Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 12, 1862, Image 1

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LBTI JL. TATE, Editor.
TERMS : 2,00 PER ANKVtit.
VOL. 16. NO, 6.
ji o fkTo e
) Its Oriel Building, opptsltt IA Kichangi, ly siifr
1 "'.Us durl Uouit. "Venocralic Jltail (luarttrt."
teums or siniscnirxioN.
s)liOO In aJvancc, for one copy, for li month.,
,1173 In advance, fur ono cony, onoycnr.
IS 00 K not paid within tho first threo uiontlii,
'S'M IT not paid within tlio first alt mouths.
3 50 If not paid within the year.
SO- No Biil)crlitlon taken for less than ill months,
Hn4no paper.uiscuntinueil uutilall arrearages shall havo
'buennald. ,
. .jy Ordinary ArjTnRTissMKKTB insertsd, and Job Work
ncutod, at tliu cstublishedpricci
"$Th Only Place where a Cure can be
DR. JOHNSTON has ducovercd tho most Cortaln,
fpucdy and only i:u"uctual Keinudy In the World
-fjr ail private Diseases, Weakness of the liaek or
Limbs, Strictures, Affections of tlie Kidney, nnd Iliad
4r, Involuntary Discharges, luipoteiicy, (Jcnoral De
bility, Nervousness. Dyspopsy, languor, Low tlpirlt.
Coiifj.tuii nf ideas, I'alpltutlou of tho Heart, Tlmlilit),
Treni&llugs. Duuiiesa of Sight or (Jiddlness, Disease of
In. llcaJ. Thrdrtt, Nose or ukiii, AtToctiona of the Liver
Lung. Stomach or Umvcla-lhnse terrible Disorders
arising from tin Solitary Habits of Youth -those slokct
m,! solitary practice iuur iatal tu their victims than
ttlJ song ol dyrcus to III) Marines of Ulysses, blight
"lejtltjir most bri'llnut hopes or anticipations, render
tag marriage, fci. impossible,
it Y O U N (1 M K N
Especially, tvhn have become the victims of Solitary
Vlso. that dreadful and destructive habit which annu
ally swi'ups to an untimely grave thousand of Young
VMtn of ia most c tailed talents and brilliant intellect,
Who uiiKlit other nil. Hare listening' Senates
with tliu thunders of clo-jur-iicu 01 unked to ccilay Ilia
living lyre, may call with full confidence.
M All II I A C E.
AMarrled panaris, or Young Men contemplating mar, being awaru of physical weakness, organic deabili
tr, deformities, tec, speedily cured,
iiij who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston,
Say religiously coulidu in his honor as a gentlemen, und
i.uflucully rely upon his skill as u physician.
Immediately cure.! and full vigor restored.
"This Distressing .H'.:ilioii which renders life mis
trable atnl marriage impossiblci. the penalty paid by
ihj vletnni of iuiiiroiicr indulgences. Young per-
mil are too upl f coininit oxci'ss from not being of the dreadful consequence that may ensue.
J Now, who that on ler.lands the subject will pro
Und t deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner
by Uiose falling into Improper habits than by the prudent.
"BesiJoi btilnj deprived of the pljunuro of heullhy olf
".prlngs. tlu moit serious and destructive symptoms to
'both an 1 mind iirtsu. The system becomes ilcrang-
d ; Hie physical and mental rum tioni, weakened, loss
f ptoereative power, nervous inltability. Dyspepsia
-pHlpitatlon if the heart, luilig'i.tiun. rniislltutinlnil rtr-
'eility. a wasting of the l'rame, Cough, Cunsumprion,
i.eny und il u all i.
- ornot;, No. 7 south rRnunuicic strcct.
I'Left hand side going from Baltimore street, u few doors
-(frouitlis corner. Tail nut toohservv name and number.
;. Letters must be pai l contain a it imp. The Doc
j'tor . Diplumas hang in his oiliee.
. MU HaaCRY on AUSblU'S onuus.
l(n.t,jr nf the ColNee ol r-urgeons, I.oudcn,
Graduate from one ol the inot ennn'Ut Colleges nf the
. und tltr greater pan ol W hose uie nns
Original Poetry.
The Doath of Jackson.
Cot. Freeze:
Tlie following lines written
nt Ibo timo, can hardly bo out of placc,for
tho name of tho old Hero, yet stirs tho
depths of tho truo American heart. If
you agreo with mo they arc at your ser
vice. John Sutton.
