Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 08, 1862, Image 4

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A 0. Mullttis of Kontuolcy, in n com
munioatton to tho Gentsee Fnnntr, offers
tho foll-iwing hiut3 on tlio raising of hogs :
Say vo have a good stock to begin with,
n stotk that matures onvly mid fattens well.
The pig3 should some from tho middlo of
Mnroli to May. There is a great ndvnntn.0,0
Jn pigs coating nt-lii time, as wo can grtuc
thcin tb'rSugir two summcra, and havo thorn
to keep' only through ono winter. Thci'
cdmtf Id be of fine size by tho tcoond fall
Qtajnlllov, Hogs may bo puttied into mar
fccf younger, but at more expense turn-aiii,
rind they will be smaller at fattening time,
which ia a groat disadvantage.
Tho greatest profit in bogs is in grazing
them, and turning them upon grain fields,
whero they can gather-Tor themselves ; and
having them larc and in good condition at
fatteuing time. Tho sows and pigs should
bo kept in good growing condition by feed
ing tliem on Indian corn, or com meal
mode into slop. A soon as the clover
begins to blossom, or a little before, turn
them upon it. bows and pigs should still
bo given some grain while in the clover.
The Importance of Cur.ryi::o Ani
mals. It Ti well known that every hair,
whether long or short, is covered with nu
merous little barbs, like the barbs of fih
hook9, and, therefore, when a number of
hairs arc brought iu coutact with each
other, and moved back and forth, they will
tvork in among each other, and often form
n mass o tangled like the mane of a colt
which our ancestors havo often t.t ught us
to bclicvo were the stirrups of witches,
which were accustomed to rido them in tlia
drrk nighta that it is difficult to disentan
gle them. Tho only mean that cattleliave
of scrnthing themselves many time, h to
aj'ply their tongues; and when tho hair
comes off, rs it many times doss, by the
handful,, more or less of it will adhere to
thoir tOUCUCS. aild tnanv times fiutlq it5 nv ;
uii.ii 4untui,a, aim inaiij' iiiuis uuus its way
into tbeir stomachs : ami tho rcciprocatiim
1o.i0nrH,i,ttn,,.lw ef ,i,;.u I
------ - - . . ...... ..i. ,m ,, mwii 1
, , . ., ,
CQO-W the OUU IVOUIU SOOn form .1 butich OI;
.... ,, j , 1
Iiau- into a pellet ; and, aj more hair was
taken into tho stomach from day ia ilay, it,
J '1
IVOUlll be VCry SnrC tO all collect in 0U '
D13S3. NOW, When an animal begins to SllCtl
. . . 0 1
113 coat ot uair, there always appears to bo '
more or less u-ntation of the skm, and if
the card or curry-comb is not used pretty
freely the tonguo must bo applied ; and if
an animal is well curried evry day, when
it is shedding its coat, it will be far less
liable to collect hair in its stomach. A
ball of hair being indigestible in the
stomach would be very likely to injure its
energies so as to producs disease, and ev
entually premature death.
Chicken Salad. A friend who tried a
now to
Chicken salad With U3 tho Other dnv nskoil undertake, toaldressoiuh paper tnclub subicribjrs s.'p
, . . vi arataly fpicinun copies of tlu weekly wjll bj scut o
a imtmtc aesar.n'iion In tlin .Hn.-i,;,livi all who doire it.
n . . Ct , - , . l i
ui mo uuiieut; ui uts oettor nait ana others.
The recipe is a common cne, for ou"ht wo
know perhaps it w.n ud with special
skill iu the instance when our friend was so
well pleased. Wiitten minutelv it lead
thu : Mince Gnely tho white parts of ono
chicken previously well boiled. TakJ
Llanchcd, crisp celery and chopVvery Cno.
With 1 measure of tho minced chicken,
mix I i measure of the chopped oalery.
Boil hard ono largo or two eimvl eggs, roll
tho yolk firm, and mixing iu a tcasnooiiful
of lUUMaid, and nearly as much suit with I
, ...uiiji ua muuii smc, Villa
4 ten-CUIiftll of villi!?- ir. nrvir f !ii nm 1, '
o ir-- -...v. i.Uu
uuh kiiu uuiiL-u uiiirrs nr run r.rtt .
",w "S6S
in lings and lay on tlo top. garnlshinsr alau
with the smaller loaves of lite
I sua vt w ,.l,rx. t a t.-.l l.-ie ...
..j .HH r..j v.mHJvH Uail UliU
no jgh
Cube rpu Deaf.vs-ps. A new dicov
cry which is declarjd by tho niodieal fac
ulty iu Paris, to be u certain euro for
duiil'iicr-a, is -ufphuric ether, pottre-1 directly
iuto 1I10 oar in a flojj of lour or eix or
light drops a du. U,ui,lly ;,gont
j roducus only u Might di-gr.u of fcibibi.ity
r pain. After it litu been used fifteen or
twenty days, the operator may tsui'iil ila
use for several day, to retain iu energy
bettor, and then resume, its u,o. Th.
application may bo continued, ifuotinde
f'iilly, at laust for a long period of linn.
It h said that this renmdv has never yu
failed in any of tho numerous to
whioh it lias been applied.
Such h tho Bubjsct of an artiulo in tho
Mark Lano Express. It .advises English
farmers, sn viow of tho immenso import-i-tions
of grain from this country, to raiB
moro stock, abis udvico is equally up
pltoallo to this county. To keep up (In
fertility of the soil it is necessary to feed
aiora cattle.-
DipniERrA in HoaVTho JiatiMvillc
(Ohio) Courior is informed by an iutolligont
gentleman that tho diswuo thought to bo
ling clio'lora,' which has prevailed iu variom
lo alitics in that country for snno time
pp st, prove 10 bo nothing moro or Jess
thun tho diptliTio, A pt-mortem cx
autina t ,ltfU , , t!a fttCt, j
wi.fiiSer.t--V-vi-..-..Hi1.v,itt,i"fs j. t.""1.!" nmytom. j".rVT "'.'..
roti Tim
TIi? ntiMiiher ofltvj I'e.insti.vish TrtBoiwn lin
ni.-ucr.in9 most ample and rnmplstu arrangements.
diaUBwMtfsiMif iu with tti) repofts, of tin- IfeniU of
vrmtiMiinu, ui. UFMtM bill nil In iuilllsbcilwiien
tlil(XSta of h chariirter involving epiritnuli In vvhutithu
pApirAM Ititerettad. Ihess futures regularly oinl
carefully enfldticted unit supervised d) etperlc re
rmrters, our reports nf thi proem dings nf I iingreM nt
ill approaching ses-lon, tin- curr. nt cteiit In th. pro
Tr t'rth" war. tnjtetll.T ith aiirtl ttoilicstie nnd for
.im news s shall dally occur nml minr within our
r.'ncli. will innkii tho i'lKMYi.VAituTKLfottAHi esiioofilis
mot valuable and lntirsiilng newspapers In tlu coiiii.
TIip tlAitr will b puMIhid during tin session of tint
Legislature for 91. Ui) pr-r copy.
Tut ScMt-lVnxiv lll also ks pubtlsbtd at tho low
rati' of SI.IW for tin session,
The Wiukiy It printed on a very large shtet at tha
low rats of 51,(10 ptr year.
ciEonon nniwNr.ii.
Harrlsbarg, Petm'n.
flee. 03, 1861
IOTICUIt hereby. lven. that tho M.partnerrlilp
I lnri'tnf.ire exlitlnir between tho undertlened, tra-
din? under thi llruiof Martifc Unt. at Liuhl Street, ia
thieilny, (Nov.Si, I'M) dlolvi dby non nt or
the partlea. The bonki, accfiuntt let., remain In tho
. An.......
iiiiuj oi roior isiH one oi nn uieinujrt ri nit nite nriu,
bv wltoni all claims aoalntt th nld Arm wlllbeoald:
and tlm Imlcbttd to tald firm u ill pleaso call and inane
paymsnt oi tne tame. mabtz,
PBTnIl t.N'T.
Lljht Btrect. Nov. 30. 1361.
'pHR tindorsnnild, retpectfully Infornu the cltlr.ons of
I lllooimburr. nd the nubile jMiicrally. that he hat ei-
tabllahtil a new ftore. on .Main Street. MooMrburg, in
.Mrs. l.encock'i Hulldlnj, wheta ha olTuri for inle.ion
UKdcrato terini, alnife ateortuient of
ll VOL'S', i va rcims jewel r r
Of every ott. nnd lzi nnd dcicript'rn. tile
etncit nr Jewelry it conipKt", tiu luu ins every yffit
Vliril'll IU I.IIIIKB BIlll .t'-llllClllffll P -..'.'Ilil lOllR,
Clmlni, Lrvkete. etrrntplnt. Kineer-riuci. etc.,
to th j examination of nbldi Iln invltcithi public gener
J.T" strict atttntlnit civnntn rennlrituClockj.Walrh
ci, and Jewelry, and all Kork warranted.
IV .'I. li. Uli.lliL,
nio3inb:irg, Sloy 4, 1S61 If.
Weekly "Patriot & Uiiion."
the cc.vr oi' uuvmi.N.iiENTi
T.YVOtIt-H TO ki.YK .lUVHEtel
The period for which many of our subscribers have
Daijl'. r thrir pnuar bjiiiK on the cv.i of axnlnnz. we
tike liberty Lt'itsuingtbit netice, rJinliMlnj tti:moftli;
same, ill order that t ey may
We fliall also take it nt an favor if our pr!
i cnt Riib-ciib.'ri! will urse Ui tlulr neiitlibora tin lact
that tlu I'ATRior avo lutlu only D-'inncratlc i,a.
