STATEMENT Q Ac ?natccs ot ih' Covnty of CbrWi ii 'ft., J" t fie fust day of unumy, 1801, to Mr ytai day ofJunuunj, 18tW. rpnn Anltor ttcted lo arttlo nnj adjust the public 1 Recounts of Columbia county hnvo cxa'nltiud th same from ttii! lit rinv of January, IfM, to tin li day of January )t)02, find respectfully lay lieforo ths Honor Able th Jadgc of tho Ciiuit of Common liens, tlio fi'. towluf statement and report, agreefbly to to; 23d Sac lion of tht "Act of the Oernrnl Assembly of this Com. monwesllli, pauod the 4 tli dny of April, A, D 13.14." JOHN A. f'UNsroN.Treosutet of Columbia county. In account rrlih said county: mi. Jan. 1301, To taxes outstanding, 871-13 3? dn do cmIi In Trcsurer's hands 2055,4tl Jan. 7th, To cash of J, J. Kirna, land redeemed, 3.77 Fb. 5th, To cah of F redeemsd 40,14 Ffh 0, Totatli of W.Cole, old Iron, 11,1b Feb. B.Tocmh of J. aalbralth, land redeemed, 82,17 June, Ain't of Co. tax au'd lor IrjOl, B7rW,43 do do Btstb lax asi'd for laol, blul.M) do Aiu'tcash rje'd from military an'J IcOl, 71,0-1 Oct. To ten day asiesanirnt, 5,4i iv. ix, to cam or A. Liney, J. r., on sals or an astray, Nov. 13, To elih rccelrcd fur Uss of Court Boon, De Id, Interest on Note of 3. Neyhard, aiiui'rof tl. Ilnvnmn. dee'd, Drc. To Note of II. Ilaynisn's adm't To ititeiest of th) tame, MS 8,00 10.73 S3.SI 4,13 2ocoi,oa Pr am'tountandlnj for 1M1 and ptevloui yiari. By exuiLuatlons allowed collector ily CJ.ii.nlifliMn. do do By order I redjiintil, by TfJiourit't com on 0300,05, by balancj on th; abawme&t a per Auditor 0nl' Ropntl, dit3d Mnr. 3:th, Idol, Ily .ini't of Stiti tax p:ll Suti Tuaaurjr Ju ly 4t!i. Idol, Ey cliIi in hanJi of Treat, due Co., $7335,03 9134.70 3C0.0U 83,03 6330.13 421,03 , SJi00t,CC 8740,e9 F.XPKVDITCRK3. Auction pay, iprl.iE aneiimrnt, do do trljul.l cucjiimnt. 41,1,01 ' TijII.V. ACRICUI.TWRAL BOCIETV. Aiu't paid County A nr. duthty, 8lt)3,v,0 At'lHTORS AND CLERK Am't pal J Aulltora and Clerk, Aia't pal I W. VJrt for aadltiuj, rrothanotary'a uuu H-'gUUr's ast'a 40,50 I 13.50 I 853,00 i ERID3E AND ROAD VIEW4. Am't paid sinl.y pjr'oni, DLANK ROOK'S. Ain't paid riun.lry p.Ton, blk, buoka, UJAI1D OF RELIEF. Am't paid Rosainin - h jf 'r, do i::uili;tli d.u th.'ra, do Sir. Kitj 1 iliu'uy, do ) irnr.l McHlir, do SI. try J Thornton, dO Slfff, I'vtt.irioa, do .tirj. Dl hi, do Sir' laIir, do Sir. F..wl t. an irs .! irv Jan: .Vaiisln'r, il'i Sirs. UcK, d) lloiali i.ia Wumer, do tijr ih i ti ins, FaU H, Hal ly u. J. f.n u, Bo4r I f Rjllef, B110 00 ' 837,53 910,00 10,0. 1 lu.w 5,Ou 5,0 5. 0, 5,0V 1 5,uo 5.Uo I 5.Ui I ! 5.O., , 0.0 9 com mon iv e a ltd C03r?. Amount paid au'idry ptisnn, E336.2.I COxHFAHl.ES' 11ETCRN4. Amount paid .it th; jj.v.ial c.un j, S .0, counr CHIER. 50 Am i pai l court cri-r duiinj th.- year, S5I.0" CL' a.VINO COURT HUCisE. ! 1"J Ann Lot.;, clranii.r ccurt h vjse, C 7,0.1 . COUNT'.' HIJILDIVOS. i Anioint pal I f .r repair done tj couiitv buil.llni.s duili.; t'-.j iar. 1JII3U3 JVUORS WADES AND .MILEAGE. l aid Juio.-s at tb: c''Jiti. FEINTING. Win. II., L--VI I. Tktj. .1 11 I all, Falt-ituf. Jvlia, 3i52,21 $1.10 5 ! 01.3. 7.',uu 3J,.',0 S30l.ll Si:3,3.' SI04 2t SI. IC S'S,!).! :i3,o- Ml, li., 20,11'J PENiriM riAflY. Fal.l Eastern Slat.' I'milK-ulliirv. eROTHONOl'AI'.V. I'ai l Jacob lyeily, roSTAOK. Ainuant paid I'alemou Jn!, :i, I'.uAli UA.ii.'.i3l,i I'ald V tlllr-;'. P-l3. II ! ! i.i, do J.i.u ii. -p .la u.i.i. do .ire il -irt..i. Co Jnt.nn -aiik-y.gcutt, do Jull I .Mel CK. ft: do I'd ; M. In. .1, t'.o do Jacob jt.-tTr's li ;l ra. SladUon, do VVuiy i'.nuiau, UraiiA, do Jjlo i A.h. tljiiloii, du Aaiuii ue;li.r.jr, Mt., do John ij.ui'h l! do Ileum r'uri -d. liluom, d' dross X Kulin do do ."triili n Kuhn, do do John Watts, fire-in.vood, uu Mrr. S. A. 1', 1 loom, 4.) i lO.UO i,.,b !2 .0.. lO.Uii 7.01 75,'Jl' 25.00 23 00 lil.l)') 50 110 07r.-,i a m,co nr.i'AiRr1. Ai:i.l jioiJ John Em un 'JouiMi,;, uu Hjmi r-JVn, D IDilE REI'AilU. Arot. pal 1 sun'ry person" f'r n-pnii s, C()M.MlSdIOER-3 AMI CLERK. Haoriii" Miller, Joseph K. I iitic-i. Viiu,uo L.aiuon. Charles II ll-?. Hob n C. Fruit, tVrr. COMMISSIONERS' ATl'OUKBY. Amauni paiJ John (1. Freeze. Att'y. 1U61U1-JT ATTO iNEV. Amount paid E II. Little. Dial. Attorney, ELECTION F.XiV.V-sCsi. "rills, rl.-ction .i.tarin;' o.liciTi itc. ui -ctl'iti. O tncral cLcttuu, S.'7fl,2- Ifl.lW 17'J 5 l 13 51) 10 I ltd SJW.iO 011.00 !)7,C0 40-.O5 2 J.jil 150,2 31151,21 FOX AND WILD CAT a'JAI.l'S Amount pai-l am dry perrons, FULL. Amount pai l fur coal wood, INt InE.'.TAL. Amount paid aunilry person s, INSIJHANCn. Amount paid Lyceiuiug Itiauruiuo Co. INOl'EST..'. Amount paid sundry per.ons tor holding In. I i. ill u i.-nii lb-' y 'ar. U.:(ilar -It i RECO'lDEIt. I'ai I D. L '.', r ji o.'iii.S Tr a M Itt-s.u, lo no )i.r copy i.ig all lub-t to .Mortgage Uook, HEitiiT'-' hill Amount pn 1 John -nyder fur convey ins Clark I'rieJ .t. al 1 1 i'jiiit.iiii.iry ?l!)G,'.'7 SIJ.S) 837,01 S 33,77 I S.',3,(ll I $0 00 I 50,00 I 5J81 00 1 Fat t J.m i rf ly I 'r h un tor pnsonera. 31.1 -.1 '.'i.un 1 Jj-JJ.TJ I Fai I J. tl. i '(u i-i fur b jar liuj prlso.i.'ra, SIJRyiYQR. Tai I Solomon N.-yh ir I l r a irvej i.ig, and iiiukiiu in iji I'u.' in inly, Pal 1 I'. W. ri.i.t r, auue.ij.ig county linJ h: tw-eu w' ji.i uju a 1 1 -jihiylkill couuti.-a S334.2' .,,.,! J' I $00.1, SPATE ROM) AND ' OUNTY LINE. Pai I J.i.u i v.u-t r r i iui ig .-MtJ roaJ br uh l'iu- t wusliip. .ill (5 orgj tlncrf -1 al r luniiu county li u u.t.vuju Colauibia i., S il, 50 511,03 ei3?,fs 33 HP fl' AFF-4. AmoantpaUot thia.iv.irjl iourt, I AXES KEFIINDBD. Ainiunt nf rnu uuu puurtux.s Klutn.'d to towii.lnpa. Aiiioant to John Bond, 8 3s,j8 S 0. 5 cO IJ-.OO 8.5 i,l2 Whole amniutof orders lniod !66l, Deduct uuiount of taxs refunded, Exponditurai foi the year lidl We, tn-' uudi'rsisn'Jd A'lihtors cf t'ic county of Col ' uinbii b'lilg iluly el'CUd toudjust un 1 a III j thiac rujulb of the I'Maourur uu.i l.'oiuuiiasio.i.ra I1.1v i carefully einnilnvd tbe aecoiints and voiiih ra cf Hi J I name, fiom tlu first day uf January. A. h. I .-u 1 . t . the ftrit day of January A. D. Iso2. do certify lu dud dbfni mrrect as t forth 111 tlu foregoing tat uuent. una that we llud a balance duo Columbia county of H UIU JlU.VUUCl) J1W J,il'x;A-T-O.ViJ OULUlHi .1.VO Tlllti.i: CITi. f'oin John A l'uuiton, '1 reiuurer of mni county Given under our bunds this seventh day of Jauuaty, a. 11 if-r.5. GEORGE 31 HOWELL. JOS. Is. KNITTLE. JOHN F. FOWLEU. County Auditors. Atteit Dirittb l.ic.llirk, We, tbe undersigned Coinmiaaioners of Cclumbla county, do certify Hut lb J (ertif"iig is a cerrect atatu iuent of the accounts i f td county mr thu year Idol. In teatluiony wh ireof w have h.-rouido set our halt Js Jhla suvenlb Oay of Jauusry i), D. I3b2. , JOSuPil 11, P iTIOV. jCcniui'iloneri WlLl.nj! LtsllN. ot C.l VULI.S II. dbsS, j Columbia co. Atteit--R. C f Bjir, Utrk, Apprivcd by thu Cnujt, IVbiuary 1th 1802. SiEPHUN II .Lily. ) Asioclato JOHN .vicRiA'NOLUS, jJudjts. O"immiioners' ofi 1 JJIoamibur!;. fittuiry e IMJ 1 A!uti(jus. pAonONABLE OIOTIIINO ron PALL,. Thcnld-dtaWlstied WHITE HALL CU-TIUNO BAZAAR., at tlia southwest corner of rOllRTII AND .MARKET STREET3. Is now'prepnred with a full stock or fashionable ready made CLO.NIIVG FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, at ptlcet which challenge competition. I'ottlculnr attention given lo Cutomcr Vork, Officers Uniforms, also Home Guards' Suits, fcc. WHITE HALL CLOTMNGIMZAAR, Bnutbwcst corner of FOURTH AMD MARKET STREETS. PETER 9. I.EVIL'K, Proprietor. Nil. Id, ISM. (May 1, laCl-llm ) UT" THOMAS W. 3IATTSON. Ilnrnlrnd llm I'rlin ' Medal at the World' Fair In Ltimlnn IMI. fnrTril.'XKa i CARl'CT I1AOS, Boots, shoes and Owns. Orcnt Induce. meats are now mfjred to purchasers nf the above u r 1 1 clca. Tills la lunch the llmesl 1iirk of trunks. Pnrnpl I Bag, Vnllcss.&c. In, riilladilphla very cheap fur cull .u. w .uarKci aircsi. ou,q uoor aoove 4in, .vouia rial Uniformity of Prlcoil -A Now Feature In I'.uilnen Everv one lui own Saleimant JONT.a t L't). nf Hm '.'rj.uit One l'noj Clotlilnj tore, !"n. J'4 Markctitrce-1 aboru sil.xtli. 1'hl nde Dlila. I In ndiiltlnn to havluj the laru;it. most varied nnd SJJ.So falilnnabU elock nfCluthlnp In 1'lilhule phln, made ex CV0.H7 I nritslV for rjlail nlj.. havu v,.rv unn lil own il -"small, by h.iTlni! tnark.-rl in llituro?. mi each ur- tlcl s at tli J very lowest Price It ran b.- an d for io thv r.annct pn lb vary nil muat buy alike. Tli rtnuJ.. nr uidl tpanped and pr p.ued, and creat I nalna taken wltli thj m.iklni; io nil rnnlniv withthp fad aaurancu of g 'ttiiw a cnod article ntthe very low- I ott price. Al o. n larzu rtnek of pi -ce ir,od on ' tui lat-at ityle and b 31 qualMee, wlilih will be made ' to or ler, In t'-j j moat fashionable and boat manner, 85 p.'r cent., bilniv rrodit prices. RemimbJr the Creacent, 111 Market.above Sixth Street No. 301. JO.N'iU re CO. Military U.nrorm Th?ro Is. miLana. no ilfimrt 1 1 uiuui pi mi inrj u'i'iiicpd ' nn- n mcru u'mi n in ir. iriiirlccl liiiTirnvfin. nt tl'.ni, ( r i!ii inlli,.ii. m ,,1. I dirs. o' many years mho- otlWr-- and rtn te i dad l.i snrm.'nta rtliich wero almost skln.tiirM. Th. y I wore loither stocks, whl.-.h wrr worthy of th turn", fur th.'y kept the w.arjr in tribulation i while tlnlr p idded br laita and tlht sl'cva made volition a matter ofereat difficulty. O.i r i n i t'u pteaciit war, ouch of our vrluii. tern as proiruM their unlforiiis at the llrown Mnne Clothing llallof Rockhill fe Wilson, os. til 3 and IKKi 1,'luitnut atrent. ab vj Sixth .'hlla Irlphia, obtain do. thine that ie n-ifici'v caar. subntniitial nnO ii"ciiiiilnit. ' Thj "mi naiuj.l have tnnj larZLdy Into the biislnos nf iimkln.t Military Clothiujt. and thilr facilities cniblo 1 t'lem to fill th i larj-at otdjr In the cliortest possible ! I Sjpt. ill. 1331 I'J CUN3UMl"lIVL3 THE Adrcrtls-r, lnvini b-en reslrred to health In a few wotka. by a v. ry simpl,' r.iuedy, ail,-r having eiltf rjd sevr-nl ycur.s with a .-vere tuuf aff.ctl'in, ami tiin't dread ili.'nj. Consiiiuption-I- anxious to make known to hii f 'ilow-i .iT.t rs th. means i f cure. To all who delre II, Ins will i-cnd a copy of llu pre-c.-iptlou us-d (fr'e f ilinreei. with the ulrectlnna lor i pr'ptriii! nn i uslnj the en r, which th"y will find a i a Ccic for ('iisjcvirrrui, Astums. I'.aoxciuiis. 4.C. I Th only object of til ' udv 'rtis-r in jrinlln? ilw I're rrlption Is to bjn 'fit th uCllct 'd. and spread informa i tin i will .i h ; com 1 1 - j 1 1 b' invalml.l -.and L.- Iinpee I ev.'rv smf r jr will try his r 'uiody. a it will co.t tuiiu .. uoTuinz an i i lay urov. a mesninir. , Furtiei wUUins tn.'prjsctlptlo'i will plcaie address. 11. v. EDWARD A. VILU, Wl nam. buran, Kir.js County, Nuw York Nov. 2. 1361. -3m NO I ICE. LLpTons knowni'i lluiim li.-s indibfil loth" iindi'ri'ii.'n -d on Bonk Hi-count or oth -rft isi. an il -rehv no, itl -il t i com - and h Itlr up by (In 1st of -lurrh. Ift.v' or th lr ar-omitt w 111 poiti , ly be left in the hande ol'n proper ullic r for collectiiui. W.M, IlEERd. Eyer'a GrovJ .Millg F n 8. IPM.-tf. FUiailBlOTn ft. IJl'.OTHEUS W IIOLEI-A!, T O 15 A G CO I E A L E 11 5" AO.IOS.NOUTII 'MlllStJ sxiir.rcT F ivc ilo.irsb.-low R.irt. IMlII.AIF.I.i'llIA ! In; ijrtvt; s atisc oi" i i 1 1 1 1 . rvr Alter? n r " 'ri'S, ..'i&k ..a-"- I 1 K.I ,1 1 rt J ' ill I 1 . PuMish 1 1 in a S-al J Eiivilop": I'rict-1', ctn: a I.E 'lljiil'. I V Un. t'L'IA ERf. ELL, ON 'I III! CAl'sE A D CUKE of Sp 'rio.iiiirrliii u. tlentilan.l fhyncnl -ihinty. Epil. p y i Iiup.iire I Nutrition of llu- It.nly ; La-fitiid!-; eaku yi of thi! I.iiubs mill th.) Unci. ; Iiirifejnitnn, and Inca paciiy for-flu ly nnd I ab"r; HuIIii-shoI Apir li-ntum; l.os nf j .tvi'piim in sninty; i nie tf Soli tu h- ! Ti'iiliiity ; S I f : i -1 r u 1 1 ; Dizni. s ; Henda. Ii ; ll'.'i lions nf III - I ; I'iiiiii i' (.,i tin- Can' ; Involini tury I'.iiiKhttins, nnd H ximI !ncap.ii it) ; th - e-oiini-;ueni-pg nf Vniitlit'u I:n,is'-r. lion. Ur , d.i iL"l his filiulrjbl Li-ctum 1 1 Milt- prover thai the aboviS -iiumi.ri.t.-I oi'tui n-li'i.tllirt-d, ouU in-'-y I'- re looved without iniliuii" nu.l Hithont ilanm-rou. unrei i.:. I rp .-rations, nnd .h-iuld bu read by ivir) innu i.'. tin- lllld. rt. iu'r teal, many adiljus-, m a plniu. .ealrd em ilnpe. on tin. r 1 1 1 l or six cents, or two pr-stoge il.uil'u, by addri'.i-ln); Dr. CIIA-3.J.C. KLINE, 1'.'7 I'owvrj. New York, roatiill'ic.! I'-ox, 4 3 -id. rebruary V, lb-.' Apiil 20, laul. nf a Jii-licc of lie Pea::, If thf 'iv an' vcilitloui, rem .inine itnpal-l to the fund nf th,' Iron Ou'iriU" nr-i not itltled on it before th'1 firt day of i-'t bruaiv I am'il to rniuii-nte suit mid .-o.u imtbl lolloA in e iili imli i.liial cai-i-. J. M Cliamb --Mill. J' 1'. C 1! 1 T T li N J) E X S riUi.vlii.i.I'iU v (il.liiDi.iU IAL. COL I, ) ( E, A'. E. coi'iiCf nf h mi I ClfShiut Slier ; 'ULADELPIirA. Tliu Iisr.iiT.ov. v.hhli wai elib'.ihed lit PI4 and is now toti-".