J, COLUMBIA UI5MOCMT. John p. Freeze, Local Editor, SATURDAY MORNINO, MAH.01I 18, 1BC2. he Journal, at New Cattle. Lawrence county li I tor ttU, -!0! tCTAVe It IndebtO! to the Hon. Chat. J. DUJle M. foryaluibl eoncrcnii.iil favori. :o: WftllThe rilntct" for February li on our table, tt li nioitlrftomtlng and rvadahlo number. -:o:- 67" The Fort Wayne Weekly Times ic Union, it to publican, antt-aboljtloii newspaper, I tins up the name of Gen, George 1). McClellan.for Frcildcnt in 1801. We may find oecas.dn to go with Tho Time on that point, i- . ;o: S7 Robotic, Kirk, jCio,., has been appointed Minis. tr to th Argentine Confederation in Place of llobott M. Palmer, of Pottsvillc, whoaikcd to, bo recalled on account of HI health. -:o: 0"Nov by Saint 1'aul llto work goes bravely on-tho tide of success is with tlio federal forcos, and AInJ, Gen. McCleltan It worklngout the salvation of the country. Everywhere, well coiifelvcd, well executed schemes are bringing brilliant victdrlei. -o: ty Richard Storrs Willis nl)o so successfully con ducted the N. Y. Musical World a few years ago has li med In Now York, periodical fortho diacuislon oflit eratur'e, fln'o arts, music, poetry, painting, nnd kindred subjects', fil Oneta-monlh, We earnestly wish it success. i iOI- CS Weadrnlro and commend tho wisdom nnd foro slght of Ojcjrepiiblicnn mcmlers of congress. Feeling satlsllad ttuat tliey have completely ruined and broken up the 'country, they arc now at work trying to passu (lenorai Bankrupt Law, ofwhlchnt the proper timothsy will take the benefit. Oorr(fl)ffOEC0' 4 i-For Vs.. Marnh Jth IBn-l do til 'llvo "cK,oM,!,l writing the ff noiningbi nn- Mil.", . i . ' r uilf l,MT i merely ucsiro I ,1B" f,.i II. Al lfl .? in II.. Mr. F.dltori for your columns portanco msny. i stand that I am fu tolnroriii i your 5 In all forward movements heart of Secesilajdtni ,,,, , Mnny persons Co limb in county ("cIVii,,, .i.ii-. u. .i. . In our county ,lmA'W'te,,rrsf-ntatlves from Col 'Iron Guard. " njf' "IRct l,f it Is, tl(cy do no' con umbla in the an ftnbet, illtuto one.f.urtlj tl'',t., llaB b,cn entirely organ Our Unltcry (Jll Lll'l,gC0,,ji1,)ll, ,, 0iilsl- ...... j.-. ; ..on iiiu.uiiiipr rniomac, uie erallnu ol ""f'Vl'new guns Ailed Iho "It, gula Ooreriiiiicnt g , 'V'rlllod gnu." They dlfur but !' V1 ' ?,n , bt111' "llJ "f "nl11 10 '" superior in Vang,, and utlrj 1 "l'y ro IK'""!r '" "'""""lion and more- eat !,' toctlonnf our llattcry left our ...... ii, 4,,i, ,iiii iirucue-ucu tonus ciicampme till ll Tho ,3, ,, m ,,,,, place . V If "$t, Ashby's Cavalry left ns our " r.Town uiiuput iiiaKingnuy opposition, f?rcf"!,i "'.'false alarm was rnised, which kept During tlioKt t(ce nil light. During the lloxt day our forcb Of illani.' Ilrlmidil crussud. and lti other intt ry. i no sin conn. v!?th ,. Y. utu now hero, 'In a'ddltlon to tho Tt Drilroy Rats, Iloaclut, A.e. 76 Ocitrc) .Mice, Moles, and Anil To Dtitrt) -llfd-llugs. 'lSi IJttltcy Moth In Furs, Cloths, Ac. 7' Dtttray Mn1i.ltocsnnd rieas. 71) l)ctroy lim-as on t'lants and Fowls. , 'I'd JJeitroij lhiccti on Animals, ice' 7ii Vcttro livery form and species of Vermin. )Biinuayjt'lt !),, .,,, Tho 3th Conn. i!?th N. Y. i" .v . Iii "'0 now hero, In ls(Md,uni' -01i,, jay troupe w'f bllt thu ,iM , will(os l!arrc. and con 1 l,H P'lnnhllo buildings nnd prlvatil houses nuns "''iHUitantsliavuliMl. Our truons nio uuar nnll "Ure!ies,deiarted houses, etc. IJeitructlon terLit in ne;rv The ciil-Iiig Iioumo shows n special Notices. J24I $75 Tim j . ( t 1 1 ry corner. The engine ho vliibIirMI i,y tho btirnlng of niasi fi JVi.mo of them havo been tn i,.i.ui,n.ij!r uwn vliocl, over n macadamized pike, . c ""t'fSoro complain ef l bitterly, saying it has 1 i c,.Ji-aii- I" addition' mthlVwIndoala destrue- 1 rUlliei'tll' ,o.ln,V.,l ll,n clamllil Itnllmn.l l.ri.lon , n- "ONLY IN'FAt.MnM', UBMKlHlia KNOWN'." Dentroyes Instantly BVKHY TOllM AND SPKOIBS OF BMPI.0YMB1IT1 AflKNTH WANTCUI W'c will pay from S'.'i to $T.1 prmnnth, and nit cxpon. scs,toactiva Agents, or give n tnmmlsnlon. rartieulars sentfr-e. Address Ham Stwinn MACiilriK CoMfAMTi It. JAM KM. rii-nerdl Agent, Milan, Ohio. Aug. 14, leof.nm. JjlASniONABLB OLOTIIINO ron FALL. Tlio r-i,d-estbils!ind WIllTil IIAI-t. CI.OTIIINO IIA7.AAII, at the southwest corner of FOURTH AND MAKKF.T HniHUTq. Is nr.w prepared with a FU1.I. BTOCK OF FASillONAIir.n IIHAUY MAUI! CI.OTIIINO FOU FAI.l. AN6 WINTIlil WEAK. at prices which challenge competition. reticular attention glvuu to Customer Woik, OlHeora Unirorms, nlso Homo duards' Suits, kc. WIHTF. HALL C1.0TIIIN0 HAZAAIt. youthwost comer of FOUItTII AMI) M AUKt'.T STRF.I'.Tri. ri'.TCIl S. LI'.VIOK, Proprietor. Nov. 10, Uol. (May 1, UOI-lim.) If RES 11 ARI11VA L -or- ' . FOR- FALL All WINTER! indcrjened, grateful for past patronago, tr tp'tl y InrwMstiiscus'umirs and thepuhllcgfiierally liasjuit rccelvoirfro'iu tho l'.astarno cities, th I NEW i FAlii & WINTER GOODS! PETER. ENT rrllHundc I I full that he largest and inoit select stock of FALL AND WINTER tl on tliM nt.m llTtv of the iutinMt.ii.ts hota nro mucli deliuM i ., .LIITt" i" "i l''l'T n".j situ-- n-ini.-i;u VE I C7"nil).MAH W. MATTSON. Ui-cclvod tho Triio Mill nt tho World's Fair In London IH5I, forTRUNK.1 CAUI'IIT IIAtIS, Hoots, shoi-s and Cuius. (Jreat induce mi'Hts are now ollVrrd to iurclmHcri of tho above artl Of. This U much tho largest stock of trunks. Carpet Hags, Vnlln-s.&e., in Philadelphia vury cheap forcush No, 40 1 Market atroct. onu door above 4th, A'oiitA (ie A, That has ytl been opened in nlomnsburg, t wliiph ho invites tho attention nf his friends, and nsiureti ll.'fil thnflhey nr,i olTcred for sale at great bargilinil. His oiocn cwiiipriscs n inrge nssorimeut ot UBNTLtSJIBN'a WHARINC A,ri'.irtF.L, Consisting nl HAS Just received (rom Philadelphia, nnd is now opening nt the old stand late y occupied by Marlt k n splendid assortment of merchandise, which will bo sold cheap for OASII Oil COUNTRY PHOD.UGK. Hie stock consists of Ladies Dress Unodi cboiceit styles nnd late.t fasliions, , DRY (100113. (lUOCKRILS, HAitn wARi:, (iui:i:NH WAnn. CI'.llAH-WAUl'., IIOLLOW WARh IRO.Y. MIILS Ji.Vl) HV1KFJS IIOOTd AND tlllOKrt, II ATS AND CAPS, Rl'.ADY MADU CI.OTIIINO, k.C. hV. III short every thing usually kfpt In country store Thu patrnuagM of old friends, and tho public general ly, Is respectfully soirltrd. , The highest market prlco paid for country prndure. l'KTKR i:NT. Light Street, Dee. II, 1601. insisting ol Faiiiionabi.ii Dar.ss Coats, of every dps- . ,, ' J. V-vt.