Awake I solemn muse I tho death bell is tolling,
And peal after peal, rings sai'ly nrounJ,
And to a whole nation is mournfully calling,
The mighty lias fallen." walls every sound,
Yea, Jackson', departed, his life term li ended,
Like nfhnck of ripo corn lie fell to the ground,
The Hickory tree, that nosiomi lias are bended,
At length, by the strong arm of timo is thrown down
No more, when the Indian's shrill warwhoop is ringing
lu heart rending accents, the Red-man is nigh,
White warriors aro danclng.and chieflalns arc singing
Their triumphant war songs, in murderous cry,
Sound the blood dripping scalps of uur sires appalling,
Of children and matrons decrepit and grey,
While justice so loudly for vengeance is calling,
Will Jackson awaken her voice to obey.
No more, when tho trumpet and war drum aro rolling,
Their soul-stirring notes, of "nwako to the war I'
"Awake to the rescue, your country Is calling,"
Will Jackson e'er heed it, his sorvlce Is over.
No more when the country a statesman is needing,
Imumvablo cither byilattery or fear.
While men, not tlu ir country, but Interest are heeding,
WiU Jackson again fill the President's chair.
No, the chieftain Ills war-horse has long since forsaken,
The thrice victor', sword lies close in its sheath,
from Ills fingers, the pen of the Statesman is taken,
And hushed is his voice in the silence of Death,
Yet, he'll live lu the hearts orhU countrymen ever,
He'll speak in our councils, a voice from the grave,
His name shall not be forgotten, no never,
While the nation is free hi shall honor the brave.
(Rut Oh I that a prophet would breath o'er his ashes
And break far one day the still peace of the grave,
As the lightening from Heaven awakes with Us flashes
So llri gleam of his sword would awaken the brave,
And "By Hie I'.ti'rnal" the Traitors would,
And Phillips and Sumner, Jcfl'D.nis and all
Their allies and backers to Tophet he'd banis li.
And the Union restore, Constitution and all.
stead of tho rebel shinplastors ho has so of
ten forced upon as good uuion men as our
(selves. It seems that ho had avowedly
subscribed for our papor because ho thinks
it surpasses all others in misrepresentation.
Now if ho has such delight in merely read
ing falsehoods, how deep and keen must
bo his rapturo in telling them. Uoyonil
all doubt, his life must have been onu of
exquisite enjoyment. But wo cannot be
cause bo is cooped up and can no longer
exorciso his vandalism upon other noble
and useful public works, permit himunro.
buked, to attempt to demolish that great
great bridge of national safety, that noble
lock and dam in tho stream of political in
tclligcncc, that double-track railroad for
the promotion of tho great interests of the
country, tho Louisville Journal. Aeous
toracd to rob with impunity, ho yet must
not bo allowed to ileal the Journal's char
acter, although unlike his own, it may bo
well worth stealing. If ho repeats tho
flagitous attempt, wo shall, in dcOancc of
all Hags of truce, "propose to move imme
diately upon his works." Wo supposo he
will pronounce our course "ungenerous"
and "uuchivalrous," but we cant help that.
If our distinguished correspondent, as
tho end and upshot of all of his treasona
ble deeds, shall unlergo,on this emerging
fron Fort Warrcii, the fate of those that it
is said, ''can't bo drowned;" wo hope he
-II .1 . . .1... ! . .1
win scnu us a uokcc oi invitation to me nt ,iins rnrta i,,.;
interesting little entertainment. If he - -, l1nmilm,nt i a0 notstinnose anv one
shall think proper to make i charge for it ... ,,.,, lhe auti10ritv. and I rcfor vour
fl! l I 1 1 .1 . 1 ' I ' "
wo win cni'unuiiy pay mm uaci; tuc iwo
dollars ho now sends up. Ah, if ho had
Kacy .Correspondence.
The following letter with tho appended
editorial remarks, appears in a late number
of the Louisville Journal :
" To the EaUors of the Louisville Journal :
'Foet Warren, Mas3., Mar. 4, '02.
' Gentlemen ; Amongst other luxuries
of which I have been deprived sinco my
I!iiit-i.l lat!
L..-H anciit in til J lira! llutuitnl of London, l'jrn, I'hila
.1. Inlii. -i. 1 il.iii li-. rf linu'.trti-il hume lif 1M lunht I
ItMitln.i; c ire. that were ever knuwn; many troubled 'imprisonment, is tllO pleasure of pPrUSUlg
nerviius.ress" being alarmed at yudden souuds.and lush- ' tho.50 chaste and refreshing notices, with
f iluess. with fre'pi'.'ut blushing, attended sometimes w ilh i , ,
dsraugemeut ot iniilu, were cureu luiijieuiauiy
Pt. J. aldrcsses all tkosu who have injured themselves
Z r improper indulgi'iice and Holitary habits, which ru
in bull bouy aud mind, unfiling them for cither busi
i.jA. siuly, society or marriage.
mm an some of the sad and intlancholy effects pro
iuced by carlv habits ofjoulh. tu: Weakness uf the
Sack and l.iubs, l'aiu in the Head, Dunnes of Sight,
i.a ol .Muscular I'uvtur, l'alpitition rf tin IKart. Dys
'opi..i, Neivoua Irratability, Derangement of the Di-jcs
Iivj Functio.n.O'encral Debility, sjmptomsnf Coneump.
