AND BLQ0MSBU11G GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE, Editor, $2 00 PER ANNUM. ' TO HOLD AND TRIM THE TORCH 01' TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." VOL. I5.-NO. 51. BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1862. VOLUME 25 CQLMllIA DEMOCRAT. runiiisuED EVEtiy satuiiday, by LEVI L. TATE. IN DLOOM3BURQ, COLUMBIA COUHTJf, PA. 0 VVIO E h tt mu Untk BMdlng.oppmlte the ltd) xiflhe Qurt lhuie, "Democratic Jhad Qnurlrri," TKUMS 01' SUnSCIlIPTION. j $ l (X) tn ailvnnce, fur him' ropy, for six mouths. ' 1 73 In advance, for one copy, one yi-nr. 'X 00 If not pnlil within the firt llitoe months. . U Sj Ifnnti.iiit within lliu llrt six months. . 1 ID If tint paid within the year. C7- So subscription taken for less than sit months, ul no paper discontinued iintlUll arrearages shall have 1 '-I'or'iiiiarv Ai)VEr.TijfMtNTinsf rtcJ.anil JonWonK I & tscuted, at tin! .'stabllsbeilprli c "UAl.TIK)IUC LOGIC HOSPITAL " X.SrAULISIli:i As! A niU'UUBl'llOM Ul' V-'KCUY. j The Only I'lace icherc a Cure can Lc i Uutaine.1, nv.: for nil pm.ite l)nea"s, VViaUiies. of tliu Lack or iiaibi, SlriUures, .UlVitionn of the Kidney, ami blad der, luvolniitary Uncharges. Impotent)', (ieueral l)e liilitv. Nervousness. I)pi.psy. Languor, Low ep mts Coniusioiiof Ideas, I'alpitcili-in of the lli-.irt, 'limiUitJ. Tr niitilings, Dirtiness of rilght or Unldlness, Disease or the IK.1J, Throat. Suk or skin. All'itions of the l.ivrr I.iiugi. srlmiiucli or ll.nv.-lH-tlioe lurribni I)U"r.l'Ti i-,,.... tl. Hrtt.ln of Vouih -those iind solitary pruitlci s mure fatal tu their irttuiri Ihau tin song of 3) reus to the .Marines of L'lysses, bliclt lug their most t.riniaiii imp? or ;i..u..ii.ii..,..3, ivmu lug mining , impossible. I y o 1; n i; m r. i llsti.'i-inlly, wholuvu Income tha victims of ij'ditniy ' Vu.-. that dr.M..ul an.l ilcstrtl.thu hnliit liirli nuiiu 11ID swvoih to an untimely grove lhiuiiiid ot 01111g . M.'n of tb 111 -t i-x.uli.Ml talent' and brilliant intellect, . .1) might ntn r Have iMilriiucI li-lellllig benat.'s 1 uh tin t'lnn.i rs I' . l.i'ini'iire 01'.od to e.tuy the lUUi l)re, ina) call with full eOlllWem...-. M A It It I A CI i:. Mirrlud person;., or Vouug Men contemplating mar tlj'c. Iiititu aware ot physical weakness, organic ilealiili ) ... ..-.. ....Li ,a 3L-r.. u.eili.v tt.reil. 1 lie who place. tiiiuscli under Hi; care of llr. Jolinston, in iv rt-ligio'nl) c.mli.l" tu hit lienor as a g. iitlem. 11, anil tunli Jciilly r.-ly upon liUfkill na a pliyiUi.ui. O B (i A X I O. W 1: -V K X U H S imiiwiliatelv cure I an.l full vigor ruitorcil. .... . ... .". ....1.... r .,... wl.uh r.on ,r. life nii.- Illli lilinei.i" . .11., ...I I I Select I'loetn) JDllSKTON' Las dinfovcreu the ino-t Curtnlti, t MiesJV llllvl uliis- 1 .11 t Hi n uiiu-'iiy win .u.i.. PcrsGvoi'anco. A SiVAiiovvIn thu Hiring, Con's to our crannr)', and 'noath th tnves Uisayeit tn make n lint, ami there Old brln; Wet earth, ami straw, ami ltaei, Day after day nl.c toiled With patient heart; bur ere li"r work was crownetl 5ome sail niinhap the tiny fabric spoiled, And disl.ed it to the gunuiid. t'ho foil tul the ruin wrought, Hut not cast down, forth from the place she (lew Ami, nilh her mate, fresh earth end grasses brought, And built her licit anew. Il.u scarcely had siio placed The last soft feather on the sample floor, Wlijn wicked hand, or chance, again laid wade, ind wrought the ruin o'er. Hut ctlll her heart kIic kept, And toilod again, ami last night, hearing calls, I looked, audio! three Ilttln w allows slept U'ilhiu thocarth-iiiade walls. What truth ia li-r.O man I Hath hope been inltien 111 in early daw n ! Jlnve ilouds o'erratt ll.y purpose, trust cr plan! Have rami and struggle on. Vat. ,.((( . elect iBisJCeilani). Another Royal liomanco. , Jllysterous Marriage qj a lirother of J George 1 1 1 . A Royal I'rmriss Jgno I runt of far birth the daims cf her I Heirs, 1 At a time when the American Uona 1 ....... paries arc urging in tlio l'ronca courts their nlaiun to imperial vecoguition, case not wholly tlfcaimilar ia occupying the at- erahle ami ,narna;r ,,pos . - h y. "".'. '. , ,.7. 1 ,,.,,,. ,xf lOno-lwI, Imw n.i.l o-ossins. tile villlloi l'I linprupir 11 uu,. ... w. .. ,... v...... ,j a j . fot'th.Xirat, a3 alleged by the suek!nS 10 est!lbIish t!ieir 0,ai,ns t0 reUtiotwlup, arc tlcse . ninuj. in- inn-t vri.Mi an.l ,.