Pjr Urinted in llarnsburj, and consiileriiv tha large
umouut f readiiig malt.r, einbraciiis all tha camnt1
",i"'4 of"" 'lay aai
Trom cverywhsre up to th moment the paper poes to
pro, political, lui.cellaneous. general and local luws,
market reports, is deciledty tlu
ciiE.ircsTXWsr.iri:!! rvBi.isiiD t.v rtic
, , frjlTL'
There Is scarcely a VIII050 or ton-ninths State in
u'"cl1 b- rinsed iftheproner excrtinu be
111 ide, and surely th;rc nre fjtv p acet in which oiu or
x""ca enerirctic men caunolbe found u ho ti. ill favor ot
the dissemination of.ouud Demooratic dastrln , who
,vou,ii bj wuiing to make tlu ctrart tn mis a club.
HJi.HUiJKATb UD Ull's liM Jli .IUH 1
Lei irs hear from you. The existing war, and tha ap
P'oaching sessions of Congress and 111.; iuitj Legisla
ture, nra invested n il li unusual interest, and every man
should have tiie news.
t & 11 m s .
Single copy for one year, in advance l on
Single copy durinp thu session of tlu Legislature. . I 00
PMithtJ every Tlmndaji.
Single copy one yeir in auvance S3 00
Ten ci'pi.'S tonne address 10 00
Subscriptions n ay commence at any time, ray ttl
uwys inatlcaacc. Any p 'rton senuiua 111 u club ol fifty
subscribers to the eukly K ill b-' entitled to .1 copy far
hi services. The prica is so low that we cnnniit oir-r
greater inducement than this. Aduiiinns may be made
a any to a club of ubscril.rg by remittiu; SI for
each ntlilitloiinl name. It Is not neceisary In .cud in
the nanus ol ihoto constituting n iluh. ns wo cannot
, O llAr.UETT lc CO., Ilnrrhburj, Pa.
F ES Q S a 35 13 T V S
or THE
iiRtrriPiii AiiiiKiW.
TIIC nEST mechanical papep. in the would.
feventeehxii year.
A new volum of this widely circulated paper com
mencvs on tlu -ith ol January. Uvery iiuinb-r cimtiiiiis
sixteen pa?js nt useful iiifnrinatiou, nnd from flvu to
ten nriL'lunl inpriifinss of new inventions ami dicoic
ries. all of which lira prepared expressly for its coin ins
Tha SCIENTIFIC AM t; it I CAN' is devoted to tho j:
leresis 01 ropuiar ftcieiicc, im .iiechan ics Ar s, tlanu
.Inventions nnd Asriculturo .Commerce ni,l
tlu Industrial Pursuits Bern-rally, and is valuable and
it'ueUyu notmily iu the Vorkshop and Mimufaclorv
nn also in tne liouselmiJ, the Library uud tha neaiilir"
To the M'ciaw'c and Mamtfucluri?
No persons eiijjnprt In nny of the mrchanlcal pin suits
lioulj tniuk of doing withou: thi ScirsTiuc Amibil-ah,
' V." I'lf ..." 'V' 1 vi;ri- " mi. -r eon
iillllS liw.ll J! ill
I'll enzravliiL's of new inuri. 1
inventions, which cannot be found In nny other publi
cation, It, is an rstahlfituii rule of the iiubllsliersto iu-
3 tt nflns but original 0. fravinjs, and those ofthe llr.t
class in tlu art. uratt 11 and engraved by tixpericncoii
persons under their otrvi supervision. 1
7 0 the Inventor 1
Tha SCIENTII'IC AMWUCAN Is indispensable to
ovary inventor, us it not on y contains illustrated do.
s notions of tiaurlv all tli.. h. st ii.i.,iii,, .i...t.
out b it .-Hill iiuuib. r contains nn Official I.Lt ,r .1,,, ' of all tlu IMt -ms Issiud from the Cnitud sinter DlBc i.u.iiijt th.-week prulous i thus itivinir 11
c.-rr.-ct hlstor. nftfit pr pr. ss or inv. utluns in iiiia
cuntrv. Hoar, ulsn irJUlvl every Week, th best
seieiilifttjojrnals nf UriUiu, Pia-ic aul Oerui.i
ny ; pliu-liiij hi our poss.-s ion all that is Irarnnlr.
iniri.i iiiiicli.iuiaul i nc- and nn in ta ..un ni,i ..!.
trias. Wo shall coiitlnua to tr uufer to our columns p. extract fniiA these Journal, of whatever tc may
ucem id iittercsl tooiir NaJer5 '
ClltMlSta. Jtrchitectx. Mtlhnrinl.i, ..,
, ----- w,..u K.llb
Fir titers
TM sniRrVTIFIC AMERICAN will u found a most
us iful Jo irnal ti. them. All tlu new iiUuoverles '11 ih j
siiM.c 1 f. h, mi-'o nr; t'tuiin iu cnlumi, unii tha
lit r t of t.'i a.chit.ct and carp.uitjr urn not ov.-r-lunkjd:
nil the n -w Ipveiitinns aun lIsiovi ries anner
taiulii; l'i tluss pursuits bJnji a iblislua from wneli to Us-ft and iiriu nenl luinr n.iiiriii p rlainiiii to
tin Int. rests uf in illwrishts 11 hi mill owners will lie,
fo.tii'l putili bed ill the d.i nliO; Am rLau which iufur.
inatlmi tli Jy esnnot p.sluly obtain I'rnai uny in.'r
suureu. rtuaj. tts iu whlcli pi misrs nud Inrtners ard 1 .
t.-ruslwl will uj found ..ciusid l.i th iihmiile Amur,
kaii i wnl of tlu Improvements in ajricallurul impe.
mains b jin j illtistrutsd in Us loIjiuus
Tn mall nibscrlbersi-Tivo Dollars a Year, or One
Dollar fui Ii months. One Dollar p.ivs for fins com.
pi- W volutin) of Ho pages i two voluntas comprise ono
tear. Th volumes nuuuiancii on the flmt oi'Jamjapv
and Juiv.
Five Copiss, fur Six Monllu
1 I'-'ii Cnpi s. tor Mix Moulin - . .
J Tun Cppiss, far TWsivs .Months . .
nitaaii i:iiiijs. inr rweivu .iiunllu
Tw Hity Uopies, far Trt'Uvs) .Months
For all ilubs iifTtventy and m-er.tlis yunrly subn rin.
nun is ouiy si.iu. tvauiv's.cun tis sunt in ut ililf. r.-ut
limes anu irom uiu runt t'ost-oiilcus, Sptcluisn eciilea
vvilljly snt Krntis to nny part of ths countrv.
WPt r.i uiii! Cmuill ui muni.)- or r'ost-ofrkvs slaunts
taUSn at ptr for subssrintions. Cunmllun sulncrb-rs
will plmsu lo rouit SU mils cstru un each yuar's sub.
scrintiuti to pre-pay pustaed.
No. 37 Parlt-ruvv, fjuw York,
Pee. H. IK).
'pil03UI;nnivinKlhBnielves iudsMsit tn ths und.r
I sunii.l ur h. r i.y notlfli-d to roin and .ai.iJ ? ,itr
a. count, without 1 1 rll.or i.ot.cs Ta, n?v I,?.! ' ' elr
ii. ennuis xiniuui i rinur nones, I am now in i nrnn.i
If not alt -ml. d .lo n u tlt.-lr accounts vv ill lu nincmi i..
propnr nanus for ctillcuion.
. 13ANP8,
Sept 7 101
ine eiigngeinsni or un cxpertr-need Corps if rcpotti "
lire inn piihtic it coliiptrta synoplls tli j ' proceedings
ltMlllltirrf riiihmelnj..lljRtatn)n that will be
nrfftEhtral f.h.iractr nml such pmilii builmi-n n way
naren efftt or frtlliipnie nn lli,r(tfiMin Iniere.t A,i.
General i oniiiiisslon (ihicliants,
P' AL: ns n
Tlih, Provisions, flour, llulter, Oh io, ri,,, Dried
Fruits, drain, BjoiIs, llcnns. Whisk y, Wool,
Country t'roJuro nnil Merchandlsei
No. 31 North WifAimt, t'iriLAGKirniA.
IT?" Consignments of Provisions, flour nn ' t.'ountry
Produc solicited, and ri'tiirrm promptly mailt. Cnafi
rnlvmieotl wIi.-h (rIrt1.
OltlimiS for nil kind nt l'luli, rrnvIlon, Flour,
Dtl.'d 1'riilts. (iIllilmiUftl,iivctlnjli Ptlcrs,
Auguit I, IfCO l'J.n.
rniW. ltliitctr.gno(l r?pi-ctfully Inform hl nl, frlpmll
I nnd ciiMonipn. that h hn purclricil lila lirnthcr
lntrot In the nbova eitnbllhmi!iit,nnil the cimcJrii il
lurcart.T ba conjuctml by
lt hm litt rocelv 'il nml mriri for n.', thf tare
.aW t't nnil iiint Mtntulvi' nnnortini nt of l'ANOY
i. rjt iiiirouiicuu imn nix inarKi't
III atnek roimUti nf rt rnint.l .t.. iiuan.ttm.i
III tnck enniiitt of n rniiit.1 .t. nutortnii'iit of
tln bt ronkirif nn.l parlor stot on in tlu market, tntteth
cr with ftovo Mtturse of every nVirriptlnn, Oven nnd
Unx stnvv. Iln liniur. Slovut, ( nt Iron Air.
TlRht ttnvee, Cannon Ftnvje, c., ttf. Stovepipe nnd
Tinware coimtantly flu hand nn.l inanumclur.'d to order.
