COLL'HBTA WMMf ijuimi.ia imm I.II IIKl I li 91' John u, Freeze, Local Editon hhoitly. Wo have not timu now. !0! C" TImji'o are some reasons wliv"ilm Soldier's Lameiil." ou.lit not in l, i,i:.i.. ,,,1 " " 1 !OI . C& Owing to our duticd in court, and to tl.o length of Mr. Van Wjck's speech, wiu nas Juki iusu variety than MllRl. bllt WO shall tl'V to MUCO it HOInr- , . lu 'luc0 I teOlllU- wliat a "jam now, that the ruh U over. !0! . car Persons ownin-r nnMai.A i.,,,.i., :.. O v- . iwimn in i this County, will have until flio lirst'ofl Aniil in wl.iol. .1... i r., 1-aid then, cost will be added.'' ' collectors will rovern tlictnsolvus bv tin- l-iw i.i, 1,1!. I, ,.1 !.' ,i . J", 1.UV pUUllSllCll III ai.Other eoluillU. and ' enliilim n.,,1 ... ") inaKo their returns promptly, to the Coin - juiiasioiieru, ' JO! Kkv r..; I , . L IlllillSll in another tdaeu the tnmtpi' rr.ll ill ('. f fni. V. II1U.IU 1011 01 (v,i,t. .McUtU-OS Coillltrm V .It Will bo eoI1 tlnit (-tninVii.. n . ui. mat Columbia Coilllly lif. Hies laiTflv ill it ,m,l tl, r i " ' tuo tajit. speaks Very highly 0t' the loldi.-iw if l,n i'..i I I ... J - JIUI' it, ll!H llirnhheil. U artf inlbl'incd tllrtt rl.,. P.,..: i i.iuiiMLu mat tim JCegimejit lias beell Oldereil to Foit Dulnvn-,. C,.i . 1 T.. ..... . ' tvui 11:1 I ...... UV0W i-i.naielpli,a. Suoees? and ood health to the boys nherever they are. C- We refer to the two billn, printed 111 ailOthei- cnliimii f.slnit.. . ii ,. ttuviiii.1 I.UIU.II11I, leiallllS to (,oIihm1,;,i eotllltv. width inn- t'..iM- .,ii. i "l tet attentive member lias already put ihioiioh m,1 l.n.i .;..,. i j jjui. miium.,11, aim liaa hmtled. Col. Tate W ntf.Multiin ( II i1 j.iw. is .uti.ii(iii)g carefully and lironintlv to ihu wnii r,r I,; 1 i j'tiji 10 iue W.IUPI 01 lll eOUStltUelltS ; whiell i.s verv iiiupIi l .i union Utttei tliall many Otll-I CIS who llesiie to a-toili-li llic nolii-. ,!.l, ' their idoquciiie, aie doiny The worhiny member U worth two talkiny oura, :o: t&QCluro's Co. Muster lloll of Oomnanv If. 1 liirll . . i SATuItDAY MOMflMO. rCBKUAHY 9 J. m. "!.""'? AwniMrilvei. com mi. on Yi.K?- "fff"- rnnm, 1 j ii o'''V,.;:!,f:;,'.?I.'lE Owm. It. I "0." .'! t? . , ..-""T! 1 . . . 411111UI1 uiiiu. ) HivuiiiiiB i iuhin,u in 8r- II. of FowIcmvIHo will bo hoard f I '' '"""' o? S ISSi!"." If.,,,,,,..,.. Ti t- 1 ,,,, . 1 To all who deHie u, he ill s, el a ropy of llio pre Jl'.'"imellt 1 ,1. oil. "Ileavv . th ., scrlntlon Used fiee of ihaneV with th.. ,ilr,li lor Col Charlod Atiycrotli, . Wm, M. iMcOlure, Captain. Wm. Caudidtii, t.t Lieut, tir. S. 1). Strawbridge, JS( Lieut, Jr. .1. Moore Wilson, 2d Lieut, lt Segeant, Uco. W. Webb, Muney, -' " Geo. W. Utt. Columbn. eo. Md U. J. .Millaid, " 1th " Ueuj. if. i.iyhard. JIutiuy. Otli " J. W. Uvkiu,.. 1st Co.pural, Kd. Tliatelier.Moutour.eo. (1 otiarle.-i .Moirrer, ' 11 WmJI.IL1.H)AJum.y. " fieo. S. 'I'raiiior, " Uco. ii. l,ei, Bloumlmi'g. " .llio. Lansiarjjj.olontoiir eo d lib ;jth tj tii ?th yta 1' 11. -Hosiery. Danville. Joimthaii Haru, Montour to. Jt l.'u'.-ler, Thomtis Firth, .Mitu.) unk. ! " Th... Ue'lVhlcifcr, ilont. Aitilicr, J. li. 11, ild, e, Muney. -'d ' doj. (Jteen, Xonli'd. eo". I'lllVATjy. Adam A. J. iJlooiiiabtirif, Adaim l;bt. I'hila, Arnpjtrery Wm. " Uaiimtt 'I hos. Ooluuibi'i county. lJacliooker IS. li. Jiloomaburg. ilrawlord l-'i-.i ul: , Columbia c. Curry liobt. Montour co. Coopei I'M', ,l " CroA-ly .J. A. L'loomsburg. ykins J . W. Mnney. Dei r John, Lycoming co. loir Jo-hua, " l'ougliei ij Cha. Cheotcr co l''nrvi.r 'l.'oigo, Columbia co. J'ogle Michael, " ' i1!' 1 roll John, Daiivillo. lion, tiiwt'ht 0. X. liycoming co. Ai .11 D J' . " (' Hinlrii.Lon J. Montour " Ifartze'l .1 no. Columbia Jcl.i.jon Wm. If. .Montour '.' Kartslur Itich'd, Philadelphia. Ku!p VAiixp, lianville. Kline J. 8. Columbia 00. Klino Norman, " " Lon' Cli.n. Jj. " " Suphen li. " Mast Jodah, ChoUer " MeMullen John, Jlontour cj. Manning l'hilip, ' " Mazaell Martin, Danvillti Mattis Chu'i. Montour 00. MagH ', IlloOinsburg. Marshall John, Moutour CO, Miller (ieo. Chester " Michcr C. A. Fhiladolphia. MeKwuii Ceo. Columbia co. MeCluro John, " " Miugrove S. " " Mensch Joiiah, l ,( Major Samuel, " I'rieo Claronce, Dauvillo Petitt S. li. Che?ter co. l'ottor 11. J. Columbia co. Koa Henry P. " (t Itobinson Ceo. Montour" Jtambow Alex. Uloomsburg Sharrow A. J. Lycomiug eo. Shoemaker Win. Columbia cc. Shoffer F. W. Muncy Shafor Geo. Chetter co. Hhafor Aaron lllooinaburg. Shultz Jo.i. 11, Columbia co, Stciner John Hloomaburg. Umitli S. J. Montour cc. Smith Daniel " Spado Daniel Columbia co. Thomas L. li. Chester co. Todd Wm. " ,! Tongue Jcmci, Manayunk. Tou.ijuo V.'si. " ,l Trillepieco L Columbia couuty, UttWm.II. " Weidlo J03. Montour co. Waltman I. Muuoy. Wilcox Alvin Columbia co, Utt S. II. Choiter co. Zimmermau C. Columbia co. :o: gits' la tho nppointinont of a consorva tivo Democrat as Secretary of war Presi dent Lincoln has paid a high compliment to tho principles of tho ur.tionnl Demov-ratio ( party. t is an aeJ:nov.-cigmcnt oh " Vu1, part, th is tj o Vuion eannwi; lo restored rur tho t.iov ii' r'Ut 'dmiui'.f K.l o au''-1 iL'i'l'UU iti. I Special iVoticcs. $2S! EMPLOYMENT! l$7il - AfJKNTS WAXTMl! ' Lr("!' M . 8 per month, and nil exoen. P A S II I O N A D L B 0 I O T It I It O P A L I; , 1110 i,.l:?tnl'",- " HAM. CI.OTH1NO IIAZAAIt, suuiuwesi turner or , 1 OURTII A.N'U MARKET 8TUIXTS 1 """Zi "h a 'Sl rAS" , i"10'"' "",c" tuaiicnjo competition. 1',rl,,,"',r t,l'' Hvi-n loCi.iu.ncr Wutk. Oiticat. Lnllurni, also Home Oiinrd,' Suits. &c. wtmv. ham, ci.othixu iiazaak. i Southwest innurof ! 10UB"1 AAI" maiikist mumps, .vv-K itm. I'llTCl! M. t.l'.Vll.'K, Proprietor. (May 1, Ict'il-ltim.) ISrlilMrffl ! lueM'1"! inirrii.ucM of lid. 'I'hls Is lii'lrli tho InrKo-l .tuck of l,i"!, Vnllte-.&r., In lliila.H Iplil.t very i-.iui i.i .i.w.rc. num.. snous an.t liums, (.'rent indiiee- hi; above ntll- ' Uags, Viilicuw, &r.. In I'liiluil, lnlil.i vorv ,i...-,,,'r,,, .,,.1. i v.. i . u.. . . . : . . '.:.