Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 15, 1862, Image 1

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LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
$2 00 PER ANNUM.
VOL, 15-NO. 50,
:i SLOOMsaunu, columdia county, pa,
0 FPU) E
fri tf.f ntu Belcl JkIMi'ii, oppoiiU tht Kir hint, ty ttJt
Mi C'durl nun. Vtmceratic lltad (luarltrt."
ifl W In .nlvniico, for nno cnpy, fur si months,
1 75 In advance, for ono copy, one yenr.
J tio If nut paid ivltlihi tho first three montlu.
'.' t5 If nit pai.l within the first six months.
'2 SO If imt ti 1 .1 within thu year,
tr?" No subscription taken Tor lux than six months,
nui no paper discontinued until all arrearages shall have
lien paid.
7 OrillnarvAnvrnruiiMi'.STi Inserted, nnd Jon Wouk
ctccntcil, at the establlshedpriccs
JJAI.riviOltii LO' K. UUdi'U'AJj
kstaiiushkd as a mircac nio.i quackery. I
The Only Place whete a Cure can U
BR. JOHNSTON baa discovered thr most Cortaln,
pjjuy nnd only lltr-iiual Ketnedy in the World
f ir nh private Diseases, Weakness of Ilia Hack or
Limbs, blrklure", Atl'.-ctiona of I In.- Kidneys anil nlad
d -r, 1 n vol until i y Uncharge., luipnt..ury, tieiiernl lie
bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, l.nw tfnlrita
Ci'iifuiiun uf Ide.n, I'.ilpn.iii'iii of in. Hi.nrt, Timidity,
Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or (il'Mincs. Disease of
ttia Head. Throat. Nose or skin, Alf 'Clioti. of thu Liver
I.uugi. Stomach or llowels those Wrribie Disorders
iriiiiit; from the tinlitary lI.iljit- of youth those
and ssltlary practices more latal to tin ir iillms than
lw snug ol rjj rem to the .Marines of Ulysses, bl I c lit
nig their tno.i brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendu
ini( marriage, ice. impossible.
V O U N (J M n X
n.p'cially, who have become tho victim of Solitary
Vieu, tint it re.i.t Tut nil il distruilive habit uliicli nuuu
Ally sweep i to an untimely grave thousand of Voung
Men of the moil exalted talml and brilliant iulclli-ct,
who might otherwise have Intoning Bennies
illi tin thmders of ln.iueuce or waked to ue.lasy the
living l,ro, liny call with full confidence.
M A It U I A U n.
Married persons, or Young .Men conteniplalln' mar
rlagi'.lniug aware ol phyi-iial wufcness, organic denbili
ty, deformities, fee., .peodily cured.
" lie who placet liumjll' under the care of Dr. John slim,
in H relMioui) coiiti.le in his honor as a gentlemen, and
iwiflil.-uily r.l) upon his skill as ft physician.
O It U A X I C W U A K X 11 ti 3
imniedlaii-ly cured and full vjgnr restored.
This rtll'.ition whiili renders life mis
erable and marriage impossible--is Ur' penally paid by
the victim, of improper indulgences. Voung per
sons arc too apt to commit excess from nii hiiig
mr.ire or Hie dre.iJfiil rnnse'iueiiie tint iii:i eume.
Xovy.wIio that understand., Ihe mbiect mil pro
It'll I to deny tint the power of prncri nlion t lut sonncr
b) falling into improper habits than by the prudent.
11 -sides b'lng deprived of the i l.-a-ure of h ulihy
siiilugs. Hi-) ui'Mt S"' and ileMrurtivu symploui to
Loll, body and ennd :u 'I u 1 ")-t mi Lecomei. douiig
cli tli i! .in I 1.1 r.noti 'u- Meiikened, loss
of procreatne .o. i. uenous inn ibility, Hyp pia
palpiUtloll of the ll .lit. Ill.llge-tioli lullstllutlolllll ill
kilitr. a aliu'4 of th. 1'ra.u', (.'ough. l.,oiiMiiiiptioii,
ilrc.i) nnd ib rih-
orrici. No : sjofTii stkert
!, ft Inn I iid joins' 0 mi ri'iHiiuor jireei. a f w iloors
from Hi" com r l'.nl not i.iob, rve name and numle r.
I.atl -rs u. ui b" p.n I mid i i il un a tamp. The One-
tor i llipl
h.UIC ti' It I S olllii
a c c k i, w v ii u AVTi;n i ' r w o u.v p
N'j mi'-tt in. sL4i ot: liu
n.i. JUJ1.V&TU.V
TM.'inb 'i
f r
liuv.'l ,."ll,r-i- ,'i .-'iij: i, ..i'ihi'.ii. i
, . ti,. mut fi'iiegss of ihe
id in pr.oiiei part of il Iile has
a. . ...... ,.e a............. , .... ......
Tinted Ht.ii
I. - -n -pi 'it
u Iphi'i un ' 1
t miOiliig f .