(u -utli in lb (ightmifi era i.f its exli.1 ' i'lin. uunil) Ts annul. ,ts gruilu'ili-a ltuiidreiU cf tlu 1 r.i.i-t.m't' Al ;ich mis iu I i:iiness un ef oi;r Co'iu'iy. I T.iBOujici-ofl'i' Inttiliition iisol ly tnaiTordyrung 1 m in f leinti for thorough pr paralion ler Tiik ll.t iNCiies t I'liuTar-, Umk iff !, as applica-1 ble tolli 1 v.iriou. iiepariineiits 01 tr.nti'i IVni'ii-usii;', both pluin an I oru.inuiit il : C'e"i'iar a' late. Multc-iilitic-t .Ydi'lttJ't Cllll I'.tlfHeivtii , llrtuiwj, I lei iM.-.r!'.',. (Ini .'.'J'.'rii .in;t',t.i?c Tli. riri:M or Instuci no. 11 peculiar '. r.n classes or a.'t I' -nn s urn in 1 1.-u i' nf biiiiie'li lu lent i t'l-lliti L ii.liviuuaily. m that he may eoiiiiinue'i,it mi) time, and 3tt.1i 1 .it w Dates ci h.mra ure iuo-t couv 1 On vi.oiut.s are issii" 1 uiu ht'-t after th" 15th if April, minis 11 nun of ill 1 iu lent 1 Ut lh 1 yuar, and lull pariicul us el l rm . in., and in ly bj obl iiiud ai any liu.j by .1 Jung tlu Principal. IsEvrnJiVK Am u4 .iouitihi,. icidr airrad rcptttatio.i and the tcniriliii experieme f lit' Friurini, this lutitu lion iiif-rs f.n iliti u -uperior luany oth ir nl tliu enuu try. for young nun wi-htni topriiarii for busluera, 1111 1 to ubl nit al lh 1 raiiie ttm-i a pii'un.'tv, vhicU iriU nrvt a rteomihindiixttW for llu 111 lh iu to any Sleic.'ian- HU IliijkO. "Zr"' 'iTiio-.s's cnci 0 Trt'tliet en Itootc-Kxer 1 imi now nor 1 wi.i ly cue 11,11 ' 1111 in any (.nut wurK 0.1 III.' a ibj t, ar-' tor .jIj at the Coll 'je. I a IIODGEH CUITl'i NDEN, 1 .litorney ui Ue, l'RCtl'.L. Jin. 23 1803 lJ.ii 1 I I I ! , FRESH A II li I VA L -OF- M.WW WMM$WM FOR- FALL AND WlNTliR! 1 .1 IIC U'llerslgnrd, grat fill for past patronag?, reipeit i f'ltlr i if hiseu.t.iuiers a.i 1 th iiubllcgum rally that lie ins in.l rec iv ol from tlu Easturuu dllea. id largest uud lun.t seltit stock of FALL AND WIN I'Ett Thu liat v.l been onerint in Uloomsburg, to vvhlrh lie ' tuvitea tho attemiou ol his menu., and aa.ure. ir.ein 11141 III '...', -', ,u. -i.t .t.t ww..t.... .... Slock coniprisei. a large assortment of OETL':SIEN"3 WEARING APPAREL, Con.i.tU't' in r AMKOv.iijLe DfttM Coats, ot every dci criplloui Pants, Veat, Shirts. Cravats fitocka, Cotton lUndkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, 4;c. ' GOLD WATCHE3 AND J EWKLliy, Of every deicripllan flue and rhiap N II. -R meinb r " Uvtu'ie'U Chr-p f npertun. call and No charg., for '.(,VBER0 Eloemiliur;, SepWmbrr Z3. ltOl, 'Jue 1S59 -ULCEIP S FOR JANUARY TO THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following nrc the receipts to tho dflicc of tho Cor,u.MniA Demochat, during tho month of Janunry, 1 80-i t I J. SI, Johnston, VI. 11,910 If) Hon. Win. Klnssy, $ 50 llliiiiinib'rg L, Church, u n. H. K. Fill . 'J .V lleliter I'lymer Dr. O. W. linloy, linn A. C. Ilnmiry, Willi mi Kuuyan, ill I.I 'Ut, U. II. tlrm kwnv.S ik 50 1 (M IM I Ud S ' I 7a 1 7j I (, 1 Vu Kit, Linlj -iDnl.-uian. 1 oJ , in. uw, i e ll"ti. v in llnp'.lni Si " Oeo II. I oivland. .1 J. I'. Ituiiyan, . II llu) liurrt, SI. I), l.niv lillt mb.MiJjr, riainiLl Si tl.r. II. La nr. 3,. 3 U O. R. llaylmrM, EIDlia A, 1'uular, linn. IVUr Ent, Irlttaiu, F.liaa Kniiii, R. I'. Ptu kcr. John bhiydrr. Ell, Hi. n. .Miruhatii IVIera " J..V AlcCullvch, ,J. Lnu, I. I) ' . rkh'lier Juhii K II t. (l)r.iiif ) Jami. llltl.1 1 b 8 t- I S Mlllir 5 I'lli.n.ll n .Tutton, l 2 Aiu I I ,U, .j Juhii in It tl , iu.VViu. lklK't. I, A (I, I 4, 1 Uj . mJ.iL,j.iiAaicajtiaigiixja?ftih, or THE Farmers' uliiil Fire l isur.iiice Co., OF .MIDDLE I'ENNA. Offllce In Danville. Montour County, Fenmylranla- Amount of property Insured Jan, 8, U5I, Aiauunt Insured the past ycur, 91,3Rl,4Sd 1,71.2 O.m 4,ell? Amount aiirrendered the past yctr, Total am't Insured Jan. 0, le'CI. Aiiinuiil of premium imtjn in lorce Jan. lh, l-sJI. Amount of premium taken past year SI,757,Se'. C'l.3i7 03 111 fc:i,5T'j 13 M5J,35 J-.'.'JJU 7d Lies c 1,21.' 41 i5 31 III 5t) 101 to Amount of nptca cancelled paat year, rieiiiium.iio',es lnfotr.1 January Ctli. 'CJ, UuUnce in tlie 1 ri'aury. and um't loaned January nil, leol, To amount of premiums collected tlw pan ar To uuintiiit of interest cnlUctid pa't year, I o a.iiouui or ititcitst ilu i and uupalu, To amouut due from ui;cuts 3,01.1 50 $7 10 87 80 37 30 30 2 7 1.0 Ily losa of Hoffman St Co, dama-c by fire, Uy Dirjcior.i:xi'cutio Comniitteu, and Pres. iiletit's couipen-iiliJU, Ily amount pniil fur printing l.epoit, Wanks, fcc. Ily amount 1'iiJ fur stationery, poatag.) k fuel, Ily umnuiit n funded, Ily amount ol'nllici rent, Uy amount paid fur a i j u 1 1 n g claims, Ry amount of rfjerutary's coiupeus-ttlou, iy Treasurer's coitiiiiii.ino, Ily amount at interest, balance in tbe Trea sury, and am't due, 50 Oil 0 75 ' 220 30 BO tO I $J,0li3 77 , 4 00 ' To am't cf ordsmiot presented for payment, 83,(.HJI 30 aWH or iiif i-or.rAsr, jikv.iRX ci;' loaned at Interest, . " du3 from agents, " lot -na uue nod unpaid, " llalauce in ll.e Treasury, b-5 07 V,535 7 93 3W :- 800 00 J5,il3i53 3J1 00 Sarplu fund, Amount of premium notes, ill force Jan I'Uli !:., Amo'iiit of office furuiture, Including I'ue proof safe. Amount of liabilities, aud unjutted claluia, OIRECTOlttl: JtcTlhvvthirlarid County in. Fullmer, To'i., Al.a ha. ii Shipinun, Lima John, 1'eter llaupliawoitt and ls-irc iii.ilc'pjch. .1unte.r tiiunri Abraham Wagner. William Ynrks. John McH'illi iius. John ouclit jr. and Jcstc (ireth i Wi'i-ilti. Coi.My Eoiaiiu.-I Luzurua. H Ap).l u.a.i, DavlJ W. Clark, U, A. llo. iii.iu, ituu -iauiu-.l -suyder. OEI'ICE tt: l'reaideiit-W.M. I'OI.LMEU. I'ai., Vies rr.-si.l.-nt -Wm. VOIIK-S, Esq. 'cr t.irv . JOHNSON Treasurer tjA tll'l'.l. VORL'H.Jr. The idrettors iif lh-- Firnit-rs' .Mutual fire In.urancti Com p in v nf'lc I'etinj h ania tak) pl isur- in pru - o 1 1 1 1 1 1 j; ill, ir Thirl nmiual .tat inoiit.tothu iiu'inb.TJ of salJ Cniiijiauy Th C'o.iiiiauy pis-ed throii;h n-arly three yeara operation, with, prti.ips, I Ina-i than any oth. r Com p iny in th .- St:'.!.-, in proportioh totlie amount of prop erly insurod, tvlnlj stoc!-, Coiupoiinw have bfen romp. lied ton Ivaur ih ir rMh for ms'iraui-p. and iiiutual t'Oin p.ini -a, ii'iviu-; tnu u and prniert in--un-1, l.-iv - nindt' Ii av a-.i".io-.-iits to mi-i't tin irto9- ei. th Farm i ,' Mutual of .Middli- IVunn , h it. bi in- it. a iiiL'iuliu ii.i-s. and rapitnl, nd Mile lo mi et all linl-ihli b withoiii , '!!.'. a. ut'ut.-i, an 1 eaeh year sliuw s I .in ini r. an- nl -inplu- runiifi. Th.- I oiii-nuy i, and rnntiudn by its cliarac I I t to ll, -i-, In-tve insurance of i-ouutiy nroptrl). in r 'i--r mi rin i ,'i iiu luruiir. uini niu-r" iiwuin-; ituntry prni.-rt, u af.' e,uil r.