-") '..':" ! """"'"w"" 1 UMifuimiiy or Pricoi i-, .v r nre m iiu-incs Lietv dim Iih own inlr simiii ' JUXJ1S u Co. i,( tho I'r. s. nl One I'rliu Clolhing Store, No. CJ1 Market stroc- : .tiiuvuBKtii, riiiiiiiiuiiiinj. , I" -olrtitloit t. Iml.ti! tlm lntgn((, mm varied luul I railil.tnaMf ttnek iil'eiotlilnir in I'lillmli'liiliia, uuulo i l''lrttilIUiil,J,avuto!il,iul,Mli.v';ty miu hi. !'."," "'""""'.I' liavliy ninrkcJ In lignn-K, m u.idi :ir- "r''' Hi" U-r) limu.nitk.'ii nn lieol.l rur th.y fVi!,'' Vs;Mv wy-nll ml l.ny nliku. I Tin-nrf u-.ll npi.tittoil nn.l inaimn-tl, ami sint 1 1'?,',"1111"-'" "''",! ""' "l,lkil,2 tlmt nil .anlmy wlilitlif ; I'll' auraiiiiM.f Cpiltni;a k.piI aitlil nt tli.i ,-ty Imv- t " I'tu-n. Al.n, larolnrk nfpl-co na,U oil i ij m,.i i .-..t imtim.-J!. wiiicn win im i.iauv i l" rtrr. I'l m most miJ lnt in.iiinur, Si in i . . w inv rrtii,i iiriri.j ,. " i-inu 'r iiiu Lfi'sci'iii, lii .Uirkt,nliovi' fiili Fircut MiMTtr.r INinviMi -'I'hcre 1, i.-rli.i ptt tin ili-pnrt 111. Ill of llllllt.ll) 1,11'IIM S III H, 1 1 1 . . ,; ,t,, a imiri' innrki'it niiiitnv.'iiu'iit than in tloi rinlliin,, ,,i' I1""' Nolin.iny i ars mice ollU-er and prlnaos ifro Hi, I 111 ..irmilila nli li I iv.t,, nl.m,l .li,..ii..i.i .pi... li. is. Not uuiiy j i ars mice ollUer and nrlt nio. iuid 1 v:"ri' .1,,"ll' r t',k,liiilii'tuwiirilir niilii nani", lor !"'' l:-pt tli.- .wr : uiulelhuir padded l!r;;'",1?. '"1.,,"l1'l8l.','v""","l'M"1"i"" " ll"r "I'trreat did uliy. Ilntina th" pn .'ill w ,ir, mil ul our v iliiu. ''" r" """i"' tli'r iniHoriiM Ul tliu llroun btmw cintiiim iiaiioninckhiii ,t iviiom, w: nll,i ,ta ' 11 ''"'" lri'1'1' ;'h"v'' !lm wjuIh.n-iiiki. i,iain eio. llilnirtli.ii i . if. ctly easy, nl,.t,iil,i unil 1,,'ionilnK 'l llcm ii imi'.t have h.mj Inreelj nun llio Im.lnim of m m vmt.-ir, Clolluuir, nnd r.icilltn-a (iiiald,. !!'."""'' ''" l.rjft or.l.,rlntho .lnuui.1 pof,ll,lu rfept.91. ItfOl i TO COXSUMPTI 7Z6 ' 'pill'. A,l,orin,'i', Iiirin; lnvn ri-ntur. d to henllhin n ' 1 f,-w weeks, h) a ery -iiiipli: riMiiuily, afier haviiiK , siiU'eri'd several years with a severe luujr alleiiioii, mid , thai dtead', l.'oiiiiiniptiini--U uiimoii tn make Kl,(," "' "i" leimn-riiienn III" mean oi tore i prepinni! and nsinir the p ime, which Ihey wllliin.l a "I KEl Ulll. I'r VO.VL-.H'irON. .ISTIIMA, lIltON'tHHIM, &c. The only ohj-cl of tin) adverllser III semlinir ihe I'io 1 -iriiptioii ii to lii.'ii.'1'it tin.' arlllcted, and spread inforni'i luti whii-li ho eourcitei in he iiiialiiahlo.and lie liojiei. ry .uiler .'r will tiy his remedy, a it will lOi-t them nothing anitm.i provo a 1do-!ii;r. 1'ariKS wi'l.iug the prei rlntion will ph nsn a ldr 's. Hi.. nilWAUli A. WII..-UN. Willi, ii.-if Ijiiruli, Kings Couiiiy, New Vuik Nov. -2. 18dl.-3m. IUBMKX-l.lWttMUXW?RSI.ANSI.U?emrs'JBnUAI N A T 1! 0 N A C 0 A L 0 1 L ! WARIl S"l'i:i) XOX l'..M'I.UdlVi:i mid equal to any KIllKiSllM-l. ill uutf an e piosivB uii. w non n few cuts morn per gallon will fuihlh you w iih h p..rlii Oil I Made, only b'i I'A. H :LT .MAt,'i;rACTIIRlXf3 r;oU'AXV. Xo. ir. Walnut Street, PUtL All Ii I.I'll I A. I'eliy J3., ls-e.', 1 yi ir SAPON1FIHR SaT'ONIFIKU ! ! ,r""nn:f ,maki:u I All Kit. h".i (ireise i.iu he made intogood COAl". y ve',lz B'u o.ui 1 1.11 : .ir:u:trrioxrf At'co.Mi'ANVixi; hacii imx l3i M' is ."tiily ..'.'l.lii Willi it, as iwikiiij' a tup l u.f fe j ,M intifuctureit only by ihe l'ateultes. PA. a.U.T .MANUl'AC'rilr.IKU Cl'.MPAXY. (f, 1J7 Wnluut Stteet PIIU.AI)i:i.l'III. FlllSUJKITII ito ISUOTIIUHS. wiioliibai.e T 0 15 A G C U 3) li A L li It F sy.iu 3 ,s o itTii tii mu st ret five dooTt helow Itnre. riiu.Anr.i.riiiA NOTICH oj a Jiutiua of the Peace. I Tl It. few' sul.seripllons r l.iainliij iiupnld tn the fund of the " Iron (iuards" are not selllcl on or hrfore the first day ".t't'ehrnary i am iu:'.r.irled to r'iiini''nco suit and conn must follow In each imllMdiial ease. 1 M.Chii!ulj..rliii. J P. Teachers Assucialiou. TIIU annual inritln.' of iho Teachers ,'ii-Hortalian of Coluuil.ia I'uiuitv will be held at the Court House Ir Illnouishiiri: on Saturday tliu SJd iust.. nt lDoVloik A. M. There is soiiu inipoitaut huiiuiiss to Ul traucarted !ind ineasiires ur in p.-naress to secure a .'nod utten- . dance nnd make nil int.-iesiinir in.'cliii;. Prof WilU. r will nlienj unil tlaie w ill he a.ldress- I es, usuiys and iliiecussiuus, on several iiupurtant lop irs I All teaehTj an I f'len.lsof educational ditluslon aro ' rC'iieafully iimte I to atlwid, U. J. CAMP HUM.. . JM. 1', IjhJ Ji'cc .Vc'y. , A I) M I N I S T 1 1 A.T U R 'S iWTTciL ' Estate of Pitt r Ajylcgalc, deceased. N DTK 'II is h"i"ihVL'iv.'ii (hutlaiersof Admiiul ration on the e.lnti' of Peter Appeate,l.itu of Jkckrou tw i , f'c,lamlHn'nunty,di'ce'iseil,li.H'"i lieeii eniiiledfcy lln-ltc tf Istrr of said Couniy -,to j.'rhii.i lii.hbins. who residis I in tliu mum town. hip. A'l persons h iv iu;rcliiiiin or do. i.iamls.'nalnsttlie e.,ialci of tliu do. udi nt ure rquestel to present tliein for settlement, and those indebted to i iiiuke payment without delay. - JOSHUA 1I011IIIXH, I'eb 15, lt?oj rr. .j.mV. 01' VALUABLE" KKAL KSTATB. in pursuaneo oi'uu order of 4111 L'uutt f Common Pleas of Columbia uuiiuy, on Sittut'day, tl.o eighth day of March next, at 10 fi'rtmli 111 Ihe forenoon, Ilnry Ilelwij nnd John Unrig CKiuniiit. e ol th.' person n'.d evintu of John (irnlriui n lunatiu of Uoarrirereek town. hip In tliu county of Columbia i.foresnid ; ivi'l expose to bv public vcii.luu 11 ;j . n til j premises the undivided one iiflll p.irl mi l nli-o Hi,' iimlii ul.'d one fourtli part of tlu imdlvl led one llfih purl siil.jeit to tlio lit'o ettnto of Jin ry tirahamtliomothiirof the Mini John nil that certain tract of l.iii J situate in tlio township oi'Koariiie crcek ul'oreaid, bounded by lanilj of ,Mi, h.iel 1'ederoll'. Illijali Horn, William Yocuui and lllljuh Voimn, cou t uuiui! uboiit elirht acr more or less mi which aro rrccU.d, u IVniiie Ilo..b a i,c,' barn and outbuildings. Tim ednte oi'llio said John Uiuhun in the .aid priiii iies. JAC Jil UVUItl.V. HoarJngcreik, r'cb, 15, IfvJ. 1 I'nsth'y No.?. 'J, II, la, 15, 17 Courtliindt Street, Xll.Mt UI'.UAUWAV, XBW YOUIv CITY. Tins olil ilahlilicd nnd favorite report of the ll.isl nu.s Couiui' has bcim recuntl rciltted. and is cum plelu in evcr)lhni! that can miHi.l.'i' to t.'u cumforts of It. p.iuous. L.nlR's and i'.ui.ilie are.pici.iliy and iaro fully proii,l:d for. Jt Is ceutta'.ly located in the huipus part of the city, anil is contiguous to the principal lino ..fsluawUuuu, cars, oiuiiibusses fettles, cc. in coiikepiuncu of thsprussuro caused Ly the. lUhel liou, price, have bueiicduced to One Dollar aid I'ifty Cents per Bay. 'I lia table is amply supplied w ith all the luxuries of llio H-tisou, undisc pial 10 thai of any oilier hotel in the country. Ample accommodations tiro unered lor upw ard of 400 guests. JV" Do U'.l ledlevo riiniiers.lrickiuon, audotlur wlu may say "the Western Hotel i. full." I). I). WlxcilUSTMt, Proprietor. Tims. i). wi NX-Miami. IVb. 13, IM'I. ADM1NISTU ATOll'S NOTlClJ. filiate of George I'. MiUtr, deceased. vrOTirr. is Mor-hy giv. 11 Unit I. Murk of Adiiilni.lia tl'UIOIHlUe uie 11 n rge 1: ,11111 lute of Ccu Wii-hip t ' In ei. . "il'li ' 1 1 1 1 . h v r. u 11 r t J II l . l, 'l , I .,"! ( 1 d 1 11 I I y II' 't I 1. r ' 1 ,1 "I 1 I ' III 1 1 - ' 1 I d s ' ' I I I I J 1 I I . It III ' J J II fH". Itl f I ' I ,r t I J"U' v rp r STATEMENT Of the Finances of the County of Colum- liia Pa., from the fast day ofJanuaftj, ioui, w mcjiru any oj January, iso'2. ttllo ami niljiut Hie puMic I lOlinlV linvrl rivilnihio.l ll, y r January, Mil, to thn ll day rntniirirnlttf lu l.AA.rn II I alilo llio Jinlp:. of llio C'oiul of l'oiiiiiiimi I'loan, lh rut-' I Inn ll.lnlil. I.I nn.l ......I - . .,....... ' I :r ' 11 pin in ui" sail pat- nini.ftli,i "'Actofih(! (icncrnl AmcinWy ofiil Com-: tniinwo.ilili, paMcil tliu lli day of April, A. I)., Ki ! Attwwwm u u ,b"1 cmM-! Jan, I HI I, To tatm nntntnndlns, Minn? do dn caih In Trc.iiri't's liainls "'JOJS.Id ' Jan, ,l i, Tn rnli or J. J. i;-irii, ai), todps I, n,T7 i lib. olliioui-li i iif S. !' rodiwniud 4(1,11 1 Ivn. 0, To cnuli of IV. Coir, nlil iron, IIH. I I'll. II, To cali of J, flalhrinlli, land rciltcmvil, '.".MJ ' Julie, Ain't of Co. tux .nVd fur Iridl, f,t" -H u" mo Diiui; in. lus'il lor iwu, elul.d!) I ,do AiiitciilircrAlrroiiunllilary nir'd ISOI, TI.OH , (.HI. in ten day m.ot.iiuiit. a hi . .Nuv, u, To caf h nr A. l.llley, J. r on .ale uf I nn cn fay, g .j ! I'J.To cali rcccivi'd for iho of Coiitt llnoni. J'no I liay. IU It.,. ..... .... '..t.. ..,, ..... . . . . Z " " II. Ilaynun, dx'd, Il'if. Tn Nnie or I!. Ilaynnn'. aJln'f 'lo liitcrc.t of llio saiiio, 10,7.1 S'),i I 4,1:1 S'.'lifiOl.OI) l!y ati'trtiitstaiidlngfor ltr.l and preiloe. ycat, Ily Ions alloy.'uil collortom lly commls.ioiis;, ,tp ,id Ily unlcr redeumod, lly Tif-.tftircr' coin, on POUl.Od, llylnl.inci; on tho almlcnient an per Auditor (uinl'ii K'jpnrt. dated Mur. SjiIi, IdHI, I,y am'l of tfinto tax pj, tsimo Treasurer Ju ly '-Mill, lai.l. lly lauli In hands ufTrcas. duo Co., S75.'.1,01 ai:i,2.5 BrO,M7 0131,70 3CU.UI) 5o,U3 fJJ0,13 421,03 SJOOUI.O'j IJXPKXiJITIJitlJS. ' Aaiossun pay, .pitnz Js"!jnient, do do trluniul aisef siiiont, 8H'),i'.l IJLM11 $70:1, $100,1,0 AaillCUIrUUAl, HOCIKTV. Ain't paid County Ajr. Sorkly, Ai;i)ITOI!S AXI) Ul.liltK. Ain't paid Auditors and Clerk, Ain't paid IV. Wirt Hir auditing, I'rothnnetnry's and Iluglstur'sait'j 4(i,.VI 1J..VH S.w.uo U0,'J.) fj07,ia Soon 10,1111 111,01) 5 no .1,0' I 3,d .1,0'J 5, (H I 5.H0 .'..nil 5,11 1 j.OO 5.00 o.uu mttiKii: avii tjo.u) vinwf. Ain't pli'l pcisulH, lll.AXK IlOOli-. Ain't piid miadry per.or,., 1,1k. book, 1IUA1U) 01' HUM lit'. Ain't paid Uosunua Chafer, do llli lh 'til Hmethtrs. hi do do ilo do do do do do .do .111-..' .Malioney, .M.iU.'inl MKiiir, .M.irj J. 'I'liorulou, .Mrs. Patterson, .Mrs. Diehl, .Mrr. Tijlur, .Mrs. l'owlir. .Mrs. .Miiry Jane Maiinlnir, .Mrs. i: n. Kosallnda Warner, do ;nraii Miuoiis, I'.ii.l f". M,i.) & J.lmn, Hoard of Jtcllcf, $10,11(1 jS'jnviXi $5 1,00 $17,00 'OAVMONWUA1.TII COST3. Ainoiint paid .iiudry persons, i ;o x d r a 1 1 1 . i :,s' ii i :t a n X.-3. Amount p iid ut the si vornl courts, cot'iir cnimt. Ain't p ud couit crier durin? tho yiar, ci.haximi coritT iiocsii;. I". I Ann Loiif, clranlu'j court house, t.'OUXTY l)Utl,l)l.(.'. Amount pal.l for ripalrs done to count lmil.!iii"s darim. the year, li:i,U'J JUnOllsi IVACIW AXI) JIIM'.ACU. i'aid Jurors at th..' con its, IS-5J.CG 3I30,.V) Ul.ll.i 7?.!i!l 3J.5J 3:0,4 J li 1,113 '.'1.11 t'illXTIXU. Wm. . J,,cnt,y, Levi l.'Cate, a. n. rate. , I'jlemeii John, IT.MTnXTIAUY. I' mil Eastern State Penitentiary, PUOl'lIOXO I'AtJY. Paid Jacob Uycrly, roai'Atn:. Amount paid l'alcmon John, 11DA1) PAMACliy. Paid William Cole, llentun, do Jaou She, p. Ma.ilsou, do .Mrs .M. li.irlou, do Jaottjs Sanke . Srott. ilu Joliu Melick, do lo IMer Mcllrk. dn' 1I0 J.icol. Steller s hei rs, Aladi on, ' 110 Weslv tlowmau, Oriuge, do Jacob Af Ii, lleuion, do Aaron Kvrter. jr.. Ml. Pl.'asant. do John ri:nllli llenton, do Dennis Pursel, llluum. du dross li Kudu, do do Stepli. ii Kuhii, do do John Watts, (IroeuwooJ, du .Mir.M. A. l'ttrikui, L'luom, 5,15.00 ;, sou 1:11 t.0,00 SO.U,) w.uo 10 00 10,0,) U'1,00 lo.ou 7,01) 75,00 i!5,0J DJOO 10,0,1 iu.oo 97IS.00 S4:hi,,io aieo-u niiinar, ar.PAitse. Amoun. pa.c John Hut 011 Contrait. do ' Da; id Savage, f,dld,tff; S'JI'J.-Ii SI 19,50 Iti.flO no 50 13,50 100,00 iliiltifir, Itni'ATltS. mt. paid sundry persons for repairs, COMMIriaiO.Nmtii AXII CI.M1K. t.'eorgu Miller. Josenli I!. Pattun. William, Charles II. Hess, Hubert C. 1'ruit, CVfrt. CO.M.MISSIO.VllKS' ATTonxr.Y. Amouni paid John (J. rieczu. Att'y. 11 1 TP. 1 f JT .V ITO d .X II V . Amount paid II It. I.iitle, Hist. Attorney, i:li:ctii:x i:.puxsi:a. Spring elccliiiu swiarliig luticcrs etc. Speci il eteitiou, lloncr, .1 election, 00,00 07,00 to.o.-. a'..o,uo 450,'JJ $U5i,ai $100,07 SH.'dd i37,0l '.'5,77 S.13,01 $0 OQ 50,0,) poy axd wti.i) cat scalps Amount paid bund.-y persuns, rur.i.. Amnui.t paid for coal and wood, IXCIIIUXT.U.. Amount paid sundry persons, l.VSCIt YNCU. Ama'U'.t paid Lycotni.ig Insurance Co, IXliUt:ST.i. Amount piid sundry iihuoiij forln.ldir.g In. quests Uurliis 'l-' y.'Ki, iiuiiisTr.ii tz lini'oitiir.i;. Pai l 1). I.eo, recording Treasurer lion I, do do lor copying alphabet to Alortgige Hook, BHCnirPM DIM. Airount paid John Snyder fur convyin Clark Price . t. nl to Penitentiary Pat J John Snyder board Sir., for prisoners. Paid J. II. I'lirmau forboirding prisoners, ice. S.'SI.OO JI5.fl '.'li.'IO $033,73 SL'P.YUYOrt. Paid Dolon.nn I.'cjliard fur Surveying, and making tiiup lor rouuty, I'ai.l P. W. Shster, surie.Wng county lino be. twetii Columbia and Schuylkill coiimlcs STATU UO.II1 AXI) COU.VTY M.N'L', Paid James Masters running state road ihroivli Pine township, i'aid Ccorgo Mack ut. ul. running county line between Columbia d Lucerne, TIl'-gTAPI'S. Amount paid at courts. tax i:s niirixtinn. Amount of road and poor taxes returned 10 township. Amount to John Hon 1, SI3-','.ii Whole aniountof orders i.siied It 01 . Deduct uniutiht of taxes refiiudid, i:.vpcndJturoa for tlio year 1S01 C'10115,00 l3-.lid t'S05U,li'J Wo, f ho undersigned Au.lllnrs n( tho rnuntv of C.,1. iniibia being duly Uecd to adjust and setiu the ue. oounts ct' tho Treasurer uud t-'oiniiiissiouers, havo careiuuy uxanuueu mu ari'ouuts unit vouchers ol tliu same, from the lirtt day of January, A, I). Irlil, to tho llrit day of January, A. I). I -ti'.. do certify that wo liud them eorroit as act l'oitll 111 ihe foregoing staUmeiit, and tout vvelliid u batauc , dun Columbia county of t-VUIt ltu.vimr.n am iwluius jixu Tllltl'.ti CKtfru, from John A. PuiiHon, Treasurer cf said comity, ulvcii under our hands this seventh day of January, A. D. lt. (IPOllGI! AI. HOWCI.L, 1 r. jua. 11. k.MTT 1. ;. JOI1XP. POWM'.lt, J Auditors. Attent-UxMrt. Lie, (Vrrt', We, the undersigned Commissioners of Columbia 1 county, do ceiul'y thin Hiq foregoing is .1 rorreil state 1 until uf tlio accuuuts 01' said rounty for the year !4II, j In icktiiuouy where,, t o e havo hereunto set our hands 1 this sev'untll ihiy ui Jitnoarv A. 1). le'oS. , jLiSlil'tl It. p iTi'oV, )Coin!iilsslonerii WILLI M I AM"V, i pf t IIMILI S II HI..?, VColumbiac-". All'tt- r,C 1 i'i r. t t . Appr 4' ii, t -jt Iclneaiv till ' r'! .1. I'lll I. (Ulll , A.. I 1 'o i 51 u xN"LDr 1 'uriim, 0- -n m - 1 . 1 I - 1 1' l ' 1' 1 JtliCEll'TS FOIL JANUAltr TO Tltli COLUMBIA DEMQQRAT. Tho following aro tho receipts to tlio ofllco oftho Oor.u.MiuA Du.MocitAT, during tho month of January, 1802 ; J, M. Jot,niitnii,M. II, $ llloolnnli'rg l C'liurcli, t. Jnt.nnlnii.M. II. .'0 DO Hon. Win. Kliimv. .1 0 0(1 ' llol.tor Olymcr U S(i nr. . W. VVImley, II, K. I IIIK I.IimiI. U. II, Ilrnrkivav ,1 OlJilon A. C llainiicy, I 00 William ltunvnn, 1 I t. I lliiiiv-ni I.cwls Aiipltnian, Wm. Old, Hon, Win Hopkins " (!ud II Holland, " I.. II. I.allar. (I.ll.llnyliiirfl. Clltlia A. 1'invlcr, lion. I'ctcr tint, Allchai'l llrlllaiii, nilan Krnin. It. 1-, Hiurkcr. John Hnjdrr. Hon. Alirnlinni Peters " J. A McC'ullOili, Wild. U. Ilayliiirst, M. D, 50 Henry lllttuiiliciidct. fiO&imucl Slcllcr, a.j, i;vnni, J. 1). Wrtkhclxr 1 7 John Keller, (Orango) Jnmci Hoal, John Miller, lion.Uco. y.Tntton, Halnuel llct. a 2J 1 50 11 All John t-'inllli. MHVin, llclkr, 01 Till) Farmers' Firo Insurance Co., or judum:. ruxNA. Offlleo In Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania Amount of property Insured Jan. 8, lPfjl. Amount tlio p. 1st year, Anion ii I surrendered the paM year, Sl,30!),l.'ir, I.W.Hll MH'MKiU l,)7 Total nm't Insured Jin, (i, ltOI, g 7,i7,-'rij Amount ul' premium notes in iorce Jan. Stli, , l"l. , r.!),.VJ7 Oil Aiuouiit f incinluiu taken pant year '.':i,ij J 117 Kt,.'i7a 13 '-J'.'.M Aiuouiit of notes rannlled past year, Premium notes in force January filli. '63, 1M,3JB 7fl in Urn 'I reaeury, ami um't loaned January Mh, ism, i,3M 05 'I u amount of premiums collected tlu part y,'!" i,au II lo amount of interest cullertod put yenr. s.l ai To amount oflnleri'st ilun and unpaid, m in To aiuoun duutrutiJ agents, mi iiu 3,001 50 t" 00 7 eo 37 50 30 'JJ 7 no 50 00 c I.-. II v loss of Hoffman i: Co, damage, by lire, lly llip ciom, llxci ulive Coiumiilee, and Pres. ideal's tinoiieiisalioK, lly amount paid for printing i:epi,rf,lllauk,&r.. lly nmouni paid for stationery, postage d. fuel, lly amount refunded, lly amount ofotlice rent, lly amount paid for n.lju.ting rlalim, Ily nmoiint of Seeretary's conipeusatlon, Py 'I reus irer's coiuinls.ion, lly nmnuut at Interest, bnlauco ill tho Trea sury, and ain't due, S'.M 5tl ao eo To ain't of orders not presented for paj incut, 3,l)u' 1 00 S3.0U1 50 issurs or TltK tOMPASV, J ixuxuv Cth lrO'.'. Amount losiioilat intt rest, j,7), n,, duo from o-'euls. jm ( (l " Interest due and uupai I, ItiM " Uilancu 111 thoTreasury, WSi;? Surplus fund, Amount of premium notes, in force Jan nth ltfii-', Amount of ndic..' furiiituie. Including lite proofs.ife, '.'.5-.V5 77 9J 3:0 7H S00 00 t'5 0.'.J5.5 3J3 110 Amnittit of liabilities, ami m:jii3to,l claims, DIHLCTOIlrf: A'orlkumbtrlaad Ceuntii Wm. I'ollmer, llg't., Abra ham .S'liiinan, Hilda John, l'ct.r llnughawoiil and Isaic lildlctpach. Vnu'eur Cimiiln Abrnliaui Wngnrt, William Vorks John .MeWllllaiin, John Vought.jr. and Jesse (iicsli. VolumliiaL'oHnlij JJnuiiiuel hazarus. M I. Ai. pieman, David W. Ciailc, 1). A. Uowmuif.aud Kaiuuel Snyder. ouriciius. rresldeiit-W-l. I'OI.I.Mntt, i:, Vice 1'rufidrnt Wm. YOilUrJ, fieiretiry P. JOIIXSO.V. TreaMircr-SA.MCT.I. YOP.KS Jr. 'I'lie Uirettora ofthe 1'armers' .Mntuiil Tiro Insurance Company uf Middle IVmisjUaiiia.take pleasure in lire seining their Third Annual Statement, to tho meinhrs of . aid Company. 'I'l e Company has pnssed m arlv three mars operation, wilh, perhaps, less loss than uiiyoih r'Com piny in the State, in propoitloh totho amount of prop 1.1U iuured. 1 ile many stock Companies have keen romp.M.'il 10 a.h ancu ll.oir rates fo." lusuruuco, and mutual Com paui. s, having town anil manufacturing properly 11 sur. .1, have made lienvy assessmiiits to meet their !o-s. es, tl." Pinners' .Mutual of Middle I'enna , liaj been in cr..i ing;ti bu-mess and rapilal, and able to meet all liabilities w it.iout nssessmunts, tin il cacli year e how s uu increit-e of ,urplu fund,1. 'I'lie l.'omp.iuy i.i mutual, and condnde by vs J.arai;. let to tlmexi lu-ive liisuraaeu of country property. Tin refer..' oil', ring to the I'urmer, and oth 'rs owning country piopertv. .1 '.afe and reliable insurance at rates only'iiiiup f. Ui'i rl.k, 'J'lie Di.Letors feel roiifl lent tint under ordinary cir cunist.inces, Ihe I'nrini rs' .Mutual, w ill meet the expec tations of lis most sanguiiie frienils. , . IV.H. rot. I, .MI1U, PreLidunt. 1'. Joits'ON', Secr't.TV Duuwllo, Jau.t'th. ldo.'.-3t. N OTIC 10. ALL persons knowing thems'lves in any wic indebt cd to Uie sulvcriber ars hereby notiileil tint nit arcounts must bo speedily . lined up, or they will bo put in the hands of proper olflctrs I'or eolpi tion. I must iiav my aironii's-;!ed1 come forward, settle upan.lnniM.i.ts 1!. .MIINOLXIIAI.I.. Jan 11, MV2-41. TIIU undersigned, would tor pectrully mforiu the cili zens ol lllojiinburg, and tin. public generally, that ho lias opened a NE IV s no ', In the frame building lu' dy orrupie.l by CharlJs II. Noll whrehe -s prepared to execute sn.v.'ixn. 1um1wr.ss1.xa .wo m.uwooi.w. In the bast manlier, despatch, and to ceueral satis, !;!"" OUO. N. AUDIiUX.' llloonifbuie. J.'ov. i.l, 1?(U. 3m. Ti- MULLIGAN, l.MPOin ilK OP ALL KIXDM Ol' PS W SKJL1 AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY, No. 'Ill; North S'.cond Strcil) AHOVr, WILT.UW. riULADEl.FUL'l. Nov. to, 1 Mill Proprietor of this well-known and centrally loci ! JL ted llouje. the Hsritvvov Uo. ll, situate on llai. Slreut, In lUonuislnirz. ly jnositc the Colutu hia C.viuty Court llousj, r p 'cU'uliy i.iforms Ins I'ruuds ' I and the public 111 grmernl, Ihat Ins Houbii la now in or 1 dor f.v the rei epuoii nndei'.terlaiumi nl of travelers wlu I may feel disposed 10 f ivor it with their custom. Ile bus ' spared no expense in picpuiing the i:.n mNut' forth.' enti rtaiiimtut of li.s L'UC-ts, neitlier shall th.'ro be any thing winning (011 his part) to minister lo their pursoni l comfort. His house is spacious and enjoys an uxcelli nt ; business location. I.y Omnibuses run at all times bctwocn llio nxchingn Ilnti 1 and the various Kail lload Depots, by which tniv ' olers will be pleasantly conveyed to nn.l from thu re spective Slatimu 111 title time lo meet tho Cars. I W.U. li. KOOXS. iiiooniii.nrs, Juty 7 uco- HMIH GENESEE FAllM&ll. UriTAOMSlinD IX 1831. RlItMEJt'V OWN PAPER. THE Tho Cheapest Agiiculturnl Paper in Hi) World! ONLY PIPTY CI'.XTS A YUAIl. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE I j I'ul'Iishud for thirty year in "no oftho best wheat and fruit regions of Amend, with correspondent in nearly every Slate and in Canada, it contains Information ct great iiili rest and iinpurtaiieu to every farmer, gardener .111.1 iruil grower, o farmer cm afford to bo withuut il. It costs only fifty cents .1 year' and coiitalds moro agricultural and Iiortnulturi! matter than tiioet oftho weeklies, ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS. Of the London, New York, Philadelphia, Uocluster, liullelo.Uilcago.Ciiiciunatti anil Toronto markets are glv. tn In each number. All tho leading foreign mid Amer ican journals are recelvod, nnd spicial pains nro taken to givo tho latest and most reliable information in re gard In tlio state of tho irops nt homo unit abroad. A copy tit the pan, r sent freu to all who wiih to cv amine it. Addri ss, JOSllI'll UAltltlS, Pl'CLlSllLlt AND I'l'.niU'.ILTOa, lloiliister. X. Y. T Agents wanted everywhere, to whom the must liberal oiler nre made. WOOD OUTS FOR SALE. Wl! will n il Stereotype of the Woo l Cuts used in tho (Unutut ;',ri,.r and Rural Annual Horticultural Di rectory. A Look MUitttlniug impressions of over Seven Hundred of these run will be sent to those wi.bliin to purchase on ihs leeeint of 50 c. uls. The Imnk 1 ouiulna an index, .bowing while disiripnons of tint cut, will b found, Ad.lrcs., JoblU'H IIAHU,--'. PejiBnm, N. V l"C ; jpi 1 I10lsE FOR SALE. Art": " lii-- v- 1 w 1 bi rolil dp 31 tnap II ' , M ,. g. ... j, , TATE. FILES 11 AR1UVA L -OP- -roil- PALI ANMVINTBR! Villi undersigned, grateful for past palrnnagr, respect I rally Informs lilscilstmuorn and the publli guiiurally that he has Jut received from the ll.isterno cities, Hi largest and mnst select stork of FALL AND WINTER urw 'v up ; 1 n up-. that has yil been opened In lltoom,t,i;rir, tn which lie Invite tho attention of his frl. nils, mid assures them that they nro oll. red fur s.lo M t. at haigalns. His Utock (nmprlsen a large nssorlni 'iit of'A l X'fl WIl.Mtl vn Appahim. Coulslliig n IVinr.iieu' Dnt'.s Coats, of cvorv ile. y. m mi. oiiiii", rmnis kiockis. i.'oiuut HamlKorchlcfH, (Jlovcn, Huppi'iuiVrj, &c. GOLD WATCHES A X I) JEWELRY, Ofevory desprlpllon, fine and rlicao. N. Il.-Ilcmeioher " Unrcnhcrg'a Chtup Kmnorium." call and see, n rhirgn for cx imint floods. , . IIAVII! LOWIlXlll.Ilfl. Ulooinsburg, Pepleinlier JcuJ. (Jue lf5f.) AMBROTYPE, PHOTOGRAPH St MELAII.'O PYrrj amuuotvpks, PiioToaiiAPira, Melaliiolypes. ftc, taken in Clcuilyns well as Clear Uealhor. Atuliruiyp.'s and DaJiierreolype. copied and l.lilarged. 1 iVO R TIL DA iY rLLE, FA . Dee 21, lsdl. C II ITTEND E N ' S i'niLlIUMJMU.V (OMillEIU IAL. COLL E a E. V. E. corner of Ilk and Chestnut Streets PHILADELPHIA. Tills Ixsriiri'ioi, whlrli wis plabllhrd in Irfll. nnd is now consequently In th" ilff.tfitth near of its exist, enec, nuiuh.'tsainomr Its ftrattu itcs, liundreds of the Merchants .'nid lluslucss Men of our Country. Tin: Oiiiurr of ihe Institution is solely toairordyoims men raeilltios lur thorough pieiuialloutor biislnts.. Tin: IliiiNciiM rAiiiui are, llufk-Ueplng, as applica ble tnthe larlous departments of trade; 1'tnmatuhu, both plain nnd ornamental ; CViMnccio law, Millie miltcf, .,irii'onii Ciei( Kngiunrlug, Drmrin.', I hon ostrphy, unj Midern lAngnoti. " TiuSytu.m or Isi.biltios is j nn clauses or set lessons are made n-e of, but each -tiident is taiiglit linliil.lually, so Hint he may commciieoot any lime, and attend at whatever hours arc most eonvunleiit OvriuwcEs are Issued oniiMf'jafior the I3tli of April containing uniuos of the students for the year, and full particulars of terms, &c an 1 may Its obtained ai any time by udilrosing ihe Principal. Au. o!tuniTiovs, vbl'-tprcatl repvtation and the lengthy tificrimtc 'S ihe Principal, ihis Institu tion oCers tacililies superior to .my other 111 the ioun try, for young men wishin; to prepare lur business, and to obtain nt the amo time a nit'LOMi, iMIcA Kill pioce a rccommtiidation for tliein them to any .Merchan tllo House. 3j"Cutri.NDis'sSorii Trtnlltti dn Itnon KrKe. isn. now nor.1 widelycironlatu Ithan any other work on the subject, are lor sale at the College. s noncuii curri'i:xi)i;v, Jttiorncijat-Lav, l'titxcirAt: Jan. aj-lpii'I 13m. BAUCtTS EERTILiZERS. B A U G II AND SONS, WantJl'acliirers & Propriclors, Mora, iVo. -M South If'harvcs, R .1 W-B 0 NE Super -Vhosplutfc of Lime. Little nead he said tn reenminn,t this nrtido its ne. ruli.'.r 111 r.11 ai a 1 : :f,i ei" and li:liug manure hiving nr. nly established it in the popular favor. We would state however, that not only having a continued earn to maintain its standard i-llic.icy, we huve sought tn ren der it more immnlmlc i it atihu, by the addition of a sm ill quantity of hc-t Permian rjnaiio. Wo do not claim by this improvement, (which was made duriii" the past ear. nnd without puLliely notum the f.ut.lour Suptr-Paosphatci., r.nilor.vl any more Instills in it-tell-ict, or 111 any wnv heiiuf.ieil, er.oept i.i ensuring n quia or union 011 np(.iication. unci:, 13 per U000 lbs. cash. GROUND RAW BONES. This mtlclo is ground without any previous prepa Ml ton, and contains all the organic mailer of the bones It is warranted pine. piuce 535 per 2000 lbs. cash. T7 Tho above Jlauurcs can bo had ofrocular Deal- c"l0foI' UAUiiH ,t soxs, 1. . . ,Jf" 30 So"11' rthmvc, Philadelphia. 1 ebruary 15, lSC','-:iui. ' oaaairsiD sirAifiaa liiaiu TA.MAQUA, PDNN'A. Pascengi is .lino hero on Uu passage of each Train. 11. AI. MERRICK, Priypriilor. T.imaqui, Jan 1, 1607. wmiwAssWj $2 fia.i'fi', iV. E. corner third and )a-h Streets, PHI LA J) EL PA 1A . Ilat.s madu to order, cfauv .3iyle or Umlity st S,.jtt Notice, J iniiary 4. l.-GJ.-Cin Pi!ftdfp!ii;i & Rending Hail Itoad. 1 FINTER AR IIANGEMENT ti .issiu ueauing) Dnwnrtn Philadelphia, it ti.'JO ami II A 31, li 110011, and 1 P M. L'p, to Putlsvill ". it 10,50 A M, and 5 13 P M. Wf.ST, TO LLIIANOX AXD HAItKISIIUlll! : Wostorn llxpiess fiom Xe'v York, al 1,07 A M. .Mail l'r.iins, at 10 Z3 A 31, and 5 ti p M. On Sandnys, Cij Down A .M Train passing Hcadiu;', at tl.CO A 31 and L'p Tram, at 5,57 P M. Iloth 10,5'J A M and 5,13 P M, up Truins connect at Port Clintuii for Tauia.pi.1, Williamspoit Uiiulrn, Dull nlo, Ningura and Cau ida. The il',50 A .M, 'l'rai 1 only connects at Port Clinton for Wtlkesbarr 1. Siranlon and l'llt-tun. Tin West :ru llxpress Trains innnect nt llurrlsburg with H'-pres Trains oil llio Pennsjlvailii for Plttsbure, and all points West : and the .Mail Trains connect ut llariisburg for Lancaster, Chnmbcrsburg, .iiuibury, WilliaiiKputl, Lock Haven, lllmira and tho Canadas, Tlnoiijli first Cl us Coupon Tickets, and P.migraut Tickets at reduced Funis, tn all the principal poiutsii till .S'ultll and West, nnd the Canada'. CO.M.MIJTATIOX TICKCTS, With ai Coupons. Co percent dlscoui.t, betwci.". any (.emu Uo.iieii. .MII.UAGi: TICICIITS, flood for 30Cfl luiles, Letween nil points, atSlo-fir ramilies and llusinoss Firm, nnd tai Ttdutu, good for tho holder only, for three months, in any 1'nssuiei r train tu i'lulaib lpliia, ut 10 each, school Season Titb its one-third less. U" Passengers will tiko Hie Uxprese Train West, at the lUTilll DLTOP, and all oilier Train, at the LOW UltDliroT. 1-0 lbs of b.tgjago allowec carli passenger Passengers aru re'iuesled to purchase tlioir'I'ick ets before entering Iho cars, aa higher Pare ciutged if paid in cars. Up trains lea"n llliilailelphiafor Uenling IlarrUborg and Pottsville nt d A .M, 3,15 P M, and at 4,3d P 31, fur Heading only. llvcitrsioii Tickets, good for nno day, ly fi.OJ A, 31. Accommodation Trtun to I'hllaiielphia nnd return stSJfcOemh. C. A. XlCUI.l.i, .GcHtralSvptrintctiJcnt. January I, l?o3. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER ! JUST reeelvod from the iiianufactorics In lioston, an 1 attic!; ofmostuAcellenl quality. I cli'illengu umip,- ' tilmu u to silc and priee. 'i lie undersigned Imrders to inatgli nuy of thu Style uu hand-and is' theonly Kxiierletieud Pai'sr 11 vMiru .11 this Section of the Ciiunty-liive my I.Mcu.ive Stuck mi lUamtuutiou hsTorn 1' ii j " Call at ttup'ti 1 IV 1 1 O.Tko V 1. THORNTON n.ior.i ir .Mar . -' I f 1 . W A N T E D. Ml' Mi 01 L'P I til I' ltiU'r a hinp e. ceisy H is- Jr I, 1- rnilE WEEKLY JOURNAL OF JL coM.Mr.iici:, ro ovn sviiscninttis. Tin) npproaeliiiJH Nmv Vein Is n good lime for re newlng nubsi ill, lions and increasing the rlri illation to tho Journal of Commerce. Wonddrns. ourselves loth, old ri mlers of Ihe prper, with entire . .nin.lrnc.i In their willingness to aid us, and in extsml thn Inlluonco of the sound conservative priiulples nnd inntHls which bnvn III I Itot ics chatnrtotld and irill le reaftet tbirac torlie this paper. I'.vkrv fcssisnikn In the Journal o. Cnmmeico might don (treat suriice to tln s'i prliietpie, nnd slreiigthoii us In our nblltty to support nnd ciriu Into tlioni, by sending lis Ihe nniiie of nl leait 0110 new siihscrlher In his town. Devoted llrmly u we Imvo tnon In our country's In terests, mid have lung been culled "I iiion Hitlers'' ns K term of reproach, we lire mi l slisll be llio litlii upliuld crs of TDK PXIOX AXI) Till! COXBTITCTlO.V opposing with heart ntul pn every niati.Houtli or Xorth j mho is an enemy loeiuier. livcrj lorm ol ilitnrgniil.ii- u'.ii sun levoiunnii win iinu us rcany tor trie commit. -Ainnng the foe. ofthe American Union am! American) priuripli we rank side by side. AllOMTIOXISU AXD fll'lCI'.'HIOXD'M Mid we proinow I til nil our tlr.'iujlh In ilefeiid the im llou ngiiiiislllie nl links of both. Weln ltfiig tu im polltlcul parly, owe obligations to no government or parte patronage lint teinlu til all respects our Independent figlit tn uphold Ihe good while ne op pose Ihe had, of w hati vcr name. Wo nre linn d. fenders 0, CHUIdTIAXlTV AXI) CHRISTIAN' !OKAMT. in public and priinte life. Without publishing n rclig. Ions newspaper, or making any pretences in religious character, we shall be found hcroullcr. what wchaie li Tetofore been, the only daily newspaper in Xew York Willi II Is 1 .inducted w lib con. i (tent regard to tho senti ment. nlTll.t.tlull tl-.. ,U I. .. t. : : . ... ..... , , v ,,, , ,,in uo too r-an , hiitn, and we aro able to issue as good n daily pnper nu .Monday morning as any otllco wliicli viojlslee llio day of rest. f ' Por the good iiillacnre ofthe Journal of Commcno in ui,.' niiiioii. wo ruer in me record ofthe past. In times ol trial it Is our aim tn enrourase, in times ot doubt to cheer, tu limes of. m in in, 1,1 tn m'ni the in nil. Tho Joiirunl of Coinmctie is the livid Commcrcinl Paper in Americii. The merchint. the farmer, th- mechaiilc. the profess lal 111.111. 111 short every newspiprr rendi r will hud II better suited to his wnnts than miy other weelily Issiitd In tho metropolis. The imm,.isc reentini-sj of iho es t.iUi-liiuont. th grow thofnearly forty i,,irs, im lulling eorre-poiid. ncs; In all iarts of the world, telicruphii reports fiom the shores ofthe Atlantic nnd the Pacific, mark, t and uiouey news ; full accouiila ortliu war, free from scnsniiou rumors, larefully prepared stateuienis 01 the business ofthe eounlry. tables of prices, foreign and domestic; a carefully ptepared C A T T L 1! M A It -K L' T, iillngrtli.rtnalila us to furnish n Weekly ii.ipor wliicli will abundantly satisfy Ihe wants of every mail, what ever his employment. Notwithstanding the enormous expenses imade necessary by these uirangeni ml-, we are able to publish thi: ciii:api:st wutnav pailik in Xew York or America. We appeal to our readers In ihe present crisis of our country sallalrs, to nid in giwiia Im leased circulation to the prim liles ofthe Journal of Commerce. Wc do not suppose we havu one reader who 1 mild imt iflm will, take the- opportunity, send us tho nunc of friends tu swell our list. may he organi.e, in rnmiuuniilos w ith great advantace The present . the best perio.l fir their roiiinienccmeiit the terms on uhi'li we can luruish the papei are us lollows; To companies taklmr ao copies! or itpw urds 13 copies d nojiies 1 copies 3 copies Under .1 copies - . . OXn DOLI.AK, each--mi ill:: noLi.ut. IKS six iivi: rwo each. 'I'lie nailers will he . -1,1,1,,, tt,., I tn .n,r...n ' the same Post Olliee, if disked cucpt in thi case of clubs 01 I.I or more copies, whidi will be mailed to one address. L ' Specimens s 'lit gratij. nrd'''l.rcs3 '''J""'-' "f" ''( "f Commerce, M, vl Hull street, A"iw Per',. nu me, stoni:, ham: u hallock. Dec. 21. 1501. LUitors and Proprietors. I' nail Road. PASS ntJPKItT STATION.' SOLTIIWIP.D llOt'XD TUAIXS Philadelphia Cc .V. Y. Mail mss A. " . " l!ptes.i IJ.gj A. XORTI1WAU1) UOCXI) T11AI.X.3. I'.linira .Vail ; n p Xlajra i:prcss in P Lackawanna & Cloomsburg Railroad 0 X AXD AI'l'LU X'OVI'.M.a... I8UI. TRAIN'S WILL KL'X AS POLLOU'S: .MOVlXsJ SOUTH. freight f, j-attcnerr. i,msenpi.r. 3'.'-i A. M. 10.3D A..M Leave Scraliton, Kingston " I'.'ooiusburg Unpen, Danville, Arrive nt Xorluuinberlan.!, .M o v 1 x ; I.cavo .Vorthumbcil.iNd, Dauiille, ' " Ilu pert. " llloonisburg " ICliigsloii, (Kin 3 J.15 .M R32 P.tll '.I 15 10.00 X O K T II 4.30 P. M. 5.10 5. 15 5.57 (. 0(1 Leave 1.4.7 P. M Arrive nt Scr.inton, 0.00 P. M, 3 10 ...Dwubvi , (.t,.i ,usu 1, ,1, es winesiou ai c.iu.1. 11 tor ffcranton, to cnuneet with tram tor Xew York. 1!.--tiiniing, leaves Scrnnton on urrival of Train from New Y ork at 4.15 P, 31, The Luckawnniii and Ulooinsburg Itailma.t conneits with Hie Delaware, Lackawanna and Western liailroad at Scratittoi, for Now Y ork and Intermediate points east At liupett Iteouiiccta with the Cult.iwissa Railroad, for poll ts both easl and weat. At Xorthumborland it connects v ith Ihe Philadelphia & Illicit. U.andX. C It. It. lor points west and south. , . . JOHN P. Ii.SI.EY. ,J' J C. Wells, fJcii'l 7.ctrf .J'n ' ' Nov. 30, l;itl. Printer, Uuokbiiitlcr & P.laukbooli .V A NU FA C TU Ii ER; WlfOLMAIX AMI lil-.TAIL DtALI'll IV ruixrixn, wiurixf! axd witAprixti p.rr.i;s. A0E.r roil n:c catavvissa rartii .mills. Main Stiei t, llr,t doorlelow the Public Spuare, WlJaMESBARRE, pa. Nov. VJ, Irtil lint. W. WiliT ESQ. XOWorniplis the room upstairs in from in Mr. Lnaugst's brick building, on 31.1111 Stre. t below the House. . A most cenv nieiit olliie ; where ha will li.v happy .it nil iho 1 t.,u, ,. his fiiends and clients. lilooiinLurg. Nov. U, leGl..Ib! tiv (U,ij)rtm tc Iiiatruaenrs Hall,) uiUai'Mi sii:ni:T,iii:Ttvi:i;N I'ii-tiisi.'Jii i,!iii..'ii)i:i.riiu. W YA'l'T & linill.lXtl.-t, I'rtipthtvrt, November 3C, iil. March 13, Ih5f j E R E NO II O T E L. I Till', unilersuneil,, 11 ip'iuiilly injurnis his fiiends , and the public generally, dial he lias.opened .1 house fr ih'i iot..rtnimiti nt of 1 u.touiLrs unit imui'l,-,. nt si'lfll. XO.In Oreonwooil tuivnslnt,, Colniubia C'ctllity, (uboiit ti.itws ..vs. u. ....... , w.o hscreno Where lie is prepared to i.ccommo.tate the public, and nil who may t'.ivor liim with their cuetouidogeucral sat faction. Ills Table and Par, will ho wull supplied and careful ly ooiiiluctod.alid his Stabling and Hill slocked ID Ho will at all tunes lo Happy wait ii op his friends and customer. JOHN LUUIIOTT. Sercno, Me-rrh 3, leci. FOR S!3Warc i15A432E!Iit,iE, JONAS BROOK & BRO'S I PIIIZK SI DAL iYQ0l C0TT0X. t SJOO & 000 yds. Whito, Black, cV Colored j Tbla Thread In III;! lnado particularly foi Sewing Ma-1 climes, 1 very airong, ssinooiu am tiasnc. its strength is mil impaired by washin;. nor by friction o tho For 3Iailnuc, use Uiuoks' Patent Glace, For upper thread, I'll Uroi'ia' Patent Six Cord, lied Ticket, For Under thread. Sold bv -osiwt.iblo d-nl rs throughout the counlrv. Also, tn cases of I0l v.ich, u sorted Xo., by W.M. IIUNllY HMl'I'll, Sa!e.1jtt, Jfl Vuiey Street, New York, Nov. 0, IM!. Hm. DISSOLUTION. IMOTICL i U'tuby given, that thi partnership r.eie 11 lufore oji.UHg betwou'j the nbs"iiln rs un.l. r the llrmofCnn j n Swoiu. in the Mil'iug I'.uslnesj. 11. tho Locust Vulltv .Mills, in I.h-u... t,i.nvhii, loloinbia county, was Uissolv. d, 1 v III lltU of Oi tub. r. i"o. ' v mut i d r uis i t. All pi r ir ? indilt, .1 1 1 Hi lit" llrm or f 1". d 1 1 1' 1 r , 1 in 11 .1 1 ..'..'-A i- 1 s' lir nt .Mln a,' 'by ih' u a'l 1 u's ft'i I c-iu I'll. '.' d 'la I s 1, i I' i if 0' n's k , -em'l! 'a I 1 ! r ai'v pnvi" l I C'xtKO, Peb 1T. 7' Mt fit,, 1 l JUr(Xrllti: The I nioinlag flonfs over Port Dnnelien. Tho Csr oinlilel, I'npt. Walker, brings the glorious liil.dllg. nro Tho rmt surrendered nt iiine o'clock, yesterday, (Hun day ni'irni igA (.'nioiuls Johnston (A. Sydney) ami lluckn. r, and rtfU'tn ll' prisoners, and a large amount of of war, nre tho trophies of lb 11 to ty. Lnsslicn on lth dc I Invd. thethli f slolenwnv during the nicht previous Willi live thousand man, and is denounced by the rebels as a tniiior. I niiilispny tn Infonu you Hint flag Ofilesr Poote, though suir.riiifwitlitiri foot. 'wlili the noble charac teristic of our iMiy, iiolwilhstandiiig Ills disability, will fnke up ImiiK manly two gunhonis, nnd with Ilia i'ihi mortar hMlsnliiih he w ill nvertoke, will make an ntlnrk on Clnrkstllle, irtho stnteof the wentlicr will permit. Wo urn now firing ,1 nallonnl salute from l nrt rnlro. e'en, (iruiit's Lite rost, in honor ofthe glorious mi hiuieinent. (Signed,) (lliniKli: W ITM.UM. Pilg (Ion. Vols, nnd V ti. A., ami Chief of Ptill and Lnglnecrs. STARS AND STRIPES FLOATING IN ARKANSAS. Price Ui iven front Missouri Gen, Cwtt: in Hut Pursuit Official Dispatch. The following dispatch wau sent from, head rpiarlers to night : "St. Louts, Fob. 1ft. "To .Major General McCmillan, Washington, D. D.; "Tho Flag of tho Union u Coaling ip Arkansas. "General Cuitis has driven Piico from Missouri, and in several miles across tho Arkansas line, cutting up Gen. Price's rear and hourly capturing prisoners ami stores, ' "The army of the Southwost i.s doing its duty nobly. ' Signed) II. W. IIallui k. Major General " FoiU'Uiss Monuoe, Feb. 11 By r. ilag of truco to day, wo havo news of tho complete success oftho Burnsido Expedi tion at Roauoko Island. Tho island was taken P'eebicn of, and Commodore Lyneh's licet of hicamet'3 cmnnMnlv ilr- stroyed. " ' Elizabth City was attaoked on Sunday, and evacuated by thcinhabitants. It was previously burned, whelhor by our shells or by the inhabitants ia not known fr certain. Tlio llrst news of tho defeat arrived a Norfolk on Suudny afternoon, and caused a great excitement. '1 he rebel force on the Island was supposed to bo only a littlo oyer three thousand oflicjept fighting men. 'J lie rebel fortifications were supported by a small naval force, under Commodore. W, F. Lynch. The names of tho robol steam gunboats were tho Fanny, (captu red from the Union,) Curlew, Sea Bird and Post Boy. Each of tbeso vessels had an armament of two guns. NOTICE. Office of Hie Lackawanna ,fc UIoom,burgn. K Co., ) Kimisio.s, P.,., Dec. aj, ledl. I 'rill. annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this torn 1 will bo held at tho "Klnejion Ilouss" nenrtha Depot 011 Monday ihe 13th day of January between ths honra oi 1-J o'clock noon und5 o'doclc t. si., for tho tiur pose of eh ctiii'j " ' 1 1 President t and twelve Dircctors) to tftvc for ensuing year, lly order ofue poaid, r nJ la , P- PUTTKBO.VC, Tret.. Dec. I Si, 1. JIIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, iiAKi-ii.i.i:, .voxroui: coiwrr, r.t. Ilntorl.iiniucnt for Man and Iteast, in good stylsj and at moderate rates. (JilOUCU W. PIlErJZC, Proprietor. Danville March, a, leOI. CHEAP MILITARY 0APS! .MILITARY CAPy, of every sou. nr.a nnd onality, for sUe ch'ip at th IHoninsbarg lint tc Can Kinporium Also-liroceriet,Coiifictlonaries,ecigars,iie. J.C-I1N IJ. CI11TOX. Cloouuburg, 11, IfGl. N B W S T O 11 E . HAIT Mm ip aTQiiVB Theiindeislgne. :espc, tfully informs thocliUens a IllooinsbiirLMiud th" public in general, Ihat he has Pur cha-ed the A.' lf.1V SfOJlF., in tlio white frame stare ho'ise. on .Main Stic. t. nearly opposite the llxihange sinldiiigs, whero he has Jut received a splcinlid ac rorijuiciit ot CITY HATS AND CAPS, nirsrt I'roio lit,. M.mix,.., ...... . -c .,, , , .... , ; ' -"' ''.." . .in muus, siyiss, sorts aii.l sl.e8, latest r.ishjons, which lie oillrs wholesale uu4 ...,, ,1, , . iy tow TIC'S. Piidy '''"' '('"""ls "'" 1,0 ""I'1511 vctylowprtccs to in, , . :o!,-v K OIUTON. IliOOlllibUrg, Oi tot. i 27, liCO. lOP JMISUYTOWN ) rpiIU sulisi r.hcr would r. jpectfully apprise his frienii X and (he public ginerallr. Hint he has onene.1 1M MflTEL Pniler the above name, in Jerseylown. Columbia eoun II-. I'.-i i It,,,.- ), Inllt, .n,.n..i . . . . : .-" i-ii'ui.-u i uiii.-riaiu ine travtling loinniuiiity toeencral satisfuclton. His TA- V. 1.1'. Il A 1. ... .. ..,1 ...I ,..,,,-- . '". ." " s'.i'i'.i'.i noo win ua careiuuy SLjierniteiiited. And his Sfjllir.r. uniplo nnd well sieclad, in chiiri'o uf careful iroouis, will always I propei ly aweudiid. r ? ln in vii, j nsitaru of tin public custom, sue plsdges Ins best efforts, to help h.n ggesti feel nt hoinn SA.UULL Itl.MllY Jcisejtown, May II, 1SCI 3iu. Look to your 1!ei (crests I FRESH .'IRR1VAL OP FALL AND WINTER GOOD'5, MILLER & BITER'S. rpdU suiiscribcrs have jutt returncil from Ihe City X With anotUet largo and select assoitinct of IFal! anil Winter ools, puriliis. il at I'hilailelphln, ut the lowest figure, and wIikIi Uo y are .1. tcruitiied to .ell on a moderate terrrs as ran b" proiured olsevvPerc in Pdoonisburf. 'Hieir stock lomprises l.wii:v muss noons, of choicest tile and latest fashion. viiv utiuDS, .1X1) aiiovEnir.s, ii nam uu: (ii'KFXsn'jinie, iXO.Ill IV.IllK, UOLI.U'f ll'.JftK iav, x.iua liauTu snoics 11.11 s .y ar.v. , .yc .yc, In khurt ev. rythnlg usually kepi in rountry Stores , to whirli they invite thu public geucrally. The Highest priio paid lor country produce. MILLUH & CYP-tt. niooms'iuig, 3Lv 11, IfCl. W!jo!cs:sIc and HSctull. "Small I'Ronri axu Ouick Salm." 1 1 0 Arch St., Lelumn -Ith y Tit h south side. PHILADELPHIA. Mantles, Cn.p Half Capon, Vletonira. Muff. Cud., reniiuf,icturelqthc liet & richest Skins of .Mink Bable, atone Mntten. tlntirhilla. gisetmn Squirril, Fitch, F.r mini), etc. Furl ull, re.) i no the present fashions, 1'7 No business trausnrterl on SutiirJnfs, fit nig'i' kt for ?:in,k, Fix, Coon, Sluik rati ete. kin. Nov. I. IKfiL 3m. NOTICE. " A J T m - " 1;ikv llg tip res. lyes 'it lr to lh i" son iio iv nee-ui i r ui i r.vls', atfl d t id anil s in up oy il i t -f Ji r '' , t t i .'iv be' r r f i- ri ui "t m ' ' 'if nl-! 1A " '