C&griculiuu .-ax---p rr rt -r-. "" "WASTE NOT, WANT NOT." Tliis rraa a Franklin motto. Apply ..if, 1 l I 1 i At tO thO farm, auU Its bntlll deposits. tMan lire Leaps aro the sub-treasuries of the farming interest. Waste of ninnuro is waste of wealth Every minor who digu for gold must dig in the dirt. But the farmer first deposites the gold in the ground and aiterwards di"3 it out with iucrcase i 'The gold ho plants, ho gathers from the sources of consumption and dacay, where carelessness may leave a loss. Wisdom is wealth ; timo is money ; and equally eo manure is money, to tho farmer. Where shall wo dig for riches? W'tiorn ' II IlLTL n1nl1 wr rtn nml (fillior nn ron1Mi ? "fn in ' Bliail MC gO aUU gatuer Up WCaitll I UO tO , tho ant, thou sluggard ;"go to tho squirrel, j thou spendthrift ; go to the manure-coin-poster, thou foolish farmer, who hast nursed poverty, by workiug a hungry soil, and getting nothing, because you gave noth ing as a basis of production. Gather it qt tho stable. Mix well tho uolid'droppingB bf tho cow with twico its bulk Of meadow muck J mouey in mud. i ,,. , , i Xi"Oam Will serVO a COOU WUrnOSC, it nothing , . better can ue uau. x'liic leaves oro almost priceless in tho compost, And bo very euro, if i;o groat loss would bo al.owed, to put enough dry peat, old rotten straw, or other substance suited to the purpose, to take up all tho liquid that she voids. Take liko care, also, of the voiding-sf tho ox and younger cattle. Tho noble horse, well fed, well used, furnishes much mato rial to mix with muck 5 three times tho measure of his solid excrements, with dry peat, sawdust or old straw, spinkled with old brine, plaster, refuse salt, to save the urine money from many things made into manure. fl-athor a. niln from tlm nicni-n Pirfrrv , . 1 1 - ' (1003 not appropriate much for muscle, from r , ,.,nng-...t; ... laKOIIOJIiy Ol ISSmilUIIS nuncut icummiiis lUJtuumic the lat Ot lUS tceJmg, but pours out big . same, inrdcrthattueyiiiay bottles of ammoniueal liquor to magnify j RENEW THEIR 'CLUBS. rim mqnnrn lienri Tint r,if a n rnf rmn Wo shall also take jt as an especial favor If our pres tUO manure Heap. 1 no gilt IS a great OUC, cnt aubscribers will urge upon their neUhbors the lact and never to be disnkod tiv t!iP mm nf 1 that tin I'ATtuor ab Union islha only Democratic pu- Him never io De uisptscu oy tue man 01 a per lf lntod j(1 jarr4l)UrJl nnd considiriPEtii large flourishinf; farm. Pilo the uiue Scrapings niuoi.nt or reading matter, embracing all tho current 0 rio new of tlii clay, udh into his pen, with old leaves, loads of loam, TELEGRAPHIC DISPA TCI1ES and let him make his mark as a manufac- Trom cverywh-ro up to the niomeut the paper goes to . 1 , preaK, political, miscellaiieoiu, general and local news, turer j and no will do it in defiance of war ;Uar!:et ropoim, is decidedly iho or tariffs. Piggy's first work in tlio world cnearnT mrBPJwmi'vnusiiCD ue nm JS to prcvido for the corn Crop, and When There Is scarcely a villogc or towniniho Watn ill ... ... 11,.,, which atlub cannot he ral.cd if tho proper exertion bo tliat COUieS in, in lUSty loads, he Will COn- made, and mudy there are few places in which one or ,,, ... , laoro energetic men cannot be found who nre in favor of ECnt to DC put lUtO pork, lor tUO benefit Of thedUseniination of sound Democratic doctrines, who would bo willing to malic the elTort to rnlsa a club. prince, or paupers. I DEMOCRATS Olf TII15 INTEKIOR 1 trather gold from the hen-house. Pilo i,ct us hcnr ftoru ,.. The existing war, and thanp- tlie.TPflt undpr Ilm lion.rnat sonttni. ,itl,, proadiing osloiis ofCiingres-i anil thu State Lcgitla-tut-pcat unutr uio uen-rot , SCattOl .lilies llra,ar,) invested with unusual interest, and every uiau lightly over, or old lime, and saturato it 8l,ouia luvl! Uo ""J-"- pp with slops from the chamber, and repeat j d a 1 ly r at it iot and union. the samo Often, layer, UDOn laver, mixiup- Klnvleconv for one rear, in advance SI 0" ?f oil wnll l,f. ol, t. .1 1 tie . a muck or peat. It will be cheaper than poudrette from Lodi, and a3 rich aa a California tjuartz gold mine. Gather gold from the sink drain. The 6uds aad grease that go away there, contain gold ; gather it up for the garden grounds ; mix it With muck, or carrv it to tlin r-iti : mix lb witu iiiuou, or tauy w (O mo eua- . rant dusuoo, on auuoit anywiicro to lcou the growing corps, and gold will grow out Of it. Save the suds from the wash room. Thero are wonders of woalth in such min eral waters. They aro good for mokly cabbages, melons, pears, snusisbes and i iomatoes. They make all growing things to glisten in the glory of their growth. Sav"o the slops from chambers. Waete is as wicked thero as anywhere. Mam need not prido himself above producing his por tion )f the food of plants ; ho was made of earthly matter, air and water, and wastes those daily from himself, in substance for tho food of vegetation, "Waste not, want not." uatner irom tuc pnvy. Jhero is no use, boys, in snuffing. This turning up the noso is ot no moro value in a young man than it is iu a bJooruin tarn. Pride is peevish, and always out of plaoo among the working world's nobility. Pilo in the muck, or loam, with a mixturo of plaster, much old rotten chip dirt, md drirc away ucplcasant odors by putting on new layors ofton ; and carry away a great pile to tho com field. You may bring it back in gold. Gather all tho ashes. They will ang. wer for their applicotion almost anywhere, m-'words htly spokon liko apples of gold in pictures of silver." "Wasto not, want not." Gather man uro from the mill, eorapo around tho shop, tako oaro of cotton waste, wasto not old woolens, tax tho tannsr for his rcfuso truck, make tho merchant a fair ofTer for old brines, call upon tho collier for his charcoal dust, and tax all trades that the farmer feuds j buy when and what you connotEavo, if it will bring back tho gold ; but, inan'of tho muck heap, remember, "wasto not, want not.'1 Oor. Now Eng land Farmer. - Mom; 'IitUTit tah.v Poetry. We Letird it remailftl a day or to nco, savs1 ' tUO 11 licclinr; FrtSS, that U SCCUieil iu-l . ' ItnspiOlOUS tO et four UlllllOlia Of blacks i ...!il. il. t. ,1 ,1 irtio, wiui tuu nujiu taut, luey ivouiu sue cecd iu freedom, wbeu thirty millions of w-iU- American citizens, with all their Bupt-vior advantages, hud bo tignally failed in eolf govemraont. This idea, utruok us with couaioerablo force, and wo put it on lfffWn WlMKWTUn XPT WJ lrTSTTVet'ifir,ffTrfetrllyrpKJV TllU PENNSYLVANIA TEL1CQAP1I FOtt TUB LEGISLATIVE SKSMON. Tift- imhtliti'T of tlm 'i(f!Tivii 'fm.mturit bi made the niftst ample and oo'iiph-ti nrranccmcnlf, by tlia engagement of hIi Mperh need corps of repoiter,'!" irivn me nun ic ft cniiuiicit svnonsis 91 trie nroccciiincH uf Hi LegUlatarc, rml.i ncinp nil li'R) lalion that will ho I of a general character und such prlvntn hitslnrs n may Dave an effect or lufluenrc on the publlr! Interest Ad- 1 ucii 10 inescrcpnri. mm in" reports 01 inn iioausoi iieparnnoiut, tn" denaie win un no puniisticu wncn they nro of a character Involving questions In which tho people ate Interested. Thcso features regularly 1111J carefully conducted and supervised 1 experienced re porters, nur reports of the proceedings nf Congress nt me npproacuiiiir einn, mu current crt-m-in inu itu- cross of the war, together with such ilouienilc nml for eign now as tn.ni uniiy occur an.i come wiiiiiu our I rencli, will maKe too rt h.isti.v .1.111 Ti.soitArii nno 01 tin moil valuablu ami Intfrottlng newspapers In the coun try. The l)Aii.r will ho niihll-heil during Ihe session of the Legislature for $1,00 per copy. Tub HRMi-WinKtv III alio bo published at tlio low rutc of 81.00 for the session, I Tim lV.i-l.ttr It, ti.ltltnil oil r vr-ft' l-i.nn alif.nl t.1 tl,n low rato of ?i,ouprycar. 1 i.iririi.c. GKomin m:noi:R, Ilurritburji, I'enn'n. Pec. S3, IEC1 DISSOLUTION OF PAltTNERSIllP. MOTlOEi. Hereby given, that tho cpartnershM- i,orniinroei.iinr i.etiveen i he ipr.ie.i. it,. n heretofore exiatinE between Hie undersigned, tree illntr under tlio firm of MaitztU Hot, nt Unlit Street. Is Ihisday, (Nov.'-i.,, IK1I) dissolved by mutual ooiuent of iitM ntrl p.. The lmnk. nrrnnnlM iLr.. remnln In Ihn hands ori'eter Unt one oftlimneiobors of the late firm, (iy whumau ehiimt anatnst the said Itrm wlllhopnl.il BJiiotiu".'M fl"u,,illl,1'ia,ocalUm,""lll0 OKOP.tir, M ARTZ, rcTtitt i:nt. Light Slmct, Nov. 30, 1801. NEW JEWELRY STORE. rrilin undersigned, respectfully Informs the citlr.eiis of JL Ulooin-ihiirg, and tho public gone-rally, that he has es tabllslieil a new More, on Main Street, Iduuoubtirg, in ! .Airs. Lcacnck'a llullding, where lio oilers for sale, on moJernte terms, a large nscoitmciit 01 CLOCKS, 1YA TGll ES if- JEWEL R Y, Of every nrt, and slto nnd iWcrlpfon, llln,. ' I Ul CVri) -'HI. II.IU IM " " ' ,n ri ii, I-,,,,, ins ,tTi ......I. t 1... I- Hn.lfl,n l,.l..,lt,. n..fP., Irr-j. .unit i'i .i-,ituj IW'M.. ..,..i,. TJt-.A vnnetyof Ladles and (lenlleiuen's iMtdallolu, vy n C'liains, Lockets, llreaslplns, Finger-rings, clc.,ci4lW m tho examination or which he lnvitcetho punu c gctier- 11"- Ptrict attention clvontn repiilrlhg Clocks, Watch, eg, and Jewelry, and all work warranted. WM. II. DP.AKL'. Hlnonisburg, May 4, 1501 If. Weekly "Patriot & Union." THE CHEAPEST PAPER PUBLISH ED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! AND Till: ON'LY nUMOCUATIO PAmil I'UIILIHIIED AT THU ciilAT OF (JOVUIl.N.MLNTI FORTY.FOUR COLUMNS OF READ ING MATTE ll EACH WEEK 1 AT THE LOW PHICi: OF ONU UOLLAIll WHEN xuascitiBKn foh .v cluhs of .wvarss nr.i. TE.Y COrJVS TO O.VU jlDDtCSS! The period for which many of our subscribers have paid for their paper baing on the ova or expiring, wo Single copy d urin-i the session of tho Legislature. .1 00 WUUKLY PATJtlOT AKD UNION, I Pu1lishsile.rirti Thursday. ' Single copy one year in advance 62 00 Ten copies to one nddreus Ill I'D I Hubsciiptui.iii limy comuioi.co ut any time. Pin al I imki iiialraiitr. Any pemon cndiiur us a club oftlfly subscribers to tho Weekly will ba entitled to a copy for his act vices. The price is so low that wo cannot oiler greater inducement than this. Additions may be made a any time to a club of subsiriberc by remitting; SI for each additional name. It is nut necessary to icnd us thu names of thoso constituting a club, ns wo rannot undertake to address each paper to clnb Hiibscrlbers sop ltat(!ly t:,,,,,,,,.,, cc,,ieS oflho weekly will be sent ti nil who desire It. O ISAnitnTT & CO.,lIartiburg, Fa. P Hi 3 ill B U Ei'. fT. 'B' BT OF THU 1 AMEfilE TUC UF.ST MLCIIANICAL PAmi IN TUB WOULD. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. VOLUME VINEW SERIES. A new voluniv nt tnis widely circtilatetl paper com linnet s on the 4th of January. T.vcry manlier contnius sixteen pages of useful information, and from 11 vu to ten original cngravilig of new inventions and discove ries, all of which are prepared cxnresily for its eoluins, Tho SCIHNT1FIC AMUU1UAN is devoted tutho in- teres! i nf Pnnular science, the .Mi c oin ic Ar t.. Mann ufactures, Invention,, and Agriculturn, Couuncrcn on. I tlu Industrial Pursuits generally, and is valuubln nnd I imtiiiclivu t.ot oiil v iu the i oritsitop and .Manufactory b-it'also iu tlio lloubchold, the Library and the llcadiug Uoom. To the Mechanic anil Manufacturer No nersons engaged in any of tho mechanical tnir.iiiu should think of doing without the Scilntii-ic AuknieAN. it costs but four centu pur week ; every number con. tains from six to leu engravings of new- machines and I inventions, winch cannot be found in any other publl- I cation. It is un established rule of the publishers to In- it none but original ui gra.uigs, and those oflho (list ' class in tbo art. drawn and engraved by xoeri"iiced pirsoii under their wu kupcrtimuu. y "ptrl-"ccu Ml .1 J .. J I i u un, j-hlliiuvi i The SClLNTiriO AMERICAN' is Itldislcnsable It 1 even- Inventor, ai it not ouiv contains ilin.tr, i aeriotions of nearly all the best intentions it t.'inv, ' out, but enih number cunlnini nil Olhcial List of the Claims of nil the iMtcuti issued irumlho United Htate Patent OHIco duriug the week previous ; thus giving a e.orrtct hltory of thu progress of inventions In tills couutrr. We are al-o receiving, every week, thu bent , scientific journal of Great Uritaiu, France and derma- 1 uy i thus placing in our posenion all hat it transpir-' ing iu nieth.iuiciil tcicncc and art in these old conn-1 tries. Wo shall continue to transfer to our column co pious extracts from thoso journal of whatever no may deem of interctt to our reader Chemists, Jlrchitets, Millwrights and Farmers! The BCIUNTiriC AMERICAN will bo four.d a mo useful journal to them. All Ihe uuw discoveries iu the idence of chemistry arc given In its lolimn, and the interests of the architect und carpenter uro not oer looked: all the new invention und dl.coverle upper taming to these pursuit being published from U',.,tr lit week. I'seful and practical iiiloriuation lurtaining to ihe interest, of millwright und iiiill owiV h i he ijund uubliilied in tho ricietitille American whieli lr,,.. mHion they cannot possibly obtain from any ether source, tiubject in which planters und farmer ure in." terested will be found discussed in Hid flcicntlilc Amer ican ; mistof tlm Improvement iu agricultural imple ment being illustrated in its column. TFUMH. To mail inbicribers : Two Dollars aVcar. or One Hollar foi tlx nionth. Olio Dollar pay for one com plole volume of 410 pugo j two volume comprise one year. The volumes commence uuthollret of jj.vuiity and Jtxy, CI.UIl IlATIiS. s ' Fivo Copies, (fir Blx Mouth j Ten I'opies, for Hit Month Ten C'uplcs, for Twelve Month f..j Fifieen Oopiss, for Twelve .Monlha g Twenty Copies, for Twelve Month gjj For all clubs of Twenty and ovcr.tho yearly r-ubscnp- tloll 1 OIllV 2I.-1U. Nullie can be uent in nt itlfl'i..,,,,, '".'!,'? ala ioi Jit"rem Post-otiices. Kpecimeii ccpic will ba ei,tgrull to any.purt of the country. JV''""" "'i'1 Cmiadiiin money or Po.t.olhce stamp tab-, n at par for subscription, Canadian subscriber V1" P'tawto romlt -JJ rent mirn on eucli year' sub- r.-r in tin, In nni.i.iiil uri-tR.iH II MUXW Si CO., Publisher, Jio. 37 Park-row, New V'ork. Sec it, I soi. (IOiME AND 8BTTL13. rpinIJ knowing thtmirlvs indebted to the un ', r J ( urd an her jy notillrtd lo cumo and settle lb ir ar "tiwillioul riirther ll dice. Ism ntnv nra,-i ,P.r i. wi'MJi. irnoiatiendud to sountlielr accounts will bu nlaesd in ji u. alSiV GILL Si I'Alii, (icutrnl louiiutpslon fth'rclia.its, ntiUM l:lJf Fish, Provisions, rloiir, llnller, Cheese, Oil. Dried Fruits, Omlti, Beetlo, llennn. Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce Mid Merchandise generally. NO. 3-1 NoKTll WllAKV?, rillKtlCLMIIA. fx" Coiislstinicnts.orrrhvlf Inn. Flour anil Country Produce solicited, and returns promplly mnilc. Cash Advance! when tl I r r l . OKDUUH for all Itimls of Fish, Provisions, Flour, Pried Fruits, tee., filled sltliu lowest Cash Files. August 4, leUI-lim. TIN W A11H it STOVE SHOP. DlUVJi OI1U1'. rptli: iinilcrslgncil respectfully Informs Ms old fricndl 1 and i-Mtlainer. 11,11 I,,, i,n. t,iirriina,.,i i,i. l.r,.ii,,t. Interest In tlm nbovn (stiibllshinent.niidtho concorn Mils I tKirculler be conduced by lilmeirexclni.V('ly. ue nus jini received mill oners mr sale, tno larrj. I i . f it rJ'i'O V lia ever Introduced Into this market. 1 Ills slock consists of a complete nsmiflment of I . . . . ... I the best Cooklne mid narlnr stoves in the innikcl. tniieth er with Btiive Fixture of every description, Oven and llox Ptovos, Iimliators. (.'yllndar Htovcs, !ast Iron Air TiKht stoves, Cannon Stoves, kc &c. Ptoveplpo and Tlnwaro constantly on hand nnd manufactured to order, All kinds of repairing dune, as It una 1 , on shoit lintkc. Thn patronaRo of old friends and new cintotnurs re spectfully solicited. A. M. ltUrKltT. lllooiushuig, November 3d 16( 0. tf. 0OUGII DHOPS! COUGH DROPS I rgVBnV body ...n. riUWnPIHf.8;rOOnil PIIOPS . - It nrl proioptly snmcl linos arrest ill! the worst cold In'JI hours. Ill nil an"ectlons of Ilia ('best, Tlirnnt, wlicther ocuto or chronic it will bo found of immediate boiiont. Try n single bottle nnd you cannot fail to ap preciate Its uscfulnens. For Halo by most nil Storekeepers and Druggists. Prepared by C. I'llOVlIFint I). No. 317. N. 3d. W., l'hlln.lelphla. Nov. 10, ieci-3m. TRUNKS 1 TRUNKS II fPHIl largest, best handsom sj' t1 .1 est nnd chenpest asnrt incut nf rolo Leather solid Mi,'e ,,i....n. ,1.... ' i IV ,tit -,'-,, iinti I, UK l-itliiit. iAtHc' fioniwt ,y Uirii Trunk Children's Coaches, Propi 1 lers Lentlinr nml Carpet llagn racking Trunks tc. &c a THOMAS W .MATTKON'H. C-lcbrnted London Prize Modal Improved sheet spring soli, sold Leather Trunk maiiiifaetory, No. 40'J Markn streci, Hoaih west corner Foutth and Alarkcl, Phllad'u. August ti ISj7-tf. taks SInton i)oid 600 & 008 MARK FT STREET AUOVG SIXTH, iuiuiimi.rm.i. J. W. I-OWER, I'rojirtcter. Tkems: SI 25 nor day. May 12, lSC0-l!m. E2SS3 REMOVAL. (?, C. SAHLEU ii Co., Commission Merchants and dealers in Fish, Clieac and 'rnvin'otia, No. 103 Arch street, Snd door above Front. Phi adel Ma, tig 1 1 Si ly 3. Ea. EJ fi? 33 51 (Successor to J. S. riiiavia.) TOBACCO, MUFF A IGARS, No. 8 North Fifth St., above Market. PHILADELPHIA. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SUGARS May 13. lMO-U'in. KOO'B.1 ARB fiaOKMAJOiW. rpIIF. iinderBlgncd, having opened n new HOOT AND i SUCH SHOP, on Main street, in Iloplilr.svilla, Fast Cloomsburg, iei-pe, tfiilly iiuiteg the ritstom of tho riti- 7.ens and the public generally. All hinds of Hooti, Sho-8, &c , will ho promptly made to order, on short notice aid moderate terms. From long experience in his lino of business lie flatters himself that ho will ho nlile to give gener.,1 satisfaction to all who uii.y favor Htm wtin tiieir custom. r" drain, Proviiion and rjoducc generally taken in exchange for work. ji. t . mmuivrs ltloouithurg, July o,U01-3m. JOLINE & LEE, No. 10, NOP.TII WIIARVna, Philadelphia. AND 5 HIP CIIA ND L EIIS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes, Twines, Tar, fitch, uaKuoi, oiocKs, uiiu ujim, AligUBt 4, ISiiO-l-'m. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. j,. 'f'IIll undersigned would inform thn citizens of reSJ I llloouislitirg and viciniiy. tnai n lusjitft re SstTo civi-d and olfeis fur saleonoof l!ie most extensive ashoitinents off'DOKlNOan.l FANi V HTOVIW t.ver introduced into this market. Tho Christopher Co iimbus, James Kobbnnd (J I "bo ate aiiioug the brut dags cooking Sieves, all of wliirh an air-tight and gas burner Ills Pnrlor tove aro handsome and the nsouitni-ut va ricd. AL30 Particular attention la paid to Tin-Wnrr and lloiu'o Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds ul repairing will lie dune wilh netlneej and despatch. SiJ" Country produce taken iu exchange for work. PHILIP ti. MOYF.lt. U oouifliJtg, Oct. 3, 1PCO, M'EVANS, 10,000 Y'ltirVTEIt, A K flnriNpcrllnar! -,.J W E ri,j.j.irj'4rrc, eni.i. , pl 1 - , ICAXILISlJllTITCrl itifCG THlPH A li.rukn ..V-S?' PHnlt. Cn .nJ Oram, ll ,JCt Tmi n-nu.i,r.a Crtl, V'f 10 nf.lu tt-1 vtr, V.I .()!-tlVI'riwii 8.'lr fwlueril. Cor.I-lbrnry.lTOUKTCII M'f . Wlon-Clitnnt.1 August U, 1801. & 'f1, V ix tit "'. L". It ATTORNEY AT LAW, JILOOJUSHOHG, P,1. Ollice in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles II. lluckulcw. L'looinfbtitg, Pec. -1, 1CVJ, HOTEL (Lit Whlto Svan.) 7 Anv VV'A' T77'' , UOVV rPTTT1. Ti - " ( PHiLAnni.i'iii.v. JOHN nOVUr,, Pioprictor. T, V. UHOADS, Snp't. Nov. 10, it-til. (Mnrch S, lafil-lSm.) P U M P M A K INT., 'PHE undersigned inform the public generally that 1 they have formed n co-pnrtn. rsliip, nnd will toiitiu no the bU'-lness nf i'uniii luukiug and repairing, in all their various di-parltnents, in llloo.nnourg, whero til oy will promptly attend to all orders in their lino of bitsf , ,,t .B, tt ,,C,,,-l (I, tut, 1, ,,, ItJUIItlJ. well mid t.letoni rumps, Willi leauen ripe, inado III tie t,i tvuiitiiiiinsuiji, un iiiuueiiu- icruiE, iiuu "".' ry siioii. nuuee. From their long experience In tha business, snd an earnest desire to have their work commend itself to tho public they I'm Is coulldent tlicv can inaku it nil object to those who may give thcni their custom und render gene ral satuUction. JOHN CF.incilLlA'. . JOHN CULP. . Ulooin.burg, April 13, 1301, Um jUKaCIC! EE K i C Ft ! ! fllin undersigned is prepared to tunply Hrlck, of a I goul quality, at fair price, lie will bo found at tho Hriclt Yard of D. L, M'Kiuny, neur McKelvy Si Nutil'a Furnace. Fergus desiring to purcha-o will do well to cull a brick will be made and uiusf be told. J. II. FUIIMAN, -icn(. HT" 100,000 now on hand and ready for sule. Iilooiu.burgFeb.il, lthll- :iiu. J. II, F. WIIOLllHALU AND IlLTAll, ,,m i.iim .-i.'n . BEDDING AND I' E ATtlER WARE HOUSE, No.Ij North Sscoiid Street, Opp(jlje Christ Clurcjb., PHILADELPHIA. try- Constantly nn hand, u large assortment of llnds Maliri'sses, Paillasses, (.'uthion, Hair, llutk, (,'atluii, and all iirtlilvs iu tlio lino at Ihn l.owest Price. A". II fardcuer affdilisii jititd to riMcating .Vtaaa Old Feather. March '.', 1601-13m. F. 0. HARRISON, M, D. ' WOULD respectfully inform tho citizens of illnoius; burg, and vicinity, that ho continue iho practice of MF.uwixn jixn kUMtmr, ml solicits a share of public patrniiegu. OrnoK on Main Street, ilm house below the Court House, Illoomsburg, February 3, lsj3-tf. iPgrH-3?3CgffBga II. 0. 110WER, fi U It ti E 0 N H 15 1ST I S T ItUlSPF.t'WI'l.LY Ciffers his nrofes.ion nl services to tho ladies and gentlemen of I iiioomsnurg unit vicinity, lie i prepare; I I alt' lid tu all the various ouorulion iu tue line in i; pr -. a -inn hi i proviu a Willi tno latest Imprcvcdporc'laiti t'."th lilrli will bu inserted on gold, (ilwliua, r Iv-'r find rui)5 rbasij to look us well a the natural teeth ami roi pit.i j ana piock ic iu laanuisciuriu ami an 0'- rion nn l li, car lally and properly attended to 4,i!f- ,1 I I'iJPI-UTANT NACUNAL AUUlKij. i i ui.isi'iuu uv n. appirtu co. 'M.'J titvft'Vb Ureatlw(u s Am York. r'n fmliwIiM vnrfcsare senUoPuli crllt III nny lmr of ili'i ciAintry, (upon raeelpt cf mail price,) by y mull or nxprcsrl prepuiu ; rilf. NKIy Ai:ilIOAN ("YCt.OIMIIJlA A popular Dictionary of Ocncral Knowlcdga. IMiled hy (Iiuror Itiri.tv ninl Oiurm:i A. IHna. nlifed by 11 numerous to li lt corps of writers In all brinch.- otHctencio, Art mid Literature. This wotk Is tie Ink pnbllslieil In about IS lnruo oitavo voIuiiiph, oath cnntnlnlnti 750 two coliiin puii'S. Vols. 1 to Mil Incluslvi , nte now rnuly.oacli roittalnlntc mar !l,StW, onsinal iiilKi ', An niliiltlniial voliinie nlli he iiulillslieii inirc 111 an. i tlir"0 11101IUM I'rli-e. in ("Intl.. 3: meen.:i .'nil llali'.Mor IS Half 11,;:. n i Sllenrh ' ' The New American Oyclnpip.lla Is popular w llhoiit nee. Inn minorfic a I, luiirned hut not peilnnir, emniirelieniiva but sudlciintly detailed, free Ironi personal phpio nml party pri'Judlce, froli nml yot neciirnie. It Isn compltto siaiouieni mini ui m, rvni i,.i t t,,i,l. (I,,. ..imn itrhlllillili llili'l II rrftitr,n. l.t'i.fV llnltntt. ant article In It has been specially written for Its pases by men who nro milhoiitlus upnii thu topic en which ,1 nnt OM, in riwiiilprxl ,,t l,plnrr lh. iiltlK.t Mil III H.ee iinnk. Ther lire required to brins tlm suhlett unto tho piesent moment to itiitojim how It stands rune. All the statistical iiitoriiintiou is irom in.- rim-u ripnns, inn K'-ocruphieal accounts keen pace with the latest explora lions i lilstoricat matters iuclmlo the fretliont just viens tlio biographical notices not only speak nf tho (lead, but also of tho living. It Is n library of Itself. Anniuo.Mi.KT or ntE Dedvik nrL'oiniUdj; Heine a political history oftlic United Btatss, fronitho nisaniza Hon of tlm llri-t Federal Congress In 17f!l to In30. lldit oil nnd complied by Hon. Thomas II. IliNiui from thu Uf dclal Ilccord of Congrass. LgJpV ffl .,' . . ! "r." ... ... ,i,;., .... I.. Tho wotk will no complleii in 13 roym octavo voiutncii iinnnl vnliimo nil I he nubllslied nine Hi I ll reel mouths. Cloth. $3; Law t-h-ep, $.120; Half Mor3l; Half Calf St 50 each. A WAV OF l'ltO'It'llINO Till'. CVCI.UIW.IHA, Oil tiiiiiA 1 1;. Form aclnb of four, all . r, mil tin prlceoffonr Imolis, . and live i-opls Mill be -1111 at the remlltir .-xnensi lor eatrlage.i.r lor t.n ui.srrtb.ra eleven copies will Ii aelil atouroxpen cfor i iirrlago. lt Vu ' IS 1 o. No other works will olib rally r -ward the r xeitions nfAgeiits. An Aolnc WtiTiti li nim l.opaTy. Terms made known on application to tho PiibllBbcrs. NDV. .1, lefill. j lill'lj IN'li-R N0E. mi: llli.lih rlr'i, I K-orttt a m a .t-,t,,t- ,rt ' l',J."It' J,IOt.M,ltl, 7wt-,tl4 M.1 7'jiust co.MP.i.vy of riuuinr.LPiiiA. OIFILK. NO. .lOelUIUTAUr rnEKT. CAPITAL (paid up.) SiUU 00(1. Charter l'cryetunl, pONTINUF. to makn INSUKANCE.-3 ON LIVF.S on V- tne most reaoiuiDie icruis. The capital being paid up nnd invested, together wilh I a largo and constantly increasing reecned fund, olfcra I The preuiiunius must bo paid yearly half yearly, or quarterly. The Company ndd n DONUS periodically to the Insu. ranees of Iffu. Tho F1IWT IIONtTd appropriated 111 Do coinhr, 1H44, the HLCOND 110NUS in December, JnJH, the TIIIP.D IIONUS In December, lfil.and tho FOL'KTJI UUNIJt In December, lf."3. IOThcso addition nre mndo without requiring any increase in tho premium to hi paid to the Company. Alio louowing aio n iuiv e&anipics iroiu tno Ki-itiMer. tiiiuiiiii fti r in nun i.i.n,,. i i,. i.inA Sum Ilontis or IV.IIcv Insured nddltim by future ai!,iltlon No. HO 8J500 Si-e, 50 S ,,3-T 50 " i:ia .KKio uwo wi -i.twu on in1) icon loo (,D i.joo r.t) " 333 6000 IMS Oil r,,t:.-, 00 " ice. U!, ;e. .c. rompjlets, efoii.ilning tables of rate and cxplnnnlion, forms of npplieation, and further information can be found nt Hi ' ofilce. THOMAS UIDOLWAV, rrtstJcnt. JttO. F. JlMKS, .1HKI1-IJ. LF.Vl L. TATE, .fit(. F. C IlAnanov, r.ramlulng Pliysitlan. Ortob, r l.i, 1 ,-,7 ly. I'lIB undersigned is also extensively pniagcd In tho 1 Undertdlmi' Jlii'iae.u, and keeps constantly on ban I lid for sale ut his Wnrcroonis, a largo assoitment of FINISHED gggg) OOin-'lNS, Ily whlrh he in enabled in till orileri. on presentation Ar.wi-Keeps a good Horse atrd lleari-e, and will at til times bt ready to attend Fuiicrcls. SIMON O. SIIIVB. 'Tdooinsbiirg. January 2il. 1P39 $35.00' Pays tho entire cost for Tuition iu tho iiiott popular nnd successful Commercial School in tho country. Upward of Twelve Hundred youug men from twenty-eight dill' emit States.havc been educated fur lun-iiiCHii hero Willi Iu thn past threu yi an. some of whom have been cut plojed as liook Keepers at taiuries of S'2000.00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, wlio know nothing of ac count when they entered the College. DV" Ministers sons half price. Student culcr at any tllue,nud review when they please, w ithout extrtu barge. For Catalogue of eHi pager.. Specimens of Prof. Cow ley's Iliisineesnnd Ornaiuental Penmanship, and n largo L'n graving of tho College, inclose twenty-flvo cents in Pott ago Stumps to tho Principals. JI1NKINS li SMITH, .1'ittcburgh, I'.i. Jan 5, 1S01 ly. ESTRAYS. AM1! into the enclosures of (In itih'criber. living in - Loemt township, Columbia counlyjn the early part fif Decenib. x, a ' R K D C O W. fiuppnsed to bo about seven years rid and a YO U U .S TEE R , Fuppoicd to be some thr.-o y.-nrs old. Tho owner ii rt-qut-stod to prove property, pay (hiir ges nnd take them awuy or they will be diipo.cd of as ti.v tun Miiiim, JOHN UJLLIO. Dec, 2rf, lPOI-Jts. E'lS'U HVoofl JJcIiSCltl 4i Hiile. A lot of superior Tine PnoorCEMi s r, especially adap ted for i.i'nientiiig Roofs, One gallon will cuter 1011 feet of ordinary roofing, und is insured proof ngain.t rain and wet weather. Can bo had at manufacturer prices, by tho gallon or half barrel, at thu olhce f the Columbia Democrat. LF.Vl L TATD., Illoomsburg, July 13,, 1E01. 'GIBSON'S AND DKCORATIVIi KSTABMSIIDIKKT, No. 123, South Elcvonth Street near Walnut, Fnamcled Class, Fresco, Oil and F.',icuutic Fainting JOilM I.IBSOX Q, i.Ja0!r. January 12, Iddl 3m.. TOHA'.TO ,t SKOltb!. M A It S H A L L II U G II E S , WITH 3S UUJlfi 35, O jf JJ T WIIOI.CSAI.I! DIUI.FUS IN Pil ii mil n tuir.d k ,,h;1 l oijncco, HAVANACi i- ltM AN AND UOMESTIO, SEGARS &C., N. E. Corner of 1'iont and Arch Streets, Amiiuii iiih:n. j jamk M, novn. ( I'llILADUM'IIIA, Manh 10, lBbO-l'-'m. THE UNION," Trcvi 411 e, Moce Third. V H I A U E I. P 11 I A . milF, aituatioii of Ibis Hotel renders it ore of tho mnrt X cutivetilent for those who aro visiting Philadelphia en business ; while to those in search of pleasure, the rniKt.inlly passing and repussing City Hallway cars, and thuae in coo proiiiuity, ntliinl a i l.cup and pleas ant ride to all placo uf Interest and amusement in or about tl,e rily, Tlm proprietor give nssuronco that "The Union'1 shall I a kept Willi such ihuracter as will inert public approbation, uud would respectfully solicit, gi noral pal- iwnage. u nun o flum u-uA.it. February !M, 1"C0 13ui. Froprtctsr WANTED AT THIS OFFICE. pf. Pnrir. Pmillrv. llfiiiAv rivnlit lm,l.i, C lleef Pork, roultry, Honey, Oram Prociute. Cidsr rumpklns, Potatoes, Core, Ostl. liny aad CeiattalLs, nl,,ntKh,ir. rirl M lli.tl rS J t -.Ml '. V'H I1.!1, ' l ) 1 i , Ttst'Hi', D:iJ !: I'mlt'r Mirk'" inlintmic rill Vu ili"insitlvs from lie- thou Gaud mil i' ic 1 Unit 11 ll is liuir to, If IN j- wilt , it) follow lite rouns-l- of luittirc, uml t.ikn llvi lonllcino which bit neMt li T III hor opernlli iir, That a. . 1 cine H the VegLlclilj iMcdlcllies of I)r. Moil'AT, known a Moffat's Life Pills and lTIfflNIX JJITTEI1S Thtso Medicines have now been b. foi tke pi Ulc for a period of .10 years, and ilurlns that lime ln.v ii.hIii tnlnoil n Is I alt iharact r In al.mst ,v.ry putt i th plobo for 111 J cxiriioruinury curauvo I't'T hi iii ii ihuV iioss Jss Mofiat's Life Fills. MolT.U's I.lfe Tills nre Indehtcd for their nam I, ill manifest nml 'iilblo nctlnn In purlOlof! tl. in and channels of life, and enoilng Ihnm with v tone and viuor i and to the uoiiiuihtcd l.irt that at ,i . :,l (act that at ,, . rv d r.tciied a 1 1 11 r I ' Rrnvc, pi rf cily s I lit of henllh, Willi- I bleaaliijt. tin great fr, n,u very verijo of nil iintlin. ly gtn .i , 1 1, ,.,,lCnv,,i i,i,l,it',,i .ill I, o irly part in uieir iiiincy, ii" y on ,.,,,i , n,,.,,, ih.it uniform enlovui nut i.irli Ufa itself is but n partial Indeed had their elliiacy Invariably proved, that it was scarcely less than miraciinius i niuso who weru nunc niialnt'il with the beautiful phllogophicnl ptlnclples tip m which they worn lompounded, and upon which tli'iycouscuuentlyact. moiFA'rs imaiNix bitters. HIolfufB I'hoeiilx Hitters are so called, because tiny possess tlii! power of n storing tho oxplring embers of health ton glow Mil! vigor throughout tin- constitution, i-s th? Phoenix Is s.il.l to bj restored to lira Irom thu n'hes of it own dissolution. Mercurial l)lseasi.8. There Is probably no one nrtlcle given ns it ine Heine, the iiijueinm ilm of which lias iii'isod such wi b ,-prenil ami terrible mischief to the i.,,i;.i, tfKi..ii, n iii -rcurv us pnisuii eiiiKs neep nun ... I. -.,..., , . I nlll,A l,,i, n,l '. ' .,, f i,-,i,,ri ,ii,,.,h. ii i well . p , ,,utiy ullettious of Hie throat, of the buTcs, , and libillgnant sores, whkh liato ceen at- ' irihuto.l to syphilis, mo so often caiiHed by the liijudl. clous use of in reury, ao that thu lemodylias proved worse than tho illseaBJ. LIFI1 PILLS AND niOINIX I1ITTF.IIS. I Th(, Ijtfa vm nlld rlu mwtt lav0 nlwavabeen I Kignaily succi ssful In this class of discuses, and Mill I eradicate nil th effect of mercury from lic system, sooner than tho most powei fill preparations of sarsa- '...illn '!!.., til, I liitture in raulliiL, Irnm the KVKte.il nil I"1' 1 ' ......... , . .. I. .. i . , . liitl.ltllll lioisoiiiiim ma'.li r, and by thus purifying the vital fluid, 1 they restore tlio ry-t.iu to iieaiiu. tllllOIIS uoiupiunus. 1 ttt'i, iL'iiiutU'i unit i,r'(HM llonale niianlitj of bilo upon Hie tomacli Is always to u'llsttofor tin promotioii of louiid health it stimulates digestion, and I.eepK the Intestinal ctinnl Irec fioni all ..i..t...,l..,w r 1,1 lliit iiilerlnr nut race nf thu lll'eriflli peculiar bladder In uhiih tho bile Is first preserved, being tormed by the liver from tho blood. Thence it names loto tile atntnnui nun iuicmiiics, iiihi rei;.ii,iieB the ,llg,'ii in. 1 HUJ wlieu th.-r.i Is a deliiii ucy of bile. tlU b'J 1' tKllst.l.llly COftlV". O.i the other Inn 1, -l.i "V- r i. 'ue, ,iiis cfbi, wi'.nesfrt i:i nt nauses on thd ttnuiatli, ii ' i "It' n pr oiiotes vcr vein attacs of ul-i 'tis ti . will .It solo tier i end in iK-ath. L I V H lM E Lie- INE 3. Tin- Llo) .'lclicli.es tlioal l, If porsibl bt taken in tho early 'u"of . : i "t u v Ted in ttrn uy . -ru' ,' u pi .lot ; and If perse- i "lis v ill osiliv.-iy l" tbii. . '.,.' 't 111 (..M.I,;, l,t eiiu.L S,l- , , ,. , I eil'-ct a (or. I , i' . Ml .. '.V all parm oi our . 't. n', r ry th Ir utt 1. 1. , i i aiuir u s l.ii i n : ;., I ll..-, f. r a rj t..,r o' bait fl: oiii, no , tl .irn-.-t til tile ski i. - i -, I i. h ay- be cur, d by i ,t tlfKl I'.lf-Cg. ,i,,p.i i .r oftliese Med- i short lime, ill atf.Lt , n ulrlUin; lulnrtiv U"i. II. I". I I i.l Is 11. Iu lull l . . i one ,Hi-te,or by tVt , ',i ! . PtLtsl -! ! 'I h. Icinei was i ir-'tl nf i . t -I iiu , ,,f tin, I. If. .M,. oi. ii, ,i, ,i years btauuing, Iiy the LtvKK Coai-LAiNr. etioiiof the Liver may bo known by n f . ling or t. to i or nam iu Iho right hide about tlu region ( f Ihe lie r, i.n.-irpnn, e,n ns in pleu ri..y, but fii.n.-tlnn.s null ; u dilli. ulty in i.ntwiug ,ilnun bre.ttli ; dry cough auj lucliuatiou tnumll. This ill-sees.- miy he prudin-t ,i I r.dd, by lolent ox- rcisc. by llllt'lltll, nuiiini-l ll'-itia, ....... t......9 i, i . or ,tauc, ami hy vnrio.H solid con retinno in the cub- .unco of tho liver. And to these prouiicjiig causes, tin! ilerangeiii'-nt uf the digestive organ, fciippiessed secre tions, and mental solicitude, winch a- very frequent causes of obstructions and (lis at-os ol the tiler. Tills di.-ense eIio-uIiI bearroted In the cinomei.conicnt .. 1 l..i. 1 . ,1,.,,.. i.l- it feu- ilnteu , ftlii. Life l-illft. When oncu the liver ii iirmied to tiw perf rmtiitco of ! its proper functions, little more Is requisite than tocoti tlnuo a proper use of tlio uieulelues, und u upcedy re covory will ensue. I'ivkii ami Aouu - For tliiu scourge of tho Western country, these medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy, Other medicines leavo the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by tlieso Med icine is pernrinenl. ScnoFut-v.- 'Pile tuns', horrible rases of Scrofula, iu which tho lac-, bones und limb of the victim hud horn preyed upon bv tlio iusaliallc illa't-as'-, are proved, by undeniable, nulhunty of Ihe sotl'crers th-iuselves, to Invo baen coiuplet :y cured by these pur ly vegetablo inedicioes, alt .r all others had been found inor than useless. j Indigestion and Dyspepsia. If we wore catlid upon to specify one disease which more than any otlur is the b.inu, (while it U the ollspriugof civiliiationl we sh oild , llama psppiin. It is g'tieially nllendcil, or rather prodtftive, of a long train uf ills, such as llcuitburu, Flatulency, a gnawing pain at the stomach when empty a sense of uncomfortable woiglitwh n full, pains Iu the throat, tido and pit of Ihe stomal h, cotiv-iu-. chilli- . ucss, languor, uuw;iliign--,s to tako i-ioriisc, tic JUOFFWli .IFH .W.MCIXCS. Moffat'a Life .Modicim s are peculiarly ndnptcd to the . cure of tltii dl .lressiug coiiiplaint They tut upon the ' bowcU in u very mild, und, at tlw same time, wry , lfi-c- i tual niauiir, and have never el failed to cure ihl.nlis- ' eiiEij wji'-ti used nceoriiing to our nircciions. tietiernl Debility, Tlio most cominou i.f nil com plaints is that of a .'ciieral weakniss of the whole sys tem, unaccompanied by any particular ilior.!er, or de filiate symptom of diseaae. Til -re is u llttlo vital en. ergy, a lo ol" at.pellte, unw illint'iio". and Indeed ina bility to undergo eq-rtious. frequent headaelus, indi gestion, oit .mimes hallnwncss and dryn -.'s of the i-kiu, tendency to te verislines -i, nntitn'-bs for smi ly, in sliort .illtlinse i-yiuptoms of languor, di quietude, and weak net that give evident c 1 1 u lailuru in th vital pow ers, and u low, iinhealihj and inoibid condition 01 tlte sy sic-iii. Life IMIIs and i'honiix 15ilt-rb', Tbo Life Fills nnd Plioenlv Ilitter-i nro, poihap, thn i best remedy for rintoring etreitgth to th- body fur, th, y I ait a a geiitlo riirtaanic, mid, by tlnir too)', quiililitn, streiigtlien the w hide xystctu Jloll'.it's Life Pills.- Persons of a plethoric bawl, who uro suhjcil to lits, headache, gidd!uci,s, ill in ins.- nf sight, or drowsin.-si, from too gin.it a How uf bloud to too head, should tako thou Pills frequently. j ADVICF. TO rLUALF.y.-Fcinalos who value their ' health i-hoiild never bo without tho Lift Medicines, us lliey purify the blood, remove obntruitioti;. und give tlio ' skin a beautilul, ejeur, healUiy and blooming appear iibkO. To Lldnrly Persons, Many healthy aged indh iduals who know tho value of Moll'at'u Life Medicines, make 1 it a rule tu toko them two ir threo times a week, by which they remove the causes that produca diseas-, prcserto their heulth, and keep otl'tlie inllriuitieii of ueo. Facts for Mother nnd Nurses. It is a fait, oi-tt.b-lislied by the annual bliss of mortality, that mte half of tl.eihll reu bomo nro cut off biforn attaining set en I v.iird ,,f n"it- :iiid tho I'iMlf.il sntiri-- nf thia lnnrlalitv is ' iiiuuil to exist in that foul itatu of the stomach and ' ft bowels which prodiico.l tlio generation of worms. As1 the i-afe restorer of infantile h'-allh in this critical Mate tlm I.if Mcii 'iiii s hnvo long held a dlitluguLlieil repu- i tjlinii. and fur foulness of the t-tciiiucl. and bowels, and convulsions, allhimgh worms may not exist, it is allowed to b.- ruperior to any other. .Miill'at' Pills and Hitlers. - No medicine nt present known have douu so ninth good to iii.iukind ns these. within thu last fe.w year; ami cerluitily none have been rewarded with more numerous and authentic tes timonial of their invariable and extensive chlcacy. They require no dieting nor confinement, am perfectly I initj anil pleasant in tnur operation, out win power fully restore health-that greatest of earthly blessings tu the most exhausted and dilapidated contltutiona. iretiureu lv T)r. WM. I!. MOFFAT, 335 llruadwuy, New York. And for Sale by all Druggist apl3-lil ly. II E G It li A T ND1AN liiEliAL TEA! FOR FEMALES, DR ENGLISH'S ixdia.v vi:u:i.ui.c tvaiitii;xAGO(;iu. Thin Celebrated r 'inalJ Medicine pnssesse virtues uiiknown of ui) ll lag t Ise of 'In kind, iiiid pruving iff. citual alter nil mil r- ln.i.. ftu.- ' , it is pr partd Irom an "Indian Herb" p ei.lt .rt- . . . 1 1 1 -. . , A 1 xi tuindTex as, and 1 uuil b lb. NutiV'-, in (trt, lining iIumomii I.Y Sll-KM4. it 1 U fel ,.l f . ll'.tll ..m.ill d aud Slllttla laoiiis.anil is H1.1 v. r b t Un ,g known f rib purn'.-J u it w ill reunu e ull obttrui lions nfltr otli r r, uiedies li 1 vu been tri nl 111 aiu. jt 1. a pi -ua.int t -a, contain ing nothing injurious to in iilli. uud u cure to lie relied upon iu nil cases. Priilupsus Uturl, or falling of tin Womb; Floues Al bus. or Whit " : L'hrnnie 1 til unatinn, nr Ulceration of the Womb; lmideiitul lie.uragu of Flouditig , and dis ease of lilt Spine. 1 .it 11 's 111 tno early stage 01 pregiiaucy are cau tioned ugaiiifl Iho use of this tea, us 11 will pioilucu mUcarriage. riiM'ir.cii and solo nv Ult, Q. W. HN'OIilrjll, No. aid POlTII SECOND ST. PIIILADFI.PAIA, PA, Trices S-l.nn tier luckaec. fwilh full direrti cnt by lUprcss or ,Mtdl to any address. Dr. li. can no consulted in all obstinate, l-'omulo Com. plaints, in person nr by Utter, nml will furnish tho Out- ta-pcrcha Feimile Syringo- highly recommended by tho Faculty to married ladies for special purposes, taryund ripitio Abdominal Hupporlcrs-hhonldcr llraces lll.Htic and Luro Stockings Hpinal Appnrutuj, for V..nt liliil I'lirvi-il t3.liiAin,t I k, rl, n,nn,!, 1 I ..n formitles. A Inrgo Utock cjllio aLove artlilns constant ly on hand, und will be furnished at lowest rute.i by tending order wilh ipe.isucmeiii aud full purliculais. IC" All cniuiruujcaiiona ttrictly coiilldentiul. For further purucului please Address, Dlt. O, W FNOI.IBH, SIC South Second Htreet, below Dock, l'ilII,AIr:i,l'IIIA, FA. BT" I HAVE (0 AflKNl. Nov, 111, leUl-12,u. I'UULIU NOTICE. i t ing on lie premise of the undersioned in i'.,,nV , wwiisl likely to rr vldes In all suck csiei, ' I n A. RlVl'tirl'lllUnn ' P.nlrelwr..Or. IB. IRSI -5. " t Q, U Vi' 'itlC i AND TOP. THE SriXDY a'P.K OP Jfervousrro3tratlo3, Osnurnl DoTjHity, Asthrao, Dyspopsio, Covofiila, linraemvu, Paralysis, Chroalo Broaoliltin, Austria, Chlorosia, ' antt all Disordors of tho Blocd Cyatcta, DO YOU KNOW IT? coNsnirricN is tug iiott fatal scofwin rst MANKIND. It bus been truly regarded as ax inciti iilsmaupt fewcvrurvlvlnr;ltattr.cl:. " CntnrtK iifthe KhoU hunu rait," lays Dr. Otraratit, " aud ilOPtETHAN ON'K HALF OF All, Till'. ADII.T TOfU LATIONof mostelrlll.vd commnaltlsilLKISIILYlIlR Dlf Kubr." What f4 tad ctKitaealary on tlio beasletl efflency of thn ll.alltig Art I Tho brilliant Phcnvery of Pr. Chureblll, rcado to thd Inp-!rlil Academy of Jlediclne, of I'arls, lias vroicd an vutlimnLUbwti to tlm world, py tha u of this irnv and povierful reneiial aptal, known to thetulstry 13 THE HYPOPHOSPHSTES, The ounn or conbcmition, cvc in tho Second nuil Third Otnces (nt u porloil, tbcroforc, when thero can bo no duubt at to the uatiiro of tha Disease) l the lit I.I!, whll DKATH I TUB EXCCI'TION." ! KNOW," kHys rr. C, "Ibat they will rrnrs not only as SUK15 A JIEJJ r.TJT In COMJl AII'TIO.V o Qulnluo U In In tor-nttl-cnl rever, but also ns effect)! n I'lUi'fillb. VATIVi: ns Vaccination In Bmnll Pox." Let no mffjror, who value health pnt! Ufa, delay an hnr to trytliia remedy, l;,;mi mber that .rer.tlo:t U better than cure." Donarocf rclf-dcsoptb n,cr tha roollflig niuraiico cf frlcm: thnt"JI fj m.'y n Wilt aW " Fatal error to myriad.-! who now fill p. crnaUr rjravc I Olva, I cutroul jou, prompt attention to tho EAaUEST CtQNS QF CQHSUMPTtQK. "Ad in'.m M .NS watt ton.ow turm." Mer!;. " Tho c-tWi'r f K ,'tom of tubercuicr dltcau W wAS-nxo, ltjwc'"lc-l'0iOud It 11 earlnr.ln polatuf tlm, than tin ucctic. U i flrst manlfi.toJ iu the fnie and 7um U 'Xba macuhr tlsiuss Wiuto ; henco tl-u-uiy : thero Ii a tcciss of something wrong awd'ni tin 1 1 in im lowni"! Alia luuuiNU. Thu uirwi of the living laachino 1 raoru active than ltsrcjufr." Jr. V'oIIc:. ' If.uafioi'fo-nyrTrvi-frcTif cnnrCfCr nadcr the InGueceo of en 2di which laduco wiukmi and utriiuirrloN' ; surli E3 t',if,f it', oicrtwcA-, erf ccj , prcjnatm, cVM tcanV(7, niinfnr, royil growth, or rl'.ie i covery Jrcvx diseatt, a p-rso-i liutilas to Ira bli oh, Blrength, color, or opp-tUo; If ha fulTor fioni thortnm ut lrtutli.tr in plt'snas, and expcrl'rce a goncial fcf-lini f Jan. pucrcudrfcMiiii'W.'uilil.U 13 TXilON TO mil that ht it alrrati'j yrtOivttd to the complaint. If to thew tymptouu b added cotma, however cllght, rarticubrly If It lias rom on slow-lv, or during the fair fea-ion. TUi: IT.OliAniUTV IS OllfcATEU STILL "VhunkM. EFFECT OF THE KEMEDY. itIf, on tha earliest nrpsnranoe of theso 1iia of Consnmptlim, the patient tukes 4ally nbuut ten crsdns or tbo lirPOl'irOsmirre, lie -nil! n-anllr seo litem nil oj-roear In n, pctiod, vAryins from a few weeks to n few months pud by continuing tbo oeentlonnl nso of the llcnicdjr, Jin WILL f;PlZD ilt riND nmriELr iita rNJoysrxrtT ov Siren HEALTH A3 he, peiiiiaps, uau KKVEK KNOWN IN MIS LITE iiEroniv " Winchoolor's Genuino Prcpsi'otlon" 19 THE ONLY KELIAELE Form of Pr. Churchill' Remedy. 'ado frcm tho orlglual Formula. Tlu action nf tho ilyporb' ti hltrfi iaTwo-roinaadipceiUs : iau-Ki.fjt'rthoiTlnrlptovuiiu onsnnvrai remvota roncc, and thsy aro tbo imt i-(iWEi;rcL)iuion-CKKniATiMi jtcwrtKX'mx. The pd'n.t upon tho tubercular oo.:dltl"a is IMJIUIIATI), ail tbii oiiEaii, liTurroits I'.-siPtTABi.ro wnn A r.jricnT viitcn HBritiTimtvLioro. Thy rcffcif tin eougli,il(minf-Ji oxpeitoraUon, imprort the appcttto, nr,-l illarrbaa ; tbo night tietfl.'j, tkillt, nnd frtr ccuso ; tho buwcla lome regular', and iu( srur caui io 1-r.orou.vE. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I IKS- ndVARC of Umits .',-in!tailv(!--ill is rr. Cliui-chlll's.ondallothtr SWIXIiLlNB lKKS to rob eulTererj of their means, lo't pniiviK time, or.,l hasten a iatal im it. Write to nu for CUXI.LAPJ3, ncd for Dr. Churchill's Treatise on Consumption, Trhlch contain the only pn'Jieriie infa-matini t' refflrd W thU NLr TK2.1T:IL.T.. E.,ut litUi to all lctulru-s. ritlCXi In' 7 ar.cl 10-oa Uottles. Cl tad 13 eh. Tbreolmge, or cir r.insll for $5. 2uy fao-elniilo I on both the Zrftbel and Outside Wrapper. NO OTIIEH IO OENUIKE. fCT Do not confoun 1 this K' raedy with the tn.calM " Chemical Food ;" un 1 particulaily avoid nil prepara lion con lalalDR trtu, T,Iuchii ian-.a-.ov. and LVd-It'is-tl, which bnanoccR-iTivEiRniuiTr wt-AiXTi-n. SnM by the moat rcspeetablo Drurglils throi-ghnnt an-Unlted States and r.rlllsh 1'rovtncc, r.r.d Vholeuli BJliotailat the Cciior.il Depot In tbo United States, by 3. WIHCHE8TE2, 36 John Street, N, 7. - M.inh !l. let-1. EVAN'.0- & WATSON BW AM.WDF.ll SAF1W, 1111 , ' . MOVFll to I'lll Ctir-tnul Strut, ' alutr. t'usd I'f'.adctp'iut. have on f. if ,, an I u l.trg ' ri'isortiii'-nl nf 1'iro Ut), iron tlttjiti. tor UniiK- nml t,-4i4aiii.tS3 inakea'oflocki equal to filnri-'h. irtin tsmi!t,v iron s.ti-h, all in the United Stntct. J-'ire Seftt in ore , Jill caae out tight; tctth coa I'liln i rood eonditioti. The S.ilainauder Safes of Philadelphia against the woild. EVANS & WAT.ON, have had tho siiie't demostrntion Jn tho following c-r-titlcate thai their iiiiiitufactiT- cf Halnin.iu ler ti.if- has nt Ic uglh fully warranted th. i"'n dentations which have been tnado nf them a rendering an undoubted ticcurity :gii.st the terrific clement. Philadelphia April 12. 1 Mestrs Ecais Watson: Coiitleiiivti- ll afford us the highest satisfaction to state to ou, that owing (to ihe very protective qualities of two of the Salamander, Safe which we purchased of you somo live month slnco wo saved u large portion of jewelry, nn I all our books, &c. i'ini.(l to lh" rnlamiuotis, tiro ill IluusH'ad place on the morning of th; 11th iiist,. When we icrleit lint these safes were locatud in lln fourth s.-ory of the building wa occupied nnd that tin y sin, -'iie, in, tntiiu Hurt), ,i ,iiirilllli: Xllllll., Wlli'ri Ilia vns-t cuiici-ulratioii of tho heat caused the brass pl.itei to melt, wo c.ini'ot but regard thejire-iervniioii of their vol u iblo inntcm as mnol convincing proof of ths great se curity ntforded by your nafes. Wo shall ttike great pleasure In tcrnminoniliutr them to men of business as n suro relltiui-o ngain.t fire. GFOltlii: . HI.M.MllNS & 11UO., Jc-etlltri. C7"Thoy have siiicepnichttsi.il six large riafes. Angurtgo, leaa BOARS) REDUCE.) I'O 52 PEIl DAY. bttice thoopenlnjof this vast and comuio.lious lintel, iu lt-31, tt has been the liurle enilenvor id tlu- propri -tors to make it tin most fciimptuotiK, roiiveuluiit nml comfortable home for th i citizen and tlrungor on this side tlio Atlantic. And whatever has leeiuad likely to ndiuinister to tho comfort of it guests they l.avo endeavored, w ithout re gard to cost, toprovide, und to couibina all the dements nf individual nn I social enjoyment which modern art -has invented, and modern taste approved; nud tho pa-trona-o w h-ch it had rntuin.inil.'il ilnrlnr, ,i, ,,n, .i. Jytnrei a giatify.ug proof that their efforts htivo been apprei iatcd. To meet the evigencies of the times, when uli aro re quired to practice the most ngid economy, tho under- BiKCI.l-u Haw Reduced the Price of Board to Two IlOlla.'s prr liny. at ths same tnuo abating none of the Injuries wh ch their table h is hilhirlo been Siinnllnd. with ,. ''""''UWIII.I., WI11TCOM1I Si CO, bept 11, Idlil.-3tu. OWARI) ASSOOIATION PHIL- ADFLPlllA A lleiievnleut Institution estuldisheil bv ini.rlal nnrfnt.,. unit, for the relief of the r-ick and Distressed, nlthct' d with Virulent and Upideinic Diseaso. and nspeci'illy for the Cure of Diseases of the tJejual Organ. Dn- re!i'i,f.n',t?,W,n,1'.,,!i..',l! "" I,arU "' " t-'nilcdState AI.UAlllii: lll.POltl'ri on Hperinatorrhcca. and oth er Dlsemes of the Boxual Organs aud on tlie NI-.W )tr.Mi;i)li:rt employed, si tu to the Billkted in scalid letter cnvelopi s, free ofclinrg-. Two m tlirco tilaiups mr piifiugo win oe accipiunii). Address lilt, JKKH ' I.IN IM1UOIIT1W, Acting Surgnon, Howard A.soeis, -""" muni oireci, rjuiauctpiiia ra. March leOl Hm, ' ; 1 Mall fVt TllO (Jrt'at (JiUlSB Oi HUMAN MISERY. JtM Published iu a Sealed Unvelepe . J'rico ti ct: A I.UCTUIIF, 11V Da. CUMTUWlil,!,, ON TUB CAUtill AND CUllli-of rJpcrmatorrliiea, Consumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Dpilepsy t Impaired Nutrition of the llody j 1. u. simile i Weakness of iho l.lmbs and Iho Hack; Indisposition, uad Inca pacity for Study and Labor j Dullness of Apprehension; i.m of Memory; Aversion to society! l.ovo of Son tudo i '1 liiiidlly j Self-Distrust ! Dizziness j Headache; Allectlout of the Uye j Pimples on tho Face s liivoluu tory F.niiaiou3, nud Sexual incapacity) tho toiite. qui nces of Voutbful liuliirretlDii, Sic, Ur, Iiy" Till admirable Detturo elearl prove that the ."'. " "hi iiuoki-hiu rgi. ll 16l,c""lor'"' nnJ l,oul11 t"c "very man in the to, i ,mill1"' addressing I ..... . ' ......... w .owerv r,ew X01K, l'et tlfflre llox, (Arm le. ScroMa, or long's E l n cortitUtitlonftl tltscasp, a ecrruptlon of trio Mood, by -vlilch thU iluttl becomcj -rltlntcd. wctik, fttitl tioor. )dng in tlio circulation, It pCTVntlca tho whole body, nnd may bnrtt ont in (Useaao on any priTt ot it. No organ ia frea from its nttnolts, iter U tlicro one nliidi It may not destroy. Tho scroftilmm taint !.. vatlouMy caused by mercurial tlLicasc, low living, dis otdcTod or unhonlthy food, imiiuitj air, filth and filthy lmbit, tho tlei)rofin( vlcct?, and, abovo all, by tha veiit'rciu Infection. What ever bo Its origin, It i hereditary in tho ton. stttution, decciid'inri flom parents to children unto tho third nml fourth Reiteration " indcid, tt teems to bo tho lod ol Hint vtho enyt, I 'will visit tho Iniquities of tho fatltcis upon their children." Ita directs eomtnenco by deposition from tha blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tlio lung, livor, and In.r.rnal means, Is termed tuberclba; In tha (.'land!, swcllir.rjs t and on tho surface, oniptlous or mrcs. ThU foul cor ruption, which KOtidjis In tha blood, depresscj tho energies of life, so that serofuloua constitu. Hons not only tulTer from scrufuloni com. plaints, but they have far lcs power to with stand the attacks of other dl5cni.es ; c-onso-qttcntly, vnt numbers perish by dlsordon which, nhhotigh not sciofulous lit thcirnature, aro still rendeicd fatal by thU taint in th mtcm. Jlost'of tho consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many dcitmctivo diseases of the liver, kidneys, brainy and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from ot aro aggravated by the same cause. Ono quarter of all our people arc scrofulous j their persons nrn Invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health it undermined by it.. To cleanse it from thosj.teni wo must renovate tlio blood by an alterative medicine, and in. vigorate it bj; healthy food wid exorois,. Such t medicine wc supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy wlu'ch the medical skill of our times can devise for this every wltcro prevailing and fdtal malady. It is com bined from the most active romodials that have been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, nnd the rescue of tha r-ystoni from Its destiuctivo consoqucnaos. Iletico It should be employed for tha euro of not only scrofula, but also thosa other alTce tions which wife from it, such as Utiurrivn and Sum Diskaks, St. Anthony's Fiar, ItosB, or Kr.YMfEi.u', PiHnns, PtmrtrLis, llLotoitics, llt.tixi and Ilon.s.TuMono.TsTTEn, and Salt llur.un, 6ca:,d IIisad, ItiNo-rvornj, UttEUMATiSM, Sii'iitLiTioand SrnaocntALDur tasks, Dr.oriY, DvsfrrsiA, Dcnimy, and, indeed, at.l Comvlainis Anntxa rnoM VrrtA ted on IstrujiE 1!i.ood, Tho popular beliaf in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a dcgcnciatlon of tha blood. Tho particular purpose and virtuo of this Sarcapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without winch tuttttl health is iinpeetibU ia contarainatod conUitutlona, Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, arc so compoifi that iisesse within tha ranga of their action can r-rcly vithstand or evade them Their penctxatinc; pi "vertiti senrch, and cleanse, and intigon.tc cv'erj i oitlon of the human organ ism, coriectiug It) diseased action, and restoiinj Its healthy vitalities, as a conscqueneo of thcaa propcities, tho inv 'Id vtho is towed down tita pain or physical k llityii astonished to find his health or enerp) r.bloicd by a remedy at oneo so tample and inviting. !ot only do they crre the cvery-day complaints of every body, tut also many formidable and dangerous diseases. Ihe agctit below named Is pleased to fur nidi gratis my Ameiicon Almanac, containing certificate:! of then cures and directions fur their use in the following complaints: Coitiea r.tss, lfcartlum, Ihitdaeht ut mni? rcm tliiortUred stomach, Sattsen, lvMnjcitiurt, J'turn in ami Morbid Inaction nf the iai; .-, Jf tiYu'ct-ry, Lost of Appe tite, JmtKilice, and o'.l.cr kiticred eonfplalnti, aiitinc; from a low state of tho tudy or ottlruelloa of its functions. Aysr's Cherry Poctoral, ron THE KAP1D CVH3 0 Coughs, Colds, Influenza, lionrf onoss, Croup, Uronchit'r, lttclplc.it Conaump lion, anil for the r dl'.f of ti,ntur.u.,livo Viitinnts iu ttd I'd need stauos of the tlisruso. So wide is the field of its t'tcfulr.c-s and so im roorous oro the coscc of J's cures, that almost every section of country abound in persons pub licly known, who have 1 eon restored fiom alarming and even desperate diieasca of the lungs by ita usa. IVhcn onco tried, Its superiority over every olher metlicino of its kind is too apparent to cicapn obsoivation, and wliero its virtues aro known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ tor the distressing and danr;cto'ts nffeiliont of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our clirruita. While, many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has Rained friends by every trial, conferred bencflu on the afflicted they ean never forget, and pro; dueed cures too numerous and too rcmsrk&bls to be forgottea. rRr.rAnEr nv 232.2. JT. C. & . LOWBLL, JIASS. T,. P. J.ut.. J ,Muy r,i; vi liiivubiKh 1'looir.ibu f. SI. Her. Iterw lek, aud h, rcim,) Ii anla. in,- t,irt. in ei cry tow mi. J,AGHOIX'S I'KIVATi: MF.DICAI. TUEATiaU ON Till! i'lijiialogical Vie w of rl..i.-fSg'. E50 PAOFii AND IM l.NCHAVINGH.-Piica only TWKNrv.iiiE UNis. .Sent i'r.e of tioslago to all parts of the I'nloit. On 'lie itirlrruit!" ..ryouth uui! maturity, dittJoi-jng tit.) secret folli h of bt'ili sexea of all ages, canning cicbilttVi iitnousii'-ss, depression of spirits, palpltnli'iu nl the heart, sulti lal iniagiuiugs, lniolun tary eiiiupinu-. blttbhing difective memory, indite, tiou and Intititniio. iri! cutj'c.nait of tUriiltvs InUrrtt rj a HaarUiip tclteol .wris, a votirjrc fei.c. er.u c Yuan); Married Lady. .c. Ire. It is a lrnthi.il adtiier to tlie mniried and tho.-,e (mil in; luting i-iarriu.'e, whoon tertain secret doubts of th ,r physical couililion, and wlio nro loiisriuii of Inivjnt hazarded the hi allh hup pitiess. and privileges to which every hitmuti btingis ir.iitli-d. K VOUM5 M11N who are troubled with weakness, gn t Miy caused by a bad hubit in youth, the effect!' of jYhirh are .lizincs. paiiw, lorgetf illness, jci.neiltni s-a a riniyti in Ihe i-.iro, wink c)e, wenkmss uf Ihe baUv and low ir extiemiiles, confusion of Ideas, lost of nitin. ory with melancholy, may L.-cureu by the author' NF.W PAltlS AND LONDON TUKAT.Mi NT. Ue have, rcu'titly dente, much of our timo In VIMTlNti Till; F.i;it01'l',AN lloai'lTALH. nvailiu; ourteivc of tlio knowledgii uud rei-earthe of Iho matt skilled Fliysljuiu and burgeons in ilurt-nu and the Con tnent. TJiObo wlio placo themselves under our euro will now have the full boneht of th i many NUW AND Fl'FlL'AL'IOL'ij IIDMKDIIIS which we aro enabled to introduce into our practice, and th .public may rest in jured of the sunn zeal, assiduity. tfl.i'lUlCV mid atte.ii lion being paid to ihelrrnces, which lins so succtsifut ty illstiugiiiih il ui heretofore cs a Piiyslcian iu our l'KCL'l.IAlt department of profetiioiul I'racllcc.er tht juas! ttrent'j'Jtce years FiifMiil'iMAiic can Ladies who wirh fo.Uedlcint tlie elhcacy of k.Jiiih has been torted in thou. amis cases, and never filled to eflect tpeedy cures wiihoitc any bad result's. will use none but Dr. Del.uiiey't Feniale l't-rlodical I'llls. Tho only Precaution iiecnr.aiy It, nb terve is, ladies should not take them if ihe) hair re ton to bejii'vo tln'V .item t-rrl.i.n sifuafianj ,lne pailfc uiaro of which will bo found on tha wrjpper nceompa nying each bo.x ) thntigh ulway tufg nud healthy, s3 gently yet so active are they. Price 1 per box. They i-ali bs mailed to tHy part ot the 1 1 ii It -il Suite or Canada. TO Till: LVI'IIIS Who noe.l a anfduiiM niedUsl nlviser with rogur . tn '.uy of those interesting com plaints to nhlftu lh It delicate organization renders tin m liublu, are p trtlc .latly invited to lout'ilt us. Ttw "ill. cri r. Oaivakio Psotcctive."-For married U.'I' ' Ii - h ulth will not admit, or who luve node sir iilaras th.lr fauiilijs, may l,r oltained as ubove It it a p rf-tlv safe prev ntivo to eancption, ond has lie a i. xi i id. used during the Utt 'JO years, Price rjduc-a , to ill). 'flic irx.i-ifj of Yoiitli Uuvcih'd. Treatise ok the Cause ef Prtmtare Decay J) set' emit Karatug, Just puhllshtU a hosK ihtteinrthtinldUvf firvgrtss and pretca . t mot.? teUtiuls, both m de atif femntc of this ' ae.fui. ;KI(inlr out the fatality Its) lavaiiably attends its victims, end devtlfping th tchvlj progreis if lh' disease, from the (uuuncrnrsf erAirncr, ll tr( lie rnif ly Mull onrttniitef l't r( Samps i' r Allendinc. i.i ily. from 8 in lh" morning till i if night, and on ur.dnyc from 2 till 5 r it. Medicines with lull direitions sent to uny part nf the United States ur Cana-'us. by patlttil cninuiunicnting their symptoms bi le tcr. liutir.e.s corrispondencc Itrii'tly conAdentlal, "j-Ur, L's Olllce is slrll located as cslsbll.'htd.uodj, thn name of va. LA Cltul.X, ol No, 31 Mslden Lane bny, N. V. Nov. 23. 1831. -12m, CIGARS & TOD A COO. A large assortment tf clndre Tigars, Tobarcn, I'ipi'i) I- runs, C'onf' iioni'rv d Notions c n-i illy.ti sith cr with a full slink ofliAt'SsuJ I' ll'rf, r mtt ntt e hand und for sale cheap, at 111 "Uloomrbulg lUt &Co Urnpotium joiin i. ciiac' Bstnu'mrg Manhlli, I'Cli