-liubli' uiMiraucu ut rates only tiiru -.p.iunin to lh n.k. Th liiriiiiiri'l. i I en iti li nt (hat under ordinary cir 'uuist,inci:i. th Kunut'M' Mutuiil, w ill me. t thi' expee talioiis cf its inofl saii(,'uini! trieii..'-i. W.M.rOLl.SIEU, I'realdent. I'. Joussov. .-3-cr"ta'y Danville, J.m.'. tli. len.'.-3t. N OTIC E. ALL pi-rsmn knowing th.'ina Ives In any ise indebt ed to the absrrib -r ars h i by imtiii ., ,ii nccininl.. itiu.t lu .p 'toliiy i los -d op, or 'Hi y oill b; put in tli. Iiauil. ol pnip.'r ulfu-ra for cull xti ui. I mutt liav.i my .urouiiu t tilled, eume forward, ..-ttl.i up iiu.i ,ave co.t. E. .ME'.l). NHALi.. Jan II, '8..3--4t. p'lr. unilersuned. would r -i.ctfill inform the clti 1 na of lIloo.iiBburg, and tlie public geiierall', that tu opened a N E W SHOP. In the frame building lr.te'y oc-upied by Charl.'s II. Noll wIl.Tilhe in pri'iMredloex-iute iii.m.yn. lun-jnthMixa siu.vrooi.w. In th.' heal manner, w nh derpjtih. nnd to general a itis, faction. t;i;ij, , .Dlil!jiJ.N. i.iowui.burg. Aii. ..(, lol. Uiu. I H- MULLIGAN, IMPORTER OF ALL KINDri OF AND 3JAXUFA0TUREU OP JEWELltY, JS'o. ill North S-1 cud Sliettl AUOVf. WILLOW, rniLADHi.riii'. Nor. 10, 1-iiU v f.Yf ;ih7 f'.t Vs ri" II 13 I'r i, ri tor of 1 Ins wcll-kimH 11 and cent Ily lor a I t'.l ll.l'.a ' III i:.-.HM,F II. il fcl , rltUkt" oil Vli. tflr'-el. III IllooJl-burg, nnuieillllt 'ly "inolle the Col, 1111 bin Count) Curl Hoik.', rcsperlfully 1. lorini. In Irienda nnd the public 111 gein.', that lua House is now 111 or der fur tin' !"' ptinn niuleuii itiiiiimeiit uf travi'lers win. may t 'il dispo.-eii to t'.ivnnl with th ir luhloui. lie lias spared no 1 xpeui.e Hi pri puring tlu En 11 vmh , for llie eiitertaiuiueiil of ln guests, neither ahull them be any. thing wauling un lua purl. In mini. ler to their permnul comfort. Ilia hoii.e ih tpiuous and eujoya an excellent Isvli-lllebri ior.ilion. ,J 1 humbU'Ca run nt all times between the Exchmigu Hotel timl lie: iiiious l.ail Road llepoi-i, by which trav eler will be pl. ii.iiit'v convejed lu and from the re. smclivc taltoua 111 due time 10 meet the C.ira. W.M. II. UOONrj. nionuiaburg, July 7, IrCO TllTc E X E S E E FAUMEK. ErfTAIII.lSIiri) IN 1831. THE FARMER'S OWX PAPER. Tits Clu apoat Agricultural Paper In ths World I ONLY I'U'Ti. CENl'd A Y LA 11. KOW IS THE TIME TO SUUSUIUDE I fr ' : ofluKncrwiVh-r .. 1 in iiiiiini 11 11 r,m!:iinu iiiioriiii.iiiin .. ..,.t. .1... .r.h,. I.n. .. 111 1'anadu. it rotil :u 11 vi iiitorinution nt ...... . - , .. nr .'.I ll.l,.l.rtL Illl.I lllllllirL.lllLI, in ie'r luiiuei. Ul.Tli' llt r . iitid fruit grower. No I inner can afford to be without it. It cnsl-i only uny cents a year iin.i cotuaiiu more iierieull iral nnd herticuitural matter than must ol'ths two dnllai vveukli 1 1 ACCUUATH MARKET REPORTS. Of the London. New York, Philadelphi 1, Rocli -ater, lluirilo.Clucago. lUciiin.iltiaiidToriuitoiiiiirU tsar .iv en ineaeli ninnher. All the leru mg for Ign and Ai... r lean journals nrc received, and apu nil p.iius jre taken tu give tlu lateat and unit rull.ib! iufnriuatinu 1 1 r. card to thu Ut" of tlu It i.uu iiniiabro.i I, A copy of tlu pup 't etit fruj to nil who to ex. amino il, Adutcis, , JOSEPH HARRIS. FcmtsueR anu I'Roratnoo, Roch iter. N. Y. rjy Agenti vvnoted every w hero, to whom tlu moil liberal CU'jis aru niaile. WUOD CUTS FOK SALE. WE will nil Sterentyps of tho Wood Cuts used in tliu fJiaiiriie Fetmtr and Rural Annual Horticultural Di reitnry. A mok containing impressions of nver Hcven Hun Ired of these cuta will tie sunt tn thoao wishing to purcluai) on the receipt of 50centa Tin bookcontniiia i ini Indiix. ihuwjng vvr.i'rc uiasripiiuoa n mo nnnui be found. Address, 10 i ibEIM 1IARUI?. RociirsTta, N. Y. It't 2?. 1fdl- HOUSE POlt SALE. s ninveable Frshu Hoesc, will be sold cheap on ap n plication to tno uautsigncu. rv( loom:bura July 13. 1-1 Ayor's Sarsaparilla A fornpovmil remedy, In which wo linve la bored to m-aduco tho ntpjt efTcctunl altcrntlva that criti bo aiaJo, .It U u uonccntrutcd txtrnct, of Pnrn Sanaparllla, so eoiuUned with ether Milntanccs o still gicater nltcjatlvc junwer us to uirunl an effectivo nutidot-J for tho diieaf-ci SarfitpririUn Kropttlod to cure. It 1 beliivtd tlmt stteh a remedy U wantrd by thote who nuilVr fi-oiit Stntinmi) complaint!., nnd that one which will acco npll-di their euro mint provq of minent.' tcrvlee to thii largo clas of our alltieU'd fellow-cltlx'tn. How completely this comp-iiiiid will du It ha been proven by exper un '.it on mtmy of the worst cn-iea to bo found if tho following complaints I Kt'Klt'WLV AND SOUOPUI.111,'4 CoMtTAIMW, K.tfpriov-i and Uttui'Ttv.E I)jr.At,, i'ltl'LUI, llLOTCIILS, TUMOU-I, SJaLT Itlll'.OM, lie Mil llt'AD, .Srnil.ln and .Svi'illi.nio Ar ri'.cTto.v, Mt.ncuni.vt, Diinisu, DitofRYsKr.u .UAtrit.v on Tio Doi'Loutacx, Dcini.irv, Dva t'l.i'iiu ANti iNiimtmioN, Huvnii'i', lions mi lit. Aniiios'v'j Vim:, and indeed tliu whole ch.ts nf romplainli nrWiig from IjU'OUity of H'.C llLOOl). 'l'liis enmpoiiiid will bo found u fficat pro. motcr of hciillh, when in the spring, to expoVftlu- foul hmnois which fester in tho blood ut that season of tho year. Uy tho time ly cxpuliion of thwn many rankliiiK dixirdcn u're iilpp.)d in the bud. 'Multitude! can, by the u'nl r.f this rt iiiedy, tparo them-elvin from the f.iiduranct of foul (.ntption and ulcerous fetes through which the aystoin 'vill etrivo to rid ilvlf "I cDiruptioni, il not agisted to do this tlirniij,'h the natural ehuuni'l of the body by an iiltirntivo liKdiciuc. Cleanse out tho vltintcd bloo.l whcncvT jnu find its impurities bttntint; llit.niili the skin in p-.tiipl, eiupttou, or I'lU'si rlioiHO it when you liud it is ob- ttiuiti-l win! Mnseiih in the veins ; eleatno it whtiii'vcr it N foul, and jour feellngi will tell von when, liven wherc'nopavlii'ulur disorder i- feit, ie ipiu e:ijoy hotter lie.iltb, and live lo:i.rr, 1'i.v cl'MM.-itii? the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and till it well; but with this mln.l'im of 'lilts disordered, theto can ho no li',.;iiii; hcnlih. Sooner or later pomcthin" tnut i4? rmi3. and tho great machinery of life is diMitderrd or overthrown. SAn.iparillA hr.ii, uud deervos mtieh, tho reptttntio't, of ncinraplUhiui-; these ends, lint the world htw been Ci-'regiously deceived by preparation! of it, partly because tho drug alone lia-, not all tho irttie that ii claimed for it, but more because ninny preparation!), pretending to be concentrated extructa of it, contain but little of tho virtue i.f Snrssrwirilla, or any thing rb-e. J'n.iing late years the public have been mif led by lnr'-o buttle, prt'teiiilini; to (jive a iptart of Kxtiact of b'aviapuiilla for one dollar. Most cf these have b.