Mllll ringl if
i, -rv jasn -t'llluio
. n:i
d.-riiugeiin- '
T Ml -
!o,;,.:al- of I. mdrii, ran, puna- i
I b r Ins enacted .e-ni- of the iunt ,,
i - W'Tecv.T kiionn, many trocb'eil
in .,ier id Mid cars nil n asleep, grim
, mi; nliirnied et .udib-n soundi. mid
i iitblu.hitig. alli'inledsoiui'tiiiies vwth
it iiiiiid. were cured Immediately
r v n t i c v u A n x o t i c n.
Dr. J.ad1 .
all llnwe ho lue inj ired tlii iiieclvi-s
hi both bu , an mind, minting ibcm for ulh. rbusi-rn-.s,
sti.d -oi M ty or in image.
Thess ar.- of Hie nad nnd mJaiichnly eil. itt. pro
hikciI by id lyhibit.i of )oulh, i.: Weakui-hS of the
l.aik and I. nb, Fain in tin- II' ml, Hiiiinesb of rJijht
1 o4s of Muv ul-ir I'ower, ridpitation nf the ll.arl. l)js-
p.ia, Nervous Inalabillti , DeruiiJciiient ot tin- lliges
liv l'uiiition,fi lbilit), s iiiptoni'. of CoiiMimp
'"iinni.I.V -The fi-irfnl effrts on the mind nre
m , i, ,l. aded, l.os. nf Mcumri . I'onfiiMoll "I Men.
t pr ---lion ! lb Spirits, l'.nl For bo iiiius. Ai.-imoii
ifc, -. f- i-tj i-t Iota el Militud!, '1 unity, ii.,
r.r souu of Hi.' i vil- produced
Tim of persons of all age. tan mm judge uliat
IMO- i aus- of tti. ir ibeliillllg II -tilth. I.noMlig th ir
.Igor, bi'coiuing n-ak, pule and eiu.inateil, nil
gulur app-arune about tin ejcb, lough and fyiuptouii o:
Y O IJ X t: .M E X. injiiie l thiuselves by a certain prrllce,
iiolulgr.i in i.heii alone -uli.dnt frc'iuntly learned irom
evil coniiiaiiious, or at school -the ilR-cts ol which are
in -till v tell- evi n h n .i-leep, nnd if not cured renders
iiiiiruai;. i. po-sibl.-, mid deblro) s both mlud and body,
should iippl i.iiiii'''-ial-l. ... , ,.,..
What a piny Hint ayoung man, the hope ol Ins country
and the datlmg of In. parents, thoiilil be Hutched from
all prnspeits and uijoymcnt. of lif -, by the coiiseijiien
lea of il'-iii.ti ii I'ioui th path ol" nature, and tin bilging
lit a c - lain .met habit. Such persons Men blore
contemplating M y R f A f. (,
roflect thai a sound iniiid nJ body nre the most lie
i, -mar rwuui-iti -s lo i riuin.t c,) happinei
Indeed, Mitlioul llteso the Journey through lite bucomef
aweary pilgrimage, lite prospect hourl) darkens to
the view: the mind beiome. .hadoned mill depair4:
till ad with the lu.lanrli-dy refleolion that tho liappineBS
ofaiiolher lieci'iin blighted mill our nun,
1) I U h Y E OF l M F It V I) E X C II.
When Ihe inisgiiiletl and Impru Jelit i olary of pleasure
finds he Inn Imbibed the seeds of tins painful disease, it
loo nntiii happens Ihu' nil ill Hand oue ol .h.ime or
dread of ,lic'in r. it. 'ers ln.n Ir on applying to Hiu.u
who from education mi l resp -ctabilily can ulone b fri. ud, delaying till Ihe eonstittitional s) uiptonis ol I hi.
horrid disease males tlt-ir upie uniic-e, such as iilceiutod
ioretliroil, diseased nose, noctui mil, pains in t he liiud
a.ia liiiibs, diiiiiu-. of .igltt. dw.ifuess, nodes oi: tli slim
bun. s, and anus. Mulch J on the 'lead, face and i-Jjtrcm.-ties,
progressing with rupidiiy.till at la-t tho palate of
th ni.iutltuiid bun -s of the nose fall in, and the vat tin of
thud s-ase bLiomesti horrid obj.-et of eoiiiiui.heration
till death puis ii pel tod to his dreauf il ull lings, by eu
iliug him lo "tllit bourne fioni li nco uu traveler re
turns." ....
It is a mflniicielj fad Unit lliou-aii'l- lull Vilnius to
this terrible disea.e, umug to the uiiAilltuirucs. ofig
loraut prelen lers, who, by the use Madly 1'vt
juii, Mcrcuri, ruin the constitution and make the resi
due of lifu miserable
S T R A X (.' E R 8
L nan, on i no' dgeuco and Military iniuits, nniiii ru-
Trust not your lives, or health, to the caionflhe ma-.-itiiii-nriied
mid Wnithless I'reteinlers, des-Ulnto of
-tiiowledgu, naiuo or character," humpy Ur. Junu. Ion's
advertisements, or siyio iiiemeiies, in me u.- p,,!...-.
egiilnrly Educated l'hysici.ius incapiible of e'unug.tli.'y
Iiuop you trilling inoulli tiller month taking their II thy
and p'oisutus couipo.iuds, or as long a. the suiuHe 1 1 e
;,iu be obtained, and in despair, leuvu you with ruined
iiB.Oili to tigli over your gaillag di.appoirilnieiit
Hi. Johnson is the only I'liynciau
Ills crddentiiil or diplomas ulwuys liaugiii lnsollice.
