Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, April 05, 1862, Image 1

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B.SiTB Ij. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 16. NO, 5.
iuni.i.siir.u every satuuday, uy
"litfiht ntr fli-irt lldUJIng, oppoiilr the Euhattgt, ly itit
ufthc Uourt llwe. 'jJttnocraiic jiean itwarirrs.
tcixmp or suiwciuption.
51 0!) In advance, fur one copy, for six months,
ii 7.1 In nilvtmri'. fur one coitv. one year.
fa OT lrmit paid within tho firm threu months.
-' i fi 73 If not i:ilI within tho first nix months.
rife '! .ill II noip.mi wiiniu iiicyenr.
ijflf " No subscription takou for leas than six months,
Una r.o pt,pcr, discontinued until nil arrearages shall have
,i'ecn paid. , ......
tlLT" UrdlnarvAnvpRTiSEMENTS Inserted, and JodWobk
executed, nt the uslabllshcdpricck ,
M:aTAiihi!3iiniJ as a nuruqi: ruo.u uuaukkuy.
r 77te 0 Place where a Cure can be
41 UUutnc.f,
Select Dodti)
Tho Editor's Wooing.
Wo lovo thee, Ann Maria Smith,
And In thy condescension
Wo sen a futurn full of Joy,
To numerous to mention,
Thcro's Cupid's arrow In thy glance,
And this, by lovo's coercion,
linn reached pur very heart of heart.
And usked for an Insertion.
With Joy wo feci thobllsffal smart,
And oro our passion ranges,
We freely place thy love upon
The list of our exchanges.
There's mimic In tliylowcel tone,
Ami silver in thy laughter,
Arid triilh but we will gi vo tlie full.
Particulars hereaffr.
Oh 1 wo would tell thco of our plans,
All t bstaclcs to shatter.
Dut wo aro full Just now and have
A press of oilier matter.
Then let us marry, Clueen of Smiths,
Witlio Jt morn hesitation ;
Tho very thought doth glvu our blood
A larger cirru j;nlui I
Pennsylvania Legislature.'srpil Ilnl mo.t Certain, uouiouy in m
Itor all private Pi-teases, Weakness of tin imck or
J Limbs, blilotures. Alleclluus ol the Kidneys aim man
lier, luvoltintuiy Uischnrgcs, lmpotom.y, (icneral lo
MMy, Nervousness, Djspepsy, Languor, Low Hp Its
iUCuniimluit of ideas, Palpitation jif Iho Heart, '1 linidily,
ATreinbllugs, Dimness ofHifthl or tllddniess, Disease of
"llio Head, 'l, Mine or sum uiecuons 01 ui'j i.iv. r
Lungs, Hliiniacii or Uowcls -those terriuie Disorders
aii.lnir I'liim the Snlitarj Habits of Youth -those si.cuir
uii. I solitary practices more total to their vkliins tnan
ill. soiil'oI t))rein to tin .Marines or L', blight
?n their ii. itt bri'liani hopes or unili ipatiuus, render.
lag marriage, sic impulsion-.
Y H U N M I. X
i'tp. i'liill) , h" have become the vltlims r,f Solitary
A'a ', dreadful and ili'Ptruc live haliit wliirh iitiiiu
1.1K sweep lu an untiuuly grutu tlmutuiids of uung
f,l i -. ol Ilia most t'Aaiiou laieiiip aim oriiiiinii uueuvi..,
.who might otherwise htno intiuiuvil IiFtuiiin: Htnates
itutli'i thanders of ol i'iuein e or wukcil to ec-lany the
Ijiviiy I) to, uiaj call with full conlldeiito.
m a it it i a a n.
Mmrleil ncrsoiH. or Yiuinij .Mi'ii contemplalliiJ mar
ri..'f. beliiit nvv.iruiif wvukuesH, orjauie deabii
ty, 'deformities, &.C., speedily cured,
i lie wliii phuM liiimelt under the care of Ilr. JoJiiiHton,
Inay n-liijloiiKly eonli in in his linnor in a iientlemeli, and
coiiliileullv n lj' opiiu his skill us u physician.
o i: c. a s i o w i: a k n k s u
llmui'-ili. July cured and full viijnr ri'ftoreil.
Tills Dr-trilSBlllg 'HI Llli'll--Wliuu reilii'-ri uie inii"
!tr.i!'le au.l i.upocnllilo is l lie penally p.iui ny
lviIIius nl linnrolii-r I uuiliei'lires. iimhik uui-
isimsnr mo ant to e.imiiiil nii-.'ss Iroui not bcini!
auward of the dieadl'iil coine-iueneo tint may ensue,
I Now, wlui I lint uiiilurklaniis too suujurr win pre
tend to deny the power of prnon alion is In-.t sooner
by lhu4i falling mm Iuiprnper habits than by I lie prudent.
II -sides tiring ilrpnvud of the ; tirc of healthy on"
I prnuM, tin' uio'l si rioasand m struilivu symptoius to
bolli and iniiid ,ii is,;. The syj'mu li"couies deraiiK-f-dl
the and nieiifJl tiinrtious wi aliened, loss
r oi procrcaiivii pow or, in.rv.nis in iouiiiii , ) ii;i. .-.!.
r tial.iitntii'ii of tin- heart, iiidiau-lion, conslltutiolial ile-
Sbilm, a w-a'tliu; ol the frame, Cutigii. Cunsuiuplion,
decay and ileatli.
orrici:, no. : fnin'ii I' sTiaim'
i I.rft hand side (join,' from Slaltiiuore street, a few doors
I Iroiiithe loruer. I ail not tooliserve name ami nuiuiier.
L'-tturs must lu Haiti and confuu a stamp. Thu Due-
! tor's Dlploaias liauj in his oihee.
H a 111' U i: W A II It A S I' 1. 1) IV T W U U A V S
SE u iu..i cia on nvi'-'Siii, iiat'U4,
;H! OJl I'm
g Memlier of the K.iyal t.'oll.Kf ol HuririTiii. Loudon.
tir.ul'i.ite iriniioni-ol ilia m.t.t eniiiKiu t oiick. s t. inn .. f trinHtm mv fnllow moiiiliprq with
United !iiaU". nii-l th ureater part of whose life lias , grtllOU 01 llUIUHIg Illy ItillOW lllClllUBra IIU
co-'en jpai.t iiilhiilrit llohpitnis of London, ,1'arn, I'liila- I p01I1.(.0l,v vf,snpnf ., nnnsidoritinn whioli
jtlflnlii'iaud ul-uwh Tf. Ii i- .1 ii.t-d somi' of the mo.l as t-OUlt,LJJ aim lCbpiH,J. COUSlULiaLlOU wtiicii
to.,ilil,ij: iurcsilial wereev.r known; many troubled i i t . i..,.r ;,,
with riming in Hi" h ad nun ears w n ui iii:i p, Rrt-ai j f "-y -i i 0--j
ii..'Uomn0-s. Ii'int ai siiii.ien oumif uui nn . netinns . T li.'ivn linnn content to
Mr. Tate, oi" CoSiiinlii.i.
Delivered in the House of Heprcs'ntrUivcs,
on the I'M of March, 1602, on the r -peal
of bill, entitle I "An Act for the
Commutation of 'lbnnagc Duties.''
Mr. TATE rose aud said :
Mr. Speaker, when I took my scat
upon this floor, in tho halls of legislation,
ovur two months since, it was not for the
purpose of coiumning precious timo in the
discussion of every subject that might come
before the House, but with tho determi
nation of attendipg to the wants of my
constituents, and carefully guarding the
intercuts of the Commonwealth. Gentle
man here will bear me honorable testimo
ny, that in tho discharge of my official
duties as a member of this House, I have
at least endeavored to attend closely to
the public business, and havo avoided all
I encroachment upon their patience in speech
1 making. Looking to the paramount obli
. liavo tho pooplo petitioned for it ? I nn
; ewer yes 1 They havo petitioned in thun
der tonc3 through tho ballot-box, and wo
aro hero to honor their petitions. And in
tho htnguago of Gen. McOlollan, when tho
day of retribution arrived, which was up
on tho eighth of October last, "thunder
was heard all around tho sky." This fact
is known, and will bo long remember
ed by many nnfaituful representatives of a
conGding and generous people. Terriblo
and emphatic was tho verdict of condem
nation given by many an injured commu
nity, May I not admonish gentlemen
on the other side, to stand from under the
crushing wheels of this modern Juggernaut
if they would avoid tho moral burial that
knows no political resurrection. The peo-.
pie aro ever jealous of their rights; let
then their servants practice houcsty aud
fidelity ,that they may ayoid tho usual im
putation of the maxim, which says :
"lie wlindlshnuctt is in llltln things,
Would bo a villain in the court ofliinjj."
Mr. Speaker, I am hear for tho first
and I expect for tho last timo, in tho ca
pacity of a legislator. Elected by my loy
al fellow citizens, for tho purpose of rcprc
senting their wishes and interests, among
which arc tho agreeable duties of main
taining tho Government, upholdiug tho
Constitution and suppressing rebellion.
That duty once performed, and it shall
not fail for want of my humblo influence,!
will in the good providouco of God, retire
to my homo and resign the delegated trust
with which I havo been honored, into tho
hands of my constituents. And, in after
JmIiii'ss, iwtli lit-i.t. !U l,lu-liin:j, attended mo
S" derangement ol mm 1. wen- enred
limes with ! u,,,'u i"-"""".
d iunneiiMi ly . iGavlJ ii10 Dublic discussion mainl v for abler
,11 . f l t. t N "P I I' 1' I . t 11 VII 'I' I l P
Dr.j'fss's. ill thok.' who have injured tiien.-eives hands and more experienced legislators.
J? '''H'W yLrH'l:,X .'.''I! I Tho sulrioct-matter now under discuss-
ion is one whioh deeply interests every cit
It is
tho question of tho rights of the people
against tho wrongs of legislation. I refer
whit Ii ru
a, III utHII lino, aim uii'i.i, u..,,i.b .- -.
, rieis, sludy, soci-iy or mirri.i!!e.
Thcsi are sum..' of tlu -old no lanchnly i-flects pro-
dined by early haluis of ,ou.h, yo. : eakiiess ol tho f ; CoilllllOUWCaltll
. i ill ii in in ' in'i'ii I'i'i""-" '-iij"'! i a
I'jilitimion ii in junri. uys.
i U-k ami Mum
V of MtHrulai i'nw
r.a.ui . V-.t-i niiK Irr:it;ihi!it . IJ'TJII
. - livu rii!ictlott0,(jutirt Dtfiillt), hj miliums of Con3iiiiii
to tho enormity of the uut of the last Leg
t...n .t-j.
3Ii:NTAtIiV.Th" f.'iuful efforts on th.- mind are
... t. i. . .1 I .t I r.u ikt' !inwiKf ))iifiiinli nf Iih-fi a
De.ieri..a of the Spirits llvli l oretmLnes Aversion islatur0 jn luc paSaa.0 of the bill, entitled
m rioriet self-ui-tru-t love of solitude, tiiuil, , &.r., I r
Hie kouiooflln . il. piodureil.
ThoiH.iuds of persons of all ai'es can now Judge what
ij Hie r-iust! ol Ih-ir di'iliniul heallli. i.uokinj tntir
I. Ullie fill-
yinptoms ot
! "An act for tho commutation of tonnage
I duties."
Sir, by tho passage of that act, it ap
pears that, in a Ouaucial view of the sub
I ject, "at one fell swoon" tho sum of eight
1 f lict d'rcS lilred and fifty thousand dollars was os-
. 'i in.wTiairi' niipul'ili', ami dfstioys both iniiid and body, tfactod from tho Coll'fcrS of tllO Common
-ior, b.: 'ilia weak, pale and eiuacijieil,
I (pilar appe..iain- about the u)os, rougli and
! iVhcIiavi liijurt'd thuiseli-es by u rcrlaln practice,
i 1:. '..leed in when alouu-a habil tretuenliy I anie.i irum
lilt nil ielll.lli-lv.
3 Wi, .ipittytuutnj "I'iman.tiiei opcoi nisriiiiiiry wea t , a,,a jc1) atod into t 10 pOOlCCt:
. , i Uii . iiiiiu of Ins .r.-nts. should be .Hatched from ' o
.'2 i :"
ta .in,l l.llnol,,llt ot'lll'e. liv the eousenileli
?ff I -. istiiiB 'mil III.' path of nature, and imlnlRiug
i'ii a 'imi s.ict habit. Suoh persons must before
i.Ce.ilUi ,-tliii! .
M A II II I A " 1.,
rcCrt a sound lulml and body are the most lie-
re'initities tu iii'iimote couunoiiti iiappnieks
J.'- I, without tin so the Journey llirouli lile becomes
;i irj iiii'irliuase, tuo prosp ui nouriy ii uri-iis iu
uew the inind hei omes shallow en Willi uespair f
i.l-.l with the iiielanchol) reilctio,i tlie happiness
-;of alii liter become. ldii;!itc..l with our own,
ij i s i: a e i: o r 1 m r rt u d i: n a n.
i. When the mikSiwdcd t,i,il imprudent votary of pleasure
(lads he has imbibed the seed, nf this painliil disease, jt
loo often an ill timed ft'i su o'sauio or
iread of iln-eovery, delers him frow api'ljinu to llio.o
who from eiliit atiuu and respectabllily can alone btfrieud
him, delayini.' till the constitutional syinploms ofthls
liorrid disease in ike. their appearance, smli as ulcerated
tore disiased nose,, pains in the head
and limbs, diiuues. of night, ilunfnets, nodes on tlie shin
bones, and arms, blotidies on tho head, face and extreme
ties, progressing with rapidity, till at last tho palate of
tho mouth and bunt's of the nose fall in. and the victim of
'tlmlescasu becomes a horrid nbjectof rnmmisscratioii
'till deatli puts a period mlus dreadful kiill'eriugs, by sen.
clliighiui tu "that bourne from w bunco no traveler re-
Xa'nt'i a Melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to
this terrible disease, owing to tho tinskillfulfness ofig
riorant pretenders, who, by tin u.o of that Jlemllij I'ui-
' ton, .Vireury. ruin the constitution and make thu rcsi-
Uuo oflifo iiiiserublu.
8 T It A N (J K n S
. Trust not your lives, or health, to tho care of the ma
lty Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of
'fciiowli'tlgi, name or iliaracier.whoeopy Dr. Jonnstnn'
'advertiki iueius. or stvl .- tlicinselves, in Hie new spajmrs,
'regularly 11 located Physicians incapable of I'uriiig.tlley
ftkeep you trilling month after month taking their llllhy
oYaud poisouils I'ouipo.nids, or us long as thu smalle.l feu
Van be obtained, mid m despair, leavo you with ruined
1 health to sigh over your gaining di. appointment,
Dr. Johrtson Is tl.o only 1'hyslclau aderLsliig.
V His credential or diplomas always hang in
His remedies or treatment nro unknown to all others,
prepared from a life spent in the lio.pitJls ot Lu
rope, tho (Irst in this country and iunire o tensive Tri
'tate l'radier than auv other l'liyticlaa mtho wo;ld.
INIiUIlril'.SIKNT Ol-1 Tllll I'llUBeJ.
Tim imiiiv thnnc.noU enrcd at this in.iitution year af
ter year, ami tho nuui'iroiis Important Surgical Opera
' lions performed by Ur. Johnston, wilnes-cd I y the re
porters of the "."nil," "Clipper," and many other j.apcra
inoliccs of willed have upicaretl again and again belofu
itlhe public, besides his standing u a gentlemen ol char
vncier and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee tu tho
skin nisr,Asi:s bpccuu.y cuunn.
' ' Persons writing should he particular in diri fling their
letters to his Institution, in tho following nruincr:
Of tho lialllnnrol.ocl; Hospital, llalliinoro, Slarylaml,
Jan U, left). ..Murcli 17, lebU.
lrpiII2 tinilorslgni'il Informs tho ciliieiis of lliconi.
"J. and ni-i;liborliood. that he has taken thu largo room
'In the Hxclumgu Uloek, intciiding over Slcstrs, Btoner
' & I-'ox's llakery, r.nd the llookstoro whero ho has put in
1arg8kyligU. il isonly by Skylight Hint good jiic
tires can hetal'oii I'speclally growps whero each persun
'an bo taken Just un w ell us separalu,
Ilo hasgono lo cniis.derntlo tixpciiso tn mako Ills os
nlillf'iuiont n first class one, ami ho thTrfnro solicits n
lif rl patronage to cnublo luiil, tocoiislnnlly liilroduco
tnu modem iu'p-ovciocnts of Hie alt.
C7routty produce taken In nm-haHPe for picturos,
' "iv.vrtv r I'LLiwi
Tlio Navy Dopartmont undor
Gov. Toucoy.
Tho Hoiu Isano Toucoy has been re
peatedly charged by tho Republicans, with
having sont abroad tho vessels of thoNnvy
for tho purposo of aiding secession. Sen
ator Sumner said, in a speech delivered in
New York, last November :
"Tho Navy was so far dispersed or dis
mantled, that on tho -1th of March, when
tho new administration camo into power,
thcro woro no ships to enforco the laws,
collect tho revenues, or protect tho Nation
al property in tho rebel ports. Out of 72
vessels of war, then counted as our Navy,
it appears that our wholo available force
at homo woro reduced to tho steamer
Brooklyn, carrying 25 guns, and tho store
ship Relief, carrying 2 guns."
Tho Senate, at tho extra session of Con
grcss, appointed a select committeo to in
vestigate tho affairs of tho Navy, and Sen
ator John P. Halo, of Now Hampshire,
was appointed the chairman. Among
other witnesses summoned by this commit
t2o was the Hon. Isaac Toucoy. Ho re
paired to Washington and gave his testi
mony, under oath, to tho committee, on
tho 18th of November last. Ho was
questioned with regard t$ tho disposal of
tho naval vessels under his direction, and
ho testified as follows :
The navy yard at Gosport was not, ac
I thought, in any danger until Virginia
should secedo from tho Union. It was
believed to bo fully protected by tho Penn
sylvania, tho Plymouth, tho Merrimack,
tho 24th of Dccombor, 1800, 1 issued o,n
order to tho sloop-of-war St. Louis, car
rying 20 guns, then at Vera Cruz, to pro
ceed to Pcnsacola. On tho Cth of Janu-
Latorfrom Winchester.
Winchester, March 20. Tho follow
ing aro among tho wounded iu tho hospi
rry, 1801, JL ordered tho uloop-of- war tal horc. Most of them aro seriously and
Macedonian lo Pcnsacola, by tolecraph. S0InQ fntallv wounded.
days, I trust, I shall bo able to refer with thQ stationod thcrc. The
t.!1rt 1 r ll.rt nnn.,l tP ..... rt, ,...., ! l,nrt
for tho substantial evidences of my
devotion to the cause of justice aud tho
dearest interests of my beloved country, as
among tho loved reminiscences of my life.
Mr. Speaker, here in tho halls of legis
lation, iu front of that chair hallowed by
tho once occ.ipancy of John Hancock, in
which ho was seated when ho appended his
Cumberland arrived there before tho navy
yard was taken. I had no doubt of the
safety of the yard. I tool: tho precaution
to send a very capablo and faithful officer
of tho navy, Capt. Powell, upon a secret
mission to tho yard, to confer with tho vet
eran officer, Commodore McCauloy, who
win in command thero, and to sec that
nothing waa wanting to secure its safety,
name to tuo unpcnsuaoio ueeianu.ou , ( . satiafactory to
Independences shadowed by the wings 1 wM awnro thnt a consklcl.ablc
of tho American haglc, ami arounU wlucu . f , Soua(ir0n and naval
j. .- 4
foree at homo could be called in aid,
circle the Hallowed stars anu stripes, 1 1
now pledge tho renewal of my fidelity in
support of my constitutional obligations.
This can only bo douo by fairly meeting
every question and assuming a portion of
its leaitimato responsibilities. I shall
therefore, record my voto in favor of tho
bill, entitled "An act to repeal an act for
the commutation of tonnago duties."
From Harrisburg Personal
Liberty Bill.
Tho "unknown" correspondent of the
Philadelphia Journal writes as lollows
from Ilarriiburg on tho -ith of March :
"Mr. Tate offered a bill -yesterday,
which proposes to repeal tho sixty-seventh
and sixty-ninth sections of tho penal codo
of tho croat corporation known as .tho
Pennsylvania railroad company. And
that was only the iuitiativo in tho gigantic
swiudlc upon the tax payers of Pcnusyl
vania, over eight thousand dollars of whioh
sum is paid annually by Columbia county,
Millions upon millions ir.oro of the peoplo's
money ,now and hcrcafter,will bo diverted
J'rom its legitimate channel, and, as a so
quenco, be applied in aid of this soulless
corporation for the oppression of our suff.
cring fellow citizens.
Mr. Speaker, I am hero to defend, to
tho best of my poor ability, tho interests
of tho honest pooplo of tho country.
Amongst thoso, I am happy to class my
imuicdiato constituents, tho people of Co
lumbia and Montour. And my colleaguo,
(Mr. Tutton,) has tho ability, and I doubt
not will promptly vindioato tho honor of
tho people of Wyoming and Sullivan.
Sir, Iihall not stop hero to urguo tho
constitutionality of tho repeal of an admit
odly unjust and injurious act of legislation. from tho stand-point of com
mon sonso, aud acting, in accord anco with
tho unmistakcablo tono of publio opinion
at homo and abroad I am at a loss to
ccnccivo how any gentleman hero can for
a moment hesitato giving this net, which is
intouded to repeal tho act of last session,
his unconditional support. Legal gontle
mcn hero who have labored so assiduously
to clog its pnssago, by constitutional .tech
nicalities, with au ingenuity deserving a
bettor causo, had belter, in tho judgment
of chanty, divost it of its vorbiage, and
ccaso tho attempt to further thwart publio
sentiment and defeat common justice
Early in tho mssien, my cstimablo fricud
from Philadelphia, (Mr. Dennis) inquired
who demanded tho repoal of this bill
should occasion require it. Tho Home
Squadron was unusually largo. It con
sisted of tho Powhatan, Sabine, Brooklyn,
St. Louis, Pociihoutas Pawnee, Mohawk,
Water Witch, Wyandotte, Crusader,
Cumberland, Macedonian, Supply most
of them steamships. Tho sloop of war
Plymouth, tho practice ship, was in con
dition at Norfolk.
Tho ptoamcr Auacosta was in commiss
ion at Washington. Tho frigate Consti
tution, having been thoroughly repaired,
was anchored at Annapolis, in aid of tho
Navy Academy. The groat steamships
Colorado, Minnesota and Mississippi, at
Boston, and the Wabash at New York, had
been thoroughly repaired and secured, and
could bo put to sea in two weeks ; tho
Sho was then at Portsmouth, N. II,, roady
for sea, with her officers and men on board,
carrying 22 guns. On tho Oth of Janu
ary I ordered tho frigate Sabine to Pcn
sacola. The order was given on that day.
She was at Vera Oruz, aud carried CO
guns. On tho 8th of January 1 issued an
order to tho Crusader, at Pcnsacola, whero
oho had gono for repairs, to proceed to
Tortugas, and on tho arrival of tho troops
which had been sent thcro, to return im
mediately ta Pcnsacola.
On tho 3d of January I issued au order
to Commodoro Armstrong, then in com
mand of tho navy yard at Pcnsacola,
prompting him to bo vigilant to protect tho
publio property, and to cq-opcrate with
Fort Baraucas. Tho order was .received
by him on tho 8th of January. On tho
12th he surrendered the navy yard to a
regiment of armed men, whq demanded it
in the name of tho State of Florida. For
this ho was tried and condemned by court-
martial. After tho surrender of tho navy
yard, tho great object was to defend Fort
Pickens. Tho Sabine, St. Louis and AIa
ccdoniau woro there. Tho fctoamcr Wy
andotte, carrying five guns, was thero do
ing effectivo service. Tho storoship Sup
ply was thero doing good service, and was
ordered to remain there.
The Brooklyn carrying twenty-five guns
was ordered thcro with a company from
Fortress Monroo. Sho arrived thcro ear
ly in February. Tho Supply left Pcnsa.
cola with prisoners and the families of of
ficers from New York, in violation of her
orders,for which her commander was tried
aud condemned by cout martial. Tho Cru
sader missed her orders. When tho
lirooklyu, the Sabine, the Maccdonian,thc
St. Louis and tho Wyandotte wcro lying
behind J?ensacola, thcro being a larger
force than was necessary, tho St. Louis,
whoso term cf service had expired, was
ordered to New York.
Whether her orders had reached her on
the 4th of March I am not able to say.
The fleet before Fort Pickens could havo
thrown' 000 men iuto tho Fort, without in
eluding tho company from Fortress Mon
This evidence, so direct and given with
so much detail, naming, oven, tho vessels
of tho homo squadron, and the vessels scut
to Southern ports for the purposo of pro
ttctiug the National property, most com
pletely refutes tho charge) mado by Sena-
Many officers and men, having only
slight wounds, having returned to their
regiments, and many officers havo not yet
reported, being in private quarters ; honco
tho list is not yet complete.
Captain Numau, of tho Twenty-third
Virginia Volunteers, and of Frederick,
Maryland, dkd this morning, after having
his leg amputated.
Wountlul Private Henry Striklcr ;
Corporal Penrose Chadwick; Scrgt Frauk
lin Ilanslor; Corporal J nollcnbcck, Pri
vates John Brooks, D Roberts, W Cassidy
Sorgcants Hugh Smith, S White; Privates
M Young, Robert Taylor; Sergt Chas W
Curry; Privates Wm Grimes, M Turnoy,
Win Gallagher, J A Pinkcrton, Joseph
Ledger, J Corr, Wm Looser, R S Barr,
Robert Johnson, Cornelius D Bower, Wm
Ililloman, David Lano, Thos Barnhill, Wm
McCarthy, Wm Prosscr, John Prosser,
Robt Noonan,D Roberts, John D Baker,
J L Wheeler, Norman Striker, Thomas C
Fowler, Albert Fitz Harris, W II Cassidy
Charles Mummy; Corporal J. M. Price.
James 0 Sectors.
"If .
Thes3 section havo hcrctoforo bcou regar
ded as tho Personal Liberty Acts of Pcnn
cvlvauia. The bill of course will encounter Roanoko, in dock at New York, in five or
a violent opposition from thoso who ex-1 six weeks. Of tho cbovo vessels, consti
press so much sympathy for tho negro, tuting tho ready naval force at homo, fifteen
and wo may look for a kind of spread eagle j aro steamers. It was equal to any cmor
display in its discussion. The passago of gonoy likely to ariso. It could not havo
these personal liberty bills by many of tho I been greater without withdrawing or orip-
Northorn States, is ono of tho worst pling tho squadrons on foreign stations
Dead Philip P Croft, John Ferguson,
John Dawson, Joseph Cooper, Lei-
Hounded Adjutant John Whipple, C
F Horn, James Vallanco, Hopkins,
John Foreman, Samuel Evcrly, Wm Ram
soy, John Martin, David Price, Wm II
College, A Kimlin, Theodore Rockery,
David C Baker, S Kimlcy, Corporal John
Murphy; Privates Thomas Mollvain, Da
vid Garden, John B Albert, William
Courage, Michael Laoock, William Rob
ots, John Borden, 'Jacob R Hooper, Da
vid Brown, 0 Sloan, Sorgcaut Samuel
McCunc; Privates John Nettle, Ira Horn,
D S Baker; Sergeant Wm P Ramsey;
Privates Thos Glostcr, John 0 Dorman,
John Dougherty, Holland
Tho following, as near as can bo ascer
taiucd at present, aro tho numbers of tho
wouuded in tho battle on Sunday : In the
Sevonth Ohio, 45 Twcuty-niuth Ohio, 3 ;
Fifth Ohio, 10; Sixty-uiuth Ohio, 24;
Eighth Ohio, 10; Seventh Indiana, 11
Thirteenth Indiana, 12; Fourteenth Iudi
ana 12; Eighty Fourth Pennsylvania, 40;
One-hundred and-tonth Pennsylvania, 30
Firtt Virginia, Loyal, G; Twenty-eighth
tor Sumner, aud tho hundreds of other i New York, 1; First Ohio battery, 1
Cougralulationsofilio Secretary of H'ar
Washington, March 20. Tho follow
ing di?patph was telegraphed to Gen.
Shields to-day
War Dopartmont,
Washington, March 20, 1802. J
Brig Gen Shields Your two dispatohoi
relating to tho brilliant achievement of tho
forces under 'your command havo been
While rejoicing at tho success of your
troops, deep commiseration and sympathy
aro felt for thoso who havo been victimq
in tho gallant and victorious contest witbj
treason and rebellion,
Your wounds, as well aa your succes,
provo that Lander's bravo division is still
bravely led, and thai wherover its stand
ard is displayed tho rebels will bo routed
and pursued.
To you, and to tho officers aud soldiers
under your command, tho D(epartmenf re
turns its thank3. (Signed)
Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary cf War.
iaii '
Gen. Shields' Order.
IIeadquauters or Shields' Division 1
Winchester, March 20. (
General Order, i7o. 1 1.
Brigadior General Shields congratu
lates the officers and soldiers of his Divis
ion upon the glorious victory achieved by
thorn cu .ho 23d iasi., near Winchester,
They defeated an cnepiy whoso forcca
outnumbered theirs, and who were consid
ered the bravest aad and best disciplined
of tho Confederate army.
llo also congratulates tucm tuat it has
fallen to their lot to open tho campaign, on
the Potomac. Tho opening has been a
splendid success. Let them insoriba
"Winchester" upon their banners, anl
prepare for other victories.
(Jen. lJan!is' general Order.
The following is Major Gen Banks' gen
eral order relative to tho batt'lo cf Sun
day :
Headquarters of the Fifth Corps, i
SiUASBuna, March'20.
The Commanding General of tho Fifth
Aimy Corps congratulates the officers and
soldiers of Gen. Bhiclds' Division, and es
pecially its gallant commander, on the au
spicious and decisivo victory gained over
the rebels on tho 23d inst.
Tho division has already achieved re
nown against the suporior forcos of a sub
tlo and barbarous enemy. N. P. Banks.
of a similar character made
through the columns of tho Republican
It may not be improper to state iu this
connection, another important fact. Af
ter the election of Mr. Lincoln to the Pres
idency, iu November, 1800, only two na
tional vessels wore sent abroad. Ono of
theso was the Saratoga sent to tho coast of
Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania, 1; Fifth Con
nccticut, 2; Third Wisconsin, 1.
The Killed .Tho list of killed have not
yet been received, but tho number is be
lieved to have reached ono huudrcd and
ouu loss.
features in their legislative history. I say
this, not becauso tho negro is involved in
tho qucstiou, but becauso it was tho be
ginning of a system which was to end iu
a complete ignoring of tho Acts of Con
gress, and a violation of tho rights of the
people of the Etatcs.
If philanthropy could induce a people
toignoro tho laws, fundamental or statute,
of tho country, ihoro is no tolling to what
oxtcnt rascality in tho shape of humanity
would induco them to go. On 0 violation,
however laudable, will induco anothcr.aud
that ono other, until at last tho laws will
bo respected nor oboyed, and if Congress
in the exorciso of thodegislativo power
n it, passes a law, let it not bo iguorcd by
any Stato cuactmonts. It is, so loug as it
remains unrepealed, tho law of tho land,
and must bo oboyed. A pooplo who vio
late law, soon looso their stauding among
tho nations of tho earth. If thoy do not
respect their own laws, they cannot expect
other pcoplo to respect them of their laws.
Rebclliou always arises from tho encroach
incuts of tho powerful on tho rights cf tho
weak, and from tho inauguration of doo
triues at variance with tho laws of our
government. Lot us first placo oursolves
right ou tho record, and then mako all
others do tho same thing.
Dcmooratio Victories in York.
David Small Esq., editor of tho Uazoltc,
was elected Ohioi Burgoss of tho borough
and neglecting the protection of our com
nierco and our citizens in foreign part.
Tho Mediterranean Squadron cousi.sting
of but three ships ; tho Brazil Squadron
of thrco ships only ; tho East India Squad
ron of four ships only ; the Paoifio of six
only, for tho wholo coast of North, South
and Central Amorica; tho African Squad
ron of seven vessels, being somewhat
less than required by'our treaty with Great
Thero woro at tho navy yards eight old
returned. And tho preparatory ordors
for these changes were given in the month
of September previous.
This evidence, officially drawn out by
tho Republican investigating committeo,
completely refute the charges mado against
Gov. Toueey. Indeed, it does more. It
shows that ho actually placed vessels,
(which ho has been charged with having
" 1 ..... ,. ,n.
ships of-the-line, not fit for sea service, sent to loreign countries,; aoumern
which might bo converted into effective P-'s to aid in protecting national proper
steam frigates, as 1 recommended in my ty- Xcvcr was there a moro complete rcf
cutiual ronort of Deo. 1. 1800. Thcro utation of slander than appeals in thisccEO
Gut cf 300 men cugaged in tho Eighty
fourth Pcnnsvlv.'inia. tweutv-six wero
Africa, to keep up the number of guns , aml cigUty?t'lirco nded. Colonel
there required by tho treaty with Great Murray m loading tWg gallant corp3 for.
Britain. Sho supplied the placo of tho ) ward) aU(j nmny oer dashing officers
Marion, which had been ordered homo.- I mn km or woundcd. Tho Fifth and
Tho other was tho Vandalia, tont to tho Ki hth 0hio Bharcd tho glory and tho lc5.
Awn mines, mpitccottnc Joiiu Atlanta, scs with tho Eichtv-fourth.and tho Third
of slander against Gov. Touccy.-Times.
t..'i.iti"rj "iov "1 )t'"i
- 1 I Ol AUia, V -tiVt.J MT .M..JW..VJ
Wt..-. .nnn llm rtvn.n..c nil rY li rt nn mil A All ' - rt . . 1 -.. .1 mn
11 uwu una iuu k.j,ivivi. w. i t w 1 -jQ yOvCa. U. 13 IUU tSUUOllU UU1UI XUl-
tho subject ? and what was tho ovidcuco of ire 3 oloctod by tho Democracy of that
their de-ircs for tho ropcal 1 IIu aided, Borough, in a period of 'W yours.
wcro also five frigates out of ropair, which
I also recemmonded should l o razcod and
oonvortcd iuto effectivo eloops-of-war.
Both theso wcro recommended by n board Levels of the Atlantic and Pa
of naval officers, but Cougress did not cine The popular notion which had so
mako tho neces'sarv appropriation. Thcro long provailcd, that tho Atlantic Ocean
woro also six sloops-of-war, whioh had was many feet h'ghcr than tho Pacific at
within a few months previous returned 1 tho Isthmus of Pauama has been formal,
from thoir regular cruises on tho coasts of I ly exploded. Colonol Tottcn has deoided,
Africa aud South Amorica 'aud tho East ! after a series of careful tidal observations
aud West Indies, lying at uavy yards, ! taken at Panama and Aspinwall Hay, and
which miebt havo been repaired but tho connected by accurate levels along tho
department had not tho means. Congress U110 ot rauroau, tuat tno mean ncigiuu 01
had out dowu tho appropriations for tho j tho two oceans is exactly tho same ; al
current vcar a million dollars bolow tho , though owing to tho difforenco iu tho ruo
estimates, not anticipating tho necessity ', of tho tido of both places, thcro aro, of
which subscouontlv occurrod. course, tunes hon one of tho oceans is
I had no information that tho navv yard ' higher or lower than tho other ; but their
at Pcnsacola was iu any Wo;or ,iu tho ' meau level, that is to say, their height at
month of December, 1800, "ouu b'egan ' half tido, is now provod to ho precisely the
tlion to tato measures cf fcixcautiou. Ou 1 tsume. Hunt a mennam s Magazine,
Virginia Rcciinent also suffered. Lieuten
ant Colouol Thoburn, commanding this
,oorps, was severely wounded loading it
forward to the last charge,
jr,oss or the enemy.
On their side, tho Fourth and Fifth
Virginia Rogimcuts differed the most.
Tho former was terribly decimated. Sov
oral attempts to rally tho right wing failed,
and, to add to the confusion, tho Irish
battalion of a hundred and fifty men, when
brought forward and ordorcd to fire upon
tho Union troops, refused to firo, and 1
obol regiment immediately drovo this gal
ant little band forward, but could not
compel them to firo upon tho Union army.
Forty corpses of tho huudred and fifty af
torwards strewed tho field,
Meanwhile, tho rcbols gavo way on
their left and center, with a lo3s of seven
mudred killed and vouuded, aud two
huudred and thirty b'ix takou prisoners.
Besides theso, about fifteeu hundred mus
kets wcro takou and mauy other valuable
trophies. Our loss docs not exoedo ouo
huudced killed and thrco hundred wouud
Tho roar of tho musketry and tho can
non was incessant for several hours, and
particularly between two and six o'clock
P. M. Tho rebels withdrew under cover of
uight in Bomo coufutiou, and retreated
about four miles towards fctmburg.
Why the Difference ? The first filing
that has been heard of Hannibal Hamlin
since his election as Vico President of this
country, was his evacuation of his scat as
tho presiding officer of the U. S. Senate,
for tho purpeso cf coming forward to tako
by tho baud and welcome on the floor of
tho Senate Wendell Phillips, tho chief
Diiunionis t of the North.
Hamlin evidently has not forgotten the
words of Philips iu 1850, as follow :
"There is merit iu tho Republican par
ty. It is tho first sectional party over or
ganized in the country. It is the North
arrayed against tho faoutu. Ihourst eracl:
in the iceberg is visible. You will yet
hear it go with a crash through tho centre."
This is tho man who is welcomed with
distinguished and very unusual marks cf
honor by tho Vice President.
Wm. L. Yanoy, tho leader of tho B12-
unicnists South, has bcon captured and
confined, autl may bo shot. Why is Phll-
ps, tho leader of tho Disumouists, Nortt,
....-I .t:ri 1 n ti 1 1
treated differently ? Can anybody tell !
Reeuling Gazelle and Democrat.
JSSyThonvcs J. MoCamant, Esq., has
become editor of tho Pottsvillo Democratic
Standard. Ho is a forcible and ready
writer, and a fearlsss Dcinoorat, who does
not hesitato to "speak his thoughts" in tho
faco of all tho threats and maledictions
with which tho ultra partisan adherents
of the present administration attempt to
obstruct the exorciso of tho constitutional
guarantees of free speech and freo press.
Wo wcleomo him into tuo editorial ranks,
and hope ho may cseapo tho co inmon C2
poriuneo of conductors of political journals
that they pursuo a a profitless and thauk
less calling. Thero very for of theni
that will uot find thoir history truly told
iu Dr. Franklin's well known fablo of "the.
Boy who turned tho Grindstone."
"IlArpy MAtmiAQEa.'' Mahcmot,
when only twenty-fivo yoars of age, mar
ned a wuo ol lorty ; bnakspaarc't. Ann
Hathwav was seven veers his senior 5 Dr.
Johnston's lady was twice his ago at their
marnago; Howard tuo juuiantliropi3t, at
twenty-fivo, selected a wifo of fifty-two ;
and Mrs. Row, tho authoress, was fifteen
years tho senior of her husband; Margaret
Fuller married tho Count D'Ossolf, tea
yuavs youngor than hersolf, and tho im
mortal Jcnuy Lind in said to bo eight or
tcu years older than hur Otto Goldschmidt.
And tho.Q wera what are called "hpp7
i i',timi,. s';.rwrwwgr:tsTTiTOT