All klndi rf repnlrliift donn, n muni, on slnct imtiee.
Th imtronnitu of old frlnuJa mid new riutomir to
tpi'ttfnlly eolirlted. A. SI. HM'BRT.
l)loonibur8, ovenibcr3d IFfO.-tf,
pVpRYboily iitna ntll.N'Iinni.HS' COUOII DltorH.
,l 1,I,,ncU pfipllv mnirtluiej nrrestinc thowomtrold
'" ,s . noure. In nil nftjctlou of Urn Uheit, Throat,
w hether riento or chronic It will he found of Immediate
haiient. Try i jinflc liottla and you cannot fall to np.
.Id I. .... f.i
i'.v"":; '
i'or Bain by mopt all Storekeepers and DruBgistj,
l'rpnred by
c. rnovnrir.i.n,
. Nn-3n. N.3d.s-t .fhlladelplii.i.
Nov. Id, 1S01- 3in. 1
friltl larfct. best handtom
I cut nml clu-nnett atiort
mcnt of flolo trfMlier solid
Itlvet d Trnveling Trunks,
UMci' Vcnntt Droit Trmk
CTilldrenV Cnaclitt, Propel
ler Leather and Carpet liapg
Packing Trunks lit.. &c n
Ci lebrated London Priio Aleilal in p. need theit nprlup
soli, sold Leather Trunk nioiiufuiti." No. -103 Murkn
trei.i. fioutli ucst cornur Pourth and .ilnrket, I'hllid'a.
Aunuilf IfiT tf.
Slates Hnion 3o!cl
J. W, POWEIt, rroprittcr.
TRM9! SI SJ per day.
May 12. too- 12m.
R E M 0 V A L . 22
merchants aim dealers
Full. Cuccsf ami Provisions.
No. 103 Arch etrset, 2nd door above Tront, Phi add
I'laj ag 11. M ly
' IP. H JJ 55 ii Si ,
(Sascuscr to J. a. gonvER.) '
ifiwLy.s.iu: uciu-it t.v
No. 8 North rifth St., above Market.
Alto, Manufacturer .mil Importer of
May 12, 1800 -12m.
rpIIU nndertlsned. Iinvlnp; opened a new I'.OOT AMI
J SHCi; 81IOP. on Vain Mreol. i.i HnnklKivill-. i:at
i llloouipb'ira. retpeitfully inures the Histoui of tln citi-
ivib anil ine piiunc generally. All kinds of Uoois.
Uhoes. A-c , will b) promptly marlo to order, nn short
nolle-! a id moderate terms. From lonj experienee in
his lin- of liujinessli 1latt"rs himself that luwillbe
nble to civ ni'iieral s.itisfjctlon to all who nisy favor
him wilh their custom,
J.7 (Iran. Provision and I'roJnco generally taken in
exchango for work,
n. F. iinOOKi'.
Dloouuburp, July n, lECI-3ra.
IlisS3 38AKJ13KS
Spun Cotton fur Canlkin;, Ropes. Tw lues, Tar, Pilch.
Oakum, Hloikt, and Oart, &c.
Au;llst I. ISM 1-in-
HE undcrsl;ned woul 1 inform thi citizens ol
J&.t$ ' ftooinsburi! and vkinlty, tlint h lujnsi r .
,snj el ved nnd ortVrs for sale one of ihe innsicxt .iisivi
asnrtuunts of COOKIN'O an I l'.W V STOM1
i.ver iiiiroJiiced iito thi market. ThJ 1 hri't'ipher t,,
11 111 i.ii .-. Jam s Itobb.'iinl b: are amnnL' ill n.l (last
rookiii" stoxes.all of which are nir-tiplH nnd yas burii'-r
His Pnrlur tot-rs are ImiiiUome and the nt itm nit n
ried AL-0 Particular nttrntinn is paid to Tlu.Wnrr
and House Spniitinr, upon shert imlice. All kin s i.t
repairing w ill bo done with neatness nnd despatch.
iJ Country produce taken in c.mIiunl'o fur nork.
Ilcomsburff, Oct. 3, leCO
10,000 I'UEKTIISJ.
K Cin-iN ptr Hour. ,. W
n-rrr.illilWii,erWk1bltbt.W4 -CirtX
I PM.I.U.I'i.,.. iiiH.Uj ltt i
. rssssLislsimsTS C TO. Pr !J
ru,ii, ,o,o'v- r,.i..Cui..iwi. j
JL .fffftf' TM,Ttoiiw,inirirSrfrlli'r,io r
O' ui,-i7i,.i.i)i.-t3;ri.i.(i..iijrriiir,a '
for.l.farary.rolHlt'raa ST bclor? Chc-lnat.
August 17, 1 ijl.
a 55 'J? ' JK
nr.oo.vsnunn. r.i.
Office In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Char'es P.
Clnonisburrr, Dee, -I, 1?3!).
(Lato Whlto Swan,)
JOHN I.OYER, Ptoprictor.
T, V, ItllOADS, Sup't
Nov. ia, leui.
(.March 2, isr,l15m.)
I' U M 1 M A K I N 0
THE undersigned inform the public Renirally that ,
they have funned 11 co-partnership, nnd will coritln. ,
ue the business if Pump uinkinj? uud n pairin;, iu al'
their tntiniii ilep-irtiintnls, in lllooins.iurir, where til cy
will promptly intend tn all orders iu their line of busi
lies. Khi'ther iu town or countrv. I
Vell mid Cistern Pumps. Willi leaden Pipe, made In '
th.t lust stjlu of workmanship, on moderate tonus, and
, 011 very slioit nntico.
Prom their lomr i-xp-rlenec in the business, snd an
earnest desire to have thir work coinmend itself tu tho
public tlr-y Is 1 on(l.leni thev can make it an object to
those who niuy sivc them tlu ir custom nnil re.rder gene.
in. vaiisismiuu. juurt t.inn;iii.uv,
llloomihurj, April 13, lPlil, Uiu
'THR "ndersljned is prepared to supply llrick, of a
i cond f.iirjirlce. He will ha found nt tho
Rr'ck.Xnr'l,,'1'')-.L',,'K,il',,'' neut. AIcKelvy & NeiiPs
ruruaco. i'sr-ous dusiriiiLMo nurrlia.ii will ilr u.!l t
call ns brli.k will be made and eiW be tolil.
J. II. Fl'HMAN. i-snf.
IT7" lno.Odi) now on hand ind ready for sale,
lilocuisliiiri 1'ib.P, 11101-3111, J, 11, r.
HOUSE, No. 8.5 North Utcond Street, Opposite Christ Church,
Ty Constantly on hand, a lareo assortnifnt of Dads,
Mattrstsos, Paillassss. Ctistilniis. Hair, (link, Cattail,
and all urtii'li s in the line at tha est Prices,
A. - radicular atlsnlien ttild t) renitatiiiL' AVie on
OW Htllurt.
.March S, lS01-12ru.
WOULD respectfully inform the (ilUjns of Jllooms'
burg, and vicinity, thnttie continueslheitiaclicoul
MiutwiKK jijfi),
i.u annul u souru hi iuunc pHirouaye,
Omen on Main Street, first houso balow
1.1, niei iiousu osiow tne court
lnllti niixuiiliiurg.
t'tbruury 3, le45 If.
ii. o. nowKit,
S D Ii (' E 0 N I) IS IV T I S T
llllSI'l'.CTFri.l.Voflers hii profession
al scrv ices to thu ladles and gentlemen of
UI. 'oni. h:im iiii.t viiluitv. IN. u nriiriu .., J
.i, nrTr iTi '" 0,"'n, lo 1" !'' ' operations in
1 f '"' P,r0'',"""- "' I I'rovl l id w Hi thu latest
1" '."ir.' P.""' "!'' . .''?" "Ill be .Ins. rtc.l on
gold plaliiiH, silv iruiid rubhi r basu, tulook us well ut
II.IUIUI 11.111,
Alio ml plato and block icclh inaniifiutureil and all
oporations nn t-th, carefully and properly attended to
HloDro.buij, l', Auut3, ISC
iin w.-.-im
i.pottrvr NvriA'VL woitKd.
I'ltt'Lli Itl) 1 1 l AVVLhT J & CO.
MS an tf lU ,nthva , ltl imk.
Tli f i lnwinit itntk.nii! neut to Sub i nS fin aiiv pnr
ortlu du.itry. vu'iiu Mci lpt nf r.'tiiil u. icj, by iiuui nr
ijiirjn nr.tial.l I
Till'. NUW All.ntCAM OYOLOIVEIIIA Apopilar,
Dlclliiunry of O.'ncrnl Kiinnl.-ilg,.. tUttfil Iiy Uioriie
. riT Hill. , ll.-i ... I'm.. Ill .till ,17 u IIIIIIIUriMlH Ft!" I
, I ii t etffpn i f writ r In ull branch ' vtStt uam. Art nnd
I Tills w. rn I- k ma imMUli il in nlmiil 1.1 1
inritu oititvo Villain, , Lni h i iilltaiiiillg il Iwo enliun
I nj is. viii!. in .mii iiiriiiiive, nr.i now rmny.eni ii
coniaiiiinn nt'iir J... 1 1. iiiiiii:ii nmci.n. n niii.iiiniiiii
Volillnc Wll hi pjlilixh l .no i In iihtiut tline mouth
Pil'iB. In lot 31 hlij.p, St .U llulf Alor., SI; Half
IlilMin. 51 .Jumcii
iein( 131 .lurut-ii
Th Ni'W Airierli'iiiil'yclnnieill:t It
Inj tup. tdclili l. nrn,.,l hut nut p.'iiniiir, niiiipr liriitlve
hut tiifli.l!ill ili full, d, Inn! from p riuuil pliiu uml
party pr.'juilieo. Iroxli nlnl yetnecurnt . Il Isu eompl. le
flat in 'lit ofnll Hint la known iip'iin every Important tup
le with thi! ciipiHil'liuiiinn Intellljtenci'. livery Import,
nnt aitlcl.' In it lint hi eii jih c tall v written fur It tinirea
I bv men nhonro nutliorilii-upon the topieou Hlii'li
they pM.k. Thry nru riftiiril to brlnjr ilm nHjrct up In
i I.m ...itit il mm flit tit fiif.i In at I.. . li .lii.l .,..n A tl
the piesClitmomelit to stale Just how It stiimls neie. All
the statistical information is from tin fa'r.t leporlsj th
oeographicnl accounts keep pace with the latest explora
tions i historical matters Include the frenliest Just views
the biographical notices not only speak of tlu dead, but
also of the llvluif. It Is ft lilirnry ofitself.
AontiiuKMkr op hie Hkiutk (irCoiunKs: Ileinir n
political histi ry of the L'nltcd tftnti t, fromlho nriianlr.,1.
tlon nfthe llrst IVdernl CoiiirrctB in 17KI tu K'ii. Hdil"
ed nnd compiled hy llnn.TiioMis II, from thu Of
llclnl lli'eorus of Ooiijiress,
The work will ho cnuiplled In 11 royal, octavo volumes
of ".Ml panes cidi 11 ofwhlrli are now ready, An addi
tional volume will It's published once In three months.
loth. S3 L.iw t-h-ep, HMO; Half ,MorSti Half
Calf SI -11' eiuli.
Form acluh nf four, nml riinltthe prleeof four bonks,
and lUe copies will ho tent is l the remitter's expense hr
carriage. or lor ten Mili-rrlli r eleven copiea will bo sent
at our eipeiimfor enrrlage.
No other works Willi o liberally reward the exertions
ofApeiiM, As Aoesr W'anii.ii in this County.
Terms iniide known on application to tho Publishers.
N'ov. !J4, IfCO,
rim niMitn t.m: txsuiu.vcr., .i.vxurrr m'd
TKUST IW.J.1T Of I'UlMttrj.PlJl.l.
OFFitP., SO. ItHtllKirMT trHII;T,
CAPITAL U'lid up.) SWU 000.
Charier Prrprtwit. INSUllAiVC'IlM ON LIVES on
tha most reasonable terms,
The Ill-ins Pnld up nnd Invested, tonelher with
a lame and constantly incrcnulng ruserved luiul, oilers
ii tierf.'it security to the Insured.
Thu preiniumns must be paid yearly half yearly, or
The Company add n ItOXfir? periodically to lh Insii.
ranees cf life. The FIRST IIOS'IIS nppropriated in De
cember. 1JJ1. the sr.COM) liOMIS in Oerqn.lier, le-IU,
tho Tlltltl) IIONCS in llec-iiiber, le.'il.and the FOLit'l'll
UONCS iii'llecember, JrfJ.
0"These ndditinns are mado wiihnut re'iulrinj nny
increase in the premiums to he paid to the Company.
The folluwing examples from the IteuUter.
Amount of Policy mnl
Bum Itnuii s or bonus tn he imivuseit
Tollcy Insiircd mldltlMi by future mlililions.
No, ffl 8 f 50 ' 5.1,T ,H
' 13-.' .1000 Wall Oil -I,( fli
" 111 J 1000 HlOflU 1,100 CO
" .10140 ItiT.J 00 li,?.-. W
" .c. &e, Uc. tic.
P.ilnpelets, rnnt.iitiina tables nf rales nnd i'.planntion,
f.tririK of npplicntiou, uud further information can be
101111,1 at tlu otilce.
THOMAS nillfll'.WAY, 1'roiJcnl.
Jno. F. Jamks, .letuarg,
LEVI L. TATE, .1gcnl.
V. ('. llARnisox, r.ramiHlng l'ltuficlan.
October 10, lc7 ly.
T 111. undorslsiiod Is also eilentively rtijn?ed Iu the
1 UtulerlaUnir tli si-irss. nnil l.eepscr.nsiantly 011 hand
nd for sale fit his Wnreroonn, 11 laro asd.iitmunt t
'ly whirh he is i-nabled to till orders' on presnntntlim
xuo Keipmt kooI nurse i-int licarsc, and will at al
i.nes lu to alt. -ml l'liuerels.
t-I.MJN C. tilllVH.
Hloninbi'ri:, January S '. 1.-S9
SOS. 00
Pay the emir" cost f.-r Tuition iu tha most popular nnd
successful ('oiniiinrciiil 3cliool in the country, l.'pwiiri
of Twelve Hundred youna nu-ii from tweuiy-eicht dilf-i-rent
t-lates.haio been oducuteil for liusinens heru nith
in the pa-t niree veurs. some of whom h.uc been cm
ployed as Hook Keepers nt sa ari" of
5'iOOO.OO per Annum,
immediately upon giaduaimn.who knew nothing ofne-co-mis
wh 11 they entered the Colleee.
?" Miul-tcrs sons half pi ice, t-tudent enter nt any
tlnie.and review when they plenee.w ithout extra chareu.
l or Catalosue ofrJIipanc, tfp-riiueiis of Pref. Co lej -h
I ulii'!snni Ornamental Ptiimanship. nnd n larrje Hit
Craving riftlio.Colle!:e. incloio twenty-lira cents in Post
age eitumps to the Principals.
JHNKINd U. SMITH, Pillsbur"h, Pa.
Jan. S, ?DI ly.
pAME into the enclosures nf tin subscriber, livln in
J Locust township, Columbia the early part
of Deccuib -r, a ' 1
Supposed to be about seven years old anj a
Supposed tobii some three years old.
The owner is reo.ue.tetl tn prove property, pay char
ees imd laku them away or they will bj of as
tho law directs.
Dee, 2-?, 1801 3th,
Fire Pi-oof CcHjtcisl ihv Sale.
A lot of superior I'iiik Pnoor Cemint, esnerlnllv ndnii
" led for t'oiiientiiit; floofs. Oun Rallon will lover nil
ieri 111 1 ri I tare r.innnir . i n e ,
rain mid wet weather." Can hj had at iiiaiiufatt.irers
prices, Iiy the sallon or half barrel, at
Coluiuliia Hciuocrat.
the ofllcceftlia
Illoomsburj, July EL lPfll.
Ho. 125, South Eleveuth Street near Walnnt,
Enameled Class. I'resco, Oil and Encaustic Paintine
John Oiso. (, ,,....
Jauiinry 18, UUl-3m.. "' " ijlB'm-
MA R S 11 A L L II U 0 fl E S .
N Ht S3 0?H ,
U'iif!u:sAi.i: in
M.'uiiil.ivtnr d .(.il- loliiirro.
N. B. Corner of Tront and Arch Streets.
ARTHUR ll.tntS, j
'kK""'!'-, rilU.AlUII.l'HIA.
Marih 10, lelO-lVm.
TrcA Street, Mal e Third.
P HI A 1) U Is V II 1 A .
HII IP. situation of this Hotel renders il ono of ih ,r,
X oniiveiiieiitforthusuvvJiouro visiting I'lillmleliihia I
Oil tuiainoat u l.llu ... tl.nan 1.. I. . t ..ln
.... .-. .. . , ......v .w , ,, uiiji in I'lnisuir, um
constantly passing uud itipassiug City llujltv.iy cars,
and tlio.e iu clusu proxiiuity, ull'ord a cliuai nnd pleas,
ant ride to all placss of Interest and iu or
about the til-.
The proprietor gives assurance Ihut '-Tlio Villon"
shall be knpt with siieii rhatotUr as will mein public
approbation, and would reii-ntulv solu it, general pat.
ronago. VI"10.V ci NIAVI O.UUU.
February 2., li-OO -I9 n, Proprlflor
nr-'f fork Poultry, Honey, drain I'roiluce. Cider
Blooiusbiirt, Oct J, 1361
, giaiuij., . vii, um,,
Hay snd Ctrnitalki.
'a? (t
I h .i ' hi
111 IIDllll IC t tl
flilMv 111 i ml i i i
Will II t) n I
clii'.i- th V j. u.
kllOM II H
rno?Nix urivTEiis
tle.llclne, havo now hjen b foro f.o Mibllc for
' Th " Medicine hnvo now hjen b ford t' public for
n p. riii.l or . nun .iiiriug uini uinu iinvu iiinin
Inln-1 n nun in tract r in mi mm . v ry pari in hip
liloh' f ir th) extr.iordlnnry curative priipuitl whlili
tlu'y pox as.
Mottat's Life Pills.