-lion, Sec. ...
MEN' TALLY. Tho fearful effects on tho rnlnd are
sauch tn be dreaded, Loss of .Memory, Confusion of Idas
Daprusfion of Hie Spirits, Bvil Forebodings, Aversion
t Soncty,, lovo f solitude, Timity, &c,
tte some nf the evils produced.
, Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what
', is the caure of their declining health. Loosing their
' vigor, becoming weak, pale mid emaciated, lia nig Mil
gular appeuranc about the eyes, cough und syuiploms ol
Y 0 U N fi 51 F. N.
Who have injured thinsclves by n certain practice,
ladulged in when alone -a habit fre-tuently teamed frum
" .vil companions, or at school the effects of which arc
'nightly tidt, even when asleep, und if not cured render,
tnarriago impossible, and dettruys both mi Mil and body,
should apply immediately.
What a pitty that iiyoung man, tho hope of his rountry
and the darling uf liiH parents, should be snatched from
ii nt,.Kiiurt ami euinvments of life, bv the cousi-'iiun-
ccs of deviating from tin- path of nature, and indulging
.-.( a certain secret habit. Such persons mvt befor.
MAIlltlAO E,
tieneet that a sound mind and body arc tho moft ne
, ecssary requieities tn romnts conunbial happinesa
Indeed, without tliete the journey thinugh life becomes
weary pilgrim.igo, thu pro-pect hourly darkens to
.lhe view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair Si
Jeilid with the m-Mancholy reflection that the happiness
i.f another beenmcb blightsd with our own,
DISEASE 01' I JI 1' R U U U N C E.
When the mlsguidjd and imprudent votary of pleasure
finds lie has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it
- too often happens that an ill timed sensa ofahamo or
ijread of discovery, deters him from applying to thoso
wh j from education and respectability can uione befriend
tiim, delaying till tho constitutional syinptoms of this
tiorrld disease makes their appearance, .uch as ulcerated
..ore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal, pains in the head
and limb, dimness of nitfht, deafness, node, on the shin
bones, and arms, blotches on tho head, face and extreme
iei, progressing with rapidity, till at la. t the palate of
Ibo mouth and bones of tho nose fall in, and the viitim of
this deseasc becomes a horrid oblectof coinmisscration
-till death puts a period to his drcauful sufferings, by ecu
ding him to "that bourne from whence no traveler re
.turns." ' Ills a mtlanthsly fact that thousands fall victims to
.this terriblo diseaso, owing to the ens'iillfulfucss of ig
norant pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly 'oi
,.oa, .V'fiiry, ruin tlu constitution and make the resi
,U3 ci' life uiitcruble,
Trust lint your lives, or health, to the care of the ma
tay Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of
i knowledge, nam. or rharacler.whocopy Dr. Jonniton's
which for some time past, your paper has
1 honored me; and although, in my pro
gross through tho North, I have met with
many attempts on tho part of the press at
an imitation of your poculiarly felicitous
I style of misrepresentations, I have found
nono to equal tho original. I am there
foro under the necessity of applying to tho
fouutain head, I cncloso two dollors, for
which please Jend mo your country daily
to tho following address :
"Gen. S.B. Buckner,
"Care of Ool. J. Dimick,
Fort Warren, Mass
"r. b. binco writinK tho above, our
friend, Col. 11. W. Hanson, has reached
this celebrated resort, and desires me to
add that tho present of a demijohn of wins
Prom tho NorriBtown Rogister.
IlARRisnuna, March 12,lS0a.
Friend Achcr: I noticed this morning
an artsclc in that exceedingly rabid abo
lition, negro worshipping sheet, tho Ches
ter County Times, headed, "A Political
Plot Spoiled. Tho Committee on House
Expeiues Dissolved, &c" I would not
havu noticed this article hud it not been
ior the gross falsehoods coutuined in said
Firt the author says, that I was inde
fatigable in my visits to tho Auditor Gen
eral's office in search of Republican coi
ruption. I visited the ofiico but once, aud
then it was for tho purpose of having a
correction mado in the statement he fur
nished us. Ho had omitted three items
amounting, to fourteen hundred dollars,
which should havo been charged to Mr.
Itauch, the present Clerk; but he refused
to make tho correction, alleging that this
money had been given to the Clerk and
we had no right to inquire into it.
