Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 22, 1862, Image 1

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LEVI JL. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 16.MO. 3.
Si Ms run JJrici Rulldin?, tppoiitt tht ElcAanfS, Sy 1M1
f Cvurl J&IUS. "JflCral( tail Quarleri."
;81 00 In advance, for ono copy, fur six mautlii.
. '"-,1 75 In silvntico, for one copy, ono year.
a OU If not paid n-lthln the first three niontlu.
S3 If nut paid within the first six luuntln.
1 'it! 50 If not paid within the year.
1 ' C" No subscription taken for lets than six month t,
ad no papcr.diicuutimicd until all arrearages shall Uavo
teen paid.
i G5 OKSInarvABVBRTijEHKNTslniPttsd.and Jon Work
lxecittoJ, at the ustablisliinlpricos
fjiLwmi" oTi"eTo"oic"h6s pi'tal-"
27c Oiy Place where a Cure can be
'TVL. JOHNSTON has discovered tho most Certain,
Uineeiy and only KlTcctuil Remedy In the World
'fur ail private Diseases, Wcaknoi of the linck or
.Limbi, titriclures, Atfcclions of tho Kldncjs and Iliad
Mar, Involuntary Discharge, Inrjototiiy, Ucnaral Do
'ollity, Nervousness. Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits
'Ooiifiniii.iuf ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity.
Tremblings, Diuiiu'ss of Sight or Giddiness, Illscaao of
the llcnJ, Throat, Sum or iklu, Affections of the Liver
Lungs, Stomach or Ucm-ela those torrlulo Ulsorders
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youtli -those stcntr
and solitary practices more fatal to tln-lr ictiins than
Ik) sung of 3) Kin to the Marines of Ulysses, blight
log their most brilliant hopes ur autlcinatiuns, render
'lug suarriage, lie. impossible. I
- Rspscially, nho have become the vUtitns of Solitary
rVice, that dreadful and destructive habit which nnnu-
lljr sweeps to an untimely grave thousandx of Young
AlQii'of the most exalted talents and brilliant IntclR-it,
who might otherwise have entranced listening Semites
with tliu thunders of eloquence 01 waked to ccitasy the
living lyre, may call uith full confidence.
M A II It I A 0 L
. Mauled persona, or Young Men contemplating mar
. rlage, btini; aware of physical weakness, organic dcabili
tyl, deformities, &c., speedily cured.
lie who place himself under the care of Ur. Johnston,
may religiously coutidu in his honor as a cntleiucn, and
efficiently rely upon his skill as a physician.
Immediately cureJ and full vigor restored.
This Uistrcsing Affection which renders life mis
erable and marriage impossible is tho penally paid by
the victims of iuipropir inilulguiicts. Young per
sons nre too apt to commit excess from not being
aware, of the dreadful consequence tkai may Mimic,
.Now, who ilnit under. taiids the subject will pro
tend to deny that the power of procreation is lost souier
br those falling into improper habits than by the prtidcht.
Uesldci hiing deprived of tin pleasure of hi'iillhy otr
spring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to
both body and mind arise. The system becumcj derang
ed; tha physical an J tuxutal runi-tioiis weakened, loss
nproeri-atlva power, nervous in Itabillty. Dyspepsia
ptlpltaliiin of Ilia hiart, ludiga-tioii, constitutional dc
bllity, u wasting of tho frame, Cough, Consumption,
'(decay and dcuth.
. Left haud side going from tlnlltuiurJ street, a few doors
frouitha corner Tail not tunusrrvc name jnd number.
, Letters must lift paid and contain u -Uuip. The Due-
iiir'e i.'loiiiii" liang in his oince.
no ;iep iL'ny on m aos.oih uruos.
. ', lilt. Jull.YHTU.Y
flrtthe' of tha Royal College uf Surgeons, London.
radiM.j from one of the most eminent Colleges of the
Bits Stales, and tin greatsr nrt of tvi.iso life has
Wa spent in tim first Hospitals of London, l'.iris, Tula-
dHlphia and elscu h ire, has utfected some of the most as
iqnishiuf cures that were ever known ; many troubled
with ringing in the head and cars when asleep, great
Asrvoiuness. being atariued at sudden sounds, and b.isli-
fulness, with frequent blushing, attended bouir-liines uiU;
derangement of iniiid, were cured immediately
'Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured thciiKrlvcB
by Improper indulgencr and Kolitary liabits, winch ru
in both body and mind, unflting thelu lor either busi
ness, study, society or mnrniige.
These are snine of the sad nnd melancholy effcctH pro
ducetl by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the
Duck and Limb-i, l'aiu In tho Head, IHinm-ss of Sight,
Loss of Muscular Toner, Talpiutimi tif the Huait. Ds-
pepsla, Nervous Irrntabillty, IlKraugemfnt uf tin; Digcs.
tlve Functions, Oeueral Debility, sjiuptomsof Coiisump
tloti, ite.
