Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 08, 1862, Image 2
irTaai.iiiJ-tuJLiiminu.i "Of - Culnmhin JtitiBttnt KDirF,i ny i.evi l. tath, mor-nurron. BLOOMSBURG, FA. SATURDAY MOIWINO, MAROII 8, 18S2. Editorial Circular. It lias been tho practice of tlio under signed, for a long poriod of tirao, sanction ed by agreeable associations and timo honored usage, for Editor and Patrons, to ofFor and reciprocal au exebijngo. ?f son timent and mutual congratulation Upon the opening of a now voluuio of tbo "Colum ma Democrat.1' Custom would seem to warrant tbo repetition, in tho absence of evidence to tbo contrary, of its practico in tbo present instance. Tbo performance of tbe task, on my part, is thorcfoie now as sumed witb increased pleasure Last week, I completed, witbout omission or interruption, tbo fifteenth year's publication of the" Columbia Democrat." During all tbat time, amid tbe mutations of life and its ever-changing circumstances, it has been to me a source of profound gratification to know that my bumble efforts as a public journalist, bavo been duly appreciated and liberally rewarded by the intelligent and discerning commun ity with whom my lot has been cast. And Treasury Notoa. The Tronsury Note Bill is a law, and another stab has bien given to tbo Consti lulion. Every intelligent man in tho coun try knows that tbat instrument tho bond of our Union and tho ueourity of our rights and liberties docs not authorize this measure and that it is passed in con. tompt thereof. jTho argument of Mr. Pendleton of Ohiof.rec'ontly published by us, woula havo been conolusivo proof of Ills, li mere nau ueeu uujr uuuui uuiuic-, NO UNION WITH SMVKKY." Separation, or Abolition by l'a Bloody Baptism," The End and Aim of Re publicanism, 11 Abolition is Secession," Eays Hon. Androw Johnston, tbo gallant Union Sen ator from Tennctsco. "Emancipation means Separation," says Col. Forney, who is high authority with tho Republi cans of this day. ''i conditional Union man is an unconditional traitor," said Hut the fact tbat nothinc but cold and Judgo Douglas. Republicanism means silver can be a legal tonder in paymont of '.no Union with Slavery," is tho true in debts, has always been a matter of common torprelation of tho talk and course of Re knowledge and has been announced as an 1 publican papers and leaders. Theso aro unquestionable constitutional doctrino by 'truths and indications tbat all true friends Mr. Madison, Mr. Webster, Judgo Story, j of tho Union will do well to bear in mind and orcry other statesman or jurist in this and reflect upon. And it is important country, who has ever alludod to the sub-j also that they should mako a personal and jeet. Yet now, tbo Treasury Notes, or. practical application 01 tiicso suggestion promises to pay, aro niado a legal tender, and aro to take tbo placo of tbo constitu tional curroncy! It is matter for grate doubt, or flat denial, tbat Congress can create a paper currency for tho country at with a view to test tho honesty, tbo patri otism, tho loyalty of all men. Wo will endeavor to aid our readers in this work. Tho New York Tribune, in its issue of the 10th, says it haB "grave apprehensions all. But this is dono, and superadded to j as to the result of tho election in tins it a provision that coin shall bo virtually ( State; then goes on to declare, with expelled, if not outlawed, and paper bo impudenco and audacity tbat aro truly made to supply its place. sublime in view of its own course, that "a Sun WW IXiJS now, on entering upon the Sixteenth Uk-i-lA VnT.i'Kfii' an T tin this wnnlf. it affords mo '-"Y- t . - ... . - o ti n i unrni t timnanrn rn nnnnnnrn. i r i :i i. '"notwithstanding tho deranged condition ot the country and the' general prostration of business tho Columbia Democrat, is prospering in a high degreo, and through tho partiality of generous friends going on to ttill greater prosperity. As a political journal, a faithful and fearless defender of the great fundamental principles of tbo National Democracy enunciated by Thomas Jefferson, sanctified by Andrew Jackson, and to-day practised by their legitimate followers and upon whom alone depends the hope of our be loved country tho Colus5IA Democrat, has for twenty-five ansecutive years, stood prominent iu the fight, and firm in the faith, even vigilant in support of tbo Union, the Laws and the Constitution. Id the present great and terrible crisis of our once happy countty now humileated at home and dishonored abroad it has been zny duty to perform no unimportant part, and to bear a full share of its responsibil ities. Nominated last season as I was for a District office, by tho noble Dcmooracy of Columbia, tbe only true "Union Party" of tho country, pledged to maintain the Laws, support tbe Government, uphold the Constitution, and. suppress Robcllion most gloriously did they ratify that action at tho ballot-box, and triumphantly vin dicate their own loyalty and patriotism. And here, iu the Halls of Legislation, in which I indite this hasty address, and in front of tbat sacred seat once hallowed by the occupancy of John Hancock, in which he was seated when ho appended bis name to tho immortal Declaration of Inde pendance, overshadowed by tbe wings of the American Eaglo, and around which circle the hallowed "Stars and Stripes," I pledgo anew, in tbe name of that great Democratic party, whose delegated trust I have so largely shared and hope in God I never shall betray, my best efforts to rep resent them faithfully, and in strict fidelity and to preserve inviolate my Constitutional obligation as the people's Representative. For this purpose, it is the siinplo duty of every legal citizon, to vote men and money to support tho Government and Buppress, Treason. This can only be done by providing liberally for tbo bravo sol diers upon tho tented field, and aiding the constituted authorities of the State and National Governments, by all legal and necessary means within our control, to prosecute this unnatural war to an honor- ,. able and lasting peace. And iu conclusion, S&v? when peace shall have again blessed our 'fa oeloved land, and the Union be restored !CH - -. . 1 .11 1.1 1,1 l as li niusi anu win no tnrougn tne vaior of thelrave hearts and strong arms of the democratic hosts,, who now fill tho Union army every patriot will rejoice tbat the Union has been presorved without the vio lation of tho Constitution, and that wo shall be able to band down to coming pos terity, untarnished and unimpaired, the richest boon on reeord of our Fathers glorious heritage, dospito the puny efforts of Southern Traitors and Norlien Abo litionists, Kind patrons, accept our unfeigned thanks for tbe oft repeated and substantia' evidences f your generous confidence. Your obedient servant LEVI L. TATE SlONIFlCANT.-Tho following advortiso inent appeared in tho Herald, and was read in tho U, S. Senate by Mr, Uale on thoautu instant. "A good looking, affable young man who has just completed alargegovernment contract, wishes to becomo acquainted with .6 young jauy uvb'irous oi snaring uuo pro ceda. This jdvertisment is an index to show where, tho jgovcrnment money goes com ment is unnecessary. Hon. Aaron Hess, one of the Itepro -eentatlves of .Northampton, on Saturda laet; paid a brief -visit to bis old friends iu Blooinsburg. Ho was tbe guest of our Moiubor, Mr. Hess ia a very worthy n.nd.M.H .Nil V . Mil lTkaM nl The injustice of this mcasuro in its ap-' triumph of tho Democratic party at this plication to tho collection of existing debts, 1 crisis will bo interpreted throughout tho contracted in view of payment in coin or j 8lavo States as a voto against further ro its equivalent, was fully pointed out in sistanco to tho Slaveholders' Rcbolliou" debate, but had no moro effect upon tho j that it will "bo regarded by the rcbols as oppressors of the human race. J interest of Slavery, upon us who wants Sho should break her prcsont seal and ad-, to soo this restored to its old nnd magical nnf. nnntlior mnrrt Imo tn tlm fnfit. Tho 1 Dotoncy intimidating tbo woak, ovorpor- new ono should roprcsonlin tbo foreground Jsuading tho poaoeful, seducing tho honc6t a slavo-drvor whipping his drovo to tho uciu ; in uio DaoKgrounu uov. ,visu Hang ing John Drown, and tho motto should bo, "Death to all champions of equal Libor ty." From the Tribuno, Dec. 3, 1859. Let whoovcr would first cast a stono ask himself whether his oivn noblest act was equal in grandeur and r,obilitu to that 'for which John Brown pays the penalty of tlcutli on the gnl'aws, John Brown dead is verily a power. Ho let us bo rovorently groatful for tho privilcgo of living in a world rendored no ble by the daring of heroes, thi suffering of marturs, among whom let no ono doubt that history will accord an hono'cd niche to John Brown, Roaders would soon weary if we roprint- cd ono in a hundred of tho Tribuuo's ar ticles against Union, Constitution and Law, and in favor of slavo insurrections, and tho murder of women and cbildron. Wbon tho prospect of civil war was at hand, this paper lent its uttermost foroo to tho side of secession. Its long cherish ed scheme of disunion was nearly accom plished. Wo quoto again : From tbo Tribuno, Nov. 0, 1800. If tho cotton States shall becomo satis fied that they can do better out of tbo Uni on than in it, u insist on letting them go in 2etcc. i. r ghl to .iccede maybe arevoluti'nuri one. but il exit's ntVtr theles, oiiiust ever resist ...... Ctl.. . Mn...n!n til (lift Republican majorities in Congress tUan,B sign of bopo and promise"-that it d nullffV or . fv. thoroofi il. -i!i..i! 1 . ( 11 1 il.. -n ..c Al ... .. - . . . iuo consuiuiiouui Qujet-iiuu. wouiu suow inai iuc .uumuuruuy 01 uus i '0 witlviraw from the union is quite an- Tbo attempted defenco of tbis law on gtato i,avo rcuowe(l their "subserviency to other mutter; and ichtniver u considerable . i f !i : s i! I . ... . . . ' ' ...v.. -t '. tt..-.. -i.-ii ..;.;.....;.. the ground of necessity, is pure imperti nence. Is it necessary to violate tho Con stitution, perpetrate injustice, and debase tho currency, in order to strengthen and aid the Government? Can absurdity and folly go further than this ? Tho fact is, that if the war should continue long, this very measure would cripplo and weaken us enormously, by destroying Government credit, and might lead to our failure in tho contest. We aro pleased to sec tbat Mr. Cowan, ono of tho Senators from this State, voted along witb the body of Dem ocratic members against this bill. Ho seems to have a conscience. Confiscation. Wo givo from tho telegraphic report of tho proceedings of tho United States Son atc on the 4th of March, the following re marks of Senators MoDougal of California and Cowan of Pennsylvania, upon the bill for the confiscation of rebel property. It will bo seen tbat Mr. Cowan, (although classed as a Ilepublican), is not in favor of tho extreme and impraeticablo views of the Abolitionists. "Mr. DOUGALL, (Cal.) resumed hit speech. He quo ted from Justice STOUY and other writers as opposed to any confiscation of private property, lie contended tbat toe provision in relation to freeing tho slaves was iinroniiiiutional. and quoted the declarations of the President and Secretary of State at showing an cntirly HUfrreut uolicv of the Government. He declared Hmt the colonization scheme was unwise and impracticable, and contended tbat magnanimity was the greatest vir tue orvictors, anu we suouiu goiorwara with tho Con. btitutiui as our common cause, and with the olive branch nf ncace in our hand. Mr. COWAN (Pa.) said lie agreed with the Senator from California. He thought this was one of the most important measures mat was ever brought before Cpn eresa. and on which the fate of the Republic might de pend. The bill proposes to go back to the doctrine of IIIU jeuiiui u;vbi bum iiihuumw iuuws njiieu cemurics caiinof ijujej He contended thaf the passage of such a bill wouiu mahe pne wumu auutuern people our enci inies and (he scheme of colonization entirely impracti Ami further, the bill Is directly in conflict with the Constitution, for the preservation ol which alone the war la waged. Besides, it ia unnecessary, impolitic, and totally useless. It was unconstitutional, because tbe Constitution provides that no bill of attainder shall be pabsed, and no person punlshed'for crime witbout reg ular proceeaiugs in ine cuuris. it is in iaci a dhi 01 at tainder, and Congress lias no power to pass it. The bill makes no cu junction Dciween tnose lorceu into tne re bell Ion and the willing traitor. Thousands of Southern people bad been duped into the rebellion by being told that the Northern people were all abolitionists. He protested asainstthat section of the bill freeinz the slaves as an entiro departure from the principles of tne usnstiiuiicn, anu especially impoiiti c at nils lime. liecausc wc arc at war, wouiu it make a law which wat unconstitutional before anv better now! He hnued some other and better way would be taken to punish those concerned in me reuemnn wnenit suaii nave been sup pressed, and a way taken which will not furnibh cause or ruiurc revolt. He would punish effectually those who ousht to be punished, and foreive thorouchlv those to bo furslvcn. He was in favor of giving negrues all the freedom he bad himself; but what had they done to secure freedom At this time, when the course of their masters seemed specially to Invite theiu to strike tor liberty I Nothing, .'hey had simply relied on their masters like a domestii animal with a sort of instinct. He hoped tbe bill would not pass but that Congress would attend to the meas ures necessary to secure success in the great struggle iu Yiuiui vp aru ciieukcu. the slave power," but no longer insist up on the preservation of tbo Union. Such slanders upon the Democracy of this State, copie'd and reechoed by tho Republican papers and fuglcrs here, seems to invite an examination into the character and past course of our assailants and the ten dency of their position and avowals, with reference to the great issue before tbo country. The courso and avowals of tho Tribune point out unerringly tho direction of tho Republican party in this State its purposo and its method of accomplishing them. Indeed, that paper has been their dictator, and they obeyed its commands as 'subserviently ' as ever slave obeyed those of bis master. Now, a careful esaraina- nation of tho courso of tbat trcasonablo sheet will satisfy any candid and intelli gent mind tbat a dissolution of the Union is the object and result for which it has ong labored and still labors. For years previous to tho outbreak of tbo rebellion, tbe hostility to the Union, tbo Constitution and tbe Flag, to which it now sings hypo critical pcans, was too manifest to be mis taken by tbo most casual reader. "No One Million Moio Gone l Great Success by Capt. T.cib!A"Enl. liant Charge" Upon the Ireasury! A Washington dispatch says ; Capt. Charles Leib was rejected as As distant-Quartermaster a second time. The Military vJommittco reported that he was unable to account for Sl.OUU.UUO When v man occupying tho position of Assistant uuartermastcr is unablo to ao count for a million of dollars, wo can im agmo why tho expenses of tho war bavo been so much groater than tboy should have been, This Capt. Leib is some S700,- OUU aheau ot Alex. Uummings, ot i'hil- auolphia, who has not yet accounted for section of oui Union shall dclibiratcly re solve to go out, if e sltall resist all coercive measures designed to keep it m. o hope never to live in a republic whereof one Beetion is pinned to another by bayonets. From tbo Tribune, Nov. 20. If the ootton States unitedly and ear nestly wish to withdraw peacefully from tho Union, wc think they should apd would bo allowed to do so. Any attempt to compel them by force to remain would be contrary to tbo principles enunciated in tho immortal Declaration of Independ ence, contrary to the fundamental ideas on which human liberty is based. From the Tribuno. Deo. 17. If it (tho Declaration of Independence) justified the secession from the British cmO piro ot tlirco millions ot colonists in 1770, wo do not see why it would not justify the secession of five millions of Southrons from the Union in 1861. Such was tho Tribune's position up to tbo openiug of the present civil war, which it did so much to bring about. It favor ed Secession as tho means of accomplish ing its darling object of a dissolution of tbe Union as the thoitest and easiest method of carrying out its motto of "no and tho honorable, making moro hoathon ish tho jumblo of our Christianity, nnd mero tomporary subtorfugo of our laws Who wants a Union to bo maintained only at tbo capricious will of a South Carolina aristooraoy a Union which wo aro bound to rcspcot, but which Slaveholders are obartcred to disregard at sovoreign plea sure ? Union, that tho manowning Oli garchy may orawl comfortably along in tho fat slime of its indolcnco and injustico while wo keep watch and ward, with obse quious fidelity, over its lazy interests, and submit without a murmur to Its whimsi calities of selfishness or passion ? Snch is tho oxultant touo in which tho N. Y. Tribuno chroniolos its bcliof in tho utter destruction of tho Union a complcto breaking up of tbo institutions which tho honest men in this oountry who have la bored to establish and maintain, and which honest men now labor to rcstoro and re establish. That sheet has sought to broak up the Union, has denounced tbo Constitu tion, and derided the flag of our country, until it and its fellows, North and South, havo produced a civil war, and now it re joices in tho belief that its work has been Bucocssful. Who arc traitors, if suoh wri ters aro not, and who deservo the halter, if tho "moral traitors" of the Tribuno do not? And yet, in tbo faco of this unblush ing jubilation ovor what it believes (erron eously wo bopo) tbo downfall of tbe Uni on, tbo Tribuno men arc allowed (o go on with their treason, while honest patriots arc sent to a military prison for daring to differ from a Republican administration. Now tbo Tribune has long afforded tho truo index to the feelings and purposes of tho controlling clement of (ho Republican party. That party, in every Northern Stato, has followed its lead with unerring fidelity sometimes closely and at others at a distance, but always with an eye to the ultima to accomp'ishmcnt of the qbjects and purposes avowpd. It has been so in this State, as every intelligent mau knows. And it is so now. the men who control tho party machinery here aro working it with a view to carrying out the plans of the Tribune faction. Take their courso and avowals a year ago, when they de clared by word and act that they would "yield not an inch" to savo the Union from destruction to avert tho borriblo calamities now visited upon us. Take their avowals in regard to tho then im pending catastrophe. Here is one of them from the Independent Democrat of Janu- TIio Sad Sltln or iho Picture. Th I 1 i Tho following private letter, written by Had and miscbicOii as the . a former attache of the New York Post- Platform (takon as a thilo) must bo eu Office, presents another sldo of tbo victory Matci nnJ ha9 ovfo q to . ' gained a Fort Donclson, from tbat which . .U is goneraly contemplated ; FonT Donelson, Tonn,, Monday, Feb. 17, 1802. thero ia one clank to, Wlii . . .. .,v l . uonost won, au over ia? country, aro over ready to subscribe It Is 8Q applicable to, MvnLi7AT.,pnt fln.l innnl. nrwl developments that hw boen mado un- downhearted, I attempt to write you a few dor Black Republican, rule Stalo. andj lines, to lot you know 1 am alive and un-! National, that wo presume ho Democracy hurt, Wo havo had a most bloody fight tboro must have been 5,000 to 7,000 men It is as fqU killed and wounded, on both sides. But tho onomy surrendered on Saturday even ing, we taking about 13,000 prisoners, will not hesitato to adopt 'it. ows : "Sixth, That tho peoplo justly viov; witb alarm tho rcolr:css extravagance which prevados ovcry department of tho Union with slaveholders." But tbo evonts which immediately followed tho fall of Fort Sumptcr convinced flje traitorous con ductors of tbe traitorous sheet tbat tho peoplo of tbe North would never tolerate peaceable secession that they would ncv nr nnnspnt ro a dissolution of tho Union and unblushingly advocated disunion, civil , dcsncr3t0 stm,ru to nroservc war and secession, as the means of accom- ;t AnJ seeing thi tho moral traitors pjishing tins object. Ifere is one of its not slow in trjrnmitjg their sails to diatribes uton the glorious Stars and tllo nnUr nnA Kro,.inrr tn the earnebt patriotism of the North subset Union witb Slaveholders'' was its ruling motto, and all its efforts have long been and aro .now devoted to tho treasonable work of carrying tbat sentiment into prac tical application. The Tribune has ridi culed and defamed the American Flag, ary, 1801 None aro more sensible of the terrible evils of war than ourselves- But war is not the worst of evils. In fact, though itself an evil, it ia often thu precursor of great blessings. In tho history of the world it has so happened that all great events from which have dated the progress of tho race, have been baptized in blood. The gigantic crime of human slavery in Ameiica may, in the providence of a righteous God, bo waitiug for a bloody baptism that shall wash it out forover Tho cry ot unlliqus of men and But. dear father, tho hardest part of tho. Federal Government; that a return tc, story is, that out of eigbty-fivo men in my rigid economy and accountability js indis- oompany, only scvon came out tho most , pensablo to arrest tho systematic plunde? of tho public Treasury by tuvored partis ans ; while tho recent startling develop ments of frauds and corruptions at the Federal metropolis show lhat an entire change of Adtuinictratian. js imperatively demanded." At tbo time this plank wns framed, y was generally looked on as a, pieco of fancy work, without substantiality, and designed for political effect. Now, however, aftcy a short seaiontng in the atmospber-o of Black Republican plundering and thieving uudcr Cameron, Welles, and Fremoutj aud in tho Stato Administrations of Pen nsylvania, New York, Illino(i, and Wis-,, consin, its soundness aud applicability, in a Djmocratio platform, wi.l not o ques tioncd by any honest man. "Startling developments of frauds and corruptions r That is the language, and it most admirably fits tho astounding facts brought to light by tho Van Wyok Com mittee. No other words could so appro priately describo tho rascally doings of Cameron's pet, Cnmniings, Voiles' Mot-. gun, Fremont's pet, McKinstry, Seward's pet, Weed, and scores of unprincipled men who havo been permitted to rob the Gov- ornmotit Treasury of millions on millions of dollars, -which tho farmers, mechanics, and tax payers will be called on to mako up from their hard earnings. The J'jfcr. soniun. Record Youn Deeds. Persons hold ing deeds should hayo tbpip rlcgrded, if they want to retain an iudispuUblo title t'j tboir property. Dispute withojt number, and expensive and tedious laVsuita ii; many iustapcen, grew out of uo'. haviac; conveyances recorded. For bijit remem bered that if a deed is not recorded witliis six inpnths after its apknqwledr ncutj tho pnrson from whom tho property is bought may mako a second and secret ijonvoy .wee of it, and jf the second deed is firtt re corded, it renders t)o firit wa thlcss. This leaves the buyer no resource? but by suit for fraud against tho party fura whom he purchased, Tis trouble am many otheis wfluld bo snared purchasers they would immediately put their deed! on rucord and this may bo dono at smal expense. Let nono of our readers ncglct this im- wholesale daughter that was ever heard of. My company was the color company, at which the Kcbcls took particular aim ; as fast as ono man who carried it would bo shot another would tako his placo ; but the flag waa brought 'through. Only 110 remain in tho 11th Regiment uninjured. Do not wonder, dear father that I am downhearted. My boys all loved mo, aud 1 need I say that, in looking at tho remnant of my company tho men that I have taken so much pains to drill, the men that I thought so juuch of now nearly all in their graves, I feel melancholy. But I do not complain ; God spared my life, and for what, tho futuro must toll. I will write you soon again. Tbo 11th Regi ment will I think (what is remaining,) bo left to guard the prisoners at Cairo or AU ton, wuile they recruit. Whether I shall attempt to raise another company, I do not know at present. Good bye. Lot the folks at home know I am safe. Yours affectionately. L. D., Captain Co, E. 11th Reg't Illinois Volunteers (what h lef of it). Win. Coventry II. Waddell, esq , New-York. Mr. Spward's Novelties. The spectacle of an army avowedly hos tile in its mission passing to its destination over a soil it proposed to invade at the first blast of war, would'bc something Mot' el in tho history of States. Imagine Rus sia asking permission of England to mako Malta a depot for its navy during the Crimean war, or France transporting ii troops for the Italian pampajgp jjy way of Salzburg, Vienna and Trieste! Evcn-ng Journal. Mr. Seward is the frujtful jnvcutor of povclties. Tho "irrcprcssiblo conflict," which pro claimed that frco and s)ayc States could not liyc together in tlm oamo Union, was a novelty of Mr. Seward's. No statesman from tho days of Washington down, over dreamed of it. His speech to the Duko of New Castle, "wo must insult you," was a novelty. Uis threats, against Cauada wore uovel fios. j His promise to the South Carolina Com missioner., that Fort Sumpter should be Stripes : IIA1I, TO TUB BTAH3 AND STttlFES. All hail the flaunting I.iel The stars grow uale nnd dim ; The stripes are blooily scars A Lie the vaunting hymn. It shields a pirate, s deck. It binds a man in chains, It yoke the captive's neck. And wipes the bloody stsini. Tear down tbe flauntine: Lie! Ilnlf nioittho starry rlagl Insult nn sunny sky With hate's polluted rag I Destroy it ye who can I Deep sink it in the waves I It bears a fellow man To groan with fellow bUycs. Turl. furl tho boasted Lie I Till Freedom lives again, To rule once more In truth AmoiM untrammelled men. Itoll up thu starry sheen, Conceal its bloody stains ; Tor in itsfulds are seen The stamp nf rustling chains. But poetry was not the only method of ridiculing the flag which tho Tribuno ad opted. Its abuse was systematic and do liberate from day to day and year to year. We quoto again ; XTUtu lue iiiuuuc vient to their treasonable purposo. Hence they at once changed their tono, and ful some praises of the Flag and loud-mouthed devotion to the Union took tho placo of such seutimcnts as wc have quoted above in its columns. Finding they could not t delude the people into a pcaceablo and vol- uutary dismemberment of the Union, these I "moral traitors" at once determined to I becomo the most violent and vituperative j foes of secession, and the most zealous ad vocates of the war for the preservation pf the Union ; apd at the same timb to ad vocate tueli measures and insist on sucn a policy iu tho management pf tho war as would bo suvo to result in the accomplish ment of its darling scheme of dissolution. Hero is tho secret of tho Tribupo's change from an open advocate to disunion Oct. 0, 1851), We trcmblo, we glow witb indignation, t. i 1 T . . .1 til' the designed to settle the difficulties then uiitting, nnd which all intelligent persons saw would inevitably re sult in the terriblu calamities since witnessed unices they were then sejlied. They refused to support any to pretended devotion to tho Union. It found that pcaceablo secession would not I B U.Tl... ;s .u.Bu.w, , r.rilnrnlL'd tliu neonla of tho North. wo leei naval yearnings ior royengo, wijeu r r f wc learn tbat upon the 8th of May, 1850, audit aw th l l could secure its object on the coast of Africa, an officer of H. B. by nwkiiig ttiw war an abolition crusade, through tho "bloody baptism" so impiously prayed foi M. steamer Pluto actually "d d' tlm aiu to thu object St has dovotud all its "Ed towiiatisaii thuwnding? What does it meant American ilag, vfbie i wtw at that very . f.(jm ti(J bu imiillg ot-thu wnr. moment proudly fluttering and fiapinn; T. , . '. . , , at the peak of the bark Hazard, Vapt, ts tai ae"'8ni vluw 01 lue rcc?ra aoovo Goodrich of Boston. Insulted goose ! presented, cannot be doubted by any in Desecrated gridiron ! Blaspliemud bunt- tolligeut person. It has never retraced a ingl Flouted stripes and d d stars I s'wlo sentiment ab,6"vc quoted from its 'Pl.t- .1 tuL ll.titi. i i un ia uruuuuuuuu me lawau anuiou u ub- H i ii V. m. u..-i .-i. columns iiijiu lui vii. xjuuuuijuu lauau inupui Freedom from hor mountain height," &c, Wo can't go on with the quotation in vSew ot tuo unexampled "outrage.' Wo might fill our oolums with similar peeimons of tbo "patriotism'' and "loy alty" of tho Tribuno, No form of enmity to tbo Government failed to receive its hearty Eupport and Bympatiy. When John Brown made bis murderous dosccnt on Virginia homes, the Tribuno was in its the 8300,000 he drew from die fund placed ;ar t rcsentiDg jt. WJon nf Ilia fliariftanl I !nnmtnj rl i Hw.l n nnI wn ' tJ .u ...... 1V Utd UiiJJIU I UUtUllllUi UOpiUJ bVt 1UJU moderation in not expending tho whole 2,000,000 subject to his draft. Like Lord Ulivo, ho may cxolauu- "Good Heavens ! when I think of tho temptation I am as tonished at my forbcaranco 1" This "Captain Charles Leib'' was tha editor of tho "Rail Splittor," a republican paper, published at Chicago, Illinois, during the presidential campaign of 1800. A rather "prominent republican" as things go. iJut then tho Dr. says they don't steal --oh no I They only get a million or bo, and ean t account for it, that's all. They don't steal "prominont republicans" don't. Oameuon'b Contracts. Van Wyck,e Investigating committeo is in possession of about thirty contracts witb tbo signatures of Simon Cameron, Seoretarv of War at- tached to them. This is a direct varianoo ! its motto, Sic Semper Tyruntiis. it means with his statement to Congress, that all "Hurrah for John Brown," "Resistance .contracts were given out Dy iho proper ' to tyrants is obedience to God." That bureaus of his department. I.t will be aoal is the solemn affirmation by the great difficult to reconcile tho deliberate asser- atato of tho insurrectionary rjgbt of tbo tion of the late Sooretary with the startling enslaved. Ilenry A. WUe- baa i. -1 i . i i.. .... -r i ii . i. Om - t jaois W6i aro neing urougnt to iigut. These J-oun urown in ms power., iiie ouumpiou uinrncw, his unuerstooa, aro counter- of 4he slavo. Virginia nag nnd it is fair to assert that tho objects nnd views therein presented, aro still entertained ; there is no room for doubt that such is tho fact, or that its Present course is designed to accomplish those treasonable objects and to carry into effect thero trcasonablo viows. If there was any doubt upon this point, its women going up, for long years, to tho throuo of h. nervil .1 tier ma rtiit i n nrmiif f r hn nti. swercd iu judgment and retribution. And peaceably evacuated, was a novelty j and to this end muv madness bo sicut into the ?" iaisiucauon was auotucr. couijscls of tl)c oppressor. Ilia prophecies that the war would be Here U clearly manifested a desire for civil war to over in thirty days Was a JlOVelfy j as haye wash out forevu- the "gigantic crime of human sla- fa jj j,is pr0pl,ecjpa B;uc0, Th? fulfiil ery." And it is hut simple truth to assert that this ; ' . n. was tho spirit whisli contruled tho Republican party 111000 01 OHO 01 mem WOUm l,'0 an agreca n. Its members of Congress a nd its delegates to hie novelty. I l.-UtU WUItlUrVIICU VUIUU llgUlllBt Ull',7 liU,B!,lUil Ty. . p , , a , , , Ilia MiYUUiiuu ul we mt'ii ui uiuuif uuiiig one's own ports was a novelty in inter national law, and his treatment of rebels moasuro of adjustment they declared ;y word andacl ng foreii;!! CUCmicS, while donyinil thoiU bol- that they regarded the salvation of their party as of . , more consequence than the salvation of (lie Union.thit "greilt riglltS Was aUMMCr. they regarded the Chicagp I'latforHi as more binding JU letter to Gov. Hicks, sneering at upon themtlian the Constitution, and that they would rcpreicntativCS of monarchies, Was a '.yield no nn inch" of either party or platforn to bavu ' the Union from destruction, uud tho country from tho novelty of diplomacy. untold liorrurs of civil war. And why! Is not the "TI. . , F .- n r answer found in the above atrocious avowal of their His Circulars to tllO UOVCfnorSOt OtatCS, leaning organ, , v w noi .wiling to see anu we.. , .:ai P f,.fT ,lfnna ,o. another novelty. His declaration, that tho iccognition of the South by European powers would be resented by us by a general war upou all Europe, is a novelty iu doctrine, aud would bo a greater one in practice His arrest pf loyal citizens, in loyal Stages, by telegraph, i3 a novelty which jb is to; be hoped may return to plague tho inventor. His invention of a passport Bystom, without law, which annoys loyal citizens and gives frco scope to frajtors, is another novelty. Hjs long reply to a demand never made in tbe Slidcll aud Mason oasc, and bis dextorous proying our right to seize and our duty to surrender thoso onyoys, is a novelty also. His couutenance ot umvorsal corruption at a tiujo of great national necessity, is a great novolty in the minds of all truo patriots. His selection of such diplomatic repre sentatives as Giddings, Helper, Burlingamo portant matter longer, if tha veyanpes in tl)cir pojsession Many persons aro in favor a hcay tax qn unrecorded i inattcr js talked pf n tho Le havo coi.. f imposing eds, and the 'ilaturo. Patriot'? Union. Tub Late Mb. Strange story-Tho death of i; A i-Goveruo,r. conic tho ' bloody baptism" which was to "naih out forever" the "gigantic crime of human slavery I" Did thuy not participate iu the diabolical wish there cj pressed, thai "madness" miglit tiu sent Into tho coun sels of tho South that rebellion nnd' civil wur might be brought on iii order ihat'tlirough these slavery might bo abolished l If not, uhy did they so act us to invite the terrible woes now covering tl.e land I And now, when the calamities foretold, and which were plainly impending, have come upou uv, what has been and is (ho course oftlie leading minds of tho IU: publican party here in New Ilampshircl Look to the N. Y. Tribune nnd you And there sentiments and purpobes as plainly portrayed now as' In years past. They 'yield not an inch." They still refuse to repudiate thu radi cal men and radical doctrines which they have slip- I ported and avowed in times past. They nominate the same liiuu iur oiutu ; uie suiuu men uiruci iricir pari movements; they still advocate emancipation, even own columns furnish amplo evidence to remove it. Cn a recent issue it declared that"tVo old Union is irrevocably gone," and )t proceeded to rejoieo over tbe sue f, ........ j ,11. .in.n I I. t.tant.a .1 . .Im .nnl.nlln. ,i,n,1 Ul Ulu iii;i,iiui,uii !any iicivi umrtiuuiuu ui im oii to a Union with slavery ; or, in thu words of an in. fluential Itcsublicait paper in New York, that "the He publirau leaders ami the Republican masses would pre fer a peaceful scparatinn to the bringing back to the seceded States as slave States ;" but in preference to either they would desire to "wnsh out" from thu slavo Htates themselves thu institulion of slavery, oven through "abloody liaptlsnil" Do tho reonlo ut New Ilainnsbire approve of this su icidal and )ufuinous policy I liothey desire and seek a dissolution of the Union and the general ruin to wlii-.h the counsels and course of tlicsu bigoted and corrupt men aro surely tendiingl If so, they will support the Hopubliian party which is controlled by Jliese men. Hut. on the Other hand, if they dliapprovo of tlicseat trocous doctrines aud dcpfornblu rults ; if they desiro and would sustain the Constitution as it s; If they would resturethe Union as it was ! if they would savo themselves 'ond their families tr'omthe'ruin and misery wh)ch tho torruption, incompetency and fanaticism that characterize the party in power in this Slato' must inevitably bring upon I he in, then will theyglvo fheir earnest support to thu Democratic party a party which Inlinrml to nvi-rt tlm nreaetlt denlorabl calamities, and which now seek only to remedy them by restoring tho Constitution to its lurmer vigor and tho Uulorj o Ua tormsr (Uicgrjty. jveui uamptmri j-ainui, glory. It praised the murcder to tho skies 1 ccssful accomplishment of its lifc-object, endorsed bis acs as tho noblest on record, 'iu tbo following infamous stylo : and shouted in glee at tho idea that tho i TT . 1 . 1 . 1- 1 1 3 I union migut possioiy uo uissoivcu uuu i gay Virginia drivon oa,t. Wo quoto briof kept incxistenoo by Southorn monacosand .Speaking for ourselves wo can honestly ; that lor tliat oiu union wmcti was specimens; From tbo T ribune.,Nov. 12, 1859. " pcakinir of tbo seal of Virginia and Northorn concessions, wo hayo no regrets oud no wish for its reconstruction. Who wants any Union which can only bo pre served by systematic wrong and organized political blunders ? Who wants any Union wluou is nothing nut a Bontimcnt to lacker Fourth of July orations withal? Who wants to eco repeated in the next quarter of a century, tue trials, .torments, insults and embarrassments to which wo havo already been subjected: and especially this continually and impending and always Starko of Oregon. After considerable debato, and tbo fierce opposition of the abolitionists, Mr. Starko of Oregon, successor to Col. Baker, who was killed at Ball's Bluff, was sworn in as United States Senator, and took his seat, on Friday of Jast wcok. Tho following is tho voto : Yeas. Messrs. Anthony, Browning, Carlilo, Collamoro, Cowan, Davis, Fosscn don.' Foster. Harris. Henderson, Howo, Johnson, Kennedy, Latham, MoDougall, Ncsinitb, Pearco, Powell, Rico, faaulsbury Sherman,. Simmons, Ton Eyok, Thomson Willev. and Wilson Mo.) 20. ' NAYS. Messrs. Chandler, Clark, Da vis, Doolittlo, Footo, Griraos, Halo, Har- lan, Howard, King, Lauo inu.;, morriii itandcd, and will ba held in abavanco roaohed a orisis in her bistorv. Sh' convenient threat of treason, whenever an 1 Pomeroy, Sumner, Trurabull,Wado, Wilk I Vl!l il LI i . . ' I 7. . . . . ..C 1 1 r 1 il. TtT.t 1 .t tTT.'l. t1 .a 1 n , miiu ingrougoiy iiiveo. antt eiammea. anwu go uwc sht Wongs among lit oDnoxwaj ponry io do lorceu, ,m ,me imou, unmui, juu miuu Pcnnirigtop, of N. J., last weel, is siid to, have been tbo result of his ta;ingeight grains of morphine by mistake. He had been complaining of typhoid fcvr, vbich at times affectod him so sovcely 'ts to, pause temporary aberration of mind. ounasy mqrmng ne appearea t) bp no, :d ti bettor, and a prescription was written for quinine, and sent to tho drug storo of Dr. C. W. adger, ,qp Broad street. Ncwirk. The prescription, djrection powders,' was disponscd and labelled "quininp." Siort ly after tho powder was administered to tho Governor. In the courhe of i few minutes it was discovered fhat there wan something yrong, and on examination thn powders wero found to bo morphinc,cUbt grains of whioh had been takon. Tie liad affair will bo fully invoatigatcd, wheiiar ticulars will be mado public. 1 1 wioi t K: f!n.. 5a another novcltv. His proposed surrender of tbo right of and in frvor of maintaining the Co; privateering, yhout an equivalent, is a "on s l camo om lU0 uaas tT "Gen. Charles F. Smith, Fort Donclson, fled tho charge lower end of the works, and was firsiinsidb of tho fortifications,' is a ' native of Pin- nsvlvania. Iln ih a rrnllnnf. eati of ffm .ild j r r 1 f- a r . . " " - r v j. Keystone Stato,"-r-MTi' Journal Truo, overy word of it. And thiihyhi sanio General Smith whoso lovaltl was qticsfioued by a Republican SenatLf.aV whose confirmation was laid asjdo bwauspl he was a Pcmoprat, and ,opposc,4 tp, tho emancipation of the olavos of the Sbutb, ffcur fathers. Shame upon the party tba wluld o t? novolty. His abandonment of the Monroo doc trine is "a novelty. His irritating a espatches to foreign courts aro novelties in manner and temper and substance. His invitation to England to send her troops to Canada, through Maino, is a maniacal novolty. Finally, Mr. Seward, acting as a states man, and managing the affairs of a great nation in a great crisis, is a novouy mat - r ; . fi p i.n wrl,l h.. nnvnr ,AL ., th., l!kn f. tured by tho b cdoral soldiers at Fort f4m- -..- T r rr j , , - , bo guilty of such a baso act ofnjusli a gallant aud loyal soldior. I(o hts been nominated to tho Scnato as m Ijl&jor cral of voluntocrs, and we bono fori credit of tbo nation that his confirm will speedily follow. Democratic id ard. in tho tioo It Js saicj that among "jtbo prixei np and pr,9bajly never will again ele.on woa a rjllo worjth 81 ,000, Roviewjng Mr. Soward'a labors f,r tho ? .,u a,1 tbo -W; J :tyear, wo doubt if Dumas or Walter 9 hotel Jner iii mpbif, .clt. or the iuoxhaustablo Svlvanus Cobb won bX hlm at a hor() raco'" ' lact Sc&tt, or tbe iuoxhaustablo Sylvanus Cpbb waa half aB prolifio a norcli&t sta Win. H. Sewaid. N, Y, A'SUi, Op.i.?ial.- Thia line. 11EU Ir SSSSSSSSSSH