f 4. 'i' "A,(y;!,r.r,.r,..i.i...'.J1, j,1ii.1ijiig (Columbia Dfnutmit EMI'i',11 HV LI'.VI I. TATI. pimFtitrTmi I BLOQMSSURP, PA. 3A7UHUAY MORNINfl, rEDUUArtY 13, 1862.' sect !KiimiuiMBuOTinimmmra.t, C7- The peech or .Mr. an yyck. deludes our usual f,rl,y but it H of so mud. important, thnt we gladly It place. Vy Wr- call nttrntlnn to the advertisement In anolh er column, ortlip next meeting of the Teacher asiej. elation. Tho Immense advantages resulting toteachera anJ scholars from there Institute!, if properly cenduct-l-d cannot tie tlouLtod, K7- We publish thia tia. speech by Mr. Van Wyck M. C. of Now York, upon I'rauiU and profligacy In the Army ami Navy Departments, to which wo Invite the attention of our rodders. This snceili. In connection will, tt.nt nf M. n,u r . ......... . . . .. . t I i. T ... uuunsneu oy us last - " inuiiieiess unu wiue spread rapacity ti loose uy tnu war, ami the Inefficiency (If not iouo thing worse) of Hie Admlnstralion. Court Piocecdinga. Court met on Monday morning, FebiuaryJ, Honorable Aaron K, I'ecUium, President Judge; and the llonlds, John Mclleynolds and Stephen IJaldy, on tbo lleuch Tho first cane tried was Commonwealth v Henry Johnson-Indictment, Lnr ecny. Little, Witt. Clark and Freeze Tor L'oiutl'i. Rlsh- 1 and Campbell for Defendant. Aftet testimony clos ed, Defendant plead guilty. Commonwealth va Henry Johnson . David Eagle Indictment, .Malicious Mlsehicr. Little, Wirt, Clark mill Frecro for Comtli. Rishcl and Campbell for Difdtr! David Eacle pleads "guilty" and Henry Johnson, "not guilty." Verdict, "Rullty." Commonwealth vs Lalayettc Irvine lndictment.big amy. Little, P.ishel, and Clark fur Comih. Freeze fur l)ruid.irit, After clone of evidence, plea withdrawn. lid plea or "guilt)" entered. Sentence of the court isj T Miteen luomhs to the Eastern Penitentiary. Commonwealth s Nelsvn t'rouse.-liidiitment, Lar ten), nml rocelvini! stolen goods. Liltlo, Vijt, tlnrk and Freizc for Comlh. Hurley, Ilaldy, and Comly for Dcfdt Vcrdlit, "not uullty." The other Indictments tfcf.lnn t.'rouse Here then abandoned t'liiniuoiiHealth vs Lloyd Fnhringer and Aihob Hughs - Indictment, afs.iuu and bjllety on Miss Mary Case. Little and IVtzc for Conith. Clark and llurlc fur DefJH, Verdict, "Cluilty " Sentence of the court is, a tine of Ave dollars each ami costs, and to stand com mitted till sentence compiled with. Commonwealth vs Kpliralm Trow bridge indictment, u.sault vvllli intent to kill. Little, Jackson and Comly tor Oomlli. Clark and Ilaldy fur defendant. Verdict ol tlx-Jury nut guilty of assault wall intent to kill-but guiti) i.r tin-aisault and battery. Pmtenco-rorty five days i ii ruunly Jail, riltj dollars 3ne,,aad cevta orprov eculiun Samuel Wlm.iker vs Margaret Pmith--Action on a contiact Tor sale ol hug., ilaldy ror the Plaintill", Hur ley & Clark tor Defendant. Verdict no cause of action. Coinmonwinlth vs Morris M inihan Imliitmtnt 7or;iirntion and b.iMardy. The Dt-foudant coniliiilcd lie kail better cloke up the nrucceiling by a marriaite; and aciurilingly, lls'i Cbenikerlin made iho parties con-ci'im-il, hu-baml and wife. John U. Merrill vs Samuel XV. Garrison -Action of of debt. Freeze lor l'laintiirj Clark for Defendant. Jiidt'Uieul fur I'lalntifi'. Tott naciid V. Kr.hler, vs Daniel Xe) hard Replevin Llark for lluintitr, lluiley lor iJclendiini Verdict or Hie l'lniutilf. rederiek Dinly vs Oafeiilnii.ier'a adm'r. Action ol aa.umpsit, lluilcy for 11 II. Clark fur Dcfdt. Verdict t"r Hlainllir l.'5,;t-. Hvlvo.ler I'ur.-I vs Levi L. Tale ejectment for pur Uiaeo mom). Claik ji,r I'lir. Frteio lor Deft. Condi tloiial tnlict fur l'lif. to be iclejsed all payment. Jes'e W .Merrill Henry Ale-Ejectment I'n ezc f.r I'lil, Clark lor I), ft. Judjuient li r riamtitr fur land deertbe-d in tlie writ. Kivtlars Er v s J ie, I, Ki-ller- Ejectment for pur ebase uiuii'y. llarlay lor I'laintiil', l'rei ze lor Deleu lianl. Can, iitiui.nl ve. diet for l'lamtili lo be released on payment. The trials of the Or ingo Township Larceny cncs ntfiiust Ele ni.d Jidinson ml Ciuuse crowded tin Court lions.- with anviuiis nml t.-iited laces. Tin- acts had b 'im eu ouliageous nml so Ijii; eouiimied the de struction ol property so wuiituii and malicious, lliatthv enure eoinmuiilty lelt an inteiest in ferritin" out the perpetrators, and bringing them Injustice. There were riiiie indictments in all, ngaiu.t t lie three. Eagle plead "guilty" upon all against him. Jnhnsuu plead "not guilty" and )t uuuvieted on ail but one. Crousn plead "imt guilt)"' and was aciuit:e-d. It is nut iieci ti-ary to gWe n history or I lie eases or or the trials. They were unusual in many reuec:s, but vvhatis pa.t is past. Uis lo be luped that this may he the nd oniie depredationi, aiid.iftliu truth has been tolit it incst be. Do the several iudiitments ngainst Henry Johnson the uggreijata duration erpunishiueut is two years and lour months, On tho several indictniants against David Eagle the aggregate duraiiuu oi'puiii!iuieiit is me )cur& and ix mouths t i the p- ni' -uv.ary A DM I N I ST KATO K,S NOTICE. filiate of George P. Miliir, deceased. TyOTICE is hereby given Hint letlurs o Adminltra I tl mi on ill i entali) ,,r Oeurge P. Jnlle-r. late ol' LVn tre town.hiji Columbia county, deceased, have le'en granted by Hie Register el rani county to John U'olt, who resides 1:1 Witllin tovviisli p Ail persons having claims or demands against lite e.late of th' decedent are re'pio.t.nl to pre.eut them lor sitll. mii.t, and thusc indebted to make payment without del iv JOHN woi.r, Feb. 15, IflO-.-bw, adttl'r too B-:fy, Couitlandt Et'cct, NEW YORK C1TV. N03. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 NEAR BROADWAY. This old.establi.hed and favorite resort or the llusi ne.s Comin'iiiliy has been recently rclitted, and isroui plcte in everything lli.it can iniui.ter tn tho coinrorts of its patrnns Ladica and families arespeciully and care fully provided for. It is eentrallv locUeil in tl.e bu iness nart of tho , itv and is contiguous lo the pnucip.il lines of itcmuboals, I cars, oiuuit'Usse's ferries, &c. I In coiisec,uencu or tlie-pressure caused by the Rebel-1 lion, prices havo been reduced to One Dollar at d 1'ifty Cents per Da Tho table Is amply supplied with all the luxuries or the season, ami is equal lutnul or any other hotel ill the country. Ample accommodations nro offered for upward cf !C0 guests. liy" Do not Mievo runners, l.ackmen, end others vv to may say "Hie Western Hotel is fml." D. D. WINCHESTER, noprietor. TIIOS. D. WINCHESTER. Feb. 15, leW. BAUGH'3 FERTILIZERS. B A U G II AND SONS, Uliiuufactiirers & Pruprictors, Store, No. 20 South H'liarves, It Ji W-li O NE iSuper-fiiosphaie of Lime. Little need bo said to rocommeni; this article its pe culiar merits as u vigorous and lasting uiauu o having ..Irmly ectsbli-hed it in the popular favor Wo would state how ever, that not only h.iv ing a continued ciro to maintain its standard elllcacy , we have sought lo ren di rit mora immediate in its aition, by Hie addition of a mall iiuuntlty of best Peruvian Guano. We do not claim by this improvement, (which wus made during the past year, and without publicly noting the fad. Jour Stiplr-riios'plrile Is rendered any more lasting in it-tell'-ret, or in uuy wny benefited, clcopt In ensuring a .Uick er action on applirutlu. . I'ltiCE, S-lo per liOOO lbs. cash. GROUND RAW BONES. This Hiiirje is grouud wlilioui any prtviiius rifP" 'iiiion, mid contains in the organic mutter of the bones II Is warranted pure ' ruioii SU5 per HOOO lbs. OABir. C7" Tho above Manure! can bu had of regular Dcal- "ror livron U SONS, No 20 Hoiilh VWiarvvl, rhiUdclplllil 1 tbimrv J5. i .' -Jiu, Special Notices. 