m3 1 Cultunlmt Uetmuu'd John U. Freeze, Local Editor. SATU11DA1' MOHNINO, MARCH 29, 103. W Ojr outldo has some Interesting correspondence: fr jiii the army. Wu nlsu call nUciitlan to llio cutira matter on our first page. :o: LJ (ioinirnl Eurnsldo Promoted. Urlgndlcr Clcuaral llurnsldo lias been continued 119 n 3tnJor lieiieral of Vol. untccrs, tin lionor lia lias richly earned. 57" Arthur's Homo .Mngnzlne for April Is n very fine mid readable uuinbsr, It Is nlwnys neatly printed, on - good paper, nml made up of plcuannlnnd Instructive or- Helen, -:o:- tr" lion. I'h.ules J. lllddla 31, O.has our lhanka for Congressional favor'". Ills apeooli, published hut wook ha b.iuii rocclvod with goimral fnvor and upplauio, :o: 67" Wo understand thattha largo brick Htoro llouaa building, bel'iliglnj to Wilson Alter, Situated In tlio vil lage of Uohrsti'irff In this county, wa toto'ly destroyed by tiro on In i Saturday. Wo lmvo not I.-arnad tho par llculnra. ST" Tho Continental monthly fur April has been re "lived, tinting He nntiaontlng and nvurllnwlng tilggcr jsni, It la ron hiblo-wo moan an article or two In each number, not on that subject. JO! r- K7 It aooma that Ynitcy wns not captured after all. Jt la much tn Id regretted. Wo know of no man whose t nrso has hiiou lots oxcusablo, or whoso abilities and n.idrcja liavo made I1I111 more dangerous. If lie had liacl n proper respect for hi neck Ini would have staid in Lnglatwl. The Aaath wilt noon I11 too hut for hint. :o: 17- Wo observe thnl Sir. A. 31. Smith, well Known to alt traveler Enough the Uorougli or .Muncy, has left ill .Muncy hotel , and has taken the ''Union Hotel" in thu til. 11. town, l.uuly kept by Win. Johnson doronaud Mr. ei.aith hieps n first rata House, lu our certain Knowledge, amine advUa ull our friends to givo him a '-.n! i-lioii lining to flluncy. font forget tu atop at the Ilftcl." -:o: U An.'.raw Juhtiaon, lately appointed Oovctrnor of T-innesaee, in a r '. .Mil speech, mid : "I am n D.niocrnt now ; I linvn been one nil my life : I expect to lieu mid die one ; and tho turner itonu ofiuy D.;uidciuc) rost upon the enduiing basis ol'lh.i Union. 1l iiuivratH m.iy come and go, bin they iw.tr .lull di vert me I101.1 the polar alar by whiih I Imvu been guided irom iinly lifj - me great principles of IJcmocraiy up . 11 whu h this goycriiiiient lests, .111,1 which euniiut hi curried oat without tile prcscivatloii 1.1 thu Union of thoso ritaies." , CP In tie ltlioda Island Ho iao of Assembly, a propo sition lu e.t..nd to ndoptad eili..ns equal rigliu with natives, was recently r.jectBd, every vote ngalmt it coming from ltepubllcaus. Know Nothingiain "tiill IIvim." Ton ign b un citizens up-earnestly lulled upon to cnliel t.i tljjht in defence of our institutions but the Ui'piiblicans refuse to them thu rights they ask Hum to light fir 1 I th-ro, or was there uver, anytlu ig mean, tr or mora wMi-'d than KnowAothiiitisni f Wo think Ktt. mil -n itb: tlu llcpuMic.inlsm of tb" present day. V. . I'dtrhl. r"-In fenato. Jlarth l?th, .Mr. Jl.unufr Introduceil n lull to Kiiioie all dis'pialifications of CVh r in cm) lug tlM mails.' Simm r .111 1 liia nlggr arc eternally turning up - ir ses nothing, hoars nnlhiug, Knows iiolliiir,' but thu odnroiu AAirim, I In W .111 iibnlitioui' t - thei.t)le of man of which lliu 1. mlbvillu Journal tpcitks in an aiticln we copy to-day Hand and and gluvo with sBcuttioui.l NVauts nigg, rstorarry lliJiiinils,umrn tlii!fmales.M)ii' hold olrico, n.id lw Micially our oqunla. And iiiilesstjioy tan haotht, 1 1 wit, abolition, lin-y "would glailly let ths Union ali'lu" s.iya l'rcittlcu: :o: Vy The llninsbuig coiiespondoi.t of tho 1'ittiLurg Jurat! h, iind.r d lie of .Man h 71 h, it-yu: "Ex tienaior i:i;b.r nia Ij hi . anpc.ii.niro ju th" Hall to day, luri'iinir 1 .urunie-ly well ; o.nuni Ui.i uUn auii ru. i.isiki'd 1I1.it tli ) wiiiii 1 prelt'r l m o him yu tu tin hiiale, lu cither l'oi.uii or Cam:iou. Iluwcuiuiiiiuieii lurv!" (t'o can astur'jthls cnrr-siKindonl that ih? "Keiinhli. ra.ii." lie ri f 1: loure not the only ones who eiileit.nn thi3 iniin suj 1. Til iy are tu ha found w h'-rovcr ih ru i.i a sound a id lo)al lutiit, frse freun uuwoilhy iir.Ju. 1 i.utiijiiti iii jit.viican. :o: 07" lli th !iran.,'i, B nftne Uegi.latur.i l.avo naa.ed a lasidiition tixiui' H(h Itih of Aprilu? iha day fur final f. 'jouruiiicnt. WltDii it wns uuibv coumdoration m tho Senato .Mr. Ali-Clitru urrparKrl to hnvo Hated, "bv ao- . .thmity," that iiiith -r could tho war tits nor thu Congrui.' snuiai iiiiporiioiiuieiit bu attjuiled to this tension. Mr. -McUHru Is chairman of both tits l'iiianco unl Appor tionment (;oniuiilleea of the .Semite. Why tlieso ini- ,portaut measuMs must be postponed a whole year, it lwoulct be hard lor any one unacquainted with the myt- . .wie. ui iiuiuie. 10 leu. :o: Cy Newborn. N'. C Tlii-- rin-o. fi, r , . ..v.. v.en I iliirusido's seccr.t brllllantvlitutv. is ,, mn ,.1...... 4,500 inhabitants, bitunl':,lutthecu!itluenecf tluNuuse an.l lrent iivvrc. Ii ha I, beiore tlio war broko out, a fLlargo trade in luinb r. turn:ntine. tar. nm-1,1 t,ru s. jt is the county seat ofCravcn county With Newbrr.-t rin incir piissesnon, tne tinion troops command ttvoim poitant ri'llroada, olio lUnnini' to I'al,-I"li nml n.ii.i.i... trough, and the other to lJjauf.,rt. V. n. 'i'i, i,,,. .,, now so i.olated fi urn nth. r pails cf North Carolina K that its surreniler, together with Tort Macon, the ,rin Bfipal defenso of its harbor, bjcomoa a militr.ry nccei.i. nenu.ui was neieiiiied by Id. DJU rebels under , 0111. ir-nd of General Hi ant h. -:o: re3"The Atlantle Mnnthlv.-Tbis mnniii,. i,n.. tlinrjil the unfavorablu influence which the war has had lupon lileialuto eoiurnllv. Kineiitlm lu.i.ttniitm .,f.i, , year more than 10.0UJ copies have been added to itsrir". KSRtf1ll.'ltt01i.-n rnuli ... ...... t. u. ...iw iiisiiij' nuiMaciorv to its goiiduetors iiti.l gratlOius to tho lovers of literature. j;..u eunuuciors 01 tiiu Atlantic accept this fact, iu iivyll ns the unanimous verdict of tlu Sinoutlis past, as an assurance tli-it ih..ir ,,.,.....;.,.. (freacIiU a point of cvcelleLeo which it has never before Bfntt.lliieil. 'I'lli.v e 111 .in, l.M.