Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 05, 1862, Image 2
DLDHB1A DllOCRAT. , i EDlTF.D BY LEVI L. TATI3, rtlOPRlETOIl. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1862. THE NATIONAL PLATFORM I FURPOSBSFimS WAR! COKBKMS.TT A VOTE 7F.AHLY IIKAKIMOOI, T1CICD IH tx.i.owt!a ussoujtios, wuuii rxrrtttir me oice or TUS NATION AND 19 Hit TltCK TANIMllD or LOTAttY i ""ml the prctnt iterilorablo civil war hai been ' upon (lie country liy tho illunnnlU of Ilia j.'ra siniej, now in arim n-iun.une i.oniututlon.M I rivmcnt, amlln rrtms nround tho Capital ', that In i National tracreency. Ciinsrena. tfinl'hliw! nil feci- jf mcro palon or resentment, will recollect only nhi) wholo country ; that llils tcorisnel wagtd id. patt in anit spirit of oppression. or for anv nvr. i vf onauisi or tubjtjttillon orpurposetf ovcrthrcving itt with the rights or uirulshrit institutions of i A JiM but to dffind nnd maintain the svprtmoty of if uipiien, nrui uprr.rri'c me union, will tne nig- nuy, quawy bnungnis oj ine several stairs unimpaired ini.hntet soon as thete objects are actem pllihed the tea 4i, tottatt." Mobbing of Phillips. Wendell Phillips has been mobbed in Oincinnatti. Ho undertook to make an Abolition speech, and avowing himself a disunionist, tho audicnoe becamu indiguaut. Rotten eggs and stones wero hurled at hiin, nnd erica of "tar and feather him," "put mm out, ccc, arose, anu arusn was matlo at the platform. Ilia friends mtorforcd and a riot ensued, in the midst of which io escaped. Against this brutal liitorfcr enoo with tho right of speech every order loving citizen must protest. If Mr. Phil lips' utterances arc treasonable, or even seditious, there is a lawful way to Eilcnco him. Let him bo arrested and tried. But every good oitizcu will set his face, as flint, against mob violence. Scraiiton Republican. Did tho Serautou Republican talk in that Btylo, when, less than one year ago, Democrats wero arrested and Domocratio presses destroyed by "mob violence)" ? Did it ever raise its voico ''against this bruta interference with the right of spcoch"? Did it evor say when a Democrat's glorious privilogo of free speech and free press was interfered with "there is a lawful way to silence him" ? Was there ever any pallia lion in its tones, when a remark had bcon made by a Democrat, ooncorning tho war or the party whose unconstitutional sec tionallsm had brought it on, to the effect "TTthe utterances aro treasonable"? No never a syllabic 1 And yet now, when a man, a republican abolitionist avows himself a dhunionist tho Scranton Republican squoaks out in defense nnd. palliation "J'Mr. Phillips utterances aro treasonable" It has como to bo a question with republicans, if it bo treason for a man to be a disunionist, or if it be even seditious. The boot is on tho other leg now, and wo hear thoso ''mob violence" men of a few months ago, shriek and howl for freo speech. Phillips is to bo permitted to perambu late tho country and preach disunion his followers are to howl iu unison, and weak kneed papers support the flank and rear by loud and long shrieks for "freo speech." 0 teropora ! 0 mores 1 Wo are for freo speech we have ever b'sn. We denounce the mob, wo denounce Phillips; and wo say the Democratic par ty could carry on this government success fully and honorably, in t-pito of all tho -cwspapcra that ever were published. -sr Tho Methodist Conference. The Methodist Oonferenco assembled in piltiraorc, passed the following among cU irresolutions on the first day of tho 1 w. i, by a vote of 132 yeas to IS nays : , That in our patriotic efforts . st or present to sustain tho gov- err t: .' &t of o-.r county in this, her hour of not justly liable to tho charge tr.Cn .-yiu principles and sentiments, wo ri H'izo tho pulpit and tho press as legi t.inati instrumentalities. r m fnglish of all that is, that turning ' 't Sunday congregations into political jtings and tho pulpit into a stump for j.olitical speeches ; leaving tho Gospel and t..o old testament and religious teaching ar.d eternal life to take care of themselves, s considered right and proper. It is tho first time we venture to say that politics in f'io pulpit has ever beon endorsed by any reapectablo body of men. If our Methodist brcthcron oan stand it ro oan. But wo aro duoidedly of tho cpinion -that they will find sometime that the two aro incompatible with good esnso, freo government, sound morals and Gospel liberty, perhaps also of futuro hap piness. Showing His Colors. On the 12th ult., in Congress, John juaru, an abolition member of Con 's from Ohio, in a debato on tho Tax , made uso of tho following trcasona 'anguago : " Who in (he name of heav ants the Cotton States or any other this side oj ptrtlition to remain in .j tnion, if slavory is to continue." 'eoplo talk about Vallandigham IIo or made a speech nor thought a thought i ilo!y treasonable as tho above. Wo "j in favor of freo speech, but if tho ad .nistration desires to do justico there is at ono place t for Bingham. Thcso .ntlomea nra rapidly ranging themselves n the side of disunion, and in Congress nu on tho stump lighting shoulder to houldor with Davie, Floyd & Company, aSTur. Tndian Doctor will bo at the xcbar;&w Hotel, in Bloomsburg, on Fri day and Saturday of this week Army Correspondence Manassas Junction n Va. 3- S March 01st, 180 Mr. Editor : For ten long, weary days wo liavo been marching and couutcrmaroh. ing, until worn out and dispirited wo havo reached this Golgotha. To account for , our appcaranco nt this place and iu some ! measure to show your readers tho pleas-! urcs of soldiering will bo tho object of this 1 letter. I will merely make extracts from my Diary. Friday, March 1st, 1802. Wo receiv ed orders to join Qcn. Abercrombio's Brig- ado, and to march towards Conlrcvillo. Gen. Banks commanding the Fifth Corps d' Arinco is absent at Washington, and so tho command temporarily devolves upon Qcn. Williams. Gon. Shields' Division is now included in Gen. Banks'. Our Brig ade, second) numboring somo 5000 men, was tho first to leave Winchester. It was late when wo reached Berryvillo,our caus ing ground for tho night. Tho majority of of tho forco bivouaetd on the opon ground. It would havo been pleasant had it not rained all night. Berryvillc is tho County seat of Clark co. and resembles Millvillo very much It contains a jail,courthouso two printing offices, tho Clark co. Journal and tho Bcrryvillo Conservator, ono hotel and sovcral houses. Tho hotel has in broad letters "Union House" for which tho proprietor received a freo pass to Rich mond. Saturday, March 22. At an early hour took up our lino of march with the left in front. Passed through a boautiful and well cultivated country. About noon wo crossed the Shenandoah, which here is about 200 yards wide and runs along the base of the Bluo Ridgo. Tho ferry boat was destroyed by the rebels and wo were obliged to put up a military bridge. It ma not tafco long, and only consisted of trusscl work, It was a hard pull up tho mountain for our jaded horses. About half way up wo found a terrace or offset in the mountains, upon whioh wo encamped. mna o nttl n .1 i ' i fill o it ua mm HUU lOUlillUlC 6U0t. XUO stillucss of the placo was soon broken by the voices of 5000 new inhabitants, and the white tents and gleaming camp fires soon gave animation to what was previous ly a death liko solitude. Sunday, March 23. Struck our tents and again commenced ascending the Bluo Ridgo. Reached tho summit without dif ficulty, and from thence had a beautiful view of the country around. Tho Valley of Virginia, famous in every way in tho history of our country, lay spread out bo foro us in its loveliness. Winchester and the camps around it was distinctly visible. The hollow in which Strasburg lay could also be seen, as well as Charlcstown, tho placo of John Brown's execution. After descending the mountain wo expected to find a level road, but wero much deceived. Though tho Valley looked level from the summit of Blue Ridge, cxperienco proved it to bo full of "hilly-holes and bunchy hol lows." The continual up and down hill nearly wearied out our horses. We stop ped for the night at Aldic. Fences were consumed for tiro-wood, wheat stacks de stroyed to furnish straw, and much other useless destruction committed. It i3 to bo regretted that our soldiers, so far forgot tuo dictates ot conscieneo as to ongage in wholsalo destruction and stealing. Many commenced by stealing from rich secess ionist, but the practico finally degenerated into taking goods from all conditions of pcoplo, no matter whether Unionists or Secessionists. Not only have poultry, meat, vegetables, etc., been taken, but horses, books, and furniture, and that which could not bo carried away in many instances ha3 bcon destroyed. Many offi cers not only encourage, but participate in theso things. When white folks in Virgin ia do not belong to tho FF. V's they are very poor, and I havo known somo to havo been reduced to a truly pitiable state. This poor class generally is tho truo Union patty. Monday, March 24. Reports have reached us of a hcevy fight at Winchester, wo havo been ordered back to that placo, though our jaded horses and sorcfooted men aro in no condition to mako a forced march. However, soldiers must obey; not criticize. Ave reached our old oampini' ground beyond the Bluo Ridge at 2 o'clock m the morning. So many of tho infantry gave out along tho road, that ouly frag ments of regiments got in. Tuesday, March 25. Tho bridge over tho Shenandoah broke down and thus de tained us tm near noon. As soon as it was finished we marched on to within a few miles of Winchester, whon wo were orcdrod to "about faco" nnd go again to. wards Centerville. Ere this you have doubtloss received ac counts of tho battle of Winchester. I will givo you a briof summary. Shield's forco lay to tho north of the city, when wo Jeft, many of tho citizens imagined all tho for ccs had cono. In' fact, Col. Ashby of tho rebel cavalry Bawusmovo from Winch os tcr, ho being on Bluo Ridgo. Supposing the city to bo docertcd, ho made a dash on it, and met tho Michigan cavalray, Thoy met him without saddles on their horsos and with naked eabrcs drovo him back. After considerable skirmishing, Jackson brought up his forco, and posted them bo hind a stone wall, whilo Shield's foroo Btooil in their frout without any protection. For two hour they stood it. The 81th and 110th Pa. regiments stood tho bruut1 of tho light, ami did nobly, though thoy had tho roputation of being tho poorest regiments in tho scrvico, and many called them cowards. Tho dead and wounded provo how they faced tho cueniy. Tho "Hurley Guards" nro in tho 8'lth. When tho "Chargo" was given thoy did it well, and pinned tho tho enemy on the other side of tho fenco with their bayonets. Wo lost 130 killed and 200 wounded. Tho enemy lost 500 killed and an equal num ber wounded, bosido four pieces of artillery taken from us at Bull Run. Tho most of their men woro shot in tho head. Wo marched baok to our camp on the Bluo Ridgo, glad to havo a littlo rest. Tho orders havo como to march, and so I will conclude this. I will writo again as soon as wo encamp . ARTILLERIST. 8tii Pknn'a. Oavaluv, ) Camp Leslie, March 17,1802. J" Mr. Editor : Here I sit once more, In our Camp ou tho sacred soil of Virginia, to writo a few lines to inform your read ers that wo had tho plcasuro of being tho first in Manassas, sinco thobattlo of Bull's Run. On last Monday mornincr at three o'clock, our Regiment was drawn up in lino for a march, we started for parts un known to us, at eight o'clock wo found i ourselves in Fairfax, and wo hoisted tho Stars and Stripes on the Court House, and took up the Hue of march again, and at three o'clock wo found the village of Cen trcvillc. That villago is well fortified in the reb els estimation. I will civo vou a sketch of it. Thero aro seven forts, two masked batteries and breastworks, thrown up for six miles around tho villago. The cannon they havo mounted aro wooden logs with tho end of them blacked to represent can non. The rebels had left that stronghold which tho pcoplo of tho North thought was well fortified tho evening before. Gen. Johuson was there with forty thousand troops, so I was informed by a negro. 'At five o'clock we started for Manassas. The sun was just settiug when wo came to Bull's Run and wo examined their tents and found their tables sitting full of cooked provision. The coffee was steaming and cakes on the firo baking, they had been there half an hour before. When we camo to tho Run thoy had blown up the bridge and it was on fire. Wo had a hard job croising the stream. We forded it, water was about five feet deep. Some of our men met with n cool reception in the stream. It was dark when we got ready to start again. At nine o'clock we came in sight of Manassas. When wo arrived at that place tho wholo placo was on fire and wooden guns mounted as usual. They did not leave one building stand at that place. Your humblo servant got some sescsh tobacco. It is splendid smoking tobacco. Every man got somo small ar ticle to scud home. They left Bowie knives, swords, muskets, and a weapon ; I would call it a pike. Tho latter is a sharp piece of iron, stuck in a polo for a bayonet. We planted tho flag of our Union on tho Fort and started for Ccutro villo again. About every fifty yards we could boo a dead horso, and I counted 34 in one pile. The majority had their lcs broken in tho retreat of tho rebels. Any amount of flour was along the road, and broken down wagons. At twclvo o'clock that night wo returned to Qgntrovillc again. We stopped there that night, We traveled 45 miles that day. Tho next morning I got my break fast at a private house. Only one dollar a meal. Some of our men found thebako house of tho rebels, and eight barrels of flour and a cask of lard, and somo molas ses ; and myself with tho rest built firo and commenced baking cakes. The great discovery went through the camp like wildfire. Dear reader, it would have done your soul good to see that bakery in one hour afterwards to see ton or fifteen mix ing dough for oakes, soma on tho table, some on tho stair steps, somo on the floor, and Eorao on the head of a flour barrel. About noon the men camo to camp with their cakes in their hat and caps. That afternoon wo started for Fairfax again, and there wo encamped until Friday, when wo started for Camp Leslie Whilo at Fairfax, one of our meu shot a Michigan soldier through both lcgi close above tho kneo. Tho wouud is not dangerous. It was done aocidently by removing a cap from tho tubo of his rifle. Col. Gregg, our present Colonel, acted with tho great est coolness at Manasses : when the order was given "Men do your best" you could not seo tho appoaranco of fear iu ono of tho men. All eager to get a shot nt a scescsh. We wero very much disappoint cd that wo could tako all of tho places that wo wero in, and not get a shot at a scoscsh. On Thursday Gen. Porter's Division was reviewed by Gen. MoClcllan. Yc6ter day, Sunday, it rained hard all day. Tho Potomac is high ; tho said Bull's Run is very high, aud cau't bo crossed. Threo companies ot our regiment went out scout ing on last Saturday, and camo to tho rebel cavalry and killed fivo and wounded fifteen. Ono of our Lieutenants was shot through tho ohock. 'lbo wound in not dangerous. To-day it is clear and cold. Wo havo justrcccivod marching orders. I hope that when you near h n mo aL'ain.wo will bo further South, rc, Uion crushed to tho earth, and all tho loaders hung by tho neck to llio neareu tree, OVENSIIINE. csyBolow wo givo somo oxtracts from tho Presbyterian J3anntri to whioh wo call .attention; and ask our friends bvorywhorc to seo to it, that no abolitionist is ever oleeted to an office, for ho is a disunionist, i . Abolitionism. Abolition, though one of tho mott gen eral tortus in its signification, has recently bcon assigned a specific meaning. Abo litionists aro thoso who, unscrupulous us to means ami reckless as to the constitutional law ard social rights would put an end to slavery. Such abolitiouist3 nro Wright, Kelly, Thompson, Phillips, Pillsbury, Garrison & Co. men and women who advocated emancipation oven by tho cxtromo of vio lence, reckless of consequences ; who de claimed against tho Constitution and tho Union, against tho Church of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Biblo. Such lea ders wo could not follow. Such a course wo woro bound to repudiate. Wo henco adopted tho appullation Anti-Sluvery, a torm proporly expressive of tho sentiments of tho great body of the Northern people. Tho antipodes of tho abolitionists wero a few rabid, "firo-catiiig" pro-slavery men of tho South. Theso extremes agreed in ono thing, viz., cither that their opposite must bo put down, or tho country divi ded, Unhappily for tho Southern people, thoy fell in with their fanatics, seceded, took up arms, and commenced tho war. If the people of tho cotton States had been patient, there would havo been no strife beyond a war of words. Or if the pcoplo of New-England had taken up the senti ment of Garrison & Co., raised armies, seized forts and arsenals, and threatened tho overturning of tho Government, then the Nation would havo directed its forces Northward. Aud then, too, tho war would have been on tho samo priuciplo as it is now; that is, it would havo boon waged for tho preservation of tho Union, and the supremacy of tho Constitution "and the laws. It is fashionable with us, at tho North, to say that slavery is the cause of the war; but the belief is even more nearly universal at tho South, that abolition is tin causo. It is well to look at causes, if wo look wisely. We would not pretend to decide between tho antagonists. This much is ccrtaiu : If there had been no slavery, wc had not had the war ; aud if there had been no abolitionism, tho peace of the land would have flown yet as a river. The two impinging on each other has causod tho disruption. Tho powder aud tho spark, in contact, produce the explosion. Abolitionism cannot dwell peacefully with slavery, but abolition is by no moans the synonym of frcodom. Freedom dwelt intermingled with, and sido by sido with slavery for near half a contury after our natioual establishment in 1776, in cntiro peace. And freedom was not inactive either. But sho was just. She acted where sho had the right to net, aud avoid ed all undue assumptions. Sho abolished slavery in Pennsylvania, in New-England New-York, and New-Jersey in scveu of tho origional thirteen States. Sho also prohibited Slavory's approach to tho ter ritory of the North-West, thus layiug the foundation of tho freo States of Ohio, Iu - diana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Sho had also, by her peaceful excellence, won so far upon Slavory, that the question of abolition was entertained with much favor iu threo other of tho origional States Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, and m tho new State of Kentucky. But then fanaticism arose and attached itself to freedom, claiming her as its own; aud tneuco iorwaru iroeuotn s progress was marred, Sinco then no State has abolish ed ilavory ; and in no State whero slavery exists can abolition bo now advocated Wendell Phillips lately spoke in tho Smithsonian Institute, Washington, and is reported as saying : (Wo quote from tho Pittsburg Gtizttle.) ' 'Now tho reason why I think so much of tho Message of tho President is because I read iu it 'fitness to govern,' I do not think he has entered Canaan, but he has sot his faco Zionward. Tho first line of tho Messago goes to my heart. Now I lovo tho Constitution, though my friend (Dr. Picrpont,) who sit3 besido mo here, has heard ino curso it a hundrod times ; and I shall again if it doesn't mean justico. I havo labored nineteen years to tako uinetccn States out of this Union, and if I havo spent any nineteen years to tho satis faction of my Puritan conscience, it was "thoso nineteen years. Tho child of six generations of Puritans, 1 was taught at a mothor's kneo to lovo purity boforo peaco. And when Daniel Webster taught mo that, tho Union meant making white mon hyp ocrites aud black men slaves; that it meant lynch low in tho Caroliuas and mob law in Massashusotts ; that it meant lies in tho pulpit aud gags in tho Senate ; when I was told tho comentingof tho Union was returning slaves to their matters in tho namo of tho God I loved, and had boon taught to honor, I cursed tho Constitution and the Union, aud endeavored to break it; and thank God, it is broken. But when, last gummcr, I saw, or thought I saw, that this Union could not exist unless it meant justice; when I thought I saw ninotcen millions ofpooplo already driftiug with a current as inevitable ai Niagara, in this direction; nnd when to-day I hear tho voico of tho President, as I think, ut oriaffiriimrs?ntiraout, I cannot but accept of tho wholevthrty-four States. I am a Yankeo born, and will buy at any time at a fair price." What a spirit 1 What a confoBsion I IIo has cursed the Constitution a hundred times, IIo has labored nineteen years to take ?tinetecn States out of the Union, IIo has cursed the Constitution and the Union and endeavored to break it; and ho thanks God it is broken. Was over a So cossionist moro hostilo to his country, so far as spirit and language aro concerned? Who is most hostilo to tho Constitution and tho Union, as established by our honored fathers I Is it Wendell Phillips, or Jef ferson Davis ? Lloyd Garrison, in his paper, tho Lib crator, in giving his objections to tho Pres ident's lato message, is quoted assaying: "Fifth The President is at war with common-sonso, sound reason, tho teach ings of history, tho instincts and aspira tions of human naturo, tho laws of politi cal economy, and tho uniform results of emancipation, when ho says.' 'In my judg moot, gradual and not sudden emancipa tion, is bettor for all, in tho mcro finan cial or pecuniary view' because no such paltry consideration is allowable, even if it wero (as it surely is not,) well founded Ethically and pecuniarily, immediate emancipation is bettor for all parties; and tho President is culpable for kecpiug up the old dolusion of 'gradualism.' Away with it!" No wonder he should thus oppose tho President's views, when ho regards the Constitution of tho1 United states "as a covenant with death and an agreement with hell." The New York Obscivcr, of March 13th says that Parker Pillsbury, at a Convcn tion held in Albany, Feb. 7th and 8th, riiado an address, -occupyiug fivo columns of the Jlnli-Shivery Standard, in which occur these sentences : "I do not wish to sec this Government prolonged another day iu its present form. Ou tho contrary, I have been for twenty years attempting to overthrow the present dynasty. If I do not misjudgo tho Constitution, whatever may have been its .real character, it was never so much an engine of cruelty and of crime as it is the present hour. It seem to nic tho present Administration is, on tho one hand, the weakest aud on the other hand, the icickcdcsl, wo have ever had. Mr. Buchanan's Administration is under infi nite obligations to it for casting its wicked ness and imbecility so far iiito the shade. "I cannot joiu in tho congratulations I so often hoar as to the hopefulness of the sigus of the times. 1 do not want to see honcfulncss. I am not reioiccd at tidings of victory to tho Northern arm. 1 iambi far rather sec defeat' I) . i Vojoico in defeat and disaster rather than . . i r i iii- ,i in victory, because I do not believe the North is in any condition to improve any i.reat whieli nmv attend iu arms. j I think the abolitionists fail sufficiently to recognize one great fact, and that is the persistent) determined, God-defying, hcav-cn-provokiug impenitence of the North. ' 1 Holding theso opinions I do not desire success to tho Northern army. - T cjov. lpr. na linvn u-np lnf us have all its disasters and all its defeats 1 if the condition of the slave is not to be ' changed." ( AVe havo not treasured up tho libels of thcso men on tho Christain religion, its ministers and churches, and if wo lmd dnnn j so, it would be wrong for us to present . them largely to our readers. Ono sample wc may give. olt. 1'iUsbury, m tho ad dress alluded to, in speaking of a misgui-' ; says : i "John Brown, liko a mighty angel, came down from heaven, and if the powers would havo permitted, would havo bound thut dragon (of secession) for a thousand Millennial years forever. You seized that first, grandest hero of the nineteenth cen-, tury aud hung him upon tho cross tho sublimcst, as well as saddest, spectacle since tho scene upon Calvary, that veiled 1 the very heavons in sackcloth and darkness. John Brown taught us the way; but tho pcoplo would not loam. Ho camo, the vory God made flosh, and pointed the road; But tho people aud tho Government would not walk theroin. lie was, almost literally, the way and tho truth, and ho would havo been tho lifo; but tho nation was not worthy. I sometimes think that on that fearful morning, tho second of December, 1859, as hobowod his head and gavo up tho ghost, tho recording angol wrote iu the ledgers of heaven, of this na tion, it is finished." What treasongainst tho country I What a travesty of Scripture! What blua phomy against God ! Such is Abolitionism, as exhibited by these its loader. 'lb the Editor of the Columbia Democrat. Sin : Tho following is a oorrcct list of tho casualities of Company D, 81th Rcgi ment, Pcuna. Volunteers, in tho cugago ment near Winchester, Va., ou Sunday, March 23d 1802; Killed William R. Fowler. Wounded Scrgt. II. Funk, thigh ; Cor porals JamosM. Prico, auklo.O. Mummy, hand, T. 0, Fowler, shoulder ; Private 0. D. Bowers, kneo, M. Fitzharris, hand, G. Uolcomb, head, J. Prossor, breast, (mor tally,) Wm. Prosser, arm, J. C. Teeter, nbdomcu, J, L. Wheeler, groin. Very Respectfully, ALEX. J. FRIOK, Cirt. 0oroini4!n Co. D, 81th ngt r, V. Eloction Roturns. Tlio following ia a comploto list of tho candidates elected to ofilco In tho dlflorent districts throughout this county at out lato election : ... , i ry .1 i' Bittenbender, James it. Eyoi: Constable, ( Gordon K. Ooff, Philip S. Aloycr; I'oor ' Ovorssors, Jacob 11. Oroul, Kll Barton ; School Directors, John 11. Moyor, Jcrcmmh J. Brower ; Judgo,Calcb Barton, jr. jlnspec- h nnm aunorv sore. uoo. iojii uiiiuu i lors. I. W, ilarlman, ueo. weaver ; Assess- Ht;on discourse nt tho Capitol, reserved or, Bonjamr. S. Morn ; Auditor, William ... . . . , .. ., Snyder. "IS p.irticulfir thunder" tor tho commu-. llonton -Supervisors, I'etor Applcman, ' nities which, with a strong rcniiniiccnco Joseph Hess; Constable, John 11. Keoler; 0f his native Down East, ho ttyled tho Poor Overseer.", Jacob Weolerer, A. A. I . ., , . .. . . Kline: School Directors, J. C. Wonner, li. " U-a-r 1 o-r btatcs," and which he served Mcllonry. Jmlao, Thomas Soigfroldj In- up for tho delectation of his mainly abo 8o?,1am Tition audience with a rcekles pungency Btiarcrflok-Supervisors, Lorl Shaffer, ; not surpassed oven by that which, iu the Joseph Blank; Constable, Wtn. Klinetob ; j days of "Deacon Gilo's Distillery," won !c SiloJ.MS; 1 libeller a cell in the hil Daniel W. MartzjJudgo, Joseph Stnckhmise; 'of Salem. Mr. Chcover, herein nt luust, in9pcciors,tarnuei Koicnnor, Hainan iwariz; , Atuiunr rtnvlil Ml nr' Anililnr. Wrn. A. I J. Britain. Heaver Justice, A'ndrow Slmman.Super. visors, Henry Ucnlerlitcr, l'elor Uenrlmrt; Constable. Clias, II. Troy. Poor Overseers, Moses Moyor, Nathan llredbomlcr; Selio o Diroclors, Daniel biugloy, John Froy 3 yra. . Jacob Kollor, Philip B. 1'rano two years; 1 Jndna. Jacob Keller : Inspector-. Sinnhei r.elir, J. W. Johnson ; Assessor, N. Breilben- , tion attended by tho preservation of the der j Auditor, 0. P. Dreisbach. Constitution likowisc. They want to nbol- Cetitro Supervisors, Samuel Bower, Sam- I ... .. ,, uel llagonbncli ; Constable, Chas II Dei 13,1 11,0 institution, regardless of conse tcrich ; Poor Overseers, Ellwood Hughes, quenco, uudei the pretext of saving tho li. 11. Hess; School Directors, Andrew liinTnn Tim ti. Froas, Isaac Hoss; Judge, Wm Witmovor; I Unl0U' Ul Holdcr, &tfa,lM' ou tto 00Q' Inspectors, Lafayetti) Creasy, Mordceai M. trary, want to savo the Union by savins? Hicks; Assoj-sor, Samuel Noyhard; Auditor, ; David It. Sloan. Cattawisa Supervisors, John Sirauso Reuben Orange; Constable, Peter G. Camp lie jell; Poor Overseers, Jacob Goiisol, Abel Ihornas; School Directors. I. S. Monroa, UictThomas; Judge, fieo. Manhardt; In- T Ab speclors. Daniel Genrhart, Chas Krciuh: Am sessnr, t'cter Uouinoj Auditor, J. fa. lYlc Ninch. Conyngham Supervisors, Michael Har man; Township Treasurer, J. B. Knittln ; constable, Joseph Dawes; Poor OvurseerM, Thos Flim. Reuben Wnsser; School Direc tors, J. L. Beadle ono year, A. V. Ilea 'hrco years, J. J. UoaglanU three years; Jude, '1 hoc O'Connor; Inspectors, Christopher Coddington, Joseph D. Long; Assessor, J. B. Kniltlc. Fishiegcreek Superviflorn, Wm. Raber, Aaron Bender, constable, Cyrus Bobbins; Poor Overseers, Bonj,min MoIIoury, E. Unangst ; School Directors li. Mc. Dau bach, David Yosi; Judge, Philip Applomnn; Inspectors, J. B. Stoker, W. F. AiulroivB ; Assessor, Juo. Sutton; Auditors, Hugh Mc Bride three years, Albert Ammcrman I yr. Franklin Inspector, W. Moitsch,S. Artloy; cotibtable, 'Ihoi. Ilower; I'oor Overseers, Jonothan Former, Jesse Cleaver; School Di rectors, Jacob Kostcnbaiider, Elias Weaver; Judtfo, Selh Ilarlrnan; Inspectors, Daniel Zarr, john Zoigler, Assessor, H. J. Rcoilor; Auditor, Jas. KeMer 3 yrs, Abraham Lillio uvo years. Greenwood Supervisors, J. G. Koller, David Uemott; constable, P.ixton Kline, Poor Overseers, A J Albcrtfon, Adam Ult; School Directors, Samuel Bo-jari, J. C. I.em- j on 3 years; Humphrey Parker two yours; juugo, sainuei Jvisner; Inspectors, ). Albcrlson, Geo. McKwen; Ase6or. I Do- " , T ' J -n , V ' R Q. conMabl lue Neyhar, lw' Overseer?, Iteuben T. Folk, James Kmmitt; Fchool Directors, Jno. Mclteynnlils, M. A. airton; Jadno, Jtonbon llnmboy; luipeeiow, A. J. Kmmitt, Jacob Bleeder; Assessor,!!. D. I Mclirtilu: Auditor, Win. Qhl. Jackson Justice, IramDerr; Supervisors, Geo. Hurleymun. Matthow McIIenry, con s'ahlu, Joshua Bobbins; Poor Overseers, Jno. H. Friiz, Jno. Yorks; Si-hoo! Directors, J. W. Kitchen, W. B. Bobbins; Judgo, Fredorick Wiles; Inf-peclors liobt F.ilgtir, Hugh Shullz. Assessor, Jacob Lunger; Auditor, J. Mellon- Locust Supervisor C Menseh,J. Holwig; constablo, Solomon Feltorman; Poor Over seen, Daniel Bieber.S.T. Kellur; School Di rectors C. Fetlerman J. G Campbell; Judge, Jonas Fahringer; Inspectors, Jno. Meusch,!. Dyer; Assessor, G. Hower: Auditor, May berry Snyder. Madison Jusiico, I). II. Watson; Super visors, W. B. Welhvcr, Valentino Wellivur; constable, Milton Cox; Poor Overseers, W Barber, Jacob Demon; School Directors, A. S. Allen, Jas. lustier; Judso, John Doinott; Inspectors, Jno. Sieller, J. Cosper: Assessor, Jno. Runyan: Auditor, fc. W. Runjan. Mifllin Supervisor Jacob Nuss, John B. Angle: constablo. Wm. Krickbauin: Poor Overseers, J. Keller, Jonas Harizel: School Directors, A Schweppenheiser, S Gearhari: Judgo, W. Pettitt: Inspectors,!. K. Schwep penhuiser, J. K. Folk; Assessor, Lawrrnco Watters; Auditor, Samuel Snyder. Maine Supervisor, J. Masteller; consta blo, J. Giggei; Poor Overseers, G Shuman, J. liowmim; School Directors. R. Shuman, Win. Bitler; Juilgu, Henry Bowman; In speclors, J. Nuss, J. Broish: As'sossor, D S. Btown: Auditor, G. Miller. Meinour Supervisors, D. Kershner, W. Hollingshoad: constable, T. Wnavcr: Poor Overseers, K. Welliver, 1. Mowry: School Directors. W. Bittonberider, E. Davis; Judgo H. Geigcr; Inspectors, Henry Buss, J. Lol dy: Assessor, N. Mowsor, Auditor, J. G. Quick. Ml Pleasant Supervisors Sarauol Owen, D. Zeiglor; constablo, J. Shipman; Poor Oversoers M. (filbert, P. Kline; School Di rectors, A. Hoacock, B. Kistlor; Judge, J. C. Mordeu; Inspectors, P. Millor, M. Ruckle; Assessor, J. Kline; Auditor, Isaao Applo man. ' Orange Supervisors, A Kvorlir.n, Moses Everhart; constable, M. C. Keller; Poor Overseers, S. Beidlptnan, S. Zimmerman; School Diroctors, S.Kvorott.W. Bellas; Jud-o D. Herring; Inspector, B. Jonos, J. Graham; Assessor, !'. MclIcury; Auditor II. R. Klino. Pino Supervisors, D. Fornwald, T. Har len: constable, A. Bobb; Poor Overseers, J. Lore, B. Winterstcen; School Directors, li. Bogart, T.Slaekhouse; Judge, J. Chern berlin; Inspectors, Ira Pnrsel, W. Faus; Ai ressor, Valemina Winteritcoii; Auditor, J. Hunter. Itoanngcreek-Suporvieors, M. Fcderoff, J. Rang; constable, J. I.ongonberger, Poor Overseers, M. Fedoroff, J. Rarig; Sehool Di rpctprs, J. Hibbs, If. Hoffman; Judge, John Whitnor; Inspector, D. Gearhart.O. Mencb; Assessor, C. Dyer; Auditor, W. Rhoads. Steadmun. J. W. Kilo, to fill vacancy 'fo years: Judgo, W. A. Kilo: Inspectors, P for lnfnp a l?.,C'T.',ai0(Y.ei AsbestQf) B. Liubach: nuunor, v. u, roiorman. Scott Sup'rs. E, Klino.Kj Krum,conutablo, S. BlllonboiidenPoor Ovorsoors.D. MelickJ. ! iiomuij; ocnnoi uiroctora, vv. Poacock, hli Crovling: Judgo, H. Melick: Inspectors 0. P. but, J. Mckamuy.- Assessor, T. Cray ling jr.: Auditor, W. Peacock. S7"Tho rcbols havo position on Acquia Creek -.1 n . . " uvauco o our troops they fled in a panic lming all thm cannon nd stores bugarloat Supervisors, J, Friiz, R. KjP. coiisiaMo Jesso Hartman: Poor Overseers.S. Fritz J. Fritz: School Dirocinrs s p.,,l- r; w Malignity of flic Abolitionists Toward tho Border States. Tho abolitionists halo the Uovdor StakM as good people hato tho Devil. Thh U manifest enough. As an amusing illuara- uon oi mo iaci, a very memr. c of tho Kentucky Legislature, who Uted "V"a uliineton several weeks ago, tells m " n , that the abolitionist Cheovor, in his abo- ., .. ... .., . , j3 a f , r ronrci?cntativc of his class. They ' J all hate the "B-a-r-d-e-r States" with ft rancor unchecked by honesty or truth. And the reason is plain. Wc have al ready htated it. Tho Abolitionists hate tho Constitution, and would glad I v let tho 1T., .. , ., .. , Umon fIl(1 rat,R'r tllan i,!UC lU Psorvn- tho Constitution, which they beliuvo tho only effectual method possible. Tho Bjr- 1 ' dor States, being a unit in favor of this . policy, naturally form the head of the LTeat i: , - . . . , ,, .... body of patriot ho rally around the Ad- ministration mat ucciarcs anu carries oat the policy in defiance of abolitionism e -cry where. Such U tho ofl'enco of the Bor der States in the estimation of the al.oli tionists. The very head and front of their offuiid iug Hath this exteut no more. It 'u for thij, and nothing, that they arc denounced, decried, derided, and defamed, by every Abolition tpoutcr aud f-cribblcr in the country. In a word the abolitiouisti mid sect Monists hate the Border States for the samo reason in different aspect.--. The ab olitionists hato the Border States, beuati o thoy stand by the Union. The Border States as tho steadfast upholders of both the Union and tho Constitution aro tin equal and common cneiniui of both tho abolitioniits and the sceesaieiiijts. And in this twofold enmity every true patriot must share. Let the true patriofa of tin North bear in mind this explanation, mi -3 the venomous railing of the against the Border Stittek in general snl Kentucky in particular, if it should bo kepi up, will do good rather than hint. Wj hope it is doing no great huit r.3 tho caaa is. LouhviUe Journal. H'cmlell Phillips Mobbed at ( iaclimUJ. Ih announces nimself , vi .id Ut.inrdil an I IHsunipttiit. Eggs a uuuulnu". Great Excitement. Cinci.nxavi, March 34. Wendell Pi:'-lip-i attempted to ledum at Piko's Opciu House to-night. Ho commenced by avowing hiwsplf cn Abolitionist and a Disunionut. Personi in tho galleries then hissed, yelled, and threw eggs aud stoues at him, many of which hit him. Tho hisdug was kppt up for conic time. Finally, Phillips mado hiuuelf heard, and ho proceeded until foracthing again objeetiouablo was said, when tho storm of eggs was renewed. Tho aim in many cases was good. Still, Phillips preserved , and a third timo was hoard and n third time egged and stoned. The crowd from the galleries then moved" down stairs, crying "Put himout!-' "Tar and feather him!" with groans for tho "nigger Wendell Phillips 1" V, hilo proceeding down tho middle aislo towards tho stage, they wero met by tho friends of Phillips, when a fight ensued. A soene of indescribablo confusion cc currcd. Tho ladies in tho audience nom scroaming, crying jumpiug over chain, and falling in all directions during 'thu skirmish. Finally Philips was taken off tha stago by his friends, and tho audicnoe moved out. At this hour (10 o'clock P M.) th streets in tho vicinity of tho Opera House .nro crowded with excited pcoplo, who ar searching for, but unable to find Phillips. No ono has been seriously hurt, m far ru oan bo learned. IIovAnn Association, PniLAnr.!. iuiia. A new Card from tho Managers of this old and woll tried Institution, will he found in our advertising columns. Throughout tho panio of 1857 and tha war of 1801, tho Howard Association met all demands upon its Disponsary with out failure, and it still offers its kind and bonificont aid to tho afflicted in all tho loyal StatcB, It is boyond all question, a sound and highly useful Institution. r Enemies in outi Midht Tho New York Commercial, (ncp) now representing a largo amount of Republicans public opin ion, speaks of tho "impracticable roheinr-3 of Senator Sumnor." "At this moment (it says) wo firmly believe that tho passago of somo of tho cxtremo nioasuro adyocntod by tho Tribune of thisoitv. would bn Imiui abandoned their ,b.y,tll actJvo partisans of Davis with de ek. Foarinc tho ' fi. . I'vo? tl19 aK'M'on of thorn is oal- ciliated to gtvo ' aid and comfort' to tha common nTmy, howe r Wet the dwigu of tbU ,dT' mS X"