2l EMPLOYMENT! agents wanted i C$741 ..". '.l '"V. ff0m 83 permouth, ami nllcspcn. sos, , to active- Agents, r clve n commission. Particulars t i'simS0',, A,ll,,f V I!ru s'wijio Jtuuliis Commst, It. JAMES, General Agent. Milan, Ohia. Aug. n, uoi.-ism, 1.J7A8I0NABLE OLOTIIIMS fOR P ALIj, Tho ntd-eatablMicd WHITE HALL CLOTHING MAZAAIj, at the southwest corner of FOURTH AM) .MARKET STREETS. It now prepared with n rui.t. htock or r.isiiiounr.n ready made clotiiivo rort r.xt.i, and winter wear. at prices which challenge competition. l'artlcular attention given In Customer Work, Olncors Uniforms, also llotno Guards' Suits, &c. WHITE HAM. CLOTH I.VO IIAZAAK. Southwest comer of FOURTH A.MII MARKET STREETS. FETEJi s. LEVJCL-. Proprietor. Nov. 10, leui, (Mnj jioi-jsn, ) ITT" THOMAS XV. JIATTSO.V. l!,-eie..,i ii, i i iVF " . ul 'u c air in i.nnuon for TRUNKS UAllfliT HAGS. Hoots, slum, ami (!iim.. Ureal Induce I menu nn- now ouercu m purcnascrs or t'lo above aril rle. Tills Is much the largest stock or trunks, Cnrpct Il.litS. Vlllll... (I In Ol.lln.l. I..I.I , io. ws .Market Street, one door above lib, 4'ealA tide Uniformity of Prkosl-A New Feiituro.n Uusluess Every one his own Salesman' JOXES tt CO. ut the Cresent (Ino Price Clollilni Store, So. SU4 Market stree above Slslh, I'lilimle phla. In nddliioii tu having the largest, most vnricd and tn.hiuuiible stock ofl'li'thingln I'hil.nleiiihla, madu ex pressly Tor retail .ales,, have constituted every one his own salesman, by having marked In l!gure, on each nr. tirle at the very lowest price it ran be sold Tor to they cannot pus-lb'y vary -all must bnv alike. The goods aro well sponged ami prepared, and great pains l.ikcn with tlie making siuhotull can buy with tho full nuriiiiceiif gettjng a good oniric nt the very low est price. Also, a largo stock of piece goods on hand.fif the lateat style and bet luallllea, which w ill be made to order, In t'lo most fashionable and best manner, !!i per cent., below credit prices. Iteioeiiiber the Crescent, inMarket.obnie Sixth Street 5,"'wl' JONES & CO. MlMTAnY UsirotiMS There Is, perhaps, no depart inent of miiilary business in whiri (hero haj la-en u more marked improvement than In the clotiang of sol diers. Not many years since nllicer- and privates were clad in garments whh h were n!mnt skin-tight. They wore leather stocks, winch were wortlir of the name, for they kept the wearer In tribiilaliou , while their padded brensts and tight sleeves miido volition a mailer of -reat v'iihcul.-y. Da;lng tho pren-nt war, siiil- of our volun. teers as procure their uniforms at the ilrown !tono Clolliina Hall ol Itockhlli ie Wilson, o,, go.-! and C0.5 CI tlniit street, above Sivth .'lilladelphla, obtain elo thing that Is parleit'y easy, substantial anil beeoming, the llrni iianied have gone largely into the husliiess of making Military Clothing, and their facilities enable them to till the largest onlar in the shortest possible time. Sept. 21. 1661. TO Cf.N'SUMPTIVEO TEE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remi-ily, nfler having I suikreii several years Willi n severe' lung airection, and I that dreail rilsem.!.. Consumption . . unxinus to mako I known to his r. llnw-s ill'erers the means nf cure. 10 an who nesireji, in- win semi a copy or tho pre scription used freo nf blunge), with the ilirectlons .for preparing nml uriiig the sanw, wl icli tfcey v.Ul find a i in: Ccrk for ('ou.MPTros, AlHMv. Ilnosciiiris, ice. Til-! only objirt nf Ilia adv rlis-rin seuiling ih Pre srription is to I. -nel.t tin- ntllieted. And spread iurorma tmn which Ii ennc ives to be invaluable, and In) hopes every soil' rer will try his remedy, ns it will cost them noining ami may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the presiriptioii v ill please, nddrcss. lUv. EDWARD A. WILSIIS Wi liamsbuigli, Kings County, New York Nov. 2, ier,I.-3m. NOTICE. A LL persons knowing themselves ind'bted to tl0 o uiiilersigneil on Hook account or otherw ise, are lierebv iiotiik'd to come1 and settle up by the 1st oT nap 11, 1-0'.', or tlieir net mints will positively be left in ine nan, is ot a proper omcer lor collection. W.M. IIEERS. E)iv's Ornve Mills, l'eb g, leY,-J.tr. I'tH SIlM CTII & IIKOTilEKS. WHOLESALE O V. A G (! O 1) E A L E It 5-' AO.103.XORYI1 TII3ISD SVllEET F'vo door. below Hare. PHILADELPHIA NOTICE of a Justice oj the Peace. II the raw subscriptions remaining unpaid to the fund of Hie " iron eiuards" are mil sciiled on or befuru Hie lirt day iilVe-'jrua'.v I am instructed to commence suit ami c4ts must follow in each imli i.lonl case. J.M.Uhambcrlin. J - p. , CHI T T E N D 15 N ' S S'tllLrDEUMU V I O.tlltlKIICIAL. COLL E G E5 A1. E. vomer of 1th and Chfs'iitU Street PHILADELPHIA. This Imititi hov. wliiili va clablnhcd in If 14 and is now- cnii-i-pieiill ill th cightc nth mar or its exist euro, iniuibi rs among iis grauuales, iniiolreds ol' tlu m.istiuecessl'iil Mereli inti -ind ilusiness Men or our Country. TnuUruiTT or the Institution is solely to nir.ird young iii-u I'lcililiosfur thorough preparation lor bii.im.ss. Tub lliusnifcs riioiirare, Ihol. Lctping, as applica ble totlu various departments ol' trade ; I'cnmansltip, both plain and oruiiiiKiiial ; C,i.virreicl Inc. Mai if mjlic.-, .iiri)riiriv Cml Kngnuermg, Vtainng, I aen- 1 ogarphj. and Modern Languages. TrE Hvtkm at l.vsrni e nov is p-euliar ; no classes or I set lesso.ig ure uiaileii'eof but each .-tmlfiit is taught individuallv. so Hial he may commence, -it any time, and atteml at w iiatev.-r hours are hum i on wnient. Cn-ALoni-Ks rire issued annutllij after tho l.ith of April containing nam.is of Hi i student, for tho year, and full particulars ol'lrru!