-.r..... , . miw ' .I , j-aiiKu 111 ineir cnorts ahls account, hut will coiistanlly strive to admucu minim-, nirenay esiauiimoii. 'lu mis cud they will tho s.nne oath which lias t.i ti I v- In r,,ii,.....i through which tho Atlantic has bL-en Iml in ,nri.' oi.,l accept.." -i; Thu same thoughtful and patriotic it.. ..I papim,, irom tlie lust tiro.o writers, will oon- . to lellj ho . nil,! iMrMlitt' 10 lia ,,,,, , , . hfoets will ovolvo from Ihe cver-alnfiing pluses of muni ma icssoni 01 llle Hour. TIlO two felt Kcy'i ll r.lll.tr..u t. 1.I..I. . r. .I-...I.. . . ... lB .. ...v.. mi. v 01. nniiiy nieu puuile atteiitloU"l'riu'.esor Afanu't- pupul.ir expositions of ,uiScJol"'l, uf Nainral lliktory, and Juuica Uussell Low. 4. B1 " 1 will bo continued each month. """"''"-'ntuiesofextraordinaryiiilere.tliavobeeii provided for the forthcoming numbers, mid the conduc-'-"ilSriiwi" always aoek to present lu tho pages oftho At- Jantic tiiu best und freshest thought upon all topics. ,i4 , ;o. 'v ,t$& Wendell l'hilljpji, a member oftho political firm lWa'0'1'5'' Ilauuan tc Co., is meandering about preach Wigjils abolition disunion sermons Last wcik lio was " -ijWii!p'"n,i,,inSt,'. vwric-ro lie deliveiedn lecluro nt I ho W23ill'ioni'm '"s'"""1. in which wu find tho following! 4Wfow 1 love the CoiiMitutlon, tlioush 1 havo cursed i-?';4u,,,a"l limes, and I h.ill again H it does not mean u!i,,-!!S., lMU' 'a'Tcd nineteen years to take nmi.. ,'tccli Btatos out of tins Union, nod if 1 havo spent nine teen years to tho satisfaction of my 1'untaii conscience, . it Wab lln.su nineteen, -'. , I cursed thu Constitution and tho , Union, on; endeuvorod to brvuk it i and, lhauk (iod, it Jj bjrpkcn." tSjatniutwethinkofao notorious and avowed n (Tildjsuniouist us Hie above declaration proves I'inlllps to ' 3t,f ",,''ro ' punishment for diulunists and te-.-SijIS"1''' "u fiev 110 reason w hy it should nuf. hi mo (tedout iu full to such a man. Thero is no ronton why tho aouthcrn accoslonlsts should bo ronnued iu I'orts Lafayette or Wurren and the northern disuuioiiists not. Wivwant to see Justice done. Let i'hlllipa und his ah . illtioii allies be punished in'lho samo manner as tho ',i.'-,lfficm Ti"'lt. A resolution was oflorud in the House of Itojircaontuilvea oflVnneylvania this wock to Hovlilni the I,eguli.ileo Hall tu lecture In, but with mwendablo patriotism 'he lucinbers rcfusod to pass tj whariiipoii n.-taeiluuon wca oTered IntliJ Seuatoto fgrant linn thu uso of tho Beiintc Hall for that purposo, ,vflilrJi pas., d by a strict party vote. Jf ti e HcpiiLllcan jParty, asa patty la determined tu ully tlcmsflvca Willi (aucliuiiblu.liingUis'jillaiiiatiasriilll.p' d 1 is' -jke jna com i,u,n, j ' e S ;'' KEOEIl'TS FOll FEBRUARY VO THK COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. 1'ho following aro tho receipts to tho oflico oftho Golomiua Demociiat, during tuo montii 01 li'cuiuary, Columbia County 1 ail John ltruncr, II 15 Win, Hialfer, S SO A. J Crawford, 1 in I'oter llrugler, S tit) Hnutncl llrugler, 1 50 1'ri d k. Hghiicr. 4 Jt Columbia County, I 30ramul Reinlcy, 1 1.VII011. Anton llcsa, 1 iHl Col. J, V. Oreswcll, 1 "' Jackson Ocorge, 1 .Vljlidtv. It. Albertsnn, 4 tiuilog. tc Hoc. Dlllco 5 Wl'Unnc. 31 Wllklson, 1 ! ttaimirl Plcller, 0 r.ii'f.ti. ii.....t.: 73 4 15 5H P5 1 (ID 4 Ull 11) (10 1 III) 1 75 4 till ' 1 75 10 75 H 00 1 75 '-' 01) 2 01) 1 12 1 S3 1 75 1 75 1 HI 5i) 5 1)1) liuvvnru iiartmau, famuol 1'rons, llnnrv II. Ktiorr. I Lambert I'ersing, f diaries Allrhael, 1 Josaa l.'ulcinaii, 1 I'.ll Hogart, I Nathan llnniboy, I Thomas Dallmon, . y.eblllun H. ltnliblns. Wm. 1. anion, . Italic rt II. Arthur, lion. Ocii. H. Tullon, C. rrolielli ld, 31. 1). rower & r.ouo, lion. J. Henry Atkins, 4 Ud.John tJ. (lulck, nicliardtnu I.. Wright, 1 WMIIr.im llltlenbcnder, Jacob Deinott, I t). W. A rinsl vntlir joun j. piioiik, rrcdi rick Derr, David llrown, Jr . II. II. IhtUiihciider, llnr I.uubacli, Cliurles Kllnginiin, 2 lMi:,t. of (loo. i: Miller, 1 7fl David Jones, 1 SO Join- KroMor, 'J iuilco. I.. Hhoeinakcr, 1 All JUilah l'urmau, Usi). Ncu) Sl&ocrtiscmcnt ii4 Ncutly, cheaply mid expeditiously priti ted at the office of the CowiMiirA Demociut. NATIONAL MOTEL, (Lato Vhlto Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD I'KltiAUEI.l'UIA. D. 0. faEGllIST PuontiETon. Formerly f'om En6lc Hold Lebanon, Pa. T, V. 1UIOADH, Ci.i-.rk, .Murcli 20, 1(3-12111. TO WJIOil IT MAY CONCEIIN. Whercai I, tho otibjtrihtr, Iinvo ;ivrn tlx several promissory notes. 111111I0 by me, the firft for 53C0.C0 due 1st April IS02 Tlie second, third, fourth nml fifth, be ing each forS300,(iH, ,luo 011 the first day of April lSUS, Hill, IHlonnd IMiO respectively and th.5 sixth being for tli- sum of $400,110, iIiip on tho ilrit ilavsof Airil ltfli". Aml whereas ns I verily believe the said notes were ob tained from me by fraud find the consideration for them has mt' rly filled. Now this is to nntlfynll persons that said notes will not bo paid and therefore they are cm. tioued not to ucgutiate the same1. , , , J ACOII 1). l.tNDi:31UTH. Union township, Schy'lco .March -ii, 18(j2-t",t, KOLLOIK'S IIASDKWOJJ COFFBB. This preparation, made from the hrst Java Coffee, is rccntiimi'inlrd by physician ii- a superior NUTUITI0U8 llljVEIlAfiEforfioiii-ral Debility. Dyspepsia, and all billions disorders. Thousands who have been compell ed to abandon thu mo of coll'-e w 111 uso this without in jurious ell'oct. Otic can contains thu strength of two pounds of ordinary codec. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and best IIAKIN'C I'OWDUIt known, for making light, sweet and nutritious Iliead and cakes. Price 15 cents MAM'rAlTL'IIKI) sv M. H. KOLI.OOK, Ohcmlst, Oorncr ofllroad and Llr stnut Strocts. I'HII.ADEM'ilIA. And sold by nil nruggitta and Orocers. .Match 2'!, HI','.'. K'in. BRIDGE LKTTING. 1 Till! County Comniis-iouers will receive prnnnialaat tlie house. 01 ljid Davis, iu llciner toHiislnp, Itoluui bi.t mi lily, b. twci ii tho hours of 111 A M and one 1" M.on Prlilii) lb.