-cn frauds upon tho Mck, for 1,732 no Utey noi. only contain nine, ii Miy, cariupa 101 it) l rilli, but often no curat he properties whatcv- Pr. ltpniv. utter anil timti til ( UsiiiMiomtmint has followeil the n-e ol thi tarious cxtrafU of Hm ipirilla whieh l'.e.od the mniket, until tho name itself is justly (UspUed, ami has becctrie yiionynioiif with impi.iition mid cheat, btill we call tlii-, n nipi mid '-nrsaparilla, and intend to supplj titeh ;i lemrdy ?a shall ic'euo the jiame fiom the load of obloquy ivhiyh tckts 'tipeu it. And we thihk wo have jroundfnr believing it ba Yntut--1 which oro irrcH'tiblc by the otdinaty run of the di-easesit in intend ed tu cure. In order to fccino their complete eradication fiom the syi tern, tbeicmedyibculd b' jml'.eioutly taken accoidir.g to directions un the bottle. rrr.r.iRrn nv R. JT. C. A V E iZ & CO. LUWKliU MASS. Trite, 01 r ltottlc ( Six Uottlca fov $5. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral,- has won for it.elf snrh a renown for the euro of ciery variety of 1 liroat anil I.utij5 Onnplaitit, that il i' cntirclr iinnccesiary for us to rcenutit the cnlrace of 'Its virtuft, vvhcrovcr it has been em ploM.d. As it has lonp bfin in constant nc t 'r'H'.i,hoe.t thi t set tioti, we nted not ilo more than 1 1 vne tl.f prople iti (piality ii kerl I ' best il Pitt !vs bent, imd tlit it ma) be on to ilu for tl.iir I'.licf all it has oer been found to do. Ayer's Catliartic Pills, FOR 73133 CJr.E OV Cottirinrit, Jannc'irc, Dyrptiii, Intlifttthn, l)ycntrry, J'oiil i-iomnth, I'.iyaipdai, Ucatlnche, 1'ili't, Jtl.tUMi'titm, I'.fi'ftionannd Sim Distant, .fee, Cmnylalnt, Vri'liMj, Tetttr, Tumort and Jf'iiir), H'oiiHr, Gent, Xir.fa'giii, as a Vin.ur I'ill, uud fur Vmifyiny tho lUi-nd. Thcv a-.f .L&nr-ui.itcd. so that tl c most srnai tiioean (ik. llicm plca-ftitiy. taid they aic tl.e lit-.,t uh liei.t In (he woild tor all tl.u i.uiposcs cf a family phan.. Tiico 25 c:i3 pir fox; ri.jbosta for l.C0. Great iiunibrricif O'lcruvmeii, I'liviieianj, Ptalca- nn-ti, rout eiiiitient pers.i'i-iut-,, liaui tent inrir '. r-aiu!. tiiirlifvtheur.i.iiidlilt!lticfiilncof thco renii'iiic, but iim tp.te- heii-v-ill nut pcrmil tl.e I inn'itiim of thun. Tli." Afent bilow netm J fur r.ish rati, our AvtlilitL vn Ai.MAN.vt in whieh lliey aregiicuj wiih -Uo full devi riptior.s uf llie above nini',ilaitits, and tlin treatuu-iit that should be fol lwed for their euro. Ho not be put olf by unprincipled c!.i,crs oith other prcpaiatior.! they inaUt nunc profit on. Dciiind Avi u's, anil tnko 110 iitbtrj. The sick wantthc best there is.'or Ilium, aud tUcj should bale it. All ner Itei icdire nr fnr ihW by E. P. I.utz. J. C. Sloycr.O. M. Ilagt iib icli. r.loomsburg A. .Vlillei, llem ick.aod l., oae Miorn in every town Hi I"eni!.)lvnnii. njMOT'iLiiD zttA-f&z mmL TAMAQLA, PEXN'A. Passengers dine h-re on the paaic of each Train. . M. MERRICK, I'rcprhtor, Tam.vpia, Jan I, 1802 Fsft 0 i ) -A S HAT, .V. E, earner 7 hirtl ami J)o'k St nets, Villi. ADELVA I A, made tu order, of any S-tyle or elaality at "snort llhta. Notice January I. 1:0!. r in. ljil.Kiil.liia vV l.t'iiilwit; Hail Kpad WIN'IER Ail RANG EVENT r-r:,.,M...j .. OF FAsiSEW.EP. TRAIN?. flia.'i'a''VV- , N.ivt mber I, im, Down'loPliilad.ljiliia.ut d,20 and 11 A SI, 12 neon, "".'J1 . .' - ...,0,0 v ..., r. r. ,, WF.Sl'. TO LLBANON AND IIARIIIHIH'RO : Western I. fruiu New Yolk, ut 1,07 A M. Slail rrauis, at in.53 A M. and 3,4.', P SI. On Hiinduvs, the Down A SI Tram pursing Reading at ll.-.MI A M, aud I p Train, al i,5i P .if. Boih 10,50 A SI aud 5.13 P SI, up Trunin connect at ' Foiti'liutnii ler, Williamsport Elmira, Butt" alo, Niagara and Canada. 1 The I0,3ti A .vi, 1 rain miiy sonni ria ni i on l union for VVilke.barra. Hcrjntnn ami Pittstuii. The Wi'r-ti'rn Eipre.B Tralni. iiiiinut at with Etpn si T'rnuia on llu; lMnik)lvania Railroad fur Pill.burg, nnd all P'Uiila Wi n . .'lid the Mall Trams HariKhurg i"r Laneaster, Cliamber.biirg. Euiibury. Williamsport, Lock Haven, F.liiiira and the Ctiu nit as. Ihriuigh I ir.t Class coupon TiiKeta, and i.nuc rar.i , 'X V ,n the N orth aim vv e. t. and tne 1 an.iii.i.. ; CO.MMU 1 A t ION TICK .TH. I With 20 Coupon .'5 percei'it discount, between any points uesiicu, I .MILEAGE TICKETS, Good fur W) miles, between all points, at S15 for Fuiiiilt '! an I nusnusb Firm, and tVusou JieVars, good for llu led i r only, for Ihreo mnutha, 111 any I'iik. uger train ti I'hil i I 'Ipjna. at $11)6:1011. School seaun Tick .la one-lhiid I aa. . - raneug ra will tak 1 111 1 Expro-e I rani Wert, at th U.TI..I DEPOT, and all olhir Trains, atthe LOW ER IF 0 P. cii Iba uf nag .'age allow ec each pasaenger 1' . a.aeu.'.-rs are reiiiesi.u to punhaao thcirTick rta h ferJ cut. ring tlu iura, a higher urea rhurged if pai.1 in rnrs. Up trains l"a'!n Hhllidelphiafor Reading Hnrrlsburg and Pottsville at 8 A SI, 3.15 I'M, and at 4,30 P SI, fur Reading only. B7 Uuursinn Tick'ta, good for one day, by 0,0J A, SI. Accnminoiutloii Train to Philanlphia and rrturli at S3 CO each. (!. A. NICOLI.S, C!en era I -Sufirinttinfti.!. January 4, IcT2. WALL PAPER ! AVALL PAPER! JUST received from-thc manufactoriea In lioatnn, an article ol'iiin.lexeellent iiualtty Ichallcnga cinup. litlon ua to rlI and prlri- The imdeialgnd will keep an; of the Sfylr. on hand Mid ia the only Experienced Psem Hamiir .11 thi- NHiun of the County -Give my Lxtsnaivi! block sn Eiaminatlon heforo Purchasing -CslUtRupitsPo,, 0. . T.flBNTn?t SloeiasV-ur; Slarch ir4 V'tSI ' JOUltNAL OF COMMERCE. TU OUII tUDiClilBI RS. Tin approaching New Year Isnijnnd lime for re 1 new liuf 'U'tairipttona mid Incrensiiift the rlrcuUliou to the Journal -1 Conniii r e. Wundur is nursilvestulhi ilu r -ii.ii ra i.flh-pip r. with enllre conlldcn ulnlhejr wlllliigiii tt to nl i lis. nnd to. nit. no th t lull i. nc.' of III. sniimi tiiiis.-rv.illi.- prlncli I a and morula which have Mill un cli ir tt rU luiiuwlll lir.iiiri-rrli.irac t-rlz tills p.ip T, l.ituv Hem n n I i Hi.- Jnirnal i f oiuiurc . i i r i rt. I -tilth ' prlnclplea, an i alt iiir tn i i. "i ibuhy m a ipp' rl nnu clrcii" lut In ui by a i. i i lh- Hani' of at Ijast one haw ' subrciib r I Ins i I v..t n llri. ly .. have lu 'ii to our country"! In l r isla ruin h ivr lone I, n rail -u ' rnlou Havera" na a t r.n i.l r. r.i.uii '. a 1 and ahull Ik- the firm uphold rs of THE I'NItIN AND Till'. I OV.