His reiuedies or treatment are iiuknuwu to all otb rs.
prepared from a llfo .pent in tho great hospitals ot '-u-jipe,
the first in this country and minim citens,vu i"rj
ratt mi-tee than nuv olln r riiysicimi intlie world.
The nuny thousands cited at lli.s iii-titittion year af
ter year, and the numerous import jut Surgical Opera
'tious performed by Ur. Johnston, uitnes ed by the re
potters of the ".-tin," "Clipper," and many otli-'r papers
notices of which Itnvii uppenred again and nuniu before
thu public, be.ideK Ins .lauding a. a gentlemen ol ihar
actcr niul r')'Oiisibility, Is a sutucicnt guaraulco to the
I'crsous w ritintf shoiild bu particular in directing their
letters tohis Institution, Hi the fi.llowiug '".inner :
Of tlio Haiti more Lock Hospital llaltlmore, iiarjlaud.
Jan Id, ItJUJ. Plurih 17, leiO.
iplli; undcrulgucil informs
tha citizens nf llloom,
nnd ni'lliborhood. that tin has takrli the large room
111 thu exchange Hloik, unending over .Messrs. Htnuer
u. I ox's itakery, ami lini nooK.toni wnero ne nas put in
anargu OKyiigui. u n oniy uy rnyiiguiiuui gouu pic
Ares can betaken i silecinlly groups wlttru caili person
M bo taken Just :ts "I'll as ueparate,
II I has gfne lu rnnsiderablo VKjieuse to mako Lis ca
utlisliuiotit u llrst class nit. , and ho llcreforu solicits a
tieral patrouago to enable Imu, to cousliiiitly Introduce
tlio modern iiiipruveii' tits of the nri,
i S" Cj'intry produvj taken in I. haiigo for plcturci,
licit' uimiixs'im K
si i -HiQimariUr-' av ! i -gi. iuv ao. jy.i i
Select Uoctrn
i n ojiixg mm: to m:,
Unwelcomo winds am sljtlilng,
Within this dislanl West,
And wrapt in pain I'm lying
With vision-broken rest,
1 often dream thy bosom
Is pillowing my head,
And unite tn find delusion
Has gathered rouud my bed ;
fiut flatting from my dreaming,
I ilieck Hie rising sigh ;
For I'm coining home to die, Mother,
Coming homo to die.
1 long to sec then. Mother,
And kl. thy dear old check,
I feel Ihere is no other
Willi whom 1 ttih to speak:
Xo heart h t- half such kindness,
Xn voice uch music's How,
Why did I. In iny bllndncs.,
Cause you a moment's woe '
I know you've mourned me often,
Hut Hlpe the glintenlng eye j
for I'm coming home to die, .Mother.
Coming home to die.
Tell Father that I wih Mm
To mark the spot for me,
Where l.ulu tued to kiss him,
And ring the Forest glee:
'Tis where Ihe wild red roses
Perfume the summer nlr -And
when the life-scmc closes,
Lay roving Aliand there.
O, lei the spot be lonely
And hid from passers by,
For I'm coming home to die, .Mother,
Coining liome to die.
.My mjiuory is i linging
To n iliilmoJ's sunny hours,
And Lulu's voice seems ringing
Mm iltt the garden (lowers;
The moments seem to lengthen,
As startling times tomes near,
And hope begins to i:rei;gtlien
With thought of leaving here,
Bo lit the heart be gladdened,
Our meeting hour is nigh,
For I'm coming home to die, .Mother,
i-ouiing home to die.
SnUicsimg Siotlu
A Story of To-Day.
"Now, Martin," I've got everything
slowed away in this bundle, ihough it was
inl.'litv hard work. I o. donn uti tlioin
two shirt, lit for a kin,, and I ve stowed !
awny ti li'tle batch ol douohnuts in
' ,
funcv : anil 1 vc I'ltell
you a green nee-
dle-bool,') anil thu
, nil., mu iup ia iirniii imu riiu
aim you ii mm tewiir m k anil tirown i
l nt . .
t read, and a couple o'darnin needles in
one corner. You've got three pair o'nice j
warm socks, that I knit last summer, and '
that littvcr went on to your feet. You
must look out and not wet'en,, w-mtever
conn's tor T always, thou ht thai your fa
j ther caught his dt ath cold the day that he
lulled the hickory tree in the south mead
ow, tor he came home witli ln teot
Wtt, and was so bourse he couldn't speak J
a loud word the next day. and before the '
week was gone the cough .et in, which
carried him to hi grave. You ll reineiu-
ucr, .Martin, auu miuu ami not get your
feet wet '"
"I'll do the best I can mother. You
talk as though you didn't know much
ah' ut the rough and tumble time we've
got o go through, but you mean it all
It was in the large kitchen of a small,
old-fashioned country eoltage. that thee
words were r-pekoii. I'cu could net have
helped likiug tho old woman s face palo
and .aded though it was with years, and
'sickness, and care; it hud ouch a good
mother-lock, and was so full of kindness
and sympathy.
She wai poor and old ; her husband had
lono- nno laid down on that last brown
pillow uliioli tho eaith spreads smooth for
all her children, And around his gravu
clustered half a dozen smaller ones, sons
aud daughters who had gone bolore him,
So Martin Johnson was all which re
mained to his mother ; the hopo and the
staff of her old ago. All tho teudrills of
her lovo wove themselves arouud himjand
ho was a kind, tho'tf'ul, iudustrious son,
whoso highest ambition was to pay off the
nnii tg' go on thu o d homestead, and sett o
iiowu tlicre for lito.
Bet wlu ii i ho summer crops were most
ly in. aud the winter aud the hard times
promised little work or rccompciiao to farm
labor, ho had bepn induced to join a com
pauy of volunteers forming in bit towu,
And now the last hour with his mother has
come, and ho stands there, tho youug.
bravo t-talwart inau,and thero i a ' ratine
weakuess about his heart, and huakiness
in his throat, and ho wishes ho could get
away without npeaking thu last word.
'H'omc, mother,' ho says, stowing tho
largo bundle in his deep coat pocket, "it's
high time I was off, so wo must say good
byo. Take care of yourself now and dou'i
go to .retting yourselt abmt mo, 1 11
writo as often a I can. 1
Tho old woman pu: her feoblo arms
about tho btrong m.iu. "Oh, my boy."
Aud thu aubs shook, h yray hairs, "you
wont forgot your poor old mother, that
loves you bettor than her lifo, will you ?
You'll remember how the morning will
uorcr rise, and tho night will never fall,
in which sho doesn't pray God to take care
of her boy ; and you wont forget tho little
redcovored Biblo, I put into a corner of
the bundle V
'No, I won't forget it. Come now,
i,nllm . 1 1 i.. -.1 C.I
goodbye. Don't look on the dark side.
nuiuut, euc uiu ,i ii-iii, iiL-.iiiy, uiiucriui
Maybe I shall be back beforo tho year's
ovcr, nun men n no s uono ins uuty, as a
brave man should, and maybe got promo
ted, yoti'l bo proud of your soldier boy V
"But you're all I've uot Martin, and if
anything should happen to you, it would
break my heart it would break it, Mar
tin.' "Don't talk of anything'. 'happening,
mother, except what's good. Come,chcor
up, for I want a last smile, instead of a
last sob' and thero isn't another minute to
spare !''
iMrs. Johnson swallowed down her sobs,
and drawing down the sunburnt face to
her lips, she s id, with a tremulous smile.
"God bless you, my precious boy !"
"God bloas you, mother I" ho couldn't
trust his voice to speak another tiord, and
he dashed away.
She stood in the door and watched him
udtil lie was out of sight, and she saw
him brush his hand across h s eyes suve
ral times before he turned and waved it to
her. Ouco her voice followed after him.
'Don't forget the doughnut,, Martin."
"1 shan t, the nest time 1 m hungry.''
They were the last words she heard.
A moment later and he was out of sight,
and Mrs. Johnson went in and closed
door. God help her !
"Is there any tidings from the war,
Squire Parnham?' asked Mrs. Johns-on,
as the gentleman entered her cottage, one
pleasant morning in th ' early autu.nn,
Parnham was a bluff, rubicund faced, cor
pulent, good hearted sort of man. That
Vor' 1110rui"S a shon paragraph in tli.
country new.-paper naclcaulit Ins eye,aud
lib l il 1 j
"Martin Johnson of tho third Vermont
jteL'iment, was sliot bv a scout last n it.
. i . , r. '
wniii-on guaru uuty
Tho Squire saw at tho first glance tlut '
thu terrible tidings had not rciuhud Mr.
Johnson, lie had ridden ovor to condole
with her, aud it had fallen to him to break
tho news to the stricken. a best he could.
"Wa 1, yes," said the gontlemaiijtaking
a chair iu the small parlor, anil leeliig
very unkwuik, "we've had soniu news."
There was something in the tone which
made Mrs. Johnson look up with a throb
oi fear in Iter heart. "! it bad news!"
Jliu asked.
"Mrs. Johnson, I m .-orry for you, from
my soul !' said Sijuirc l'irnham.
Perhaps a wosuan would liavo broken
the uews inoro teuderly, but the Squire
was a blunt man, and did it aftor his lash
ion. Mrs. Johnson's, lips grew very white ;
she came towards the Squire, and said in
a rapid trembling voice.
"liavo you heartl anything about my
boy ' .
".Mrs, Johnson, lies gone!''
She did not shriek or scream, she sat
down iu the nearest chair, aud lifted up
her withered hands, and while tho tears
swain down her pale cheeks, she inoaued
"Don t say so, Squire Farnham, don't
nay my boy has gone. God has got all
the rest, and I thought llo'd leave him to
my old age I
"No, no, it can't bo that Martin's gone,
that 1 shall never hear his bright, quick
step, on the walk, or see his dear face
como bouuding iu at tho door. Ho was
all I'd got in the wido world, and I was
so proud of him, and I loved him so.
