Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 05, 1862, Image 4

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Some twelve months blnco I originated
a uow moilo of laying tlio floors qf liorso
Etalls, wliioli proves to bo a very valuable
anil efficient arrangement, and besides bo j
ing conductive to tho health and comfort t
of tho horse, is very economical. J
It consists in making the horso flail
floor lovol for tho aft, and with an obliqui
ty of three-quarters of an inch from each
side to the center of the floor half an inch
Vfide and e5s feet in length, or from a lino
of the back stall posts towm da tho man-,
ger sis feet. The plank of the floor is
laid crosswiso of the stall, tho plank being
cut in two in the middle, and bo laid that
the ends are a half inch apart, thus form
.1 itti il
lUg tllO opening WUICU 1 liaVCU dcSCllbCil,
This opening is provided for dropping the
urine directly through tho floor irom (
Tfhereit falls to tho back cud of tho floor j
Of tho stall, thus WOltilip; tho groator por- '
' 1
tlOIl Of tho floor, aild when tho horse lies
. 1,1. ,
uovra, wetting bis body and clothing and
especially his tail; for there is generally
110 provision made for conveying tllO UntlC I
farther than tho rear of the stall.
I placo a galvanized sheet iron gutter
mder tho opening in tho floor, which has
obliquity in itseif, tho manger end being
two inches deep. It discharges into a
plank urine gutter six inches wide, which
run3 along behind the stalls under tho
floor, and is carried by a loose floor nlank
, j mua
Which may be taken up at nlcabure and
J r 1
the gutter cloanod out. This cutter lias a 1
, . .... ,
gOOd descent, Si that tho UriUO IS dlSChar-
- , ,. , .,,
ged trom it, but SOlllO dirt and refuse Will
get into it through tho narrow opening in
the stall floor. All the nttontion that my
arrangement requires daily, is just to pass
the fork tines through tho slat in tho floor.
Thoso who use my improvement say
that the bedding will keep drier and clea
er for forty days than it will for four as
ordinarily arranged. I'ho iron gutter
costs 81 and the wooden gutter behind the
stalls and under floor will cost about 75
cents jjor stall ; otherwise this, arrange
ment costs no more than the common way.
Correspondent of Gcrmantown Tele
graph. Valley Twv., March 17' 18G2.
Mu. Editor : I give you a few sug
gestions on feeding hogs and poultry, I
have been feeding my hogs for tho last
four winters on cloyor hay. I cut tho hay
with one of Cumming's Fodder Cutters. I
then take about three peeks of cut hay for
six hogs, and scald it well, then add four
or fivo quarts of bran, or chop of any
kind, and this is sufficient for one mess.
I ask farmers to try it, aud my word for
it, they will find their hogs to improve
more with this feed than hy giving the
raw corn or oats. Twice a day is sufficient
for the hogs in the winter, fed in this way.
Ono word about poultry. Two years ago
I commenced feeding my poultry in the
patue way. For sixty head of poultry,takc
a heaped half bushel of cut hay and scald
it well ; add four quarts of chop, and if
you, havo any sparo milk, add enough to
cool it, and put this in troughs, and it will
last them all day. Try it and you will
Lave eggs all winter.
Trulyours, Gutklius Snyder.
DanvVla Intelligencer.
TnE Tiieu Tomato. J. Ii Garber, of
Columbia, Pa., communicates to tho Ger
tiiantown Tdcgraph some information in
regard to tho Tree Tomato, whioh is in
teresting, and will doubtless induce many
persons to proeuro seeds and test for
themselves tho valuo of this novelty in the
garden. He says-:
Though I kuow very well, from sad ex
perience, that mauy of tho "now things''
nre mcro "cateh-peuuies," yet tho upright
'Tomato is not ono of them, but is a vcrita
blo "upright." The young plauts, when
from tbtee inches to a foot high, arc sturdy
jainiaturo trees ; they grow about two and
a half to thrco feet high ; but when tho
large solid fruit begins to form, tho plants
got ton-heavy' and a stout stako is neces
tary t keep the plants from, toppling over.
The fruit is large, red, and in quality
.cqwil to tho best. It is quito a novolty.
I cudo30 you a lot of seeds, for your own
use and a few to spare for particular
How to Maki: Conw Griddle Cakes.
. Almost evey ono is interested now in
knowing now to mako corn cakes most pa
latable since bo much of it will bo used in
ihc30 Btraightod times. Tho following is
f '1 to bo an excellont receipt : Scald nt
'night half tho quantity of inual you aro
going to use, mix tho with cold water,
laving in it tho consistency of thick batter;
add a littlo salt and set it to rise ; It will
need ne yeatt. Jn tho morning tho cakes
will bo light and omp. Skimmings, .whoro
meat has been boiled, is best for frying
ihcci with Fry slowly.
flSflt is with narrow-soulcd pooplo aa
it is with narrow ucckod bottles, tho less
ihey have in them tho moro uoo they
wake In pouring out.
UffA letter from Nashvillo says tho en
tif Ato"k cf cotton in thct v'ciuity
a lu-'8 to cjir u Aiw hundred baits.
2 S
S 3 -9
n a g s
i a a 4
1 2 .1 4 5
0 7 8 D 10 11 12
3 0 7 8 !l 10 II
12 n II 15 10 17 is
III VO HI B3 31 91 S3
13 14 13 10 17 18 1!)
in 81 91 23 21 23 211
17 Sd 2D 35 31
tlO !i7 US J 30 31
3 3 4 5 8 7 H
1 2
3 4 5 0 7 8 0
V 10 11 IS l:i M l.l
10 11 12 13 II 15 in
17 18 111 20 21 22 23
10 17 IS 11) 'JO 81 Hi
23 !M 2J SO 27 2S
ii 23 20 27 S3 20 SO
2 3 4 3 0 7 8
U 10 11 11 13 14 IS
111 17 Id I'.l SO 21 84
12 3 4 0 6
7 H II 10 11 12 13
14 13 10 17 18 1U 2D
51 22 S3 21 23 SO 27
2d SO 3U
SJ St 25 2d 27 Ssi !W
80 31
fi 7 8 I II) II 19,0
, n n a i
12 3 4
0 7 B II 10 11
13 II 13 IR 17 18 111
SO 21 '22 23 21 23 20
12 13 14 IS 10 17 IS
U 211 2 82 S3 81 S3
27 2S 80 30
20 S17 SS 2D 30 31
1 2 3
4 3 U 7 B II 111
11 i 13 14 13 III 17
18 1!) SO 21 SJ S3 -it
2 3 4 5 C 7 H
II 10 II 12 13 II 15
18 ID Sil 21 SJ
S3 Sit 27 23 2'J 30 31
3 21 23 SO 27 23 20
J'NK. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7
8 I) HI 11 12 13 14
13 If. 17 13 111 SI) 21
2.1 83 24 S3 SO 27 W
12 3 4 3 0
7 8 U 10 11 12 13
14 15 10 17 18 1!) SU
21 SJ 23 21 S3 SO 27
ii SJ 39 31
sickness can at enco relieve themtcltes from the thou,
sand maladies that tlesh la heir to, If they will only
follow the counsels of nature, ami take the inedlcinn
WHICH nest assists nur tier upc-'ruiiun?. j iiiiv iiieui
rj,10 , tho Vegetable Life Medicines of Dr. MorrAT,
krJ j jr Tlr,rr, pTJ- T u
These McdiMnes have now been before tho public for
n period of 30 years, and during that tlmu have main.
talned ahlth clnrncter In ulmost every part of tlio
B'obe for the cxtruordlnary curative properties which
tiuy possess.
Molfat'S Life PlllS.
Moirafsl.lferillsaro indebted for their name to their
manili'Sl OOU S'lH-itJiu uuiuu i'u..;b .w J'iS
nnri rlinnuiiU of life, and cn4ulng thorn with rrueucil
tone and vigor; and to tho undoubted fact that nt uvcry
uirly part in their history, they had rufcnpil suffi'rers
from the very crgo of an Untimely grave, perfectly se
curing tu them that uniform enjoyment of health, with
out which llfo itself is h it a partial blessing. So greut
Indeed had their eilicacy liivntlubly pri-fcd, that It was
scarcely less than miraculous to thoso uho wero nunc
cpiulnted with the honutlful phllcsopliical principles
uponnliicli they were loiupouiidcd, and upon which
they consequently act,
Mmr.ifs riioenix nitters nre so called, becauso they
possess the power of restoring tho expiring embers ol
health to. i glowing vigor throughout the constitution,
us thu l'lioonix is said to bo restored to llfu irom the
ashes or its own dissolution,
.MerciirialDiseasus. There la probably no one article
given nsa medicine the Injucious usu of which has
caused such wide-spread nnd terrible mischief to the
human system ns mercury. Jtt poison sinks deep into
nn,.,vn,l,t, , tin oiiliitunPA f.T tlm l,mii,H. nitil
producing a long train of painful diseases. It is well
known that many nil'ections of tho throat, of thu bones,
1 of the nose, and malignant Bores, which have ccen at
irll.ntnil in avnhllis. nru so often caused by the injudi
cious use of mercury, so that the lemedyhas proved
worse than the disease. riM.3 and riirxNix hitters.
The Ufe Tills and riioenii Hitters have always been
signally succt'ssful in this class of diseases, ami will
eradicate nil the effects of mercury from tho system,
sooner than the most powerful preparations of cursa
parilla. They aid nature in castin" from tlio system all
poisonous matter, nnd by thus purifying the vital fluids,
th.'y restore the sy-tem to health.
llilious Complaints. A well regulated nml propor
tionate quantity of bile tipon tho stomach is always re
quisite for the promotion of sound health it stimulates
digestion, nud keeps the intestinal canal free from all
obstructions. On the interior surfuco of tho liver is a
peculiar bladder in which the bile is first preserved,
being formed by tho liver frosn tho blood. Thence it
nasses intu thu stomach nnd intestines, nud regulates
tho digestion. Thus wo see when there is a deficiency
of bile, the body Is constantly costive. On the other
hand, an over aUn'idance of bile causes frequent onuses
on the stomach, and olten promotes very severe attacks
of diseases, w llicli sometimes end in death.
The I.ifo Medicines should, if possible, ho taken in
the early stages of bilious complaints ; nnd if perse
vered in blnclly according to directions will positively
effect n cure. Their eitenstvo use in this complaint in
all parts of our continent, renders comment unnecessa
ry their virtues speak for tlieiu.
Moffat'e l.ifo 1111. Tlio use of these Pills, for a very
short time, will ulfect an entire cure ol Salt ltlicum, and
n felriking improvement in the clearness of the akin.
Common Colds nnd lullucnza will always be cured by
one dose, or by two even in tho worst lusca.
1'ius! l'iLi.311 The original proprietor of these Med
icines was cured of l'lles of 35 years standing, by thu
use of tho Lifu Medicine nlone.
Livta Coviri-AiKr, An ullsction of tho Liver may bo
known by a fueling of tension or pain in the right sido
about the region of the liver, often pungent as in pleu
risy, but sometimes dull ; u difficulty in drawing a long
breath ; dry cough and inclination to vomit. This di
seeso may bo produced by cold, by violent exercise, by
intense summer heats, by long continued bilious fever
or ague, and by various solid concretions in the sub
tauca of the liver, Aud to these producing causes, are
ilprauecment of the di'jcstlvo organs, suppressed secro-
tiuns, und mental solicitude, which nre very frequent
causes of obstructions and discuses of tho liver.
This disease should be arrested In tho commencement
u-hieli enn be douu by n few doses cf the Life Tills.
When once the liver is uroused to the performance of
its proper functions, little more is requisite than tocon
llnui u proper use of the medicines, und a speedy re
covory will ensue,
iVer ash Aook For this scourge of tho Western-
country, these medicines w ill be found a safe, speedy
and certain remedy. Other medicines leave thu system
subject to a return of the utsoaso a cure uy mce -iteu
li-in'u la oertnauent.
t?cHott'i.A.-1 ne mosb ii'imuiu i-.ikus tn aciuimu, m
which the face, bones und limbs of tho victim had been
preyed upon hy the insatiable disease, uru proved, by
undeniable authority of Ilia sufferers themselves, to
have bdcn completely cured by theso purely vegi tablo
medicines, utter all others had been found inoro Uian
useless. ,
Indigestion and Dytpcprln. If we wore called upon
to specify one disease which nioro than uuy other is thu
bane, (while it is the offspring of civillzatloiilwc should
uamo Dvspcpsia. It la generally attended, or rather
productive, ot along train oi iu, Mien ns ucariuurn,
l'latulencv. a inlawing pain at the stomach when empty
n sense of uncomfortable weight when full, pains in.the
throat, side nnd pit nt the siomacu, cosmetics, cm in
uess, languor, unw'illlugnctsto takcixercise,&c
MOrtWS UFK JUr.DlCIXKS.' s Life Medicines are peculiarly adapted to the
cure of this digressing complaint. They net upon tho
bowels in u try iiuiu, iu same nine, very cneo
lual manner, nud linve never yet failed to euro this dls
ease when used according to our directions.
General Debility, Tlio most common of all com
pluiuts is that of u general weakness of the whole 6ys
tem. unaccompanied by any particular disorder, or de
linate symptoms of disease. There is u littlo vital en
ergy, u loss of appetite, unwillingness, and Indeed inn
l, Hue to underiro enertions. frequent headaches, iudi
L'1-.ition. oftentimes sallow ucm and dryness of the skin.
tendency to foverishness, unfitness fur society, in short
all those symptoms oi languor, uniuiciuie, unu wcaK'
linns ilmt eive evidence of a failure in the vital now.
ers, and a low, unhealthy aud morbid condition of tlio
Life Tills and Phoenix Bitters.
The Life Tills nnd Phoenix Hitters nre, pcihaps, the
best remedy for restoring strength tu the body. for. they
act ns a geutlo carlaartic, and, by their tonic qualities,
strengthen the whole system
Moffat's Life Tills. Tersons of n plethoric habit, who
are subject to fits, headache, giddiness, dimness of
sight, or drowsiness, from too groat n now uf blood lo
tee neau, suouiu lane tueiu i ins iroiuenuy.
AI1VICB TO FEMALliS.-rcinnles who value their
health should never be without the Life Medicines,
i buy purify the blood, remove obstructions, and ylvi ti,u
skin u beautiful, dear, healthy und blooming uppeuj
ance. To Elderly Tersons. Many healthy aged Individuals
who know the value of Moiful's Lite Medicines, make
It a rule to take them two or thrco limes u weelr, by
which they remove the causes that produce disease,
preserve their health, and keep elf the infirmities of
facts for Mothora and Nurses. It is a fact, estab
lished by the annual bliss of mortality, that one half of
the children uorne aro cut on neiore attaining fevck
year of cge; and Ilia fuitful source of till' mortality is
found to exist in that foul statu of tho stomach and
bowels which produced the generation of worms. As
the safe restorer cf infantile health In this critical state I
the Lifu Medicines have long held a dlttinguUlied repu
tation, und for foulness of the stomach and bowels, und
cuiivuUions, although worms may not exist, it is allowed
to be superior to any other,
MoflaOs Tills and Hitlers.-No medicines nt present
known have done so much good to mankind us these,
within the last few years; und certainly noun have
been rewarded with more numerous und authentic tes
timonials of their invariable and extensive clllcacy.
They require im dieting nor confinement, aro perfectly
mild and pleasant in their operation, but will power
fully restore health that greatest of earthly blessings
--to the most exhausted and dilapidated constitutions,
l'reuarcd by
Dr. VM. 11. SIOITAT,
333 llroadway, New York.
And for Sale by all Druggists. npl3-tl ly,
joxas imooK Si Bites
200 & GOO yds. Wlii to. Blaok, & Colored
This Thread being made particularly fr Hewing Ma.
iliiues. is very Strong, Smooth and Elastic. Its
HOMfgth Is not liuikilred by washing, nor by friction u
me skuii, ror oiucuiuea, use wuuin.- i aicit uiact,
L'or upjjor thread,
nnd lirooks' I'atent 8ix Cord, Itcd Ticket,
For Under thread.
F-'d by "srcclaM'j d-alfra throughout tlii courttry.
AIsj 'ii c-ses vi IOUvsmi a ort" I N is by
WM ULNltV I'MITII, 4oi "-mt
, 30 Vti: yj.'trect W.w Veil:
tit" 9 ;"il Cu?
General Commission Merchants,
nsutus it
I'lili. Provision, l'lour, Mutter, Cheese, Oils, Ililcd
Ftult. (Irnln, Honda, Deans, Whiskey, Wuol,
Country Produce nud Merchandise
No. 34 XuMiuWiunvcs, 1'iiiLAnri.ritu.
E7" Consignments of Provisions., flour nnd Country
l'rnduca solicited, nnd ruturni) promptly mule. Cash
ndvnnred m Ijnn desired,
UlllUXH for nil 4-indfl of I'if li, Provision, l'lour,
Dried fruits, A.c filled utllioloucst Cash Prices.
August 4. lMiO-12ui.
rpllt! undersigned respectfully Informs his old frlrmll
X nnd cuftomrrs. Hint lie lias nurclriscil tils brother! I
Interi'st In llin nl.nv'n r.ialill.lmwiii. nml ihn nnir. tii u lia
liorcalli'r bo comlucteil hy lilni-. ir cjiliinlvHy.
ct nnd must xtcnslvo iissnrtinent of K A NO Ytrlc
ill niiH t i r.,'p.i niiii n ra lur C'iia. tun ir.Mr. r
BTOVl'.Ki iii.r hilro.lun d Into this luarktt
Ills stock ninslJts of n eouinlete nssortnnnt of
the bst (looking nnd parlor stovi s in the ninrkct, tngetli
er with Stove 1 Ixtures of every description, Oven nud
IlotPtovcs, Itadialors, Cylllidar tMovea, Oast Iron Air
Tlsht stoves, Cannon Htoves. A:c.. &c. Htovenioc nnd
Tinware constantly on linud nnd manufactured to order,
All kinds of rcpairlliL' done, ns Usual, on short notice.
Th t tiatronaso of old liionds nnd new eutomtirs re.
spcctfully solicited. A. R1. KCIT.RT.
lllooimburg, November 3d 18C0. tf.
cough drops ! cough Diiors I !
17 VKBY body uses rilONCFIKMlS' COt'OlI DUOI'fl,
Lj It ncli promptly smnetlmes arresting Iheworstndd
In 84 hours. In nil ntlVttlnns of tho Chest, 'Ihronl,
wliithcr acute or chronic it will bo found of Immediate
benefit, Try n slnele bnitlo and J on cannot fail to ap
preciate its usefulness.
1 or ciaio by I nil Storekeepers and Druggists.
l'rtparud by
c. rnoN'r.rmi.i),
No. 317, N. 3d. til., rhlladelphla.
Nov. 10, 1901-3m.
rr- ft,, , . t . i l . .
- I 'iijj inriiLBi. nest iiiiiitipiiiii L u rll'wt.'
L est and cliennest assort
lncnt of Holo Leather solid
lliveted Traullng Trunks.
litim' Donnrl Sr I) ret a Trunk
Children's Couches, Tropet-
lors Leather nnd t'arpet lings
Tucking Trunks &c. fee, u
O'lebrntcd London Trlip Medal ImnrOTCd sheet siirlnc
sollo sold Ltuthcr Trunk munufnrtory, No. 401 Mnrke
street, South west corner I'ourth und Market, Th Had' J.
August 1A37 If.
States Union $)oirl
I. W. POWER, Proprietor.
TfitMs: SI 2i per day.
May 12, lPCO-liin.
K E M O Y A L . StjSgg
V, . SADLtill & Co.,
Commission Merchants anil dealers in
Fuh, Cheese and Provisions,
No. 103 Ardi street, 2nd door above Front, Tlii nclcl
Ilia, us 1 1. 5J ly
.7. P. ES 3J Si M IZ ,
(Sueccasor to J. 8. Sorver.)
No. 8 North Tifth St., above Market,
Also, Manufacturer and Importer of
May 12, 16(50 lQrn.
sswot axe smmMMtm.
TUT. undersigned, having opened n new HOOTANII
SUCH Bill) l on Main street, in llonkiusville. l'.nst
lllooinsbiirg. respectfully itnltes the custom of the citi
zens and the public generally. All kinds of Doots,
lhoes, &c , will be promptly uiado to order, on short
notico nnd moderate terms. From long experience in
liii line of business ho Hatters himself that lie will be
nble to givo general satisfaction to nil who may favor
him with tiicir custom.
07" Grain, Provision and Toduco generally taken in
exchange for work.
Dloouisburg, July f, lS0l-3ia.
8pun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes. Twlnea, Tar, 1'ltcli,
iiaKum, liio.KS, unu uurs, ccc.
August 4, lcViO li'm.
t rpnn iinilertigneil would inform tho citizens of
rsTMr inoomsoiirg ami vKinny, urn ne nasjust re
EJc eived nnd oilers for vile one of the most extensive
lj: assortments of COOKING anil FANCV STOVES
ever introduced into this market. The Christopher Co
umbos. James I'.nbli and Clobe arc anion; the first iIhbs
rooking Htoves, all of which nre nlr-tlght mid gas burner
His Tarlor stoves nre liandsomo nnd the assortment vu
ried, ALSO Particular attention is paid to Tin-Wore
and Houso Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds of
repairing will be done Willi neatness und dChpatch.'
ICr" Country produce tuken in exchange for work.
R oomsburg, Oct. 3, leca
M EVARH, 10,000 I'ltlKTIIll, A
jl tinrtlis iiev Slour! W
I n.rmilUlriio..(Ukl b. ll.kil. lVE-'!' 1
Il l-Wia.l4l'r.u..llUU. ltt U
. iiiii Imtiiiiti si'ttJ' TlurM1"
iljLiLrUlui ,,.cV r,M..Cl..Jll.l. I
X, ' -.0 (',13 0 u T, TlMn.l C.rJ. lr lUnr.ln , rr
t) o1, uw)rbrt.iU-tafi,nertst..iirf.Ji'J
Cnr.Llbrsrj-.TOUIlTII HT. K-low rbcitnnt.
August 17, 1:01.
sf4 ii A A
ltlOO.MSliURa, PA.
Office In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Char'c II
, 1S33.
Bloomsburg, Dec. -1
miouisALi: axi) nr.T.iiL
mm etp sttqibEo
Tho undersigned tespectfully Informa tlie citizens of
llioomsburg, nnd the public, in t;ucral, that ho lias pur
chased tho JVT-.'ir UAV IsTOUK, in the w bite frame staro
house, on Main Street, nearly opposito the Hxcliangc
suildiugs, where he lias Just received a splendid as
rortmeut of
Direct from tho Munufucturles, of all kinds, styles, sorts, latest fashions, which hu offers wholesale and
retail, at very low prices,
f" These Goods will be sold at very lotvprices lor
Ueady I'ay,
llioomsburg. October 27, 1EU0.
HOUSE, No.M North Fcotiil Street, Opposito Christ Church,
C7 Constantly on hand, n Inrgo assortment of llsds,
MnttrcBses, Paillasses, Cushiuus, Hair, Husk, Cattail,
unu an articles 111 1110 unu ut 1110 i.owest 1 rices,
,r.riLV"''"r 'mm """tair -
nm n s--.t... .t 1 t . m-, .
Old Feathers
March'.', 18111 15ui.
TT70UL1) rospectfully Inform tho citizens of. Illnouis
VV burg, und virluitj , that lie continue,, the practice o'
.vr. ncixK AKi sannr.RY,
nd solicits a sharo nf public patronage.
OtncK, 011 Muln Htrcet, tlrst IioUjO below the Coutt
House, llioomsburg,
February 3, li35-tf.
llLaTLCTFL'LLV otters Ilia nrnfeaJon
nl servires to the ladies nnd gentlemen of
iiioom.nurg nun icinuy, lie Is prepared
to attend to nil thu various operation, in
1 tho lino of liis profession, he is provided with the latest
1 Improved porcelain teeth , w hich will be Inserted 011
gold, pliiUno, silver and rubber base; tuloolt, as well as
, the natural teeth,
1 Mineral plate nnd block teeth lotiiui'ueiiired and All
operations nit teeth, carefully nud properly ullended tu
I IHuiimsbiiig, Ta August 3, IMU,
' MM.7TAUV C-'ATii, of every sort, siie nud nuslity,
fur sule cheap nt the llioomsburg Hat K L'.ip Ihuporuu'ii.
AIo-Urocerls, Contcctionatios.('igors, &c.
llioomsburg, Sept. 14, IEC1.
I TIII1 undersigned, Treasurer of Columbia County,
' would give notice to all thooovvlnj him their tares oji
unseated lands, for the yenrs lebO und IhUl, that they
must renin forward mid pey the sain b tween this and
- the llr iof April, otlierwtso Ilia laud will be idvertlied
und sold. A word to till ,1 sui Uitnt
. JA''. B, M NINTH
Trnlror' Olflci. ) Trttiurir
5'tonitfeurj Feb. 13, lid J
41U 'ttMr445 Broadway, New lork.
Tlio following worksaro scntlotfubrcrlbcrsliintiypnr
oftlio country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mnll or
express prepaid)
Till'. NfAV AMI'.IUC'AN OYUI.OIMIOIA: A j.opnlnr
Dictionary of fUucrol Knowledge. Ildttad by iIloriie
Uii-Ltv mid Cham." A. IIima. nl.lcil by h hutuciuus so
ldi corps of wrilurln nil branches ot Rrtcncics, Art nml
I,ltrrnttire. This work Is bcina. pnbllehed In nbnut 13
large octavo volumes, each contnliiliiii 730 two enlniu
panes. Vols. 1 to Mil Inclusive, nto now rcndy.r.nh
containing lK-ar 2,5Di), original ntllclcs. An ndilitiounl
volume w ill br published once In about tlireomontlis
Price, In Cloth, j'Jj Bhccp,3J 50J ilair.Uor., Sli Half
Uiissln, 84 AO each.
1 lie Pcw American iv-yciopuMii.-i is popular wiutom sec-
InR superflclal, lenrned but not podnolc, compreiiensivo
but siilkli nllv detalleil, free from personal piano ami
party prejudice, froh find yttnecurnte. It isu coniph to
italcuieni Ol on loin is itiiun ii upuu v viy iiiipiirumi "i''
llb the nope ofhuiuau Intelligence, lit cry Import
lint article in it has been specially Written for (is page
hymen whonro authorities upon tho toplcon which
they speak. They are reiuired to bring Ihe subject up to
tile pre.ent moiiu nt lo tnte Just how it stands note. All
the statistical Information Is Irum the latest reports! tho
geographical accounts keep pneo Willi the latest explora
tion ; historical mutters Include thu freshest Just view a
the notices not only speak ofthe dead, but
alio of the living. It Is u library of itself.
AnvtnotMtNr or 'rim Di.ii.itk orCoMuutu: Ilelng a
political hist"ry of tin l.'nlted tntea, from tho organl7..i
tiou of Ihe first Federal Congress In 17 SI to lr.i0. LMit
ed nnd compiled by lion. Thomas II. Dlnton from tho Uf
lirlnl ltecords of Congress.
'i'ho work w ill bo complied In IS royal octavo volumes
of lid pjgescacli II of which nre now ready. An addi
tional volume w ill be published once In three months.
Cloth $11; Law hecp, s:i 50; Half .Mor81; Hnlf
Calf 81 JO earh.
Form nrlub of four, and remit the price of four books,
nnd live copies will lu sent nt the remitter's expense for
carriage. or for ten subscribers eleven copies will be sent
at our expense for carriage.
No other works willo llbrnlly reward the exertions
of Agents. A Aiiknt Wantid in ims Coiniy.
Terms mndo know u on application to the Publishers.
1NOV. 24, ioo.
77e aifutnn lwr ixsurjxck. jix.vuitv jJ.vd
17(147' COMPM'r OF PlllUiDLLPllI.t.
orritK, so, 4(HcuEsiur strcht,
CATITAL (paid up,) SoUil UUO.
Vlmrltr Perpetual,
pON'TINUHlo make lHl;ltACL;S ON LIVES on
tne uiost reasonnoie terms.
Thu capital being paid up and invested, together with I
n large nml contanl)y increasing reserved fund, oilers
a perfect security to the insured,
The preuilumns must bo paid yearly half yearly, or
quarterly. i
The Compiiay ndd n HOMUft periodically In the Intu.
r.iuces or lite. The 1TIIHT IiONUS appropriated in Do- 1
ccmber, 1UJI. the SlX'ONll 1IONUS lu December. 1M.I,
tlio Til HID IIO.N'UH in December, lt51,uudthe FOUUTII
llONTtUn December. 1V5J.
D.Theso ndditious aro mndo witliout requiring any
incr' nst in tho premiums to be paid to thu Company.
'l'lie fi.ltnwi ii nrn n IViv rninnlia Crriin tl,.,,
Aiiiouniot t'olicyntid
bonus to bo increased
by future additions.
S3.3-17 50
4,ll.',ll ot)
1,100 00
p,t7.'i 00
To! Icy
No. BO
" lll'J
" 3.13
" Jic.
remaining tables of rotes nnd explanation
terms or application, and further Information can be
louua at the olhce.
THOMAS niDCLWAV, President,
Ixo. I . James, Actuary.
.. 1-r.VI L. TATE, .Igcnt.
F. C. llAltittmi, r.iamining I'ttislcian.
October 10, li'i ly.
rjMIL undersigned is also extensively engaged In tho
Jl Undertaking llusincss, and keeps constantly on hand
nd fur Mile at his Wureroonis, 11 largu m.sbrtmeiit of
fly uhirli he is enabled to fill orders on presentation
Aiso-Keepi u good Horse and Hearse, and will nt al
times bo ready to attend l'unerels.
lllooinsbiirg, January 2J, IPSO
Tays the entire cost for Tuition in tho most popular and
successful Commercial Hclioolin tho country. Upward
of Twelve Hundred young men from twvnty.cight il 1 II -rreut
Slates.1i.tM-' been ediicnteil for business heru witli
in the put thri n y. iirs. some of whom lime been em
ployed as Look Keepers at salaries of
S'JOOO.OO per Annum,
immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac
counts w hen they entered thu Cullcgo.
Q.5" Miui-t"rs sons half price. Htudeuts enter at nny
time, mid review when they please, without extra charge.
For Catalogue ofMlpages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's
Ihuiuessaml Ornamental I'eninailiip, nud 11 large t'.n
graving ofthe Collego. inclose twcnty-lio cents in Tost
ago Hlamps to the Principals.
JLNKINd & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Ta.
Jan. 5, lefll ly.
tVia-e Fj oofi" Deiiieiil 4or Sale.
A tut of superior Fine Troop Cement, especially ndnp
ti d for Cementing Roofs. One gallon w ill cover 100
Teet of ordinary roofing, and is Insured proof ngain.t
rain nnd wet weather. Can bo Lad at manufacturer
prices, by the gallon or half barrel, at the offlcecf tile
Columbia Democrat.
llioomsburg, July 13, led.
No, 125, South Elevonth Street near V. lnut,
Lnatnelcd Glass, Trisco, Oil and F.ncuustic Painting
Joiix Oiu-ns, o ir (;,Knv
January 12, ItJdl-3m.. U "- ("DS0-V
Arch Street, Abate Third,
J Lonvuiiieut fiir lliHt wUa nro visitlntf pint ..i.i. ......
1 fill tiltillllPBa t.lilln In llin.A Ir. ,.s . . . . 1 .
... no 11 "laini 01 iiuaiiri inrj
c'iii.aiii. u.iasniK nun rriinsfci hit i:irv w.iiiu-ois r-...
I and those ii. close proximity, afford a c'hJan ,7 ..w:
antriibi 1 to nil places of interest and amusement in or
ui'wu. ,uu t 41 j .
Tbo proprietor elves nssurnnro ilim '.'rno ir,,i
shall be kept Willi such character as will meet public
approbation, and would respectfully solicit, general rat.
February 21, IFW-lJai.
i.eci. i on., rouitry, iioney, nruin Troduce, cider
. . ,....-v, udi,, jjjiy aim ucru.ta Ks.
Illoouisburg, Oct. 20, lelll.
HPHOSi: knowing thein(lvcs Indebted to the undcr
a signed uro hereby notliied tu comu and settlo their
accounts without further notice, lam now in cnrne.t
If notuiteudeil to soon their accounts will be placed in
proper iuiids for collcclion.
Scpt.7.IS0L-3.. J. E. SANDS.
qMIF, llriu of gloner Sc. I'ox, heretofore doing business
X in the llloonnburs llakery and Coufoctionerv, was
dissolved on Saturday, the ih of Scpleiuber, liQlI, by
miituul consent Ail persons having unsettled accounts
witli the late llriu, will please roll on II. Blotter and
close the book Mr. Humor will rontlnuu tho llnke
jug nml Coiifeetlonury business at tho old stand, end
solicits a eout.uuuncu of public patronage.
llioomsburg, January 4, 1601,
qtlll'tilidersigned, would respectfully inforiii the clll
X ions of lilooui.burg, and tho public generally, that
he has opened u
Etiim Ilonus or
Insured ndtlition
5'MIIO 87 30
300b KloO 00
11100 100 00
sooo 1S73 oo
&c, fcc.
Tn the frame building lately occupied by Charles II, No;l '
nhercho Is prepared to eiecuta
Sim iXO, UAIIt DHI iSlXO AM) suampooimi, '
III Ihe L: Uusimcr, w despatch, and toieuerul sails,
fte'ion, OEO. N, AUC1SU.V ,
IJloomibutj, Nov S3, 1501.-3m,
ScrofUla, or King's Evil,
is n constitutional illscrwo, n couption of tho
blnod, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, mul poor. Being in the circulation, it
pcrvfttlcs tho wholu both', nntl may burst out
in tlLscsio on any part of it. No orcan la freo
front its nttackj, nor is thoro 0110 which it may
not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint is vailously
cruised by mcrouvinl discrwc, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, imtmro nir, filtli
and filthy habit, tho depressing vices, nntl,
aboyo all, by the venereal infection. "What
ever bo its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending ' from parents to children
unto tho third and fourth generation " indeed,
it seems to bo tho rod ol IHm who says, " I
will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon
their children."
Its offects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
tho lungs, liver, nnd internal organs, is termed
tubercles j in tho glands, swellings! nnd on
tho surface, eruptions or sores. ThU foul cor
ruption, which pendew in tho blood, depresses
tlio oncrgtos of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they havo far less power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases i conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
aro still rendered fatal by this taint in tho
tystcm. Most ol tlio consumption wmon de
cimates tho human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination and many
destruotivo diseases of tho liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all tho organs, ariso from or
arc aggravated by tho samo cause.
Ono quarter of all our peoplo aro ccrofulous 5
their persons aro invaded by this lttrkbig in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To clcanso it from the system wo must renovato
tho blood by an alterative modicino, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and excrciso.
Such a medicino wo supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsnparilla,
the most effectual remedy which tho medical
skill of our times can deviso for this every
where prevailing and fatal maladv. It is com
bined from the most active romcdials that havo
been discorcrcd for tho expurgation of tills foul
disorder from tho blood, and the rescue of tho
system from its destructive consequences,
llcneo it should bo employed for tho euro of
not only scrofula, but ulso those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as EttcrnvB
nnd Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's l'lnn,
llosr, or KnTsirtLAS, Vmvixs, Pustules,
Blotches, Blaiks and Bolts, Tuiions, Tetter
nnd Salt Rheum, Scald IIeaw, KiNowoitM,
Hjieumatism, SmiiLiTicaud Mercuuial Dis
eases, Drtorsy, DvsrErsu, Debiutv, and,
indeed, all Complaints Aitisixa fhom Vitia
ted on InruitE Blood. Tho popular belief
in " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tho
particular purpose and virtuo of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that diseaso witlun the range of
their action can rarely withstand or evade thctn
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and intigorato every portion of the human organ
ism, correcting Its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy italitics. As a consequence of titcse
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restored by a remedy at once so
simple and inviting.
Not only do they euro the every-day complaints
of every body, but nlso many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and directions
for their uro in tlio following oomplainls: Costive
vess, Heartburn, Headache arisingfrem disordered
Homacfi, Xattsca, Judication, Pfun in and Morbid
Inaction qf tho HowtU, FtatuMiiy, Loss qf Appe
tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints,
arising from a low state of tho body or obstruction
cf its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
ron tub luriD cube op
Coughs, Colds, lullucnza, Ilnnvsoness,
Croup, Uronchitis, Incipient Consump
tion, iinil for tlio relief of Consumptive
I'.iticiits iu advanced stages of tho
So vtido is the field of its usefulness snd so nu
merous nro tho cases of its cures, that almost
every section of country abounds in persons pub
licly known, who havo been roitoredfrom alarming
and even desperate diseases of tho lungs by its
use. "When onco tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues nro known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to epiploy
for tiic distressing and dangerous afl'carions of tho
pulmonary organ that aroineidentto our climate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
commnnity havo failed and been discatded, this
haa (taincd friends by every tiial, conferred benefits
ou tho afflicted they can never forget, nnd pio
duccd cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgotten.
rrtnrABXD riY
BR. JT. C. AYEK & 0.
E. P. I.utz. Moyrr, tl.M.IIugenbuch, I'.lootniilHirg
A. Miller, llcrwlck, and by 0110 More iu ever town 111
l'cune Ivnuia.
T II E G 11 JO A T
mm mini thai
This Celebrated l'emalo Medicino (nu-csscs
uiikiiown of uriytliiug elsu of the kind, und provicg iff
ci lual niter nil others have fulled ; it is prepared from
an "Indian Herb" peculiar to Northern .Mexico and Tex
us, and is used by the Natives in producing the month.
i.x siuk.-iKi,-, ji it iicsiuuu ior ouiii maarieu anil single
ladies, and is Ihe verv best thins known t'nrlln
ns it will remove all (dietriictions alter other remedies
uuvu ueen intu iu vaiu. ll is a n easant tea. coma n.
ing nothing injurious to In-aitb, nnd n cure to bo relied
upon in nil cases.
1'rol.ipsus Uteri, or falling ofthe Womb; 1'Jouus Al-
bus. or Whites; Chronic IMinuiution. or Ulceration nf
tin Womb ; Incidental llciuurago of flooding , und dis-
ease of tlio Spine.
ir-I.ndies iutlie curly stage of pregnancy aro can-
tioued ngninst the usu of tills tea. us it will produce
r-aBPAKKD isn snLn nv
frlccs Sl.OO per package, (with full directions for use)
sent by Uxpr. ss or Mull to uuy address.
Ur. f.. can be consulted in nil ob.tiunto IVmnlo Com
plaints, in person or by Idler, nnd will furnUli tho Out.
tn percliu tcnoje Byimgu- blgbly recommended by thu
faculty to married ladies for sp. ciid purposes. '
Also lladical Curo nud oilierTrusses-lniproved Ro -
lary uiidtipinu tjupporters-e'l Ider Ilraces
-:iu.tlc and Kloekiugs-Upin-H Apparatus, for
Weak and CimedPpino-nn.l liutrmn. nu'fur nil dc
fonnities. A large titock of the abovo articles constant-
ly on hand, nud j; ill be furnished nt lowest rales by
"t,'ii"!.?,rdcr Vlen.!"'l!ln'!" nndfull particulajs. '
i" cuiiiiuuiiKaiiuiis fiiicuy contic'eutlal.
further particulars pleuse Addrrss,
tut. it, iv. i;n(1i,isii,
7-."J linen HI reel,
rillLADflLPlUA, 1'.
Nov. Ill, lMiI-llhu.
Nos. 9,11,13, 15, 17 Oouitlamlt Street,
This old-established nnd favorite resort of tho llusi
ncss Community has been rccontl relllted, und is com.
pletu iu everything that cni minuter to tlio comforts of
fuUyTovtdcd'foN8 'm "rC kl'"l"lly U"J wc
It i, centrally located in tho buiinejs part of tho ritv.
and is contiguous to the principal lines cfktoumboats
curs, 0111111 busses forms, Jtc.
In coue.Uenco of tho pleasure caused by tho ltcbed-
lion, ptices luvo been reduced tu
One Dollar at d I'iftij Cents per Dai.
The tablo Is amply supplied with all the luxuries of
coun?ry,a''' V'V ' 1 ot uny holcl '" ,h"
'ue.'ts''0 accom,"oJu,lon offered far upward of 400
? &n.MT' 0,"ors ttt0
TIIOS. il. HMNClViKNCI'mC,l-1,'0','let0''
1'eb, 15, M-,
Entertainment for Man nnd lleast in good stylo
und nt mederal" ra.1-1.
0 It I T l1 M NDBN'B
'N. E. comer of 1th and Chestnut Streets
Tun IsJTtTi'TiOJti which tvn tttaUhM In nml
In now consequently In Ilia eighteenth vear ot In exist
euro, numbers ntnons its (riuluatcs, liuniUeJs of the
inoii.uccossfiil .Merchants .iiid llusincss Men of uur
TncOniFCTof tho Institution Is solely tonfforilyonnj
lii"ii fjcllltiesfor thorough iirer"ra'lll fo' biuln.m.
Tin: IIHAXtntsTitiottTare, noohkteptng, ni applica
ble to Hip various departments of trade! PenmeniMp,
both il,ilnun,l nriiauiinlal; tWnceie hie, Millie
tniiller, A'aclgatlon CMl Knglnetring, Untieing, I hen
egarph), flnJ.IMfrn Langncgei.
TTBtfvsrKM orlnTRtJcrim lsnfculior i no classes or
pet Ickoiis aro inii'lo use i,f, but each student is Inuslit
Imllviilunll)', so that ho may commence nt 'jiiy llnic.ainl
attend nt whatever hours nru most conveiibint.
Uvranuem nro Issued nnnutltyndfT the 15th of April
i-onl.iiiiini! nomas of tlio stmlunls for tin; jvar, and lull
'"inirtlrulnrs of term', &c , and may ha obtained lit n.y
tlmu by addrosing tlio Principal.
I Iftl'.trrxsivK AiroMWontTiONS.wlie-sjTfinf reputation
! nnd the lengthy tiptrliiut ef ihe Principal, tills Instilu
' tlnn offer- facilities superior tunny other lu tlio roiin
r... t,x.l,l,ti. Intirniinrn fnr lillrinesi.
I n,i,i innbtiiiu nttbe tame tlmu A mri.0M, irhkh vill
Urereo rrcemmenrfullDn for tlieni Ihetu lo any Murchsu
tile 110110.
I C7"CaiTFXDrVSi!ric of Trtatiitu en Iloox Krtp.
iiva. now imro any oilier otk
' on tin) subject, are for sale nt the (JilUgi
3. UUUuua uum 1 L.M'i-.ii
Attorney at. Late,
Jan. M-lrC 12m.
Ulitnurnclurcrs & ITopriflors,
Stoic, No. !i0 South ll'liarvcs,
Super -Pliosplmto of Lime.
Little need be said lo rccomiiifnd this nrticli Its pe
culiar writs as a vigorous and lastlnj nmuiire bnviiu.'
liriiilyi'slnldi.lHillt in Ibe popular f.ivor. We would
state however, that not only having a continued enra to
iii.iintiiiu its standard elbcacy, we liavo soupht to rcn
ilnr it more immediate in it) anion, by thu xddttinn of n
small quantity uf licft IVruvlan Guano. Wo do not
1 1 :il ni bv t ils Ininrovenicut, (wliirh was inade ilurins
tlr1 past vi'ur, and without publlcl) tintiiiz tho fact. Jour
Bitper-I'liosuhnlc . rendered any more lasting in It-Jeff-
ect, or in any waj benefited, except in ensuring a quick-
er ncuon on application.
PUICK, S 15 per 2000 lis. cash.
This nrticl" is ground without nny previous prepa
ration, nud contains all the organic matter of the buues
It is warranted pure.
riuci: S:if per 2000 lbs. cash.
Pj"" Tin" above Manure can bp had of regular Heal
ers or of IIAIJOII & dUNS.
n SO South tWiiirves. Philadelphia.
February 13, leTd Uni.
John Faroira.
TIS AllCt) atrcet. between ?th,an a,
' lb. directs.
(IMC uSia.Vurifl 4f,'r Philadelphia.)
Imi'oh ! n fii MAMirAciriU'R or. and
Dt-.Al.LK IN ALL KISM Of l'AXOV I'li'ltd,
Fdr Ladies .WIsjicj' and Vhildtrn's near.
Having now inauulactiirtd and in
stoic in) lnrjte and beautiful ns- I
noiiini'iit ofnll the Miriuua styles and i
iiualiti -a of 1'urs ailopu-d to Ilicioni-i
ill2 I'ltll ami H'inti r eeasnns. I would .
respectfully invite an rvauuiintiou of my i-toi k nnd pri- '
; ce from those inteuiliug lo purcluis", lis I mil uiablcd
' to ntl'cr tlicni vrry ilcsiinlilc iiiilnrcnieiits. I
i All my l'tirk havo been purchased for cn'li, and made I
' by experienced aua competent nanus, and as l''e iircsuiit
monetary troubles render it necessary that I should die.
i pose of my goods at very small advance on cn.t.
1 I urn satislicd that it will be to the interests of those
how design purchasing, to liuiiiiii n call,
y ltcrollect. tlio noun , iiuniber nu.l rtrect: John
' I'ari ira.(Mew I'nr store,) Tu Arch tilrcct, I'liihulolpJiia.
I Scptciubir IriOJ Sin.
rMir. undersigned repectlully inform their friends
I I nud Ihe public gcncially, that llicj have cnti'reil in
1 to co partnership, under the iumo, i-tyie. and llri l of
MIL1XII k. LVKIlin Hie j
1 In the "Old Arcade," in llUionn-buig. t'nluinMn io.,
where they intend larr ying on the business nf.Lik-
I ml. .Mliuiusiu.imi, in nil ils diversid -d brum lies- and
departments, nml to whiili they invite tin cMcueinu uf
the public patronage. . i
i P. II MIl.LKIi,
i rnr.D'Ku. i:ur..
llioomsburg, May 11, l'-ri.-tf.
rI.AMAl)i:il SAl'TS. ItU.
Ml )V I'.l) to :tni VhetiHut Hrc.t,
aborc third Philadelphia, have on
an i n large assortment ol I'iro
'iniet pront salamander K.ifix.
Iso, iron doors, for bauKs and
s..-t etnres trm, uh,,tli .1 ri, ..II i
.ff3t iua!:: of locks equal to any inado i
in tlio United Plates.
F'ne &nfrs in one firs, Alicante out right; vith eon
1 leuti lit good condition.
I Tim Salamander S.ife3 of Philadelphia against the ,
i world.
have had the surest demo-,tratli)M in the fnllouing cer. 1
I tificato that their inauufurlure of &',duin.iiniler Pafey has
at length fullv warranted the- representation a whnh have
I been nude of them ns rendering nil undoubted Hcunly
, r.gainst the terrific iilcnunt.
I l'iiiladelphla April 12. 1i-;il. i
' Meier'. F.rani ft IVaHon. Uentlcuu n - It afl'-irils us
the liiuliest satisfaction to state tn you, that owing to
1 t lie very protective 'iiiutitns uf tun of Ilia .Salamander,
B.ifet which wo purchased uf you fouic flvn niomh biiho
. ie saved a largo portion of jewelry, nml all our books,
I fte.., exposed to the cnlaininous.lireiiiltniistfad pldco on
the morning ofthe Utli iust,, i
I When wo reflect that these safes were located in the 1
fourth slnry oftliu building we ociupicd anil that tiny
fi II subsequently iniha he.ip of burning ruins, wbern tlio
vnst tnnrrntrnlion of the, heat caused the brass plates to
melt, we cannot but regard the preservation of ilicir val-!
i liable content ns most convincing proof of the great sc..
' curity afforded by your safes.
1 We shall teke great pleasure in recommending than to
men ofbusinessns a sure rrliauiu ngaiuit fire. I
OLOltfJi: V. ai.MMO.NS & llltt)., Jeailleri, '
I"?Thoy have since pnrcbascd six large Safes. i
. August M.JM'J
mmmm mm
nIIUProprnjiiof this well-known and centrally loca
I ted House, the IIiciunob Hotel, siliiale on .tlni-
Street, in Illoouisburg, immediately .-"inomte the Coluin
Ida County Court Ilouso, respectfully informs his friend,!
and the public in general, tbut his House is now iti or
rter for the reception and entertainment of travelers who
rony 1'el disposed tu favnrll with thuir custom lie In a
spared no espcuso in prepuung tfcu I'lranNGt for Hie
entertainment of his guoits, neuter shall lib'ero'be nil
Hung wauling (on his part) to minister lu Heir ner.o nii
i couilort. ilis bouse 13 spaeiuusand ciilovsuii cj-cetk-ni
liusiness imatlon.
T 1 ".' nt all times between live f.ichan
, 1, , v""u" un" "oad Ilepots, by which truv,uW1K, , l'lua8!!lll' 'oiivcyed to and from the re.
spective Elutioui in due time lu meet the Cars
' llioomsburg, July 7. IPSO- I). KOONB.
' TTTr nw .DTv icioniri ,TT .
A lleiievulant Inslilulinti established by
niciit. fur Ibo relief of the Sick nud Illitre-Mcil nflMe.i
with Virulent and Xlpidcmio Diseases. ' Bin' iSJ
fr the Cure or I1U, i, 0f tho tjJvunl O nVX, 1, '
I'c! f'VV0 Paiieni, iu all parts of tlio UhCl'i ,iel
VAl.l' Afll.f, llin-oilTO 011 Snermat rhaia I ut , h'
, ' v rti.i .1111.11 lli;i't)HTO on Sjieriuatorrhaia uint h
lll'.MUMl.S employed, sent tu the umi-in.i i r
' ion.!, LffiVn, 'iS Asocla-
I .March 3, Ittll-iy,;;, " u.uim ia.
i '
"--.' 'a "10 (Ircitt Cause ui
Just Published In n Scaled Unvelope: I'nco0cl3'
Impaired Nutrition ofihe llo'dv 1 I.asslt de ' Ve!trn.?l
of tho l.lnibsniidiho Hack: Iiid Is 1,0.1 Te, .,j "
parity fur mudy and I.abo, USmJ,Vm-
U- 1 his ml 111 rabln I.eituro cleaila nnw.. .. . .,
abov 0 eniin.erated. often . ""1111' ll I Vv U uiiav bi 're"
moved without medicino , w i, " J' '
cnlopcations, and should bo ,ead by evl'uau int
sianips, byadi!ressiiis' r ,wo POHano
o.i, .. nr CIIA8.J.O. KI.INll
h,.,e ,VT,i.i . oro n.rnise. ar",
M.Vch, J iT .he7,'7cc"un..Cw Vo'mVel.tVef, T
tho hands of a ptopur olfiwr fnr f ilf'ciion. " 11
I R'crn;roveMili,rcli,8,irj if N M" BLERS
t-r. iM"n swus""' " i '",lVljriKa
Ayer's Sarsaparilk
A compound tcmedy, In wliiclt hnvo In.
bored to prodtteo tho most effcctnnl nltcrntlvo
that can be made. It is a coneentrnted extract
of l'ara Sunapnrlllft, to combined with otber
snbitttneo of still greater rtlterfttivo power
to Blford nn cITectivo nntidoto for tho ditcruM
Sarsap.trilla i roputod to euro. It it believed
that mob n remedy U wanteil by thoso rvhci
differ from fltrumous complainti, nnd tltat on
tvliich vill nccotnplWi thoir euro must piirvo
of imtnenso H'rvico to tliU larro claw a' our
afllicted fcllow-citlreni. How tiomplctely I) .
oomijound will do it has ben proven by exper
iment on ninny of thu worst cases to be f-mnrl
of tho following complaints:
SciiuruiA and Kcuorutous CoMrt.At.v?,
EiiurnoNS .xn Uiturnvji Dmnsw, Ui.cbw),
riHr-LM, UtOTCllES, Tumoh3, Salt lliiuuj:,
SCAMJ HCAI), STl-nlLlB AND STPiiiimo Af-
teotioks, Meucurial Diieasb, Unorsv, Nmt.
sai.oi on Tio Doulouuisux, Dr.iiitirr, Dra
rtirsu and Irniu-r.snox, UurBiruLAs, Itos
ou St. Asiiioxr's l'litn, and indeed tho whola
olwn of complainti arising from iMruniTY oi
T!I! llt.OOt).
This compound will bo found a great pro
moter of health, when taken in the spring, to
expelPtin.' foul humois which fester in tin
blond a' that se.KOit ofthe year. Uy tho timo
lv oxj-. io'i of them many rankling dividers
aro nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by
tho aid of this remedy, epaio thctnwlvos from
tho enduratifo of foul eruptions and ulcerous
tores, through which the system will stiivo to
rid Itself of corruption", 11 not assisted to do
this throurjh tho natural channels of this body
bv an nltnativo medicino. Clewtso out tha
vitiated blood whenever you find its impuritic;
butt ting thtotigh tlio t-kin in pimples, oruptioiu,
or sores ; clcanso it when you find It is ol
Mructed and tJuggish in tho veins ; clcaiiic- i
whenever it is foul, and your feeling! will tel,
you when. Even hero no particular disorder
is felt, people enjoy better health, nnd livo
longer, for clcaiiting tho blood. Keep tho
ldood healthy, mid nil is well; but with thi
pabulum of lifu disordered, there can bo no
lasting health. Sooner or later pomcthhifi;
must go wiong, and tho great machinery oi
life is disnidercd or overthrown.
Saisaiiarilla has, and deserves much, lUl
reputation, of accomplielung thwo ends. But
tho world has been egregiouoly tlccciv-vl by
preparations of it, partly becaus-o tho drug
nlono has not till tho vhtuo that is claimed
for it, but mote because many prcpr rations,
pretending to bo concentrated cxti.ieta of it,
contain but littlo of tho virtuo of .Sarsapanlla,
or any thing else.
During lato years the public have been mis.
led by largo bottles, pretending to givo a qu- t
of r.xtruct of Sarsaparilln for one dollar. Met r
of thcio havo been frauds upon tho rick, for
(bey not only contain little, if any, Sartnpa
rilla, but often no curative ptopertics what ov
er. Hence, bitter nud painful disappointment
ban followed tho use of tlio various extracts of
Barsaparilla which flood the market, until tho
name itself is justly despised, and lias bccoinf1
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we call this compound Sarsaparilln, end intend
to supply such n icmedy m thall ioscuo tha
name from the load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And wc think wo havo ground for
believing it has virtues which nro irresistiblo
by the culinary run of tho diseases it is intend
ed to cure. In order to sccttto their complcto
eradication from the system, thorcmedyriiould
' be judiciously taken nccoi ding to directions on
the bottle. '
rnrjrAr.KD by
DIt. .1. C. AYEK .& CO.
Price, 31 icr ltottlc ) Six Itottlca for 00.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
bus won for ittclf such a renown for the cure ot
every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that
it is rniiicly unnecessary for us to recount tho
tvidenca of its virtues, vthcrcYcr it has boen eta
plojcd. As it has long been in constent use
throughout this section, vie need not do mom than
r.ssute the pioyle its quality 16 kept up to tlio best
it ever has been, and that it may lie relied on to
do for their relief nil it has over been found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Fills,
ron tiie otJitrj op
Ccstiecncst, Jaundicd, Dyspepsia, Indimition,
DysenUrij, Foul Hcmach, Frysipclas, lieadethc,
Piles, llhoumalisnx, Irruptions and R.inVi:cani,
Liver CompUtint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors awl
all lthcttm, Uojou, Gout, Neuralgia, at a
Dinner Pill, aud for Purifying ths libod.
They are sugar-rutted, so that the most senri
livo can lako them pleasantly, nml they nro tlio
host iipoiieut in tlio woild for tdl the purpose of a
family pliysie.
Prico 35 conts por Eos; Fivo boxes for $1.C0.
Great numbers of Clergymtn, rhyleian3, States
men, and eminent pcrsoiMufs, havo lent their
names to certify tliemipaullelsduscfulncs of these
remedies, but our space here will not permit tin
insertion of them. The Af-'tnts below mmed fur
nish gratis our Amcmcvn Almamac in which thy
arc piven; with nlto full descriptions, of the abovi
complaints, and tho treatment that thould b fol
lowed for tlnir cure.
Do not bu put olf by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they mako more pro5t on.
Demand Ayer's, and tako no others. The sick
want the best aid thctu is for thoru, and they should
have it.
All our Itcmodles are for salo by
K P. Lutz, J.U. Moyer, (i. M. llnsciibiich, I'.lonnxhtirj
A. Miller, Ilerwick, and by oiw slore iu evi tj ton n in
l'liysiological View or flla.'i ago.
2j0 PAfiHrf AND 130 ENCKAVING'S.-Prlce nil"
TwiNiv-r.vK rcsis. S. nl freo of poctago to purl of
the Union. On tit.- infirmities of youth und malurili, ibo seiict fiilli is of boli scxe-s of ulln't,
causing debility, nervoiisiioss, depression of spints
Iialpitilion oflliii lieurl, i-i.icidal imagiliiiips, inrcl.10
tary eiiiis.loii-. blushings defeetiio memory, Indici
lion and Insi-ituilc. vith confessions of thi tiling intn
cf a Hoarding ielwtl Mm, a College bitda t m d
Young M irrird Lady. c. ,'rc. It is 11 truthful advi .'
the married and those roiitempluling inniriagp, who
tertain secret doubts of Ihcir pbyjiJ rondllion. 1
vvhuuru eonscioiis of li.iving biuurded Iho iii'jlth h,.
uietaiidpri'.ilesiatowhicli every human b .'ins 1
YOUNG MKN who mo troubled with weakness, ten
erally caused by a bad habit in youth, the vlltcts .
wtiu-li .ire dUJiness, jmins, forgelfulness, sou'etlnn s n
a ringing in Ihe curs, weak ejes, weakness of the Im,'
and lower cxtremiin . ci.iifusioii or Ideas, loas of men
vvia l',lvlil.I",'tk!l.y'"'!,y l,clif''dbytlieiiulhorNi:V.'
1 ,';' h. AN" I'JMU-N ' IIHAT.Mr.NT.
... .S .,1,ivci recently devoted much of our time lr
VISl'IlNtl Till! I'.i'noPHAN llodHTALa, avalll'
ikm!i 1 m "' kll011';,fl; "' researches ofthe ir .1
J,, 1. f, 1, !? fcijia"? nndHiirgcons in Europe und theCoa
,1 11 LJ, """'""I'lneo lli"mseves under our ion
i;.i,rJn.A,Sl.;?Ub "'"eh wo are ennbl. I-
L?,rAc?i'"t0 ""r I'",""'-". ""'I Hie imblicinay res' a
suredof tho satnu zeal, assiduity, Ml t.lilX'Y nnd ail ,i-
'vD ','S ,'0 ll',l if "I'leli ll" s so Z es t d
Mr 1 iu'. ,R''"U ''""'".fore- " a I'hyslciau in ...
jilffiter ' 1"ur"S'u'l;'1 i'le.r
,!,7,'?.!if " e1'?' '"''"-I'adies who wish for We-' .
tho clllcacy ot which bus been tested in u.av -cases,
and never failed to elici t cpqedy cu
any bad rosiilts.will use none but IV. I ell cy(
errvo 'i?'l 'l '- ?",,?"lj' IVeeautiounueJ,)
i,., 11 1L' k1"""'1 "(lt I,,ku Ihcniff tbeyhav
vh, . .L n1 "5 v".'v '"'f0'","1 o" H'o wrapper iicfomp
l&ti iu,.!." or fl'!,';,"" Ua ",a"Cj t0 a"y
adeyil,'A1J1!::iW'',,10l, fWcittM inedUJ!
a uvuer wilh regard tunny of thoso" nun
i ? urh.e,Vl"C" oreai' Son r"' ndc
.f'..1,"; "f? I'Vlieiilarly nviled to consult us.
lin."l.Lifciiia.fi1LVAkio Irotcctivi!." I'nr m.-triled
ladies whose health will not uelmit r who havo n 'au.
beeii eitVnSf iS7,f'i,1ivt,l'Uvo to""'itlon, and Ins
The Storm's of Youth Unveiled.
liaJ,'"J" ',i'.Ca'l'J " ''einiature llreay-A ill
nrorrX. J.,?! . J""1, t'"1" " '"" iKou-lng thehsidi, '
l-T- Aitemi'i , ''"'f "V'rtef tu,, ' cent Ntamp,
i,.hT Attuinlntii-. dailv, frien H in the n.ojniiii till I. a'
night, and oV Sui.,i.-.jJfr0H, tiu3i"M " """
their .v?,MM..m.C!,,al" h I"""'" conn iiiliicaling
ItriHlJVoirndeT.ia'ir lulU"" corre.pcnd.ncc
tho,Mi.!Mi11'f0M.!!!,.J0a,e,ln estnblislied.unds..
bin?i " n! y ' hA LttWS' at 31 Mallls" Lall V
Nov. S3, ia.-lin.
A IffiS','',1!11' I'oIco Cigars. Tobacco, riprs1
, .i.fKli,.!..V.0"fo'un"y.'yid Notli :is nnerallv.toiclh
hsn i Vn if "tK W HATS and CAl'S, const, .ly 0
Empo,?umf"!' ,i" C""P' ''mooaisb'aVg liat tC;
Bcmtbu,; Mstehi. u """" ,i"