-ir r , Handkerchiefs, (limes, Suspenders, tec, QOLD VVATCHES AND JEWELHY, much i 1 "., 'Ifie had at any price, niatrhus !i3 els. per hoi, lr.t quire, miller -non tn i.vcrjiiinigtisecor iHinii V,IU ca" J'hi-"i with what dt light thu ndcnt r .if'!"1 wmhullril. l'urthermori-, they know as ul ,4.'a do not again lenvu tln-ui until penco Is re- IC, tr-,,.. . ,..(,!, ,v !,,, II, rtlli,,rj rV ll-ll-.J store ,.,,,.,,,,,.,1 llutl..i,u ,.,. .ii,,,,,,. ,,,IM unui.,1 rfon'H Irni'i'u, snltcii with sail purihaseu rrom lorces. nro, frutil J.-ic) C and J. l'nulkuer. V.x Mililfter to France Hf-M. C ri'sident ut Fort Warren did not million speeih :o:- V.i.oring the Union cause. as wn reported in thu V.Vru nnnirs. lie It lilu-ro lat H.'iturd iv. He. hi re- ,;5to have beoiTMie causo of the di-ath of Ills old yyCol.Strothers ofl'alh. His son, Dnvl.l'Strothirs Lri'o favorably known na Port t'riiyon, is on (general Si Hiajt', anil it Is presumed will nvengothoduntliot fthor. iny In your vicinltydesire to enlist with us, they ll'SIII urtiislieri with ttansnortatioii by annlyiug to the rest rcciiiiliitg other Promotions in thu company Miiniioniew vacancies. Of oyery description, fine and clicnp. N. ll.U'-monitK'r Lotttirbrrg' Cheap Emporium." call and see. No charcn for eiamlng (iomli. DAVID LOWF.NIIUIIO. Illonmshurg, Heptcmbcr 2?, ltlil. (Juo Irt'J.) 'A John Faroira. 718 ARCH Street, between 7th, an a, Hh. Directs, (f.flie 8ifl.V(irAff Slrrcl rkllnitlpkla ) iMroRTcn fc .Masufactuhkr or, and IiKAUn is .llkinos of FANCY FUllr1, FitOM FOUTI5K5S MONROE. Details of ie iCililc rnmstn koss.oc, Mareh 8. The long ejpect'd Rsbel steamer Msrrlmie has last made her appearance, and yisterday aftaruoort, with Ihe assistance of two gunbonls which came nut Tilth her from Norfolk, and tho Januatowrt-nn-l ork town.uhlth eaitii.- down from th) James River, ms.de an attack upon Newport Nov. s, and Inf natal vends its- limit;,, ill in ni , hi u, Tho .Mbrrlinac was (lrst sfrn from the rampsrts of Fortress Moliros on h r way to Nonp'il Nes. at about n ijuatUr, h' r'n i D'rl.ick Tils r bol gun boats followed her',1 Tl)-y V.I carrltd lhoCnfiderata flag at ilitf stern. ', , , , Her klJu.bnv- h i. st-irn v.era covered ulthiloplnc Iron plates, tit ng ten fc, t below the wati'rllae.Riiil uinctlng abuvi IIKf tho uof ol linure At hr bowsi on tho water Ilnj, ,t 'vo sharp Iron points, nsnf bllng pious about sli t.r icven fettapirt. The. Roanoke Hog ship having lirxn disabled by the broakljig of her shall sokic thus sliic. wi.s taken In tow by the Mulinats Dragon aud Young Aineilcn, At about the snmo fimo the nlarui gun of tho Fottress was hrnJ trTl tAl.n, . i , . . . . " vui un-aRwaicr, rioyu, seems to bo noil) only a thief, on J n traitor: but If reports from Fort Uonft'he weather for tho pnat few day-ihns hoen stormy. aison DO true, also a coward. ffl n siiriacoiinn iniiuiiaiioii or niu miu seems no miiii.- Wh'ai npitylt is so many prominent rcuMlMnl'" ,1 . -iyinur. tvu-Minini tivtir iiiiiiiiihiii, isi i,,,tu should copy ofter Floyd in tlio inntterofhls teollng,an1arkiics, blinding hlett, among hilly roads, muddy hot- tOUlH, criiUKf'd ro'il", il gnarieu ll,:us. i o ur'-is rf'l ii the mud to tho hill,., nu J tho men nml horsi'Kto llinlr nees. Ten liorwi fnluil to pull one or the pieces: Wu wen-ohlleed tounlim),erthe piece anil iittjdi.'i prolnngo. tt ii t tlilt leltef is l.i-r, lining too long Letters and p.ipcrs iniittbe sent to llatlcr r. 1st t'n. Art., U.iuKs' l)iUion. 1 UlllS lllll) . All i iia.r.uini. ot fo" pifru Improvfli on him m vastly, llut so it is. i.' SJ (lea. Shields succeeds Ocn. Lander In cnmmi oi iiiu lurcei 111 noriiiwesiern Virginia. A. Il.'Vali Horea have another patriotic democrut, whajl T ZZ. -"vtui -laa.viiiii Ul IUU C0l pi prcsidenuo the field of bloody battle. Oen. Hht will glvoa good account of hlniief, (;a has not f5' ten oil training in Meiicu. ITjAiws predicted some time ago, the repiffi" havoputjn nomination for Governor of Rhodoi'da man cthtir tun Und In opposition to Oov. SprJ "io UomocraTlc candidato for that ollico. Oov. Spra I"" boenhUng for tho Unlcn, of course ho iiius)Cat-n-thiepubllcans could not stand his elcctlijiUo U in - uio union aim me bonttitution." JSf" llTJVir. P .M. Ulair characterizes as "acfurt'" alttttrjtf the Confederates," in other wojdj triors lonlstsijho men who hold such sontiinontsfA-' con demneiljlast week ; to wit, that the seccdciijos wcro actui'lly.out of the Union, and must he rfm'lcd. And yet a lot of-promluen holding Just such a meellngat the Cooper Ituto,Ncw -:o: grVy llllnm Carter ic ltrothere, Nonfi1', are pub lishing ii monthly entitled "Tales of ft'ay," which nro selection of nil the best stories flhi'd in tho Cngllihiiiid American Magazines nndlfrary pnpirs It deserves to be encouraged, and It isfy convenient to bava the wheat winnowed from tho'ah" by a com- petcnt hand. Tho selection is hlglif'inied by our very best exchanges. rOT The I c.leral trooos nro Inf'hurg.n strnn hold of thj rt'ii-l forte-,. Thi iilacrls evncuali-d on last.lrlUny. thu rrbcli going toif't they iloeuied more eomfiirtalili and suf -jt-ri. t -i lif-ir ilrstiiiatinu from'Lcesbiir ! not poiitively kii'ci I but it is pre suni'jdlthey havo gone to VViiuhiuli where tlry are sirongly.forurtd.-fiurorAi! Mrii To Hhuh yo r,ru v-'ry happy to'd that tho papsrs say Winchcter i-s nlsoevncuatedT. they have rotiiod still further down into Of tUos.'. Picparations (unlUe all others) at a "Fet- from Poisons." "Nm dangerous to the human family," "Ilatsilnntit die on th- premises." "Tory loin," out of lli.-l r holen to die." "They uro the only iuf.illinhle remedies known." "IJ years and limr.i ert'iblished In New Vuik City V-ol liu the City Post Olfiec. Vied by too (.'liy Prisons nudi'tntion Hoi'sci. Uttd by tlut.'Uy MtuamerH, Blus. xc Vjnl by th.i City lln.pit.ils, Alins-lliiows, A.e. Usil by th.' City llol,-l..--.stiir,-'rit. .srihol.n.'tc. Used by the Hoarding llou-e, f.c. let: Used by mote than .V)i),ui)U Private l'.uiiill- v. u. riso one or two .-'p -cimi-iis of what in ueryvllt,re niiid by tli'i'iieo-ile IMitors ll.'0li-r, lit. noi.'rfi:Ki:i:i,i:i!!j-,truuhl,l lth Vurmrn raud b- so no homer, if they use "CoirR'd" Htti'rntiuatnri,. Wo Wo luvo Used it to our satisfaction, nnd if n h costs 3i wo would h.ivu It. We havu trli'd poliiuis, but th y Lll'-ctjd niithlng; hut "Cim ab'" nrtltle knocks tin! breutli out of Uats. Mice, Roaches, mid lled-llugs,'tiii 1 Uniformity of Frlcoa I A New Frnlura In llusluess F.ry on Ills own HaleiuiiiiP JONUH & CO. nf tho ('resent On,- Pncj Clothing More, No. 501 Market atrco hhoo rflxlh, Philadelphia, In addition to having thu largest, most varied and fa.hliuiable stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, madu ci presrly for retail ,!,'., I.aye constituted every ouo Ills own salesman, by h.ivlug marked In figures, on cadi nr Jlclo at tho'Veiy lowest (uleo it ran to uold for so they .inuot pos-io'y vary nu musi ouy iiuko. Tuh good, nro well spoimcu nun prepared, nno ureal pains taken with the making so tint nil cati.huy Willi tho roll aiaii ranco of ireltiiiir a eood article at Iho very low est tirlco. aio, n largo siock oi piece goons on naiiu.tii tho latitat t lu and best qualities, which will bo made to order, In Uo most fashionable and best inannor, US por con., L')ow rroditprldcs, Remember the CVscuul, liiMarkct.nhnvr Flxth Ftrcet No. 'JUL ' JONLa&CO. AMDROTYPE, PJIOTOORAFU It MELAINOfYFB fi A 1 1 R ! n AMDUOTrPES, PIIOTO.GllAL'IIS, Melalnotvncs. Sec taken In Cloudv ns well as Clej I Weather, Ainbrotypcs and DaguuVrcotypes copied and r.. t.i.lira MlMtrM- nttlChUdreil'n Irrar a"" l"0 HVIt, garrison WHS lurnvu ui uuuc "ullf not 'mat ml f unci "nTln' boa... st.adlly pur.ued thel, wav to - S ttiVro nivii I Inrounud buaullfiil as- . P'"1 eW, mill llieMIefltinac soon mrnod uii imni t, m"ftof"u loaHlm -ri: i'ii.! M-..J. i ........ , .. .i was fired from tne friatt-L', H Cumb'tland, at a littler i mot lun nVlnrk. Tll.i Hiuell's Point battefV' til A n InnrSota. whicu nu piv-an'S. ana the Rip Raps replied with a, few ed to the com- Hnlarged NORTH DAhYILLE Dec. 21, leCI. A..nlllln nl" 1-iir- D,lr-hli 5" Ins Fnll nnd Winter 'asons.'t would ! P"l lf "'cl".':.k' .T"0 "' "c n-n-ectfully InUteiiu oxau.lnlitioh'of iny stock' and p,i- , T 'P "Vr.no Rto'Vt cos froni those intending to pufchase.aa I am enabled 5??" .1 Ut P Ilw.l.i ...'r ,l...-,rl.l.ln 1 11,1 ,ir eiili-tll.. at CCl t Point. All iny Fiirsh.ivo been purrliased fur c.vh, and made by cipcrleuci',1 nnd tompetenl hands, and as te present i mnnttary troubles render it nrce.snry Hiat I should ills pose of in v goods nt very small advance on cost. I am satisfied that it will he to tho Interest! of those ' how design purchasing, to give nn- n call. n;. I,.... .-!... II, n ii.in.t nil..,ln a,,.! limit, Inllt. well as Clear rarcir.i.(;ioW l-'!ir ("toreA 713 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Hcptcmtier ii inn an;. MARRIAGES- On Satt-rdnf evi'iiin, March 8th IPf.i, by Klder John button, Mr. Aiiuvitoi Hakdun, to Miss iujsu.ia ItAMi all of Ilcnton. llliCKU'JS FOR FEDUUARY i'O TUB COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. i crllian w-can wrllo it. It is In great demand all uvur Miuvuv Umiorms There la. perhaps, no dcp.nt nirnt of iiiiiitnry business 1 whirh there lids been 11 mora marked improvement than in tlio clothing of sol diers. Not many years since officers nml privates were clad In gniiuiti. which were almost skin-tlaht. They won) leather stocks, which were worthy of tho name, for tltv Urul the wearer 111 tribulation i white their ttaddctl breasts and tight ! 'even made volition a maltr of great diinciilty. During the present war, such of our vol, in ttvrs as proi ur,' their uniforms nt tho llrown Ktono Clothing llallof Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 1103 nnd Gil) Cliii-tiiul stre"t, ui.ovo SH.li .hiladelphla, obtain clo thing that is peifecjly iMsy. sub.tautlal nnd beeoinliig. The fi t in ii:uu;J,l l.nvn goae largely Into tha ' hunlncss of making Military Clothing, and Ijieir faculties unnldo tliom ko fill thu largest onlor in tlio' s)io,-test poiisible time. riopt.21, lrjfil CRITTENDEN'S! I'llIUDKU'lll.V ( OiliniEllCIAL. COLLEGE, N. E. comer nflth and Chatnut Streets lZ.' PIIILADELIUIIA. Uu country. .Medina ti (la-.ctte. MORI'. OIlAIN and provisions are destroy,! iiiiuunlly in (ir.iut County by vermin, than nuuld pay for tons if this lint mill Inseit Killer. Laneaslee llij.j lernld llUNRY It. CtlrfP Mt-Wo are selling yodr prepara tions' rapidly. Whcr.'ier lit )' luvo horn ,n j,l , It.ll.s .Mice, Roadies and Wruiiu dinippcnr rapidly i;cnttt i. Bioii tut, Uriift;i,u, v 1 i.isor, ;nu. 'f A I? 3? K i Tho following nro tlio receipts to the office Of tllO (JOLUMWA DKMOCJIAT, UUIUI the month of February, 1802 ; Columbia County, IMward llartmau, Samuel I'rens, llcury 1). Kiiorr. Lambert Pursing, Charles MiclnUI, Jesse t'oleinau, I'.li llogatt, ' Nathan llnjjibpy, Thoiuai Dulldioii, '.i billoii ft. llnbb)us, Win. I. anion, I'.E'l. Hubert II. Arthur, lion, lii'o. H Tuttou, C. l'ronefii'lil, M. II. Power & Hone, Ii AUJnhii Ilruuer, J -11 Win. fhallVr, S! SU A. I Crawford, 1 II l'eivr llrugler, U IJii'riaiiiucl llrugler, 1 ."lO'l'rud'k. llahuer, 1 ooli'oliimbiit I'iniuty, t d'lVaiuu .1 lteniky. 1 T.'.jlli.n. Aaron 'lies, 1 Ul i.'ol.J. V. Cresutll, 1 7S Jackson (leorge, 1 51 ildw, R. Albertson, d 1)1, Ui-l'. & line. Dllii o 5 l.ll ia;,c M WIIKi."Oii, 1 '.'"1 Saiuuel Sutler, U Ulii-j Di"tirkU, Ct'l , lion. J. Henry Askiiis, 1 Ho jam (i. Uuick; Richardson L. Wril.t, 1 Oil lliiam llitluho 1 1. 1,.......,. iln II- -,.,.lrni 1 '-ri'j -a 1 levncuateill' Dixie I :o: o CTijThe Working rariner AJlitcd States Journal underUia editorial conduct ofjf Mapes U nn nbla and Interesting agricultural tuj?lornry journal. It Is pubMihed nt '23 Coitltndi fcit, N York.at Sl.OOnvear and moat unexampled premliiriaro oll'orcd to clubs, and subscribers. For example J5U will get the "Work lug Farmer" i. "Harpers .Mag(im"-a saving of 51,5c indJniTratu rending and li.tif lt Many other mat ten aro olTsred, but we monti only one. Send ton ccnufjir.a 110, and pick out fcyourself. m J BjtyHjracoOrccloy rompla'i about hia war tax, and 111s accounted tuiim for lopiy. Horaco Creelcy is emnlo'il "with continual fault finding of tiery movementV thoso engaged in sup pressing this foul rebellion and it is accounted unto him for tiyally. t Horace Ort-oly la never I'd of abusing and denoun cing McClellan, Unlink, filter, I)ix Iliirnside, nml nil other'proininent men "4;, j.ert in suppressing this foul rebellion," and it is accouisd unto him for loyalty. Out if a democrat denov:cs n stealing stay ut home republican, he is account? disloyal. '4. . j :-ui J.icnb Dt'limtt, Lstj. John .1. r-liooK, l'rodi rl, I: I), rr, David llrown, Jr , II I). Ilitluiih.'iiiler, Cm' Luuh.'ich, Lharli's lvliiigman, inter. 5 I). W. AruihlrniiE, 2 -'5 l'.t. of leo. P. Miller, 1 75 )nvid Junes, 1 2U Join- Kresler, i! JU (ieo. I.. Shoemaker, 1 i.l Joi:tl) Furman, lls'l. 75 10 1 j 5U W 1 1)0 4 21) 11) DO 1 ll'.l 1 75 4 OH 78 1 75 1U 73 '2 1)11 1 73 '2 00 1 l' 1 S.1 1 75 1 75 I 31 Si I 5 00 sZi .s-s. w r. Maple Sugar and Molasses, wanted nt IhU onj'P. Also-tiraln, I'rodoec.itcT.hlrh our Iriends will obluo 11. by di'llvering as u.suui ior uie lamiiy. oi iui, hum lug llio nusuue-j ui mu i,i.-'i, -.-.vi-illg. .Manh , 1-M. "Costar's" Rat Roach, 5tc. Exterminator. "Costar's" Costar's" Bed-Bug Extormlnator. "Co&tar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, .tc. In 5c5ilc. ami .$1,1)1) ltous, l'iorit.,:s ami I'.nf.u, $3& $5 rii.i for Plantationi, iihipx, IJnata, llotils, &cc -Vc. 0 AUTI ON 11! To pr--veni the public from being im n,ie,l 1111011 br tiiuriou and Itiehlu I'rrni'iiius ImttatUns a now label has been ,r, pared, Inuring n ymjuaio of tin! Proprirtur's sigmit'.ir,'. I.miuiiii," tatii uo, Iwlile, iirllstt'UrefulJy befuru ptircjiasing, and Ukj nolhiiig but"COsT.ilfa.'" ' ESoal 'JL'eaus ior .aic. A Canal lloat with two llorsea. and entiro rlxturnr.in lUttilug "rder.will bs sold low and on reasoirible tirms. Apply to JOHN 0. FRliKZU. llluuuisburg, Mauh t", lc'Gi. AUDlTOlfS NOTJG Till', unilersiened, nouoiuted 1111 Auditor by tn-'. Oi- ph.in's Court of Columbia com.lv to distribiitu the h.il iiiiCJiu tlu liands of lleulien Miller, i:erutor of John Linden, Into uf llri.ircreek Towiihhip in the sahl county dci;,'ase,l, to and auioiig the rrclltorsnud others entitled according to law ; will inert the parties iutiirotsd for III', purpi'M: of his appoiutnient 011 Saturday, April 5th fell., at lili oihc'J in lllooiiisbdrg, at IU o'l lock, A. M Llnui and where nil persons havine clniin are req.ie.tnd to present tjiom or'bd forever U barred from coining in for a t-luro ot r.iiil fund, ' JOHN 0. rilKKZF., liloouiibdrg, .Marcli 5lh Ir'GU. Auditor, Tun Ixs.rnTT.ox, which was eitabtlsScd In 14) t. and Is now conso'Ut-iitly in the eighteenth, year of its exist- j enrc. liumliTs among its graduates, hundreds of ths ' mostddccessfdl Merchants and Uusincss Men of our , Country. TmtOajrrT of tin Institution is solely to alfiird young men facilities for thorough preparation for businvss. Thk HaATHi.'STeoiiTarc, llaok-kitplnt;, ns appllra-1 ble to tho various departments of trade; I'enmanship, both plain and iirnarncHlil j Cmamtretal law, .Vatae matlet, Jfavigatton Civil I'.ntrtueei ing , Draxeing, than. O'tarphy, and Modern Langnoges. Tie rivsiiM or IxsTBi't-riox lsp:culiar; no classes or set lessons nro made use of. hut each student is taught Individually, so that he may commence at any time, and iilfcud at whatever hours aru most rouvuuieut. i:.Tii.oooEs aretssued aanuiuintter tlio uinoi.vnrn i; , cniit'iiniug nauios of the studc'iits fr the year, ami full tiarllCIILirs m lerui, ocr.., aim may uu uuiuuieu ui any Ulne hy addrjstug the Principal, IxKitcxsive AccoMMOD rtos, tridc-sprrad reputation and the lengthy erpiricnic .fine I'tinelpal, thi.s lustitii tioiiofl'ern farilitics superior tunny other in IhA coun try, for young men wishing topreparo for business, and to obtain at the same time a 1UVI.0MA, iralrA fill prnrca recommendation for them them to any Morchau tile House, HT-CaiTENnrx'sSfrios of Treatises on Hook-Kffp-1x11. now noro widelycirculatedthan any otlur work on the lubjuct, aro for sala at tlie College. 3. 1101)01:3 CR ITT UN DSN', tlorary'at-,aif, I'an-cirAt.: Jan. S3 1802 12m. I rA. j NEW BUSINESS FIHM. 'pIlK undersigned rnspectlully inform tlirlr fron,ts -I and the nubile cencrally, that they have cntned in to co'iiattilership, under tho nanio, stlo and firm 'of MILLF.R U II'VIUI in tho ftlcrcniilt.c ISiimuc, In the "Old Arcnde,"li I'-lnomsbitrg, Columbia co where they intend carr vine 011 the business of oeme- r At. MeRCilixniziNn, In nil its diversified brandies and departments, nndto whlih they invito an extension of the public patrunagc. fl. II M1LLLR. FRUD'KC. HYUR. lilooMsburg, May 11, ISflJ.-tf. PItOTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. 't HI! subscriber would inform his friends, that In Is I now prepared to put up, on short notice, 'and u a scientific manlier, the b.-st mrwy ruiKTKn untirxi.va nous, at IU crntsp'-r foot. AH work warranted. K. U.DIDLRMAN. Blnonisburg, May 34, IfrO. Calta'iS!ia Kail Ilond. vass nuriuiT station. SOUTHWARD HOUND TRAINS. Philadelphia 4c N. Y. Mall 1(1 .'.5 A. " " l.proB VJ.So A. NORTHWARB ItOUNp TRAINS. I'.lmira Mail 3.41 P Niagra F.tprcsi 1P.15 P A llih'k siuoku was scon seen tonrlse above Nownort News Point Indicating that the Mattery there, as well as the Cumberland and Congress, unsengagud. As the Merrlinacaprroached the Ciimbcilana she did not pav nny attention to tho Congress, but, after firing two guns. siruiK tier, 1.111 ..uiouerianti.; .fun lief rusiii hows, making a Jaggi il hole In her side, at tlio water line, seven feet in extent. Tho Cumberland Immediately fominrnced to sink, whru the Mcrrimae backing a short distance, run Into her a sicoi.u tune, i.-nKinc snnincr tcrrii-i :ioie, wnitir admitted tho water at a fulioiis rate, r-ho continued firing until the water begao'to enter her pott holes, ar.,1 soon afi' r Iio careened over and finally sunk at about three o'clock. ' ' " Tha Nuwporj Nw battery and tho g'inj of tho I'tim bcrlan fired continuously upon llib'.Verriniat,'"liul hd apparent clfect was ptodnccd. ' 1 la .11 louesun. uniuf.iiKrtii-iji Uk iKi uiiiiu u,i i.iu nay up, niirt rnnid otter out nine assistance. After sinking tho Cumberland, the Mcrrimae turned ber attention to the Congress, and In less than au hour afterwards, a white flag was hoisted on boord tho lat tor. .... After four o ctocK.tiio .licrrlmaecontinued to throw shell Into tho ramp at Newport News, while tho James town and olhel rebel gunboat! commenced firing upon the Minnesota u ' Doting the evening, the u.H. rrigato Congress was set on firo by the rch'tls and presented n brilliant spec tacle. At midnight the nm blown up, causing a tre mendous explosion. UMriug inucvciiing, ins u. &. i.ricsson tteamer .ion. itor arrived vary opportunely, und at once p;oceedcd up the river, although sha was n,ot prepared for action, to ibko nr pari. Dutiug tho night, only an occasional gun was flreJ. This morning tha conflict was renewed until ths presence of tho Monitor was known to tlio Mcrrimae i the latt.'r was engaged w ith the Minnesota, and but for th i fortunate arrival of the ouitnr, the Minnesota also might have been lost. The two lriu-cid".'0?ses err gaged each ulhsr for two or three hurs', at long and at short rang. 1 No pcrseptiblc pflVcl was produced upon either. They wont nlnngaldc once or twice nnd seemed almost tn run eath other down, but they soon reappeared. Tlio truaion nailery succeeded finally In forcing Lackawanna & BAUGH'S BONK FERTILIZERS. ON AND AFTCR NOVUM. 23, Itilil, PASaUNuIlR TRAINS WILL RUN AS TOLLOWS, SOUTH. Freight Passenger. Passenger. K Ot V A f If, "HI A l Leivo NOTIClti. ALL pi'riom knowing Ih.-inselvon indebted tnlhi un-ileri-igni',1 on book m-cuiiiit or , therwise, nre hereby notified t coma and u tile iii by the 1st of April, itl". J, or tnclr aci onnts wil' lu put in the handk of proper offi cers for roll, Ttinn. I iiiu.t h ivo my nceouiits settled. .Mill Creek Wmden I'.ictorv. .Mount Pleasant. M.inh Ii, lJJ -at ijnoudi: vanci:. XjT Sold F.icryrhire-by Wliuli'.sali: Druggists in the large cities, roim- of tlu IVfi'ilcsaiu AkciiIs in Svxr Yoi'k tCT" The Funeral Serfes of the Rev, Isaiah Bahl. of Berwick on Sabbath lastwero we learn, largely attcn (d, A.'pecial train ofir! was run from this place, upon which members oihc MasonlcOrder, and a num ber belonging to ilia oJerof Odd Fellows, wero con veyed to Uerwlck and' (Lck. Tho runeral Sermon was P?ched both In Oeriim and English Rev. J. R. Diioui of thi! place, preached' sermon in llngllsh, It is said havo been tho large, funeral ever witnessed in Her wickJThc deceased J.'ig much esteemed nnd respect odbyvo4whe knowJr.i and enjoyed tlio ac'iuaintance 0fy.i? 'ar circj of friends, llohasbcena Minis ter of tha Gospel up ards of forty years, and lias mar ried pioro people tip any two men in this .otiiity I Star of tho Mrth. r ? :o: C.Iflhcro is inhe length nnd breadth of our eoun '(y "J name cnlcultcd to awaken sympatliy and ad mlratlonYit la that'if Parson Drownlow a man who. sustained by tho c911ciou.1n.e1s of being in tlio right, is neither dismayed aitba countless odds against him, nor wearied by the wathful, never-ceasing enmity of his traitorous foes. Wi aro clad to learn that the curiosity which the public nturally felt resncctlng this heroic and mosf 'oxtraoilmary character, is at length to' bo ' gratiflsd; 5Mr, Th :nas W. Hartley, has Jim issued an excellent portroilkj Drownlow, accompanied hy his FarowlII Address 0 tho subicribcrs of tho Knoxvillo Whig , Jt s put ailio low prico often cents per copy. ParsoriDiownloF's Address is published in both En' gllsband Oerinan, All orders will moct with promp1 MtonUoniJfdlrect dto'Xhomjts W, Hartley, care of J. ILUpplneott tCt Nos'.SJ 4t'2l North Fniinli St. Phil. utinqja,l ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Smltz, acceusid. VJUTICR io liorobygivPii that letters of administration 11 011 lli't esiate ot siDiiuei i-uuiiz, liiu 01 cugur loaf township, Coliiinbia cuuiity, dei'i'iised, havo b.:, i eranti'd bv liu Resiatir of said coiinly lu tlio undcrrieii cd. who roFides in tieritoil tuwiishin l.eluilibia l". All persons having clvims or demands ngaiiist tho estate of tnc ilec'dent are ri"U.-ied to presuni mem inr s, me uient, nu.l lliuio iinlibled to m. ike payment Ithnut do lay. SA.MUHL li. SHULT. .March IS, IW2-C;. Adn'r. .DMINISTRAT01l S NOTIC'eT- Estate of William Ellis, (huenscd, TV", OTICK is hnn hy given lint letfrs of ndmiiiUtra ll tiou 011 the otntoof William i:ilis,late of Madison township, Columbia rnonty, dtcensed havo ben; granted by ihe Register of said county to Andrew I'.Uid of Montour County, ami John 1). F.lli. of Columbia coun ty j nil persons having claims or demands against ths estate of the diced, ut are rc-iuesteil to present them for settlement, and tbosu indebted to make payment without delay. AVDIICW r.LLIS. joiin d. ni.i.is Marrh 13, 180:.-Ct .Umr's. Sli'Ml'-liu llrothrrs & -'," II A 1'nhiiM.took, Hull Co A li Sc. 11 Sands &C11 Wheeler & l!J) J.llll'-S l AHpillWUll. Morgitn -V. Alldii Mall, Itiiekof & ('a Tlionias -t Fuller a- D Orvia city. Ilarrnl, Risliy it Kllrheii Hush, Calu & Robitii-on M Ward, Clo.o it 1.0 MtKissouft Ruhbins D S llirnes '-. Co 1' C W.-II tc Co Imv lU-.Vcr.luttJardufr Hall, llixnii Ic Co Cnurad r,u MAHKIAGE.-ITS LOVHS AND IIATijH. r,S$y'K Mirrort s and lingers, Impca and fears, regretJ lyjSjjSiniid jovs ; .MANHOOD, Imw li.t,hmv rhturcili xir tlu 11,1't.ir..', tr,::iuncnt and radical cure ol'spi r" iuatorrhu.M or seminal wiakues.si invnlniitary omisi, ions, sexual di bilily and impediments to marriage gju hr.sllv : mnoituuts. cnllhUllilitiiili. fits, melit.lt and nlll- slc.il iniapatitv, resulting from rflll.l'' AllL's-U- are ful ly explain.,-,! 111 tin- M.U'.ltlACi: tiUIHK, by U'M. i'OL'.VC .' tl. D. Tiiis uioiit tfUraordinary book 3liouJd J10 in the hands of every young pohoii contemplating lu.irriige, and eevry man or woman who desires to li.nit the numb -r of their olf.priug to their ciroiinistau c,:s. livery pain, iliseasu uud ache incidental to juuili, urituriiy and oil aeo, is fully explained; every particle of kuun ledge that should bo knmiii is liero given. It is full of uiigr-ivinzs. in fai t, it discloses secrets thatcv i.tv one should know ; still it is n book that mu.t be IjCki-d up. and not lie abont tho house. It will be sent lu any one on the rec dot or twenty live c Jilts in specie r pn-Ug,! stamps. Address DK W'J. YOUNG, No. 410 riPUUUH ilre,.t, iibovu Fourth. Philadrlphia' i AFFLICTIH) AND UNFORTUNATF.. no matter what may buyour disease, before jou place yoursolfun iler Ihe care of any ofths notorious tiuacKs nalivo or foreign- who advertize in this or any other pap:r, gt a copy of L'r. Young's hook, nnd read it carefully. It will in toe means 01 r-aving yu mnn a ,ii,r, j um lu-allh, and possibly your life, nil 'i)l!.C ran he consulted on any nf the diseases descriliad ill his milillentioii, at his ollicc, No, 111) fcVRlTCi; Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. Uihci hours from Uto II, dally. .Mari.li d, IriW-l'Jm. 13 A U G II AND SONS, Aliiuufacturcrs & IMoprietors, Stoic, No. SO South Wharves, iimt.imiAm.m. R Jl W-B ONE Supev-Pliospliatc of Liuie. l.ittlo need be said tn recommend this article its pe eullar merits as a vigorous and lasting nianuro having firmly established it in tlu popular lavor. we would statu however, that not only ha iog a continued rare to m.'iiiitnlii its stun, lard etlicacv. we have soueht to ren der it more immediate in its action, by tho addition of a small quantity of best Peruvian Guano. We do not rl.-ilm bv this lionroveineut. fwhich was made during the past year, and without publicly noting thn Pict,)nur Super-Phosphate is rendered any more lasting In itslelf ect, or in any way benefited, except in ensuring a miick- 0; action cn application. iuuce, 5 15 per 2000 lba. CAsg. Choice Vcgblablc Seeds by Maij. SO Varieties for 81 4 0 ) Our 45 Varieties for SJ uu Selection Wish nil tc L'ivo thosa who resident a distauco an opportunity to test thu quality of our Vegetable r;, which wu aro coi;udeni win cnuiuarc uivioaoiy who any oll'ercd in tills1 country, wis liavo r.'epnred small nacKeis. which win ue seiu oy man i.t naiu, ai inn above prices. Ncuc but tlie most desirable varieties will be included. 'To prevent disappointment, ice vish it distinctly un ierstood that I'tas, II cans and Corn are not included in the mail packages, on aceountof their weight, A. liOKNDMAN. Versailles, Woodford Co,, Ky. t3"pcnd for a Description Catalogue. ' March 15, IcCi. am. AND Oi'llClt.-1 PJiiliuU'lphia I'a. T IV Dyott .t Co I Robert Shuouiaker Co II A Falinktock & Co Fri'litii, ll'icliatds i.t:o AVDOTHLRS. AND HY Druggists (irncers, Storekeepers and Rel.ulers general ly in all Cointry l'owus Villages in tlio .V,T PLOOMSBUiiG,PA- FubliQ Sal OF GROUND IfAW BONES. Thin artir.to is eround without unv previous prepa ration, and contains all the organic matter of the bones it is warranted pure. l'liiCE S3.") per 2000 lbs. cash. C7" The above Manures can bo had of regular Doal ers or of HAUiiii sc. riu.n. Nn2i) South Viharvcs, Philadelphia. February 15, IdiW-3m. MOVING Rcranton, Kingslon IHoomsbur; Rupert. Danville. Arrivo at Nottbumberland, 1IUVI . u Leave Northumberland, Danville, Rupert, Otnoinsburg Kingston, Arrivo ot Scrantoii, large hole in tlie port side ofthc Merriiunc, and the lat ter, in company w ith the whole rebel ficit, retirod to Vnrft.lk nl iihniit ,im rVtit-b. Tlio U.S. gunboat Oregon waS struck hy the Merrlmae ninnmsl,,,,.!. ,, in her boiler, and w as blown up this mirning. 1 l)IM)UlSI)r; i(.lliru..ll I rlh gunboat Zouave wusalao terioutly damaged, and was oungcd io return, ' The nrllicilial loss of life was on hoard thu Hombsr- !aud,'whcrnii is thought as many as 150 must have been KUici or tirott neo. but sixlircs were Inst no 'tin Minnesota, according to the statement made by o'ne cf her officers, A Rihcl gnnboatwascut ill two yostarday klterpoon by the Cumberland. The rrew of tho Minnesota wero brought on shore this' afternoon, and w Ith the assistance of tha steamer Spnuliling, she has been got on, and isnowonhcr way lure, Shu received numerous shots but no serious damage. 'Iho Congress l supposed tohavo lost over one hun dred ; including an officer. The cscnped'crijwa ofthi -iiigressanuuumr.oiiau,i nave arrived i.ero' 0.30 f.10' !i 15 in oo N O R T II 4.30P.'M. 5. Il) 5.15 4.57 P.OOI.eavs 8.00 P. M, 1SI.I5 P M 1.15 T. M 3.10 A Pnsoeer Traill also leaves Kincston nt P.3 0A..M for Scrantoii, to connect with Iruin for New York. Rn turning, leaves Scranton on arrival of Train from Now York at 4.13 1". l. t'ho Lackawanna and Illoomsburc Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lacknwauna and Western Railroad at t-cranton, for Now York oud intermediate points eait Alll',p,llllcu,llli:tl'.iliiiuv.uiiu,iBB,, naiuuau,iu points both' east add weet. ai IXOtlllUlllliei lilim it t'ui,vii(, ;. li.,: . u.in.iu i j.tn fcUrivK. R.andN. C R. It. for iH.iafe 'tf et And south. joii.n r. li.bi.i.i, iup-t 1 C. Weill, Clcn'l Ticket Agn Nov. 30, Will. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of E'liuard Albertson, deceased. t r.TTI'.RS of administration witli tha will annexed li on the Ilstato of Hdward A)berti.on, late of Green wood township, i'u Columbi.icootity, OCceaicd havo been granted by the Register of Columbia county to the undersigned ; all persons having claims against the es tate of the derendent are rcqnestoil to present fhem to thc-A-tm'r.at his residence in Greeunood tcwnjlijp, without delay, and all persons indebted to make pay ment foithwilh. ISAAC A- DCWITT, Adn cum test: .March I, lclii- Cw. Look to your interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, MILLER & EIrESlJS rpill", siibs'tib-'rs have just returned from Ihe City J. WJth anothsr large and select nssortmel of ; fall itil Winter Uoods, nmr);a!,cd at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which they aro determined to sell on as moderate terms as ran be piecured elawhcrs in L'iccnisLutf Thur stock cnlnrrisos " - lauif.s' nitr.fs aaovs, n ot cnnjeesi iiyies ana lairsi larnion. DRY ClttODS, AXD ClIIUVLRlEb; ir.iiwiwn f. q cjc:v.i n: inn, CCDAH II'AIU:, 110I.LUW WARH mox, .vails, hoots snots ITATS Sc CAPS, die , e , 4'c, In short evirvtliiug usually kept in rountrr Stnrn : to whli h they invite the public generally. Tho mgncst price pat, i tor country produce. .MILLCR tc. EYED. Rloomsburg, May 11, lcGI. -:o:- pDjWbib mm m wmq WJ5 will forward hy mall to any part of tho United States, post-paid, any varieties tlmt may bo ordered ut thu following prices: 10 vurietics selected from thosi priced nt "cents per paper $0 50 2 2 varielivs selected from those priced at 10 cents per papey 5 vurietics selected from those priced at 10 cents per paper . 12 varieties sclocted from those priced at 10 cents per paper S varieties selected from those priced nt -5 cunts por paper ' S varieties selected from those priced at 25 cents per paper. 1 00 0 50 1 00 0 50 1 00 OOnFrlday cf next week will bo tho day fixed for ,hq hoIdTnJ'of our spring elections in tho dllVercnt bo roughi and'townililps throughout this county. Tho 0 filled, tliough local ones, havo their impor j?nc1,ls"?" as ll'os of a Stata or National character. taBtlonjihould be exsreised that the host men bo cho-sn-Loyai dcmocrais-men ofcxperiunco and ability s-'I' Ihs'lIIHn llml I... .l.n..... ... . !..... j- , - ,..-. tuunii ii, v.lljr l,9,.t,,l.U possiblcTho ollico of Justice of Pccco; and that of Hch0j.5iifcl0,, ' Pl t considcrnbla iniportanco to ths pspplo genbrally. And wo woald soy to our read er, elect Democrats whenever it is in your power to do so. Let thollepuliiicans talk about parly, we dontwant thsm i oiir partj Wo havo liad thieves lu our rank, and since this Republican party eamo in power we havo god rid of thom-tyydlucludcd-and that being tho case we would insist on tlie Domocrullc party to not have Miything to do polemically with them for they aro the fa--'"HrobbeM. Wui, tho Republican press of this llacewould scent to Juillfy tha thieving done by its tartyupon the groundthatthey-thojlcr .ollcans-wcro hollrsttoipoyolhe frauAt. This is cool, T.iu frauds Slye being carr- id on to atfh ane.-tcnt that it had to ba lonehy the Republican , in oVderto save that-party a COLI.LCTIONS OF FLOWI1R SCUDS. I'ersons desiring us to make their selertious, may re ly upon our sending ouly those whi, haro really most showy and desirable, and of easy cultivation. Wo bu lieve that our experience will enable us to make selec tinus, largo or small, that cannot fail to give entire iat isfactiou, 100 Packets Annuals, lliciinlals and Perennials, fovorlto kinds ' .35 00 20 Packets Annuals. Biennials and iorunniali. favorite kinds 2 50 S.1 Packets Annuals, best assorted 1 00 ,11 Packet! Annuals, best iissoitcd 30 30 Packets, New and Raro Annuals 3 00 Choice Collection of Ornamental Grasses 1 00 " " nfKverlasting Flowers 1 "0 of Alplno or Rock Plan'-i Hi L'limbinir Plants. Aunual and Perennial I 00 Choice Collection nf Greenhouse Plant Heeds '2 1)0 " Oruameiitol l.eavnl Plant! I OU A. IIORNKMAN. Vlnrlit 1 Rpftlm.in. Wrsailles Woodford Co.. Ky. I, llox 131 IH" Scud for a, descriptive) Catolojue, March 15, i8tW.-fm. WANTED. VA LUJ1DLE R EA L E S TA I E, IN pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on Saturday tlie 2lh day of Match hist., at 10 o'clock in tlio forenoon, lleiilieu Fahringer and Jonas Fetterinan Administrators fee of Georgo Futter lii.iu Silt, late of Locust township in said county, de ceased, will expose to sale, by Public Vcndua, upon tlie promises, n ccrta.u W & A 4 'O' )f & A S T sititmu in Locust township ndjoiuing lands of John Ul lig Sen'r. Mntk WilUnniv, (Viarles I'etttrm.in, Michael llo.ver, Mordicai i'erry deceased, MicLael Snyder. Geo Felteruiau, Jr. Ilnriiian Yost, II. II. Fox, Samuel Meais and otlars coulaiuiiig about ONK IIUNDRUD AND SIXTY-SF.VHN ACRU3, about filty acres of which is woodland, whereon are erected a L.YKCiH F RAMliS DU'EliJiING MOOSE, DANK ilAR.V, C1DKR HOUSC, uud other out liuildings and a largo Apple Orchard. a I ... nn nilier lot uf land situate ill samo township adjoining lund uf Hubert Wntklns, James Hiiinphrey. Samuel Mears and John Reiuhold, coiilaiuing twenty it-n.-m, ,n,.r,i nr li'tfi nil Wlltldl.'lIK . Late the Hslato of said deceased, situate in the town ship of Locust gud county "'" rjYKUi.v, lUoomshurg. March S. le'CJ. Clerk. Terms of S ilo made known on day of&alu. SOLD ur g-. Mo Oageiiiich, J. R. Moyerf ADMINISTRATOR'S N OTI0E. Eitate of Isaac Wagner, deceased. x' OTH'Cis hereby nlvcn that letters of ndiuiuistrn Is Hon on the estata of Isaac Wagner, late of Hemlock towushln. Columbia county, deceau'd, have h?eii grant ed hy the Register of said lounlj to Unite Wagner ol Hemlock township and Hinjuiiiin llombny of llloom ..... ,ul... .-..I, ,,,il, t,i i. All ni.nn. Iiiiviiii- I lt,,ia nr .t.'-.l J lids n if ill 11 ul till! OStl.tO (if tko lleeClldCIlt nro re-picstad to present them for setllement, and tLuso mdcbicu to mane paymeui wiuhiui urmy. IIIINJAM1N UOMIIOY 1SVAO WAGNRR Mtrch 1,1803-Cw. Admt . iiy mam mm Oppotite the Court Itivstantl next doorto-Dcmocral Office Tlie undersigned, rcspcitfully informs his friends iipd ciibtuiiiers that ho lias openeu ! A XKI V 11 Allll F.K SHOP In ('nurt House Allcv. iiexi door below tho Olhce th,. (tiiloinliln tlunioerat. wheru ho' will bo hannv to wai riinim nil eustomers. and from lonir oxperienco aud stric sttentloii to business, he hopes tu merit and receive a 'liberal sharo ul public patronago. ' Ql--All things luro -done in decency nnd in order. I llloomsb'irg, March lit, IPG', THOMAS liKOWN g?. Lutz. iDSiia,o,i& m&mpi ia,Q,!SiLj TAilAQUA, l'ENN'A. Passengers dine here on tho passage of each Train. 11. M. MERRICK, Propriitor. Tainaitin, Jan 4, lfC3. JN1M1'JLMI.E $2 HAT, S. E. corner Ihird and Bock Streets, PI11LADELPA I A. Hats made to order, ofany Style or Qiality at Short Notice'. January 4, low. Cji.i. PASSl'A'Ol'.R TRAINS. November 4, KOI, tl-tUSSLlC SIiU OF YALUADLF REAL ESTA'J'E. in riuriunnco of nn order of thu Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, on Saturday, Ihe eighth day of March ,, nt in o'clock In the forenoon. Henry llelwie and John llarig committee of Iho person and citato of John ' Graham lunatic of Roaringcreek township in tho county of Columbia ufurcaid ; will expose to sale by ! public vendue upon tho premises thu undivided one t I.J) . Ylr.ii...... II....I.......,I II. t till Pail null ui.;. in v. , " ' " I-"' -, . .,,,.., ,es ulljiyi,tc,i one llllii pan sunjcciio tne uie csiaio or nia Country Dealer, can ordcra. above. j ! pr address orders dHect-or if Prices, Terms, "'Jyafurcsalrl. boii.t'ded by lauds' of Michael Fedcroif, 1 iitVn:lwi,i. if'''1 fut 1S"J ctta,a' Sll, loin. William Vocuiii aid F.lijah Yocum. con giving icduecdPriccsl to 3,,V about clcht acres inoro or less on which aro llJliNUV it UUalAJl. ' l,,ctod, d fiams Iloiiwai.cwbariiniid nutbiillillngs.-. rilailelpliia & Riiuling Kail Road WINTER ARRANGEMENT irilhSlIlK ll,-uuiii3 ownlto Philadelphia, at ,S0 and U A M, 12 noon, und 4 I'M- .... , . ,. Up, to l'ottsvilie, at io,ou . ,n, i,u j.u .". WEST, TO LHI1ANON AND HARRISIIURH : Western Dxnress from New York, at 1,07 A M. Mail l'ralns.at 10,35 A .M, ami 5,45 P.M. On SunduVs. tho Down A M Train pasiin: Reading, nt !i.9i) A M. nml Un Train, at 5.57 P M. I ut I IU..IU , ai HUH J.SJ I UP ir.liui ctinnvti n. Port Clinton for Tainanua, Williamsport K'lnira, llulf- nln Viturnrn uud Canada. THO 1U..IU A .11, 1 rain Ultl) riJIIUUllH u. lull .iniiuti lYi. w'illc.-.li.irrii. Hrranton aud Pittstoil. Tlio Wi'itern F.xpress Trains connect at Harribburg with Hxpicss Trains on the Pcnnsjlvania Railroad for Pittsburg, and all points West . and the Mall Trains connect ot llarrisnurg tor Lancaster, Mianincrsnurg. Siinbury, Willl-nusporl, lock naven, i.iunru ami uie I'.ilUllllS. 1 Through First-Class Coupon Tickets, and F.migrant Tirkets at reduiwd Farts, to nil tho principal poiute In uie fvorti. a,," inn, ;, With ?S Coupons, '.'3 percent discount, between nny po;uts desired, MILl'AGH TICKHTS, Giod foi 20C0 miles, between nil points, atSt." for Fnnulie's anil'lluslui'ss Firm, nml Season Tickets, good for Iho holder only, for threo mouths, in nny Passenger trnin to Philadelphia, at $4Ueach. School deoton Tick ets iine-third less. - Passei.gerswill tike tho Ilipress Train West, at the UPPF.R li:i-OT, and all other Trains, at tho LOW UR DUPOT. H) lbs ofbaggsgo allowcr. each passenger IO" Passengers nru rt quested to purchase their 1 lck ts befuro entering Hie cars, as higher Fares charged il paid ;n cars. Up trains leave llhiladtlphiafnr Reading Ilarrtsburg and Pottsvillo at S A M. 3,15 P M, and at 1,30 P M, for Reading only. E7" llxcursion Tickets, good for one day, by fi.oj A, 31, Accommodation Train to l'hilni'clpliia and return tt S'J to each, 0. A, NICOLLH, c7eacru ( j-eriatita(. January 4, 1605. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Eitate of George P. Mxlltr, deceased. rvTOTICH is hereby given that letters of Administra 1 lion on the cktutu of Georgo P. Millar, late of Cen tre township Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by thn Register r.f said county to John U'ulf, w ho resides ill .iiimin lowusuip, psrsur.s' uaviug claims or demands against the estato uf po' decedent aro requcsteil to pretont them fur sFitlcnieiit, aud thoso indebted to make payment without delay juii. ouiii, Feb. 13, IsOJ.-Gw, adm'r ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of PeUr Apple gale, deceased. iTm'ini'. is hentlivs venthal ctters ofAdniinistrauon n it,,. ..int. (ifl't.tpr AiiiK,?:tTe.lu(e of Jackrou twp Columbi.icou(i(y,dcccased,haio been graulpil by thcReg ister of stid County .tn Joshua Itnbbins, who resides in tha s.iiu6toiiship. Ail persons having claims or lie mandsagainsltho c.tato of the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to inakupaynieninunouiua,. lriuim. miI1IM- 4VlLIIUO HW1IIIIHIJ1 Feb. 15, lrOJ-l't. Adm'r, mi H. MULLIG4W, IM PORTllli OF ALL KINDS OF ANl) MANUFACTURF.Il OF JEWELRY, No. 444 Noi'th Second 'Stre'c', ADOVK WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Nor Id, 1551 ' NATRONA COAL OIL I WARRANTHI) NQN U'JPLOSiyE.I and equal tn any M.M.WI. -sr.. W HY buy an explosive nil, uncn a icw tenis mor,' per gallon will fuihuh jou with u peifccl Oil ( Made only by TA. SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, No. 127 Valnut Street, PHILADH Ll'HIA. Fehy.'Jl., liiiJ, I year- SAFONIFIER f SAPONIFIER ! ! O-TIIK FAMILY BOAP MAKRR Hl All Kitchen Grense can bo made intogood SOAP, ty unn HAPONIFIIIIU T7-DIRi:CTIONS ACCOMPANYING F.ACII ROX I SOAP is eauly made with it, as making a cup of cof Tee Manuiaciurcn ouiy Dy ino l oieniccs.-- rA. SALT MANUFACTURING COM FAN Y. No 1ST Walnut Street PlllLADF.I-PHl V NEW JEWELRY STORE. Tlin undeiiigncl, respectfully informs the citizens nf IMoomshurg, and the pufdic generally, that he has es tablished ii new store, on Main Street, Dloom'ibiirg, I .Mrs. Leacock's lluilding, whero he otfers for sale, on moderate terms, a large assortment of CLOCKS, WA TCUES tf- JEWEL R y Of every sort, nnd size and description, His ao stock of Jewelry is complete, Including every KVl variety of I.ndies and G.-utlemeri's Medalions. is-fH Chains, Lnrkets, llreaktpinlr. Finger-rings, ilc&itKJ tn the examination of which he invites the pubjlc gee;. IP" Strict attention eivonto rcpalrihg Clocks, patch es, and Jewelry, and all woik warranted. W.Sl. 11. UltAIVC. Rloomsburg, May 4, lffil If. rUliLiU SAL'i OF' 14 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Orpbana'Court of Co lumbia coimty, on Saturday the IMh day if March next, nt IB o'clock in tha forenoon, iVillian Shultr, I lsachcr Titman, Administrators of John C. Kim. 4 lut'i cf Madison township, ill cr.id county, deeensn wi expose to silc, by Publir Vendue, upon tfc premises, r-rlni,i MoBvllntfe. 1 er.enietit aud Tlx ter.ejueut aud ACT OF LAND. AY. WIKT ESQ.1 NOW occupies the room upslaits in front in Mr. Unuiigst's lirick b-iilding, on Main Stru t below the American House A most conwiilmit ollicc i whore ho will ho happy Hi all times to see his friends und clients. Uloouuburg, Nu. '.), ltiUL 3m, ' Slmcitcau (Ppposi te Inatcnaentfi Hall,) CHUSTNUT 6TK IlLT.Rr.TW r.KN FIFTll U S I XTII . Plli;.AIF.LPlllAl I W'V'ATT & IICUI.INGS, Proprietors, Novcmbu 30. 1601. March la, loir1. liTHSIl PICTII ti ItnOTIlKHS. WIIOLKBAIiB OBAO0O D E A L E R NO.ioO.NOllTU TIII11D ST11KKT Five door be low Race. PHIt,.DF.I.rillA At MeCnv'a f-toro in Jcrseytown for Yottreis Monroe Livo Calves at acts per pound, on Monday's nnd drosi j n,l Pnultrv ai 7 fi tl cts.Livo Poultry at 1) ( 7cts i good e I. n...,;. Id.,. ,,. L,rl1 .alio r.f O Infllka, lit.! rec, from Philadelphia and New Yorkulargoussorlment i' rlncipal Depot Nu. 31! nrnadway -roppoiile the St Tlio estate of the said John Graham In the said prein rf all kinds nf-'oods A go-'d itlo of Hjrup Molaeiss 1 Nicholas Hotel 1 N Y'lk h i , . , J VlOil 1.x Lnl.x t60 t periiUn -v. I Mm h P. I t-nt ' r-ip;: lit I Hi: ti I'ftth NOTICE of a Jmtice of the Petaee, If the few subscriptions remaining unpaid tn th" fund of tho " Iron Guards" are not settled on or before the fitst dtiy of February l ant instructed to commence suit und ceil) inu.l follow In each uiJi ttduil case J MiCiiiieibcilili J r ilnatcd in Madirnn Township, aforesaid, bounded by lands ofliauiel Snyder, dee'd, .Marshall and Jacob Uir ton, Frederick Werkliilser.Zcbulon Bobbins, Michael II. wk and Isaacher Titman, containing EIGHTY-FIVU ACRF.S-AND OMJ IICNHRCD AND FlPrY SIX I'ER. CIIF.S-whireoii nre trected alargo , FRAME MOIJsH AM BANk BARN, v.itntho other out-b'uildlngs, spring, of water, and good orchard, ice., ' ' ' Late the Ustateof raid deceased, situated in the town hin of Madison and county aforesaid. Jacob F-yerly, Clerk. Terms of sale ten per cent, of onr fourth of the pur rhase money on da of sale , one fourth less tha ten per cent on tho confirmation of sale, nnd the balance in oon year fromicoiifiruialton with interest from eonflrmatinn, ' lllooiiisburg, Feb, 15, IMS Its. G R b EN WOOD SE MIX AR Y. ITMII1 Spring term of this Inilitution will coramene X on Mouilay, April, (lie 7tli,18C2. Ths Principal will beassiiledby able initruc.'ors. tnd as ample faulilies will bcoiTcred to qualify 'students ! far ti-iirhingi fur business or tor nmuroextenilva coursi I in literature, a liberal share of patronage is again sidle ited. Pupils who do not come from home, or are not pu under me cnarge qi near relatives, tnusi noaru at. i Seminary and bo subject to l.Sc regulations 1 They must prut uie inctr own towcisi , i.,n n. ri.i.Ninn .1 , .1 1 n. , v m.ir k.i - " i:iavcii wi-cks renslitule anuifUE X'A'lHflP 'Ffi T..'n flU'Vl-Mtf. 1 vocation of about six weeR" muyd;Uuuurt "ufu" '' Hoarding, washingsnd tultiort.'Hi"'rtirni'a Till', undersigned, Treasurer of Columbia County. ' will be S25.00 per quartiamtp:f would give notice toall thosu owing him ther taxes on i vancc V .,.,1 i.,l. f.,r v.,., infill nml lHltl. shut iliui- Tuition atnue. in common brsviehc, the firstof Arril, othetwisa thelaud will be sdveilistd malic, and sold A word to the wise, is sufficient tec an in Latin, German, or J AS. 8. M 'NINTH Treasurer's Ortire, j Vrnmrtr Cl"in but; Feb, v, let 3 J I M 1' O 11 T A N T ! TO thoic whose Siibsrriptlons r unpaid In tlie fund eftho "IRON GUARDS," Hint the Subscription paper will he pluecd in the hands of Ksqulru Chriuberliii on Iho first day uf January next and all nersnus in arrears will he waited upon by Constable Golf, Hy order of the Committee. WM. Nl'AL, Treasurer. Moomsburg. Dec,!, tetil-lf. .M i a v- l 1 do in Latin. German. orYitfieh. sitrt. i For further rmctilirs (ddress 1 wm Pi'r.r.6, rrintlyi Mi'Hiue mi c rs itc so if sn'tiiffs- star rft l(