Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 15, 1862, Image 4

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In a recent nrtiolo in tlio Oanloncr's
Chronicles (Lond' n), it is very pertinent
ly argued, that sufficient nttontion has not
hcrhtoforo civen to tho nnturo, laws of
and reauiromonta of roots of
Whilo the branches, leaves, How
crs and fruit hare been thoroughly stud
ied, tho parts upon which these depend in
a very great degree for their support, have
Icen allowed to seek their living, and
contend with their enemies, almost with
out tho aid of scienco, at least soar as it
might throw light upon tho peculiarities
Iteccutly, however, tho subject appear to
be exciting tho interest of vegetable phys.
ulogist. Tho- Chrouiotc anuounccs a new
discovery made iu pursuance of researches
in this direction, by parties independently
iu their investigations, viz ; Profciser
rott tiiu
The nobllshcr of tho rsr.ssYi.VAH1. Tici.uRrit hat
made tho most itmplo nnd coiiiplclo nttniijcim-iits, by
the engagement of hii ctierlo need torn of reporters, to
ceIvs tho public ft rompli'ta synopsl f the proceedings
ofthis Legislature, oiubriclng li legislation t)at will bo
nfn cctictnl character nnd surii privet" uusincss ns w
have nn c-u-ct or tnflufin-o on tho public lnt-re;t Ad-
clcil tn tin-no ropor t. wmi tit report, m up nw
Departments, th-debates will nil bo piihlishcd tyni'n
thsy fire of n character involving question In vvMclilliij
people aro llll renteil. lliesu n-aiuic. nam,... .......
carefully conducted nnd supervised b e pcrlcitccd re
.mrlirs. our reports nf the proceedings nr I oniircs nl
tho apimiarMne c-on, the rnrrrnt event In tho pf"'
iri'ts i'f tho war. together with such domestic nnd for.
ctttn news an shall dally occur nml enmo within our
reach, will make tho 1'i.ximVASUTitLfOiuri! one oftlni
innst valuable nud Interesting newspapers in tho conn,
Tho rAtt.r will bo pnbllolteit during the session of the
Legislature for SLn( P" '"M-
The HsMi-WmiM.Y will alto bo published at tho low
rate of SUM) for tho notion.
Tho Wbekw i printed on a very large sheet at tho
low rnlo of$t,OUperycar.
AM'"" etmav. nnnojrnn.
il.trrlaburi!. I'enu a.
Dee. 2., m
(.ruei'.nl omiiiiMon OJ rrclia tils,
ntALsn 1.1
Fish, Provisions; Flour, llutter. Cheene, (lilt lifietl
Fruits, drain, Heeds, .leans, Whisk y, Wuol,
Country I'ro.luco anil Merchandise
No. 31 Noriii WiiAavts, rniLArr.i.piltt,
ts7 consignments of Provisions, Flour nnd Country
Tro.luro solicited, anil return promptly made. Cash
advanced wk"n desired.
OHIIi:ilS for nil kinds of I'lsh, Provisions, Flouri
Dried Prnltx. Ike, filled H tbo low est Cash Prices.
August 1, lt-co-isni.
;i 1 1.1 1 11 Hi' 11. Ai 1 1 rtM ,t I'O.
Mil aw"446 Jfroadiva: , Arte York,
The fulnwlng worksure sciitlotul rtih-rsinnnytiir
of th .' tuMntiy, upon receipt of t tutl
price,) by mail or
nr. until :
Till! NBVV A tllllttOAX I'YTI.OPal.lll A A popular
Dictionary of (lenernl Knowledge, IMilod hy nutans:
liiri iv anil Citmt.s A. IHna. aided by 11 numerous to
led corpi of wrltor In nil branches ot Gclc-ncics. Art nnd
Literature Tills work 11 lulus publlsh-d 1 11 nliout 1,1
largo octnvo volume, ench containing 5'1 two colmn
ihiiuS. Vol. ItoXllI liuluiilvo.nronow rendy.ench
ri,iiialnlng nenr'J,.1iW, original nrtlclea. An ndilillonnl
lr km tan nl one rillevc tlu inielvc from
tnn 1 111 ilrt, n Hint I heir to. It I,v II, rnilllai lt III II Hi II I e . ami take
vhlth li nt im-lftii Imr In her operation.
elno I tlio Vegetnblo l,li iiicoicinc
1 (1 H
rplli: itndertignoil respectfully Inform hi o,l frlemtl
These Medicine Imvo now been bi foro tko public for
, ,,..;.i .,r :m vear. nod during that tlmo Ir.ivo ma n-
llieil n lilg
nhi! for III'
ov no!'
Moilal's Lile a'itLs.
m ne l n high clinrncter in nlnnxt every part of tlio
vulun.owil he nnbllnhe.i once In nbout three mntilli uioho for tin extraordinary curative propgiin wiiiin
, p,iee, Inl'lolli, ;lj Hheep.ijiiaui llnlf.Mur.,gli nail i,,,y
Ilitesin, 91 ,)uencn
The New Ainerirniit'yclopiedln ia popular without eo.
and cu.tomer. that he has ,urihaed Ills brother !" uli"."V" .' 'r Vi . r'..i;... 1 ...... . mil...., i..,i, 1,1,.,, f..r imim lolln lr
Interest Iu the above concern wil. eiimt ra n m.. .. .... . . ruiiirti . ,S ', I ribl" nlllon In pur.rylnt th 'Htlng.
''r'X'rrVWr the .nr.. .V.,,t omil th.t l.known npon every linportan. . lop. " ,, channel of l!;len,,niV,...u ,,,,,
ajq ert and ino, extensive n.aortmont of PANCV l "it 10 ' t I " S i w men for
.tSSbTO V1JB ever Introduced Into till market. "' "",lc ' V Zu" V ,1, ti e ,n con which
III ,tnck eon.l.t. or n complete ortment of by men wlioa 0 l'"'" "I ; f ' J e,
the be.t Cooking and parlor .love, in the market, togeth- 10 Pk; , , 1, t and" now. All
orwlthtove lltturr of every description. Oven and ,0 Hrt?. ! V.Mmil,. V.VrAni 1 1" f0r?i r '1. "rt 1 Ui"
jinx. More lit Jl.tor. Cj llndar Mtovea, r.t Iron Air; t ho . t; I ' ' 1 ""V ', ' V, t?io latest expiora.
T ent stove, (.annoii f ovea, fcr.. e. eiovepipo unu , jr ' - l,i,rr 11,, fr,.lit lost i. w r"- ;
Tinware ciiitantlv on hand and manufactured tn order, t ".! ' " I. 1 , .' t'.'V ,',J V 1 .? 1""'"'
All kind of repairing done, us nsunl. on hort imtico,
Tli' patronage of old friend and new customers re
tperlfully solicited. A. SI. ItL'l'UtT.
llloomsburg, November 3d l0CO.-tf.
" . . . ,.. , nrt 1,1 ill m 11.1m1n1. il tact iron at n v rj
. 11, 1,,,'ir inpMiu. ,i,. j in...
from the very verge of nn unlloh ly grm
curing to Hioi" Hi it uiiif'ir.ii enjoym nt I
out w'hlcli lif- itself I ""'"'1"" 1
1..., I. , th r .-Mil ucv lllluii.illiy IT
score ly !. than mlruuilo.i t t.n... wli
'1.. 1.1. ,i, h.imtlt'ii 11 In ei.uuil ,il
th bl'ogr.iphiin iiotirea not only speak oflho Ucnd, but upnit tli y wuru lomp iuu i. . uu upon ,-.luch
a. . , rr .!i
th thou. 5 UJ a vS?T?3fecqp
01 wr. iiiorrAT, SSsy. vfJB I
, if . iij
. ih it.
x ."I lllv,
. r 1 tote-
princlpli -
DIKSOLUTI-'N OF PARTNERSHIP. hereby clven. Hint the c-pnrlnership
IN heretofore existing between tho undersigned, tra
ding under Urn firm of. Mnrtzft. Ent. nt Light Street, is
Ihl day, (N'ov.tfi, 101) dls-olved by mutual opiit-nt of
the parlies. Tho books, accounts fcc, remain in tho
hand of Peter Hut ono of tho members of the late llrni,
by whom nil claim against the said firm tt III Imuld 1
and those indebted to said llrm will please call and maKc
payment oflhe .au.e. oEonon Mm
fRT..ll UNT.
Light Hlrect, Nov. 30, 1601.
pIIR nnderslancil, respectfully Informs tho citlr.ens of
I llloonuhurg, nnd the public generally, that lie has c.
tabllshed a new More, on .Main Street. Idoom.burg, In
Mrs. l.eacock's lluildlng, where he offer for sMj, on
moderate term, n large asortmcnt of -
( LOCKS, WArGHliSi.yJEirEl.RY,
Of every sort, nnd slzo and ilescript'on. iu
tock of Jewelry is complete, including every fefyx
variety or l,adi- and Gentlemen', vedallon, sh
ri 1 , i. ., d . ltrf.fitnliin. riiiffer.rlnes. etc..JUJA'w
to tho examination nftvliicli ho invitesthe public gener-
" lym strict attention glvon to repairing Clock, Watch
es, nml Jewelry, and all work warranted.
