Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 "rim in COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. John G. Freeze. Local Editor. SATURDAY MORNING, AfltlL 12, 1862. JK2r Our tlinnks nro duo to Col. Tute for Legislative favors. :o: "IIon. Ilioslor Glyincr of tlio State cnato, has our tlinnks for favora. :o: &'Jf Tho best joko of tho season is, Dr. 'John threatening to toll who "Tootllcs" 'jjis a secret which is already kuowu to tho jmnoie country. :o: 8" A most furious, pertinacious and continuous snow storm visited our county xm Tuesday last. It was about tho biggest Snow of the season. :o: t ': HSF" ''Backwoodsman" has withheld his '4jjnamc, and wo aro obliged thoreforo to sup-Lp-prcss his communication, Correspondents ' $$inust give named, not for publication but JJIor our own liilormatton. :o: 55 The Senate has made us all slavo itHoalcrs by tho bill abolishing slavery in Itho District of Columbia, and makinc us pay tho expenses, by appropriating S100, i)00 to pay for the niggers. So wo go. :o: rCT" Dr. John supposes tho "Woolly Horso1' is one of those persons cngnged in suppressing tho rebellion. In view ot g; hia squandering, spending, fort building, 2&0., to tho loas of several millions ; we jBhould rather guess he was trying to sup press the United States. :o: BUT The Duller Union Hrrald has been disposed of by J. C. Coll k Co., to Clark ftWilson, Esq., who introduces himself to litis readers in a capital salutatory. We welcome him to the ranks, with hearty wishes for the success of both outgoing and 'incoming parties. ;0. Messrs. J. D. Lippinoott .1 Co.,m; tSi 'i'l N, -Uh St , Philadelphia, aro contiu " pting tho publication of "Chambers Eucy- Wclopicdia, a Dictionary of universal knowl- feuge " illustrated by maps and engravings; iaud which lias already reached the 40 No. fluid to tho word "Fast.'' It is published fni monthly parts at fifteen cent a part, fand will form, when completed, n most jfvaluablo work of sis or seven volumes. Science, art, biography, literature, all are ably treated. Send fifteen cents for a No. Rind cxnuiino it, und you will subseribc ifor the work. -!o:- St The terms of tho following State 'Senators expire with tho present session : 'George Conneil and George It. Smith, of Philadelphia j W. W. Ketcham, of Lu jscrnii ; G. A. Landon, of Hradford ; L, jjV. Hall, of Hluir ; Isaac Uenson, of Pot ter ; A. K. Mc' -'lure, of Kranklin ; D L. Imbrie,of Reaver ; E. M. Irish, of Alle gheny ; W, H. Meredith, of Itidiaua, and j)r. Ciawford, of Juniata. All of these 'Mi Hcpubliurius, except the last named 'Wo hope the Democrats will sec to it that found honest loyal anti-abolitionists are elected in their places. Tho good old ..Commonwealth ought no longer be mi-irep- resented by sueti men. Theirs is not the -sentiment ol hr people, and should not be heard in her halls of legislation. '.J!Pai Judge Fiudlay, of the Noithamp ton District has resigned, and the Hou. Henry D. Maxwell has beoncommissiouod as President Judge, until the next election There is much discussion about his suc cessor, and we hear that John W. May. Bard is after the position. Wo had sup posed Mr. Maynard was about satisfied with his experiments in that direction. Hia last summersault, and dead failure, in ma own district, should have taught l ima lesson. Tho pcoplo of tho Tenth Legion waut a firm ami reliable man, a3 well as anable lawyer tho antecedents of Mr. Maynard would hardly recommend him to their confidence, -jo:- CS A Buiall juil delivery took place on ' -Moqday night last. Young Mr. Trow-1 uriugo, in on senteiioe lor uniault and bat-1 I ii, i i i .v.j, muuiuusu iu eru nuei yisu 1113 niuiuui, j . 11. 1 . , ,1 mm uaiiiix blicecencu IU lUaKUl"; il KCV. HO .unlocked tho door and walked out. Upon etartiug ho asked JUchard Torbv if he wou.d go along. Torby said "No, ho would got out in a lawful way directly ho hoped;" ' tiud wltCU tllO family caillO to exailliuo ftlltJ ' al . . ., S lien 11 bt'inc ahOIlt) it 0 Very tllin" was ' ... , , , , , ? , . flgUt, 1110V IOUIK1 lUO tioor Open, anu JJieiC 1 ,. , . , . . .-, vj jr- eomposuuiy siiiaiiiug ins pipe, uil Tuesday morning Mr. .loscph Lilly ro turned Trowbridge to the custody of Slifl'. Furuittn. -:o: S&' Whitewash adds eo greatly to tho picturesque in tiio cottage nnd tho furni housof and iu such an absorbent of iuipuro odorflf that it fchould bo freely used, at least ill the spring. Take half a bushel of fresh burned whito limo. and slack it cither with hot or cold wator, in a tub or barrel, j When thoroughly blacked, dissolve in tho Waterrefiuircd to thin tho HlUO. two .marts I e ...... . ,! "i 11 11 1 1 to 1 ' B"1"' muiougHiyj nut! nninntirt nf m, at ...lit. .l d :. 1 Eraiiien i,y me negisier o sum rountif to tleo. Ilol 1 n MlO'quart Ot sweet nillK, aild it Id ready backwl.o'eMdeslut.all awl.salwp All per ops having inr mn In mil m, will, o linul i',.n,,.,ll.. lor USO, 10 put on WltU a Urusll, IreqUCUtly itirrlug it up. fllnna J mu .r.:i Uuc3 and gum.4 oausoit, to toale offin hot weather. II-Tho MoMinnvillo, Tcnn., People's rapes places at tho head of Us columns tho following motto, which it credits to Polk : "No treason to niati. kind, sinco tho organization of sooicty, would bo equal in atrocity to that of him who would lift his hand to destroy tho Union." :o: - BSyA "Wisconsin editor says "babies aro an uncommon sure crop in that State." So thoy used to bo in this Stato, but it is suggestod at our elbow that in consequen ce of the absonco of sixty thousand fight ing men the crop will not bo uoar so largo this year. What effect will tho short crop havo on tho market valuo of tho article ? Who can tell ? Abolition of Slave.' y in the District of Columbia. Tho Senate has passed finally tho bill for the abolition of slavery in tiio District of Columbia, with an amendment appro priating 31 00,000 for emigration, nnd it will be sent to tho House again for its concurrence Helow wo present tho pro ceedings on this important subject, viz : Tho question was tbon taken on tho passage of tho bill, resulting in its fa or by the following vote : YEAS. Anthony, Rep. Howe, Hep. Drowning, itep. Chandler, Hep. Clark, Hep. Collamcr, Hep. Dixon, Hep. Doolittlo, Hep. Fcssoudcn, Hep. Foot, Hep. Foster, Hop. Grimes, Hep. Hale. Hep. King, Hep. Lauc, Hup, (Ind.) Lane, Hep. (Kan.) Morrill, Hep. Pomoroy, Kcp. Sherman, Hep. Sumner, Hep. Ten Eyck, Hep. Trumbull, Hep. Wade, Rep. Wilkinson, Hep. Wilmot, Hep. Wilson, Hep. (Mass.) 20 Harlan, Hep. Harris, Hen. Howard, Hop. NAYS. Powell, Dcm. Saulsbury, Dem. Dayard, Dcm. Caililo, Union. Davis, Union. Henderson, Union Kennedy, Union. Latham, Dcm. btarke, Dem, Willoy, Union. Wilson, Union. Mo. Wright, Union. 14 iJioUougai, JJeni. Ncsmitli, Dcm. The Senate then adjourned RECEIPTS FOR iMAKCII. ro thi: COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro the receipts to the office of the Columbia Democrat, during the month of March, IS02 : Peiiuu. Salt Co.. $12 GO, C' C Sadler & Co., 3)0 ni) linn jo'm i' niiiwK so i: m i.iuiu. i:s. , i no ' J W Ilivklni Sli. Joseph Mauser 1 3.) " Adam Wolf 53' I'tM til & llro., 5 I'll ' tiro N Quigioy 30 .nir. Mctt-I, 1'hilu. 3 IIU ' I'.iehiird llr.ihiiui .'0' lion. Frs. MeMnnns 50 " I! A Kline - ("I1 Charles Conner.,., 8 oil Farmers Mil. In. Co., 3 tie' 1 1 ml lii'o W Pn-in 50 John M Corneliaon 3 Uoi ilov H W&Ketlulit so i:t. of Hi'iiry Hmith I "5 llnu l.uic llolt'cr 50 " IVmDIIirt 1 ?.", " Tims Oreunbank 5n ' Win Hutchison 4 t'j' 1) Kaiuu 50 John Hill 1 1)0. HliiM Klger 0 50 I'linthis C nreeco 1 no A W ilea 1 u:i lt. of J:io l'. i uirman 1 5ui A 1 Spinney 1 no Ilr. C It i:jorly 50. llnu W Merrificld S tin M II Hi llock !) lilt Ut of Tho Coninr C on J 11 rurniau, Csq., 7 On! HenJ. Thornton S ro J.icoh 5oj Uli Old. 1 An siaiiru 1 Julmitun, Us' 3 wij II I) McPri'Ii" 1 r,u All jr. Krnmcr 1 la' (ieo Driefhnch a jO llowurd Association " 0J U T-'r-itrTMmn ir-m-.TTi rnTrIn1llll.ll mi w,i,iir Special Notices. 325' EMPLOYMENT ! ?75 ! aoiints wan run I We ill pay Iroin 05 tn$'r, porinonih, and all ,xpeii. cs, toaiuvo Aprnts. or Ri o n loinmlssicin. Particulars tnt fr-'u. AUdri" I'.iuk jStwi.Mi MacuIsc Co.'Iimnv, It. JAM UK, tiuncml Aacut, Milan, Ohio. Aiiff. 1 1, IHOl.-l-.'iii. F Adir ION ABLE OLOTHiNG oa F A L L . Tlio oM-patnMiHhed whitj: hall clotiiivu dakaau, tit llio souihwest corner of rnf'KTII A.N'D .M.P,Ui:T STRHLTd. Is now prepared wilh a PULL HI'OUK (IP FASI110NAHLR ltl'.ADY MADL CLOTHIN'U FOlt FALL AMI WIN'i'DIt WliAil. ut ptires which challeiiRo competition. Particular attention Riven to Customer Work, Ollicers l.'uifuriiie. aUo Home Uuarils' uit,&c. WIUTi: HALL CLOTIIIXO 1IAZAAK. Southwest curlier uf roUP.TH A.MD MARK I IT STItHRTrl. PCTP.ll P. LUVICK, Proprietor. Nov. IB, 1801. (May 1, 1301 Win.) Unifo-rnlly of Prices I A Now Feature in L!usliies livery one his own y.ilesnun ! Jo.N'Uti & CO. of the Creseut One Price Clollnng iStoru, No, 504 .Market slree .ibuie Sislll, Philado'phia. In addition to liaviiiR tho larRest, mast varied and fii'liljiiaulu tocl of Clothiir,' in 1'hilailelpliiu, maiiu ex pressly lor retail nles,, conslitmedciury iniu his own salesman, by having muikeil in liaures. on each nr- ticlo nt ihafter) lowest price it can ho sold for u tliey v....,.,.. -,t, , MX!) -tin iiiuis. uny ,U. ino roimis urn w II sponeml ami pn pnreil. ami crent pain, taken with the iiiakiuS so that all caiihuy withtho full iisiraiieoofKcltiua a Rood article at the very low - ost price. Al.o. a lanro ttoek ofiiiee.o r-oo.N n h tuoiutcnt si) In anil hest ipialitles, wliuhwill be maiiu to order, in tho most fushionablo und best iiiiinner. 1!5 per cent., b"low erudit prices. iteuieiuber tho Crescent, in .Market, above Sixth Street No. ill I. JONU :tO. fllslray oiy. pAMiito the pr. mises ofJosepin'.Leiby, ' in u 1110 no inn., a uiiuain sueu red cow, with white facoandpait of hor IctH ear cut oil'. Thuownerisreouestodtonroie nronertv. n:iv ehnree. aim )mvu iiuruHay, or ue w in uu in aeeordine inlaw. JOsiniMi IT 1 imiiv April IS, 18'W-3t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Estate of JJ'Ulwm Cool, deceased. TVr0T,t;'L; lierul.y given tliatlcttors of Ailininijtrutlon oiiihee.luteoi'William Cool, late ol Hemlock twp, ,'oluinUiaciiuiily,deceafeil,have been granted by thellei. 'st'T "f aid fount) t Peter Werkheiser anil William ii.-uniwuo rcsiuo in inu sameiownsnin. All persons hiving ilniiiis or dsuiuuds ajtaiiirt tlio tstato of the deiodeiil are nniie'sted to present them for settlement, ai.u ii'3o iiiiiueiuu 10 inane payment wiinoul delay, pili'iiit wi:uKin;isi;u, WILLI A.M. 11. COOL, April 12. I?(12-llt, Mm'rs. ADMiNlSTltATOIl'S NOTICE. Eitale of Michael Whitenighl, deceased. .VIOTI Cilia lierehy giien that letters of Rilmiuialra Mtion on llio estate of Michael Wliitenighllalo uf Mem lock tw p.. Culiimhiu eounly, deceased, have been grant ed by tlio lleguterof said touuty to Jacob rl. Hvaiis, of Fishiiigereek twp., Columbia to. All persons having claims or demands ugainst the o.tulo 1,1 llio decendent are reu.uei.Lid to pre.eut them fur settlement, and thorn indebted to maku payment villiout delay. JACOUci.IlVANH, April I'-', l-liw. iiir. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Mate of Gcor.c IMlenlach, deceased, TVTOTiri: i hereby given thatleit-rsof Adiuinislm t.1 tluu lie lioutt iwii.oii the enalo of (iso Hollcidiuck, lateof Catlawissutwp. t oluiiihuii , , r'.i Ii .1 .. I...... ciaimsor uemauiis ugaiusi 1110 o.iati 01 tan uefi dent are re-uested to present them for settlement, and .3C I" uei '! 'u Ih , e liiyilient W llllOlll unuy uuobod iiolminuack. E 7. 1 .iim'r III Ufl ,V I Aptiu. net er REGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE li hereby given ta all lei;ntcOs, eradltorn and other persons interested In the estates of tho respective deecilentii nml inlnors.thnt the following administration and guardian account hnvo been tiled In tho olllco of the lief Istornf Columbia county, nnd will bo presented for confirmation and nlloivanco to the Orphan' Court, to be held at Moomabiirg, In the county aforesaid, on Wednerclay the 7th day uf May noit, at flo'clock, In the afternoon of said day. 1, Account of Hamuel Creasy, Ouardlan of Hannah Boone, daughter of A.iruii Try, B, Account of Aaron Lnmborson, Ouardlan of William Junes, ion of .(esse Jnnnn. 3. rimt nnd final account of Hon. Warren J, Wood ward executor, or Mint Mien Scolt, deceased 4. I Inn! nccount of Daniel Hcarhart, administrator of John Oenrhart, of 1'r.mklln township, deceased. 3. Final account of .Martin V. II. Klino, ndiulnlatrntor of linn Peter Klino, Into of l.ocuat township, deceased. v. . c nniHi uwniiauiiu i.-. rcnningtou, uuiniuis- tralor of Samuel nol, lateofllfiiton townahlp Uec'd 7. r r-t aCCOUnt nrNnimir. r.n-i.v. r.rn.ii(nr ..f H.n lau Will or John llrown, lata of Mllllln township, dee'd, i. Account of William lluckalow, one of tho execu tors of John M. Uuckalciv, Into of rishlngcrcek tvp U AcCOUIlt Of Frflltklln lln.lttnn.l,. Wlf... n.1.., of Uliabeth llclwlg, Inte of l.ncuat towinhlp, di:caed 10. Account of Ji'sso Monacli, RUnrdiaii of Clarrlasa Blillcr, minor child of John Shller lato ofFranklln town, rhlp dcceascil. ii.. Account orr.lwood Hushes, executor of Stephen , Adams, Into of llrlarcccek twp. decenaod. i I'l. Accouutof Tlinmas ltccco, ndni'r of Philip Kccco, late oftlrecnwood township, deceased. ( 13. Unal nccount or Lew is Yeltor, ndin 'r tie nl von u' Harder, lute ofCnltawlssa township, deceased. ' II. Account ofl.cwls Yctter nnd Sainuil Nrum.vxo cuiora of John Ooarhart, lato of SliHlIn lownslilp, do ccascil, r ij. Account of niliur I of Mordccal 1'crry, late of Locust township, do-, ceased. Id. Accountnf Julln nnbAtt. ivfl.i, nr nnii...inn Kupirt. latcof lllnoiutwp. docM. ' ... . .ii.., ..uuuiii ni i niiip rreas, joun f rens nnu Andrew I reaa. execiitnra nf .tnlm rrnn. intn r.(r-n..r.. township, decenscd. i IS. Account ore. II. Dlcterlck & riwbu Johnson, oxo. I (Tutors i of thel.ut Will oftieo. W. Parks, late of Scolt twp. deceased. , 10. I'irst und final nccount of I.evlCrcaay and Samuel ..e,'J?i;,,,r'lt'n"0" of lail Will of Adam Creasy, lutu ollMitillntwp. dercnacd. .u. Account oi Hiiniucl Creasy, rjitnrdinn nf Abraham Angle, minor cluld or Jacob Angle.latu of Mifflin town-1 ship, deceased. , "1. Ar-COlint Of J. n. Pptinlnnlnn n.n.iiln, .C .1... will of l.llas Lutz, Into of llentnii township, deceased, . .Joi"t of IsnncK, Krirkbaiim, executor ol tho, last U I 1 of John Klino, hlackamltli. Into of Uentmi township, ih Lcasedi S3. Account of Daniel Mnstcllcr, executor of Jona tlini Maatrllcr, latu nf MAdNnn twp, deceased. I SI. Account of llenjainlii M, Wilvn. iidui'r of William , I.. 1 auc, laM of Hemlock twp. decanted, 2.-,. Account of ficorRo W. Drieahach, ndinlnl.tnitor of the estate of Elizabeth IJrieabuch, lato of Illoom town- I ahlp, deceased. 1 rJ!i,,infc",,!,.t. of Catharine A. Welllvcr, nduilnlMrntrlx of William Welllvcr. Into of Madison townahlp, ilec'd. Si. Account of i'ranklln Vocitin, ndm'r ofjacob Yo cum, latcof ltoiirinscrcek township, dcceaaclT. I..V'' Aruiit ol'lsnac K. Krickbaum, executor of John Ullnc, of llanton twp., deceased. DASUIL LEU. Iteglster. Ileclnrr'sOnicn, I l!lomgbiirg,April lU.leG'J. PUDLIC NOTICE FOlt LICENSES. """-r-' "ereoy Riven mat tun roilowinr persons I 11 in Loluiutiln county, have tiled their pctltimia in i tho Court of Uuartcr Sessions, of llio said couutv lr ' V , . . ' "iti.ii" hi uieir rcapecuvo townships which said petltiaus wil I ho presented to tho said Court on Monday the 3th day of May, A. U. lri(,e, of which, ill persons interested will tako nutico, and tho Licenses for the county of Columbia, will ho granted ou (Vediiosday. the itli day oi May next, at 2 o'clock. m Lewis dike, Frederick .N'icely, r.llis Walton, Win. I!. Koijns, John Lencock, Itohert llapcnbuch, Oliver A. Jaeoby, dniniiel .Mcllenry, i John J.rStllcs, Charles I". Mann, Franklin Shmnnii, Daniel lliiubold, Samuel Koteuhadcr, Jaroh I!. Klstler, Kiiiibcu It. Wasscr, John L Klino, Henry OuUe, Prodr'k It. Wohlforth, Jehn (Jiovcr, Ui iijainiu Millenry, Daniel Mi Henry. W. A. Klii.e, John Hartinam. John l Hurst, Jackson Ceorge, Isaac i hodes. Annuel liiinhy, Kclf'r A. Sniilh, Isaau Vttter, John N'us, Kmautiel Conner, 'i' Jones, Joliu Keller, Jacob (.'ood, "nmuel llverett, Alexander, UcnrRe 'i'liiilo, Uzekiel t'olu, Pi tor Schiu, il ini"l I.. Uverhart, I'.noch Unwell. Iterco rainnun, William Lour, H illi.ird C. tliecn, L. II. Mrndctiliall, Jacob It. tiroul, Jeremiah II. Ilroh-t, Washington Yeajer, Tavern. Dor. llorwick. do do do do do do do r.lnom. do ,0 do do do do do Denton, do do do do do Jo do Cattawlssa do dei do do do Conynsham. 'U do do do do do dn Centre, do I'ishliiRcrotk, do do do Greenwood, do Hemlock, do Locust, do do do do do Madison, do do do Maine, du do do Montour, do Mt. Pleasant, d Mildin. do OinriKc. do do do du do ltoarin'rrriM'ls. do buRarloaf, do ccoit. do ii do do do do do do do do fturs, Illoom. do do do Cattauissa. do l.iicu.t. JACOll BVJ3UI.Y, Olurk Prothonotarv's Officii. tllooinsbiirg. April I'.'. lei!'.' Appeals m-ni llio Assessiapnts. Notice, is lies, hy Riven that t,n Commissioners ofCo. luinbia couutv will h.ild their Appeals on the lullowin days and place to wit: " On .Monday April u'lsl lr:. Ilerwick and Ilriarcreek, at tile KisiiiR Sun, Leu is Luke, in ick. nn i uesiiay, vi scolt und Centre at tho Houso of iianici i,. uvernatt, in Light Hlrei t. On Weilneiilny, 2. OrauRo and Mount Plcasant.atthe House nf liainiiel ilvertlt. in Oruusevillo. On Thursday, 9.1th, FishingcreeK, at the house fur muily iiccuiili d by Ceo. W, liolfinan, in Fishinscrrek. On Friday, iilli, lleiiton and Huenrlonf, at William Coles, llentna. On Haturday SCtli, Croenwood, nt til" houu of Joseph It. Patton, in iJreenwood. Monday -.';ti, Jackson and Pine, at Irani De'rr's in Jackson. On Tuesday 23lh,. Madison, at Samud llimbyV, in Jerseyiowu. On Weiluosday, 30th, Honilork and Mortour, at tlio Iluekhnrn Tavern in Hemlock. On Thursday, May 1st Inij, Cattaw issa and FianMin at the Public Home of Haninl Ueinliold. in C.nt.iu is,n. Friday id, Maine and Dealer, at tho Public house of joun nuss. in .tiaiuviur. On Saturday 3d, .Viltlln, at the house of John Keller, in .MilKlutillc. On Monday 13th Lnrun and Itonrlngcrctk at the lioiian of John L. Ilurst, in i-'labtnwn. On Tuesday l.ltli, Conyngliaui ut tho house of Keuben asser. On Thursday 15th, Illoom at tho Court House, in Uluumabiirg. 11)' order of the Commissioners. It. C. FltuiT, Clerk. llloomsburR, April. "i, ISM. I J.J' YOHK MEDICAL IXSTI- I Ik 'PTI'Mr i,... ni .... r...,i i r ., : rl;J S"," ei .... n-il ..v' cl ,loncd C,r "10, cl,"iU ' T I".-'.'!0..0 '.'iV-'1 mil".ru: l,ri,,i'.u 'va- I "" "S. ''v."'r ;, "in i nposior. imi cnar s excjpt for.Medirino until cured, ami in case uf ex treme poverty treatment free. No Mineral.) or Poison, oils Drngs used. Tim Physicians havu had long and ox li'mho experience both 111 priiatu and Hospital prac tice. Tho folhiwiugarosoiuu of the complaints lowhleh special attention is gi eij. AH diseases of the He-ad, Throat Lungs, Heart, Hioninrh. Liver. Kidney, Ill.ulilur, I lliieiiiiiuusill, 1 its, i;uuicr, l ues, .ervous Allecllou, iMKi-iibes 01 inu neiuai ejrgaus, aeiuiuuf v caancss, mi. pofneo und Virulent dlue.ises of etery niituro positive ly rurcd. Diseases of Females and all Irregularaties successltilly treated. Illlndiiuss mid Deafness cured witliout pajfitul operniions. patients treated by letter by sending n statement uftlieir rase. .Medieiuu suit to any part oftlio countr!. Consultation free, tu all. Address. fHauip euelosed, lilt. L. CltAVLri, Consulting Physieian, OOJ llroadway. New York City. April 5, 1b02-1?iii. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Pliilad clphla for the Ilclief oftho Sick and Distressed Olllicled Willi Virulent ami Chronic, and i. peiially Hi.e-nses of llio Sexual Oigous. Medical Advice given (Irutis by tho ActingSuracon. Valuablu ItUPOlt'l'.S on SIMHlMATOIufjllJlA or HllMlN-iL WKAKNlliirf, andotlior Disenses of tlio Hoi unl Organs, nnd on thu NUIV Hi:Mi;il.!j uuiployed In llio Di.puiimry, sent In sealed letter envelopes, Ires' of charge. Address Dr. J.BKILLIN lloCfillTON, Howard Association, No. S! Hnuili Nintli Utrcct, Pliiladclpliia, Pa. April S, leOJ-Ps'm. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Wliercus I. tho subscriber, have given six several promi.sory notes, made by me, the first for $t-r).00 due st April ItUi! Tho second, third, fourth and llflh, bo ing euih forJOO.OO, due un tho llrst day of April leti3, lfol, leiioaud Icon ruspectivtly nnd the sixth bring for llm sum o'4r400,l)0, duo on tho first days of April Ir'u". And whereas us 1 verily believo thu said notes were oh. tallied from 1110 by fraud nnd the consideration lor thorn has utterly failed. Now Ins is to notify all persons that said nutos wll not ho paid und ihereloru they aro cau tioned not iu negotiate tlio scum, JACiJII D, LINDF.N'MUTII. Union township, Schy'lco. March iM, lbOS Ct, J.5().it and 'I't'utts floi" SiW.. I A Canal lluat with two Horses, and entire iixtures.m ruuuiug order.wlll be sold low and on reasonable tcrmc, Apply to joun ti. Fia:i:.n. Illiiouisburg, March 9, IPGi, qouan drops i "coWifliiwrsV! p VLItY body uses rilO.'.'IinUI.Us)' C'OUflll UUOi'fl. I.J It nets promptly souietimes arresting tin worst cold in '-ii hours, lu all uli'. ttious of tlio (.host, Throat, , In th r acute or cliiome It will be found of iminediato beneilt Try i single botU" and you cannot tail to op. piai'late (1 iisefulm ss For Pale by most all fclojekcepcrt and DrpsgUts. Prspurcd by L FRONIIFIFXU, , . No 311 N 3d Hia'hilidclidiu No is, I9f I Jin ' 'win fnmiMn Treasurer's Sale OF UK IS 15 ATE D LANDS. AO'tniJAIILY to thi proVlalonaof an Act of Asecm. lily, entitled nn Act dlrertlng llni inorto of selling Unseated Lands for tnxcs.and for other purposes, paaa. rd tho 13th day of March, IMir.'ZMh day of March, IWI niid nth day of .March, IB47, tho Treasurer oflh.i county of Coliiiiibla, hereby slvei notice to nil pciaons concern ed therein, that unless the Co., Iload, ifchool, poor and tjtulu Paxes duo on tho followi-iR tracts of L'ueated Lands, situate 111 Columlilai nru paid before the day or sale, tho whole or audi parts of each tract us wilt pay the taxes and coats charnonblc thereon, will ho sold at tho COUlt'P HOCsi:, In lllonmaburit, county of Colum bla, on tho Dth day ofjiine 1SIW, holnR tho second Men day, nnd to ba continued by ndjournnient, from day to day for arrearaRes of taxea duo said county, and the coatiiccriicd on encli tract respectively. WAltlt ANTE 143 Oil OWNERS. flivw.v m'p. Jlertit to 37J 403 3 1)0 loo soil ISO 87 100 100 tij 10 Doll Ct. IS w IS 30 0 (.0 HJ 1 11 a (fa 3 30 e e.i 4 H7 a 07 I 07 3 30 John Young lc Co. Andrew Clark, Barah A, Cnuifran, Isaac Davis, do do Anthony Davis, Ilonjnniln P.I'rlck, John (irieir, Maun (t Hunt, Llias .Miller, UcorRc MuiiRcsser, tleorpo No)cr, Franklin (ilminnn, Moses fcliliclu-r, Peter Yahj, dee'd, Luwla I'llRer, William Human, William (liey, niiuitCttiXK. Jesso llowman, Both 11. Iliiwnian, Christopher Dander Lewis Hi nder, Nntiiau lleacli. 4 12 3 Ho li to a nn 4 F0 u no 0.03 1 21 2 7d 3 mi 12 III 3 3d 2 41 !l M 4 SI 2 7 1 04 1 Oil 23 ia is 2 37 I 23 oo tw 7H HI 1)3 IHI aw las '.'00 '.'00 41 4 J77 JJ7 Si 10 r.o ISO I'U 111 3.i 7 300 till no W. J, T. Clenim. Phlllii I'rins. John Frens estate, Andrew Frens, Ollbert Fowler, John Parkeraon. Daniel !je)bsrt, do do Joseph Sharpies & othns J. II. Young's estate Daniel F. Ss-ybcrt, CtWl'.YOlMM. 3S0 Ocorgc Aaliton, 304 Peter Dehaven, 331 Joseph Jordan, .I'll C'aleli I. ou lulcs, 3Ud William .Miller, 3etl William Porter, 340 Daniel Kccse, 10.1 IMer Smith. 4 Klclrird Tunis, " 373 Whitoinnn, 3J7 John Warner, 3SJ John Young, 377 Itohert Jordan, SdS Andrew Porter. 170 Thomas Itiistun, 3-"0 Mary Itustnu, 303 Lewis Walker, 3W4 Johnston lleaajey, 100 (leorgo llecl.h.iiii, 30 Thonins Ilarnus, njl Thomas llillliinirr, 3J1 Kobert Hiltihiinsr, 3-11 William rihannnii, M0 Amos Wickcrsliain, 3 Division A., Martin Lands, 120 do n., do do 33 do C, do do 441 Lbenezcr Uruuham, luo Peter ll.iughner, 4JI Joshua llcnm, 40d Jehu Young, 11J John Huston lof 130 Pnxton, Kline & harplcss 100 JaiohTrien, 100 do do SO 37 0-loji. Foufl; & rrestnn Uetfeat, II 1 119p. AliouiiH (cL'o 7-10Hamuel9. Altcmus, I II-10 J. Anspachjr.' CKJfTttK. 5 Samuel Achenbaih 5 Hp iijimiiii Allebach, 1 Jacob llond, 7 William Fritz, 4 Jacob Cnnil, 8 tleorgo ll.irman, 0 Liiiauiul Lazarus, 10 Lllas llees, C.1TT.iimSJ. 112 Ml 70 (111 77 (Ml C-l (is 21 CO Ml - . 71 40 f,7 40 70 40 M 70 H7 1.5 12 21 3-j 70 IU 0.1 7H 33 40 01 2 40 16 33 225 04 22.5 04 31 00 1 77 72 Oil 21 07 134 f-d 20 40 44 O'l 41 II (I 72 31 21 6 Oil li 00 4 10 10 22 13 1J .11 ii 51 31 31 1 1. 1 UI 10 'JO 40 eo 110 2U0 S!ii) 41 ro 113 i!07 85 flj 5') 100 14 SO yd joloinnu Hclw ig, bcliiuicli ic. llrobst, FlUUfKLr.Y. Jc icmiah rincher, Illljali iteynolds Co. Fisiu.vaciir.r.K. William tluckalew, Frees ifc Iloii'nriu, Michael Lemons,' Fdw.-r I Ml-IIenry, William l'nttersuii.8 estau Abriibam Young, Daniel F. Scyucrt, iiDKFJfimon. JohuCovaiihovati's estate. A. DaWitt, James A. Hewitt's heirs, rlamucl C. Lougshoro, Hubert Montgomery's estato Ueorge Ueese. Jeremiah Whitsiin. Uilliam l'uik, Nalliuniel Campbell, Hubert Montgomery's estate, ..7CA'iO,V, Ocnrcij Dills, ' Dlius (iiildnr, & Co. llidler, .Mui ull's hurs, Newhard It. (olilfr, William .-Hcphcns, wcusr. Tliomas Uillingten, ssamuel John, do do Willi.ii-. Sayers, Wright Huglies, Mary Myers, Daniel ltcese, Mary liuAon, Charlntte Huston, John U yuulds, Thomas Huston, Mill)- Myers, II miel Iteese, .Mary ltiistou, Cliarlolte Itiiston, John He) uolds, Thomas Huston, .V1FFI.I.Y, Ceorgn Prow 11, Jacob Hartzel jr. .Marshall . Kinney, Ueo. Loiigenberger, Abraham Masleller, Peter .Miller, L'Lorgo Nuugescer, Jncub Sweppenhisor, I'eler Yohu's estate, TUomus Leiuun, MDISOX. William F.llis, Itobert Montgoinery's estato, William Uingles, tti 1 vo 2 10 X, 3' I .7 rt n s.i 7 rl I 03 2J 43 10 11 5 o'.i H 4S 11 HI 9 !lO J 3J 3 02 3 37, 1 Of S till IS :.5 30 100 30 100 .1 21 .pill so 200 So 5t 3D Mil iof-100 inriuo Sof.HIO Joi'300 iol'200 luflUU iof-JUO lollOO lol'.MO lol'-.'OU iot'lOO J of 100 Til 3 20 20 17.1 Jil'.l t-u 300 40 127 ri 2 43 10 11 C7 1 (10 10 II 2 43 SO 70 5 03 3 33 4 II 7 7'.l (i 00 li so f. to C P0 fi 00 3 II I, on 11 Si I fi HO (1 I'U 0 on 3 44 00 "4 , 1 7M 10' 3 03, 4.1 1 4 37 fi Si 2 01 7 03 GO a to 10 JM1.YF.. Ilnyd & Paxton, Henry & Jacob liamnaii, lleiijuniiu 1'. Frii k, Jeremiah I'iiii hur, (ieorco Loneenhcrccr, Henry (! Miller, C. 1'. .Mann, l'.s'j , Isaiah Shiiman,. Joshua Webb, Sid, .117'. .'Eii..A7; ss.uuuel Hoono, William lleeis, Samuel .Melick, John Meliik, or.i.ycii:. I'cter Hellas sr. 1'i.yj;. Malliias Applemaii, Thomas Da is' estate, James Loekard, Lewis fcirhuyler, H.i 111 11 e-1 Siiyilci, Vnllersliamp's cdate, JIO.IIHMICllEEir, I'cter llnushuer. Thumps llarucs Jr., l'.irt of John Huston, Isaac Liiuille, Daniel Lm an, sr , Jacob Trlco, SUOARLO.W. James Hucku!e-W, llcnjauiin Cole's heirs, (loss Lstale, Conrad Doss' estate, John Loekard, -rtaron Lewis, Itobert .Montgomery's estate, do ilu Lemuel Uoburts, tfuruli June Hobertl, James tihulu, Abraliam Vniun', Illuonisburf; Iron Co. William Mephens, Wm. Monliouiery. 400 17 11 33 3J 10 lllO 1,0 21 10 II 4j '.'J 8 100 1H fO 21 30 US 30 00 100 I I'm 137 SO 1!'5 30 03 til 400 2S0 200 17 2J S'l 47 275 1.10 30 H 25 a si 7 :i:i 1 b. a 7ti 7 00 a 07 1 p ,2 ? k I "! l oi 1 j 7 08 I H'J 6 ro 1 17 S 19 VI 4U 3 00 :i 70 I 5 (Hi (1 Id :i 0.1 , 10 50 1 54 I 11 SJ 7 01, 10 50 ' 1 Oil 13 04 1 11 (JO , a so. 3 at s 50 5 50 1 im I 18 JAUihJ S. .McMXCH. treasurer Treasurer's Ollice, I Illooiiisburg, April S, 1(0.', TItIMSUW12US SALE OF HEAL ESTATE SEATED LAM) A ailULAULY lothapsovulons of the net of Assent- XX inv, t'liiitieu uu via 10 reuure iiio Hiatu 01 IH, Sic.. passed tho ;uih day of April, 1SH, the Tieasurer of the County of Columbia hereby g, . . t nonce to uli persons , com tneu llmrtin. that unless tliucouuly roud, set ool, poor and h'ato Tux a.c due out je following r i l estate hliuali) 111 tlii county of Columbia, uri p id before tko day ottth, I'm wliole or such parts of each as will pay I tne rarg ai 11 r sis cua;Dumo taereon, Will nu aoif at tlio Court House In liloouuh up, cu, of Columbia, on tlioVtli day of Juuo 180-3, he .ig tho second Monday and to ho eonitimuj ny aoj pi errcarige'' f n ifuei-i if nl frur.i day ta day for county .a l th. ca.t, ,t OWEKS OIL KKPUTBD OWNERS. VLOOM. Attn, Tttitt S Kingston Coal Co, 1 33 Lllzubcth Hitter. 3 Hot lllrnm W, Thornton, 1 1 lot Lydla Wahich, 1 M John V.CrlsWcll, 2 50 Mann llaldy AiCriawell 2 XJ Franklin titewart tc Co. 2 SCO T, M. Hubble, 1 73 John llallard's heirs, 1 400 fleorgo A. Frlck, l 33 Bolomoa llachart, 1 130 Charles H. Coxe. 1 0'J John Konnn, 1 3 Andrew Fellows, 1 60 WilllnuiMcKcIvy, 1 30 Jonathan Pennington, 1 110 1!. 1), ic J, It. Bivartw out, I JIIlMliUHUU'. 73 John Cardcuhnuso, I 34 Joslali Fonler, 1 23 F.llr.abeth llelney, I 112 faniucl F.llendley, 1 lea do do a 11 David Klaimr's estate, 1 31 Gideon lln.tlcr, 1 S Joseph Low, a 11 Willi. m McAftet, l 1 William Hiullli, 1 130 John Heaver, l 3( Abraliam Culp, i 30 Joliu Johnson, 1 300 John Pejbert, 1 00 Jacob Shaffer. t Voir. Cii, a oo II 03 2 00 a so 0 33 9 3.5 a Ff. 31 33 3 2.5 40 F0 84 1 112 1.7 3 SO I 3.5 U 12 F2 a 4J 1 ic 0 on .11 02 a 1 70 to 1 23 1 01 61 44 1 20 0 00 a oo 32 a S3 si 1 it; 2.5 Hi illicit llowcr. 1 :t-i .Michael Mower, 1 1 n lis..... .....! . s jii-iii; .,(,,1 line) , 31 Win. Iddlugs, CL'sV-rJ.: No. Ill do 7 Jolm Anderson's est, Charles llrxbtt, Walter Ciiin, Lewis llrigt'K estate, Jnceb Hutrluns, Abrnhain Dciterlch, A. Iieltrrirh & Torby C'yrit Huone, John W. Clark, Levi ltcniley, I 17 1 21 a 3t do I No. 10 1 7J 1 S8 41 No. 27 1 OS l to j as 0 No. 15 1 7d 2 03 10 31 II ! t 21 II 2.5 2J j nlchard Torby, FISllt.VacilKKl, James Parks, Isaac Drum, Monroe Mcrktc, C)rus i'ox, m.i.vKr.ix. Isaac nirhnrd, Julia A, Crumley, eiitt:t:xnvoi. Sanford Oenrhart, James Hampton, ijamucl C. Lungshnre, J.1CKSO.Y. Henry C, Ileas, John llnberts, M.WI&O.Y. Caleb Fox, MAhYi:. fleorgo Rardener, Hmiry iroslenbaijcr, Lucy Slow-art, MO.Yi'OVl. Ceorgo Uleclier L. Davis, OIU.WL. Devanpnrt's estate, Jacob Lvans, David Fetter, J. P. Morris, 1 4.1 1 21 7 1 S3 1 00. 7 so 1 UG a 25 : lrts 11 I no c0 2 0.5 1 ti 1 11 1 lot 3 3 24 1 1 lot I lot 111 L0 1 50 40 SI 0 F7 5J 3 Oj 1, S S3 I Ssauiiit'l Truuipore, 3 02 135 .t 1 lot J. Covauiiovan'n cat. 15 24 30 1 Joseph Fuuscy, ri.VK. 19 Isaac Ilosart, 3 1 lot Adam Dobb, 1 70 Cox's heirs, a 100 t'liainberllu & Sowss, 2 Si) Fzckicl Crossloy, t l'i3 Wm. lldgar, 3 SO Lott Parker, a 34 Jcliu II. Parker, 1 273 Thus, b't.tckhouse ar. 1 100 David & A. Smith, 1 11 David Sweeny, 1 I'l 1 jjjij Samuel C. Longshore, 1 40 John Johnson, 1 SO Daniel .-'huttz's estate, I 13 John Sweeny. I F0 1 03 20 1 J,J 14 30 i :w S3 c oo 5.1 5.1 3 00 1 M 1 17 Si I 10 20 Ploonnburg Iron Co. 1 I 10 l.uvina Colder. I JA.Ml.Sg. McNINCH, Treasurer. Trenuror's Ofilcc, j UIOQiugpurg. April 5, IfC2. j i.i . PHOCLAM A-JION. II r7ilUKLAn, tliellox. Aahox K. I'ccxhau, l'resident Jiidao of the Court ofilyer andTormiuc'i aniK.'eii. s s iiiii::ii in eue e,uurt Ol j tral Jail Delivery. Ourt of uuurt-r fiessions ol the i'liico and Court of Common I'leas .111,1 (Imli.m's i;,n., i'l tlio 'Jiith .ludirial District, composed ot the counties iil'Coluiiiliia.iiiillivnn ainHVyiiaiun', and tin. Hon. John iMtltoynoldsfititaplieu Dalily.AssociateJudjes of Colum bia lOunty.liave issued tlio irprccept,henrniK date the ."ih day of Dec. in tho year nf our Lord one thousand 1 i"hi hundred nm! sixtj.onc and to me directed for holding a Court of Dyer and Terminer and Oeirral J.11I delivery, Uuartcr aessioiis of tlio Peace, Common I'leas and Orphan's Court. 111 l)loouiburp, in the county of Cotipuhi 1. oo the lirst Monday, (heim; tlle Stll day) of May, next, and to continue 0110 week. intiee is nereiiy t'lM-n, to the Coroner, tho Justices of i.n i.... 1 ,........,.,.... r.. . , . 7.;: . . a.Vl Vl , Z . er'.u",he,"" l"1"? lirODer liersntlu 10 o'clock ill til 3 forenoon ofsuidduv. With llleir recent. ni'piisitioii.s and otln r remomhranco to do 1I1030 Ihines wIulIi to tlieir oilices nppi-rtnii. 10 he done. And those are bound liy . to priwcctito nzamst tho prisoners that are or may he in tin- Jail of said county o( Columbia to b then anil tliero to prosecute them as shall bajiist. Jurors nn ru'piested tu b- punctual in their at tendance, acreeably to tlieir nolices. Dawd ut lllooms bur?, this sS Uli day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eifiht hundred and ml) -one, and in the cichty sixth year of the Indepjiulence of tha United states of America. (Uod save tho Coniuioiiwe'iiih.) JOyiAII 11. FL'RMAV, Sheritl's Olllce, ( thirty. l.luuuiMlt.l, .utlieil s.l, 13U I GHAND JUPvOllS, i I'OIl MAY TtRM, 18C2. Illoom John Purstl, sr., Montgomery Kline, Andrew ; Ciovtlinv'. 1 Heaver Christian humau. Heiiloii Llijali Kline. ! Ilriarcreek Joliu W. llowman. Hoy. Ilerwick -Townsnnd Ilooite. 1 Cattuwissa -Joliu tfli irpless, Daniel c. Oenrhart. ' Hemlock John ilrujlcr. I Jackson Frederick, Wile, HnbcrtlMcur. Loeust-W'iii.Lee, Diuid L. llelwig, Keubtn PabrlEcer Jr., lii iijamin Wanner. Mount Pleasant- Tliuiuas J. Welllvcr. Madison-Jacob Swisher, Henry C. .Mills. , Urauge John lleriiiii.'. Pine John Lore Albert Hunter. fcoll-l'i ter Cut, Luoch Howell. .Marcli Sr ItO-J. THAVEESB JUHOItS. FOK MAY TKU.M, 1802. llor. Ilerwick--IIeiirv C. Frens. Uloniii Peter llillineyer. Georac Weaver. 1 Ilriarcreek John I'esier. Jr. John lllank, Jr Cnos L. Adams Joseph i-'tackhouse. I Heater Jacob llarriiier. I'eler I'.ckronth. llenlnu Jacob Kiuibl), Alexander Colley. I 1 Catt.iwis.a John Kitter.Gcoreo Strieker, William Parr. ' I Ceulro John, Hill Paul Zaner. j Franklin Wasliingteii I'.ur, Aaron Lamhcrtson. ' Fishlnciuek Hilas I'ealei, Henry llittcnbcndur, ' Greenwoud--Jesso Ilcacoek, Kicliolu Cole, John M. 1 larker. JIeiuoik"ltejben llonihoy, t-amuel 01)1, IlerJamia Wil- ' sou. furub Harris. r.n,.n., ll..,..i. e.l,..n.,n. ,,lll.. .....ii ,.. .. K I., , , ' ""I.HB--H s-uevu .uiiieT, uavi'l liailCK, mu iiui'i iiiiwe-r. "it" "S!'t''"c, Ac"c"1"'c" J'"'" Vo"0' "mf An - MJoi,u F;,y"umlno Cl,rls,ia"' T,l0'"Ila ru"'u- Montour Low is Unat, Grlcr Quick. OrangoJesse Coleman, Peter 1". Kline, Hiram 11. Klino 1 itu u Hlguicri IK IIjillHIM JIHIR'H. rJuimrloaf William Masleller, l'.lias Ccle George Hess, i-eott Chester C. Miirr, Samuel Krcsslcr. Marcli'.'O, Wil. LIST OF CAUSES, TOR MAY TKKM, 1602. 1 Andrew Crevuliug, vs Andrew Mellick, et al. i; Isaiah WniiimlipUilnir. vs Jacob L. hliiiinail 3 i'lillip Winterstecn, is Valentino Wintcrsteen. 4 Itichard II. Meiiagh, vs John (jigger. 5 Daiijel 1'. H")bcri,ct ut vs A. II. l'u.irce, ct al. li Daniel F. St)bert vs Augustus D I'earco etal, 7 lleniy Wi lis, vs Ceorgo Klnley. H Wilson Agar, vs Jncph I'aitou. 0 Clinton 1). Herring, etal vs Daniel F. Seybert. 10 Tliomas C. Uobisun, vs William Fnusey. 11 'Ihiimas C. ltobi.ou, vs William I'ausey. l'J Thomas C. Uobisou, vs Win. I'ausey. 13 Henry Truugh. vs thu WcstUrauch Insurance Com. pnny. 14 Jul uli lleruiiigor, aduir. tj John Osman. II Hamiicl J. Ileulcr, vs Abraham W. ItoLliui, ct al. Hi Jacob I'.yer vs Abraliam Klaso. 17 Abraham Klase, vs Jaroh I'.yer. Id David Levi In usevs rininuel L. Uettlo, III Daniel F !"eybirl vs Joseph llciisil '.M Itoberi llu.sel vs Lackawanna & Woomsburc It. R, ui i.iuiries i,e-e vs laicHnwauna cc riooiusuurg It It IU ltusscl 11 1'ealer s Tho Hcliool Dittilet of l'iiiiinp creek. S'l Z'.lijah McMurtrie ct lit vs Christian Wolf. til John Kuinsey vs i'eler .Mnllik. i!5 Frederick Murkroif vs John ltobison. . SI Tlio LiicHnwnunu & Uloomsburg Kail r.ost ct ni v William Sloan. 27 Jacob Thomas ct al vs Franklin Btewart Ct al Sfl William Cot ct ul vs William Hol lren. SO William a Case et al vs Centre tnwuthip, 30 Henry Miller, Hxccutor vs Jucob Gutllng HOUSE M BILLS. Neatly, chenptu and ezuediHoushi vrin- (,"t at the OjtlCC of the - FRESH AR11IVA L -OF- SPRING ill "SllEil! TIM! underalgned, grattful for past patronage, respect fully Inroriiiahlscui-tumers nnd the publlcgeucrally that he has iuat received from tho ll.istnrnn rlties. ii, largest and most select stock of SPRING AND SUMMER That has ysl been opened In lllooinsbiirg, tn which he inviies iiib iiueiiuoii oi ma menus, and nssurta them that they am oirercd for aalu nt great bargains, ilia Stock comprise n large assortment of OUN'J'Lr.MI',N'B WIIAMNG APPAHF.L, Contistlug ol i AamoMABtK Dress Coats, nf eviry des cription j I'nnts, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton Handkerchiefs, (Hovcs, Suspenders, ke. GOLD WATCHES A N U JEWELKY, Of every description, fine and clienn. N. H. Hemember " Lownltrf't Chrap Kmporhn." call and sec. No charge for examine Goods. DAVID LOWF.NIlFllfl. Illooiiisburg. March 23, 1BC2. (Jue 1F30.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Edward Albcrtson, deceased. f LTTF.nSnf administration with (ho will annexed J-J on the llsiiitu ofLilward Albertson, Into of Green wood township, In Cnlunibiaruuiity, deceased have been granted by the Iteglster ofColiunbl.. county to ths undersigned; uli persons having claims ngalint tin cs. tale or the decendent aro rciuested to present them to the Atm'r. nt his rcsidenca in Greenwood towiishln. without delay, and all persons Indebted to make pay. luent forthwith ISAAC A. DtlWlTT, March 1, IS02-0w. ADM IN ISTR AT 0 ll'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Shultz, acccascd. jVOTICn Is hcteby given that letters of administration iy un tlio estata of Saniuel f-hulu, late ofbiignr loaf township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by tho Iteglster ofsaid eounly tu tlio undersign ed, who resides in llcnton townshlo Lsiliinibla rn. .Ml persons having claims or demands ugainst thu catatj of the decedent nro requested to nrescnt iliem for aettln. incut, and Ihoeo indebted to make pa) mcnt w ithout iU-"! '-. , .. C.X.I1LLL U. BltULT Murch lo, It02-Ct. dn'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Ellis, deceased, jVOTICJl Is hereby given that Icttora of adniinlrtri n Hon on tho estate of William Lllis.lata of Madison towusliin, Coliiinbm county, deceased have been granted by lliu Heglslor of said county to Andrew Lllis of .Montour County, and John I). Kills of Columbia coun ty: all nersons hav us claim or ,ii,,i,,i. .i.. estate of the decedent are requested tu present them ; lor settlement, and those indebted to maku payment payment s-s uiioue uuiuy, ANDUnW ELLIS. JOHN D. LLI.IS. JJiar's. Slarrh 15, 18il2. Bt AUDITOir.S iST0TICK. i tiL unaerfi?ni!il( appointor! nn Auditor bj the Or- 1'iisui t iiuiiui tuiii inula county to dittriuiuo tlio bal itnco in tho li;itid nf t uhiii Mlilni.. iNitA. nr I.lrirlnii lifn nt tlt-i -.i-, ...... L- n, i. i i.. .... i . 1 decensf(I. ta nm innnnn t in ri-A..:t..r....,t nti,... ....1.. '1 ut accurdinif lo Iniv : in II moni tin nuriin. u.i... ..,.. s-. tlio purpose of Iiih sippointmcnt on S.iturduy, April 5tli lcUs.', at Iiim olhco in UloomInirjf, nt ID oMoct. A. M.( to prpcnt them or uc forever debarred from coraiiiff In frit- ii r,T t..r.l I , , , joun o, rnr.nzE, 1 Uloomsburg, March Stli 1?G2. Audittr. NOTICE. NO ricr. is hereby given that I.afayctto r.rwln, rni. victed at the last February Session ofColumbin county, ol llignmv nn which conviction he was sentenced to ths I.astcrn Penitentiary for 1 lie term nr ibln, en tnnnth. ' Intends to make an application to ills Excellency ths 1 Governor of the Commonwealth for a nardon. I.. .... LAFAYLfTU K IJKU'IN. ,s iiijrcn .'.', lew.. '.'w. ' NOTICE. A t .' 1,.rt'r knowing themselves indebted tolhoun I .i,Y...i . ? . .. .. . . or their accounts will hi put in the hands of proper ofl. cersfor collection. I must have inv accounts settled. -Mill Creek Woolen Factory. ' ) Mount Pleasant, March 15, lti!2-3t. ( GLOKCE VANCE. 1 I ' SMII. ICll, NOTICE of a Justice of the Peace. Ifthefew autiscrlptlons remaining unpaid to thu fund of the " Iron Uunrds"nre not settled onorbefoiL-tho fir.t iiuj "ii euiu.iryi day of February 1 am instructed to commenco suit and cos must follow in each indivdual case. dual case. J. M rhatnbcrlin. JiF. I M P O B T A N T ! TO thnso whose Puli'criplions are unpaid to tlia fund cf the "inON UUAI1DS," that the Subscription pnnor will bo placed in the hands of LVpiire Ciiembcrlin on tho lirst d ly of January tieu-and all persons in arrears will bo waited upon Ly Constable Gott. Uy order uf tha Committee. WM. NEAL, Trsasursr. UCl-tf. llloomslwrg, Dec. 23, j HOUSE F01 S.LE. A moveable Framb House, will ba sold chiap. en an plication to tlio undriijiied. I.LVI L. TATl.. nioomburs, July 13, lefil. FK1SUJ1UTII UllOTUURS, W II on: SALE 0 B A C C O D E A L E R F NU.10 3,.VOl!.T.I TIUHD ST11EKT Five doorabdlow Itune. I'lULAiinLrniA KOLLOL'K'S DAKIIELIOsN COFFEST"" 1 Tills preparation, made from the best Java Tolfse, is recommended by physli'iansns n superior NUTIUTIOL'S IlLVIlllAUn lor General Debility, Dyspepsia, and nil I billions disorders. Thountuis who have been compell ed to abandon tlio use of cofl-e will use this witliout in jurious cll'e'cls. One can contains th" strength of two pounds of culinary cctl'ce. Price Sil cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVA IN, The purest and best UAKIN'G I'OVVDnil known, for milking light, sweet and nutritious Dread and cakes, Price 15 cunts, MAScrACTrncr r.v M, II . KOLLOOK, Chomlst. Oorncr of Uroad nnd Chestnut rstroots. rillLADllU'HIA. And sold by oil Druggists and Grocsrs. March MO, lbCJ.-Uin. HOTEL, (Late Whlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVK THIRD PIUIsAUELPIIlA. 1 1 D. O. SIEGHIST, Phoi hietoii. Formerly fom Eagle Hotel Lebanon, j T, V. nilOADS, Ci.iatt, ' March SO, li-0::-12in. Pa. OppvatH the Cuvrt Hovteantl utn inorlD Democrat Pffict The undersigned, rcfpertfully informahislrieiidsand customers that ho lias opened SHOP in chuu uouse iinc) , nuAi unor ntiow the office of tho Columbia Democrat, licro ho will ho happy lo wait , .,j.s. ,, biuiiMivn, mm uu. ,ui, e'Aicrieiire ami sir 1st nttuiition to business, he hopesto rucut and rvrcivo a liberal sharo of public patronage. sAU things hem ' done in decpney und in order." TIIO.MAa liltOW.V. Illoomsbiifg, March Jst, ISW, iDiaa,n,ES siriWiEa Hiditsil;" T AM AQUA, PENN'A. rassongcrs dine here on tho psifago of each Train. II, M. MERRICK, Proprietor. Tamumia, Jin 4, 1FC2. m s m zs a t a II. 0. HOWEIl, S U 11 G E 0 N I) B i T I S T ItF.Hl'UCTn'LLY olTers his rnolessinn al services to tlio ladles nnd gentlemen ofl Uloomsburg und vicinity, lie is prepared In uttend to nil tie! various nnurations in ' tho lino of h)s profession, he is provided wiili thu latest Improved porcelain teeth, which will ho Inserted on gold, plalinii, silver and rubber base; to look as well as Hie natural teulli, Mineral plate und block teeth manufactured and nil op ra'lor-i n u mf'full. Mid pr-p.-nj- uitoudca to IU01 "sonic, !' Aunt' 3,1 !. CHEAP MILITAIIY caps" " Mil l'UY t' every sort site and miji--for 1 -lo du p at Die IH'Oinsburg Hut tc Cap I - j -i bib Alsii-t.wcncj c r.s 1 st''er ttc JOK'V K Clii,' 1, - f . i i,r, Tho Situation. Tim most prinulucnt fcaluro of our news to-tlay is tho surrcntlor of thu rebels of Island No, 10 to Commodoro Footc, tho full tlotail3 of which, nnd tho entire hialo 17 oftho investment of that rebel strong ho!tl by tho forco of General Pop nnd tho squadron of Commodoro D'ootc, linon wh'oh publio attention has been fixod for uomo timo past, wC give in another column. After a stubborn rosistauco tho rebels surrendered tlio bland ut midnight on Monday. General Popo croascd the river from New Mudrid, with his forocsi, to the Tenticpsco shore during tho day, in boats sent to him through a canal cut for the purpose, and this haacned tho surrender of tlio island. General Popo has captured six thousand prisoners, including three rebel generals, 0110 hundred sicgo l'Uus, sovoral field balterosi, large rjuantiticd of small urins, tents wagons, horses ai.d pro visions. iSot a man was lost on our tide in achieving this suecccss. A despatch from Central Ilallock was received at tho War Department yesterday anuouueing that tho forcos of Genera' Grant at Pittsburg Landing, on tho Ten nessee river, eighteen miles from Corinth were cttacked on Suuday, by au cerwhu. m.Dg body of rebels who advanced froi Corintb, under General Iieaurugard, an, that the latter were repulsed in tho ut most cenfusiou. Tho battle lasted froi early morning until late in thj afternoo when tho rebels were couipkt. ly r and fled, Geueral Grant following uip. in rapid pursuit. Tho less is said to ,a very heavy on both sides. A private c'o -patch from one of General Grant's stuj officers represents that it was the most dc perato battle of the eaiupaigu. This may uj considered the opening of the grcut col fiiot at Coriuth, and may bo safely take., as an augury ofUie filial result, if, indcr the rebels can bo brought to a stand n that point. Look to your Interests FRESiFIr RIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GCO, AT JT- rjMlU nibs'ribers lia, -1 U uh auoih r lai lo- t-' 'rtd from ire C '? an.t s -t: a-,sor"met f s and puiimneriat 'luliaelphla, at tl lowest figure, at' .. which they aro determined to sell n a moderate t " as can bet procured elsewhere in itloonialmrs. The i stock " utuicy mti:M noons, of choicefci iyes and latest fasiiloii Dm auui)n. .1XU (iitocutics, r, ,. ""non'-in k q u. : -.v.s ii:we, ,vnCy'?Ii-!?..w-'"lt'" "ML""' :iiu IROX. X.11LS, HOOTS S- XllOLS HATS ,y C.U'S, &.c , ,Vc, sjc, ,n ,',1.Ml".'rt.i,ivfit)'"'-i.nRl,i",a"rvkuI" ia --ountry Stores to w hii 1 they invite the putlle generally. iio nigiiesi price paiuior country produce. MlLLLn a EYKIt. nioomsliurs, May 11, 1661. TINU'AllE & STOVE eSUOP. THE undersigned respectfully info. ir.e his ol 1 fri nCi and ciitoiuers. that ho ha- pur, has. .iis trot. A intorest 111 tho abovo etablislun. nt.analhe concarn ,i s hereafter be cin iucted by himself exclusivi js He has just received nnd offers f,)r su1 . the larg est and most estensivo nssortnient of F A N" C ' ' cjjsflslov IIS ever introduced Into this market. V ' . A"", ,ocli c.ons'sts of a complete assortment cf tho best Cooking and parlor stoves in tlw market, togct .. er Willi Htove 1 ixtures of evely description, Oven ai . Ilo Stoves, Hadiators, Cylindar itovos, Cast Iron Ai right stoves. Cannon Stoves, ic, &c. ltocpiiitf and Tinware constantly on hand and inainife.-tured li onli All kinds of repairing dom , ns Usual. 01 ii"rt notice, I he patronago of old friends and new cuitj-n .ra r sportfully solicited. , jv HUI'lilsT Uloomsburg, November 3d l?f,0.-tf. JOL1NE & LEE, Xf 43, XOKTH VIIARVEa. I'Liladclphia, Ap SHIP CII AND I EHS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Kopea, Twin.s.Tir, Titsli O.ikum. Illoclts, and Oars, &r. August I, tc'CO-Um. E W R T O 11 E . miOLr.SALF. AXD RKTAlL uaAir &vm aip an as Tho iindcrslsnei! :espectfiilly informs theeltlrcnj, Hlooinsliurg. und the public 111 general, that hu 1ms 1. r c'lnsod the .V.H' HAT STOliK, in the wlilt fr,- sta house, on Main .Street, nearly opposite the l;i ban suiliiiugs, wlif tu lie lias just received a splendid sc rortmeul of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Manufactures, of all kinds, stylet, jcjts audsizes, latest fashions, winch buolTers ivbuleealc r. i retail, at M ry low prices. IJ Tlicse Goods will bo at very lowprkcj , r lleaily l'uy. JOHN K GIHTO Ulcomsburg, October 27, If CO. Mioico Vcgtiable Seeds by 'tiaii. 20 Varieties fur SlfOi Oer 45 Varieties ior i$J ijjfidie - Wishing tcglio those who reside at a dlstv Cl; opportunity 10 test tho quality of our i'rgcut,i' s 1 w lm ii wo nru court lent will compare fav -ab'v 1 any olfere in this country, wo havu prepared s , packets, which nul bo sent by mail pt raid, at 1. j above pric. s Ncnc but tho most desirable vuri a will li inrludcil. V'n pre rut si'isi);ViJilwei.r. ki trtth it Jitttneth . .lergteod thn Fni, Venus and Corn are not inch! the ;aa. i-ai .isv t. , on account of their xeiffltt. A. noit.Vi.MAN Versailles. Woodford Co., Kr ItJ- Bend for a Description Catalogue. Manli 15. I '.'. 3m. rri,! ,.,1111 .)T) lr Ua 1 JJ LuUi J): WF. will forward by mail tu anv nart of tn 1 t. 4 at gtntrts, pot'iaiil, any varieties that, may bo o ur me lonowiug prici s: 10 vaiietma selected from those priced at Scents pur paper $C ii vuri. In. telectad from those priced at 10 cents per paper j 5 nrieties selected from those priced at 10 cent.i per piper u 12 vniietie-s selected from those priced at 10 cents per paper 1 2 varieties seeded from thosn priced at 25 cents per paper 5 i ari ''os soliici.-: a "in those priced at 25 cents pi papi r j COLLUCTlO.Nd OF FLOWRIt bI!LsJ. Tcrions desiring ua to make their selcrtiins, mi - ly upon our sending ouly those v.hii h uro rcaDy u it snowy and desirable, and of caiy cultlvBtlen. Wo Iievo Ihatnur esperieiire will ciiabls us tu n.a 1 lions, largi or suail, that cauuot fail to give cure si;, ibiactlon, 100 Packets Annuals, Ilwnnlals and Perennials, fovqrltu klpds ' 50 1'ackcti Annuals. Ilieiinialj and rrrin': favorite kinds . 1 25 Packets Annuals, best assorted l 11 1'ackcts Anniinls, best aisorlsd 20 I'ucks'.s, S't-w ana Unra Annual i ...) Chal. C ll"rtloT of Orua'in ma' nraf 10 ' " i l l v r. . 11 - Flowers 1 v ' Ai,'!'!" i l Heck i'lan; . " " Cu. 1 Mg Fiauts Annual and Ir-nnr.l "liol'itulc ttooofGie-ph.iusn TiantB d s. " " Ornain ntal i.av drianti 1 A llOItNUMAV riotUt fctfetdman, VeuMiifs Woediord ( o.. K L llox 1 I' nJf r adescfptlvt Itiii.i 1 dus Ol VI .1 - ( lilt" 1 1. 1