-5iruuue ) nipi'miMo b .til h..J) niiuJ ari-e. The s)-teiu becoin. derail!: o,l: tlf :iu.I Imi'tn'in wiiiUn..d, loss ... hrnrri :1V.' 1'OW". t. uir)."i in liability. I yip"in.i IvTwuu'r'rvlmei'ro; wombcts of the royal family-one "uiay - ,., rniMiKKtc sTiuxT I Olivo Wil.not, the aitughtor of an Eng- 1 ,.ft luiii ijj"onr si.iitiuiur.' street, a p-w iionn ish cleriiviuan lii''h in favor at the Court r,B?u 1, !...." i1-.' """""t '':i'!'"''i.v.ani,:r.f: . .rn,....,, i. i fnli.. t.,r'.i.,pio.....i.ansii.i.ii;- t , , f Cumberland, brother of ? '.V Ai 1 U I M llww - ! On tl.o -1th of March, 1707 there thon ' no restriction on the matrimonial alliances King George 111., ami the certificates of the marriage still exist, attested by the iignaturcH of the Earl of Chatham, the Earl of Warwick and Kin" Georgo 111., It further appoaas that ou tho third of April, 177'i, there was born of this mar riage a daughter, who was baptized by the the name of Olive, in the presence of the i arl of Chatham and Lord Ashburton. In the same year in which this infant first appeared, her father, the Duke of Cumberland, married again with Lady ! Annie llorton. This action iucniitied the I King very much ; ho refused to recognize I this tccond wife, and under iho excitement j of the momCLit, enacted the lloyal Marri i age act, which forbids i. member of the I royal family from marrying a tuhject. ! Ho. linivevei . anxious to tiotcat his broth- ,V.,.v,.i, .hn,.e.y- n by . n pr.r . , , iridula,. o -am ", "V-- l.irh ur.! i ul luu ""V o m.kih.) on iune uia-.u. 111. JUII.VilV.Y M-mibcr of the Itoynl t-'oll.gL of Hiiron, l.nmlri. (Ira iiiu fnuion'l lh iul I'o b'J ol Hi in " Stat .'.and III.- greafr part of who-... I He has ,. .ii . ,'i.t 1.1 tli. h.i U.ip.t..Ui.l London. Par.., l'hila "del hi aid els, v. h ire, tu j HVcH-d soiu. el tin- ioo.j . in I ng wrt.t;.it knowi.i many troubled v t . ii .gi.i in Ih.-lrad iiini cars when asleep, great rv.nii ' r- .Harmed lit ml.le.. Kiuu Is. and b.i? ,h l,i f. -, Mil MUliing Mlet.d.Mlf...MI.!.es)Mlt. uei'iii;em.'." "I "'','";"l l' t u i: i' a it t i c i: i. a u x o t : c j:. Or I ad Ir -ss.-s all th.e who have iiij.tri-il thenis. Iv.-s i niiio ' '.JmH-uc-mill vdilary l.abUs, who . ru nibolli . ''ml uiiuJ. u""3 ' cither basi ..-, ,t,l-. ocwiy or iiiarnage 'I'liesu are -iiue in in; s.o. . ..r.i... ,l..n. ii... , a I . h.ibils ot )o,un. Ud.K aiiJ l.ieib.. l'.nu in tli Such are the alleged facta oftheuaso. And now Mrs. Lavina Janctte Horton Ryves, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Serrs, claims tho revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster, amounting to XI, 044,014 sterling, aud also 105,5520 as bequests from tho royal family. Tho petitioner claims to bo "Prinocss of Cum berland and Duchess of Laucaster, as tho granddaughter and lineal representative, in tho female lino, of his late Royal High ness Ucnry Frederick, Duko of Cumber land, who died iutestato ju tho year 1790. This rcuiarkablo caso is attracting tho earnwl attention of tho English press. It involves a property question to tho amount of five and a half millions of dollars. The trial will excite snterest both at homo and ou this .continent. Ljko tho Gaines and Uonnparto cases, it hinges on a qucs- tion of legitimacy, which will require all the skill of the highest legal acumen to de cide. It has already attracted some atten tion, for iu 1822 Mrs. Serros demanded probate of tho will of Georgo 111., but was refused, becauso it was held that tho Court had not jurisdiction aud could not grant probate of tho will of an English sovereign, in loll sue soucut to unag it to an issuo by claiming privilege from arrest as a member of tho royal family, but again failed through legal technicali ties. In 1840 she filed a bill in Chancery against the Duke of Wellington, as execu tor of Georgo 1Y., who had succeeded to his father's personal estate, but tho matter was kept quiet by influential politicians. Rut now tho case is different and some, at least, of the English papers clomor for an holiest investigation of this longstand ing wrong or hold imposition. "Here," says tho London tur, ''is either a mons trous or artful fraud to be piiuiohed, or a cruel wrong to be atoned for ; and no personal influence, no matter from how high a puartcr it may emanate, mu- ren der the arm of English law impotent to chastise imposture or to rcdrojs iujustcie." VmmxsxnMxnsamxmrjnmiim ni l mi mi slism.i mcntl & Political. ed in tlio note, whereas these are only to I ing in gold aud silver coin ; or, to stale it bo payablo at tho pleasure of tho United ! moro exactly, it provides that whatovcr States ; that they tlioultj bo receivable iu j executory contract parties may make con paymont of publio debts only by thoso who J corning tho gold nud silver coin of the were willing to receive them at par, whero country, they shall bo discharged upon the as thoso notes arc to bo rceeiyed by every performance of another aud diflorcut duty public creditor who is not willing to forfeit his right to paymcnj at all. These notes arc to bo tnado lawful money, and a legal tender in discharge of all pecuniary obli gations, cithor by tho Govcrumont or by individuals,a characteristic which has nev or been given to any noto of the United States or any note of thoBankof tho Uni ted States by any law ever passed. Not only, sir, was such u law never pascd,but such a law was never voted on, nojor pro posed, never introduced, never recommen ded by any Department of the Government; the measure was never seriously eutertain cd iu either branch of Congress. It is ob viou, fioiu tho comparison which I have by tho delivery of an equivalent num ber of dollars in thoso notes. Where, sir, docs Congress get this power ? Where is the grant to bo fouud 7 Onu would aip poso that a power liko that a power which involves the impairing of thu obligations of such a vast class of contracts, which proposes to disturb vested rights to such an immense extent would be worthy of a placo in the express grants of the Consti tution. Mr. HICKMAN. I desire to ask tho gentleman from Ohio whether. thero would bo any objection to this bill, provided it allowed thece notes to bo a legal tender in the payment of debts on all contracts hero- drawn between the bill he ore us and the! nk-'r arising, where there was no provis- i u. . ,'i.kiie-p oi me i Head. Illlim.-SS Ot Sight. r, m.h ulir Power, l'alp.l.uion iii mind arc tiuii. c. . . , r...,P,-,.i f.iV...iH on the VT " " .V'W K iv, Yl endings Av,.V.,oi, irr "V'listri low f M.I.WCC Tiimty, &c , a,rs.e "'V.tV.n.W' DM can now judge Uiat . ii - e.ik,ol au I emailaied, having mii K,iTu ..I '. aho It tlia eye,, . ough and n n.ptoUH ,1 SPEECH OP HON. G. H- PENDLETON, or oiiio, In -vlu Hi-uso of r.cprcscnlatives, January 23, 186-2, Tho House being in Committee of tho Wholo on tho ?tato of the Union, and hav ing under consideration House bill No." 240, to authorize the isstia of United States notes, and for the redemption or funding tlrrecf, and for funding the floating debt ol the Omtcu btates ril i-oinp-inioui nightly ten or at school - wh.-u n-i'op. . and If not cur.-.l .emlers , .,.i JJeected that tlio child should bo re- : i . n Ln in i mi i;4 t .r. i ..... i.nno-iiLiJ. ,,.. v . , . , , ... i nau.i. i'-' In a i. -rtaiti necrjl coiitimplatiu .M A n i a (i i:, rem a Ui.lSi wSluttheellieiourm.) through lift. III.! ,, j" lt u.l.iow.-.t ,,... ... c.-iary Indeed, .-i uvnrv l mruui.- V!;,,i, ',;,o,, auih.dyrelkc.ioi, that the happincps of ..-.other b,co,u..s blighted w ith our ow n ., . - p. a t: o r I .M 1' H " N c 'ri';iv,''','''S'i.iM'd?i hu KKr.i.,- u 'Mr1' ' ,V ,f,t 1 timed iense ofsliuno or d. t-rs him from upplying to tho-.. i,j ,,..pei lability uin alone b fri. tid Win BII.HIUM ' .ii, ,,,., I ,ense lo olten liapp-inuiai- . ,.i.i vlnif lolho-u dr-a-l of discover), i ' " ' ,ubili ly uin alone b fn. tid who t t.o ; lid - I '.nptou.s of this linn. . e laying till the c . ii- 1 . aa , ,,,, l.orrildi-. .iseni.ilustliJiruppt iraii. n.ol.eaj Bor thro ii. diseiise. no-, . - im ,.. ;, .1... h.t.ul. f.u'.i! anil tMit liio i,'": wiYl rai-i i '.till "t lt ll. Ilal- of ,".,.,J ,. I,,, nose fill in, an.l Uioxitti.ii of .in I IiniM.. llllillivon vi (-.(,.. bonus, and arms, blotched on ties, prog lpiaiwiesoftmiimseU "til It UxV1ix. -- l.icM'J fnct that thousands full victims tn Z ?AiitZ' ml to the uu-killlullueas v. ix- ding I'.u.i l 'urns."' It is u .in this teriild ':on. M-rcurti- rum tlio constitution an, dua of life iiili.-rahlu. ' S T R A N Ci U It S . .. i id. iii tho i-nri itf tllf! Ilia' vim trilling uioutli alter uionll. taKing inn ... ; health i smli ovi r your galllmg uisjpp.uii in-... Ii Jo iu. u is the only rhy.iciaii ailx.nidi.S I's er I "ml ur .lJJoi;., tilvMi) hahgi" h o V,ie. s' .. -'.lies or treatment are unknown to nil utli. r j. nrJ i. i fi. ii a life spent iu the great hospital, ol U The miy thiiusandsciirod a. Uiis i,H ,Tar af. ter year, nnutm-urn. e. - cM by ,,-. re nnrursoi i.e.- "-no, i.ri and many other pap-'r .. ices of whit h Imvo tippearcl ngani oi.u " - thu puhll atter ami atnictvd. Xt: 101115 ui.-iv HPHUDILY CUKCI1. Persons writing khoiili be iiailicular in direcling their uifuWsmution.jntLoN. Of th llaltln.orcI.oclc Hospital Jan Id, ItiU. ULOOMSBUltG SKYLIGHT, PISTUBS OALLEBY .i ..w ih i-.ilxcns of Uloon AL.",. "...:.,. i!iir ...ii nillii!! nicr .Mesr- tilonr ll Voxl k"ry. a., I th nook6.ore whero In- hi put I' 44 ' UI 'J. i. ....iu i.v hui u hUhat uood pic. surge chb . i -."r.Vwiicro each ncriun ures can u.- iumii tsi.v....j .-,-- an b.) taken just as wi ll as separate l" his gone t conidcrablo einens.! to make I I baptised uopcr the aanio of Wi mot, but at the same time created her tha Duchess of Lancaster, made provision for an annu al income for her, aud had tlio following document grawn up : " George It. We dcelaro the birth of Olive, the infant of tho Duko of Cumber- and by Olivo his Duchess, to be legitimate who is condamncd to privacy by the act of bigamy committed by her royal father. "(Signed,) Warwick, (Signed,) Chatham. 'J. WlLMOT, DU.NNINU." So the child grew up under the name of Wilmut, lcsidiug principally with her grandfather, Dr. Wilinot, at Jiarton-on- the Heath. In 1702 she married a Mr. John Series. Seventeen years after her marriage that is, in 1915 the late Earl of Warwick revealed io her tho secret cf her birth, and informed her of tho will of Geor.'C 111., in which he gives and be (iiieaths to "Olive, our brother of Cuni" berlaud's daughter, tho sum of 15,000, commanding our heir and successor to pay the same privately to our htud neieo for her uso, as a recompense lor tLo mis fortunes blio may havo known through her father." The Duke of Kent, satisfied of tho au thenticity of this aud other documents, be friended Mrs. Sevres up to the day of his death, and on his doalli-bed wrote: "Should I not recover, I recommend my dear cousin Olivo to my wife, who will for my sake, lovo ana sorvo ner uuiu suu recovers her royal rights. I solemnly re commend my daughter to rovoro the Prin cess Olivo of Cumberland for roy sake. And again : laws heretofore pa-tcd.that if this bill shall pass, w: arc about to take a departure from the settled financial policy cf the Government. Wo arc about to launch our selves, with sails set, upon an ocean cf ex periment, upon which tho wise men who administered tho uovcrnmout before we came into power, warned by tho example of other nations, would not permit it oven to enter. I believe that this Government has reached a crisis in it3 history. 1 be lieve that it ia approaching a period in the history of its legislation which may deter mine the question of its continuance. By wisdom it may overcome the evils of se cession ; by its great powers aud resour ces it may bo able .to defend itsolf against tho-:e in arms against it ; but I firmly bo lievo (hut it cannot maintain it-elf against the .-hock of the accumulated and manifold dang.ra which follow iuo.itably, closely in the wake of an lil.'gal, unsound, and de preciated Government p:iper eurroucy. leatuio oi tins biil which first striken every thinking man, even in these days of novelties, is tho propo.-ition that tho.c notes shall bo made a legal tender in discharge ot all pecuniary obligations, well tboso which have accrued in virtue of contracts already made, as thoso which are yet to aecruc in pursuance of contracts which shall hereafter bo made. Do gen tlcnien appreciate tho full import aud moaning of that clause Do they realize the full extent to which it will carry them? Evory contract for the payacnt of moncv is in legal contemplation a contract for the payment cf gold and silver coin. Every promissory note, every bill of exchange every lease reserving rent, every loan of aioney receiving interest, every bond is sued by this Government, is a contract Mr. PENDLETON said : Mr. Ciiaiujian: I was glad to bear tho announcements made by the gentleman which tho faith of the obligor is pledged from crmont, Mr. Morrill, a member of the Committee of Ways and Means, by my colleague Mr. Vallandigham, by the gentleman from New York, Mr. Roscoe Coukling, aud by tho gentloman from Pennsylvania, Mr. Stevens, that they each intended to propose to tho House to make changes in this bill, cither by way of amendment or substitute. I do net know that tho amount, whether rent, interest, or principal, thrll bo paid in the gold trad hilver com ot tho country. Every con tract for the performance of soma other thing than tho payment of money carries with it, as tho penalty of ita infraetiou.lhat these damages shall be assscsscd, and that theso damages shall be paid, even if nec essary at tho end of an execution, in tho ion in tho contract itself to the contrary ? Mr. PENDLETON. I shall answer that question in the course of tho argument which 1 intend to make, and I prefer to answer it in that way. I was saying that a power whose extent is so groat a.i this is worthy to find a place in the express grants of tho Constitution. I had expected to hear the gentleman from New York, Mr. Spaulding.J in his argu ment upon this subject yesterday, derive this power from the power to "coin mon ey."' I am glad ho did cot, fcr- I think that no etrcss of financial difficulties could excite the honest imagination of any gen tleman, even though upon tho Committee of Ways and Means, to such a degree that he could, even in its wildest flights, fancy this power involved in tJioso words. I ex pected to hear him derive it from the pow er "to regulate commerce ;" iu this 1 was agreeably disappointed. 1 know that clause is tho .sUlkiug-horse vhioh is inndg to carry almost every conceivable power which any gentleman has thought it desir able at any time that Cougrcss should ex orcise ; and yet I know that Mr. Webster who attributed to tho Government of the United States more power by reason of that clause than any other American statesman of whom I have any knowledge, expressly, and upon divers occasions, scout ed the idea that by virtue of it, or of any other clause in tho Constitution, buoIi power was given. I know it is extremely difficult to define with exactitude all the powers which Congress may havo Ly vir tur of that provision; but sir, I think it might bo left to any fair-miuded man to say whether a law, which provides that a certain noto Lsucd by tho Treaeury of the United States shall be a legal tender in di-charge of debts alroady accrued, ii a fair and legitimate exorciso of u power to regulate the intercbangc of commodities, tad their barter and sale. The gentleman from New York, Mr. Si'AULDixa, in his argument yesterday, it has no power; except that which is gran ted. It has no original powers; its powers arcall delegated, and delegated by tho terms of the Constitution itself. I repudi ate the idea that all tho sovereign power which rightfully resides in the nation must necessarily find oxprc3sion in any department of tho Government, whsthcr it bo national or State. I stand upon the provision of the Constitution, that all pow er which is not delegated to tho Federal Oovcrtinieui is reserved from it and tbat all power which is not delegated to it, and thceeby reserved from it, rcsidos either in xho States or tho people. Thero are many powers which arc denied by the Constitution to tho States, and yet not de legated to tho General Government. They find their proper respository in the people. I would call tbo attention of the gentle man, in this connection, and in reference to the argument which ho has made, to tho fact that under tho Articles of Confed eration tho Government of the United States bad tho power to raise armies, to provide a navy, to borrow money, aud to emit bills of credit upon tho faith of tho United States. And yet tho statesman of that day never, even in all tho distress and pressure of tho financial difficulties of tho Revolution, supposed that they possessed any such power as ihis. They desired that tho bills emitted by the Govorunient should bo a legal tender, ondthey passed resolu tions that they ought to bo so considered, but they never doomed that they had the power to make them such, or sought to exercise ii. Judge Story says : "Other emissions were subsequently made. Tho depreciation was natural, aud indeed a necessary consequence of the fact that there was no f'uud to redeem them. Congress cudeavored to give them addi tional crodit by declaring that thoy ought to bo a tender in payment of all private and publio debts, &ud that a refusal to re ceive ihe leader ought to bo an extinguish ment of the debt, and recommending tho States to pass such tender laws They went even further, and thought propcr to declare that whoever should refuse to re ceive this paver in exchange for any prop. crly, as gold and silver , should he deemed an enemy of the Wxrtics of these. United Slates, This course of violence and ter ror, so far from aiding the circulation of tho paper, led on to still further deprecia tion. Now issues continued to bo mado, until, in September, 1779, tho whole omis sion exceeded ono hundred aud sixty mil lions of dollars." 'i Commentaries or. the LonstitiUion see 1359. It seems that in thoso days they indul ged iu the snmc hallucinations to which that Congress might emit bills of credty, and to deprivo Cougrcss of tho power of inaki ng them a legal tender. He suggested "Will it not be sufficient to prohibit tho making them n tender J This will removo the temptation to cunt tucui witn unjns? views. And promissory notes, in thai shape, may in somo emergencies the best." A vary sharp debate followed upon tho proposition to strike out from tho Consti tution thu clause conferring that povrcr : "Mr. Ellsworth thoucht this a favorite moment to shut and bar the doer sgainsi paper money. 'J ho mbohiefs of tho vari ous experiments viiien nan ncen maue were now fresh in the publio mind, and had excited the disgust of all the retpecta blo part of America. By withholding tho power from the new Government, moro friends of influence would bo gained to ij than by almost anything else. Paper moncv can in no caso be neccsarr. Givo the Government credit, and other rcsour- TLo power may do harm, St -V i J ik cos will cfier. novor cood" "Mr. Butler remarked, that paper Trae a legal tender in no country iu Europo. Ho was urgent forditarmiug the Govern ment of such a power." "Mr. Read thought tho vrords, if noi struck out, would be as alarming as tho mark of tho beast in Revelation." "Mr. Langdon had rather rejected tho whole p'an than retain the three word, 'and omit bills.'" And on the motion to strike out thoso words from the Constitution, it was deci ded by a vote of niua Matca "aye," and two States "no." The following was tho vote ; AYES New Hampshire, Massachu setts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Dela ware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina; iind Georgia 9. NOES New Jersey aud Maryland-3. Mr. Madison has appended a noto whioh I desire to read : "This vote in tho affirmative by Vir ginia was occasioned by tho acquiesoencs ot iur. iuauison, who ticcamo satisuea uiaj striking cut tho words would not djsable tho Government from the uso of publio notes, as far as thoy could bo safe and propcr, and would only cut off tho pro text for a paper currency and particularly for making the bills a lender cither 'fcr public cr private debts." 1 And so thoroughly was that understood to be the meaning and policy of tho Gov ernment that none of tho early statesmen cf the country, cither thoso who bad boon present at tbo time of tho making of the Constitution or thoso who fo.lowed so close ly after as that thoy were familiar with those who did uiaka it, even suggested that luch a power existed. Mr. Hamilton, certainly, a gentleman somo gentlemen upon this floor, and many , - e i ,u . 1 ' J who was in lavor ot enlarging io the financiers in the country, seem oven yet to bo subject that a papor-monoy system is the best that can bo devised. So thought these gentlemen of tho Continental Con gress, as they woro indulging in all tha luxury of 5300,000,000 of paper money. "Thoy indignantly repelled tho idea, in a circular address, that there could bo asy violation of tho public faith plsdgod for their redouition, or that thero did ut most the powers of the Governmeut, in his very first report to Congress uon the iub jccL of a national bauk, takes a distinction between the emission of bills by tho Gov ernment and tho creation of a bank with power tc omit its own bills, Ia that fa mous report ou a national bank, in 1790, he uses this language : "The emitting of paper money by tha authority of the Government is wisely pro- what thoso changes may be j but from gold and silver coiii of the country. Ev ery verdict which has been rondercd(cvcry judgment which ha3 been entered up.cvery decree for tho payment of money, has been made upon that hypothesis. That is the measure of tho obligation of tho one party, and of tho right of the other. Tho 2rovuions cf this bill contemplate the lau"ua"0 in which theso announce ments were mado, I infer that they will be rr.dical, touching uot only the provis ion: of this bill, but all tho financial ques tions which so gravely complicate the dif ficulties pressing upon the country. I shall thorcforo, sir, postpono whatever I might desire to say in referoncc to tho not ex- deduced this power from tho general now-! it atnplo funds to redeem them. Thoy rr of rhr HrwiM-nmonr T!7 inl.l us tlmt indulged in still more extraordinary delu- i hibitud to tho individual States by tho na Congress had power to lay and collect ! tious lld veutBrc,! to "comuiontl paper , tionri CpnstUutiou j and tbo spirU of tUrt . - - , money as oi peculiar vaiuc. iieo it ue i proiuuiuou ougitt, nut. to ue uisiugurusu uy taxes; to raise and support armies ; to reim!mbored .' said thuv. 'that nanor mon-1 the Government of tho United States. provide and maintain a navy; aud that all 0y is tho only kind of money which cannot make to itself wing3 aud fly away." 2 S'ory on Constiltiiinn, sec. 1359. When I come to exaniino tho powers of Congress, according to tho principles ofin- power necessary to effectuato these purpo ses was expressly given by the general grant of thu Constituiicn. If I should ad mit his statement in the very lauguago in which he has made it, am I not entitled log- impairing the obligation to ask whether he has shown us any legitimato connection bctwecd tao power uot ask whethar the Covcrnmeut of tho United States.- Though paper emissions, under a general authority, might have somo advantages which arc applicable to tho liko emissions by tho States s.-parately, yet thoy arc of a nature so liable to abuse and, it of every coutract j tIieso vott!Z a !cSal tcuUer an1 iur; the basis up- rnis0 au anny? Might I uot a navy? Whether impairing tho obliga tions of contracts betweou private individ uals throughout tho country will, in any degveo, asbist tho Government in its great duty of laying and collecting taxes 1 Wo had no demonstration of tho necessity or 1 1 . ..'lit . - 1. . si 1 1 1. It L'cneral sumect uutu tueso anicutunenis arc oi tuatiiiiui, aim uuturwur? tlio basis un-i m-onoscd. aud confine uivself this moruinsr! on which cverv iiidi-ment and decroo and the repudiation of tho obligations of tho somewhat strictly to the special provisions verdict has been entered, It proposes to Government to pay Us interest is a Icgiti- of tho bill beforo tho committee. That say to a partv who has entered into aeou- lua,c mcaus Ior Fovuiing aim sustaining bill provides for tho issuo of 5100,000 000 tract, '-You .-.ball be discharged from the of Treasury notes of tho character ami de- obligations of that coutr ict by doing some scriptiou therein mentioned. It provides thing else than that which you havo agreed that thoy shall not bear interest; that thoy to do." It proposes to say to every party shall bo payablo, at tho p.easuro of tho with whom a contract has been madu, finupi-iunrmt.. to benrer at the Trcusurv of "Thouch vou arc entitled to demand cno the United States, or at the offico of tho thing, you shall, perforce, remain satisfied j propriety of theso moaus to accomplish Assistant Treasurer iu tho city of Now with tho taking of another," It propokes York ; they shall bo receivable for all debts and demauds duo to tho Govcrumont aud for all debts and demands duo from tho Government; and in tho lauguago of tho bill, "They shall bo lawful nionoy and a lc y . i, i , . i.t gal tender in payment oi an tieuia, puuno and privato, within the United States." I have examined, Mr. Chairman, with coino care, every law authorizing tho issuo j vested in him by that contract. Sir, 1 am of Treasury notes which has been passed Bl!re I need cnly stnlo tho proposition to from tho foundation of tho Government up shock tho mind of tho legal profession of to this hour, and I fiud that this bill dill- tho country, so thoroughly has it bfeu im- nTf .1.:., ,v,t m .lnnr Alexand-' crs from ell of them in several esseutial bued with tho idea of tho sanctity of tho rina's oyo, my dear cousin Olivo will pre- J particulars. Every other law authorizing obligation of contract by thoso who havo cent it whom my dau-hter will, for my tho issue of Treasury notes provided that taught it tho beuoGoenl maxims cf censti sako, 1 hope, lovo and e:wo, should I bc thoy should bear somo rate of interest, tutioual law. ' . . ... whorcas these aro to bear uouo ; that they i As for tho rest, this bill provides that it part tUlS IllO. . 1 . ... ii , . J.....H. :i. 1 t-nl.9;n i. i . to say, "Although you have agreed to pay gold and silver, you shall be discharged upou tho payment of these notes ; although you aro entitled to demand gold and sil ver, you shall rest contont with the recep tion of this paper " It proposes, in ono word,to release the ono party froxi tho ob ligation of his contraot, and to divest tho other party of tho right which has been "Kdwaui-1' 1 should bo pnyaMo at fixed time prcscribt shall b? to muko a contract for deal thoso ends. The goutleman spoko quite at largo in rofcrcneo to tho sovereign power of tho Government. Ho told us that this power was uot prohibited in tho Constitution. Ho told us that iu times of great emergen cy everything may be douo except that which is prohibited ; and he read au ar gument from tho Attornoy General, which concluds as it began, with tho proposition that such a power is not prohibited lo Congrats. Sis, I repudiate this whole idea I think it has no solid foundation iu the Constitution. Iu nil in external relations, staudiug among the uations of the earth, tho Govcrmcut of the United States issov crcigu, aud is invented with all tho attrib utcs of sovereignty; but in its relations to its own citizens, iu its relations to tho Sta tes, in its relations to ilt j)wucou.liiri to abuse and, it may iivnii l-iii ofHi'iitiwl ten norfnm nr hi'iiff nhna- terprctation to which I havo said I adhoro eti that tho wib'doui of tuo GoverstnenS I look to tho grant.1 of tho Constitution. wiu bo shown in ncvor trusting it-e.f with I Cud no grant of this power in direct . the use of so seducing and uaugerous cxpe- terms, or, as I think, by fair implication. ' nt. In times of tranquility it might It is not an accidental omission; it is not ' liav.0 "c j11 consequence; it might eveH ... i perhaps bo managed in a way to be pro- :in omission tiirougu inauvcrtcncy : it was , f , but. in Krcat aud trvins intentionally loft out of tho Constitution, I emergencies, there is almo-t a moral cer- because it was designed that tho power tainty of its becoming niiiohiovnus. Thu should not reside in the Federal Govern- stamping oi paper is an operation n sniB ,. easier than tlio laying ot taxes tuat & meet. . .-, . . ,, f . , , , ,, ... ,. uovir-miiiu m tuu uracuee ot iiaiier uui Prior to the adoption of tho Constitute Mmi3 w Pnrolv-faii in anv 3Uoh cm. tho States had nearly ail perhaps all crgeney, to indulge itself too far in tha emitted pnper'money, and had mado it u employment of that resource to avoid, si Mm nnvniftnt nf ilniifs 1( 1 UlUCll aS P03MIHO, 0118 10SS SUSPICIOUS 10 was designed origionly to forbid to tho States tho oxcrciso of that power, and to delegate tho Federal Government; and, necordiugly, the first draft of tho Consti tution reported by the committee of revis ion contained a clause prohibiting tho pow er to tho States, and another clause grant ing to tho Fodoral Government the right "to borrow money and emit bills on the credit of tho United States." When that elauso camo up for discussion, as it ap pears from pago 1343 of tho third volurao of tho Madisoti Papers "Mr. Gouverucur Morris moved tostriko out 'aud emit bills on tho credit of tho United States.' Ho said if the United States had oredit, such bills would bo un 1 1 '! sTTsMMll"sMsMSiiMTsTTBl Isfc 1 II BSSBsM SVJllu .... . . . . . .1 necessary ; it tucy nan uot, unjust ami usclesss. "Mr. Butlorjsuconded tho motion." Mr. Madison thought it was advisablo to lesvo ,jn. tliR. Cnn'tihit'nn nrnvWowJ prcsnt popularity.'' Hamilton's Workit vel. 3, p. 184. Aid Mr. Webster, who followed closely the principles of govcrumont and of finance laid down by Mr. Hamilton, sought occa sion several times in his speeches in Con gress to cxpreso bin decidad and firm con victions upon this subject. In his speech upon tho renowal of the character of thi United States Bank, made iu 1832 per haps tho goutloinan from Keutuoky Mr. Crittenden will tcmetnbtr it, as ho was t member of the Senate at that time Mr. Webster say : ''Congress cau aloue coin money. Con gross can alone fix tho valuo on foreign coir. No Statu can coin money. No State cau fir tho valuo of foreign com. No State, no even t ongiess tract, oan inako anything a tender but gold and sil ver in payment of debts." Webster's Spexhts, vol. 2, pago 81 Ami -! 'v4a''J!rMlsr2Sjisars; V