MENTALLY. Tho f.-arful ilfects on thu mind are
much to be dreaded. Loss of Mcmnry,Coufiisiou of Ideas
Depression of the Spirit, Evil Forebodings, Aversion
19 Society, telf-dlstriist, lovo of solitude, Tilnity, &c.,
ars soni'j of the evil produced.
1 -Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what
l the cause of their declining health. Loosing their
vigor, becoming wink, pule and emaciated, huvinj sin
gular about the eyes, cough uud symptoms oi
. Consumption.
Y 0 U N O M E N.
- Who have injured thinselves by a certain practice'
indulged in when alone a habit frequently learned from
.evil companion-, ur at school tho effects of which aro
nightly felt, even when asleep, mid If not cured renders
marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body,
should apply immediuuly.
What a pilty that ayoung man, the hope of his country
,nd the darling of his parents, should be snatched from
all prosp-uts and oujoHiicnt of life, by the consequen
ces uf deviating from tin path of nature, and iudiilgiHg
litji certain secret Iwbit. Such persons Mi-sr before
, M A R R I A O V.,
reflect that a koimd mind and body arc tho sost ne
cessary rcquisllii-s to promolo connubial happiness
Indeed, without these thu Journey through lif becomes
a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly d.irkens to
the view; the mind bi-comes shadowed with despair h
filled with tho melancholy reflection that the happiness
ef another becomes blighted with our owe,
When thomlsguidcu and imprudent votary of pleasure
fipds h has imbibed the heeds of this painful disease, it
too often happens that an ill tim-d sense ofshuuin or
dread of cliseovcry, deters him from apn" -lug to tLoa
who from education and respectability can k ne befrii ud
him, delaying till the constitutional syni oms of this
horrid disease makns their. ippearnnce, sutl'i as ulcerated
,eoro throat, diseased nose, noctui mil, puius in the head
and limbs, dimness of sight, dafncss, nodes on the shin
bones, andurms, blotches on the head, face and extreme
ties, progressing with rapidity, till at last tho potato of
,tha mouth and bones of the uo.i fail jn and the victim of
.this desease becomes a horrid oineel of cominisseralion
till death puts a period to Inn dreadful siiilcrings. by sen
ding linn to "that bourne from whence no traveler rc
It Is a McIaacAoy act lhat tUousamls full victims to
,this terrible disease, owing to the tii:killfu,lfnss of ig
norant pretenders, who, by the uso of that Deadly Vi
jtn, Nirrury, ruin tho constitution and make ttc rcsi
4iu of life miserable.
ST11AXD I! R fl
.Trust not your lives, or health, to the rare of the ma.
cy umcarjiert and Worthless l'ri-touder J, destituto of
.inowledgi. nauio or cl.aracter.wjio copy Dr. Jonnston's
advrtlsenients, or stjlethemselvcB, in the newspapers,
rH'gularly Bdueated Miysiclaiis Incapablo of Curing.Hiey
,eep you inning nioutu alter month taking their filthy
.and poisorms compounds, or us long as the smallest feo
.can be obtained, and In despair, leave yon with ruined
health to sigh over )nx gallling dlsappointmr-nt.
Dr. Johnsonjs tho only Physician advcrtisiiig.
Ills credential cr diplomas always hang In his office.
-Mia remedies or treatment aro unknown to all others,
prepared from a llfo spent in tho great hospitals of Eu
iopo, tie first Jn this country nnd n inure cxtensivo Frl-
uMt Pracllci than nnv other riiysicfan in the woild.
The many thousands cured at this institution year nf.
,ter year, and tho numerous Important Surgical Opera
tions performed by I)r, Johnston, witnessed by tho re
porters of tho I't'iin," "Clipper." ami many oth'-r papers
notleos of which havo uppearo J again nnd again before
tbo public, liosldcs his standing as a gentleiiieii of char
acter andjresponsiblluy, It a suifeieiit guaiaulee to tho
aflljcted. , r
a?erons wl'tlng should be particular in directing their
.letters to his Institution, In the following manner:
n . . . JOHN M. JOHNSTON, M.D.
Ofllia .IlaltlDionLock Hospital. Ualtiiuorn, .Maryland,
Jan.ltt.lijC?.-' March 17,.ltjgo.
THE undersigned informs ti, cllliem of llloom,
and ntiighborhood, Hint ho has taktn tho largo room
Inthe Eielitinge Iilotk, extending oyer Alossrs, stoncr
ii f ox'a Haktry, and tho llookstnre wliero ho has put In
alargoStyJIglu. It is only by rikyllgbtthat good pic
urcs can ba taken especially groHps wliere each person
an be taken Just as well as separate,
1e lias gone to considerable uxpeuso to make his cu
rt lljVnent'a, Orst class nnr, and ho therefore collcits a
If Ml Ssrroungo to enable him, to constantly .introduco
Uieinodcrn unprovemcnts of tho art.
It wur prounco tskeu In i:xc tiane for pictures.
fDlttmlpt , Nov. 53 koj, Nor s, 'it,
rigiual Ipodim
for the CotunUa Vtmocrat.,
Wo Miss Thorn.
With Winter and its stormy blasts,
How many friends havo lied I
And some who were so dear to us,
Ate now amongst tho dead.
Wo miss them In our social rounds,
Wo miss their pleasant smile.
Wo miss their cheerful, merry oico,
Wo miss them all the whllu.
Where ere wo go we find some seat,
Made vacant by their fall,
Hut some memorials of their lovo,
Their voico their faco rccal.
When trouble like a glowy poll,
Hos throwm its shado around,
And blighting sorrow, on the heart,
A resting place has found.
We miss their consolatlng words,
Thatehccrd our lonely way.
That counselled us, aud bid us hope,
That bid us hope and pray.
We'll miss them nil our Journey through,
Wo'll mlrsthem nnd deplore,
We'll miss them, 'til wo meet above,
We'll miss them, then, no more.
Hou. Charles J. Bidclle,
Of Pennsylvania ;
Ddivcre ' in the House of Representatives
of the United States, March 6, lSGU.
Tho House being in Committee of tho
Wholo on the stato of the Union, Mr. Kid
die addressed tho Committee as follows :
Mr. Chairman: I thank .you forgiving
me tho floor. I would not willingly let
pass ths sonlimcnts which have just been
uttered by my oolleaguo (Mr. Morris Da
vis) without opposing to them sentiments
which are, I bulSevo, moro characteristic
of tho conservative people whom ho and I
havo tho honor, in part, to represent upon
this floor.
At a citizen of tho border State of Penn
sylvania, the views in which I havo been
brod'in relation to the institution of slavery
have been temperate, aud, I hope, just. It
lias not been to mo an exciting subject, as
it is to many with whom I am associated
in this House ; for to some gontlcmon,
very calm in their judgment on a-Il other
matters, tho mere word "slavery'' secni3
to have much the same effect that a red
rag has on a bull.
I havo never been blind to the disadvan
tages and evils of slavry ; I havo not
been indiiTereut to their alleviation by
practical, constitutional means; yet 1 havo
ever regarded tho intemperate and aggress
ive policy of the political auti slavery party
to bo as sterilo of bonuQt to the negro as
it ha.-.- been disastrous to tho peace, the
prosperity, and tho unity of our country.
This war has brought us, at la&t, to s,eo
that there is a broader rnie.tion than the
''slavery question," though it is commonly
preferred to narrow tho discussion down to
that. Uut now the matter is brought homo
to us, wo fiud that there is a"ucgro ques
tion," vast and complex and cmbarrassiug,
even if Elavery were blctted out of exist
cuco. From tho earliest times, Pennsylvania
has had her mode of treating these ques
tions. Originally a, skveholding Stato,
sho adopted, in 1790, tho policy of grad
ual emancipation, extending it, however,
only to tho futuro-bom children of tho
slaves then living ; these children wcro to
rcceivo their freedom at tho ago of twenty
eight years.
This groat measure was tho pxoduot cf
universal publio sentiment, and was per
fectly consistent with tho general interest ;
to effect it, no prossuro, no compulsion from
without was dircctod against our people.
Had thcro icon, from what I hnovr of
their temper, I should judge that slavory
would havo existed among us to this day.
As it was, tho last slaves djed .out within
tho recollection of tho youngest ninu upon
-this floor.
By our common law, howovcr, tho no
gro had never been a citizon ; so our high
est court decided ; and when tho point was
controverted, the people settled it definitely
by amendiug tho constitution, so that to
bo a "whito" man is ono of tho necessary
constitutional qualification of tho elector.
On our statuto-book, at this very day,
is cur Stato fugitivo s,lavo law, far oldor
than tho acts .of Oongrcts on that subject ;
nay, oldor oven than tho -cluuso in.tho Con
stitution of tho United States providing
for tho return of fugitives.
You pcrocivo, sir, that Pennsylvania
oould havo littlo oxcuso for joining in tho
insurrection agninst ,tho fugitivo slayo law,
mcral Ipatitkal,
. i. .
or agaiust tho judgment of tho Supromo aspect of this war, my trust is not in tho all remember, charged it upon tho Prcsl
Court of the Unitod States denying citizon-! holp of tho negro. Nay, sir ns one who ' dent, as a griqyous error, that ha wished
bhip to tho negro, sinco vo have ourselves i has at heart the successful proso outjon of ,"to bring back Iho seceded Stat,3 on tho
furnished tho precedents for Loth tho stat
uto nnd tho decision.
In our jtiBt indignation against tho pros-
cnt vast rebellion, Ictus notontircly forgot
that in too UiailV of tho nnrthnrn Sfntna n
chronic rebellion against distasteful con
. ,,u
! , i , . .
stitutional obligations has existed for
many yoara.
In Pennsylvania, our distinctive school
of abolition has been marked by tho mild
benevoienco of our vcncrablo Sooictv of
Jbncuils, whoso Christian charity embraced
both tho master aud tho slave ; lot it not
for ono moment bo confounded with tho
flut throat philanthropy , whojo emblems
aro tho torch and tho piko, which has can
onized John Brown as a saint of tho church
in which tho negro is worshiped. You will
rarely find in full membership in it a man
born and upon tho soil of Pennsylvania.
From that church I am an open dissen
.... . . .
ter ; I differ wholly from thojo who look
upon tho present as a "golden hour :" who
regard it with cxhultation as the dawn of
a black millonium. In mo, their hopes
and schemes inspiro disgust and horror.
Au eminent member of tho dominat par
ty has promulgated his scheme for carry
ing on this war. He has promulgated ii
in mauy essays and speeches, to ono of
which parlimcntary usage permits mo to
refer, siueo it was not mado in his place in
the Senate. He would not, it seems, trust
to tho valor ef our armies and tho skill of
our generals. Wo arc, like tho ancient
Ilritous, to call in an ally to fight our bat
tles for us ; our ally is.-to be tho negro.
Southorn men, it is said, fight and let
tho negro till tho ground ; we aro to re
vorso this order. The negroes arc to do
our fighting for us; a million of them arc
to constitute our army ! In this pamphlet
of Mr. Suinucr the black muster-roll is
given. Ho says in his speech to the lie
publican convention at Vorccster ;
"Careful calculations demonstrate that
of this number thcro arc upwards of ouo
million of an age for military service; that
in Virginia alouo there aro 1!H,GG1 male
slaves of an age for military service''
If tho distinguished gentlemen from
Missouri and Kentucky wish to know the
number of theso black champions of the
civil liberties of whito men in their re
spective States, they will find it set down,
here. In conclusion, Mr. Sumner asks
this question :
"Can ur afford to rejict this natural
allhnce, inspired by a common inteiest
and coitsicr aled bit humanity ?"
A noble lord once urged in tho British
farliamont the employment of tho Indians
against tho British colonists in America.
Ho said, this nobio lord, that "it was per
fectly justifiable to use all the means which
God and nature had put into our hands."
Then, sir, tho great Chatham rose and
blasted him with an eloquence that has
become immortal.
"That God and nature put into our
nanus! 1 know not what ideas of God
and uaturc that noblo lord may entortaiu ;
but I know that ueh doteslablo principles
aru equally abhorrent to religion and hu
manity. Sucb notions shock every pre
cept of morality, every feeling of human
ity, every sentiment of honor.
"Theso abominable principles, and this
more abominable avowal of them, demand
the most decisive indignation. I call upon
mat rovcrcuca ana tins most learned bench
to vindicate tho religion of their God, to
support tho justico of their country."
"1 invoko tho genius of Iho constitution.
"To send forth tho morcilcss cannibal,
thirsting for blood, ngainst whom J Your
Protestant brethren? To lav wasto their
country, to desolate their dwellings, and j
uAiiitJiiiu .Luuir race anu uamo uy tuo au
and instrumentality of theso hell-hounds
of war. I solemnly call upon your lord
ship and upon overy order of men in tho
Stato, to stamp upon this infamous proco
duro tho indcliblo stigma of tho publio ab
horrence" Sir, you will rcmorabcr, too, that it is
tho standing reproach of American history
against George III, that ho called in tho
Hessian against his British subjects. Yet
wo aro to call in tho negro! Mr. Sumner
ask us, "can wc afford to reject this natu
ral allianco?" Why, if, indeed, with our
twenty millions wo cannot opo with six; if
it is wo who aro in danger of extermina
tion, then, perhaps, wo cannot afford to
rcjeot tho allegianco with tho negro. A
Fronch marshal onoo smothered his ene
mies meu, women, and ohildrcn in a
,cavo j and when ho was arraigned bofpro
tho public opiu.ion of tho world, ho pleaded
Now, sir, no man can sot limits to ne
cessity, and no human intolligqnco oau
orsqo all the exigencies of war; and I,
for ono, ,havo boon unwilling to givo my
adhesion m adyanco to any 6ot formula for
their tlotormination. But, in tho nrcsent .
this war, I would not vcuturo to array
noainst tho Govern incut in toMMi T Imvn
a part, tho sympathy of race. It is the
great tie by which God knits into families
t.Wn ar.vcol .t.:l. !i
v..vuu Uv,u,m Hvua iiitu nuieu it,
, ... .... ...
picasca mm to uiviuo mankind.
Do you remember when tho East Iudi
au roso upon his Euglish ruler ? Bo you
remember how it frozo our blood to road
of men who clasped their wives and
daughters to their hearts for the last timo
and then slcio them to save them from tho
black demons, athirst with lust and rage,
who swarmed around them ? Do you ro
member how tho American minister, an
honored Pcnnsylvanlau, stood up then in
London and said to tho British nation,
"Men of kindred breeds, our hearts aro
with you in this struggle ?"
Never did minister hotter represent his
people. Out wrongs from England were
forgotten then. Yes, wo forgot that it was j the masses of our peoplo is to conquer tho
England that warmed in her bosom tho i seceded States to tho authority of the
viper of abolition, till its fangs wcro grown. Union, aud hold them as subject provin
Now, that they aro fastened upou tho vi- cos." He combats, as a fallacy, tho idea
tals of our unhappy country she rejects tho that constitutional obligations rest on our
reptile that she fostered.
Sir, I know not what notion that man
has of tho military character who thinks
that the slave of yesterday may be tho
soldier of to-day. Of theslavo you can
not mako a soldier ; you may mako an
assassin. But tho shrieks of white house-
linlrta tnm-rloi-nrl nnrl irni-en Mmn t,,-,l ,1
by tho negro, would appall tho hearts and
h. M. u.wu, II w , .null JIIUIUUIUII.
palsy the arms of mcro of tho supporters' will, "tho whito man's party" which
of this war than all tho race of Ham shall protest against thso sehomos for black
could take the plaeo of. To Mr. SuJ- j armies and States hold as subject provin
ner's question, then, I answer, wc can cos.
afford to reject this black allianco. It of- j Truly did Jefferson record tho par ent
fcrs to northern white men a fellowship J ago of abolition at it rise, as a political
that most of them abhor ; it proffers to 1 proscription. Ho said, in a letter to La
the southern whito man no terms that ho i fayetto :
prefers to exterminationit proffers negro "On tho eclipso of Federalism with us
equality or negro dominat' on ; it drives although pot its extinction, its leaders got
the Union mou cf tho South into the ranks u" tlie Missouri question, under tho false
of tho enemy; it opens to us a dreary 1 1'T' -J 'e,ssotjiuS the ea sure of slavery,
, i i 1 . , but with tqc real view of produeinrr ji rrco-
prospect of a protracted, devastating, ru-1 gl-aphioill division of JP
maus guerilla warfare ; it shocks tho sen- insure them tho next President. Tho po.
timcntoftho white race throughout the P'c of the North wont blindfolded into tho
world. snaro, followed their loaders for a while
In tho present aspect of tho war, then, trt,1y m?"l and laudable, uu
. , . , - ., ,. ! ihy becamo suusib o that they vero in
my trust ,. not in tho negro I trusi m jurin, ,nstoad of B,d, tj0 r
tho mercy of Almighty God 4o bring this of the slaves, that they had been used
distracted nation back to peace and union; i merely as tools for electioneering purpo-
aud, under his divine Providence, I trust, Be
to our soldiers' valor aud their leaders'' SucIi were tho words of Jefferson, him
skill; to firm aud modoraio counsels in tho self PPsed to slavery, but moro opposed
adminUtration of this government; tho i to thc otteinPfc to abolish it in Missouri,
allies whom I would welcome aro tho turous'1 "get-cy of tho Federal Govcr
Union men of tho South. Wo all know : nmenr. Of that attempt he said :
1 1 . i I . FT rt! miik s
now long anu gauantiy cue uiiio.i men oi
North Carolina and Alabama and Tenn
cssco strove till they were surprossed nnd
overwhelmed. It is well known how tho
Union sentiment retarded tho progress of
secession in all the -otith- rn States. It "is
not. dca but fli'.pi'th lint i nion senti
ment whic i men of tho out ti havochniisli
,cd, under cuiils that wc have not been
called ou to encouutcr.
Jvcry dispatch
that come
ies to us from Kentucky and Ten-1
ncssoo toll us of men rallying io tho old (
flag. I would havo tho old banner expec-1
taut eyes, not as tho emblem of military I
despotism, but as tho frco flag of a con- I
siituuonai government;, i wouia sco our
armies strengthened and restrained by
discipline, moving southward with resist
less force; carryiug everywhere peace to
tho peaceful ; tho Constitution and tho
laws to tho law-abiding ; defeat and rout
.,!, " I , 1.
to tho southern armies, which could noyor
bo rallied nor recruited where tho peoplo
have their rights. Wor so conducted will
knit our conquests to us, will doublo our
strength and ap tho enemy's.
Io those victories let'us contributo cur
part. Let us not, by revolutionary meas
urcs, extinguish the rising hopes of those
,7ho lovo the Union. Let us not foster and
stimulato and pander to public impatience.
It was discussed hero ou this floor lately
what was moant by the great captain of
tho ago when ho said ho was forced to givo
battlo prematurely at Bull P.uu. Sir, I
understood always that ho meant that pop
ular impationco of delay precipitated his
movements. Perhaps ho remembered how
at tho beginning of Iho war with Mexico ,a
congrcssicual int.riguo had nearly elevated
over him an incompctout politician ho
felt that ho nuut movo, or perhaps again
experienco "a flro in his roar" from polit
ical batteries. Lot us not repeat our er
rors, lest wo cxpatiato them'by defeat or
iudecisivo victory. Give time to our whito
Army, and you will not need a bluok ono.
I know, (hat horo I run ccuntor to senti
ments that aro often expressed upou this
floor. The contlcman from Kansas, for
instance, in this olonunnt snr-onli.
old basis ;"
and tho gentleman deemed it
tho height of satiro and ridiculo to describo
"MoClollau and Danks and Dix and Hal
lcok, aud tho like, armed to tho teeth aud
ready for tho fray,with sword in one hand
and tho Constitution in tho other, prepar
ed to administer death or tho oath of alle
giance, according to tho stubbornness or
uocuity ot tbo subject" Sir if what is
thui ridiculed is indcod thn nr.ll of t!,n
PmaMnnt I ii
x rtsiucni, i win give an a man can give
to further and support it.
I refer to the speech of tho gentleman
from Kansas, becauso it is tho frankest
, . . .
It T i!S1!? .
hero of tho doctrine of the party of which
lie is a distinguished leader. I would say
that tho doetrino of that party might bo
summed up in four words: "Throw the
Constitution overboard." Tho centleman
from Konsas said explicitly, " the wish of
Government in its prosecution of tho war.
He says, "this principle must bo repudia
ted, or it is obvious that wo aro tied hand
and foot."
Sir, the riso of the Democratic party in
this country was the people's protest against
tuo concentration of power in tho Federal
Government. Now, let somo nartv riso i
call it the Democratic nartv call it if v
' I
' " i bis momentous question, -like afi
bell, in tho night, awakened and filled mo
with terror. J. considered it, at once, as
the knell of thc Union."
"Of 0110 thing I am certain, that ac tho
parage of slavery from ono Stato to an
other would not mako a slavo of a sinn-lo
human being who would not bo so without
it ho their diffusion over a larger surface
vou!d make them individually happier, and
nvnnnvfiftnn 11 r, fn ,tt!ln tA i- i
! ,UOnt of their emaneination bv d-vidinrr tl',r
burdca on a greaicr number of coadiu-
Let mo recall, too, that at that day a
Bcprcscntativo of my own Stato, Henry
Jaluwin, ot 1'ittsburg, afterwards a judge
of tho Supreme Court of tho United States
aud one of tho ablest, foresaw with a pro-
cicnco that rivalled Jefferson's, tho diro
0 and' 1820 1
uviis mac wero to arise irom a
cal division of parties. Iu 181
ou thc floor of this llousa. -Baldwin Bl1l. I
catcd, with all tho vigor of his robust in-1
tellect, the in.inediato and unconditional'
admission of Missouti. Sir, I voted tho 1
other day against the bill prohibition tho
return of fugitives by the military author
ities. That bill was carried through-this
IIouso under tho whip and spur of "tho
previous question," after a single speech iu
its fayor from the gentleman from Ohio,lo
which no man was allowd to utter a word
in reply. Ho represented, without any
chance for contradiction, that tho military
officers wcro .usurping tho functions of our
civil judges and marshals, and wcro "run
ning down and hunting down men, women,
and children, as alleged fugitives from
Tho simple fact, as I understand it, is
this ; that in localities vhcro tho civil
powor is extinct, and all its functions aro
exorcised by tho commanding general in
tho performance of his duty and his pledgo
to protect all constitutional righln ho
has protected right-i to slavo prop
erty. Wo, by our recent legislation,
havo inviduously discriminated .those
rights as tho ouly on es which he shallfnot
protoot, and that at u nioincut whon our
armies aro occupying regions where thoso
rights of property aro moro valuable than
auy pther. Our army occupies a county,
soy in Tennessoo ; tho Union men welcome
it j their skv6a quit work to baDg around
22, 18(52
tho camp ; tho owners appeal to tho only
authority existing for a remedy. The
goneral, who decides ovcrything clso,must
aay, "Friends, I promised to maintain all
your constitutional rights, but horo I am
r- '"-
I a Union man. ho will 0l . ' . .
! r, ' u ' V
" u, on your slaves must,
practiuallv. bo frco t civil soniof.r miicf foil
practiually, bo frco i civil sooietv must full
into choas. So Congress has enacted."
Sir, I did not choose to voto for that
enactment. Whenoyer, in tho cnamolous
"iviiuiuu UUUU1U1UU3
condition of things incident to this war, it
rests wholly upon a military officer to
sustain civil society and maintain tho laws
1 will not voto to restrict him in his duty.
I believe that in tho progrcsr of this war
wo shall constantly sco, as wo have sacn,
tho civil power entirely superceded by the
military. By tho rules of civilized war
faro tho conqueror owes protection to
peaceful men in their rights cf property ;
I would not iraposo a penalty on our offi
cera for performing this duty. Law and
sound policy, in my judgment, dictate that
they should perform it. Of course I do
not mean to countcnanco tho motion that
slaves or any othor property should be .vo
turned to men in arms against tho Gov
ernment. But, sir, I do not wish to sec
every column of our army carrying in its
train a vast swarm of ungcvcrneble ne
groes ; a terror to every ono but tho foo
in arms. Useless in battlo, they will de
vastate thc laud and stain tho page of our
history with horrors that modern civili -
zation forbids, even in war. How this is
to bo prevented I know not, if our officers
may noi send them back to their labor;
nay, as somo hero havo strcnuonsly con-
tended, may not even croludo thorn from
thc camP-
For theso sentiments, I doubt not, I
snail be styled "an advocato of slavery."
.luuiu.i.iu. ujr viuur imputation
shall ever deter mo from voting &nd snoak
ing according to my convictions.
I desire to sco a ipcody and glorious
termination to this war ; and I would not
ignore tho lessons of history, which teach
that such a termination was never reach
ed through sweeping confiscations and pro
scriptions and savogo cruelties. You may
make a descri andall it peace ; or you
may summon clemency to tho aid of valor
aud mako your earliest victories decisve.
I am a northern man with northern prin
ciples. In this conflict my pridp and in
terests aro all enlisted on tho northern eido
which is my side.
VnSllmi. ! n .11 !
It is in tho interest of the North that I
have ever fccc-n opposed alike to northern
disunionisls and southern disuniuf.ii;f3. I i
would leave to my children tho Union thai i
our fathers left to us.
Born aud bred on the soil of tho State
whoso proudest title u to be "tho Keystone
cf tho Federal arch," I do not wish to seo
a uow St. Domingo ou her southern bor
der. Theso arc my sentiments csa Pcnnsyl
vanian and a white man.
Decisive Battles of tho World.
The decisivo battles of tho World, those
of which, to uso Hallam's words, a con-
trary rcsult would Lav0 ossontiaHy varied
tllU t1rftlna f W0l'lcl iu a11 its snl)S0'
quent scones, aro numbered as fifteen by
Prof' Cresily' who f,U tLo c,,air of auoiett
aud Modrn IIUt01'y in tto Univcrsl,y of
LoncIo" They lira tho Srand subjects of
two V01um0S V mm' latoly rom JJcnUoJ
link's?! uuu
1. Tho battlo of Marathon, fought -100
B, C.,iu which tho Greeks, under Them
istocles, defeated tho Persians under Da
rius, thereby turning buck tho tide of
Asiatic invasion, which clso would Lave
swept over Europe.
2. Tho battlo of Syracuse, 410 B.C.,
in-which tho Anthcnian powor was broken,
and tho rost of Europo saved from Greek
3. Tho battle of Arbola, 331 B. 0., in
which Alexander, by a defeat of Darius,
established his power in Asia, and by tho
introduction of European civilization, pro
duced an effect whioh may yet be traced
1. Tho battlo of Motaurus, 209 B. 0.,
tho ltomans under Nero, defeating tho Car
thagenians, under Ilasdrubal, and by
which tho supremaoy of tho groat Kepub
lio was established,
f. The victory of Armenius, A. D. 8,
over the Roman leader Vorrus, which ss
curcd Gaul from lloraan domination,
0, Tho battle of Chalons, A. D. 401, in
whioh Actius defeated Altila, tho Hun, the
self-ityled "Soourge of God," and eived
Europe from entire devastation'
, iii, iu ttuuiu mcru was IU WOICU William of Normnnilw
once a court, and if the judge, who is now ; torious oyer tho Anglo-Saxon Harold, and
a socossion rnlnrinl Anna l,- f- it i. .... . . .'
. ---! ""s uuiil; ruu us iuu result or w nr i wna tim r
TEHillS ! 62,00 PER AWIVUM.
7. Tho battlo of Tours, A D. 730 jn
which Charles Martel, by tho defeat of tho
Sarcaceus, averted tho Mohammedan yoka
1 from Europe.
8. Tho battlo of Hastings, A. Df 13fl0
' a '
, V" ""B'";""" nation, wuiclj p xavt
I uomiuant in the world,
I O 'I'Ln kn1 r ni i n .
in which the English were defeated, and
tho indopondent existonoo of Franco
10. Tho defeat of tho Spanish Arrnads,
A. D. 1589, which crushed tho hopes of
Papacy in England.
11. The battlo of Blenheim, A. D. 170-t,
in which Malborough, by tho defoafc of
Tallerd, broke tho power and crushed tfca
ambitious schomcs of Louis XIV.
12. Tho defeat of Charles XII, by Potor
tho Great, at Pultowa, A. D. 1700, which
secured tho stability of the Muscovite Bm
13. Tho battlo of Saratoga, A D. J777
in which Gon. Jatcs ds;.atud Burgoyuo',
and which decided th cortc.-t. in favor cf
the American ILvo.uiion s-s, by making
Franco their ally, and other European
powers friendly to them,.
14. Tho battlo of Valmy, A. D. 1792,
in which tho Continental allies, under tho
Duke of Brunswick, wcro defeated by tho
French under Dumouriez ; without whicl;
the French Itovoluticn would have boon
J stayed.
1 15. The battlo of Waterloo, 1815, in
j which the Duke cf Wellington hopelessly
defeated Napoleon, and saved Europe from
hiis grasping ambition. Or put back
.Euro po half a century in it3 progress to
j ward liborty and distinotivo nationality
J which was ouly recovered by tho battlo ci?
' SolforinoYi)!
Antjediluvian Trees. Tho Chicaco
Tribune of tho 10th cf January, says ;
Wo saw, a few days since two remarkr
able specimens of petrified trees frocx
Pika's Peak. They belong to thoUnivorr
sity of Chicago, and so far as our knowl?
edge extends, though a young institution
it has tho finest aod largest specimens pf
antediluvian forests with which wo aro
Vtilo tho ohango to stone, is complete,
the wood is as perfectly preserved as if ec
change had occurred. The petryfying
ugout was silicia, and it may be seen en
crusting some portions of tho surface ia
whito and blue globules.
From tho curvature of aanu&l rings of
growth, we judge tho tree from which these
spccimcus come to have been at leant four
tcou lee1, 'u diameter, aud their number
anu tincnness indicate that it must have
required about ono thousand years to
. grow that size. 'The larger spacimsn of
tho two is over three feet in circumference
at tho baco, on which it stands nearly erect
end is fivo feet and a half h!gh,and weigh?
ono ton and a half r3,000 pounds. Tha
.other specimen is nearly uniform in eizo
from end to end, whilo tho largo specimen
tapers from tho base to about half tho size
at the top.
Tho specia to which thoeo wonderful
spociinons belong has probably been long
cxtinot, but appear to rcsomblo very close,
ly iu every respect the California redwood.
An Indian's Siiuewd.vess. At an
early fctago in tho proceedings of tho Erie
and New York Central Railroad, whlls
tho directors were negotiating with the
chiefs for tho land arouud Jomison Hi'l,
tho colonel and others had made somo
strong speeches depicting the worthless
ncss of tho laud, and enlarging considera
bly upon tho fact that it was good for
nothing for corn, aud consequently should
be leased very low. When the colonel
sat down, thc old chief r plit,d in tho Son
oca tonguo to the iiitcrpretor, ,to .tha effect
that ho "knew it was poor land for corn j
but miaht- goo I Innn for ri wi'."1 'Plus
force of this remark will bo :u ly appreoi
atod, when it is known tint i f 'ittloitrip
of land around Jcmipon Hi,l was the only
possiblo placo for a railroad that did not
involvo tho building of two expensive
bridges across tho Alleghany, Post.
tSr If wo dio today, tho suu will ehioa
brightly nud tho .birds sing as sweetly to
morrow. Busiuess will uot bo suspended a
inoment,and tho groat mass will not bestow
a thought upon our memories. Is ho dead !
is ihe solomu inquiry of a few, as thoy
pass to their work. But no oue will mis
U3 oxcept our immediate connection, ant
in a chort timo they wiil forget ui, an I
laugh as merrily as when we sat besmo
them. Thus shall wo nil, now activa in.
lifo, pass away. Our children crrl
eloio bohind us, and they will soon bflgonr
In a few years not a living human bv..
pan txelaim."! turwYui w '