-. &c, and may lu obtained at any unit' by jJdr'-.iug the Priucip . In E'.ik,sivk Ai i oMMoni rioas, inde-ipread trputation and the lengiku uperleme of the Principal, this lu.titn tioii oir.'rn l icililies supeimr toiiuy other in the coun try for voiiii'j men wii-hing tore'pare lor busiuess, and to obtain at the .ame tiuio a hii'Loiia, akick vitl prjre a rtiumnundatioH for them tliciu lu any Merchan. tile House. Ev'CiUTEMifcs's Scries nf Treatises on ItnoK-I-Trti'. iso now n.iro widely eircllated Hi in any other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Attorney al-Lca. 1'mscir.vt,: Jan. 25 IPB2 12m FRESH A lill 1 VA L I'OR- f FALL AND V 1 N T K 11 ! J HE iinlersigned. grateful fur past palronagc, respect i fully iiirornuhise'ii.tiiin. rs and the piiblicgenerally that he Iiasjusl received from tlio Ea.ternc cities, 111 largeslaiitl mo.t seleit stock of FALL AND WINTER That has y,t been opened ,in IP.onmsburg. tn which he invites tho ntti utioii of Iris friend., and as.ures them that the are nil'. ri d for sale at great bargain-,. His Stock comprises u large assortment of CUNTL-JMEVfi WEARING APPAREL, Consisting l r'lMiiovu.i.i. lliit!- Cons, of every des- crintion ; ; Pants, Vests, r-hiils, Cravats Stockt, Colton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, fee. GOLD WATCHES A N D JEWELRY, Of every deernpilon, Urn- and cheap. V. II. Remember " t.vtrenberp's Cheap Emporium" call am. see. No charge for ciuming Goo.ls. Di ID LOWEVHERG. lllaonis'-urgi Septemler 2' , 1-0!, (Jue leVJ'J.) 'il AMBHOTYrE, J-UOrOGnAPiV U MELAINOTYPE ABUOTri'ES, l'UOTOGHAPHS, Melalnutvpes. Retaken m Cloudy as well as Clear Weather Ainbrotypcb and Daguerreotypes copied and Enlarged. MOUTH DAl rLLE, 14. Dec 51, IMI, w xt rn -r.v r A HIND pU.MlTEU UEU by the rtlnler, wllhout drlay blecieibu'i Jin I, I 07 STATEMENT Of the Finances of the County of Colum bia Pa., from the first day of Jatinunj, 1801, to the first any ofJunuanj, 180'J. nMIE Auditors elected to settle and ndjust tho public I accounts of Columbia rouuty havo examined the lino from the, lit tiny eif January, lfttl, to the 1st day orjnuilarv liii'J. and rnsiieetfnliv in- i.r,T, t. ii.....' able the JudgX'S or the Coutt of Common Pleas, the lol towing statemrnt and report, agreeably to the SJd Sec Hon or Iho "Art or Iho Oeueral Assembly orthisCoiii. l,"l!Ve.?".h IV.1."1'1 ""' 1,11 la- f April, A. I)., 18.11," J01LV A, IlLNSTOtf, Treasurer of Columbia county. In account with said county i ' mi. Jan, ISfll, To taxes outstanillng, $7143 37 00 do cash In Tresurer's hands onvt n Jan, Till, To cash or J. J. Kirns, lund re.leeme.l i il II' .?".!; To c.'"ll.V.r.s' F lleailley.laud redeemed Ul'.U eh II. Tu ras 1 of V I i . r,ia .in,, 11',. 1 eu, -j ens 11 01 j. uainrnitn, lniul redeemed, June, Ain't or Co. tax ass'd lor Islll, KF!l,4iJ Bllll.li'.l 7LUJ uu no ei.no tax nss-ii ior iem, do Am'tcash ree'd lrnm inilitnrv n.'.l iRm. Oct. To ten day nsscs s ment, nuv, r, tu ciisn 01 ,, l.llley, J. l' on sale 0. an ustrav. 2,1 -1 s,uu 10,73 ,Vov. 1J. Tn cash received for ue nrCnurt tinm Dec. lt, inliriist 011 Xoto ors. Nejhard. adm'rof H. llavman, det'd, Dec. Tti Nolo of II. Dayman's ndm'r LM.'.'I 4,13 .'CGOI.OG To interest ofths tame, fly ain't outslawdlng ror lSlil and previous J' 'lire, My exonerations allowed rolleetnr. $T255,01 Sill.!J. til.) 1,711 30U.0II 2.1,03 fi'.IO.lS Ily coiiimlssious, du do ll orders redeemed, llj-Treasurer's com 1111 POOII.OO, Ily balance on tho abatement ns per Auditor Gsnl's Itcport, dated Mar. S'tl.. leill, u y am 1 ni oiate lax pain ssiato Treasurer Ju ly 'Jtlh, 1S0I, Uy cash in hands ofTrcas. due Co., 431,03 $7i;coi,ots Assessors pay, spring niseisinciit, ?140,f!l 4M,u:i do do trivnici iissessme'iit, STBU.US 8100,,0 AfiniCOLTUItAL SOCIETV Ain't paid County Agr. Society, AUD1TQUS .J.XP CLEHIC. Ain't paid Auditors and Clerk, 40.JU H.30 .vinipniii vv. vv irt tor auditing, I'lothonotarj's and Itegister's act's $5.1,00 UUIDOE AD ROAD VIEWS. Ain't paid eundiy persons, II LANK HOOKS. Ain't paid sundry-persons, blk. books, IIOAUI) OF RELIEF. $uo.ou S'J7, Am't paid Ilosanna Shahr, S 10,00 10,00 JO.OO 5,00 5,00 5,1.0 5,0'J 5,0J 5 on do do do du Elizabeth Smethers. Mrs. Kate Mahoney, Margaret McUirr, .Mary J. Thornton, .Mrs. I'uttersou, Mrs. Diehl, .Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. l'ow ler. .Mrs. .Mary Jane Manning, .Mrs. Eck, Rosalinda Warner, do do do do do do do 5,00 5,01 S,00 5.00 0,0.) Uo nari.ii aimous, Paid S. Ilaldy 4c J. Evans, Board of Ilclicf. COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Amount paid sundry persons, CONST A ULES' RETURN'S. Amount paid at the several courts, COURT CRIER. Ain't paid court crisr during the year, cLLANiNi; Court house. $ial,00 83Dfi"3 30 C5I.0U I "n ''""(I. cleaning court house, 817,00 t.'OUNTV llUU.DIXCiS Amount paid lor repairs done to county buildings during the-year, $113,00 JUUOI1S WAOES AND MILEAGE. 1'aid Jurors ut the several courts, $35:i,S!j ritI.VTl.Nl!. Win. II. Jacoby, Levi L. 'l ate, A. II. I'nte. l'aleiiiou John, 5I30..VJ lil,3li 7s!,'J'J 3J.50 S30I.1I 8150,'.i'J S 101,23 $1,10 Z 15.00 .15,011 30u.nu 1.0,00 211,110 10.00 10,00 10,00 21,00 10,00 7,00 75,00 2.3,00 2.1 00 10,00 50,00 PENITENTIARY 1'aid Eastern State Penitentiary, PROTHONOTARV. i'aid Jacob Eytrly, l'O.vi'AOE. Amount paid l'ulcmnn John, ROAD DAMAGES, raid William Cole, Uentou, do Jane r-h iep, .Madison, do .Mrs M. Iiarlou, do James Sankey, Scott, do John Me lick, elo do Pet. i .M.-iick, do do Jacob SUtl.-r' heirs, Madison, do Wesly iiowni in, Orange, do Jacob A-li, Uentou, do Aaron Ke.ler, Jr., Ml. Pleasant, ilo John Smith Uentou, do Dennis Pursc-I, llluoin, do Gross & Kilhu do do bteph n Kulin, do do John Wntts, (IreeuwooJ, do Mrs.S. A. Petrikin, liloom, 712,00 IIP.IDGE ItEPAIIIS. Amount paid John Ent on Contrnet, do David Savage, SP 10,00 21t-,uii ;313,C0 lllilDGE UEPAICS. Amt. paid sundry persons for repairs, $270,'. COMMISSIONERS AND CLERIC. George Miller. Joseph R. I'atton, William I.amon, Charles II. Hess, Hubert C. l'ruit, Clerk. SI 10,50 1S4.WI 1711,50 13,50 400,00 SJ'.tj.5 1 COMAIISSIO.VERS' ATTORNEY. Amount paid John G. I-'rvczc. itt'y. DISlllICT ATTOi.NEY, Aiuuuut paid E II. Little, Dist, Attorney, ELECTION EXPENSES. Spring election swearing nlhcers etc Sueelal electluil, General election, 07,00 .!i;t03 2)5,;0 l.)0,2J 31154,21 S 100,07 837,01 S'35,77 533,01 FOX AND WI.D CAT-SCALI'iJ Amount paid stiudry persons, I'll EL. Amount paid for coal anil wu.id, Incidental. Aiuci'iit paid sundry persvus, INSIJItANCE. Amount paid Lycumlug insiiraueis Co. . INtil.'ESTS. Amount paid sundry persons fur holding In 'luesti duriug the year, REGISTER & KECOuDUR. 