Dlooinsburg. May 4, lHCl-tf.
IjivntiVbody usee FiiiiN'Krini.ns' corr.ii imorn
III It act promptly soinrtline nrrestliu the w nrst eohl
In 21 hour. In all iiflectlons of tho Chest. Throat,
whether finite or chronic it will bo found of Immediate
benefit. Try a single bottle and you cannot tail to op.
prelate its usefulness.
i or caie oy mnriaii ciorcacepcr anu jiruggisi.
l'rparcU by
C. FUOVl'.l'HV 1),
No. 3IT. N. 3d. St., Philadelphia.
Nov. 10, lPCl-Cm.
U'lair. It u 11 11 urnrv 01 lls.'ll.
AaniliiiEMi.Til or 11m IIhiaik 01 1'oNnith: lieltig n
pollllcnl hist ry ofth t'nll. d Stat, , fronilho nrganlta'
tioni ftli. Ilr t I' ral t'oiigre. in I18.1 to Ir5i, l.dlt.
e,l and co.i pll by llmi.Tn ma II. Hiniom from the Of
. I It co a .I'O.'ii r-' . ,
Th 1, 01 k w 111 tn co .pll . 11 15 royal octavo volume
iifo'i ip g, each II of hl( Ji are now ready. An mldi. n um.' will, publish -.I unci' In throe months.
cloth. 9:1 1 Law tflrep. SI .10 j Half .lor $1 Half
. Awfvv'oiPitoi'tMtivi: Tin: uvoloi'F.dia, ok
I lll'
Torm ndnli of four, and remit the price of four hooks
; I'TEtS.
lluy cone'iu,.'ully utt.
Mollat' l'lioenlx Hitter aru so called, liecausi Ihoy
posses tho power of ristoring tha exp ring em her. of
,! ,i, , a nluwliig vigor tliroiiiihoul the conslllution,
n, tl! , l5ii." nit Tla said to bo restored to lll'o Irom the
n. lie nl It) own dissolution.
ercrtri.ilI)lsease.-There i probably 111. one art cle
irlveii , ii n medicine, the injucious ue of which has
?aus ,l"uili He "preud nnd terrible iiilxliler tc tho
hu im tem as m'ercury. It pol.o.i sinks deep into
nniielratlng Ilia sulistaiiee 01 ino uones, un
" . . '. .nt.. M.f liirnl il Ih..',ko4.
iiroiiucinK a i"n ie i" .......
avu rou Tiin srrxnr cit.e op
Iiorvonsrrostratton, Ccneral DcMHty, Asttm,
Dycpt;.sia. tcrofula, Kartsmvts, r.italyjio,
Chronis Bronchitis, Anoiuia, Chlorosis,
and all Dlsordoru ottho Blo34!5yitoi!t.
do yoCTknow it?
covsnMrnos is the mo?t fatal fTOimon or
MANKIND, ltjiat uon truiy ixgnrurt i""'-
m t MALAtiv-rew ever survlvl-R I attack. " Om 'iM
Iht whoU nuiium ta'f." M' I)rJ ni-ricintt, '' nnd
JIOllF.HIANONi: HALF OF AI l.Tlin.J, III U rf) t'-
i tsrttvr r Alt1i,.,l rrinwuifltlfll H.11I5 II 111 11 III
Jj.l liu.i in till
It H
Weekly "Patriot & Union."
at the low rmcB of one dollar i
svDscnmr.n ton i.v clubs of witless ru.i.
vlw corn:s to ".vb .luwtES
The nerlod for which many of our subscriber have i e,.B .lilv nnii.r I, .lllff nil lilt, CVO 111' OXllirillll. WC
take liberty ol irsuingthls notice, reminding tlism ofths
same, in oraertuai i ej um
v th.-iii nUo take it as an esnccial favor if our pres
.nt c,,t,drr,l,rrB Ufffe UllOll tiieif UClChbor tllU I.ICt
that tha i'atbiot and Uniox Is tlio only i),'inocratli, pa
ner nrinted in Ilarrisburs, nnd considering tho large
amount of reading matter, embracing all the current
news oftha day, and
From everywhere up to the moment the paper goes tn
pre, political, miscellaneous, general and local news,
market reports, is decidedly the
There is scarcely a village or town iniho Stato in
which ti club cannot b i raised Iflh'propr exertion bo
made, and surely thire are f w p aces in which ouc or
nioru tnersetic men cannot b. found who re in l.ivorof
wiiiocrauc aocirines, w no
Henry in Eiiglnnd, ami Messrs. Garran
and Ura wors, iu France . It says: ' Ono
thini; tiocms to have been already made
out by these careful obBervcrs, namely,
that the growing point of a young root is
always protected from injury by sjiiatu
ral guard. MF
It has long been known that in certain
plauu the end of the roots is covered by a
kiud of cap or hood, within which the pro
cess of growth ia carried on. Ofthis the
common Duckweod offers a familiar exam
ple, which any one may see with tho aid
nf i iinnkut. lens Auother. ou a far tar- and
ger scale, is to be found at the end of the
stout teria, roots of the S row Pine ('if
claxus,) in which it looks like a groat
brown cap. It now appears that the
structure in quehtiou is general, not cseep
tionalf Mr. Heiifrey fiuda thafiho grow-
iug point of a root id not ut its absolute
extremity, which is covered by a cap
shaped or hood-like portion of epidermis
of its own, continuous likewise behind with
tho cambial structure. This cap-like
fiheath of the point of tho root may bo
compared with tho head of an arrow, for
ming a firm body, which can bo pushed
forward by tho growing force behind, to
penotrate through tho resisting soil. This
cap is subject to destitution and decompo
aition by external agencies, and is loss dis-tinntlt-
sf-Mi iu roots frrowins in tho earth
J a . . I ,h,. Hlu,.ml!inlloti of otl!l
than iu tllOSQ of aquatic plants. In all; would bo willing to make tho cirnrt to raisu a club.
cases, it is constantly undergoing renewal DEMOCRATS OF TUB INTE IOR !
by cell-development at tho back part; ana$ft
when it remains undisolvcd, as in mnyfeYu
water plants; it becomes very large; v.'hea ,
it undergoes decomposition in proportion I
as it is renewed bohiud, it presents an ir
regular ragged appearance, which proba
bly gave rise to the idea of a spongy struc
ture at the end of the roo lets.
In like manner Massrs. Garrcau and
I3rauwers find thai tho ends of the roots
undergo a procees of exfoliation, (throw
ing off scales) tho rapidity of which de
pends upon tho peculiar constitution of the
species, and the temperature and mo'uture
to which it is exposed. This exfoliation
is connected with tho formation of new
fusuo in tho midst of a viscous matter,
beneath the skins of tho hoods of o'pidor-
HE largest, best handsom
I est and cheapest assort
inent of Solo Linthur solid
Riveted Traveling Trunk.
Lailrs' Bonnet If Drits 7Vn.V
Clillilr-n's f'oaches, Propel.
lert Leather nnd Carpet llaga
racking rruiiKs sc.. c.. si
C. lebrntcd London Tri.O Jledal improved sheet sprint
eolii sold Leather Trunk manufactory, No. 40'.' Marko
Mreci, Houth west corner l'ouilii and Mnrkct, Plillad'a.
August f troi-tr.
States Union lijoicl
r.rnovn sixth,
J. W. r-OVVER, Proprietor
Tcrms: 81 i!J per dny.
SIny.12. lfC0-12iii.
R Ji M 0 A L . JcSg
V, V: SAIMK & Co.,
Commission Merchants and dealers in
lush, Chcctf and 'rtiviswiis,
No. lull Arch street, 2nd door above front. Phi add
hin, ugl4, OS ly
J. E. M gj BS E3 B ,
(Successor to J. 8. Sonttn.)
ivuoi.r.&ALi: i)v.iLt:n i.v
No. 8 North fifth St., above Market,
Also, Manufacturer and Importer of
May 12, leCO-lSm.
aMIE undersigned, having opened a new IIOOI'ANU
i SHCi: 91101', on Main street, in Hopkiasvlll'j. East
tilooiusbiirg. respectfully Unites the .iistnm of the citi
zens nnd the public generally. All kimU uf Hoots,
Shoes. &c . will be promptly mane to order, on snort
notice a id moderate terms. From long experienre in
his lino of business he Hatters himself that hu will ba
able to givu general tiallsfaction to all who miy favor
him witli their custom.
T7" Urain. Provision and t'roauce generally MKen in
exchange for work.
ji. r . uiiuimr.
nioouisburg. July H, lgCI-3m.
No. 40.
nnd livo eoph s will bo -i-nt nt tho remitter s cvpeuso lor Y'.. ,ml lllay iiiledlons of the throut, ol the bones,
carriage rr lor ten Mih.c eleven copies will be sent , "f .. ..lhl mniinuant sores, which hate eieii nt-
nt our cxpen eior earriagc. trlbutod to h
( I AH IMS 1 B. i lous use of mercury,
No other works wlli-o liberally reward the excitiotis worse than tin? ilisenso. 1.,c
if Ann,,!. ,V Afll'kT WaNTIII 1I THIS UlCYlY. 1.11 1j t tl.Ln ..Till I IHI..M.V "H l"lw'
Terms made known on application tu the 1'iililishers. I T , ,ra pule and Plue'iilx Hitters liav c always been
lllll . 1CIIIF.
I ,1b to t Ills, are so often caused by tho injudi.
ci "i s tine of iiierr ury. so that tlio remedy has proved
run nmAiin un: ty&uiui.vcr.. ax.vuitv .i.xu
musr eo.iv;. r or muuinr.i.piUA.
Olfll K, Ml. lU'lllfSTM' 1' SllttKT,
CAPITAL (ji lid up.) 63WI Out).
Cuttle Perpetual,
i ONTlNUUtn make I I'rilJHANCLS ON HVlIrf on
V the most reasonable t rms
Tho cnnltal being Paid up and Invested, together with I
n large nut! constantly ine -easing re.-erveu luuti, oners
a perfect security to the li.sur.-d.
The premliiiniu must In paid yearly hull' ) early, or
Tho Company add n ISON'I'ri periodically to the iiisu
runces of life. .The FIRST HUM'S appropriated iu lie
ceinb r, I'll, th" SIX'O.M) IIONUH. in Deceiiiln-r, Irp),
the TIIIKI) IION'L'B in December, IcOl.undlhu FOUUTII
IIONUH iu lleci'iiilwr, 1'J.
r7'These addilious lire made without requiring any
increase Iu the pr '101111118 In he paid to the Company.
Tho following ore a few examples from tho liecitter.
Aiiiouut of Policy and
F-iim l'lOiius or liuuu to be lur-r. nsen
Policy Insured nddltlmi by future adililiuiis.
No. f II fJJOiW S-W S i,:t-7 All
" i.l-i MM IILin IHI 4,0.51) 111)
" i:u loin) mo on liiwod
a:n .woo id"5 uu o,e-o do
" tec. Kc, fcc- -c.
l'nmpelcts. enntniuing tables nf rates and explnmtion,
forms of application, and furth.'r iuforuintinu eiin be
found at the oflice.
THOMAS II 1 110 LWAV, Prciulcnt.
Jxo. F. Jamis, .Crfioiry.
LF.VI L, TATJU, Agent.
F. C. iUnuisoN, l'l-amlniiig Plinleiun.
October lu, 1H07-Iy.
(Iinally auccessl'ul in thlsilussof dlsiusi s. am will
erauitaleiill the elicits ol lueiciiry from the ssti ln,
.ooiierlhnn the most powei fill pn pnrntioin or sursa
narlllii. They aid nature in casting Irom the sytteiii all ,
parnni. i . j ,.n,. ,it1li, the vital 1 u h .
' iv"0 10 .". "jj . , . : i "
Pillion Compl.iliits.-A well regulated and propor
tionate ouautil) of bile upon tho stomach is alwuj s re- I
luisitolor Iho promotion of sound health-It stimuluti s
. V..r.Jiin,i i,n,l keens the Intestinal canal tree from all
bstructions. Ou the interior surface of Uu
Im r is a
leculiur bladder in the bile Is Hist preserved, i
being loruiod by the liver Iroiu me nioou. io. nie iii
passes into the stoiiuuli nud int. st lies, and regulates ,
he digestion, 'i Iuik wo see when there N a dellcitiiiy j
of bile, the body is const.intl costive. On tho other 1
h'liid.iin over uonuilniice of bile inuseH frei)uent natis.-s
on the stomach, nuil olten promotes very n'vero uttacss I
of diseases, uhhli sometimes end in death. I
'rite Life .Medicines should, if possible, bo taken In
Iho early stugeo in lunous complaints , nun i. perse-
. . . t lit dlrnillAnd II 111 tliiciltit .ill'
v.irmi i n ui nri i v iiri iirttiii- n hmi-i i"iio m iipis.
L-tftiit a cur'. Tl-.olr Mciiitve nee lu thjri ctnniilaiut in
nit mi n ti ol' our f-'iitlii nt
, 13 R. M S .
fiinfle ronv for one vear. in advauco St 00
Single cony during the session oflho Legislature. -I 00
Published ecery Tkundaij.
Single copy ono ye .r in advance $2 00
TVn riioies to ono nildreBS ID DO
Subscriptions .nay commence at any time, ray al
vnuf tnadeaace. Any p-rson sending us n club ot II fly
subscribers tn tho Weekly n 111 lu entitled to n ropy for
hisfcorvices. Tho priciis so low that wn cannot ollVr
greater iiuliiceiiiciil- than this. Additions maybe made
m a.iy liiiia tn n club of subscribers by reinilting $t for
each additional uiiuie. It is not necessary to .cud us
the names of thnso constituting Hub. as we cannot
uuiloriake to address each paper tuclub subscribers sep
arately fpeclineii copies of tho weekly will bo sent to
all who desire it.
O IIAKKLTT & CO., Harrisburg, Fa,
Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes. Twines, Tar, I'itch.
Oakum. Illodis, and Oars, &c.
August 4, lei'O 1 Jm.
, 111! undersigned would inform the citizens of
i.loomsbiirg nuil vk-mlty. tnnt lie nanjust re
rived anil oft" rs for sale ono of the inottextoiii-ive
nsvnrtments of COOKING and FAN V STOVFS
-vor introduced into this market. The I liristopher Co
u i n tin , James Robhand Olobo are niuoug the lir.t ilass
cooking Sloves.all of which are air-tight and gas burner
His I'nrlnr tnves are ltauilsoiiie unU l ie IlsMirtmelil ia
led. Al.-O Particular attention s nald t" Tin-Ware
anil llntur Spnutiug. upon nmrt notice, nn kiiuib oi
repairing will ba done with neatness and despatch.
Tjr Country produce taken in exchange for work.
rillLIF d. MOVCU.
ltnomburg,Oct.n, 18Ca
ai$ vrliioli arc cveutually thrown oil.
Two IIeaps op Manuue. Tho lesson
inculcated by the followiug from the pen
ot IIou. E. H.IIolbrook, in tho New Eng
laud Farmer, ii no of great valuo to the
thinking fanner ;
"How truo is tho remark of Mr. Coke,
loin Hurl nt' l,oir.,itov ilint tin. vnlno nf I instructive not o.ily i.i the Workshop an I Manufactory
latO Liuri 01 ljt.l(-i)Mei , Ullll IHO aiU0 ht Blso in the llouseliJJ, tlw -.Ibraryund thj UjoJIuj
f.irtt .,t-il litiilinro .a in nrftiinrlmll tn wlmt KOOlll.
k tki J . ... . r iuiu, w .
itisraaduof. If cattle cat htr.nv
the cattle aro biraw, the farm is
fl R ! R S3 C '1' U S
or TI1F.
MTlli AMi!IiRA,
Till: Dl'.ST IN THi: WORLD.
A new volume ofthis widely circulated paper com
mences on the 4th of January, livery number contains
sixteen paes of useful inlorinalioii, ami from live to
Hu original engravings of new inventions and discoie
ries, all of which aro prepared expressly for its coining,
Th) S 'in.VTHT.' AMIllllCAN is ,iuviteil totho in
terests of Popular Science, the M. than ic Ar s, v'anu
uf.Ktir s, Inventions nil. i tgriculiuM, Commerce ni-l i
th. In. luotrial I'ur.uils gen. rany. niu Is v.ihiaM.i uu.l
BI KVAKH, 10,000 VKIH'i'lilt, A
E (uin-iiM per iioiir: v
Tb PrMllitt u D.tlljaknl b,,l.s wluila lLV.'
FI.S.a.JpbkPre.1. attbaUta tt.Vtff
raanuLIN UltltUTB . V TW-Pief.
A CsbMus ,,t,cV" PHn... Cm. a
.ioC'V'oT T Tb,uMl CarJ a-Tll-ir,i
O" lkra7Wt.t,U-WrHr.araallJwJel
Cnr.IJtimry.FOlIKTSS ST below CheMtint
IIP. undersigned Is also extensively engaged In thi
' Uitdtrtahitig Ihtitinesa and keeps constantly on hand
ltd for sale at his Warcrooms, a large ussorlmcM of
FINIS" ED. gggp '0FF1NS,
lie 1 I, lei, hr la pn.ilitol fill (iril.-ra nn liri-plil.-ll,otl
l?o Keetis a good Horse and Hearse, and will at at
times bo ready to atttud Fiiuerels.
Illooiibi'rg, January 2.1. lr'SO
August 17,
: t X ft $ t
A T T U II N E Y A T L A W ,
ni.oo.vsBUiia. ta.
Office In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles T.
Illonmsbiirg, Dec. I, le.5'J.
a one,
To iht M'chamc and Alununctunr ,
No persons engaged in any of tho mechanical mirsuits
shou! J think of lining uitliou th- riciiM'ir.c Amihicn.
It ,n.t. I, nt i,.ilttt o.'r ,i,,.. ! ni-ari' iioiiit, .
and tho fanner U straw they aro all straw , tains from u to-t -u enjriiFiiigs or new macim. s and
... i.ii- "iv iiiions, which cnnnoi on iouii i in any otiur piihll.
t02et ILT. 10. I 'lit; ago 1 Inid IOUt OOWS 1 cation. It is ail established rulJ of tin p iblishetst.i In-
' . I.. it r.rl..,,,..l .. nm. !,,. ,..! ...-.l. . rt - .
I class iii the art. iTraw u and engraved bv kxuirlenced
persons under their own supervision,
' o the liiventur I
(Late While Swan,)
PIllI.ADKi I'lltA.
Pays tho entire cost for Tuition in tho most popular and
successful I'ommcrcinl School iu the country. Upward
of Twelvo lluuilreil young men from twenty-night Mill'
'rent States, haio been educated tot business hero witii
iu tho past thr'e ears, some of whom have been em
ployed ns liook hicpers at i i ones of
S'2000 Ol) per Annum,
imiii-diately upon gradnattnp.who knew nothing of ac
counts w h -n th y ul r th- t'olleee.
1 7 Mlui-t 'is sou- half prie -. -fident enteral any
tlni'.nn r vi-li u Ih pi :i .with iut extrachirge.
For Catalosu off' pin rp cimensof Prof Cnwlei's
I usinui-snn I Ornamental IVuniaiihip. nnd a large l)ti
graving oftho College, ini loso twenty-five rents in Post
age Stamps to the Principals.
JhNKlXo SMITH, I'iltslnirgh, I'a.
Jan. 5, lefil ly.
T, V. UIIOADS, Sup't.
Nov. It!. In I.
Fu M 1'
JOHN llOYER, Proprietor.
(March 2. lM!l-IVio.)
M"Ak"i"x 0
Tho SCII'.NTiriC A.MIiniOAN is indispensable to
every inventor, ns it not umy contains illustrated Ue.
riptions nl nearly an tu- io-i iiiveiiiiotis a. thryromo
ooiuo to the stable in tho fall, which
thought might yield a good supply of milk
through tho wintor, if woll .etl I also
liao four other animals, cows and heifers,
which witp not oxneotcd to n-ivu mill lill I nut, but each numb -r contains an Ullutal Li.t of tlio
VrillCH Wiri. UOl l,xpUlLU to Illlllt till ' j:liltl of all th i'at Ills issjjd from the L'mtod e'tales
Patent Olnce nui inn tu previous , thus giving u
correct lustor of tho pr gr. ss of iiiveniiuna in this
country. We are also receiving, every week, the best
sclantiflo Journals of Oroal Britain, France and (
uy ; thus placing ill our pnsseiuu all that is transpir
ing in mechanical science nnd nrt iu these old coun
tries. Wo shall continue to tr.iufur to our columns co
pious extract- from these Journal, of w dr we uuy
deem of interest tuoiir rentiers
tho following grass geauon. The first four
were tied in Iho st-ablo sido, and received
each iu addition to hay and ttalln, four
quarts of small potatoes oaoh morning and
two quarts of corn nnd oat-mcal iach
evening during the winter. As woexpuo
ted, thcr gave a good iiih-h of milk, mid
conic out well in the spring. The manure
of tho four cows was thrown out of the
cattle sbed by itself. Tho other four an
imals wcro tied in the same stable uoxi to
tho first lour, and receivod only hay and
corn fodder. Their manuro was 'thrown
out by itself at the caxt stahlo window,
and under tho samo shed, eo that tho two
heaps lay uido by Mde. The heap that
was made by tho first four cows that wero
daily messed with potatoes and meal, kept
hot nnd smoking all winter, and wat
wholly free from frost. Tho hoap made
by tho other animals that bad only hay
and stalL'3 showed no signs of formoHa
tion ami was somewhat frozen. Obscrv
ing this difiorouoc from timo to timo, cu
riosity prompted mo in tho spring to apply
those two heaps of manure sccorately, bnt
in equal quantities, sido by side, on a
picco of corn prouud Tho superior' ul
tliu vjru orop whoro tho manuro from tlie
niessed cattlo was applied, over that when
the other hoap was spread, was quito ap-
irnrtr riii S'rt (
Chemists, Architects, Millwrights unit
The HCWNTIFIC A.MF.UICAN will be found a most
useful Journal to I lie in. All the new ilUcoieries tu the
science of chemistry are given in its rulumi, and the
itit -rests nf the urcliit -cl and turpjiiter ara not uiex
looked: nil the n-w inventions: uuu i.iscuvirles npper
taiiiin; to these pursuits b iug publish from week to
weak L'sefu nn I iiilor.u.itiou p rtuiuitig to
tl,j interests nf .nillwrljhts an.) mill oseiurs will be
fnuud pul It Ii 'tl ill the So ntiM.i Am ricau which infor
mation lluy cannot p ,an,ly obtain from any otll r
au.ire .. riubj cts in much planters and runners are i.
terested will ba fuuitil ..i.-cusa-u in th dcliulllli- Atiier
Kan: unstof tho i.iiiriivoiueuis in agricultural imple
ments being illustrated in its coluiuiu
To mail subscribers: Two Dollars a Yeor. or One
Dollar fni ix months. One Dollar pays for nun com.
pl.'te volume of -Ho pages ; two volumes comprise one
li ar. Tho volumes comiuoiico on the first ofJiMuiiY
ami July.
Five Copies, Ihr Six Months $
Ton Copj s.J'or Six Months .jj
Ten Copies, for Twelvo Months $s
I'll ttii. it i.opies. for Twelvo Mouths g-'j
Tw.nty Copies, J"or Twelvo Months jjij
For nil clubs tf Twenty and over, tho yearly subserlp
tinu is only Sl.tU. Naiuds cau be sent in ut dllf rent
Hums and froiii litfir.'iil Poit-offieus. Spicimeii copies
will b- sunt gratis to any part ofth country.
Wr t rn a. 1 1 'diu .j.'iii iiion y or 1'osi-ulrices stamps
tak -ii at par for s-ilucripli n. I'uiiii iiiin subscribers
will pi as tn remit "Jj tnt -,xlra mi oath year's sub
scription to pre-pay postng-
WIJN.V k CO.. Publishers,
No. 37 Park-row, Nsiv Vork.
Dec. 14, ISO).
'I'lli; undersigiied inform the uiblie geiu rally lhal
1 they have formed a cu-partntridup, and v ill contin
ue tlis business of Pump making and repairing, iu all
their varioui departments, iu t!looiu,iiirg, where they
w jll promptly nil. -ml to all orders iu their Hue of bust
neas. whether m town or country.
Well .mil Cistern Pumps, with leaden Pipe, made ill
the best style of workmanship, ou moderate terms, and
ou very short notice.
From tin ir Inn'? experience ill the business, slid nn
enruest dei,iro to have their work commend itself to the
public tln-y feels conlldent thev ran make ilnti object to
those who may give them their custom ami render L'i'I'e
ral satisfaction. JOHN CHUTCIILLV.
Ulnoinsburg, April 13, leni. am
'! II n undi rstgned is prepared to supply liriik, of it
I good quality, at fair price, lie will he found ut tho
Ilrick Vardoi'D. L, M'Kinny, near McKelvy & Neal'a
Furnace. I'i ri-on desiring to piurha-o will do well to
call as brick will bo made unci m' told.
I J. 11. Fl'IlMAN. Aeint.
B7" lOD.OOO now nn hand and ready for sale,
llloom. burg Feb.'.). I0til-3tu. J. II. F.
HOUSE, No.t North S.cond Street, Opposite Christ Church,
UT" Constantly on hand, n largo assortment of Heds,
Mattresses, Paillasses, Cushions, Hair, Husk, Cuttall,
mid all urtirles In the lino ut the Lowest Prices.
A. U Particular attention ;iil to renovating A'ev an
Old rwthtra.
March 3. leOl-l.'m,
f AMI! into the enclosures of tin subscriber, living in
' Locust tow nship, Columbia county, iu the curly part
ofOeccmb r, a
Supposed to bo about seven years old and a
up?ose,l tob" some three years olj.
The imiierl,. requested tu prove property, pay char
ges and tnkn them away or they will be disposed of ns
the law directs.
Dee, Q8, 1MII-3U.