-TITUTION iipposiug with Ii '.ut an I pan "very man.South or North w ini is mi eiii-my t II-Ith jr. Every form of di'Organiza Hod and retoluiioli will us ready for Hie, AinonK tin' fo, a nf til Ann rlrnii Union and Ameiiian prlucid'a, w- rank aide by al Ie, AISOLU'IONIS.M AND H OF, SIONIS.M nnd mi piopnaewltli all our atrength to defend the na tion iiKaiti-UJir- nllackr of both. We liclong to no political party, one obllsationi to no Ziiieriimi'iivr party patronage, bill ritain In nil respects our indi pendeiit rlplitto iiihold the guoi while ne op poso the bad. of whatever name. Wo are lino dcf.mdcra of CHRISTIANITY AND CHRISTIAN MORALITY, in public nnd nriiatc I if", Without '.n. III. Mine a telle. Inua newspaper, or uiakinr any pr.'leucealn religious cliaruct' r. w i ahall Ii found hi-nafur, what we have heretofore bi-en, I Ins only ilally new.piipi-r III New York Which li rolldllcled U Ith consist. oil ri-ennt to tlie .f-nlU menu of Chrlatlan people. Wo do no wink on the riab. uaiu, uiiu we are nuie in is.ue na ei oi a it i r naner nn i " Slgndsy muriiiiin na any nillie ulilch vioiltt a tho day Ini run. For Hie good influence of the Journal nf Commerce In , in nation, we r 'l. r In the record i.f the pa.l. In limes I nf trial it is our aim to eiiiouraci'. in timea of doubt to I cheer, in tliu". of exi ileiui nt, to ut!m (lie mind. I The Jiiuin it ofCuuiinerce la Uiu licsl ((iiumui ciiil r.inrr in Aiiii i ir,. Tin, lh-farmer, tli! mechanic, Hie profear-i mnn, in abort i-vi ry newspap-r rc.ulcr will find ii I belt, r auit 'd to his WhiUs than uny oth. r weel-ly isaued 1 ' III til ' ni'.triinnlis. Th.' inillii'il.i' r. .nnrr,.. rf lh,. n. tublislimoiit. th - urnw th of nearly forty, Inclmllng Id a 1 in, I ,,',! 0 , .ii-r,-,..i me t, hi. ,-oriB ! in- worm I repoils irons tne shores ol tlii Atlantir an market uud inoney , full iiec'iinta of the i innu ai-nsallou ruinorai rarefully preimr 'd etntPi.-iriita of tho biLlnoM ol 111 country, tables of prices, forclcu 'and iloni-rltc; a carefully prepared A T T I, E SI A I! K E T, altnsether enable us tofurnlah a weekly paper which I will abundantly aatl.ry ilu want, nf every man, what I evi r his employ incut. Notwithstanding the enormous ' t'li'"" .. ik in uu.muy oy ineau arranscin.ui, wu ii r j able to publish THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY l'AI'ER In New York or Ainnriia. We tu mir leadera in the present crisla of our country's nil'jirs. to aid in git. lug Increased lirculatlou to the priiifiplea ol' tlu Jouru.-il or Coinin.'rcJ. Wo do aiippo.e we have one reader w ho coul I in.l if hu will, taku the opportunity, tend Ua tlu naiuea of frlenua lo swell our Dal. may be organized in rouimuniiies with great advantage Th pres--ut the b.'t perln- ti r their couiiiienc. inent 'he lerma on win li wo can fdrniah the pup.-r are as fnlloiM : To roiup'inle! taking 20 copies or upwarJa 13 cojil -a S i-upi -s I ropii'a 3 ciipi-a Under 3 copies . . . . OVC DOLLAR, ejeh- -Mrntri coLOAna. -rii .ii nrc " tho each, il to intromit iicreonsal llie papers win oe nililreas th.ji.ame I'oit uihre, it ixr.-pt in thi case of clous ni u or uioie copic., w Huh will be mailed to out add-esa. i ' .Spec iinens auit gratis. .fMdrtts h altar i of the Jmrnal if Cmntrct, .Vu, 01 trail slrcri, .Vcv York. I'll I. ME, Sl'ONE, HALF. k. IIALLOCIC, Editors and l'roprictora. Dee. 21, 1801. C.'illatvissa Kail Komi. PASS ItUl'EItT STATION. fiOl'THWAUU IICUNR Ti.AI.NU riiiladelphia N. Y. .Mail IrtSS A. SI. " Express 13.23 A. 31 NORTHWARD HOUND TRAINS Elmira Vail 3 41 P. SI Niagra Express 10.15 r. SI luU'iiaMuiiiu &, liloumsliurn' .lilroai! N AND AFT R XOVEJI.23, l&Ul. fA-jiieNGER TKAINc) WILL l'.l'N AS I'OLI.OWri: MOVING r3 O U T II. freight .5 Pasentr. Passenger. I. rave Srrantnn, Kingkt m A. .11, IU..1II A. .1 0 30 12.13 F .M " 1. iiouisburg " Rupert. Di.iiille, Arrive at Nurl 1 iiiib"ilan I, 31 O V 1 N G Leave NorihumturURd, I'auvlll.. ' Rup-rt, ' III 10 u.burg " Klugitnii, Arrive at Scraul-m, 8 33 P.40 9 15 10.00 N O 11 T II 4.30 p. M. 5.10 5.i5 5.5 t OOLeave 9.00 I'. II, 1.15 P. 3.40 SI A Pass 'tiger Train nlsnlcavei, Kincstnn at 8.30V. SI for cr.inton. to conni'rt with train for Now York. Ra i irniiig. leaves jciunton on arrival of Train from New Yon at 4.15 I'. vi, Tli i Lnckawnnna an I Bloom burg Railroad connects with Hi ll 'lawnre. I.aekawanna and Nesi.'tn Railroad al -cranton. fur Now York and mt- rmdi.ite pointa east At Rup 'rt i'.connect with the Catlawtssa Rai road, for points both ea-i aud west. Al Northumberland it connects with the Philadelphia i Erie!'.. It. and N. C R. R. for points west and aoulh. JOHN F. ILBLEY, San't J C.Welli, Gn'l Ticket sign 1 Nov. 30, lsdl. B. O 3$ Ja & W S A V & I'rliitPi', Hooltbimlci' & bankbook .1 A NU FA c TU R E R ; Wuoi.ass,e and Retail Dr.vicatN PRINTlVi;. WRIIINC. AND WRAPPINU P.VrEP.5. ihevt 1011 Tin; cvrAWiasA rTCK Milts. Main "rtreit, tlr't iloorb. low the Public Spuaro, WILKESliAIlllE, PA. Nov. 23, lrGl 12m. w. winr ksq. NOW occupies the room up -laira ill front in Sir. Uiinng.t'a briek building, mi .Main ttreit b'l.iw llto jVtnerii'.iu llou.e. A most convenient otfico ; whera he will b i happy at all times In .ie hi, friends and clieuti. Dlu-iiusburg. Nov. 9, 1801. 3m. American io. te Juaecvtienrc Hall.) CHEST.-,' U'i i-ITREHT. BETWEEN FIFTH Ai SIXTH, riiiLJiut.Li'iii.i, W Y ATT Ar IIEULIN'OS. Praarteturs. March I.l. Ir.i8."l I Nvemb.-r 30, HOI. I LA E K E NO HO T E L, rl.. Till! undersienril,, respeelfiil'y infnrma his friends ' and tin: public gi nciully , that lu has opened a bona" lor I the (ntertinnnienl nl' customers and tr.ivikrs, at HERE 1 NO, In Greenwood township, Columbia County, (about two uiilej 'vest of .Hull llie,) called the Serena ISotol. -ft 1 in fti'ii Wharc lie is prepared to aceouimodate the p'llillc, and 1 all who may favor him vviiu tlie.r cu.tu.u.togenera sjI , klie t inn. Ills Tabl' nnd fiir. will be wi 11 aupplied and careful lv ruuducli it.anil lua Mabling is tiiupie and well stocki d , f ., I. ... ..II I. ...,,, m,,, lit.,., I . lie ....... t ....j.,.; M....,.t .......wc and cuei'iuu ra. JOHN L EGG OTT. Serene. Vlarch 23. IcCl. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S ruiZE Mini, s.ool ronox. '200 & 000 yds, White, Black, k Colored This Thread b-ing made particularly fur Knvlng Ma chines, ia very blrong, Sinootli and Elastic. Ha t? t r eii i tli is not iiupaired by washing, nor by friction n the Hiedle. Fo; .Machines, use Uronks' Patent Gloce. '"or upper thread, III Brooks' PatHnt Six Cord. Red Ticket, . For Under thread. Bold by respectable dealera throughout the country. Alao. in casca of let) each, a.mrte 1 Noa., by W SI. IIF.MKV ri.MITIL &I.f (. ' 30 Yosey Blreet, New York. Nov. 9, IFSI.