1'aid I). Lee, recording Treasurer llon.t, do du for copying alphabet to Mortgage Hook, SIIEHIIT'S HILL Amount paid John Hni.ler for conveying Clark Price et, ai. to Penitentiary I'apl John Hii) iter board .Nic for prisoner-s. Paid J. 11, Furmaii for boarding prisoners, &c. $6 00 50,00 I SWI.00 1 3ta,e:i 2il,!Kl ' S053,U I SURVEYOP.. I'aid Solomon Neyhard for Surveying-, and making map for county, Paid P. W. Sli.ler, iurv-eyiug county line bo. twecn Columbia and Seliuyll.iH counties $.504.27 i 75,00 - I 6MI,27 ; fiTATE RO.tll AN D COUNTY LINE. I'aid James Masters running Statu road through l'inu township, 'aid George Maik et. al. running county lino between Columbia & Lutcruc, 51,50 30,110 Sil, 50 S31.00 TIl'.SI'AFFS. Amount paid at tho several courts, 'I AXES llEI'UNDRD. Amount of road and poor tuxes Kluruc.l to tuwn.hips, Amount to John Uoud, ?l3i,'Jrt Whole amount of orders issued iciil, Deduct uuioiint of taes refunded, SJO'J5,C0 l3d,0S Expenditures for the year lflU e05.i,u2j We. tho undersigned Auditors ol the countv of Col. ufliblu h.'ing duly elccled lo adjust and settle the ac counts of Hie I'teasiirer und l.'oiiiiiiitbiouers, havo rsrefully e'kunilueil the accounts und vouchers ot Iho same, from the llrsl da) of January, A. D. IrOI, to the first day of January . D. eJ. do ecrtify that wo llud them ' nrroel as sel lorlh lii Iho loregotiigstnti'iiieut, und that wo liud u balance duo Coliirutria enmity of rX'UU UU.WIIHi.n -II7..Y7 Y-V.VK 11ULMRS .i.VJ) Tllltl'.T. Cl'.XTS. from John A. Fiin.tou, 'I'reasurer of said county. (iivru under our bunds Ihis suvenlli day of January. A. D IH.C. (iKOUCE Jl HOWELL, 1 ril.v JUS. II. KNITTLE. ' a L JOIIM'. FOWLER, ) Auiliu' Attest DthWL Lie, Lltrk. We, the undi rsigr.etl Cnminlssioners of Columbia roiinly ilo certify Ihal the foregoiiig is a correct state ment of the accounts of said county lor tho year Hoi. In testimony wln-reof u is hav e lureuuto set 01, r .'minis this sevcuin u) 01 jauuiry v. 11 let,.'. I JUS. I'll It. I' v T I ON, ) Commissioners WILLI VJI LAJION, t nr I I'lHRI.I.rS II. I1ESH, J Llolmnbia co. - , Attest- II, C 1'iii'ir, Clirk I Approved by the Cmul, Tebruary Itli leiiJ. HI'i.l'HKN H vl, 11 V. I Atiociate jini, .ueiu.v jvulum, ) juoces Oommissioneis' Oilice I rioiiuiiburf rtbruary i, M. i 1 ?13S,C5 ! 3d RUCBIl'fS KOlt JANUARY ro THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following urn tlio rnrripts to the oflico oftho CoLu.MttiA Demociiat, during tliu month of January, 1 80S : J. M. Johnston, M D. $10 10 Hon. Wm, Kilissy, $ 50 50 lltooiiisb'rg L. Church, II 01 Krister Clviner II. K. Fills, 2 ,il,l Dr. tl. W. Uiinley, Mori A, C. Ilnmscy, William Runyait, J. P. Hum an. 50 50 1 110 2 (III 2 U0 I 73 1 75 1 B7 1 75 I 7,', I'd ,?? 1 2t Idem. O. II. llrockway. 5 (si Est. LewU Applemaii, 1 Uo Win. Ohl, 1 ; Hon. Wm Hopkins 50 " Geo II. How land, 5u (1. 11. Ha) hurst, M, 11, Henry llllleiiboiuler, Samuel Steller, A, J, Evans, J. I). Werkhelser II. Lallar. fill 2 00 O. R.llayhiirst, llllsha A. Fowler, Hon, Peter Ent, Michael llrillaln, Ellas Kriim, R. P. Stinker, John Hn)der. Esq. Hon, Alirnham I'elem " J. A McCulloch, l 7; a tj' Jolm Keller, (Orungc) James ltnat, John Miller, lion, Geo. S.Tulton, I 5U 5 " II riamuei neu. fiO John Mnllli. 50,Wm. Ilel,er, 1 du Third A""Mii! Ktioi t OF THE Faruiers' Dltitiiiil Fin,- Insurance OF MIDDLE I'EXNA. Co., Offlico in Danvlllo, Monlour Ooimty, Pennsylvania Capital SiMjfeTiiS ISX Amount of property iiisii'ed Jan.f, lsei, Amount insured the paet yi ar, $1.3Hi,43ri 45.M40 l,702.il.il 4,eo7 AmoJiit surrendered tho past year, Total ain't Insured Jim, (1, l"ill, Amount or premium notes in lorco Jan. till, 1-01, Amount ur premium taken past year 81,737,2':!) i;l.3.'7 01 2.1,032 07 tf.V'79 13 Amount of notes cancelled past year, Sf.VJ.J3 rroniliim notes In force January fith. 'fls, 02,3.10 7d n.ilauro in tin i Treasury, rind nm't' laiii"l January Mh, Ir"ll, I,3 lio Toiiinuuut of premiums rollei ted the past J'enr, i.oj.j 4) To amount nf tnteri'st eollet toil nt year, M 31 To amount nfiuleiett due and unpaid, (, in Tu amount One (rum agents, juj ,-l0 :i,iwi so Si t'U ' Hil :i? m :w T nil Si) IKI Ily iojs of 1 1 1'tiiia u Ie Co, iltmage by lye. Uy Dircetors, Eveeiii've Committee', and Pres. dent's cuiiipeusaliou, Ily amount paid for pruning Report,lil,ink.,kc.. Ily nuiount paid lor stationery, pottage 4c fuel, Ily iiuiouut rerunded, Ily nmouiit orolliee rent, Ily uuioiint paid ror mljuotiiig claima, Ry mi mint ur Secretary's couipeusalinn, Oy Treasurer's rommis.ion, liy aiuouut ut Interest, balance in the Trea sury, ami ain't due, li d ' c $3,(111.5 r, 1 Ul) To am't of orders not presented for pa) men: $3,001 50 ASSLTSOr TIIK COXJ-lNV, JANL'VRY Clll lH'2. Amount loanejnt inti r-st, ,7.' (it) 1(11 111 lnSu C.5 07 uue lrnm agents, " Interes due and unpaid, " Halauco in HieTicasury, Surplus fowl, Aiuuiint Hl premiiiin notes, in force Jan 0th led.', Amount of oilice rurnl tare, I'lcluding tiie proofsafe, OJ 320 7S son no 1O.0.5JA.5 113.1 ll Amount or liabilities, and ur.jtuted claims 111 HEd'OlLS: A'artlnimlierland Countum. l'ollmer, Esu , Abra ham eliipman, Elmn John, Peter llaurhawout audi Isaie lliiliospach, Mnntour Cu'inri Abraham Wagner. William York. ' John Alet illiains, John Voughi.jr. end Je-.se Uri-sli. ('e;ii,ilo.iCouiily--Eniauiie I.azarus, VI I, Applemau, Ilavid W Clark, D A. Ilinvuiau, and Saaiuel Snyder. ' ouriCEiis. I President W. I'OI.L.MEIl, Eeq,, Vice President Wm. VOItKS, Es i. , N cret.iry-1- JOHNSON Treasurer- SAMUEL VORUS, Jr. The liirectors orihe Farmers' -Mutual Fire Insurance ' Ccnijiai-y or ilidille Penns) lvanla, take pleasure in pre- I ruling their Third Annual statement, to tho members or.aid Company Th Company lias p issed through nearlv three years operation, with, perhaps, less loss than any other Com pany in Ih.- Slate, in proportion totho amount or nrou eity iusiued', vv lill,.- m.iLy itncj' Coiiip.iu.es J.ave been compelled to ndv.inr ih ir rales for ins'iruu'e,-. an I m-itnal Com pan! s, having low u iind imiuiilaetiirine' propirly i i-sure-l, have inailc li.'avyas.i.-siiienis to nuet their lo-.-i-s, th Farm -rs' .Mutual or Middle Pi nna , has been in-rrea-ingiu b i-ir.ess and cadtal, and ahle to ,u,.,.t nil lialnliti s witiinul assessments, mid each year slums an iiicn use ot Mirnlus I'miits. , Tlio Company-n miitnai, and eonliu.le bv its eharac- ' ter to the eveliisiv,' insurance of eonnrv piop, rli -Therefore oll'-rlng to tl-e laiunr. mil' oNiers owning ' coonlij properly, u safs nml reliuOW ill.uraneo at rates ' only eorresp. mi,,, ig to Ih" ri.k. 'i'lio Directors f. el eonlldeiii that iin le-r ordinary rir- ' i iiuislanees, the I'armers' .Miitunl, w ill et tho evnei-. tatioiis of its mo.st sanguine irieudn. ' i , W.M. I'OI.L.MEIl, resident. I P. Jous'sov, Secretary. I Danville, Jan. nth. let,2. -3t. . N O T 10H" I ALL petoi.s ki-.wlr.i, th"iiiselvcs in any wiee indibt ' od to the salnariber dn-i henby notlfi,-, that all accounts ' must be speedily closeil up, u; iv Uj . . jn ,hj I bunds o iroper ollie.-rs I'm crtllri tion. I miit have my arroiuit j settled, come forward, .ntl up and save e-o.ts ,, '.. . JJ. MENDl.NIIAI.L. Jan. II, iSiM P.. I NEW1 2A.HBEI& Si?:0. null, uu.lirsigiied. would resp. rlfiilly inform Iho citi- I vmt nt 111,.,..,,. (.,.-. . . .1 i.i'.. ... i.. ychi of Itlniinibljiiri:. .Ml tliu p.ilil.e gcm-inU , timt isu 11.1-4 iiitMicii a NE IV S III) P, lu the Oame luiildi.-ig l.u y on npied l ('hailed II Noil where he is prepared to evculo A7.iK.vo, i.iiu iitrmi.vti ,javj sitMipooi.va, In tho best manner, vvil'i de.patrh, and to general i-itis, taeli.m. (j;0 , ADDISON. liloOtnsbi'rg, Nov. 21, ZH.'.I. :ini. H. MULLIGAN, l.Ml'Oin'I'.R or ALL KI.VDrf O' S'HlO Pi .Tt1 '.' bit; iri &m w mi m AND MAXUFACTUHEll OF JEWELltY, No, d-M North S-i.ond Stmt, AllOVE WILLOW. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 10, J3G1 ElimM mm ryillE Proprietor or this well. know a and centrally loca l It'll utilise, uie i.iiivm,f uoibl., tuiuate OU llll- Ulreet, ill lllooiusburg, immediatoiy ;.m..j.tti the Coluni hia County Court II-ium-, respt iii'ully i.M'urin-hi.. 1'rieuds ami the puiiiic 111 general, in.-t 111. House i, now 111 or der for Iho rec plioii and eiiierliiinmeut of Ira- elers who rnay leel dispos e.i to t'ai or it with their rtisloiu, lie lias hpureil no expeiieo 111 prepanng th" Em-ii vm i:, for tint eiitertainmeut of his guostfl, neilher shall there to nn v - thing wanting (on Ins pari. Hi iniui.ier in their personal comfort. His house Is spacioiii, and enjoys un eice-lleut I buniuess loialion. ' ' I 1T7" Oniuibiises run at all times between tho Evrlrineo Hotel und the vanous Jlail Road Depots, by vvhleh lrav clers will be ph ajaiiily eonieyeil to und from Iho re" speclive l'illuus iii due lime to meet Hie Curs. W.M. II. KOOVrJ. liloomsburg, July 7, It'l'.O. 1 II li (JEN I' SEE FARMER Er?rAl.!3IIED IN lt3:. THE Fdt.MEll s OWN PXPEIl. Tha Cheapest Agrii ultur.nl l'ancr in Urn WorMI ONLY I'lrrY CENTS A YI-AR. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUliSURlliE ! I'liblished for thirty V ursinoiie of Iho best wheat and fruit regions of Am -ilea, with I'lirresiioudeiits in neurlv every rotate and in I'uuada, it loutaius iiiloriniiiioii H great iuterc.t and uuporlaniu to every f iruiLr, gardener mid fruit grower. No farmer can ull'ord to b w uliout It. it costs only lilty ceuis a enr ' mid cnutuids morn agricultural and horticultural matter than must ofthe tivo. dollar weeklies. AO OUR ATE MARKET REPORTS Oftho Loudon, New York, Philadelphia, Rochester, lluir.io, Chicago,' 'niciumitti ninrroriiiilo maikets are giv en in each iiuiobir. All Iho leadiug foreign and Amer ican Jourualh aro received, ami special pains uro taken to give the lule.t and uni-t reliablu information lu re gard to (ho statu of tha irnpsnt home mid abroad. A copy of thu paper seni free to nil who wish to ci amine n. Addreis, JOSEPH 1 1 A It It I El. I't'CLiviiui Ain I'rtoi-Kinoa, Rocliister. N. Y. O" .sent wanted every w hern, lu whom the mosi liberal oilers are made. WOOD OUTS FOR SALE. WE will sell Steriolvpe if the Wood Cuts Used lu tho Omneste farmer urn! Ruial Annual llorlicullurtil Di rectory. A book containing iiuprc.sions of uver Seven Hundred if t iesu cuts w ill be. sent tu thiiso wishing to purdia.H On'tli.i receipt of 5Uiniils Tlw liookconlalus nil imlei, sli'iniug wheru ili'siripiluns of iho cuts will be tound. Address, J SEIMl HARRIS, llot'ue.vtt, N. Y. Dec. 2?, leul HOUSE FOR SALE. A moveable I'mm: Houss, will lo sold cheap, on ap plicalion lu tin) mitlrsigiFd, i 1 fiVI L T 1T I U'oomtburE JuD- 13 IfCl ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla A tompouttd remedy, lit which we have la bored to prodiico tho mot eiructunl nltcrntivo t lint can bo made. It Is n ewiccntrntcd e.ttrnct of Vara Smsnimrilla, to coiiibiuccl -with other siilrttancM of still grcntor nltcintlvc power no to iillbril an tirtctivo imtlilnto for tho (Usciueu Suwrtpailll.t la lopututl to euro. It Is bclievctl thnt uch rt remedy In tvuntcd by thoixi who uirtr ftom Struiiitius couiplalutu, and thatono whluhwlll accomplish tlioir euro mutt prove of imincn'so tcrvlcu to thii laigo cla.s of our nllllctcd fellmv-eitlzciH. JIow completely this oompijund will tlo it li&s been proven by exper iment on mtmy of the worst cases to bo finiiid of tho following complulnts i ScnortiLi and Scuoiulous Compt.m.vts, KllUITIONS AND UllUri'lVB DiSDASES, ULCtltS, 3'nirLBi, Dlotcucs, TtfMiiRt, Salt Kiikii.m, fjuAti) IIkad, Syi'MUs and Sthilitio Ar riXTioND, Mr.iictiRtAt, Dispase, DuorsY, Nr.u-u.M-niA on Tie Doulouukux, )i:iiu.txY, Dvrt. VBl'itK AND iNDtailSTlOV, KllMUMILAS, ItoSK or Sr. Anthony's Tmr, and indeed tho wholo ciiws of complaints nrhinjj front iMruuiiv or Titr lli.ooli. 'J'lii- fomivouud will bo found a great pro moter of health, when taU'll i.i thei spring, to oxpelvtho foul humois which fcnter in tho hliwd at that sr-aeim ol'the year. Ily tlio time ly expulsion of them many rnnklin;; disorders are hipped in tho hud. 'Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves ftom tho endurance of foul eruptions and tilettons Bores, rh'touRh width the fXitem will strivo to rid itself of corruption, ii not 'assisted tu do this through the tmtural channel of thu body by an iiltcrntlvo nicditine; Cleanse out tho vitiated blood whenever you lintl its impurities bursting thiough the skhi in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleune it when you Hud Jl is ob structed and tluih in the veins i clcanso il whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell j-oii when. Kven where no particular disorder u felt, peojile enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well i but with tliis pabulum of life) disordered, thero can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrniirr, nnd the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. SarsajKirilla has, and deserves mucli, tha reputation, of nccoir.plishinp; thcte ends. Hut the wot lrl has been cgregiously deceived by prenauitions of it. n.utlv because the druo: alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, hut mora because many preparation!, pretending tn no concentrated, extracts ol tt, contain hilt little of the virtue of Sarsaparillo, or imy thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by largo bottler, pretending to give a quart of Kxtinct of 'Snifciijurillu for one dollar. Moit of these havo been fiauds upon the pick, for ticy not only contain little, if any, isarsnpA. rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the vtvious extracts of Sarsajiarilln which Hood the market, until tho name itself is justly despised, and has become tynon ymous with imposition and cher.t. Still we null this compound Snrsaparilln, and intend to supply hUch remedy as shall rescue the name ftom the load of obloquy which rots upon t. And wo think wo havo giound for believing it has virtues which arc irresistible by the mtlinaryrun of the divensec it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the tyf-tcm, the temcdy should be judiciously taken according to diicctions on the bottle. rtiEiunTD nY . J. . A V X! Si & CO. I.OWKr.T., MASS. Trice, $1 in r J tot tlo Six ltottlcs for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won Air itself such a renown for the cure of nwy variety of Throat anil Lui.g Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to rceount tho e viilcnco of its virtues, wherever it has toccn era ljycil. As it lias long been in constant usu -throughout this section, wo reed not tlo more than pssuic the jiiople its quality is kept up to ths btfrt it ever lias been, and that it may be tclicd on lo do for their relief nil it has ever bee,! found to el?. i Ayer's .Cathartic Pills, TOR THE CTini! OV Costitwess, Jiiuntlicc, Dyiprpila, Indigestion, ; Ifiirntety, I'uul MomncA, Erysipelas, Ilcotietche, Piles, Hietitiinlism, Eruptions and itkin Diseases, I.her Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors amt full Jlficum, Il'oj-nij, Gout, Xcuratgia, ij a Dinntr Vitl, awl fr Purifying ths Blood, They nro btigar-ionted, to -that the niott censi j tivo can tak tlicni ploai.intly, and they are the bust aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family phytic. Trico 25 cents par Box; Tivo boxes for ffl.00. Great numbers uf Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, havo lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but ntir space hero will not pennit tho insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Alir.l(lc.N Ai.maxac in which they -cie given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and ths treatment that should b fol lowed for their cure. Tin not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they mako more profit on. Demand .Unt'b, mid tako no otheis. The tick nan: the best aid there is for thorn, and they should haw it. All our Xtcmedies are for sale by r.. P. LutA J. 11. .Mover, C. Jl. Ilageulm. h, Rloom.hurg A. Jlil ler, Here, ick, and lv uue sloru in every town in 101111. iv .una. TAM AQUA, I'KNN A I'ejjengers iliue hero on tha pa-?i;ge of ea;: Trail: . M. MElililCK, Proprietor. Tamaqi.a, Jan I, 180C. a v UiliiaaTAIS!sSi $ ifi.vr, S. E. corner 'lltird and Dock Stuets, PHI LA DEL PA I A. Hats made to order, oruuy Sljlo ur (lHality at abort Notice. Juuuary 4, IrC.'. I'm. 1'il.Klcliiliia & Ii railing liail Kuail. J VIN'l Ell A 11 11 A NGEiVEN T or rASriUNdEll TRAINS'. November 4, lfOI, 1 Passing Hi ailing) now r.-.-.o iiiiauei ulna, at (i. 20 and 11 A JI. I nnno anil -i i' .n. L'p, to I'ottsvill", al 10,50 A JI, nnil5,-l3 P JI. WEST, TO Lt.ll.W'O.V AND IIARRISIIURO : Western I'vpress from New York, at 1,07 A JL .Mail I'ralns, ut 111,55 A JI, and 5,1.1 I' Jl. .Oil Sundays, Hi,- Down A JI Tram passing Reading III .',-U .V ..i, uoti IJ1 1 lillll, ill 0,0, 1- .11, ; Hot h HI .ill , ,M ami 5,13 P JI, up Trains connect at ' Port liuloii for Tamatpiu, Williainsport ll'mira, Uufl' (In, Niuiraru nml Ciiuadu. Th 10,511 A M, Train only connects at 1'url C'.utou for Wilkosbarre. Siranlon and 1'ltt.ton. 1 'I'll.' Western Evpiess Trains ion lieu at llr.rrlshurg I wilh Evpre-ss 'I'rnius on thu I1 )lvf)nia Railroad for 1 I'lilsburg, and all points We.l . and Hie .Mail Trains j Connect at llarrlsburg lor Lancaster, Chamber. burg. 1 Huiiliury, VYilliniusporl, Lock Jlu-vcn, riniira and the Camillas, 1 1 hrough 1 ir.l-l lass Coupon Tickets, and Emigrant . 1 ii:il-is in rouiii-eti 1 ares, 10 1111 1110 principal points in .he North and We.l, ami the Canada., COM.ML'TATION TICKETS, Willi 2d Ciiiipuus, 25 percent discount, between any points dc'tiicit. JIlLEAliE TICKETS, (lootl for 2UIH1 io'ile.,'beiwi'eii nil 'points, at $15 for families ami tlusiness l'inu, ami irmos 7'ic4ils, good lnr tho holiler only, for IhTi e mouths, in any Passenger train to Phil idelphia, al ijlilcaih. rSchuol ricuson Tick ets oun-lhiid less. , ' Pi'.seng. rs w ill take the Express Train West, at th" ITIM- It DEI OT, and all oilier Trains, at the LOW ER III- POT. e.ilLv ui'baggagn allowoc each passenger ty Passengers uro re-ipii-tli-d lo purchu.e their Tick ets before uiilcring the curs, as higher i'arcs charged if paid 111 cars. l'p trams lce"e llhiladelplnafor Reading llarrlsburg ami I'ottsv illu ut H A Jl, 3,15 1' M, and at 4,30 1 Jl, for Ilea. linn only. Evi iirsion Tickets, goo I for 0110 day, by 0.0J A, Jl, Arcoiuiiioaat.oii Traill to I'liila elnlna and return at hi c0 each, U. A. NICOl.LS, Ocniro I Superintendent. January 1, IPP-J. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! J U VP received rroui tlin mjiiiirnclories lu lio.lnn, an arllcle ori lostuvcelleiil nuality lrJ.ullengo cnnipc. tilioit us lo style and pner. The uniltrsigned will keep border, in ni'.l Ii ai y or iho Sl)le on hand-and is Iho nnly I'upeileiiced I'ai-hi Hanomi ii this Section of iho County Oiva my l..vtcjndvo Stock an Examination htforc I'tircliEsing u. Call atUupctts Post OOScs E, J THORNTON moomiour; .vjjtui ;.i un mam mmtsjmuw u 'IMIB WlsEKLY JOUJINAL OV X COMMERCE. iv ovr xvDscninnis. Th" approaching fjevv Year Isagood lim- In,. new ing lubieriptlmis and Increasing the rirci.Utu -. , the Journal of Coiiiii.en e. ' WonrJdr s ours Ivcsioim old renders tribe paper, with entire cdiifl.lm- e nit ioir willinguets to aid us, ami to eiind the InOuenc of the souiiil ennscrvativo principles and morals which have hllherto rlur uleil.cl ami will h.'renller (haiao terU. this paper. Evkkt funittiBsR In the Journal of Coinnieico might do n great rv ke to theee prlcciploj, nnd strengthen us in our ability to suppoit and circu late thi ni, by sending us Iho name or at least one new subscriber In his town, Devoted firmly ns we havo leirn In our country' In terests, and havo long been culled "Cnlon Savers'' as u term or reproach, we arc and shall bo tlio firm uphold ers of THE UNION' AND TIIE CONSTITUTION opposing w lib h-art and pen every man.Bouih or North who is an enemy toelUier. Every form ordlsorganlia lion and revolution will find us ready for the combat. Among the foes ofthe Ameriran Enron and American principles, We r.mk side by side, AllOLITIONISM AND MiICE-SIONISM nnd we propose Willi all our strength to defend the na tion against the attacks of bolh. Vv u bcloiiK to no political paity, owe obligations to nn government nr parly palroniige.but relnln In all rcspetls our Indepcji.leut right to uphold the good while rve op pose the bad, of whatever mine. Wo nro linn ilcfeiiders or CllltlSTIANITV AND CIIH13TIAN MOHM.ITV. in publlr nnd privuto lile. U'llhoul pu'.llling a rellg . . -,(,.i.i i. , ion i og any prnenn s In relislom rharact. r, wu shall In toon, I lieteartcr. what vvc have i Heretofore- been iho only jMy new spaper in New York which Is : coiiilurled vv ith ronslsteiit regard to the sentl meiils or Christian people, U'o do no work on the .-i.ib. Iinlh, anil wo aro able to Issue, as goml n tl.illv paper on .Monday morning us imy ollicu which v ioalat. s (he dai of rest. ' For tliu good influence of Hie Journal of Commerce In ion ii.Hiiin. vv-p reier in rne reenr. ortlie past. In times I - mniaoeunjiiraee, in i;mes ol iiouut lo clieer. lu times of rjritcmciil, lo calm the mind. I I he Journal of Commerce is Iho ! Best (imtucrciiil Piiper in America. The merchant, the farmer, the inechmlc, the profess la mull In shoit every newspaper reader w III liud it Uett"r suited tnhis wants than any other wecbly Issued li III" in. Iropolls. Tho immense resources of thees labllst.mont th ' grow th of nearly forty years, including correspouileiieo in nil parts of the world, telegraphic reporls from the shores nf the Atlantic and the Pacific, market and money news j lull accounts orthe war. fiee Ironi sensation rumors; carefully- prepared statements ol in- hiislne.!) ofthe inuutry, tables ofnrJce, roreign and douieaUe i a I'liriTully pri pareil C A T T I. Il JI A II K E T, .altogether enable im toTiirnltli a yvcr-kly paper which will iibundantly satiny the wants of e'very Inau, what ever his employment. Notwithstanding the ei.ojmoiis expenses : malic necessary iy xUs.i arrangem.'ul., we nro able Jo publish THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY I-AFCR in New Yurk or America. We appeal to our renders In the present cri.is of our country s affairs, tould In giving Increased circulation to tbo prluejilea ol this Journal of Commerce. Wo ilo lint suppose' w'e have one reader who could not r he will, take the opportunity, scud us the names of friends to swell our list. CIsWlKS may be organised in communities w ith great advantage The present Is the best pjriu l fir their coinmeneeuient ho terms on whlili we can i'urnlsh the paper are as lol lows: ' .' To companies taking Sil copies or upwards - - ONE DOLLAU, csch- L COpli-H MFIKCN DOCt-lKS. ! H ropies tkm " i copies ,x' ' copies rivi: Under :i copies lv)l) each The papers will be addressed to dinerent persons al the tame Post oilice, if desired cieept in the case of club) or 13 or more copies, which will be mailed to one u.ld-esc. . Spi cinicns sent gratis. :'dir"' ''"" 'Jthe Jeurnol ef Cotnmerte, .Va. Ul Hall street. Arm l'ri 1'KIME, STONE, HALE k IIALLOCK, ,, ... Editors and I'roprietors. Dec. 21, leflj. faUaiyissa Kaif Koart, t-ASS ItUPEUT STATION. SOUTIIWAKD BOUND TKAINlj. Philadelphia i N. Y. Mall loss a ,M. " " Eipress u.-js A. Jl NORTHWAW) HOUND TRAINS. Elmiru Mail 3 jj p, m Niagra Express o.l5 P. Jl !,;ic!(av;iuiiit & llloomsburg Railroad 0 N AMI AlTI U VOVE.M.25, l?'il, I'ASdENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS I'OLI.OWlj. Jl O VINO S O U T II. freight ,", lazzenger. t'atsenger. Leave ft ranw.. A .,1. Ill .)U .A. .11 12.13 r ji Kingston 6.30 " 11 oomsbuir; K32 Hupert. 8.40 Danville, 011 Artiv e at Nori'iumberlan.l, in 00 Jl O V 1 N 0 N O T IT Leave Noriliuniberlaud, 1.30 r. M. Danville, 5.10 Rupert, 5.45 ' lllooinsburg 5.57 " Kingston, (J.OOLeave Arrive at Hcrantou, 9.00 P. ,M, 1.45 T. M 3.10 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston at r3 OA. JI for .-'crouton to connect with train for New York. He turning, leaves Scronlon on arrival of Train from New York nt 1.15 1. M. Tho Lackawanna and Illooinvburg Railroad connects W illi Ilia Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad at -cranlpn, for Now York'anil intermediate points east At Rupert itcniiHPot with the Catlawissalianroad.ror points both cai and west. At Nnrtliumli. rland it connects w ith tho Philadelphia t Erieli. R. nndN. C 11. 4i..'nr pointa veM'oml south JOHN r. ILSLEY, i'an'r 1 J C. Wells, (li.,1-1 Ticket. Ign Nov. 30, lelil. 'jl a & m e 3? se a it x , i'riiitrr, Rookbimlci' & lilmikbuuk Jl A N 1 1 FA (' ''' H R E 11; X mt-ujAin ".o I,'r"vii iium.ki: im I'lllNTINli. WUU INti AND WliAPPJNC. rArnits. AOFST IOK IKK CATAWISSA I'Al-KIt MILLS Jlinn Street, first dour below thu Public rfLuaic, ViLKlSBAUlt!3, PA.' Nov. ii, lrUl r.'lil. W. WlilT ESQ. NOW ircnpies tho roniu up -lairs in front in Jlr. ..'nangsi's ItlCc hnildinir, oil .Main Street below the Ameriiaii House. A most eimvenieut oilu-o ; where lie will h' h.mpy nt it'.l tunes to seo his friends and clients. liloomsburg. Nov. ti, l-ol. 3m. American l)otid7 (Oppoii tc InueentieiKc Hull.) Cll EdTN Ul STIt E ET . P. ET W EEN l' FTII & til NTH, I'llll.JinKl.l'lll.l. WYATT t EIJ,1(5S. r'rojirieleri November 30, leXl. March 13, 1B3K E 11 E NO II O T 33 L. THE undersigned,, respectfully informs his friends and tho pullic genorn;ly, lliat he has opened a house for the i ntertalnment nf v u.toiners nml tmelrrj, at SERE NO, lu Greenwood township, Coluinbui County (about two miles west of Jllllville.) called the Sercno Bote!. It'll .n I .. :.,,.,.ni,P,l In ..r. ..nn.Tata .l.K -...1.11. J . ,. .V ... .- , - . IUI II. e me IUUIi;, ailU all wl.o may faro.-him with (lair custom, tu general sat srarliiin. ins inoie i'-ii.i n.ir. win oe- wen suppuen ami carerui ly condiicleil.iiud his Stabling is ample and well stocked 'iy Ilo will ut all times teiiapp) vvaitupon liikfriuiida und ciutumeis. JOHN LEGGOTT. Sercno, March 23, IPO I. von sKwma maciukhs. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S r.MZls ill UAL S'.'OOL t'OTiOX. 200 et 500 yds. White, Black, Cglored; This Thread being piado particularly for Sewing Ma chines, is very Strong, Smooth and Elastic, Its strength is not impai.ed by washing, nor by friction o the Needle. I'or .Machines, use Urooks' Patent Glace, For upper thread, i l I Urooks ' I'atcnl Sit Cord, lied Ticket, I For Under thread. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country. Alio, ill cases of 100 each, u. oiled Nos by WJI. HENRY S.M1TII. Me.lgeut, 30 Vc.oy Uireel, New York. Nov. 9, leOL Cm. DISSOLUTION. ! MOTICE is hereby given, that tin partnership hers 1 tnforo cxisling bctw'i cn the snbscribirs under the firm ofc'iuri K Sw nta. lu tin Jlilling liusiut-ss. in tlio Locust Yulley .Mills, in Lncuit township. Coluiirt.ia county, wus dissolved, on tlio lllll ol'Orlolrr. i.-ol, hy inutual consent All persons Indebted to Hie am firm lire f uquesled to muku si'ttlemcnl with Amot Snyder, re siding at tlm MMI and hy whom all debiB ofthe late firm will bo set' led Tin Notes, llomts Hook accounts, fee, ure in U-c- hard o. said .'nyder, fur early payment NOAH I KIT' MO KNYDJWt B'.'BAK FOR 1802. 5 3. ! it -7an ruu. 3 s s t5 4 I ! 1 1 5 7 8 !) 10 II is II IS 10 17 18 19 SI Ut III 21 15 3; 36 94 la 31 ' . is 4 5 C 1 H 0 Il 12 11 14 15 18 IH 19 SI St 32 33 25 SO 27 &j 2J 30 14.i ' I Iauo, 221 MAR. sEr. 1 2 S 0 IS 1(1 2J 23 29 30 0 7 13 II SO 21 27 2tJ 3 i 10 II 17 18 21 3 3 4 5 6 10 Jl 12 13 17 18 10 SO V.i 23 '10 27 12 3 4 e a jo ii IS 16 17 IA 22 S3 21 25 2'J 30 31 1 s e 7 12 13 14 IS 19 Sil 21 22 20 27 2.1 2'J Arn OCT. 3J 30 .MAY. In I NOV si u J'NL',' DEC. 1 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 IS 16 17 IR 111 20 2'J 23 24 2S 20 27 2 J 30 31 $jm'y mm symy rum 5,7a Jolm Fareira. 718 ARCH Street, between 7th, an a eth. Mrects. Late nfSI Market ttrcet rtilladelphia.) Wl-nft-iii, JL- U ,si.,lrn,a.n ... nilH jicjicn in Lt. KiMisorr'A.vcY runs, i'or Ladies Misses and Children's vtar. Having now maninactured nnd in Mure mv usual lnree nnd heniitlful si fe"' aortnient orajl the various styles and -jiiirui a in 1 nrs auopiea 10 ine com. tlie 1V.1I anil Winter Hnnmni. 1 u-nnM rospettrully lnvHeaii'etanu)iat4on or my stock and prl cos from thoseintentliugtilpiirchasr.au lam ensblcil to ofl'jr thein very desirabliundueeniems. ' All my furs hav ' been piirrhajed for ra tl. and mads by I'Xperieue d ami (.imp, tent tiuts,.and tn t o present num. inry trmibl s r -ml r it necenary that 1 should iligV, pos ol my ifim ls nt very small a it.mf on roit. I am iiiilled that it will be lu the interests of thou how design purchasing, to give me a call. Xj Keeollei i. thi name, number and streel: John Fa.-i'l!K,(Ne.vv.ur Mr.r. )lte A rci Street, rhRddclphist, SeplciiiSenJ.'l?ill - 3in. Tin-: coiurx niuitmsu trial : TlllAL OF WILLI AM T. COiLWlN, r r Tut Mi'nniu ok his wirn, cvr.oi.tsEB. ciirwik. ay" ISoiv in p.ess and will le publislwd on Monday, November ih. '"' A full and complete rrp-'rt nf tl.ls most thrilling tni important .Murder Trial the strangest ami mo. I slncu lnr case on Ihurecurds ut' Luzerne County. THE 0ORWIN MURDER TRIAL, rtonographlcally repiutcd by A. II. W'inton, Esq. About 1(10 pages, oitavo. A Unviled number having been published, persona wi-liing lo oltdln ie copy will do wi II tn apply at oner. A lopy, postage Lee, seat by mail oo the receipt or 21 cents. (IV Wholesale price, 32-0 rr dozen. All orders accompanied by the cash promptly nt'.endeil to. ' ' UOIIERT HAUR. rublisher, Wilkce-Uarre Pa. Nov. 'J3, 1EGL lm. DISSOLUTION. 'plIR firm of Stonur -. Fox, heretofore, doing business X in the lilooni-burg llakery and Confectioner), was dissolved on Saturday, tire 2r4h of September, leiil, by mutual consent AH person's having unsettled accounts .with the late firm, will pfo,-vse call on It. Stoner and close the book- Jlr. Stoner will rontinue the Hake ing and Confeetlonaiy business at Hie old stand, and solicits a continuance of public patronage. II. STONER, p. I'OX. Dlooinjliutg, January 1, l?f,; I M P O R, T A N T ! TO those whose Subscriptions arc unpaid to ths fund et the "IKON -GUARDS," that the Subscription paper will bo placed in tho hando oJ Ksauiru Chemberlin on tho first day ot' January noirt-and art persons in arrears will ho waited upon hy Constable Coll. Uy order of the Committee W.M. NEAL. Treasurer Pioomrburg, Dec. 23, 1EG1 tr. NOTICE. Oilice ofthe Lackawanna U BloomtburgR. L.Co , I KiMisrox, Pa., Dec. 23. 16I. j I HE ann..il .Meeting i.fth Stockholders orthis com i pMiy wftl b- h I i at t io "Kingston House" nesrths D'pnto'i ti i.iy h I Jill .lay or January between tb lu us "I" i- " k i- in an 15 o'clock p. St., for the pur peso of Olet'lT f vc Directcr:, to serve fir aj'smi.rf y ly :i ofthe Hoard. P. t'EI'I'EDONE, Tress. l)r. 2. Ifcf 1. rjHE pe:n:syl axia hotel, n.ixnt.Li:, .w xroun c.ou.ty, r.i. Entertainment for "an and lleust, in good style tnd :it ui.i lerate rates. OEO'.OE W. FREEZE, rrol'rietor. Danville .Marcn, 2, lei.l CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! JIILITARY CAPS, of every sort, size and quality, for sale ch nip at tli'i It'onmshitrg ' at &i Cap Emporium. Also Groceries. Conrecli aiari-i Cigars, See. JOHN K. GIUTON. nioomsburg, Se;,t It, Iffy. J E W S T ORE. miOLr.s.ii.r. .javj uctaiu sua? am (sa? airRs, The undersliriied (especlfiilly InTonns the cltltens of liloomsb'irg, and the public in general, that he has pur aliased the .V:iC IMT STVIIK, in the white frame sturo liouso, on .Main Slreet, neatly opposite the Exchange suildiugs, wheio lie has just received a splendid as rnrlii.eul of . CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from tho JInnufaetiirics, of all kinds. styles, sorts and siieii, Ian-si fashions, winch he oners wholesale and retail, in very low prices, L" These Goods will be sold at very low-price lor Read Pay. JOHN K CIRTON. Illoouubiiig, October 27, leTO. (OF JERSEYTOWN.) ' ' TIIE subscriber would respectfullyapprirs his friends and the public g'-neially. Hut lie has opened A 8EW ffll HOTEL Under the above name m f essoytnwn, Columbia coun ty. Pa., whew ho is fully prepared to entertain ths raveling t .immunity togem ral satUfaction. His '1'A lll.E mil HA It, are well supplied aridvVill be carefully siipeiiuielided. And his ST.111LE is ample Mid well stocked, in charge of careful grooms, will always I o properly attended IL" lie itevilc'S unbare or Ills public rumor-,, and pledges his bcslclforti, lo help his guests feel at -home SAMUEL Rl.MUY. Jerseytovvn, .May 11, 1801-3111. Lo.qk to your interests J FRESH ARRIVAL or FALL AND WINTER GOODS', MILLER &EYER'S. rplIC subscribers havo Just returned from the City .L Willi another largo and select aasortmet of Fall unci Winter Cio'otl, purchased at Philadelphia at the lowest fgurc and which tl.oy pro determined to tell on as moderate terms as ran bit piocurod elsewhere in Dloomsburg. Their stork comprises 1.1JE4' lHr.SS GOODS, of choicest nylon and latest fashion. dhv aouos, ,ixi) aitoviunr.s, HiRliH'iRK QUEKKtll'AHE, CKMU H'.IHR, HOLLOW HWIC IROX. X.11LS, ROOTS ,y SHOES HATS .V C.II'S, Cie , sf-c . i?c In short evernhlul usually kept in country Stores; to wliirh they invite the public generally. The Highest price p-iid for couktry produce, J1ILLEU ic EYr.R. Dloomslurg, .May 11, 1T-0I. Furs Wholesale ami Kctail. "Smul raorits ap Ooick Bsiis." tin Aich St., Lctmen ith fc 5th south side. PjllLAD&LPIUA. .Mantles Tapes Half Capes, Viclnriies, JIufTs, Cuffs, manufartur 'il ofthe Ir-st St. richest Skins of .Mini, fiabts, litouu Jluit -u Chinchilla, Siberian Bsulrrel, Vitrh, Er mine, etc I'nrs alt red into tho present faihions, i No busln 'ss transacted on Saturdays. The highest prices ptid for Mini f 01 Co-. a Must, I.i. r ..ih.i 'i I 0eiA Z3S m