Fij-c Pcool Cessit:t i'v SaSc
A lot of superior Fihb Pnoor Ckmest. especially adap
ted for omeuliug llool's. Ono gallon h ill cover 101)
feet of ordinary moling, ami Is insured proof against
rani und wet weather, ('tin be had nt iiiaiiiil'arturers
prlees, by thu gallon or half barrel, nt tho oltlccnf thu
Culumbia Democrat. .
i llloomiburg, July 13, lrDl.
renders tomiuelit uuucccssu- 1
.Moir.ifs Llf.- Fill-. - I'll" i"J "f lllt,i0 l'i,ls for 11 ' L'r' '
short time, will all'Tt an entire cure ol Salt llheuin, and
a slrlklii" impiovem, ul iu tlio i learuess ol the skin. i
Common Colds und lutlueuza will always be cured by
one dose, or h twneveii in the worst iuus.
Piltsl Pui.s! ! The original proprietor of thes- .Med- ,
iciiteswin t tired of Piles of 33 )eurs stattdiiie, by tho '
use of th Life Medicine itloiio.
Liu-it Comphim. - An nlV'itloii nf Iho Liver may be I
known hvu l'.'.ling of tension or pain iu the right ,
about the rigion or the liver, often pungent us in pleu
risy, but sometimes dull , a dilllcult) lu drawing n long I
breath; drv cough and Inclination to vomit. IhU dim-use
nun 'he produced by cold, by violent exercise, by
intunce simmer heats, b) long continued bilious lever
or imue, and by various solid concretions iu the tub
s'nnceof the liver. And to Ihcse projuilug causes, are
dcningeui' lit of the digestive organs, suppressed secre- ,
tious, und mental sollcttudu, which nr- very fre'punt
causes of obstruitious and ills. uos ot Hi liver.
Tlli-a disease bliouut oearreFiuii n, u,-i iuniitiii..,ii.iii (
which cun lie done by n fewdos -s tf the Life Pills.
When once tho liver is aroused to the porlorin ince of i
its proper fiiuelious, littlo more Is requisite than toe on-
llniie a proper use of tho inedLiiies, and a speedy ro
covery will ensue. ... , ... . I
FivfcK ami Aoui; lor thiJ s.'otiw rf the Western-,
country, those medicine will b lound a safe, speedy,
nml certain remedy. Olhir medicines leave the sy-tcin i
subject to a return of the disease a cure by these .Med-
ii-Hies is permanent. , i
Staoiun Thu mo-it horriblo cases of scrofula, in '
whiih Ihu face, bones and limb- of the i ictim hail been ,
iir. yed upon In Hie nisiiti.ible disease, ate proved, by
iihileniable aulliorit of 'he sultcrers th -iiiselves, to
h ive b.-eit coniil t ly cured bylheso pur -ly vegetable
niediriii.-s, alter all others had been found more '
use. ess. ,, .
lu ig -at Ion an I Dyspepsia. If we wero called upon ,
to speul'y one oisenso whkh nioru than an) nihil is the .
nun.!, (wliil -it i theollVpriugofiivilijationlvvc should I
ii.iio.- It so. nsi.t. It is geiieially utiended, or rather t
.j,i . .( n iniiL' train of ills, sodi as Heartburn,
Vlaiulenc) , u enitw lug pain at ilie slomai'h w hen empty
a sense ol uneoinloitami- vveigm vmo n i"ii,i'in" .
throat, side and pit of Iho stomach, lostivi ness, chilli- .
Iloss, languor, iniwillLngiussto take exercise, S-e
Moffat's Life Medicines lire peculiarly adapted to the ,
cure of thlt di-trensmg complaint They act up in Iho ,
bowels in it very iiiild. nnd. at tli sumo time, v.ry etlet
ttial niniiii ,-r. and linvc never yet failed to euro this dls
easj wh 'it used lutording to our directions.
I.'etieral Di l,iluy,-The most common of all com-,
plaints is that of a general weal.uess of tho whole sjh-l.-ui,
uiiarioinpaiiied by any particular di-order, or do-I
llnitte symptoms of disease. Th -re is it little vital en- .
ergy. it Iims of nppjtlt , uuwilliiiglien-. and indeed in.i-
bility to undergo v rlion-. fru iueiit It udai lies, iudi-'
gestinn. olt -ntiuo-s Milhw uess and ryn ss of the skin,
tjn.leiicy l.i fi-v -rislin ss, iinlitu ss for socii ly. in short
ill those symptom- of langu r "I loieiuoe, an I weak
ness that give evidence ol a ailure in the vital pow-
eis and a low, unhealthy nd morbid eoiiuiljuii of the
Life rills and I'liotiiis n tltrs. i
Tlio Lifj Pills and I'linenltc Hut rs are. p il).ip. th '
bet remedy lor restoring stri utth t to b y f.ii.lhy
acta a gentle eartaarlie. and. by n n lo i 't ..i.iti s,
strengthen the wind sy-tcui
Mi il'il's Life Pills. 1' r-oiH of a p th.-ri n.ihit who
am siil'J H to Ills h alaihe, u :o -s. n..n ss of
sight, or iirow.iu s Irom too a li . t oioon m
tee lu id, shoul i t.ik tueic Pills Ir 'pi ully.
ADVIl'i: TO FUMALI'iS. Femai. a who value theyr
health should never be illinut the Lib- Me.lii'Jiies. as
ihey purify Ihu hlooil remove ubstructions. and give the
shin a beautiful, ch ar, healthy and blooming appear
ance. Tu Fdilerly Persons. Many healthy aged individuals
who know Ihu valuo of Moll'at's Life Medicines, make
it n rule to take tlioni two or tierce times & Mock, by
which they teinove tho causes that produce disease,
preserve their health, and keep oil' I lie iiitirnntie-s nf
ago. 1
Fucts for Mothers and Nurses. It is a fact, estab
lished by tho annual bliss of mortality, that one half of
llte-tlitl ren buinu iiri; cut oil' hi fore nlinluing seven
years of aie; and tho source nl' Ibis mortality is
found to ovist in that tool statu of the stomach and
bowels which produced the generation of vvoiins. As
the safe restorer f infantile health iu this critical statu
the Life .Medicines have long held a distinguished repu
tation, and for foulness of tho stomach and bowels, nud
eunviiliiiiiia. although worms mu) nut exist, It is allowed
to be superior to uuy other.
.Mofl'iiOs Pill, nnd Fill' rs.-No medieiii's nt present '
known have done so much good xo mankind us these, 1
within the la-t f-w yeare; and lertinuly initio litvuj
en rewarded with more numerous am) authentic ten '
timnululs of their nn nriable and eteiuie ellluay ,
l hev re. in re nn dieting imr coiilinem. nt, are nurlcrtty I
mild and ideasaut tu their operation, but will power-'
fully restoro health that greatest of eurtldy blesiugi:
to thu most exhausted and dilapidated constitutions.
Prepared by i
Dr. WM. 11. .MOFFAT, I
335 Uroadway, New Vnik. I
And for Sale by all Druggists upl3-lil ly. I
M.-rutF." Whnt ft sad commentary ea iu eoiumu
clueacycf Hid II aline Art 1 .j. .,,
Tho hrllll.vnl 1 iscovtry f f Fr. rhurrhill, mde to tht
Impe-rial Ae.idemV or Hedlelm , of V'"",0.?!
f.i(im(iM' Iioon to tho world, lly tho j of tills new
aud jmnrfnX remedial 0701I, known to Ihcmlstry na
"The Will: of CONSUMPTION oven In tho
Second nnd Third Htnce(nt n period, therefore,
ivhon there enn lie no doubt ns lo the nnturo of
the OI.cii.c-) Is tho Ill'IX, while I1KAT1I IS THE" "I KNOW," mr Dr, C,
"that they will prove nolonly ns b I'll 11 A ISHJl.
KDY In CONSUMPTION n Quinine Is In Inter
mlttcnt rover, lint utso r.s iTielunl n PltKSLll
VATIVE ns VncolmitloM In Pmull Pox."
I?lno puITercr.vTlio values licfllth and life, delay nn
Ivor to try this tenudy. licmembrr thist " prcvotlon
Is bettor than cure." Heva. e of s. lf dtiepticn, er tlio
sootlih.e n-juruueo ot rrk a'.t that "It ti emhj a lt.
Mil' " l'at ilo.ror toinyiii'lvvltoiimirtidp.em'ituro
graven 1 t-ivo. I entreat yon, prompt atttuti.ui to tlio siqhs qf cqnsumptiqh.
"Asn Tite.-ir: Sit NS &iuu. rnitow iukji," .Vat.
"Tliocarlii -(Fyntptum of tubercular dlsesso Wvaht..u.
HjwJeitlieeuuih.naiX It U point uf limn,
than tbo nscno. It 11 first manifested I'i the fnte (mi
hanU. Tni muaeul.r Huujs woilo ; hoie duuuiy:
thero ii n sensitifECBMtltlng Wroae nctlhi'thaura povvrs.t Anr. rucusa. H. tecuti ot tho llrii g
wachlno Is moro nctlv e than Us repair." Dr. 1'oUo.k.
' If. it-i'TioHlctjiVTreircril emit', or under the Influent o
tf cai sua width iadi.eo m ,um nnd ixuivs-i x ; sutli
a3, jrlt7, Ol-crteoj wioi, yrcpiuuy, i ea. u..c.r-, ,if i,
1 Hunfiu. ro, i l growth, er tlmt tttortry Jivn rfui-f,
I n petson l.eglus to luto his Ccsh, tiinf,iii, ctl,.r. or
app-Hilo: If lu eoffjn ftota ihurtnat of Irtvlh, or
I .i l!fft, nud experiences s, goucrnl feeling of ten-miw-nn.WWwrfen.aill
UK IS F.WAtOU TO 1 L.It list
I Jt is alrmhj pruH-sxHrd to tic conij.ImV. If lo thio
symptoms lio added cei a, however Ellelit, pirllcularly
! If It Im cctno on n'ovviy, or duiltg tho l.itr teafon,
TU- Fi.OBADI I.1TY I.J OitEATr.U S.TI1.L. 1 ' C'h ureUill.
i "If, on tlie earliest nppenrnneo r these slsits of
C'onsnniMluti, the patient takes dullr nbi.tit ten
eriilns of tho lIVl'OPlIOSrlllTES, lie will tisimlly
see them nil d:snppcr in a period varylnc from ft
fev vveclts lo a fo'.v i-iontbsj und by lontliintiiff the
occasional use or the Keinnly, HE WILL SPEED
ilt fi:;d iiiKsiLr in the enjoymemt? op
usoavn ix ins Lirn lirroiii:."
"Wlnohostor's Gcnulno Preparation"
Form of Pr. Churchill's F.emedy plain fror.i tho
orlfinal Formula. Tim nctioa of the lypopliosphlte-i
Is Tivo-roinaiid spcclfiG : incriti i'thoiuiticlp:eT,iritri
coTlTlTl:i MJtvotH renc'K, nnd they aro iho woeT
i-owEimxunou-oiaKiuiiNU jicuatskxi vtv. Tho rir.ct
upon tho tubercular ooudlllim is lMilLDIATE.itt. Tea
Id IX.ILLY M!iviJ.or?. '1 hey nlirre tho cough. c'l'mt'ii.-Ji
expectoration, imprcrt tho appetite, eneit dlanl.oa;
tho night twcclt,, and Jeer ceaso j the Uswols
Ittmc regular, nml mii tnri' cjiim raorooD.
J3- nrAVARHof Mogul .'eiae-'iciclvcctiseil t. Fr.
amrihlll'E, nnd all other fcWISTU INel DliVKCS toiob
eulferers of their means, leie prwfem (t'me, nd livtcu a
fatal niaviT. 'Writ to me lor C!HCt.'LAia, snd for
Dr. Churchill's Treatiso en Coiiamaptieit,
which contain the enhj tiuthetttir inorrtato. ki tcjard
to thll 'LV TKEATMtST tnl lo all ttiqalru 1.
All came out rifht; with Lon-
of riilladclphia against the
Mo. 125, South Eleventh Street near V7aliiut(
. !8SBBj tBJi' BiE'BBBA,
Ihiatuoled Olnss, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Fainting
Jons flinsov. a, u. (iimo.v.
January li, IStil nm..
ritlCEt In 7 nnd lC.oe. Dottles, f.l end fa cseh,
Throolarce, or six small for J5. Ily Avc-slmllo is
on tiotb tho Label nnd Outsido Wrrrpcr.
fi-y Do not confound this r tact'y villi tbo te-er.l'sd
" Chomlcnl Food ;" nnd psrtictUrly avoid nil pr, ir.i
Hons cotilalniHK irMt, w-h)eli Is riASc.zr.ot'fl,nr.d t',4 !t''
ti l, which has so ci tutivk rnortxTY viiutct rn.
"old by the most reEpecuble throughout
.tollnlte.l Elates and Drill. h 1 lovlncrs.nrd Whulesals
ll!elnllat the General I)(itlu tho I nlUd States, by
J. WIHCIIESTEB, 38 John Etroct, IT, T. ' lHCl.
EVAN.-; & U'A I'S'iN-
MOVFD to HOI Chestnut Unit,
uhore third Philadelphia, have on
and a large ii.sortmeut of Fir'1
'Fill' t proi.f r,tlnmatider Sufi's.
to, noli doors, foi Liiuks and
slori s iron shutters iron sa-h, nil
makes of locks e'tualto any made
in the l'nited ftates.
fire 'tr.a tn one ,t'r?.
trvts Ie rood roiiatiion.
The fialainander Safes
FV -MXS cc
have had the surest demostration in tho follow jug cer
tificate that their nritiufai ture of Salamander t-afes has
at length fully warranted the reireseittatious vvhiih have
lieen mane ot tlo-iu as reiiilcriug an inmouliteu yectirny
ngailtst the tcrrillc eleiin iit.
Philadelphia April 12. 1Ki.
.Messrs P.vati ,' U'atson: IJentlenien-It nlTords us
th" higliCht satisfaction to.tale to ott, thai niting to
the very protective qualities oftivo of the Halaiuander,
Safes vvhiih we purrhiiseirof you some five month since
we saved it large portion of jevtelry, and nil our books.
A.c, eiposed to the ealauuiious,ruiiil!auctead place on
tho loorulns of the 11th nisi..
M'lieu we rellect hat lhehe taf's vvero located ill th
fourth srnry of the building wu occupied and that tb-y
fell hubseruently niton heap of burning rutin., vvhere- the
vast conci ntrntion of the heat caused the brass plates to
melt, wo cannot but regard tho preservation of their val
uable contints as most convincing proof of tin great se
curity all'orded b vour sales.
Wo shall take great pleasure in roconmi'Miding them to
men of lmr.iior,s us a mire riliance against fire
(illOlKll! U. SIMMON'S U. Illlt).. Jtiecllcrs.
lO Thev have since purchutcd six largu a.ifes.
August S(l, lrj'i
Si's jf-30lA3 HvTSi.
Kt o.'iduay, ra'cw Yoj-k.
Scroftila, or Kings Et
Ij a constltiitlonril tllspan a corruption of (tc
blood, by vvlilcli tlili fluid become vitiated,
weak, and ikiot. Iletna In tlio circulation) K
pwYadc tho whole liody, nnd tliriy burst otit
In discasa on nny part of it. Nn organ is ire
from iti attack, nor i thoro ono which it may
not destroy. Tito scrofulous tnlnt is variously
caused by mercurial difensc, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impuro nlr, flltli
and filthy habits, thu dcproisinrr vices, and,
abovo all, by tho vcncrcitl infection. What
ever bo its origin, it li hereditary in tho oon
fctltutlon, dcRcendinff " from parents to children
unto thu third and fourth generation " indwxl,
it seems to be the rod of Ilim who says, " 1
will visit tho Iniquities of tlio fathers ttpan
their children."
Its oirects commence by deposition from tho
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In
tlio lung?, llvor, nud internal orcans, is termed
tubciclcsj in the glands, swellings j and oil
tho surface, eruptions or eore3. This foul cor
ruption, which ccmUrs in tho blood, doprcssc
tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suiter from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far 1ms power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases i conie
tpucntly, vast numbers perish by dlsordors
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
aro still rondned fatal by tliis taint in the
system. Most of tho consumption which da
cimatcs the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructiva diseases of tlie liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all tho oigaus, ariso from ot
aro aggravated by the same cause.
Ono quarter of all our people nro scrofulous ;
their persons aro invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cloanso itftom thoBystem wa must renovate
tlio blood bv an altcrativo mcdicina, and in
vigorato it by healthy food nnd teroi
Such a medicine wo supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilfa,
the most cfroctual remedy which tlio medical
skill of our fiinos can ucvisa for this every
where prevailing and fatal mnladVa It is com
bined irom the most active lcmedials that havs (
been discovetcd for tho expurgation of this foul
disorder from tho blood, and the rescue of tho
system from its destructive consequcnatw.
Hence it should bo employed for tho euro of
not only scrofula, but iibo thosa other affco
tions which ariso from it, stall as Uuorirrs
and Skim DtsKAsns, Sr. Anthony's Fret,
ilOUE, or IlKYSlrr.LAB, l'llll'I.M, PUSTULM,
lHorcitK?, Uiain nnd Boim, TuMon6,'TETTt:R
and S.vlt Knr.i'M, Suaui Heap, KtxowoitM,
3m:ujiATi3M, SyrittLi no nud Mniccuui. His
:ahf.s, l)norY,,DY6iT.rsiA, Doiutr, ami,
indeed, all CoMrr.An.-Ti Arti?iMo rnwi Vitia
tkd on iMi'tiitE Ulood. Tho jxipular belief
in " impurity of VuLblood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of tho blood. Tha
particular purpose and virtue of this Harsapa
rilla is to ptuil'y and tcgencrnte this vital fluid,
without wliich sound health is impowible In
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
tire so composed that disease within the range of
their action cm rarely withstand or evaile tntin
Their penutrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ
ism, correcting its diseased uclion, nnd restoring
its healthy vitalities. As a conscquento of theso
properties, tho invalid who is lemcil dovm with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restored by a remedy at so
simple and inviting.
Not only do they euro tlio every-day complatnM
cf every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous ditcasM. Tile agent below nanwi U
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their enrcs and dlroctions
for their use in the following complaints: C'cjrtrvv
jmjsj, ntmtbttrn,lUadachariiingJ'iQM (Unordered
Moimtcfi, Kaustn, Indigestion, l'w.n in anil Morbid
Inaction of the Molests, FlatultUvy, Lost cf.ipjif
tile, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints,
nri'sing from a low state of the body or obittoclioit
of iti (unctions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ,
rou Tin; tiArjn enni: oy
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Hronchtti, Incipient Consump
tion, nnd for tlio roiiof of Consumptive
Patients Iu ndvattcctl etnges of the
8o wide is the field of its usefulness and so tu
incraus .no the eases of its cures, that almost
every section of ccintry abound in persons pub
licly known, who havobecn restored from alarming
i . ..i ,.e l. i..h. i.h I...
anil even ctespcraic uiseaset. ui mu iuhi uj
ue. When onco tried, its superiority over erery
other mi tlicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues aro known, the
publie no longer hesitnte what antidote to cmplr
for tho distressing and dangerous ali'ef tions of (Jie
pulmonary organs tliat nio incident' to our climate.
Tiilc lnanv infetior remedies thrust upon the
community 'have failed and been discattlod, llm
has gained friends by every trial, conferred tomtit,
on the nfilieted thry can nercr foigm, and r ro
duoed cures loo numerous and too remarkable to
tc forgotten.
a rnnrAnED by
I'. I.uu, J. It. .Mi ' r, (J. -M. lliueiitiucn, i;iniuujr
Miller, llcrrvick, ami Iv une stuio in evirj t". n in
rcrnj Ivumu.
pHOUknoivinj ihenfelves Indebted to the umlor
n u"il anu r by notlfleil to couw anil atttln their
iciouuts wlllioul fir'hiir n ,ti - IjidmhIi .
If net Ulrildgil to soon 111' Ir aCCt-UUtl Will b'l nlafuil in tbe natural leeltl
propsrlianils for collctbsii .Minor I plate and block te-th inanufui lurfd anil nil
. . r- . 1 1 -
P. 0. IIAKRISON, 1).
WUUI.I) reapcctfully liifortn tlio citizens of lllnnnis'
burg, unit vicinity, that lie coutiiiuestlie practice o'
nil solicits u share of public patronage.
OrricK on .'.lain Street, tlrtt liousu below tlie Court
House, llloniiialiurK.
February J. IcM If.
II. 0. UOWEIt,
gUIt (.13 0 IV IHiTIT
'.t.-'lT' :H i.l oir. rslnt prnfirr'un
. s. t s ti tlio liiiili s unil t'eiitlcni. n of
'i!ioi iuuri a. i vicinity, llelsnr pur'"
to ait nil 1 1 all tli ' various on r ill im In
the line of bis profi'SBjon Ji I prvl'hil v Itlitli I t st
inprovetl pore lalute-etli, vvliicli will be luu rt"il on
gulit, rlati na eilv mini rubber laiej tolook us well as
ESI A 2 ' li St n o y ,
Wlli,i:SAI.r. lllJALIillH IN' v
iilaiHil'aciiind tV l.ial ' liibiicco,
IJ, E. Oorncr of Tront and Arch Streets,
jamcs M. unyu. I l'lllLAUULrillA.
March 10, lcl-0-l'.'m.
Arch hltcet, AUre Tilled.
V II I A 1 10 I. 1 II I A .
T 11 Ji 0 It E A T
lI(H .IT IHVI.1V 1 S fjllt
mm tibtuiAii m
IMUW VKGHI AIUali li.Ui(ll-:N.lGOGU!i.
Tbis tljlirateil Female Mi-ilictno pon-ie-nes vittnis
utikiioHii n aiijtlims else of tin- kind, ami proving t-11-e-itual
alter all i.ili rs b.ivc fatleil ; it is prt ptireil from
an "Iniliau Herb' peculiar to N'urlli rii .Mi'icoiiudTc.
as, and Is us d by llm Nutivi-s in pr'i.lm 1113 tin- mum 11
ly sickm.k. it i- ili'sijtnuil for bolli inuarii d and miiIi-ladii-s.auil
is Hie- r Ii stttitug .uoivit f rtlt.1 purpusu
us it vv ill mauve all obstructions Hlti r oilt. r r- uie. l
have b.-c'i ttietl iu vain. It is 11 pleusinit t.-n, luiilaiu
ing ii ait tu 111; injiiriiius to biutli, und 11 cure to be relied
11 J ' I'll 111 till CUk-'a.
1'ri'lapsiis I'ti-ri. or f.illinu l lite U'oiuli; l'lom-s AI
bus. or U'bil.-e; llir'unc lA-llaiualiuii. or I'lrcrutiiin of
Hid U'mnli; ltuiili'iital lluniuruge of i'luuiling , uud dis-t-asi-
of tint tin nn.
l.ttdie-Mii tl.e early stage of pregnancy are can
tioued aijaliiat tlio usu uf this tea, us it will iruduou
t-niriUKU AMI o.u uv
rilll.ADIll.l'AIA, l'A.
1'ricee Sl.OUliar package, (witli full illrectlons fur uu)
scut by or .Mail to any address,
Dr P. ran lu consulted 111 all nbatnutu I'uiuulo (,'otu
plulnts, iu u.'rsou or by letter, and will furniieli tlie lint-ta-pcrelm
I eiuuler-yriiigc bigltly rei oiuuit-uded by Iba
1'uciilty In married ladies I'm apecial purpusi-s.
Also Radical Cure uud tuln-r Truss' s Improved He.
lary uud Spine .tbduminal Hupporti-rs r-bouldcr llruces '
1. la, tic und hacu Hloiklugs -rlpiual Apparutus, ,1'or
I Si, ne tlie opening of tin-, va.-t und niiiiui" liuti, Ilnirl,
in ItS I. it Int. Iie-i-n Uu- Mugle endeavor of II10 proprie
. tors tu make it tin m ist siiiuptuous, cunveniutit and
I couifortalile liiime for llii'ciltie'ii uud manger on tins
I side tin' Atlantic.
I And ivlnti'vcr lias ecmil likely to adiuinii-tnr lo tbu
coinfiirt of its gue'its tltev liavu endi-nvorud, witliuut r.
! gard to cost, toprnvidu. and to ciimtiini) all tbu eli'ineuts
of indiv Idual and eue'ial I'lijiiyini-Nt vvliicli uuidern un
1 baa iiiveulud, uud modern tatu approved i and tbu pa
1 tronagii vv liiclt it lias ciiiuuianiled tliiriug t lie p.ll .is
. yars is n gratifying proof that their e lferts liavu bsen
( apiirecnued.
I To meet tlie i-xigi'iirjes of tbo times, when all aro re
1 quired lo practice the most rigid economy, the unier-sigeui'd
JJave ticduccd vie l'nue of Board to
fat...n l.lta.. .. th liiu villi aey ui . 1 iiiiii hub u. -- f0'-'
I WO 1 1 f 1 1 ; .'S lift Kit'. ana. ,,,,,1 ,,,.v,.r iitlnu to e-llt-cl tiici-dy cures wilhoi
nt tlie-same timo iib.itlng unna of the luxnrle's with uny bail result.-, will ui-o nonu but Dr. Uel.ane) s Feiualu
wli chtli-lrtabl ln bull -no been supplied, IVriodical Till. The only 1're'cautii.n 11. ies..iry to et-
Titi;.uvi;i.L wiuicoMii & co,
I'hjM(fltij;-i. I'-.sw l rtltii n.-gf.
S30 rAfil'..- AND IHU CNCJIIA1NCS.-I'rici only
IMEMY-I.V.. C1MS. lit fi.-e ul' l, . I.t!i to all pall "f
the Uuion. Uu tug innrinili' S ot yiuitti e.H kiaiuniy.
dl-lluMllg Ih'i S.Jile't J'ldli.s i'f lnl)ll X'S nf Ullages,
causing debility, nnvciiaiie-.s, 1.. pr. i"ii of .pittm
;ui.jut ntul nl'tiie- ln-iiit. Kiiieiual luisginiugs invclun
tarj i-mimiun . blusbings tlul'i rlive inviiiorr, innigi'i
tiutl and l.-is)tiiile. in'IA cniiess ie.i thrilling in'eiesl
ol a lleardtiii! Seluvl Mu: a Lolute Undent end a
1'eUH.r Married Lady. .c. ee. It IS u trutliltll ildviH 1 10
th.- married nud tlnno contemplating marriage, wliui ti
tertain st en t doubts of their physical conuilion, and
vvliu uu-iiiliseious ol'liavnig ha.ardeil the In ullll h ip
and priv ileges to wlneli every human bung i
L. VtlU.N'i .Ml'N who aro troubled with wcakm-fs, gen
t-riHly caui'd by 11 bad habit 111 youth, the iflVcU' of
vvliicli .ire tluiiness, jiaius, lurgetl'ulnuss, sonii iiini s 11
.1 ringing in tin' care, weak eyes, weakness t'f the b.iejv
and lower extremities, confusion of ideas. loss of niM 1;
ury with nielnuehiily.mav b,i cun tl by the- author'. M.N
l' Alt IP A.I) I.DNIIUN TIlllAT.M' .NT.
We have, r.-cenllv dnvnti d much of 1 ur tinin in
VISITlNti Tllll IPltulHUN HOsrlTAIaP, uvuilms
ouisi lvi's ol'thu knowlt'dge- nnd leseurcli.-s 01 the inn. t
skilled 1'livu.iiuu und Surgeons iu lbtropi- and the Con-tint-lit.
'ihiiae- wmi place llie-iui Ives untler our cat's
will now have the full boui'lit of tho many Nl.H AM'
lUTICAflDUS IlllMUIMi:-' vvhiih wo me inablod 10
inlroduce inln our praelici., uiul tbu iiiiblicinay rest as
biirud of tlm same .,-al, assiduil) , !i:t'llUt' und ulti'li
lion being paid to, vvhieli has so siteeesirul
trdistiiigiiitlii iliis hen tofure. ns 11 t'hysic an in our
ri'.L'lJM.Ut ik-partinentorpruros.ionall' tAe
iias( tirrutij-fii e ijcars ,,,,,
1'iirMiif'hMAL. i'ti,i.s.-I.adies who wish for -Medlcinen
the ellitacy of wliie-li lias been te.te-u in inuiisanus tw
yHK siliialion ofthis llot'l rundors It 0110 nf the most
conviiii nl In, tin n - v lio nr.- visiting
011 buslniiss : hit In ill is - in s.-U'ihif pl.-usiiro, the
const ntly pas uu an. r pas-nig City Uutlwny cars,
.and thus in . Ins prnsiiultv , all' Td a ill -up and pleas
ant ride tu all plticus of lot 11st and nmtiM-iueut in or
abuiit tli'- city.
'I'll prupri. t..r givi .1- u 1 mri- lb it Til" Union"
shall b " pt wmi -U'h iiiiurt ,1 will inert public
approbation, nud wdu'd i' u l. .n'u 1 i" nerul pat
cuiag - 1 1 :im 1! M. miMilll.
F bruary M If CO Un, I'rujirlctor
lie-" Pork I'oultrv llonev, (Iruln l'r-ducfl. Cider1
oiicralioiis on Is li, carefully and ropr'y nt'-.nU d tj rumpXirii I'otatoss, tora ijjia, Hay and Ccmi'tll's 1
1,1 l. S.d,a'l 1.11 f1 Iflnln B ,1 v v I !, ft 1 All I ' '
Hipt ii. i8i i.-aiu.
A llcnevi liut luttitutinn established bv special endnw.
iiii-ul, for tli. r li f i f the riik uud Dibtrcsteil, iilllutcd
Willi Virulent mid F.pidcinic Diseases, ami nppe-ci'lllr
fir the Cure of Diniiacs oftho rlojunl Organs. I)i
pettfiiry ficu tn patli nts in all purls ol'tlut IJiiitrdHtatos
VAI.U All I' ltlll'OKTri on Kperuiaturrliieii. uinl nth-i-r
Discus s of the Heiunl Organs, and on tbo NI!Uf
l;i:li:i)U'.rf employed, scut to the allliclnd ill seal id
letter iiivi-liipis, free of charge. Twoo, ttiiee Ktniuni
for postage will bo ntitptiilile. Addiess Dll. J 1KI1,
l,IN' lliilH.'IIT'i.V, Ailing Hurgi-on, Howard Amocis
.tlon. No. -J South Ninth k5tnet, I'lilladelpliia Pa.
March S, Itui-lKm. I
f,i!fiA Tlio Great Oaiiso ol'
x.xtr 11 u IVI IX l IHI Olii Iv JX ,
'cut I'tililUlicd ill a S-alcd Envelope: l'ricc li cIh :
i a 'ium: iiv Dr. i'ui.viiiiu'iiij,, ox tub
CAUHIJ AND CUUU of Hncriuntorrliu-a, t'onniinptio.,
Mental and Physical t bllitt'. Nervuusui'ss, Kpilcpsy ;
I m jui ire a N'utrition oflho llody i l,.i..llinle-; tveakuess
of tlie Limbs nnd Ihu Hack; ludiipoallion, nud Inoa
, pacity fur Ktudy and Labor; Dullness ot Apprehension;
( Lots of .Memory; Avuraiou to society; Luvu of rlnli
I tude ; Timidity ; Helf-lliilrust ; Dizziness ; lleadai Im;
I Atl'eeliuus of tho Dyes ; I'imples on tlio I'aco ; Jiivuluu
I Ury I'.miislous, and Hexual Incapacily; tbu cuiitc
ipiences of youthful Indiscretion, fcc., Sec.
I BV This iidiuiratle Leeuiru ib-arls proves that thu
at uve i niimcrated, oaen Ei-lf-nlSii-t-d, evils nay he re
moved without ui'-diiiiii and willieiit dangiroti-t surgi-
0, 11, lii and 15 Oourtlantl street, mm' ,ni"
lirvtln ci nn Tji.'H ti ir ki iinbi ra, iu uu nuuaesa, iii u piutii, seaie-ii
HUrvUII, ?1 OU irliil IIAI, envelope', on the receipt of six cents, or two postage
D, D WINi HI'.riTUIl. I stamjis, by addressing
T1108 . 1), WINlIIUBTrit . Pr CIIA8 J U Kl.lKI',
NEW YORK ... 1-7 I'nwerv New Vcjltri'' .lOlllcc llo,
WVuk aitd Curved fiuina und Instruments lor nil tie
fiirmitl -s. A largu Stuck oftlnt tibove urlieb s cotiktaut
ly on hand, and will be lurnlrh d ut lowust rules by
evil Jin J order with meusiiri'inc-iit uud lull particulars. ,
il'" All cnminuuii-aiioiis strictly cutill. eiitial. For
Philadelphia further particulars pleaso Address,
till. e. ,t. i...i.i,isiit
210 South tjecond rlreet. below Dock,
J'lUi.AUia.l'HIA, l'A.
Nov. 10, leul-lSm.
serve Is, limit's suuillil mil nine ine-uin in.-, iiii.v ....
aim to believe tin')' uruiu cerium tituattoni (tbo parlrc
uliire of which v.Sli be Juund ou the wrapper nct oinpa
iijiug ctieli Imi i thuugli always sale uud healthy, so
1 gently vet suiielive are they.
I I'i Ice 1 per box, They call be mailed to any pait Oi
' the IJ ii 1 1 i I Sillies or Canada.
i TO Tllll LAIilDS-Wh.i nocd a ctnJIdcntlol medljai
adviser vv ith regard to ony of thuso interurliiij con
plulnu tu which tlieir dellcutu urguuizatitm reudets
theui liable, urn particularly Invited to consult us-
TllB"i:LlCTKO-tiAI.VAN10 l'ltlll KCTIVE." For UtartiCd
ladies vv hn.ii lieallh will not ndniit. or w ho have no de
al re tu inrrettf.' th ir familU's, may It. obtained us above
It n a pi ifeclly ajfu pn ventivo to eouci'plion, and tiae
been exten.ivt-ly uted during tho last 'M years. I'liee
J rcducvad to ilu.
'Mm Steeds of Youth CJuvrilrd.
A TrcalUc oh tho Came of Premature Decay .1n
(M warning, Jutt publuhcd a look thawing ihtimw'
prognts and prevalence among schools, both mule etna
JrinaJtl if litis fatol habit, pointing out the falclilj) the
ineanablp attends ilt ilelisn, und decilopiug the Kinds
progress of the disease, from the coviminciintntto lhetni4
It eilt be tent by Mail on reuipl of lias I HJ cent fdeutefi
Q' Altetidanco tluily, from b in the morning till tl
night, and on Sundays fiom i.' till a t v.
Mcdlciiieu with full directions sent to any part oMas
United dlutes or Cauadas, by patient otiiimiuub atmg
their symptoms by letler. llpsincss correipondenco
strictly confidential. t.ji.-i
Ly-Dr. la's Ollico is strll located as i-stabll.hed und
thenanio of 1)11. LA CUOIX, ut No. 'JI iMaiden Lane
banv. N. V
Nov.5.1 ll.-Um.
Alarg" assortment of choice f'isars. Toliarro, Fipes
Fruits, t'onf ttionrry nnd Notions g. nc ridlyf,';"""
cr with a full etock ofllATflaud CM'tJ n,t'p',,.'',,
baud und fir ale tin np, at lb" Illoointburg list ti n
V"1""'1' " jon.N ic ctnro-
Ejumibut" Ma; li l1)' 1 M.