Tho writer also tries to make it appear
that tho expenses for 1857 aud 1858
when Jacob Ziegler wa3 Clerk were
double that of 18GL, when Mr. llauch, the
model Abolitionist, ofliciatcd.
In order to make tho truth public and
to exteud justice to all parties I have taken
the reports of the Auditor General for tho
last five years, aud from them I tako tho
Showing a balanco in favor of
Democratic rule of
Amount expended for curtains,
drapcrv, &o.,during tho year
8,145 09
3,885 25
As tho actual difference between Dem
ocratic! and Republican rulo when thcro
was but a single session each year. Upon
examining tho record I find our priutar has
very unkindly omitted all of my remarks
in support of my aincndmcut mado on
Friday afternoon last on the 40th section
of the Approbation Bill, This compels
me to explain a little further.
These 2aslcrs and folder were paid the
above sums when tho Act of Assembly
positively say3 tlwy shall receive only one
dollar per day and no mileage. So much
for Republican honesty generally. But
I cannot conclude without shotting the
amount actually received by our model
Republi an Clerk The law 6x03 the pay
of tho Clerk. He is to receiTce a salcry of
S700, and S3 per day and mieage making
his honest pay about 51,100.
He received last year for tho
regular session SI ,184 00
Fifteen days extra 45 00
lndaxing journal (illegal) 125 00
E. H. Itauch for expenses incur- ,. ,
red during recess (which I
supposo meant to buy lager
aud pretzols)
E. II. Itauch, a similar item
Delivering Daily Record
E. II. Rauch,pay for extra sess
ion of seventeen days
.nj.iumijr.i i i. a-ijsiw.i.sLiMj.oitiwsriu w.wwiMBawiiwwrw
by the authority of tho samo, That the nud uie every hour until tho active 8ynip
said recited act of Assembly of tho seventh toius abate. If you havo not tho gall-nuts
day of March, Anno Domini, ono thou sub3t tutc a toasponifull of powdered whita
sand eight hundred and sixty-one, bo and oak bark. Also let the patient drink cold
tho samo is hereby repealed, and the said infusion of Flax Seed or Slippery Elm,
tounago tax, or duties imposed by tho act so as to act upon tho kidneys.
come to Louisvillo last fall as ho intended
:md caught us, wo should havo been a
dangling spectacle for his eys instead of
living to anticipate his becoming one of
ours. But we hope ho is well, and that
the dinners he cats in Fort Warren lie
more lightly upon his stomach than the fa
mous one ho did'nt cat hero. Wc would
kindly sugges t to him that, if ho has any
time to spai o from the reading of the Lou
isville Journal and from ropentiug of his
sins, ho might devote it to carrying on and
consummating the negotiations, which, at
thu timo ho occupied Bowling Green, ho
proposed to Mr. Guthrie for tho ruuning
of the Louisvillo and Nashville Railroad.
readers to those documents as proof of my
statement. In 18571 find tho expenses
as fodow :
The officers. elected and appoin.
ted for that year drew from
the Treasury on tho part of
the House for Che Regular
Session, 821,872 05
Contingent expenses, Reg'lr. Ss. 9,057 54
Extra Ss. 1,005 00
paid to
Wm. Jack,lato Clerk, 3,000 00
150 00
150 00
100 00
401 CO
Total, only
S2,21G 20
for about four months' work. But he is
not satisfied yet, for his friends in the ap
propriation Bill passed last Friday voted
him for indexing Journal of Extra session,
the further sum of 820 00
Also for his expenses durinc re
cess again 100 00
making his pay for last Regular
and Extra session 2,341 20
Amounting in all to
In 1853 the expenses were as follows :
Paid to officers, 10.352 33
Contingencies, 13,380 19
Amounting to
This statement I have prepared for pub-
35,830 19 lication for the purpose of refuting Abo
lition lies, and showing how tuey spenu
our money. If any of my Abolition friends
want auy more light, 1 havo a little yet in
reserve, which they can havo whenover
they apply to JOSEPH REX.
March 12, 1802.
incorporating the said Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, and the supplements there
to, is hereby restored, and imposed and
made payable to tho Commonwealth, in
tho same manner and upon the same terms
aud conditions as though the said repealing
act had never been passed.
Section 2, That it shall bo the duty of
the Attorney General to proceed forthwith
to sue for, recover and collect, by distress
or otherwise, tho arrears of the said ton
nage tax., which were duo and owin at
the time of the passago of the said recited
act, which is hereby repealed, together
with such additional taz or duties as would
have accrued upon the tonnage of the said
company until tho dato of tho present act,
and for tho proper ascertainment of the
amount of tho said additional tax, it shall
bo tho duty of tho said company to file
forthwith in the office of tho Auditor Gen
oral, a statement duly authenticated by
tho oath of the President and Treasurer
of said company, of tho amount of their
business so made taxable for the interven
ing period, and also to furnish to the At
torney General, from timo to timo, such
other and additional statements, and such
access to their books as he may judge
necessary for tho purpose of tho said suit
or other proceedings hereby authorized :
Provided, however, that tho moneys paid
by tho said company on account of the
said pretended commutation over and
beyond the annual instalment or instal
ments, payable by them on their bonds for
the purohase-moncy of tho public works,
shall be credited upon tho arrears of the
said tax, which wcro due and owing at the
passago of the said repealed act, and al
lowed in the collection of tho taid arrears.
If there should bo much fever, taks
tincturo of AconitJ five or ten drops, put
into a tumbler of water, and tako a tca
spoonfull every fifteen minutes, until tha
skin begins to feel moist; or ono grain of
Camphor every hour, until it is controlcd,
at tho same timo giving ,ome warm tea.
The food should bt light but nutritious,
and in a fluid form, and small quantities
taken at a time, and that only when tho
patient desired it.
Tho bo -els should bo relieved by injec
tions of warm water, also small doss of
oil may be given.
If the active symptoms should not abatu
under this treatment, a well educated phy
sician should be called in. For a mora
minute dis:riptionof this disease and it
treatment, and also for the manner of
using Concentrated Eclectio Remedios, I
must refer you to tho January and Feb
ruary numbers of the EUctic Medical
Journal of Puiladclphia.
'.' Ties from tho
'on tded lhat tha
qui re ehaugo,but
uijUred b it.
30,183 18
As for Roger Hanson's message to In the above item is included the sun of
shall of course of be attended to. We did , 83,885 25, paid for curtains, drapery, ka.
promiso Roger some Cno whi.-ky, and it is' to Win. U. Carryl k Brothers,
on hand. It is already jugged liko Roger I It is proper here to state that all the
himself. And truly we can recommend it. ! bills of Mr. Zeigler for contingencies were
While it is passing down his throat, he ! presented to tho House, referred to the
will perhaps al most forget tho disagrcca-1 Committeo on Accounts, cxamiucd by
bio sensation, that, in his moments of re-' the Auditor General who had his warrant
flection, he no doubt feels about his neck. ; issued for payment, and thus settled in a
He bees us if the linuor is rrood. that liu 1 lciral and proper way. Siueo that time
o " i o 1 i a
will not venture to taste it ourselves, as in
that case ho might loso it altogether.
the House has had no control over tho cx-
, mi... ... l.:..
tienses wnaievcr. iuu vsiur& iiiuauma u , , , , , . . ., ,
ni,usi.s i mil i Mare i. Anno Domini, ouo thousand
, - 1 ,
The Tonnage Tax Bill.
IIarrisburg, March 18.
The following is a copy of the bill for
the repeal of the act toCuinmute the Ton
nage Duties, as amended and passed by
the House of Representatives. It has not
yet been acted upon by tho Senate, hav
ing been referred to the Finance Commit
tee on Monday afternoon :
An act to repeal the act approved sev
.dvortisemeuts, or styjj themselves, in llioiiewtpapora,
, regularly i. uneaten ruysicians iiicapamu oi curing. mey
jkecp you trilling inontli after month taking their filthy noisfinii!i eomnaiinds. or as tnnu as thu Hinullertee
tcan bj obtained, and in despair, leave you w itlt ruicud
.il.villll tn sUh ovir your gailliug disappointment,
Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising.
Ills credential or diplomas always hang in his office.
His roinedies or treatment aro unknown to all others,
prepared from a lif.i spent in the greal hospitals of Uu
jope, th i first in this country and a iiimo extonsivo Vri
ivult Practice than any other Physician inthn world.
TllO many thousands curod at this iii'titulion year af
tor year, nud Ilia niiinoriMS important fc'urgical Opera
tions performed by Dr, Johnston, wjtucs-ed by the re
.porteri of the "r-un," "Clipper," and many other papers
notice, of which havo up pea ru rl again and nenin b.lore
tie public, besides his btan.lini;n a gentlemen of char.
. .rter und responsibility. Is a sufficient guarantee to tho
' Persons writing should be particular lu directing tlicir
,'tttter. tohis Institution, in tho following manner:
.Of the naltimoroLosk Hospital, Daltlmon', .Maryland.
Jan Id, 1SU3, txlnh ldo0'
rpiIE undersigned Informs tin citiiens of Bloom.
A and neighborhood, that ho has taken tho largo room
Initio Eirhunga Ulock, extending over .Messrs. Stoner
A. rot', ilakery. and tho llMkttoru wlKro he has put in
, large Jkyllf t. It is only by Skylight that good pic
res can bet ecu especially groups wiierc each person
n bo taken nt as well as separate.
Ilihligon to considerable expense tn mak. his cs
atli. intent nrit class on", and lie thTcfore solicits a
brttipatro ige to enabla Mm, to constantly Introduce
ta.nndt improvements of the art.
C7Co-ia a prcJuca taken In Exchange for picture.
iVr, Ur,,J9uV W.TV, ,',W
1TF11 I .. .1 . . 1 . ii.. A ...liinn llnttnr-itl li-lin Cnf.
wen, no seems entirely aware that tl.ero accouls lo luu nuu.wi 6;xty.on0j cnlillcd Au
no anger or our any nut -- commenoo( Kcpublicau ruic, Aot for the Commutation of Tonnage Du-
"good liquor. If his taste had been ! wid th(J OJEjIUU4C8 are a3 f0ilows . fcIc3,
equally unexceptionable, if he hadn't burn- 0fficur8 830,301 15 WhcmS) an act was passed at the last
oil nn nnn linlf nf hU nnd rwn linlrra nniitinmmciQS. lllclUUltirr EOIUC ' . . . ...
ky which he learns you havo promised ofJj Mism with wUsk ha UliV.l CItras, H.C45 80 session of the .gislature puroor n.g to e
nun wuuiu iiuvcr oo mora accopiaDio man . ...i.i i... ,,.v,i I " wlu u""""-"11"" o-
at this time tho locality and th: latitude
as well as the sentiments of our neighbors
up the harbor holding out most tempting
inducements to cultivate a tasto for thut
delightful beverage. As a matter of cau-
Auiounting in all to
cr would have turned rebel, never would j
havo challenged us to mortal combat, nev-1
cr would have bvon at Fort Warren curs-1 in 18C.0, the flrt year of Mr. Raueu'a
ing the flag of his country ajuio-t within clciLship, the c?pt;usei were as follows :
tho awful shadow of Bunker Hill and its
mighty shaft,nevor would bavo felt choked
tion, however, he urges mo to add that ho for tbo walU of l drop t0 driuk or !oolcd !
hopes, if tho liquor be of good quality ,you forwar,l v,ith apprehensions of being still j
win not lasio u, as p.o migiit tuereny incur wor30 choke(1 ouo of ,UcS0 hy a .tdrop
much risk in losing it altogether ; a pri-. tl)0 imoh."
vation which, however agreeable to your-1 Wo aro' not without hopes that 0D0 dcm.
self, would be attended with serious incon- j ;jo!ui of ooi wuisky, or at most two or
veniene to himself during the prevalence of thre0) will niakc rtoscra Union man again
tho prevailing "nor-casters." Wo don't look for him, however, to be,
(,S. B. B." wh.ut ho declared himself a short timo bo
Wo aro glad the bagged robelia in such fore his apostaoy, "a Union man without
good humor. lie evidently feels a great ifs or huts ;" bo may bo a Uuoiu man with
deal more comfortable now than ho has out an if, but certainly not without a most
felt for many months, and henco, from be-1 ponderous butt. Wo don't wonder at his
ing sullen and morose, ho actually under-j and Buckuer's disposition to tako a drink
takes to laugh and jest. Perhaps ho ex-1 "during tho prevalence of tho nor'-castora,''
poiienccs a sense of relief on account of ' for in thoso winds, tho glorious old flag
Contingencies aud no extras, 11,845 -12
Amounts only to
31,017 01 dutie.-, by means whereof the sum of seven
hundred aud fifty-two thousand three, hun
dred and eight dollars and forty-one cents,
or thereabouts, besides interest then owing
10 the State by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, and in contemplation of law in
the treasury of tho State, together with a
S'20,183 75
being quartered in a safo retreat whero
hostile bayonets gleam not nor hostilo bul
lets siug and vbisllo, and yet how ho can
manage to employ his timo without weari
ness whero thcro aro no bridges or looks
and dams to blow up, no railroads to de
stroy, no wagons to scizo aud .confiscate,
no horses, cattle, sheep and hogs to s.teal,
is really more thau wo can conceive. Wo
hope ho will enlighten us upon this point
in his next epistle. By tho way, wo aro
not surprised at his having carefully cut
the figure of tho American Eaglo that was
Btampcd upon the corner of tho sheet wo
have received from him. No doubt ho re
gards that tcrriblo bird with dread and
honor, almost fearing that o,n a paper
caglo may pick his rebel oyc3 out.
Wo are glad that tho big rebel, in sub.
icribiog for tho Joumal.hna had judgment
.enough to tend cj good union money in-
that streams from tho liberty staff of Fort
Warren, points directly toward Fort Dou
A Home Thrust. John Hickman, tho
other day, was airing his patriotism in tho
Houso of Representatives, by assailing the
loyalty of Vnllandigham, when Mr. Rich
ardson asked permission to say a word,
which Hickman granted :
"SJr. Richardson then stated that thero
wcro members on this floor .who had de
clared thai thoy would not vote a dollar
of appropriation unless tho war shall bo
prosecuted for tho purposo of emancipation
'1...1 l. I ,1..!...' .1-.. .1.. .
traitors to .tho goveromout,and thoy ought
to bo put under arrest and .executed as
tthoy deserved."
To this, tho gallant Hickman and his set
mado no reply, but still kopt dashing awy
at the obnoxious member from Ohio,
Wc understand by this term, that con
dition of system in which there is an infla
mation of tho fauces and mucous mem
brane of tho throat, and the formation of
a membrane out of tho exudate, which i
thrown out as the result of tho inflama
tion. Cause, This disease is caucd by a
specific poi-on which i taken into tho sys
tern, a-, in Small Pox Mcascls, Scarlatina,
kc , aud by many writers it h regarded
as a species of Scarlatina. This disease
manifests itself similarly to Scarlet fever,
by langor and debility, followed by a chill
and fever, thirst, headache, &c.
Tho fir.-t symptoms may manifest by a
soreness of the throat and difficulty of
Upon exemining the throat, tho tonsils
will prcsout a rod and inflamed appearance
with more or less of a white exudation
upon them, and in many cases small por
tions of themombcano may bo discovered
If not attended to at once, tho synip
toms will soon become very much aggra
vatod and may in a short timo result in
The question now naturally arises, What
is to bo done ? Shall wc take caustic and
destroy the membrane at once? I answer,
No; as that would ouly augment the diffi
culty; it would tend to produce that con
dition which it is our duty to relievo and
should only bo used a3 a last resort.
The indications to bo fulfilled arc,
38.329 17
lame annual revenuo stipulated to be paid
In 1801, Mr. Rauch, Clerk, tho cxpeu- 0y tho said company as the price of its
ses for officers woro as follows : charter, and by way of compensation for
For regular and extra sessions 831,050 25 tiie deterioration in value of tho main lino
Contingencies, iucluding extra 'f tllQ bUo works apprehended and
sessions, but no extra expen- i .. y construction aud j Firs.: Subdue the local inflamation ; Sec
Eca wliatever, ' operation of the said road, which revenuo 1 ond: Eliminato tho poison from tho sys-
Amounts only to 41,850 25 had already reached tho sum of three j tern ; Third: Restoro the general health.
! hundred thousand dollars aud upward, In order to subduo the local inflamation,
making a diffcrenco in favor of tho Dom- and woulJ havo ail)0untcd at tb;s f,mo to you must restore tho general circulation
ocratio session of 1857 ouly 0,020 00 j n grcatiy iarirCr SUH1) ith the prospect of to tho surface and extremities, beside act
for example; indefiuito increase, wcro wrongfully with-J ing locally.
For 1801 r'S 00 tlraivnfoom tho binking fuud, provided by To restoro tho general circulation it
18dT J the Constitution and laws cf this State for j would bo necessary to give a hot bath,
Unlnnnr, In favor of Democratic ' navn.ent of tho public debt thereof, and which should bo as hot as the patient could
rulo 0,020 00 mado sacred and inviolablo for that pur- bear, and contiuued for ten or fifteen min-
p0S0) upon suggestions and considerations ' utes; rub the body and extremities well,
In 1857 and 1858 wo had no pasters wLicUworo cither in confiict with tho Con-1 and follow with brisk friction, after which
and folders, tho work being done by the ' n ,.. illusorv nrj(1 worthless ! the patient should b,i placed in bed and
Door Keepers. In 1859 tho Republicans, j . ,hcms0vc3 aW0UHting in effect under 1 kept warm, with jugs of hot water to the
to gratify a few more political friends, ap- j rei-cudcd COntract as a com- fect. Mustard pastes should bo applied
mutation to u gratuitous donation of nil ' to tho calves of tho legs and spine and ra
ti, a anirl mnnftvu rl riivnnuu to a nrivato ! taincd thero about fifteen minutes. Hot
.V ...v ... J - - , .... ... .
pointed theso officers aud paid
thorn 52,530 00
lu 1600 thoro wcro eighteen of
theso officers, who were paid 5,005 00
in 1801 there woro fifteen of
these pasters, who were paid
as follows theso rotiriug : 235 00
Regular session 0,449 55
Extra session of 1 daa 012 00
Amounting only to S7,290 ,55
Again, in 1800 the oxpensos of
'.tho Houio under Republican
rulo were 38,329 17
In 1858 tho expenses of tho
liouso uouer Domocruuo rulo
fas 0,163 18
The Hartford Post OrFiCE. There
has been quite a war wagod in Hartford
against the Times uevsp.ipur. Unablo to
damage it in e nir vcty, its enemies un
dertook to d'j as miiioi - ii iujury by re
moving tho City P 1
Times building. I;
public buMucsi did uo: .
would be to some czt 1
A public meeting, how-vor, was hdtt
and resolutions pu&sed demanding t.
rcniovaljon the ground of tho ''disloyalty '
of Mr. llurr ; and Senator Dixon wa3 in
duced to urgo the application. Postmas
ter General Blair refuse, to accede to tho
demand, for reasons which ho sots forth in
a letter, tho material part of which w
publish below :
"Siucc the rebellion broke out, there hxt
been no division of sentiment between tho
old parties on the question of maintaining
the Union, and thu Hartiord 'Times, ami
leaders ot the Democratic organization
generally, sustain the administration as
unalterably iu its determination to main
tain tho Union as leaders ot the Republi
can organization, while the greater por
tion ot each party blames the other for
. ringing it on. Now if th'j questiou wero
whether I should con cr political station on
the editor of the Times, in preference! to
sound Republican, 1 should unhesitatingly
decide for the Republican. But when I
am asked to refuse to have busino-s trans
actions with Mr. Burr, aud lo decline to
make an advantageous bagain for the Gov
ernment with bun, tnat piueu s a difF r
eut question, and I .-hunld not feel jus
tified in doing to unless his conduct had
been such as to justify the chargo of dis
loyalty. I must behove not only that he has erred
but that he has erred wif.h malice prepense.
This I do not balicvo, aud am confident
that a jury coutd not Lo empanelled ia
Haitford to couvict him of this offence.
If so, they would not only coinict Mr.
llurr, but all his patrons, and nearly half
of the people of L'onnoct.cut. Now whilst
I havo been as thorough aa any of my
predecessors in removing my political op
ponents trom olllcul position, 1 have uono
so without questioning their patriotism.
But a icfuial to deal with ono of them who
offers the moat commodious houfO at a low
rent, can only be justified by tho assump
tion that he 13 an enemy to tho country
in his heart, buch an assumption with
respect to Mr. Burr is, in my judgment,
wholly unwarranted by any proof boforo
me. This being the case, lam not willing
to pass such n judgmemt upon Mr. Burr,
even if thcro wcro a general occurronco of
tho peoplo of Hartford against him : bnt
the rcvere of this seems to mo to be true.
But a small portion of the votcr3 of tip
city havo been induced to join in his con
demnation by his zealous accusers, and I
am therefore convinced that the verdict of
the vicinago is against them. Tbo propor
tion against Mr. Burr cannot bo accurate
ly stated; no list or memorial eignod bj
citizens has been Glcd; but as far as I am
able to judge, not cne-sixth of the voters
of Hartford, and certainly not half of ki
political opponents have mausfehted an
opiuion ader.-e to h loyulty. I am con
firmed in my judgment by the action of
Mr. Welles. He is much more familiar
with tho coui'fo of the Times o.n,d with tho
sentimeuts ri In p oplu rt'.-peot to it
thm 1 could bo. und ho dccines joiuiug
you in urging the removal on cue nllcga-
corporation, without any substantial cquiv- packs should bo applied to tho throat, by ! tion that Mf 1jun. j, d; j j declin-
aleut wnatovor, inercoy viuiuimg wouing wwcw in hui n wi'mi uu umu ingio utgu uuy part wuit'.-.'r iu tue con
plighted faith of tho Stato, and increasing jng them on-by a towel passing up over troversy.
tho burthens of tho peoplo at a time when j tho top of the head. rogrei very mucn uai my aecjsion wi I
th. necessity of a country preeminently Tho patient may drink warm tea of Saf- jtlZ" til
required the most rigid economy aud tho fron or Elder flowers, m ordor to bring ' at hartford : but it is a ca.-o which I bus
strictest husbandry of their resources.- j tho eruption out on tho surfuco. Also uso i colled on to act quasi judicially, and in
Therefore, as a garglo the following : Salt, ono ta-I which, therefore, I am not at liberty to
Section 1. Bo it enacted by the Scnato I blc?pooiifull; good Cayenne peprer, ten consider anything but ths evidenoo, and
and Houso of Representatives of tbo Com-1 grains; water, a half pint; or powdered , youre'Sfullv
1.1 . li 1 l 1 nll ....... . rnln.-i Unnjin n ftlf fl I r 1 - I ... -
monwcaim oi a eunsvivaum, tit vmuciui uu uum, u tiwui, uvuuji ..-i. .-
Assembly met, and it is hereby naoted oupfull, Hot water, fc half pinl Bbaka
M. Blair, Postrcosler Qa
Jion. J. Duod, U, o. osnator.