- lib ilny of April ncM, fur buildim; nn open I '. .". '"-'".""V'1"'1 '-rri-ie near 1113 l.'sl- 1 dence oftho said David Dm id. Haid bridiiu to be e5 feit between abulnu'iits. w.illh 111 feet, he-ie-ht 1-J fort from low water mark; tho abutments to bo sis I'ect thick and ( tlu winitwall on upper and linM-r side of Norm abut mint e.u h '.5 feet lung ; tlu wing wall on lower si-'o of bi.iilh abutment II) feel Inim, nint nono required 011 the I upper side. Plan ami specillcatinns can bj tccu on the 11.1v anil place ot letting. Jly order oftho county Cotnniiainners. ,. , it. c rnuiT, t.funiiiihuioners' fiflico ) t.'lcrk. lil.ioiui.burg, .March -.'cUecs j PllOOLAMA-l'ION. WIIIIIUIAH, Hie Hoi. Aako.v K. IVckiiam, rrcildcnt judge of the Court ofoyrr andTerniiner and Cell. rral Jail Delivery. Coutt of tiuaiter K..ssions of the Peace and r.iurt of Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, 111 Hi iMi Judicial District, composed of tho comities of e'lilumbia.lialluiiu cud Wyoming, and tli, ll.iu. John Millf) Holds tetite-pben Ililily.AssiiciateJudgi'soi'i'olum bia en inly, have i.--lh-) the irpn eipt.l, ajmg ,hitu the ,'ith .lay ot lb.e. lu tlie )ear of our l.or I one thoiisniK ei"h Irindre'l and ki.' iy.ime ami to me directed for liuldiini 11 t'o'iit of li). r and Tli Minor and (ion.ral Jail dilncry, lieiieral au.nti r riessioiis of the Peace, t'.iniu.on l'leas and Orphan's Court, iu Jlluoiii.ib'ire, in the county of Columbia, 0.1 tlu lir-t .Monday, (being Hie itht:a)t.f , ..1. 1 i. e iiuijiiiiu vi.i WICI.. Notice I1.I1 nb) .'i.'ii, to the Coionir, the Justin's of t.ie lv.ai-3 and Constables of tlie taid county f t.'i.lumbia Hi it they bu th 'ii and Hutu hi Hi, jr proper parsons nt lu o'cbieu in tl..- forjnnou of said day, Willi tin 11 records, inpiHtin!!.-. und other remembrance to du those thingi. which to their "dices appertain to bu done. And llio-i. that ar-j In und by r. eognuanc -, to proserute nsainst thu prisoni rs tli..t are or may be 111 thu Jail of said county ot Columbia to be then and there to prosecute them as shall lis just. Jur'T.-. are requested to be puiiitualin their nt teudaiii'O, .1cree.1l.ly to their notices. Datud ut lllooins. I"' rs. the Silih day of .Marih, in the yuir ofour Lord one tll'an.l ebtlt ilUllilrOd Olid MXte.nin.. ...u,l in 11. n ...l.te- slxtli year of the Dub iiendenco of th United Utatet of eineriea. tiiuu sau me i;oiniuiu,'.weallh.) ., ,, JOs'IAH 11. rCU3IAN, Hicrid'a Odlce. j kh'n!T nioonnlmrg, .March 29, ISn'J ) " GHAND JUllOllS, TOR 3IAY TERM, 1S02. Illonm-John I'urael, sr., Montgomery Kline, Andrew Crovcliug. Heaver -('brUtim r'huninn. ivutoii Clijali il'itie. Mriari'reek John w'. Hownian. ilor. Ilurick -Tniviisnnd llooue. Cattawis "i-J.ilm Hhuplos', Daniel C. Coarliart. Hemlock Jehu llruglor. Jnckrnu l'rederick, Wile, KobcrtE.lgar. I,ocust-Wni. r,ee, David L. Ilelwlg, Keubcn rabringer jr , llonjniiiin Wagner. .Mount I'leutaut-q'liomas J. Wcltlvcr. -Madison-Jacob Swisher, Henry C. .Mills, Orange-John lleriing. I'iiie-Jelin I.t re, Albert Hunter, ttcott-l'et 'r Ent, Lnoch llowoll. -March UH, liioi'. TKAVEHSE JUHOltS. ron MAY tekm, 18G2. Ilor. Kern-ick Henry C. I'rcas. Illontn l'cler llillineyer, (ieorge Weaver. lltiarcreek-Jiihu lVster, jr. Jeu Illank, ; Kn.08 I. Adams. Joseph Htaclihouse. Heaver Jacob Harriger, 1'elerEckronth. ..el..,,., rfLuii teii.iui.-, vvu-xanuer iOiiey. Cau iwitsa--JoLu Ilittci.(ieorgor.tricleer, William l'arr. Centre John, Hill Paul Zuner. I I'raiiklin Washington parr, Aaron I.ninbertson. I 1 ishingcreek Ulias I'ealet, Henry llittenhender. (.reeiiwood Jesse Ileucock, Nicholas Cole, John 31. 1 Parker. 1 HouiMck-lliMiben nomboy, tfanuicl Ohl, Ilenjamiit Wil- Lucutt--lleiiry I'uh'ringcr, Jacob Aliller, David Hauck, .Mirhael How er. Miiilin -Stephen Achcnbach, J0I111 It, Voho, Honry An- .Madison ynlcHtine Christian, Thomas A. Funiton, Jolin 1 ruit.Jr. . .Montour Lewis Hoot, drier Quirk. Or.ingo-Jes-1. Coleman.l'eter f. Kline, Hlrnm II, lilino II n.n rl i.n. r.il.- I In. .1 ..... I II....-I. " e. v ..e.ij.i.t.iit , ,i,iii;iv. buenilnnl- William .Masteller, Ullas CcH) Oecrga lloss, fcott t'hettcr C. .Mnrr, Haniuel Kressler. Mutch 20, 2:li.'. FRESH A R 11 IV A L -or- ' -I'OU- SPRING 11 WM ! "J I'I'1Jil!l"ralgnpd, grateful for past patronage, respect 3 lullv iiifutnii hlsrustuiiiurs and the piihlicgnncrnHy , . "---rf.--- . ..wu. ,uu ...t.euinu cities, ill largest und most select stock of SPRING AND SUMMER 'i'hnl has yst been njicnrd iu lllnoinl,urg, in which ho int ites the alteniiou of liia friends, and atnircs tl.em lliiit lliey aro nll'ercd for salo ta grout bargaiua. ilia Slock comprise u large assortment of UENTLU.MEN'S WEAR I NO APPAREL, Confuting nt i'isiiinNiiu.K Dness Coats, nf every dee. rriptlmii I'.tnta, Vct, Hhirta, Cravats Stocks, Cotton jwiiur.eieiiieio, uiu us, nuspeilUCIB, CCC, GOLD WATCHES A N I) . JEWEL11Y, Of every d'uciiptlon, fino and cheap. N, II. Remember " J.ovialnrg'a Chmp Emporium." call and ace No cbcrgo for txuming Goods. tl win i nnuiuiii'iin I Illoontabutg, Match 2!, I 'd, MuelcoU) Special Notices. $251 EMPLOYMENT! $751 AOHNTS WANTHDI Wo will pay from SJ5 to 875 per month, and all oxpon set, to nctlvo Agents, or give a commission. Pnrtlculjra sontfrco, Address Kiiik Hewiko .MAilli.ia CoMrANV, It. JA3It:H, (lonoral Agent, Milan, Ohio. Aug. II, leill.-IHin. A 8 II I O N A n L E O Ii O T II I H O roa V ALL. Tho old-established WHITE HAM, CI.OTIHNU IlAZAAfl, r.t the southwest corner of romiTII AND 3IAIIKET HTRUnTS, la now prcjinrcd with n rUI.ti HTOCK 01' PASIIIOMAUM: ItllADY MA III! CLOTHING I'Oll I'AI.I, AND WINTl'.H WIlAlt. nt prices which cliallengo competition, rnrtlcular attention given toCu.toincrWork, Offlcara Uniforms, also Homo Ouards' Fults,A;c. WHITE HAM, CI.OTI11NO IM.AAU. Southwest corner of rOUHTII AMI) MAlllUVr BTIIEI3T8. I'ETEU S. M2VICIC, rroprlctor. Nov. 10, 1301. (.May 1, 1601 12m.) E5- THOMAS W. 3IATTSON, llecelvod tho Prim Medal at tho Woild's Fair In London 1P2I. forq'UIIN'kil I CAliri'.T 1IAOS, Hoots, shoos and (Juun. Oreut Induce. I ments nro now olfercd to purchasers of tho nbovenrli. ties, Tills la much the largest stock of trunks, Carpet I !..... lnlln f. - 1.. tll.l,.. .l..l..,.. ........ , e .i.iki . hi lees, h.u., iii i n im.iv i iu.i ve I y eneup lor cnsil No. Wi .Market Street, una door above 4th, i'unfA side Unlformltv of Frlcos I A Now Teatorn In lliiainnu Every ono hia own Salesman I JONES ii CO. of thu Creseiit Ono Pricu Clothing Store, No. 504 Market atrcu uouvo j?xiii, I'uiiaueipuia. In addition to having tho largest, most varied and fnshlonablo stock of Clothing iu Philadelphia, mado ex- prossly for retnll nileshavu couslltuted every one his ...... .......... .I.I..HB ....iiieeu in ugun-i, nn uacii in- ..b.u .i. .... ti y iiine-M (ineril eiui uu BOHI lor BO llley e.niiiui Misfioiy vary an musi uuy niiKC. Thu goods nro well sponged and prepared, and great pains taken w ith the making so that all can.buy w Iti. tho nil iraiuaii(,Ti u, KUiuiiij u Siiuu UTUCIU III Very WW est tiric". Also, n large stock ofpieco goods on hand.of thu latent stylo und best nualitlei, which will be mado to order, in the most fashlounblu and best iu tier cent., hclow crjilltiirlres. smonnuiu and best iiiaiincr, 85 Hoinciiibcr the Crescent, in.Market.nbovo Sixth Street I". 201. JONKS&CO. -Mtt.tTAUV UwronKs. Thero Is, perhaps, no depart tnent of military business In whlrh thero haa been a more marked improvement than iu the clothing of bo. illors. Not many years' since oilicers mid privates w ere clad In garments w hich were olniot skin-tight. They wore leather stocks, which weru worthy oftho name, for they kept tin1 wearer in tribulation ; while their padded ' breasts nml tight sleeves made volition n matter ofgreat I difficulty. During the present war, such of our volun teers as procure- their uniforms nt the Drown Stone Clothing llnll of liockhlll & Wilson, Nos. 0(I3 and 005 Ch"stnul street, above Sixth Philadelphia, obtain clo thing that is perfectly easy, substantial and bucoininc. ' 'Pile fl riii named havo gone largely into tlie bilsiuoss of making .Military Clothing, and their facilities cnablo them to fill the largest ordor In the shortest possible tiiiu. Sept. SI, 1631 NOTICE. NOTICE i hereby given that Lafayclto Erwin, con. victed at the l.-ut rehmary Session of Columbiu county, of Iligamy on w hirli conviction he was sentenced to the Uastern Penitentiary fur the term of thirteen month', Intends to make nn application to His Excellency the Governor of thu Coiinnunwealtli for a pardon. LAFAYETTE EllWIN. March 2J, ld02. Sv. I'lllSIUlCTII &, lUlOTIlKHS. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER? R.J05, NORTH TlHItl) STltEKT I' lyo door sbel ow Itur c. PHILADELPHIA ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Skulls, ntcensid. ' VI O PICE is hereby given that letters of administration 1N untlio estate of Samuel Shullz, lato of Sugar loaf township, Columbia county, deceased, have been i granted by the ltegiater of said tounly to the undersign od, wiio resides iu l.etitou township (.uluinbia co. All! persons having claims or demands against the estntu of tho decedent arc requerted to present them for settlc mcat, uud luoi-o indeUed tv luako luymeui wilhoul de lay. SAMUEL II. SHULT. 3Iarch IS, If02-Ct. Mm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Eitalc of William Ellis, deceased, NOTICE is hereby given that letters of adniinistra Hon on the estate of William Ellis.lato of Madison township, Columbia county, deceased h.no beci' granti d by i 1 1 : Register of said county to Andrew Ellis of iMontour County, ami John 1). Ellin of Columbia coun ty; all persons having claims or demands against tint estate of the decedent aie ic.mcutcd to present them for settlement, and tboso indebted to make" jiayment wut delay.. JOHN 1). ELLIS. Jlarrh 15, JF02.-fii Aiar's. fiEoat :hei1 'JLlv.'im i'nr ssi!e. A Canal Hunt with two Horses, and entire futures, in running order.will bu suld low ami uu reasiunble tcrnw, Al'I'ly t' JOHN O. I'REEZE. illoomsburg, .March c1, IfOi, MAKRIAGE. ITS LOVES AND IIA'PE., irii snrrows mill augers, hopes and fears, regro . s&";l"l'l"'K ; 31ANHOOD,liow liist.hmv rertured', the nature, treatment and radical cure ofsper luatnrrheua or nuiiiiu.il weakness; invohiiit.iry ennj ton, sexual debility nnd imp. diluents to marriage gen erally; nen uumuts, consumption, Ills, mental and phy sical inrapaeity, retaining from SELl'-Alll'SE-are ful ly explained in thu MARRIAHE HUIDi;, by W.M, YOl'Nli. ,M. D. This most etraordiiiai) book shniild be in tli o hands of every young nsrson contemplating marriage, ami cu ry man or woman who desires to limit the iminb:r ol their offspring to their nrounistan cca. Every pain, discm. nud acini iiicidcnlal to j until, nrituiity and old age, is fully explained; cvervpartielu of kuun ledge that Jiould bo kflnwji js hero given. His mil ot engravings. In tact, it disiloaes secrets that ev ery one siiould know ; still it is a book that mutt he lucked up, rtii.t not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on tl.j recipt of twenty live cmts in specie or noftago stamps. Adilress DR. W.M. YOUNC, No. 4HS SPRUCE Str. tt. nbovo fourth. Philadelphia. W Al'l'MCTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself un der the caru of any oftln notorious (auacis natlvo or lureigu woo nuvcmze in tins or any ntlier paper, gi t a copy of Dr. Young's book, and read il cartuthj. It will be thu menus of saving jou many a dollar, )0ur health, nud possibly your lifo. DR. YOUNt; can be consulted on any of the diseases describad ill Ills publication, at his ollice, No, 410 SI'RUCE Street, abuve I'oiirth, Philadelphia. Ollice hours from oto 3, daily. March a, ltci -l-.'ni. Public Sale or VALUABLE REAL E S TA TE. IV pursuance of an odcr of the Ojpfcaus' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday the 2dlh day of March inst., at 10 o'clock in thu forenoon, Reuben Tahringcr nnd Jonas t'ettermau Ailiuinlstratnrs itc. , of (Jeorgc l etter man Sii. late of Locust tonuship in said touuty, dc .lu'",.' J'.,i?,,u "uk'' by Vabnc v,inJuc- "I1""""! i vv.... 'ul M 1 .1 .w. U ' "TtkT A. 1A1 U Q E- Xf JL. rd IO I tituate in Lucust towusliipndjniuing lands of John llel lig Sen'r. .Murk Williams, Charles l'ettcrmnn, .Michael llower, .Mordecai Perry deceased, Michael Snyder. Geo, 1'ctterniaii, Jr. Hurmuu Yust, 11. 11. l'ox, Samuel .Mcars auu uiuers couiaiuiiig auout ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN ACRES, about fifty ceres of which is woodland, whereon ate erected u LAUGK FltAaiK 1)VELLIG HOUSE, BANK DARN, CIDER HOUSE, and ojher out Buijdinge and ulatgc Apple Orchard. Also, one other lot of land situate iO samo township adJo)!iiug lauds of Robert Watkius, James Humphrey, Samuel .Mcars and John llcinbold, containing twenty live acres more or less all woodland, Lntu tlc l'st itu osajd deceased, slfjate in the town ship of LucUst uud comity aforesaid, JACOU EYERI.Y, Illoomiburg, .Majch 8, 1862. tVfrU, Terms of Sale made known on day pi Sale. ADMINISTRATOR'S N OTI0E. Estate of Isaac Wagner, deceased. M OTICE Is hereby given that lottca of ailmluistrn. I lion on the cstnto of Isaac Wugner, late of Hemlock township, Columbia comity, deceused, have been grant ed by the Register of said county to Isaac Wagner ol Hemlock township and Dciijamin liomboy of llloom township Columbia co. All persons having claims or demands against the eitatc or the dccciident nro rc"uestad to prosent them ror settlement, and those indebted to make payment without delay. lir.NJA.MIN IIOMIIOY .. . . . ISAAC WAGNER March 1, 1802-fiw. Jsir. NOTICE. ALL persons knowing thcmiclvcalndebud to the tin. derail; tied on book nrcount or othcrwlsa, lire Hereby iivtified to enmo and settle up by tho 1st of Apiil, leCf, or their accounts will he put in the hands of proper offi. ccrs for collection. I mutt havo my nccounta settled, Mill Creek Woolen Factory, j .Mount Pleasant, .March 15, lc-3t j GEORGE VANCE, NEW 1 PALL & WINTER GOODS' PETER ENT j HAH Just rccMvcil from Philadelphia, nil,! is now opening nt the old stand lately occupied liy Alurtx fc l.nl, n splendid nssortment of merchandize, which will bo sold cheap for OASII Oil COUNTRY PRODUCE. ! His 1 stock cniialsls.of Ladies Droaa (looda choicest stylcj and latmt raihlons. ' DllY (IOODH. UUOCMlIHa, I HAIlH-WAItl!, uuiinNR.WAnn, ,;!:".'".-.u'Alti:' iioM.otr-WAiii! .. . . ."OOPS AND SHOES, I HATS AVI) CAIH. I lUlAIIY SIADI! CI.OTHlNtl, JkC. AC. In short rvi-ry thing iisunlly k-rpt in n country toro I ho patronage nfoid friends, and the public general ly, Is resperlfully soi,lluil, 1 Tim highest market price paid for country produce. I Light Street. Dec. 14, 1601. l'1:'l l:U ,iNT I Lackawanna & Eiloonisburcr Itaiirnmi i VXWV? 1 ,?"yn' ?.?.'?'... I'Assr.NOEit 1801, Ll.OW A.t.i.t.u ,, ti, i, ieti. ao i uiii.iiiva: 31 O V I N ( BOUT in Vatiengtr. 5 25 A. 31 o :io anj H.40 0 15 10.00 M O It T II 1.30 I', 31. 5.10 5.13 5.57 g.UOLoavo Leave Hcranton, Kingston IPoomsbtirg Unpen, I'aattnrer. 10.30 A. A! 1.M5 P 31 I UUIIMIIC, Arrive nt Northumberland. ' 31 O V 1 N (l Leave Northumberland. i h Danville " llupert, ' " llloonisbilrg Klugiton 1.13 I'. 3I nrrivo ni scrnntoit, u.uo r. si, 3.10 A Passciieer Tr.lln nlan In.t'n. lI. . r, .,..,,.; , ; . ,., ' nt c..i un, ",f "'""'"iit'vltli t,nln fur New York. II "k ".f,' ! Yf," """' on arrival of Train from N, 3I He- I New tptln i ,, ,'," . ., i , , . ,J1 ,a.,h, 7,?"" '"J ""msburg llallroad connects .Tt.Tia ' rr 'K.'mi- vJi K J?" V? a."J uy,Hlcr Hailroad . i i. . "'eomio poiutu cum points b'o.hVan . and wVst. -"'"aKat.roau.lor &ErieIt! Il"andN?c' K.Xffln J. C.WelN.n7 TUUug V' ,L8,'IJV' ' Nov. 30, ltjiil. 4 Callawissa Hail Road. PASS llUl'EUT STATION. SOUTHWARD 1IOUNJ) TItAINS. Philadelphia & N. Y. 31ail io S " " Express i. , NORTHWARD UOUND TPeAlNS r.iinira .nail -i Niagra Express II V, io,i5 r II ri ii ir ii .'- ll.Mfii.i- AMBHOTYFE, HIOTOGRAPII & MELAIKOIYrE i a i m m v ni AMBHOTYPES, PIIOTOORAPIIS, Jlelainotypes, &c, taken jn Cloudy ns well as Clear cather. Ambiotypco and Daguerreotypes copied and Enlarged. WORTH DANVILLE, FA. Dee. 21, lefll. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Edward Albcrtson, deceased, LETTERS of administration with tho will annexed on the Ennte of Edward Albertnu, lato if lip-on-wood township, in Coluinbiacuunty, dcteascd liave been granted by the Register of Columbia countv to tb' underhigiieil ; ull persons having clalnu iigains'l Uu es tate of the deeetidcnt nro requested to present them to the Adui'r. at his residencu in (ireenwood township, without delay, and nil persons indebted to make pay tnent furthwith. ' ISAAC A. HEWI TT, ,,,..., 'W'a 'est. .March 1, lt'C2-0w. "tDSaflTO "OWES EUDirSQa T AM AQUA, PENN'A. Paasongcrs dine lieru on tlie jiassagu of each Train. II. .1. MERRICK, Propriilor. Tamaqtn, Jan 4, 1BC2. NEW JEWELRY STORE. rplIR undersigned, respe.tfully informs the citirfns of j iiiuoiiiiiiiurg, auu mo puiuic generally, tliat lie ham. tabllkbcd u now Store, on .Mam Street. Illoouisburir. it -Mrs. Lencock's lluilding, where lie oilers for aalo, ot """'"a'" '"nis, a large assortment of- . CLOCKS, WA TC11ES JE JEUELRY Of every nrt, nnd si.e and description. His j,a Hock of Jewelry is compute, including every variety of Ladies nnd (ientleincirs .Mednliona. , ' Vfe 1 I'liuius, i.ncKets, llreastpins, I inger-riugs, cie ,J.'ilJ2 ' to the eiaiuination of which lie invites the pub.ic gensr . ally. I LIT" Ptiirl nttentlnn givnnto repairing Clocks, Walsh es, aitn juweiry, aim an worK warrantcii. W.M. II. DRAKE. lilooiiisburg, .May 1, lcfil If. m S 0 Fj D J .1 c, ii. comer 4,nrd and Dock Streets, I1 JUL A DEL rA I A . Hats made to order, ofnuy Style or Quality at Short Nn.kC, January 41 1600. Cm. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Ihtale of George 1 Milhr, deceased. TVJOTICEls heieby given that letters of Administra 1 t mil on tho estate of Ueuisu P. 3liller, lute of Cen tre township Columbia countv, deceased, hate been granted by the Register of said county to John Wolf, wlioresides iu .Milllin township. All persons ha;n claims or demands against the c&talo of the itecedunt nro reipiestod tu present thorn for aottlemeiit, and thoso indebted to malic payment without delay JOHN WOI.l", Tub. 15, I80J.-r,w, uln'r H. MULLIGAN, IMPORTER OP ALL KINDS OP rsiw sw tm Ww; Ml AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY, No. 4'M North S-.cond Street, AliOVE WILLOW. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. in. m. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Peter Avnlcgatc, deceased. -rOTICi: is hereby given thatlettera of Administration 1. 1 on tno estate ot t'eter Applegatu.latc or Jackson tp r'nli.ml,;. .n.. 1 I.....,, .l 1. . I. .... J -.' '.... - . ' . " .. .V.. inene-K ister or said Cniiniy.to Joshua Robbins. wlio rosidus iu the samu township, All persons havingrlaiins or do mandsagainsttho estate of the dectdsut are requested tu present them for settlement, nnd thoso indebted to make payment without deluy. JOSHUA UOUIIINS. 1'eb. 15. lgG2-ft, Mn'r. N A T 11 ON A COAL OIL I WARRANTED NON EXPLOS1VBI and equal to any KEROSENE. WHY butj nn explosive Oil, when a few centa mote per gajlon wtj ru;hish you with a pcirccl Oil ( Made only by PA. SALT .MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Kcby.2J., Wil, I year. SAPONIFIER T SAPONIFIER ! ! I LTiiiu rtniiii BUAr niAiviiti co ! All Kitchen Crease can be made inlogood SOAP, bu I using SAPONII'IER! 1 tD" DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH POX I 1 HOAP ia easily made with it, ns making a cup or cor j fua .Manufactured only by the Patentees. ' rA. SALT .MANUFACTURING COMPANY. No 157 Walnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. ( Opnottf tv ImuenuencG Hall,) CI I LTPN UT STIl E ET.Ul'.T IV EEN I'll'TH it SIXTH, riiiMiJt.i.riiiJi, WVATT li HEELINGS, .... til ' J'rsprirten. r.oyomber30, 1661, March 13, 1858. I M P O R T A N T ! TO Ihnse whose Subscriptions aro unpaid totha fund ef the "IRON OUARDS," that the Subscription papor will be placed in tha hands of Es.pvru Chcmberliii on the first day or January iiQit -and all persons in nrreara win oe waited vpon by Constable qo;V. liy order or the . Committee, WM. ' EJoomsbtirg, Dec !?, lMl-tf NEAL, Treasurir To Vtitrcy llnta, lloiche. Ut. To Dnlrcii Mice. Molea, and Anti To J)r -ti-ji -lled-Kuas. To Dturof Mollis In Furs, Cloths, Ut. To l),sttvij -.Moiqultooannd l'leas. To Delrvu Insula on Plants and fowls, 71 Dttlro) Imects on Animals, ec' 7Vi Dcalrmj Every form und spetlea of Vermin. Till! "ONLY INrAMiIIlM'. llllMEDIHS KNOWN." Destroycs Instantty EVERY 1'OUM AND SPECIES OF , v m m w i w . Tlm.i Preparations (unllku nil others) am "I ree from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the human family." "Ratsdiinut di'i on the premises." "They come out of their holes tudie." 'They are thu only luf.illiable remedies known." "12 jears and mure established iu New V'otk City." li'ird iy the City Post Officii. Used by the City Prisons and Station Hoou'S. Used by the City Steamer.1, Ships, &c. Used by tho City Hospitals, Alms Houses, &c. Used by tlie City llntels-'Astor'-'St. Nicholasfee. used by the lloardlne llunso. Ut. Jlscd by more than A')cM)l)U Private l'amilici. iiiiecicii untiling; but "Costau's" aitldu knocks thu breath outorUiits, .Mice, Roaches, and lle-d-llngs, uulrk irtlian u can writo it. It is in great demand nil over thu country. Jlcdina ( (latUle. 3IORE OR, UN and provii in Crant County by le'imlii, isiniis nro deslroyd annually this Rat and Insect Kit tor Lancaster ru,. i it..!.! HENRY R. COSTAR-We are celling jour prepara Hons rapidly. Wlicrctur they h tve been used, Rats .Mice, Roaches nnd Vermin disappear rapidly Ecukn J5.Srourr1.il, Diuggjiti, yindsor, Jld. "Oost.tr'a" Eat Eoach, co. Exterminator, "Oostar'a" Costar's" Eed-Eug Exterminator. 'Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Towder, for Insects, &c. Is ioc. 511c. ami fl.liu lloxts, lioi n.ts Attn Eusks, S3ct 4,1 Hi.es for PJautaliiius, Shijis, liuats, Hotels, Uc &.C O A HT I O N 1 1 1 To preveut'the public from being Im posed upon by timricus uud Highly I'irnicims Imitaaons a new JaU'l has been prepared, bearDig ti facsimile or the Proprirtnr's signature, l.xauiimi each bin, bottle, or llk carefully before purchasing, and luks nothing buf'COSTAR'ii." U-7 Sold V.veryiehircby All Wholesale Drugglrts in thu large cities. S'oiuu of the Ulitilcs.ilii A'ciils iii vv YorK- Cilv. Hhelleliu druthers & I llarral, Ri.l.iy u Kitchen Iltxh, Hale .t llnhiiisuii 31 Ward, I'ln-e a i0 .McKisson & Itobbius 1) b llarues tc Co I' C Wells & (-'0 L;elle,.Marsh.t Gardner Hull, Diiun .'c Co Conrad I'm II A I abnehtfink, Hull IM A II .t Diiainla &Co WJ,ie.IeJ Ai ;,J James S Aspiiiwatl. .Morgan & -Mien Hall, Ruckel t t' Tluiiuaa k. Puller P D Orvia AND orut.R;'. i'liiliiik'Ijiliia 5'n. T W Dyntt .t Co Robert i Trench, boeniakcr U Co .1 1 duncaiuik . Co Rich.-.idsi. Co ANDOl'IlERU. AND V, Y Druggists, Orocers, Htorakeepers and Retailor! general ly in all Country Towns Village! in the AT BLOOMSQURG, PA. SOLD BY a. fagen touch, R. Moyer P. P. Lut. And by Hj nruggliia, tjotekccpciannd llttailursgeir ("'.'!; . . , . W Conn ty Denlera ran order na nbnva, or nd(ti sa ; oriters illruct (,"r If Prices, Terms, Jt-c is desiti'd, send for (IHiUJ Circular, 4 giving reduced Piiccsjtn lIENlli' It COST All. I' linclpal pcpot-No. jib Ilroadway-IOppoiile the S( Match 15, iSSSJJJf ett,J SC(V V"V ts- Soemio-ir.woHpecimeusofw ft 'b .Vy' v U a m loll Lock illv",; hftSft a"u ! tlfe 0rDOr 1,33 rCCOmmondad tha entire OVaciltl. itr.it" X !'.,lLt0',ll!-,I,:ii u-i", uc. c.inadas ' tion ofEast Florida n, ImV, .nn1 :ilS"Mr.n.1,l'loJ .". "I.' """'!' "co'' b" ,0 ' 'n.roueh First-Cla.s Coupon Ticket, nnd Emigrant ' m , e c! . VVe 1, Eilernilnators. Wo 'r,ckets ut reduced i'ares, t'u nil the principal puint J I -1 OWll of St. AugUStine SUirCC-s Pi w Si", h. o' " tv Mi'A ,"U No"" ?. AYrA.SP:' ;4- ' . dercd without a fi-ht. the town nnthnrif it,. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL FALL AND WINTER CJOODS, , AT ! MILLER &EYERS. riMIU siihacrlbera havo Just returned from Hie City X Willi another largo and soled usiortiuet of j jV.'iII .jiiiI Winlor isorxh, i nutcli iseil at I'liilndelphl.-i, nt the lowest figure, and n hirli they nro di tetiuliuil to si II on ns moderate terms ns i an be procured ulsewhero in Illoomiburg. Their slni k comprises uiDiKv miKM noons, ofih"i"'t kI)i and lalert f.iihlnn. jjitr nouns, WAV) nitnrr.nir.-i, iMimiriiir. (joi:i..,tMti:l UF.nnn nwt:. iiou.mr nvj nio.v, .:m. IIOUTS & SH01.3 II ATS V GII'N, ic , He . Ifr , lu .hurt V r t ti I n t? usii.ill) kupt iu inulitry Storu; to whlih they ml ile Hie iubllc generally. The Highest priiv paid for ioiii,lry produce. 311l.Li:it U. F.YBtt. Illoomaburg. .May 11, 1E0. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. ri'lll! Hiibrctlber would inform Ills friends, that hi is .1 now prepared to put up, on short notice, and in a arlciitlllc in, inner, the best nm.v.i roi.YTKt) ua nr.vixa nous, nt 12 cents per foot. All work warranted. E. ll.HIDLEMAN. Illoonishurg, ,May2l, IKO W. WIKT ESQ.' NOW occ upics theronni upstairs in front n Mr. irick building, ou . Main Street helmv thai loune. A most convenient otlicc; where hu I Ulinnast's h rl American llnim I will be happy at nil times to see hi Iiie'nds and clients. uiouiusiiurg, ,vt,v. ii, lriii.-jiii I'iUdelplila & Itrailitig Hail Koail. WINTER A U 11 A NGEMENT or PASSEVtir.ll TRAIN-'. Mive'inner I. Ifiil, l I'u i fine KeaJllig) Ilnwn'to Philadelphia, at CAM and 11 A 31,13 noon, and I P 31. Up, to Pottavllle, at in.SO A 31, and 3,13 P 31. WEST, TO LEIIANON AND HARRISIlURO ; Western Express from New York, at l.UT A M. .nan 1 rains, nt ni.o.i A ,M, anil 3, t.i l" M, iP3i. passing Reading, uu Hunuays, tin Mown - -VI Train at u.vii a m, anil up Train, at .i..i7 1 llutli 10,00 A 31 uud 5,1'J P ,M, up ith 10,50 A 31 and 5,1'J P A!, up Trains connect at Clinton riir'l'iim'.un, Williumsporl l'.imira, Uulf- Xiil,fn,,,.,"i',1 y,?" , , iel l..i A 31, Train only connects at Port Clinton I'ori alo, 'I'll for WHUesbarre, Serauton -and Piltstnn The Western Express Trains i nnncrt nt Harri'burg with Express Trains on tho Pciing) lvaua Railroad fur Pittsburg, and all points Wet nud the 31ml Trains With Sid Coupons, W percent discount, bctwoen any point, desi.ud. oa! t 8lsLfur Pnuillies and llusiness Pirm, uud S,ason TicUts, good lor tne tioiiier oniy, tnr turce inontiiH, 111 nuy Passenger train to I'hlladclpliiu, at S!0 each, fctiool Season Tick- cts one-tiiiru less. u-rasseugers win i.iao tlie impress Train W ast, nt the UPPER DEPOT, and nil other Trains, at tho LOW- r,u 111.1 ui. CO lbs orbaggage itllowcc each pusengar Lt7" I'aseiirers are re'iuested to onrrli. ibeirTi.k. its befor.i entering thu curs, us higher l'area chaiged if paid in cars. Up trains lcn"e HhiladelDhiafur Reaillnir Hnrrnbu and Pottsvillu nt tJ A 31. 3,15 P 31, and at 4,30 P 31, fur Reading unlv SO" Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by G,0? A, 31. Accuniiuoilution Train to Philai elphia and return nt 8J to each. a, A. MCOLLff, (Ventral. St, mrinUnrftiil, Jnnii'iry 1, 1SCS. Clioice Vfgttnblo Seeds by Mail. 2i) Vatletio.1 for $1 (01 Our 15 Varieties for 42 00 j Selection WiHiing tc give tliose who recldoct a distancu nn opportunity tu test the .Uality of our Vegetable Seeds, which we are confident will compare fgtvr,ihlv with any otl'ered iu this rountry, wo have prepared "mail packet-., which will bo sent by mail post-paid, at thu nbovu prices, Ncno but the most desirable Vatlcties will be included. To prevent dUappelntment, c with it iUthttly nr. derstood that l'fas, llcans and Corn arc not inelvdtd tn the mail packages, on aeeountof thtlr vcipkt. A. IIORNE.MAN. Versailles, Woodford Co., Ky. IT?" fend for n Description Catalogue. .March 15, l;V.'.-3m. IPHOTES si,;,:;,, , ,' KV ' 'J'"1' "y part or the i jnited thu fallowing prices : 10 v.-irie'tins selttte'd from those priced nt icents per papr 50 ....... , , tan,,,,, tiiu. nn,. uiti.l.u lib o a .iricii.s e'lecIetI irom inoso pticeit 111 iu cents per paper f vaocties selected Irom thoso priced at 111 cents per paper i'J varieties s'.lected from those priced at 10 cents per paper enri.'ties scKcted from Ihosejiuced nt 25 cents per paper 5 varieties selected from those priced nt 25 centa pe-r paper l oo m 1 w) o 50 l oo COLLECTION." OP FLOWER HEED3. Persons desiring us to make their seleitious, may re ly upon our cemiicy icily tlmsu ulii.hare re-allv most showy and desirable, ami of easy cultiMiti.-n. We be lieu thatour experience will eu.ibl: us to make selue tion-. large or small, that cannot fail 10 give entiio i-at-isfactiou. luu Packets Annuals, P.lennlals n;id Perennials. luvoiitu kinas S3 00 50 Packets Annuals, fljennlnls nnd Pei.ninials, favoritu Kiii.tri 25 Packets Annuals, best assorted 11 Pteckets Annuals, best assorted 20 Packets, New and Rare Annuals Choice Cillecttoii of Ornamental (Jrasscj ' of Evirla-ling Plowurs " " of Alpine or Rock Plant " " CllinUng Plants, Annua! and Perennial Choice Collection of OrcciihuUse Plant sjrda " " Ornamental Leaved PlanH 2 50 1 IK) 50 S 00 1 00 1 no r by I (Ih 1 12 A. DoltN'EMAN'. lTuriit & headman, VcreailL'H Wondlord Co., Ky. 1. ho UI PJ"Scnd for a descriptive Catalogue. March 15. lMi-'.-3m. W V T 11 At McCoy's Store' in Jerseytow fur Portress .Monroe Live Cnlve nt Sets per pound, on .Mnnda) 's i and drei sed Poultry nt 7 U H i ts. Lie Pniiltry ut 0 U Tela ; good "real, llutter at Id cts. in small pdU of'.' to ,1 lis : Jus,', rer. from Philadelphia nnd New nrknl1rguu3-.11 'ment of all kinds of goods. A guod arliila ofj nip iMolusses ,,.1. ,., ( ..ri al no cts. per guiium-aw wiioin were ten officers. r7r-,TTCe t.'A ccr iivuojj a'VJiv o.iJij'j. A mot cable I'ltA.'ti: Hoi'sk, will bu mid cheap, on ap plication to the undrsigned, LEVI L.TATE. Illoonihurg. July 13. IfCl. 51 Q T$ A 3J IV s Printer, Ronlibiuilcr & Ulankbook M A N IJ F A C TU R E R; WllnLrSUU AND JtBTAII. DEALER t.H 1'UINTINO, WIliriNO AND WRAl'i'lNO PArER?. iOtST TOR THE CATAWIFSC I'AfF.H. M1U.J. JIain Sl'rcit, first door below tho Public Spuare, WILKESDA1UIE, PA. Nov. 23, lf-fil 1'.' N OTIC F s' nI'' C0!1rP!,J'ilt'vely small loss to us. Ai.Lpeisou.knowingthem.MvesinnnywisoindHit', steamer Spauldi.ig arrived hero cd to tho subscriber nr heieby notified Hint ull accounts JUSt CVClllllg and LrillgS ltttO ailVICCS from must be speedily dosed up, or tliey will lu put in the fh,. Sniitli wliiMi fulli, n,C.,, tl,,, hands of proper olfirers for collection. I must have my ulL oOUtll, Wllltll lUlly OCnttrmS tllO Cap- occouuts seltled, come furwaid, settle up.md snvu costs, lure of Ueailfoft by the division Ulldor Gcil E. .MEN'DENIIALL. II,,,,,, t,i ' Un. II, IflfiS-U. UUI'llSKlo. NOTICE cf a Janice of the Pcaee, Iflhefewsuticriptlontrcmainlugtinpnidtntha fund oftho" Iron (iuardj"nru not seltled on or before tho firi-t I day nfl'cbruiiryi nm instructed to coinmeiice suit mi l I .Costs must follow in each individual case. J M.rinmberlin. JT. ' mmv mum $m? Opposite tlie Ccurt llouseand nut door to Hcm'ncrat PJjice. Tho undersigned, respectfully informs his fr.ends nnd AU.toine'ts that ho lias opened .1 .VIM UA Ml Kit iWtV In Court llouso Alley, next door below tno OiHco o the Columbia Democrat, wherehu u III Lu happy to wni upon nllrustniners, nnd from Inngexperienre nud sttic ullciilion to business, lie hopes to merit and receive a liberal sham of public patronage, LJ""AII thiiiB8 luru '-done In decenc;, and in order." TlllviAr3 DROWN, Illoomiburg, March 1st, IPCS, AUDITOH'S NOTI0K. THE undersigned, appointed ntt Auditor by tho Or phan's Court of Columbia county lo distribute the till- t (I.a hnn.1. r.r IF,.., I.., lllta. ,.t . . I. - i.indon, lain f llriarrroek Township in Hie said county I deccasod, to and aiuotig tho crcditorsand others entitled nccurding lo laws will moct th. parties iulcrast-'it ns the purpose ef h( appi'intinent on Saturday, April Jilt lt-f,;, at his oillc t III illooiushurK, nt 10 o'i'eej' ,, ,M when.ind where all personaiiaving claim ato re'piensd to present Ihi'in or bu foie.wr debarred from coming in fuf kh"e of ,M fund' ... r .,.. 1 BIM..r. -M.tc.t Mh . J"N ' .'tV C Sr v--t-35BSi'' - JS FROJI FORTRESS M-)i ErpidUioii Against Biautiii, . olint TUe Town F.va,r MuconhfownuyilebdSt-. i vtlk Burnt. iVcws f.'om UcbfJ Souir . St. Louij, Mitrt'li Dispatuli from Fort Smith, ArkansaH, to tho Moinpliis pnpurs, itclinowknlgo flio tlcatii ol lieiieral iUcUiillocli and Moln tcHl. at lllcb.lttlu Ol Pen JtllljIC. HM. M.t t, A.,.,i l i DO jUOllipillS Appeal liO C contains ti tllspittcli from Riolinioiitl, tlatcd tho lltli inat., litatiuc that President Davis is com inn; toon, est and urging everybody to rally to his standard. ANOTUUll EOIIT TAKEN. East Florida Evacuated I f l'ushington March 19. Det-patelnia havo boon reeioved at tho Nnvy De't ai t- Iniont, from FIa Officer Durront, annouu- . . lho ' Ull tetl Stat a llnnls nvpr T'nrl M-ninnnl S.int Am, I ' , . , VC 1 0rt iHJ110u at O.HIlt AllglUl 110, .l'lorida. rlho town wassuireudered vrith ' , nt,e mi,. . .f .. . , , out a fight. Tins is tho sooond of U.o old United States forts taken. Jacksonville, Florida, was also surrendered Tho Gov 'CCOlVlIlg IjOiniliailttCl' JlOtlgCrS in tilQ tOWll Hall, and aftar being asbured that he would Voteot tlio loyal citisons, thoy raised tho "ag Wttll tllt'ir OWH hands'. 'J ho rebel trrimn ovnoinlnil tlm niirlil Lurnrr. L n C aulatcH t" Dlgllt UelOro tUO ap- pearaiicc of the puuboats. This ij the .,i ( ,t, . P . ,, , , seooll1 ' ttlO QlU gOVCrntlieilt foi'ta that lias boon taken by Coin. Dupont. n .... , I lie DiUlIc Ticaf Wiiic'icsior. UlC RcLt's driVCIl buck to iitrasburr-.Ourr 10U0 Small Arms Captured Our loiS on Sunday, 70 Killed and ?5u Woitn-r (led. Winchester, March 23, 10 o'clock. P. M, We havo this day achieved a glo rious victory over the combined forces of tho rebel Generals Jackson, Smith and Longstrcet. The battle was fought withiu four nii.es of thin place. It raged from half past ten o'clock this morning until dark. The oucwy's strength was about 15,000, and the strength ofour division was not over 8,000. "Our loss in killed and wounded is not definitely ascertained, but it is heavy. Tho enemy's loss is dcub lo that of ours. Wo have captured a largo number of prisoners, sonic of their puns, and the -, -., grouuet is strewn witli anui tlirown awiiv in their fliirht. they have The cwnlry arc still in pursuii of the retreatini' enciny. The naiticulars cannot be ascertained until daylight. Wl.NCUESTElt, March 4, Tho rebels I'ave been driven back to Strasbunr. .there has been very little lighting to day. Iu the Bkiriui.-diing wo have lost itbout ton killed and wounded. Mr. Ivtice, an Assistant to Capt. Albert, Topographical Engineers, was taken pris oner by the rebels. We have captured uioro than 1000 smal arms from the rebels, Washington-, March 21 A ili-patch from a Kurieon in Gen. Shield's army lo the Surgeon General, at Washington, ays, iu relation to the battle of yc-tcrday, that our loss was from 75 to lt0 killed, and 250 wounded, lie tidsj, "I have aren 2t!5 ''1C oll0my,,J dea& jNniE3ri:u, Maeh 21: 11 o.el" 1:, 1 . M. In consequence cf the forward nnvf. incnt ofour forces, the reports of the killed, wounded am! missing cannot be accurately ascertained but it is climated that one loss was from 60 to 100 killed. Among whom were ono Coloiul and four toon Cap tains and I.iouleuauts Two huudrcel wero wounded 31110110 . J k CC111y oit. nearly five hundred killed nnd wounded ,and MOO prisonenj. Success ol Mi neral Banks, 77 Rebels Driven from S'raibu'g Cap. tare of BtaufoH conlrme l Heavy Ion; 0 Rebels in Recent Batik;, Daltimoiie, March 25. 1602. From reliable information received here I learn that General IJanks' Division has had a fight with tho rebels at Strasburc;, and has succeeded in driviug thorn fronj that place with considerable low ou their G It LKN WOOD SEMINAHY. 'iMir. a on pring torm of this Institution will eoramone Motiilay, April, tlie 7111,1802. Tlta Ptinrijal wi.ltaassl.tcdby aids initrurtnrs, nnd as ample facilities ill L olfercd to qualify students I for teaching, for business or for a mora utemlvc coursa ' iii literature, a libaritl share of patronago is again sotis i lied. I upils who do not come from home, or are not put under tho ch irge of ne.tr relatives, must board at tho Seminary and ha subject to the regulations thereof They imi.t provide their own low cU and havo each nr. tide of clothing distinctly marked. Listen weeks cenilitute a quarter, and there will be vacation of about six weeks in nildniuiiiu r. Hoarding, washing and tuition, with furnished raoiua will be $,OQpor quarter, out-half pajtblu m ud. vanco. ... Tuition alono, in common'btalichaa, CJ,t)0 do ine'iiitiag adt aucod algebra slid ui&thc. tuatics, (tno do iu Latin, German, or Fteneli, extra, j'.ou Pit furlherpatliculart addresv ' ,. . . WM. r.UROnsu, Principal, 3llville,Col,co 1'., Pcu.Sa, lW'.',ft. r NOTICE TO LAND OWNEIIS. THK undersigned, Treasurer of Colum'da County, would gvc notice tunil tho'acwint Jurat Ir ta son tinseatsd lands, lir the years 1M) and 1801. that tluj ir-utt come fmward and pav tin s. m batr oen tin-, anil the first if .prll, othrrwisi Hi luiid w n h sdveitli .d mid sold A vrird to llr win it cufTicn tit ler JAB. S. M'MNCH Tra"tirr's Olhce, i 7caivrr tv-x,4r'i; . .