" M v litlln Martin vho II 1
y o i . i, . so yeuow curls
I used to wind arouud my fingers, when
l.n was n and crowded in n,v Inn
.... ,. . .. rs...,,
uiy uiiiu I'luiuii, ijiug unity ui tueiu sun
and cold, with no mother to bend down
her face over him when he looked up and
called tor her the lait time oh, don tsay
my boy is gone, or my heart will break !
inoaued the poor mother, as the truth bo-
gau to dawn more fully on hor.
Squire Farnham was a strono- man.but
ho bowed down his head, una cried Hue a
cu''d- . . I
At last ne mount up, lor thero was a
sudden fail. Mrs Johnson had fainted.
"God help her, ' ho said as ho lifted her
iu his arms, and laid her on the bed in
thu last room. Sho has said tho truth confinement upou taking what was caded
her heart will break 1" tin oath of allegiucco, uu extrajudicial
Do r reader, on the go den background oath k h Constitution and tho
ot tho last summer days how many tueh , . ' , , . . , ,
dark scenes havo been painted ) laws but unobjeouonablo to your niomoii
Let us, who iiiouru no beloved dead on j alist, inasmuch as it pledged him " to pro
battle li'dd, be humbio, bo pitiful, aud' teot and Uefnul trie Constitution against
grateful to God that no blpw has fallen j au jtH enemiis," thus imposing, if it wcro
upon our homes ; and .nay ho drop the )l0 lQ Jo mldlUonai obligations up
duw.s ot His healing on tho hearts which 1 ,. . , . 1
ha o bciu torn with that auguish, for 011 lnm t0 rcsist ,ho unoonslitutional acts
which there is neither earthly help or uou- l this high offioial, and punish his gross
solntiuu ! ' violations of tho pciboual liberty of tho
Select Misccllaui).
Jkiiwial fj;uars H Wall, Esq.,
To the llonnmbk the Ornate a,;d House o,
Jhstnibly of the Slate of JS'cw Jcsey
Yoitl' lllOlllfvifll! r. rotil-nonnl. In .mux
Helllm-filil,! lwiK,.., 'I'L-s l. :. - -e
. . Ul,!. II 1.1 ,y 1VU, ' ,
. . , u,lt uu j-, u umzca oi i
the State of Now Jericy, and fullv cnti-'
" tho ripbts, privilcgei and immu-
iiitiosDertainiiitf tosuohciti.nnJ.fn. Tt,f
on tho eleventh day of September last ho 1
wa.s arrested by Bcuajah Deacon United '
. . ) i
States Marshal for
New Jersnv. nennm.
pauicd by an armed force, William H.
Alien, Mayor of tho city of JJurlington,
being present, and assisting will, cm or
two of his police. J hut thotaid Marshal
unonbcinir called unnn fr !.,,. i
produced a printed form or order iu the
a i ui,Mu j
words following, as near as your niemor
ialiat can recollect :
"To Beuajah Deacon, Esq,, Marshal
&o. You aro hereby commanded to ar'
rest James W. Wall, of the city of Bur
lingiou, and convoy him to Fort Lafayette,
iu the JS'ew York harbor, forthwith." By
order of the Secretary of War. Dated
W ashingtuii. S- pt. 1601.
L'pou reading tins singular doeu
incut, yo'fr nit morialUt domauded of the
Marshal tlw nature and causo of the ac
filiation against him, and a copy ' of the
affidavit or affirmation upon which such
warrant was based. lie took occasion at
the same time to deny the right of any
member of tho Piosident's Cabinet to is
sue any such warrant, much less tho Sec
retary of War, aud warned tho Marshal
that he would hold the Secretary responsi
ble, and all who presumed to act under
his authority; that ibis official had iu this
overstepped the limits of his official author
ity, aud having usurped powers not dele
gated to him by tho Constitution, or by
some law made in pur&uauco tliereof, he
had put himself beyond the palo of thu
proUctioa of his office, and was liable liki
any private citizeu, with this distinction
that having used his official position to
unci i o .n ss min-tioe ami onnri-jsinn
it wan a
' at aggravation ol" his iiuilt, aud
-L t
wouid ft- considered so iu a criminal pros
ecutiou, or in asking for excnip.ary damn
ges iu a civil action.
To this pretest and warning of your
memorialist, the Marshal made tho fol-
lowing most extraordinary reply : "That
ho kuew nothing of the cau.o and nature
of tho accusations, or of any affidavit or
affirmation upon which the wa rani was
Uaseil ; that he had received tho ordur
through the post office, and was bouud to
execute it at all hazards, aud if any re
sistance was made, wo would resort to the
armed forco then surrounding the house."
Upon our memorialist requesting time
for preparation, and to have an interview
j with his family, it was poreiuptorily ro-
lused by the Marshal, who further declar
ed " tint he hurl ouleis to luhe yuur mim
ori.dtsl ut once to Acts York vi'ihc Cum
den and Jiml'Hj li, e, tvhich uould past
lf'rouS(l Hinhugton in the course oj ten
ot Jiflee" minutts."
Agaiust such an arbitrary exercise of
i. i puwoi as mis, never surpassoii Dy tlio most
t fcuoseiuent niiuicn oi tho vilest tle.-potism
in I'surope, your memorialist entered his
most solemn protest, and prepared to ro-j
sist such invasion of his rights by physical!
force. Bcsistance, however, proved in I
vain, and your memorialist having sue-j
ceeded iu reading the hall of his house, i
was thero overpowered by a largo armed ,
fore:, torn from tho midst of his family I
and drat'i'cd to tlio rnilrnml srntinn Ti'rmii
tIl(,ucu ho wnB oonvuyod a pvisoner by tho
Jarshal. accoinnanied bv siv of his nrinnd
.. ' ...... , . " Z
' " not omy tnrougu me otato ot iNew
Jersey, but through a portiou of the Stato j
oi ixow iorii, anu in mat otato delivered
over to the U .itud States military author
ity ooiii iiaiiding at Fort Latayetto, in New
Yuri, harbor.
In this Uovt-ininont fortress ho was con-
nucl' lo1' n-atly two weeks, his correspond-
ouco subjected to tho moat impudent sur
vciilauce, aud his person to all thoso in
dignities and
petty nnnoynuccs which a
military despotism understand so well how
to inflict. Ho was finally rcloased from
subject. There can b& no greater enemy
to tho Constitution thau that man who, be-
ncath tho cloak of power, conceals the
stiletto with which ho thrusts at its vitals,
Sinco his release, your niouiorialhn has
I applied again and again to tho Secretary
, j of War, for tho causo and naturo of the
accusations against him ; but thus far all
applications have received not tho
sU&htQit DotlC0, -This persistent silence of
. ""- u' a.r r'kcs 1110 Tfcsump-
tion that the unconstitutional warrant by
whioh lie (1a"d ,t0 aFivo acitizon of New
Jur!;ey of libl!1t'e!) has not even the
l,,.l,l . .e - !, . .1
Uillu Prewu ' ft written accusation to
iv0 t tho flimsiest shadow of a decent
vJUC' . ,. L ,
JjZ "T" i ' Tn
rUd' T f y C f th ar Dcpart
,,lu"t' llas 1)00,1 co'Hlod to submit to
liavo his goat name and fame called in
question, his loyalty to the Constitution
doubled, and the most ungrounded and
uiijuti prejudices engendered against him.
It is the grossest injustice to place an in
dividual in such a position violate all tho
rights, privileges aud immunities that be
long to him as a citizen punish him as if
he were tho vilest criminal, and then cruel
ly withhold from him tho nature and causo
of tho accusation agaiust him.
Your memorialist thercforo makes this
appeal to the Legislature of his native
State, that it will, through our Senators
and Beprcscntativcs iu Connress. demand
of tho War Department tho naturo and arbitrary power. Tho most degraded
charges on file in said Department, upon cr'm'ual in any of your prisons conld not
which such warrant was issued, or, if no ! 'avc eon truutcd as I have been, without
such charges uro upon record, that then ' aa outcl7 of" indignation from every houc-t
it shall bo so made to appear. c''4eu u tho State. 1 have been arrested
I am fully awaro that iu the aucieut without tho form of legal warrant con
commonwealths, seif-prcson-ation was con- demned without the shadow of a trial, aud
sidcred the necessity of tho State, as punished by n degraded imprisonment ol
it was of individuals, aud could boused as weeks, without at this hour even knowing
a justification of "the tcmjmnrij veiliny the naturo and causo of the accusation a
oj the Utatucs of Liberty." Sho dictator gainst inc. I know and appreciate my
who, in tho hour of the Nation's peril, rights as a citizen of tho United States,
came forth fiom the Uoitiau Semite with and as a citizen of tho State of New Jer
absoluto powers over thu lire, liber 'y aud fiey i and no man shall invado and tram
propoity of the llouiaii citizen, was only pie upon those rights with impunity, 1
the creation of this dangerous idea. And
during tho reign ot Elizabeth there was a
notion that a kiud of paramount sovereign-
ty existed which was deuoiuiuatcd her
absolute power, incident, as it was pretcu-
ueii. to me ausiract uaturo ot Sovereignty,
anil arising out ot its primary office of
preserving the Stato from destruction.
But even thou in that tyranical reign, it
found men bold enough to dare tho ter-
rors of tho royal frown, and dcclaro "that
this insidious pica of necessity means too
often the security -of tho sovcrign rather
that of the people." Tho opposition to
this pernicious doctrine went on gathering
strength until, in the reign of tho First
Charles, it culminated in tho far famed
Declaration of Bights, that is tho beacon
light, casting its blazo afar, to warn tyr
aunioal governments agaiust the invasion
of tho liberties of tho people.
And yet, wo aro asked lo believo tho
monstrous doctrino in this high noon of
the nineteenth century, in a government
like ours, made Dy tho haters ot Umgly
prerogative, with a written Constitution
defining aud limiting the powers of every
department, thero really, in time of war,
' lurks in the Executivo this dangerous elc-
nicnt of power ; aud agaiust which thero
had been a continued and successful t-trug.
glo of five centuries in England. In tho
eloquent words of Mr. Peudleton, of Ohio,
words that have the truo ring of the metal
0f the oldcti time, "Can it bo believed
that our fathers, protesting ngainst kiagly
prerogative, revolutionists because of out-
rages on personal rights by their sovorigu,
,-..ll !.!.., .1.., ..,,,:.. ..i .!.!
nuum viums ius mcvuius ui iilun uuw
omumeut with .,owor 0TCr thc citiz
I li.:i. .!...: r ,
m""1 ml" """"" u,MW'lS' u """ruurou
t0 pretend that he possescfed'f
Can it. In.
believed that they, proud of their iuiglish
liberty ayo, proud of their lovalty to th
English Constution, would saorifico that j red Webster, tho dramatist, Dr. SacheY'e
right, which their English ancestors ao-I roll, and Joseph Strutt, tho learned and
counted their clneicst glory, 'lhoso an
cestors had battled for centuries, bravely
for popular rights. They had placed tho
oiown upoti tho brow of tho people they
had decked it with many a jewel, it was
rad iaut with tho glories of popular liberty
aud can it bo believed that our fathers
would tear away this priceless gem, that
sparkled in tho very forefrout of that
coronot, uud with it adorn thc spoctro of
oxecutivo power. Iu no other point iu the
Constitution did they limit tho rights of tho
people Us admitted at that day ; cau it be
believed that they would in this ono vital
poiut alone restrict the bounds of liberty,
and en'argo tho-o oi power I"
What courso you tho wprescntatives of
tho Stato of New Jersey, may deem it
nitWr to tnVfi in rMrfnv thiu wnnt
outrage upon tho constitutionally guaran-
teed right? of ono of yoiir citizens, must bo
loft to your own judgments. It is for you
to say whether it shall bo passed over
i without a rcnioustrauce. If Lv vour all-
once now you constitute this a precedent,
jit maybe for you to declare of what valuo
hereafter thoso high-sounding clauses in
1 the bill of rights in our Constitution will
i bo to any of tho citizens of tho Stato of
Now Jersey ? That bill of rights was
intended as thocuunciation of certain gcu
oral principles of free govtnent to serve
as the landmarks of liberty and law.-
ll!,1 i ci . r
iiu juur piesuiii oeiiaior in vjongrcss,
xMr. Ten IJyck, when ho introduced it in
to your Constitutional Convention, and
his fellow members when they voted upon
it, consider its clauses as only a "mass of
glittering generalities I" And yet what
else do they become, if any Cabinet officer
may, under the authority of one of these
general warrants, invado your Stato with
an armed force, kidnap any ofyour citizens
and imuiuro them beyond tho limits of tho
State at his sovereign will and pleasure,
in any one of the fortresses of the Gover
nment. Surely if such outrages aro to bo
passed ovor in bilencp, and with impunity,
then I do not hesitato to ddclaro that your
Siato government is a farce,and thcelausos
in your bill of rights tho most contempti
ble and wicked shams.
J. speak earnestly because I feel so. I
navo been made to know tho insolouco of
"vy not tho heart, for it is corrupt, nor
100 wain, lor it is dieased, that can attcm-
pt to approve, or by reasoning, justify,
uch an atrocious act of tyranny as this.
if such an act can be done in a republic
wunout reurcss, antl with the approval of
its ciuzens, then 1 know no difference be-
tweenitand tho vilost despotism upon
earth, save only, that tho latter is the
most honest government of tho two.
AH of which is respectfully submitted,
Trenton, Jau. M, '66l
lljlborn Celebrities.
in liolnoru resided Milton. Tho poet
hail two resiliences in this street; first in
iui7, when ho lived ma house which
'opened backward into Lincoln's !nn fields ,'
and next nt a houso overlooking what were
then calkd Bed l.ion fields, now Bed Lion
square. From thence ho removed to Jewin
street, Alder.-'gato ctreet. Ho died in
Artillery walk, B'jnhill fields. Gerald,
the herbalist, and Sir Kenelm Diby aro
also names connected with this locality.
Cibbrr, tho elder, lived in Holbpru, near
St. Andrew's church. Grav's Inn lano.
which runs out of Holborn, was tho resi
deuce of James Shirley, a dramatic poet
uf tho Elizabethan age. Tho names of
two other poets, John Ogibly, translator
of Homer, and Bov. John Langhorno,
aro likowiso associated with Gray's Iuu
lano. Tho Litter, after tho loss of his
1 wife, whom he deeply regretted, frequented
tho Peacock, then famous for Burton alo;
and ho is said to havo caused his death by
-!.! i .......
, tuu uupiuua jiuiuiiuua ui ins iiivorue uriUK.
j n thu daya of hl peu anJ actress, Dr
' ri...,.. .., t , !..... t , ' ,
" xui, m.iu , nun
durili'' nart of tha timu hn was wrilinn
his dictionary ho lived in Holborn. In
St. Andrew's church, Holborn, are inter.
laborious nntiquary.
In Brook street, Holborn, Savage, the
poet, was born, aud Chattorton met 4iis
untimoly fato. His attempt to pass off
somo poems of his own as thoso of Bowloy,
a prieat of Bristol, in tho fiftcouth ocntury,
is well kuown to all literary uicu. It failed;
aud his visions ot famo aud fortuuo ditsi-
pated, reduced to poverty, and no prospect
for tho futuro, ho took poison, aud died
on tho 25th of August. 1770, beforo ho
had completed his eighteenth year. "No
English poet," says Campbell, "equaled
him at tho Bainoago." Tile homo in which
he died, No. 1, was kept by a Mrs. Arigcll,
It is n,w pulled down.' Ho was buried in
wmai now lor.uti a pare oi i-arringuou
rkil Tit I-Vtrr-!
. .!.. 1. .t
of "Leviathan," whilo that book was in
courso of publication. In Hattou garden
died Dr. Buto, (1000,) who attended Crom-
well on his dcath'bed. A lit lo romanco
conuectcd with Wv dier.ov. tho dramatist.
Plcct street and Uoiborn, Dryden lived
fr s"ie time, as did Hobbcs, tho author
occurred iu Hatton garden. In tho reign
of Charles II., the Count-css of Drogheda,
a rioh, young, aud beautiful widow, resided
there. Wyohcrlcy had been introduoed
to her ladyship at a bookseller's shop at
Tombridgo, and ho followed her to Lon
don; "whoro, in a little time," saya Don
uis, in his "Lottors,";"ho got hor consent
to marry her " This marriago lost him
tho favor of tho King ; and as his title to
tha countess s fortune (which sho left him
at her death) was disputed, it ultimately
involved him in cousidcrablo ombarrass
incuts. Iu Shoe-lane, which runs fronj
Holborn to Fleet street, is alow and mean
place called Gunpowder alley. Hero, ia
1053, died Bichard Lovelace, tho poet,
who by vicissitudes of fortune had been,
reduced to great distress. f. I'ancrat
anu ijowom limes.
Mysterious Canine instinct.
Mr. Justice Williams's death was ex
tremely sudden. He had passed tho
shooting suasou with his valued friends
Dir. ami jjauy Augusta Millbauke, at tho
Yorkshire Moors, a family with which ho
had long been connected, having sat for
somo years for a borough of the Duke of
Cleveland, her ladyship's father. From
thcuee he went to pass a week with Lord
Brougham, in Wcstmorelapd. While
thero, ho felt a sharp pain in the chest; but
this was only mentioned afterwards, for he
never spoko ot it to Brougham On his
way through London to his residence in
Suffolk, ho consulted his physicians, whq
considered it as connected with tho liver
and of no grave importance. On his ar
rival at his scat, ho was seemingly quite
well, and went out daily to about. Aftor
a week or ten days, he was, on tho Mtb.
of September, somewhat indisposed, but
had been out riding beforo breakfast. Ho
did not dino at table, there being some
visitors thero. Lady Williams left him
pretty woll in tho drawing-room, aud re
turned after dinner, but before thc compa,
uy retired from table. Sho fouud him
apparently well, and playing with her lap
dog. buu iceut to the dining-room, and
came back for the dog in three, or at tho
mmt lour minutes after she had left him
well. No sooner did she oj-.en the drawing-room
door than the animal sot up a
loud bark, and ru-hed past her violently,
barking and howling all tho way. She
asked him what ailed tho dog, but received
no answer.
She repeated tho question, and soeing
him, as sho thought, asleep, called his ser
vant to see if his head was not too low.
Thc man said, "No; ho is sleeping com
fortably." Sho approached him, and
again asked him to speak. Sho obsorvod
one eye open, and tho other half closed,
but his color as usual. Tho servant and
another thought still that ho slept, but hor
ladyship felt euro ho was gone. So it
proved, for ho speedily became cold nnd
palo, nor could any of tho roniedies that
swore applied restore him. Ho had com
plained, when ho awoko just beforo dinner
l,n. 1. :.. I ' 1 , .
.uu!. uu- iiuu ui ins Kieep uroameu ot a
word piercing his breast. The examina
tion of tho body proved only that all tho
noblo parts both head, chest, and abdo
menwere iu a state of perfect health,
except a very slight culargomcut of tho
spleen aud liver, of no moniont. Ho nev
er had thc gout, nor had any of his fami
ly. We have entered into this detail on
account of tho very remarkable circum
stances of tho dog's instinct. It is quite
clear that the poor animal was awaro of
tho fata', change sometimo before any obw
tcrver of our own species could discover
that tho spirit of its master had passed
from this world. Mauy storios havo been
told of suoh an instmctivo scuso, but hair
hover before, wo bclicvu, been established
on suoh irrefragable ovidonco as tho facts
abovo detailed constitute. Law Review,
A REFiiESiiixa Bevivax,. At a lata
revival meeting ono of tho brethren became,
anxious to pile tho altar with mourners
and for that purposo left his seat and went
among the congregation, personally exor
tine his acquaintances to nuit tho error of
their ways. Approaching an individual
wll drawiugly talked through his noe,ho
ga" with :
II f,y0U WW,-t t0 g "P '' .
j ij)0n;t you waut to join tho church I"
. "Nay."
"What would you do if tho Lord was
t04c!?11f?,r yuI . , , ,
tb best I could. D'u't reckn LVd cet
I 1 j .1 . tt
s- s , , - - , - -