-Uni. ! D I S S O L U T I O N. TVTOTICE is hereby given, that th partnership here 1 tofiiru exlsliiig bitivuen thu sutisrrilieis under the IirmiUCKIK tn. C11111B. 11, ill iiiiiuii i, u sine-sr. ,11 111c Locust Valley Mill., in Locust township, Columbia county, na dls.nlv d, on th ' Utli of O tobi r, 1-0 1 by mutual rnu.rr.t. All persons inilebled to the lain firm ur ruiiiert'd to inakc artileiiieut u nil .7ii Sayd.r, r siding at tins VliU nnd by whom all debts i.f tiia Into firm will ba a tll'd Tl.u Notes, Honda, lli.nk accounts, U', arc in tlu bands f s.-.iJ euyder, for early payimnt. NO.Vll I HIT ASO UMYDDR fXto'ssrl0, li't-m T CABiE'rtiliiAK fi'OB JS02. 53 ! ? J7 4 rl e iS ? Jr. 1852, J6C2'J S j! .'S ,j 1 r. IS f JAN I 3 3 4 JUL.X 1 3 3 4 3 0 7 B 9 10 II 12 A 0 7 8 0 10 It 13 13 14 13 IB 17 IS 13 11 15 10 17 19 19 JO 31 22 33 21 2.3 2ii 'iti nn rti net ii ti nm IV 4U m J lit W 120 27 2 3J 30 31 rEB i i 3 3 4 5 0 7 e 111 10 11 13 13 II IS IH 17 IS 10 30 21 23 2i 23 2J 3d 31 AUO, 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 e 9 10 II 13 13 14 ts in 17 18 19 20 21 23 13 'ii 31 'ii 30 37 2d 24 23 30 27 93 23 33 31 MAR 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 U 10 II 13 13 11 13 SEP. 1 3 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 17 Irl 19 20 21 22 IS I, lu II id In ,a in m. 23 24 23 20 27 2d 29 21 22 23 21 23 20 87 i 30 31 212J 30 Ant 1 3 3 4 5 (1 7 H 0 III II 12 OCT, i 2 3 4' S 0 7 H U III II 12 13 m is io it ir- 10 211 21 23 'f 24 25 3d 27 !!c 2j j ui i a 3 4 i 7 i' ,a !? !i !"!? ' 13 II IS 10 17 18 I!) 20 21 22 2J 21 23 3d 37 2j 2J 30 SI AY I 2 3 4 .1 0 7 H 9 in NOV 111 13 13 14 IS 10 17 118 1J 2) 21 23 23 21 o on ?? ?y on ir ni ,2.) 24 24 V ' ' I J'NE, 1 C 3 4 S fi 7 8 9 111 II 12 13 14 I 2 3 4 1 d ! DEC, 7 8 9 10 II 12 1.1 13.10 17 is 19 20 21 ! 14 15 10 17 Ih 10 80 m n os in off n... o. 33 23 St S3 33 27 BH 33 30 . . , 2d 2J 30 31 I A l,;tY FM li!fc'1 1 -A llftiV 5'l f?, jjjw u u " - .Tohn Favoirn. 713 ARCH Ptroct. between 7th, an a. Hit. etreeta. (Lnlt oaifl.Viiirl 6lrrei rMladelphit I MroaTLR lc .UANCMCTCIltR pr, and Dlaler is Lt, Kixpsnf FANCY FL'R1, lor Ijifliet Matt andChlldren'i vtar. Having now inaniiiactured and In rtor.' my usual large and benuliful as TTT aottment nfnll tin-arioua atylea and i JiVTSilltV- o'.iK? qiallti oofFUra adopted lo the com. , in? Fall and Winter --ea.nna. I would resii-ctruiH' invn -nn rxanunat nt or inv stock and nrl- """" ",U'n 2 " to off.-r th m v ry di airahl io purcuas-, na i am enar-iuu i i' tniliieptnrnta. ireunaeu ii-r ca n. anu maun i , . ... . . , .... ... hyexp rlenr d nnd competent hand, and aa t r pr. oent.lOVV CO flltill, Ol UOtly Ot 1IIC1, to interfere inonitary imuniea renui-riineceaaary mat i atinuni ma pose of mv gooda at very ainall a-lvan a i n rntt. I am aaiifioil that It will .e to tho intercate of thosa how design purchaiinp. to give me n call. i XJ Unollci t. the name, number and atreet: John; rerdra (New Fur .-tore.) 713 Arch street, Philadelphia, Si'plmber 7. lHil-5m. Tin: f.oinrix fliuituEU tihl : TlilAL Ob' WILLI AM T. COtiWIX, i RTiiEMcnoia arms wire, ciroukes. crwii!. la)- iNoto in pess find ivill be published on Moway, November ltli. A full nnd complete report of this most thrilling and important Murdur Trifll the ttrangeftund most atttgu larenaeonthartcorda nf l.u;erne County. THE COltWIN MUKDBtt TRIAL, Phonngraphiciilly reported by A. if. W'inton, Ei. About )U0 p'iges, in ta o. A liuiiled number having been published, persona wiMiinir looniain a copy win no wi u lo apply at once, copy, postage free, aont by mail on tha reieipt of. 23 cents. IC7 Wholesale price. $3'0 per dozen. All orders accompanied by tne caal; promptly nto-nik d to. ROBERT IlAUR. rublishcr, Wilkei. Darin fi, Nov 23,lfll.-lr.l. DISSOLUTION. '1M1E firm of Stoner &. Fox, heretofore doing business 1. in the lllnoin-biirg Bakery and Confectioner, was di.aoHod on Saturday, the 2-th of rieptem'i'r. Hull, by mutual conjjnt All persons having unsettled accounts with the Lite firm, will p3jise call on II. Stoner and close th" hook Sir. Sinner will continue tbe Hake ing nnd Confectionary business at the old stand, and aulirita a continuance of public patronage. II ilTOVER, F. FOX'. Uloomsburg, January 1, 1801 I M P. O 11 T A N T ! TO those v hose Subscription! are unpaid totr; fund if tliu "IRON HUARDS," that the Subscription paper w ill be placed in the hands of Esquire Chmberlin on llu 11 rat d.iv of January n.'xt -and all persona in arrears will be waited upon by CouitableUolT. ily order of tbe Committee. W.M. NEAL, Trsaiurcr. Illoomtburg, Djc. 35, lfCl-tf. NOTICE. Office cf the Lackawanna 3. Bloom'burgR. R Co., ) Lisuarov, Pa., Dec. 23, ltd. j I'lIF. annual Sleeting of th.- ftnckholJef cfthis com 1 pany will b; lit I a at tlie "Kiugstna Houaa" nearths Depot 011 on lay .he 13'.h day of January between tht houra of 12 o'clock noon and 5. o'cloca: p. 14.. fur tha pur pose of electing A I'-tsident, and tivc'vc Directors, to acrve for ensuing year, l.y order oflhe Board. P. rETlXBONE. Treaa. Due. 2, 1801. 'PIIE PENNS TL VANIA HOTEL, DA.-rii.u:, MO.vrovr. coumt, p.i. Entertainment for vian and Beast, in good atyle and .it moderate rates. OEO LICE W. FREEZE, PtoPtietor. Dinvills March, 2, lBlil. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! SIILITARY C.VP3. ef every aort. siza and quillty, for .ale cher.p at the B'oomaburg Hat & Cap Emporium. Also-Groeeries.Conttctionarics 'Cigars, Sec. JOHN K. OIRTON. Bloomiburg, Eept. H, 1E31. VT V, W R T O ft V. . i WIlOLES.iLi: A.D RETAIL &!;Y$ &'m &A!P air31E Th" undcrsijned :cspcctfully Informs thecitlzuna 0 nionuiaburg. and the public in general, that li has pur chasJU tin .V.IC .JT 4F0O;, in the whltu fram- stare house, on Slain Streit, nenrly opposite the Exchange suildinga, where lie has ju.i received a splendid as lortratnt of W J. (1.1 J. ,1JIM J. .J y Direct from tho Slanufacturiee. of all kinds, ft) lei, sorts and 'izea, laturt faahinna, which he off, rs wholesale and retail, at very low prices. :J Theaj Goods Hill be aoldat very lowpricca lor cteady Pay. JOHN K GIRTON. Illooiinbiirg. October 27. 18C0. (OF JERSEYTOWN.) THE siibscrilinr would rcspc tfuliy apprize his friends and the public tint lu has opened A A MOTEL I'nH.r ihe alove name, in Jrricvtovvn. Columbia coun- tv, Pu where lie is fully prepared to entertain Iho raveling remmunity logeneral satisfaction. His TA BLE and BAILare well supplied and will be ran fully .. . ...l ...! I... ,'liilll I' 1. 1- an, I K'B.I sloekid, in ihiirie of cureful rooms, will alway.lel pr;VVl'e0,iiiv,;lCs' a share of tin public culom. and pl.dgca hit help ''Yy"' KmViIV,,K' Jersey-town, .May 11, ie6!-3m. Lok to your interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND, WINTER GpODS AT MILLER. &EYER'S. rnllC suha -ribera Imve Jon returned from llie City .1. With anoth.r large and aeleit asaortmet of ! a!! :ttnl Winter iO(i(ls, piirchasnd at rhllndelplila, at the lowest figure, and vviiu h tli ") arc di'teriiiiin d to s-ll nil as moderate terms as 1 1111 be procured cUcvvherc m Bloomsburg. Their stork comprises liou:s' J3Ks aoons. of choirr.t ,t)rs and la;ot fashiori. ;jf (wons, A.vri cirM'iMtr.s. imam tin: ci'E-:.vii'.iflE, cr.n.M ir.-jiic, MLum- ir.ju jno.v, .v.., iiuoT.i iiwt.s hats iV an - ' In short vvervlliing usually kept in rnunliy Eloiea ; to wliii Ii they invite Hie publlr generally. The HighctJ pure paid for country produce. S1IL1.ER t EVER. Bloomsburg, Slay 11. lffll. I'lU'iv Wholesale ami fit ct ail. "Sviai.l TRoriTs asp Quick Saibs." i , , Q AlCil St., lelU'CCn Mil S,' btllSOUlll Illlt PHILADELPHIA, Mantles, Capes Half Capes. Virtorii- a Muffs. Cufj maiiufartur U ofth.i b "t tt ifWiest Iskius of Slink cable. ttmie .Mart n. Clniithilla bib-rian biporrel, 1 it. 11. ft luinc.etc Furs r U irto thu present f. aje 11 , j" No tuaiii 'sa trauaie-' d en rSatu- v - The IUBh"si prices psluiv." SJiak, f x t cn, t4-. 1-1 ef skiut S - in 1 1 -1 PllOOEEDIiNOS OP CON011KS3 I TU1HTYSE ENTHLONORE8S ltTBESSIOX W'asuinoto.v, Feb. 5. Senate. Tho mornincr hour havio? CXptlCtl, tllC Ui'T'llt Cl50 tlkOU UP. . . . - ,r ..... .nr. Aiiii,'.' .j I it i i sata lie Had oomo , . . to the tine win tb t wc must vote fo' , , ,. ' ', . .i ' , , trie fsidt'fioi. o! cipuNion, though ho fc'.-mlii fio it vtiin jrica; reluctance. In ;'..i. - .'k' -I e.""-; iiato must not bo Ui 1 '.it'.i uieu ;!.! i ' su-pected of dis- lovaitt. U' sLnu -i vjte on tho htmcle '"J1 r..,.01.f , VLUl i Huh tn'r. He thouL'ht that auv Senutor w In ooul'l vvri'o Mich ft i.'itcr ui that to buch tv man to nuuh a traitor, vraa vm&t for a sent in the Suinto. Mr. Harris (N. Y.) qcdq a reply to tho attonipt of the N. Y. Lcgl-ilature to dictate to him liis on thin subjoct' On a qtie.'lion of political expediency or national po icy, ho would listen to (ho Log- Hlalun', but O.I a qiU.illon of VI "II t Or .. ..... V.l'Ollg II ) W)8 lllll)CU IWSpODSlDIO tO Illet c.iu.ioiijiice .Mid Iim ';od, iiiid ho would al- , . i , ... i i r. lie Ueell Ullll niltl H1 1 eOilsUlOUCe. On &U ,.:.' CXCCUWI O Ol JUU Cllll Otie.:i,0'.) tUfl Jjecilla- turo had iiorhrht to inuifuic. Mr. Poster' hieoidit-gly reed the re mainder of the 1 solution., which had hcon omitted by Mr. lliiglit, deploring the Stata of the country which had beoii reduced by sectionalism, aud rcferriug to the princi ples of tho Democratic paity, declared that tho present otatc of the country was duo to the agitation of slavery by fanatics aud the adoption of the sectional pla'fonn of the Buffilo, Pl.ilad Iphia and Chicago Conventions and tiiat die Hi publicans, in lij etiii.' a.l olT.r of coiiiproiiiinc, had as.-unied the hatful rcspoiislbi.ity, aLd tbey had bhown their titter inability, to conduct tho Governiueiit in tho difficulty, aud denouncing the plan of emancipation and the supeiiMon of tho writ of halters voipua. Mr. uright eaid he only had read two. cf tho resolutions, because somo of tho others contained language which might possibly be doemedc offensive Senators, but laying aside all that, he could endorse the resolutions in all their length r.nJ nnd depth. Mr. Uayard (Del.) spoke ia favor of Bright, contendidg that the Senator cov-Jrl not, form all the circumstances at tho time the letter wai written, believe there was to, be a war, and cinsequen'ly could have had no ineention of doiti'T wrong in wriline; a simple note of itroduction. Mr. Uright made a lengthy speeoheom plaiuins: of the injustice thrt had been done him, and of partizan spirit cxhibitod, against him during the debate onthiaaub jetfc, If he was cstpclled, ho intends to refer the ciue-Hion to iho people of Indi ana. Mr. Ten Eyok followed, daelering hii inflexible purpo;o to do what he thought was light. Mr. Cowan (Pa.) said he had cothiag j to gain by t-u 'porting tho Senator, and. 1 nothing io g.iiu by opposing what ho to br tin' mii.'ui'aal tcntiment of hi3 ' S n; bui ehoul.l lie (rue to consoieuoo. . He vnul r itln r 1 1 torn by wild horse , tha yititi h- eon .ietiona of duty. Ha I was a ftee man, ml nobody was his mas ' t:r. If M. ...'it h ejrpellod, nnd if ho WU3 afkcdftipjti what charge, ho could not tell. It uuu d he bjtter for the Sena.e if it had more cliirity. nnd a better obcer. tnee ofrules sud law. After further rem rlii by Senalo.s Me Dougall and willey, a vote was taken on tho resolution to expell Mr. Bright, and were as follows : YEAS Mcs-i'r. Autlpny, Browing, Chandler, Clark, Uoll.imer, Davis, Dixou, Dooliitle, Peddeiidi'ii, Fojte, Foster, Grimes Hale, llarhii, n,'ii'k-r.ion, hownrd, Hovrf, Johnson, Kin'', Lane, (hid.) MoDou'all. Morrill, Ponniroy, heritiun, ttiin.iier, Si moiH, TtUiiibull, V11de, U'i kinon, il m. t, Wilson. (Ma-s ) Wilfon. (Mo' ) VI NAYS Mosnrs. Duyanl, Car.i.lo," Cowan. Hai'lid, KeLlienVs Ltithaill. SNcS- initll. PcarCO, Powell, KlCO, Saulsbliry, 'eM '' hoilipsOII, and llley 14. The President said two thirds had voted in favor of tho resolution it wbj alerted. IS E W PALL & WIN I HU GOODS PETER. ENT HAS Ju t received from Philadelphia, and (snow opening at thu old stand lit. y occupied by .Marti tc. Ent, n spl.iudi.1 a.snrtuunt of merchandize, which will b3 sold cheap fur CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stock consists i f Ladiea Dieis Gooda choicest styles and lole-l fashions DRY GOODt). on 'i t.r.u.?. HARDWARE. GFt:EN3.WARE, I'EDAR.iVARE, IIOL' OW.WARE IRO.V. .YAILC AXD SPIKES HOOTS AND dHOEH. II ATS AND OAI'S. READY MADE CI.OTIIINll, &C. tC, In short cviry thing usually kept in a country atore Thopatronago of old frleiida, and the publlr general ly, is respectfully so iriled. Tho highest market prito pild for country produce. rETEIl ENT. Light Street. Dec. 14, IPiU. AMEKOTYFE, 1'JtOTOQRAFH U KElsAINOTyrn fi Sc a S U W n A UHOTYPRS, PHOTOGRAPHS, Slelainotvpcs. fee. taken in Cloudy aa well aa Clear Wcntliui! Auibrctypos and Daguerreotypes copied an4 En aired. NORTH DA&YILLE) IA j . , D.'e 21. IH'Il. W A N T :u Ar.ri R nu? - Jsn 4 I E D. ty th A HIND ft -v V -rsi1' F ta' t withnui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers