cl rtyilttiar
an 1 tin! ttnpiliy ttpcritnit (' rriielpnt, thin lo tnii
lloiinir.'rn ficlilu -ulii'ilor t.inny oto r In ti e coin
try, f.iryoinn m--u wl hlrnr toirenir"i for lenln
nn.l to obt iln nt tha rime llnio a r.ri."M . vlneh vi
jirnve a recommendation (.it thei.l them ti) nny Al recu
tita Home.
ZfliunvtBts't Series of T'entltct n
now imri wl I. lyclrcilatoilllini any ctlnr orl:
01 tiu y.iljctt, nrj for ?l; tit tiu Ooll qe.
3. IIODUIM CItlrri.NDIl.V,,
1'niKcirAL., Si.l'Si lSm.
jif-tmiOicliirnrs tV. i'ropriutors,
Stoic. Ao. ilO South ll'tarvcs,
rfnpcr-Pliospliuto of Lime.
t.lttle n"ed be nalil to rccmninendthli article ltd ie
rulhir im-riti as n vlftorotH ami lartlnir inaitnro l.nilnir
firmly emnlilUlKMl it In the fivor. Wo Mould" however, that not only lin Inu a conlliiueil caro to
maintain iu ctlicacv. wo liavn rousht tu ren
der it more imacdia't In in action, liy Iln addition of n
.mall '(u.uitity ot !icm remi lan uiinnn. up no not
claim by thin improvement, ( hiih um made ilnrliiR
the pat year, and without .nbliily ni tine the larl.)nnr
t$Ui"r-riinnph iti-1 rendered nnv more lamina In ltleir
cct. or in any xvav b ineflted, eiccpt in ensdrlngu quicl.
er ti'Uon on application,
piuoe, 510 per 2000 lb3. cash.
Thla article if irriniiid wttlio it any nrevlnu nrepfl-
ralion. a n it contains all the orginie matter of the bones
It it Wirr.mted pure.
piuck $:i: i,t sJODii !ln cash.
K7 Th.i nbov3 Manur.'i can be lud of ri'Ci.lar ncal
er or of I'.AlHill Sc -"O.S
Voi!o S.itth '' harv.'i. rhiladilphla.
February 13. H-r2 -3a.
John Fiiroim.
713 Alien Ptrcit, between Ttli, an a,
i-t.i. -irietj.
(IMC ifelA.Vaikct -V-t.( rhUcdc'iihia )
lMrottiLR AMTAi'ienm ,ir, and
lltAtn: m -M. kiMimf TAf.CV l'Jltr,
vrvj Fetr LiiiHc Vlseit tnd Children's vear. .
JrS,a HatniK now manttlaclureil ntul iu '
, 'P, rtore my tiMinl Inrii- mill beautiful as-Sr-V
AlsP snrtini-nt of nil the vnriouii ttyles nnd
o..ialill 'a of Fori adopted to the com-!
.tl"w-C& tnS l'all anil Winter fvannns. 1 would
rcfpectfiillv ini it" an ei jiuinatinn of my idock nnd prl- 1
ces from llioo intemlin to purclnse.ns 1 am enabled
to otfer them very ih'Hir.'ibie indiin mcntd.
All my Furs havo been piirchiis-'d for ca-h, nnd made '
by expenenci'il nnd competent hatid, and an t"e present
monetary trouble render it Herniary that I should ills- 1
pose of my punli! t.t viry unn'A a Ivance on rost.
I run ..itiFtieit that it vwl! be to tho interests of those '
how design purchasing, lo give nio it call, ,
O Kecolleit. thn name, ntiinbei and rtrect : John'
I'oreira (New Fur Slori-,)Tl!l Auh Street, l'hiladclphia. '
Selitcmlier 7. lfdl 5ui. j
rTMIE underrizni'il resp"ctlully infortii their friends
I nod the public jrcnerally. that they have entered in
to cn partnership, under the name, ftxl'i and fixiu of,
.MIJ.Ll'.K Sl I.Yi:U in the I
In the "Old Arcade," in lllooin.leWK. Coluiuliia ro.. 1
1 whi-re they inletitl c arr vina on Hit. business of i rae
n Kit .MtKtu iNot.iso. in all its diversiilt-d brnm li.s and
. departiiii-uls. and lo wliuli they invite an citcimnu of
I the public patronage,
p. ii viM.i:n,
FIlIlirKt.'. J1YBK.
IllOorasburs.Mayll, 16fil.-tf.
:" Sl,AMAIIi:il PAFHrt, ni:
, ;; Vj MDVi:U 10 -Ml ClieUnHt StrOt,
.f': i.t'."AS Thhf iroi.f alauiander F.if. s.
iro" for binks and
- - -tton s, iron shiitterH iron sash, al!
, i' .-ji.?,r, makes of locks equal to any mode
in th l'niti'd States.
FiccSnJriin on' firs. Ml came out right; vlth con
tents in pood condition.
Thu Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against the
have Ind th" surcfct demnslralion lu the following cer
tilleate Unit their mauuf.uttiro nf Salamaiid"r S afrs has
at Icnclli full v warranted the representations winch havr
beii made i.f them ns n nilcring an undoubted b cunt)'
against the terrific clement.
I'hilndolphn April 12. 1-3
.Venn r.irn.'f- Hainan (!i.utleiuen It airuria us
tin- highest satisfaction to state to you, that on iti,' in
the very pri t.'clivu qualm, b of two of thu Salamander
P ifes Mhioh wo purcliaivil ofyoii some flvn monlh stniv
wo saved a larso portion of Jen. Iry, nnd nil our Im. Its,
ftp-, expose! lo th" ealaniinims.llreinllanst ad place on
the moniiiij; of tho litis iiitt..
When we retl.'it ti tins i safes wero located in til!
fourlh srory of lli i biiiplini; w orcupied and that III y
fi 11 subsequently i-tfin v ap uf bumine ruins, wluri the
vast ronrentratioii nf tho In at caused the brass plates to
melt. wi riinui t but regard th" jir ;ervatii,n of tliolr val
uable rontPiits as must cnnvinciiij; iroof of tUc great se
curity atfordpil by your safe.
We shall tukj pr'eat pleasure in recommending them to
men of bu.ine as a mrn n lianc rtrc i it t fir.'. i
KOIt(ii: W. HI.M.MUNS Sc into., Jnetlltrt. 1
Vy'l'hoy hnvp since- nnrehajoil six large Safe.. t
August -0, 1MD
ler forth) r'cpptlon audentertniuuient i.f travelers who
may foil dispos..,! tof.ivnrit with llieir i iistom, He has
spared tin i xp.-ns.i in prepaung the V.xi iiasue, for tho
put rluuiuc nl ofhls guents, neither shall there beany.
Cling wanting (on lis part) to mlnUter to llieir pprs.niiil
c imfiirt. Hit hn.ise i.i spacious and enjoys an uxcell.-nt
li.i.ines l.'rntlon.
O.imihuses run nt nil times between Iho ntchango
Hnt' l and the wirious ltail Itoa.l Dej ots, by which trav
elers will h i pleasantly conveyed to and from tho jc.
spective- btations in duo time to meet the Cars.
Illooinsbiirg, July 7, 16G0-
A fi-Mi.'ivnlrinf Inst itntiin - Ki 1-. .
nipiil. f ix the relief ;if tho uk anil lllitresseil, nlllict".! llisea., aud uspiclally
forthu Cure of IlisL-nsPs oftho Suvnal tlrgans His
renary freo to .palients in nil parts oftho UmtedStato.
.uX' 1 II 1-1! Hi:itKTrt. sin r-permnlorrluca, and oth
m.'i nor,l",,Ht'x'!,,l '8". and on tho NliW
U.Ml,lllf.S cmplnycl, sent to tin nllllrted insinlnl
letlpr Plivrdooi m. In.j. ,.f..l, ....... 'i ' 1 1
.i v Kfu11 Ni.At!''i 8'(tu". Ilnwanl Associa
tion, ro. -J Hntilh Ninth Street, I'hlladelnliia I'a,
March 2, letil Itiui.
.2tjl '''10 tlreai IJauso of
Just Publlt'hnd In a6eled llnvclopo; I'rlceOclti
a i,i;i:iiniu nv iin. cuiat.iuvki.i., on tub
CAUai. AM) Cllltr. of Speriuatnrrha-n,,
.Mental an I Physical "ebicity. Nervoiunoss, Hpileo.y
Iiiinalrciiuirllion of lbs llody ( I.tissilinli- j Weakliest
of the l.liulisandlho llacki Imlisposltinn, uad Jnca
pacity for t-tudy uud l.nhor ! Ilullnots of Appreheiislun;
l.o.t i,r .Mp,noryi 1 Aversion totoeictyj l.ove of Soil,
luds I Hindi y j Sclf.Uittrust ; ntzw, ; lleadael e;
Alfeitlons of Hid llyes; I'lmpics on tbo i'acoj Involuu!
tary l.iulisioni, nnd Sexual lucapaejlyi Ho conio.
quencet of Youthful Indiscretion, ilc, &c,
IL7 This admlr.ibln Lcciurp rl .ads proves that the
above enumerated, often trlf-nfflicled, evils maybe re.
moved without niediiinu nnd wilhuut dangerous snrel.
and"'"''"'"01"' na ,l'oull, ,caJ by As
flent under seal, loany add;et, in a plain, sealed
envi lope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage
tauuis. byaddretsiiiir 1 """k'
,m . Dr.CIIAS.J.O, KUNn,
rpbruary8,lijQi,3 April SO led
'rim Proprietor ofihia wellkunwiinnil centrally loca '
l 'd IIousp, th i Kjcuimm: HornL, sltualu on .Mai
flrcet, in liluani.lmr;, immediately "inosito Ilia Coluin
bl-i County Court House, reniecifully informs his friends
und the public in gem nil. Hint his Hh'iik u mm. in
AM, persons knowing themtelvet indekted toth.
undersijned on Ilook account .r olhsrwlse. ar r
hereby noilArd to come and settle up by the lit o
slardi, leu'J. or their acrounti will positively be left in
ths haads of prefer Seei for fclltcUoB.
IW. ,ev. Mills, frt, IS IMa-ty. VW' 9Zty
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A compouoa rtnned, !. wiucn vo jisto in
huttd to tiirjduc tbo mott trfTectttal alterAtifti
that con La made. It Is a ctmeenvrutcil extract
of Tara. SatJtipnrilla, so combined with otliir
substances of still greater altoraUv povyet as
to afford an cfleetiTU antidoto i'or tlio disoancti
Bsnaparllla la reputed to euro. It Is believed
that such n Ktnedy It wanted by tliota who
suffer from Strumous complaints, und that on
which will accomplish their euro mmt ptovo
of! servlco to this largo cln's t" our
afflicted fellow-cltlrcus. How completely this
eompsund will do It has been proven by exper
imsnt on many of tho worst cases to bo found
of tho following complaints s
ScnoruL. amd Scrtorcioui Copi.aist8,
EuurTtoss axd UnurnvE DisanBi, Ul.iw,
raixiIa ott Tic Doulouucux, Ur.mi.iTr, Drs
parsu And Ixiat:aTio.v, HiiTstrtrAS, ljoso
on Sr. AMrnosv's I'mn, nnd Indeed the whole
clats of complaints arising from Imi-ukixy op
MR lll.OOI).
This compound will bo found a great pro
motcr nf henlth, when taken in tho spring, to
exnoVPthc foul humors which fetter m ths
blood at that season of the year. Ly tho time
ly expulsion of them many rankling diordors
aro nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare thcnuelvtw from
tho endurance of foul eruptions nnd ulcerous
totes, through which tho system will ntrivo to
rid Itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do
this through tho natural channels of tho body
by an alterative medicine. Weanso out tha
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin in pimplos, eruptions,
or sores i clsanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish in tho veins ( cleanso It
whonover it is foul, nnd yonr feelings will tell
you when. Even whero no particular disorder
li felt, pcoplo enjoy hotter health, and livo
longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep tho
blood healthy, aud all Is well ; but with this
pabulum of life diordcred, thero can be no
lasting health. Sooner or later somctldng
must go wrong, and tho great machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla .has, and dotcrves much, the
reputation, of accomplishing these cnd. But
the world has been egiogiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because tho dru
alono has not all the virtue that is claimed
for it, but more because many preparations,
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,
or any thing else.
Duting late years the public havs been mis
led by laigo bott'.oj, pretending to give a quart
of Extract of Sawaparilla for ono dollar. Most
of thess hare been fiuuds upon the sick, for
tbey not only contain little, if any, Sarfnpa
rilla, but often no curativo properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter ind painful disappointment
has followed tho use of tho vuious extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until tho
i name itself is justly despised, and has becomo
synonymous with hnpontion and cheat. Btill
I wc call this compound Sarsapaiilla, and intend
! to supply such a remedy as shall rcscuo ths
nma ftr.rrt tlm lnnrl nf iililnflll- wlllrill rrata
upon it. And wo think wo have ground for
believing it has virtues which ore irresistible
by the ordinary run oftho diteascsit is intend
ed to cure. In order to sccuio their complcto
eradication from the system, the remedy should
be judiciously taksn according to directions cn
ths bottle. ft,
ncEiMiten nt
Bit. s. c. ay a: is & co.
Price, $1 per JJottle Six Dottles Or 09
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
has won for lt'tlf such a renown for the curt of
every variety of Throat and Lung Conipltint, thit
it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount tho
evidence of ilt irtucs, wherever it hat been em
ployed. As it has long been in eor.stir.t utc
throughout this section, wo need not do more than
astute the people its quality is kept up to the l
it ever has been, and that it may be telicd cn to
do for their relief all It has ever been fouad to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
roa ran cuiii: or
CMtktneu, Jaundice, DjUpcjHta, Ineiigeitiott,
Dysentery, Fuid i&, i'l ytipt leu, Headache,
Files, Rheumatism, Eruptions and SJtin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and
Salt Iifuum, Jlormi, Gonf, Neuralgia, as a
Dinner rill, and for rvrifying the Blood.
They ere sugar-touted, so that the most sefsl
tito can take them pleasantly, and they mo ths
best tporient in the world for all tlio purposes of a
family physic.
Vrica S3 cents par Box; Fivo boxes for 31.03.
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States
men, and eminent petsonnyes, have lent their
name' to certify tlieunparjlleirdusefulnotsnf tliets
lemcdies, but onr spaoe here will not petmit the
insertion nf them. The Agents below named fur
nish pratis our AiirwrAN Almai ax in which they
are given ; with alio full descriptions of the above
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
lowed for their cure.
Do not be put oil by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they ninlto more profit on.
Demand Aviftt's, and tako no others. The sick
want the best aid thcrs is for them, aud they should
haie it.
All onr Iterr-edics are for tale by
V.. I l.tiu, M. Il.-ucub-ieh, P.loombur(
A. Miller, Hernick, anj by oiu store in every town in
rnivATr. mudical trcatisc on the
I'liysiological View ol' Marriage.
2M l'At:i:s AND IM nNGIlAVlNfiP.-I'rico rrl)
TwtMV-nvs rSTS. Pent freu of posuiju to nil purls o;
tho lli.iuii. On the inflriiiiiie. ot joutli ami maturity
di.iliiuiis the secrcl lulliiif of boih sexet nf aliases,
causim: ilcbility, nervous!. rt, drprension nf .piriis
p.iltnti tiou 1. 1 the heart, suicidal iuiactiniiFs, involun-
- ,... ut.. biiiiii;! ucn'ciivu memory, I1II1ICCS
tinu ami laltiitle, vi;A confessitns of thitUmg interest
of a Hoarding telieil .Wu, a College fpvdent aud t
Young yarned Udi.c.e, It is a truthful adviser to
tlio niiirrieil and Hihm coiiipmj.latliii: iur.rria;e, wlioen.
tertaiti n-cnt doubts of their phytical condition, ami
who are conscious of having hazarded Hie healili hap
piuets.auilprivileEi.itu which every human bUtieis
YUU.N'R Air.V who arc troubled with wenknpst, ren
erally causal by a hail habit in youth, the ertVcts of
which aro dizziness, pains, foretfalnett, sonieiimi s a
a rHicIng iu the cars, weak cje. wenhnrss cf the baik
ami lower eilremilies, confusion of ideas, loss of mem-
,.,Ni',".!'.'1,v.!' '"enlly devifil mu-h of our timo In
VlSni(i 'l'llll IXUOI'UAN IIuMI'ITALH. availli's
"I'i'm'',!,? crtlic k""l'd(:e and rercarcbes oftho most
killed 1 hysuuua ami Surfcons in Curopc and the I'oi
tiuent. i'lmsu who place-thciaselvcs under our care
;; J,l'0Wl'vetlienillli.-iiffli,,fu,J may ft-Ev AND
irncAUOUM ItHMnillE hh w aro eiisbled t.
introduce into our praiiico, anil tho public. may rest as
siifilol thi sum- zi-al, assiduity. SJL'ritlXY and alien,
lion be ittj! paid to Iheirrate s, which hns so succestful
KS l 'SW1''11" lierctnfore. as a I'hysician ill our
li.UJl, prcfcssional I'ractice..r
past years
i nniiu cMAiKi iLLs.-i,adieswhovirlifor.Mfdlcittrs
tluilhcncynf which has been toni d in thousands of
cases, and never Mile.l to ill.-it speedy cures without
any ha.l resiiln.n ill u0 none but Dr. lM.ancy's remalo
1 erio.iical I'm., l he only Trec-iuliou ii'ressary to i-b-servo
Is, laiilrs kh.,ul,l not tako Iheniif thev have rea
soulo hi hove ihy are lit cirtain situations (tha pajlic
ulars of wl.ich will bo found on tho wrtnper acronipa
njiiii! each bos,) llioush always safe and healthy, to
celltlV Vet sonrltvo nr.- llw i '
tboVln'i,!'. XIA. .S?n l J P' "
TO Till: I.ADIKd-Wboooed a esnfdenliol medlaal
ndviser will, regard to any of Hioso luterestlnt "im
plaints to which their di'licnt. orranlta Ion render,
them liable. ra p-irlicularly invited to consult us"
Ilia' 'I.tu-randAiviMio rBOTCCTlvr." I'or married
irl'.Vt 'J111 "f1 aJ"'11' "I" l"v, nod..
i"",!3 ,h",ir b obtained a. above
It Is a iierfi'cily .afo prevent vo to conrention, and ha.
laJSeUa w'Sllf U'C" "U""S Ukt ! '
The Sccrcls of Youth Unveiled.
A Treatise on thi Cause of Premature llccty-A set
VroZV tt'k ehoveing th',iidil,
female of thi, fatvl kaht, pointing out ttt fatality that
tnvariahty attend, its victims, and derehpiig thcVhol,
1 if,,',, lf t.'".i "V.'lf "m ,kt ''"'HI 5
( vilt le eent tin Mail on r,r,inir i... r'ii ..... .
Cv- Altemlanco dailv rr, S tZ 1" . J. ZW.
.slit. . and on Humlay. fror.i S! till a P , k
Med c inm with inii .n.n,,i.,.. . .1 . ..
'.. ",'".""'" nuouayt iron a llll a p u,
n-!!.'. iu?? wi,l'J'"" dircctiont tent to any ps,t of lb,
Un ted State, or Canada., by patient, conn lunle.t ing
C-Ilr. I.'s omce it strll located at ettablished.unds
bany? N y ' CK0IX M N0, 31 Uillen
Nolr.83 l'e51,-I2m.
A lf'fr,,"nr,"'fn''-'tMcerirars, Tobacco, I
,!;"; """"lunerj- nnu .oimnt ccne rallv ti
r with full stock ofHATBand CAPS. nstantlv
hand and for ta a cJie.n. t ih. ni...v. I ";,""".
hand and 1 for .1 . .."Auan1;.CArS' con'-y
" 'jjir1 j-j'i;?!!?'
7 n.nw -Hats, BortIif, rt.
7 ntitrej Mies, Mi Ut, slid Arcs
To Des'rtu Pi '' Hit,
T DiltTojM'Ml l'l furs, Olottlt, lot.
V.i llolroe Mo'miltieii and Plcti.
Tn Destroy Inertoii 'MantJ and t'orls.
To Z)ly In'nl" ni Anlnalr. At"
Tv Untret Every farm im ' tpjtl i fVsrrata
Dsilrcros tr.statitly
Thosi- reparations (unWcii all othtrt) o;i
'Trey from roisou-."
"Ni t dniisrj.n to thu litiiflan fjtnl'y."
'lints do mil di- on 111- peel..!.- s."
" i n. y oji 1 1 in- ir u i.-s in it.
"They aro til mrily lufalllabl.' rem." let knfwn."
i "l'J years u I mi r r.t.iioil,e 1 iu ,. n Yi t city."
Used ty thjclty i'ost lltllie.
i Vsrd by 1 ii City Prison, anil -t.itiiui Hoojfi.