MolVafu I.if.' I'lllmro Imlcbteil for their name tiitlnlr
mnnlf tt nn I irnnllili! uitlon til purilylnK the tpting!
nml iliiinnilt of IIIV. nnd niKuliie th.iiiMith ntieuid
tone and Igor; nnd tn the undoubted fact that nt n very
I'Hly purlin tlieir hintnry. tin y hud r.tcuid biiiI.t. r
( t thorn Unit uiiifonu unjo) m--!it nf h.-nitli. MIIi
, ''"'". . , . i ... . i .i l.i u.. -
from tin very vrilli' m im niiiiiiinij' kiihi-, ii-ri.'iii,
out wliith lif ' itself It but a lil- ii-itia. So Rreut
in,i, Iml thi lrellliacv Invariably provi'il, tlint It wns
scarf i ly less than miraculous to tlioso who weru iinnc
'imhil.'il with the h'niillful philosophical principles
upon which they were compounded, and upon which 1
1I1 ) consequently net. ,
MoiT.iPh Phoenlv Hitters ur.i sn called, liecnns they ,
poises Hi! pnWur of restoiliin til! e.plriii!l embers of
health tun ulntvUiit vlanr throuihoilt the loiislitutiun,
as th 1 Phoenix is said to bii restorJU to lllo I'roiu the
u.hesol Its ntvii dissolution.
ilerciirlnllliseas 's.-Tlura is probably no one nttlrh
given in 11 iiii-iilcine, III-' Injiiiious use 1 f hich has
caused such wide-spread (lint terrlbl.i lulsthiil te tha ,
huiii.111 system as mercury. Its pi is.m sinks deep into
the ystem, pi iietr.itlnti th substance of tha hoiu s, mid
pvnduciii)! a long train of p.iiutiil nis'iites. It Is mil,
Known that many air. ttlmis ol th throat, t f Hie hum s,
of the nos", nn.l m.ilWiianl sores, tthkh hao eeeii 'at
tributed to syphilis, are so uften Caused by th ! ilijuui-I
clous use of 111 rcury, tha ruuisdy has proicdj
worse lli.'in tli J disease.
The Life Pills mid I'luu nix Hitters have iilnuysheeii :
sliiiinlly mccessl'iil In this class of uisins -s, nml will 1
eraillcatu nil the ill'ects ot mercury from tho system,
sooner than the most powerful preparations of siirsa
tiarill.i. They old nature In cattlne, trom tho syste-.ii nil
poisonous mutter, and by thus purlf)in!! the Mini lluiils,
I lliey restore inn sy-iem in neaiiu.
lilliOUS ...iiuina li,.-. ,.,-n i, ,ei ii'. .ii',,nr-
tloiiiitn 'iiiaulitt of bile upon the stoiunrh is always ru
pilsitefor the proiuiitinn nf miind health il sliinnlati s !
digestion, nml Keeps thu intestinal uinal tree from all
obstructions. On th interior surface of the 'ivirisuj
perullur bladder in which the Idle is first preserved,
bain,,' foriin d by the liver from the blood. Til -nee 11 '
passes Intn the stutnarh mnl intestines, and ree.uli.ti s J
the ilit'estiou. Thus tte see wlien til re is a deiieieiiiy i
of lille. thn bo.ty is constantly costive. On the utlt.-r ,
hand, nil over u'innilanee of bile cms -a fruUili nt nails s
on the stniirach, mid oft u promotes very s- verj utUcss
of diseases, which sometimes end In death.
The Life Mcdirlncs should. If lnissible. he taken in !
I the i-utly stupes of biliiius cuiiiplaiuts ; uud If jn rs -'
verLd 111 itrn llv in cor iini! to Uirei turn-, will tuitlilt lIv 1
eir.-tt a cure, Their exten-tve us in thisioinpluiut in .
all purls of our cniitineul, renders cuiuiiient uuneecssa. !
iy ih Ir irt-ies speak for them.
.Mortal's Life Pills. The use of tin se Pills, f,,r a ery
sluut time, u ill inlert nn enlire LUrii ol Halt lllieuiu, and
:t utrikinir liiinrnveuii lit Iu the ci -arness of the skin.
Common Colds and liilluen.a wid nhtiiys he cured by
one dose.oi by IHo even in tha woret cases.
Piu.s I Pills 1 ! -'1 he original proprietor of those ,Med-iclue-i
was i urcd of Pilea "f ',15 years standlue, by xw. tli" l.lle .iieuicin.) .-none.
Lit bit CoMn.iMV- Mi iiir-ctiou of the Liver may be
knottli by a f.Uiit!.' of teu-ion ur p.un iu the riaht side
about Hi re?ioii of the Iher, often puniteni lis in pleu
riy. but souiLtinies dull ; -i iliHieulty in drawnii; u Inn
hti nth: iir enueh uud inclination to vniuit. This ill
.lees - imty be proiliiced bv cold, by lolont exercise, by
intena,' -inniiier heats, by Inuir ciiitliiu il bilioiii, lever
or n!,ue, and by vnrinus solid roiuretiotis in Ihe sub- i
stance nf llu liver. And tn these prndutini; causes, ar
ileraii?. in nt of the iliu'i-sttx orcaiis, suppr. s.'ed ki-cre. '
tlnus. u,i I mental solicitude, w Inch nr - vi ry frjipti nt
cans -s of obstr n tiiiU and disea-i s of tha liter.
'I his dii ease sli.nilil b -ar res ted lu 111,- to-nmuficenient
whlcu eitu lu tione by a fetv noses i f the Life Pills. !
Wlien yiice ihe liver i itrnus ;d lo the perf iritiaui-e of
Its proper functions, little m ire Is ri uit - than tm iin-,
tiuu - a proper use of thu iiietii-ni.s, and a speedy re
env-ery w ill ensue. !
l'r.vEr. ami AbL-K - Tor till J seo-irje of ih.- W stern
enunlry, tliee i.iediciues w ill be fuiiud a safe, hpeedy 1
and i-i rtatn remedy. Other inei'.icincb leave the s) rl -oi
subject to n return of the disease n cure by 111 isu .Med-
iciu -s is pt.rin.iueiir.
St aotet.v.-'1'he tnott horriblt cres of Scrofula, iu 1
w huh the faen, bones and liiubi of the vittim hud been ,
pri yed upon hy Ihe iiisitltabl i ili?-ise, lire proved, by
im-li niatle authority cf tin- mll'irers HiiMiisjIvis, to'
have b -en compiet -ly cured by llise pur -ly v.-cetablf)
medleiiies, alter ull others had been fuuud iore tii.m '
liUij.'Ftinii and lyppia. If wo wore rallod upon i
tn sperify oni di-t-UM- w liii h .u' r - than any oth i is lh2 ,
bane, i inl -Hi- tile nlfsprlii of i ivilizatiiailwu shnuid
irinie Hi sp-p-ia. It is ji-n. rally 1 1 . lined, or r -.Hi r
pro.lui live, i.f :i loui! train i f ids, such at lleaiib iru,
t'latuLiicy, a cn.nv mil pain at the st unai h vt h.'ii empty
u sense i f iineoui I'm table w iht t Ii u fall, p,.i ir in tlu
throat. i Ic and pit of the stuiu-uh, in-1 iv, u."i, clulli
uees, languor, unit illineu. ts to tnk.ic.erai ', tc I
-XlolTit's Life Mediiin s are p. rull.uly i lnpted toth"
eura til this nitr. ssiiiji con plaint '1 ti. ua upon ill1
bowels iu a very lull 1. uu t.i. -u o ti ,i v-ry ii' e
tiial i.iiinu r. uu-l u.-v. i y t fmleil tn cur lin-uis-easj
wli.-n ukOiI ueeorelii to our nirertiutis.
O -u -ral Da dlity, -'I'll s luot commnn ,.f n I com l.- Ih il ol a jrjn -inl vv ak-i 1,3 of 111 - vt h I syu
t.uii, nil-iei.,,ii,i;uii .,1 by uny pn lieul ir , 1 1 r ! r. -.r ,,
li.utt- sv niptnai- of ills, a-, . I'll rn is .1 Hill vitil.u
iij,n lois of tipp.-tii", iiutv illiiiiie-s. nn 1 1:1 Iced ina
bility In un-teruo cq -rti.111-. fivuu'iit h ad.t li -s, imlj. .
Ki-stiiiu, olt nliuies sallniv non and ryn t s of th" skin.
t- u.lenry to f -v eruhm ss, iintiiu -ss Pr ly. 111 hi rt
all those symptom- of lauiiui r. ii iimt-iuile, nnd wi nk-
ness ill u kivu ov tuenre 01 a minim 111 tne vilal pow
ers, and a low, unhealthy and niDibld coiiditum of th
liifu Fills niitl IMior-nix Biltcrs.
The Lif' Pills and I'linenu Hitters are, perhaps, thu
In st renii-dy lor restoring sir nrttli In th body for, they
act a - a genilu dirtaariic, and, b their toiiu: quitlities,
strenstlicn the win, l,i system
.Muff it's Life Pills. -Persona of n plethoric habit, who
aro sul-jeit to rits, h-adnche, Kiuilluea, dimness uf
siShl, or tliowsiu ss, from too great a linn of blood to
tee he-id, should take thou Pills frtiiueully.
AllVIt i: TO PHMALLS.- rem lb s who value tin ir
lieulth rhoilld IH ver lu without the Life Mediunc. us
Un y purify the blood, remove obturations. nnd give the
skin a b.autilul,, healthy and Mourning appear
n lire.
To P.Iitcrly Persons, Many healthy nred inilividuiils
tv ha know the value ot .Muilat s Lite .Medicines, make
It a rule tn take Hum tun or Hire.; times u wuek, by
which they remove tin causes that produce dis-asn,
preservo their health, and keep olf Hie infiruiiti. s of
age. '
Parti for .Mothers and Nurses. It is a fact, ("-lab.
Ilshed by tho annual bliss of mortality, that i n- half nf
inn cuii-ri u uniiiu are cm on
nn bmiiu are cut oil before ntt.umtiz si veil
years of a-.-n; and tho ourcu of this luortality is
found to exist iu that foul ataln of th; h uud
bowels which produced tin geucralinii of wiii-uis. As
Ihe safe restorer of infantile health in this critical statu
the Lif j Medicines have, lung held a ilittiiigui.-hed repu
tation, and for foulness of the t tonu-.i h ami bnwrL. nnd
convulsions, ullliniijli worms may not exist, It i.nllrjvved
to ue superior m any i.iuer.
,Moll'.it'a Pills and Hitlers.-N'o inedieins at present
known h-n-e done o miicli gnu I to mankind ns Hi se,
within tlio lutt f vv years; and roilaiiily none have
been rewarded with more numerous and nuthentl'; tej.
iiinnnlals of their iuvarinblu and extensive clticacv
Thuy reipiiro no dii.ting nor cunflneiueul, are perfectly
mild and pli iisnut in their' operation, but will powi r
fully tesloio bealth-thnt irrntest of entthly blussiiiRs
totho most exhausted and di'apidated cou.tilutions.
Prepared by
, , 335 Proadwoy, New York.
And for Sale by all Drngsi-ts npi3-fil ly.
T II JJ G 11 A T
I.Vltm VKtiUTAllisK KfllAlisNAUOUDIS.
This (Vlobr.itnl l'cinalo Meiln iun posscssi-s viitui s
unknuvvn of nnylhlin ilu of thu hind, uml proving oil', iii'u-r nil othi-rs huv l'uili;tl ; it is liri i; froiu
an "Inilian Ih-rh" pixulur to NortlK-m .llixiui niid'jVx
as, nnd is tisi-il by thu Nutivos in iirtulucinv; thu mo.mii
ia sicknkss. It i- ih-sigiu-il fur both iiiaarud mid siiikIh
liulios.and is tho vi-r) h- stilling knotvii f. rt'i i purpunu
us it villi ii iiiiivu all obstiui mum ufit-r olln r ri ini-uies
havu Iiiioii trii-il in v-iim. it is a pkasant li-a. conlain
iujr notli i ng injurious to lu-nith, uud u curj to Im relied
upon lu all iuto..
I'mluiimis U'tJri, or fiillliic of thu Womhi rioilos Al
bus. or Wlutus; I hronic Ull.uuiitioii, or 1'li.urutioii nf
tin H'oiiilij lnciii:iit,i llumuriito fii'l'lonUliifi , and ills
eastMifihu t!iiie,
Iiy" l.uili in tlni early ptaso of pregntuirv are can
tinned anuinst thu use of this tea, us jl will producu
ratriiaii and solii nv
G. W. UNOI.iail, No. '.'Ill r'OIJTII riHCOXD ST.
rni.i.niii,i,rAi.v, i-.i.
s $1.(10 nsr package, (with full directions for use) i
sent ov l,Aire. i, r , Mull to uny address,
Dr. il ran ha coiisiillud 111 nil oh.tinute I'Hiiinln l-nm.
plaints, iu person or hy letter, uml will I' tho lint,
ta.pertlia 1 eni.tlc. Ktringu- higlily recommended by tha
faculty t'i married Indies for special purposes. i
Also llniili-al Cute and nlli -r Truss- Improved Ko.
laryuudripliM Abdominal Supporters - Hbouldi-r llraci s
i.iastic unu j.acu etncl.iiigs-S.inn Apparuliu. fur
Weak aud i;urv.-dS.,lno.and In;ir, , .,. l'i, T i. ,
fonnities, A large. Slock of th.t above articles con. taut-
i ' ; ,,i ,V .". .. ,..,..,
furiher parllculurs pleasu
i. .... ..uiiiiiiu.iiiiiiiiiiis sirii:iiy OOIIIli.t'lltiai. I Or
urspieosu viiiliess,
int. o. iv. rf.r.Lisii.
210 South Second "'"VtVV.M .'V.'
0, II, 13 ami I fi OoiHtlunii t-trcetj
I) D WlWflir.BTKIt
' jdm
AND l'On THE SriTDY CUKf 01'
lTorvousrro3tratloa, Ocaorel Dotlllfy, Asthtaa,
Dyopoptla, lc.c.'u!a, narai.r.iU5, Taralytia,
Cbroah Broachltia, Anrrala, Chlorwtr,
and all Eisorilors eft Elood System.
coN'sntnioN n itin i:ot pawl cr
MA:1;i:.'H. it lus Id n t.-i.'y rrtin'ctl on A.x I.xctw
n nsiAiatiiT tew ever m-rvlvi Tlisaltnik. " c-nsrhri
r.flhi whiU h nin irtv," f.xys tr. Cuifmitt, " nnd
iKmn'.A:f tsnit'ir op ail nn: i i i.Tioir-
LA'lltiNff molc!vl.lii.-dcnnm - PI tr.l:i:llP.YH.M
1 1 I'.AI T," V, 1 f.t ft f,1 ccmmCKlary on IU bcastod
cCScacy rftln l'.-all-R txl I
Tha hrll'.in ,t 1 itcv.-y cf Pr. fhnreulll, nxde to tha
Impcrl it Acal-my of He Heme, of 1 c.ris, liai proved an
i 1 ir;i,V,f(Vin tj tho world. Py tha tne cf this Wtt
and poiecrii! remelial ct;,ent , known to llicmlslry as
"Tho (lUItr. of I'OXSCMl'TION, even tn lite
Hccoml nnd Third filatres (nt n period, therefore,
when there can he 110 ilout.t ns to tho nature of
the Disease) Is tlia El'LC, ul.llo DHATII 1.1 THE
KXt-ni'TlON. 1 ItNOV.V snjsRr. C,
"that they will prove not only ns filT.E A ECU.
THY In CONSl'.MPTIOX ns Quinine Is In later.
mllKnl Tetcr, lint r.l-n ns rOclnnl n rltESLIl
V.UIl i: ns Vorclnnllmi In Rmall Pox."
It no s-iiT'rcr, who value s h-alih and llf.', delay aa
lnur to try this rem.dy. Lcmei.ibi-r U11I " p-r vc-tloa
ii hettur than cure.'' Dowaioof (.lf-dt,optin,oi- t'ao
r.oot',il. g ors-jranco of fi Lni'd tint " It ii cjry a li .It
co.M' " l'ulalcitor to tnyi laJa who now f, Ip.cnvitern
Graves I Livii, 1 entreat you, prompt ntuntioa to 11. a
"Avn im-iB EL. Nil fiiAit ioiwit im:ii." ,l.'tr'j,
"IhoeiWiV (eym-.tontcrtubcrcular r.l.euEo iavr.trr--a.
H;wnfcf.'.sfeuia,a-Jd It Is earllcr,iu potout'timi, tlu nam'. 11 11 first ni.inifcr.ta 1 1 thi ,te oial
7im li T.i j muoalir tlsiu.s wost) J lioao i.Dti;Y .
thoro ii n. sN-.siof s.msthlDg wro. g a'ii';tbAtij.-n
xtrAL i-otvrr.n jinn f-igw.vo. T..o hi '0 of tho Hvl. 3
tnacbl.10 13 moio active than lUiriir." L r. J'ollal..
" If. lei'noiiirrMvniTe-r-cnf cauM, or under the lcfl-ier.(8
Of en Su3 walch I uluej vvi.vk.vUsi nnd t-j.ii v" 1 1
ri3 uoiil, fri, o,vi'iiMi t',esv,f, pr,,ir(, tU d tearing,
iiai-. iii.f, en, il g,muh, cr rl u iimnjnii h-i.c,
a pirefa begins l I. so hi". Cesh, sticnt,iht co!or, or
oppetUn, If lo ri (Tei a f om jaer'it.jj ur InM, or
t! jtam'ts, n-id cxperlemrs a Eunnal f t-!i- (tf Inn-.niiocni.(lf.--.ii-..'iw,
jIIU.E IS PJ.AiON TO 1 iJP. thai
e i' nlrmJy j-r,ilt cd to thi com lain!. 11 to thv:o
Fymptoina bn tvided ree.ft, Iiovyever slight, particularly
if It Im crme on a'ovviy, cr ilurlrc tho i.ilr s-ason,
THE PP.OUA1IIU1Y l.i Ob'-ITCU fcTlbL" CkunkvU
"If, 011 tlio earliest nnpenrnntu of these slsn of
Consume! bin, tlio pnttciil lubes dully r.boiit tin
crnlns of tho ItTl'OPIl03PntTrS, lie villi ustmlly
oeo tlicnt oil tl'iappear ia rt period Tnryirc from a
few weelex to n few laonlhtj nnd by ruiillitulnc tho
ocnsl.inr.l use rftlie Ilcmedy, IIB WILIi EP2II)
Ksoiv.N ix ms ura Tirror.c"
" VVinolicster'3 Genuino Preparallon"
is -run oxly ELUAni.n ,
rorrn of Pr. Churchill's P.smdy. I.'nda firm thi
original rurmnla.J Ihs action rf tho Lvpor-b' phit 3
iSTiv-n-iotiinii'lsprcllie : 1 irj) tho pilbcipM-tvui' n
cnviiiTiTM Kint.nn r kik, tiny aro ibo jir-r
i-owrnn i. i.u -nn.cii-vcrATis jcr.NT!i rv vcy. 11m eff t
upon tl.o VbtrouUr ku Utlno le !',! JIU IATH, Atr, im, tYarna t' w,in A it.tiiunr yhiu
H Tb-yi Vee tho ro yh.rt-furJi,
pxpectnratlon, iiitj-ns tha n;iuto, crrul dlanl.rtaj
tho Hijhl tvxeis, r;.'t, nr.d , .,-c rest; tl.o lowcU
Ueeme regular, nad ih:: ruu caim AD r;nrci.p,
fiT-nPAVAIHlof 1'rgt.s J'finVdTtilrt.iW as rr.
aniii.hl.l's,nnl all other PWI.M l.lVli I i.Lf3 toiob
cuflorc, x rftlRir meiux.litvt-nrf-i ' line, rad liartvii a
rAiAt, r.ri-iT. M i ito to mo for UKQ, acd lor
Dr. Churchill'3 Trcatiso cn CocnuiiiiUca,
whih cnr-i-tln tin t-vf-i rnihentir t'-n'rsriii'i'n w reear.l
to this M.W T".VIJti-xr. lies to all i-.-oieu i.
