Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 12, 1862, Image 2

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Cohoriw, tv a tote kearly tmstMocs, passed the
r-oiuiwwa buolotiox, which kxfs.cmes tiik voice or
...... , uniiiirQuiu civil war nas nccn
forced upon the country by tho disunion!. ti of the
southern Btntes, now In arms against tho Constitutional
?iv V".1811' a,ui "found tlic Capital j that In
tbii National emergency, Congress, banishing nil iccl
Ing of mora rassion or resentment, will recollect only
Iti duty to tlio whole country j that this woris vet Kitd
n thtir fttrtlnan) tpirit iffriult,irir any jiur.
tr interfering if II. the rtfafs or utaMtihut institutions of
t Comfif (l, uniUprtttnt the Unwn. vilh the dh'-
-i ivBHujiuimnflH vj me aiverai waits unxmpaxrcti;
mid that at inori at that object art atcempliihid the tear
ndrifhu of the ticeral Haiti unimpaired;
The Legislature baa adjourned, aud Col.
Tato will bo bore in tirao to attend to tbo
paper for next week. With this issue,
therefore, Wc lay down tho pen vacate
tho chair -make our best bow return our
heartiest thanks and rctiro from public
lio. If wo hare hurt aDy man's feelings,
wo assure him it was unintentional, and
tender him our pardon, if wo owo any body
anything, wo freely forgivo him tho debt,
and if any body wants to give us a nice
hat or pair of boots, or anything of that
sort, wo can always be found at the offieo
of the Register &, Recorder.
Supper at the Buehlor House
Col. Geo. J. Bolton, tho proprietor of
tho "Bitchier House," Harrisburg, on
Tuesday evening last, gavo an Oyster
Supper, in honor of his gucxts and boar
ders. It was a most sumptuous repast, in
perfect keeping, with the high character of
tho house and proverbial liberality of the
gentlemanly proprietor. Supper ovcr,the
health of Mrs. and Mr. Bolton, tho hostess
and host of the House was moved by the
Hon. D. Kaina,wbich was drank standing,
when brief remarks, in answer to numer
ous calls, were made by Members and
Senators, including Messrs. Cessna, Tate,
Nciman, Grecnbank, and Col. J. Zciglcr,
tho great unknown correspondent of tho
Evening Journal.
37Tho rebel prisoners at Columbus,
Ohio, have seventy contcrbands with them.
.This affords an opportunity for tho aboli
, tionists to exhibit their sympathy towards
thuir' African brethren,
BSfEast Florida is taldDg measures for
a return of that State to tho Union. Wo
hope they may be successful. Thcro is
but one way to accomplish it. That is to
groucd their rebellious arms, elevate tho
stars and stripes, respect tho Constitution,
and obey tho laws, and it is done. Tho
Government will say to the crying ones,
"go and sin no more.''
tof William II, Polk, brother of Ex.
President Polk, in Nashville, & Hon. W..
n. Stokes aro shortly expected at that
city. Both aro staunch Union men and
will give thcir ass'stanco in reorganizing
the State Government cf Tennessee. As
coon as it is aooompluhed Senator John
ston will return to his place in the United
States Senate.
BST Not a singlo Republican paper iu
this Stalo, that wo have seen, has yet pub
lished tho full report to Congress showing
up tho robberies of tho publio treasury
perpetrated by agents of tho Navy De
partment. Nor in oither of them havo wo
yet seen tho speech of Mr. Van Wyck, ex
posing tho frauds and rascalities that have
been practiced iu the War Departmsnt.
(27 John Bell and Androw Ewing arc
harranguing tho people of Tennessee, in
favor of continuing thcir opposition to the
Government, in which they claim that 'sc
cession in that State is only quiet for t
timo and will soon burn with such fur' as
to consume every foe." They arc still ho
ping against hopo. Soon tho scales will
fall from thoir oyes and they will bo-able
to see tho end of their efforts in favor of
J&Sf Tho New York Tribune pronoun
ccs the proposition universally insisted upon
by lho Democratic Conventions and presses,
that tho war shall bo conducted for tho
restoration of tho Union," and not to "dis
franchise States," a ' sehool-girl sugges
tion." It may sound unpleasant to tho
patriots of thc Tribuno stamp, who have
labored so long and so dilligently to destroy
tho Union, but wo do not believe tho
peoplo will be satisfied with anything less
as tho prico of all this outlay of blood and
t&"Yfo wonder if thoro Is any truth in
the roport that the Abolitionists and Se
e Soionl3t3 are about to hold a joint con
vention, to deliberate upon tho best and
most speedy moans of dismembering tho
Government. Wo havo not yet lecrnod
t'e names of tho delegates from this coun
ty, but piosumo soino of tho Constitution
curserswiU go. i-z. wayno limes,
3:a New Aivertlsctue-tsm to dava
A Lottor.
Font Lincoln, Pcnna. Vol , )
1 12th Rcg't. March 20, 1802
32. j
Ma. Editor : I sit down this evening
to pen a few linos to you.
i saw a lottor that wa3 wroto to a mar
tied inon to our company by his wifo that
wants him to como homo and maintain tho
family. I think that tho loyal people of
Columbia must bo very hard hearted to
see tho wifo and children of a man that is
serving bis country suffer for tho want of
:..i'.t.. i.!.. r it.. i i.i ... .V-1 ,
iscd that his family should not suffer for
anything thuy needed, ho would havo
stayed at home and maintained thorn him
self; and they talk of binding out his'
children by the 1st of April if ho does not
provido for thorn, unless wo aro paid off
ncioro tuat timo, wluoli l am atraul will
not liannnn. Ami fiirMmr. Mil, nf
throwing his family out of tho house in villc we passed Col. Geary's Regiment
which they now livo, and they havo no ' (28th Pa.) in which I found many ao
place to go to. This family lives about quaiutanecs from Columbia county, among
" .uilViJ uuu l 11UI1 uuuvu tuu IUW11 01
Bloomsburg. This man is suffering with
illness, and has been so nearly ever binco
we havo boon moved to Washington, and a force stationed near us, but ono section
is still under the Doctor's caro. Ho is a of our Battery and a few Infantry soon
man that is honest and upright, and bears 1 cicarcd thcm out, Tho uost fl
a good reputation. Ho was honest, , , ,r m i ,k . ,
Industrious and a hard working man at of rcst CaPt MattllcW3 nd inysclf took
homo, and mado a good living for hie fain- , a squad of Cavalry aud went into Loudon
ily, which is large. I writo this for the county, for tho purposo of finding a Con
benefit of this soldiers family, and not for 'federate flag, said to bo secreted in that
myseif., ior j. am youug anu can got along
without asking help from any one. I
would like you to publish tho abovo in
your paper. No more at present, but ro
main your friend, Geo. S. Lee.
Remaiiks. Wo publish tho abovo as
requested. Mr. Lee has mentioned no
names and hence we do not know, who tho
suffering family is. Wo supposo, however,
tho woman was among the number who
appeared before tho Board of Relief of this
comity, but as Democracy in this county
uont mean patriotism wo supposo she,
with tho others needing aid, was sent
away. Ed. Rti.
The above letter was pointed out to us
by some ono, upon tho appoaranco of tho
Rc2)ublican, and wo read it.
Wo can tell tho Dr. all about tho parties.
The husband is a Democrat, and his wife
has beon receiving from tho Board of Relief,
tho proportionate share paid to all others
whether too much or too httlo, wo aro
not called upou to decide.
Tho persons who promised that his fam
ily should not suffer if ho volunteered, arc
Republicans tho m an in whose house they
lived, is a most intenso, doublo-distilled
Republican ; and the husband informs us,
that ho has actually thrown hia family out
of tho house in which they Uvod, mid in
which he promised they should stay ; aud
put them in ono not fit for a hog pen. It
is a Black Republican job throughout, and
one of tho meanest kind. And it is not
tho only instance, in which tho same class
of men mado the same promises, which
they kept equally well. Wc shall veutilate
the whole of them, names and all, if there
is any more of this slang Tho Democrats,
neither as a party nor as individuals, aro re
sponsible for this state of affairs, yet they
havo done their whole duty in the premises.
lho applicants to tho Board are. represen
ted by an able and ingenious counsel, and
tho members acting for all parties and
interests do their duty as honest and re
sponsible men.
Wo hear and boo much of "Soldiers'
Aid Societies." Why do not those Societies
furnish aid to the families, who it is claim-
ed, need it instead of sending it to the
soldiers, who are provided for in sickness
and health, clothing and boarding by the
government ? Tho poor yo havo always
with you, succour thorn. Why not? Be
cause these AH Societies got ambitious
ladies names into tho newspapers, there
are' honor and .eclat and fame, and nows
paper puffs, growing out of Soldiers' Aid
Societies But a little clothing given to a
soldier's child, a bushel of potatoes to a
soldier's wifo, or a hundred of flour added
quietly to her store, would make no fuss
iu tho newspapers. That is tho true cause.
Charity that shall bo sounded to tho heav
ens, giving that shall bo extolled not
that silent alms when thc right hand shall
not know what tho left hand doeth. Tho
charity of tho Bible, not that which sounds
a trumpet before it as tho hypocrites do is
required. Of tho latter wc havo had
enough, and moro than enough.
Thcro aro a few moro chapters on tho
local financial history of this war which
aro yet to bo written.
SunvEYon General. Tho name of
Col. Levi L. Tate, of tho Columbia Dem
ocrat, has been mado favorable mention of
for Surveyor General by many Democrat
ic papers. Should that position bo con
ceded to tho east, thcro is no man within'
oar knowledge to whom wo would render jtucir flank at Winchester, aud driving
a moro hearty and cheerful support than Josou beyond Strasburg compelled them
Cel. T. Having been assooiatcd with himto withdraw. Notwithstanding tho appa
in early boyhood, in a printing office, wo ! ruut impregnability of tho placo, mauy
boeamo attached Lo him becauso of his P0r6OCS North aro dissatisfied that tho
honosty of purposo and consistency in all 1 Plnco was tal:on s'mtogy and without
ho undertook to do. Ho is scrupulously j los3 of lifo instend of a glorious (?) battle,
honest, altogether competent and has won 3ud a list of thousands kil'ed aud woun
his way to distinction by a
cour30 of conduct and a walk and couvcr-1 ""'sorablo corduray road conducted
sation becoming tho placo ho has adorned us to Bul1 Kun- 'J-''10 strong build of our
in society- IIo is a Democrat without spot. Artillery carriages alonU prevented them
or blemish ho earned all ho possesses by j from being racked to pieces. Many times
hard work at tho brown busines, which , I feared our poor horses would sink iu
bo lins frtllnwixi fnr rliirfv rnra , .1 fn f-i i .
" 7 , " "
tuut ueaurvca tuu commence 01 nis party
friends, Clarion Democrat,
7-Tho effortE of f ho restless wri;iK.ed
I!!!! FV"T"Cttl .i!!!1,
ing failed, thoy have turned th cir artillery )
upon Gen. Halleok. Thoy will find himi.
aruiierv .-
nintn na iniMllnof finln a
1- . -- -
' lu ommanucr
of tu vn
lflr tofthe Potomao ,
Wtfkly IXmts and Union
, r . . '
jVrmy Correspondence.
Near Watrenton, Tauaulcr Co.. Va. I
April 3, 1862,
.Ma Editor : After several days hard
marchintr. I nroceod to finish mv letter.
' though uncortaiu whether cithor will over
rench U' , T
80 constantly on tho march that letters
from homo cannot overtake us, and wo
havo no opportunity of sending homo thoso
wo writc. A11 oW' scnt bv usual moang
aro detained at Washinoton for ten davs
to prevent writers from giving tho enemy
notice of our movements.
On Wednesday, March 20th, wo left
our oamp ou tho Blue ridgo and again
crossed tho miserable roads. Wo only
w mf
Rot as iar as Uooso Uroelr. At knickers-
T,lt11l c
' t Lieut. Isaiah Robinson, son of
" llliai" Robinson, Esq. Tho cuomy had
' :i,t,t,,i r
neighborhood, Wc searched several houses;
among tho rest Capt. Hampton's of tho
rebel army. Wo only found tho "Stars
and Stripes" aud a stroamcr bearing the
words "Boll & Everett" on ono side, and
"Tho Constitution and Union" on tho
other- Auothcr house was visited under
the impression that it contained concoalcd
arms, but only a few oil guns wero found
of Revolutionary pattern. The women
were much scared, and ono nearly fainted,
imagining wo came to destroy their homes
and children. Wo prevailed upon her to
bring forth her babe, and after kissing it,
told her that that was the way wc served
children. "lis strange how politicians
have worked upon tho fears and passions
of theso people. They loved the Union,
and clung to it as long as they could.
! Force and fraud alono got Virginia out of
tho Union ; it was not the solemn act of a
reasoning people.
On Eriday, March 28th wo resumed
our march. After passing Aldic tho coun
try became moro level, but less cultivated.
Wo encamped at tho residence of General
Stewart, Quartermaster of tho rebel army
though by some said to bo Col. Stewart of
tho Black Horse Cavalry. It is a fine old
: . .1 .1 i;i J .
, uuu cemou ulceration ior
us to pitch our tents and light our camp
7 , " UVU"1U1 MHiouuuing
t. j.uu iuruuuru was 01 mo.iincsL oraor.
ibut, alas 1 did not remain so long. Dra-
, o
fcwus .au tuuir UBavy spurs aiong the uno jcct Up for consideration in tho Senate.
xofas, nob carpets wero spread in tents, i The constitutional power of tho govcru
and ornaments and gildings wero used as!ment to pa33 nu act of emancipation, ap
horso trappings. Books hundreds of years puari to be acknowledged by almost overs
old were scattered around, while modern 0ne, exo-ptextromo Southernonj tho pol
literaturo was picked up and stuffed into cy anu character of thc act appears to be
knapsacks. Work in French, Gorman, I the onlv real ouestion of difficult solution.
Spanish, Italian, Greek and Latin, wero
n t t
scattered in profusion. Tkcy treated on
Agriculturo, Poetry, Fiction, Theology,
Medicine, Law, and iu fact every cou
ccivablo subject. Letters written gener
ations ago were picked up and preserved.
Ono written nearly a century ago by Mrs.
Stewart to her son David, urged him "not
to opposo the adoption of the Constitution
but to follow tho example of her siitcr
State Maryland. Though I know nothing
of politics nor law, yet it seems to mo wc
cannot afi'ord to reject so beneficiout an
instrument." Tho poor old lady is spared
tho pang of knowiug that ono of her de
scendants is a leader iu tho destruction of
that Constitution.
Prom Stewart's we crossed tho fields'
towards Ccntcrville. In strong contrast of
the weather the day previous, wo had a
furious storm of blinding snow and elect.
Centcrvillo is a small villago of porhaps a
a dozen houses, aud is situated on a slight
eminence, it would tako too much spaco
to give an olaborato description of all tho
fortifications. Every approach is strongly
guarded by forniidablo earthworks, whioh
stretch for miles in different directions.
Tho thick undergrowth ia places could
conceal matked batteries and sharp shoot
c whilo open fields in front of tho earth
works gavo full sweep for thcir artillery.
Thcir forts were so arranged as to com
mand tho ones beyond them, so that if
driven from ono they could fall back to
another. Small but comfortable huts wero
built, and the unfinished etato of somo of
them indicated tho intention of tho rebels
of I'omainiug somo time.
Our turning
,Bomu -oiiuou uoie- to rise no moro, as
many of their prsdooessors had doiie. Tho
carcasses of hundreds of them lav scatter-
" '
in all directions, greeting tho oyo and,nirors joiuodln this lust prococdiug. Tho
e at y Over 100 wero counted I ot oleoUon will bring forth such results '
Half-buried or unburied
. ..... "n(ijMwnr. . iM, n;nii, i,.,
to look-at ttiein. Wlulo pasBinc ovor ono
portion of tho battle-ground, we could eee
-. - .
places whcr. tho hogs had rooted out tho Additional Details of tllO Bat
feet and heiids of half-buried soldiers. tie at PittSbUl'g.
They rcfuscdto bury Ellsworth's Zouaves ;
but piled thci't.bodics iu tiers and left them
uueovcred 1 Sdjno oven carried thoir bar
barity bo far asto mako finger rings out '
of thirrli bniins. innil ftnttra nnf. of liiiinnn I
o 1 v -r
jawsl I
But enough of' thoso sickening details
Though Bull Run was much swollen, we
'got across without accident. Selecting a
spot as free as possible from tho cfiluvia of
dead horses, wo encamped, Tho noxt
day (Sunday) wc proceeded as far as Ma
nassas Junction. Tho roads wero even
it .1... .1... ! rt i .1
,vu.u .... i iu uy p.ny.uua. uU3 -
traction has been committed by tho enemy
at this point. Cartridge boxes filled with
ammunition, belts, stoves, hides, &o , lay
around in profusion. An immenso quan
tity of flour was wasted, and buildings
burned supposed to havo contaiued valua
ble stores.
The railroad is now in bperation several
milcB beyond Mauastas. Tho placo
strongly fortified, but not so elaborately as
u.ir0y.. tumorous grave ynrui m , Jt u ;mp0aib ;n tho ent confused
tho vicinity provo that there was "uch,. to asccrUn f thudo.
mortality among their soldiers. In one j ta , tI)Croforo iy tUfl best accQunt
luvu U114 Ul IUU AUiU ILliiUilUia UU1U UVl
100 graves.
Wo expected to havo a few days rest at
Manassas, but it was otherwise ordered,
A three day's march brought us to this
placo (Warrcnton Junction,) aud within
six miles of tho Rappahannock. There
arc no roads, and wo woro obliged to go
through tho fields and woods. Iu places
tho wheels would go hub-deep ; and it has
nearly taken the lifo out of our horses to
reach this point. Richardson's Division
left hero two days ago for Fremont's com
mand, t:ud Blenkor's Gorman Division goes
to-day. Thus, for a timo, our Brigade
(Abororombies') is left alone, and tho most
advanced towards tho enemy. Don't fail
to send mo your paper. Direct to Mat
thews' Battery, 1st Pa. Art.jAberoroinbies'
Brigade, William's Division, Banks' Corps
d' Annie, Washington, D. C.
Yours truly,
(jC1 Wo can only say to Artillerist,
that we havo regularly mailed to him,
postage paid, two copies of tho Democrat
weekly. Wo aro not able to explain why
he has not got them. Thoro aro people
who oan probably tell tho reason. Ed )
Slavery iu the District of Columbia.
, Tho aLolition of sla in thc Bbtrkt
0f Columbia, has been engaging the atten-
tion of Congress almost cvor since thc bo-
ginning of the present session; and, at
fiv.uu, mum uiusuvum
pretcut, there aro several bills for that ob-
I 1
Some aro for submitting tho question to a
vote of tho people of the D'utrict ; some
aro for gradual, whilo others for the im
mediate emancipation. A few arc favora
ble to setting the slaves loose without com
pensation to their owners ; somo are for
compelling said owners to pay tho slaves
the amouut they hayo mado off their la
bor, whilo others are willing to pay from
the uutional Treasury the prico necessary
to have slavery abolished iu the Capital of
our country. This contrariety of opinion
upon this subject, even in tho ten mile
square, is visible among tho Republicans
themselves, which demonstrates tho ina
bility of that party for practical and en
larged legislation.
Prom tho halting and hesitancy of somo
ultra Abolitionists in the Senate, wo infer
that that fraternity havo found several
formidable obstacles to their schemes of
Southern emancipation. Mr. Sumner,
whoae resolutions iu favor of coufiscatiou, '
arc quietly sleeping upon tho tablo, now
avows himself favorable to tho paying tho
slaveholders of the Distrist for their "prop- i
orty." lie argues agaiust tho principle of!
"property in man," aud goes baok to the
days of tho "great Gregory, Pontiff of
Rome," to prove how slavery in that early
day, scandalized religion; but after all
tho learned gentleman's fino sentences ho
announces himself willing to pay some S250
for tho freedom of each slave iu the District
of Columbia. This appears to be sliding
down from tho pinaclo upon which Mr.
Sumner planted himself at tho begining of
tho session, proclaiming universal emanci
pation, and confiscation throughout tho
rebel States. Thc 8230 npieco, alluded
to, Mr. Sumnor calls tho "ransom" of tho
slaves ; not purchase money but "ransom."
In tho meantime all tho slaves worth any-
n.!.ir in tt.n n:.i-:t t..: i m
v.w, iu oumg moveu on ,
to Maryland nnd Dolawaro , thoso remain-1
ing being small childrcu, and old men aud j
women who aro a burthen to their owners.
Tlieso can bo had without difficulty at tho
prioo proposed. Pittsburgh Post,
ss-'ri. . -ii.- m- i
ftgy-lhu Senatorial olcotion iu Ohio has
boon postponed until noxt winter. Tho l
frionds of Wado etrugglod hard to provout
a postpouomeut, but failed. Tho oauouss
adjourned with throo ohcers for tho Union.
! ... .
We nre "ot whether Wado's ad-
as will doom him to rotiraoy, Tho Union
iruuy, xuo union
win oy mat timo uavo ucon rostorou witn
ii i . . .. i , ' . ...
illtl!i(!nn ,a ,ii...'
i,nfln ni,c..m,nn,i 7frz. 'v. .
V4 -VBl4Vft'J!V u !U llllllllUli
rvwwu wvMWMiMmuvwM f n-rtf"! 4Hftb-
A Pitched Battle of two days Duration
Tlie UlooUcst fight of Modem Times.
Eighteen to Tiventv Thousand Union
Men and tldrtyftvcto Forty Thousand
Rcbch Killed, Wounded and Missing.
Complete and Oicrwhelming Victory of
Die Union Jforccs Tlie Union Cavalry
in Pursuit of the Flying Enemy. $-c,
fyc., ij-ft,
ritttburg, Via Tort Henry, April 9, 3:20 A. M.
Ono of tho greatest and bloodiest bat
tles of niodcnrdays has just closed, re
sulting in tho complcto rout of tho enemy,
i who attacked us on Sunday raorniug.
Tho battle lasicd without intermission
, ,,. . . wnJ ;u
MWod on Moml morni Bnfl oonUnucd
'unl four 0-olocl. ; tUo alQraooTS) whon
. cnomy commonccil thcir retrottt md
aro still flying towards Corinth, pursued
by a largo force of our cavalry.
Tho slaughter on both sides is immenso.
iWd have lost in killed nnd wounded and
. ... i(,iltn,m tw.n,v ttl011cnnii,
is;tfc.t ofllin onemtf - Mt!m.lnrl frftm
thlrtyfive to forty thousnnd.
possible for observation, haviug passed
through tho storm of action during the
two days that it raged.
The fight was brought on by a body ot
three hundred of tho Twenty-fifth Missouri
regiment, of Gcu. Prentiss' division, at
tacking the advance guard of the rebels,
which wore supposed tobe tho pickets of tho
enemy in frout of our camps.
Thc rebels immediately advanced on
Gen. Prentiss' division on tho left wing,
pouring volley after volley of musketry,
and riddling our camps with grape, can
ister aud shell. Our forces soon formed
into lino and returned their firo vigorously
and by tho timo wo wero prepared to re
ceive them had turned their heaviest firo
on thc left centre, Sherman's division, aud
drovo our men back from their camps,
and bringing up a fresh foroe opuued fire
on our left wing, under Gen. MeClcrnand.
This firo was returned with torriblo'offect
and determined spirit by both infantry
audjortillcry along tho whole lino for a
distance of over four miles.
General Hulburt's division was thrown
forward to support the centre, when a
desperate conflict cusued. The rebela
were driven back with terrible slaughter,
but soon rallied and drovo back our men
in turn. Prom about 9 o'clock, tho time
your correspondent arrived ou tho field,
until night closed on tho bloody scene,
there was no determination of thc result of
tho struggle. The rcgimcuts exhibited
remarkably good gcncraUkin. At times
engaging tho left with apparently their
whole strength, they would suddenly open
a terriblo aud destructive firo ou tho right
or centre. Even our heaviest and mo-t
destructive fire upon tho enemy did not
appear to discourage their solid columns.
The fire of Major Taylor's Chicago artill
ery raked them down in scores, but the
smoke would no hooner be di-pcrsed than
the breach would again be filled.
Thc most, desperate fightiug took place
late iu thc afternoon. Tho rebels know
that if they did not succeed in whipping
us (hen, that thcir chances for sucec.-s
would be extremely doubtful, as a portion
of Gennral Buoll's forces had by this timo
arrived on the opposite side of tho river,
aud another portion was coming up the
river from Savannah. Thoy became
aware that wo wero
being rcinfoiced, as
thoy could sec Gen.
Buell's troops from
tho river batik, a short distance abovo us
on tho left, to which point they had forced 6Clldcui Poote, Foster, Hale, Harris, Ilen
thcir way. derson, Kennedy, King, Lane, of Kansas
At five o'clock thc rebels had forced our 1 Latham, McDougall, Nesmith, Pearco
left wing back so as to occupy full two-' Rice, Saulsbury, Stark, Thompson, Truin
thirds of our camp, and were fi.hting their ( l)ull Willoy, Wilson, of Massachusetts,
way forward with a desperate degree of , Wilsou, of Missouri, and Wright 23.
confidence in thcir efforts to drive us into: rn, ', . "
tho river, and at the same time heavily ' , KenubUcan PaP of this State
engaged our right. ; . ost without exception, are bitterly abu-
Up to this time we had received no ro- civ0 of Soua'r Cowan, became he has had
iuforeomcnts, General Lew. Wallace fail- lIlG n'l'hOBs io resist Hcvcralof thc un
ingtocome to our support until tho day constitutional and oppressive measures of
was over, having taken the wrong road llis P81"' 'o, however, need have no
from Crump's Landing and being without fcars tliaJ Ilis rcPutatih will be injured by
other transports thun those ui,cd for Quar- "!e malic!ouS attacks that arc being heaped
termaslor's and Commissary stores, which upou miu' 'J-" Pcpl admiro a states
were too heavily laden to forry any cousid- luau of couraS a,1(l integrity, aud more
crable number of General Buoll s forces tan thoy admire it whon it is shown
across tho river,thoso that wero hero having in favor .of 1,10 "b"1, llis 0ffn PartJ' "y
becu sant to bring up tho troops from Sa- dc.sort ll!u' but llQ Cl)d au anny f
vannah. Wo wero, therefore contesting fl'icmls morQ reliable, honest and valua
against fearful odds, our force not exceed- r!sinS "P in ovei7 Part of tho Com
ing thirty-eight thousand men, whilo that lllonwoalth. Let him pcrseyero iu his
of tho enemy was upwards of sixty thou.
Our condition at this moment was ex
tremely critical. Largo numbers of mcii
panio struck, others worn out by hard
i .. ... .. J
iiguung, with the average per pentose of
skulkers, had struggled towa'rds tho river
and could uot bo rallied. Geuoral Grant
aud staff, who had been recklessly riding
along tho lines during tho cutiro day, amid
tho unceasing storm of bullets, grapo aud
tsuell)uwrodo from right to left, inciting
n. , t.i r.-. ... b
mv uivii ,u cuiiiu utiuuiiiu our rciniorcC'
i iiiuuia cumu cross mo river.
...i . i a ,i .
Colonel Webster, Chief or Staff, imtne.
diatoly got into position tho heaviest pio-
Pt nf flWil1ftW riftltlfirir rxn t 1.
WW w MtWV IJWill LIU 11 Ull L 11U tllllllllV N
..ifrhi whn ,. , . . .
i(i3 woro .)lauted . . ..
from tho 'rw bank cs. J
, :i., , , . , , ..
iiimu i iiiim, ouiuu i wo uuu a ii a r mi p
d't:mti About an hour before dusk a
. " . .
tfoncral cannonading nna,,...i i,
O ' ' O " " uiiwii tUU
enemy from along our whole Hue, with
a i
perpetual crack of musketry. Such a roar
of artillery wai novcr hoard upon this
continent. For a short timo tho rebels
replied with vigor and effect, but thcir re
turn shots grew less frequent and destruct
ive, whilo ours grow moro rapid and moro
Tho gunboats Lexington and Tyler,
which lay a short distance off, kept rain
inj; shell on tho rebol hordes. This last
effort was too much for the enemy, and oro
dusk had act in tho firing had nearly coas
cd, when, night coming on, all tho com
batauts rested from thcir awful work of
blood and carnage.
Dead Letter System AnoMSur.i.
On tho21st of January, 1802 thc President
approved an not passed by Congress, au
thorizing tho Post Offieo Department to
return all dead letters to their writers.
The Postmaster General was of tho opinion
that tho rcvonuo derived from a charge of
double postage on suoh lettors would more
than equal tho expenditure, caused by an
extra clerical forco in tho Department.
Thus fat tho new system, (which, I be
lieve, is like the English one) work very
smoothly and all letters not reaching their
destination, instead of being burned by tho
load, aro now carefully sent to the writers,
and double postapo collected. Of course
many invaluable letters aro rctutirod, but
of value thc writer, not thc Depart
ment, should be the judge. Tho following
notice on tho cnvclopo enclosing tho dead
letter to the postmaster explains tho fur
ther object of tho new law :
"Tho enclosed letter is scnt to the writer,
under an act of Congress approved Janu
ary 21, ia03. Knot delivered, andcfotWc
postage collected, as required by this new
law, it must bo returned to the 'Third
Assistant Post Master General,' within ono
month, with the reasons for non-dolivcry
endorsed on it, according to section 19!) of
Post Office Regulations.
"If retained a longer period, tho post
master will bo held accountable for the
postage, whether delivered or uot. Tho
date of rccipt at tho post office must be
marked ou tho letter.
"Tho postmaster wi'l not allow tho en
velope to bo opened before receiving the
Govhinok Spraoue's Views. Cer
tain newspapers Irving ascribed to Gov
ernor Sprague, of Rhode Island, tho au
thorship of a pamphlet containing views
which, in their relation to the objects of
the prcseut war, wero more rcinaikable
j for their radicalism than prudence or con
stitutionality, tho Providence Post pro
nounces the said pamphlet a forgery, eo
far as it is ascribed to that gentleman.
Our contemporary adds ;
" Governor Spraguo never wroto it, or a
lino of it He stands squarely upon the
doctrine of hi? letter to thc Now England
Dinner Committee, in which be said: 'For
myself, I do most heartily disavow any
oilier wish than that of bringing together
ihcso now belligerent States, "without, a
loss to any one of them cf a single right
or privilege which it has heretofore en
joyed." Votk on the Expulsion or Senator
Powkll. Tho vote on the resolution to
oxpcl Lazarus W. Powell, of Kentucky,
from thc Senate of tho United States, was
taken on Friday, aud resulted as follows:
Yeas Messrs. Davis, Dixon, Harlan.
Howard, Howe, Lane, of Indiana, Pem
eroy, Sumner, TeuEyck, Wade aud Wil
kinson 11.
Nays Messrs. Anthony, Browninc.
' Carlisle, Clark, Cowan, Doolittlo, Fus
. . l
sound course. Compiler,
fcSTAnother abolition riotocourred Fri
day night last, iu Burlington, N. J. A
fauatioal preacher, named Samuel Aaron,
undertook to deliver a Disunion lecture, iu
which ho denounced the United States
Constitution and abused Gcu. McClollan,
and was driven from tho Hall with eggs
aud stones. All wrong. Theso abolition
traitors should not be mobbed, but quietly
seized aud sent to Fort Lafayatte. We
do not sco why a distinction is made be
tween Southern and Northern rebels.
Boston Argus,
rar-Mrs. Greenough, imprisoned for
her complioty with tho rebels aud hor
known tceossion BontjmenU, it is said, is
insano, and will soon be transferred to a
lunatic asylum. Wo thiuk many of tbo
stonier sex aro in tho samo situation, and
somo pf tho Northern abolitionists aro
ditto, and should bo provided with strait
jackets. Weekly Time) and Union,
BST Any sensible man, any thins bn(i
blinded nnd benighted Abolitionint, Cu
seo that tho inevitablo result of pcrmittlt
a hordo of blncks to overrun tiio ill
will bo a great injury to tho poor wM:(
inon. But wo hoom to bo in the hanjjji
tho negro lovers nud a man's misforUii
is o no wnuc.
Render, if you want a mild purgatiiJ
ior cnuurcii, er ono puwenui ior ft(lu
iiiiiu ;iYsr,M i nil., jusv lira sU'iar-eOA!i(I
and pleasant to uso and iiro well enougij
uuuiru iu uu guuii iiibjiuuk uur rccoitien,
Sheriff Sales.
Ily virtue or ncvcrnl writ of renilltlonl (imk, . ,
,crni- fiiiiai, lo mo direct il. luuud nut f tli (..,., i
Joininon I'lom ol Cultinilila enmity, will lio cxno.J,
Hibllciilt!oiiHATUKI)AV, Till: 3.1 HAV of JHi
next, nt one n'rlork p. ni. of inlil ilny nt lho Court IIou.
In tlloomsburg, thu lnlloulng cetntc, lo u
A tractor pioco of land Htuato in tit
towiiiililii of flrocinvnod, county of t'oluinl In, linMnJi.
nnil Ui'fctllicil n. follow. ,in ultl on tlio nortli bvk.i
of James ralttrson, on tlio noutli liy Innft of John Mi
ton nnil olhcrs, cniitnliilim livnity lx niei, mor I",
lens, Willi thinpiiurteiiancrii. '
Hclzoil taken in cseciitidii and to bo rolil at tlio r,,c.
orty of John Covaiihovnn, decensed. '
All that certain tract of land situate
llcnton towntlilpi Coliimbln county, Loun Jcil nnj J,
icrlbcd nn follnwi to wit: on thu norm by r,f pi,
lp Krlckbaiiin'ilii'lri, on tlio rnj' by oriluvlJ rj
tr, on tho noutli by landi of Andrew Hunyan& Tdt,
(;aso, nnd on the west by land of Joseph llenn, enntam
Ine elijhty three ocri s Worn or loss, ufmut one rnf ,
which in Improved land, tvhereon nre erettud a ivo
nory frame dwalllnit liouso, a wbeeln'ri.tbt tlinn, 'if,
liar m, nnil other out IhiiIiIIiich, Willi the ippurtiiiancci
Seized taken in eiccullcu aud tu be fold a the Ln.t
crlyof.,r..Mooro. 1
All that curtain tract of land situate ia
Slonntplem.'int twp., Columbia county. Ki., bouf.Jfj
and described asfollo'K to lli on tho north ty Ur.'i
nl John Aiifcliu, on thc cast by lands of John Crome t j
the south by lands of I'ulhnrino Zlijler, nnd on U,
west by lands of Jacob Johnson, containing flfiy c.
more or Id's, about :ij ai res of uhltli 1h Improved liu
wlierfon are elected a frame dHcllmif house R fnui
stable.aud other oiilliuildliigs, w'th the nppurtemncn
Htl.fil taken In execution nuJ tu beiold as ttis cm
erty of John Johnson, '
All that certain lot of ground dituato id
niooni township 1,'olumbln county, lVnnn. l ounded hi
described as follows to wit : On tho south by tin "nil
liranch Canal, on tho writ by land ortlip Iron M''e
on tho north by n slrcet. and on tlio rant l,y lot i.i Git
Weaver eonliilnlnir one acre of bo the Hum- rr.t,,,
or less, whereon are rrectod a two story frame Jwt
Ins house, a frame stable, nnd other oiitViiitlinct, li
the appurtenances.
Seized taken In execution and to bo sold th srot
ertyof Jacob HcUwick.
All those certain lots, and tracts rf 'tntl
as folnw to wit : All thrs- thfe Irtc lyin oriliJuui other, sifnt,. in Kern-town, I ocu.i tonhin
ColmnLlicountv. i'unn hur',i an.l uescribcd l, (''
Ions, to wit : on the n rt!iwe;t by an All-v thirty tbm
font wide, on lho north Mt by a Main Urtet of tu
town, ou the soii' bylimd offraucu Ktrii, nnil eo
tho southrvoi.t by an nlley, containing one third of an
aero enih, more or lass, nlicrenn ia erected a new two
story frame store house, with tlio appurtenance.
ALSO, Sit other lots situate in tlm
twn and county aforesaid, lylnir contiguous to each
oilier, bounded on tho northet hy landi if IVt.r
Khoails, on the nortlmest i,y a Mnln stiact 1-adlt,,-throuah
lho town to Slabloun, on the nr.rtlieiist by hi
allnv jn feel ivldo, and on tho southwei.t he an all.y
contalniiiBoiH'lhiriloranaerecnph. more
on are erected a new tno tory frame ilwelllip tome
a small frame storo hou.,n wrll of wntsr, and otbur
outbullilings, with tho appurtenances
ALSO, One other lot fitnato in the
township and enuntv' ; -i.tei ,,n t, r i'i
west by a publ'r road leadm- n Knrntr.inn i !- A
town, and nu the nnrrliwt.i ' v l:..i'io of IV tr i rn
ou the northeast hy lands of Cnslrhsri -.a,, "i
tho South nnd Hast hy land nf l'miicls t Kern.cnnlo r
In?ePvon acres more or less, nil of whirh I - at..;
land, n hereon Is "recfd a Ing barn and 'ithr culull.1
inas, with the nppurtciinnce..
ALSO. One other lot in the
twp. and county aforesaid, linuniled on lho nnrlh pt
by a public road li uilini; from Kornsiown to SliM'Mii,
on Ih; norlliiveut by a poblie road Iraillni; t( '-M i.-i'h
on the southwest by laml. (1f Isaiah rfliallW. and on t.Ki
south by lands nflYti-r Ilhnals, roiilnluiuir fivi anion
fourth acres more or Ion, ,m f which t.i 4
land, with the appurtenances.