Ved by HuClty tfl.-aunrs M.ili. He.
Usid ha thj chy Ho.,it... Al.i t'lious-s tit,
' Used by Ihi' City Hot' I rtsti.r- Ut. Nl1ioI:u,'4c.
4 Vtel by the linaruluz Hour.', tic ,te.
Used bj more than Slil.lUu I'riv iter I'lilcllii'S.
' Ky fJJ oils or two .-p. c. j in in is evcrywlifrj
i sai l by lb people II iturs Deali rl, lit.
IIOCSIIM.KI'IIUS- .1 with vi rmlu n:i I be so
no I'uijer. If Hi j" iisi. "Ciin.a'a" list, ru.iiintnrs, We
We have used it to our satisfaction, nti'liraboi ertts
6i we wool I have it. We luv tried poisons, but 111 y
cU-." nutl.itiji hut -'('o.r.uV aril le kiiiuki tiu
breath out of U.iti. .Mice, U ai h a, anil 'le J-lings. qi.i k
er than w iari writ.! It. It I hi great ile.iiu.u all ov.r
the country. -Mdina ' Oa.ttte.
' MOltll flUAIN nnd provisions are dertroyd tnnutlly
in County by voriuin, th in w o lid pay for torn tf
this Hut. tkI Insect Killer. Lancaster UVii 1 Herald
I I1BNIIY 11. L'OriT .it-We ars yuur Preoart-
tlont rapidly. Wherever Hi y luvu b.'fii usjd, Halt
Mice, ltnach'-s anu Veruiin I'isapp. ar rapidly
cna& nToerriR, Drueiiita, Windsor, lid.
"Ccstir a" flat Hnr.i-.h.frj.Jilj.t'iD.'n'.tor,
"OolilT s'
"I.V.tiT ' hai uf it-.taiirii" r.
"c otiar .
"JomUt ' i.' .t.-.c '. 'f '--i, C - j
ii :',r, Ate.
.-'i, . .. r
,, l.l ,
. t" r.l.. o
I 1., J-' . i'C- .NO 'il MO ..Oil. ' . ,
; j. uzes lor I'lclitH.ijolK, ci.i,
! &c..
! ' A CT I O n ' 1 1 To piev "t lb. p
I : ipiM nj- t.ifMMii ana jWvA.y i-
-'.!' i.f. '
i tic- a i iiiti ucs l.9 n pr. p
Ku. bcuu a a jit tin
l'f pri-i , ffiidi.,r .
1-X!t!0 cbi.ll
. il-
. y Uif.r. rUiCUiiiu(, sua i.i. I... ii. ii
i a."
S.ld Ferry t: hit
All V. lu.i. (-.I.; I rii'lst, in thi larjs elllis.
'-Ollii- ci tiu
H liiili'S.-iln A.ctiii!, in mw orti itir.
U. O-. I... . r. . -i
. .,. ,. it., t, miiri a IV.
II A I ahu-,ti.iil Hull Co
V II i I) riau ,s li Co
Wheel, r it Hart
Jam. s i Aipmuall
Morgan .t Aik-n
fail, lluck.'l II Co
I liniuas ex. 1'uller
f D Orvis
Iliirn. I, r.i.l-y z Kli.l is
in. hi, i. .11.; A. i,i,i mki,:i
.'I .ar.l I. i-t i
lciii,..n a 1!.. .'.I, in.
D - i; irii... Oi
' a ii. .c .
....i. II 1 I. . : .C ..r
hill lli ii Co
Co ir , 1 ux
AND Oi'HM;.-.
rililJiiiihlll'l !;t.
TWDyotttCu 1 IM,.-it jhn.nnksr &('
u A I-amicituck ir, Co i't.-och, lli,h.rii: Cj
AND r.v
Urujtlsts, Groerrs, Elor keepers nnd r.ettllert itLtrtb
ly hi oh Country lowiit ilijiKt
iu ths
WL Hagenbuch,
J. R. Moyer,
E. P. Luts,
,ty. br D"i1,- r-eisks.ptts tad Bttsfisis t"
-I,"n;'7 Pea' rsnnnrdrrsstbove.
orsddrsst nr en iron or If Prices,
-c. is deslri. ., y- !T, tor n,21 Cireu'.s'
living reduced niT-' O t , -