Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, March 01, 1862, Image 2

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    Cuiniithitt Inuntrnt
Kntrro by tcvi l. tatk, rRoriuuTon.
saturdat morning, MARonTTiaMT
"Talk of tho Etealinir dono by Floyd and
Lis company 1 Why that was rncro petty
larceny, compared with tho gigantic aim
stupendous frauds and robberies commit'
ted by tho hangers on of this most pious
and honest Administration."
Wc cony tho nbovo from tho Colum
bia Democrat. Wo havo a few comments
. to make. Never a word appeared in the
columna of tho Democrat oxnosinir tho
p9Cuiations,frauds,and robberies of" Floyd
. nnd his comnanv." Nor is that all. Ar-
j tides such as tho abovo tend to damage tho
XX y 1 till UftUUUtll wuuou tJJ uiuuuinvmiuju " "I""
nuuou.u.. ,v.jr "". ion that theso robbers and traitors were
the republicans insisted that there was no uot sucu grcat rnseals after all.
Buch'thing as secession that a state could I In tho second placo, wo wish to oaU at
not go out of tho Union and even when tention to tho fact that in tho (,robbcrics"
- ii, .1 that have been committed not a smglo
u . .v,Wv;.w Menberoftho Cabinct norft pi.01uinent
was not intact and entire, was scouted as ( KepubUcan has bccn implicatod or proven
preposterous. But now, when our recent guilty. Col. co. Republican,
viotories havo shown a reconstruction pos- Wc h uot bcon ablo for somo wccl:s
emic, nnu auowcu an uprising oi union j owing to a multiplicity of cngagcracuts to
mon in tho South, praying for tho oU , ftllcU(1 to tll0 Rtmbiican w wo propose
A Yoar ago.
union of tlic Mates ; theso samo republi
cans bitterly denounco this "consumma
tion so devoutly to bo wished." Among
tho most rabid of this class, is tho mouth
picco of Gov. Curtin, and defender of
Cameron, tho Ilarrisburg Telegraph; who
EaySjContrary to his speech of a year ago ;
"In tho meantime, the monstrous heresy
that the Union exists tO'day as it di'l in
1800, contrary as it is both to notorious
facts aud to-rational legal viows, should
not bo tolerated for a moment." And
again ho saya :
"In the present mattor in hand, tho true
view is,that all tlis Stales which have pass
ed ordinances of secession are now out of
the Union, anil are to be re-admitted, not
as A matteh ov kight, but at suoh time
aud under such circumstances and condi
tions as may bo judged best by tho na
tion.'? Tho italics aro ours mark thorn. It is
the foreshadowing of a determination to
prevent a reconstruction. Tho abolition
disunionists aro becoming alarmed. States
arc not to bo pormitted to return. No 1
tho Union must bo destroyed forever.
" The Object of the War. "
Tho abovo is tho heading of an hereti
cal article iu tho Scranlon Republican ;
in which among other things, tho editor
eays i
"For ourself,wo do tot want to soo tho"
'old system restored."
And that is now tho talk of ovory repub
lican paper you tako up. This "War for
tho Union" is to be a "war for abolition,"
or a "war for cftjunion." The old system,
the Union as it was under the constitution
of Washington is not to bo "restored."
The war is to be ,for dissolution or aboli
tion; it is no longer a war to restore tho
Union as it was uiado by our fathers. It
is not tho Union of Jefferson and Han
cock,, of Marion and Wayne ; but a now
ono of Sumner and Giddings and Jim
Ou this same point wo refer our readers
to an articlo headed "A Year ago," in
Which tho same doctrine is taught by an
other abolition republican sheet. Thoy
all cry "Wo Jo not want to see tho old
system restared." Oh ! how has this
t "Wartfor tie Union"' degenerated, and
howare these patriots plotting to destroy it,
But wo tell them tho Union will be ro-
tho democratic party do
Btored We,
want to sec it. It shall bo dono and
will bo dono. Done in spite of those who
woro and aro now, willing "to let tho
Union slide,'' dono in spite of those who
prefer "tho Chicago platform to fifty
Unions," dono in spite of those who do
sot want to sco it restored.
Up then with the old democratic banner
inscribed, "The Constitution & tho Union,
ono and iosDparable." Fling to the
breeze its THIRTY FOUR STARS, not
one dimmed or lost ; All thcro,thauk God I
All thcro-I 1
' " The 22nd
. Wasbington'a Birth Day was duly cclo
'brated in our town. Tho farewell Ad
dress was rcjul in tho Court Hoaso to an
intelligent and attontivo audienco ; and we
could not help thinking whilst listening to
tho following and similar paragraphs
what dire results havo followed from
disregard by tho republicans of his mot
solemn toaohings. Following in tho road
oi Helper, echoing tho cry of "no union
w lh 'Slave holders ;" and of tho Tribune
which insisted that tho uuion was not worth
tho price of a poor dinner to the northern
man ; they havo divided parties geograph
ically, and excited jealousies in the breasts
of tho people. How should they ponder
tho words of Washington :
keep It before (ho People ,
that SioO,000,000 havo bcem stolen from
tho troasury of tho United States, in less
than ten months of a Republican Adminis
tration, by Republican office-holders) and
republican Government-contractors.
that tho cxrenaes of tho Government, un
der tho rulo of tho Retrenchment and Re
form party, havo been increased from scv
onty millions a year, to moro than six
hundrd millions per annum 1
that tho white mou of tho North will bo
taxed to pay the expense of furnishing
runaway negroes by hundrods at Fortress
Monroo and other Government posts, with
shoos, rations of provisions and clothing,
while Government docs not provide for the
wives and children aud families of thoso
who aro on tho tented field fighting for tho
Constitution, Union and enforcement of
that those Abolition scoundrels and Black
Republican editors in tho North, who cry
"traitor," in order to hide their own dis
affection, and arc the very men who have
been most instrumental in producing our
present difficulties, and each one should be
furnished with three feet of rope, with a
slip noose at one end .'
keep it Before the people,
that the Democracy aro now as they nl
ways havo been the friends of tho Consti
tution and tho Union, and do uot consider
the one lla league with hell," nor arc wil
lin" to let tho other "slide,''
that tho Democratic party aro in favor of
tho suppression of the rebellion, tho pun-
shnicnt of treason and tho mamtainance
of tho government at any cost or hazard,
and opposed to any further concessions to
foreign despots in their officious intermed
dling iu our domestic difficulties.
that a vigorous and successful prosecution
of tho war can only bo secured by decision
on the part of the Administration in re
gard to its policy, and honesty on tho part
of thoso entrusted with tho executiou of
its views, qualities not shown by either 1
that the Abolition press of the North ha3
no denunciations for the Government rob
bers who have been exposed by tho Van
Wyck investigating committee, but attempt
to conceal all tho thieving operations of
their own partisans, under the garb of
silence !
Tho Tioasury Noto Bill.
The Bill making 8100,000,000 of do-
mand Treasury notes a legal tondnr for
public and private debts passed tho Houso
of Keprosontatives by tho following vote !
Yeas Messrs. Aldrich, Alley, Arnold,
Ashby, Babbitt, Bailey of Mass., Bailoy
The Conspiracy Against Mcl'lcllan.
Evidonaos of n conspiracy ninong tho
"On to Richmond" tribo of Now York
editors and marplot Congressmen, liko
Gurlcy, and nil their croaturcs and echoes
aro becoming moro and moro abundant
ovory day. For particulars, consult any
of Pennsylvania, Baker, Beanian, Bring- recent number of tho Tribune, or tho
ham. Blair of Missouri, Blair of Virginia, litem'!,? Post. Tho first named of theso
to atone for our ncgloct. It will not do
for anxious partizans to attempt to cover
lato robberies by any roferenco to former
peculations. It seems liko attempting to
cover a ton aero field with a buckwheat
cake. It wont reach over, no how.
Whatever may be said of Floyd's steal
ing, lato cvonts provo that its extent was
not great. It is a notorious fact that the
rebels aro ill armed thny havo not got
ono tenth tho guns Floyd is accused of
stealing ; and most of what they havo arc
not U. S. arms, but muskcti, flint looks,
ducking pieces Ac. Let him stand guilty
of what ho did ; but dont for a moinont
compare him to such gigantic swindlers
and robbers as Cameron, Cummiugs, Mor
gan, Stevens and other prominent and ar-
dftnt republicans. They have somo pride
in their abilities in that direction; dont
disgrace them by comparing them to a
poor dovil liko Flod. llo is a mere apprentice.
But the last paragraph quoted above iB
a pot paragraph-wc affectionatoly pat that
paragraph on the back. iSow what says
Mr. Vau Wyck, who being a republican
must bo good authority on tho subject ?
He says Alosandcr Cummings helped to
steal. Ho owns, or did own a republican
newspaper in Philad3lphia,aud ono iu New
York, aud was tho agent of Cameron. A
rather prominent republican wc thould
think. Mr, Thurlow Weed helped to steal
Ho owns and edits a leading republican
paper, and is now a government agent iu
Europe somewhat prominent, aint ho ?
Mr. O. B. Matteson,late republican mem
ber of Congress had his finger in tho pic
Mr. Gcorgo D. Morgan a brother of re
publican Governor Morgan of Now York
steals 75,000 dollars a' very humble in
dividual of course, no prominent repub-
ican steals. Fremont aud his crew stole
a million aud a half, but wc all know tho
'Woolly Horso'' is not a prominent re
publican oh no ho is squelched.
In relation to Cameron's connection with
these enormous and unblushing fraudsj in
answer to tho "not a ginglo member of the
cabinet" clause of that pet paragraph ; wc
will quote tho closing remarks of Mr. Van
Wyck, calliug particular atteution to them,
and especially to the last scntenco. It is
a olincher. If tho Dr. dared to publish brave. Tho names of A. H. Footo and
tho. speech, ho would not d aro to inako Ulytses S. Grant aro justly immortal. ,
suoh reckless assertions as wo have quoted. But, perhaps, tho noblest and moat
Ho keens his readers in tho dark, and self-sacrificiuc patriots of them all arc
presuming upon their ignorance ho feels ' tho two members of Congress from II- wealthy men in tho County to go his so
secure iu ms course, lYir. van Wyolc
Make, Buffington, Burnham, Campbell,
Chamborland, Clark, Colfax, Cutter, Da
vis,iDclano,Dclaplaino, Dull, Dunn, Ed
gcrton, Edwards, E'y, Fcnton, Fcsscndon,
n i.-i i. r i. n
t'lsiicr, rrnuunui, i liiuiv , uuum, uiunjjm,
Gurlcy, Ilaight, Halo, llanchctt, Hainsou,
Hickman, Hooper, Hutchin3, Juliap, Kol
ley, Kellogg of Michigan, Kellogg of Illi
nois, Killingor, Lansing, Loary, Loomis,
McKcan, McKnight, MoPhcrson, Mars
ton, Maynard, Mitcholl, Moorhoad, Mor
rill, of Maine, Nugent, Oliu, Patton,
Phelps of California, Piko, Price, Rico, of
Massachusetts, Rico of Maine, Riddle,
Rollins of Missouri, Sargent, bhanks,
Shollabargcr, Sherman, Sloau, Spaulding,
Steele, of Now York, Stevens, Truniblo,
Trowbridge, Upton, Van Horn, Van Val
konburgh, Van Wyck, Vcrrec, Walt, Wal
laco, Walton of Maine, Whalcy, Whito,
of Indiana, Wilson, Windom and Wor
cester 03.
Nays Messrs. Baxter, Browne, Bid-
die, of Rhode Island, Cobb, Frederick,
A Conkling, of New York, R. Conkling,
of New York, Conway, Corning, Cox,
Cravens, Crisfield, Diven, Dunlap, Eliot,
English, Goodwin, Grider, Harding, IIol
mttn, Horton, Johnson, Knapp, Law, La
zcar, Lovojoy, Mallory, May, Menzics,
Morrill, of Vermont, Morris, Nixon, No
ble, Norton, Odoll, Pendleton, Perry,
Pomcroy, Porter, Richardson, Robinson,
Rollins of Now Hampshire, Sedgwick,
Sheffield, Shiel, Steele of New Jersey,
Stratton, Thomas, of Massachusetts,
Thomas of Maryland, Train, Vallauding
ham, Voorhccs, Wrdsworth, Walton, of
Vermont, Ward, Webster, White, of Ohio,
WicUliflo, ana Wright ou.
Tho measure was clearly unconstUtdion-
nl, and tho plea of ncczssily was the only
ono ui'Hcd for its adoption. Wtnlo we
would be sincerely gratified to sec tho pub
lic credit mam'aiued aud ample means af
forded the Government lor tlio vigorous
prodcousiOu of tho war, wo cannot but dep
reontosuch a palpable infraction of the
Constitution as this measure involves.
Let us practice ourselves, as well as cn
joiu upoti others, habitual regard for that
iaorcd instrument. Besides, as old Na
thaniel Macon used to say, this is csscnt
ially a hard money Government ; made so
by men who had een all tho evils of paper
currency, (in tho Coutiuental shinplastor
journals, which is more rosponsiblo than
all other influonces in tho Union for tho
tcrriblo reverse suffered by our arms a
rovcrso that gave the only living pretext
to our enemies abroad for their vociferous
clamors against our causo is now employ
ing tho cutiro arsenal of its peculiar woap
CAMr OmittTEurmt, )
Feb. as, 1802. J
Dkau Fatiieu,
It is with ploasuro that I
sit down to write you n few lines to let
you know tho good nows wo received to
night. Wo aro ordered to march on Tues
day at 18 o'clock, for Washington city ;
aud a happier sot of boys you never saw,
although wc aro very tired after our march
to-day through tho city. Wo started
from our camp this morning about 0 o'
clock and crossed tho Delaware, aud then
up to Broad street. Then wo formed in
ons against McClcllan. After oommitting ' with tho rest of tho regiments. Uur rcgi
that great crimo it escaped tho popular in- j incut took the lead of all tho other rcgi
dignation by a moan and abject apology, ments, 0 thousaud soldiers in number, and
aud for a whilo was as "umblo" as if its our company in tho lead. Wo then btar
conductor was the lineal deeendant of ted from Broad street out Pino to Fifteenth
twenty generations of Ukiaii Hkei-s. It up Fifteenth to Walnut, out Walnut to
is now bravely over that, and is busy Nineteenth, up Nineteenth to Ohestnu
promoting a plot which, if successful, will down Chestuut to Eighteenth, up Eigh-
placo tho country in poril of a calamity tecuth to Arch, down Arch to Twelfth,
scarcely loss disastrous than tho result of down Twelfth to Chestnut, down Chestnut
its hounding of our raw troops "ou to to Third, down Third to Walnut, out
Richmond." Walnut to Broad, whero thcr parado
In this vilo work tho Tribune is faith- ' was dismissed ; and wo wero glad to
fully sooonded by tho Evening Post, and start for homo, as wo call it. Wo had a
this'lattcr journal gives vim to its part of sight of the Governor as he passed up and
the conspiracy by tho employment of a down the regiments and I saw Col. Tate
meanness aud a malignity out of all char- also among the crown, tho Legislature
actor with its old lime history. As an having adjourned over lor tho day, 1 be-
cxamplc, wo might refer to its leading ar- hero.
ticlc on Friday last, which was false in its tr. q.Jj.
Kiirfrrrstinns. fulso in tho truth it sunnress- 1 1 1 1
p1. falsoin ovorv wav. It stated that' P.A.M1'. LnsuR
McClcllnu's officers and men on the Poto
mas wore dissatisfied with his proceedings.
This is known to be untrue by every ono
who has intercourse with the officers and
Washliifilou AffJli'd.
Washington, Feb. 21.
Tcstimouy accumulates that the enemy
for sovorcl days havo bcon evacuating
Tho bill for a Nntional Bankiupt law,
prepared by Rosooo Conkling, is geuerully
approved. It is said to havo somo features
whiehJho House will striko out. It cre
ates alargo number of officers.
President's son William, aged 10 or 11
years, died last evening of pneumonia. Tho
other child is rccovonug.
It is rumored that jlr. Wilson will re
sign his Boat in tho Senate, and go to Spain
iu placo of Carl Shurz, who will go to
Russia in plaoo of Mr. Cameron, who will
succeed Mr. Wilmot in tho Senate.
Tho President lias approved tho bill to
prohibit tho Coolio trado by Amcrioau
citizens in Amcrioan vessels.
that the historian wilt hand down to pos-! experience,) and woro resolved to guard
tcr,y u ieu-oiu ui iuib nai, im iuotig.uuio fUCtr posterity against tucm; ana wc
and causes, and some of those who now arc suould doliberatc long and well before mak
loud in their cries of "traitor," "scccss-jing anything else than gold and silver a
ionist," Ac., will wish that they never had jlogal lender for dobu. Thoy aro tho only
been born, whilo their descendants to tho standards of valuo the world over, and it
latest posterity will curse Abolitionism w;il take a deal of legislation to supplant
and fanaticism, as tho cause inflicting a , them.
stigma aslastingas tho leprosy ofNaamau !
Let Them Bo llonorod.
The heroes of Fort Donelson will live
forever in history as tho bravest of tho
Heavy Dki'atcation. The notorious
braggart, Bill Brown, of Bellefonte,who so
vigorously stumped that county, and li
belled Democrats in 1300, was elected
Treasurer of Centre county by the Repub
licans at tho election of that year. The
Bcllefonto Watchman tells tho rest ;
"Brown easily got cloven of the most
men on the Potomac1 It intimates that
there is an antagonism between the Sec
retary of War aud Gen. McClcllan, and
that tho Secretary is inclined to overrule
tho General. The truth is, tbcio two im
portant officers aro, as tlroy should bo,
acting iu complete co-opration and harm-
ony. it says mat, the army oi tnc roto-
mao has latterly scon very little of its
General; but it suppresses tho fact that
McClcllan was, until recently, prostrated
Feb. 15, 130a
Mu. En. Sir :
as your paper ha3 a large
circulation, I wish to havo a small space
in your columns to say a few words. Ou
the 30 of July, I first went into camp in
Camden, N. J. On tho first of August
company I, was sworn into the U. S. ser
vice. Wo staid there a fow wocks.and then
wc went to Milowu between Philadelphia
(lcrmai.tovn, and there wo cnoanipcd in
Camp Duff. From thbro wo came to
Washington, and encamped in camp Stone
man ; and from there wc took up tho lino
of march for the sacred soil of Virginia.
As wc crossed tho Chain Bridge tho Ofli
i-.- l.o iKMnnnn Tlincn n f n I t 3111
' fii'j 'iwl iiinn minimi MfTiiHini. mill i.i tin
pies of tho means by which tho misguided i ,, . . ... ? ',. ' ,
zealots of tho Evening Post arc seeking to
supplant tho most thorough aud capable
Another item of reckless expenditure
was the order of tho War Department al
lowing two cents amilo for the transporta
tion. It is remarkable that tho late sec
retary, who was himsolf. by lone oxperi-
onco and observation, so conversant with
tho management of railroads, who rejoiced
in tho confidence of a friend, who was in
timate with railroad connections
linois, who voluntarily exchange their curlty ilU(l nuor tlicsc iavorauie auspices,
snug places at Washington for tho rigors, went into office The Auditors, however,
of camp-lifo and tho dangers of tho battlo tell a talc. These "naaty" fellows met at
field. Gen. John A. 3IcClcrnand, ono of. tlic Trcarurec's office on the 1st Monday of
the Generals in command during tho at
tack upon Fort Donelson, was tho repres
entative from tho Springfield (Lincoln's)
January last, and after considerable troub
lojsuccocedcd in getting Brown boforo them,
ana alter summing up ins accouut3 as;
soldier at the head ot our armies by a
weak, vain, extravagant political favorito,
who ha3 no force except that magnetism
which draws around him scores of plun
dering adventurcrcs ; and who has nover
yet in his wholo career settled an account
with tho Government without a quarrel,
or, in a military point of view, been in tho
right place at the right time.
The Bull Run disaster, which was the
work of those samo mischief makers, has
already greatly prolonged tho war, sac
rificed thousands of precious lives, and
ccst the pooplo hundreds of millious of
dollars. If thoy arc permitted to succeed
in their new Bchemo, and have their crcat
urcs elevated to the chief command, they
will destroy tho Union forever aud that
is probably their real purpose. Phitadtl
phi'.i Inquirer.
C2T Tho Republican papers aro greatly
pleased with tho murdering, robbing de
vastating and thieving oporatiou of the
infamous Kansas "jayhawker," Col. Jen
nisou, in Missouri. It is stated that ho
has not only supplied his regiment with
horses, forage, provision, Ac, at tho en
emy's cxpcncc, but has actually turned
over to the military authorities of the
Department of Kansas $80,000 worth of
property confiscated from the rxibols. And
17 W
ally in Pennsylvania, should have allowed
railroad companies such largo amounts
that they could lavish thousauds for the
transportation of a single regiment. Trains
district, and resigned his saet to accept a j shown by his boous, have brought him out
j a uetauiter to tuo tuno ot sjaeuu. inis
was certainly "bully" for Brown but it
has sinco been discovered that thoro has
been largo amounts of monoy rccoived
from different tax collectors, that havo not
been accounted for, and which docs not
brigadier generalship. Col. John A.
Logan, wounded during tho same attack,
represents the "Egypt" district of Illinois
in Congress, and left his seat but a few
days ago to resume the command of his rc-
not runuiutr as swiftlv, and sometimes with ' cimcnt. Both McClernand and Logan
no bettor cars, chargod nearly double aro firm Democrats, and whilst they stand ' appear charged to his account, aud of
1 1 i. . i - - T! 1 1. - . i I ' " 1. -.1 1 11
moroiuuu emigre ruiw. jn uu "o' ! roady t0 shed their blood for the Union, wmcu l"u AUU,tors Uil" 110 fcuwieugo.
from Illinois, " uen tucse amounts aro ascertained, in
ono of tho further results stated is, that
"Ac has left the country a howling wildv
juss." This kind of warfare has added
thousand to the sccosfcion army in Missouri,
aud as long as it continues secession will 1 get beans and bread. They say it is go
live and thrive thoro. These Kansas mar-1 food for a Riilo Ranger. While I wr
auders, with Jim Lane at their head, are
tho worst onomics to the country in tho
nl-htv r,oundH of l'hn.Mn ? Ynt nn ,,-. tllO Ilopullioau delegation
chargo was allowed for all transported with j with Lovojoy at the head, do their fight-
tbo troops. I houiands have been taken ing m tho war ot words at Washington,
the wolkin ring, with cheer after cheer for
"the Union and our Gallant Commander
in -Chid. Wc then encamped near Fort
Corcoran wheio wo now arc. Since wc
have been hero our Col. E. G. Chorman
has been dismissed from the service ; and
Oapt. Uraigg has been appointed ovor us.
By what 1 havo seon of him, I think he
can do his men justice. Ho hai mado
great improvement already, lie his got
us the Sibley tents, aud btoves. Our new
Maj. llucy is a gentleman and a good offi
cer, llo cannot bo surpassed in our reg
iment for the duty which has been assigned
to his care. He is always on hand when
his duty calls him. Capt. Cooper is a good
ollicer, aud always on hand to attend to
his duty, llo i3 a well drilled officer.
His first Lieut. Griffin is a good officer
and is liked by h'i3 men, aho Ud Lieut.
Miller. One night last week, one of tho
guards whilo ou duty, got drunk. The
officer of tho guard was going arouud tho
guard to see if all was right and proper,
when this drunken guard struck tho Liuu
tenant with the butt of his Rifle and cut
him abovo tho left eye. Capt. Wistcr and
Lieut. Griffiu started after the guard,whcn
he shot at thciu but without effect, and
then mado his escape. Tho next day ho
was found about ono mile from camp hid
in some bushes ; and ho knowing that he
would bo taken shot himself I The ball
struck ono of his ribs and glanced off.
Ho is now in our hospital with a IlU pound
ball anu cnaiu last to ms legs, it is sup
posed that ho will bo shot. Our regiment
id in excellent health. Tho soldiers en
joy themselves on broad aud beans ono
day; and the noxt day, lor a chungc,thoy
tho snow is 5 inches deep, and is still fall
ing fast, b or tho last six weojes the weath
er has been very bad ou our horses but
thoy staud it well
Thk Position or tub Dkmocratio
Pautv. Tho Albany Atlas A- Argus,
with entire truth, says : Tho Democratic
party stands to day whero it has always
stood, and where, as long as it remains
faithful to Democratic Principles, it must
always stand, on tho sido of tho Csnstilu
tion. Strict and iustantanoous obedienoo
to each and every Constitutional provis
ion is the Gxcd and unalterable rule of
the Democratic conscience : and full and
constant recognition of tho Constitution
as being tho only obligation that rests up
on the pcoplo of all sections of tho country
and ;i3 being, also, the only sourco of tho
power of the Federal government, is re
quired as a condition of momborship with
tho Democratic party. Thorcforo, it is,
that against every party, and every polioy
that is not rigidly aud honcntly Constitu
tional in measure, plan, action and object,
the Democracy always stands itself in de
clared aud uurclcuting opposition.
In niiiomih'irgon tl.B 23th Inst toy Ilcv: J. II. nitiitu
Mr. r.MMti. Ilitx to ,Mi3 llARtiicr IUttcii all of Cen
ter tup. Cel. cn. I'ii.
On Tlmrsil.iv tho 2011. injt., ny llov, John Thoma,
Mr. IIimi,& lliritnnf I'riuiltliii, Lycwnliig County, u
Misi (.'vjiiAHUx. KufcAMHt nf .Maditoii, Columbia co,
'Iliurs 'nv IVb. mill lly I'.ldcr John Huiton nt rol
iImici' In n-hinirrri." k .Mr Himivl II. His, tu MIji
llUlLlll A. Klitun,.
At tho s.iini! 1. 1'8 anil plnco, by tho naine, Mr, Sri
rm.N II II.Mto M' ntinADKiii A.Kuxk.
la liliifjiiijli im on tho 'JOth inn., hy Upv. J. It. ninim
Mr John llertii-r of Montgomery's fctnllun, to Misi tU
lull J. Il.ios of Ihif pine.-.
On Sunday IVb. l.ith by Frill lUq., Mr
Hntur.MK His; to Mlf Mary As.l lilts both ofColutn.
bia County.
tin the -J.itti luit.. f.v Rev. rmnkllii Qcirliart.Mr. Jo.
mil IUi.stcn, tu Miss tlnlKU L. lUuk.xuciu, both bf
Iu Muncy li b '.'Id Kiln Agnus daughter of William
and I.uuis.1 MrMullttn, Ornmlaiighlcr of Cliailes ami
i'ncy Kahlor, iirciI 14 years 10 month and HI days,
f'lic nd ifl'.'r filcud di'partii i
Who kith not lost t friend I
Tbrru Is no union heru of heart.
That funic not heru all cud ;
WerethU frail world our final roil.
Living or dieing, none Wore bled.
In Jcrmjtmvii nu Ihc mnrnjui of the I'th I.auia Djll
only duushkr of Tlioioan J. and M,uy li. tinl.litr an!
3 ttioulhtt mid 2J days.
.I ihi llrt dau n cf day,
Its youthful fpirit fled,
Happy iu ilwilling with (''' Vev,
An 1 Jion in t he llr-aicnly chorus.
Ill lllonuuburg, mi Monday lliu 'Jllh nut , Mr- Wll
liani Armstrong, of an adoi-lion ef the Lungs, nged iS
years, 0 mnnths and 18 days.
In Berwick, on the IH:h ilist., of ConsumpUou, John
1'. Uraii!, aged 31 years.
COliXiiun) ...
$i i?ici,ovr.ii9r.ED.
61 in
THK undersigned, Treasurer of Columbia County,
uould give noiire to all thoso owing him their taxes on
uuneutnil lands, for the years 1M0 and 16iil, that they
must umif luru.ud mid pay tho nmio, between this an J
the lirxtol" April, othorwise the laud will bo advertised
and sold. A uoid to the wise is suiheient fee.
1 ti. S. M'NINCII
Treasurer's Ollice, j Treasurer.
liloom.biirg, Teh. Ill, lefiS, j
from tho treasury, not only by tho assent'
ot tuo department, but by its express sanc
tion and ordor.
Socrotary Stantou.
Tho new Secretary of War is turning
ovor a new leaf in tho management of his
Department. Ho is making himself felt
from end to end of. the War Department.
It is said that veteran heads of Bureaus
arc startled to find on tiancra rcfurcd to
' .i .i i -..a tin t i -.1 - ,i it
'In contemplating the causes which , luem 'ao "uorsonicus -imparl lor uwiiu,
i:..,i. n.on u ,..., n. 1 a word novcr used in any circumlocution
lllll U 13LUI U UUaV I J AJalUtkJ V UllJl M i .
tH a.C Dar'iAiin nc.nn.trn ttiAcmv rrrminrl i OluCO.
biiouiu havo uccn turnisncu ior
ms. uiMipATloss Northern and South
rri Atlantic and Western; whonco do
tiuninc men may endeavor to excito a
Doorkeepers aro apprised that ac
tion is better than specoh in case ot visitors
who insibt upon ontoring upon days when
the Department is closod, and notes aro
mado of tho names of officers who impor
tuno to break tho rules.
Col. co. Republican,
So thon it seems, tho Dr. himself being
the witness, that tho now democratic Scc-
beflef that thcro is a real difference of local
interest and viows. Ono of the expedients
of party to acquriro influeaco, within par-
opinions aud aims of othr districts. You'"1"? is better than tho old rcpublieau
cannot shield yourselves too rauoh against ono. Ho is turning over a now leaf mak
the jealousies and heart-burning which ing himself felt clorks aro startlod to find
pprmg from tneso misrepresentation j tiry tjiat work is to bo dono. Ordor reigns in la under alien to each otlier those who
ought to ha bound together by fraternal
afectioiL1' Washington's Furetpell Address.
a Tho Democratio Convention .of
Warsaw merit is tho test, and stealing isi
noio stopped in the War Department,
Verily Mr. Stanton is making himself felt
Tho fiorsc leecfies, an improvement on
thoso snoken of in fiorinturo. aro cut looso.
of Montgomery county assembled on tho contracts for Btrtw hats and linen panta
11th inst. and elected Dr. E. L. Acker ,oous brown stout nnd Mo( herring, a la
ijenatorjal, and Col. Georiro Lower, Jnc-' n n i 1
.ob M. Hunt and Lewis II? Davis repro- Oamoron and pummings uro not mado.-
eeutalUc deelgatcn to the State Convention lcs Bir thcro 13 a Dew Ioaf luruetl l iu0
ii'iimii iiioii rtii ii-..ith nf .luiv nrTi. fiiannfflmf'nf. oi mo Jjenanmeni.
and perform gallant deeds in silk stockings
and whito kid gloves at the lechnches
balls of her ladyship, Mrs. Lincoln, at six
teen dollars a day. Such is tho contrast
between tho mon who art) branded as sec
essionists and tho men who first helped to
bring about secession, and now aro too
cowardly to help put it down. Tho first
havo proved their loyalty as woll as their
courage; tho latter neither tho one nor thp
4 -
x.i a . rkn.. .
nonce 10 irciiiiiiioui5.
Ono moro issue will complete the fif
teenth volumo of tho "Coi.umiiia Demo
crat." j he proprietor tieems it proper,
to givo public- notico, that with tho opening
of tho sixteenth volumo, ho has determined
to craso from tho list tho names of all de
linquent subscribers, sunning a cortain pe
riod of timo, and placo the accounts in
process of legal collection, llowovor
unpleasantly this proceduro may affect both
creditor aud debtor, it has become abso
lutely ncooisary to tho continuanco of tho
publishing business in tho country ; as
thousands of tho Printer's hard earned
dollars, havo bcon for yoars locked up in
the pockets of thoso who arc moro ablo to
pay, than tho Printer, is willing to remind
them of their dereliction, and ho haa now
fully como to tho conclusion, that "further
amount of defalcation will bo considerably
augmented," why should poor Drown bo
prohibited from following thn general pro
fession cf his party T
An &c
To authorize the Bcveral collect
ors and Overseers of tho Poor to rc-
Daniel li. Vondcrsmith, at ono timo As
sociate Judge of tho Courts of Lancaster
county, who was convicted in May, 1859,
for foririnc applications for pemiou, and
turn iu mu vuuiuy ohiiuubiuuuis mu yuui i tcrB i'enitcntiary on i'rulay last, on a
LCb uii uiibuiiiuu luuua in uuiuiiiui.i uuuuuj,
Suction 1. Do it enacted by the Senate
. 1 1 1. i-i i -.. i
taxes on ungate., lauusiuvuiumu mouuu.y.. ,nnfnil p-ft-j,ion. rinnoln.
r t-" j -
and IIouso of ltcprcscntativos of tho Com
monwealth of l'ennsylvania in General
Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by
An Act.
To prevent tho hunting of deer with
dogs in Columbia couuty.
Section 1st Do it enacted by the Sen
ate and Houso of Ucnrosoutatives of tho
cntcnccu to pay a line oi ouuu auu un-1 rommonwcalth ot l'ennsylvania in Uon-
dcrpo an imprisonment for a term of oral Assembly met and it is hereby enact"
twenty vcars. was liberated from tho Eas- j cu UJ lUQ auuiomy oi tuo sumo, mat an
ui;i tu jiiuuui. mu iiuuviu ui iiwui mill
dogs iu certain counties of this Common
wealth approved tho fourteenth day of
Doforo tho oxpiration of President Duchan
the scn
tenco to three years' imprisonment, which
April Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and Ufty-niuo bo aud tho same is
hereby extended to tho county of Colum
bia. Tho act referred to is as follows :
Suction 1. lie it cnactul by the Senate
Uio inithority of tho same: That whenever! woulll liavo 0sl)ircii iu jiliy uej:t
any Poor Tax assessed on unseated lands , dou f VfeMmt Lincolu h ur
in I Trtl ii m Iti n I liMinr t c hi 1 1 iiftr hn vn hin n V i 1
vw..M... ..v.v .v.uMv... !!..., 1 -. !. , ... ; r n .t" -
ily paid by tho owner or owuers thoroof, llolull 1UI,"U MIU1 ' 11 uni 'oum uj wnrsnutiiivw iy me om-
tho collector or overseer of the poor of tho ofthoS5,000. Mr. Vonderamith returned monwartth of Pennsylvania in Genaal
proper district, as tho case may bo shall 1 to his homo in Lancaster last Saturday. Assembly met, awl it is heieby enacted
certify tho same to tho proper Couuty Com-, . by trie authority oj the some, ihat Irom
' auu auei uiu pussugu ui mil net is sii.tu uu
unlawtul lor any iicrson or persons to run
1 i ...til. .1 :.. .1 ii t Q..ii!
At MiCoy'f Store in Jeraeylon n for roilress .Monroe
I.ivu Calves at :icls per pound, on Jlonday'B i anil dr-i
sod 1'iiullry at 7 & b1 its, Live Poultry ut 0 & Tcts ; good
fresh lluitin at in rts. in small rolls of 2 to 3 lbs : Just
ri'c from Philadelphia and New York a large asrotlnieut
of all kinds of eoils. A guod artiilc oftfyrup Molastcs
at 1,0 eta, per gallon. tlw.
Offoihc the Cvurt House and next door to Democrat CJJicc.
Tho underlg..e'l, respectfully informs his friends and
cuitomers that he has opened
a am' isauui'.r shop
In Court Houso Alley, next door bflow the Odica r
tlu Coluinbiu Deinoirat, where It', w ill be happy to w-it
upon all i.isloniers, and I'ron. long cxperlcnco anil strict
attention to business, he hopes to merit and roceivu a
liberal sharu of public patronage.
a"AII things hero "douu in decency and in ordor."
lllooiinbiirg, Matrh lit, lrC2,
JLti(te of Isaac Wagner, deceased,
VtOTICnis hereby given that letters of Hdministra
I licm on tilt; citato of Isaac Wagner, lato of Hemlock
iniviiililti. Columbia deceased, havo been grant
ed by the Register of said county to Isaac Wagner ot
llmiilock township nnd llenjamln Ilo.nboy of lllooni
towuililp ('olmubln co. AM persons having
claims or demand, against tiio estate of tho decenilent
nro rcpiotUd to present them for Kttlemcnt, and those
Indebted to make payment without delay
March 1, lffi2-f.w.
iniisionorH, as is now directed in tho case
sioncrs bhall enforeo thu colleotion thereof IAws" of Wisconsin. In tho Wisoonsm ,leor with dogs, in the counties of Sullivan,
lorboaranco haa ceased to .bo a chiiclqjii
with tho taxes asscssod on unseated lands! Assembly, on Friday last, a largo portiou , Wayno and Dauphin. Any porsom who
fnr nnnntv nurnosos and when SO collect f il.n cirm rone fWnrrwl tr. a flianmsion i shall VIOlatO tllO prOVlSiallS Of tills act
tod said taxes shall bo paid to the Ovor-
socrs of tho poor ot proper District by
1or ilrnwii nn tJiri nnnnf.u Trnnfinvfi
Provvkd, that tho poor tax for tho years secession, by a unanimous vote ; tho second, ono-half to bo paid iuto tho country trcas-
1800 and 1801 remaiuing unpaid shall bo deolanng against tho right ol a btatc to ury, to bo recovcrott as debts ot liko am-
lloc-!0f the scusion was devoted to a discussion i shall violato tlio provisians oi tins act,
vor-! of State Hights. Mr. Pope's resolutions 1 bha bo 1 -CTf gUr ty fr i Ini6(tloin,oa,nor '
r or- , , , . , nnd bo subject to a mo of twonty dollars,
3r wero finally adopted) tho first, agaiust ouo.iluif to tho use of tho informer, and
! 1.- ..aU . ili. onAAMil r. ii i- l. ; .1 .i. . ,
returned by tho resncetivo Overseors or resist tho oxecut on of Fcdoral laws, w th ount aro now oy law rocovorauio.
Collector beforo tho firbt day of May 186? , (:sscnt;DL, . aml the ti)ira, ao. j Section 2. That it shall bo lawful for
and include in the sales for taxes to bo only threo ,Ussent nL , anil the ttnra ao Bny p0MOU tQ,Uoot or kill BUy dog or
mado by thp Treasurer in Juno 1802. daring tho resolutions of 1809 expunged, aogs; wWcU wny bo foul)ll running or
JOHN HOW10, wl" E0Vcn dissenting votes. , chasing door, in violation of the provisions
auu tuo owner
Estate of Edward Albcrtson, deceased,
irrTlRIS of administration Willi Iho will nnnexnd
j uu the Hutalu of rjdwurJ Alborlsnii, lato of fircen-
wood townihiD. in (,'iiumbiacouiitv. deceased have
been piunleil by the Ilegiiter of Coluinbiu couuty to tha
uiHlor.icniil ; all persons having' claiiui oBaintt Iho us
Into of tlio diccndent nrn toquaatod to present lliomtu
the A'lui'r. nt hi. residencu lit urcenwoou lowiisuip,
iiltliout ilt l.iy. and all persons indebted tu mako fay
in cut forthwith. .... ......,,
ItJA.lU ,1. HUH 111.
.ijnl (IB lift:
March 1, 1PC2-CW.
Krntna Mint of tllO forCCOlIlL' SCClioU i
... i . .1.. n ii. i .1 or owners of said dons Miall not reoovor
nru urnpiug vuu uuvetuu.nut, Vw W.,u .i.,,,.-,. (liornfm- Prnmdcd. 'Hint, rim
Swiktrof the House of Reps,
Ai'PROVEU-tho 30 day of January ono those robellmg against jts authority, should provisions of this act shall not apply nor
thousand Eicht hundred aud Sixty two, .' bo llie Cr6t to clear tueir own skirts of a oxtcud to the township of Forks, iu the
A. Ui tUliJ.ii iiko ouense. -county ox ouuiyhu
rpilH Pprinc lerib of thi Institution will coiniusiis'
Monday, April, tlio 71I1, 1802.
Tho l'rlnciinl will be assisted by Uo Jnitruetnri, and
asiimple Iscililles will hgollorcd to 'pinllfy students
fur teaching, for business or I'pr aicuc uteuilvc cuursu
iu literature, a liburul sliuro ofpalionage 1" "S"ln "Iw
"V'upils who do not como from home, or are. not pnt
i.udur the clian.ii of near relatives, must board at Inu
Seminary and b subject to tlio rceulnlions thereof,
rlier inusi pruviuo lyrir nnu,.uu ww.m vv.. hi
ticloof clothing d.tinctlyi.iarkcil,
r.levcn weeks renslitiile n quarter, lllfie will b
a vacation of about lit weeks in midimniiur.
lloordimi, washing iiml tuition, Willi furutiticu rooms
will be sJUj.OO i;r uuartcr. ouc-lialf pajabla to ad-
Tuition alone, in common brinchss. t,0,
do including advanced algebra and mains-
mitlcs, ,
do n Latin, Cirman or Fifnih, cttti I.W
Tor lur.h.rp.t.icul.r. addr... f ,
MillvHtl. Col, co', Tt , Ttb, 5'), - ll