Pr,IC3i Iu 7 and. ICos. l)ott:ci, CI nnd tC mcK
Ta-.a larre , or six small far CI. IZy foo-ctralia :,i
oa both, tl.o Label and Cuts.'do IVicjiper.
110 OT11EE, 13 CEUIKE.
ry Do not confound this i'.emci'y with th.i rn-cnttd
" lumlcal Pood ;" aud p.-.rtlcidarly avoid nil i irpnra.
tlouxcanialaligiren, whiiJils t'ciili'wr
til, which ha3WClttiiti;i-nori.sTir ttwmrp.
',Hn': b' 11,0 rtlMl rctprelnblti Drufgistj th-o-jphotit
ia.Ualt.drtateand Pritnh 1 lOvt-.cts.Lr'lMliiltialo
wi. IWall at tho Ccneral Lepot In tho I nltcd tatif ,by
J. WINCHESTER, CO Joltn Street, K. Y.
.m n i ti, I'm.
-:'ANc5 .t V A PSiiiN
:' ! I'-h-F-? HM.AMAaTHER frAPLlt. KP
'I LiLHsV?'.' .MOVP.II to Wll Okuumt .Siren
2 Sif.iiiJs! W'rS'kl above third 1'fiilahlpMa. tiavo n;
..p.. . . -.Sli-Cr1, .ii I n I,,.. b..rtn .r n:
an I n largo nrtnrtnir-ut of Firu
111! f prior Silaman li-r H.if s.
lso, iron doors, for banks nn.l
stor s, iron rhult-rs iron tash. nil
makes of lucks equal to any made
in the United Stifs.
Tire Srs. ii one rJ.
tents in ffoo.i eo4ittoi.
Ml earns eU right; mth rot-
The Salamander Safis
of Philadelphia afainst ths
T''VAi'S & WATi-OIV,
have had th? surest demestratlon in the fullowln;
Hint th ir ii,auuf.irttir: of .Salamander Saf s has
at lenath fiillvw.-irraiitad tlu retires -ntulions vvhielihavi
h-en ma le rf th m a renderiii,-! an undoubt.-d s.-curlty
against the terrific
riiiladclptia April 1". ltW.
.Vefrs r.rant 4- Helton: Oentl .-men- It niTards us
th1 hjehCBl satisfaction to tUte to you, that inin- tn
the very nri lective qualiti s i f two ot th- Salamnmler,
tares which tve puichas d rfyou some file monlh since
wo saved a lar.'e portion of jewelry, and nil our books,
&e exposed to ih rniaminous, fire in Ilanstead piece on
the mornms of His lltli inst..
Uhen we reilut Hut th -s-safjs were Incatnd in tin
.r,ii,.,n,i - ,i.
i huililina ivi occupied nnd that tlnv
I il siiosciiuently int.. a h np rfburiinir; ruins, where thi
.... iiiiainiii in in - causeu mi brass nl.-it : to
men, wo cannot but regard Ih 'preservation "f their val
uable contents ns mest mnvincin proof of the great tc-
...... j ,,-, 1,..,, uy j i.i i r mii -a
t.t. sii.ui iiiiu griiat puasuro in rccninmendins them to
on of bus in i ssas a sun- nlianc nt'ain.t Are.
(iKDKGi; 11. .SIM'.mx-SA- nun i..n...
C7"'rhov havo since iinrchasod tlx litrco'eot'es.
AiiffustSO. leso
tjiCiiJ now lost, novt' nr.sTour.i).
Jus' Published, in tt SetU Envelope.
A I.eeturo on the natur. treatment, ami railirnl cuin of
f pfruiatorihm.v, or ttiiuiiial eakm-f s, Si-iual Debility
fti-rvniisiiers in I invoriutaiy i iiitssioiu proiluriiiL' im
potancy, i;oiisuiiiitioii and nu-ntul U. Physical Dobiiily.
lly UlJI.T. J.I UI.VI-KWKl I., M, I)., I
Tin- iniioitaut fact that thu. awful consequences of
self abusj may hi cir.-itiially reinovud wuhoiit Internal
louilicin-s or tin ilant-orous applications r f tannics, in
stritnieiits, iiimllcatiiil bouaii's. ami oilu r sinpirir.-il du
vises, is lii rn rliarl ilemnnstrated, aud thi' i-ntirt ly
now ami Inahly succonTiil trualm lit. a- u livtcd hy the
ctU-brati-d iiiithiir fully csilained, by iiifans of which
cvi-ry (inn n i iiabh-d to curu himstlf pertiiclly, and at
th 1 list posHliln cot, tin ribt .Holding all Iho adver
tised iiii.triini- nf iiu day. This ledum will prove a
boon to thoiifcunils nud 1
r-i-nt iindi r 'al. in n plain cnvi lope, to any address.
post paiu.oii tin- r.-n i , ( tlt- t n postage (.tamps, by
"ddrussnig Iir.Cll. J. KLINB, l-.'7 Imvviry, N'! V,
Post 'lilic,. In,v4 .-,ir,
Ausuit in, l-lll.
f.irii Vtl. Iclii .pJin
HuAviA i. . " j .
il S . ..MlifMOl .l HOY'PJ
1JiVrJ Vijll','J J'JviK.U
a:'Ofli1,'Jt V, J (y Ol'Si.
Bince theopening ol'ihi vast nnd eoiiiinodloua Iloti'l
......... 4. ,ius I'vi-il 11111 SIlll'IO ClUleav or Ol tile nrotirie. I
tors 10 niako 11 tin un,i suinniunus.
convenient and
rouifurtaliliihoiQiiforthucilUuii mid slrangur on tills
side thu Atlantic.
And wh-it. v or has ecinil likely to ailmiuittrr to tho
, . uu,,..,. .1. am Kunsis uiuv uavo ciiiioiivorcil, without ru
i gar 1 to cost, to nro v ide. and to emninim nil tim . inm,.,,,.
of individual and social enjoyment nhic'i modern art
has inveutud, and uiodciu lint niiprnved I uud thu pa-
iruiiug.-vvincii u lias coininaiideii duiing tho p.nt n
yars is a gratifying proof Hut their etVdtts havo h-en
Wo ini'it the exlgcnclot of the tiuios, when all nro re
luired lu practice Iho most rlfid economy, Iho uiiA't-r-siciuil
rr,- j. , jee v 4,0'int to
I IWO hOlli'l.'S 'hT D.'IV,
! "! !! .''? .! " .!ric. with
i.u uimr (.luu huh oun trm ujen siipiiMod.
'-EllAlllVil.r. V1'llll'r'Vll fr.
Bt'Pt. 14. lntll. Din.
- .
.B-Jl -MUil.rillil
A II n-vohiiit lutlitulinn establnhrd by speclul stniliivv
liient, fur the r. lied fthc sink uml ni.i,-....,.,i nm...,...i
- I w'lli Virulent and I.pideiiiin Diseas -s, nud nsnueialli
l'ir ine l are in Ills s'cs of thu S iiri, in..
"!l'r'?!''..fIV.' 'il '" Par' 01 I "il -drt.ites
VALl llll I UiaiJItTri oh fpriiiatorrhc j nnd oih
er Diseiis s nf tne Sexual Organs, uud an the NLA'
HI.MI.IIILH employ d, sent to tha aillirtod in stul -d
letter fiivelopi , ftco of charge. Two (u three fjtuinns
pn.iiiu win no eccrpiaui Auures: tut J ial.ll,,
LIN I'lUGIlT IM. Actlllir Hor,eon. Ilnw.r.l A..J,.
Ion, .No, 8 South .Ninth utiect. nillaitlphia I's
Mitch , ll-K'tn '
' T ,
Scrofila, or Kuia Evil,
Is i a fom-.iuitlimu tltstaio, a C'lriiptlon of tho
lilotij, by xvhi.h thi. ,'liittl lu'Lutiins Vitiated,
weak, and tioor. lldnit In tlio tiiciilnttuti, it
iiM-rniki tha whole body, nnd may bum out
iu dtsoaw on nny nntt ot It. No ngnn Is fteu
from Us nttncksi, nor is thcro ono ivlikh It may
not destroy, Tho scrofulous taint Is rntiotisly
enncd by mtrcurlnl dlseaie, loxv living, dts.
ordered or uhhenlthy food, Impure ntr, filth
nnd filthy habits, tha dcpretrJiig Tlee. nnd,
ftbovo nil, by tho TCncrcal infection. "What
ever bo its origin, it is hcreditavy in tha eon.
itltutlon, descending "from parents to children
unto tho third nnd fourth Bcncrntion " Indeed,
it seems to bo tho rod of Ilim who soys, "I
will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon
their children,"
Its effects commence by tlepmltlon from tho
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In
the lungs, liver, nnd internal orqniu, is tennfd
tubercles! in tho gland), sea-lings end on
tho surface, eruptions or sorei. This foul cor
ruption, which penden in tho blood, dspreffes
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only utiTcr from scrofulous com
plaints, but they havo fitr lc power to with
stand the attacks of other dfso.ise3i conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, nlthotttjh not scrofulous in their nature,
nro still rendeted fatal by this taint in tho
system. Most of tho consumption which da
cimatpi tho human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; nud many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidnoj-s, brain,
and, indeed, of all the .organs, nrisa from or
aro aggravated by tho same cause.
One quarter of nil our people ore scrofulous
their persons nra invaded by this lurking in
fection, nnd their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it ftom tho syttem wo must renovato
tho blood by an nltorativc medicine, and in
vlgorato it by healthy food and cxcrcidO.
Such n medicine wo supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsnparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our limes can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from tho most active rcmctiials that haves
been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul
disorder front the blood, nnd tho rescue Of tha
fystcm from its destructive consequences.
Hence it should Lc employed for tho euro ri
not only scrofula, but also those other aiTee
tions which arise from it, such as Uucttivb
and Ski Diseases, St. Anthony's Vim:,
Itoc, or KnYRiritLA', I'imi'i.ks, Pustcles,
BLOTCitnfi, llr.Ai.Ns and Bont, Totoits, TEtiEn
and Salt Unr.wM, Sc.i.n Iliun, Hinowoioi,
Hrtr.UMATiSM, Syritarricand MimccniAL Dis
KAsts, Dromy, Dyspepsia, Dehiijty, nnd,
indeed, am. CoMrt-AiXTS Anisiuo ntoM Vitia
ted or Ijli'Ulti; Ulood. The iwimlar belief
? in " impurity af the btood " is founded in truth,
J for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tha
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsspa-
lilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluisJ;
1 without which sound health is iuipbfsiblo in
butiiujauiuit.'u ctnmnuu'ju:.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
arc to composed that disease within the rnnRe of
their action can rarely uithstntul or evade ihcni
Their priiptratlnfr propsrtii-s search, and clcansn,
and invigorate every poition of the human organ
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy situlitics. As a conscquctico of theio
properties tho invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or cneif-y restored by aremtdy at onoc 69
simple and inviting.
Not only du they euro the cvery-day eomplalnts
of every Lodj, but also many formidable sua"
dangerous diseases. Tho agent below named is
plciiit-il to fjrni&h gratis my American Almanac,
containing ecrtilit-atcs of their cmcs and directions
for their ie in tlio following complaints: C'o(iro
tiJ, JlmitUmi, lliatiadie en itintJrcm ttiiorrUrti
Stcmacfi, A ntrscrr, lntttgntion, 1'iun in and Mnrliid
Inaction of the ISoicc.'s, l''itulcuey, Loss tf jliifo
tile, Juurdicv, and other kindred coniplafntr,
aiising from a low ttatc of the bedy or obstruction
of ito functkns. v
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Couciit, Colds, Infiucitzn, Iloarscncts,
Croup, IJroncliitis, Incipient Coustinip.
tion,nnd for tho relief of Consumptlvo
Patients in etilvascod stages of tha
So wide is the field cf iti usefulness nnd so to
merous aro the eases of its cures, that almost
every section of country abounds in persons pub
licly known, who hav e been restored from alarming
and even desperate diteascs of tho lungs by it
ue. Vi'hen onca tried, its superiority over Tcry
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to cseaci
observation, and whero its irtucs aro known, thu
public no longer hesitate nhst antidote to employ
for the distressing nnd danitcrons nffestions of tha
pulnionnry organs that nro imidentto our climsts
tnanv inferior iciiireliei thrust upon the
rommunitv havo failed and been discatfletl, this
has (taitted fliends by every trial, conferred benefit
on tne al?lictcd they never forget, nnd pro
duced cures too numerous and too rcmarkatta to
be forgotten.
rncPARED hy
BIS. J. . ATHER & .
E T. Lutz. J. It. St iynr, I!. M. liasuiih ich. I'loonnbur;
A. Mlllt-r, Hcrtv icK, on.l lv una tor in every town In
renin lvnnia.
1K. LA C HO IX 3
IMijMoltigfcul Vitiv of Jliuriage.
1'Anr.rf AND i:o CNCRAVINCE.-l'rioa rtly
TvvtM-v.r.vii fisi-s. f jut fr-'u nfpiulaua to all puru uf
tha Union. On too lurlriuiti s ot youth aiu kiutunty,
tli.tlo. iiitf th i ejert t f. In sif hi ill esi.-s cf aliases,
caiismi; ilchility, iicrvuusui-it, utprosslnn of .pints
ii.-tlint timi ui tlu h .uici-ul iu,aniiiiiici, iitvt-luu
lary tiiiii.sioit , hlAshiiiirs lUt'ictivu ii.eitiory, ii.uicct-
, tiou ami IusmIiiiIo, ,.iii ront jiiju o mulUiig intrt
' o a Hocr'tti'p Mticol .l.iss, a i.ottiC S'vitei.t tni c
i Young Siarritd tjiuy. S;c let. It is ii tiuthliil auvisur l
I thu- unit rutl and tliosi- c'liiluiplatiu iniirriae, vvhotiu
I tt-rtuiu si-crct iloubti. uf Uu ir physical coimilinn, and
wli'inr.- loiijii ions nt hav lug liaurUfU llu luailh hep
iiiii'K.anU privileges to v.iiiih every human is
IfcilUNO HEN itltu are lioubled witli weakners, rcn-
era ly cansinl Iiy n b id loihit in yuuih, tho ufcts of
tvhiilt .ire di.r.iii;ss. nam . I'orzelfaliii ss. lOini'tinieL
a Mutiny in thu i-nr, tttiil. eyes, winkiics i f the b.uX.
uml lower uxtreiuili is. riinl-usioii ol' i.u-as, lots of ui.-i!)-ory
v.ilh nitlancholy.uiay hicureu hi tlio author's NUW
IV it Juvu, r-cuiitly ilevutJil much of our time In
Vimi'INti Till; I;ii:ol'll.X DOS' ITAUr-, availing
oil. selvi s of tho l,noivi'ilge and rcnuiehes oi thu uiu.t
lulled 1'h) swiaiiH and Surgeons iu Uurouo anil the C n
tlu, int. 'J'liosu v.-lio i.ico Hi .ii,. Iv ts iintier nor cr.r-
will now have thu full b-iu lit of tlu liiuny NilW A.Nu
IH'i'irAlJlDL'B Itll.Mlllim-vvliiih vvo arc i nabljd !
i itroduce iuto our lirnelice, and llm rulille niuy r st or
sured uf th s.iuni . al, assiduity, fl.i:iti.t. V an. atten
linn b, nig i-aul tn theinasi-s, vvhuh ha' so sucies.ful
ly elii-llusuii-li d us li.u. l.u'or is a I liy.iciau in mil
Li.i it iiepiiriiiieiu et (ir. r.ssiuunl I'raclico.i-r the
f't tve-Vi-tie
1'rini li I'kmai
yetirs nLts Ladles vvhowlrh fur.ilsuiiine
the cilti-nrv of vv hich has been It:. t d In thou.aiii s nf
ciisca, uu imver f.iih.i to wtUa si. toy euns vvithoi
any nad reLits.will iisuiiuiioiiutur. tijl.ain.y-s l-'mao
H'criodicall'illii. The only Pri iiiuliou n c, nary lo h-
srvo is, lauiii. should nut take thoni if liny hive rea-
'"" ,u 'l'vo tli y nr-iin certain eiiuaimnt (thu partlt
I ulars of winch will be found on tlu wrapper arrompa
n iug i-aeii hm,) though nlways oafu aim healthy, so
I'm- ijl por bii.t. They .an be moiled to any part ft
j tb t'tiil d Htutes or Caiiaila.
' 'il 1'"1' l'A''H!3-U'Iii noed a canfldrnilnl niedljal
" ' "nil ei'iei emu; ill ilios. ill-Ti.'llliri Ainu
plainti to whleh their ilelirat) r.rt.-aiilzjlinu renders
I l;f in I l.i Mil ur pirticularly llivleil turoiisult us,
Tne "lj.itiuil.llAi.VASii. 1'umiiin-ivi:." I'or martini
latlioi- tvhiio he-illh will not admit, or v.-lio hare nnilc
slio tu illcrenm tluir fuiuilhs, niuy ,r obtaiiiod as above
It is n perfti lly safe preventive tu eoncepliop, nud has
been mtensivily used during the last '-'U years, t'ricrt
rcduccud to $10,
Tho Secrets of Youth Diivrilrd.
.' Tretiilie o the Came ef I'remalure llecayA eel
emit t-arnlng. ,ust pulilitfoda book thotcinp tlteinldtm
prof rest aud prtiuleuee ctntng telicelt, Mh wait aim
feiwle' ofthii futul hMl, panning cut the fatality oi
hriirialily ultendt its lieilvs, and developing tie kMh
progress if th disease, from Ifie eenimwetmenl to the end,
It if ill 4e sent Uj .Mall on reetld nf no HJ rrat Slamp$
ilr Attendance daily, from tf tli III'- morning till V n
night, uml on Huuinys fiou - till A t u,
Mudiclnas tvith full ilireitlone sent to any part oflht
Hulled rllatei or I'ana-los, by patient' communicating
th'i'lr nyiiiptnuii hy isiter. llunnes n rrespondenrt,
strictly rniifi l.-niinl
j-Dr, l.'s Orlii L is strll locatnl as establithcd,iinrj,
ths name of Ull. LA CP.H1X, st No, 'Jl Maiden Lane .
biiiy, N. V,
Nov. 33 JSJl.-!2m,
" " GIG AT. s Y6b AC "667
A laree aisortm-nt rf choir1 Clpsrs Tohaeca. I'lPfs
f Prints Conf.ctionerv nud Noin ns cam rallv.trfCth
nr witli a full stock ofHATfland CAl'fl constantly cn.
hand and fur sale cheap, at th
Illcomsbarg Ilsttwr
t,mpcu tuts,
Fopmiburg Much l, 1FI