we; 44 . AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, Editor. "TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TOUCH 01' TUUTH AND W'AVH IT O'KU TUG DAUICKNED BAI1T1I." S2 00 PER ANNUM. 4? VOL. 15-. NO. 49. COLUMBIA ISiiMUCllA!1. PUDLiailED EVERY SATURDAY, BY LEVI L. TATE. 1U BL00M33Uatl, OOEUMBIA COUNTS', PA. o f pTo E tn t$ ntu Drltk DM&lnj, oppotitt the ttthanft.by ildt tttii tVsrt Homt. "JJtmoeralic Iliad (iwuriirt." TERM3 OF SUBSSRirTIOtf. 81 0: In alvanci, for 0:1 j copy, for six month!. 1 74 In a Ivaticj, fur one copy, one )ear. i UJ If not iil I within tlu first three months. 3 15 If not pal I -vital i the first all moiitlia. 9 SJ irn.it pil I wit til ii til-year. 17" N i) silHcrlntlnitiltJiir.tr less Him six months. f.ud nn paper Juc.i.itl.ino.l until. ill arrearages shall havu ojch paid. LS Ur.lmirvADVB&rniiMBfmiU'rtcd.and Joa Won.it i i jcuto.t. at tlu eitublishe.lprice. j HALT! P6 TlE 1,6 K ltUSt'tf AL 3rAIIU3!IEU A3 A RLTUGE FROM UUA KERY. 'J lie Only I'autt tchtis.n Cuic can bs Ubmvwi. DR. JO!IN9T0tf has discover.'J tli.1 molt Certain, pjj-y a. 1 1 o ily L.'.fu.l.iil lliuu.y tu tlu Woili f ir ui prlvati Di'jAim, -aK.ie.-s if th j i acs t e,i ,iui, atii.tir.' , au cuous i.i ih ivi.n.y an 1 I Id. our, r.iv. .Hilary MlscH.ira es, I .tut ti y n.-ial I).- 011 w, .urv.iia Co.ifislJ 1 uf I 1 uss liys.i.p,.y, u i''unr, ' mi is, I it 'I'rj.iij.l lit, Ui .1.1 of Juill .ir n ...I i sa. Ils. a.' d ijuj. t'jipitiii .1 .r t.i: .ij.nl. 1 1.1.1 ily t;w.l,.i, i'hriit. .us ..r .1 1, Alf.ctlo 11 .( tJJ i.iv. r Liis JtJ.iaj.i.ir j.n- Is til tirrue 1 H..r .jr (! . tls. 4 .1 . lie i' il ,lilj . I V.i iln time 1 en 11. a ia - itury poetic. . u.or.iatil tilth Ir vIlII.us man tin u . n .,1 .ijt .ii 1 1 t.i ..I ri ii - ot u'lyjsj. biijlit- I if, ,. t . I. . . .1 . I .... ' I V " U N (I M F. JJ Espictilly. wli i hivj li 5cj.ii , lh vl-tl.ns of S.'dlt.iry VliJ. 1. 1 it Jr.-.ijfjl .in 1 uot.'J.tiv.' h.iuit wlihii .i.i.mi nlty MVieps t.t 11.1 u.itl.iuly xr.iv. lh.'aUln. .f loj.u AUll of th 1 must eXult.u tal.nt Hiia oriliLult i.ii.ll tt wao ,nllii otturwis uiivj riitiaucii 1lat.111.1g d.nal .. IWtll till tUjll.UTJ i I' cl.i (J.'IICJ 01 v. Ujj tu uc.l i.-' tli li.i.ii lyre, uiayca I ultn full confljeuce. M A (I It I A I) 11. Marrl.'J pctsotn. or Yonng Mm lontomplatln; mar thi'e.b iiii anarj "f physical wja'Ciuss, organic ueubili ly, d.f irJiiii'-", fcc.. p jc.nl y r ire 1. Hj wh ) places hin.'i ll" under the carj of Dr. Johnston, ninv rlUio.tsly cufi lu in hU honor ai a iteiitleiueii, and oiilUjully r-ly upon Iih Hkill at a phyiiciau. o R u a v 1 0 v j: a k .v e 3 a liuniiidiatLly cured and lull vigor rotored. Tiiis Dintr '"ninR ir.cti'ni liitli n.nders lift- mis eraulu .uid m.irri.ie iiupvs.ibl..---iH the penalty palu by t.u victnm .of iiupruii-r Indulge m.. Vouug per sum are tun apt to r.oiuimt 1 xi-tM from nut b.ing u.vare of thu dre.inful co.n.'iu nee that may i-m-uj. .Vow, who tint iiu.leri't.iii'ls the mbjecl will pre tin I to deny th it th : ptmvr of pmeu Vioii is lost snunor by those foiling Into iiuprop -r li.ibin th 111 by the prudent, li.-sides b-ing depriv'di.f th- pi mur.i l ln-allliy oil" pt lugs, the uuM serious and Uentructivit nyinptoui,i to Iij.Ii body and mind arn--. The sytjui beiume deiaug e tlu phyiliMl and 111ei1t.il run, li.'in weakened, I jss f ,,rucnallvu pow er, in-rvous In liability. llyi P'l.i pj., Itltlull nf the Ili-art. Indl,!u-tlull, culntltutlnlial in: bi. 11 -. a waiting or the 1'rame, Cough, Consumption, d.cay ar J de.illi. OFFJOE, No 7 BOOTH FitEllCRU K STREET I.en luud id.' g.'iu; from U.illiinore street, u few doors from the coru r. F.11I uut tuuln.ne uauij and tiumli r. Lettirs limit bi 1 p 11.111 id c hiLiiii a st imp. Tin Doc tor' ijiplouiun lung in Ins ul!it.. A 0 U R F. V A it II A ,' i' 1. II V T V," 0 , V t! NO Ml..l.tJiU oa NAIH-OM iiiteoj. J)tt. JUII.Vi'.' Member ofVio 11-jv.i1 Loll.ge d duigeom, London. Or.iduatJ fro.u one of llmmui emin.-ut Colleges ol'tli. United rtutui. and th er-ut:r part of vlmi Jif liar 'Mtu spent 111 th ilia Ilo.pilal-i of l.oiiiion, l'ails, I'lnl.i deiulll.iail.l i.-l-ewiure, lir.s olf-ileil i"Une of tile ili'ist a to.iiHliiii'; cues tint i.erji-ver knuv.-u ; manv truublei. with ringing in Hie h.a.l and tarn Wi 11 i.-iet-p, gr.111 uervimsii.MS, b -ing alaruii-d at ill tdeii nound-i, mid b.i-h I iluisi, w nil i"i i-i'i -lit Muslims- ait - .t-'eil sui.i.-tinius v. ills derangeui-.nt of inmd, were cuied I111u1udl.1t. I T A K U 1' A R T 1 : U I, A R N O T 1 C V. Hr. .1. ail'iri-nsi s all Ihos.- w h-i luvt InJ n .id llumsi lvcs i,v in iiuii-r iiiilulg-iH-i and solitary linldl-t, which ni I i oiii'li Iwily and nun I, mulling llitiu fur either uusi lies, stu iy, society or marriage. TliLse are sou.e of the a I and iml mcholy effects pro due j I by early habits of youth, vix: Weakness of tin' Lack mid l.i.i.bs, I'aiu in til.- Head, lliinn.-3 of High! Loss of .Muscular l'owvr, falpitalion nf th II .art. lha-ri-iisu. N.-rvois lrn.tabillty, D.-raugcnient nt th lliges ,Ivj runaious.a.ueral llelulitj, iiyuiptoinsof ( oinump tl0"l'lis'T Vl.t.V.-TIn f larfol oilecti on tin mind are much to b-ure.i led, Lost of Memory. Confusion of 1 leas U -iir.-s. 1011 of Hi 1 Spirits, Uul I'or lulling, Aveision M Hun ly. 'e f- iii-tr 1st, loi-e of solitude, Ti.uuy, tee., are some of tli eils pio liu- -d. j'l, , , ;. -ii all ,igL-a can no,.' jUuge wnai is the t-.iu- of 'h ir ilei-liinug Ii allh. Loosing 111 11 mor, b -co.ui-ig weak, pale and unaciuud, Inning ni ,,ulur uppearane about tlu u)es. c.i.igll and mpto.-i. 01 Consuuipliun. Y Ci t; N' II t E .V. Willi hav injured tmnselves by a Certain prarlice. I, lul" -.Iut -iluii alouj u habit fu'iu-iitl) I aru.-J from e il cj ii.u; 11 "t st'ionl tlu .-iT-diof wliuiiare . ghtly 1 It. -ii wluii al.ei a id if not 1. ir. d iu.ui--r,' wirrug 1 i.upu ibl J, -in 1 Ues-troj s both mi'id and bode, 1 mill I spply iiniii.'uiul-ly. WI1.1l a put. 111 it iy) mi 111111. th? hope of his roiinlry a-id tiu uarling nl'lm parents, Simula be snatch -d Itu.n ' I prosp -iis .11 1 riijo.meiils of III , by tlu o'i "W ' cja of .leviati ig fio.,1 tlu path of ualitre, and linlulgiHg i' a (.-rl.in s.-cr.t h..bil. bu'i ji -rsons mci beiore cnieiuul.iting Jt A R It I A G U. rr.l.-ct tliil a fo mind and bo ly arc the mot n;' c i.ary r..- iimIi -s to n u cu.i.iubial liappiu ss 1 1 'ceil, witn.i it t.i -se Hi Jot.-u.y tli.oagli Ills n ennu-s r- .eary piUii.uuge. tlu pnp:it Iiuj.Ij ilaikens to : nvijtv, tlunii.iib eouus .liu .owed w ith it. spairfc. 0 I'd w illi th..- ui l.i.ii-h-1.. r.ll itio 1 ilia tin luppiues. cf anotlur bjui.ii -s idlghl -d with nar own, ii i ti 1: a o r. o i' 1 i- it u u 1: , c u. Wh hi tiuius'ti u i an ii.upri lent voi i,y oi pleasure Is II II IS I llbl.1 I tlU - -ells -f till" pUliltUl .ln.Aktl, It I, oiuii uipp i. tint .ii iiiii'.i'i '- f'ii.iuij or ".h Vr'i'ii '! iuV.iii'.u'.iu . r p umiiiiy e.i'..i m"n r i ml i irri I .iiSJUa. -i us s th" i-appe uuiie .n.aias.ilc ,..l-u sirotioit, meJS.I il.lf, .ln.tl.ll I iiains in lliuii.nl r, id II Mt. di ii i -,s of Jlglit, I. if uss, n i us mi til -lit . j ius, a I laf iu, ul He i j ul. 9 i :i i. f ic ii.i i ixtre.iu in, p,-..rj,i it Willi r.ip. iiy.iiualli.t tlu iil.l ' ul i.. j in i lt,l ,t 1 1 a i.l.s of t.i - u i. -1 ill 1 1. an . til in 1 1 -ii i ol :'.ll -hs an Uic.uiis.i il u-rl I olj, it . f c i.ii.i.i?s rutl -li li.i.l. , e u.'l.ll t, 1 111) CJI lll.llli'ilUI ) .11, iu.ua "i nn. a!m,.uSJl"ffi It u .1 lo icAo.'i fuel lint tl mi J I ill ,v ieti n t., Hint rri.ii-.. is i , wvl.u 1 1 t.i i uiMsilif ili.i t..!,.'-j..a-u,i u i ..-rt. win. by tli-iu -flh.t lli.U y 'n u i. ,1jr ary r u i III. c i.i til ill i.i u.i i -uaj III- ren du of life i..is.r.iul . ri 1' R A N tt V. R 3 Trut nn. ymir Mr r h nltli. to tlu furl nflll" rod iy L'.i an uu.il rt.u ''i te i . r-. u-iui,t' if i iwl Ig.. na lie "f rlia tct r.wlnu-- .y Or J Mil, t-lt i.:rtu-.nini. r atyl t.i ,n Ujs.i.i ill n i-p-ip ts, ilariy I', .ueit.-d rue i.-i lis I iinp.ibl uf''u lutluy i p y.i i t.illi.ig iii.i.itli. ill r iii i.itli tiiKi.ij th i. Ii Ul)' i poi oi i is c i. up ii.its or as luu a. Ill - s nail tlu .i . j ubt liu -.1, an 1 1 i Ijsp.ii,-, l.-.iv i y ..i mill r lined !i . t.'i ti sljh or -r yo ir M.il ng ..Isupp isl n ut "iscr-.iinti ii or dipi -n i aiwnys lung in iii-orSca. n rem i il ' or tr iiiui nl .ir ; iiiikilowu In all ulli rs, i p-.,,ir.;ii iron a nf -p-ni ri iii gr uii luspitiU f "Zn-1 K; i, ill, llrst III this eomlry iiulumn-ii lUleii.iverii- i-e Pre, ,-. tiiaii a.iKiii r rii)n. mn iniii-i world. O . J Unison is llie ri;y rny.-i i m a iv.-ru ui; i.uuitsuMUT uf Tin; I'R. Sri. T i" many ilinisu i Is cured at tins in tliution j-mrnf-t : v -ir, and th-niiiiuruis n.iportiint surgical llpern Uj j .iirl'.irmji b) In. John-ton. wiin.s id bv tli- re po ' ,s of tlii" uu," "fhpp-r ' and many oth rp.iiu'rs n i , s nf whii II have uppeareil again anil uuuiu before to iblic, h'siles Ills .laildinsa- a g.-ulleiueii ol ilmr o t -! and r I'l'un.l'JilitJVis u siiltlcieiii guarauluu tuthe uill. -tod, HKIV niBUAHES Hl'I'.EUll.Y RUItEl). F sons writing should he particular in directing their Uu is to bis Institution, in tliu fidlowiiig manner: JUII.V .11. JOIIN'aTON', JI. 1. Of till llalllinorol.oik Hospital. Ilaltimurc, Wiuylund. Ja.l IS, 1SUJ. IMarch 17, IsiO. "lOMllJUlurSK Y LIG if'i'i 111 111 rsigneit llltnrius lis flllaeus ,11 luotilli. t ani! ii- gnborhood, una he has tuki ii tho large '".nn '.lib Exchange Hlork. cxii-iidlug over Messrs I'nx'n llak. rv . ' Urn lliiokslnr.' win ru h - h h'm iiooistor.-wh.ru iu has put iii a -,v i?i i II r.rf s "ii be UI...I!.. - . ,. i... el, i...l.,.l. ., ..... beta- . sin rial v Kf mis win ru i-urh iur' n yng.,1 .soniv uy riimiiiu.ii g""i pic ,n L hum just as wrii as u-htiub maso ins cs- iCai'louVg'Vu'S cvZVtvvm lll-ie.tl mul riw I.' ii n . Ron-, m r . -r ,,, ....... .. BLOOMS BURG, COLUMBIA Select Uoctrn Tho best of Husbands. O, t haro aliusbinJ aa good as ran bt: Nononun could wish fur a Li tier tl.en lid Hometlmes, Indeed, lie may chance to be wtonj, Uut Ii 1 a love for me ia uucoiiiuioiily stronfl Hn has one little faultthat makes ma fret, Ii,i ho 9 always let money, by for, thou dett, Moreover, In wallops me, now and then, But, excepting thai, hu's tlu best of men I I own he Is dreadful given to Urink And.b sides, liu Is rallur loo fond, I think, i Of playine at cards and illco; but then, Excepting that, lu'stlie belt of men I Ho lovcjtoUul with the girls, 1 know, ' I'is the way with men ; they're always so,) Uutwliat care 1, for his flirting, wlisn,' Excepting that, he's tlu best of men t lcan'uay l think lie Is rash 1'pawn my pewt r, and ipend tliecal; Hut how can t scold my darling, when, Excepting that, he's the bastof men I Wlwusoasod with tipple, hs'jlurdl) polite, U.it knocks tlu croikery. Lit and righti And pulls my lijir. aim g'uwles ag-ln, Hat, ixc pliue, that, he's the bin of luenl Y s, such Is tlu loyalty I have ihown : 1 Hut I luvo ai-pousj wii.iisnll uiyiiwn; I ' ' ' . L'Jeed, as a uiaa .an hi ; Anu who could ink fir a b ,tt r than In ? ocucval & JJoUttcal, 'IE ML4 A IN UUNUHESa. In tlic Hon v 0 lit pirn ma Un U'ash ittL,t -ji, Jumuri) ill, 16012. THE TUAUDS IN THE WAR EXPENIU TURES, ETC. Tho House resumed the consideration 01 the nmendii.ent'i, reported to the llou-o t'rom the Uoiuinit 0 of tho Whole on the Slates ol tlp Union, lo the Civil Appro priuiion bill. Mr. Duwes, (rep.) of Jlns., from the CoinmitU'u of Iuvc-tigiuiim on Govern inent Contracts, in resuming hi.s reuiarJf.'s commctic d on Friday lust, said S'f. I hiivti titt failed to nolico, and 1 believe tliu committee of which I am a mpinber, have not failed to notice , in comm iii with the whole country, that for tome account able via on tlie charges upon the national treasury at this time of war, have been such as li teach nearly tho bottom of the public ehe-t. During our investigation staitling facts have como before the notice, of this co'ii - uiittce, and to tho notice of the whole country, touching the modo and manner of the expenditure of the public money. Some of theso items I propo-e to call pub h'c attentieii io, and thun to ask gentlemen the plain question, when they propose to ur-.l tl,io ipic.-tiOii, if r.i ail, and if so, how, when and whero '. The very first contract entered into by thi-s governmcn,, after the trooys hid left their homes to come ln-re, in April last, to defend the Capitol, by which they weio to be fed, was a contract entered into lor cattle. It was not made with n man whoso bu-iuts-. it wa to sup p'y cattlo to tho maifci-t, i et with a man who knew the price of beef in the market-, of the country, but was entered 'into by the government here with a man we. I kit 'Wn in t1 is, ami the other branch of Congress, for the lust ten years, as uu old political stipendiary one of thu class of , men who, in times past, made their money I . . . . by suuh operations as buving t.e ceitili- eates of iiiembcra for books ut a discount and then charged the full amount. 'J his udveitiseuieut, uot made with the kuowl contract was made o that lho first twenty edge ol the public, but made by iho ex two bundled head of cattle furnished was members of Congress, who know no more einii-'cd at a rate which enabled their orig- of the difference between one class of contractor to sub-let it, in twenty-four luui's after, to a man iu Xrw York who did know the pi ice ol beef, .-o that ho put i.Uj his peokets. wjthout .-liiriug from hi? etiair, thir y two thuu.in.l dulUr.s, and the nnii who actual y turni bed the cattlo iu tp:.tiou put into their pockets twenty- -six thousand dollars more, io that tho con- 'I'iict uu. it r which these twenty two bun- d red hittd o cattle wore furnUhed to the Iinil.- wus lQ Mw that the iirollt of filly- ,,, , , Li .hi i!ioutfi-'.''t ( 'jl'.tra Wji.s realized over the tai i' mat ...t pi iee. it fuUcs u longer pi lee time to cua' i j e lUjiisaud liund- of cuttlu borne six mouths hence, nt twenty-one to ion h mi- ut,1; from tim S ut-s wiiere tlollar.s aj.ico, these rifled muskets niituu they uie j uieliase i tliau it take, the army lo f.ietured to day in that armory for thir consume them. 1 u-k the Uwu-e, ut tuu teen dollar.- and a half. Providence bo rate, to euudder how iQug the most ample f ru six months, will disno-o of this war, provisions of the Treasury would bu able or he will dispose of us, Not one of tho.e to meet tha simple dejin.uids for the .-ubsw- inuekets thus ceutrastcd for will be of the telice of lho uriuy. Sir, poorly an the nr- slightest service in this einergeiioy, or be :ny is shod to-day, a million ot'shoea have fore the provjiKnce of God, whether for already bion worn out, nutl a million moio 'good or for evil, will di-poso of it I ask am bum? manufactuied. and vet on every mv friends from tho Noith and North- - i i i . olio ol theso shoe.-there has been a waste of eevciitvOvo cents. Three ouaitei's of . - , , .. , , U Uililli II oi uonir- i.,u m worn out, and another three quurUiS of a million of shoes is low being manufactured, In that department of Um goixrumcnt . , s . .i , . rt,,.,.--,o i,n,- luinn c niiiiir.v r.iijir, rrnriiriis inent officials havu gone about tlio htrcot-t with their pockets fillctl with thorn, nml of which they made presents to tho clergy men of their parishes, anil with which were healed old political sorca and cured political feuds. Even tho telcaraph has annouucod that high public functionaries have graced the lovo feasts) whieli were got up to celebrate theso political rcconcilia tions,thus brought about while the hatch- I et of political animosity was buried in tho grave of public confidence, and the national credit crueiQed amoug st male factors. Wo liavo reported to us one of tho first fruits of one of those contracts. A regiment of cavalry lately reached Lou - isviilo, one thousand strong, and the board of army officers were appointed for the purpose have condemned four hundred and eighty-five out of tho thousand horses as utterly wosthless. Tho man who ex- not only t he appropriation of last session i.i i -i , , ,,. , , annncd these horses declared, upon, hi ( has boon exhausted, but scveuteon millions oath, that there was not ono of them that , put upon it. J he riot of the I Clh of April ; "O'i aro "ot nwua to fill fuither and Ion was worth twenty dollars. They were , in Baltimore opened this bal', and on tho 1 Scr ll'c already gorgid pockets of tho pub blind, spavined, ringboned, afilicted with ( 21st of April, in the city of Xey York, ! !ic plunderers. How then arc wo to cou the heaves, with tho glanders, and with j 'here wu-. organ'udd a corps of pi undorurs J tribute in this matter to retrieve public every disease that horseflesh is heir to. t of the Treasury. Two millions of dollars Fonfidcnoo in our public men here, if it be These four hundred and pighty five horses v.'erc entrusted to a poor, unfortunate. ! uot when theso appropriations come up cost the government, before they wore mus- j honest, but entirely incompetent editor of',natwc l'i'obc them, that we ascertain tercd iuto the service, fifty-uiglit thousand in pnpev in Xew York, lo dispense it in! whether there bo anything in them that at two hundred dollars, besides more than the best itidiiucr he could, Straightway moment can bo spared. Our press- an auuitionr.i thQusaml dollars to trans poit t'nem from Pennsylvania to Louis ville, where they wero condcmui?d and ca.-t off Mr, Mallory (Unicn) of Ky , asked what regiment these horses belonged to, u'.d who furnished them ? Jlr. Uawcs I hey belonged to Colonel llliams' regiment ot cavnl.-y, and thry were purchased in Pennsylvania, lrom which State they wero forwarded to Lou iiviile, whero they were condemned. There are eighty three regiments of cav- alrj to day, ono thiu-nnd srrontr. It takes ' ekar the ground for their battfiit-s' and .V0,,tili R jcug merohant of the place, two hundred ui.d liity. thousand dollars to then this contractor oraplovs tho army w'10 "ure homage at the beauty's shrine put one of these regiments on foot before 1 wagons to draw it to the si-vorul camps, ot a comib' deuihello, also bclonginir it moves Twenty million of dollars have j and ho has no further trouble than to ,,lt'l,c''bout3. On the occurence of ono oi thus been expended on theso cavalry reg- j draw his seven dollars a cord, lenviiia tlle 'lls wct'k'j' 'siti, after tho entire vocabul iments befoie they le!t the oncampmonti i;uvernmeiH to draw the wood, (jsaugiitur.) ry of small talk, which none but lover. whero they were mustered into service, i -1'' COs '"'o milliuiu of ilullms every i C!in approeiiUo, had become completely and hnuilfids of these horses havn been ' tu tuipuit the army in the held. A i cxlmusted, he brought up the character o) eondinined and sent back to Elmira. and ' nuudied iiiillwn, ot doliaii h.tvu thus been a i'oting female friend of his with whom ! t.) Annapolis, und to this city, to ;vml j thu winter. Any day hundreds cf them j can bo seen around this city, chained to , trees, where they were left to st trvo to ,jt.ut,. Gam-s of two bundled horses, in vaiious p'nees, have been thus left, to die and rot, till the Ci'iumitteo of the District of Columbia have called for a measure of legislation to protect the city from the iliiugor to be apprehended from thu-e hor.-u Golguthas An cx-Govei nor of one State olb-red to an i-x Juege of another Suite live tiwustind doliais to get him permission lo raise olio ol these rudiments of cavalry, mid when the the Judge brought back the commission the ex'-iiovcriior takes it to his room at the hotel, while another pluu derer sits at the key hole washing like a mas iff while ho inside counts up forty thou-aud dollars profit on tho hortcs, and calculates twenty thousand dollars more upon the accoutrements and the details of furnishing these regiments. In additiou to tho arms in the hands of the six bun- died thousand soldiers iu tho Cc d, thero ' are numerous outstanding contracts, made with private individuals uot made upon arms and another than docs a Methodist minister. Thero are outstanding contracts for the manufacture of the Springfield mu-kets, the first one cannot bo delivered in sis months from this day. There is a contract fur tho supply of one million and nim-ty thousand muskets' at twenty-eight dollars apiece, when tho tiamc quality of muskets is manufactured at Springfield for thirteen and a half apiece j and an ex nieiuber of Congress is now in Massachu- - ,- tetts, ir nip' to iet inachinory made bv , - i i " -,, , l i , . c which he will be able to manufacture 111 t .1 . . 1 i-l 1 west how they expect to benefit by an ar- mory at Chicago, at llock Island, and at . . j ulivtlj niiviv tt,,,,,vit mi.s uiuv,-i..v , . ... .tlx cn i, mill, An nrul nn f M . I tvn thou-aud uiuikets will, according to this contract, be thrown upon the country, and M after war is over, and at such an en- -il t.i nrmfl i nrmn. in niitiicion in oilier oiitsjiuu COUNTY, PA., ding contracts for tho manufacture, some time hence, of two hundred and 72,000 Enfield rifles 1 Besides thero aro sev enty live thousand five hundred ami forty thrco sct3 of ha mess, to be delivered by and by, at the cost of one million nine hundred and seventy-eight thousand four hundred and forty six dollars. I havo not time to enumerate nil these contracts. Whfii wo appropriated, at the last session of Congress, for this purpose, twenty mill ions of dollars, thirty-toyon millions and some thousand dollars have been already p cUgetl to contractors not for tho pur , cliac of arms for the men in the field, not 1 to protect them in fighting their couutrv's i battles in this groat emergency and peril, ! but for some future ocasion, or to meet some present need of the contractors, 1 , don't know which at this moment. And tins gentleman began to purchase iinen pantaloons, straw hats, London porter, dried herrings, and such like provisions for (ho army, till he expended in this way three hundrtd and ninety thousand dollars i of thu. money, and then hu got scared and I quit. (Laughter.) i here is au nppro- pnation, also, tor tho supply ot wood to', the army. This contractor is pledged tho payment of seven dollars a cord for all the wood delivered to the different commands: wciod collected after the labor of the sol- lonS aKi ,n a l'lcasant little rustic village dieVs themselves had cut down the trees lo.ocross l'ie Delaware, there lived nn ador- expended since we met ou the '-i,'d day of , December, and all that time the nr i.y has Ik-cu iu upOMj. What the expenditures j 'iu increase iu whuii that gioat day shall i ainvu wiun our ul0 aital. be ..lauUenod ' win a i-ic;,t vi tue army m motion, 1 do jhui niiu.v. Auotucr liundred millions will WUu the huudreiia more 1 ka.vo enmnc-i j rated. Another hundred millions may be added to those belore the -1th ot March , What ii may cost to put down the rebellion 1 1 cue very liltlu, provided, ahvavs th-i U be put down effectually. But, sir, faith without work is dead, and 1 urn free to, j eonfesi that my faith sometimes fails mc 1 1 mean my faith iu men, not my faith in the cause. hen the history of theso limes shall tie written it will be a question ,,,, ,.l.m tl,n .,,,11, .vlll ,...,f ... . I r ' , b, ' r " , , 1. 11.111 lillll vl,, l,!l- nnltuisii'iirl ,1,....... pon him who has conspired to destroy, or upon him who has proved incompetent to preserve, lho instititutions bequeathed to us by our fathers. It u no wonder that l the public treasury trembles and staggers like a strong man with too great a burthen upou him. A strong man in an air ex-1 hau-ted receiver is not more helpless tq- j day than is the treasury ot this govern- ment beneath tho exhausting process to j which itissubjcctc.,. The mighty monarch of the forest him- self may hold at bay the fiercest mightiest of his foes, while the vile cur coming up behind him and opening his fangs gives him a fatal wound, and although ho may struggle on boldly and valiently, the life blood is silently trickling from his heart, ami he is at last forced to looson his grasp upd ho grows faint and fatlcrs and dies. The Treasury notes issued in tho face ci' these immcuso outlays, without 11 revenue from custom houses, from laud sales, from any source whatever, arc beginning to full in tho market. Already havo they began to sell at tis per cent, discount nt tho ta bles of the money changers ; nt the very time, too that we here exhibit tho singular spectacle o: fraud, and of a strugg'o with the Committee of Ways and Muai.s itself, iu an endeavor to lift up ami sustain the government of the country. Alioady t!v -utbr that curse ol the camp is follow ing the paymaster, as the shark follows the the ship, buying up for four dollars every five dollars of the wages of the soldiers paid to them iu Treasury notes, 1 have no derive to hasten tho movements of the ariny, or criticisi tho conduct of its lead- I ers, but in view of tho stupendous drafts upon thj Treasury, I must say that I long for the day of striking tho blow whioh will Kririrs lliti rflbollton (i hi wl isr'iJ. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1863. longer of this stato of things will bring I about a result ono way or another. It is imposMblo that tho trcasuary of the United states can meet, anil continue to meet this Ul-bs, nutl sonio curious romantio inoi(, state of tLings sixty days longer, and au atteuding it as follows :-Ou Thursday ignominious peace must be submitted to 1 evo,,, ovembor 1-Itli. tho family of a unless wo sec to it that the credit of tho ' Mr Barker, residing in Eesborou4 Gar country is plained, and sustained too.by dull3i ,,imlic0i wcJt to tj0 ajeavin the conviction going forth from this hall their house in charge of Mary Newell, a o the people of the country that we will oe.vant girl. W ycar-s old. u returning rea as raitors, not only tho.o who hvo iI0W0 at half Mt ; r. Barker was bold and man y enough to meet us face to j &uvnrissd to receive no answer to hi, knock: face in the held ot strilo.hut all tho.e also j an,V on efTecting a forcible entrance, he w ho clandestinely and stealthily suck tho discovered traces everywhere that a rob ufeWoMl Iron, us in the in.gtty struggle. ; bery if uot a lmti ,JM bc(JU C01ulllUetL V hatover measures may emanate from the ! , 1,,,, , t . ...... Committee of Ways and Means to meet and rctrievo this stato of things, they will j but fall like a dead pall upon the public uiik-H they give this assurance, that tl.e.e extraordinary and extreme measures toltlnniw-,,,-" i . ... 1 1L poj.cr was touud on thu floor resusciato, revive and rcplentiah the treas- i -with blood and with -I 1 "'g uty now is to protect and save the t treasury from futther wholesale or other stem of plundering, Iu couolu-ion, ho i against paying for printing tho Tmasury notes, on the ground that the contract was improperly obtained, i - iixro------- c f I'iW I - . . ' HUU S5r:3vUiaulJ -- - - - - -------- . ! As Important Disclosure. Xot llu '"U 1,10 betrothed of another, va" on terms of intimacy not ixactly according toC"iuiter. He spoke at .omo leng h, and ' "ita a warlllt" of feeling by no means l'lcasing to his companion in laudation of 1 l'lu mur''s m'3 pRrticular friend, and in conc,lU:,'on observed: "'lie ls a no,jlei generous-hearted girl, aml 0110 wl, is 1,11 riSnt Ilcro-" 'l0 rul,larlc was accompanied with a ecst,lro which brought his hand iu close l'rcxilmty with his heart. Fmlflc ! fudjro ! Mr. Nonscnc." Mm,, lalod the lady, springing from her sent, in a lit ot jealous indignation. "Pshaw ! I'd 1 have you know, sir, that's half eottcn I" Sound. A Sucker's idea of soundness ! ,ml lv lllnt.ff-ifr.rl ' In tl.n .,...,,. I, , f ... , - J - uu ,iim ui Sll , old bee finder in one of the Egvptian cout.. I - - ties. '! ho soundness of some of the Illis-. tm"a ,?" i 0 touud himself immedi- nois banks was up for discussion iu one of ate' cmtody of tho police and being thoso country stores, and one of them I vhargotl withj-obbery, and being ono Ma owned by Smith received particular com-1 Ti' XoweU, r.he admitted tho offence with incut. j no Httlc sangfroid. Ilcr box was next cx- "Is Smith sound?" asked one of the! amincd, and the missing property found , nfiflrr. Unc,0 M M iMnr . fi.om a hoe . hu fiCQ ko ft .n a Mo of sol(J lonthcr j bro,.o o,jt . ..Sound. Well ho is. He never was . . , . ... . . , oii urL aiei in 1110 i,i", weiilD ii xou, VClCll 10T 1 Duglis,and believGj in immersion, Sure,' I call that sound as can bo." j Si'RATritlNC! A JurtOU." A juror's "Jud.'o, I should liko to bo excused " 11 It is impossible," said tho Judiro de cidedly. 'But, Judge, if ycu knew my reasons.'1 "Well, siv, what aro they?" "Why, the fact is" aud tho man nans cd. 'Well, sir, proceed," coutiuued the Judgo. "Well, J-idge, if I must say it I have got the itch," I ho Judo( who is a very sober man, s dcmnly and imprcssivoly czclaimed. "Clerk, ficiuich that man out." Knowi.kdoi:. Young man, improve your idlo moments don't sit doing noth ing, and wishing you had something to do. Tako a book aud read, that your mind may bo improved. You do society a great wroug to grow up ju ignorance, a reproach to yourslf aud a discredit to your country. Come tako a book this iiiitant the of- fort may boirksomo at first, but you will find pleasure and profit and honor in it, in the long vuu. Th-u being liko a man now, tiow, now. Do not procrastinate in A slobbery and a Romance. The London VreMn 'huts n'n; account of a robbery in tho London sub- au !llinil ' "J' the vahio of XI 00 was packed away ready ... ...w M...,uu i.uuiuiiuii , ptutu to ior removal ; a Uoio was cut in' the back j door larg0 cn u tQ admit fl mn , UtlU smeared , mm nun eiuiiuu masses oi un man hair which appeared to bo that of a female. On further search a quantify of miscellaneous proporty, including some valuable jewelry, and a few pounds iu money was missing. But no trace of do mestic could bo found. Police detectives were iminediatly sent for,and ou examina tion of tho premises circumstances came to light which tended to cast suspicion on tho scrvau', which wan confirmed on discover ing that tho bloody pokor was an artifice, and that tho hair had been glued on. They next ascertained that a cab, contain ing a gentlemen with a good sized box,had left the house that evening for tho Eastern Counties railway station, and at tho sta tion that ho had taken a ticket and pro ceeded for Brentwood. The officers fol lowed on to Brentwood next day, nothing doubting that tho gentleman and the gcod sized boz were tho servant in dis-niiso and tho stolen property. At Brentwood they earned that a gentlemen and a bos' had paired tho night at the White 11 art, but had l..ft that morning by tho down tiaiu. Detective Sheen fol'owed the other detec tive returning to London. Ho traced the gentleman and box until it reached Yar mouth, and thero ho procured the assist ance o" Sergeant Berry, and both spent the whole of tho day in fruitless inquirers. Next day, however, they ascertained that a gentlemen and a box had takcu lodgings with an old lady in Bow, 130, and ou proceeding there were told that a young gentleman answering the description given with a box.had lived with her since Friday but h e was then out taking a walk on the Marine parade with a young lady. On tho officer inainualing that the young gcutletnnn might possibly bo one of her own sex, tho old lady indignantly scouted the idea, and ' . . ,ro,n U' wa 1,0 llaU beliavctI ! 110 a Sl,en. They said I J nan, ma return, null at 1IV0 . o clock in walked tho lodger, shawled to ; the chin against the effects of tho storm '10 ',a' to c"couuter on tho, way viporous- I Iv Puffil)!! a Clffar. mill Kflt l,r in sl.o (V.I o b ; ! stJ'lc- wUl tensive pegfops, rnd every- ' , . w J I HI It. oDC W3S tallCll to (lir nAlinn ifntims j Bnd lies, nioruiug shecn took hU Q l0mloll 6ta, ln hcr nlalo attirC) ot . j ticipating so early a necessity for a change of PProl, she had left her female attire L(jhilllI ,,nr r ,. , ., . , hii'v,u ,mu,,iuuu hi i-ui moul'1 "cted out her assumed pau with " -'P'"' tIia' ould have done credit to the original. She treated the luudlady on both nicbts tn tin flionli-r, -,,,,1 o...,....c,l col" down 111 ,im sull)Ier) when the town was gayer anil livelier. Sho attouded St. Peter's church ou Sunday, but sho preten ded to no special piety, as she affected a good deal of flirtation with tho girls about and gave her landlady thu idea of being quite a Lothario. Among tho articles found on her was a small fancy tobacco pipe. Sho told tho police she hat been disturbed in tho robbery or she would hare carried of tho plate, Sho is about twoutyfive years of age, and hcr make up as a male character was pronounced to bo excellent. It seems that Mary procured her tjjalo clothing from Mr. Barkers wardrobe, and from that of a young geutlcman who was his guost at the time. Nearly tho whole of the stolen property was recovered. C-"Pat, you aro wearing your stock ings wrong fide outward ,' "Och, and don t I know it, to bo sure thcro'a a holo on the other sido, thrro is.' Kinu Words aro t" o flowers of bcuv VOLUU E 25 ,r - - " -e-Jstl i-Lju-u iiiJagBSBMysJsu.iaiiaj,Mm. The Domestic Tyrant It is 0 mo a disgusting sight to see, as we sometimes , do, tho wife and children of a family kept ' in constant terror of tho selfish bashaw afc the head of the houso, and ever on tho ! watch to yield in every petty manner to, i his whims and fancies. Sometimes, whero , ho is a hard-wrought ami anxio.ui man, ' whoso hard work cams his children's I bread, and whose life is tho solo stay, it is needful that ho should bo deferred, to ia ' many things, lest the overtasked brain, ' and the over-strained ucrrom systerr, j should break down or grow unequal to tho I task. But I am not thinking of such casei. I I mean caso3 iu which the head of the family is great, fat, bullying, selfidh scoundrel, who devours sulloiilv the cnown, dishes at diuner, and walks into all the fruit and dessert, while his wifo looks or; in silence, and tho awo-strioken ohildroc dare not hint that they would liko a littlo o.f what the brutal hound is devouring. I moan cases in which tho contemptible dog is extremely well dressed, vehils his wifo and children's nttirc is thin and bare, in which ho liberally tosses about his money in the billiard-room, and goes off in ai tumn for a lour on tho continent by him self, leaving them to the jobless routine of. their unvaiied life. It is sad to see tho sudden hush that falls upon tho littlo things when he enters tho house; how their sports ; aro cut snort, and they try to Btcal away , from tho room. Would that I were tho j Emperor of Russia, and such a man my I subject. Should not ho tasto the knout I ; That would be his suitable punishmeut; for j ha would never feel that worthier mortals j would regard ns the heavier penalty by far, tho utter absence of confidence of real af ' fection between Lira and his children when they grow up. He will not mind that thero , never was a day when the toddling crca , turoi set np a shout of delight at his en- trance, and rush at him and sealed him, ' and searched in hispocketSj-.ud pu led bin; i about, nor that thu duv will novo- ,,.,' j ' J ..... V . . . UIIJUj when, growing iuto men aud women, thoy will come to him far sympathy and guid- , anco in their little trials and perplexities. Oh 1 woeful to think that there are parents, ! held, in general estimation, too, to whom their children would nn mnm think r ing for kindly sympathy than they would think of going to Nova Zembla for warmth. Country Farson. Modern Definitions Overs! ght -To leave your o'd umbrella in a nowa room and carry away a good one. Unfortunate Man Ono born with tj conscience. Pi ogress of Time A pedlar going thro' the land with woodun c ocks, IUgid Justice A juror on a murder, case fast asleep. Independence Owing fifty thousand, dollars which you never intern! to pay. Honesty Almost obsolete ; a term fro mcrly used in the case of a tr.an who paid for his paper. Credit A wise provision by whioh con stables and sheriffs get a living. Love Au iugrediout used in romance and poetry. leli!?ion Damiiino- mnr nntntili.sn . net thinking exactly as you do, j Salt in Secessia In one of tho tovrni in the Southern part, of Virginians a reg , imont of rebel voluutcers were about leav ing for tho seat of war, a neighboring par son iu addressing the rebels ou their du jtics as soldiers, &e told them that "hav ing put their baud to the plough thoy must I never look back. Ilemenibcr," said hs ( "tho fato of Lot's wife"; who i'or lookiug bick was turned into a pillar of salt." At this juncture a bold ' "sesesh ' who did j not exactly sco thu application, aud had j just been luxuriating on a piece of fresh j calf without seasoning, suddenly starting I up, throw his cap in tho air and Hung out lustily, "Hooray for salt Bully for Lot's wife." The Minister and the Gjni.6. A minister once delivered a strong sermon against visiting on Sunday evouing. A -ter tea tho joung clergyman said to it friend : "Come, let us go tq tho deacon's &nd, spend the evening with his daughter." "How J" cried his fricud, with much surprise, "i it possiblo you can tnnko such a proposal (o mo, after tho sermon you havo just conducted ?" "Pshaw,1' cabl-be, "I only made thesa remarks in order that wo might have tho better chance with tho girls ourselves," Time, Time veers slippers of list, and his tread Is noiseless. The days cdmo sof tly dawning, ono after another'; thoy ercop in at the window ; their fresh morn ing airis grateful to the lirs as they pant for it ; their nnrio ia 8wt to tho cars that lisfn to it , until, Wero w know i, Tlloomibury, Nov U3 l-AI, IVoV "0, MO 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers