Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 15, 1862, Image 2

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    Cn I it mil in Demorrnt
CUITl'.b EY l.UVl J.. TATK, ntOPIllETOn.
. . .. - . . - z. .-. 1
Tho President's Message.
Wo p ublish, this week, tho special mess
age of President Lincoln, transmitted to
Congress on tho 7th of tho present month
on tho tuhject of resistance by the gov
ernment of tho Unitcd States to emanci
pation of slaves in tho States. He pro
poses tho passage of a Resolution by Con
gress, to tho effect, that tho United States
ought to givo pecuniary aid to such States
as will adopt tho policy of emancipation,
&c. Tho 'pecuniary aid,' (or in plain
english, the money), so furnhhed to any
Statu, is ''to be used by such stale, in its
discretion, to compensate for tho inconven
iences, public and private, produced by
uch change of system."
Wo used to hear in Kossuth times of
1 material otdf and upon our coming to
understand distinctly what thjt expression
meant that it meant something more than
sympathy, speech-making, eloquent edi
torials, processions, committee reception?,
and public diuuers tho Hungarian fever
went down rapidly. Enthusiasm has few
victories when it assails tho pocket, unless
it make a simultaneous aud well founded
appeal to the judgment. It is true, Kos
suth collected funds enough to purchase
Gcorgo Law's old muskets, and to replen
ish his private exchequer, but not enough
to aid, in uny material degree, his coun
trymen or their cause. For wo justly
considered that it was no part of our bus
iness as a nation, nor withiu tho circle of
our duties as individuals, to levy revolu
tionsin Europo, although the appeal came
to us in the sacred name of freedom and
concerned a bravo and civilized people.
The President of tho United States now
proposes that wc render "p-cuniary aid"
(that is tho dclicato form of words chosen)
to emancipating states, to bo used by
them at 'disciclion,' to compensate them
for all 'public andpnvutc' inconveniences
in changing their system of labor. And
Congress is recommended to commit the
faith of the nation to all ibis, by a Res
olutiou. This project is well worth examining
coming as it docs from the President, and
with as much patience as the naturo of tho
case will permit. Let us understand clear'y
'tho meaning of this 'pecuniary aid,' and
very likely wo may be no more inclined to
render it than wc were to render 'material
aid,' to tho Hungarian Orator, who with
out avail proposed to us an abandonment
of tho policy of Washington.
Pecuniary aid, in this caso, means tho
payment of money out of tho national
treasury to purchase tho freedom of ne
groes, and it may mean much more For
wo arcto remember, that after emancipa
tion is accomplished the question remains,
what shall bo done with the emancipated ?
A ro f linxr in hf 1ff n nti in
tolerable element
of idleness, pauperism and vice, in tho . ou"' aru iyu l,ulUd ' uu" lue UKe
same communities whero they are now J Pennsylvania, nro burthoned by tho war
held under regulation and control 1 Or are I (in filct .more burthoned and inured) and
ihey to be distributed generally over the!in adllltloa lo Png enormous taxes upon
country-north and west as well as south? tho natl0nal obt, cannot bear any large
Or are they to be sent abroad, to Africa, j shar0 of tLe costa of ac''Pation. To
la the Wrst Tndin.s. or to OnntrM Ameriitn ?
By referring to the Annual Message of the
President, in December last, wc will see
that in his plan, deportation follows eman
cipation. He consequently proposed tho
acquisition of a region abroad to which
the slaves that camo into our hands during
tho war should bo removed ; being sub
stantially the project heretofore urged by
Senator Doolittlo, who placed bis negro
Paradise, or land of Promise, in some one
of tho unhealthy, carthquakohaken coun
ties of the American Isthmus.
If, then,wo understand tho Prcsident,the
pecuniary aid to be furnished from the
Unitcd States treasury, is to extend to tho
direct cost of ejuaueipation viz : the pur
chase of tho slaves and also to tho -cos't
of lands abroad for their residence, aud
the expenses of their shipment .thither.
To which must bo added, supplies and sup
port to them, in their new Jiomo, for some
years. For this wou'd bo necessary and
demanded by humanity, It will bo observed
that tho Resolution proposed for adoption
by Congress in tho fccent messago, speaks
of public incouvenience (or loss) as well as
private, as ,an object of compensation.
Docs this mean a general stato loss, by a
cacrifico of its form of labor, in the inter
yal before freo labor can bo introduced !
And if do how is compensation to bo mado
ito tho stato ? Is it to bo by a release from
.taxation for a period of years, or by direct
.contributions frpm tho jialional treasury ?
In cither ease, bpwcycr,.tbo burthen would
be really upon that .treasury.
We much misjudge the teuiDQr .and opin
tions of tjio pcopio of Pennsylvania, :if they
will ever couscut to bo taxed for tho pur
pose of purchasing negroes, or nny other
j urpov) .ijpuncctcd with omapeipation in
boiJho?a States. They can justly say
that their pecuniary burdens .will bo suf
ficiently heavy without having this extra
ordinary and unwarranted system of cx
penso fastened upon them. They will also
Jiavo u right to insist that any such project
that any such project
y, shall bo first
ti C3 tnjvent Oila
mittcd to tho states for their adoption,
boforo it is acted upon, or tho faith of tho
nation pledged thereto by a Resolution of
Congress. No tiowcr to nurehi
ss. No power to purehaso or ex-
portnegrocs, to buy lands for thorn abroad,
to support thorn on native or foreign soil, i Jincoin Jinti nccn just ono year i resident of Itiprrsentahvcsl recommend tho nd
" . ... - tt.i...i uii n.... l.,..- ...:ti r .. ii., ....i.. i i,,..,
or to mako agreements with states lor
mako agreements with states for
eipation involving payment of money,
rer been conferred upon tho General
rnmot. Therefore none of theso
has eve
things can be dono without an amendment
of the Constitution, to which-tho pcopl
.. f
three-fourths of the stales will never assent
inor ougni mo pcopio oi uus siaio ever 10
xy ii . l. . r ii r ..... t
agroo to confer such power upon tho fed
cral government, as it would entail bur
dens upon them "grievous to bo borne,"
and for an object quito foreign to their
interests. This stato abolished slavery
(gradually) by tho act of 17B0, without
interference or aid from any fiuartcr.
and the same course is open to any stato
that chooses to follow our example
Emancipation being a question for each
stato to decide for itself, in view of its in
terests, wo havo no concern with it boyond
our own borders, and ought not to be taxed
with reference to it.
'Plift Prnsidflnf nnnit.ira. in liia niniarl'a.
la limit l.i, nrrinn. to tl,n Mr Sl,n !
.1 .-- -..-l. i:...:...!-..
UU- hllUlU la 11U OUWU UUUiULIUIl 1U
tho tho Resolution he proposes. It applies
generally to all the Slave States. And
there can bo no reason hereafter to confine
it to ono more than another. Tho nrgu
meut must therefero bo upon its general
application. Hut tho same decisive objec
tions lic against it whether it bo general or
partial; tho only difference being in the
amount of. burden assumed by the Unitcd
The argument that to detach sorao of
the Border States from tho list of Slave
States, will weaken tho rebellion and tend
to closo the war, would not, even if true,
justify this project. For tho Govorninont
has no right to assumo a power not gran
ted to ii by tho Constitution, and apply tho
money of tho pcopio to an object to which
they have not given their assent. But the
argument itself is unfounded a3 well as
insufficient. It is probable that tho war
will bc ended before emancipation could
bo secured in any State, and with its ter
mination the object just stated wholly fails.
And oven if we put this consideration out
of view, it is by no means certain that the
annunciation of this emancipation project,
would strengthen tho Union cause. It is
only adding a new subject of debate and
difficulty to those already existing, and
being considered by tho Gulf States as
hostile to them, would inspirit them to ad
ditional efforts against us.
It is quite uncertain whether any State
would act under tho proposed Resolution,
if it should bo adopted by Congress. Some
of tho Border States might, if tho General
Government would pay tho full valuo of
tho slaves and remove them abroad and
indemnify tho States for tho "public in
convenience," as tho President terras it.
of their temporary loss of labor; but if
the burden of emancipation is to be divi
ded between the General and State Gov
ernments, tho latter would probably de
cline taking any action on the subject.
Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Miss-
1 1 Oi i il
J projuus, uiurmoro, wu uuuuu
States must pay the bill, aud an enormous
one it would be. Lately in the Delaware
In vf el fi tn tn if tti -vn-r"rw1 ilinf tlint dntrt
iiiu ibii muiwgy suvulvi wivjw jUiuuuijaH
tion upon receiving $0CO,000 from the
United States. But even that proposition
was rejected, Delawaro is eorapossd of
only three counties, and if it costs a mill-
tion ot dollars to secure emancipation
Uiere, what tho cost of the pro
ject if it camo to be applied generally I
Tho President abjures tho Abolition
doctrine of emancipation by force ; of
confiscation of private property not ap
plied directly to war purposes by tho enemy,
and so far conforms his position to public
sentiment, to tho principles of tho Consti
tution, and to the laws of civilized warfare.
Rut the project of this mcssago is one of
folly and evil, and should bo met by n
general protest. Wo feol confident, what
ever else may happen, that tho pcopio of
Pennsylvania will never agroo that thoy
shall be taxed to scouro emancipation in
other States, especially with a heavy State
debt upon them, aud with a certainty of
being callcd upon to pay twclvo or fificcn
million of dollars a year besides .to the
Federal Government in conseque-jjeo ,of
the war,
Seeds tor Editors. Wo lepcat tho in
vitation of last month, for tho Editors of
our Lxehanges wlio havo not dono to. .to
select from our list (pagoj(J7) a dozen or
moro parcels of Seeds, such as .will bo
most acceptable to Uiouisclvcs or frisnds,
and send a list of tho ttumbtr only. Tho
seeds will bo forwarded post paid. Tjio
seeds aro of unusual good quality; .tlioy '
wnrn in nnrl irrntvn W flin niil.liel.or '
each subscriber, while tho fivo parcolsoff-
ereu to ipatvMuai would cost, (UDougUt at
retait) from 25 to 60 cents, a,nd many of
jub-'thew ere not generally accessible
self, and in part imported duty free from fact the Democrat 0Vor stood fairer svith j ,o1om1 ro'mls n n0 oa 'Q tQ exc0C(1 8 raUers j The So.uth begins to know that its leaders this paper fox tho destruction and uWr ex
tho largest and best growers xw huropo. all classes.. Iteli ab 0 and truthful-standing in length, and to bo subject to the rcgula- hay.o liedr-thai tho North docs not do. termination of all oAii and specie of
Tho expanse is therefore but joodorato for by tho Government exposing corruption lions of tho gouoral Rail Road law of 10th 1 siro to rob it of its property, Ilonco the Vermin.
At Last
That there havo been enormous frauds
on tho Trcamry during tho last year wo
admit. lie publican Oth March.
Hon t t sentence was wniton, mt.
... ... ... r
Ul lllu omiui. uui hhiuud m
f the United States. Our readers will
bear us witness that it was only after tho
ot pertinacious efforts that the admission
13 forci)l1 from "10 Dr- a,ul lic is wmself
t0 olaiuo " ,llor0 lms lale,3' appeared tlian
.. it . t . .
lie could nicest, on tlio suDicct ot Irauus.
It was his own persistent denials of cor.;
. . " ' . "...
riiTiiinii wiiiiiii inn1 in n. in rn. rnrn in n r
.... ., t. t . l
. ...... .v ...
charges, and now having admitted the fact,
tho subject is dismissed. Wo never strike
a man when he is down, and as the Dr. has
covered tho wholo of tho time of tho nd
'ministration, wc have nothing more to
TIint Mr' nooln was deceived in the
' mon 1,0 Il!ul callcd t0 hii oounfo1 wc bc
lieve aud havo cause to btliove. Uut
whether he can and will resist tho abolition
prcssuro upon him, we do not know we
sincerely hope ho may. Tho abolition
clement is now much more dangerous than
(ho secession clcmont. Uo seems to have
checked the ono will ho doal with equal
ta bJ 0tll0r 1 Wc shall Wait and
His dismissal of Fremont, his ousting
of Mr. Cameron, his appointment of Stan
ton wcro all steps iu the right dircotion.
May ho continue in that path. There arc
moro of tho men surrounding him who are
not tho men they should bo ; and while
their dismissal i. possible, it is said tho
President explains tho delay by tho follow
ing anecdote. An old friend from Spring
field lately callcd to seo the President.
After the usual greetings, &c., "Lincoln
(said he) when you turned out Cameron,
why didn't you turn out all tho rest of your
Cabinet!" "That (said tho President)
makes mo think of something that took
place near home, in Illinois. An old far
mer had been pestered with a colony of
skunks, that depredated nightly on his
poultry. Ho determined tobcrid of them,
and finally succeeded in getting them all
into one hole, where ho could kill them at
hisploasure. Ho drew one forth by (ho
tail, and executed him, but, (said he, tell
ing tho story,) this caused such an infer
nal stench that I was glad to let the rest
The Old Song.
JGST A life long Democrat not of the
bogus faction, but ono who loves his coun
try more than party, and who hates trai
tors worse than he docs Republicans
callcd our attention a few days s'nee to the
recent issues of the Columbia Democrat.
Can it bc possible, said he, that such a
paper is loyal ' Can it bc that an editor
that will fill his sheet with continual fault
finding of every movement of those en
gaged in suppressing this foul rebellion
instigated by tho lato leaders of tho Dem
ocratic party, and with special pleadings
in behalf of such men as Floyd "the
thief," is actuated by patriotic motives?
Certainly not. A certain class take and
read no other paper. No wonder that
theso should havo sympathy for the rebels.
Fortunately the intlucncc of the Democrat
never very extensive, is rapidly waning.
Columbia co. Republican.
Now Dr. you ought to know that cock
won't fight. Wo havo often observed that
when you get into a tight place you lug in
that "life long Democrat" of yours, whom
you keep standing iu your office for instant
service. we all unuerstanu that douce.
And wc all understand too, the insinuation
of disloyally, when a Democrat exposes
the corruptions of the Republicans. That
game is oav played out Dr. and you aro
too shrewd a man not to know it. It won't
cvon impose on tho "back townships."
Besides that, wo are not finding fault
with "those engaged in supprcssisg this
foul rebellion" wc aro finding fault with
those who stay at home and buy linen
pantaloons, straw hats, red barring, and
brown stout, to clothe and feed "thoso en
gaged in suppressing this foul rebellion."
The men who choat the soldiers and swin
dle the government, tho men who get eon
tracts, and sitting nt homo, sell them at
enormous profits, tho men who scizo this!
opportunity to enrich themselves at the
cost of their country ; those arc the men
'engaged in suppressing this foul rebellion''
aro they? wc rather think not, and the
people think not.
But if it is disloyal lo expose a stealing ,
republican, what then is to become of i
Dawes, and Van Wyck 7 hat will yoa the fact that Gen. Halleok being a Domo
do with Halo .who wanted to' haug them ? , nrat, refused to countcnauco any nigger
What with Mr. Liuooln who turns them j stealing, emancipation or abolition dec
out of offico and banishes them from tho trincs ; standing by tho Constitution, the
country I 'Hie struggle to conceal tacts and 1
prevent investigation was long and fierco
but tlio frauds wcro too glaring, too stu
pendous, and pcopio aro beginning to seo
.where tho money goes,
come tfack shortly.
iuay tney see it
Wc -ire a ware our expositions havo star
tied some tender toed republicans-uot that
, ,. , . , . 1 " "
we .published anything untrue-But bo
causo it was uuc.
OM'I stopped his pa-
Think of that. It was too much for!
ItwouWbc very consoling Dr., if you
could oniy believe it, that "tho influenco
of tho Democrat" was really waning. But
vnn ilnnV Jmlii.BA il.vmi tinn T..
defending .the Constitution laboring for
a reeoutmeuon ot tho union-AnolitlWr.
dUunionists kick against it in vain ,
they gnash tUoir teeth and howj.
Message f torn tho President.
Washington, Maroli 7, Tho Prosi-
dent i0 d.iv transmitted to Concrcs?,
following Mesaco :
J'clluw Uttzcnsrf the Senile and House
v. juhh iwuhhiuu uj .jum uuuu
option of a joint resolution by .your bono
; jf'"" wl,ioh thM bo substantially
i Rtf T,mt ,ho Unitcd SutM Q ,t
to co-opcrato with any State which may
I 4 -
, adopt gradual abolishment of slavory, giv
mi? 10 such oiaio pecuniary am 10 uo useu
'. I. CJ. -.!..:.-.1! i
W ' a,n,c. 111 itsuuorotion, to compon-
uiu iui liiu luuuut muuiiuus, uuuuu iuu
. .
private, produced by such change of tya-
If the proposition contained in the ros-
olutiou doos not meet tho approval of
Congress and tho couutry, thoro is tho
cud, but if it docs command such ap
proval, I deem it of importance that tho
States and people immhdiatcly interested,
should be at onco distinctly notifietl of tho
fact, so that they may begin to considor
whether to accept or reject it. The Fed-
-..I n ...i.iJ s
cral Government would fiud its
interest in such a measure, as ono
ii i in t
most efficient means of self preservation.
The leaders of tho existing insurrcctio
entertained the hope that this government
wiUu innately bo forced to acknowledgo
the independence of some part of tho dis-
fiffi.ntml vrMrinn. nnrl Hint nil f.lin R1(u?n
States north of such parts will then say
the Union tor wuiQh wo have struggled
being already gone, wo now choose to go
with the Southern section. To deprive
,ll l! IZ
completely doprives them of it as to nil tho
Oi... ;. .:.:-i:... -i
a..u pu.ii. i3 uuk nuab u ... -
crating slavery, would very booq , if at all
initiate emancipation: but while the offer
is equally made to all, the moro Northern
shal . bv such initiation, mako it certain
MM... : 1 : MH1 nil 11. .t Ul.ln 11
to the moro touthern, that, in no event,
will the former ever join the lattor in
tuc.r proposes con.oueraoy. j. fcajr nnuauon
hnrmiin in rut m t rr m nnt. . rrrfifhinl nnil nnr
sudden 'emancipation is better for all. In
the mere finaucial or pcouniary view, any
mnrnlinr nf 'IrtlirM'naa wifli llinnnnct. tnlilna
v. uuii.wj) .1.. vuusw
find, yv i-nnnrla twifnrn liim pnil
... J . . 1 .. . ' T uing "ior uic appoinimcni 01 a commirtec rpi,: ; .i, cnn,i ,!, .. , .
readily seo for himself how very soon tho . .u.. .. . c. . "'s s tUo second time since the begin
current expenditures of this war would of three to revise the apportionment of last ning pf tl,o present session that Congress
purchase, at fair valuation, all the slaves ssion. In ihc House, a similar rcsolu- l,as ja;a on the tablo a resolution aim
in any named State. , fion was offered by Mr. Armstrong, to inr in terms, tu to tho rnmlntinni.
Sill i n nrnnftidnn An Mm narfc nr Inn
General UoveniuiL-nt sets ud no el am of a . ,... ., .c D 1110 il0Usc b a ota
right, by Federal authorities, to interfere -xor lUu, en - - nt the Jjxtra Session;
9. J ... . .. ;. . mi on nf nvnn lr rnnnrf. n lull nnnnrfmn .. .1
y within fclato limits, rclernng
as it does the absolute control of the sub -
ject 111 each case to tlio Mate ana iu peo
ple immediately interested. It is proposed
as a matter of perfectly freo choice with
them. In the Aunual Message, last De
cember, I thought fit to say ; The Union
umt bo preserved, and hence all indispen
sable moaiij must be employed. I said
this not hastily, but deliberately. War
has been made, and continues to an indis
pensable means to this end. A practical
rc-acknowledgmcntof the national author
ity would render the war unnecessary,
aud it would at ence cease.
If, however, resistance continues, the
war inul uiso continue, and it is impossi
ble to foresee all the incidents which may
attend, and all the ruiu which may follow
it. Such as may seem indispensable or
may obviously promise great efficiency to
wards ending the struggle, ji.uat and will
coine. The proposition now made is an
offer only. I hope it may be cste- mod no
offence to ask whether the pecuniary con
sideration tendered would not be of more
value to the States and private persons
concerned thau aro the institution and
property in it, in tho present aspect of af
fairs. While it is true that tho adoption of the
proposed resolution would be merely init
iatory, and not within itself a practical
measure, it is recommended in the hope
that it would soon lead to important prao
tical results. In full view of my great re
sponsibility to my God and to my country,
1 earnestly beg tho attention of Congress
and the people to the subject.
(Signed) Auuaham Lincoln.
CST Intercepted letters from South
Carolina and Georgia speak of a general
movement of troops thence to Manassas.
The trains aro bringing North large bodies
of men, mostly, however, raw levies, in
sufficiently armed and equipped. Tho
Rebel array bohind tho batteries on tho
lower Potomac has bepn recently much
Since the above was in typo tho papers
informed us that the blockade of tho Po
tomac so long maintained against the
government, has been raised, aud tho riv
er i3 open. Subsequently too, tho tele
graph roports that Manassas has actually
been evacuated and is now in the hands of
our troops ; the rebels having retired to
Madison and Gordonsvillo Junction, cn
the road to Richmond. In tho west and
southwest wherever our troops anoarod tho
rejoicinc seems to havo been tincero ; and
We arc indebted for the demonstrations to
right of citizens and States.
McCauloy Mountain Company
A litll Kimn!nmihf.nt-v In Hm nn' f I QT.A
incorporating this Company, has passed
tius lucufcto acd is now pending in tho
House. It incorporates Tho. Kitnbor, ir..
1 aud olh" PulchtthC" under proceedings
on a mortgage given by the old Company,
i,lto n body corporate under tho name of
tlio "McCauloy Mountain and Black Creek
Rail Ro.d Compauy,"jundor tho provisions
of tho aot of 5ti!i ijlay 1854, incorporating
MoDnulnv It nil Unml flnmnniiv
Section ad authorizes tho Comnanv to
construct and hold additional or lateral
roads ounecting said McCauley Mountain
I Hod villi other Rail Roads, or with
' mini nr inmornl lrnilR ! Kiinli nv nni nm n
February, Ibau, and its supplements.
r. ' , iZi'yS.,,"?
a 'Hl not apply To I The new Company
under Lbu bill "
witti slaver
I ' AlIit on'" nt.
JUongross lias just pu-scil a lill appor-
..... .. n tt . .
ttoinuy tno iiuiuuer ot ituprcsciitatives
niiiQlicf lint si'.v.rnl Slnlo sn'.ni ilmtf In llin
ratio under tho census of 1800. 'I ho fol
a " a "
lowing tablo .hows tho representation to
which each State will bo entitled under
this pew appointment, compared with that
mado ten years ago:
1M0.1SC0. 1M0. 1800.
Michigan v 4
Minnesota 2
N. Hampshiro 3
New Jersey 5
Now York q3
N. Carolina 8
Ohio 21
Orccon 1
t n
, Tnjjan.
Pennsylvania 2f 24
Rhode Island
2 a
T . . "
;'3 1
S. Carolina
0 4
10 8
2 4
a 3
13 11
3 G
jrrvi nJ
A.' " a.
ctts 11 10 Wisconsin
Mississippi 5
Missouri 7 0 Total 208 241
It will bo seen that New York and Ohio,
tho two great States that abut upon Pcnn.j,en Kranchot, Frank, Hooper! Uutchin
sylvania, North and West, each loso two' Kellogg, (III., Lansjng, I,oomis, Lovcjoy
,, ' ' . . . MnKSiAV AtV.iLJ'Ar:.i.i r.TT
"-"' i-uiui,
uiuwYCB, nunc rcuusyivuuiu iuzub
. Illinois gains five members, be
e oi
argcstgoiti of any one State;
only 01,0
mg tnc (argestgam ot nny ono btato;
Iowa gains four ; Wisconsin three ; Mich
j an and Missouri each two ; and so on.
Our Legislature, at their last session,
ioned tho Stato1
s, upon the sup-
ltitlcd to only
ving prematurely apportion
i.,. m.i.i.i. .
... .1 .. (.1 ...1 1 .
position mat it wouiu no cutuicu to only
ag Representatives, will now have to rc-
. . . . , . ..
arranS ,he Dl6t"ct3 " ord t0 .rro"do
for the additional member. Action has
been already taken iu the mattr. Iu tho
Senate, a few days ago, a resolution was
fof th(J Iippoilltment of a comm;t
tc0 of tl,ru0 to roviao tho apportionment
last sessiou. In the House, a sjmjjar rec r n n NlV..i.n.1 n M..w.rifl ...nt.l n.Ani.
uiuiiuu itaa uncivil an ujiiv;iiiiiuiii, ,u,itt
,. m .1 .... . .. . . r .... .
" " ' --t p
1 g tIie btilte 111,0 Congressional Districts
for the next ton years." Uotli proposi- resolution, declaring that this war is waged
Hons wore temporarily postponed. i,,. , , ; , r . ,
ThO course indicated by Mr. Cessna's' ' defend and maintain tho supremacy of
amendment, is tho proper one. The ap- the Constitution, snd to preorye tio Union
portionment of last year, beside being pro-1 ,th a11 th, diiBuiV. equality aud rights of
mature, was so glaringly unequal and un- tho scvcral Statos "Pr,-' voting op
just, that its repeal should bo a matter of 3d or March against the declaration
conscienoo with honest members of both ' Iia' tl,e war shou,d ,,ot bo prosecuted for
parties. Tho largo and reckless Repubr Ul0r PurPos0 tl)0 restoration of the
lican majority that controlled the lcglsla- ""Aority of tho Constitution and tho w.el-
Iton nf ln.t .nwinn. wn, rtnvnrnml nv
one idea in making this apportionment,
and that was to allow the Democrats e,s
few districts as possible. By a just bill,
proportioned to the relative strength of tho
two politioal parties, as shown in the Gov
ernor's election in 1800, 12 Members of
Congress would have been given to the Re
publicans, and eleven to the Democrats.
But, by the bill aptually passed, nineteen
Districts aro so arranged that, in all prob-
anility, tney win oiect iicpuoucan iiopre-
J ' J 1 1
seutatives for the next ten years; and only'
' -
iuul iiiu liduu tiiu .uiiiuui cita aiiu luuy
, , 0 . t, , J
only because ,t was impossible to arrange
them otherwise ! o sort of attention was
paid to tho ratio. This, under the suppo-, Moiik Oueatinq.-A Washington cor
sition that tho State would havo but 32 resnondent of tho Pliiladeinhia Prn snvn
one District contains a population of 153,-
281 an excess of 31,918 ; whilo another MU" ' 4" ""0a "ongingw tno rcgi
, , .. ,. , . , mont, has been arrested at Baltimoro, tor
has a population ol only 101,4-27, pr 2-1,-' tradiwt off the animals, and
930 less than tho ratio. livo Districts
have an aggregate population of 708,552; head. He has been sent to Fort Mellon
and five others a population of 557,40-Jjtho cry to await the diapotiou qf utho ca3o.
former exceeding tho latter by 151 ,481 J gcn- telegraphed the fact to Col. De
or moro than sufficient population to form
another District, aud moro than any Disv
trict contains, with a singlo exception.
Tho old, populous nnd wealthy conuty of Now that tho hangers on of this admin
Montgomery, is completely disfranchised, istration are so extensively ongaged in
by being divided into three parts, one of horso dealing, could not somo of them
which is attached to Bucks and certain ' manage to trade off tho "Woolley Horso"
Wards of Philadelphia; another to Berks, for something useful. Wo dont know any
and a third to Chester and Delawaro. A
single township is takop from Northumbcr-
land county, and attached to York and
Dauphin. The fact is, this apportionment
is so full of territorial deformities and nu-
merical ineaualitios, that it m&y bo rC(7r -
ded as tho most hideous legislative abortion
that has been produced in a long time. j insurrections will Ungcr in tho body poll
Now that a revision of this infamous tio just so long us in any part of tho coun
"gerrymander'' has bwonio necessary, wo ' try tho doctrines of secession or abolition
hopo it wity bo thorough. Tho additional f'.ro tolerated. There can bo no pcrman
Rcprcsentativo io which our Stato is cn- cut peace when men aro allowed to preach
.titled, jeaanoi bo assigned to a District,
without a rc-apportionment Qf tho whojo or tho r;ght of iho States to defy , the Qen
S.tate. Tho House is Democratic ((nomi-J oral .Government. AH theso are trcason
nally, at loast); aud tho Senato is Repub- j iblo. Thoy havo bred civil war, and wero
liean, with a Speaker who has proved intended to breed it. Thoy are unclean
himself impartial in tho appointmet of his spirits which possesses tho nation, and
.Committees,. Betwccp ,tbo two branches, muit bo cast ou,t if wa would return to our
thus politically opposed to each other, an
apportionment can be wado with somo,ap-
proacn to iairnoss ami equality,
Reudivg Gaznte and Democrat.
JSST ictory without abolition, pcaco
without the aid of negroes, returning allc-
gianco without tho violation of a singlo
prmcipio 01 our institutions ttieso, says
tho Detroit Freo Press, aro tho glorious
fruits .cf tho resJbUnco by tho President,
... . . r . ... . . ..
McClellan and Stanton, of tho abolitionists.
1 tido in turninc tho Union sentiment rr.
revives, and folfowers dron oflpf.,. .Utr.
Datb. These aro the fruits of a conoorv
ative polW.
Objccls of (ho War.
In tho report of tho proceedings of Con-
1 M ....!.. L.i iu i if. !..
u" l'lu,i,,,v "u "' l,lu '"''""'"tji i
WlllOll WO UCSirC to tJUt Oil record 1 1
jvir. llolman (Mid.) offurcd a resolution
that in the judgment of the IIouso, tho
unfortunate civil war into which the United
States has been forced by tho treasonable
attempt of tho Southern Secessionists to
destroy tlo Union, should not bo prosecu
ted for nny other purposo than tho restora
tion of tho authority of tho Constitution,
and the wclfaro of the wholo pcopio of the
United States, who aro permanently in
volved in tho preservation of our present
form of govcruraout, without modification
or change.
Mr. Lovcjoy (Rep.,) moved to lay it on
tho tablo. Carried 00 against 58, as
follows :
Yeas. Messrs. Aldrich, Alley, Arn
old, Ashley, Babbitt, Baker, Baxter, Bca-
man, Bingham, Blair, (la.,) Blako
Buffington, Burnham, Campbell, Chamber
lain, Clark, I'olfax, Fi A. Conkling,
Rosooc Coupling, Conway, Cravons
Cutler, Davis, Delano, Ducll, Ely, Fcsseii
.1... V 1... I.' I. ir . it . . .
.....own, ii.uuuii,a 1'iuuru-
i lcad'Iorr"l (Mo.,) Morrill, (Vt ,) Pat-
'ton, Pike, Pomcroy, Rico, rMaino.'l Hid.
M i V i, httj, 9i. . .
1 Wilson, Wiiidom, Woree
- f - f
111I?AYSTM"a11- IJallcy' I'cnn.JBiddlo,
fift' J, C- I-J Brown,
la., Calvert, Clemens, Cobb, Corning,
(W. ('riafi,,,! nru 0,i ti:...' n...i !'
(jox Orisfled, Urittcudon, Diveii, Dunlan
Dunn, Goodwin, Granger ' Hi 19, S'
iir,i;' n... Y? ,' "'"" T 't'1")
"a "? TJ,?lrn,0U;M.H.0mf? IIorTton
"Mon, Kellogg, (Mh,) knapp, Jjaw
Ayjcl"IifTiJ VOOdrllfT II 1 V I
k 1 r"r) ailll l TIL't
near y unanimous
and yet wo find
niany oi tne same mcmners pt woncrcM,
,yll0 j , , . t . . .. Gl.iti,mloI1
,aluulllw fluolO people OI tllO UllltCd
By this vote tho majority in Congrpss
haye apnounccd that fhey wish tho war
prosecuted for sonic other pmpose than tho '
restoration qf the authority of Constitution'
and the wclfaro of the people. What that '
purpose is we arc not at a loss to imagine
it is tho destruction of the rights in in
stitution of the Southern States, the al
teration of the present Constitution of the 1
United States, and the formation of a newj
n ... ,
I JnMSritlllnn mill n nit llnt-iirnninli ..r.n
. . , . , 1
nl-lttflnln OAnrtnnml Ir. In. A Via ili..u.. .
, , , , ,
who have always been, and are now, rev-
iUionUi ftt
that tho Quartermaster of tho Ira Harris
Cavalry, who had charge of the transport-
them with stock not worth ten dollars a
aud gontlenian suceeoded in finding
poarly all the horses in the Baltimore liv
ery stables.
' ono horso by which tho aovcrcment has
lost so muoh monoy. Wont somobody trot
"im out ?
Detroit Freo Press thinks tho
, rebellion will soon bo at an end, but it
wcl1 nn truly savs "tho causcs of futuro
tho 'higher law' and 'irrepressible conflict,'
old lipppincss and prosperity."
1 .- 1 .
To Destroy Rats, Roaches, feo,
To Destroy Mice, Moles, aud Ants.
To Destroy Bcd-Bu"s.
( To Destroy Moths iu Furs.Glothes, Jfcc
jTo Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas.
' To Destroy Insects on Plants & Fowls.
To Destroy Insects on Animals, &c.
To Destroy s-liJycry form usd species
of Vermin.
E&r See "Cosvah's" advcrUsomont in
63f' Sold in Bloomsburg Pa. by J. R,
Moyer, K. P. Lutz, J. M. Hangenbuoh,
and by tho Druggist? Uroecrs and Store
keepers generally, '
.v, uwgu.mi,, utujjinuui Ullilims, OICVCUS
Trowbridge, Van Wyck, Vorrce, Wallace,
Walton, Maine.l Wheeler, Whito. flud.l
jiiizuar, iioary, iuanory, iMaynartl, jlon
zios, Nixon, Noble, Noell, Norton,Nugent,
Odell, Pendleton, Perry, Richardson.
- Robinson, Rolling, Mp.,! Sheffield, gholl-
Df aborgcr, bmitli, Steele, fN Y.l Stratton,
iqonms, jiass j tiiomas LiUU , J Trimble,
Vibbard, Wadsworth, halcy, Webster,
Tho Alic'tary Cotum
-lo of tho Ilousn
of Ucproit3ttvcs hftVc
all onncicnU
spoiled agrtinst
i cmatieiti-iii,,,, .
slaves by the (lv n
hu nt. Thcro ,;ii
now bo amber hotel fr'fcn the Abolitionist?,
I ho uHrAadvoeates t this measuro, if
they ore nt blinded byl fanaticsm. can
seo that Ubmi loum- 1 1; n will not intro
duce thy
fr t, ing
-1 rt s . - Til
. . ., .
to .tho contest
' SOD. This
In C''i i'f-cr ' o.ii'i.'i 'i t'liibarrami i.
1 1 1 1
Fc !t
. 1
"I- 'g postpouo
1111' 1 .iC't
1 1;
'U- ' Jon p aco and a
Iti-vi in 11. .it shall bless
L"'H)utid. No
bf i1
the inhabitants
cap, wo thitik, with a - riper understands
qf bis duty, lend his ait! to this mischl -vous
and disturbing olctint which already
has been disastrous to ul as a pooplo and
has militated against thAUnion by con
stantly embroiling one sjjtlon. ngair,st the
other ; exciting the pasloujf; engendering
thoso bitter feeling whicli havo marred, tho
poaco of the great America"! brqtherhood,
and brought the nation to ,t m's brink.
Wo do earnestly hope .it 3 our heart's,
desire that this and all oticr irritating
quostions will bo left at rct "ft rtho proscnt,
until rebellion is pruslcl -;Fi Waunn
'Hiiics. , 1
t&- Asaii,iso Woas.-Wo SCO it
stated that President Iincsln, moved to
great jndjgnafion by the ixtraordinary and
bitfor assaiilts upon his vlfo, which have
appeared in many of thclltcauplioan pn
pers, has expressed his rcrretfhat ho could
nqt throw off for a timo 'Jic ''cares, the re
sponsibilities and tho digiityof his station
hid infljpt summary cias'iiscment upon,
some of Mrs. Lincoln's uunaoly villitiers.
Wo respect aud honor Uo 'President for of proper and.naurnl feeling
and do not ilquljt that he isjitrougly im.
polled to givo it practicd foot. There
seems to bo growing dispwit in to assail
women and to connect thun r'th political
ovents that is mean as jt h ( ovardly. .
man who cherishes jt is ntt jily destitutu
qf the principles of courfesy nd chivalrj,
which aught to characterise 1 ii sex in their
deportment toward tho cthjr. but ho Is
unworuiy tno name ot into. 'It i8 high
timo 11 wys reDUKcu and pu
01 an enlightened public
enough that wo of the stertjei sex should
bo brought into tho turmoil
o'politios snd
undergo the ordeal of defa
lation, which
seems to bo ips concomitant
tithout bring.
ing in tho women to share
Cincinnati Enq irer.
uisame fnto.
An Indianapolis lctfc nays of tho
pnsonors at that place ;
mi 1
xuo most curious lucil
B.nts is ore the
recognition of several of th
prisoners by
the citizens. At the break
84 out of tho
war several persons went fr
11 thik ci'y to
tho South to enlist, aud soil of them havo
been taken prisoners and b
ight back to
iiieir 01a Homes. 1 saw a pmntu
in tli)
uuiupuiiy Ri m jam regu
1, . .fi.i 1
in btatiuucl
here, talking very earnestly
wth a rebel
captain who proved tu bc
(he Federal's
father. Another cf tho pri
Aiker, woe t candidate nn
oilers namoJ
'e R nubli-
ecn titbit fm Nar&h d of thik fyy in 1850
or 1657, Another was B:co r. night
watchman hero and anotbemas formcrlv
employed at tho Bafcs Hou
As soon as the cars stop
1 tho prise
nors opened quito a busines
sellin'' the
Southern chin plasters to tL citizens.
They sold all deuomintions cf bills from
five cents to seventy-five cats, charging
tho full valuo, whiel; was glfcly paid by
tho oitizons, who wero auxioftto got their
monoy as souvonirs.
A ReZiIO. Tho Columbia Remblican
has still standing at jts head, IFreo 'Speech,
a 1'ree JL'ress, Free Soil andFreedon."
This is tho only freedom sott:ach nc rolio
that wo know of now in this iStatd. Two
years ago nearly every reputlicarj paper
had such a motto, but it has olfadbecomo
such a flaunting lio when conpa
led with
tcctr tar and fcathor organizat
their attempt to destroy tho
freilom 0'
spcecu, 01 tne press and tho twe;l
tboy, tp avoid tho glaring ipoo
... M o i 1 -
have, wo bcliovo, tho Republican ncepteJ
taken down tho motto. To maint
hin eon-
sistoncy thoy ought now to put ut ''Freo
Mobs, Freo Plunder, Freo Dcspouain w&
Freo Niggor."
Sunbury Dttnocfat,
SfSr A contractor from Cairo cimo ft
few days ago to get somo money, and tho
President being in Secretary Stanton'jtt
tho timo, asked him if they had not been
paid nny. "No, Sir," tho contractor re
plied ; "none of tho bills contracted flicro
havo paid anything." "This is very
Btrango, wo havo spent noar fivo huijdrcil
millions and I cannot find n man who ha
cvor got a dollar of it." Tho contractor
finally admitted that lin hud rpiivcJ 1
few thousand doll.irs, but that it wai hard- T
ly worth speaking of.
- - -
eST-The Washington Star, inoot.ciDg
ft III . ..rl.a 1...
Rev. Dr. Chcovers lccturo at
says: 'President Lincoln was
aft preic"
and tho Fremont cliquo, who on
ilhe night
ot brcoloy a lecture, exliibi,ted
lar discourtes.y towarda tlie I:
-.lidcut I'J
their vociferous shouts and!
whenever tlio speaker hiutevj
unon tho cxecuttvo action in
Ilia l'llltfiTiflAl ill.l ,i.l 1..
vpp fl'l
nity to .repeal io:ul,t '