ALSO, Ono other lot of land r-itmta
in the town of NViimp.lln tvp and rounly nfnrejrii,
bouo.le l on lho we.r by Mam Htreft of -nio town en
the north hv a Ioi nf folin lli-iinbanr',, ututp eatLyiJ,
allev and on tho smith by an all y. coi.'ainlui? onr.
tniril of an cre nioroor less.n hereon are ir-rtcil a two
story frame More houso .Knnstorv frame IVarchoun-.
apimaena'ncos' wns" a f water,. with tr
ALSO, Ono and a half lot Fituatc ia
the town of Neuniodln. twp. and cnuety aforesnid.bofn.
del on the west by .Main. ir.-et. rfa(, town, on tr.o
north t.y a treot. on th-ea-t l,v an alley and on tr,
south l.y a lot of ll.'linliai !,, contaiuine our h.-lfc
!'i'.,..?i,rr K,rri' '"' X 11 """" erected an old fra.-.s
hu'""!' " w 11 of water, with tho
AL"0. One other lot of timber land
situated in l,n-tit twp.. r(,luinbla county. I.oun.lsd a
lho iinrtli by a public road, on the east byland of Per4
niin Heaver, on the south by land . f nnd on t
west byland of John llillich. containing nine aem (ah
unimproved) with the appurtenance..
ALSO, One other lot and parenl of
land kitimtn in the twp., and rounty aforose! bour.dr I
on tho "'est uy an alloy, and i,n tho north tiv land .if
Iliird.anilon tho oulh by lot ol I'ul.rllis
er, rontainiiii; two and a half urres more or less, alt o(
whnh is improved land and in good fonco, with ih- i
purtennnces '
Heiyed taken in exerutUn nud to bp (old us the prop
erly of John 1'. Uvan. ! r
All that ceitnin tract or pieoa of In ml
situated in Jackson tnwn.hip, Columbia count", cor,
tainlni; fifty aires and allowauro, bounded and d'ercrll,
cd as follows, tu wit . on the north by land of Wil.nn
ltoberts and Mian Alcllenry tho south- by lanas cf
hI,!C"i"", M.l'l!"!" Il'irlejman nn tho oust I J
lands of hamiio Koberts ,n,l 11. Alcllenry, and on il.V
west hi- lands of Sam'l ltoberts. whereon are erer" J a
w:htaapLrr;acfrt dwe"",
erf;l7jVhuU0b'e.S:C,1,10,, ' " wW " bi "e'
All that certain lot and piece of pr-ui.d
situate In Itoarinccreok township, trolumbh coiinty.l'a
bouuut-d and dcrlbe,l as follows to wit i Bcrl " ne at
a Uno, a corner of land of Air. Davics thcii?" Ly I)"
same south eichtv five and a l,f deKree ..t nf y
one perches to;, white o.,k tree, tsence by land ,-f an
,,.,,. .,11 ' , ' "evemeen arm ono half decre
OrlCii. Willi tlti :inu,ru.,,tr...a
e, o7J ftllS iler""0" Mi .' Ue ,oW m ,b
A certain two story frame dwelling
tefil I"?'0-,'" Eri,ir"el.loniiship, about Id feet J
3U feet in jUclupon a lot of ground or tract of land nor'
occupied by Jacob contaiiiinK sixty hi'ks T ot
in'in'! TU" ""' ,'","':"'n.leU eastward by la's"'
S " S'i',U',hir V"bl B.1iui"1 n'"' "f '
bitler. viest by laud ot Jacob llower jr., and the lot
eround and cuttlledse appurtenant to said bJndlnp
erorjt,l"V,loU aW J ,0 M W
,n.. e . , tMs-Mi-ij un'itu nam ftiroei
A t en
By virtue of a writ of Fiaria Faci -
curtain jot or piece- nf ground situated in Can
Lolunibia county, bounded ad deVc, o".la" ftllo.
w i t : on theUn.t by second street, on ihi Von
of (Jco,-.c Hugh., on tho HV "cn., Jo. -nil
on, aihlou tho ,h ., by Ullroad fctret ic
Jrlces fr,""c,lu","'nil Malile, with tUo npf.
VBVjUnny.rMUM0B"nd Wb' ,014"
All that picco or pnrcol of laud b!
dejeribed as follow, to wit i Uehnio a apo
of Oeorgo oodson'.lnnd, tl,r-re by tho sorne k
degrcct, tan 30-B perches to a pSjt, t eHc- hy I
UenJoinlnllordUoutbeUj degfee, Ka.tVlS--0 1
r 1, ,Vla,lll,1 Mrictnuasuro with the apniium
Kloimiburg, April 5161 j ht""a
,.v.w.t in ii ,,u; inoncc by ol ur lands cf
Solomon I. rinyder north 1 desr-.-s fast.51 VeriliM
a stone, to lands 0 Solomon I.. ?nyder ; thei rVl.s indi
ne,.h'.''.n"," 'rcMr'in "e haif " -
acre! ,n I , '1'.' ."c- f brl!'!"l'''?.eomalnin! twenty ft e
All that certain moiety or half part i
?-?,. ."i,? r 0 " " '1 i " .U l.H,jown,in the count) vt
Oolumbi.i marked in tfte gene'ral plan of said tow i a
, 'nJ I TT"11"1"1 b0'l"' fellow. ti w tVbef
iiinir nt n post, corner or lot No 80. nivncl by Ale
r, ...ln!,,"'J' u".,ll 8"""' "Ue of I"' Alain Sire" r I
A tThr.'i "J'e;.n,0."g,,aiJ -twardly f,my
of lot Vn . ?.' ,,0S! !I,C,.,,P0 n,on! ntl'er 'no
V one I -n r. i ' , ne'1 Ly lt,lry Trl""P nn",v'